Christian Worship (1993): a Lutheran hymnal

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
501Our Father, by whose nameRHOSYMEDRE
502Lord of the home, the son you loveDEUS TUORUM MILITUMText
503Oh, blessed home, where man and wifeOH, BLESSED HOMEText
504Bless our loved ones, Holy FatherSTEPHANOSText
505Love is the gracious gift of your goodnessBUNESSAN
506Oh, blest the house, whate'er befallWO GOTT ZUM HAUSTextPage Scan
507Lord of our growing yearsFREDRICK PLACE
508Gracious Savior, gentle shepherdSIEH, HIER BIN ICH, EHRENKÖNIGTextPage Scan
509How shall the young secure their heartsST. PETERTextPage Scan
510I pray you, dear Lord JesusJEG VIL MIG HERREN LOVE
511O Lord, our God, your gracious handO HERRE GOTT, DEIN GÖTTLICH WORT
512Let children hear the mighty deedsNUN DANKET ALLText
513Lord Jesus, Christ, the children's friendLAKEWOOD
514Lord, help us ever to retainHERR JESU CHRIST, MEINSTextPage Scan
515Shepherd of tender youthOLIVETTextPage Scan
516You parents, hear what Jesus taughtHERR JESU CHRIST, DICH ZU UNS WEND
517Almighty Father, strong to saveMELITAText
518Forth in the peace of Christ we goLLEDROD
519O God of love, O King of peceST. LUKETextPage Scan
520Your hand, O Lord, in days of oldKINGSFOLDTextPage Scan
521Lord of all naations, grant me graceBEATUS VIR
522Grant peace, we pray, in mercy, LordVERLEIH UNS FRIEDEN GNÄDIGLICH
523God of grace and God of gloryCWM RHONDDAText
524O Fount of good, for all our loveST. FLAVIANText
525The Son of God, our Christ, the Word, the WaySURSUM CORDAText
526We are your peopleWHITFIELDTextPage Scan
527Weary of all trumpetingDISTLER
528Christ is our cornerstoneDARWALL’S 148THTextPage Scan
529Built on the Rock the Church shall standKIRKEN DEN ER ET GAMMELT HUSTextPage Scan
530Hark! The Church proclaims her honorSTUTTGARTTextPage Scan
531Christ is made the sure foundationWESTMINSTER ABBEYTextPage Scan
532God is here! As we his peopleIN BABILONETextPage Scan
533I love your kingdom, LordST. THOMASTextPage Scan
534In the midst of earthly lifeMITTEN WIR IM LEBEN SIND
535Our fathers' God in years long goneO GROSSER GOTT
536Lord Jesus Christ, the Church's headREUTER
537Onward, Christian soldiersST. GERTRUDETextPage Scan
538The Church's one foundationAURELIAText
539In Christ there is no east or westMCKEEText
540Rejoice, O pilgrim throng!MARIONTextPage Scan
541Lord Jesus Christ, with us abideACH BLEIB BEI UNSTextPage Scan
542Dear Lord, to your true servants giveMELITA
543God of the prophets, bless the prophets' sonsOLD 124THTextPage Scan
544Preacy you the word and plant it homeO HEILAND, REISS DIE HIMMEL AUF
545Send, O Lord, your Holy SpiritWERDE MUNTERText
546Lord Jesus, you have comeO GOTT, DU FROMMER GOTT (II)TextPage Scan
547we bid you welcome in the nameHERR JESU CHRIST, MEINSTextPage Scan
548O Lord, in prayer you spent the nightST. PETERSBURG
549Around the throne, a glorious bandROCKINGHAM OLDTextPage Scan
550Behold a host, arrayed in whiteGREAT WHITE HOSTText
551For all the saints who from their labors restSINE NOMINETextPage Scan
552By all your saints still strivingKUORTANE
553Give thanks to God on highFRANKLINText
554Oh, how blest are they whose toils are endedO WIE SELIGTextPage Scan
555For all your saints. O LordENERGYText
556Rise, shine, you people!WOJTKIEWIECZ
557On Galilee's high mountainMISSIONARY HYMN
558Christ high-ascended, now in glory seatedCHRISTE SANCTORUMTextPage Scan
559Lord of the living harvestAURELIATextPage Scan
560I hear the Savior calling!ANTHES
561Lord, speak to us that we may speakCANONBURYText
562I love to tell the storyHANKEYTextPage Scan
563Go labor on. spend and be spentDEUS TUORUM MILITUMText
564Sometimes I feel discouragedBALM IN GILEADTextPage Scan
565There still is room! His house is not yet filledES IST GENUG
566We are all one in missionWEBBTextPage Scan
567Awake, O Spirit, who inspiredALL EHR UND LOBTextPage Scan
568Good news of God aboveDOUSMANText
569O Christ, our true and only lightO JESU CHRISTE, WAHRES LICHTTextPage Scan
570O Christians, haste, your mission high fulfillingREDEMPTIONText
571From Greenland's icy mountainsMISSIONARY HYMNTextPage Scan
572Send forth, O Lord, to ev'ry placeISLEWORTHTextPage Scan
573Hark! the voice of Jesus cryingGALILEANTextPage ScanAudio
574May God bestow on us his graceES WOLLE GOTT UNS GNÄDIG SEINTextPage ScanAudio
575How shall they hear the Word of GodAUCH JETZT MACHT GOTTTextPage Scan
576Spread, oh, spread the mighty WordHÖCHSTER PRIESTERTextPage Scan
577Rise, O Light of Gentile nationsO DU LIEBE MEINER LIEBE
578Saints of God, the dawn is bright'ningREGENT SQUARETextPage Scan
579Come, Christians, follow where our captain trodCRUCIFERTextPage Scan
580Ev'ry morning mercies newVOLLER WUNDERText
581Father, we praise you, now the night is overCHRISTE SANCTORUMTextPage Scan
582Awake, my soul, and with the sunMORNING HYMNTextPage Scan
583Now that the daylight fills the skyLAURELText
584O blessed, holy TrinityO HEILIGE DREIFALTIGKEITTextPage Scan
585While yet the morn is breakingGEDULD, DIE SOLLN WIR HABENTextPage Scan
586O splendor of God's glory brightO HEILIGE DREIFALTIGKEITText
587Now rest beneath night's shadowO WELT, ICH MUSS DICH LASSENTextPage Scan
588Abide with me; fast falls the eventideEVENTIDETextPage Scan
589Now the day is overMERRIALTextPage Scan
590God, who made the earth and heavenAR HYD Y NOSTextPage Scan
591O Trinity, most blessed lightO HEILIGE DREIFALTIGKEITTextPage Scan
592All praise to thee, my God, this nightEVENING HYMNTextPage Scan
593Now the light has gone awayMÜDE BIN ICHTextPage Scan
594The day you gave us, Lord, is endedST. CLEMENTTextPage Scan
595Before the ending of the dayJAM LUCISText
596Let me be yours foreverICH DANK DIR, LIEBER HERRETextPage Scan
597May God the Father of our LordTALLIS’ CANONTextPage Scan
598My Maker, be with meMEIN SCHÖPFER, STEH MIR BEITextPage Scan
599Our Lord and God, oh, bless this dayREUTERTextPage Scan
600O perfect Love, all human thought transcendingO PERFECT LOVETextPage Scan

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