The New National Baptist Hymnal (21st Century Edition)

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty!NICAEATextPage Scan
2Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creationLOBE DEN HERRENTextPage Scan
3All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name!CORONATIONTextPage Scan
4Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me[Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me]
5All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name!DIADEMText
6O worship the King, all-glorious aboveLYONSTextPage Scan
7Rejoice, ye pure in heartMARIONTextPage Scan
8For the beauty of the earthDIXText
9Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, AlleluiaALLELUIA
10Jesus shall reign where'er the sunDUKE STREETText
11O magnify the Lord with me[O magnify the Lord with me]TextPage Scan
12Glory be to the FatherGREATOREXTextPage Scan
13Holy God, we praise Thy nameGROSSER GOTTTextPage Scan
14His name is WonderfulHIS NAME IS WONDERFUL
15Blessed Savior, we adore TheeGLORIOUS NAME
16Praise the name of JesusHICKS
17To God be the glory – great things He hath doneTO GOD BE THE GLORYTextPage Scan
18Praise God, from whom all blessings flowOLD 100thTextPage Scan
19Praise Him! Praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer!JOYFUL SONGTextPage Scan
20Bless the Lord, O my soul[Bless the Lord, O my soul]TextPage Scan
21We thank You for Your kindness, we thank You for Your loveLET'S JUST PRAISE THE LORD
22Jesus, Jesus, Jesus![Jesus, Jesus, Jesus]
23O for a thousand tongues to singAZMONText
24Praise Him! Praise Him![Praise Him! Praise Him]
25Precious, holy, blessed Savior[Precious, holy, blessed Savior]
26We give You praise, we give You praise[We give You praise, we give You praise]
27O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earthHOW MAJESTIC
28Praise the Lord! ye heav'ns adore HimHYFRYDOLTextPage Scan
29He is Lord, He is Lord[He is Lord, He is Lord]TextPage Scan
30We have come into His house[We have come into His house]
31Glory, glory, hallelujah![Glory, glory, hallelujah!]Text
32Thou art holy, Thou art mighty[Thou art holy, Thou art mighty]Page Scan
33All creatures of our God and KingLASST UNS ERFREUEN
34Majesty, worship His majestyMAJESTY
35O for a thousand tongues to singBLESSED NAMETextPage Scan
36All people that on earth do dwellOLD HUNDREDTHTextPage Scan
37A mighty fortress is our GodEIN' FESTE BURGTextPage Scan
38Come, Thou Almighty KingITALIAN HYMNTextPage Scan
39My Jesus, I love thee, I know Thou art mineGORDONTextPage Scan
40Joyful, joyful, we adore TheeHYMN TO JOYTextPage Scan
41This is my Father's worldTERRA BEATATextPage Scan
42Father, I stretch my hands to TheeMARTYRDOMTextPage Scan
43O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonderHOW GREAT THOU ART
44Our God is an awesome GodAWESOME GOD
45"Great is Thy faithfulness," O God, my FatherFAITHFULNESSTextPage Scan
46O God, our help in ages pastST. ANNETextPage Scan
47When I fear my faith will fail[When I fear my faith will fail]TextPage Scan
48How firm a foundation, ye saints of the LordFOUNDATIONTextPage Scan
49My heart was distressed 'neath Jehovah's dread frown[My heart was distressed 'neath Jehovah's dread frown]Text
50Be still and know that I am GodBE STILL AND KNOW
51Time is filled with swift transition[Time is filled with swift transition]TextPage Scan
52Be not dismayed whate'er betideGOD CARESTextPage Scan
53I trust in God, wherever I may be[I trust in God wherever I may be]TextPage Scan
54Savior, like a shepherd lead usBRADBURYTextPage Scan
55Like a river gloriousWYE VALLEYTextPage Scan
56Master, the tempest is raging![Master, the tempest is raging!]TextPage Scan
57When waves of affliction sweep over the soul[When waves of affliction sweep over the soul]TextPage Scan
58Without a doubt He is my Savior[Without a doubt He is my Savior]
59Great God, we sing that mighty handST. CRISPINText
60Why should I feel discouraged[Why should I feel discouraged]TextPage Scan
61What a friend we have in JesusCONVERSETextPage Scan
62There's not a friend like the lowly JesusHARPER MEMORIALTextPage Scan
63The name of Jesus is so sweet[The name of Jesus is so sweet]TextPage Scan
64Jesus, lover of my soulMARTYNTextPage Scan
65Love divine, all love excellingBEECHERTextPage Scan
66I am so glad that our Father in heav'nGLADNESSTextPage Scan
67Tell me the stories of JesusSTORIES OF JESUSTextPage Scan
68There is but One with changeless love[There is but One with changeless love]TextPage Scan
69Put your hand in the hand of the man who stilled the water[Put your hand in the hand of the man who stilled the water]
70Jesus is the answer for the world today[Jesus is the answer for the world today]
71Bless that wonderful name of JesusWONDERFUL NAMETextPage Scan
72Jesu, joy of man's desiring[Jesu, joy of man's desiring]TextPage Scan
73Jesus, Jesus[Jesus, Jesus]TextPage Scan
74Jesus, priceless treasureJESU, MEINE FREUDETextPage Scan
75Fairest Lord Jesus!CRUSADERS' HYMNTextPage Scan
76There is never a day so drearyNEW ORLEANSTextPage Scan
77Marvelous message we bringCOMING AGAIN
78Is there anyone can help us – one who understands our hearts[Is there anyone can help us – one who understands our hearts]TextPage Scan
79Jesus, Jesus, Jesus[Jesus, Jesus, Jesus]TextPage Scan
80I have found a friend in Jesus – He's ev'rything to meSALVATIONISTTextPage Scan
81Hark! the herald angels sing[Hark! the herald angels sing]TextPage Scan
82O come, O come, EmmanuelVENI EMMANUELTextPage Scan
83While shepherd watch'd their flocks by nightCHRISTMASTextPage Scan
84It came upon the midnight clearCAROLTextPage Scan
85Angels, from the realms of gloryREGENT SQUARETextPage Scan
86What Child is this, Who, laid to restGREENSLEEVESTextPage Scan
87The first noel the angel did say[The first noel the angel did say]TextPage Scan
88Christ was born in BethlehemMICHAELTextPage Scan
89Angels we have heard on highGLORIATextPage Scan
90O little town of BethlehemST. LOUISTextPage Scan
91Dere's a Star in de East on Christmas morn[Dere's a Star in de East on Christmas morn]TextPage Scan
92While shepherds kept their watchingGO TELL ITTextPage Scan
93O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphantADESTE FIDELESTextPage Scan
94Joy to the world! the Lord is come!ANTIOCHText
95Hark! the herald angels singMENDELSSOHNTextPage Scan
96Away in a manger, no crib for a bedAWAY IN A MANGERTextPage Scan
97We three kings of Orient areKINGS OF ORIENTText
98Emmanuel, EmmanuelMCGEE
99How precious is the gift God gave to all mankind[How precious is the gift God gave to all mankind]
100I heard the bells on Christmas dayWALTHAMText

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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