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Johann Rist

1607 - 1667 Topics: Himmelfahrt und himmlische herrlichkeit Christi Author of "Du Lebensfürst, Herr Jesu Christ" in Kirchenbuch für Evangelisch-Lutherische Gemeinden Rist, Johann, son of Kaspar Rist, pastor at Ottensen, near Hamburg, was born at Ottensen, March 8, 1607, and from his birth was dedicated to the ministry. After passing through the Johanneum at Hamburg and the Gymnasium Illustre at Bremen, he matriculated, in his 21st year, at the University of Rinteln, and there, under Josua Stegmann (q. v.), he received an impulse to hymn-writing. On leaving Rinteln he acted as tutor to the sons of a Hamburg merchant, accompanying them to the University of Rostock, where he himself studied Hebrew, Mathematics and also Medicine. During his residence at Rostock the terrors, of the Thirty Years War almost emptied the University, and Rist himself also lay there for weeks ill of the pestilence. After his recovery he seems to have spent some time at Hamburg, and then, about Michaelmas, 1633, became tutor in the house of the lawyer (Landschreiber) Heinrich Sager, at Heide, in Holstein. There he betrothed himself to Elizabeth, sister of the Judge Franz Stapfel, whose influence seems to have had a good deal to do with Rist's appointment as pastor at Wedel. In the spring of 1635 he married and settled at Wedel (on the Elbe, a few miles below Hamburg), where, spite of various offers of preferment, he remained till his death, on Aug. 31, 1667. (Johann Rist und seine Zeit, by Dr. T. Hansen, Halle, 1872; K. Goedeke's Grundriss, vol. iii., 1887, p. 79; Koch, iii., 212; Bode, p. 135, &c. The statements of the various authorities regarding the period 1624-1635 vary greatly and irreconcilably.) During the Thirty Years War Rist had much to endure from famine, plundering, and pestilence. Otherwise he led a patriarchal and happy life at Wedel, close to the congenial society of Hamburg, and as years went on more and more esteemed and honoured by his contemporaries. The Emperor Ferdinand III. crowned him as a poet in 1644, and in 1653 raised him to the nobility, while nearer home Duke Christian of Mecklenburg appointed him Kirchenrath and Consistorialrath. Among other literary honours he was received in 1645 as a member of the Pegnitz Order, and in 1647 as a member of the Fruitbearing Society, the great German literary union of the 17th century; while in 1660 he himself became the founder and head of the Elbe Swan Order, which however did not survive his death. Rist was an earnest pastor and a true patriot. He of course took the side, and that with all his might, of the Protestants, but he longed as few did for the union of the scattered elements of the body politic in Germany. He was a voluminous and many-sided writer (see the full bibliographies in Hansen and Goedeke as above). His secular works are of great interest to the student of the history of the times, and his occasional poems on marriages, &c, to the genealogist and local historian. Perhaps the most interesting to the general reader are the Friede wünschende Teutschland, 1647, and the Friedejauchzende Teutschland, 1653, two plays in which there are vivid pictures of the times, especially of the condition of the lower classes during the Thirty Years War. These plays, with selections from his other secular poems and from his hymns, are included in his Dichtungen, Leipzig, 1885, edited by Goedeke and E. Goetze. Hansen gives analyses of the secular works, with a few extracts from them; and in his second part gives a full selection from the hymns, often however greatly abridged. As a hymn-writer Rist takes high rank. He wrote some 680 hymns, intended to cover the whole ground of Theology, and to be used by all ranks and classes, and on all the occasions of life. Naturally enough they are not of equal merit, and many are poor and bombastic. Rist meant them rather for private use than for public worship, and during his lifetime they were never used in the church at Wedel. But they were eagerly caught up, set to melodies by the best musicians of the day, and speedily passed into congregational use all over Germany, while even the Roman Catholics read them with delight. Over 200 may be said to have been in common use in Germany, and a large number still hold their place. Unfortunately many are very long. But speaking of Rist's better productions, we may say that their noble and classical style, their objective Christian faith, their scriptualness, their power to console, to encourage, and to strengthen in trust upon God's Fatherly love, and their fervent love to the Saviour (especially seen in the best of his hymns for Advent, and for the Holy Communion), sufficiently justify the esteem in which they were, and are, held in Germany. The best known of Rist's hymns appeared in the following collections:— (1) Himlischs Lieder. This contains 50 hymns. The Erste Zehen is dated Lüneburg, 1641, the 2-6 Zehen are dated 1642 [Royal Library, Berlin]. In the later editions Rist made various alterations, and also expanded the titles of the hymns, these changes being almost all for the worse. (2) Neüer himlischer Lieder sonderbahres Buch, Lüneburg, 1651 [Wernigerode Library]. 50 hymns. (3) Sabbahtische Seelenlust, Lüneburg, 1651 [British Museum and Göttingen]. With 58 hymns on the Gospels for Sundays, &c. (4) Frommer und gottseliger Christen alltägliche Haussmusik, Lüneburg, 1654 [Brit. Mus. and Göttingen], with 70 hymns. (5) Neüe musikalische Fest-Andachten, Lüneburg, 1655 [Wernigerode]. With 52 hymns on the Sunday Gospels. (6) Neüe musikalische Katechismus Andachten, Lüneburg, 1656 [British Museum and Wernigerode]. With 50 hymns. Seven of Rist's hymns are separately noted under their German first lines. The others which have passed into English are:-- i. Du Lebensbrod, Herr Jesu Christ. Holy Communion. In his Haussmusik, 1654, No. 7, p. 32, in 8 stanzas of 8 lines, entitled "A devotional hymn, which may be sung when the people are about to take their place at the Holy Communion of the Lord." Founded on Ps. xxiii. Included as No. 473 in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863. Translated as:— Lord Jesu Christ, the living bread. A good translaton of stanzas i., ii., iii., v., by A. T. Russell, as No. 159 in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. ii. Ehr und Dank sei dir gesungen. On the Angels. In his Fest-Andachten, 1655, No. 46, p. 304, in 9 stanzas of 10 lines, entitled "Another hymn of Praise and Thanksgiving on the same Gospel [S. Matt, xviii.] for St. Michael's Day. In which the great God who created the Angels, and appointed them for our service, is from the heart adored and praised." Included in Burg's Gesang-Buch, Breslau, 1746, No. 219, and in Bunsen's Versuch, 1833, No. 233. The translations in common use are:— 1. Praise and thanks to Thee be sung. By Miss Winkworth, omitting st. iii.—vi., in her Lyra Germanica, 1st Ser., 1855, p. 205, repeated in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 85. 2. Glory, praise, to Thee be sung. A translation of st. i. as No. 1224, in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1886. iii. Ermuntre dich, mein schwacher Geist. Christmas. Founded on Isaiah ix. 2-7. First published in the Erstes Zehen of his Himlische Lieder, 1641, No. 1, p. 1, in 12 stanzas of 8 lines, entitled "A hymn of praise on the joyful Birth and Incarnation of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ." Included in Crüger's Praxis, 1656, No. 87, and recently, omitting st. viii., as No. 32 in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen 1851. The translations in common use are:— 1. Be cheerful, thou my spirit faint. A translation of st. i. by J. Gambold, as No. 138 in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754; repeated as st. i. of No. 437, altered to "Arise my spirit, leap with joy," and with his trs. of st. ii., iv., ix. added. In the edition of 1789, No. 46 (1886, No. 41), it begins, "Arise, my spirit, bless the day.” 2. O Jesu! welcome, gracious Name! This is a translation of st. ii., vi., xii., by A. T. Russell, as No. 55 in his Psalms & Hymns., 1851. Another translation is "My languid spirit, upward spring." By N. L. Frothingham, 1870, p. 179. iv. Gott sei gelobet, der allein. Joy in God. In his Neüer Himlischer Lieder 1651, p. 126, No. 9, in 13 stanzas of 7 lines, entitled “A joyful hymn of Thanksgiving to God, that He permits us to enjoy our daily bread in health, peace and prosperity, with a humble prayer that He would graciously preserve us in the same." Included in Olearius's Singe-Kunst, 1671, No. 322, and recently in Knapp's Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz 1850, No. 1696 (1865, No. 1766). The tr. in common use is:— Now God be praised, and God alone . By Miss Winkworth, omitting st. iii., vi., viii., ix., in her Christian Singers, 1869, p. 192. Repeated, abridged, in Statham's Collection, Edinburgh, 1869, No. 63 (1870, No. 110). v. Jesu, der du meine Seele. Lent. In the Erstes Zehen of his Himlische Lieder, 1641, p. 35, No. 7, in 12 stanzas of 8 lines, entitled "A heartfelt hymn of penitence to his most beloved Lord Jesus, for the forgiveness of his many and manifold sins." Founded on prayer viii. in Class in. of J. Arndt's Paradiesgärtlein, 1612. In the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 382. The translations in common use are:—- 1. Thou hast cancell'd my transgression. A translation of st. vi., viii., as No. 1022, in the Supplement of 1808 to the Moravian Hymn Book, 1801 (1886, No. 107). 2. Jesu! Who in sorrow dying. A free translation of st. i., iii. lines 1-4, v. 11. 5-8, xii., by A. T. Russell, as No. 78 in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. vi. 0 Jesu, meine Wonne. Holy Communion. This beautiful hymn appears in Rist's Hauss-musik, 1654, No. 9, p. 42, in 14 stanzas of 4 lines, entitled "The heartfelt Thanksgiving of a pious Christian when he has partaken of the Holy Communion." In the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 285. The translation in common use is:— 0 Sun of my salvation. A good tr. of st. i., iii., v., vi., by A. T. Russell, as No, 160 in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. Another translation is:— “0 Christ, my joy, my soul's delight." By Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 65. vii. Werde licht, du Stadt der Heiden. Epiphany. In his Fest-Andachten , 1655, p. 82, No. 13, in 15 stanzas of 6 lines, entitled "Another festival hymn of the day of the Manifestation of Christ, in which the glorious, godlike, and eternal Light, which has graciously arisen on us poor heathen in thick darkness, is devotedly contemplated." In the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 82. Translated as:— 1. All ye Gentile lands awake. A good tr. of st. i.-iv., vi., vii., xiv. xv., by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 1st Ser., 1855, p. 30. Repeated, abridged, in Schaffs Christ in Song, 1869 aud 1870, and in Flett's Collection, Paisley, 1871. 2. Rise, O Salem, rise and shine. A good translation of stanzas i., iii., vii., xiv., xv., based on her Lyra Germanica version but altered in metre, by Miss Winkworth, in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 38. Repeated in J. L. Porter's Collection, 1876, and the Pennsylvania Lutheran Ch. Book, 1868. viii. Wie wohl hast du gelabet. Holy Communion. In his Neüer Himlischer Lieder, 1651, p. 78, in 9 stanzas of 12 lines, entitled "A hymn of heartfelt Praise and Thanksgiving after the reception of the Holy Communion." In the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 291. The translation in common use is:— O Living Bread from Heaven. A good tr., omitting st. iv., by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica 2nd Ser., 1858, p. 103; repeated in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 94, omitting the trsanslations of iii., v., vi. Her translations of st. i.-iii., ix. were included, slightly altered, in the Pennsylvania Lutheran Ch. Book, 1868. The following have also been tr. into English:— ix. Heut ist das rechte Jubelfest. Whitsuntide. In his Fest-Andachten, 1655, p. 216, No. 33, in 12 stanzas, founded on the Gospel for Whitsunday (St. John xiv.). In Olearius's Singe-Kunst, 1671, No. 704, and Porst's Gesang-Buch, ed. 1855, No. 173. The text translation is that in Bunsen's Allgemeine Gesang-Buch, 1846, No. 114, where it begins with st. v., "Heut hat der grosse Himmeleherr." Translated as "This day sent forth His heralds bold." By Miss Cox, in the Churchman's Shilling Magazine, June 1867. x. Ich will den Herren loben. Praise and Thanksgiving. Founded on Ps. xxxiv. In his Neüer Himlischer Lieder, 1651, p. 132 (No. 10 in pt. ii.), in 12 st. of 8 1. This form is in Burg's Gesang-Buch, Breslau, 174G, No. 1201. In his Haussmusik, 1654, p. 348, No. 64, Rist rewrote it to 6 stanzas of 12 lines, and of this form st. iv.-vi., beginning "Man lobt dich in der Stille, ed. 1863, No. 1018. The translation from this last text is "To Thee all praise ascendeth." In the British Herald, May 1866, p. 265, repeated in Reid's Praise Book, 1872. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Gerhardt Tersteegen

1697 - 1769 Person Name: G. Tersteegen, 1697-1769 Topics: Himmelfahrt und himmlische herrlichkeit Christi Author of "Siegesfürst und Ehrenkönig" in Deutsches Gesangbuch für die Evangelisch-Luterische Kirche in den Vereinigten Staaten Tersteegen, Gerhard, a pious and useful mystic of the eighteenth century, was born at Mörs, Germany, November 25, 1697. He was carefully educated in his childhood, and then apprenticed (1715) to his older brother, a shopkeeper. He was religiously inclined from his youth, and upon coming of age he secured a humble cottage near Mühlheim, where he led a life of seclusion and self-denial for many years. At about thirty years of age he began to exhort and preach in private and public gatherings. His influence became very great, such was his reputation for piety and his success in talking, preaching, and writing concerning spiritual religion. He wrote one hundred and eleven hymns, most of which appeared in his Spiritual Flower Garden (1731). He died April 3, 1769. Hymn Writers of the Church by Charles S. Nutter and Wilbur F. Tillett, 1911 ==================================================== Gerhardt Tersteegen or ter Stegen, was born at Moers, Netherlands [sic. Germany] , November 25, 1697. He was destined for the Reformed ministry, but after his father's death when the boy was only six, his mother was unable to send him to the university. He studied at the Gymnasium in Moers, and then earned a meager living as a silk weaver, sharing his frugal daily fare with the poor. Malnutrition and privation undermined his health to such an extent that he suffered a serious depression for some five years, following which he wrote a new covenant with God, signing it in his own blood. A strong mystic, he did not attend the services of the Reformed Church after 1719. Although forming no sect of his own, he became well known as a religious teacher and leader. His house was known as "The Pilgrim's Cottage" -- a retreat for men seeking a way of life, while he himself was known as "the physician of the poor and forsaken." Barred from preaching in his own country until 1750, he visited Holland annually from 1732 to 1755, holding meetings. In addition to his other labors he carried on a tremendous correspondence. Overwork resulted in physical breakdown, so that during the latter years of his life he could speak only to small gatherings. He died at Muhlheim on April 3, 1769. One of the three most important of Reformed hymn writers, he is also regarded as the chief representative of the mystics. He wrote 111 hymns. His important Geisliches Blumengartlein was published in 1729. H.E. Govan published The Life of Gerhard Tersteegen, with selctions from his writings, in 1902. --The Hymnal 1940 Companion =========================== Tersteegen, Gerhard, son of Heinrich Tersteegen (otherwise ter Stegen or zur Stiege), merchant at Mörs (Meurs), in Rhenish Prussia, was born at Mors, Nov. 25, 1697. His parents intended that he should become a minister of the Reformed Church in Germany. His father however died in 1703, and his mother found that after giving him a thorough classical training in the Latin school at Mörs she was unable to afford the cost of his University course. He was accordingly apprenticed, in 1713, to his brother-in-law, a merchant at Mühlheim on the Ruhr, and in 1717 started in business on his own account, at Mühlheim. As he found his time much broken up, and his opportunities of meditation few, he gave up his business in 1719; and, after a short trial of linen weaving, took up the easier and much more lucrative occupation of weaving silk ribbons. During the years 1719-24 he passed through a period of spiritual depression, at the end of which his faith in the reconciling grace of Christ became assured (see No. xxxiv. below), and on Maundy Thursday, 1724, he wrote out a solemn covenant with God which he signed with his own blood. Previous to this, even before 1719, he had ceased to attend the ordinary services of the Reformed Church; and also absented himself from Holy Communion on the ground that he could not in conscience communicate along with open sinners. About the beginning of 1725 he began to speak at the prayer meetings which had been held at Mühlheim, since 1710, by Wilhelm Hoffmann, who was a candidate of theology (licensed preacher) of the Reformed Church. Tersteegen soon became known as a religious teacher among the "Stillen im Lande," as the attenders on these meetings were called, and in 1728 gave up his handicraft in order to devote himself entirely to the translation of works by medieval and recent Mystics and Quietists, including Madame Guyon and others, and the composition of devotional books, to correspondence on religious subjects, and to the work of a spiritual director of the "awakened souls." From this date to his death he was supported by a small regular income which was subscribed by his admirers and friends. About 1727 a house at Otterbeck, between Mühlheim and Elberfeld, was set apart as a "Pilgerhütte," where the "awakened souls" could go into a spiritual retreat, under the direction of Tersteegen. This house, with accommodation for eight persons, was retained until about 1800. Tersteegen, however, did not confine himself to Mühlheim, but travelled over the district, addressing gatherings of like-minded Christians, giving special attention to Elberfeld, Barmen, Solingen, and Crefeld. From 1732 to 1755 he also went regularly every year to Holland, to visit his spiritual kinsfolk at Amsterdam and elsewhere. From 1730 to 1750 a law against conventicles was strictly enforced, and Tersteegen could not hold meetings except on his visits to Holland. During this period he removed to a house which had been Wilhelm Hoffmann's, where he preached, and provided food and simple medicines for the poor. After 1750 he resumed his public speaking until 1756, when he overstrained himself, and had to confine himself to the smallest gatherings absolutely. In 1769, dropsy set in, and after patient endurance for a season he died on April 3, 1769, at Mühlheim (Koch, vi. 46). Up to the end of his life Tersteegen remained outside the Reformed Church, but never set up a sect of his own. After his death his followers as a rule reunited themselves with it, especially when a less formal type of religion began to prevail therein. Tersteegen's most important hymnological work was his Geistliches Blümen-Gärtlein, of which many editions were published. Tersteegen ranks as one of the three most important hymnwriters associated with the Reformed Church in Germany, the other two being F. A. Lampe and Joachim Neander. He is however more closely allied, both as a Mystic and as a Poet, with Johann Scheffler than with either of his co-religionists. He almost equals Scheffler in power of expression and beauty of form, and if Scheffler has more pictorial grace, and a more vivid imagination, Tersteegen has more definiteness of teaching, a firmer grasp of the Christian verities, and a greater clearness in exposition. Inner union of the soul with God and Christ, the childlike simplicity and trust which this brings, renunciation of the world and of self, and daily endeavour to live as in the presence of God and in preparation for the vision of God, are the keynotes of his hymns. To his intense power of realising the unseen, his clear and simple diction, and the evident sincerity with which he sets forth his own Christian experience, his hymns owe much of their attractiveness and influence. During his lifetime they did not come much into use except through the Harfenspiel, as above, and they did not meet the taste of compilers during the Rationalistic period. But since Bunsen in his Yersuch, 1833, and Knapp in his Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz, 1837, brought his hymns once more into notice they have been received in greater or less measure into almost all the German hymnbooks, among the Lutherans as well as among the Reformed, the most popular of all being his “Gott ist gegenwärtig". A number of Tersteegen's hymns are noted under their own first lines. They appeared, almost all for the first time, in the successive editions of his Geistliches Blümen-Gärtlein, viz., in the 1st ed., 1729; 2nd ed., 1735; 3rd ed., 1738; 4th ed., 1745; 5th ed., 1751; 6th ed., 1757; 7th ed., 1768; and in each case (after 1729) in the Third Book of that work. Those which have passed into English are as follows:— i. Freue dich, du Kinder-Orden. Christmas. Translated as:— Little children, God above, 1858, p. 78. Another tr. is: "Children rejoice, for God is come to earth." By Miss Dunn, 1857, p. 30. ii. Jedes Herz will etwas lieben. Love to Christ. In the 4th ed., 1745, as above, Bk. iii., No. 70, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines, entitled "The Soul wishes to take Jesus as her best Beloved." Translated as:— 1. The heart of man must something love. A cento beginning with st. ii. “Though all the world my choice deride," is in Spurgeon's Our Own Hymn Book, 1866, and also in the Plymouth Collection, 1855, and other American hymnals. 2. Something every heart is loving. A full and good translation by Mrs. Bevan, in her Songs of Eternal Life, 1858, p. 58. iii. Jesu, der du bist alleine. Communion of Saints. In the 2nd ed., 1735, in 11 stanzas of 6 lines, entitled "Prayer on behalf of the brethren." Translated as:— Jesus, whom Thy Church doth own. By Miss Winkworth, omitting st. iii., in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858, p. 99. iv. Jesu, mein Erbarmer! höre. Lent or Penitence. In the 2nd ed., 1735, in 12 stanzas of 6 lines, entitled "In outward and inward sufferings and Temptations." Translated as:— Jesus, pitying Saviour, hear me. In full, by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858, p. 133. In her Christian Singer, 1869, p. 298, she gave st. ii., v., vi., beginning "Lost in darkness, girt with dangers." v. Nun so will ich denn mein Leben. Self-Surrender. Translated (omitting st. ii., iii., vi., x.) as:— 1. Lo! my choice is now decided. By Miss Cox, in her Sacred Hymns from the German, 1841, p. 125. Her translations of st. viii., ix., vii., altered and beginning, "One thing first and only knowing," are repeated in Hedge & Huntington's Hymns for the Church of Christ, Boston, U.S., 1853. 2. Now at last I end the strife. By Miss Winkworth, in herLyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858. vi. 0 liebe Seele! könntst du werden. The Childlike Spirit. Translated as:— Soul! couldst thou, while on earth remaining. In Miss Cox'sHymns from German, 1864, p. 197, it begins "Soul, while on earth thou still remainest." Other trs. are: (1) "Wouldst thou, my soul, the secret find." By Lady E. Fortescue, 1843, p. 47. (2) “Dear soul, couldst thou become a child." By Miss Winkworth, 1855, p. 22. vii. Siegesfürste, Ehrenkönig. Ascension. Translated as:— Conquering Prince and Lord of Glory, By Miss Winkworth, omitting st. ii., in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858, p. 48. viii. Wie gut ists, wenn man abgespehnt. Lent or Self-Renunciation. In the first edition, entitled "Of the sweetness of the hidden life of Christians." Translated as:— How sweet it is, when, wean'd from all. This is a good and full translation by S. Jackson, in his Life of Tersteegen, 1832 (1837, p. 417). Other hymns by Tersteegen which have been rendered into English are:— ix. Ach Gott, es taugt doch draussen nicht. On the Vanity of Earthly Things. Tr. as, "Ah God! the world has nought to please." By Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 304. x. Ach, könnt ich stille sein. Peace in God. Translated as (1) "Oh! could I but be still." By Mrs. Bevan, 1859, p. 134. (2) "Ah, could I but be still." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 77. xi. Allgenugsam Wesen. God's All-sufficiency . The trs. are (1) "Thou All-sufficient One! Who art." By Miss Warner, 1858, p. 601, repeated in Hymns of the Ages, Boston, U.S., 1865, p. 163. (2) "Thou, whose love unshaken." xii. Bald endet sich mein Pilgerweg. Eternal Life. Translated as “Weary heart, be not desponding." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 84. xiii. Berufne Seelen! schlafet nicht. Lent. The translations are (1) "Ye sleeping souls, awake From dreams of carnal ease." By S. Jackson, in his Life of Tersteegen, 1832 (1837, p, 413). (2) "Sleep not, 0 Soul by God awakened." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 98. xiv. Das äussre Sonnenlicht ist da. Morning. Tr. as (1) "The World's bright Sun is risen on high." By H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 51. (2) "The outer sunlight now is there." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 75. xv. Das Kreuz ist dennoch gut. Cross and Consolation. Translated as "The Cross is ever good." By Mrs. Findlater in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 1862, p. 72 (1884, p. 234). xvi. Die Blümlein klein und gross in meines Herren Garten. On the Graces of the New Testament. The trs. are (l) "Flowers that in Jesu's garden have a place." By Miss Dunn in her translation of Tholuck's Stunden, 1853, p. 114. (2) "Full many flowers, in my Lord's garden blooming." By Dr. R. Menzies in his translation of Tholuck's Stunden, 1870, p. 182. xvii. Die Liebe will was gauzes haben.Entire Consecration. Tr. as "Love doth the whole—not part—desire." By Miss Warner, 1869, p. 12. xviii. Für dich sei ganz mein Herz und Leben. Consecration to Christ. The trs. are (1) "Constrain'd by love so warm and tender." By R. Massie in the British Herald, April, 1865, p. 55. (2) "My soul adores the might of loving." By Mrs. Edmund Ashley in the British Herald, Sept., 1867, p. 136, repeated in Reid's Praise Book, 1872, No. 582. xix. Grosser Gott, in dem ich schwebe. God's Presence. Translated as "God, in Whom I have my being." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 81. xx. Jauchzet ihr Himmel! frohlocket ihr englische Chören. Christmas. Tr. as "Triumph, ye heavens! rejoice ye with high adoration." xxi. Jesu, den ich meine. Life in Christ. Tr. as ”Jesus, whom I long for." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 92. xxii. Jesus-Nam, du höchster Name. The Name of Jesus. Translated as "Jesu's name, thou highest name." By S. Jackson in his Life of Tersteegen, 1832 (1837, p. 415). xxiii. Liebwerther, süsser Gottes-Wille. Resignation to the Will of God. The translations are (1) "Thou sweet beloved Will of God." By Mrs. Bevan, 1858, p. 14. (2) “Will of God, all sweet and perfect." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 96. xxiv. Mein ganzer Sin. Lent. Turning to God. Tr. as "My whole desire Doth deeply turn away." By Miss Warner, 1869, p. 30. xxv. Mein Gott, mein Gott, mein wahres Leben. Self-Dedication. Tr. as "My God, my God, my life divine!" By S. Jackson in his Life of Tersteegen, 1832 (1837, p. 414). xxvi. Mein Herz, ein Eisen grob und alt. Cross and Consolation. Tr. as "A rough and shapeless block of iron is my heart." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 79. xxvii. Mein'n ersten Augenblick. Morning. Tr. as "Each moment I turn me." xxviii. Nun lobet alle Gottes Sohn. Praise to Christ. Tr. as "Give glory to the Son of God." By Mrs. Bevan, 1858, p. 75. xxix. 0 Jesu, König, hoch zu ehren. Self-surrender. Tr. as “0 Jesus, Lord of majesty." By Miss Winkworth, 1858, p. 136. xxx. So gehts von Schritt zu Schritt. For the Dying. Tr. as "Thus, step by step, my journey to the Infinite." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 105. xxxi. So ist denn doch nun abermal ein Jahr. New Year. Tr. as "Thus, then another year of pilgrim-life." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 73. xxxii. Sollt ich nicht gelassen sein. Cross and Consolation. Tr. as “Should I not be meek and still." By Mrs. Bevan, 1858, p. 45. xxxiii. Von allen Singen ab. Turning to God. Tr. as "From all created things." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 100. xxxiv. Wie bist du mir so innig gut. The Grace of Christ. Written in 1724 at the close of his time of spiritual despondency. “This state of spiritual darkness continued five years; until at length whilst on a journey to a neighbouring town, the day-spring from on high again visited him; and the atoning mercy of Jesus Christ was made so deeply and convincingly apparent to him, that his heart was set entirely at rest. On this occasion he composed that beautiful hymn, &c." Translated as “How gracious, kind, and good, My great High Priest art Thou" (st. i.-v.), No. 74 in Dr. Leifchild's Original Hymns, 1842. xxxv. Wiederun ein Augenblick. The Flight of Time. Tr. as: (1) “Of my Time one Minute more." (2) "One more flying moment." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 26. xxxvi. Willkomm'n, verklarter Gottes Sohn. Easter. This is translated as "O Glorious Head, Thou livest now." By Miss Winkworth, 1855, p. 89. Repeated in Schaff’s Christ in Song, 1870. The first Book of the Blumen-Gärtlein contains short poems, more of the nature of aphorisms than of hymns. In the ed. of I76S there are in all 568 pieces in Book i., and of these Miss Winkworth has translated Nos. 429, 474, 565, 573, 575, 577 in her Christian Singers, 1869. Others are tr. by Lady Durand, in her Imitations from the German of Spitta and Terstsegen, 1873, as above, and by S. Jackson, in his Life of Tersteegen, 1832. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================== See also in: Hymn Writers of the Church

Philipp Friedrich Hiller

1699 - 1769 Topics: Himmelfahrt und himmlische herrlichkeit Christi Author of "Jesus Christus herrscht als König" in Kirchenbuch für Evangelisch-Lutherische Gemeinden Hiller, Philipp Friedrich, son of Johann Jakob Hiller, pastor at Mühlhausen on the the Enz, Württemberg, was born at Mühlhausen, Jan. 6, 1699. He was educated at the clergy training schools at Denkendorf (under J. A. Bengel) and Maulbronn, and the University of Tübingen (M.A. 1720). His first clerical appointment was as assistant at Brettach, near Neckarsulm, 1724-27. He afterwards held similar posts at Hessigheim and elsewhere, and was also, from 1729-31, a private tutor at Nürnberg. He was then, on St. Bartholomew's Day, 1732, instituted as pastor of Neckargröningen, on the Neckar, near Marbach. In 1736 he became pastor of his native place, and in 1748 pastor at Steinheim, near Heidenheim. In his third year of residence at Steinheim he lost his voice, and had to employ an assistant to preach. He died at Steinheim, April 24, 1769. (Koch, v. 107-126; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, xii. 425-426, &c.) Of Hiller’s hymns the best appeared in:— (1) Arndt's Paradiss-Gartlein… teutsche Lieder, Nürnberg, N.D. [the copy in Berlin has a frontispiece dated 1730]. This was written during the time he was tutor at Nürnberg. P. Gerhardt had founded the fine hymn "O Jesu Christ, mein schönstes Licht," (q.v.) on one of the prayers in the volume of devotions which Johann Arndt had published, 1612, under the title of Paradies-Gärtlein; and Gerhardt's example led Hiller to think of turning the whole of these prayers into hymns. The book is in four parts, and contains 301 hymns, 297 being founded on Arndt and four original. (2) Geistliches Liederkästlein, Stuttgart, 1762, and a second series, Stuttgart, 1767. Each series contains 366 short hymns, one for each day of the year. A complete reprint of these and the other hymns of Hiller (1075 in all) wased. by C. C. E. Ehmann in 1844 (2nd ed. 1858). Hiller is the most productive and most important of the earlier hymnwriters of Württemberg; and is the poetical exponent of the practical theology of his friend J. A. Bengel. The hymns of his Paradiss-Gärtlein, while clear and Scriptural, are decidedly spun out (see No. xii. below). His Liederkästlein, contains the hymns of his riper years, and reveals a depth of spiritual wisdom, an almost proverbial conciseness, an adaptation to console and direct in the most diverse events of life, and the most varied experiences of the soul, a suitability as a manual for daily devotion, and a simple popularity of style that speedily endeared it to the pious in Southern Germany. It has passed through many editions in Germany, while colonists (especially from Württemberg) have carried it from thence wherever they went. It is said, e.g., that when a German colony in the Caucasus was attacked by a hostile Circassian tribe some fifty years ago the parents cut up their copies of the Liederkästlein and divided the leaves among their children as they were being torn from them into slavery. The use of Hiller's hymns in Germany has principally been in the hymnbooks of Württemberg, and, through J. J. Bambach's Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, in Hannover. The following have passed into English:— I. Hymns in English common use: i. Herr über Leben und der Tod. Cross and Consolation. 1730, pt. iii. p. 332, founded on Arndt's Prayer, 26 (28) of Class iii. The part translated is stanzas viii.-xiv., "Herr, meine Burg, Herr Zebaoth," which is founded on the fourth part of the third section of Arndt's Prayer. The text is in Ehmann's Hiller, Nos. 885, 886. Translated as:— 0 God of Hosts! 0 mighty Lord, a translation of stanzas viii., xiii., xiv., signed "F. C. C.," as No. 162 in Dr. Pagenstecher's Collection, 1864. ii. Mein Gott in deine Hände. For the Dying. Liederkästlein, pt. ii., 1767, for August 3, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines, founded on Ps. xxxi. 6. In Ehmann, No. 986, and in Knapp's Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz, 1837 and 1865. Translated as:— My God, to Thee I now commend, a good translation of stanzas i., iii., iv., vi., viii., ix., by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 1st Ser., 1855, p. 245. In her 2nd ed., 1856, she substituted a translation of st. vii. for that of stanza vi. The text of 1856 is in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 194, and in the Ohio Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal, 1880; and the text of 1855 in the Pennsylvania Lutheran Church Book, 1868. Another translation is: "My God, within Thy hand," by Miss Warner, 1858, p. 480. iii. Mein Hers, du mustt im Himmel sein. Eternal Life. Liederkästlein, p. ii., 1767, for Jan. 26, in 4 stanzas of 7 lines, founded on St. Matt. vi. 21. In Ehmann, No. 639, and Knapp's Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz, 1837. Translated as :— Aspire, my heart, on high to live, in full, by Dr. H. Mills, in his Horae Germanicae, 1845 (1856, p. 86), repeated, omitting stanzas iv., as No. 220 in the American Lutheran General Synod's Collection, 1850-52. iv. Wir warten dein, o Gottes Sehn. Second Advent. Liederkästlein, pt. ii., 1767, for Jan. 24, in 4 stanzas of 8 lines, founded on 1 Thess. i. 9, 10. In Ehmann, No. 1041, and the Württemberg Gesang-Buch, 1842, No. 640. Translated as:-— We wait for Thee, all glorious One, a good and full translation by J. D. Burns, in the Family Treasury, 1859, pt. ii. p. 111, and his Remains, 1869, p. 264. Included in the Christian Hymn Book, Cincinnati, 1865, and in H. L. Hastings's Songs of Pilgrimage, 1886. Another translation is: "We wait for Thee, O Son of God," in the British Herald, April, 1866, p. 252, and Reid's Praise Book, 1872. This follows the altered form in C. B. Garve's Christliche Gesänge, 1825. II. Hymns not in English common use: v. Abgrund wesentlicher Liebe. Love of God. 1730, pt. ii. p. 25, founded on Prayer 4 in Class II. of Arndt, which is "Thanksgiving for the Love of God, and prayer for it." Translated as, "Thou fathomless Abyss of Love," by Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 281. vi. Angenehmes Krankenbette. For the Sick. Liederkästlein, 1762, p. 338, for Dec. 3, in 3 stanzas, founded on St. Luke v. 18. Translated as, "Bed of Sickness! thou art sweet," by Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 283. vii. Betet an, verlorne Sünder. Lent. Liederkästlein, 1762, p. 43, for Feb. 18, in 3 stanzas, founded on St. Matt, xviii. 14. Translated as, "Sinners, pray! for mercy pleading," by Dr. H. Mills, 1856, p. 50. viii. Das Lamm, am Kreuzesstamme. For the Dying. Liederkästlein, pt. ii., 1767, for Feb. 12, in 8 stanzas, founded on Acts vii. 59. In the Württemberg Gesang-Buch, 1842, No. 609, altered to “Der Hirt, am Kreuz gestorben." This form is translated as, "The Shepherd by His passion," by J. D. Burns, in the Family Treasury, 1859, pt. ii. p. 61, and his Remains, 1869, p. 266. ix. Die Liebe darf wohl weinen. Burial of the Dead. Liederkästlein, 1762, p. 286, for Oct. 12, in 7 stanzas, founded on l Thess. iv. 13. Translated as, "Love over the departed," by J. D. Burns in his Remains, 1869, p. 253. x. Die Welt kommt einst zusammen. Second Advent. Liederkästlein, pt. ii., 1767, for Jan. 2, in 5 stanzas, founded on 2 Cor. v. 10. Translated as, "The world shall yet be cited," by J. D. Burns in the Family Treasury, 1859, pt. ii. P. 111, and his Remains, 1869, p. 263. xi. Herr, meine Leibeshütte. For the Dying. Liederkästlein, pt. ii., 1767, for Feb. 18, in 8 stanzas, founded on 2 Peter, i. 14. The translations are: (l) "Lord, my house of clay," by Miss Warner, 1858, p. 605. (2) "My fleshly house is sinking now," by Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 102. xii. Mein Jesus sitzt zur rechten Hand. Ascensiontide. 1730, pt iii. p. 408, as stanzas 118-125 of the hymn on Arndt's prayer 27 (29) in Class III. This prayer is a long paraphrase of the Apostles' Creed. Translated as, "Our Jesus now at God's right hand," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 330). xiii. Singet Gott, denn Gott ist liebe. The Love of God. Liederkästlein, 1762, p. 51, for Feb. 20, in 3 stanzas, founded on 1 John iv. 16. The translations are: (1) "God is love—-then sing His praises," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 16). (2) "God is love, sing loud before Him," by J. D. Burns in his Remains, 1869, p. 231. xiv. Singt doch unserm König. Ascensiontide. Liederkästlein, 1762, p. 328, for Nov. 23, in 3 stanzas, founded on Ps. xcvi. 10. Translated as, “Laud your King and Saviour," by J. Sheppard in bis Foreign Sacred Lyre. 1857, p. 94. xv. Untheilbare Dreifaltigkeit. Trinity Sunday. 1730, pt. ii. p. 226, founded on Arndt’s prayer 25 in Class II., entitled “Thanksgiving for the revelation of the Holy Trinity." The translation is from the recast of st. vi.-xii. made by J. S. Diterich for the Berlin Gesang-Buch, 1765, No. 51, and beginning "Lob, Ehre, Preis und Dank sel dir." Translated as, "Love, honour, thanks, to Thee we raise," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 110). xvi. Was freut mich noch wenn du's nicht bist. Joy in God. Liederkästlein, 1762, for June 20, in 2 stanzas, founded on Ps. xliii. 4. Translated as, "What earthly joy can fill my heart," by R. Massie in the British Herald, Nov. 1865, p. 175. xvii. Wer ausharrt bis ans Ende. Cross and Consolation. Liederkästlein, pt. ii., 1767, for May 19, in 4 stanzas, founded on St. Matt. xxiv. 13. Translated as,"He who to death maintaineth," by J. D. Burns in his Remains, 1869, p. 261. xviii. Wer kann dein Thun begreifen. God's Power. Liederkästlein, 1762, p. 18, for Jan. 18, in 3 stanzas, founded on Is. xlv. 7. Translated as, "Who, Lord, Thy deeds can measure," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 15). [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) =============================== Hiller, Philipp F., p. 524, ii. His hymn "Gottes Sohn, in Fleisch gekleidet" (Christmas), from his Liederkastlein, 1762, is translation by Dr. Loy, in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880, as "God in human flesh appearing." --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Ernst Christoph Homburg

1605 - 1681 Topics: Himmelfahrt und himmlische herrlichkeit Christi Author of "Ach, wundergroßer Siegesheld" in Kirchenbuch für Evangelisch-Lutherische Gemeinden Ernst C. Homburg (b. Mihla, near Eisenach, Germany, 1605; d. Naumberg, Germany, 1681) wrote most of his hymns for his own devotions. He described this eight-stanza text as a "hymn of thanksgiving to his Redeemer and Savior for his bitter sufferings." In early life, Homburg was a writer of love and drinking songs. After a difficult time of family illness he experienced a religious conversion, and his poetry took a more serious turn. A lawyer by profession, he wrote hymns to express and strengthen his own faith rather than for public use. Some 150 of his hymn texts were published in his Geistliche Lieder. Bert Polman ====================== Homburg, Ernst Christoph, was born in 1605, at Mihla, near Eisenach. He practised at Nauraburg, in Saxony, as Clerk of the Assizes and Counsellor. In 1648 ho was admitted a member of the Fruitbearing Society, and afterwards became a member of the Elbe Swan Order founded by Rist in 1660. He died at Naumburg, Juno 2, 1681. (Koch, iii. 388, 392; Allegemeine Deutsche Biographie, xiii. 43, 44.) By his contemporaries Homburg was regarded as a poet of the first rank. His earlier poems, 1638-1653, were secular, including many love and drinking songs. Domestic troubles arising from the illnesses of himself and of his wife, and other afflictions, led him to seek the Lord, and the deliverances he experienced from pestilence and from violence led him to place all his confidence on God. The collected edition of his hymns appeared in two parts at Jena and Naumburg, 1659, pt. i. as his Geistlicher Lieder, Erster Theil, with 100 hymns [engraved title, Naumburg, 1658]; and pt. ii. as the Ander Theil with 50 hymns. In the preface he speaks of them as his "Sunday labours," and says, "I was specially induced and compelled" to their composition" by the anxious and sore domestic afflictions by which God.....has for some time laid me aside." They are distinguished for simplicity, firm faith, and liveliness, but often lack poetic vigour and are too sombre. Two of his hymns have passed into English, viz.:— i. Ach wundergrosser Sieges-Held. Ascension. 1659, pt. i. p. 400, in 6 stanzas of 11 lines, entitled, "On the Ascension of Jesus Christ." In the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 327. The translations are: (l) “O wondrous Conqueror and Great," by Miss Burlingham, in the British Herald, Oct. 1865, p. 153, and Reid's Praise Book, 1872, No. 445. (2) "O glorious Saviour, conquering King," by N. L. Frothingham, 1870, p. 272. ii. Jesu meines Lebens Leben. Passiontide. 1659, pt. i. p. 318, in 8 stanzas of 8 lines, entitled, "Hymn of Thanksgiving to his Redeemer and Saviour for His bitter Sufferings." This is his most popular hymn, and has passed into many recent collections, including the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863. Translated as:— 1. Jesu! life! the life of heaven. Translation of stanzas i., ii., vi.-viii., by A. T. Russell, for his Psalms & Hymns, 1851, No. 88. 2. Of my life the Life, 0 Jesus. A good translation of stanzas i., ii., v., vii., viii., contributed by R. Massie to the 1857 edition of Mercer's The Church Psalter & Hymnbook, No. 404 (Ox. ed. 1864, No. 185), repeated in the Methodist New Connexion Hymn Book, 1863. 3. Christ the life of all the living. A good translation of stanzas i., ii., v., vii., viii., by Miss Winkworth, in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 49. Repeated in full in Dr. Thomas's Augustine Hymn Book, 1866, and the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal 1880; and abridged in the Pennsylvania Lutheran Ch. Book., 1868, the Hymnary , 1872, and others. 4. Thou eternal life bestowest. Translations of stanzas i.-iii., viii., by Miss Borthwick, contributed to Dr. Pagenstecher's Collection, 1864, No. 73, and repeated in Hymns from the Land of Luther, ed. 1884, p. 257. Other translations are: (1) "Jesu, Source of my Salvation," by J. C. Jacobi, 1732, p. 29, repeated in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754 (1886, No. 97). (2) "Jesus! Source of life eternal," by Miss Burlingham, in the British Herald, Aug. 1865, p. 120, and Reid's Praise Book, 1872, No. 389. (3) "Jesus, of my life the living," by N. L. Frothingham, 1870, p. 198. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Friedrich Fabricius

1642 - 1703 Topics: Himmelfahrt und himmlische herrlichkeit Christi Author of "Zeuch uns nach dir" in Kirchenbuch für Evangelisch-Lutherische Gemeinden

Karl Johann Philipp Spitta

1801 - 1859 Person Name: K. J. Spitta Topics: Himmelfahrt und himmlische herrlichkeit Christi Author of "Freut im Herrn euch allewege" in Deutsches Gesangbuch für die Evangelisch-Luterische Kirche in den Vereinigten Staaten Spitta, Carl Johann Philipp, D.D., was born Aug. 1, 1801, at Hannover, where his father, Lebrecht Wilhelm Gottfried Spitta, was then living, as bookkeeper and teacher of the French language. In his eleventh year Spitta fell into a severe illness, which lasted for four years, and so threw him back that his mother (the father died in 1805) abandoned the idea of a professional career, and apprenticed him to a watchmaker. This occupation did not prove at all congenial to him, but he would not confess his dislike, and his family were ignorant of it till an old friend, who was trying to comfort him after the death of a younger brother, discovered his true feelings. The younger brother had been preparing for ordination, and so Carl was now invited by the family to adopt this career. He joyfully accepted the offer, left the workshop in the autumn of 1818, and succeeded, by dint of hard study during the winter, in gaining admission to the highest class in the Gymnasium (Lyceum) at Hannover, which he entered at Easter, 1819. He was thus able, at Easter, 1821, to proceed to the University of Göttingen, where he completed his theological course, under professors of pronounced Rationalistic opinions, at Easter, 1824 (D.D. from Gottingen, 1855). He then became, in the beginning of May, a tutor in the family of Judge (Oberamlmann) Jochnius, at Lüine, near Lüneburg. Here he remained till his ordination on Dec. 10, 1828, as assistant pastor at Sudwalde, near Hoya. In Nov., 1830, he became assistant chaplain to the garrison and to the prison at Hameln on the Weser, and would have succeeded as permanent chaplain there, in the beginning of 1837, had not the military authorities, alarmed by reports which described him as a Pietist and a Mystic, refused to sanction the arrangement. As a compensation, he was appointed pastor at Wechold, near Hoya, in Oct., 1837, and married just before settling there. On his birthday, Aug. 1, 1847, he was instituted as Lutheran superintendent at Wittingen; in Oct., 1853, at Peine; and in July, 1859, at Burgdorf—all his appointments having been in the kingdom of Hannover. A few weeks after removing to Burgdorf he was seized with gastric fever, but had apparently recovered, when, on Sept. 28, 1859, while sitting at his writing table, he was seized with cramp of the heart, and died in a quarter of an hour. Spitta had begun to write in verse when he was eight years old, along with his brother Heinrich. During his university course he continued to write songs and secular poems, and published a collection of songs anonymously as a Sangbüchlein der Liebe für Handwerksleute. At Göttingen he formed a life-long friendship with Adolf Peters. He was also on intimate terms with Heinrich Heine, who was a fellow member with them of the Burschenschaft, or student's patriotic union (see K. Goedeke'sGrundriss, vol. iii., 1881, p. 259); and this friendship continued till Heine, while visiting him at Ltine, so jested at things sacred, even in the presence of Spitta's pupils, that their friendship came to an end. After the spiritual change, which began about the end of his university course, Spitta ceased to write secular pieces. His hymnwriting proper seems to have begun in 1821. In writing to a friend on May 5, 1826, he says, "In the manner in which I formerly sang I sing no more. To the Lord I consecrate my life and my love, and likewise my song. His love is the one great theme of all my songs; to praise and exalt it worthily is the desire of the Christian singer. He gave to me song and melody; I give it back to Him." The most fruitful period of his hymnwriting was at Lüne, where many of his most popular hymns were composed in the quiet evenings, in his own room, often after fasting, and when, sitting at the piano or at his harp, he had tuned his spirit to song. Many others were inspired by the beautiful scenery of the valley of the Weser, and by the intercourse with friends during his residence at Hameln. In his later years his ecclesiastical duties absorbed his attention, and hardly any of his hymns were written after 1847. A number of them were first printed in the Christliche Monatsschrift zur häuslichen Erbauung für alle Stände, which appeared from Jan. to June, 1826, and was edited by Spitta and by Pastor Deichmann, of Lüneburg. Various causes doubtless contributed to the popularity of Spitta's Psalter und Harfe. The hymns therein are, as a rule, of moderate length, are clear and simple in style, refined in diction, sweet, flowing and melodious. Their quiet beauty, their tone of earnest, sincere, and childlike piety, of glowing devotion to the Saviour, and of calm resting on, what to Spitta were, the eternal verities, endeared them to all ranks and classes. They form a faithful mirror of his inner life and Chritian experience. They at once met and ministered to the revival of Evangelical religion in Germany, and thus enjoyed somewhat of the same good fortune and popularity which the renewed churchly life in England brought to Keble's Christian Year. As the title adopted shows Spitta meant them for family and private use, and for this they are best fitted, being, for the most part, subjective and individnal. They speedily, however, passed into the German hymnbooks for church use, both at home and abroad, and translations of them are found in almost all recent English and American collections. Another element of Spitta's popularity in Germany has been contributed by the very numerous musical settings which have appeared to his hymns. Koch, vii., 246, gives a list of the more important of the collective editions, but, besides these, many of the separate pieces have been set to music by various composers, the "Angel of Patience" being one of the greatest favourites. A number of Spitta's hymns are annotated under their original first lines. Of the rest we may note here the following:— I. From his Psalter und Harfe. 1st Series, Pirna, 1833, and the 2nd ed. Leipzig, 1834; 2nd Series, Leipzig, 1843. i. Allen ist ein Heil beschieden. Communion of Saints. First published at Pirna, 1833, as above, p. 27, in 5 stanzas of 7 lines, entitled "Unity in spirit." Another translation is:—“Salvation is a boon." By Miss Fry, 1859, p. 75. ii. Es wird mein Herz mit Freuden wach. Sunday Morning. First published at Leipzig, 1843, p. 61, in 7 st. of 4 1., entitled "Sunday Morning." Translated as:— My heart wakes with a joyful lay. This is a good and full tr. by Mrs. Findlater, in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 4th Ser. 1862, p. 82. Repeated, abridged and beginning "Awake! all hearts and joyful say," in G. S. Jellicoe's Collection, 1867, No. 26. Other trs. are: (1) "My heart awakes with holy glee." By Miss Manington, 1863, p. 143. (2) "Awake, my heart, this day of rest." By R. Massie, 1864, p. 51. (3) "My heart is bright with joy." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 25. iii. Gottes Stadt steht festgegründet. Christian Church. First published at Leipzig, 1843, p. 97, in 6 stanzas of 12 lines, entitled "The City of God," and founded on Ps. lxxxvii. Tr. as:— By the holy hills surrounded, In full, by R.. Massie, in his Lyra Domestica, 1864, p. 82, repeated in the Wesleyan Hymn Book1875, No. 595. iv. Hochgesegnet seid ihr Boten. Foreign Missions. First pub. at Pirna, 1833, as above, p. 24, in 6 stanzas of 8 lines, entitled "The Missionaries to the Heathen." Tr. as:— Blest are ye, ye chosen bearers. In full, by R. Massie, in his Lyra Domestica, 1860, p. 95. Other trs. are: (1) "Ye messengers of Christ, By Him commissioned forth." By Miss Fry, 1859, p. 147. (2) "0 blessed are ye messengers, sent forth." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 52. v. Ich glaube, darum rede ich. Faith. First published at Pirna, 1833, as above, p. 56, in 5 st. of 8 1., entitled " I believe." Tr. as:— I believe, and so have spoken. By R. Massie, in his Lyra Domestica, 1860, p. 55. vi. Ich höre deine Stimme. Ps. xxiii. First pub. at Pirna, 1833, as above, p. 44, in 7 st. of 8 1., entitled "The Lord is my Shepherd." Tr. as:— 1. I hear my Shepherd calling. This is a good and full tr. by R. Massie, in his Lyra Domestic, 1860, p. 44 2. Jesu, my Lord, my Shepherd. This is a very good translation, omitting st. vi., in the Catholic Apostolic Hymns for the Use of the Churches, n.d. [1868], marked as tr. by "M. E. A. 1867." Other trs. are: (1) "Shepherd of souls. Thy voice I hear, As stage." By Dr. R. Maguire, 1872, p. 166. (2) “I know Thy voice, my Shepherd.” By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 11. vii. Ich und mein Haus, wir sind bereit. Family Use. A fine hymn, founded on Joshua xxiv., 15. First pub. at Pirna, 1833, as above, p. 110, in 6 st. of 10 1., entitled “I and my house will serve the Lord." Tr. as:— I and my house are ready, Lord. In full, by R. Massie, in his Lyra Domestica, 1860, p. 103. viii. Im Osten flammt empor der gol'dne Morgen. Morning. First published at Pirna, 1833, as above, p. 91, in 7 st. of 6 1., entitled "At Morning." Tr. as:— The golden morn flames up the Eastern sky. This is a good and full tr. by Miss Winkworth, in the Lyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858, p. 74. Other trs. are: (1) “The golden morn is in the East arisen." By the Hon. S. R. Maxwell in his Sacred Poems, 1857, p. 114. (2) "On the far East now flames the golden Morning." By S. A. Storrs, in her Thoughts and Sketches, 1857, p. 74. (3) "Lo! in the East the golden morn appearing." By Miss Fry, 1859, p. 1. (4) “The purple morning gilds the Eastern skies." By R. Massie, 1860, p. 6. (5) "Out from the East, the golden morn is riding." By Miss Manington. 1863, p. 113. (6) “See from the East the golden morn." By Dr. R. Maguire, 1883, p. 27. ix. Kehre wieder, kehre wieder. Lent. Founded on Jer. iii. 12, 13. First pub. at Pirna, 1833, as above, p. 29, in 5 st. of 10 l., entitled " Turn again." Translated as:— 1. Return, return! Poor long-lost wanderer, home. This is a free tr. by Miss Borthwick in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 2nd Ser., 1855, p. 25. 2. Turn, poor wanderer, ere the sentence. In full, by R. Massie, in his Lyra Domestic, 1860, p. 69. Other trs. are: (1) "Turn, O turn, no more delaying." By the Hon. S. R. Maxwell, in his Sacred Poems, 1857, p. 101. (2) "Return, return, thou lost one." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 59. (3) "Return again! return again." By J. Kelly, in his Hymns of the Present Century, 1885, p. 60. x. Meine Stund' ist noch nicht kommen. Cross and Consolation. First published at Pirna, 1833, as above, p. 37, in 7 st. of 6 1., entitled "The Lord's Hour.” Tr. as:— Jesus' hour is not yet come. This is a free tr., omitting st. v., by Miss Borthwick, in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 2nd ser. 1855, p.43. Other trs. are:—(1) "'Tis not yet the time appointed." By R. Massie, 1860, p. 47, and in Reid's Praise Book, 1872. (2) " My times, O Lord, are in Thy hand." By Dr. R. Maguire, 1883, p. 99. xi. Kimm hin, was dein ist, Gott, nimms hin. Surrender to God. This beautiful hymn was first pub. at Leipzig, 1843, as above, p. 58, in 5 st. of 10 1., entitled "Resignation." Translated as:— I give Thee back Thine own again. A good and full tr. by R. Massie, in hisLyra Domestica, 1864, p. 49. xii. 0 du, der uns begegnet. Christian Service. First pub. at Leipzig, 1843, as above, p. 92, in 4 st. of 4 1., entitled "The Blessing of the Blest." Tr. as:— 0 Thou Whose grace first found us, Whose love. In full, by R. Massie, in his Lyra Domestica, 1864. xiii. O komm, du Geist der Wahrheit. Whitsuntide. First pub. at Pirna, 1833, as above, p. 12, in 7 st. of 8 1., entitled "Whitsunday." Tr. as:— 1. Draw, Holy Spirit, nearer. In full, by R. Massie, in his Lyra Domestica, 1860, p. 27. 2. 0 come, Eternal Spirit, Of truth, diffuse Thou light. xiv. 0 Vaterhand, die mich so treu geführet. Holy Trinity. A fine hymn, first pub. at Pirna, 1833, as above, p. 128, in 3 st. of 8 1., entitled "Father, Son, and Spirit.” Tr. as:— 1. O Father-Eye, that hath so truly watch'd. By Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858, p. 63. 2. Father whose hand hath led me so securely. xv. 0 welche fromme schöne Sitte. Spiritual Conversation. First pub. at Pirna, 1833, as above, p. 101, in 6 st. of 8 1., entitled "The Blessing of Christian fellowship." Tr. as:— It is a practice greatly blest. In full, by R. Massie, in his Lyra Domestica, 1860, p. 89. xvi. 0 wie freun wir uns der Stunde. Fellowship with Christ. First pub. at Leipzig, 1843, as above, p. 3, in 6 st. of 8 1., entitled "Thou hast the words of Eternal Life". Tr. as:— Oh J how blest the hour, Lord Jesus. In full, by R. Massie, in his Lyra Domestica, 1864, p. 5. Another tr. is: "How great the joy, how blest the hour." By Dr. R. Maguire, 1872, p. 182. xvii. 0 wie manche schone Stunde. Cross and Consolation. First published at Pirna, 1833, as above, p. 130, in 10 st. of 4 1., entitled "Comfort." Tr. as:— 1. O how many hours of gladness, Hath the Lord. In full, by R. Massie, in his Lyra Domestica, 1860, p. 126, repeated, abridged, in the Book of Common Praise, 1863. 2. O how many hours of beauty. This is a good and full tr., by Mrs. Findlater, in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 4th Ser., 1862, p. 11. Another tr. is: "O how many an hour of gladness." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 16. xviii. Sehet, sehet, welche Liebe. The Love of the Holy Trinity. First pub. at Pirna, 1833, as above, p. 19, in 3 st. of 8 1., entitled " See what Love." Tr. as:— See, O see, what love the Father. In full, by R. Massie, in his Lyra Domestica, 1860, p. 50. Other trs. are : (1) "Behold the Father's love." By Miss Fry, 1859, p. 9. (2) "See! what wondrous love, how matchless." By Miss Manington, 1863, p. 33. (3) “Behold what love the Father hath—how great." By Dr. R. Maguire, 1872, p. 68. xix. Unser Wandel ist im Himmel! Wie ein Mensch in sich versenkt. The Christian Life. First pub. at Pirna, 1833, as above, p. 75, in 7 st. of 8 1., entitled "Our Conversation is in Heaven," and suggested by Philipp. iii. 20. Tr. as:— As a traveller returning. In full, by R. Massie, in his Lyra Domestica, 1860, p. 73. This is found in two centos :— 1. Jesus, like the magnet, raises (st. iii., v., vi.) in the Methodist New Congregational Hymn Book 1863. 2. Can we have our hearts in heaven (st. v., vii.) in Adams's Church Pastorals, Boston, U.S., 1864. Another tr. is: "We are citizens of heaven." In the British Herald, January, 1866, p. 205. xx. Wandle leuchtender und schöner. Easter. First published at Pirna, 1833, as above, p. 8, in 9 st. of 8 1., entitled "Easter Festival." Tr. as:— Sun, shine forth in all thy splendour. This is a full and good tr. by R. Massie, in his Lyra Domestica, 1860, p. 24. Another tr. is: "With brighter glory, Easter Sun." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 4. xxi. Wir sind des Herrn, wir leben, oder sterben. Life in Christ. A fine hymn founded on Rom. xiv. 8. Tr. as:— 1. We are the Lord's; His all-sufficient merit. This is a good and full tr. by C. T. Astley, in his Songs in the Night, 1860, p. 32. 2. We are the Lord's, whether we live or die. Also a good and full tr. by R. Massie, in his Lyra Domestica, 1864, p. 81. Hymns not in English common use:— xxii. Ach, welche Marter, welche Flagen. Christ's Mercy. Tr. as "O Lord, what sorrows past expression." xxiii. Das Leben wird oft trübe. Spiritual Dryness. The trs. are: (1) "How weary and how worthless this life at times appears." (2) “Our life is often dark." (3) "This life is ofttimes gloomy." (4) "Life often seems so dreary.” xxiv. Der du in der Nacht des Todes. Epiphany. The trs. are: (1) "Thou Who in the night of death." (2) "Christ whose first appearance lighted." (3) "Thou who in death's night of terror." (4) "Christ, who in Death's night of darkness." xxv. Des Christen Schmuck und Ordensband. Rejoicing in Tribulation. The trs. are: (1) "The Christian's badge of honour here." (2) "The badge the Christian wears on earth." (3) "The Christian's star of honour here." (4) "The sign of faith, and love's true token xxvi. Du schöne Lilie auf dem Feld. Trust in God. The trs. are: (1) "Thou beauteous lily of the field, Who robed." (2) "Thou beauteous lily of the field! Who hath." (3) "Thou beauteous lily of the field, Thou child to Nature dear." (4) "Sweet lily of the field, declare." (5) "Thou pretty lily of the field." (6) "Thou lovely lily of the field." xxvii. Ein lieblich Loos ist uns gefallen. The Christian's Portion. xxviii. Ein Pilger schickt sich an zur Fahrt. For the Dying. Tr. as (1) "A pilgrim stands on Jordan's brink." (2) "A pilgrim for his new abode." xxix. Erhalt' in mir den Lebenstrieb, das Sehnen. The Plant of Grace. The trs. are (1) "Maintain in me the sap of life, the yearning." (2) "Excite in me, 0 Lord, an ardent thirst.” (3) "Uphold in me a living wish and longing." xxx. Es giebt ein Lied der Lieder. The Lord's Song. The trs. are: (1) "A Song of songs there is." (2) "There is a song so thrilling." (3) "There is a song now singing." (4) "One song of songs —the sweetest." (5) "A blessed Song of songs there is." xxxi. Freuet euch der schonen Erde. Joy in the Beauties of Nature. The trs. are: (1) "0 rejoice in Nature's beauties." (2) "In the beauteous earth rejoice ye." (3) "Rejoice in the beautiful earth! For well may." (4) "Rejoice in the beautiful earth For well she," &c. (5) "Joy ye o'er this earth so lovely." (6) "Rejoice in Earth's fair beauty." xxxii. Gehe hin in Gottes Namen. Before Work. The trs. are: (1) "Cheerfully to work proceed.” (2) "In the name of God advancing." (3) "In the Name of God go forward." xxxiii. Ich nehme, was du mir bestimmst. Submission to God's Will. The trs. are: (1) "What Thou appointest I receive." (2) "Give what Thou wilt oh Lord! my grateful heart." (3) "Thy will I cheerfully obey.” xxxiv. Ich steh' in xneines Herren Hand. Trust in God. Tr. as "I place myself in Jesus' hands." xxxv. In der Angst der Welt will ich nicht klagen. Christian Life. The trs. are: (1) "Amid the world's vexations." (2) "Uncomplaining, though with care grown hoary." (3) "In this earth—life's bitter anguish.” xxxvi. 0 du, den meine Seele liebt. Holy Communion. The trs. are: (1) "0 Thou, Who holdest in my heart." (2) "Oh Thou, my loving thoughts employ.” xxxvii. Still an deinem liebevollen Herzen. The Love of Christ. The trs. are: (1) "Safe on thy paternal breast." (2) "With calm repose, Oh let me lie." (3) "Still on Thy loving heart let me repose." xxxviii. Stimm' an das Lied vom Sterben. For the Dying. Sung at hisown funeral on Sunday, Oct. 1, 1859. The trs. are: (1) "I sing of death and dying." (2) "Sing now the Song of Dying." xxxix. Vom Oelberg' wogt es nieder. Christ weeping over Jerusalem. The trs. are: (1) "Hark! for loud notes of joy." (2) "Where yonder mount, with olives clad." (3) “From Olivet the surging crowd." xl. Was macht ihr dass ihr weinet. Communion of Saints. Founded on Acts xxi. 13. The trs. are: (1) "What mean ye by this wailing." (2) "What mean ye, dearly loved ones." (3) " What mean ye thus those tears to weep." (4) "How mean ye thus by weeping." (5) "Why is it that ye're weeping." xli. Weint nicht uber Jesu Schmerzen. Repentance. The trs. are: (1) "For Jesu's agony and death." (2) "Wherefore weep we over Jesus." (3) "Weep not over Jesu's sorrow." xlii. Wie wird uns sein, wenn endlich nach dent schweren. Eternal Life. The trs. are: (1) "How shall it be with us, when we, frail mortals." (2) "O what will be the day, when won at last." (3) "What shall we be, and whither shall we go?" (4) "How will it be? when past the conflict heavy.” (5) "O what shall we be, when the conflict o'er." xliii. Winter ist es. In dem weiten Reich. Winter. The trs. are: (1) "Winter is here, and none may dare intrude." (2) "It is winter. All seems dead or dying." (3) "Winter it is! o'er the mighty kingdom." (4) "It is Winter. The wide realm of Nature.” (5) "Winter is here. In Nature's wide domain." (6) "It is winter; and the wide domain.” xliv. Wohl uns, der Vater hat uns lieb. The Love of God. Founded on Rom. viii. 32. This was, according to Koch vii. 243, one of the hymns which Spitta wrote between Easter and July, 1824, while studying the Epistle to the Romans, and which on July 7, 1824, he sent to his brother Heinrich Spitta, professor of medicine at Rostock, but Ludwig Spitta dates it "Autumn, 1833." It is tr. as "How blest are we! that God of us." xlv. Wo ist göttliches Erbarmen. The Grace of Christ. The trs. are:— (1) "Oh where doth mercy dwell." (2) "Where is mercy and compassion." (3) "Where is Divine compassion, that." xlvi. Wort des Lebens, lautre Quelle. Holy Scripture. The trs. are: (1) "Word of Life! unsullied fountain." (2) "Thou word of Life, unsullied spring!" (3) "Word of Life, eternal Fountain." (4) "Word of Life, thou fountain bright.” II. From his Nachgelassene geistliche Lieder. Leipzig, 1861. Hardly any of these have come into use in Germany; and they have either remained unknown to or have been almost entirely ignored by translators into English. We need only note two, viz.:— xlvii. Die erste Ruhestatte die die Welt. Christmas. It is tr. as "The cradle which the world has drest." xlviii. 0 Herbst, du Abendstunde. Autumn. It is tr. as “0 autumn, fair pensive evening." By Miss Borthwick, in the Family Treasury, 1864, p. 191, dated September 1864, and included Thoughtful Hour, 1867, p. 181. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) =================== Spitta, C. J. P. , p. 1076, ii. A new edition of the Psalter und Harfe (both parts), with biographical Introduction, was published at Gotha in 1890. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

J. J. Rambach

1693 - 1735 Person Name: Johann Jakob Rambach Topics: Himmelfahrt und himmlische herrlichkeit Christi Author of "Großer Mittler, der zur Rechten" in Kirchenbuch für Evangelisch-Lutherische Gemeinden Rambach, Johann Jakob, D.D., son of Hans Jakob Rambach, cabinet maker at Halle on the Saale, was born at Halle, Feb. 24, 1693. In 1706 he left school and entered his father's workshop, but, in the autumn of 1707, he dislocated his ankle. During his illness he turned again to his schoolbooks; the desire for learning reawoke; and on his recovery, early in 1708, he entered the Latin school of the Orphanage at Halle (Glaucha). On Oct. 27, 1712, he matriculated at the University of Halle as a student of medicine, but soon turned his attention to theology. He became specially interested in the study of the Old Testament under J. H. Michaelis. In May 1715 he became one of Michaelis's assistants in preparing his edition of the Hebrew Bible, for which he wrote the commentary on Ruth, Esther, Nehemiah, &c. His health began to suffer in the spring of 1719, and he gladly accepted the invitation of Count von Heukel to stay at Polzig, near Ronneburg, where he spent several months. By August he had quite recovered, and went to pay a visit to Jena, where a number of the students asked him to lecture to them. For this purpose he settled at Jena in Oct., 1719, and lived in the house of Professor Buddeus (J. F. Budde). He graduated M.A. in March 1720. In 1723 he was appointed adjunct of the Theological Faculty at Halle, as also inspector of the Orphanage; in 1726 extraordinary professor of theology; and in 1727, after A. H. Francke's death, ordinary professor as well as preacher at the Schulkirche. Here he was very popular, both as preacher and professor, but the jealousy of his colleagues induced him to accept an offer from the Landgrave Ernst Ludwig of Hesse, who, in 1731, invited him to Giessen as superintendent and first professor of theology (before leaving Halle he graduated D.D., June 28, 1731), and in Aug., 1732, appointed him also director of the Paedagogium at Giessen. In 1734 he was, for various reasons, greatly inclined to accept the offer of the first professorship of theology in the newly-founded University of Göttingen, but eventually, at the earnest request of the Landgrave, remained in Giessen, where he died of fever, April 19, 1735 (Die Familie Rambach. By Dr. T. Hansen, Gotha, 1875: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, xxvii. 196; Blätter fur Hymnologie, 1883, pp. 113, 129, 145, 163, 186; 1884, p. 20; 1885, p. 13, &c.) Rambach was a voluminous author in various departments of practical theology, e.g. his Institutiones hermeneuticae sacrae, Jena, 1724, which passed through four editions in his lifetime; hisErbauliches Handbüchlein fur Kinder, 1734 (see below), which reached an eighth edition in 1736, and a 14th in 1766; his various volumes of sermons, &c. He justly earned his popularity by the thoroughness of his researches, and the clear and concise way in which he set forth the results of his investigations. It is however as a hymnwriter that his name is likely to be best known. While not entitled to rank with the best hymn-writers of the 16th and 17th centuries, he yet takes a high place among his contemporaries, and deserves to be remembered as much as almost any of the 18th cent, hymnwriters. His style is good and dignified; his thought is profound yet clearly expressed. While his hymns are often sufficiently didactic, they are generally scriptural and churchly in tone, and are characterised by lyric force, lively imagination, and earnest, sober piety. Of hymns, in the strict sense, he wrote over 180, a large number of which passed into the German hymn-books of the 18th cent. (e.g. the Hannover Gesang-Buch, 1740, and Lüneburg Gesang-Buch, 1767, contains 52 by him), and a good many are still found in modern hymn-books. Of these Dr. J. L. Pasig gives 165 in his edition of Rambach's Geistliche Lieder, Leipzig, 1844, and the rest are printed by Hansen as above, while the first lines of the whole are given in the Blätter as above. Four are recasts (practically originals), made for the 11th edition, 1719, of Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, to replace similar hymns in the ed. of 1705. The rest principally appeared in the following works by Rambach, viz.: (1) Geistliche Poesien, Halle. 1720 [British Museum] The first part contains 72 cantatas on the Gospels for Sundays and festivals; the second part includes 20 hymns, mostly written at Polzig in 1719. (2) Poetische Fest-Gedancken. Jena and Leipzig, 1723 [Royal Library, Berlin]. Included are 15 pieces which may be called hymns. The second edition of 1727 [Brit. Mus.] has 28 new hymns; and the 3rd ed., 1729 [Gottingen Library], has 22 more. (3) Erbauliches Handbuchlein für Kinder, Giessen, 1734 [Hamburg Library]. The 3rd part contains 8 new hymns. (4) Geistreiches Haus-Gesang-Buch, Frankfurt and Leipzig, 1735 [Hamburg Library], with a preface dated April 10, 1735. This contains 112 hymns by Rambach, of which 58 are practically new, 11 of these, however, being recasts of his own earlier hymns. (5) Wander der bis zum Tode des Kreutzes erniedrigten Liebe, Giessen, 1750 [Berlin Library]. This includes 27 new hymns. Rambach's hymns …which have passed into English are:— i. Auf! Seele, schicke dich. Holy Communion. Written, by request for the eleventh edition, 1719, of Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, 1704, as No. 229, in 16 stanzas of 6 lines in order to replace the hymn "Auf, Seele, sey gerüst." This hymn, by George Heine, was included in the Geistreiches Gesang-Buch, Halle, 1697, p. 433. In the second ed., 1771, of the complete book formed by the fusion of pt. i., 1704, and its supplement of 1705 with pt. ii., 1714, of Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, both hymns are given, Heine's as No. 524, and Rambach's as No. 522, both marked as being No. 229 in pt. i., 1704. Rambach's hymn is in his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 369; the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 471, &c. In Pasig's edition of his Geistliche Lieder, 1844, p. 112, entitled "Before the reception of Holy Communion." It has been translated as:— My soul prepare to meet. Omitting st. i., 11. 4-6 ; ii., 11. 4-6; vii., xiv., as No. 570 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789 (1849, No. 966). In the edition of 1886, No. 979 begins with st. iv., "How should I, slaughtered Lamb"; and No. 1012 with st. xi., "Lord, of Thy wondrous love." ii. Mein Jesu, der du vor dem Scheiden. Holy Communion. Appeared in Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, 11th ed., 1719, as No. 238, in 9 st. of 6 1. It was written to replace the hymn "Mein Jesn, hier sind deine Brüder" (Geistreiches Gesang-Buch, Halle, 1697, p. 363), in the first edition of Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch. It is in his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 365; the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 1601; and in Pasig, 1844, p. 110, entitled, "On the treasures of Grace in Holy Communion." The translations are:— 1. Lord Jesus, Who before Thy passion. Omitting st. ix., this is No. 1181 in the Supplement of 1808 to the Moravian Hymn Book, 1801 (1886, No. 963). 2. 0 Lord, Who on that last sad eve. A good translation omitting st. ix., by Miss Cox, contributed to Lyra Eucharistica, 1863, p. 15, and repeated in her Hymns from the German, 1864, p. 75. Included, omitting st. iii., in G. S. Jellicoe's Collection, 1867. iii. 0 Lehrer, dem kein Andrer gleich. Christ our Prophet. In his Haus Gesang-Buch1735, No. 107, in 8 st. of 6 1., entitled, "On the prophetical office of Jesus Christ." Repeated in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 118, and in Pasig, 1844, p. 51. Translated as:— Surely none like Thee can teach. By Miss Fry, in 102 lines, in her Hymns of the Reformation,1845, p. 126. A recast in 3 st. of 8 1., beginning, "Saviour, none like Thee can teach," was included in J. Whittemore's Supplement to all Hymn Books, 1860, No. 263, and repeated in the Methodist New Congregational Hymn Book, 1863, No. 62. iv. Wie herrlich ists ein Schäflein Christi werden. Joy in Believing. In his Poetiche Fest-Gedancken, 2nd ed. 1727, p. 131, in 6 st. of 6 l., entitled, "The Blessedness of the Sheep of Christ. John x. 28, ‘I give my sheep eternal life.'" In his Haus Gesang-Buch 1735, No. 325; the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 645; and Pasig, 1844, p. 139. Translated as:— How great the bliss to be a sheep of Jesus. A translation of st. i., ii., v., by C. J. Latrobe, as No. 293, in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789 (1886, No. 385). Hymns not in English common use:— v. Allwissender, vollkommner Geist. The Omniscient One. In his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 12, in 6 stanzas; the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863; and in Pasig, p. 8. Translated as, "Thou Spirit, perfect and allwise." By Dr. H. Mills, 1856, p. 11. vi. Frommes Lamm, von was für Hunden. Passiontide. In his Poetische Fest-Gedancken, 2nd ed., 1727, p. 49, in 8 st. In his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 151, it begins, "Frommes Lamm, durch dessen Wunden." Also in Pasig, p. 67. Translated as, "Great Thy sorrows, injur'd Jesus." By Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 297). vii. Gesetz und Evangelium, Law and Gospel. In his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 356, in 10 st.; the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863; and Pasig, p. 105. Translated as, "The holy law and gospel, both." By Dr. II. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 27.) viii. Herr, du hast nach dem Fall. Before Work. In his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 565, in 4 st.; and Pasig, p. 150. In the Berlin Gesang-Buch, 1765, No. 206, it is altered (probably by J. S. Diterich), and begins "Du hast uns, Heir die Pflicht." This is translated as, “Lord, Thou hast bid us labour, bid us toil." By Miss Warner, 1858, p. 230. ix. Hier bin ich Herr, du rufest mir. Christian Work. In his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 269, in 6 st.; the Württemberg Gesang-Buch, 1842, No. 306; and Pasig, p. 119. The translations are (1) "Here am I, Lord, Thou callest me, Thou drawest me." By Miss Warner, 1858, p. 209. (2) "Here am I, Lord, Thou callest me, Thou drawest and." By Mrs. Findlater, in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 4th series, 1862. x. Höchste Vollkommenheit, reineste Sonne. God's Majesty . Written for the 11th ed., 1719, of Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, No. 170 (in 20 st.), to replace an anonymous hymn in the first edition, 1704, which began "Höchste Vollkommenheit, alles in Einem." In his Haus Gesang-Buch 1735, No. 8, Rambach reduced it to 12 st., and rewrote it to an easier metre, so as to begin "Höchstes Wesen, reinste Sonne." Both forms are in Pasig, pp. 3-6. Translated as "If Heav'ns and Earths there were innumerable," a tr. of st. iii., viii., xi., xv., xvii., xix., xx., as No. 672, in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. xi. O grosser Geist, dess Wesen Alles füllet. The Omnipresent One. In his Geistliche Poesien, 1720, p. 330, in 9 st.; his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 13; the Württemberg Gesang-Buch, 1842, No. 44 ; and Pasig, p. 7. Translated as, “Eternal God, Thy dwelling-place." By Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 73. xii. 0 grosser Geist! O Ursprung aller Dinge. God's Holiness. In his Geistliche Poesien, 1729, p. 327, in 9 st.; his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 19; and Pasig, p. 15. Translated as, "O mighty Spirit! Source whence all things sprung." By Miss Winkworth, 1858, p. 153. xiii. Verklärte Majestät, anbetungs-würdigst Wesen. God's Majesty. Founded on 1 Tim. vi. 15, 16. In his Geistliche Poesien, 1720, p. 303, in 11 st.; his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 7; and Pasig, p. 2. The form translation is "Anbetungswürdger Gott," a recast (probablv by J. S. Diterich), which is No. l in the Berlin Gesang-Buch 1765, and No. 5 in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863. Translated as, "Dread Majesty above." By Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 8). xiv. Wirf, blöder Sinn, den Kummer hin. Christmas. In his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 129, in 6 st. (founded on Rom. viii. 31, 32). In Pasig, p. 6, and the Unverfälschter Liedersegen 1851, No. 60. Translated as, "Throw, soul, I say, thy fears away." By Miss Manington, 1864, p. 28. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907

Albert Knapp

1798 - 1864 Person Name: A. Knapp Topics: Himmelfahrt und himmlische herrlichkeit Christi Author of "Hallelujah! wie lieblich stehn" in Deutsches Gesangbuch für die Evangelisch-Luterische Kirche in den Vereinigten Staaten Knapp, Albert, was born July 25, 1798, at Tübingen, where his father (1800, Oberanitmann at Alpirsbach in the Black Forest, and 1809, Oberamtmann at Rottweil) was then advocate at the Court of Appeal. In the autumn of 1814 he entered the Theological Seminary at Maulbronn, and in 1816 the Theological College at Tübingen, where he also graduated M.A. at the University. In November, 1820, he became assistant clergyman at Feuerbach, near Stuttgart; and in July, 1821, at Gaisburg, near Stuttgart. He was appointed, in Feb., 1825, diaconus (Heifer) at Sulz on the Neckar, and also pastor of the neighbouring village of Holzhausen; in June, 1831, archidiaconus at Kirchheim-unter-Teck, along with Bahnmaier (q.v.); in May, 1836, diaconus of the Hospitalkirche in Stuttgart ; and in October, 1837, archidiaconus of the Stiftskirche. He was finally appointed, in December, 1845, Stadtpfarrer at St. Leonhard's Church in Stuttgart, where, after having been for some time partially disabled by paralysis, he preached his last sermon, Feb. 13, 1863. He died at Stuttgart, June 18, 1864 (Koch, vii. 213; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie xvi. 263, &c). Knapp as a Poet possessed not merely very considerable talent, but also natural originality. He was preeminently a lyric poet; the best of his secular poems being those which celebrate the history and the scenery of his beloved Swabia. His poems are characterised by rich play of fancy, wealth of ideas and of figures, masterly word-painting, capacity of feeling, ease of expression, and sonorous and musical rhythm. Unfortunately the very flow of his imagination betrayed him, for the greatest fault of his poems is that they are at once too numerous and too long (and it must be added sometimes too rhetorical and too eager to point a moral); what was easy writing becomes hard reading. As a Hymn-writer, among the recent hymn-writers of Germany, Knapp holds a high place, perhaps we might say the highest of all. To his hymn-writing he brought his powers as a poet, and the depth of his nature as an earnest and sincere disciple of Jesus Christ. In his hymns his aim was to make known the fulness of the grace of God, and to reveal the wealth and depth of Holy Scripture, and the love of God to all mankind. Their earnestness, their experimental Christianity, their Scripturalness and their beauty of form have gained for many of them a place in all recent German hymn-books. They have somewhat unaccountably been neglected by English translators. It is certainly surprising that in the Hymns from the Land of Luther not one version from Knapp finds a place. While all the hymns of Spitta's Psalter und Harfe have passed into English, and many of them in half a dozen different versions, comparatively few of Knapp's hymns have been translated, though they rank much higher as poetry, and are more suited for Church use than those by Spitta. As a Hymnologist Knapp did good service by his Christoterpe [complete set in Berlin], an annual which he edited from 1833 to 1853, in which many of his own pieces appeared, and also many of the best poems and, hymns of Hey, Meta Heusser-Schweizer, and various others. He was also the compiler of the Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz (frequently referred to in this Dictionary as Knapp's Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz), the most elaborate German hymnbook of recent times. Of this the first edition, with 3590 hymns, appeared at Stuttgart in 1837, and a Supplement entitled Christenlieder, 1841, added 250 more. In his second edition, 1850 (3067 hymns) he omitted many of the third-rate hymns of his first edition, added many of a higher class, and gave the hymns more nearly (but by no means exactly) as the authors wrote them. The third edition, 1865 (3130 hymns, concluded by his son), was further im¬proved, and the notices of the authors of the hymns were revised and enlarged. As a comprehensive collection with a specially full representation of good modern hymns it has no rival in German. He was also one of the editors of the Württemberg Gesang-Buch of 1842. The editions which he prepared of the Hymns of Gottfried Arnold (1845) and N. L. von Zinzendorf (1845) are of interest, but he took most unwarrantable liberties with the originals; many pieces being not merely abridged but rewritten "to suit the requirements of the 19th century." Knapp's original hymns appeared principally in his Christoterpe and Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz, as above; and also in his (1) Christliche Gedichte, 2 vols., Basel, 1829. (2) Neuere Gedichte, 2 yols., Basel, 1834, some¬times ranked as vols. iii., iv. of No. 1. (3) Gedichte, Neueste Folge, Stuttgart, 1843. (4) Herbstblüthen, Stuttgart, 1859. Those which have passed into English common use are:— i. Aus deiner Eltern Armen. Holy Baptism. This and No. iv. seem to have been written for the baptism of his own children. First published in his Christoterpe, 1850, p. 222, in 3 st. of 8 1., entitled "Baptismal Hymn," and repeated in his Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz, 1850, No. 846 (1865, No. 875). The translation in common use is Thy parent's arms now yield thee. In the original metre by Miss Winkworth in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858, p. 89; and thence in Kennedy, 1863. Slightly altered for metrical reasons in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 89. ii. Blick aus diesem Erdenthale (p. 150 i.). iii. Einst fahren wir vom Vaterlande (p. 326 ii.). iv. 0 Vaterherz, das Erd' und Himmel schuf. Holy Baptism. A beautiful hymn of supplication to (i.) God the Creator; (ii.) God the Redeemer; (iii.) God the Sanctifier; on behalf of the child, ending with a prayer to the Holy Trinity for guidance and blessing throughout its life. First published in his Christenlieder, 1841, No. 89, in 4 st. of 9 1., repeated in his Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz, 1850, No. 847 (1865, No. 876). The translation in common use is :— 0 Father-Heart, Who hast created all. A good and full translation by Miss Winkworth in herLyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858, p. 87, repeated in the Schaff-Gilman Library of Religious Poetry, ed. 1883, p.437. In the hymnals it appears in the following forms, all beginning with st. i.:— 1. 0 Father, Thou Who hast created all. In Hymns Ancient & Modern, 1861 and 1875, and others. 2. Father! Who hast created all. In Adams's American Church Pastorals, 1864, being the Hymns Ancient & Modern version reduced to CM. 3. Father, Who hast created all. In the Pennsylvania Lutheran Church Book, 1868, in metre. 4. Father of heaven, Who hast created all. In Kennedy, 1863; the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Church Hymns, 1871; Thring's Collection, 1882; and in America in M. W. Stryker's Christian Chorals, 1885. Hymns not in English common use :— v. Abend ist es; Herr, die Stunde. Evening. Written at Sulz, June 19, 1828 (Koch, vii. 224). First published in his Christliche Gedichte, 1829, i. p. 9, in 10 st. Translated as "It is evening, and the hour, Lord," by Miss Manington, 1863, p. 130. vi. Eines wünsch ich mir vor allem Andern. Love to Christ. First published in his Christliche Gedichte, 1829, i. p. 151, in 4 st., entitled "My Wish." Lauxmann, in Koch, viii. 59, says it was written, April 23, 1823, while Knapp was at Gaisburg, for the use of a young girl at Stuttgart who was about to be confirmed. Dr. Schaff classes it as the finest and most popular church hymn of its author. Translated as "More than all, one thing my heart is craving," by T. C. Porter, April 13, 1868, for Schaff's Christ in Song, 1869, p. 625. vii. Geh hin! der Herr hat dich gerufen. Burial of a child. Written, 1844, on the death of his son Manuel. First published in his Christoterpe, 1849, p. 139, in 4 st. Translated as “Go hence! the Lord hath called thee home," by Dr. J. Guthrie, in his Sacred Lyrics, 1869, p. 112. viii. Geh zum Schlummer ohne Kummer. Burial. Written in memory of his first wife, who died April 11, 1835. First published in Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz, 1837, No. 3432 (1865, No. 3006), in 5 st. Translated as "Softly slumber, softly slumber," by E. Massie, in the Day of Rest, 1878. ix. Geist des Lebens, heil'ge Gabe. Whitsuntide. Written at Sulz for Whitsuntide, 1828 (Koch, vii. 225). First published in his Christliche Gedichte, 1829, i. p. 86, in 13 st. Translated as "Thou Spirit, Who dost life impart," by J. Kelly, 1885, p. 63. x. Hättest du Licht und Heil. The Blessings of Salvation. In his Christliche Gedichte, 1829, i. p. 149, in 7 st. Translated as “Ob, Jesus! had'st Thou not brought near," by C. T. Astley, 1860, p. 30, xi. Heulend spielen Stürme mit den Schiffen. For those at Sea. First published in his Christliche Gedicht, 1829, ii. p. 26, in 10 st., entitled "The Walk on the Sea, Matthew xiv. 24-32." Translated as "Howling storms are sporting with the vessel," in L. Rehfuess's Church at Sea, 1868, p. 38. xii. Ihr Kinder lernt von Anfang gern. Children. Written 1839, and first published in his Christenlieder, 1841, No. 212, in 9 st., entitled "The Use of the Fourth (Fifth) Commandment." Translated as "Betimes O learn, ye children, well," by Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 68. xiii. Jesus, ew'ge Sonne. The Glory of Christ. In his Neuere Gedichte, 1834, ii. p. 50, in 1 st. Translated as “Jesus, everlasting Sun," by J. Kelly, 1885, p. 35. xiv. Schwellet sanft, ihr weissen Sege. For those at Sea. First published in his Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz,1837, No. 3109, in 5 st. Translated as "Gently swell, ye white sails, driven," in L. Rehfuess's Church at Sea, 1868, p. 13. xv. Sohn des Vaters, Herr der Ehren. Waiting on God. In his Christliche Gedichte, 1829, i. p. 162, in 3 st. Translated as (1) "Son of the Father! mighty Lord, An answer," by C. T. Astley, 1860, p. 1. (2) "Lord of glory, God's dear Son, Let this thing," &c, by R. Massie, 1864, p. 124. xvi. Streichet hin, ihr leisen Flügel. The Fleetness of Time. In his Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz, 1837, No. 2903, in 3 st. Translated as "O ye winds of time! still hieing," in L. Rehfuess's Church at Sea, 1868, p. 42. xvii. Weh' mich vom sanften Mittag an. The Wait¬ing Soul. The original of this hymn is J. Newton's “Breathe from the gentle South, O Lord " (Olney Hymns, 1779, Bk. iii., No. 10). Knapp's translation is full and good, and is included in his Christoterpe, 1837, p. 294, and Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz, 1837, No. 2251. The text tr. is that in S. Hofer's Pilgerharfe, Basel, 1863, No. 118, which begins with st. iii. altered to "O Herr, ich möchte stille sein." Mr. R. Massie was quite unconscious that he was reproducing a hymn of Newton's by a process of double translation. His versions are, (1) "O Lord, I gladly would be still," in the British Herald, June, 1865, p. 85. (2) "Lord, I would still and patient be," in the Day of Rest, 1877, vol. viii. p. 379. xviii. Wenn ich in stiller Frühe. Morning. In his Christliche Gedichte, 1829, i. p. 25, in 3 st., entitled "The Morning Star." Translated as, (1) "When in the cool, still morning," by R. Massie, in the British Herald, April, 1865, p. 56, and Reid's Praise Book, 1872. (2) "When from my sleep awaking," by R. Massie, in the Day of Res, 1877, p. 375. xix. Wie hold ist diese Stille. Sunday Morning. Written 1842. In his Gedichte, Neueste Folge, 1843, p. 3, in 7 st. In his Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz, 1850, No 1176 (1865, No. 1217), it begins "Wie süss." Translated as O quiet, silent sweetness," in L. Rehfuess's Church at Sea, 1868, p. 27. Five additional hymns by Knapp are translated by Dr. H. Mills in his Home Germanicae, 1845 and 1856. A version by Knapp from Caesar Malan is noted under "Non, ce nest pas mourir." [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Gottfried Wilhelm Sacer

1635 - 1699 Topics: Himmelfahrt und himmlische herrlichkeit Christi Author of "Gott fähret auf gen Himmel" in Kirchenbuch für Evangelisch-Lutherische Gemeinden Sacer, Gottfried Wilhelm, son of Andreas Sacer, senior burgomaster of Naumburg, in Saxony, was born atNaumburg, July 11, 1635. He entered the University of Jena in 1653, and remained there for four years as a student of law. He was thereafter for two years secretary to Geheimrath von Platen, in Berlin; and then tutor, first to a son of the Swedish Regierungsrath von Pohlen, and then to the sons of the Saxon Landhauptmann von Bünau. In 1665 he entered the military service under Herr von Mollison, commandant at Lüneberg, at first as regimental secretary, and afterwards as ensign. Soon tiring of this he went to Kiel in 1667, in order to graduate LL.D., but before doing so undertook a tour in Holland and Denmark with some young noblemen from Holstein. In 1670 he settled down as advocate at the appeal and chancery courts in Brunswick (graduating LL.D. at Kiel in 1671), and in 1683 removed to Wolfenbüttel as Kammer-und Amts-advocat, receiving the title of Kammer-Consulent in 1690. He died at Wolfenbüttel, Sept. 8 [18], 1699. (Weizel, iii. p. i.; Koch, iii. 398, iv. 562, &c.) Sacer began early to write poetry, was admitted by Rist, in 1660, as one of his poetical order of Elbe Swans, and in hisNützliche Erinnerungen wegen der teutschen Poeterey, Altenstettin, 1661 [Wolfenbüttel Library], already described himself as " Kayserlicher Poët," i.e. as having been crowned as a poet by the Emperor of Austria. His hymns are among the best of the period immediately succeeding Gerhardt. They have a considerable measure of poetic glow, and sometimes of dramatic force, and are Scriptural and good in style. His earliest hymns seem to have appeared in hisBluttriefende, siegende und triumphirende Jesus, 1661, but no copy of this work is now known. Many are included in pt. ii. 1665, of the Stralsund Gesang-Buch (Ander Theil des erneuerten Gesang-Buchs), and in the other hymn-books of the period. They were collected and published by his son-in-law as his Geistliche, liebliche Lieder, at Gotha, 1714. Those of Sacer's hymns which have passed into English are:— i. Durch Trauera und durch Plagen. New Year. Included in 1665 as above, pt. ii. p. 35, in 7 stanzas of 8 lines; repeated 1714, p. 3, entitled "On the New Year." It is also in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder ed. 1863, No. 191. The translation in common use is:— Through many changeful morrows. This is a good tr. by Dr. F. W. Gotch, in the Baptist Magazine, Jan. 1857, p. 19, repeated in the 1880 Supplement to the Baptist Psalms & Hymns. ii. Gott fähret auf gen Himmel. Ascension. Founded on Ps. xlvii. 6-7. Included in 1665, as above, pt. ii. p. 147, in 7 st. of 8 1., and repeated 1714, p. 27, entitled "On the Ascension of Christ." It is also in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 336. In the Württemberg Gesang-Buch, 1842, it begins, "Der Herr faint auf." The translations in common use are:— 1. Lo! God to heaven ascendeth. This is a good tr., omitting st. vi., by Miss Cox, in her Sacred Hymns from the German, 1841, p. 39 (Hymns from the German, 1864, p. 63). Repeated, abridged, in Alford's Psalms & Hymns, 1844, and his Year of Praise, 1867; in Dale's English Hymn Book, 1874, &c. 2. While up to Heaven God goeth. A spirited version, omitting st. vi., by W. J. Blew, printed as a leaflet for choir use in 1846, and included in his Church Hymn & Tune Book, 1852 ; in Rice's Selection from Blew, 1870, No. 67, and in Lyra Messianica, 1864, p. 3fr2. Other hymns by Sacer are:— iii. Gott, der du aller Himmel Heer. For those at Sea. Included in J. Crülger's Erneuerte Gesangbüchlein ...von Peter Sohren , Frankfurt am Main, 1670, No. 878, in 10 st., and repeated, 1714, p. 75, in 11 St., entitled “Hymn for Seafarers." Recently in Knapp's Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz 1837 and 1865. Translated as, "Thou who hast stretched the heaven's blue sky." In L. Rehfuess's Church at Sea, 1868, p. 34. iv. Lass mich nicht in Irrthum fallen. Christ for all. Included, 1714, as above, p. 53, in 10 st. of 8 1., founded on Ps. li. 13, and repeated in the Hannover Gesang-Buch, 1740, No. 848. Tr. as "Lord, forbid that e'er such error." By Dr. J. Guthrie, 1869, p. 117. v. 0 dass ich könnte Thränen gnug vergiessen. Passiontide. Included in 1665 as above, pt. ii. p. 60, in 16 st. of 4 1., and repeated, 1714, p. 20, entitled "Contemplation of the piteous death of Jesus Christ." In the Berlin Gesang-Buch, 1829, st. xiv.-xvi. altered and beginning, “Mein Herr und Heiland, lass mirs gehn zu Herzen," are included as No. 189. This form is tr. as, “Lord, touch my heart with that great Consummation," by N. L. Frothingham, 1870, p. 143. vi. So hab' ich obgesieget. Funeral of a Child. Included in 1665 as above, pt. ii. p. 665, in 13 st. of 8 1., st. i.-xii. being given as spoken by the child in Paradise, and xiii. as the answer of the bereaved parents. Re¬peated,in 1714, p. 91, entitled "Comfort from the de¬parted to those left behind," the 13th stanza being entitled “Farewell of the sorrowing ones." Recently as No. 855 in the Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz, 1851. Translated as (1) "Lo! now the victory's gain'd me," by Miss Cox, 1841, p. 77. In her edition of 1864, p. 87, it is altered and begins, "My race is now completed." (2) "Then I have conquer'd; then at last," by Miss Winkworth, 1855, p. 243. (3) "My course is run; in glory," by Dr. J. Guthrie, 1869, p. 105. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Christoph Söll

Topics: Himmelfahrt und himmlische herrlichkeit Christi Author of "Christ fuhr auf gen Himmel" in Kirchenbuch für Evangelisch-Lutherische Gemeinden

J. F. Seiz

1738 - 1795 Person Name: J. F. Seiz, 1738-1795 Topics: Himmelfahrt und himmlische herrlichkeit Christi Author of "Jesus Christus herrscht als König" in Deutsches Gesangbuch für die Evangelisch-Luterische Kirche in den Vereinigten Staaten

Caspar Neumann

1648 - 1715 Person Name: K. Neumann, 1648-1715 Topics: Himmelfahrt und himmlische herrlichkeit Christi Author of "Herr! du fährst mit glanz und freuden" in Deutsches Gesangbuch für die Evangelisch-Luterische Kirche in den Vereinigten Staaten Neumann, Caspar, son of Martin Neumann, city tax-collector at Breslau, was born at Breslau, Sept. 14,1648. He entered the Unversity of Jena in Sept. 1667, graduated M.A. in August 1670, and was for some time one of the University lecturers. On Nov. 30, 1673, he was ordained at the request of Duke Ernst of Gotha as travelling chaplain to his son, Prince Christian, whom he accompanied through Western Germany, Switzerland, Northern Italy, and Southern France; returning to Gotha in 1675. In 1676 he became court preacher at Altenburg, but in Dec. 1678 was appointed diaconus of the St. Mary Magdalene Church at Breslau, and pastor there in 1689. Finally, in Feb. 1697 he became pastor of St. Elizabeth's at Breslau, inspector of the churches and schools of the district, and first professor of theology in the two Gymnasia at Breslau. He died at Breslau, Jan. 27, 1715 (S. J. Ehrhardt's Presbyterologie Schlesiens i. 211; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie xxiii. 532, &c). Neumann was a celebrated preacher, and edited a well-known prayer-book, entitled Kern alter Gebete (Breslau, 1680; complete ed. Breslau, 1697) which passed through many editions. He wrote over thirty hymns, simple, heartfelt and useful, which became very popular in Silesia, and almost all of which passed into Burg's Gesang-Buch, Breslau, 1746, and later editions. They mostly appeared, with his initials, in the 9th ed., N.D., but about 1700, of the Breslau Vollständige Kirchen-und Haus-Music. Those which have been translated are:— i. Adam hat im Paradies. Christmas. 1700, as above, p. 71, in 8 stanzas. In the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 23. Translated as "Adam did, in Paradise." By Miss Manington, 1864, p. 21. ii. Grosser Gott, von alten Zeiten. Sunday Morning. 1700, p. 886, in 6 stanzas of 6 1ines as "for Sundays and Festivals." Thence in many Silesian hymnbooks, and in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 481. The translations in common use are:-— 1. God of Ages never ending, Ruling. A good translation, omitting stanza iii., by H. J. Buckoll in his Hymns from the German, 1842, p. 5. His translations of stanzas i., ii., vi. were repeated in the Dalston Hospital Hymn Book, 1848; the Rugby School Hymn Book, 1850 and 1876, and others. 2. Great God of Ages! by whose power. A translation of stanzas i., ii., vi. as No. 10 in J. F. Thrupp's Psalms & Hymns, 1853. 3. God of Ages never ending! All creation. A good translation of stanzas i., ii., vi., based on Buckoll, con¬tributed by A. T. Russell to P. Maurice's Choral Hymn Book, 1861, No. 466. 4. God of Ages, great and mighty. A translation of stanzas i., ii., v., vi. by C. H. L. Schnette, as No. 291 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal 1880. iii. Herr! auf Erden muss ich leiden. Ascension. 1700 as above, p. 1098, in 6 stanzas of 8 lines, and in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 159. The translation in common use is:— (1) Lord, on earth I dwell sad-hearted. A good translation, omitting stanzas iv., v., by Miss Winkworth, as No. 66 in her Chorale Book for England, 1863; repeated in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. Another translation is (2) "Lord, on earth I dwell in pain." By Miss Winkworth, 1855, p. 106. iv. Mein Gott, nun ist es wieder Morgen. Morning. 1700, as above, p. 871, in 6 stanzas, and in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder ed. 1863, No. 1119. Translated as "My God, again the morning breaketh." By Miss Manington, 1863, p. 118. v. Nun bricht die finstre Nacht herein. Sunday Evening. 1700 as above, p. 982, in 11 stanzas. In the Berlin Geistliche Liedered. 1863, No. 1177. Translated as "Soon night the world in gloom will steep." By Miss Manington, 1863, p. 152. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Ahasuer Fritsch

1629 - 1701 Person Name: Ahasverus Fritsch Topics: Himmelfahrt und himmlische herrlichkeit Christi Author of "Jesu, frommer Menschenherden" in Kirchenbuch für Evangelisch-Lutherische Gemeinden Born: De­cem­ber 16, 1629, Mücheln, Sax­o­ny. Died: Au­gust 24, 1701, Ru­dol­stadt, Ger­ma­ny. With help from the fam­ily of a young no­ble he tu­tored, Fritsch re­ceived a good ed­u­ca­tion, earn­ing his law de­gree from the Un­i­ver­si­ty of Jena in 1661. He lat­er be­came chan­cel­lor of the un­i­ver­si­ty and pres­i­dent of the Con­sis­to­ry of Ru­dol­stadt. He wrote on num­er­ous sub­jects, in­clud­ing an­ti­qui­ties, law, and re­li­gion, and col­lect­ed hymns. Hymns-- "Liebster Im­man­u­el, Herzog der Frommen" "Dearest Im­man­u­el, Prince of the Lowly" Music-- WAS FRAG' ICH NACH DER WELT

Johannes Zwick

1496 - 1542 Person Name: Johann Zwick Topics: Himmelfahrt und himmlische herrlichkeit Christi Author of "Auf diesen Tag bedenken wir" in Kirchenbuch für Evangelisch-Lutherische Gemeinden Zwick, Johann, son of Conrad Zwick, Rathsherr at Constanz, was born at Constanz, circa 1496. He studied law at the Universities of Basel, Freiburg, Paris, and Padua (where he graduated LL.D.), and was for some time a tutor in law at Freiburg and at Basel. In 1518 he entered the priesthood, and in 1522 was appointed parish priest of Riedlingen on the Upper Danube. Being accused of Lutheran tendencies, he was forbidden in 1523 to officiate, and in 1525 his living was formally taken from him. He returned to Constanz, and was appointed by the Council in 1527 as one of the town preachers. Here he laboured unweariedly, caring specially for the children, the poor, and the refugees, till 1542. In Aug. 1542, the people of Bischofszell, in Thurgau, having lost their pastor by the pestilence, besought Constanz to send them a preacher; and Zwick, proceeding there, preached and visited the sick till he himself fell a victim to the pestilence, and died there Oct. 23, 1542 (Koch, ii., 76; Herzog's Real-Encyklopädie, xvii. 578, &c). Zwick was one of the leaders of the Swiss Reformation. He ranks next to Blaurer as the most important of the early hymnwriters of the Reformed Church. His hymns are collected in Wackernagel, iii., Nos. 672-696. The best appeared in the Nüw gsangbüchle von vil schönen Psalmen und geistlichen liedern, published at Zurich, 1536 (2nd edition 1540 is the earliest now extant), of which he was the chief editor, and which was the first hymn-book of the Reformed Church. The only hymn by Zwick which has passed into English is:— Auf diesen Tag so denken wir. Ascension. This probably appeared in the Nüw gsangbüchle, Zürich, 1536; and is certainly in the 2nd ed. of 1540, from which it is quoted In Wackernagel, iii. p. 608, in 5 stanzas of 7 lines, with "Alleluia." It is also in (2) the Strassburg Psalmen und geystliche Lieder, 1537, f. 99b, and in (3) S. Salminger's (J. Aberlin's?) Der gantz Psalter, &c.(Zürich?), 1537, f. 146 [British Museum]. In each case it is entitled "Another hymn on the Ascension of Christ," while in 1540 the first line is given as "Uff disen tag so dencken wir," in 1537 (2) as "Uf disen tag so dencken wir," and in 1537 (3) as "Auff disen tag so dencke wir." It is the finest of Zwick's hymns, and its spirit of joyful faith, its conciseness, and its beauty of form, have kept it in use among the Lutherans as well as among the Reformed. It is No. 153 in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851. The translations are:— 1. Raise your devotion, mortal tongues. 2. To-day our Lord went up on high. By Miss Winkworth, omitting stanza iii., in her Lyra Germanica 2nd Ser., 1858, p. 46. Repeated in Schaff’s Christ in Song, 1869 and 1870, and the Schaff-Gilman Library of Religious Poetry, 1881. 3. Aloft to heaven, we songs of praise. This is a free translation, in 4 stanzas of 6 lines, by Dr. G. Walker, in his Hymns from German, 1860, p. 30. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Erasmus Alber

1500 - 1553 Person Name: Erasmus Alberus Topics: Himmelfahrt und himmlische herrlichkeit Christi Author of "Nun freut euch, Gottes Kinder all" in Kirchenbuch für Evangelisch-Lutherische Gemeinden Alber, Erasmus, son of Tileman Alber, afterwards pastor at Engelroth, was born at Sprendlingen c. 1500. After studying at Wittenberg under Luther and Melanchthon, he became, in 1525, schoolmaster at St. Ursel, near Frankfurt-am-Main, and in 1527 at Heldenbergen, in Hesse Darmstadt. In 1528 he was appointed by the Landgrave Philip of Hesse pastor at Sprendlingen and Götzenhain, where he devoted himself specially to the children of his charge. After 11 years' service he was appointed by the Elector Joachim of Brandenburg court preacher at Berlin, but proving too faithful for the court, was, in 1541, removed as chief pastor to Neu Brandenburg. In 1542 he became pastor at Stade, in Wetteravia, and while there received, in 1513, the degree of Doctor of Theology from the University of Wittenberg. He was then invited, in the beginning of 1545, by the Landgrave Philip IV. of Hanau Lichtenberg, to perfect the work of the Reformation in Babenhausen, but no sooner had he fairly entered upon it than, in the end of October, he received his dismissal. After a short stay at Sprendlingen and at Wittenberg, he became preacher at Magdeburg, where he strongly denounced the Interim (see Agricola). On the capitulation of Magdeburg, in 1551, after a 14 months' siege, he fled to Hamburg, and then went to Lübeck. Finally, in 1552, he was appointed by Duke Albrecht I. of Mecklenburg, General Superintendent of Mecklenburg, and preacher at St. Mary's Church in Neu Brandenburg. In addition to losing all his own and his wife's property by confiscation and necessary expenditure, he was there unable to obtain from the Town Council the payment of his stipend. On May 4, 1553, he applied for the payment of 60 florins to relieve his urgent necessities. The refusal broke his heart. He returned home to die, and fell asleep at 9 a.m. on May 5, 1553. One of the best writers for children in his day, and an ardent controversialist and martyr of freedom of speech, he has been by some ranked, as a hymn-writer, next to Luther, in the Reformation period. His hymns, 20 in all, were first collected by Dr. Stromberger, and published at Halle, 1857. Being mostly long, and ungainly in style, not many of them have kept a place in the hymn-books, though they have been justly styled "powerful and living witnesses of a steadfast faith and a manly trust in God's Word" (Koch, i. 301-306; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie i. 219-20; Dr. Stromberger's Preface; Bode, pp. 35-36—the last stating that his father was a school¬master at Sprendlingen.) Two have been translated into English. One of these, beginning "Christe, du bist der hello Tag," is a translation, and is noted under, "Christe qui lux es et dies." The only original hymn by Alber translated into English is:— 1. Nun freut euch Gottes Kinder all. [Ascension.] First published on a broadsheet, N.P. N.D., 1549, and thence in Wackernagel, iii. p. 881, in 29 stanzas of 4 lines. In a broadsheet at Nürnberg, c. 1555, it is entitled, "Of the Fruits of the Ascension of our Lord Christ and of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit," and begins—"Freut euch ihr Gottes Kinder all." This form is included in Dr. Stromberger's edition of Alber's Geistliche Lieder, 1857, p. 5. In the hymn-books it is generally abridged, and so the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, 339, gives 16 stanzas (i.-vi., ix.-xi., xiii., xviii., xxv.-xxix., of the first form). A translation:— 0 Children of your God rejoice, of stanzas i., ii., iv., xxvii.-xxix., by A. T. Russell, is given as No. 122, in his Psalms & Hymns 1851. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Josua Wegelin

1604 - 1640 Topics: Himmelfahrt und himmlische herrlichkeit Christi Author of "Auf Christi Himmelfahrt allein" in Kirchenbuch für Evangelisch-Lutherische Gemeinden Wegelin, Josua, D.D., son of Johann Wegelin, or Wegelein, then superintendent (Ephorus) of the Evangelical college at Augsburg, was born at Augsburg Jan. 11, 1604. After studying at the University of Tübingen (M.A. 1626), he was for a short time pastor at Budweiler, and was appointed in 1627 fourth diaconus of the Franciscan (Barfüsser) church at Augsburg. In 1629, along with 13 other Evangelical pastors, he was compelled to leave Augsburg by the decree of Restitution enacted by the Emperor Ferdinand III. After Gustavus Adolphus had become master of the city, in 1632, Wegelin was recalled to the Barfüsser Kirche as archidiaconus. In 1633 he was appointed preacher at the Hospital Church of the Holy Ghost, but in 1635, as a result of the battle of Nordlingen (Sept., 1634), he was again forced to flee from Augsburg. He found refuge at Pressburg, in Hungary, where he became pastor, and afterwards Senior, Inspector, and Doctor of Theology. He died at Pressburg, Sept. 14, 1640 (Koch, iii. 169; Goedeke's Grundriss, vol. iii. 1887, p 161, &c). Wegelin's hymns are simple and natural, and are the productions of an earnest, true-hearted and good pastor rather than of a skilful poet. Goedeke, as above, gives lists of their first lines from his (1) Augspurger Bet Büchlein, Nürnberg, 1636, and from his (2) Hand-Land-un Stand-Büchlein, Nürnberg, 1637 [Gottingen Library]. Some 20 of his hymns were included in J. M. Dilherr's Gesang-Buch, Nürnberg, 1654, and other collections of the 17th century. The only hymn by Wegelin which has passed into English is:— Allein auf Christi Himmelfahrt. Ascension. This is his most popular hymn. First published 1636 in 3 stanzas of 7 lines entitled, "iv. Short Psalm of Praise on the Ascension of Christ; " repeated in Dilherr's Gesang-Buch, 1654, p. 394. In the Lüneburg Gesang-Buch, 1661, No. 112, it is recast and begins, "Auf Christi Himmel-Fart allein.” Translated as:— 1. Raise your Devotion, mortal Tongues. By J. C. Jacobi, in his Psalt. Germanica, 1722, p. 24; repeated, altered, in his 2nd ed., 1732, p. 41. 2. Since Christ is gone to heaven, His home. This is a good translation from the second form, by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd ser., 1858, p. 47; and in Schaff s Christ in Song, 1869, p. 314. In her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 64, it is altered in metre. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Justus Gesenius

1601 - 1673 Topics: Himmelfahrt und himmlische herrlichkeit Christi Alterer of "Auf Christi Himmelfahrt allein" in Kirchenbuch für Evangelisch-Lutherische Gemeinden Gesenius, Justus, D.D., son of Joachim Gesenius, pastor at Esbeck, near Lauenstein, Hannover; was born at Esbeck, July 6, 1601. He studied at the Universities of Helmstedt and Jena, graduating M.A at Jena in 1628. In 1629 he became pastor of St. Magnus's Church, Brunswick; in 1636 court chaplain and preacher at the Cathedral in Hildesheim; and in 1642 chief court preacher, consistorialrath, and general superintendent at Hannover. He died at Hannover, Sept. 18, 1673 (Koch, iii 230-237; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, ix. 87-88; Bode, p. 76, &c). Gesenius was an accomplished and influential theologian, a famous preacher, and distinguished himself by his efforts to further the catechetical instruction of the children of his district. Along with D. Denicke (q.v.) he edited the Hannoverian hymnbooks of 1646-1660. Both he and Denicke aimed at reducing the older German hymns to correctness of style according to the poetical canons of Martin Opitz; not so much interfering with the theology or making the authors speak a terminology foreign to them. Consequently their recasts, while setting a bad example, and while often destroying much of the force and freshness of the originals, were not by any means so objectionable as the recasts of the Rationalistic period, and moreover were soon widely accepted. As no authors' names are given in the Hannoverian hymnbooks, it is difficult to assign the authorship of the new hymns and recasts therein contained. The following is generally, and apparently with reason, ascribed to Gesenius: Wenn meine Sünd' mich kränken. Passiontide. His finest hymn as regards depth, warmth, and finish. First published in the Hannover Gesang-Buch 1646, No. 49, in 8 stanzas of 7 lines. It has been called a recast of the hymn "Hilf Gott, dass mir gelinge," but bears not the slightest resemblance to it. Included in Crüger's Praxis, 1656, and many later collections, as the Berlin Geistliche Lieder S., ed. 1863, No. 277. By a not unjust retribution it was soon recast, and appeared in the Lüneburg Gesang-Buch, 1661, as "Wenn mich die Sunden kränken." Translated as:— 1. When guilt and shame are raising. In full, by J. C. Jacobi, in pt. ii., 1725, of his Psalter Germanica, p. 4 (1732, p. 34). In the Moravian HymnBook of 1789, No. 106, it is altered to “O Lord, when condemnation"; and in the edition 1886, it begins with st. v., "Lord, let Thy bitter passion." A cento of stanzas ii., iii., v., from the Moravian Hymn Book, 1801, was adopted by Montgomery in his Christian Psalmist, 1825, beginning, "O wonder far exceeding," and this is in the New Zealand Hymnal. 1872. 2. 0 Lord, when my sins grieve me. A good translation of stanzas i., ii., iv., v., by A. T. Russell, as No. 81 in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. 3. When sorrow and remorse. In full, by Miss Winkworth in her Lyra Germanica, 1st Ser., 1855, p. 74. A cento consisting of lines 1-4 of stanzas i., iv.—vi., and of stanza vii., rewritten to S.M., is in the Pennsylvanian Lutheran Church Book, 1868. 4. 0 Lord, when condemnation. A full and good translation, included as No. 84 in the 1857 ed. of Mercer's The Church Psalter and Hymnbook. Probably by Mr. Mercer, but mainly taken from the Moravian Hymnbook, 1789, and from Miss Winkworth. Repeated, abridged, in his Oxford ed., 1864, No. 149, and in the Toronto HymnBook, 1862. 5. When o'er my sins I sorrow. A good translation, based on her 1855 version, and omitting stanzas ii.—iv., by Miss Winkworth, as No. 48 in her Chorale Book for England, 1863. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Johann Samuel Diterich

1721 - 1797 Person Name: J. S. Diterich, 1721-1797 Topics: Himmelfahrt und himmlische herrlichkeit Christi Author of "Auf, christen, auf, und freuet euch!" in Deutsches Gesangbuch für die Evangelisch-Luterische Kirche in den Vereinigten Staaten Diterich, Johann Samuel, eldest son of A. M. Diterich, pastor of St. Mary's Church, Berlin, was born at Berlin, Dec. 15, 1721. After studying at the Universities of Frankfurt a. Oder, and Halle, he was for some time a private tutor in Berlin. He was, in 1748, appointed diaconus of St. Mary's Church in Berlin, and regimental chaplain, becoming, in 1751, archidiaconus, and, in 1754, pastor of St. Mary's. In 1763 he was appointed private Chaplain to the Queen, and in 1770 a member of the Supreme Consistory. He died at Berlin, Jan. 14, 1797 (Koch, vi. 228-231; Allg. Deutsche Biog., v. 258-259). His hymns appeared in the following works:— (1) Lieder für den offentlichen Gottesdienst Berlin, 1765, with 23G hymns, edited by himself and his col¬leagues in Stanzas Mary's Church. Designed as a supplement to Porst's Gesang-Buch of 1713. (2) Gesangbuch zum (foltesdienstlichen Gebrauch in den Königlich-Preus-sischen Landen, Berlin, 1780, with 447 hymns principally edited by himself. (3) Gesangbuch für die häusliche Andacht. Berlin, 1787, with 421 hymns, principally of recent date. None of these books give names of authors. Diterich seems to have contributed about 100 hymns either original or entirely recast, besides rewriting portions of many others. He distinguished himself as a leader in the unhappy process of “modernising" and "improving" the older German hymns, by which they were reduced to 18th cent. "correctness," and had all the life polished out of them. His 1765 collection formed the model of many wretched hymn-books, and his influence is even seen in such recent collections as the Hamburg Gesang-Buch 1842, the Nassau Gesang-Buch, 1844, and the Gesang-Buch für die evang. Landeskirche im Grossherzogtum Sachsen, Weimar, 1883. A number of the recasts from the older hymns which appear under Diterich's name are noted in this Dictionary under the names of their original authors. The following may be regarded as practically original:— i. Schon ist der Tag von Gott bestimmt. [Second Advent.] 1765, as above, No. 129, in 8 stanzas of 7 lines. Included as No. 390 in the Nassau Gesang-Buch, 1844. The only translation in common use is:— The trumpet sounds! the day is come! A full and good translation in Dr. H. Mills's Horae Germanica, 1845 (ed. 1856, p. 332). Dr. Hatfield included stanzas i., iv., vi., vii., altered, in his Church Hymn Book, 1872. The following, although not in English common use, are available for hymnological purposes :— ii. Auf Erden Wahrheit auszubreiten. Christ's Ministry. 1787, as above, No. 79, in 10 stanzas. Translated by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (ed. 1856, p. 283), as "That men to truth might not be strangers." iii. Auf! Jesu Jünger! freuet euch! Ascension. 1765, as above, No. 79, in 12 stanzas, and is based on E. Alber's hymn "Nun freut euch Gottes Kinder all" (q. v.). Two forms have been translated (1) “Auf, Christen, auf und freuet euch," in the Berlin Gesang-Buch, 1780, No. 114; tr. as "Rejoice, ye saints, your fears be gone," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (ed. 1856, p. 324); and (2) "Ihr Jünger Jesu, freuet euch," in the Trier Gesang-Buch. (R. C), 1846, p. 94. Tr. as "Rejoice, ye saints, in glad accord," by Dr. R. F. Littledale, in Lyra Messianica, 1864, p. 371. iv. Herr, meiner Seele grossen Werth. Greatness of the Soul. 1765, as above, No. 195, in 9 stanzas. Translated by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (ed. 1856, p. 30), as “Lord, on the soul's enduring worth." v. Mein Heiland lebt. Er hat die Macht. Resurrection of the Dead. 1765, as above, No. 123, in 8 stanzas. Translated by Miss Manington, 1863,p. 75, "My Saviour lives, and He the might." vi. O Jesu, wahrer Frömmigkeit. Jesus our Example. Seems to have been suggested by J. J. Rambach's "Du wesentliches Ebenbild " in his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 84. First published 1789, as above, No. 59, in 8 stanzas. Translated by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (ed. 1856, p. 285), as "Jesus, of what we should approve." [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Cyriacus Günther

1650 - 1704 Person Name: Chr. Günther, 1650-1704 Topics: Himmelfahrt und himmlische herrlichkeit Christi Author of "Halt im gedächtniß Jesum Christ" in Deutsches Gesangbuch für die Evangelisch-Luterische Kirche in den Vereinigten Staaten Günther, Cyriacus, was born Jan. 15, 1649, at Goldbach, near Gotha. After study¬ing at the Gymnasium of Gotha, and the University of Jena, he became First-form master at Eisfeld, Sachse-Meiningen; and then Third-form master in the Gymnasium at Gotha. He died at Gotha in the beginning of Oct. 1704 (Koch, iv. 263-9; Bode, p. 81). His son, who was clerk of St. George's Church at Glaucha, possessed a manuscript collection of some 30 hymns by his father; and from this he allowed Freylinghausen to select 10 for his Neues geistreiches Gesang-Buch, 1714. These are above the average in merit, and Scriptural and good in style. Two have passed into English:— i. Bringt her dem Herren Lob und Ehr. Praise and Thanksgiving. 1714, No. 556, in 7 stanzas of 7 lines, repeated as No. 993 in the Berlin Geistlicher Lieder-Schatz, ed. 1863. The only translation in common use is:— With joyful heart your praises bring, a good translation of stanzaas i., iv.-vi., by A. T. Russell, as No. 202 in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. ii. Halt im Gedächtniss Jesum Christ. Love to Christ. Founded on 2 Tim. iii. 8. 1714, No. 765, in 6 stanzas of 7 lines, repeated as No. 297 in the Berlin Geistlicher Lieder-Schatz, ed. 1863. On thankful remembrance of Christ's Incarnation (i.); Death (ii.); Resurrection (iii.); Ascension (iv.); Promised Second Advent (v.); ending with a prayer for faith (vi.). The only translation in common use is:— 0 keep before thy thankful eyes. A good and full tr. by A. T. Russell, as No. 182 in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. Other trs. are: (i) "Remember Jesus, God's dear Son," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 125). (2) "Bear Jesus Christ the Lord in mind," by Miss Cox, in Lyra Eucharistica, 1863, p. 215 (1804, p. 259), and in her Hymns from German, 1864, p. ill. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology

Emanuel Christian Gottlob Langbecker

1792 - 1843 Person Name: E. C. Langbecker Topics: Himmelfahrt und himmlische herrlichkeit Christi Author of "Sammle, gemeinde des Herrn" in Deutsches Gesangbuch für die Evangelisch-Luterische Kirche in den Vereinigten Staaten Langbecker, Emanuel Christian Gottlieb, son of Christian Gottlieb Langbecker, clothier in his father's business, he entered the service of Prince Waldemar of Prussia in 1827, becoming his household secretary in 1840. He died at Berlin, Oct. 24, 1843 (Koch, vii. 39-42; Registers of St. George's Church, Berlin, &c). His hymns appeared in the Berlin Wochenblatt, 1822, &c.; in his Gedichte, Berlin, 1824, 2nd Series, 1829; and in the Berlin G. L. S., of which he was the principal editor, and for which he compiled the biographical notices in the 1st edition, 1832. He also published various hymnological works, including his historical sketch Das deutsch - evangelische Kirchenlied, Berlin, 1830; the first critical edition of P. Gerhardt's Leben und Lieder, Berlin, 1841; Gesang-Blätter aus dem xvi. Jahrhundert, Berlin, 1838, &c. One of his hymns is in English common use:— Wie wird mir sein, wann ich dich, Jesus, sehe. Longing for Heaven. Founded on 1 John iii. 2. In his Gedichte, Zweite Sammlung, Berlin, 1829, p. 65, in 5 stanzas of 6 lines, entitled, "In prospect of Eternity." It was a favourite hymn of C. H. Zeller (q.v.) Included in the Berlin Geistliche L. S., 1832, No. 1922 (1863, No. 722). The translation is:— What shall I be! my Lord, when I behold thee. A full and good translation by Mrs. Findlater, in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 2nd Ser., 1855, p. 56 (1884, p. 114). Repeated, in full, in Bp. Kyle's Collection, 1860; and, omitting stanza iv., in the Methodist New Congregational Hymn Book, 1863. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

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