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Hail, Thou once despised Jesus!

Meter: 8.7 Appears in 625 hymnals Topics: TheChurch Year The Passion; TheChurch Year Palm Sunday; TheChurch Year Ascension Lyrics: 1 Hail, Thou once despised Jesus! Hail, Thou Galilean King! Thou didst suffer to release us, Thou didst free salvation bring. Hail, Thou agonizing Saviour, Bearer of our sin and shame! By Thy merit we find favor; Life is given through Thy name. 2 Paschal Lamb, by God appointed, All our-sins on Thee were laid; By almighty love anointed, Thou hast full atonement made. All Thy people are forgiven Through the virtue of Thy blood: Opened is the gate of heaven, Peace is made 'twixt man and God. 3 Jesus, hail! enthroned in glory, There forever to abide; All the heavenly host adore Thee, Seated at Thy Father's side. There for sinners Thou art pleading, There Thou dost our place prepare, Ever for us interceding, Till in glory we appear. 4 Worship, honor, power, and blessing, Thou art worthy to receive; Highest praises, without ceasing, Right it is for us to give. Help, ye bright angelic spirits, All your sweetest, noblest lays, Help to sing our Saviour's merits, Help to chant Immanuel's praise. Used With Tune: MIGHTY LORD, VICTORIOUS SAVIOUR!
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Jesus lives, thy terrors now

Meter: Appears in 279 hymnals Topics: TheChurch Year Easter; TheChurch Year Ascension Lyrics: 1 Jesus lives! thy terrors now Can no longer, Death, appall me; Jesus lives! by this I know, From the grave He will recall me. Brighter scenes will then commence: This shall be my confidence. 2 Jesus lives! to Him the throne High o'er heaven and earth is given: I shall go where He is gone, Live and reign with Him in heaven. God is pledged: weak doubtings, hence! This shall be my confidence. 3 Jesus lives! for me He died: Hence will I, to Jesus living, Pure in heart and act abide, Praise to Him and glory giving. Freely God doth aid dispense; This shall be my confidence. 4 Jesus lives! I know full well, Naught from me His Love shall sever; Life, nor death, nor powers of hell, Part me now from Christ forever. God will be a sure defence: This shall be my confidence. 5 Jesus lives! henceforth is death But the gate of Life immortal; This shall calm my trembling breath, When I pass its gloomy portal. Faith shall cry, as fails each sense, "Lord, Thou art my confidence." Used With Tune: JESUS CHRIST, MY SURE DEFENCE
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All glory be to God on high

Meter: Appears in 104 hymnals Topics: TheChurch Year Trinity Lyrics: 1 All glory be to God on high, Who hath our race befriended! To us no harm shall now come nigh, The strife at last is ended; God showeth His good will to men, And peace shall reign on earth again: Oh, thank Him for His goodness! 2 We praise, we worship Thee, we trust, And give Thee thanks for ever, O Father, that Thy rule is just And wise, and changes never; Thy boundless power o'er all things reigns, Thou dost whate'er Thy will ordains; Well for us that Thou rulest! 3 O Jesus Christ, our God and Lord. Son of the heavenly Father, O Thou who hast our peace restored, And thy lost sheep dost gather, Thou Lamb of God, to Thee on high Out of the depths we sinners cry, Have mercy on us, Jesus! 4 O Holy Ghost, Thou precious Gift, Thou Comforter unfailing, O'er Satan's snares our souls uplift, And let Thy power availing Avert our woes and calm our dread: For us the Saviour's blood was shed: We trust in Thee to save us. Used With Tune: ALL GLORY BE TO GOD ON HIGH
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When in the hour of utmost need

Meter: Appears in 64 hymnals Topics: TheChurch Year Day of Humiliation and Prayer Lyrics: 1 When in the hour of utmost need We know not where to look for aid; When days and nights of anxious thought Nor help nor counsel yet have brought: 2 Then this our comfort is alone, That we may meet before Thy throne, And cry, O faithful God, to Thee For rescue from our misery; 3 To Thee may raise our hearts and eyes, Repenting sore with bitter sighs, And seek Thy pardon for our sin, And respite from our griefs within. 4 For Thou hast promised graciously To hear all those who cry to Thee, Through Him whose name alone is great, Our Saviour and our Advocate. 5 And thus we come, O God, to-day, And all our woes before Thee lay; For tried, afflicted, lo! we stand, Peril and foes on every hand. 6 Ah, hide not for our sins Thy face; Absolve us through Thy boundless grace; Be with us in our anguish still, Free us at last from every ill; 7 That so with all our hearts we may Once more our glad thanksgivings pay, And walk obedient to Thy Word, And now and ever praise Thee, Lord. Used With Tune: WHEN IN THE HOUR OF UTMOST NEED
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Great God! we sing that mighty hand

Meter: Appears in 491 hymnals Topics: TheChurch Year New Year Lyrics: 1 Great God! we sing that mighty hand By which supported still we stand; The op'ning year Thy mercy shows-- Let mercy crowns it to its close. 2 By day, by night, at home, abroad, Still we are guarded by our God; By His incessant bounty fed, By His unerring counsel led. 3 With grateful hearts the past we own; The future, all to us unknown, We to Thy guardian care commit, And, peaceful, leave before Thy feet. 4 In scenes exalted or depressed, Be Thou our joy, and Thou our rest; Thy goodness all our hopes shall raise, Adored through all our changing days. 5 When death shall interrupt our songs, And seal in silence mortal tongues, Our helper, God, in whom we trust, In better worlds our soul shall boast. Used With Tune: WHEN IN THE HOUR OF UTMOST NEED
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Come Holy Spirit, God and Lord!

Meter: Appears in 70 hymnals Topics: TheChurch Year Whitsuntide Lyrics: 1 Come, Holy Spirit, God and Lord! Be all Thy graces now outpoured On the believer's mind and soul, To strengthen, save, and make us whole. 2 Lord, by the brightness of Thy light, Thou in the faith dost men unite Of every land and every tongue: This to Thy praise, O Lord, be sung. 3 Thou Strong Defence, Thou holy Light, Teach us to know our God aright, And call Him Father from the heart: The Word of life and truth impart, 4 That we may not love doctrines strange, Nor e'er to other teachers range, But Jesus for our Master own, And put our trust in Him alone. 5 Thou Sacred Ardor, Comfort sweet, Help us to wait with ready feet And willing heart at Thy command, Nor trial fright us from Thy band. 6 Lord, may Thy power prepare each heart, To our weak nature strength impart, That as good warriors we may force, Thro' life and death, to Thee our course! Used With Tune: COME GOD, CREATOR, HOLY GHOST
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Emmanuel, we sing Thy praise

Meter: Appears in 34 hymnals Topics: TheChurch Year Christmas Lyrics: 1 Emmanuel, we sing Thy praise, Thou Prince of life! Thou Fount of grace! With all Thy saints, Thee, Lord, we sing; Praise, honor, thanks, to Thee we bring. 2 E’er since the world began to be, How many a heart hath longed for Thee! And Thou, O long expected Guest, Hast come at last to make us blest! 3 Now art Thou here: we know Thee now; In lowly manger liest Thou: A child, yet makest all things great; Poor, yet the earth Thy robe of state. 4 Now fearless I can look on Thee: From sin and grief Thou set'st me free: Thou bearest wrath, Thou conquerest death, Fear turns to joy Thy glance beneath. 5 Thou art my Head, my Lord divine: I am Thy member, wholly Thine; And in Thy Spirit’s strength would still Serve Thee according to Thy will. 6 Thus will I sing Thy praises here, With joyful spirit year by year: And they shall sound before Thy throne, Where time nor number more is known. Used With Tune: THE OLD HUNDREDTH
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Jesus! Name of wondrous love

Appears in 166 hymnals Topics: TheChurch Year New Year Lyrics: 1 Jesus! Name of wondrous love, Name all other names above! Unto which must every knee Bow in deep humility. 2 Jesus! Name decreed of old, To the maiden mother told, Kneeling in her lowly cell, By the angel Gabriel. 3 Jesus! Name of priceless worth To the fallen sons of earth, For the promise that it gave, "Jesus shall His people save." 4 Jesus! Name of mercy mild, Given to the holy Child, When the cup of human woe First He tasted here below. 5 Jesus! only Name that's given Under all the mighty heaven, Whereby man, to sin enslaved, Bursts his fetters, and is saved. 6 Jesus! Name of wondrous love! Human Name of God above! Pleading only this, we flee, Helpless, 0 our God, to Thee. Used With Tune: VIENNA
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For Thy mercy and Thy grace

Appears in 219 hymnals Topics: TheChurch Year New Year Lyrics: 1 For Thy mercy and Thy grace, Constant through another year, Hear our song of thankfulness, Jesus and Redeemer, hear. 2 In our weakness and distress, Rock of strength, be Thou our stay; In the pathless wilderness, Be our true and living way. 3 Who of us death's awful road In the coming year shall tread, With Thy rod and staff, O God, Comfort Thou his dying bed. 4 Keep us faithful, keep us pure, Keep us evermore Thine own; Help, O help us to endure; Fit us for the promised crown. Used With Tune: VIENNA
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Come, Thou almighty King

Meter: Appears in 1,798 hymnals Topics: TheChurch Year Trinity Lyrics: 1 Come, Thou almighty King, Help us Thy name to sing, Help us to praise! Father all glorious, O'er all victorious, Come and reign over us, Ancient of days. 2 Jesus, our Lord, descend; From all our foes defend, Nor let us fall; Let Thine almighty aid Our sure defence be made; Our souls on Thee be stayed; Lord, hear our call! 3 Come, Thou incarnate Word, Gird on Thy mighty sword, Our prayer attend. Come, and Thy people bless, And give Thy Word success; Spirit of holiness, On us descend. 4 Come, Holy Comforter, Thy sacred witness bear In this glad hour; Thou who almighty art, Now rule in every heart, And ne'er from us depart, Spirit of power! 5 To the great One in Three Eternal praises be, Hence evermore! His sovereign majesty May we in glory see, And to eternity Love and adore. Used With Tune: ITALIAN HYMN
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The strife is o'er, the battle done!

Meter: Appears in 500 hymnals Topics: TheChurch Year Easter Lyrics: 1 The strife is o'er, the battle done! The victory of life is won; The song of triumph has begun, Hallelujah! 2 The powers of death have done their worst, But Christ their legions hath dispersed; Let shouts of holy joy outburst, Hallelujah! 3 The three sad days are quickly sped; He rises glorious from the dead: All glory to our risen Head! Hallelujah! 4 He closed the yawning gates of hell; The bars from heaven's high portals fell; Let hymns of praise His triumphs tell; Hallelujah! 5 Lord! by the stripes which wounded Thee, From death's dread sting Thy servants free, That we may live, and sing to Thee, Hallelujah! Used With Tune: ALL PRAISE TO GOD ENTHRONED ON HIGH
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Rejoice, rejoice, ye Christians

Meter: 7.6 Appears in 29 hymnals Topics: TheChurch Year Christmas Lyrics: 1 Rejoice, rejoice, ye Christians, With all your hearts, this morn! O hear the blessed tidings, "The Lord, the Christ, is born!" Now brought us by the angels That stand about God's throne: O lovely are the voices That make such tidings known! 2 O hearken to their singing! This Child shall be your friend; The Father so hath willed it, That thus your woes should end. The Son is freely given, That in Him ye may have The Father's grace and blessing, And know He loves to save. 3 Nor deem the form too lowly That clothes Him at this hour; For know ye what it hideth? 'Tis God's almighty power! Though now within the manger So poor and weak He lies, He is the Lord of all things, He reigns above the skies. 4 Sin, death, and hell, and Satan Have lost the victory; This Child shall overthrow them, As ye shall surely see. Their wrath shall nought avail them; Fear not, their reign is o'er; This Child shall overthrow them,-- O hear, and doubt no more. Used With Tune: PRAISE
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Glory to the Father give

Meter: Appears in 204 hymnals Topics: TheChurch Year Trinity Lyrics: 1 Glory to the Father give, God in whom we move and live: Children's prayers He deigns to hear; Children's songs delight His ear. 2 Glory to the Son we bring, Christ, our Prophet, Priest, and King: Children, raise your sweetest strain To the Lamb, for He was slain. 3 Glory to the Holy Ghost, Who reclaims the sinner lost: Children's minds may He inspire, Touch their tongues with holy fire. 4 Glory in the highest be To the blessed Trinity, For the gospel from above, For the word that "God is love. Used With Tune: LET THE EARTH NOW PRAISE THE LORD
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Hail the day that sees Him rise

Appears in 553 hymnals Topics: TheChurch Year Ascension Lyrics: 1 Hail the day that sees Him rise To His throne above the skies! Christ, the Lamb for sinners given, Re-ascends His native heaven. 2 There the glorious triumph waits; Lift your heads, eternal gates; He hath conquered death and sin; Take the King of glory in! 3 Him through highest heaven receives, Still He loves the earth He leaves; Though returning to His throne, Still He calls mankind His own. 4 See, He lifts His hands above! See, He shows the prints of love! Hark, His gracious lips bestow Blessings on His church below! 5 Still for us His death He pleads, Prevalent, He intercedes, Near Himself prepares our place, Harbinger of human race. 6 There we shall with Thee remain, Partners of Thy endless reign, There Thy face unclouded see, Find our heaven of heavens in Thee. Used With Tune: MONKLAND
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From highest heaven to earth I come

Meter: Appears in 146 hymnals Topics: TheChurch Year Christmas Lyrics: 1 From highest heaven to earth I come To bear good news to every home; Glad tidings of great joy I bring, Whereof I now will say and sing: 2 To you this night is born a Child Of Mary, chosen virgin mild; This little child of lowly birth Shall be the joy of all the earth. 3 'Tis Christ, our God and Lord, is born, To comfort those who weep and mourn; He will Himself your Saviour be, From all your sins will set you free. 4 To you the blessedness He bears, Which God the Father's love prepares, That, in His heavenly kingdom blest, You may with us forever rest. 5 These are the tokens ye shall mark: The swaddling clothes and manger dark; There shall ye find the infant laid, By whom the heavens and earth were made. 6 Then let us all with gladsome cheer The shepherds follow, and draw near To see the wondrous gift of God, Who hath His only Son bestowed. 7 Give heed, my heart, lift up thine eyes! Who is it in yon manger lies? Who is this child so young and fair? Dear little Jesus lieth there. 8 All hail, Thou noble Guest, this morn, Whose love did not the sinner scorn! In my distress Thou comest to me; What thanks shall I return to Thee? 9 Ah Lord, who hast created all, How hast Thou made Thee weak and small, That Thou must choose Thy infant bed Where ass and ox but lately fed! 10 Were earth a thousand times as fair, Beset with gold and jewels rare, She yet were far too poor to be A narrow cradle, Lord, for Thee. 11 For velvets soft and silken stuff Thou hast but hay and straw so rough, Whereon Thou, King, so rich and great, As 'twere Thy heaven, art throned in state. 12 And thus, dear Lord, it pleaseth Thee To make this truth quite plain to me, That all the world's wealth, honor, might, Are naught and worthless in Thy sight. 13 O dearest Jesus, holy Child, Make Thee a bed, soft, undefiled, Within my heart, that it may be A quiet chamber kept for Thee. 14 My heart for very joy doth leap, My lips no more can silence keep; I too must raise with joyful tongue That sweetest ancient cradle-song: 15 Praise God upon His heavenly throne, Who gave to us His only Son! For this His hosts, on joyful wing, A blest New Year of mercy sing. Used With Tune: FROM HIGHEST HEAVEN
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Christ the Lord is risen again

Meter: Appears in 258 hymnals Topics: TheChurch Year Easter Lyrics: 1 Christ the Lord is risen again; Christ hath broken death's strong chain; Hark, angelic voices cry, Singing evermore on high, Hallelujah! 2 He who gave for us His life, Who for us endured the strife, Is our Paschal Lamb to-day; We, too, sing for joy and say, Hallelujah! 3 He who bore all pain and loss Comfortless upon the cross, Lives in glory now on high, Pleads for us and hears our cry. Hallelujah! 4 He who slumbered in the grave, Is exalted now to save; Now through Christendom it rings That the Lamb is King of kings. Hallelujah! 5 Thou our Paschal Lamb indeed, Christ, Thy ransomed people feed: Take our sins and guilt away, That we all may sing for aye, Hallelujah! Used With Tune: CHRIST THE LORD IS RISEN AGAIN
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Christ the Lord is risen to-day

Appears in 1,184 hymnals Topics: TheChurch Year Easter Lyrics: 1 Christ the Lord is risen to-day, Sons of men and angels say; Raise your joys and triumphs high, Sing, ye heavens, and earth reply. 2 Love's redeeming work is done, Fought the fight, the battle won; Lo! our Sun's eclipse is o'er; Lo! He sets in blood no more. 3 Vain the stone, the watch, the seal; Christ has burst the gates of hell! Death in vain forbids His rise; Christ has opened paradise. 4 Lives again our glorious King; Where, O Death, is now thy sting? Dying once, He all doth save; Where thy victory, O Grave? 5 Soar we now where Christ has led, Following our exalted Head; Made like Him, like Him we rise; Ours the cross, the grave, and skies. 6 Hail the Lord of earth and heaven! Praise to Thee by both be given; Thee we greet triumphant now; Hail, the Resurrection Thou! Used With Tune: CHRIST IS RISEN
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As each happy Christmas

Meter: Appears in 38 hymnals Topics: TheChurch Year Christmas Lyrics: 1 As each happy Christmas Dawns on earth again, Comes the holy Christ-child To the hearts of men; 2 Enters with His blessing Into every home, Guides and guards our footsteps As we go and come. 3 All unknown, beside me He will ever stand, And will safely lead me With His own right hand. Used With Tune: HOLY SPIRIT, HEAR US
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Lord of our life, and God of our salvation

Meter: Appears in 220 hymnals Topics: TheChurch Year Festival of the Reformation Lyrics: 1 Lord of our life, and God of our salvation, Star of our night, and Hope of every nation, Hear and receive Thy Church's supplication, Lord God Almighty. 2 Lord, Thou canst help when earthly armor faileth, Lord, Thou canst save when deadly sin assaileth, Lord, o'er Thy Rock nor death nor hell prevaileth: Grant us Thy peace, Lord: 3 Peace in the land--from foeman's sword deliver, Peace in the church--let brethren naught dissever; Peace in the heart and conscience now and ever Grant us, O Saviour! 4 Grant us Thy help till Thy foes back are driven, Grant them Thy truth, that they may be forgiven, Grant peace on earth, and after we have striven, Peace in Thy heaven. Used With Tune: LORD OF OUR LIFE
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Let the earth now praise the Lord

Appears in 38 hymnals Topics: TheChurch Year Advent; TheChurch Year Christmas Lyrics: 1 Let the earth now praise the Lord, Who hath truly kept His word, And the sinner's Help and Friend Now at last to us doth send. 2 What the fathers most desired, What the prophets' heart inspired, What they longed for many a year, Stands fulfilled in glory here. 3 Abram's promised great reward, Zion's Helper, Jacob's Lord, Him of twofold race behold, Truly come, as long foretold. 4 Welcome, O my Saviour, now! Hail! my portion, Lord, art Thou! Here, too, in my heart, I pray, Oh, prepare Thyself a way! 5 And when Thou dost come again, As a glorious king to reign, I with joy may see Thy face, Freely ransomed by Thy grace. Used With Tune: LET THE EARTH NOW PRAISE THE LORD


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