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예 수 여 나 의 손 꼭 잡 구 가 소 서 (Precious Lord, Take My Hand)

Author: Thomas A. Dorsey Meter: Irregular Appears in 114 hymnals Topics: Affliction and Comfort First Line: 예 수 여 나 의 손 (Precious Lord, take my hand) Refrain First Line: 본 향 에 날 인 도 하 수 서 (take my hand, precious Lord, lead me home) Used With Tune: PRECIOUS LORD Text Sources: Korean trans. The United Methodist Korean Hymnal Committee
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Leaning on the everlasting arms

Author: Rev. E. A. Hoffman Appears in 619 hymnals Topics: Affliction First Line: What a fellowship, what a joy divine Refrain First Line: Leaning, leaning, safe and secure Used With Tune: [What a fellowship, what a joy divine]
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How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord

Author: George Keith Appears in 2,154 hymnals Topics: Affliction Used With Tune: [How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord]
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Jesus Paid It All

Author: Elvina M. Hall Meter: with refrain Appears in 818 hymnals Topics: Affliction and Tribulation; Affliction and Tribulation First Line: I hear the Savior say Lyrics: 1 I hear the Savior say, "Thy strength indeed is small. Child of weakness, watch and pray, find in me thine all in all." Refrain: Jesus paid it all, all to him I owe; sin had left a crimson stain, he washed it white as snow. 2 Lord, now indeed I find thy power, and thine alone Can change the leper's spots and melt the heart of stone. [Refrain] 3 For nothing good have I whereby thy grace to claim; I'll wash my garments clean in the blood of Calvary's Lamb. [Refrain] 4 And when, before the throne, I stand in him complete, "Jesus died my soul to save," my lips shall still repeat. [Refrain] Scripture: Ezekiel 19 Used With Tune: ALL TO CHRIST

What a Friend We Have in Jesus

Author: Joseph M. Scriven Meter: D Appears in 1,710 hymnals Topics: Afflictions Lyrics: 1 What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer! Oh, what peace we often forfeit, oh, what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer. 2 Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged; take it to the Lord in prayer. Can we find a friend so faithful, who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our every weakness; take it to the Lord in prayer. 3 Are we weak and heavy laden, cumbered with a load of care? Precious Savior, still our refuge! Take it to the Lord in prayer. Do your friends despise, forsake you? Take it to the Lord in prayer! In his arms he'll take and shield you; you will find a solace there. Scripture: Matthew 11:28-30 Used With Tune: BEACH SPRING
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What crosses and afflictions meet

Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: Crosses and Afflictions Lyrics: 1 What crosses and afflictions meet, Whilst we on earth abide; With Satan and the world beset, And vex'd on ev'ry side. 2 Our toils and labours of this life, Are great and numberless; Our disappointments, frets and strife, Do ever mar our peace. 3 When we suppose we do possess The things that works our joys; They prove the cause of our distress, And are but trifling toys. 4 The world is but a vale of tears, A scene of constant woe: We live in constant dread and fears, While we live here below. 5 With anxious cares our minds are fill'd, For life and health and food: To such despairing thoughts we yield, When we should trust to God. 6 Such frail and feeble creatures we, We seek but never find, Such treasures as we hope should be; Real peace and joy of mind. 7 O mighty Saviour, gracious Lord! Bestow on us that pow'r: That we may trust unto thy word, And doubt and fear no more.
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When grief and anguish press me down

Meter: Appears in 27 hymnals Topics: The Christian Afflictions; Afflictions
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Jesus, my sorrow lies too deep

Meter: Appears in 17 hymnals Topics: The Christian Afflictions; Afflictions Scripture: Matthew 14:12
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Kindness even in affliction

Author: Hastings Appears in 99 hymnals Topics: Afflictions First Line: How tender is thy hand Used With Tune: DENNIS
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Jesus, Saviour, Pilot Me

Author: Edward Hopper Appears in 1,192 hymnals Topics: Affliction Used With Tune: PILOT
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Nearer, my God, to Thee

Author: Mrs. Sarah Flower Adams (1805-1848) Appears in 2,500 hymnals Topics: Afflictions Blessings of; Afflictions Prayer in First Line: Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee Used With Tune: BETHANY

When Jesus the Healer

Author: Peter D. Smith Meter: Appears in 12 hymnals Topics: Afflictions/Trials First Line: When Jesus the healer passed through Galilee Lyrics: 1 When Jesus the healer passed through Galilee, Heal us, heal us today! the deaf came to hear and the blind came to see. Heal us, Lord Jesus! 2 A paralyzed man was let down through a roof. Heal us, heal us today! His sins were forgiven, his walking the proof. Heal us, Lord Jesus! 3 The death of his daughter caused Jairus to weep. Heal us, heal us today! The Lord took her hand, and he raised her from sleep. Heal us, Lord Jesus! 4 When blind Bartimaeus cried out to the Lord, Heal us, heal us today! his faith made him whole and his sight was restored. Heal us, Lord Jesus! 5 The lepers were healed and the demons cast out. Heal us, heal us today! A bent woman straightened to laugh and to shout. Heal us, Lord Jesus! 6 The twelve were commissioned and sent out in twos, Heal us, heal us today! To make the sick whole and to spread the good news. Heal us, Lord Jesus! 7 There's still so much sickness and suffering today. Heal us, heal us today! We gather together for healing and pray: Heal us, Lord Jesus! Scripture: Matthew 10:5-15 Used With Tune: HEALER
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What vain desires and passions vain

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 8 hymnals Topics: Afflictions very great; Afflicted their prayer Lyrics: What vain desires and passions vain Attend this mortal clay! Oft have they pierced my soul with pain, And drawn my heart astray. How have I wandered from my God! And, following sin and shame, In this vile world of flesh and blood Defiled my nobler frame! For ever blessed be thy grace That formed my soul anew, And made it of a heav'n-born race, Thy glory to pursue. My spirit holds perpetual war, And wrestles and complains; But views the happy moment near That shall dissolve its chains. Cheerful in death I close my eyes To part with every lust; And charge my flesh, whene'er it rise, To leave them in the dust. My purer spirit shall not fear To put this body on; Its tempting powers no more are there, Its lusts and passions gone! Scripture: Romans 8:1
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Saints at your Father's heav'nly Word

Appears in 38 hymnals Topics: Patience under Afflictions; Afflictions submitted to Lyrics: 1 Saints, at your Father's heav'nly Word, Give up your Comforts to the Lord; He shall restore what you resign, Or grant you Blessings more divine. 2 So Abr'am with obedient Hand Led forth his Son at God's Command; The Wood, the Fire, the Knife he took, His Arm prepar'd the dreadful Stroke. 3 Abr'am forbear, the Angel cry'd, Thy Faith is known, thy Love is try'd; Thy Son shall live, and in thy Seed Shall the whole Earth be bless'd indeed. 4 Just in the last distressing Hour The Lord displays deliv'ring Pow'r; The Mount of Danger is the Place, Where we shall see surprising Grace. Scripture: Genesis 22:6-18
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Lord, we adore thy vast Designs

Appears in 68 hymnals Topics: Afflictions submitted to; Patience under Afflictions Lyrics: 1 Lord, we adore thy vast Designs, Th' obscure Abyss of Providence, Too deep to sound with mortal Lines, Too dark to view with feeble Sense. 2 Now thou array'st thine awful Face, In angry Frowns, without a Smile; We through the Cloud believe thy Grace, Secure of thy Compassions still. 3 Through Seas and Storms of deep Distress We sail by Faith, and not by Sight; Faith guides us in the Wilderness, Through all the Briars and the Night. 4 Dear Father, if thy lifted Rod Resolve to scourge us here below; Still we must lean upon our God, Thine Arm shall bear us safely through.
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If life in sorrow must be spent

Meter: Appears in 32 hymnals Topics: The Christian Afflictions; Afflictions Scripture: Psalm 90:12
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While Justice waves her vengeful hand

Meter: Appears in 13 hymnals Topics: Public and national Blessings and Afflictions Lyrics: 1 While Justice waves her vengeful hand Tremendous o'er a guilty land, Almighty God, thy awful pow'r With fear and trembling we adore. 2 Where shall we fly but to thy feet? Our only refuge is thy seat; Thy seat where potent mercy pleads, And holds thy thunder from our heads. 3 While peace and plenty blest our days, Where was the tribute of our praise? Ungrateful race! how have we spent The blessings which thy goodness lent! 4 Look down, O Lord, with pitying eye; Though loud our crimes for vengeance cry, Let mercy's louder voice prevail, Nor thy long-suffering patience fail. 5 Encourag'd by thy sacred word, May we not plead thy promise, Lord; That when an humble nation mourns, Thy rising wrath to pity turns? 6 O let thy sov'reign grace impart Contrition to each rocky heart; And bid sincere repentance flow, In general, undissembled wo. 7 Fair smiling peace again restore; With plenty bless the pining poor: And may a happy, thankful land, Obedient own thy guardian hand.
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Abide with Me

Author: Henry Francis Lyte Meter: Appears in 1,684 hymnals Topics: Afflictions First Line: Abide with me: fast falls the eventide Lyrics: 1 Abide with me: fast falls the eventide; the darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide. When other helpers fail and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, O abide with me. 2 Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day; earth's joys grow dim, its glories pass away. Change and decay in all around I see. O Lord who changes not, abide with me. 3 I need your presence every passing hour. What but your grace can foil the tempter's power? Who like yourself my guide and strength can be? Through cloud and sunshine, O abide with me. 4 I fear no foe with you at hand to bless, though ills have weight, and tears their bitterness. Where is death's sting? Where, grave, your victory? I triumph still, if you abide with me. 5 Hold now your Word before my closing eyes. Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies. Heaven's morning breaks and earth's vain shadows flee; in life, in death, O Lord, abide with me. Scripture: Psalm 102:26-27 Used With Tune: EVENTIDE
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O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go

Author: George Matheson Appears in 684 hymnals Topics: Affliction Used With Tune: ST. MARGARET
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Jesus, Lover of my Soul

Author: Rev. Charles Wesley (1708-1788) Appears in 3,243 hymnals Topics: Afflictions Refuge in Scripture: 2 Samuel 22:3-7 Used With Tune: HOLLINGSIDE
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The Church's One Foundation

Author: Samuel J. Stone Meter: D Appears in 869 hymnals Topics: Church Afflicted Lyrics: 1 The church's one foundation is Jesus Christ, her Lord; she is his new creation by water and the Word: from heav'n he came and sought her to be his holy bride; with his own blood he bought her, and for her life he died. 2 Elect from ev'ry nation, yet one o'er all the earth, her charter of salvation one Lord, one faith, one birth; one holy name she blesses, partakes one holy food, and to one hope she presses, with ev'ry grace endued. 3 Though with a scornful wonder men see her sore oppressed, by schisms rent asunder, by heresies distressed, yet saints their watch are keeping, their cry goes up, "How long?" And soon the night of weeping shall be the morn of song. 4 The church shall never perish! Her dear Lord to defend, to guide, sustain, and cherish, is with her to the end; though there be those that hate her, and false sons in her pale, against or foe or traitor she ever shall prevail. 5 'Mid toil and tribulation, and tumult of her war, she waits the consummation of peace forevermore; till with the vision glorious her longing eyes are blest, and the great church victorious shall be the church at rest. 6 Yet she on earth hath union with God the Three in One, and mystic sweet communion with those whose rest is won: O happy ones and holy! Lord, give us grace that we, like them, the meek and lowly, on high may dwell with thee. Scripture: Romans 12:5 Used With Tune: AURELIA

Wait, and Murmur Not!

Author: W. H. Bellamy Appears in 22 hymnals Topics: Sorrow and Affliction First Line: O weary heart, there is a Home Refrain First Line: Oh, wait, meekly wait, and murmur not! Scripture: Psalm 37:7 Used With Tune: [O weary heart, there is a Home]

The Rock That Is Higher Than I

Author: Erastus Johnson, 1826-1909 Meter: with refrain Appears in 282 hymnals Topics: Affliction First Line: O sometimes the shadows are deep Refrain First Line: O then to the Rock let me fly Used With Tune: ROCK OF REFUGE
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Lead, kindly Light, amid th' encircling gloom

Author: John H. Newman Appears in 1,234 hymnals Topics: Affliction Used With Tune: LUX BENIGNA
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When our heads are bow'd with woe

Author: H. H. Milman Appears in 164 hymnals Topics: The Christian Life Affliction Used With Tune: REDHEAD, No. 47
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"I shall be with Him"

Author: Richard Baxter Appears in 258 hymnals Topics: Afflictions First Line: Lord, it belongs not to my care Lyrics: 1 Lord, it belongs not to my care Whether I die or live; To love and serve thee is my share, And this thy grace must give. 2 If life be long, I will be glad That I may long obey; If short, yet why should I be sad To soar to endless day? 3 Christ leads me through no darker rooms Than he went through before; No one into his kingdom comes, But through his opened door. 4 Come, Lord, when grace has made me meet, Thy blessed face to see; For if thy work on earth be sweet, What will thy glory be! 5 My knowledge of that life is small; The eye of faith is dim; But 'tis enough that Christ knows all, And I shall be with him. Scripture: Romans 14:8 Used With Tune: CHERITH
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Your Hands, O Lord, in Days of Old

Author: Edward Hayes Plumptre, 1821-1891 Meter: D Appears in 177 hymnals Topics: Afflictions Lyrics: 1 Your hands, O Lord, in days of old were strong to heal and save; they triumphed over pain and death, o'er darkness and the grave. To you they went, the blind, the mute, the palsied and the lame, the leper set apart and shunned, the sick and those in shame. 2 And then your touch brought life and health, gave speech and strength and sight; and youth renewed, with health restored, claimed you, the Lord of light. And so, O Lord, be near to bless, almighty now as then, in every street, in every home, in every troubled friend. 3 O be our mighty healer still, O Lord of life and death; restore and strengthen, soothe and bless with your almighty breath. On hands that work and eyes that see, your healing wisdom pour, that whole and sick and weak and strong may praise you evermore. Scripture: Matthew 14:14 Used With Tune: ST. MICHAEL'S
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Clinging to Christ

Author: C. Elliott Appears in 310 hymnals Topics: Afflictions First Line: O holy Saviour Friend unseen Used With Tune: FLEMMING
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"Nearer to thee"

Author: Benjamin Cleveland Appears in 270 hymnals Topics: Afflictions First Line: Oh, could I find, from day to day Lyrics: 1 Oh, could I find, from day to day, A nearness to my God, Then would my hours glide sweet away While leaning on his word. 2 Lord, I desire with thee to live Anew from day to day, In joys the world can never give, Nor ever take away. 3 Blest Jesus, come and rule my heart, And make me wholly thine, That I may never more depart, Nor grieve thy love divine. 4 Thus, till my last, expiring breath, Thy goodness I'll adore; And when my frame dissolves in death, My soul shall love thee more. Scripture: Psalm 63:3 Used With Tune: EVAN
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Standing on the Promises

Author: R. Kelso Carter Meter: with refrain Appears in 460 hymnals Topics: Affliction and Tribulation First Line: Standing on the promises of Christ my King Refrain First Line: Standing, standing Lyrics: 1. Standing on the promises of Christ my King, through eternal ages let his praises ring; glory in the highest, I will shout and sing, standing on the promises of God. Refrain: Standing, standing, standing on the promises of God my Savior; standing, standing, I'm standing on the promises of God. 2. Standing on the promises that cannot fail, when the howling storms of doubt and fear assail, by the living Word of God I shall prevail, standing on the promises of God. [Refrain] 3. Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord, bound to him eternally by love's strong cord, overcoming daily with the Spirit's sword, standing on the promises of God. [Refrain] 4. Standing on the promises I cannot fall, listening every moment to the Spirit's call, resting in my Savior as my all in all, standing on the promises of God. [Refrain] Scripture: Ephesians 6:14-17 Used With Tune: PROMISES
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My Jesus, as thou wilt!

Appears in 617 hymnals Topics: The Christian Afflictions; Afflictions Scripture: Mark 14:36 Used With Tune: JEWETT

O LORD, I Call for Help by Day

Author: Stanley Wiersma Meter: 8.8.8 Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Afflictions Scripture: Psalm 88 Used With Tune: VERGEEF, O HEER
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God our Strength

Meter: Appears in 17 hymnals Topics: Afflictions Refuge in First Line: My soul in silence waits for God Lyrics: 1 My soul in silence waits for God, My Saviour He has proved; He only is my rock and tow'r; I never shall be moved. My honor is secure with God, My Saviour He is known; My refuge and my rock of strength Are found in God alone. 2 For God has spoken o'er and o'er, And unto me has shown, That saving pow'r and lasting strength Belong to Him alone. Yea, loving-kindness evermore Belongs to Thee, O Lord; And Thou according to his work Dost ev'ry man reward. Scripture: Psalm 62 Used With Tune: FOUNTAIN
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God's overshadowing protection

Appears in 39 hymnals Topics: Afflictions Comfort under; Afflictions Promises for First Line: The man who once has found abode Scripture: Psalm 91 Used With Tune: [The man who once has found abode]

No Night There

Author: John R. Ciemenis Meter: with refrain Appears in 132 hymnals Topics: Afflictions/Trials First Line: In the land of endless day Refrain First Line: God shall wipe away all tears Lyrics: 1 In the land of endless day lies the city four-square; it shall never pass away and there is no night there. Refrain: God shall wipe away all tears; there's no death, no pain, nor fears; and thy count not time by years for there is no night there. 2 All the gates of pearl are made in the city four-square; all the streets with gold are laid, and there is no night there. [Refrain] 3 And the gates shall never close in the city four-square, there life's crystal river flows, and there is no night there. [Refrain] 4 There thy need no sunshine bright, in that city four-square; for the Lamb is all the light, and there is no night there. [Refrain] Scripture: Revelation 21 Used With Tune: NO NIGHT THERE
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Come unto me when shadows darkly gather

Author: Unknown Appears in 273 hymnals Topics: Christian Afflictions Used With Tune: HENLEY
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Take the Name of Jesus with You

Author: Mrs. Lydia Baxter Appears in 648 hymnals Topics: Affliction Refrain First Line: Precious Name, O how sweet Used With Tune: PRECIOUS NAME
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As oft, with worn and weary feet

Author: James Edmeston, 1791-1867 Appears in 59 hymnals Topics: Afflictions Used With Tune: PATER OMNIUM

He will Hide Me!

Author: M. E. Servoss Appears in 60 hymnals Topics: Sorrow and Affliction First Line: When the storms of life are raging Used With Tune: [When the storms of life are raging]
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¡Bendiciones, cuántas tienes!

Author: Johnson Oatman, Jr. Appears in 11 hymnals Topics: Affliction First Line: Cuando combatido por la adversidad Refrain First Line: ¡Bendiciones, cuántas tienes ya! Lyrics: 1 Cuando combatido por la adversidad creas ya perdida tu felicidad, Mira lo que el cielo para ti guardó; cuenta las riquezas que el Señor te dio. Coro: ¡Bendiciones, cuántas tienes ya! Bendiciones, Dios te manda más; Bendiciones, te sorprenderás Cuando veas lo que Dios por ti hará. 2 ¿Andas agobiado por algún pesar? ¿Duro te parece esa cruz llevar? Cuenta las promesas del Señor Jesús, y de las tinieblas nacerá la luz. [Coro] 3 Cuando de otros veas la prosperidad y tus pies te lleven tras de su maldad, Cuenta las riquezas que tendrás por fe donde el oro es polvo que hollará tu pie. [Coro] Scripture: Psalm 40:1-5 Used With Tune: BLESSINGS Text Sources: Es trad.

When Words Alone Cannot Express

Author: John Thornburg Meter: with refrain Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Affliction and Tribulation; Affliction and Tribulation Scripture: Psalm 105:1-3 Used With Tune: LASST UNS ERFREUEN
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A Prayer for Restraining Grace

Appears in 15 hymnals Topics: Afflictions Comfort under; Afflictions Prayer in First Line: O Lord, my God, to Thee I cry Scripture: Psalm 141 Used With Tune: [O Lord, my God, to Thee I cry]
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Author: George Rawson Appears in 68 hymnals Topics: Afflictions; Christians Afflictions First Line: In the dark and cloudy day Lyrics: 1 In the dark and cloudy day, When earth's riches flee away, And the last hope will not stay, Saviour, comfort me! 2 When the secret idol's gone That my poor heart yearned upon,-- Desolate, bereft, alone, Saviour, comfort me! 3 Thou, who wast so sorely tried, In the darkness crucified, Bid me in thy love confide; Saviour, comfort me! 4 Comfort me; I am cast down: 'Tis my heavenly Father's frown; I deserve it all, I own: Saviour, comfort me! 5 So it shall be good for me Much afflicted now to be, If thou wilt but tenderly, Saviour, comfort me! Scripture: Psalm 103:13 Used With Tune: LAST HOPE
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Prayerful Desire

Meter: Appears in 13 hymnals Topics: Afflictions Benefits of; Afflictions Comfort under; Afflictions Prayer in First Line: O Lord, make haste to hear my cry Lyrics: 1 O Lord, make haste to hear my cry, To Thee I call, on Thee rely. Incline to me a gracious ear, And when I call, in mercy hear. 2 When in the morning unto Thee I lift my voice and bring my plea, Then let my prayer as incense rise To God enthroned above the skies. 3 When unto Thee I look and pray With lifted hands at close of day, Then as the evening sacrifice Let my request accepted rise. 4 Guard Thou my thoughts, I Thee implore, And of my lips O keep Thou the door; Nor leave my sinful heart to stray Where evil footsteps lead the way. 5 O righteous God, Thy chastisement, Though sent thro' foes, in love is sent; Though grievous it will profit me, A healing ointment it shall be. 6 While wickedness my foes devise, To Thee my constant prayer shall rise; When their injustice is o'erthrown Mu gentleness shall still be shown. 7 Brought nigh to death and sore distressed, O Lord, my God, in Thee I rest; Forsake me not, I look to Thee, Let me Thy great salvation see. 8 Themselves entangled in their snare, Their own defeat my foes prepare; O keep me, Lord, for let me fall, Protect and lead me safe through all. Scripture: Psalm 141 Used With Tune: HESPERUS
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Come, ye disconsolate

Author: Thomas Moore (1779-1852) Appears in 1,059 hymnals Topics: Afflictions Comfort under First Line: Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish Scripture: Isaiah 61:1-2 Used With Tune: COME, YE DISCONSOLATE
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Cariñoso Salvador

Author: Charles Wesley; T. M. Westrup Meter: D Appears in 42 hymnals Topics: Affliction Lyrics: 1 Cariñoso Salvador, huyo de la tempestad; A tu seno protector, fiándome de tu bondad. Sálvame, Señor Jesús, de las olas del turbión: Hasta el puerto de salud guía tú mi embarcación. 2 Otro asilo, ¿dónde hallar? indefenso acudo a ti; Sólo pude desmayar, porque mi peligro vi. Solamente tú, Señor, puedes dar consuelo y luz; Vengo lleno de temor a los pies de mi Jesús. 3 Cristo, encuentro todo en ti, y no necesito más; Débil, me pusiste en pie; triste, ánimo me das. Al enfermo das salud; guías tierno al que no ve; Con amor y gratitud tu bondad ensalzaré. Amén. Scripture: Psalm 27 Used With Tune: ABERYSTWYTH
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Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken

Author: Henry F. Lyte Appears in 1,311 hymnals Topics: Affliction Used With Tune: ELLESDIE
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To God My Earnest Voice I Raise

Meter: Appears in 28 hymnals Topics: Benefit of afflictions; Help in Afflictions; Prayer in Afflictions Lyrics: 1 To God my earnest voice I raise, To God my voice imploring prays; Before His face my grief I show And tell my trouble and my woe. 2 When gloom and sorrow compass me, The path I take is known to Thee, And all the toils that foes do lay To snare Thy servant in his way. 3 All unprotected, lo, I stand, No friendly guardian at my hand, No place of flight or refuge near, And none to whom my soul is dear. 4 O Lord, my Savior, now to Thee, Without a hope besides, I flee, To Thee, my shelter from the strife, My portion in the land of life. 5 Be Thou my help when troubles throng, For I am weak and foes are strong; My captive soul from prison bring, And thankful praises I will sing. 6 The righteous then shall gather round To share the blessing I have found, Their hearts made glad because they see How richly God has dealt with me. Scripture: Psalm 142 Used With Tune: HAMBURG
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Thy Will be done

Author: Miss Charlotte Elliott (1789-1871) Appears in 566 hymnals Topics: Afflictions Submission under First Line: My God and Father while I stray Scripture: Luke 11:2 Used With Tune: HANFORD
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Benefit of Afflictions, and Support under them

Appears in 91 hymnals Topics: Afflicted Saints happy; Afflictions support and profit; Afflicted Saints happy; Afflictions support and profit First Line: Consider all my sorrows, Lord Lyrics: 1 Consider all my sorrows, Lord, And thy deliverance send; My soul for thy salvation faints, When will my troubles end! 2 Yet I have found 'tis good for me To bear my Father's rod; Afflictions make me learn thy law, And live upon my God. 3 This is the comfort I enjoy When new distress begins: I read thy word, I run thy way, And hate my former sins. 4 Had not thy word been my delight When earthly joys were fled, My soul, opprest with sorrow's weight, Had sunk amongst the dead. 5 I know thy judgments, Lord, are right, Though they may seem severe; The sharpest sufferings I endure, Flow from thy faithful care. 6 Before I knew thy chastening rod, My feet were apt to stray; But now I learn to keep thy word, Nor wander from thy way. Scripture: Psalm 119:67


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