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Hymnal, Number:chsw1783

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Showing 1 - 48 of 48Results Per Page: 102050
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Begin the high celestial strain

Appears in 35 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Begin the high celestial strain, My ravish'd soul, and sing A solemn hymn of grateful praise, To heav'ns almighty King. Ye circling mountains as you roll Your silver waves along, Whisper to all your verdant shores To subject of my song. 2 Retain it long, you ecchoing rocks, The sacred sound retain, And from your hollow winding caves Return it oft again. Bear it, ye winds on all your wings To distant climes away, And round the wide extended world My lofty theme convey. 3 Take the glad burthen of his name, Ye clouds, as you arise, Whether to deck the golden morn, Or shade the ev'ning skies. Let harmless thunders roll along The smooth etherial plain, And answer from the crystal vault To ev'ry flying strain. 4 Long let it warble round the spheres, And eccho through the sky, Till angels with immortal skill Improve the harmony. The blest creator sing, And warble consecrated lays To heav'ns almihgty King.
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The Year of Jubilee

Appears in 949 hymnals First Line: Blow ye the trumpet, blow Lyrics: 1 Blow ye the trumpet, blow The gladly solemn sound; Let all the nations know, To earth's remotest bounds, The year of Jubilee is come; Return ye ransom'd sinners, home! 2 The gospel trumpet hear, The news of heav'nly grace; Ye happy souls draw near, Behold our Saviour's face: The year of Jubilee is come; Return to your eternal home! 3 Extol the Lamb of God. The all-atoning Lamb; Redemption in his blood, Throughout the world proclaim: The year of Jubilee is come; Return ye ransom'd sinners, home!
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The Christian;s Prospects

Appears in 1,184 hymnals First Line: Children of the heav'nly King, Lyrics: 1 Children of the heav'nly King, As ye journey sweetly sing: Sing your Saviour's worthy praise, Glorious in his works and ways! 2 Ye are trav'ling home to God, In the way the Fathers trod: They are happy now, and ye Soon their happiness shall see. 3 O, ye banish'd seed, be glad! Christ your advocate is made; Us, to save, our flesh assumes, Brother to our souls becomes. 4 Shout, ye little flock, and blest, You on Jesu's throne shall rest; There your seat is now prepar'd, There your kingdom and reward. 5 Fear not brethren, joyful stand On the borders of your land; Jesus Christ, your Father's son, Bids you undismay'd go on. 6 Lord, obediently we'll go, Gladly leaving all below: Only thou our leader be, And we still will follow thee.
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Before Sacrament

Appears in 101 hymnals First Line: Come, let us ascend Lyrics: 1 Come let us ascend, My companion and friend, To a taste of the banquet above: If tine heart be as mine, If for Jesus it pine, Come up into the chariot of love. 2 Who in Jesus confide, They are bold to outride The storms of affliction beneath: With the prophet they soar To that heav'nly shore, And outfly all the arrows of death. 3 By faith we are come To our permanent home, By hope we the rapture improve: By love we still rise, And look down on the skies – For the heaven of heavens is love! 4 Who on earth can conceive How happy we live In the city of God the great King! What a concert of praise, When our Jesus's grace, The whole heavenly company sing! 5 What a rapturous song When the glorify'd throng In the spirit of harmony join? Join all the glad choirs, Hearts, voices and lyres, And the burthen is mercy divine. 6 Hallelujah they cry To the King of the sky, To the great everlasting I Am, To the Lamb who was slain, And liveth again, Hallelujah to God and the Lamb!
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To the Trinity

Appears in 1,799 hymnals First Line: Come, thou Almighty King Lyrics: 1 Come, thou Almighty King, Help us thy name to sing, Help us to praise! Father all glorious, O'er all victorious! Come and reign over us, Ancient of days! 2 Jesus our Lord, arise, Scatter our enemies, And make them fall! Let thine Almighty aid, Our sure defence be made, Our souls on thee be stay'd; Lord hear our call! 3 Come, thou incarnate word, Gird on thy mighty sword - Our pray'r attend! Come! and thy people bless, And give thy word success, Spirit of holiness On us descend! 4 Come holy Comforter, Thy sacred witness bear, In this glad hour! Thou who Almighty art, Decend in ev'ry heart, And ne'er from us depart. Spirit of pow'r. 5 To the great one in three Eternal praises be Hence - evermore! His sov'reign Majesty May we in glory see, And to eternity Love and adore!
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Eternal Power, whose high abode

Appears in 226 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Eternal pow'r whose high abode Becomes the grandeur of a God Infinite lengths beyond the bounds Where stars revolve their little rounds. 2 Thee while the first archangel sings He hides his face behind his wings And ranks of shining thrones around Fall worshiping and spread the ground. 3 Lord what shall earth and ashes do? We would adore our Maker too; From sin and dust to thee we cry The great, the holy and the high! 4 Earth from afar has heard thy fame, And worms have learnt to lisp thy name; But O the glories of thy mind Leave all our soaring thoughts behind. 5 God is in heav'n and men below Be short our tunes, our words be few! A sacred rev'rence checks our songs And praise sits silent on our tongues.
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The Christian longing to depart

Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: Faint is my head and sick my heart Refrain First Line: Come, Lord, and shew thyself Lyrics: 1 Faint is my head and sick my heart, While thou dost ever ever stay! Fix in my soul I feel the dart; Groaning I feel it night and day; Come, Lord, and shew thyself to me, Or take me up to thee! 2 Canst thou withhold thy healing grace, So kindly lavish of thy blood; When swiftly trickling down thy face, For sin the purple current flow'd. Come, Lord, and shew thyself to me, Or take me up to thee! 3 O loose this frame, life's knot untie; That my free soul may use her wing, Now pinion'd with mortality, A weak entangled wretched thing. Come, Lord, and shew thyself to me, Or take me up to thee! 4 Why should I longer stay and groan? The most of me to heav'n is fled: My thoughts and joys are thither gone; To all below I now am dead. Come, Lord, and shew thyself to me, Or take me up to thee!
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On Peace

Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Behold, arrayed in light Lyrics: 1 Behold, array'd in Light And by Divine Command, Fair Peace, the Child of Heav'n, descends To this afflicted Land! Like the bright Morning Star She leads a glorious Day, And o'er this western World extends Her all reviving Ray. 2 Your Swords to Plough shares turn'd, Your Fields and Plenty crown'd, Shall laugh and sing – and Freedom spread The Voie of Gladness round Oh, Sing a new made song! To God your Hymns address, He rul'd the hearts of mighty Kings, And gave our Arms Success. 3 He check'd our haughty Foe And bad the Contest cease, – "Thus, and no farther, shalt thou go Be all the World at Peace, No more shall savage War Lead on the hostile Band; No more shall suff'ring Captives mourn Or Blood pollute the Land." 4 Confess Jehovah's Pow'r And magnify his Name, Let all the World with one Accord, His wondrous work proclaim, Let us with Hearts devout Declare what we have seen, And ot our Children's Children tell How good the Lord hath been.
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Christ's Birth

Appears in 60 hymnals First Line: Father, our hearts we lift Lyrics: 1 Father, our hearts we lift, Up to thy gracious throne, And bless thee for the precious gift, Of thine incarnate Son: The gift unspeakable We thankfully receive, And to the world thy goodness tell, And to thy glory live. 2 Jesus the holy child, Doth by his birth declare That God and men are reconciled, And one in him we are. Salvation thro' his name To all mankind is giv’n, And loud his infant cries proclaim A peace ’twixt earth and heav’n. 3 A peace on earth he brings, Which never more shall end; The Lord of Hosts, the King of Kings Declares Himself our friend; Assumes our flesh and blood, That we his sp'rit may gain, The everlasting Son of God, The mortal Son of Man. 4 O might we all receive The new-born Prince of peace, And meekly in his Spirit live, And in his love increase! Till he convey us home, Cry ev'ry soul aloud, Come, thou desire of nations come, And take us up to God!
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An Elegy for Sophronia, who died of the Small-Pox 1711

Appears in 12 hymnals First Line: Forbear, my friends, forbear, and ask no more Lyrics: 1 Forbear, my friends, forbear, and ask no more, Where all my cheerful airs are fled? Why will you make me talk my torments o'er? My life, my joy, my comfort's dead. 2 Deep from my soul, mark how the sobs arise, Hear the long groans that waste my breath, And read the mighty sorrow in my eyes, Lovely Sophronia sleeps in death. 3 Unkind disease, to vail that rosy face With tumors of a mortal pale, While mortal purples with their dismal grace And double horror spot the vail. 4 Uncomely vail, and most unkind disease! Is this Sophronia, once the fair? Are these the features that were born to please! And beauty spread her ensigns there? 5 I was all love, and she was all delight, Let me run back to seasons past; Ah flow'ry days when first she charm'd my sight! But roses will not always last. 6 Yet still Sophronia pleas'd, nor time, nor care, Could take her youthful bloom away: Virtue has charms which nothing can impair; Beauty like hers could ne'er decay. 7 Grace is sacred plant of heav'nly birth; The seed descending from above Roots in a soil refin'd, grows high on earth, And blooms with life, and joy, and love. 8 Such was Sophronia's foul celestial dew And angels food were her repast; Devotion was her work; and thence she drew Delights which strangers never taste. 9 Not the gay splendors of a flattering court Could tempt her to appear and shine: Her solemn airs forbid the world's resort; But I was blest and she was mine. 10 Safe on her welfare all mu pleasures hung, Her smiles could all my pains control, Her soul was made of softness, and her tongue Was soft and gentle as her soul. 11 She was my guide, my friend, my earthly all; Love grew with ev'ry waning moon; Had heaven a length of years delay'd its call, Still I had thought it call'd too soon. 12 But peace my sorrows! nor with murmuring voice, Dare to accuse heavens high decree: She was first ripe for everlasting joys; Sophron, she waits above for thee.
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Hearts of stone, relent, relent

Appears in 218 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Hearts of stone relent relent, Break, by Jesus cross subdu'd, See his body mangled, rent, Cover'd with a gore of blood, Sinful soul, what hast thou done? Murther'd God's eternal Son! 2 Yes our sins have done the deed, Drove the nails that fixt him here, Crown'd with thorns his sacred head, Pierc'd him with a soldier's spear, Made his soul a sacrifice: For a sinful world he dies. 3 Shall we let him die in vain? Still to death pursue our God? Open tear his wounds again, Trample on his precious blood? No; with all our sins we part – Saviour, take my broken heart.
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The Gospel Invitation

Appears in 226 hymnals First Line: Ho, everyone that thirsts, draw nigh Lyrics: 1 Ho! ev'ry one that thirsts, draw nigh, ('Tis God invites the fallen race) Mercy, and free salvation buy, Buy wine and milk, and gospel-grace. 2 Come to the living waters, come, Sinners, obey your maker's call, Return, ye weary wand'rers, home, And fin my grace reach'd out to all. 3 See, from the rock a fountain rise! For you in healing streams it rolls; Money you need not bring, nor price, Ye lab'ring, burthen'd, sin-sick souls. 4 Nothing ye in exchange shall give; Leave all you have, and are, behind; Frankly the gift of God receive, Pardon, and peace, in Jesus find. 5
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Faith in Christ

Appears in 290 hymnals First Line: How sad our fate by nature is Lyrics: 1 How sad our fate by nature is, Our sin how deep it stains! And satan binds our captive souls Fast in his slavish chains. But there's a voice of sov'reign grace Sounds from God's sacred word; Ho! ye despairing sinners, come And trust upon the Lord. 2 O may we hear th' Almighty call, And run to this relief; We would believe thy promise, Lord, O help my unbelief! To the blest fountain of thy blood, Teach us, O Lord to fly; There may me wash my spotted souls, From crimes of deepest dye! 5 Stretch out thine arm, victorious King, Our reigning sins subdue; Drive the old dragon from his seat, With all infernal crew. Poor, guilty, weak and helpless worms, Into thine hands we fall; Be thou my strength and righteousness, Our Jesus and our all!
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Jesu, my God and King

Appears in 6 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Jesu, my God and King, Thy regal state I sing; Thou, and only thou art great, High thine everlasting throne; Thou the sov'reign Potentate, Blest immortal thou alone. 2 Essay your choicest strains, The King Messiah reigns! Tune your harps, celestial choir, Joyful all, your voices raise, Christ than earth-born monarchs higher, Sons of men and angels praise. 3 Hail your dread Lord and ours, Dominions, thrones, and pow'rs; Source of pow'r he rules alone; Veil your eyes and prostrate fall, Cast your crowns before his throne, Hail the cause, the Lord of all. 4 Justice and truth maintain Thine everlasting reign: One with thine almighty fire, Partner of an equal throne, King of hearts, let all conspire, Gratefully thy sway to own. 5 Let earth's remotest bound With ecchoing joys resound; Christ to praise let all conspire; Praise to Christ doth all belong; Shout ye first-born sons of fire, Earth repeat the glorious song.
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Christ's Crucifixion

Appears in 61 hymnals First Line: Jesus drinks the bitter cup Lyrics: 1 Jesus drinks the bitter cup; The wine press treads alone, Tears the graves and mountains up, By his expiring groan: Lo! the pow'rs of heav'n he shakes, Nature in convulsion lies, Earth's profoundest center quakes, The great Jehovah dies! 2 Dies the glorious cause of all, The true eternal plan; Falls to raise us from our fall, To ransom sinful man. Well may Sol withdraw his light, With the suff'er sympathize, Leave the world in sudden night, While his Creator dies. 3 O my God, he dies for me; I feel the mortal smart! See him hanging on a tree, A sight that breaks my heart! O that all to thee might turn! Sinners, ye may love him too, Look on him ye pierc'd, and mourn, For him who bled for you. 4 Weep o'er your desire and hope With tears of humblest love; Sing, for Jesus is gone up, And reigns enthron'd above; Lives our head to die no more Pow'r is all to Jesus given, Worship'd as he was before, Th' immortal King of heav'n.
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For One under Temptation

Appears in 3,243 hymnals First Line: Jesu, lover of my soul Lyrics: 1 Jesu, lover of my soul, Let me to thy bosom fly, While the nearer waters roll, While the tempest still is high; Hide me, O my Saviour, hide, Till the storm of life is past; Safe into the haven guide, O receive my soul at last! 2 Other refuge have I none, Hangs my helpless soul on thee, Leave, ah! leave me not alone, Still support and comfort me; All my trust on thee is stay'd, All mine help from thee I bring, Cover my defenseless head With the shadow of thy wing. 3 Thou, O Christ, art all I want, More than all in thee I find; Raise the fallen, cheer the faint, Heal the sick, and lead the blind. Just and holy is thy name, I am all unrighteousness! Vile and full of sin I am, Thou art full of truth and grace. 4 Plenteous grace with thee is found, Grace to cover all my sin; Let the healing streams abound, Make and keep me pure within: Thou of life the fountain art, Freely let me take of thee, Spring thou up within mine heart, Rise to all eternity!
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Christ's Birth

Appears in 30 hymnals First Line: Lift up your heads in joyful hope Lyrics: 1 Lift up your heads in joyful hope, Salute the happy morn; Each heav'nly pow'r Proclaims the glad hour, Lo Jesus the Saviour is born. 2 All glory be to God on high, To him all praise is due; The promise seal'd, The Saviour's reveal'd And proves that the record is true. 3 Let joy around like rivers flow, Flow on, and still increase; Spread o'er the glad earth At Jesus his birth, For heav'n and earth are at peace. 4 Now the good-will of heav'n is shown, Tow'rds Adam's helpless race, Messiah is come To ransom his own, To sae them by infinite grace. 5 Then let us join the heav'ns above, Where hymning seraphs sing, Join all the glad pow'rs, For their Lord is ours, Our prophet, our priest, and our king.
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Appears in 157 hymnals First Line: Lo! he cometh! countless trumpets Lyrics: 1 Lo! he cometh! countless trumpets, Blow before the bloody sign, Midst ten thousand saints and angels, See the crucified shine! Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, Welcome, welcome, bleeding Lamb! 2 Now his merit, by the harpers, Through the eternal deep resounds: Now resplendent shine his nail prints, Ev'ry eye shall see his wounds. They who pierc'd him, they who pierc'd him, they who pierc'd him Shall at his appearance wail. 3 Ev'ry island, sea, and mountain, Heav'n and earth shall flee away: All who hate him, must ashamed Hear the trump proclaim the day. Come to judgment, come to judgment, come to judgement, Stand before the Son of Man. 4 Saints who love him, view his glory, Shining in his bruised face; His dear person on the rainbow, Now his people's head shall raise. Happy mourners, happy mourners, happy mourners, Lo in clouds he comes, he comes. 5 Now redemption, long expected, See in solemn pomp appear: All his people, once rejected, Now shall meet him in the air. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, Now the promis'd kingdom's come. 6 View him smiling, now deterimined Ev'ry evil to destroy; All the nations now shall sing him, Songs of everlasting joy. O come quickly, O come quickly, O come quickly, Hallelujah, come Lord, come.
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Lord we come before thee now

Author: William Hammond Appears in 812 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Lord we come before thee now, At thy feet we humbly bow: Oh! do not our suit disdain, Shall we seek thee Lord, in vain. 2 Lord, on thee our souls depend, In compassion now descend: Fill our hearts with thy rich grace, Tune our lips to sing thy praise. 3 In thine own appointed way, Now we seek thee – here we stay, Lord, we know not how to go, Till a blessing thou bestow. 4 Send some message from thy word, That may joy and peace afford; Let thy spirit now impart Full salvation to each heart. 5 Comfort those who weep and mourn, Let the time of joy return; Those that are cast down lift up, Make them strong in faith and hope. 6 Grant that all may seek and find Thee a God sincere and kind; Heal the sick, the captive free, Let us all rejoice in thee.
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Lord, when my thoughts with wonder roll

Appears in 19 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Lord, when my thoughts with wonder roll O'er the sharp sorrows of my soul, And read my maker's broken laws, Repair'd and honour'd by thy cross: When I behold death, hell, and sin, Vanquish'd by that dear blood of thine, And see the man that groan'd and dy'd Sit glorious by his father's side; 2 My passions rise and soar above, I'm wing'd with faith and fir'd with love; Fain would I reach celestial things, And learn the notes that Gabriel sings: But my heart fails, my tongue complains, For want of their immortal strains; And in such humble notes as these Must fall below thy victories.
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Breathing after Holiness

Appears in 1,870 hymnals First Line: Love divine, all love excelling Lyrics: 1 Love divine, all love excelling, Joy of heaven to earth come down! Fix in us thine humble dwelling, All thy faithful mercies crown; Jesus! thou art all compassion, Pure unbounded love thou art, Visit us with thy salvation, Enter ev'ry trembling heart! 2 Breathe! O breathe thy lovely spirit Into ev'ry troubled breast! Let us all in thee inherit, Let us find the promis'd rest; Take away the power of sinning, Alpha and Omega be, End of faith, as its beginning, Set our hearts at liberty. 3 Come! Almighty to deliver, Let us all thy life receive! Suddenly return, and never, Never more thy temples leave! Thee we would be always blessing, Serve thee as thy hosts above, Pray, and praise thee without ceasing, Glory in thy precious love. 4 Finish then thy new creation, Pure, unspotted may we be, Let us see thy great salvation, Perfectly restor'd by thee! Chang'd from glory into glory, Till in heaven we take our place, Till we cast our crowns before thee, Lost in wonder, love and praise!
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Praise to the Redeemer

Appears in 480 hymnals First Line: Plunged in a gulph of dark despair Lyrics: 1 Plung'd in a gulph of dark despair, We wretched sinners lay, Without one cheerful beam of hope, Or spark of glimm'ring day. 2 With pitying eyes the Prince of grace Beheld our helpless grief; He saw, and (O amazing love!) He ran to our relief. 3 Down from the shining seats above, With joyful haste he fled, Enter'd the grave in mortal flesh, And dwelt among the dead. 4 O, for this love, let rocks and hills Their lasting silence break; And all harmonious human tongues, The Saviour's praises speak! 5 Angels! assist our mighty joys, Strike all your harps of gold; But when you raise your highest notes, His love can ne'er be told.
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Praise to the God who arch'd the sky

Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Praise to the God who arch'd the sky, Is the high note that wakes my tongue; Praise to God who reigns on high, Shall be the cadence of the song; Celestial worlds your Maker's name Resound through ev'ry shining coast; Our God a greater praise will claim, Where he unfolds his glories most. 2 Angels who his commission bear, And ye who wait around the throne, Next in the tuneful work appear, And send your lofty honours down. Stupendous globe of flaming day, Praise him in your sublime career, He struck from night thy peerless ray, Weigh'd thee thy path and guides thee there. 3 Monarchs, who hold imperial sway, By leave from heav'ns eternal King, Come with the millions who obey Your nod, and your Creator sing. Judges enthron'd in Salems gates, Th' impartial Judge of all revere; And while you seal the mortal fates, Think of your sentence at his bar. 4 Let youth of ev'ry sex and rank, Exulting in the bloom of life, Their God for all his blessings thank, And join the loud harmonious strife. Hoary in holiness, the sage With grateful songs should meet his death, And infants in their tender age, Should lisp their God with joyful breath. 5 From clime to clime, from shore to shore, Be the almighty God ador'd; He made the nations by his pow'r, And sways them with his sov'reign word. At once let nature's ample round, To God the vast thanksgiving raise: His high perfections knows no bound, But fills th' immensity of space.
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The Pilgrim's Song

Appears in 807 hymnals First Line: Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings Lyrics: 1 Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings, Thy better portion trace; Rise from transitory things, Tow'rds heav'n thy native place: Sun, and moon and stars decay, Time shall soon this earth remove; Rise, my soul, and haste away To seats prepar'd above. 2 Rivers to the ocean run, Nor stay in all their course: Fire ascending seeks the sun, Both speed them to their source: So a soul that's born of God, Pants to view his glorious face; Upwards tends to his abode, To rest in his embrace. 3 Fly me riches, fly me cares, While I that coast explore; Flatt'ring world, with all thy snares, Solicit me no more. Pilgrims fix not here their home; Strangers tarry but a night, When the last dear morn is come, They'll rise to joyful light. 4 Cease, ye pilgrims, cease to mourn, Press onward to the prize; Soon our Saviour will return, Triumphant in the skies: Yet a season and you know Happy entrance will be given, All our sorrows cast below, And earth exchang'd for heav'n.
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The departed Christian

Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Soldier of Christ adieu! Lyrics: 1 Soldier of Christ adieu! Thy conflicts here are past; Thy Lord hath brought thee through, And giv'n the crown at last, Rejoice to wear the glorious prize, Rejoice with God in paradise. 2 There all thy suff'rings cease, There all thy griefs are o'er; The pris'ner is at peace, The mourner weeps no more; From man's oppressive tyranny Thou liv'st, thou liv'st for ever free. 3 Thou out of great distress To thy reward art past; Triumphant happiness, And joys that always last: Thanks be to God, who set thee free, And gave thee final victory.
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The Lord my pasture shall prepare

Appears in 552 hymnals Lyrics: 1 The Lord my pasture shall prepare, And feed me with a shepherd's care; His presence shall my wants supply, And guard me with a watchful eye; My noon-day walks he shall attend, And all my midnight hours defend. 2 When in the sultry glebe I faint, Or on the thirsty mountain pant, To fertile vales, and dewy meads, My weary, wand'ring steps he leads; Where peaceful rivers soft and slow, Amid the verdant landskip flow. 3 Though in a bare and rugged way, Through devious, lonely wilds I stray, Thy bounty shall my pains beguile; The barren wilderness shall smile, With sudden greens and herbage crown'd, And streams shall murmur all around.
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The voice of my beloved sounds

Appears in 24 hymnals Lyrics: 1 The voice of my beloved sounds, While o'er the mountain tops he bounds, He flies exulting o'er the hills, And all my soul wth transport fills: Gently doth he chide my stay, Rise my love and come away. 2 The scatter'd clouds are fled at last, The rain is gone, the winter's past, The lovely vernal flow'rs appear, The feather'd choirs invite our ear: Now with sweetly pensive moan, Coos the turtle dove alone. 3 The voice of my beloved sounds, While o'er the mountain tops he bounds, He flies exulting o'er the hills, And all my soul with transport fills: Gently doth he chide me stay, Rise my love and come away.
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Thou great and sacred Lord of all

Appears in 11 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Thou great and sacred Lord of all, Of life and only spring, Creator of unnumber'd worlds, Immensely glorious King. Whose image shakes the stagg'ring mind, Beyond conception high, Crown'd with omnipotence and veil'd With dark eternity. 2 Drive from the confines of my heart, Impenitence and pride: Nor let me in erroneous paths With thoughtless ideots glide. Whate'er thine all-discerning eye Sees for thy creature fit, I'll bless the good and to the ill Contentedly submit. 3 With humane pleasure let me view The prosp'rous and the great; Malignant envy let me fly, With odious self-conceit. Let not despair nor curs'd revenge Be to my bosom known; O give me tears for others woe And patience for my own. 4 Feed me with necessary food, I ask not wealth or fame: But give me eyes to view thy works, And sense to praise thy name. May still my days obscurely pass, Without remorse or care; And let me for the parting hour, My trembling ghost prepare.
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Thou, Jesus, art our king!

Appears in 9 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Thou Jesus, art our king! Thy ceaseless praise we sing; Praise shall our glad tongue employ Praise o'erflow our grateful soul, While we vital breath employ, While eternal ages roll. 2 Thou art th' eternal light, Thou shin'st in deepest night, Wan'dring gaz'd th' angelic train While thou bow'dst the heav'ns beneath, God with God wert man with man, Man to save from endless death. 3 Thou with our pain didst mourn, Thou hast our sickness born: All our sins on thee were laid! Thou with unexampled grace All the mighty debt hast paid, Due from Adam's helpless race! 4 Enthron'd above yon sky, Thou reign'st with God most high: Prostrate at thy feet we fall! Pow'r supreme to thee is giv'n, Thee, the righteous judge of all, Thee, the Lord of earth and heav'n! 5 Arise stir up thy pow'r, Thou deathless conqueror! King of all! with pitying eye Mark the toil and pains we feel! 'Midst the snares of death we lie 'Midst the banded pow'rs of hell. 6 O Lord! O God of love! Let us thy mercy prove! Help us to obtain the prize, Help us well to close our race; That with thee above the skies, Endless joy we may possess.
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When all thy mercies, O my God

Appears in 1,002 hymnals Lyrics: 1 When all thy mercies, O my God, My rising soul surveys, Why my cold heart art thou not lost, In wonder, love and praise? Thy providence my life sustain'd And all my wants redress'd, When in the silent womb I lay, And hung upon the breast. Hallelujah. 2 To all my weak complaints and cries Thy mercy lent an ear, E'er yet my feeble thoughts had learn'd To form themselves in pray'r. Unnumber'd comforts to my soul Thy tender care bestow'd, Before my infant heart conceiv'd From whom those comforts flow'd. Hallelujah. 3 When in the slip'ry paths of youth With heedless steps I ran, Thine arm unseen convey'd me safe, And led me up to man. Through hidden dangers, toils and deaths, It gently clear'd my way, And through the pleasing snares of vice, More to be fear'd than they. Hallelujah. 4 Through every period of my life Thy goodness I’ll pursue; And after death in distant worlds The pleasing theme renew. Through all eternity to thee A grateful song I’ll raise; But O! eternity’s too short To utter all thy praise. Hallelujah.
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Who hath our report believed

Appears in 9 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Who hath our report believed? Shiloh come is not received, Not received by his own, Promised branch from root of Jesse; David's offspring sent to bless ye, Comes too meekly, too meekly to be known. 2 Tell me O thou favour'd nation, What is thy fond expectation! Some fair spreading lofty tree? Let not worldly pride confound thee; 'Mong the lowly plants around thee; Mark the lowest that is he. 3 Lo Messiah unrespected, Man of griefs despis'd, rejected; Wounds his form disfiguring; Marr'd his visage more than any, For he bears the sins of many, All our sorrows carrying. 4 No deceit his mouth had spoken, Blameless he no laws had broken, Yet was number'd with the worst; For because the Lord would grieve him, We who saw it did believe him, For his own offences curst. 5 But while him our thoughts accused He for us alone was bruised, Stricken smitten for our guilt, With his stripes our wounds are cured, By his pains our peace assured, Purchas'd with the blood he spilt. 6 Blessed be the pow'r who gave us, Freely gave his son to save us, Bless'd the son who freely came, Honour, blessing, adoration, Ever, from the whole creation, Be to God and to the Lamb.
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Farewell to the World

Appears in 25 hymnals First Line: World adieu! thou real cheat Lyrics: 1 World adieu! thou real cheat, Oft have thy deceitful charms Fill'd my heart with fond conceit, Foolish hopes, and false alarms; Now I see, as clear as day, How thy follies pass away. 2 Vain thy entertaining sights, False thy promises renew'd, All the pomp of thy delights Does but flatter and delude; Thee I quit, for heav'n above, Object of the noblest love. 3 Farewell honour's empty pride, Thy own nice, uncertain gust, If the least mischange betide, Lays thee lower than the dust: Worldly honours end in gall, Rise today – to-morrow fall. 4 Foolish vanity – farewell– More inconstant than the wavs, Where thy soothing fancies dwell, Purest tempers they deprave; He, to who I fly from thee, Jesus Christ shall set me free. 5 Let not, Lord! my wand'ring mind Follow after fleeting toys, Since, in thee alone, I find Solid and substantial joys: Toys which never overpast, Through eternity shall last. 6 Lord! how happy is a heart After thee while it aspires! True and faithful as thou art, Thou shalt answer its desires: It shall see the glorious scene Of thine everlasting reign.
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A Funeral Thought

Appears in 343 hymnals First Line: Hark! from the tombs a doleful sound Lyrics: 1 Hark! from the tombs a doleful sound, Mine ears attend the cry; "Ye living men, come view the ground "Where you must shortly lie. 2 "Princes, this clay must be your Bbd, "In spite of all your tow'rs; "The tall, the wise, the rev'rend head, "Must lie as low as ours." 3 Great God! is this our certain doom? And are we still secure! Still walking downward to our tomb, And yet prepare no more! 4 Grant us the pow'rs of quick'ning grace, To fit our souls to fly; Then, when we drop this dying flesh, We'll rise above the sky.
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The Christian's Complaint, and Prayer for the Impenitent

Appears in 8 hymnals First Line: Ah! woe is me, constrain'd to dwell Lyrics: 1 Ah! woe is me, constrain'd to dwell, Among the sons of night: Poor sinners dropping into hell, Who hate the gospel light: Wild as the untam'd Arab's race, Who from their Saviour fly; And trample on his pard'ning grace, And all his threats defy. 2 Yet here alas! in pain I live, Where Satan keeps his seat, And day bey day for those I grieve, Who will to sin submit. With gushing eyes their deeds I see, Their punishment is nigh, I ask with him who ransom'd me, Why will you sin and die? 3 Jesus, Redeemer of mankind, Display thy saving pow'r; Thy mercy let those outcasts find, To know their gracious hour. Ah! give them Lord a longer space, Nor suddenly consume, But let them take the proffer'd grace, And flee the wrath to come. 4 Open their eyes and ears to see Thy cross, to hear the cries, Sinner thy Saviour weeps for thee, For thee he weeps and dies. All the day long he meekly stands, His rebels to receive; And shows his wounds, and spreads his hands, And bids you turn and live.
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An Act of Faith

Appears in 174 hymnals First Line: Away my unbelieving fear Lyrics: 1 Away, my unbelieving fear! Fear shall in me no more take place! My Saviour doth not yet appear, He hides the brightness of his face; But shall I therefore let him go, And basely to the tempter yield? No, in the strength of Jesus, no! I never will give up the shield. 2 Although the vine its fruit deny, Although the olive yield no oil, The with'ring fig-tree droop and die, The field illude the tiller's toil; The empty stall no herd afford, And perish all the bleating race; Yet I will triumph in the Lord, The God of my salvation praise. 3 Barren although my soul remain, And no one bud of grace appear, No fruit of all my toil and pain, But sin and only sin is here; Although my gifts and comforts lost, My blooming hopes cut off I see, Yet will I win my Saviour trust, And glory that he dy'd for me. 4 In hope, believing against hope, Jesus my Lord and God I claim, Jesus my strength shall lift me up, Salvation is in Jesu's name; To me he soon shall bring it nigh, My soul shall then outstrip the wind, On wings of love mount up on high, And leave the world and sin behind.
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Glory and honour be to thee

Appears in 4 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Glory and honour be to thee, Thou self-sufficient Deity; Thee we revere, and thee adore, In mercy infinite, and power. 2 To thee, our joyful hearts we raise, To thee, we bring our songs of praise; Whose bounteous care and love imparts, Celestial blessings to our hearts. 3 Unto the holy triune God, Who hast on us, poor worms, bestow'd Such favours, such amazing grace, We pay our homage, thanks and praise.
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On the Sun's rising

Appears in 7 hymnals First Line: Hail to thy brightness glorious sun Lyrics: 1 Hail to thy brightness glorious sun, That gilds the op'ning day, How far beyond the cold pale moon, Thy warm superior ray! At thy approach all nature smiles, Its orient tears dry up, The birds with songs the time beguile, With glad'ning joys they hop. 2 But ah! how short the transient gleam, Thy hast'ning steps forebode; That the refulgence of thy beam, Is but a fading good. Yet still a sun prepares to rise, That brings eternal day, And shews us an immortal prize, That never will decay.
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Christ's second coming

Appears in 139 hymnals First Line: He comes! he comes! the judge severe! Lyrics: 1 He comes! he comes! the Judge severe! The seventh trumpet speaks him near; His lightnings flash, his thunders roll, How welcome to the faithful soul, Welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, Welcome to the faithful soul. 2 From heav'n angelic voices sound, See the almighty Jesus crown'd! Girt with omnipotence and grace, And glory decks the Saviour's face, Glory, glory, glory, glory, Glory decks the Saviour's face! 3 Descending on his azure throne, He claims the kingdoms for his own; The kingdoms all obey his word, And hail him their triumphant Lord: Hail him, hail him, hail him, hail him, Hail him their triumphant Lord. 4 Shout all the people of the sky, And all the saints of the most high: Our God who now his Right obtains Forever and forever reigns; Ever, ever, ever, ever, Ever and forever reigns. 5 The Father praise, the Son adore, The Spirit bless forever more: Salvation's glorious work is done We welcome thee great three in one! Welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, Welcome thee great three in one.
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Delivered for our Offences – Raised again for our Justification

Appears in 644 hymnals First Line: He dies, the friend of sinners dies! Lyrics: 1 He dies, the friend of sinners dies! Lo! Salem's daughters weep around! A solemn darkness veils the skies! A sudden trembling shakes the ground! Come saints, and drop a tear or two, For him who groan'd beneath your load; He shed a thousand drops for you, A thousand drops of richer blood! 2 Here's love and grief beyond degree! The Lord of glory dies for men! But lo! what sudden joys we see! Jesus the dead revives again! The rising God forsakes the tomb! (In vain the tomb forbids his rise!) Cherubic legions guard him home, And shout him welcome to the skies! 3 Break off your tears ye saints; and tell How high our great Deliv'rer reigns! Sing how he spoil'd the Hosts of hell, And led the monster Death in chains! Say, "live forever, wond'rous King' "Born to redeem; and strong to save;" Then ask the monster "where's thy sting? And where's thy victory, boasting Grave!"
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Christ's Victory over Death

Appears in 493 hymnals First Line: Jesus Christ is risen today, Hallelujah Lyrics: 1 Jesus Christ is ris'n to-day, Hallelujah, Our triumphant holiday, Hallelujah, Who so lately on the cross, Hallelujah, Suffer'd to redeem my loss, Hallelujah. 2 Hymns of praises let us sing, Hallelujah, Unto Christ our heav'nly King, Hallelujah, Who endur'd the cross and grave, Hallelujah, Sinners to redeem and save, Hallelujah. 3 But the pains which he endur'd, Hallelujah, Our salvation hath procur'd, Hallelujah, Now he reigns above the sky, Hallelujah, Where the angels ever cry, Hallelujah.
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CHRIST on the Treee

Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: Mourn, mourn, ye Saints who once did see Lyrics: 1 Mourn, mourn, ye Saints, who once did see Our Saviour dear nail'd to the tree: A bitter death he did endure, To save the souls of men secure. 2 Oh, how his purple streams did flow! His blood on man he did bestow; With hands and feet nail'd to the wood, And pierced side ran down with blood. 3 What wisdom can conceive or know, What tongue or pen can truly show The vast dimensions of his love, Or show his pow'r in heav'n above? 4 To God be praise and worship done, For giving us his only Son; Let's tune our souls, and let him adore In hallelujahs evermore.
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O God of good, the unfathomed sea

Appears in 65 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O God of good th' unfathom'd sea, Who would not give his heart to thee? Who would not love thee with his might? O Jesus lover of mankind, Who would not his whole soul and mind, With all his strength to thee unite? Thou shin'st with everlasting rays; Before th' insufferable blaze Angels with both wings veil their eyes: Yet free as air thy bounty streams On all thy works; thy mercy's beams Diffusive as thy sun's arise. 2 Astonish'd at thy frowning brow, Earth, hell, and Heav'n's strong pillars bow, Terrible majesty is thine! Who then can that vast love express, Which bows thee down to me, who less Than nothing am, till thou art mine! High thron'd on heav'n's eternal hill, In number, weight, and measure still Thou sweetly orderst all that is: And yet thou diegn'st to come to me, And guide my steps, that I with thee Enthron'd, may reign in endless bliss! 3 Fountain of food all Blessing flows From thee, no want thy fulness knows, What but thyself canst thou desire? Yes, self-sufficient as thou art, Thou dost desire my worthless heart, This only this thou dost require! Primeval beauty! in thy sight The first born, fairest sons of light, See all their brightest glories fade What then to me thine eyes could turn, In sin conceiv'd, of woman born, A worm, a leaf, a blast, a shade? 4 Hell's armies tremble at thy nod, And trembling own th' almighty God, Sov'reign of earth, air, hell and sky! But who is this that comes from far, Whose garments roll'd in blood appear? 'Tis God made man for man to die! O God of food th' unfathom'd sea, Who would not give his heart to thee? Who would not love thee with his might? O Jesus lover of mankind, Who would not his whole soul and mind With all his strength to the unite?
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Christ's Infancy

Appears in 17 hymnals First Line: O sight of anguish! view it near Lyrics: 1 O sight of anguish! view it near, What weeping Innocence is here, A manger for his bed? The brutes yield refuge to his woe, Men the worst brutes no pity show, Nor give him friendly aid. 2 Why do no rapid thunders roll? Why do no Tempests rack the pole? O miracle of grace! Or why no angel on the wing, Warm for the honors of their Kkng, T' extirpate all the race? 3 Did he that Infant bath'd in tears, Call into form the rolling spheres? Did seraphs wait his nod? Helpless he calls, but man delays; The moral chaos disobeys, This Offspring of a God. 4 Say radiant seraphs, thron'd in light, Did love e'er tow'r so high a flight, Or glory sink so low? This wonder angels scarce declare, Angels the rapture scarce can bear, Or equal praise bestow. 5 Redemption! 'tis a boundless theme! Thou boundless mind, our hearts inflame With ardour from above. Words are but faint, let joy express; Vain is mere joy, let actions bless This prodigy of love.
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Christ's Triumph

Appears in 743 hymnals First Line: Rejoice, the Lord is King Lyrics: 1 Rejoice, the Lord is King; Your Lord and King adore; Mortals, give thanks, and sing, And triumph evermore. Lift up your heart, lift up your voice, Rejoice, again I say rejoice. 2 Jesus the Saviour, reigns, The God of truth and love; When he had purg'd our stains, He took his seat above. Lift up your heart, lift up your voice, Rejoice, again I say rejoice. 3 His kingdom cannot fail, He rules o'er earth and heav'n! The keys of death and hell Are to our Jesus giv'n. Lift up your heart, lift up your voice, Rejoice, again I say rejoice. 4 He all his foes shall quell, Shall all our sins destroy, And ev'ry bosom swell With pure seraphic joy. Lift up your heart, lift up your voice, Rejoice, again I say rejoice. 5 Rejoice in glorious hope: Jesus the Judge shall come, And take his servants up, To their eternal home. We soon shall hear th' arch angel's voice, The trump of God shall sound, rejoice.
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On the Day of Jdgement

Appears in 31 hymnals First Line: When the fierce north wind, with his airy forces Lyrics: 1 When the fierce north wind, with his airy forces, Rears up the Baltic to a foaming fury, And the red lightning, with a storm of hail, comes Rushing amain down. 2 How the poor sailors stand amaz'd and tremble! While the hoarse thunder like a bloody trumpet, Roars a loud onset to the gaping waters Quick to devour them. 3 Such shall the noise be, and the wild disorder, (If things eternal may be like these earthly) Such the dire terror when the great Ark angel Shakes the creation; 4 Tears the strong pillars of the vault of heaven, Breaks up old marble, the repose of princes; See the graves open, and the bones arising. Flames all around them! 5 Hark, the shrill outcries of the guilty wretches! Lively bright horror, and amazing anguish, Stare through their eye-lids, while the living worm lies Gnawing within them. 6 Thoughts, like old Vultures, prey upon their heart-strings, And the smart twinges, when the eye beholds the Lofty judge frowning, and a flood of vengeance Rolling afore him. 7 Hopeless immortals! how they scream and shiver While devils push them to the pit wide yawning Hideous and gloomy to receive them head-long Down to the centre. 8 Stop here, my fancy: (all away, ye horrid Doleful ideas) come, arise to Jesus, How he sits God-like! and the saints around him Thron'd, yet adoring! 9 O may I sit there when he comes triumphant, Dooming the nations! then ascend to glory, While our hosannas all along the passage Shout the redeemer.
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On the death of Miss R.

Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: And is the lovely shadow fled Lyrics: 1 And is the lovely shadow fled. The blooming wonder of her years, So soon inshrin'd among the dead. She justly claims our pious tears: who now to heav'nly spirits join;d, Hath left our wretched world behind. 2 Her earthly shortliv'd excellence With meek submission we bemoan, Snatch'd in a fatal movement hence, Gone from our arms to Jesus gone, To heighten by her swift remove The grief below, and joy above. 3 In vain the dear departing saint Forbids our gushing tears to flow, Forbear my friends your fond complaint, From earth to heav'n I gladly go, To glorious company above, Bright angels, and the God of love. 4 O praise him and rejoice for me So happy, happy in my God! So sonn from all my pain set free, And hasten to that blest abode, With swift desire my steps pursue, And take the prize prepar'd for you. 5 Meet am I for the great reward, The great reward I know is mine, Come O my sweet redeeming Lord, Open those lovely arms of thine, And take me up thy face to see, And let me die to live with thee. 6 The pray'r is seal'd the soul is fled, And sees the Saviour face to face: But still she speaks to us though dead. She calls us to that heav'nly place, Where all the storms of life are o'er, And pain and parting is no more.
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Christ's Ascension

Appears in 553 hymnals First Line: Hail the day that sees him rise Lyrics: 1 Hail the day that sees him rise, Ravish'd from our wishful eyes! Christ a while to mortals giv'n, Re-ascends his native heaven. There the pompous triumph waits; "Lift your heads, eternal gates! "Wide unfold the radiant scene, "Take the King of Glory in!" 2 Him though highest heav'n receives, Still he loves the earth he leaves; Though returning to his throne, Still he calls mankind his own: Still for us he intercedes, Prevalent his death he pleads; Next himself prepares our place, Harbinger of human race. 3 Master (may we ever say) Taken from our head to-day; See thy faithful servants see, Ever gazing upon thee! Grant, though parted from our sight, High above yon azure height, Grant our hearts may thither rise, Foll'wing thee beyond the skies. 4 Ever upward let us move, Wafted on the wings of love, Looking, when our Lord shall come, Longing, gasping after home; There we shall with thee remain; Partners of thine endless reign; There thy face unclouded see, Find our heav'n of heav'ns in thee.
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The Soul departing

Appears in 193 hymnals First Line: Happy Soul, thy days are ended Lyrics: 1 Happy Soul, thy days are ended, All thy mourning days below; Go, by angel guards attended To the sight of Jesus go! Hallelujah Amen. 2 Waiting to receive thy spirit, Lo! the Saviour stands above, Shows the purchase of his merit, Reaches out the crown of love. Hallelujah, Amen. 3 Struggle through thy latest passion To thy dear Redeemer's breast, To his uttermost salvation To his everlasting rest: Hallelujah, Amen. 4 For the joy he sets before thee, Bear a momentary pain, Die, to live the life of glory, Suffer, with thy Lord to reign. Hallelujah. Amen.

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