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TitleTopicsLectionary Weeks
Christ, Mighty SaviorParticular Times of Worship Evening
He Has Made Me GladParticular Times of Worship Opening of Worship
I Love the Lord; He Heard My CryAffliction; Atonement; Biblical Names and Places Jerusalem; Church Year All Saints' Day; Church Year Baptism of the Lord; Church Year Easter; Church Year Maundy Thursday; Commitment; Darkness; Despair; Discipleship; Doubt; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Elements of Worship Testimony; Fear; Freedom; God Obedience to; God Trust in; God's Word; God's Forgiveness; God's Goodness; God's Love; God's Name; God's People (flock, sheep); God's Promises; Grace; Gratitude; Grave; Guilt; Jesus Christ Incarnation; Life Stages Death; Loneliness; Love for God; Mercy; Occasional Services Dedication to Discipleship; Offering of Sacrifice; Prayer Answer to; Prayer; Rejoicing; Remnant of Isarel; Rest; Sorrow; Suffering; The Fall; The Incarnation; Vows; Year A, B, C, Holy Week, Maundy Thursday; Year A, Easter, 3rd Sunday; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, June 12-18 (if ater Trinity Sunday); Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September 11-17
Lord, I Gladly TrustAcrostic Psalms; Affliction; Biblical Names and Places Israel; Church Year Advent; Elements of Worship Baptism; Elements of Worship Confession (Individual); Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Elements of Worship Prayer for Illumination; Forgiveness; God Daily Experience of; God Trust in; God as Guide; God as Judge; God's Compassion; God's Faithfulness; God's Forgiveness; God's Friendship; God's Promises; God's Protection; God's Way; Grace; Guilt; Hope; Humility; Jesus Christ Friend of Sinners; Jesus Christ Parables of; Joy; Lament Individual; Life Stages Youth; Loneliness; Mercy; Occasional Services Ordination and/or Installation; Prayer; Renewal; Rest; Salvation; Shame; The Fall; Trust; Truth; Worship; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September 24-October 1; Year B, Lent, 1st Sunday; Year C, Advent, 1st Sunday; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 10-16
Thou Art My Portion, LordAcrostic Psalms; Church Year Transfiguration; Conflict; Daily Prayer Midday Prayer; Daily Prayer Morning Prayer; Delight; Discipleship; Elements of Worship Baptism; Elements of Worship Prayer for Illumination; Freedom; God Light from; God Obedience to; God as Guide; God as Lawgiver; God's Sorrow; God's Will; God's Wisdom; God's Word; God's Face; God's Judgments; God's Justice; God's law; God's Love; God's Promises; God's Protection; Grace; Jesus Christ Friend of Sinners; Jesus Christ Teacher; Jesus Christ Way, Truth, and Life; Joy; Judgment; Life Stages Youth; Lord's Prayer 2nd petition (your kingdom come); Love for God; Mercy; Occasional Services Ordination and/or Installation; Remembering; Salvation; Seeking God; Suffering; Temptation And Trial; Ten Commandments 9th Commandment (do not bear false witness); The Fall; Trust; Truth; Victory; Wisdom Psalms; Witness; Year A, Ordinary Time after Epiphany, 6th Sunday; Year A, Ordinary Time after Epiphany, 7th Sudnay; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 10-16; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 24-30; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September 4-10; Year B, Lent, 5th Sunday; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 30-November 5; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 16-22; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 30-November 5
Desire After GodAccess to God; Anger of God Deprecated; Aspirations For Christ; Assurance Enjoyed; Christ Communion with; Christ Confessing; Christ Light and Guide; Christ Worshiped; Christians Believers; Christians Conscious of Safety; Comfort in Trials; Faith Confidence of; God Fatherhood of; God Source of All Good; Gospel Acceptance of; Gospel Invitations of ; Gospel Privileges of; Invitation and Divine Pleading; Love For God; Mercy of God Prayer for; Orphans; Parents and Children; Prayer confidence in; Prayer For Deliverance from Trouble; Prayer Pleas in; Procrastination; Protection Only from God; Providence of God Over Saints; Safety Assured; Salvation Accepted Time of; Salvation Prayers for; Seeking God; Worship Delightful to Saints
Your Word Sheds Light upon My PathAcrostic Psalms; Church Year Transfiguration; Conflict; Daily Prayer Midday Prayer; Daily Prayer Morning Prayer; Delight; Discipleship; Elements of Worship Baptism; Elements of Worship Prayer for Illumination; Freedom; God Light from; God Obedience to; God as Guide; God as Lawgiver; God's Sorrow; God's Will; God's Wisdom; God's Word; God's Face; God's Judgments; God's Justice; God's law; God's Love; God's Promises; God's Protection; Grace; Jesus Christ Friend of Sinners; Jesus Christ Teacher; Jesus Christ Way, Truth, and Life; Joy; Judgment; Life Stages Youth; Lord's Prayer 2nd petition (your kingdom come); Love for God; Mercy; Occasional Services Ordination and/or Installation; Remembering; Salvation; Seeking God; Suffering; Temptation And Trial; Ten Commandments 9th Commandment (do not bear false witness); The Fall; Trust; Truth; Victory; Wisdom Psalms; Witness; Year A, Ordinary Time after Epiphany, 6th Sunday; Year A, Ordinary Time after Epiphany, 7th Sudnay; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 10-16; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 24-30; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September 4-10; Year B, Lent, 5th Sunday; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 30-November 5; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 16-22; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 30-November 5
Bless the Lord, O My SoulAngels; Atonement; Biblical Names and Places Israel; Biblical Names and Places Moses; Blessing; Church Year Lent; Church Year Maundy Thursday; Covenant; Elements of Worship Assurance of Pardon; Elements of Worship Baptism; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Elements of Worship Thanksgiving after the Lord's Supper; Faith; Forgiveness; God Changelessness of; God as King; God as Slow to Anger; God's Sovereignty; God's Word; God's Anger; God's Compassion; God's Faithfulness; God's Forgiveness; God's Generosity; God's Goodness; God's Justice; God's Kingdom; God's Love; God's Name; God's People (flock, sheep); Grace; Grave; Healing; Hope; Humanity Sustained by God; Hymns of Praise; Jesus Christ Friend of Sinners; Jesus Christ Healer; Jesus Christ Teacher; Life Stages Family; Life Stages Generations; Life Stages Old Age; Life Stages Youth; Lord's Prayer 3rd petition (your will be done); Lord's Prayer 6th petition (save us from the time of trail…); Love; Mercy; Occasional Services Christian Marriage; Occasional Services Funerals; Occasional Services Healing Service; Occasional Services New Year; Peace; People of God / Church Family of God; People of God / Church Serving; Prayer; Remembering; Salvation; Servants of God; Temptation And Trial; The Creation; The Fall; Victory; Witness; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September 11-17; Year B, Ordinary Time after Epiphany, 8th Sunday; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, May 24-May 28 (if after Trinity Sunday); Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, August 21-27
I Will Sing of the Mercies of the LORDBiblical Names and Places David; Biblical Names and Places Egypt; Biblical Names and Places Israel; Biblical Names and Places Mount Hermon; Biblical Names and Places Rahab; Biblical Names and Places Tabor; Church Year Advent; Church Year Baptism of the Lord; Covenant; Discipleship; Doxologies; Earth; Elements of Worship Call to Worship; Elements of Worship Gathering; God as Shield; God as King; God's Wonders; God's Armor; God's Compassion; God's Deeds; God's Faithfulness; God's Justice; God's Love; God's Majesty; God's People (flock, sheep); Happiness; Joy; Judgment; Lament Community; Love; New Creation; Occasional Services Dedication / Consecration / Anniversary; Occasional Services Funerals; Occasional Services New Year; People of God / Church Citizens of Heaven; Royal Psalms; Truth; Unity and Fellowship; Witness; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, June 26-July 2; Year B, Advent, 4th Sunday; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 17-23
The LORD Is King, Enthroned in MightBiblical Names and Places Aaron; Biblical Names and Places Jacob; Biblical Names and Places Moses; Biblical Names and Places Samuel; Biblical Names and Places Zion; Church Year Ascension of the Lord; Church Year Christ the King; Church Year Transfiguration; Church Year Trinity Sunday; Earth; Elements of Worship Assurance of Pardon; Enthronement Psalms; Forgiveness; God as King; God's Reigning; God's Sovereignty; God's Forgiveness; God's Holiness; God's Name; Hymns of Praise; Judgment; Remnant of Isarel; Social Justice; Worship; Year A, Ordinary Time after Epiphany, Transfiguration Sunday; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 16-22; Year C, Ordinary Time after Epiphany, Transfiguration Sunday
Bless the LORD, O Saints and ServantsChurch Year Ascension of the Lord; Church Year Easter; Daily Prayer Evening Prayer; Daily Prayer Midday Prayer; Elements of Worship Call to Worship; Elements of Worship Gathering; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; God Trust in; God's Sovereignty; God's Glory; God's Love; God's Majesty; God's Name; Humility; Hymns of Praise; Jesus Christ Mind of; Life Stages Family; Life Stages Generations; Mercy; New Creation; People of God / Church Citizens of Heaven; People of God / Church Family of God; Poverty; Servants of God; Social Justice; Sorrow; The Annunciation; The Needy; Year A, B, C, Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth, Mary 31; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September 18-24
I Will Exalt My God and KingAcrostic Psalms; Alleluias; Church Year All Saints' Day; Church Year Easter; Church Year Trinity Sunday; Disciples / Calling; Elements of Worship Gathering; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Endurance; God Daily Experience of; God Desire for; God Light from; God as Creator; God as King; God's Sovereignty; God's Sustaining Power; God's Triumph; God's Wonders; God's Word; God's Deeds; God's Faithfulness; God's Forgiveness; God's Generosity; God's Gifts; God's Glory; God's Greatness; God's Kingdom; God's Love; God's Name; God's Nearness; God's Presence; God's Providence; God's Way; Hymns of Praise; Jesus Christ Mind of; Life Stages Generations; Lord's Prayer 1st petition (hallowed be your name); Lord's Prayer 4th petition (give us today our daily bread); Occasional Services Christian Marriage; Occasional Services New Year; Occasional Services Thanksgving Day / Harvest Festival; People of God / Church Witnessing; Prayer; Rejoicing; Witness; Worship; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 31-August 6; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 3-9; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September 18-24; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 24-30; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, November 6-12
God's Glory Fills the HeavensChurch Year Lent; Church Year Passion/Palm Sunday; Conflict; Daily Prayer Midday Prayer; Daily Prayer Morning Prayer; Darkness; Discipleship; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Elements of Worship Prayer for Illumination; Elements of Worship Preparation for Worship; God Light from; God Trust in; God as Refuge; God as Rock; God as Shield; God as Creator; God's Wisdom; God's Word; God's Armor; God's Glory; God's Justice; God's law; God's Strength; Grace; Healing; Hymns of Praise; Jesus Christ Mind of; Jesus Christ Way, Truth, and Life; Renewal; Salvation; Servants of God; Temptation And Trial; Ten Commandments 10th Commandment (do not covet); Ten Commandments Deuteronomy 6; The Creation; The Fall; Truth; Victory; Wisdom Psalms; Worship; Year A, B, C, Easter, Easter vigil; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 2-8; Year B, Lent, 3rd Sunday; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September 25-October 1; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September, 11-17; Year C, Ordinary Time after Epiphany, 3rd Sunday
I Waited Patiently for GodAssurance; Church Year Advent; Church Year Lent; Commitment; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Offering; Faith; God Daily Experience of; God Obedience to; God Trust in; God as Refuge; God's Will; God's Word; God's Faithfulness; God's Goodness; God's Love; God's Strength; Gratitude; Idols and Idolatry; Jesus Christ Teacher; Mercy; New Creation; Occasional Services Dedication to Discipleship; Occasional Services Ordination and/or Installation; Offering of Sacrifice; Patience; People of God / Church Serving; Prayer; Remnant of Isarel; Seeking God; Suffering; Temptation And Trial; Ten Commandments 2nd Commandment (do not make graven emages); Ten Commandments 4th Commandment (remember the Sabbath); The Annunciation; The Fall; The Needy; Trust; Witness; Worship; Year A, B, C, Annunciation of the Lord, March 25; Year A, Ordinary Time after Epiphany, 2nd Sunday
Sing, Sing a New Song to the LORD GodBiblical Names and Places Israel; Church Year Advent; Church Year Christmas; Disciples / Calling; Earth; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Enthronement Psalms; God as Judge; God as King; God's Reigning; God's Reigning; God's Triumph; God's Wonders; God's Deeds; God's Faithfulness; God's Justice; God's Love; God's People (flock, sheep); God's Power; God's Strength; Hymns of Praise; Jesus Christ Incarnation; Joy; Judgment; Justice; Mercy; Mission; Music and Musicians; Musical Instruments; New Creation; Occasional Services New Year; People of God / Church Witnessing; Rejoicing; Salvation; The Creation; The Incarnation; Truth; Witness; Worship; Year A, B, C, Christmas III, December 24 of 25; Year A, B, C, Easter, Easter vigil; Year A, B, C, Holy Cross, September 14; Year B, Easter, 6th Sunday; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, November 13-19; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, November 6-12
Psalm 98 (A Responsorial Setting)Biblical Names and Places Israel; Church Year Advent; Church Year Christmas; Disciples / Calling; Earth; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Enthronement Psalms; God as Judge; God as King; God's Reigning; God's Reigning; God's Triumph; God's Wonders; God's Deeds; God's Faithfulness; God's Justice; God's Love; God's People (flock, sheep); God's Power; God's Strength; Hymns of Praise; Jesus Christ Incarnation; Joy; Judgment; Justice; Mercy; Mission; Music and Musicians; Musical Instruments; New Creation; Occasional Services New Year; People of God / Church Witnessing; Rejoicing; Salvation; The Creation; The Incarnation; Truth; Witness; Worship; Year A, B, C, Christmas III, December 24 of 25; Year A, B, C, Easter, Easter vigil; Year A, B, C, Holy Cross, September 14; Year B, Easter, 6th Sunday; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, November 13-19; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, November 6-12
Praise, My Soul, the God of HeavenGod Praise and Thanksgiving; Adoration and Praise; Angels; Choruses and Refrains; Comfort/Consolation; Faithfulness; Funerals and Memorial Services; God Care; God Compassion/Tenderness; God Creator; God Faithfulness; God Grace; God Image (Father); God Images; God Kingdom, Majesty, Realm; God Love; Gratitude; Hallelujah; Jesus Christ Kingship, Conqueror; Jesus Christ Mercy; Love for God/Christ; Mercy; Opening Hymns; Processionals (Opening of Worship); Providence; Steadfastness; Sun; Time; Worship; Proper 7 Year A; Proper 18 Year A; Proper 19 Year A; Epiphany 7 Year B; Epiphany 8 Year B; Proper 10 Year B; Lent 3 Year C
In You, O LORD, I Put My TrustBiblical Names and Places Israel; Church Year Lent; Cruelty; Elements of Worship Baptism; Faith; God Daily Experience of; God Trust in; God as Rock; God's Love; God's Presence; God's Strength; Hope; Jesus Christ Mind of; Jesus Christ Teacher; Lament General; Life Stages Birth; Life Stages Old Age; Life Stages Youth; Loneliness; Mercy; Musical Instruments; Occasional Services Funerals; Occasional Services New Year; Remembering; Remnant of Isarel; Trust; Witness; Year A, B, C, Holy Week, Tuesday of Holy Week; Year C, Ordinary Time after Epiphany, 4th Sunday; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, August 21-27
I Will Extol You, O My GodAcrostic Psalms; Alleluias; Church Year All Saints' Day; Church Year Easter; Church Year Trinity Sunday; Disciples / Calling; Elements of Worship Gathering; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Endurance; God Daily Experience of; God Desire for; God Light from; God as Creator; God as King; God's Sovereignty; God's Sustaining Power; God's Triumph; God's Wonders; God's Word; God's Deeds; God's Faithfulness; God's Forgiveness; God's Generosity; God's Gifts; God's Glory; God's Greatness; God's Kingdom; God's Love; God's Name; God's Nearness; God's Presence; God's Providence; God's Way; Hymns of Praise; Jesus Christ Mind of; Life Stages Generations; Lord's Prayer 1st petition (hallowed be your name); Lord's Prayer 4th petition (give us today our daily bread); Occasional Services Christian Marriage; Occasional Services New Year; Occasional Services Thanksgving Day / Harvest Festival; People of God / Church Witnessing; Prayer; Rejoicing; Witness; Worship; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 31-August 6; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 3-9; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September 18-24; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 24-30; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, November 6-12
Sing to the LORD, Sing His PraiseChurch Year Advent; Disciples / Calling; Earth; Elements of Worship Call to Worship; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Enthronement Psalms; God as Judge; God as King; God's Reigning; God's Sovereignty; God's Wonders; God's Deeds; God's Glory; God's Justice; God's Majesty; God's Name; God's Power; God's Strength; Grace; Hymns of Praise; Idols and Idolatry; Joy; Judgment; Mission; Music and Musicians; New Creation; Occasional Services Civic / National Occasions; Offering of Sacrifice; People of God / Church Citizens of Heaven; People of God / Church Witnessing; Rejoicing; Temple; Ten Commandments 2nd Commandment (do not make graven emages); The Creation; Truth; Witness; Year A, B, C, Christmas I, December 24 or 25; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 16-22; Year C, Ordinary Time after Epiphany, 9th Sunday; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, May 29-June 4 (if after Trinity Sunday)
The Confidence of FaithAccess to God; Aspirations For Christ; Aspirations For Peace and Rest; Assurance Enjoyed; Cares; Christ Communion with; Christ Confessing; Christ Light and Guide; Christians Believers; Christians Conscious of Safety; Comfort in Trials; Faith Act of; Faith Confidence of; Fearlessness; God Fatherhood of; God Our Guardian; God Our Refuge; God Source of All Good; Gospel Acceptance of; Gospel Invitations of ; Gospel Privileges of; Grace Quickening; Invitation and Divine Pleading; Love For God; Mercy of God Prayer for; Parents and Children; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; Prayer confidence in; Prayer For Deliverance from Trouble; Prayer Importunity in ; Prayer Pleas in; Procrastination; Protection Only from God; Providence of God Over Saints; Safety Assured; Salvation Accepted Time of; Salvation Prayers for; Seeking God; Strength in God; Waiting upon God ; Worship Delightful to Saints
The Earth is Yours, O GodBiblical Names and Places Zion; Earth; Elements of Worship Gathering; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; God as Creator; God's Wonders; God's Deeds; God's Goodness; God's People (flock, sheep); God's Promise of Redemption; Gratitude; Hymns of Praise; Joy; Occasional Services Thanksgving Day / Harvest Festival; Peace; Prayer Answer to; Prayer; The Creation; Vows; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 10-16; Year A, Thanksgiving Day, Canada, 2nd Monday in October; Year A, Thanksgiving Day, USA, 4th Sunday in November; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 23-20
Out of the Depths I Cry to You On HighAngels; Atonement; Biblical Names and Places Israel; Biblical Names and Places Moses; Blessing; Church Year Lent; Church Year Maundy Thursday; Covenant; Elements of Worship Assurance of Pardon; Elements of Worship Baptism; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Elements of Worship Thanksgiving after the Lord's Supper; Faith; Forgiveness; God Changelessness of; God as King; God as Slow to Anger; God's Sovereignty; God's Word; God's Anger; God's Compassion; God's Faithfulness; God's Forgiveness; God's Generosity; God's Goodness; God's Justice; God's Kingdom; God's Love; God's Name; God's People (flock, sheep); Grace; Grave; Healing; Hope; Humanity Sustained by God; Hymns of Praise; Jesus Christ Friend of Sinners; Jesus Christ Healer; Jesus Christ Teacher; Life Stages Family; Life Stages Generations; Life Stages Old Age; Life Stages Youth; Lord's Prayer 3rd petition (your will be done); Lord's Prayer 6th petition (save us from the time of trail…); Love; Mercy; Occasional Services Christian Marriage; Occasional Services Funerals; Occasional Services Healing Service; Occasional Services New Year; Peace; People of God / Church Family of God; People of God / Church Family of God; Prayer; Remembering; Salvation; Servants of God; Temptation And Trial; The Creation; The Fall; Victory; Witness; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September 11-17; Year B, Ordinary Time after Epiphany, 8th Sunday; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, May 24-May 28 (if after Trinity Sunday); Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, August 21-27; Biblical Names and Places Israel; Church Year Advent; Church Year Ash Wednesday; Church Year Good Friday; Church Year Lent; Comfort and Encouragement; Conflict; Cry to God; Daily Prayer Midday Prayer; Darkness; Elements of Worship Assurance of Pardon; Elements of Worship Confession (Corporate); Elements of Worship Confession (Individual); Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Failure; Forgiveness; God Dependence on; God Desire for; God as Refuge; God's Word; God's Forgiveness; God's Name; God's People (flock, sheep); God's Promises; God's Strength; Grace; Guilt; Hope; Hopelessness; Judgment; Love; Mercy; Occasional Services Funerals; Patience; People of God / Church Suffering; Prayer; Salvation; Social Justice; Temptation And Trial; The Fall; Victory; War and Revolution; Year A, Lent, 5th Sunday; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, August 7-13; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, June 5-11 (if after Trinity Sunday); Year B. Ordinary Time after Pentecost, June 26-July 2
God Everlasting, at Your WordAnniversaries; Biblical Names and Places Moses; Church Year Ash Wednesday; Church Year Transfiguration; Daily Prayer Morning Prayer; Elements of Worship Confession (Individual); Faith; God Obedience to; God Trust in; God as Refuge; God as Creator; God as Creator; God's Seeing; God's Sovereignty; God's Sustaining Power; God's Will; God's Word; God's Armor; God's Face; God's Love; God's Power; God's Providence; Grace; Humanity Redeemed by God; Humanity Sustained by God; Joy; Judgment; Labor; Life Stages Death; Life Stages Generations; Life Stages Old Age; Occasional Services Funerals; Occasional Services New Year; Occasional Services Ordination and/or Installation; Pain; People of God / Church Renewal; Suffering; Temptation And Trial; The Creation; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, November, 13-19; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 23-29; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 9-15
How Lovely, Lord, How LovelyBiblical Names and Places Jacob; Biblical Names and Places Jacob; Blessing; Church Year Lent; Church Year Transfiguration; Desiring God; Discipleship; Doubt; Elements of Worship Baptism; Elements of Worship Gathering; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Fear; God Desire for; God Trust in; God as Refuge; God as Shield; God's Armor; God's Deeds; God's Face; God's House; God's Love; God's Name; God's People (flock, sheep); God's Promise of Redemption; God's Strength; God's Way; Grace; Hymns of Praise; Jesus Christ Incarnation; Joy; Longing for God; Occasional Services Christian Marriage; Occasional Services Dedication / Consecration / Anniversary; Occasional Services Funerals; Occasional Services Ordination and/or Installation; Pain; Peace; People of God / Church Citizens of Heaven; Prayer; Rest; Songs of Zion; Sorrow; Suffering; Temple; Temptation And Trial; The Fall; The Incarnation; Trust; Unity and Fellowship; Year A, B, C, Presentation of the Lord, February 2; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, August 21-27; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 23-29
As a Deer in Want of WaterAffliction; Biblical Names and Places Jordan; Biblical Names and Places Mizar; Biblical Names and Places Mount Hermon; Broken-hearted; Church Year Advent; Church Year Lent; Comfort and Encouragement; Desiring God; Elements of Worship Baptism; Elements of Worship Confession (Individual); Elements of Worship Gathering; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Emmaus Road; Enemies; Fear; God Trust in; God as Rock; God's Love; Hope; Jesus Christ Good Shepherd; Lament Individual; Loneliness; Longing for God; Mercy; Mocking; Occasional Services Funerals; Processions; Questioning; Remnant of Isarel; Seeking God; Sorrow; Temple; Temptation And Trial; Year A, B, C, Easter, Easter vigil; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, June 19-25 (if after Trinity Sunday)
Lord, Who May Dwell Within Your HouseChurch Year All Saints' Day; Disciples / Calling; Discipleship; Elements of Worship Gathering; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Preparation for Worship; Endurance; God's Word; God's House; Innocence; Jesus Christ Way, Truth, and Life; Labor; Obedience; Occasional Services Civic / National Occasions; Occasional Services Dedication / Consecration / Anniversary; People of God / Church Citizens of Heaven; Sanctification; Temple; Ten Commandments 8th Commandment (do not steal); Ten Commandments 9th Commandment (do not bear false witness); The Fall; Trust; Unity and Fellowship; Worship; Year A, Ordinary Time after Epiphany, 4th Sunday; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, August 28-September 3; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 17-23
Gracious God, My Heart RenewBiblical Names and Places Jerusalem; Biblical Names and Places Zion; Broken-hearted; Church Year Ash Wednesday; Church Year Good Friday; Church Year Lent; Church Year Pentecost; Church Year Transfiguration; Cry to God; Daily Prayer Morning Prayer; Elements of Worship Assurance of Pardon; Elements of Worship Baptism; Elements of Worship Confession (Individual); Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Offering; Endurance; Forgiveness; God Trust in; God as Refuge; God as Spirit; God's Wisdom; God's Face; God's Forgiveness; God's Goodness; God's Justice; God's Love; God's Protection; Grace; Guilt; Humility; Joy; Judgment; Lord's Prayer 5th petition (forgive us our sins as we forgive…); Mercy; Offering of Sacrifice; Renewal; Servants of God; Sorrow; Suffering; Ten Commandments 7th Commandmnet (do not commit adultery); The Fall; Year A, B, C, Lent, Ash Wednesday; Year B, Lent, 5th Sunday; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 31-August 6; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September, 11-17
O Let My Supplicating CryAcrostic Psalms; Church Year Transfiguration; Conflict; Daily Prayer Midday Prayer; Daily Prayer Morning Prayer; Delight; Discipleship; Elements of Worship Baptism; Elements of Worship Prayer for Illumination; Freedom; God Light from; God Obedience to; God as Guide; God as Lawgiver; God's Sorrow; God's Will; God's Wisdom; God's Word; God's Face; God's Judgments; God's Justice; God's law; God's Love; God's Promises; God's Protection; Grace; Jesus Christ Friend of Sinners; Jesus Christ Teacher; Jesus Christ Way, Truth, and Life; Joy; Judgment; Life Stages Youth; Lord's Prayer 2nd petition (your kingdom come); Love for God; Mercy; Occasional Services Ordination and/or Installation; Remembering; Salvation; Seeking God; Suffering; Temptation And Trial; Ten Commandments 9th Commandment (do not bear false witness); The Fall; Trust; Truth; Victory; Wisdom Psalms; Witness; Year A, Ordinary Time after Epiphany, 6th Sunday; Year A, Ordinary Time after Epiphany, 7th Sudnay; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 10-16; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 24-30; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September 4-10; Year B, Lent, 5th Sunday; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 30-November 5; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 16-22; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 30-November 5
Send Out Your Light and Your TruthAffliction; Broken-hearted; Church Year Good Friday; Comfort and Encouragement; Conflict; Darkness; Doubt; Elements of Worship Gathering; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Prayer for Illumination; Enemies; God as Refuge; God's Light; Jesus Christ Parables of; Jesus Christ Way, Truth, and Life; Joy; Lament Individual; Mercy; Musical Instruments; New Creation; Occasional Services Funerals; Pain; People of God / Church Citizens of Heaven; People of God / Church Suffering; Prayer; Questioning; Rest; Sorrow; Truth; Year A, B, C, Easter, Easter vigil; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 30-November 5; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, June 19-25 (if after Trinity Sunday)
Taste and SeeAcrostic Psalms; Angels; Bread of Life; Church Year All Saints' Day; Church Year Maundy Thursday; Comfort and Encouragement; Daily Prayer Morning Prayer; Daily Prayer Night Prayer; Disciples / Calling; Elements of Worship Call to Worship; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Endurance; Faith; God Trust in; God as Refuge; God as Healer; God's Seeing; God's Armor; God's Love; God's Name; God's Nearness; God's People (flock, sheep); God's Presence; God's Promises; Grace; Gratitude; Integrity; Judgment; Lord's Prayer 4th petition (give us today our daily bread); Peace; People of God / Church Citizens of Heaven; People of God / Church Witnessing; Prayer Answer to; Prayer; Rejoicing; Salvation; Seeking God; Servants of God; Victory; Wisdom Psalms; Witness; Year A, All Saints' Day, November 1; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, August 14-20; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, August 21-27; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, August 7-13; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 23-29
How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling PlaceBiblical Names and Places Jacob; Biblical Names and Places Jacob; Blessing; Church Year Lent; Church Year Transfiguration; Desiring God; Discipleship; Doubt; Elements of Worship Baptism; Elements of Worship Gathering; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Fear; God Desire for; God Trust in; God as Refuge; God as Shield; God's Armor; God's Deeds; God's Face; God's House; God's Love; God's Name; God's People (flock, sheep); God's Promise of Redemption; God's Strength; God's Way; Grace; Hymns of Praise; Jesus Christ Incarnation; Joy; Longing for God; Occasional Services Christian Marriage; Occasional Services Dedication / Consecration / Anniversary; Occasional Services Funerals; Occasional Services Ordination and/or Installation; Pain; Peace; People of God / Church Citizens of Heaven; Prayer; Rest; Songs of Zion; Sorrow; Suffering; Temple; Temptation And Trial; The Fall; The Incarnation; Trust; Unity and Fellowship; Year A, B, C, Presentation of the Lord, February 2; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, August 21-27; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 23-29
Let This Be My Supreme DesireChurch Year Lent; Commitment; Conflict; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Freedom from Fear; God Desire for; God Trust in; God's House; God's Love; God's Nearness; God's Presence; Innocence; Integrity; Jesus Christ Mind of; Jesus Christ Way, Truth, and Life; Lament General; Lament Individual; Love for God; New Creation; Occasional Services Dedication to Discipleship; People of God / Church Citizens of Heaven; People of God / Church Witnessing; Prayer; Temple; Temptation And Trial; Trust; Truth; Worship; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, August 28-September 3; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 2-8
We Worship You, Whose Splendor Dwarfs the CosmosChurch Year Pentecost; Church Year Transfiguration; Despair; Elements of Worship Confession (Individual); Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Fear; God Light from; God as Spirit; God as Spirit; God's Sovereignty; God's Wisdom; God's Face; God's Faithfulness; God's Greatness; God's Majesty; God's Name; God's Power; God's Presence; God's Strength; Grace; Hymns of Praise; Jesus Christ Teacher; Life Stages Death; Lord's Prayer 4th petition (give us today our daily bread); Occasional Services New Year; Occasional Services Thanksgving Day / Harvest Festival; Renewal; Suffering; The Creation; Truth; Worship; Year A, B, C, Easter, Day after Pentecost; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 16-22
Ye holy angels bright Worship, Times of
The Ends of All the EarthAssurance; Biblical Names and Places Jacob; Church Year Good Friday; Church Year Passion/Palm Sunday; Cry to God; Despair; Doubt; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; God Trust in; God's Nearness; God's Presence; Jesus Christ Cross and Crucifiction; Lament General; Lament Individual; Life Stages Death; Loneliness; Longing for God; Mission; Mocking; Pain; People of God / Church Suffering; Prayer Answer to; Prayer; Questioning; Sorrow; Suffering; Victory; Vows; Year A, B, C, Holy Week, Good Friday; Year B, Easter, 5th Sunday; Year B, Lent, 2nd Sunday; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 9-15; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, June 19-25 (if after Trinity Sunday)
LORD, I Bring My Songs to YouAcrostic Psalms; Angels; Bread of Life; Church Year All Saints' Day; Church Year Maundy Thursday; Comfort and Encouragement; Daily Prayer Morning Prayer; Daily Prayer Night Prayer; Disciples / Calling; Elements of Worship Call to Worship; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Endurance; Faith; God Trust in; God as Refuge; God as Healer; God's Seeing; God's Armor; God's Love; God's Name; God's Nearness; God's People (flock, sheep); God's Presence; God's Promises; Grace; Gratitude; Integrity; Judgment; Lord's Prayer 4th petition (give us today our daily bread); Peace; People of God / Church Citizens of Heaven; People of God / Church Witnessing; Prayer Answer to; Prayer; Rejoicing; Salvation; Seeking God; Servants of God; Victory; Wisdom Psalms; Witness; Year A, All Saints' Day, November 1; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, August 14-20; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, August 21-27; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, August 7-13; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 23-29
How Blest Are Those Who Fear the LORDAcrostic Psalms; Blessing; Darkness; Elements of Worship Offering; Endurance; God Light from; God Trust in; God's Protection; Grace; Joy; Life Stages Children; People of God / Church Family of God; People of God / Church Serving; Social Justice; Truth; Wisdom Psalms; Year A, Ordinary Time after Epiphany, 5th Sunday; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, August 28-September 3
All on Earth and All in HeavenBiblical Names and Places Kadesh; Biblical Names and Places Lebanon; Biblical Names and Places Mount Hermon; Church Year Baptism of the Lord; Church Year Pentecost; Church Year Trinity Sunday; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Elements of Worship Preparation for Blessing; Enthronement Psalms; God as Creator; God as King; God's Glory; God's Holiness; God's Majesty; God's Power; Hymns of Praise; Temple; Ten Commandments 3rd Commandment (do not take the name of the Lord in vain); The Creation; Truth; Year A, B, C, Ordinary Time after Epiphany, Baptism of the Lord; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, Trinity Sunday
Give Thanks to God Who Hears Our CriesBlessing; Church Year Easter; Elements of Worship Baptism; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Elements of Worship Testimony; Fear; God as Deliverer; God's Sorrow; God's Sovereignty; God's Wonders; God's Deeds; God's Faithfulness; God's Goodness; God's Love; God's People (flock, sheep); God's Promise of Redemption; Gratitude; Life Stages Children; Love; Mercy; Poverty; Prayer; Return from Exile; Salvation; Ten Commandments 3rd Commandment (do not take the name of the Lord in vain); The Needy; Victory; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 30-November 5; Year B, Lent, 4th Sunday; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, June 19-25 (if after Trinity Sunday); Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 31-August 6
Jubilate Deo omnis terra (Raise a Song of Gladness)Church Year Christ the King; Church Year Passion/Palm Sunday; Daily Prayer Morning Prayer; Disciples / Calling; Earth; Elements of Worship Baptism; Elements of Worship Call to Worship; Elements of Worship Gathering; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; God Changelessness of; God as Shepherd; God as Creator; God as King; God's Triumph; God's Word; God's Faithfulness; God's Generosity; God's Goodness; God's Greatness; God's Love; God's Name; God's People (flock, sheep); God's Presence; Grace; Gratitude; Hymns of Praise; Joy; Life Stages Generations; Mercy; Mission; Occasional Services Christian Marriage; Occasional Services Civic / National Occasions; Occasional Services Dedication / Consecration / Anniversary; Occasional Services New Year; Occasional Services Thanksgving Day / Harvest Festival; People of God / Church Family of God; People of God / Church Witnessing; Processions; Rejoicing; Remembering; Temple; Unity and Fellowship; Witness; Worship; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, June 12-18 (if ater Trinity Sunday); Year A, Reign of Christ, November 20-26; Year C, Thanksgiving Day, Canada, 2nd Monday in October; Year C, Thanksgiving Day, USA, 4th Thursday in November; Settings Especially Appropriate for Children; Texts in Languages Other than English Latin
Come, Sing to God with All Your HeartAcrostic Psalms; Biblical Names and Places; Elements of Worship Call to Worship; Enemies; God as Refuge; God as Shelter; God as Judge; God's Sovereignty; God's Faithfulness; God's Justice; Grace; Gratitude; Justice; Lament General; Occasional Services Civic / National Occasions; People of God / Church Suffering; Poverty; Prayer; Seeking God; The Creation; The Needy; Trust; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, June 19-25 (if after Trinity Sunday)
Psalm 79: 1-9 (A Responsorial Setting)Biblical Names and Places Israel; Biblical Names and Places Jacob; Biblical Names and Places Jerusalem; Elements of Worship Confession (Corporate); Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; God as Judge; Lament Community; Lament General; Questioning; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September 18-24
Lift Up the Gates EternalBiblical Names and Places Jacob; Blessing; Church Year Advent; Church Year All Saints' Day; Church Year Ascension of the Lord; Church Year Christ the King; Church Year Passion/Palm Sunday; Church Year Transfiguration; Earth; Elements of Worship Call to Worship; Elements of Worship Gathering; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Preparation for Worship; Enthronement Psalms; Faith; Freedom; God Trust in; God as Creator; God as King; God's Sovereignty; God's Armor; God's Face; God's Majesty; God's Strength; Guilt; Hope; Idols and Idolatry; Innocence; Processions; Temple; Ten Commandments 2nd Commandment (do not make graven emages); The Creation; Unity and Fellowship; Worship; Year A, B, C, Presentation of the Lord, February 2; Year B, All Saints' Day, November 1; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 10-16; Settings Especially Appropriate for Children
Te exaltaré, me Dios, mi Rey (I will exalt my God, my King)Acrostic Psalms; Alleluias; Church Year All Saints' Day; Church Year Easter; Church Year Trinity Sunday; Disciples / Calling; Elements of Worship Gathering; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Endurance; God Daily Experience of; God Desire for; God Light from; God as Creator; God as King; God's Sovereignty; God's Sustaining Power; God's Triumph; God's Wonders; God's Word; God's Deeds; God's Faithfulness; God's Forgiveness; God's Generosity; God's Gifts; God's Glory; God's Greatness; God's Kingdom; God's Love; God's Name; God's Nearness; God's Presence; God's Providence; God's Way; Hymns of Praise; Jesus Christ Mind of; Life Stages Generations; Lord's Prayer 1st petition (hallowed be your name); Lord's Prayer 4th petition (give us today our daily bread); Occasional Services Christian Marriage; Occasional Services New Year; Occasional Services Thanksgving Day / Harvest Festival; People of God / Church Witnessing; Prayer; Rejoicing; Witness; Worship; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 31-August 6; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 3-9; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September 18-24; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 24-30; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, November 6-12; Texts in Languages Other than English Spanish
The Tender Love a Father HasAngels; Atonement; Biblical Names and Places Israel; Biblical Names and Places Moses; Blessing; Church Year Lent; Church Year Maundy Thursday; Covenant; Elements of Worship Assurance of Pardon; Elements of Worship Baptism; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Elements of Worship Thanksgiving after the Lord's Supper; Faith; Forgiveness; God Changelessness of; God as King; God as Slow to Anger; God's Sovereignty; God's Word; God's Anger; God's Compassion; God's Faithfulness; God's Forgiveness; God's Generosity; God's Goodness; God's Justice; God's Kingdom; God's Love; God's Name; God's People (flock, sheep); Grace; Grave; Healing; Hope; Humanity Sustained by God; Hymns of Praise; Jesus Christ Friend of Sinners; Jesus Christ Healer; Jesus Christ Teacher; Life Stages Family; Life Stages Generations; Life Stages Old Age; Life Stages Youth; Lord's Prayer 3rd petition (your will be done); Lord's Prayer 6th petition (save us from the time of trail…); Love; Mercy; Occasional Services Christian Marriage; Occasional Services Funerals; Occasional Services Healing Service; Occasional Services New Year; Peace; People of God / Church Family of God; People of God / Church Family of God; Prayer; Remembering; Salvation; Servants of God; Temptation And Trial; The Creation; The Fall; Victory; Witness; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September 11-17; Year B, Ordinary Time after Epiphany, 8th Sunday; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, May 24-May 28 (if after Trinity Sunday); Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, August 21-27
Psalm 114 (A Responsorial Setting)Biblical Names and Places Egypt; Biblical Names and Places Exodus; Biblical Names and Places Israel; Biblical Names and Places Jacob; Biblical Names and Places Jordan; Biblical Names and Places Judah; Church Year Easter; Earth; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Freedom; God's People (flock, sheep); God's Presence; God's Promise of Redemption; Hymns of Praise; Joy; Questioning; Salvation; Ten Commandments Exodus 20; Year A, B, C, Easter, Easter Evening; Year A, B, C, Easter, Easter vigil; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September 11-17
Out of the Depths I Cry to YouBiblical Names and Places Israel; Church Year Advent; Church Year Ash Wednesday; Church Year Good Friday; Church Year Lent; Comfort and Encouragement; Conflict; Cry to God; Daily Prayer Midday Prayer; Darkness; Elements of Worship Assurance of Pardon; Elements of Worship Confession (Corporate); Elements of Worship Confession (Individual); Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Failure; Forgiveness; God Dependence on; God Desire for; God as Refuge; God's Word; God's Forgiveness; God's Name; God's People (flock, sheep); God's Promises; God's Strength; Grace; Guilt; Hope; Hopelessness; Judgment; Love; Mercy; Occasional Services Funerals; Patience; People of God / Church Suffering; Prayer; Salvation; Social Justice; Temptation And Trial; The Fall; Victory; War and Revolution; Year A, Lent, 5th Sunday; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, August 7-13; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, June 5-11 (if after Trinity Sunday); Year B. Ordinary Time after Pentecost, June 26-July 2
Shepherd Me, O GodAssurance; Blessing; Church Year All Saints' Day; Church Year Maundy Thursday; Church Year Transfiguration; Comfort and Encouragement; Daily Prayer Evening Prayer; Daily Prayer Night Prayer; Darkness; Discipleship; Elements of Worship Baptism; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Emmaus Road; Enemies; Evil; Fear; Freedom from Fear; God as Shepherd; God's Forgiveness; God's Goodness; God's House; God's Love; God's Name; God's Presence; God's Protection; God's Providence; God's Strength; God's Way; Grace; Jesus Christ Confidence in; Jesus Christ Good Shepherd; Joy; Life Stages Death; Love; New Creation; Occasional Services Funerals; Peace; People of God / Church Citizens of Heaven; People of God / Church Suffering; Rest; Temple; Trust; Year A, B, C, Easter, 4th Sunday; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 9-15; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, June 17-23
Our Help Is in the Name of God the LORDAssurance; Biblical Names and Places Israel; Daily Prayer Midday Prayer; Earth; Elements of Worship Call to Worship; Enemies; Fear; Freedom; God as Creator; God's Seeing; God's Name; God's Nearness; God's Presence; God's Strength; Gratitude; People of God / Church Citizens of Heaven; People of God / Church Serving; People of God / Church Suffering; Salvation; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, August 21-27; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September 25-October 1


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