Hymns We Love, for Sunday Schools and All Devotional Meetings

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1Praise his name, praise the mighty Father[Praise his name, praise the mighty Father]TextPage ScanAudio
2Had we only sunshine all the year around[Had we only sunshine all the year around]TextPage Scan
3O sinner, hear the Savior's voice[O sinner, hear the Savior's voice]TextPage ScanAudio
4Jesus our loving Redeemer[Jesus our loving Redeemer]TextPage ScanAudio
5Beautiful rainbow of promise[Beautiful rainbow of promise]TextPage ScanAudio
6The Son of God goes forth to war[The Son of God goes forth to war]TextPage ScanAudio
7O sing the Savior's worthy praise[O sing the Savior's worthy praise]TextPage ScanAudio
8I’m trusting in my Pilot Who shall keep my ship from harm[I’m trusting in my Pilot]TextPage ScanAudio
9Lord, how I need thy care[Lord, how I need thy care]TextPage ScanAudio
10Come with singing, praise the Lord today[Come with singing, praise the Lord today]TextPage ScanAudio
11I will never doubt my Saviour[I will never doubt my Saviour]TextPage ScanAudio
12I'm happy in the service of the King[I'm happy in the service of the King]TextPage ScanAudio
13Over the river faces I see[Over the river faces I see]Page Scan
14I have a goodly heritage[I have a goodly heritage]TextPage ScanAudio
15Though o'er the earth you may wander afar[Though o'er the earth you may wander afar]TextPage ScanAudio
16There's a battle now begun[There's a battle now begun]TextPage ScanAudio
17Come join the bright circle, there’s room and to spare[Come join the bright circle]TextPage ScanAudio
18We love to read the Bible[We love to read the Bible]TextPage ScanAudio
19How can I help but praise him[How can I help but praise him]TextPage ScanAudio
20Lord, have mercy upon us[Lord, have mercy upon us]TextPage ScanAudio
21The battle is waging against sin and wrong[The battle is waging against sin and wrong]TextPage ScanAudio
22Do you, day by day, life's path pursue[Do you, day by day, life's path pursue]TextPage ScanAudio
23O sinner, come listen, I'll tell unto you[O sinner, come listen, I'll tell unto you]Text InfoTextPage ScanAudio
24Soldiers of the cross, be loyal[Soldiers of the cross, be loyal]TextPage ScanAudio
25There's a beautiful city, it may be quite near[There's a beautiful city, it may be quite near]TextPage ScanAudio
26All hail the power of Jesus' nameDIADEMPage Scan
27Praise the Lord, ye heavens adore him[Praise the Lord, ye heavens adore him]TextPage ScanAudio
28In days of youth so bright and fair[In days of youth so bright and fair]TextPage ScanAudio
29In the morning of thy life Ere the seeds of sin[In the morning of thy life]TextPage ScanAudio
30I have an Anchor that holds me safe[I have an Anchor that holds me safe]TextPage ScanAudio
31Be a witness for the Master[Be a witness for the Master]TextPage ScanAudio
32List to the soldiers marching[List to the soldiers marching]TextPage ScanAudio
33Blessed is the man that provideth[Blessed is the man that provideth]TextPage ScanAudio
34I stand amazed in the presence[I stand amazed in the presence]Page Scan
35For all the tenderness of love[For all the tenderness of love]TextPage ScanAudio
36I thirst th’abundant life to know[I thirst th’abundant life to know]TextPage ScanAudio
37O Lord, we thank thee for the zeal[O Lord, we thank thee for the zeal]TextPage ScanAudio
38There is a home that waits for me[There is a home that waits for me]TextPage ScanAudio
39Under his star there is hope for our guiding[Under his star there is hope for our guiding]TextPage ScanAudio
40Give unto the Lord, O ye mighty[Give unto the Lord, O ye mighty]TextPage ScanAudio
41Our Lord his coming will delay[Our Lord his coming will delay]TextPage ScanAudio
42God's kingdom is within the heart[God's kingdom is within the heart]Page Scan
43In Syria's vale near Joseph's tomb[In Syria's vale near Joseph's tomb]TextPage ScanAudio
44Turning from the world for Jesus[Turning from the world for Jesus]TextPage ScanAudio
45Look well to your cables my brother[Look well to your cables my brother]Page Scan
46I have been alone with Jesus with my head upon[I have been alone with Jesus]TextPage Scan
47The cry, To arms! to arms! has sounded[The cry, To arms! to arms! has sounded]TextPage ScanAudio
48O motherland, whose ample breast[O motherland, whose ample breast]TextPage ScanAudio
49Attention, Christian soldier, thou warrior of the King[Attention, Christian soldier, thou warrior of the King]TextPage ScanAudio
50Every blessing, every blessing[Every blessing, every blessing]TextPage ScanAudio
51Go work today in my vineyard, The Master is saying[Go work today in my vineyard]TextPage ScanAudio
52Let us arise and build[Let us arise and build]TextPage ScanAudio
53Father, loving Father[Father, loving Father]TextPage ScanAudio
54The Lord has led me on the way[The Lord has led me on the way]TextPage ScanAudio
55God's blessed word we read with joy[God's blessed word we read with joy]TextPage ScanAudio
56Attending the rites of the passover feast[Attending the rites of the passover feast]TextPage ScanAudio
57Soon will our Saviour from heaven appear[Soon will our Saviour from heaven appear]Page Scan
58Soldiers of the cross, arise, arise[Soldiers of the cross, arise, arise]TextPage ScanAudio
59Who will toil for Jesus[Who will toil for Jesus]TextPage ScanAudio
60'Tis not in the glare of the sunlight['Tis not in the glare of the sunlight]TextPage ScanAudio
61When, his salvation bringing[When, his salvation bringing]Page ScanAudio
62I'll bless and praise the Saviour's name[I'll bless and praise the Saviour's name]TextPage ScanAudio
63I love the bright hued flowers that bloom[I love the bright hued flowers that bloom]Page Scan
64Why are ye fearful, your Saviour is saying[Why are ye fearful, your Saviour is saying]TextPage ScanAudio
65Glory be to Jesus[Glory be to Jesus]TextPage ScanAudio
66The standard of the Lord among his people[The standard of the Lord among his people]TextPage ScanAudio
67We adore thee, blest Redeemer[We adore thee, blest Redeemer]TextPage ScanAudio
68Beside the sea of Galilee the little children played[Beside the sea of Galilee the little children played]TextPage ScanAudio
69Marching on with banners waving, singing in our gladness[Marching on with banners waving]TextPage ScanAudio
70In the morning of life we are coming to Him[In the morning of life we are coming to Him]TextPage ScanAudio
71Christ has loved thee faithfully[Christ has loved thee faithfully]TextPage ScanAudio
72No other love like thine can be[No other love like thine can be]TextPage ScanAudio
73Fear thou not, for I am with thee, sealed thou art[Fear thou not, for I am with thee, sealed thou art]TextPage ScanAudio
74The weakening pulse the shortening breath[The weakening pulse the shortening breath]TextPage ScanAudio
75Oh, Lord, send someone to show them[Oh, Lord, send someone to show them]TextPage ScanAudio
76The Lord watch between me and Thee[The Lord watch between me and Thee]TextPage ScanAudio
77There is hope for the penitent one[There is hope for the penitent one]TextPage ScanAudio
78O come, let happy voices[O come, let happy voices]TextPage ScanAudio
79O love divine, O blessed Jesus[O love divine, O blessed Jesus]TextPage ScanAudio
80Let me win some one to Jesus this year[Let me win some one to Jesus this year]TextPage ScanAudio
81Every morn the golden sun[Every morn the golden sun]TextPage ScanAudio
82Around the great white throne In heaven's bright abode[Around the great white throne]TextPage ScanAudio
83Rise up, my soul, to greet the morn[Rise up, my soul, to greet the morn]TextPage ScanAudio
84There waits a crown beyond the skies[There waits a crown beyond the skies]TextPage ScanAudio
85O come in childhood's sunny hour[O come in childhood's sunny hour]TextPage ScanAudio
86Hear the blessed Master speaking[Hear the blessed Master speaking]TextPage ScanAudio
87My Lord in the garden I see[My Lord in the garden I see]TextPage ScanAudio
88At the close of each day go to Jesus[At the close of each day go to Jesus]TextPage ScanAudio
89Neath the ensign of the cross[Neath the ensign of the cross]TextPage ScanAudio
90I have a Savior, O, so kind[I have a Savior, O, so kind]TextPage ScanAudio
91The peace of God my glad heart thrills[The peace of God my glad heart thrills]TextPage ScanAudio
92On a strength beyond my own[On a strength beyond my own]TextPage ScanAudio
93There is one of whom my praises ne'er shall end[There is one of whom my praises ne'er shall end]TextPage ScanAudio
94I am drawing nearer Jesus[I am drawing nearer Jesus]TextPage ScanAudio
95The burden of my life[The burden of my life]TextPage ScanAudio
96The fight is on, the trumpet sound is ringing out[The fight is on, the trumpet sound is ringing out]Page Scan
97Dear Father bless us e'er we part[Dear Father bless us e'er we part]TextPage ScanAudio
98We may sing of sunlit meadows[We may sing of sunlit meadows]TextPage ScanAudio
99Our Father, who art in heavenPage Scan
100Praise God from whom all blessings flowOLD HUNDREDPage Scan

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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