Hymns of the Christian Life

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1When morning gilds the skiesLAUDES DOMINIPage Scan
2Now with creation's morning songSCHUBERTPage Scan
3O Thou who turnest into morningCHURCH VIGILANTPage Scan
4For the dear love that kept us through the nightADORATIONPage Scan
5Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!NICAEAPage Scan
6Light of the world, we hail TheeSALVE DOMINEPage Scan
7Come, my soul, thou must be wakingHAYDNPage Scan
8Christ, whose glory fills the skiesLUX PRIMAPage Scan
9Awake my soul, and with the sunMORNING HYMNPage Scan
10O God, I thank Thee for each sightABENDSPage Scan
11Light of Light, enlighten meHINCHMANPage Scan
12Safely through another weekSABBATHPage Scan
13O day of rest and gladnessMENDEBRASPage Scan
14This is the day of lightSIENNAPage Scan
15Lord, we come before Thee nowST. BEESPage Scan
16Again returns the day of holy restPAX DEIPage Scan
17The day is past and overST. ANATOLIUSPage Scan
18The day Thou gavest, Lord, is endedST. CLEMENTPage Scan
19Peacefully round us the shadows are fallingCURFEWPage Scan
20Softly the silent nightSOUTHAMPTONPage Scan
21Hail, gladdening Light,—of His pure glory pouredSUNDOWNPage Scan
22Through love to light! O wonderful the wayNACHTLIEDPage Scan
23The shadows of the evening hoursST. LEONARDPage Scan
24Day is dying in the westCHAUTAUQUAPage Scan
25Abide with me; fast falls the eventideEVENTIDEPage Scan
26Sun of my soul, Thou Saviour dearHURSLEYPage Scan
27Glory to Thee, my God, this nightTALLIS' EVENING HYMNPage Scan
28Now the day is overMERRIAL (BLUNT)Page Scan
29Softly now the light of daySEYMOURPage Scan
30Saviour, breathe an evening blessingEVENING PRAYER
31Now, on land and sea descendingST. SYLVESTER
32Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessingSICILILAN MARINERS
33Saviour, again to Thy dear name we raiseELLERSPage Scan
34God be with you till we meet againDEUS VOBISCUMPage Scan
35Part in peace! is day before us?LUCERNEPage Scan
36The Lord be with us as we bendBEATITUDOPage Scan
37While sinks our land to realms of nightCROSS AND CROWNPage Scan
38With Thy benedictionVESPERPage Scan
39Rejoice ye pure in heartMARIONPage Scan
40The heavens are declaring the Lord's endless glory[The heavens are declaring the Lord's endless glory]Page Scan
41Before Jehovah's awful throneOLD HUNDREDTHPage Scan
42The spacious firmament on highCREATIONPage Scan
43Come, Thou almighty KingITALIAN HYMNPage Scan
44Mighty God, while angels bless TheeAUTUMNPage Scan
45Ancient of Days, who sittest throned in gloryANCIENT OF DAYSPage Scan
46Ye servants of God, your Master proclaimHANOVERPage Scan
47O worship the King, all glorious aboveLYONSPage Scan
48Praise the Lord, ye heavens adore HimFABENPage Scan
49Now thank we all our GodNUN DANKETPage Scan
50Ye holy angels brightST. GREGORYPage Scan
51Angel voices, ever singingANGEL VOICESPage Scan
52All nature's works His praise declareELLACOMBEPage Scan
53Joyful, joyful, we adore TheeHYMN TO JOYPage Scan
54With happy voices singingBERTHOLDPage Scan
55We thank Thee, Lord, for this fair earthEATONPage Scan
56God of the earth, the sky, the seaSHELTERING WINGPage Scan
57Thou art, O God, the life and lightPATER OMNIUMPage Scan
58He Who suns and worlds upholdethREGENT SQUAREPage Scan
59O God, the Rock of AgesMIRIAMPage Scan
60The Lord is my Shepherd, no want shall I knowPOLANDPage Scan
61I hear Thy voice, within the silence speakingFELIXPage Scan
62Still, still with Thee, when purple morning breakethWINDSORPage Scan
63Still with Thee, O my GodST. ANDREWPage Scan
64Our God, our help in ages pastST. ANNEPage Scan
65O Love divine, that stooped to shareQUEBECPage Scan
66Lord of all being, throned afarLOUVANPage Scan
67Long ago the lilies fadedBROCKLESBURYPage Scan
68There's not a bird with lonely nestWILMARPage Scan
69O saints of old, not yours aloneWHITNEYPage Scan
70O Lord, with toil our days are filledGOUDAPage Scan
71O God, whose smile is in the skyST. AGNESPage Scan
72My God, how endless is Thy love!ST. POLYCARPPage Scan
73Love divine, all loves excellingBEECHERPage Scan
74The King of love my Shepherd isDOMINUS REGIT MEPage Scan
75God is love; His mercy brightensCARTERPage Scan
76O Love that wilt not let me goST. MARGARETPage Scan
77O God, whose love is over allROSEATE HUESPage Scan
78God is love; that anthem oldenHEBERPage Scan
79Souls of men, why will ye scatterILSLEYPage Scan
80There's a wideness in God's mercyWELLESLEYPage Scan
81Thou Grace divine, encircling allMANOAHPage Scan
82O love of God most fullLANGTONPage Scan
83Thou, Lord, art Love, and everywhereBELMONTPage Scan
84Through the love of God, our FatherAR HYD Y NOSPage Scan
85O God, in whom we live and moveGERMANYPage Scan
86Far off, O God, and yet most nearWARTBURG CASTLEPage Scan
87O God, whose law from age to ageST. LEONARDPage Scan
88When all Thy mercies, O my GodBELMONTPage Scan
89O sometimes gleams upon our sightLONG MILFORDPage Scan
90God moves in a mysterious wayDUNDEEPage Scan
91How gentle God's commandsDENNISPage Scan
92Great Source of unexhausted goodEASTBOURNEPage Scan
93Gracious Spirit, dwell with meILLUMINATIOPage Scan
94Spirit of God, descend upon my heartLONGWOODPage Scan
95Come, Holy Spirit, Dove divineBRENTWOODPage Scan
96Gracious Spirit, Holy GhostPARACLETEPage Scan
97Breathe on me, Breath of GodTRENTHAMPage Scan
98Holy Ghost, with light divineMERCYPage Scan
99Holy Spirit, Truth divineHAVENPage Scan
100Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathedST. CUTHBERTPage Scan

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