Worship (4th ed.)

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
511The strife is o'er the battle doneVICTORYTextPage ScanAudio
512At the Lamb's high feast we singSALZBURGTextPage Scan
513They disbelieved for joyFESTAL SONGPage Scan
514That Easter day with joy was brightPUER NOBISTextPage ScanAudio
515Worthy is Christ the Lamb who was slainFESTIVAL CANTICLEPage Scan
516Jesus Christ is ris'n today, Alleluia!EASTER HYMNTextPage ScanAudio
517Rise to sing! The light is breakingPETHELPage Scan
518Joyful bells ringing, hosannas singing (Suenen campanas, suenen tambores)BERTOLINOPage Scan
519Regína caeli laetáre (Mary, heaven's Queen, sing for joy)REGINA CAELIPage Scan
520Christ the Lord is ris'n todaySURGIT IN HAEC DIESTextPage Scan
521Unarmed, he faces forces of demons and death (Sizowa nyathela amadimoni)[Unarmed he faces forces of demons and death]
522Be not afraid, sing out for joy![Be not afraid, sing out for joy]Page Scan
523Christ the Lord is ris'n!GARUTextPage Scan
524All the fair beauty of earthSALVE FESTA DIESTextPage Scan
525All you heavens, bless the Lord[All you heavens bless the Lord]Page Scan
526Sing with all the saints in glory (Canten con gloriosos fieles)HYMN TO JOYPage Scan
527I know that my Redeemer livesDUKE STREETTextPage ScanAudio
528Christ the Lord is ris'n todayVICTIMAE PASCHALITextPage ScanAudio
529Hail the day that sees him rise, Alleluia!LLANFAIRPage Scan
530A hymn of glory let us sing!LASTT UNS ERFREUENTextPage Scan
531Since our great high priest, Christ JesusALL SAINTSTextPage Scan
532Go to the world! Go into all the earthSINE NOMINEPage Scan
533Fire of God, undying flameNUN KOMM DER HEIDEN HEILANDPage Scan
534Come down, O Love divineDOWN AMPNEYTextPage Scan
535Spirit divine, inspire our prayersGRÄFENBERGTextPage Scan
536O Spirit all-embracing and counselor all-wiseTHAXTEDPage Scan
537Come, Spirit Blest, Creator God, descending (Ven, Creador, Espíritu divino)VEN CREADORPage Scan
538Come, Holy Spirit, from heaven shine forth[Veni Sancte Spiritus]Page Scan
539O Holy Spirit, Flowing LightO FILII ET FILIAEPage Scan
540Jesus said, I give you a new commandment[Holy Spirit, come to us]TextPage Scan
541Holy Spirit, Lord divineWEBBE
542Praise the Spirit in creationJULIONPage Scan
543Veni Creátor SpiritusVENI CREATOR SPIRITUSTextPage Scan
544Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blestLAMBILLOTTETextPage Scan
545Living Spirit, holy fireHOLY FIREPage Scan
546O Holy Spirit, by whose breathVENI CREATOR SPIRITUSPage Scan
547Spirit of God within meWILLOW RIVERTextPage Scan
548O Dawn of all creationANDÚJARPage Scan
549Come now, almighty KingITALIAN HYMNTextPage ScanAudio
550How wonderful the Three-in-OneROCKINGHAMTextPage Scan
551O God, almighty FatherGOTT VATER SEI GEPRIESENPage Scan
552The play of the Godhead, the Trinity's danceBEDFORD PARKPage Scan
553Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!NICAEATextPage ScanAudio
554Come, join the dance of TrinityTHE FLIGHT OF THE EARLSPage Scan
555Father, Lord of all creationGENEVAPage Scan
556Hidden here before me, Lord, I worship you (Adóro te devóte, latens Deitas)ADORO TE DEVOTEPage Scan
557O Food of exiles lowly (O Esca viatórum)INNSBRUCKPage Scan
558Tell the gospel's boundless richesRUSTINGTONPage Scan
559O Christ, your heart compassionateRESIGNATIONPage Scan
560To Christ, the Prince of peaceFESTAL SONGTextPage Scan
561At the name of Jesus, ev'ry knee will bend[At the name of Jesus, ev'ry knee will bend]Text
562Let kings and prophets yield their nameHICKORY HILLTextPage Scan
563At the Name of JesusKING'S WESTONTextPage Scan
564Rejoice, the Lord is King!DARWALL'S 148THTextPage Scan
565Who is the king of glory; how shall we call him?KING OF GLORY
566All hail the power of Jesus' name!CORONATIONTextPage Scan
567O Christ, what can it mean for usIN NOMINE DEIPage Scan
568Christ is the King! O friends rejoiceGELOBT SEI GOTTPage Scan
569Jesus shall reign where'er the sunDUKE STREETTextPage ScanAudio
570To Jesus Christ, our sov'reign KingICH GLAUB AN GOTTPage Scan
571Crown him with many crownsDIADEMATATextPage Scan
572I sing the mighty pow'r of GodMOZARTTextPage Scan
573Let all creation bless the LordLOBT GOTT DEN HERRENTextPage Scan
574Each little flower that opensROYAL OAKTextPage ScanAudio
575Many and great, O God, are your worksLACQUIPARLETextPage Scan
576Praise for the sun, the bringer of days[Praise for the sun, the bringer of day]Page Scan
577God of the sparrow God of the whaleROEDERPage Scan
578O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonderHOW GREAT THOU ARTTextPage Scan
579When Israel was in Egypt's landGO DOWN MOSESTextPage Scan
580O God, you search me and you known me[O God, you search me and you know me]Page Scan
581We are known and not unnumberedLAUDA ANIMAPage Scan
582When you, Lord, walked through Sabbath fieldsMORNING SONGPage Scan
583Arise, your light has come!FESTAL SONGPage Scan
584Longing for light, we wait in darknessCHRIST, BE OUR LIGHTPage Scan
585I want to walk as a child of the lightHOUSTONPage Scan
586We are marching in the light of God (Siyahamb' ekukhanyen' kwenknos')[We are marching in the light of God]Page Scan
587Lord, you have searched me and known me[Lord Jesus Christ, your light shines within us]Page Scan
588Light shone in darkness at the world's creationMIGHTY SAVIORPage Scan
589O radiant Christ, incarnate WordWAREHAMPage Scan
590Word of God, come down on earthLIEBSTER JESU
591You are the Word who calls us out of darkness[You are the Word who calls us out of darkness]Page Scan
592God has spoken by his prophetsRUSTINGTONTextPage Scan
593This is a story full of loveLAND OF RESTTextPage Scan
594A year of God's favor Christ promised, and moreST. DENIOPage Scan
595In this place your Word is plantedSTUTTGARTPage Scan
596Sing praise to the Lord, O sing out a new song (Cantad al Señor un cántic nuevo)CANTAI AO SENHORPage Scan
597We, the daughters and sons of him[We the daughters and sons of him]Page Scan
598In the faith of Christ we walk hand in hand (Caminamos juntos en la fe de Cristo)[In the faith of Christ we walk hand in hand]Page Scan
599God, we praise you! God we bless you!NETTLETONPage Scan
600Shout with gladness! Dance for joy![Shout with gladness! Dance for joy]Page Scan
601The God of Abr'ham praiseLEONITextPage Scan
602Christ is the world's Light, Christ and none otherCHRISTE SANCTORUMTextPage Scan
603Forget not, my soul, all God's good deeds[Bless the Lord, my soul]Page Scan
604Praise the Lord! You heav'ns, adore himHYFRYDOLTextPage Scan
605Shout for joy, loud and longPERSONET HODIETextPage Scan
606New songs of celebration renderRENDEZ À DIEUPage Scan
607All creatures of our God and KingLASST UNS ERVREUENTextPage Scan
608When in our music God is glorifiedENGLEBERGTextPage Scan
609With the angels and archangels[Adoramus te Domine]Page Scan
610Praise, my soul, the King of heavenLAUDA ANIMATextPage ScanAudio

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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