A gentle angel walketh throughout a world of woe | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 1 |
A little while, so spake our gracious Lord | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 2 |
A pilgrim and a stranger I journey here below | Jane Borthwick (Translator) | English | 31 |
¡A trabajar! ¿Quiénes se niegan? | Jane Laurie Borthwick (Author) | Spanish | 2 |
அசையாதே ஆண்டவர் உன் துணை (Acaiyātē āṇṭavar uṉ tuṇai) | Jane Borthwick (Translator (English)) | Tamil | 2 |
Ah this heart is void and chill | Jane Borthwick (Translator) | English | 6 |
All things are yours, O sweet message of mercy divine | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 1 |
And is the time approaching | Jane Borthwick (Author) | English | 53 |
As Thou wilt, my God, I ever say | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 1 |
ആ-ശ്വ-സിക്ക നിൻ കൂടെ ഉണ്ട് കർത്തൻ (Ā-śva-sikka nin kūṭe uṇṭ karttan) | Jane Borthwick (Translator (English)) | Malayalam | 2 |
At last all shall be well with those, His own | Jane L. Borthwick (Translator) | English | 2 |
Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy side | Jane Borthwick (Translator) | English | 160 |
Beloved and honored, fare thee well | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 1 |
Breezes of spring all earth to life awaking | Jane Borthwick (Author) | English | 2 |
Calma mi alma, contigo está Señor | Jane Borthwick, 1813-1897 (Translator (English)) | Spanish | 2 |
Come forth, come on with solemn song | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 1 |
Come, labor on, Who dares stand idle on the harvest plain | Jane Borthwick (Author) | English | 48 |
Come, Thou Almighty King, Help us Thy name to sing | Jane Borthwick (Translator) | English | 1 |
Cristo, tu voluntad Sea hecha siempre en mí | J. L. Borthwick, 1813-1897 (Tr. ingl.) | Spanish | 1 |
Dark mighty ocean, rolling to our feet | Jane L. Borthwick (Translator) | English | 2 |
Darkness reigns, the hum of life's commotion | Jane L. Borthwick (Translator) | English | 2 |
Depart, my child, the Lord thy spirit calls | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 2 |
Der beste Freund ist in dem Himmel | B. Schmoke (Author) | German | 1 |
Doce esperança alegra o meu viver | Jane Borthwick (Author) | Portuguese | 2 |
Give us Thy blessed peace, God of all might! | Jane Borthwick (Translator) | English | 2 |
God calling yet! shall I not hear? | Jane L. Borthwick, 1813-1897 (Translator) | English | 123 |
God Himself is with us, Let us now adore Him | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 1 |
Hallelujah, fairest morning | Miss Jane Borthwick, 1813-1897 (Translator) | English | 45 |
Hallelujah, I believe, Now the giddy world stands fast | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 3 |
Hallelujah! Jesus lives! He is now the living one | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 12 |
He knoweth all His people | Jane Borthwick (Translator) | English | 1 |
He leads us on by paths we did not know | Jane Borthwick (Author) | English | 1 |
Hear me, my friends, the hour has come | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 1 |
Heart, be still, in the darkness of thy woe | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | | 1 |
Here am I, Lord, Thou callest me | Jane Borthwick (Author) | English | 1 |
How blessed, from the bonds of sin | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 26 |
How brightly shines the morning star, In truth and mercy from afar | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 1 |
How long, O Lord, in weariness and sorrow | Jane Borthwick (Author) | English | 2 |
How weary and how worthless this life at times appears | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 1 |
I journey forth rejoicing | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 5 |
I rest with Thee, Lord! whither should I go? | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 2 |
I will follow thee, all my treasure | Jane L. Borthwick (Translator) | English | 2 |
I will love Thee, all [O] my treasure | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 8 |
If only He is mine | Jane L. Borthwick (Translator) | English | 2 |
Jesus, day by day, Lead us on life's way | Jane Borthwick (Translator) | English | 1 |
Jesus, dayta nakem | Jane Borthwick (Translator) | Tagalog | 2 |
Jesus' hour is not yet come | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 2 |
Jesus, still lead on | Jane Borthwick (Translator) | English | 219 |
Jesus, Sun of righteousness | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 55 |
Jesús, tu voluntad | Jane Borthwick (Translator) | Spanish | 2 |
Komm, arbeit' heut', was stehst du müssig an dem Markt der Welt? | Jane Borthwick (Author) | German | 1 |
Let all that now divides us | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 2 |
Long hast thou wept and sorrowed | Jane L. Borthwick (Translator (from German)) | English | 2 |
Lord, remove the veil away | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 9 |
Lord, take Thou the veil away | Jane Borthwick (Translator) | English | 1 |
Lord, the waves are breaking over me and around | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 2 |
Meet again, yes, we shall meet again | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 2 |
Mein Jesu, wie du willst, Dein Wille, Herr, ist mein | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | German | 1 |
Mein Jesus, wie du willst, Meine Wille, Herr, ist dein | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | German | 7 |
My God, I know that I must die | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 7 |
My Jesus, as Thou wilt! | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 472 |
Never couldst thou bear to grieve us | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 2 |
Now is the time approaching | Jane Borthwick (Author) | English | 53 |
O happy home where Thou art loved the dearest | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 4 |
O how blessed are ye saints forgiven | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 2 |
O Lord, our God, in reverence lowly | Jane Borthwick (Translator) | English | 2 |
O sweet home echo on the pilgrim's way | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 2 |
O sweetest words that Jesus could have sought | Jane Borthwick (Author) | English | 1 |
Once a merchant traveled far and wide | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 2 |
Praise to Jehovah, the almighty King of creation | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 1 |
Quietly rest the woods and dales | Jane Borthwick (Translator) | English | 1 |
Rejoice, my fellow pilgrim, for another stage is over | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 1 |
Rejoice, rejoice, believers! And let your lights appear | Miss Jane Borthwick (1825- ) (Translator) | English | 95 |
Remember me, my God, remember me | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 1 |
Reposa, mi alma, Dios contiga está | J. L. Borthwick (Tr. ingl.) | Spanish | 3 |
Rest, weary soul, The penalty is borne, the ransom paid | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 3 |
Return, return, poor, long lost wanderer home | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 2 |
Round this earth, and round her children | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 2 |
Smiling, a bright eyed seraph bent | Jane L. Borthwick (Translator) | English | 2 |
Still on the homeward journey | Jane Borthwick (Author) | English | 5 |
Sun of comfort, art thou fled forever | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 2 |
The day departs, our souls and hearts | Jane L. Borthwick (Translator) | English | 1 |
The Lord shall come in dead of night | Jane Borthwick (Author) | English | 1 |
The watchers on the mountain | Jane L. Borthwick (Translator) | English | 2 |
Thou knowest, Lord, the weariness and sorrow | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 40 |
Thou must go forward, pilgrim | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 2 |
Thou shalt rise, my dust, thou shalt arise | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 1 |
Thus said the Lord, thy days of health are over | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 2 |
'Tis not yet the hour appointed | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 3 |
Tremble not, though darkly gather | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 3 |
¡Ven, hay que obrar! | Jane Borthwick (Author) | Spanish | 2 |
Wanikiya mitawa Maḣpiyataŋhaŋ hi | Jane Borthwick (Author) | Dakota | 1 |
We praise and bless Thee, gracious Lord | Jane Borthwick (Translator) | English | 11 |
Welcome Thou victor in the strife | The Rev. B. Schmoke, D.D. (Author) | English | 1 |
What no human eye hath seen | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 1 |
Whither, O whither, with blindfolded eyes | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | English | 1 |
Why thus so sadly weeping | Jane L. Borthwick (Author) | | 1 |
Yes, our Shepherd leads with gentle hand | Jane L. Borthwick (Translator) | English | 4 |