Nicolaus Decius

Short Name: Nicolaus Decius
Full Name: Decius, Nicolaus, 1485-1546
Birth Year: 1485
Death Year: 1541

Decius, Nicolaus (Nicolaus a Curia or von Hofe, otherwise Hovesch, seems to have been a native of Hof, in Upper Franconia, Bavaria, and to have been originally called Tech. He became a monk, and was in 1519 Probst of the cloister at Steterburg, near Wolfenbüttel. Becoming favourable to the opinions of Luther, he left Steterburg in July, 1522, and went to Brunswick, where he was appointed a master in the St. Katherine and Egidien School. In 1523 he was invited by the burgesses of Stettin to labour there as an Evangelical preacher along with Paulus von Rhode. He became preacher at the Church of St. Nicholas; was probably instituted by the Town Council in 1526, when von Rhode was instituted to St. Jacob's; and at the visitation in 1535 was recognized as pastor of St. Nicholas'. He died suddenly at Stettin, March 21, 1541, with some suspicion of being poisoned by his enemies of the Roman Catholic faction (Koch, i. 419-421, 471, 472; ii. 483; Allg. Deutsche Biography, iii. 791-793).

He seems to have been a popular preacher and a good musician. Three hymns are ascribed to him. These are versions of the “Sanctus," the "Gloria in excelsis," and the "Agnus Dei." The second and third are noted under these Latin first lines. He is also said to have composed or adapted the melodies set to them.

     [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.]

-- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Texts by Nicolaus Decius (41)AsAuthority Languagessort descendingInstances
O Lamb of God all blamelessNikolaus Decius (Author)2
O Lamb of God, most holy, Thy death vile men decreeNikolaus Decius (Author)2
O Thou Lamb of God, meek and lowlyNikolaus Decius (Author)2
All glory be to God on high, And peace on earth from heavenN. Decius (Author)English8
All glory be to God on high And thanks for all His favorNicolaus Decius, c. 1485-after 1546 (Author)English3
All glory be to God on high, And thanks to him foreverNicolaus Decius (Author)English8
All glory be to thee, Most High, To thee all adorationNicolaus Decius (Translator (German))English3
All glory be to God on high, Who hath our race befriendedNikolaus Decius (Author)English86
Alone to God on high be praiseNicolaus Decius (Author)English1
Lamb of God most holyNikolaus Decius (Author)English10
Lamb of God, pure and holyNikolaus Decius (Author)English12
Lamb of God, pure and sinlessNikolaus Decius, 1485-1550 (Author)English4
Lamb of God, without blemishNikolaus Decius (Author)English3
O Lamb of God, most blamelessNicolaus Decius (Author)English3
O Lamb of God, most holy, On Calvary an offeringNikolaus Decius (Author)English11
O Lamb of God most holy, on Calvary slain and afflicted, Thou hearest our transgressionsNikolaus Decius (Author)English1
O Lamb of God, most holy, Who on the cross didst suffer (Russell)Nikolaus Decius (Author)English17
O Lamb of God most most holy! Who on the cross didst languishNikolaus Decius (Author)English10
O Lamb of God, our SaviorNikolaus Decius (Author)English4
O Lamb of God, unspotted, Our crucified SaviorNicolas Decius, 1519-41 (Author)English3
O Lamb of God unspotted, Whose life that cross have takenNicolaus Decius (Author)English3
O Lamb of God, who, bleedingNicolaus Decius (Author)English9
To God on high all glory beNikolaus Decius (Author)English1
To God on high alone be praiseNicolaus Decius (Author)English2
To God on high be thanks and praise, For mercy ceasing neverNikolaus Decius (Author)English21
To God on high be thanks and praise, Who deigns our bonds to severNikolaus Decius (Author)English3
To our almighty gracious GodNikolaus Decius (Author)English4
Al Dio sola estu glor'Nikolaus Decius, 1480-1529 (Author)Esperanto3
Allein Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr', Und Dank für seine Gnade (Decius)Nikolaus Decius (Author)German107
Nach tausendsachen PlagenN. Decius (Author)German2
O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig am Stamm des Kreuzes geschlachtetN. Decius (Author)German82
Alene Gud i HimmerigNikolaus Decius (Author)Norwegian4
O Guds Lam uskyldig Paa Korset for os slagetNicolaus Decius (Author)Norwegian1
O Guds lam uskyldig, Paa Korset ihjelslagetNikolaus Decius (Author)Norwegian5
Baranku boży niewinnyks. Nikolaus Decius (Author)Polish3
Na wysokościach Bogu cześćNicolaus Decius (Author (sts. 1-3))Polish2
Bohu bud' slava na nebiNikolaus Decius (Author)Slovak2
A Dios dad gracias, dad honorNikolaus Decius (Author)Spanish8
Mwana kondoo wa Mungu Unachinjwa msalabaniN. Decius (Author (v. 1))Swahili2
Allena Gud i himmelrikN. Decius (Translator (into German))Swedish2
Guds rena Lam, oskyldigNicolaus Decius (Author)Swedish5

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