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Hymnal, Number:sss2019

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Showing 1 - 20 of 670Results Per Page: 102050

Like a River Glorious (Cual glorioso río)

Author: Frances R. Havergal, 1836-1879; María Eugenia Cornou, b. 1969 Meter: D with refrain Appears in 153 hymnals Refrain First Line: Trusting in the Lord God (Dios, en ti confiamos) Topics: Confianza; Trust; Covenant; Pacto; Paz; Peace; Providence; Providencia Scripture: Psalm 17:5 Used With Tune: WYE VALLEY

Kyrie eleison (Lord, Have Mercy) (Ten misericordia)

Author: María Eugenia Cornou, b. 1969; Carlos Lemagne, b. 1996 Appears in 279 hymnals Topics: Confesión; Confession; Kyrie Eleison; Mercy; Misericordia Scripture: Psalm 25:6-7 Used With Tune: [Kyrie eleison] Text Sources: Greek liturgy
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Glory Be to the Father (Gloria al Padre)

Appears in 999 hymnals First Line: Glory be to the Father (Gloria al Padre y al Hijo) Lyrics: Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, amen. --- Gloria al Padre y al Hijo y al Santo Espíritu, en unidad. Como era en el principio, es hoy y habrá de ser, eternamente. Amén, amén. Topics: Alleluias; Alleluyas; Dolología; Doxology; Trinidad; Trinity Used With Tune: [Glory be to the Father] Text Sources: The Lesser Doxology, 2nd c.

O Breathe on me, O Breath of God (Espíritu Consolador)

Author: Edwin Hatch, 1835-1889 Meter: Appears in 343 hymnals Topics: Año Cristiano Pentecostés; Christian Year Pentecost; Consagración; Consecration; Entrega; Surrender; Espíritu Santo Soplo del; Holy Spirit Breath of; Oracion; Prayer Scripture: Psalm 51:10-12 Used With Tune: ST. COLUMBA Text Sources: Tr.: Revisory Committee for Cántico Nuevo, alt.

Jesus Calls Us o'er the Tumult (Desde el cielo Cristo llama)

Author: Cecil Frances Alexander, 1818-1895; María Eugenia Cornou, b. 1969 Meter: Appears in 934 hymnals Topics: Jesucristo Llamado de; Jesus Christ Call of Scripture: Exodus 20:3 Used With Tune: GALILEE Text Sources: Spanish tr., sts. 1, 4. 5 from Himnario Bautista
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Away in a Manger (Allá en el pesebre)

Author: Anonymous; John T. McFarland, 1861-1913; George P. Simmonds, 1890-1991 Meter: Appears in 550 hymnals First Line: Away in a manger, no crib for a bed (Allá en el pesebre, do nace Jesús) Lyrics: 1 Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head. The stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay, The little Lord Jesus, asleep on the hay. 2 The cattle are lowing; the baby awakes, But little Lord Jesus, no crying he makes. I love you, Lord Jesus! Look down from the sky And stay by my side until morning is nigh. 3 Be near me, Lord Jesus; I ask you to stay Close by me forever, and love me, I pray. Bless all the dear children in your tender care, And fit us for heaven, to live with you there. --- 1 Allá en el pesebre, do nace Jesús, la cuna de paja nos vierte gran luz. Estrellas lejanas del cielo al mirar se inclinan gozosas su lumbre a prestar. 2 La vaca mugiendo despierta al Señor, mas no llora el Niño pues es puro amor. ¡Oh vélanos, Cristo Jesús, sin cesar! Y siempre felices habremos estar. 3 Oh Cristo, pedimos hoy tu bendición, rogamos que atiendas a nuestra oración. A todos, oh Cristo, now muestra amor, nosotros te amamos también, Salvador. Topics: Año Cristiano Navidad; Christian Year Christmas Scripture: Matthew 2:9 Used With Tune: MUELLER

For All the Saints (Hoy, por los santos)

Author: William W. How, 1823-1897; Federico J. Pagura, 1923-2016; María Eugenia Cornou, b. 1969 Meter: 10.10.10 with alleluias Appears in 571 hymnals First Line: For all the saints, who from their labors rest (Hoy, por los santos que descansan ya) Topics: Alabanza; Praise; Church; Iglesia; Communion of the Saints; Comunión de los Santos; Jesucristo Piedra Angular; Jesus Christ Cornerstone; Trinidad; Trinity; Unidad; Unity; Victory; Victoria Scripture: 2 Samuel 22:1-3 Used With Tune: SINE NOMINE

Salmo (Psalm 116:12-18)

Appears in 1,913 hymnals First Line: Con qué voy a pagarle al SEÑOR (What shall I return to the LORD) Topics: Acción de Gracias; Thanksgiving; Alabanza; Praise; Año Cristiano Jueves Santo; Christian Year Maundy Thursday

When Love Is Found (Hallar amor – Qué bendición)

Author: Brian Wren, b. 1936; Georgina Pando-Connolly, b. 1946 Meter: Appears in 32 hymnals First Line: When love is found and hope comes home (Hallar amor – ¡Qué bendición) Lyrics: 1 When love is found and hope comes home, Sing and be glad that two are one. When love explodes and fills the sky, Praise God, and share our Maker's joy. 2 When love has flow'red in trust and care, Build both each day, that love may dare To reach beyond home's warmth and light, To serve and strive for truth and right. 3 When love is tried as loved ones change, Hold still to hope, though all seems strange, Till ease returns and love grows wise Through list'ning ears and opened eyes. 4 When love is torn, and trust betrayed, Pray strength to love till torments fade, Till lovers keep no score of wrong But hear through pain love's Easter song. 5 Praise God for love, praise God for life, In age or youth, in calm or strife. Lift up your hearts! Let love be fed Through death and life in broken bread. --- 1 Hallar amor – ¡Qué bendición hacer de dos un corazón donde el amor, como explosión, alaba a Dios con gran pasión! 2 Cuando el amore, al florecer en paz y en fe, logra crecer, a los demás hagan llegar la luz y el brillo de su hogar. 3 Y si el amor se ha de probar, hay que aprender, hay que esperar. El agua vuelve asu nivel: escucha y ve, sé siempre fiel. 4 Y si el amor sufre traición, hay que confiar en el perdón: no llevar cuenta del error, resucitar tras el dolor. 5 Alaba a Dios en tempestad, en juventud, o ancianidad, por el amor, que va a nutrir, y por el pan, que has de partir. Topics: Amor; Love; Familia; Family; Marriage; Matrimonio Scripture: Genesis 24:47-51 Used With Tune: O WALY WALY

O God, Our Help in Ages Past (Nuestra experanza y protección)

Author: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748; Federico J. Pagura, 1923-2016 Meter: Appears in 1,247 hymnals First Line: O God, our help in ages past (Nuestra esperanza y protección) Topics: Confianza; Trust; Covenant; Pacto; Providence; Providencia Scripture: Psalm 90 Used With Tune: ST. ANNE

Children of the Heavenly Father (Nuestro Dios y Padre eterno)

Author: Carolina Sandell-Berg, 1832-1903; Ernst W. Olsen, 1870-1958; Esteben Sywulka B., b. 1942 Meter: Appears in 100 hymnals First Line: Children of the heav'nly Father (Nuestro Dios y Padre eterno) Topics: Covenant; Pacto; Dios Protección y Refugio; God Protection and Refuge; Providence; Providencia Scripture: Job 1:21 Used With Tune: TRYGGARE KAN INGEN VARA

Go, My Children, with My Blessing (No están solos, vayan, lleven)

Author: Jaroslav Vajda, 1919-2008; Gerardo Oberman, b. 1965 Meter: Appears in 22 hymnals Topics: Benediction; Bendición Final; Comisión para el Servicio; Commissioning; Discipleship; Discipulado; Envio; Sending Forth Scripture: Numbers 6:22-27 Used With Tune: AR HYD Y NOS
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God Moves in a Mysterious Way (Con maravillas obra Dios)

Author: William Cowper, 1731-1800; Anonymous Meter: Appears in 1,132 hymnals Lyrics: 1 God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform. He plants his footsteps in the sea And rides upon the storm. 2 You fearful saints, fresh courage take; The clouds you so much dread Are big with mercy and shall break In blessings on your head. 3 His purposes will ripen fast, Unfolding ev'ry hour. The bud may have a bitter taste, But sweet will be the flow'r. 4 Blind unbelief is sure to err And scan his work in vain. God is his own interpreter, And he will make it plain. --- 1 Con maravillas obra Dios en la profundidad; calma la fiera tempestad y pasa por la mar. 2 Oh santos, ya valor mostrad; las nubes no temáis; llenas están de gran bondad y bendiciones dan. 3 Sus fines Dios revelará con todo esplendor; aunque amargo el botón, más dulce es la flor. 4 El que carezca de la fe en vano buscará. El gran intérprete es Dios; su plan aclarará. Topics: Covenant; Pacto; Creation; Creación; Providence; Providencia Scripture: Job 42:1-3 Used With Tune: DUNDEE

Hosanna, Loud Hosanna (Hosanna a ti, hosanna)

Author: Jeanette Threlfall, 1821-1880; Gerardo Oberman, b. 1965 Meter: D Appears in 160 hymnals Topics: Año Cristiano Domingo de Ramos; Christian Year Palm Sunday; Año Cristiano Domingo de Pasión; Christian Year Passion Sunday Scripture: Matthew 21:1-17 Used With Tune: ELLACOMBE

Standing on the Promises (Todas las promesas)

Author: R. Kelso Carter, 1849-1928; Vicente Mendoza, 1875-1955; Eduardo Steel, b. 1952 Meter: with refrain Appears in 460 hymnals First Line: Standing on the promises of Christ, my King (Todas las promesas del Señor Jesús) Refrain First Line: Standing, standing (Grandes fieles) Lyrics: 1 Standing on the promises of Christ, my King, Through eternal ages let his praises ring; Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing, Standing on the promises of God. Refrain: Standing, standing, Standing on the promises of God, my Savior; Standing, standing, I'm standing on the promises of God. 2 Standing on the promises that cannot fail. When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail, By the living Word of God I shall prevail, Standing on the promises of God. [Refrain] 3 Standing on the promises of Christ, the Lord, Bound to him eternally by love's strong cord, Overcoming daily with the Spirit's sword, Standing on the promises of God. [Refrain] 4 Standing on the promises I cannot fall, List'ning ev'ry moment to the Spirit's call, Resting in my Savior as my all in all, Standing on the promises of God. [Refrain] --- 1 Todas las promesas del Señor Jesús, son apoyo poderoso de mi fe; mientras viva aquí cercado de su luz, siempre en sus promesas confiaré. Estribillo: Grandes, fieles, las promesas que el Señor Jesús ha dado, Grandes, fieles, en ellas para siempre confiaré. 2 Todas las promesas del Señor serán gozo y fuerza en nuestra vida terrenal; ellas en la dura lid nos sostendrán, y triunfar podremos sobre el mal. [Estribillo] 3 Todas sus promesas me ayudarán a vencer las tentaciones de Satán; puedo yo confiar en que mi Salvaador con su dulce voz me guiara. [Estribillo] 4 Todas sus promesas para el pueblo fiel, el Señor en sus bandades cumplirá, y confiado sé que para siempre en él pas eterna mi alma gozará. [Estribillo] Topics: Confianza; Trust; Covenant; Pacto; Jesucristo Vida en; Jesus Christ Life In; Providence; Providencia Scripture: Exodus 19:3-6 Used With Tune: PROMISES
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The God of Abraham Praise (Al Dios de Abraham, loor)

Author: Daniel ben Judah Dayyan, fl. 1400; Thomas Olivers, 1725-1799; George P. Simmonds, 1890-1991 Meter: D Appears in 454 hymnals First Line: The God of Abraham praise (¡Al Dios de Abraham, loor!) Lyrics: 1 The God of Abraham praise, Who reigns enthroned above; The ancient of eternal days, The God of love! The Lord, the great I AM, By earth and heav'n confessed– We bow before his holy name Forever blest. 2 He by his name has sworn, On this we shall depend, And as on eagles' wings upborne, To heaven ascend: There we shall see his face; His pow'r we shall adore, And sing the wonders of his grace Forevermore. 3 Triumphant hosts on high Give thanks to God and sing, And “Holy, holy, holy” cry, “Almighty King!” Hail, Abraham's God and ours! One mighty hymn we raise. All pow'r and majesty be yours And endless praise! --- 1 ¡Al Dios de Abraham, loor! Su nombre celebrad; ¡al que era, es, y aún será, magnificad! El solo, eterno Dios, de todo es Creador: al único Supremo Ser cantad loor. 2 ¡Cuán libre y sabio es su Espíritu al obrar! Su voz por el profeta aún nos quiere hablar. En todo corazón su ley escrita está; es inmutable y siempre fiel en tierra y mar. 3 La vida infundió en cada humano ser. Su amor amparo nos será sin fenecer. ¡Al vivo Dios, loor! Su nombre celebrad; ¡al que era, y es, y aún será, magnificad! Topics: Alabanza; Praise; Covenant; Pacto; Dios Reinado de; God Reign of; Espíritu Santo Presencia del; Holy Spirit Presence of; Providence; Providencia Scripture: Genesis 31:49 Used With Tune: LEONI Text Sources: Yigdal Elohim Hoi
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O Little Town of Bethlehem (Oh, aldehuela de Belén)

Author: Phillips Brooks, 1835-1893; Anonymous Meter: Appears in 853 hymnals First Line: O little town of Bethlehem (¡Oh, aldehuela de Belén!) Lyrics: 1 O little town of Bethlehem, How still we see thee lie! Above thy deep and dreamless sleep The silent stars go by; Yet in thy dark streets shineth The everlasting Light. The hopes and fears of all the years Are met in thee tonight. 2 For Christ is born of Mary And, gathered all above While mortals sleep, the angels keep Their watch of wond'ring love. O morning stars, together Proclaim the holy birth, And praises sing to God the King, And peace to all on earth! 3 How silently, how silently The wondrous gift is giv'n! So God imparts to human hearts The blessings of his heav'n. No ear may hear his coming, But in this world of sin, Where meek souls will receive him, still The dear Christ enters in. 4 O holy Child of Bethlehem, Descend to us, we pray; Cast out our sin and enter in, Be born in us today. We hear the Christmas angels The great glad tidings tell; O come to us, abide with us, Our Lord Immanuel! --- 1 ¡Oh, aldehuela de Belén! Afortunada tú, pues en tus campos brilla hoy la sempiterna luz. El Hijo tan deseado con santa expectación, el anunciado Salvador en ti, Belén, nació. 2 Allá do el Redentor nació los ángeles están velando todos con amor al niño sin igual. ¡Estrellas rutilantes, a Dios la gloria dad! Pues hoy el cielo nos mostró Su buena voluntad. 3 Calladamente Dios nos da su incomparable don; así también impartirá Sus bendiciones hoy. Ningún oído acaso perciba su venir, mas el de humilde corazón le habrá de recibir. 4 ¡Oh Santo Niño de Belén! Desciende con tu paz; en nuestras almas nace hoy limpiando todo mal. Los ángeles del cielo te anuncian al nacer; ¡ven con nosotros a morar, oh Cristo, Emanuel! Topics: Año Cristiano Navidad; Christian Year Christmas Scripture: Job 38:7 Used With Tune: ST. LOUIS

Sing with All the Saints in Glory (Canten con gloriosos fieles)

Author: William J. Irons, 1812-1893; Alberto Merubia, 1919-2013 Meter: D Appears in 106 hymnals Topics: Año Cristiano Semana Santa; Christian Year Easter; Communion of the Saints; Comunión de los Santos Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:9 Used With Tune: HYMN TO JOY

Take My Life and Let It Be (Que mi vida entera esté)

Author: Frances R. Havergal; Vicente Mendoza, 1875-1955 Meter: with refrain Appears in 1,214 hymnals First Line: Take my hands and let them move (Que mis manos pueda guiar) Lyrics: Refrain: Take my life and let it be Consecrated, Lord, to thee. Take my moments and my days; Let them flow in endless praise. 1 Take my hands and let them move At the impulse of thy love. Take my feet and let them be Swift and beautiful for thee. [Refrain] 2 Take my voice and let me sing Always, only, for my King. Take my lips and let them be Filled with messages from thee. [Refrain] 3 Take my silver and my gold; Not a mite would I withhold. Take my intellect and use Ev'ry pow'r as thou shalt choose. [Refrain] 4 Take my will and make it thine; It shall be no longer mine. Take my heart– it is thine own; It shall be thy royal throne. [Refrain] 5 Take my love; my Lord, I pour At thy feet its treasure store. Take myself, and I will be Ever, only, all for thee. [Refrain] --- Estribillo: Que mi vida entera esté consagrada a ti, Señor; que mis días al correr manifiesten tu loor. 1 Que mis manos pueda guiar el impulso de tu amor; que mis pies al caminar lleven siempre bendición. [Estribillo] 2 Que mi voz pueda contar siempre solo a ti, Señor; que mis labios puedan dar testimonio de tu amor. [Estribillo] 3 Que mis bienes ofrendar sepa siempre a ti, Señor, que mi mente y su poder sean usados en tu honor. [Estribillo] 4 Toma, ¡oh Dios, mi voluntad y hazla tuya, nada más; toma, sí, mi corazón, y tu trono en él tendrás. [Estribillo] 5 Y mi amor a ti lo doy, mi tesoro, lo que soy. *Todo tuyo quiero ser, solo en ti permanecer. [Estribillo] * Toda Topics: Consagración; Consecration; Entrega; Surrender; Offering; Ofrenda; Offering of Heart, Life, and Self; Ofrenda del Corazón, vida y Propio Ser; Testimonio; Testimony Scripture: Numbers 6:1-12 Used With Tune: TOMA MI VOLUNTAD

Jesus, Lover of My Soul (Cariñoso Salvador)

Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788; Tomás M. Westrup, 1837-1909; María Eugenia Cornou, b. 1969 Meter: D Appears in 3,243 hymnals Topics: Amor; Love; Amor de Jesucristo; Love of Jesus Christ; Assurance of Pardon; Garantía del Perdón; Confianza; Trust; Forgiveness; Perdón; Grace; Gracia; Jesucristo Sanador; Jesus Christ Healer; Oracion; Prayer Scripture: Exodus 33:22 Used With Tune: MARTYN


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