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Scripture:Isaiah 55:1-5

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Hymn 7

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 481 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:1-2 First Line: Let every mortal ear attend Lyrics: Let every mortal ear attend, And every heart rejoice; The trumpet of the gospel sounds With an inviting voice. Lo! all ye hungry, starving souls. That feed upon the wind, And vainly strive with earthly toys To fill an empty mind. Eternal Wisdom has prepared A soul-reviving feast, And bids your longing appetites The rich provision taste. Ho! ye that pant for living streams, And pine away and die, here you may quench your raging thirst With springs that never dry. Rivers of love and mercy here In a rich ocean join; Salvation in abundance flows, Like floods of milk and wine. [Ye perishing and naked poor, Who work with mighty pain To weave a garment of your own That will not hide your sin, Come naked, and adorn your souls In robes prepared by God, Wrought by the labors of his Son, And dyed in his own blood.] Dear God! the treasures of thy love Are everlasting mines, Deep as our helpless miseries are, And boundless as our sins. The happy gates of gospel grace Stand open night and day; Lord, we are come to seek supplies, And drive our wants away.
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Come, Ye Sinner, Poor and Needy

Author: Joseph Hart Meter: Appears in 1,470 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:1 First Line: Come ye sinners, poor and needy Topics: Evangelistic Invitation Used With Tune: GREENVILLE
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Invitation to free salvation

Meter: Appears in 226 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:1 First Line: Ho! ev'ry one that thirsts, draw nigh Lyrics: 1 Ho! ev'ry one that thirsts, draw nigh, ('Tis God invites the fallen race) Mercy and free salvation buy; Buy wine, and milk, and gospel grace. 2 Come to the living waters, come, Sinners, obey your Maker's voice; Return, ye weary wanderers, home, And in redeeming love rejoice. 3 See, from the rock, a fountain rise! For you in healing streams it rolls: Money ye need not bring, nor price, Ye lab'ring, burthen'd, thirsting souls. 4 Ye nothing in exchange can give; Leave all you have, and are behind: Frankly the gift of God receive; Pardon and peace in Jesus find. Topics: Invitation to free salvation

Come to the Water

Author: John Foley, b. 1939 Appears in 11 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:1-2 First Line: O let all who thirst Topics: Baptism Used With Tune: [O let all who thirst]

Hymn 9

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 58 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:1-2 First Line: In vain we lavish out our lives Lyrics: In vain we lavish out our lives To gather empty wind; The choicest blessings earth can yield Will starve a hungry mind. Come, and the Lord shall feed our souls With more substantial meat, With such as saints in glory love, With such as angels eat. Our God will every want supply, And fill our hearts with peace; He gives by cov'nant and by oath The riches of his grace. Come, and he'll cleanse our spotted souls, And wash away our stains In the dear fountain that his Son Poured from his dying veins. [Our guilt shall vanish all away, Though black as hell before; Our sins shall sink beneath the sea, And shall be found no more. And, lest pollution should o'erspread Our inward powers again, His Spirit shall bedew our souls, Like purifying rain.] Our heart, that flinty, stubborn thing, That terrors cannot move, That fears no threat'nings of his wrath, Shall be dissolved by love. Or he can take the flint away That would not be refined; And from the treasures of his grace Bestow a softer mind. There shall his sacred Spirit dwell, And deep engrave his law, And every motion of our souls To swift obedience draw. Thus will he pour salvation down, And we shall render praise; We the dear people of his love, And he our God of grace.

I heard the voice of Jesus say

Author: Horatius N. Bonar (1808-1889) Appears in 1,234 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:1-3 Lyrics: 1 I heard the voice of Jesus say, 'Come unto me and rest; lay down, thou weary one, lay down thy head upon my breast': I came to Jesus as I was, so weary, worn, and sad; I found in him a resting-place, and he has made me glad. 2 I heard the voice of Jesus say, 'Behold, I freely give the living water; thirsty one, stoop down and drink, and live': I came to Jesus, and I drank of that life-giving stream; my thirst was quenched, my soul revived, and now I live in him. 3 I heard the voice of Jesus say, 'I am this dark world's Light; Look unto me, thy morn shall rise, and all thy day be bright': I looked to Jesus, and I found in him my Star, my Sun; and in that light of life I'll walk, till travelling days are done. Topics: Our Response to Christ In Discipleship; Jesus Names and images for; Light; Rest; Water Used With Tune: THE ROWAN TREE

Isaiah 55: Ho! ye that thirst, approach the spring

Meter: Appears in 19 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55 First Line: Ho! ye that thirst, approach the spring Lyrics: Ho! ye that thirst, approach the spring where living waters flow: Free to that sacred fountain all without a price may go. How long to streams of false delight will ye in crowds repair? How long your strength and substance waste on trifles, light as air? My stores afford those rich supplies that health and pleasure give: Incline your ear, and come to me; the soul that hears shall live. With you a cov’nant I will make, that ever shall endure; The hope which gladdened David’s heart my mercy hath made sure. Behold he comes! your leader comes, with might and honour crowned; A witness who shall spread my name to earth’s remotest bound. 134 See! nations hasten to his call from ev’ry distant shore; Isles, yet unknown, shall bow to him, and Isr’el’s God adore. Seek ye the Lord while yet his ear is open to your call; While offered mercy still is near, before his footstool fall. Let sinners quit their evil ways, their evil thoughts forego: And God, when they to him return, returning grace will show. He pardons with o’erflowing love: for, hear the voice divine! My nature is not like to yours, nor like your ways are mine: But far as heav’n’s resplendent orbs beyond earth’s spot extend, As far my thoughts, as far my ways, your ways and thoughts transcend. And as the rains from heav’n distil, nor thither mount again, But swell the earth with fruitful juice, and all its tribes sustain: So not a word that flows from me shall ineffectual fall; But universal nature prove obedient to my call. With joy and peace shall then be led the glad converted lands; The lofty mountains then shall sing, the forests clap their hands. Where briers grew ‘midst barren wilds, shall firs and myrtles spring; And nature, through its utmost bounds, eternal praises sing.

Todos Los Que Tengan Sed

Author: Desconocido Appears in 15 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:1 Used With Tune: [Todos los que tengan sed]

Table of Plenty

Author: Daniel L. Schutte, b. 1947 Appears in 7 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55 First Line: O come and sit at my table Refrain First Line: Come to the feast of heaven and earth! Topics: Elements of Worship Lord's Supper Used With Tune: TABLE OF PLENTY

Come to the Feast

Author: Marty Haugen, b. 1950 Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55 First Line: Ho, ev'ry one who thirsts Topics: Seasons and Feasts Easter Vigil; Thirst Used With Tune: [Ho, ev'ryone who thirsts]

Will You Come? (Catlin)

Author: W. E. Catlin Meter: D Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:3 First Line: Come and give your heart to Jesus Refrain First Line: Will you come to our dear Savior? Lyrics: 1 Come and give your heart to Jesus, He who died on Calvary; For He shed His blood most precious, To redeem and set you free. Refrain: Will you come to our dear Savior? Will you come? He’ll set you free; Will you come and let Him save you? Will you come, God’s child to be? [Refrain] 2 Turn from all your worldly treasure, Give your heart to Jesus now; You will find a sweeter pleasure, When to our dear Lord you bow. [Refrain] 3 Give up all your will to Jesus, And be led by Him alone; He will fill your heart with gladness, When He’s seated on its throne. [Refrain] Topics: Invitation Used With Tune: [Come and give your heart to Jesus] Text Sources: Timeless Truths (http://library.timelesstruths.org/music/Will_You_Come_Catlin); Faith Publishing House, Echoes from Heaven, 1976 (82); The Gospel Trumpet Company, Select Hymns, 1911 (603)

The Trees of the Field

Author: Steffi G. Rubin Meter: Irregular Appears in 32 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55 First Line: You shall go out with joy Topics: Deliverance; Songs for Children Bible Songs; Deliverance; Joy; New Creation; Promises Used With Tune: TREES OF THE FIELD

All Who Are Thirsty

Author: Michael Perry Appears in 5 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55 First Line: All who are thirsty, come to the Lord Lyrics: 1 All who are thirsty, come to the Lord; all who are hungry, feed on his Word. Buy without paying, food without price, eat with thanksgiving God's sacrifice. 2 Why spend your wealth on what is not bread? Why do you labor yet are not fed? God will provide you richest of food. Come to the waters, drink what is good. 3 Call on God's mercy while he is near; turn from your evil, come without fear; Ask him for pardon - grace will abound! This is the moment God can be found. 4 Where once were briers, flowers will grow. Where lives were barren, rivers will flow. Praise to our Savior, grace and renown. Ours is the blessing, his be the crown! Topics: Baptism and Lord's Supper Used With Tune: MALATE

Come to Us

Author: Rory Cooney, b. 1952 Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:1-3 First Line: Come to me, come to us Used With Tune: [Come to me, come to us]

Come and Let Us Drink of That New River

Author: John of Damascus, c.675-746; John M. Neale, 1818-1866; Anthony G. Petti, 1932-1985 Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:1-2 Topics: Seasons and Feasts Ascension Used With Tune: NEW RIVER
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Just as I Am

Author: Charlotte Elliott, 1789-1871 Meter: Appears in 2,139 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:1 First Line: Just as I am, without one plea but that thy blood Topics: Invited by Christ; Repentance Used With Tune: WOODWORTH
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Lead On, O King Eternal

Author: Ernest W. Shurtleff Meter: D Appears in 401 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:4 First Line: Lead on, O King Eternal, The day of march has come Topics: Marriage Used With Tune: [Lead on, O King Eternal]

Kyrie Eleison (Lord, Have Mercy)

Appears in 279 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:4 Lyrics: Greek: Kyrie eleison. Kyrie eleison. Kyrie eleison. Kyrie eleison. English: Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Topics: Responses To Confession; Elements of Worship Confession Used With Tune: KYRIE GHANA Text Sources: early Greek Liturgy
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Victory is on the Lord's side

Meter: Appears in 97 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:4 First Line: Arise ye saints, arise! Topics: Duties and Trials The Warfare
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Pilgrims and strangers: homeward bound

Appears in 92 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:4 First Line: Leader of faithful souls, and guide Topics: Duties and Trials Steadfastness and Growth in Grace Used With Tune: REQUEST
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As the sun doth daily rise

Author: Earl Nelson; King Alfred, 848-901 Appears in 89 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:3 Used With Tune: HENDON

Here I am Lord. Is it I, Lord?

Author: Dan Schutte, b. 1947 Meter: Appears in 63 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:1-2 First Line: I, the Lord of sea and sky Topics: Epiphany II Year B; Lent II Year B; Proper 17 Year A; Peace and Justice; Baptism and Confirmation Used With Tune: HERE I AM, LORD
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Feasting With My Lord

Author: John S. Brown Appears in 30 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:2 First Line: Since my soul is saved and sanctified Refrain First Line: Feasting, I am feasting Used With Tune: [Since my soul is saved and sanctified]

Come Away from Rush and Hurry

Author: Marva J. Dawn, 1948- Meter: D Appears in 7 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:1 Used With Tune: BEACH SPRING

Lord God, Almighty, Saviour, Redeemer

Author: Coni Huisman Appears in 6 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:3 Topics: Life in Christ Our Response to Christ - In Dedication; Assurance; Love For God; Word of God Used With Tune: [Lord God, Almighty, Saviour, Redeemer]

We Come to Your Feast

Author: Michael Joncas, b. 1951 Appears in 5 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:1-3 First Line: We place upon your table Topics: Sharing Used With Tune: [We place upon your table]
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Free Grace

Author: Abbie C. McKeever Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:1 First Line: Herald the tidings to ev'ry soul Refrain First Line: Free grace, free grace Lyrics: 1 Herald the tidings to ev’ry soul, Wave on wave let the echo roll; Strong and gladly the chorus swell, The story grand of free grace tell. Refrain: Free grace, free grace! Echo the cry to a ruined race; Free grace, free grace! Shout, shout the story of grace, free grace. 2 Sing of the wonderful grace, free grace, Given to all of our ruined race; Shout the story afar and near, That ev’ry burdened soul may hear. [Refrain] 3 Go, tell the story, so grandly true, Praise the Lamb who was slain for you; Shout aloud of the free grace given, That you and I may dwell in heaven. [Refrain] Used With Tune: [Herald the tidings to every soul]

All Who Are Thirsty (Tiene tu alma)

Author: Brenton Brown, b. 1973; Glenn Robertson; María Eugenia Cornou, b. 1969 Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55 Refrain First Line: Come, Lord Jesus, come (¡Ven, Señor Jesús!) Topics: Aflicción; Grief; Assurance of Pardon; Garantía del Perdón; Jesucristo Llamado de; Jesus Christ Call of; Mercy; Misericordia; Renewal (Restoration); Renovación (Resaturación) Used With Tune: [All who are thirsty]

Take and Eat This Bread

Author: Francis Patrick O'Brien, b. 1958 Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:1 First Line: This is the bread come down from heaven Used With Tune: [This is the bread come down from heaven]

Come to the Table of Grace

Author: Barbara Hamm Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:1-2 Topics: Body of Christ; Church; Eucharist; Feeding; Glory; Holy Communion; Hospitality; Joy; Muisic for Liturgies; Love (Human); Service Music Offertory; Service Music During and After Communion; Shalom; Table; Body of Christ; Church; Eucharist; Feeding; Glory; Holy Communion; Hospitality; Joy; Muisic for Liturgies; Love (Human); Service Music Offertory; Service Music During and After Communion; Shalom; Table Used With Tune: TABLE OF GRACE

From All the Wind's Wide Quarters

Author: Timothy Dudley-Smith Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55 First Line: [From All the Wind's Wide Quarters] Text Sources: A House of Praise (Hope Publishing Company,, 2003)

All You Who Are Thirsty

Author: Michael Connolly, b. 1955 Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:1-2 First Line: Come now and listen that you may have life Refrain First Line: All you who are thirsty, come to the water Topics: Seasons and Feasts Baptism of the Lord; Seasons and Feasts Easter Vigil; Commandments; Law; Thirst Used With Tune: [Come now and listen that you may have life]
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The Call of GOD in CHRIST to perishing Sinners

Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55 First Line: Ho! ev'ry thirsty, longing soul Lyrics: 1 Ho! ev'ry thirsty, longing soul! Come where the living waters flow; Come, buy, eat, drink my wine and milk; Tho' nothing ye, of worth, can show. 2 Why do ye spend your cost and toil, For what cannot content the soul? Hear Me, and feed on solid good, Your souls with fatness shall be full. 3 Incline your ear and come to Me, Hear, and your soul shall ever live; I'll an eternal covenant And DAVID's certain mercies give. 4 Lo! I have HIM a witness giv'n, For all the people to observe; A leader and commander made, That ll the people should HIM serve. 5 The gentile nations Thou shalt call; And they shall run to Thee with joy; The LORD thy God, the HOLY ONE Of Isr'el, Thee will glorify. 6 O seek ye for the LORD, while ye To your great joy may find Him here; And call upon Him earnestly, While in his mercy He is near. 7 Let wicked men, forsake their ways, Their tho'ts let the unrighteous leave; And to the LORD let them return; And mercy on them He will have. Let them remember He's our God, So wondrous for benignity; O let them then return to Him, And He'll forgive abundantly.

You Thirsty Ones, Come

Author: Andrew Donaldson Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:1-11 First Line: You thirsty ones, come to the spring! Topics: God's Covenant with Israel; Redemption; The Word; Work Used With Tune: HEAVEN'S RAIN

Ho, All Who Thirst (Come Now to the Water)

Author: Alexander M. Peters Meter: with refrain Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:1 First Line: Why forsake the Lord Refrain First Line: Ho, all who thirst, come now to the water Topics: Baptism; Guidance; Welcome Used With Tune: JACOB’S WELL
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There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood

Author: William Cowper, 1731-1800 Meter: Appears in 2,486 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:5 Lyrics: 1 There is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Immanuel's veins, and sinners, plunged beneath that flood, lose all their guilty stains: lose all their guilty stains, lose all their guilty stains; and sinners, plunged beneath that flood, lose all their guilty stains. 2 The dying thief rejoiced to see that fountain in his day, and there may I, though vile as he, wash all my sins away: wash all my sins away, wash all my sins away; and there may I, though vile as he, wash all my sins away. 3 Dear dying Lamb, thy precious blood shall never lose its power, till all the ransomed Church of God be saved, to sin no more: be saved, to sin no more, be saved, to sin no more; till all the ransomed Church of God be saved, to sin no more. 4 E'er since by faith I saw the stream thy flowing wounds supply, redeeming love has been my theme, and shall be till I die: and shall be till I die, and shall be till I die; redeeming love has been my theme, and shall be till I die. 5 When this poor lisping, stammering tongue lies silent in the grave, then in a nobler, sweeter song I'll sing thy power to save: I'll sing thy power to save, I'll sing thy power to save; then in a nobler, sweeter song I'll sing thy power to save. Used With Tune: CLEANSING FOUNTAIN
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Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing

Author: Robert Robinson, 1735-90 Meter: D Appears in 2,212 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:1-2 First Line: Come, Thou Fount of ev'ry blessing Lyrics: 1 Come, Thou Fount of ev'ry blessing, Tune my heart to sing Thy grace; Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise. While the hope of endless glory Fills my heart with joy and love, Teach me ever to adore Thee; May I still Thy goodness prove. 2 Here I raise my Ebenezer, Hither by Thy help I've come; And I hope, by Thy good pleasure, Safely to arrive at home. Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wand'ring from the fold of God; He, to rescue me from danger, Interposed His precious blood. 3 Oh, to grace how great a debtor Daily I'm constrained to be; Let that grace now like a fetter Bind my wand'ring heart to Thee: Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it; Prone to leave the God I love. Here's my heart, oh, take and seal it, Seal it for Thy courts above. 4 Oh, that day when freed from sinning, I shall see Thy lovely face; Clothed then in the blood-washed linen How I'll sing Thy wondrous grace! Come, my Lord, no longer tarry, Take my ransom'd soul away; Send Thine angels soon to carry Me to realms of endless day. Topics: Commitment; Confession; Confirmation; Last Things Used With Tune: NETTLETON

The Call

Appears in 1,913 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55 First Line: Oh, come to the water all you who are thirsty; Topics: Scripture Readings
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Come home, come home

Author: W. L. T. Appears in 873 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:3 First Line: Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling Lyrics: 1 Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling, Calling for you and for me; At the heart's portal he's waiting and watching, Watching for you and for me. Chorus: Come home, come home, Ye who are weary, come home; Earnestly, tenderly Jesus is calling, Calling, O sinner, come home! 2 Why should we tarry when Jesus is pleading, Pleading for you and for me? Why should we linger and heed not his mercies, Mercies for you and for me? [Chorus] 3 Time is now fleeting, the moments are passing, Passing from you and from me; Shadows are gath'ring and death's night is coming, Coming for you and for me. [Chorus] 4 Think of the wonderful love he has promised, Promised for you and for me; Tho' we have sinned, he has mercy and pardon, Pardon for you and for me. [Chorus] Topics: Bible Songs Invitation Used With Tune: CALLING
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Near the Cross

Author: Fanny J. Crosby, 1820-1915 Meter: with refrain Appears in 689 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:1 First Line: Jesus, keep me near the cross Refrain First Line: In the cross, in the cross Lyrics: 1 Jesus, keep me near the cross; there a precious fountain, free to all, a healing stream, flows from Calvary's mountain. Refrain: In the cross, in the cross, be my glory ever, till my raptured soul shall find rest beyond the river. 2 Near the cross, a trembling soul, love and mercy found me; there the bright and morning star sheds its beams around me. [Refrain] 3 Near the cross! O Lamb of God, bring its scenes before me; help me walk from day to day with its shadow o'er me. [Refrain] 4 Near the cross I'll watch and wait, hoping, trusting ever, till I reach the golden strand just beyond the river. [Refrain] Used With Tune: NEAR THE CROSS
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Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts

Author: Ray Palmer Meter: Appears in 563 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:1-7 Lyrics: 1 Jesus, thou joy of loving hearts, thou fount of life, thou light of all, from the best bliss that earth imparts we turn, unfilled, to heed thy call. 2 Thy truth unchanged hath ever stood; thou savest those that on thee call; to them that seek thee thou art good, to them that find thee, all in all. 3 We taste thee, O thou living bread, and long to feast upon thee still; we drink of thee, the fountainhead, and thirst our souls from thee to fill. 4 Our restless spirits yearn for thee, where'er our changeful lot is cast, glad when thy gracious smile we see, blest when our faith can hold thee fast. 5 O Jesus, ever with us stay; make all our moments calm and bright. O chase the night of sin away; shed o'er the world thy holy light. Topics: Discipleship; Eucharist; Faith; Joy; Light; Lord's Supper; Salvation; Sin; Communion Used With Tune: QUEBEC
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Songs of praise the angels sang

Author: James Montgomery, 1771-1854 Meter: Appears in 545 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:1 Lyrics: 1 Songs of praise the angels sang, heav'n with alleluias rang, when creation was begun, when God spake and it was done. 2 Songs of praise awoke the morn when the Prince of peace was born; songs of praise arose when he captive led captivity. 3 Heav'n and earth must pass away, songs of praise shall crown that day: God will make new heav'ns and earth; songs of praise shall hail their birth. 4 And shall we alone be dumb till that glorious kingdom come? No, the Church delights to raise psalms and hymns and songs of praise. 5 Saints below, with heart and voice, still in songs of praise rejoice; learning here, by faith and love, songs of praise to sing above. 6 Hymns of glory, songs of praise, Father, unto thee we raise; Jesu, glory unto thee, ever with the Spirit be. Topics: Joy, Praise and Thanksgiving; The Communion of Saints; The Journey of Life; Year A Christ the King; Years A, B, and C Christmas Day Used With Tune: NORTHAMPTON
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Father, I Stretch My Hands to Thee

Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788; Unknown Meter: Appears in 541 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:1 Refrain First Line: I do believe, I now believe Lyrics: 1 Father, I stretch my hands to Thee; No other help I know; If Thou withdraw Thyself from me, Ah! whither shall I go? Refrain: I do believe, I now believe, That Jesus died for me! And through His blood, His precious blood, I shall from sin be free. 2 What did Thine only Son endure, Before I drew my breath! What pain, what labor, to secure My soul from endless death! [Refrain] 3 O Jesus, could I this believe, I now should feel Thy power; And all my wants Thou wouldst relieve, In this accepted hour. [Refrain] 4 Author of faith! to Thee I lift My weary, longing eyes; O let me now receive that gift! My soul without it dies. [Refrain] Topics: The Christian Life Prayer and Intercession; Ascription; Trust Used With Tune: CAMPMEETING
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Why will ye die?

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: 7 Appears in 538 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:3 First Line: Sinners, turn; why will ye die? Topics: Death Spiritual; Expostulation; God Pity of; Holy Spirit Deity of; Holy Spirit Striving; Sinners Lost condition of

Christ, whose glory fills the skies

Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 Meter: Appears in 475 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:1 Topics: Morning and Evening Used With Tune: HEATHLANDS

Come, sinners, to the gospel feast

Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 Meter: Appears in 455 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:1 Topics: Mission and Evangelism; Holy Communion Used With Tune: FULDA (WALTON)
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"Sinner, come!"

Author: H. U. Onderdonk Appears in 428 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:1 First Line: The Spirit, in our hearts Lyrics: 1 The Spirit, in our hearts, Is whispering, "Sinner, come:" The bride, the Church of Christ, proclaims To all his children, "Come!" 2 Let him that heareth say To all about him, "Come!" Let him that thirsts for righteousness, To Christ, the fountain, come! 3 Yea, whosoever will, Oh, let him freely come, And freely drink the stream of life; 'Tis Jesus bids him come. 4 Lo! Jesus, who invites, Declares, I "quickly come;" Lord, even so! we wait thine hour; O blest Redeemer, come! Topics: Access to God; Christ Fountain Used With Tune: DETROIT
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Author: Thomas Hastings Appears in 361 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:1 First Line: Delay not, delay not; O sinner, draw near Lyrics: 1 Delay not, delay not; O sinner, draw near, The waters of life are now flowing for thee; No price is demanded; the Saviour is here; Redemption is purchased, salvation is free. 2 Delay not, delay not, the Spirit of grace, Long grieved and resisted, may take his sad flight, And leave thee in darkness to finish thy race, To sin in the gloom of eternity's night. 3 Delay not, delay not; the hour is at hand; The earth shall dissolve, and the heavens shall fade, The dead, small and great, in the judgment shall stand, What helper, then, sinner, shall lend thee his aid? Topics: Access to God; Advent of Christ To Judgment; Christ Judge; Delay Used With Tune: EXPOSTULATION
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Prophet, Priest, and King

Author: Isaac Watts Appears in 336 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:3 First Line: Join all the glorious names Topics: Christ Atonement of; Christ Conqueror; Christ King; Christ Lord; Christ Names of; Christ Priesthood of; Christ Prophet; Christ Reigning
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Ye wretched, starving poor!

Author: Steele Meter: Appears in 327 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 55:1-2 Lyrics: 1 Ye wretched, starving poor! Behold a royal feast! Where mercy spreads her bounteous store For every humble guest. 2 Jesus, with open arms, Is calling you to come; Guilt holds you back, and fear alarms; But see, there yet is room. 3 Room in the Saviour's heart; There love and pity meet; Nor will he bid the soul depart That trembles at his feet. 4 The Father, reconciled, Invites your souls to come; The rebel shall be called a child, And find in Christ a home. Topics: Provisions of the Gospel Invitations and Promises; The Bountiful Feast


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