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Joseph Haydn

1732 - 1809 Person Name: Josef Haydn Topics: Temperance Songs Composer of "AUSTRIAN HYMN" in The Psalter Franz Joseph Haydn (b. Rohrau, Austria, 1732; d. Vienna, Austria, 1809) Haydn's life was relatively uneventful, but his artistic legacy was truly astounding. He began his musical career as a choirboy in St. Stephen's Cathedral, Vienna, spent some years in that city making a precarious living as a music teacher and composer, and then served as music director for the Esterhazy family from 1761 to 1790. Haydn became a most productive and widely respected composer of symphonies, chamber music, and piano sonatas. In his retirement years he took two extended tours to England, which resulted in his "London" symphonies and (because of G. F. Handel's influence) in oratorios. Haydn's church music includes six great Masses and a few original hymn tunes. Hymnal editors have also arranged hymn tunes from various themes in Haydn's music. Bert Polman

William F. Sherwin

1826 - 1888 Person Name: W. F. S. Topics: Bible Songs Temperance Songs Author of "Rouse then, soldiers! rally round the banner!" in The Seventh-Day Adventist Hymn and Tune Book Sherwin, William Fisk, an American Baptist, was born at Buckland, Massachusetts, March 14,1826. His educational opportunities, so far as schools were concerned, were few, but he made excellent use of his time and surroundings. At fifteen he went to Boston and studied music under Dr. Mason: In due course he became a teacher of vocal music, and held several important appointments in Massachusetts; in Hudson and Albany, New York County, and then in New York City. Taking special interest in Sunday Schools, he composed carols and hymn-tunes largely for their use, and was associated with the Rev. R. Lowry and others in preparing Bright Jewels, and other popular Sunday School hymn and tune books. A few of his melodies are known in Great Britain through I. D. Sankey's Sacred Songs and Solos, where they are given with his signature. His hymnwriting was limited. The following pieces are in common use:— 1. Grander than ocean's story (1871). The Love of God. 2. Hark, bark, the merry Christmas bells. Christmas Carol. 3. Lo, the day of God is breaking. The Spiritual Warfare. 4. Wake the song of joy and gladness. Sunday School or Temperance Anniversary. 5. Why is thy faith, 0 Child of God, so small. Safety in Jesus. Mr. Sherwin died at Boston, Massachusetts, April 14, 1888. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================== Sherwin, W. F., p. 1055, i. Another hymn from his Bright Jewels, 1869, p. 68, is "Sound the battle cry" (Christian Courage), in the Sunday School Hymnary, 1905, and several other collections. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

P. P. Bliss

1838 - 1876 Person Name: P. P. B. Topics: Bible Songs Temperance Songs Author of "Dare to be a Daniel" in The Seventh-Day Adventist Hymn and Tune Book Philip P. Bliss (b. Clearfield County, PA, 1838; d. Ashtabula, OH, 1876) left home as a young boy to make a living by working on farms and in lumber camps, all while trying to continue his schooling. He was converted at a revival meeting at age twelve. Bliss became an itinerant music teacher, making house calls on horseback during the winter, and during the summer attending the Normal Academy of Music in Genesco, New York. His first song was published in 1864, and in 1868 Dwight L. Moody advised him to become a singing evangelist. For the last two years of his life Bliss traveled with Major D. W. Whittle and led the music at revival meetings in the Midwest and Southern United States. Bliss and Ira D. Sankey published a popular series of hymn collections entitled Gospel Hymns. The first book of the series, Gospel Songs, was published in 1874. Bliss's tragic death at the age of thirty-eight happened near the end of 1876. Philip P. Bliss and his wife were traveling to Chicago to sing for the evangelistic services led by Daniel W. Whittle at Dwight L. Moody's Tabernacle. But a train wreck and fire en route claimed their lives. Bert Polman ================= Bliss, Philip, b. at Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, July 9, 1838. In 1864 he went to Chicago in the employ of Dr. George F. Root, the musician, where he was engaged in conducting musical Institutes, and in composing Sunday School melodies. Originally a Methodist, he became, about 1871, a choirman of the First Congregational Church, Chicago, and the Superintendent of its Sunday Schools. In 1874 he joined D. W. Whittle in evangelical work. To this cause he gave (although a poor man) the royalty of his Gospel Songs, which was worth some thirty thousand dollars. His death was sudden. It occurred in the railway disaster at Ashtabula, Ohio, Dec. 30, 1876. ... Some of his verses have obtained wide popularity in most English-speaking countries. The more widely known, and specially those which are found in collections in use in G. Britain, are in the following American works:— i. The Prize, 1870. 1. I should like to die. Death anticipated. This is one of his earliest compositions, and is unworthy of the position it holds. 2. Through the valley of the shadow I must go. Death anticipated. 3. Whosoever heareth, shout, shout the sound. Jesus the Way. Written during the winter of 1869-70 after hearing Mr. H. Moorhouse (from England) preach on St. John iii. 16. ii. The Charm, 1871. 4. Almost persuaded now to believe. Procrastination. This was suggested by the following passage in a sermon by the Rev. Mr. Brundnge, Bliss being present at its delivery:—" He who is almost persuaded is almost saved, but to be almost saved is to be entirely lost." 5. Ho! my comrades! see the signal. Faithfulness. 6. O! Jerusalem, the golden city, bright, &c. Heaven. 7. On what Foundation do [did] you build? Christ the Foundation. iii. The Song Tree, 1872. 8. Light in the darkness, sailor, day is at hand. Safety. This hymn, “The Life-Boat," has attained to great popularity. The incident upon which it is based, that of the rescue of a ship's crew by a life-boat, is given in detail by Mr. Sankey in his Sacred Songs, &c, No. 99 (large ed.). It is sometimes known by its refrain, "Pull for the shore," &c. iv. The Joy, 1873. 9. In me ye may have peace. Peace. 10. To die is gain. Death anticipated. v. Sunshine, 1873. 11. Down life's dark vale we wander. Death anticipated. 12. More holiness give me. For Holiness. 13. Only an armour-bearer. Soldiers of the Cross. 14. Standing by a purpose true. Faithfulness. 15. This loving Saviour stands patiently. Invitation. vi. Gospel Songs, 1874. 16. A long time I wandered. Peace and Joy. 17. Brightly beams our Father's mercy. Mercy. 18. Come, brethren, as we march along. Praise. 19. Free from the law, O happy condition. Redemption. 20. Have you on the Lord believed? Fullness of Grace. This hymn arose out of the following circumstances :—" A vast fortune was left in the hands of a minister for one of his poor parishioners. Fearing that it might be sqmandered if suddenly bestowed upon him, the wise minister sent him a little at a time, with a note saying, “This is thine; use it wisely; there is more to follow.” Hence also the refrain ‘More to follow,’ by which the hymn is known." 21. How much owest thou? Divine Claims. 22. I know not the hour when my Lord will come. Death anticipated. Suggested by reading the book, The Gates Ajar. 23. See the gentle Shepherd standing. The Good Shepherd. 24. Though the way be sometimes dreary. Divine Leading. 25. Will you meet me at the fountain? Fountain of Living Water. The incident out of which this hymn arose is thus stated in The Christian, No. 365, "At the Industrial Exposition at Chicago it was an everyday appointment to meet at the Central Fountain. Mr. P. P. Bliss, whose mind seemed always set on things above, caught up the words, and wrote this hymn, 'Meet me at the Fountain.'" vii. Gospel Hymns, No. 1, 1875. 26. One offer of salvation. The Name of Jesus. 27. Wandering afar from the dwellings of men. The Lepers. viii. The International Lesson Monthly, 1875. 28. Weary gleaner, whence comest thou? Duty. 29. The whole world was lost in the darkness of Sin. Light of the world. 30. Man of sorrows! what a name. Redemption. 31. The Spirit, O sinner, in mercy doth move. Holy Spirit. ix. Gospel Hymns, No. 2, 1876. 32. At the feet of Jesus. The good choice. 33. Come, sing the Gospel's joyful sound. Salvation. 34. Cut it down, cut it down. Justice and Mercy. 35. Do you see the Hebrew captive? Prayer. 36. Hallelujah, He is risen. Easier. Written in the spring of 1876 and first sung by Bliss on Easter afternoon, 1876, in the Court House Square, Augusta, Georgia, to 5900 people. 37. In Zion's rock abiding. Safety. 38. Repeat the story o'er and o'er. Grace and Peace. 39. Tenderly the Shepherd. The Good Shepherd. x. Gospel Hymns, No. 3, 1878. 40. Hear ye the glad good news from heaven. Faith and Salvation. 41. I will sing of my Redeemer. Praise. xi. Gospel Hymns, No. 4, 1881. 42. 'Tis known on earth and heaven too. More about Jesus. xii. Various. 43. Sing over again to me. Words of Life. This appeared in a paper entitled Words of Life, 1874, The following are undated:— 44. March to the battle-field. Duty and Victory. 45. There is sin in the camp. Hinderances. 46. 'Tis the promise of God. Praise. 47. While the silvery moon-beams, fall, New Birth. 48. God is always near me. Omnipresence. Two hymns," I am so glad that our Father in heaven," and " Sowing the seed by the daylight [dawnlight] fair," (sometimes given as " Sowing our seed in the morning fair ") are usually attributed to Mr. Bliss. In his Gospel Songs, Cincinnati, 1874, however, he lays claim to the music only. Mr. Sankey attributes this last to "E. A. Oakey." With the exception of No. 48, these hymns are given in Mr. Sankey's Sacred Songs & Solos, Pts. i. and ii. Their popularity is far beyond their literary merits, and is mainly due to the simple melodies to which they are wedded. As a writer of hymns of this class Mr. Bliss is second only to Mrs. Van Alstyne. Many anecdotes concerning hymns of this class are given in American Evangelists; an Account of their work in England and America, by the Rev. Elias Nason, Boston, U.S., Lathrop & Co., 1877. Mr. Bliss is usually known as "P. P. Bliss." This is found on the title-pages of his collections. On his own authority, however, we are enabled to say that his name originally stood thus : “Philipp Bliss.” Early in life he separated the final p from his Christian name, constituted it a capital P, and thus produced "P. P. Bliss." (For this article we are mainly indebted to Professor F. M. Bird, and Mr. H. P. Main.) -John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ======================== Bliss, Philip , p. 151, i. "Sowing the seed by the daylight fair" is in the Family Treasury , Edinburgh, 1861, pt. i., p. 84. It is said to be by Miss Emily Sullivan Oakey; born at Albany, N. York, Oct. 8, 1829, died May 11, 1883. Note also that Bliss's hymn, No. 43. on p. 150, ii., should read, "Sing them over again to me." --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) ===================== Bliss, P., p. 150, i. Two works have been brought to our notice, since the issue of our first edition of this Dictionary, which concern this author, viz.:— 1. Memoirs of Philip P. Bliss. Edited by D. W. Whittle. Contributions by Rev. E. P. Goodwin, Ira D. Sankey, and Geo. F. Root. Introduction by D. L. Moody. New York, &c.: A. S. Barnes & Co., 1877. 2. My Life and Sacred Songs. By Ira D. Sankey. With an Introduction by Theodore L. Cuyler, D.D). London: Hodder & Stoughton, and Morgan & Scott, 1906. These works have a special interest for those who use I. D. Sankey's Sacred Songs & Solos, and all of P. Bliss's publications. To Mr. Sankey's My Life, &c, we direct special attention for P. Bliss's hymns:— “Do you see the Hebrew captive kneeling?" p. 294. "Down life's dark vale we wander." p. 285. "Ho! my comrades, see the signal." p. 105. "'Tis the promise of God full salvation to give." p. 99. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

H. R. Palmer

1834 - 1907 Topics: Bible Songs Temperance Songs Author of "Ask the Saviour to help you" in The Seventh-Day Adventist Hymn and Tune Book Palmer, Horatio Richmond, MUS. DOC, was born April 26, 1834. He is the author of several works on the theory of music; and the editor of some musical editions of hymnbooks. To the latter he contributed numerous tunes, some of which have attained to great popularity, and 5 of which are in I. D. Sankey's Sacred Songs and Solos, London, 1881. His publications include Songs of Love for the Bible School; and Book of Anthems, the combined sale of which has exceeded one million copies. As a hymnwriter he is known by his "Yield not to temptation," which was written in 1868, and published in the National Sunday School Teachers' Magazine, from which it passed, with music by the author, into his Songs of Love, &c, 1874, and other collections. In America its use is extensive. Dr. Palmer's degree was conferred by the University of Chicago in 1880. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) =============== Palmer, H. R., p. 877, i. The hymn "Would you gain the best in life" (Steadfastness), in the Congregational Sunday School Supplement, 1891, the Council School Hymn Book, 1905, and others, is by this author. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

1756 - 1791 Person Name: Mozart Topics: Temperance Songs Composer of "ELLESDIE" in The Psalter Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Austria 1756-1791. Born at Salzburg, Austria, the son of Leopold Mozart, a minor composer and violinist, and youngest of seven children, he showed amazing ability on violin and keyboard from earliest childhood, even starting to compose music at age four when his father would play a piece and Mozart would play it exactly as did his father. At five, he composed some of his own music, which he played to his father, who wrote it down. When Mozart was eight, he wrote his first symphony, probably transcribed by his father. In his early years his father was his only teacher, teaching his children languages and academic subjects, as well as fundamentals of their strict Catholic faith. Some of his early compositions came as a surprise to his father, who eventually gave up composing himself when he realized how talented his son was. His family made several European journeys and he and his sister, Nanneri, performed as child prodigies, at the court of Prince-elector Maximillian II of Bavaria in Munich, and at the Imperial Courts in Vienna and Prague. A long concert tour followed, for 3.5 years, taking the family to courts in Munich, Mannheim, Paris, London, Dover, The Hague, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Mechelen, and again to Paris, and back home via Zurich, Donaueschingen, and Munich. During these trips Mozart met many musicians, acquainting himself with the works of other composers. He met Johann Christian Bach in London in 1764. Family trips were challenging, and travel conditions were primitive. They had to wait for invitations and reimbursements from nobility, and they endured long, near-fatal illnesses far from home. First Leopold (1764) got sick, then both children (1765). They traveled again to Vienna in 1767 and stayed there over a year. After a year back in Salzburg, Leopold and Wolfgang went to Italy (1769-1771), Leopold wished to display his son’s abilities as a performer and maturing composer. In Bologna, Italy, Wolfgang was accepted as a member of the famous Academia Filamonica. In Rome he heard Gregorio Allegri’s Miserere twice in performance. Back in the Sistine Chapel, Mozart wrote the whole performance out from memory, thus producing the first unauthorized copy of this closely guarded property of the Vatican. In the next few years Mozart wrote several operas performed with success in Italy, but his father’s hopes of securing a professional appointment for his son were not realized. At age 17 he was engaged as a musician at the Salzburg court, but grew restless and traveled in search of a better position. After returning to Salzburg, Mozart was employed as a court musician by the ruler of Salzburg, Prince Archbishop Hieronymus Colloredo. This gave Mozart ample opportunity to develop relationships with other musicians and his admirers, resulting in his development of new symphonies, sonatas, string quartets, masses, serenades, and some minor operas. In 1775 he wrote his only violin concertos, five in all. Again, he was discontent with work in Salzburg and traveled to find more opportunity to write operas. He and his father again visited Munich and Vienna, but neither visit was successful with the exception of his opera ‘La finta giardiniera’ in Munich. In 1777 he resigned his Salzburg position and went to Augsburg, Mannheim, Paris, and Munich again. In Mannheim he met and fell in love with Aloysia Weber, one of four daughters of a musical family. He could find no real employment there and left for Paris in 1778. He might have had a position as organist at Versailles, but he was not interested in that. He fell into debt and started pawning valuables. During these events his mother died. Meanwhile his father was still trying to find him a position in Salzburg. After checking out several other European cities and Munich, he again encountered Aloysia, but she was no longer interested in him, so he returned to Salzburg, having written another symphony, concerto, and piano sonata, and took the new appointment his father had found. However, he was still in discontent. Visiting Vienna in 1781, he was dismissed from his Salzburg position. He wrote another opera, ‘Idomeneo’, in 1781, that was successful in Munich. Two months later he was summoned to Vienna, where his employer, Archbishop Colloredo, wanted him around due to his notoriety. Mozart wished to meet the emperor and perform for him, and finally got that opportunity. It resulted in a part-time position and substantial commissions. Colloredo became a nemesis to Mozart’s career, finally releasing Mozart from his employ with a literal kick in the pants, much against his father’s wishes. However, he was now independent. Mozart then decided to settle in Vienna as a free lance performer and composer. He lived with the Fridolin Weber family, who had moved from Mannheim to Vienna. Fridolin, the father, had died, and they were taking in lodgers to make ends meet. His career there went well, and he performed as a pianist before the Emperor, establishing himself as the finest keyboard player in Vienna. He wrote another opera in 1782, again achieving success. Mozart had now become a prolific and influential composer of the Classical period and was known throughout Europe. Aloysia was now married to actor, Joseph Lange, and Mozart’s interest shifted to her sister, Constanze. In 1782 he married Constanze Weber Mozart Nissen. The marriage started out with a brief separation, and there was a problem getting Mozart’s father’s permission, which finally came. They had six children, but only two survived infancy: Carl and Franz. He lived in Vienna and achieved some notoriety, composing many of his best-known symphonies, concertos, and operas. In 1782-83 he became intimately acquainted with Johann Sebastian Bach and George Friederic Handel, as his friend, Gottfried van Swieten, owned many manuscripts of the Baroque masters, which Mozart studied intently. He altered his style of composition as a result. That year Mozart and his wife visited his father and sister, and he composed a liturgical piece, a Mass, with a singing part for his wife. He also met Joseph Hadyn in Vienna in 1784 and they became friends. They even played together in a string quartet from time to time. Mozart wrote six quartets dedicated to Hadyn. In 1785 Hadyn told Leopold Mozart, “Your son is the greatest composer known to me by person and repute, he has taste, and what is more, the greatest skill in composition”. Over the next several years Mozart booked several piano concertos in various places as a sole performer to delighted audiences, making substantial remuneration for his work. He and his wife then adopted a more luxurious lifestyle. They moved to an expensive apartment and he bought a fine fortepiano and billiard table. They sent their son, Karl, to an expensive boarding school and also kept servants. In 1784 Mozart became a Freemason and even composed Masonic music. Over the next several years he did little operatic writing and focused on his career as a piano soloist and writer of concertos. He again began operatic collaboration in 1785, creating ‘The marriage of Figaro’, then ‘Don Giovanni’ in 1787. That year his father died. Also that year he obtained a steady post under Emperor Joseph II as his chamber composer. This was part-time employment that was important when hard times arrived. However, Joseph aimed at keeping Mozart from leaving Vienna for better work. The Austrio-Turkish War made life difficult for musicians, and his aristocracy support had declined. He moved to save on expenses, but that did not help much, and he was reduced to borrowing funds from his friends, and pleading for loans. During this period he produced his last three symphonies. In 1789 he then set up on a journey to Leipzig, Dresden, and Berlin hoping to improve his fortunes. In 1790 he was highly productive, producing concertos, an opera, ‘The magic flute’, a series of string quintets, a motet, and an (unfinished) Requiem. Finances began to improve and he begin paying back his debts. Public reaction to his works also brought him great satisfaction. In 1791, while in Prague for the premiere of his opera, ‘La clemenza di Tito’, he fell ill. He continued professional functions for a short time, but had to go home and be nursed by his wife over the next couple of months. He died at Vienna, Austria, at the age of 35, a small thin man with undistinguishing characteristics. He was buried in a modest grave, having had a small funeral. Beethoven composed his early works in the shadow of Mozart, and Joseph Hadyn wrote “posterity will not see such a talent (as Mozart) again in 100 years”. 600+ works. Side note: Mozart enjoyed billiards, dancing, and had a pet canary, a starling, a dog, and a horse for recreational riding. He liked off-color humor. He wore elegant clothing when performing and had a modest tenor voice. John Perry


Topics: Temperance Songs Composer of "ADESTE FIDELES" in The Psalter In some hymnals, the editors noted that a hymn's author is unknown to them, and so this artificial "person" entry is used to reflect that fact. Obviously, the hymns attributed to "Author Unknown" "Unknown" or "Anonymous" could have been written by many people over a span of many centuries.

Arthur Sullivan

1842 - 1900 Person Name: Arthur S. Sullivan Topics: Temperance Songs Composer of "ST. GERTRUDE" in The Psalter Arthur Seymour Sullivan (b Lambeth, London. England. 1842; d. Westminster, London, 1900) was born of an Italian mother and an Irish father who was an army band­master and a professor of music. Sullivan entered the Chapel Royal as a chorister in 1854. He was elected as the first Mendelssohn scholar in 1856, when he began his studies at the Royal Academy of Music in London. He also studied at the Leipzig Conservatory (1858-1861) and in 1866 was appointed professor of composition at the Royal Academy of Music. Early in his career Sullivan composed oratorios and music for some Shakespeare plays. However, he is best known for writing the music for lyrics by William S. Gilbert, which produced popular operettas such as H.M.S. Pinafore (1878), The Pirates of Penzance (1879), The Mikado (1884), and Yeomen of the Guard (1888). These operettas satirized the court and everyday life in Victorian times. Although he com­posed some anthems, in the area of church music Sullivan is best remembered for his hymn tunes, written between 1867 and 1874 and published in The Hymnary (1872) and Church Hymns (1874), both of which he edited. He contributed hymns to A Hymnal Chiefly from The Book of Praise (1867) and to the Presbyterian collection Psalms and Hymns for Divine Worship (1867). A complete collection of his hymns and arrangements was published posthumously as Hymn Tunes by Arthur Sullivan (1902). Sullivan steadfastly refused to grant permission to those who wished to make hymn tunes from the popular melodies in his operettas. Bert Polman

Lowell Mason

1792 - 1872 Topics: Temperance Songs Composer of "WESLEY" in The Psalter Dr. Lowell Mason (the degree was conferred by the University of New York) is justly called the father of American church music; and by his labors were founded the germinating principles of national musical intelligence and knowledge, which afforded a soil upon which all higher musical culture has been founded. To him we owe some of our best ideas in religious church music, elementary musical education, music in the schools, the popularization of classical chorus singing, and the art of teaching music upon the Inductive or Pestalozzian plan. More than that, we owe him no small share of the respect which the profession of music enjoys at the present time as contrasted with the contempt in which it was held a century or more ago. In fact, the entire art of music, as now understood and practiced in America, has derived advantage from the work of this great man. Lowell Mason was born in Medfield, Mass., January 8, 1792. From childhood he had manifested an intense love for music, and had devoted all his spare time and effort to improving himself according to such opportunities as were available to him. At the age of twenty he found himself filling a clerkship in a banking house in Savannah, Ga. Here he lost no opportunity of gratifying his passion for musical advancement, and was fortunate to meet for the first time a thoroughly qualified instructor, in the person of F. L. Abel. Applying his spare hours assiduously to the cultivation of the pursuit to which his passion inclined him, he soon acquired a proficiency that enabled him to enter the field of original composition, and his first work of this kind was embodied in the compilation of a collection of church music, which contained many of his own compositions. The manuscript was offered unavailingly to publishers in Philadelphia and in Boston. Fortunately for our musical advancement it finally secured the attention of the Boston Handel and Haydn Society, and by its committee was submitted to Dr. G. K. Jackson, the severest critic in Boston. Dr. Jackson approved most heartily of the work, and added a few of his own compositions to it. Thus enlarged, it was finally published in 1822 as The Handel and Haydn Society Collection of Church Music. Mason's name was omitted from the publication at his own request, which he thus explains, "I was then a bank officer in Savannah, and did not wish to be known as a musical man, as I had not the least thought of ever making music a profession." President Winchester, of the Handel and Haydn Society, sold the copyright for the young man. Mr. Mason went back to Savannah with probably $500 in his pocket as the preliminary result of his Boston visit. The book soon sprang into universal popularity, being at once adopted by the singing schools of New England, and through this means entering into the church choirs, to whom it opened up a higher field of harmonic beauty. Its career of success ran through some seventeen editions. On realizing this success, Mason determined to accept an invitation to come to Boston and enter upon a musical career. This was in 1826. He was made an honorary member of the Handel and Haydn Society, but declined to accept this, and entered the ranks as an active member. He had been invited to come to Boston by President Winchester and other musical friends and was guaranteed an income of $2,000 a year. He was also appointed, by the influence of these friends, director of music at the Hanover, Green, and Park Street churches, to alternate six months with each congregation. Finally he made a permanent arrangement with the Bowdoin Street Church, and gave up the guarantee, but again friendly influence stepped in and procured for him the position of teller at the American Bank. In 1827 Lowell Mason became president and conductor of the Handel and Haydn Society. It was the beginning of a career that was to win for him as has been already stated the title of "The Father of American Church Music." Although this may seem rather a bold claim it is not too much under the circumstances. Mr. Mason might have been in the average ranks of musicianship had he lived in Europe; in America he was well in advance of his surroundings. It was not too high praise (in spite of Mason's very simple style) when Dr. Jackson wrote of his song collection: "It is much the best book I have seen published in this country, and I do not hesitate to give it my most decided approbation," or that the great contrapuntist, Hauptmann, should say the harmonies of the tunes were dignified and churchlike and that the counterpoint was good, plain, singable and melodious. Charles C. Perkins gives a few of the reasons why Lowell Mason was the very man to lead American music as it then existed. He says, "First and foremost, he was not so very much superior to the members as to be unreasonably impatient at their shortcomings. Second, he was a born teacher, who, by hard work, had fitted himself to give instruction in singing. Third, he was one of themselves, a plain, self-made man, who could understand them and be understood of them." The personality of Dr. Mason was of great use to the art and appreciation of music in this country. He was of strong mind, dignified manners, sensitive, yet sweet and engaging. Prof. Horace Mann, one of the great educators of that day, said he would walk fifty miles to see and hear Mr. Mason teach if he could not otherwise have that advantage. Dr. Mason visited a number of the music schools in Europe, studied their methods, and incorporated the best things in his own work. He founded the Boston Academy of Music. The aim of this institution was to reach the masses and introduce music into the public schools. Dr. Mason resided in Boston from 1826 to 1851, when he removed to New York. Not only Boston benefited directly by this enthusiastic teacher's instruction, but he was constantly traveling to other societies in distant cities and helping their work. He had a notable class at North Reading, Mass., and he went in his later years as far as Rochester, where he trained a chorus of five hundred voices, many of them teachers, and some of them coming long distances to study under him. Before 1810 he had developed his idea of "Teachers' Conventions," and, as in these he had representatives from different states, he made musical missionaries for almost the entire country. He left behind him no less than fifty volumes of musical collections, instruction books, and manuals. As a composer of solid, enduring church music. Dr. Mason was one of the most successful this country has introduced. He was a deeply pious man, and was a communicant of the Presbyterian Church. Dr. Mason in 1817 married Miss Abigail Gregory, of Leesborough, Mass. The family consisted of four sons, Daniel Gregory, Lowell, William and Henry. The two former founded the publishing house of Mason Bros., dissolved by the death of the former in 1869. Lowell and Henry were the founders of the great organ manufacturer of Mason & Hamlin. Dr. William Mason was one of the most eminent musicians that America has yet produced. Dr. Lowell Mason died at "Silverspring," a beautiful residence on the side of Orange Mountain, New Jersey, August 11, 1872, bequeathing his great musical library, much of which had been collected abroad, to Yale College. --Hall, J. H. (c1914). Biography of Gospel Song and Hymn Writers. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company.

Henry J. Gauntlett

1805 - 1876 Topics: Temperance Songs Composer of "HOUGHTON" in The Psalter Henry J. Gauntlett (b. Wellington, Shropshire, July 9, 1805; d. London, England, February 21, 1876) When he was nine years old, Henry John Gauntlett (b. Wellington, Shropshire, England, 1805; d. Kensington, London, England, 1876) became organist at his father's church in Olney, Buckinghamshire. At his father's insistence he studied law, practicing it until 1844, after which he chose to devote the rest of his life to music. He was an organist in various churches in the London area and became an important figure in the history of British pipe organs. A designer of organs for William Hill's company, Gauntlett extend­ed the organ pedal range and in 1851 took out a patent on electric action for organs. Felix Mendelssohn chose him to play the organ part at the first performance of Elijah in Birmingham, England, in 1846. Gauntlett is said to have composed some ten thousand hymn tunes, most of which have been forgotten. Also a supporter of the use of plainchant in the church, Gauntlett published the Gregorian Hymnal of Matins and Evensong (1844). Bert Polman

John Bacchus Dykes

1823 - 1876 Person Name: John B. Dykes Topics: Temperance Songs Composer of "BONE PASTOR" in The Psalter As a young child John Bacchus Dykes (b. Kingston-upon-Hull' England, 1823; d. Ticehurst, Sussex, England, 1876) took violin and piano lessons. At the age of ten he became the organist of St. John's in Hull, where his grandfather was vicar. After receiving a classics degree from St. Catherine College, Cambridge, England, he was ordained in the Church of England in 1847. In 1849 he became the precentor and choir director at Durham Cathedral, where he introduced reforms in the choir by insisting on consistent attendance, increasing rehearsals, and initiating music festivals. He served the parish of St. Oswald in Durham from 1862 until the year of his death. To the chagrin of his bishop, Dykes favored the high church practices associated with the Oxford Movement (choir robes, incense, and the like). A number of his three hundred hymn tunes are still respected as durable examples of Victorian hymnody. Most of his tunes were first published in Chope's Congregational Hymn and Tune Book (1857) and in early editions of the famous British hymnal, Hymns Ancient and Modern. Bert Polman

W. A. Ogden

1841 - 1897 Topics: Bible Songs Temperance Songs Composer of "INTERNATIONAL TEMPERANCE HYMN" in The Seventh-Day Adventist Hymn and Tune Book William Augustine Ogden USA 1841-1897. Born at Franklin County, OH, his family moved to IN when he was age six. He studied music in local singing schools at age 8, and by age 10 could read church music fairly well. Later, he could write out a melody by hearing it sung or played. He enlisted in the American Civil War in the 30th IN Volunteer Infantry. During the war he organized a male choir which became well known throughout the Army of the Cumberland. After the war, he returned home, resumed music study, and taught school. He married Jennie V Headington, and they had two children: Lowell and Marian. He worked for the Iowa Normal School, Toledo Public School System. Among his teachers: Lowell Mason, Thomas Hastings, E E Baily and B F Baker, president of the Boston Music School. He wrote many hymns, both lyrics and/or music. He later issued his first song book, “The silver song” (1870). It became quite popular, selling 500,000 copies. He went on to publish other song books. Ogden also taught music at many schools in the U S and Canada. In 1887 he became superintendent of music in the public schools of Toledo, OH. His works include: “New silver songs for Sunday school” (1872), “Crown of life” (1875), “Notes of victory” (1885), “The way of life” (1886), “Gathering jewels” (1886). He was known as a very enthusiastic person in his work and a very congenial one as well. He died at Toledo, OH. John Perry

F. E. Belden

1858 - 1945 Topics: Bible Songs Temperance Songs Author of "Drink water, pure water" in The Seventh-Day Adventist Hymn and Tune Book Belden was born in Battle Creek, Michigan in 1858. He began writing music in his late teenage years after moving to California with his family. For health reasons he later moved to Colorado. He returned to Battle Creek with his wife in the early 1880s, and there he became involved in Adventist Church publishing. F. E. Belden wrote many hymn tunes, gospel songs, and related texts in the early years of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Belden was able to rapidly write both music and poetry together which enabled him to write a song to fit a sermon while it was still being delivered. He also wrote songs for evang­el­ist Bil­ly Sun­day. Though Belden’s later years were marred by misunderstandings with the church leadership over his royalties, he did donate his papers and manuscripts to the church’s seminary at his death. He died on December 2, 1945 in Battle Creek, Michigan. N.N., Hymnary. Source:

William B. Bradbury

1816 - 1868 Topics: Temperance Songs Composer of "JAZER" in The Psalter William Bachelder Bradbury USA 1816-1868. Born at York, ME, he was raised on his father's farm, with rainy days spent in a shoe-shop, the custom in those days. He loved music and spent spare hours practicing any music he could find. In 1830 the family moved to Boston, where he first saw and heard an organ and piano, and other instruments. He became an organist at 15. He attended Dr. Lowell Mason's singing classes, and later sang in the Bowdoin Street church choir. Dr. Mason became a good friend. He made $100/yr playing the organ, and was still in Dr. Mason's choir. Dr. Mason gave him a chance to teach singing in Machias, ME, which he accepted. He returned to Boston the following year to marry Adra Esther Fessenden in 1838, then relocated to Saint John, New Brunswick. Where his efforts were not much appreciated, so he returned to Boston. He was offered charge of music and organ at the First Baptist Church of Brooklyn. That led to similar work at the Baptist Tabernacle, New York City, where he also started a singing class. That started singing schools in various parts of the city, and eventually resulted in music festivals, held at the Broadway Tabernacle, a prominent city event. He conducted a 1000 children choir there, which resulted in music being taught as regular study in public schools of the city. He began writing music and publishing it. In 1847 he went with his wife to Europe to study with some of the music masters in London and also Germany. He attended Mendelssohn funeral while there. He went to Switzerland before returning to the states, and upon returning, commenced teaching, conducting conventions, composing, and editing music books. In 1851, with his brother, Edward, he began manufacturring Bradbury pianos, which became popular. Also, he had a small office in one of his warehouses in New York and often went there to spend time in private devotions. As a professor, he edited 59 books of sacred and secular music, much of which he wrote. He attended the Presbyterian church in Bloomfield, NJ, for many years later in life. He contracted tuberculosis the last two years of his life. John Perry

Chas. H. Gabriel

1856 - 1932 Person Name: Charles H. Gabriel Topics: Temperance Songs Composer of "LUCILE" in The Psalter Pseudonyms: C. D. Emerson, Charlotte G. Homer, S. B. Jackson, A. W. Lawrence, Jennie Ree ============= For the first seventeen years of his life Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (b. Wilton, IA, 1856; d. Los Angeles, CA, 1932) lived on an Iowa farm, where friends and neighbors often gathered to sing. Gabriel accompanied them on the family reed organ he had taught himself to play. At the age of sixteen he began teaching singing in schools (following in his father's footsteps) and soon was acclaimed as a fine teacher and composer. He moved to California in 1887 and served as Sunday school music director at the Grace Methodist Church in San Francisco. After moving to Chicago in 1892, Gabriel edited numerous collections of anthems, cantatas, and a large number of songbooks for the Homer Rodeheaver, Hope, and E. O. Excell publishing companies. He composed hundreds of tunes and texts, at times using pseudonyms such as Charlotte G. Homer. The total number of his compositions is estimated at about seven thousand. Gabriel's gospel songs became widely circulated through the Billy Sunday­-Homer Rodeheaver urban crusades. Bert Polman

Frank M. Davis

1839 - 1896 Topics: Bible Songs Temperance Songs Composer of "SLEEPING ON GUARD" in The Seventh-Day Adventist Hymn and Tune Book Frank Marion Davis USA 1839-1896. Born at Marcellus, NY, he became a teacher and professor of voice, a choirmaster and a good singer. He traveled extensively, living in Marcellus, NY, Vicksburg, MS, Baltimore, MD, Cincinnati, OH, Burr Oak and Findley, MI. He compiled and published several song books: “New Pearls of Song” (1877), “Notes of Praise” (1890), “Crown of gold” (1892), “Always welcome” (1881), “Songs of love and praise #5” (1898), “Notes of praise”, and “Brightest glory”. He never married. John Perry

I. B. Woodbury

1819 - 1858 Person Name: Isaac B. Woodbury Topics: Bible Songs Temperance Songs Composer of "[Wine is a mocker and strong drink is raging]" in The Seventh-Day Adventist Hymn and Tune Book Woodbury, Isaac Baker. (Beverly, Massachusetts, October 23, 1819--October 26, 1858, Columbia, South Carolina). Music editor. As a boy, he studied music in nearby Boston, then spent his nineteenth year in further study in London and Paris. He taught for six years in Boston, traveling throughout New England with the Bay State Glee Club. He later lived at Bellow Falls, Vermont, where he organized the New Hampshire and Vermont Musical Association. In 1849 he settled in New York City where he directed the music at the Rutgers Street Church until ill-health caused him to resign in 1851. He became editor of the New York Musical Review and made another trip to Europe in 1852 to collect material for the magazine. in the fall of 1858 his health broke down from overwork and he went south hoping to regain his strength, but died three days after reaching Columbia, South Carolina. He published a number of tune-books, of which the Dulcimer, of New York Collection of Sacred Music, went through a number of editions. His Elements of Musical Composition, 1844, was later issued as the Self-instructor in Musical Composition. He also assisted in the compilation of the Methodist Hymn Book of 1857. --Leonard Ellinwood, DNAH Archives

Henry Baker

1835 - 1910 Topics: Temperance Songs Composer of "HESPERUS" in The Psalter Henry Baker, Mus. Bac., son of the Rev. James Baker, Chancellor of the diocese of Durham; born at Nuneham, Oxfordshire; educated at Winchester School; graduated Bachelor in Music at the University of Oxford in 1867. He also worked as a civil engineer. Scottish Church Music, its composers and sources by James Love; William Blackwwod and Sons, Edinburgh and London, 1891

Franz Abt

1819 - 1885 Topics: Bible Songs Temperance Songs Composer of "THE TEMPERANCE CALL" in The Seventh-Day Adventist Hymn and Tune Book Franz Abt, born Dec. 21, 1819 at Eilenburg in the Prussian provinces of Saxony. His father was a musician and clergyman of the Lutheran Church. Franz studied music at Leipsic, and became known as a song-writer in 1838. In September, 1841, he married, and was leader of the orchesta at the Zuric theatre; became a teacher in 1842, but was litle known until his song "When the Swallows Homeward fly" carried his name to all parts of the civilized world. In 1865 was concert-master at Brunswick, and conducted the great festival at Dresden. He came to the United States in 1872, and was present at teh Peace Jubilee, Boston, where he directed the performance of some of his own music, arriving in New York May w, wher a testimonial concert was given for his benefit at Steinway Hall, May 18. He was received at Philadelphia by the German societies, with torch-light processions and cannonade, May 15, 1872. A Dictionary of Musical Information by John W. Moore, Boston: Oliver, Ditson & Company, 1876

John E. Gould

1821 - 1875 Topics: Temperance Songs Composer of "HYMN" in The Psalter John Edgar Gould USA 1821-1875. Born in Bangor, ME, he became a musician. He managed music stores in New York City and Philadelphia, PA., the latter with composer partner, William Fischer. He married Josephine Louisa Barrows, and they had seven children: Blanche, Marie, Ida, John, Josephine, Josephine, and Augusta. He compiled eight religious songbooks from 1846 thru 1869. He died while traveling in Algiers, Africa, and was buried in Philadelphia, PA. John Perry

George Kingsley

1811 - 1884 Topics: Temperance Songs Composer of "FERGUSON" in The Psalter Born: July 7, 1811, Northampton, Massachusetts. Died: March 14, 1884, Northampton, Massachusetts. Kingsley played the organ at the Old South Church and Hollis Street Church in Boston, Massachusetts. He also taught music at Girard College in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, served as music supervisor for public schools in Philadelphia, and compiled a number of music books, including: Sunday School Singing Book, 1832 The Harmonist, 1833 The Social Choir, 1836 The Sacred Choir, 1838 The Harp of David, 1844 The Young Ladies’ Harp, 1847 Templi Carmina (Northampton, Massachusetts: 1853) The Juvenile Choir, 1865

Richard Farrant

1525 - 1580 Topics: Temperance Songs Composer of "FARRANT" in The Psalter Like many composers of his day, the early years of Richard Farrant’s (c.1525- November 30, 1580) life are not well documented. The first acknowledgment of him is in a list of the Gentleman of the Chapel Royal in 1552. It is assumed from that list that his birth was around 1525. Although, that cannot be accurately determined. During his life he was able to establish himself as a successful composer, develop the English drama considerably, founded the first Blackfriar Theatre, and be the first to write verse-anthems. He married Anne Bower, daughter of Richard Bower who was Master of the Chapel Royal choristers at the time. With Anne he conceived ten children, one of whom was also named, Richard. As a member of the Gentleman of the Chapel Royal, Farrant was active in ceremonies surrounding the royal family. He began his work with the Chapel Royal around 1550 under the reign of Edward VI. Fortunately, for Farrant, this is a time that saw huge developments in Latin Church Music. Composers like William Byrd and Christopher Tye were busy expanding and elaborating on the Church Music of the day. In Farrant's twelve years with the Chapel Royal, he was able to participate in funerals for Edward VI and Mary I, and coronations for Mary I and Elizabeth I. After his work there, he took up a post as organist at St. George’s Chapel at Windsor. For Farrant, the post at at Windsor became a permanent one that he retained for the rest of his life. Along with this, he also acquired the position of Master of the Chapel Royal choristers in November of 1569. Having the choirs of both of these institutions at his disposal gave him an outlet to showcase all of his compositions and plays. In fact, every winter he was able to produce a play for the Queen herself. These positions also allowed him to move back to London in 1576 and begin a public theater of sorts where he rehearsed some of his choir music openly. It was soon after, in 1580, that he passed away, having left his house to his wife. Unlike many composers of his day that stuck to only music composition, Farrant also wrote many plays. One of his most important contributions to drama in England is of course the creation of the first Blackfriars Theatre. This eventually became one of the most important places in London for drama to develop during the Renaissance. Farrant is also one of the earliest and most well known composers that began to mix the two mediums of music and drama. It was this uncommon mixture that allowed him to begin to develop the composition style of 'verse.' This becomes prominent in a lot of his pieces including the anthems "When as we sat in Babylon" and "Call to remembrance" and "Hide not thou thy face."

Carrie Ellis Breck

1855 - 1934 Person Name: Mrs. Frank A. Breck Topics: Junior Songs Temperance Author of "God Save the Boys" in Life Songs Carrie Ellis Breck was born 22 January 1855 in Vermont and raised in a Christian home. She later moved to Vineland, New Jersy, and then to Portland, Oregon. She wrote verse and prose for religious and household publications, In 1884 she married Frank A. Breck. She has written between fourteen and fifteen hundred hymns. Dianne Shapiro, from "The Singers and Their Songs: sketches of living gospel hymn writers" by Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (Chicago: The Rodeheaver Company, 1916) See also Mrs. Frank A. Breck.

D. S. Hakes

Topics: Bible Songs Temperance Songs Composer of "WATER, PURE WATER" in The Seventh-Day Adventist Hymn and Tune Book

Thomas Turton

1780 - 1864 Topics: Temperance Songs Composer of "ELY" in The Psalter Turton, Thomas; b. 25 Feb. 1780 Yorkshire, England; d. 7 Jan. 1864 London; clergyman and scholar

Ernest R. Kroeger

1862 - 1934 Topics: Temperance Songs Composer of "CHRISTINE" in The Psalter Born: August 10, 1862, St. Louis, Missouri. Died: April 7, 1934, St. Louis, Missouri. Buried: Bellefontaine Cemetery, St. Louis, Missouri. Kroeger was a charter member of the American Guild of Organists; member the National Institute of Arts of Letters; conductor of the Amphion Male Chorus in St. Louis (1883-84); organist at the Unitarian Church of the Messiah, St. Louis (1886); director of the College of Music at Forest Park University (1887); president of the Music Teachers’ National Association (1896-97); president of the Missouri State Music Teachers’ Association (1897-99); instrumental adjudicator at the annual Kansas Jubilee (1900-03); master of programs in the Bureau of Music at the St. Louis World’s Fair, 1904; adjudicator at the Welsh Eisteddfod in Canton, Ohio (1906); and director of the music department at Washington University, St. Louis (1925-34). He also ran the Kroeger School of Music in St. Louis (1904-34). ============ Successful American composer and teacher; born at St. Louis, Mo. He began studying violin and piano when he was five years old, and received his entire musical education in this country, principally in St. Louis, where he is located at present, and holds a prominent position as a teacher, pianist and composer. He is director of the College of Music at the Forest Park University for Women and is concert pianist of the Kroeger School of Music. Was president of the Music Teachers' National Association from 1895 to 1896, and of the Missouri State Music Teachers' Association from 1897 to 1899. Is a fellow of the American Guild of Organists and was master of programs of the Bureau of Music at the St. Louis Exposition in 1904. He has written a great many different kinds of music, and is one of a very few Americans who have published fugues. Mr. Kroeger says that some of his ideas are entirely musical, while others are attempts to illustrate poems in tones, such as his symphony, a suite, and overtures on Endymion, Thanatopis, Sardanapalus and Hiawatha. He has also published a very clever group of sonnets, on various themes; Twelve Concert Studies, which Hughes says "show the influence of Chopin upon a composer who writes with a strong German accent;" an etude, Castor and Pollux; a Romanze; and other studies. A Danse Negre and Caprice Negre resemble similar works of Gottschalk; and his Dance of the Elves is dedicated to Mme. Rive-King.

Henry Hiles

1826 - 1904 Topics: Temperance Songs Composer of "ST. LEONARD" in The Psalter Born: December 31, 1826, Shrewsbury, England. Died: October 20, 1904, Worthing, England. Hiles was educated at Oxford (BMus 1862, DMus 1867). He played the organ at Shrewsbury, as his brother’s deputy (1846); Bishopwearmouth (1847); St. Michael’s, Wood Street (1859); the Blind Asylum, Manchester (1859); Bowden (1861); and St. Paul’s, Manchester (1863-67). He lectured in harmony and composition at Owen’s College in Manchester (1867) and Victoria University (1879), and was Professor at the Manchester College of Music (1893). He also conducted musical societies in Lancashire and Yorkshire, and owned and edited the Quarterly Music Review (1885-88). He retired in 1904, moving to Pinner, near Harrow. His works include: Twelve Tunes to Original or Favourite Hymns, 1867 Harmony of Sounds, three editions: 1871, 1872, 1879 Wesley Tune Book, 1872 (editor) Grammar of Music, 1879 First Lessons in Singing (Manchester: Hime & Addison, 1881) Part Writing or Modern Counterpoint (Novello: 1884) Harmony or Counterpoint, 1889 Harmony, Choral or Counterpun

Dwight Williams

1824 - 1898 Person Name: Rev. Dwight Williams Topics: Bible Songs Temperance Songs Author of "Brittannia, rouse thee! queen Isle of the Ocean" in The Seventh-Day Adventist Hymn and Tune Book

James C. Wade

Topics: Temperance Songs Arranger of "HOLY CROSS" in The Psalter

James Lucas

b. 1726 Topics: Temperance Songs Composer of "SWANWICK" in The Psalter The exact birth & death dates of this person are largely unknown. We know he composed at least two hymn tunes, LUCAS and STANWICK, the latter of which might be sometimes conflated with a tune titled STANICK.

George Frideric Handel

1685 - 1759 Person Name: Handel Topics: Temperance Songs Composer of "CHRISTMAS" in The Psalter George Frideric Handel (b. Halle, Germany, 1685; d. London, England, 1759) became a musician and composer despite objections from his father, who wanted him to become a lawyer. Handel studied music with Zachau, organist at the Halle Cathedral, and became an accomplished violinist and keyboard performer. He traveled and studied in Italy for some time and then settled permanently in England in 1713. Although he wrote a large number of instrumental works, he is known mainly for his Italian operas, oratorios (including Messiah, 1741), various anthems for church and royal festivities, and organ concertos, which he interpolated into his oratorio performances. He composed only three hymn tunes, one of which (GOPSAL) still appears in some modern hymnals. A number of hymnal editors, including Lowell Mason, took themes from some of Handel's oratorios and turned them into hymn tunes; ANTIOCH is one example, long associated with “Joy to the World.” Bert Polman

C. Warwick Jordan

1840 - 1909 Topics: Temperance Songs Composer of "CLIFTON" in The Psalter Born: January 27, 1841, Bristol, Gloucester, England. Died: August 30, 1909, Hayward’s Heath, Sussex, England. Cremated: Golders Green, London, England. Jordan began his musical career as a chorister, first at Bristol Cathedral and later at St. Paul’s Cathedral. He was educated at Oxford (BMus 1869), and received the Lambeth degree of Doctor of Music in 1886. A champion of plainsong, he was an honorary organist of the London Gregorian Association, where he took a prominent part in the annual festivals at St. Paul’s Cathedral. He was a professor of organ and harmony at the Guildhall School of Music, and an honorary fellow, examiner and treasurer of the Royal College of Organists. Jordan held organist positions at St. Paul’s, Bunhill Row (1857); St. Luke’s Holloway (1860); and from 1866 until his death at St. Stephen’s Church, Lewisham (where he was also choir master). His works include: One Hundred and Fifty Harmonies (London: Novello, Ewer & Company, 1880)

Etienne Nicolas Méhul

1763 - 1817 Person Name: Mehul Topics: Temperance Songs Composer of "GILEAD" in The Psalter

W. J. Bostwick

Topics: Bible Songs Temperance Songs Composer of "KEY NOTE SONG" in The Seventh-Day Adventist Hymn and Tune Book

Charles G. Goodrich

b. 1869 Topics: Temperance Songs Composer of "SHORTLE" in The Psalter Born: September 19, 1869, Waterbury, Connecticut. A graduate of Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut, Goodrich was a professor of modern languages at Marietta College, Ohio, as well as a chorister and composer of church music. ============== Teacher, organist, musical director. Graduate of Wilbraham Academy, 1889; B.Ph., M.S. Wesleyan University 1893. He composed several anthems and college songs. International Who's who in Music and Musical Gazetteer By César Saerchinger ================ Charles Gourlay Goodrich Ph.B., M.S., DH.D. Professor of French, Emeritus Monmouth College Monmouth, Illinois

Thomas Haynes Bayly

1797 - 1839 Person Name: Thomas H. Bayly Topics: Junior Songs Temperance Composer of "[Touch not the cup, it is death to thy soul]" in Life Songs Thomas Haynes Bayly, born near Bath, Eng.,1797; was a most successful song-writer; published "Bayly's Melodies;" died of jaundice, 1839. A Dictionary of Musical Information by John W. Moore, Boston: Oliver, Ditson & Company, 1876

F. H. Burstall

1851 - 1916 Person Name: Frederick H. Burstall Topics: Temperance Songs Composer of "NOCTURN" in The Psalter Frederick Hampton Burstall, was organist of Liverpool Cathedral from the formation of the diocese in 1880. excerpts from The Musical Times, Volume 5

E. P. Hakes

Topics: Bible Songs Temperance Songs Author of "Ring it out! ring it out!" in The Seventh-Day Adventist Hymn and Tune Book

Arthur W. French

Topics: Bible Songs Temperance Songs Author of "Yes, sleeping on guard" in The Seventh-Day Adventist Hymn and Tune Book 19th Century

James Malley

Topics: Temperance Songs Composer of "LYTHAM" in The Psalter Currently, our only data on Malley is that his tune LYTHAM appeared in The Psalter (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: The United Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1912).

James H. Aikman

Topics: Junior Songs Temperance Author of "Touch Not the Cup" in Life Songs

William A. Tarbutton

Topics: Temperance Songs Composer of "BRIGGS" in The Psalter

Adaline Hohf Beery

1859 - 1929 Person Name: Adaline H. Beery Topics: Temperance and Reform; Special Songs, Soles, Etc. Author of "The Nation's Boys" in Gospel Songs No. 2 Adaline H. Beery was born on De­cem­ber 20, 1859 in Han­o­ver, Penn­syl­van­ia. Ad­a­line’s fam­i­ly moved to Io­wa when she was 10 years old. She at­tend­ed Mount Mor­ris Col­lege Acad­e­my, Mount Mor­ris, Il­li­nois and for while taught in Io­wa pub­lic schools. Ad­a­line wrote hun­dreds of po­ems, ma­ny of which ap­peared in Breth­ren pe­ri­od­i­cals and in the 1897 Po­ems of a De­cade. She died on Feb­ru­ary 24, 1929, Kane, Il­li­nois. NN, Hymnary editor. Source: Cyber Hymnal

C. D. Emerson

Topics: Children's Songs; Temperance; Work Author of "The cause is right" in Triumphant Songs No.3 Pseudonym. See also Gabriel, Chas. H. (Charles Hutchinson), 1856-1932

Thomas C. Neal

1849 - 1916 Person Name: T. C. N. Topics: Children's Songs; Temperance Author of "Rally All for Temp'rance" in Make His Praise Glorious

U. C. Burnap

1834 - 1900 Person Name: Uzziah C. Burnap Topics: Temperance Songs Composer of "BOSTON" in The Psalter Burnap ran a dry goods bus­iness in Brook­lyn, though he grad­u­at­ed from the Un­i­ver­si­ty of Par­is with a mu­sic de­gree, and for 37 years played the or­gan at the Re­formed Church in Brook­lyn Heights. He was a pro­li­fic com­pos­er, and helped ed­it the fol­low­ing: Hymns of the Church, 1869 Hymns of Pray­er and Praise, 1871 Hymns and Songs of Praise, 1874 --The Cyber Hymnal™ There is uncertainty about his middle name. Reynolds and the Library of Congress say it was Christopher. A contemporary obituary relied on by "The Cyber Hymnal™" says it was Cicero. It appears that there was another Uzziah C[icero] Burnap who lived (per LOC) 1794-1854.

R. DeWitt Mallary

1851 - 1911 Topics: Temperance Songs Composer of "SOJOURNER" in The Psalter Born: September 28, 1851. Died: January 29, 1911, Springfield, Massachusetts. Buried: Church on the Hill Cemetery, Lenox, Massachusetts. Music: ELMCROFT MALLARY SOJOURNER WORTHINGTON

J. D. Brunk

1872 - 1926 Person Name: John D. Brunk Topics: Junior Songs Temperance Composer of "[God save the dear boys, they are precious]" in Life Songs John David Brunk born in Virginia, died in Indiana Dianne Shapiro, from Find a Grave website (accessed 6/20/2022)

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