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Tune Identifier:"^converse_converse$"

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Come to Jesus

Author: Rev. Frederick William Faber (1814-1863) Appears in 902 hymnals First Line: There's a wideness in God's mercy Topics: Atonement Sufficient; God Mercy of; Gospel Fullness of; Grace Fullness of Scripture: Psalm 130:7 Used With Tune: ERIE
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Israel, Israel, God Is Calling

Author: Richard Smyth, 1838–1914 Meter: D Appears in 14 hymnals Lyrics: 1. Israel, Israel, God is calling, Calling thee from lands of woe. Babylon the great is falling; God shall all her tow’rs o’erthrow. Come to Zion, come to Zion Ere his floods of anger flow. Come to Zion, come to Zion Ere his floods of anger flow. 2. Israel, Israel, God is speaking. Hear your great Deliv’rer’s voice! Now a glorious morn is breaking For the people of his choice. Come to Zion, come to Zion, And within her walls rejoice. Come to Zion, come to Zion, And within her walls rejoice. 3. Israel, angels are descending From celestial worlds on high, And to man their pow’r extending, That the Saints may homeward fly. Come to Zion, come to Zion, For your coming Lord is nigh. Come to Zion, come to Zion, For your coming Lord is nigh. 4. Israel! Israel! Canst thou linger Still in error’s gloomy ways? Mark how judgment’s pointing finger Justifies no vain delays. Come to Zion, come to Zion! Zion’s walls shall ring with praise. Come to Zion, come to Zion! Zion’s walls shall ring with praise. Topics: Gathering of Israel; Jesus Christ Second Coming; Restoration; Zion Used With Tune: ERIE

Lamb of God! our souls adore Thee

Appears in 10 hymnals Used With Tune: ERIE

What a Friend We Have in Jesus

Author: Joseph Scriven Appears in 1,710 hymnals Used With Tune: CONVERSE

Glorious things are sung of Zion

Author: W. W. Phelps, 1792-1872 Appears in 16 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Glorious things of sung of Zion, Enoch's city seen of old, Where the righteous, being perfect, Walked with God in streets of godl' Love and virtue, faith and wisdeom Grace and gifts were all combined; As himself each loved his neighbor, All were of one heart and mind. 2 Then the towers of Zion glittered Like the sun in yonder sky, And the wicked stood and trembled, Filled with wonder and surprise. Then their faith and works were prefect; Lo, they followed their great head! So the city went to heaven, And the world said, "Zion's fled!" 3 When the Lord returns with Zion, And they hear the watchmen cry, Then the saints will be united, And they'll all see eye to eye; Then they'll mingle with the angels, And the Lord will bless his own; Then the earth will be as heaven; They shall now as they are know. Topics: Christ Second Coming; Faith; Gifts of Spirit; Unity; Wisdom, God's, Man's; Zion; Christ the Son Second Coming and Zionic Reign Scripture: Acts 4:31-35 Used With Tune: ERIE (CONVERSE)
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Love Divine

Appears in 1,870 hymnals First Line: Love divine, all love excelling Used With Tune: [Love divine, all love excelling]
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Far from mortal cares retreating

Author: John Taylor Appears in 189 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 18:20 Used With Tune: WHAT A FRIEND

Dark And Thorny Is The Desert

Author: Anonymous Meter: D Appears in 137 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Dark and thorny is the desert Through which pilgrims make their way; Yet beyond this vale of sorrow, Lie the fields of endless day. Fiends loud howling in the tempest Make them tremble as they go— And the fiery darts of Satan Often lay their courage low. 2 Oh! young soldiers, do you murmur At the troubles of the way? Do your hearts begin to fail you And your vigor to decay? Jesus, Jesus shall defend you— He shall lead you to His throne, He that dyed His garments for you, And the wine press trod alone. 3 He whose thunder shakes creation, He that bids the planets roll, He who rides upon the tempest, And whose scepter sways the whole; Round Him see ten thousand angels, Ready to receive command; They are ever watching round you, ’Till you reach the heavenly land. 4 There, on flowery fields of pleasure, And the hills of endless rest— Joy and peace and love, shall ever Reign and triumph in your breast; Who can paint the scenes of glory, Where the ransomed dwell on high, Where the golden harps forever Sound redemption round the sky. 5 There a million flaming seraphs Fly across the heavenly plain; There they sing immortal praises, Glory! Glory! is their strain. But methinks a sweeter concert Makes the crystal arches ring, And a song is heard in Zion Which the angels cannot sing! 6 See the heavenly host in rapture, Gaze upon this shining band— Wondering at their costly garments And the laurels in their hand. There upon the golden pavement, See the ransomed march along— While the splendid courts of glory Sweetly echo to their song. 7 But methinks, in whiter garments, Some are marching on before; Oh! their crowns, how bright they sparkle, Such as monarchs never wore. They were shepherds in My pastures, Faithful in My cause below; They shall now, in peace forever, Sit on thrones as white as snow. 8 Round them see the lambs they gathered, See the flocks they fed with care; Now they’re come to richer pastures; Jesus is their shepherd there. Hail! ye happy, happy spirits! Death no more shall make you fear; Sin and sorrow, pain and anguish, Shall no more disturb you there. 9 Sinners here shall not deride you, Tho’ they vexed you while below; Now they’re gone, and gone forever, To the gulf of endless woe. Closed in that eternal prison, They can injure you no more; Hell, alas, is all around them! And eternity before! 10 There they find a God of justice, Whom they once refused to fear; There a lake of burning sulfur, Tho’ they disbelieved it here; Hark! methinks I hear from Tophet, Cries more dreadful than the rest; Some appear in greater anguish, And with sorer vengeance pressed. 11 "Ah!" they cry, "we heard the Gospel, Where the Lord revived His cause; Saw how numbers bowed before Him, Yet we still refused His laws. We rejected every warning— Scorned the penitential tear; We despised the calls of mercy— Now we lie in fetters here." 12 Sinners, will you come to Jesus? Oh! that you would come today; Come, before the sword of vengeance Cuts you down upon the way. Soon the harvest may be gathered, And the sheaves collected home; Then, in vain you’ll call for mercy, And, in vain, may wish to come. Used With Tune: ERIE Text Sources: The Lexington Collection (Lexington, KY: Maccoun, Tifford & Company, 1811)

God's Great Love Is So Amazing!

Author: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette Meter: D Appears in 3 hymnals Used With Tune: CONVERSE
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Welchen Freund hab' ich in Jesu

Author: L. A. Jänicke Appears in 2 hymnals Used With Tune: [Welchen Freund hab' ich in Jesu]
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Wer sich dünken läßt, zu stehen

Appears in 66 hymnals Used With Tune: [Wer sich dünken läßt, zu stehen]

¡Oh, qué Amigo nos es Cristo!

Author: Joseph M. Scriven, 1820-1886; L. Garza Mora, 1854-1938 Appears in 41 hymnals Used With Tune: CONVERSE
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O my soul, bless thou Jehovah

Appears in 95 hymnals Topics: Remembrance of Mercies Scripture: Psalm 103:1-6 Used With Tune: WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS
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What a friend we Have in Mother

Appears in 2 hymnals Used With Tune: [What a friend we have in Mother]
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Israel, Jesús os llama

Author: Richard Smyth, 1838-1914 Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Israel, Jesús os llama de las tierras de pesar Used With Tune: [Israel, Jesús os llama de las tierras de pesar]

Welch ein Freund ist unser Jesus, o wie hoch ist Er erhöht

Author: Heinrich Ernst Gebhardt, 1832-1899; Joseph Scriven Appears in 23 hymnals Used With Tune: [Welch ein Freund ist unser Jesus, o wie hoch ist Er erhöht]
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Souls of men, why will ye scatter

Author: Frederick W. Faber Appears in 135 hymnals Used With Tune: CONVERSE
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Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us

Author: Anon. Appears in 1,148 hymnals Used With Tune: WHAT A FRIEND
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What a Friend We Have in Father

Appears in 2 hymnals Used With Tune: [What a friend we have in Father]
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Bei dir, Jesu, will ich bleiben

Author: K. J. Ph. Spitta Appears in 60 hymnals Used With Tune: [Bei dir, Jesu, will ich bleiben]
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Obediente a tu mandato

Author: James Montgomery; M. N. Hutchinson Meter: D Appears in 10 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Obediente a tu mandato participa hoy tu grey De tu cena, y con gozo la recibe nuestra fe; Tu dolor en el Calvario y tu pena y gran amor Anunciamos en tu nombre, amantísimo Señor. 2 Recordando la tristeza que afligió tu corazón, Y la copa de amargura que por todo pecador En el Gólgota tomaste, despreciando tu dolor; Te pedimos que fervientes, te sigamos con valor. 3 Gracias, oh Jesús, te damos por tu infinito amor; Gracias mil pues disfrutaos tu clemencia y tu favor. Tuya fue la cruz, mas nuestra es la dicha y es la paz; Tuya sea pues la gloria hoy y por la eternidad. Amén. Topics: Cena del Señor; Lord's Supper; Confesión de Cristo; Testimony; Cristo el Salvador; Christ the Savior; Obediencia; Obedience; Pasión y Muerte de Cristo; Passion and Death of Christ; Viernes Santo; Good Friday Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:23-28 Used With Tune: CONVERSE

Come and Find the Quiet Center

Author: Shirley Erena Murray, b. 1931 Meter: D Appears in 12 hymnals Topics: Comfort; Faith; God's Care For Us; Hope; Journey; Peace Used With Tune: CONVERSE
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Let thy grace, Lord, make me lowly

Appears in 41 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 5:5 Used With Tune: [Let thy grace, Lord, make me lowly]
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O, daß ich der Sünde sterben

Author: Martin Dober Appears in 6 hymnals Used With Tune: [O, daß ich der Sünde sterben]
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Welch ein truer Freund ist Jesus

Author: Joseph Scriven; A. Flammann Appears in 20 hymnals First Line: Welch ein treuer Freund ist Jesus Used With Tune: [Welch ein treuer Freund ist Jesus]

Closing Hymn

Author: Anon. Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Jesus, help us to remember Used With Tune: [Jesus, help us to remember]
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Wanted Hearts

Appears in 8 hymnals First Line: Wanted, hearts baptized with fire Refrain First Line: Hearts to hoist the colors bravely Used With Tune: [Wanted, hearts baptized with fire]
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Gently Lead Us, Oh, Gently Lead Us

Author: Hastings Appears in 483 hymnals First Line: Gently, Lord, oh, gently lead us Used With Tune: WHAT A FRIEND


Author: Joseph M. Scriven Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: 何等恩友, 慈仁救主, 負我罪孽擔我憂 Lyrics: 何等恩友, 慈仁救主, 負我罪孽擔我憂 何等權利, 能將萬事來到耶穌座前求! 多少平安, 我們坐失, 多少痛苦寃枉受, 都是因為 未將萬事, 來到耶穌座前求. 我們有無試探引誘? 有無難過苦關頭? 決不應當因此灰心: 仍當到主座前求! 何處能尋這般良友, 同嘗一切苦與愁? 我們弱點, 主都知道, 放心到主座前求! 我們是否軟弱多愁, 千斤重擔壓肩頭? 主仍做我避難處所, 奔向耶穌座前求! 你若真逢友叛親離, 好向耶穌座前求! 到祂懷中, 祂必保護, 有祂安慰便無憂. Used With Tune: ERIE
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The glad tidings of the kingdom

Author: S. Roxana Wince Appears in 2 hymnals Used With Tune: WHAT A FRIEND

Though I Speak

Author: Susan H. Peterson Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Though I speak in every language Lyrics: 1. Though I speak in every language, Prophesy for God above, Though I understand all mysteries, I am nothing without love. Though through faith I can move mountains, Give the poor all that I gain, Though I’m burned alive for Jesus, Without love, my life is vain. 2. Love is patient, kind, and selfless, Envies not, nor boasts in pride, Is not rude or quickly angered, Never holds a grudge inside. Love does not delight in evil, But with truth rejoices e’er; Trusts, protects, and hopes forever, Perseveres and always cares. 3. One day prophecies will finish; Tongues will in that day be stilled; Knowledge, too, will pass forever, When God’s Word is all fulfilled. Now we only know a fraction, And as children think and speak; When perfection comes upon us, Childish ways no more we’ll seek. 4. Now we see as in a mirror, In a blurred and hazy way. But reflections soon will vanish; Face to face we’ll see some day. In that day we’ll all know fully, As we’re known by God above; Till then, faith, hope, love still linger, But the greatest far is love. Used With Tune: ERIE

Wo ist Jesus, mein Verlangen

Meter: Appears in 77 hymnals Topics: Vom geistlichen Kampf und Sieg Used With Tune: WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS
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Children’s Missionary Hymn

Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Do you hear the voices calling? Lyrics: 1 Do you hear the voices calling? Listen children, that you may, Do you hear the baby voices, From the land so far away? Do you hear the loving Savior, Calling you to work and pray? If you wait, some baby voices Will have died so far away. 2 Little arms to mother clinging, Little lips of ruby hue, Little hearts that wait for Jesus, Who will send Him? why not you? Do you know the Savior loves them As he did in days of old? Yearns to fold them to His bosom When they’ve heard the story told. 3 Do you hear the Savior pleading “Suffer them to come to me? Bring, O bring my precious jewels; Gather them from land and sea?” Will you send to them the story Of that Savior and His love? Tell them how He wants to lead them To the heav’nly home above. Used With Tune: CONVERSE
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May the Grace of Christ Our Savior

Author: Rev. John Newton Meter: D Appears in 617 hymnals Lyrics: May the grace of Christ our Savior, And the Father's boundless love, With the Holy Spirit's favor, Rest upon us from above; Thus may we abide in union With each other and the Lord, And possess, in sweet communion, Joys which earth cannot afford. Amen. Topics: Closing of Service; Communion of the Saints; The Holy Trinity Used With Tune: CONVERSE (ERIE)
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Far as east from west is distant

Appears in 5 hymnals Used With Tune: CONVERSE

A La Gnou Zanmi Sé Jézu

Author: Unknown Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 A la gnou Zanmi sé Jézu, Tout péché nou sé chaj li! A la gnou biinfé: pou pòté pinn ba li nan la priè! Konbiin foua la pé nou pédi, konbiin charin nou subi; Pouki? Paské nou pa pòté, tout ba li nan priè. 2 Si gin tantasion ak touman, ou traka ninpòt kouman Nou pa pou janm dékourajé; Jezu la nan la prié. Ki lés zanmi ki si fidél, ki fé nanm blié doulé-l? Jézu konnin sa féblès yé, jouinn ak li na la prié. 3 Nou santi-n féb? nou pa kapab? Ki lés flo nape pasé? Sové a di li résponsab: Jouinn ak li nan la prié, si zanmi ou yo blié ou Di Jézu-l li tandé ou, lapeé tann ou li bra li louvri Jézu vlé ba ou la vie. Used With Tune: ERIE

From House To House

Author: Lewis F. Lindsay Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Go, ye workers in God’s vineyard Lyrics: 1 Go, ye workers in God’s vineyard, Go, ye heralds of the cross; Go, invite the lost to Jesus, Go, you will not suffer loss. Go, for God will give you courage, Go, you will not be alone; Go, His arm will be around you, Go, for Him, to every home. 2 You may meet with with many trials, You may sometimes meet rebuff; You may find the way unpleasant, You must pray for grace enough. You must work and do the bidding— You have His command to Go; You must never be discouraged, You will overcome the foe. 3 Grant us, Lord, Thy heav’nly blessing, Give your grace from up above; House to house, for visitation, In Thy name we’ll go in love. Brothers, sisters, friends and neighbors, Pastors, teachers, students, all, Are united in this service, On us richest blessings fall. Used With Tune: ERIE Text Sources: Hymn-Songs (Phliadelphi: John J. Hood, 1895), alt.
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Hvilken vän vi ha i Jesus

Appears in 7 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Hvilken vän vi ha i Jesus, Han vill hjälpa och förmår, All vår börda själf han lättar, När vår bön til honom går. Ack, vi ofta friden mista, Sorg och mörker blir vår lön, Blott för det att vi ej bära All vår nöd till Gud i bön. 2 Har du frestelser och pröfning, Synes lifvets kamp dig svår? Kraft och makt du återvinner, Om i bön till Gud du går. Om dig vänner fly och svika, Får du hat till kärleks lön, Endast Jesus kan di trösta: Bär till honom allt i bön! 3 Är ditt hjärta fullt af oro Och ej någon tröst dig når? Jesus är din enda tillflykt, Tröst af honom visst du får. I hans hulda famn du finner Ljuflig ro och hvila skön, Om till honom blott du ilar Med din nöd i tro och bön. Topics: Bön; Prayer Used With Tune: WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS


Author: Kathy Galloway Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Do not offer me your money Used With Tune: CONVERSE

O'r fath gyfaill gawn yn Iesu

Appears in 1 hymnal Used With Tune: O'R FATH GYFAILL GAWN YN IESU

வந்தோம் வந்தோம் யாம் எல்லோரும்

Author: Fanny Crosby; S. John Barathi Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: வந்தோம் வந்தோம் யாம் எல்லோரும் வல்ல நாதா உம் இல்லம் Lyrics: 1 வந்தோம் வந்தோம் யாம் எல்லோரும் வல்ல நாதா உம் இல்லம், உந்தன் ஞான வார்த்தை கேட்க, கேட்டு பற்றி நடக்க, தாழ்மையாய் கடமை கற்றே வீழ்ந்தும் பாதம் அடைந்தே, உம் மகிமைப்பேரொளிதான் சூழ்ந்த உந்தன் ஆசனம். 2 கீதம் பாடி வாழ்த்திப்போற்றி உந்தன் அன்பின் ஈவிதே, பாய்ந்தே பொங்கி ஓடி எங்கும் மா பெரிய கடல் போல், எங்கள் உள்ளம் மகிழ் கொண்டே நாங்கள் பாடி போற்றவே, அல்லேலுயா அல்லேலுயா எங்கட் காய் பலியானீர். 3 வேண்டி ஜெபித்து மன்றாடி உந்தன் ஆவி புறாபோல், வந்திறங்கி எங்கள் மீதே கிருபையின் கரமன்றோ? உம்மை கெஞ்சி வேண்டி நின்றோம் பாதுகாத்தருள்வீரே, எங்கள் கரம் விரைவாக எங்கள் உள்ளம் உமதாய். ஆமேன் Used With Tune: CONVERSE

Isut' Gayyemtay ni Jesus

Author: John Scriven Appears in 1 hymnal Used With Tune: ERIE

他們跟隨羔羊 (These are they which follow the Lamb)

Author: Margaret E. Barber Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: 從伯利恆我們動身 Used With Tune: [These are they which follow the Lamb]


Author: Joseph Scriven, 1819-1886; Laiana (Lorenzo Lyons), 1807-1886 Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Kei ka Hoa, o Iesu la, Nana i ka'i i 'na lu'ulu'u Used With Tune: ERIE
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يا ترى أي صديق

Author: اسعد الشدودي Appears in 15 hymnals Lyrics: 1 - يا تُرى أيُّ صديقٍ مثلُ فادينا الحبيبْ يحملُ الآثامَ عنا وكذا الهمَّ المذيبْ يا لإِنعامٍ تسامى مِن لدُنْ ربِّ النجاهْ إننا نلقي عليهِ كلَّ حِملٍ بالصلاهْ 2 - كم لقِينا من كروبٍ واكتئاباتٍ الحياهْ حيث لم نُلقِ عليهِ كلَّ حملٍ بالصلاهْ إنْ تجاريبٌ وضيقٌ مثلَ أمواجِ المياهْ لاطمتنا ورمتنا فعلينا بالصلاهْ 3 - هل صديقٌ كيسوعٍ قادرٌ بَرٌّ أمينْ ورقيقُ القلبِ يرثي لبلاءِ المؤمنينْ فإذا كنا غُلِبنا من جرا حملِ الهمومْ فلْنُصَلِّ ليسوعٍ نجدِ النصرَ العظيمْ Used With Tune: [يا ترى أي صديق]

O Thou great all gracious Shepherd

Author: Miss C. A. Wellesley Appears in 1 hymnal Used With Tune: ERIE

Yesu Kwetu Ni Rafiki

Author: Joseph M. Scriven; Unknown Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Yesu kwetu ni Rafiki, Hwambiwa haja pia; Tukiomba kwa Babaye Maombi asikia; Lakini twajikosesha, Twajitweka vibaya; Kwamba tulimwomba Mungu Dua angesikia. 2 Una dhiki na maonjo? Una mashaka pia? Haifai kufa moyo, Dua atasikia. Hakuna mwingine mwema Wakutuhurumia; Atujua tu dhaifu; Maombi asikia. 3 Je, hunayo hata nguvu, Huwezi kwendelea, Ujapodharauliwa Ujaporushwa pia. Watu wangekudharau Wapendao dunia, Hukwambata mikononi, Dua atasikia. Used With Tune: ERIE
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What Was Witnessed in the Heavens

Author: John S. Davis Appears in 12 hymnals First Line: What was witness'd in the heaven? Lyrics: 1. What was witness'd in the heaven? Why, an angel, earthward bound. Had he something with him bringing? Yes - the Gospel - joyful sound! It was to preach'd in power On the earth, the angel said, To all men, all tongues and nations That upon its face are spread. 2. Had we not before the Gospel? Yes - had sev'ral taught by men. Then what is this latter Gospel? 'Tis the first one come again. This was preach'd by Paul and Peter And by Jesus Christ the Head; This we latter Saints are preaching- We their footsteps wish to tread. 3. Where so long has been the Gospel? Did it on the earth remain? No; 'twas taken into heaven, Then restor'd to man again. What became of those departed, Knowing not the Gospel plan? In the spirit world they'll hear it, God is just to ev'ry man. Used With Tune: [What was witness'd in the heaven?]

何等朋友,我主耶穌 (What a friend we have in Jesus)

Author: Joseph M. Scriven Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: 何等朋友,我主耶穌 Used With Tune: [What a friend we have in Jesus]

(What a friend we have in Jesus)

Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Yesu Yana jin addu'a (¡Oh qué amigo nos es Cristo!) (Joejm matteun uri goojoo) (Kototeminaw Ciisas Karayst) Used With Tune: ERIE (CONVERSE)


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