A Book of Chorales: And supplemental hymns

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1Now thank we all our GodNUN DANKET ALLE GOTT
2Jehovah, let me now adore TheeDIR DIR JEHOVAH
3All glory be to God on highALLEIN GOTT IN DER HÖH' SEI EHR'
4Praise ye the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creationLOBE DEN HERREN
5O that I had a thousand voicesFRANKFURT
6Praise thou the Lord, O my soul, now praise HimLOBE DEN HERREN, O MEINE SEELE (Halle)
7Open now thy gates of beautyUNSER HERRSCHER (Neander)
8Sing praise to God who reigns aboveWITTENBERG
9God of might, we praise Thy nameGROSSER GOTT WIR LOBEN DICH
10Sing, my soul, to God, who made theeSOLLT ICH MEINEM GOTT NICHT SINGEN (Cantate Domino)
11I will ever sing Thy praisesWOMIT SOLL ICH DICH WOLH LOBEN
12Jehovah, Jehovah, JehovahJEHOVAH
13Blessed Jesus, at Thy wordLIEBSTER JESU WIR SIND HIER (Nüremberg)
14God Himself is with usWUNDERBARER KÖNIG
15Lord Jesus Christ, be with us nowHERR JESU CHRIST, DICH ZU UNS WEND (Cantionale)
16Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessingSTUTTGART
17Abide with us, our SaviourCHRISTUS DER IST MEIN LEBEN (Bremen)
18Alleluia, fairest morningGOTT DES HIMMELS UND DER ERDEN (Albert)
19Light of Light, enlighten meMEINEN JESUM LASS ICH NICHT
20Another six days' work is done[Another six days' work is done]
21This is the day of lightSWABIA
22My heart with joy now raisesAUS MEINES HERZENS GRUNDE
24As fades the daylight splendorNUN RUHEN ALLE WÄLDER (Innsbruck)
25O God, Thou faithful GodO GOTT, DU FROMMER GOTT (Darmstadt)
26How great Thy goodness, heav'nly FatherGELLERT
27O how shall I receive TheeVALET WILL ICH DIR GEBEN (St. Theodulph)
28Comfort, comfort ye my peopleWERDE MUNTER, MEIN GEMUTE
29Arise, the kingdom is at handELLACOMBE
30Lift up your heads, ye mighty gatesMACHT HOCH DIE TÜR
31Wake, awake, for night is flyingWACHET AUF
32Hark, the glad sound, the Saviour comesLOBT GOTT IHR CHRISTEN ALLZUGLEICH (Hermann)
33From heaven above to earth I comeVOM HIMMEL HOCH (Erfurt)
34All my heart this night rejoicesWARUM SOLLT ICH MICH DEN GRÄMEN (Bonn)
35Behold a Branch is growingES IST EIN REIS ENTSPRUNGEN
36O Sacred Head, now woundedHERZLICH TUT MICH VERLANGEN (Passion Chorale)
37Jesus, refuge of the wearyALLE MENSCHE MÜSSEN STERBEN (Darmstadt)
38Man of Sorrows, now my soul shall greet TheeMARTER CHRISTI
39Ah, dearest Jesus, how hast Thou offendedHERZLIEBSTER JESU
40Christ, the life of all the livingGÜTERSLOH
41Christ, Thou blest RedeemerLAMM GOTTES
42Jesus lives and so shall IJESUS MEINE ZUVERSICHT (Ratisbon)
43Hail the day that sees Him riseGOTT SEI DANK DURCH ALLE WELT
44Majestic sweetness sits enthronedNUN DANKET ALL (Gräfenberg)
45O Holy Spirit, enter inWIE SCHÖN LEUCHTET (Frankfort)
46Come, O come, Thou quick'ning SpiritEISENACH
47We all believe in one true GodWIR GLAUBEN ALL' AN EINEN GOTT
48Praise ye the Father for His loving kindnessINTEGER VITAE (Flemming)
49Deck thyself, my soul, with gladnessSCHMÜCKE DICH O LIEBE SEELE (Berlin)
50O Lamb of God who, bleedingAGNUS DEI
51O Word of God IncarnateMUNICH
52Holy Lord, Holy LordFAHRE FORT
53Out of the depths I cry to TheeAUS TIEFER NOT (Herr, wie du willst)
54Lord, Thy mercy now entreatingRINGE RECHT (Batty)
55Renew me, O eternal LightHERR JESU CHRIST, MEIN'S
56If thou but suffer God to guide theeWER NUR DEN LIEBEN GOTT LÄSST WALTEN (Minor melody)
57I leave all things to God's directionWER NUR DEN LIEBEN GOTT LÄSST WALTEN (Major melody)
58Whate'er my God ordains is rightWAS GOTT TUT DAS IST WOHLGETAN
59Lord, as Thou wilt, deal Thou with meNUN FREUT EUCH
60All depends on our possessingALLES IST AN GOTTES SEGEN
61God is my Lord! My soul, do not despairGOTT IST GETREU
62How great the joy to be a child of JesusGREGOR
63Lord, Thy children guide and keepDIX
64Help us, O Jesus, Thou mighty DefenderREX MAXIMUS
65Draw us to TheeACH GOTT UND HERR
66As the hart with eager yearningFREU' DICH SEHR
67A mighty fortress is our GodEIN' FESTE BURG
68Who puts his trust in God most justPARIS
69Rise, my soul, to watch and praySTRAF MICH NICHT
70In Thy service will I everO DU LIEBE
71Here is my heart! My God, I give it TheeICH HAB' GENUG
72Father, now our faith confirmSTÄRK UNS MITTLER
73My God, accept my heart this dayNUN SICH DER TAG GEENDET HAT
74One thing needful, greatest blessingEINS IST NOT
75Jesus, still lead onSEELENBRÄUTIGAM
76Jesus priceless treasureJESU, MEINE FREUDE
77Jesus, Thy boundless love to meVATER UNSER IM HIMMELREICH
78In Thee is gladnessIN DIR IST FREUDE
79Come, follow Me, the Saviour spakeMACH'S MIT MIR, GOTT
80From God shall naught divide meVON GOTT WILL ICH NICHT LASSEN
81Thee will I love, my strength, my towerDU MEINER SEELEN
82My life is but a pilgrimageWANDERER
83Who are these, like stars appearingEISENACH
84O city fair, Jerusalem on highJERUSALEM
85Take Thou my hand and lead meSO NIMM DENN
86Wait on God, and trust Him through all thy daysHARRE MEINE SEELE (Wait on God)
87Arise, ye soldiers of the crossTO ARMS
88I now have found for hope of heavenMIR IST ERBARMUNG WIDERFAHREN
89One there is, above all othersSTÖRL
90The work is Thine, O Christ our LordDIE SACH' IST DEIN
91Behold, how good and pleasantUNITY
92I know in whom I put my trustBETHLEHEM (Seraph)
93I sing the praise of love unboundedST. PETERSBURG
94O happy home, where Thou art loved the dearestWIE WIRD UNS SEIN
95The best of friends I have in heavenTHE DEAREST FRIEND
96Striving onward, pressing forwardSTRIVING
97Tho' troubles assail and dangers affrightNICHT MENSCHLICHER RAT
98We plow the fields, and scatterWIR PFLÜGEN (Dresden)
99Be thou faithful unto deathFAITHFUL
100When the weary, seeking restRUHE IST DAS BESTE GUT

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