Christian Praise

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1Stand up, and bless the LordCARLISLE
2All people that on earth do dwellOLD HUNDRED
3Before Jehovah's awful throneANDERNACH
4All creatures of our God and KingLASST UNS ERFREUEN
5O bless the Lord, my soul!GARELOCHSIDE
6My God, how wonderful Thou artWESTMINSTER
7Praise to the Holiest in the heightGERONTIUS
8Praise, my soul, the King of heavenPRAISE, MY SOUL
9O praise ye the Lord!LAUDATE DOMINUM
10aLet all the world in every corner singLUCKINGTON
10bLet all the world in every corner singWILTON
11The God of Abraham praiseLEONI
12Let us with a gladsome mindMONKLAND
13I'll praise my Maker while I've breathMONMOUTH
14King of glory, King of peaceGWALCHMAI
15Gracious God, we worship TheeWORSHIP
16'Lift up your hearts!' We lift them, Lord, to TheeWOODLANDS
17Angel voices, ever singingANGEL VOICES
18Bright the vision that delightedLAUS DEO
19Ye holy angels brightDARWALL'S 148TH
20Praise the Lord, ye heavens adore HimAUSTRIA
21Holy, holy, holy! Lord God AlmightyNICAEA
22Father most holy, merciful and lovingCHRISTE SANCTORUM
23Songs of praise the angels sangCULBACH
24Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creationLOBE DEN HERREN
25O worship the KingHANOVER
26Now thank we all our GodNUN DANKET
27O God, our help in ages pastST. ANNE
28aGive to our God immortal praiseANTWERP
28bGive to our God immortal praiseRIMINGTON
29Lord of all being, throned afarBIRLING
30God moves in a mysterious wayLONDON NEW
31I sing the almighty power of GodDUNFERMLINE
32For the beauty of the earthNORICUM
33Immortal, invisible, God only wiseST. DENIO
34aHark, the glad sound, the Saviour comesBRISTOL
34bHark, the glad sound, the Saviour comesWEST BURN
35Of the Father's love begottenCORDE NATUS
36Cradled in a manger, meanlyPLEADING SAVIOUR
37While shepherds watched their flocks by nightWINCHESTER OLD
38Angels from the realms of gloryIRIS
39Hark! the herald angels singMENDELSSOHN
40O come, all ye faithfulADESTE FIDELES
41Once in royal David's cityIRBY
42Earth has many a noble citySTUTTGART
43aBrightest and best of the sons of the morningEPIPHANY
43bBrightest and best of the sons of the morningFORT WILLIAM
44As with gladness men of oldDIX
45Thou didst leave Thy throne and Thy kingly crownMARGARET
46aMy song is love unknownLOVE UNKNOWN
46bMy song is love unknownST. JOHN
47Who is this, so weak and helplessST. AUDREY NEW
48Immortal Love, forever fullBISHOPTHORPE
49All glory, laud, and honorST. THEODULPH
50Ride on, ride on in majestyST. DROSTANE
51Ah, holy Jesus, how hast Thou offendedHERZLIEBSTER JESU
52O sacred Head, now woundedPASSION CHORALE
53aIt is a thing most wonderfulHERONGATE
53bIt is a thing most wonderfulGIDEON
54We sing the praise of Him who diedBODLEY
55When I survey the wondrous crossROCKINGHAM
56Glory be to JesusCASWALL
57aThere is a green hill far awayHORSLEY
57bThere is a green hill far awayTHIS ENDRIS NYGHT
58Alas! and did my Saviour bleedWALSALL
59Beneath the cross of JesusST. CHRISTOPHER
60Not all the blood of beastsST. GEORGE
61Give me a sight, O SaviourO MAKE ME UNDERSTAND IT
62Man of Sorrows! what a nameMAN OF SORROWS
63Hark! the voice of love and mercyREGENT SQUARE
64In the cross of Christ I gloryALL FOR JESUS
65Jesus Christ is risen todayEASTER HYMN
66Hallelujah! Hallelujah!LUX EOI
67aThe strife is o'er, the battle doneVICTORY
67bThe strife is o'er, the battle doneVULPIUS
68Jesus lives! thy terrors nowST. ALBINUS
69Love's redeeming work is doneORIENTIS PARTIBUS
70Hail the day that sees Him riseASCENSION
71Thine is the glory, Risen, conq'ring SonMACCABEUS
72Crown Him with many crownsDIADEMATA
73Look ye saints! the sight is gloriousTRIUMPHANT
74aI know that my Redeemer livesPHILIPPINE
74bI know that my Redeemer livesCHURCH TRIUMPHANT
75Hail, Thou once despised JesusBETHANY
76Before the throne of God aboveFESTUS
77Where high the heavenly temple standsWINCHESTER NEW
78Wherewith O God, shall I draw nearO AMOR QUAM EXSTATICUS
79With joy we meditate the graceST. BERNARD
80Rejoice, the Lord is KingGOPSAL
81aJesus shall reign where'er the sunTRURO
81bJesus shall reign where'er the sunGALILEE
82Hail to the Lord's AnointedCRÜGER
83Behold the mountain of the LordGLASGOW
84How bright these glorious spirits shine!SENNEN COVE
85Come, Thou long-expected JesusCROSS OF JESUS
86O come, O come, ImmanuelVENI EMMANUEL
87I cannot tell why He, whom angels worshipLONDONDERRY AIR
88Lo! He comes with clouds descendingHELMSLEY
89Thou who wast rich beyond all splendourFRAGRANCE
90aAll hail the power of Jesus' nameMILES LANEPage Scan

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