Benjamin Beddome

Short Name: Benjamin Beddome
Full Name: Beddome, Benjamin, 1717-1795
Birth Year: 1717
Death Year: 1795

Benjamin Beddome was born at Henley-in Arden, Warwickshire, January 23, 1717. His father was a Baptist minister. He studied at various places, and began preaching in 1740. He was pastor of a Baptist society at Bourton-on-the-Water, Gloucestershire, until his death in 1795. In 1770, he received the degree of M.A. from the Baptist College in Providence, Rhode Island. He published several discourses and hymns. "His hymns, to the number of 830, were published in 1818, with a recommendation from Robert Hall." Montgomery speaks of him as a "writer worthy of honour both for the quantity and the quality of his hymns."
--Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A. 1872.


Beddome, Benjamin , M.A. This prolific hymnwriter was born at Henley-in-Arden, Warwickshire, Jan. 23, 1717, where his father, the Rev. John Beddome, was atthat time Baptist Minister. He was apprenticed to a surgeon in Bristol, but removing to London, he joined, in 1739, the Baptist church in Prescott St. At the call of this church he devoted himself to the work of the Christian ministry, and in 1740 began to preach at Bourton-on-the-Water, in Gloucestershire. Declining invitations to remove to London or elsewhere, he continued pastor at Bourton until his death, on Sep. 3, 1795, at the age of 78. Mr. Beddome was for many years one of the most respected Baptist ministers in the West of England. He was a man of some literary culture. In 1770 he received the degree of M.A. from Providence College, Rhode Island. He was the author of an Exposition of the Baptist Catechism, 1752, in great repute at the time, and reprinted by Dr. C. Evans in 1772. It was his practice to prepare a hymn every week to be sung after his Sunday morning sermon. Though not originally intended for publication, he allowed thirteen of these to appear in the Bristol Baptist Collection of Ash & Evans (1769), and thirty-six in Dr. Rippon's Baptist Selection (1787), whence a number of them found their way into the General Baptist Hymn Book of 1793 and other collections. In 1817, a posthumous collection of his hymns was published, containing 830 pieces, with an introduction by the Rev. Robert Hall, and entitled "Hymns adapted to Public Worship or Family Devotion, now first published from the Manuscripts of the late Rev. B. Beddome, M.A."
Preface dated "Leicester, Nov. 10, 1817." Some of the early copies bear the same date on the title page. Copies bearing both the 1817 and 1818 dates are in the British Museum. The date usually given is 1818. Some hymns are also appended to his Sermons, seven volumes of which were published l805—1819; and over twenty are given in the Baptist Register of various dates.
Beddome's hymns were commended by Montgomery as embodying one central idea, "always important, often striking, and sometimes ingeniously brought out." Robert Hall's opinion is just, when in his "Recommendatory Preface" to the Hymns, &c, he says, p. vii.:—

"The man of taste will be gratified with the beauty and original turns of thought which many of them ex¬hibit, while the experimental Christian will often perceive the most secret movements of his soul strikingly delineated, and sentiments pourtrayed which will find their echo in every heart."

With the exception of a few composed for Baptisms and other special occasions, their present use in Great Britain is limited, but in America somewhat extensive. One of the best is the Ordination Hymn, "Father of Mercies, bow Thine ear." Another favourite is “ My times of sorrow and of joy," composed, by a singular coincidence, to be sung on Sunday, Jan. 14, 1778, the day on which his son died, most unexpectedly, in Edinburgh. "Let party names no more," is very popular both in Great Brit, and America. "Faith, His a precious gift," "Witness, ye men and angels, now," and the hymn for Holy Baptism, "Buried beneath the yielding wave," are also found in many collections. Beddome's popularity is, however, now mainly in America.
[Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A.]
Beddome is thus seen to be in common use to the extent of about 100 hymns. In this respect he exceeds every other Baptist hymnwriter; Miss Steele ranking second.
The authorities for Beddome's hymns are: (1) A Collection of Hymns adapted to Public Worship, Bristol, W. Pine, 1769, the Collection of Ash & Evans; (2) Dr. Rippon's Selections 1787, and later editions; (3) Sermons printed from the Manuscripts of the late Rev. Benjamin Beddome, M.A.,... with brief Memoir of the Author, Dunstable & Lond., 1805-1819; (4) Dr. Rippon's Baptist Register, 1795, &c.; (5) The Beddome Manuscripts, in the Baptist College, Bristol; (6) and Hymns adapted to Public Worship, or Family Devotion now first published, from Manuscripts of the late Rev. B. Beddome, A.M. With a Recommendatory Preface by the Rev. R. Hall, A.M. Lond., 1817. In his Preface, Mr. Hall gives this account of the Beddome Manuscript:— "The present Editor was entrusted several years ago with the MSS, both in prose and verse, with permission from the late Messrs. S. & B. Beddome, sons of the Author, to publish such parts of them as he might deem proper. He is also indebted to a descendant of the Rev. W. Christian, formerly pastor of the Baptist Church at Sheepshead, Leicestershire, for some of the Author's valuable hymns, which had been carefully preserved in the family. From both these sources, as well as others of less consequence, the present interesting volume has been derived."

-- Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Beddome, Benjamin, pp. 121-124. Other hymns in common use:—
1. Great God, before Thy mercy-seat. (1817). Lent.
2. Great God, oppressed with grief and fear. (1787.) Reading H. Scripture.
3. How glorious is Thy word, 0 God. Holy Scripture. From "When Israel, &c," p. 124, i.
4. In God I ever will rejoice. Morning. From his Hymns, &c, 1817.
5. Jesus, my Lord, divinely fair. (1817.) Jesus the King of Saints. Begins with stanza ii. of “Listen, ye mortals, while I sing."
6. Rejoice, for Christ the Saviour reigns. Missions. Altered form of "Shout, for the blessed, &c," p. 123, ii.
7. Satan, the world, and sin. (1817.) In Temptation.
8. Thou, Lord of all above. (1817.) Lent.
9. Unto Thine altar, Lord. (1787.) Lent.
10. Ye saints of every rank, with joy. (1800.) Public Worship.
The dates given above are, 1787 and 1800, Rippon's Selection; and 1817 Beddome's Hymns.

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II

Wikipedia Biography

Benjamin Beddome (23 January 1717 – 3 September 1795) was an English Particular Baptist minister and hymn writer.

Texts by Benjamin Beddome (674)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A patient overwhelmedBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
A slave to each lustBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
A wretched creature I am foundBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Above yon stars the Savior sitsBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Admire, my soul, the wondrous graceBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Affliction to the saintBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Again, indulgent Lord, returnBenjamin Beddome (Author)13
ألا تسيل حقاBenjamin Beddome (Author)Arabic1
Alas, what doubts and fears prevailBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
All glory be to him who cameBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
All glory be to him, Who makes the blind to seeBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
All glory to the Lord, our GodBenjamin Beddome (Author)4
All round the globe does Sa­tan traceBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
All ye, who feel distressed for sinBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
All ye who love your Maker's nameBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Allured by sin's deceitful artsBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Almighty God, thy wondrous worksBeddome (Author)15
Almighty God, we cry to theeBenjamin Beddome (Author)2
Although Jehovah changes notBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Am I an Israelite indeedBenjamin Beddome (Author)English26
Am I sincere and pure withinBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Amidst displays of wrath and loveBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Amidst the cheerful bloom of youthBenjamin Beddome (Author)9
Among the saints on earthBenjamin Beddome (Author)2
And are we saints indeedBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
And can I call this prayerBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
And does the taper bum so dimBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
And is the new-made heartBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
And is Thy Word, oh God, a fire?Benjamin Beddome (Author)English2
And must I all forsakeBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
And must I part with all I haveBeddome (Author)English86
And shall I sit aloneBenjamin Beddome (Author)34
Angels in bright attireBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Angels, those heavenly flamesBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Another year is quick­ly goneBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Arise, my soul, and sing Of reconciling bloodBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Arise, thou bright and morning starBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
As Christ hath done, so would we doBenjamin Beddome (Author)2
As the thirsty hart when pantingBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Ascend, my soul, to Pisgah’s hillBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Ascend Thy throne, almighty KingBenjamin Beddome (Author)English82
Astonished and distressedBenjamin Beddome (Author)English3
At length the awful thunders roarBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
At thy feet, oh God of graceBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Attend, oh Lord, and hear my cryBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Awake, awake, my heart and tongueBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Awake, awake, thou mighty armBenjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 (Author)3
Awake, be­liev­ing souls, awakeBenjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 (Author)English2
Awake, drowsy soulsBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Awake, our souls, behold how nighBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Awake, ye drowsy soulsBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
أيها الناس اشهدواBenjamin Beddome (Author)Arabic1
Base temp­ter, hence de­partBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Be gone, ye glittering vanitiesBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Be love, delightful themeBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Be thou, O Lord, my treasure hereBenjamin Beddome (Author)8
Behold how pleasant 'tis to seeBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Behold, my soul, the Son of GodBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Behold, my soul, with grief beholdBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Behold, oh God, a soul oppressedBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Behold, the day is comeBenjamin Beddome (Author)English39
Behold the grave, O dying manBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Behold the grave where Jesus layBeddome (Author)English10
Behold the penitent sincereBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Behold the sacrificeBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Behold the wretch! how mute he standsBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Believing souls, of Christ belovedBeddome (Author)17
Beset with dangers all aroundBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Bless’d is the man whose confidenceBenjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 (Author)English2
Blessed be the incarnate WordBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Blessed is the man, for ever blessedBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Blessed Jesus, what transcendent graceBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Blessed Lord, my wandering heart recallBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Blest Savior, we thy will obeyBeddome (Author)English17
Borne down with guilt, and full of fearBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Bow down, my soul, and low adoreBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Bow, ye saints, before your GodBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Bowing before the sacred throneBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Burdened with guilt, and pale with fearBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Buried beneath the yielding waveBenjamin Beddome (Author)English78
By every means, in every wayBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
By night by day, at home, abroadBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
By various means, in various waysBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Call, mighty Savior, call aloudBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Can I fulfil God's righteous lawBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Can sinful rebels loud proclaimBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Can sinners hope for heavenBenjamin Beddome (Author)English32
Can thoughtless sinners hope for heavenBenjamin Beddome (Author)2
Celestial Dove, come from aboveBenjamin Beddome (Author)English12
Celestial Dove, descend from highBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Christ and his cross, delightful themeBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Christ is the bread which came from heavenBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Christ is the fountain rich and fullBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Christ is the subject of my songBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Clouds and darkness interposingBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Clouds big with wrath hang o'er my headBenjamin Beddome (Author)2
Come and exalt his nameBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Come, blessed Spirit, source of lightBeddome (Author)English115
Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove, With light and comfort from aboveBeddome (Author)English3
Come, Holy Spirit, come, With energy divineBeddome (Author)English125
Come, Holy Spirit, come, with graceBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Come, holy Spirit, now descend, With ardent zeal my soul inspireBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Come, humble souls, and place your trustBenjamin Beddome (Author)2
Come, Jesus, heavenly teacher, comeBenjamin Beddome (Author)6
Come, let us magnify the LordBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Come sinners, approachBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Come, sinners, take a nearer viewBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Come, thou eternal Spirit, comeBenjamin Beddome (Author)14
Come, trembling souls draw near to GodBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Come, ye beloved of the LordBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Come, ye humble, contrite soulsBenjamin Beddome (Author)3
Come ye redeemed of the Lord, Come and obey His sacred wordBeddome (Author)English16
Conscience stand forth and bring thy chargeBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Could I the massy rocks removeBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Could the Father feel a pleasureBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Dear Lord, I yield myself to theeBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Dear Lord, my languid soul prepareBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Dear Lord, though bitter is the cupBeddome (Author)English18
Dear Lord, thy word of truth affordsBenjamin Beddome (Author)6
Dear Saviour, tell us whereBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Death is no dread­ful soundBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Death! ’tis an aw­ful wordBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Deceived by sin, we feelBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Descend, celestial dove, and bringBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Descend, celestial Spirit, downBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Descend, dear Saviour, from aboveBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Descend, descend, celestial DoveBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Did Christ o'er sinners weep?B. Beddome (Author)English192
Did Christ the Savior stoop so lowBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Did Enoch walk with GodBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Did Jesus deign for me to bleedBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Does no corruption reign withinBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Does the old nature still remainBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Dost thou my profit seekBenjamin Beddome (Author)English17
Doth God invite me to his armsBenjamin Beddome (Author)2
Draw my desires to things aboveBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Emerging from yon silent graveBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Enchanting scenes, fly swiftly henceBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Encouraged by thy love and careBenjamin Beddome (Author)3
Enwrapt in thickest shades of nightBenjamin Beddome (Author)5
Ere Christ ascended to his throneBenjamin Beddome (Author)2
Eternal God, we humbly bowBenjamin Beddome (Author)English6
Eternal source of every goodBenjamin Beddome (Author)English9
Eternal Spirit, heavenly DoveBeddome (Author)English10
Eternal Spirit, source of goodBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Exalt the eternal SonBenjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 (Author)English2
Extended on the accursed treeBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Faith is the glass by which we spyBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Faith is a precious graceBenjamin Beddome (Author)English42
Farewell, ye transitory thingsBenjamin Beddome (Author)4
Father of mercies, at thy feetBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Father of mercies, bow Thine earBenjamin Beddome (Author)English139
Father of mercies, God of love, Send down thy Spirit from aboveBenjamin Beddome (Author)English7
Father of spirits, grant that weBenjamin Beddome (Author)7
Fixed the cov’nant is, and cer­tainBenjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 (Author)English2
For my desponding soulBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Forbear, ye impious and profaneBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Fountain of blessing, ever blestBenjamin Beddome (Author)10
Frail youth are in a slippery pathBenjamin Beddome (Author)English3
From his celestial throneBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
From that bright world where seraphs joinBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
From Thy dear, pierced sideBeddome (Author)English19
Gird up your loins, ye saints, prepareBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Go forth, ye saints, behold your KingBenjamin Beddome (Author)English4
Go forth, ye saints, with joy beholdBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
God from his radiant throne on highBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
God, in the gospel of His SonBenjamin Beddome (Author)English277
God is our ever faithful guideBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
God is the fountain whence Ten thousand blessings flowBenj. Beddome (Author)English39
God is the refuge of His saints, A tower strong and nighBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
God of my life, for ever blessedBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
God's beloved and equal SonBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
God's cheering presence once withdrawnBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
God's equal Son comes downBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
God's holy law proclaimsBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
God's holy law transgressedBeddome (Author)English55
God's ways are just, his counsels wiseBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Great God, before thy mercy seatBenjamin Beddome (Author)9
Great God, how bright thy mercy shinesBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Great God, how deep thy counsels areBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Great God, how infinite art Thou, How bright Thy glories shineBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Great God, my inmost powersBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Great God, my maker and my kingBenjamin Beddome (Author)English16
Great God, my noblest powers engageBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Great God of providence! thy waysBeddome (Author)English27
Great God, oppressed with grief and fearBenjamin Beddome (Author)English16
Great God, our reigning sins controlBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Great God, the terrors of thy wrathBenjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 (Author)2
Great God, thy quickening grace impartBenjamin Beddome (Author)2
Great God, 'tis from thy sovereign graceBenjamin Beddome (Author)10
Great God, to thee I'll makeBenjamin Beddome (Author)7
Great God, where'er we pitch our tentBenjamin Beddome (Author)English11
Great Shepherd of the flockBenjamin Beddome (Author)3
Great things the Lord has done, In providence and graceBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Guilty and self-condemned I lieBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Hail that blissful day approachingBenjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 (Author)Latin2
Happy, forever happy heBeddome (Author)5
Happy is the man and blessedBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Happy souls who are forgivenBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Happy the man whose heaving breastBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Happy the saints whose varied lifeBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Hark! from the cross a solemn soundBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Hast thou brought me, gracious LordBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Have I that faith whose influenceBenjamin Beddome (Author)2
Have I transgressed against the LordBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
He comes, He comes! the Son of GodBenjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 (Author)English2
Hear me, dear Jesus, Prince of peaceBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Hear, oh my soul, the cheering wordBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Hear what the holy prophets teachBenjamin Beddome (Author)4
Heaven is the seat of light and blissBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Heavenly truth in love dispensedBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Heaven's lofty monarch now descendsBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Heirs of unending lifeRev. B. Beddome (Author)English14
Here in the records of his graceBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Here, Savior, we would comeBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
High and exalted is thy throneBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
His flock the heavenly Shepherd feedsBenjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 (Author)English2
هل لا يحق أن تسيل بالمياهBenjamin Beddome (Author)Arabic1
Hosanna to the church's HeadBenjamin Beddome (Author)English3
Hosanna to the Son of GodBenjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 (Author)English2
How blest the shin­ing forms aboveBenjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 (Author)English2
How free and boundless is the graceBenjamin Beddome (Author)English24
How precious is thy word, O God!Beddome (Author)English5
How great, how solemn is the workBeddome (Author)English45
How great the treasure saints possessBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
How great the wisdom, power, and graceBenjamin Beddome (Author)English45
How greatly blessed are theyBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
How kind is my SaviourBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
How many bear the Christian nameBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
How many doubts and fears prevailBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
How many indulgeBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
How painful is the taskBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
How pleased was I to hearBenjamin Beddome (Author)2
How precious is the book divineBeddome (Author)English1
How shall vile man approach his GodBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
How sinful, Lord, am IBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
How wondrous was the graceBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
I am thine, Lord, I'll surrenderBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
"I come," the Sav­ior criesBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
I fear the ser­pent’s hissBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
I like a sheep had gone astrayBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
If carnal men for earthly thingsBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
If Christ is mine, then all is mineBenjamin Beddome (Author)English37
If duty calls, and suffering, tooBenjamin Beddome (Author)English6
If God is mine, then present thingsBenjamin Beddome (Author)English51
If he who rules the world's affairsBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
If I all heavenly mysteries knewBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
If I must die, O, let me die, With hope in Jesus' bloodBenjamin Beddome (Author)English37
If Jesus hide his lovely faceBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
If loads of guilt oppressBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
If secret fraud should dwellBeddome (Author)English9
In all my ways, O GodBenjamin Beddome (Author)English18
In awful grandeur, robed in lightBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
In depths of distressBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
In duties and in sufferings tooBeddome (Author)English68
In God, the holy and the justBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
In grateful songs we will recordBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
In heaven the heart o'erflows with loveBenjamin Beddome (Author)English3
In Jesus my exalted LordBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
In Judah is Jehovah knownBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
In never ceasing songs of praiseBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
In the dear person of his Son, The Father stands revealedBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
In times of danger and distressBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
In vain Apollo's silver tongueBenjamin Beddome (Author)English6
In vain to Sinai's mountBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Indulged with various meansBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Is God the sovereign whom I serveBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Is there a friend in earth or heavenBenjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 (Author)English2
Is there, in heaven or earth, who canBenjamin Beddome (Author)6
Jehovah built the earth and skiesBenjamin Beddome (Author)2
Jehovah reigns enthroned aboveBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Jehovah sends his wrath abroadBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Jehovah sits in stateBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Jesus, delightful, charming nameBenjamin Beddome (Author)English31
Jesus, des­cend with glo­ry crownedBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Jesus for Syndre gr'dBenjamin Beddome (Author)2
Jesus, how boundless is his graceBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Jesus, how fragrant is thy nameBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Jesus, how lovely is his faceBenjamin Beddome (Author)4
Jesus, if thou vouchsafe to guideBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Jesus is both strong and mightyBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Jesus leaves his throne on highBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Jesus, let our inmost powersBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Jesus my love, my chief delightBenjamin Beddome (Author)English43
Jesus, my Savior and my God, Thy wondrous love revealBenjamin Beddome (Author)5
Jesus, my Savior, bind me fastBenjamin Beddome (Author)English13
Jesus, my Savior, let me beBenjamin Beddome (Author)English31
Jesus! that soft and tender wordBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Jesus the cheerful labour claimsBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Jesus the Lord came freely forthBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Jesus, Thou everlasting KingBeddome (Author)English2
Jesus, thou fairest, dearest oneBenjamin Beddome (Author)2
Jesus, thou madest the lame to walkBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Jesus, through heaven and earth and hellBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Jesus, thy face I long to seeBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Jesus, thy name declaresBenjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 (Author)English2
Jesus, thy sacrifice aloneBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Jesus, we bless thy nameBenjamin Beddome (Author)2
Jesus, when faith with fixed eyesBeddome (Author)English19
Jesus, while I've life and motionBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Jesus, who art my soul's delightBenjamin Beddome (Author)3
Jesus, who sits enthroned on highBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Jesus, with humble trustBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Just on the borders of despairBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Justice provoked, for vengeance callsBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Kingdoms are not my desireBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Laden with guilt, oppressed with fearBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Laden with oppressive griefBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Learn, oh my soul, what ’tis to die!Benjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 (Author)English2
Let all my powers unite to blessBenjamin Beddome (Author)3
Let earthly kings increase their storesBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Let hypocrites their fancied joysBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Let me approach to thine abodeBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Let others vainly boastBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Let others world­ly riches prizeBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Let party names no moreBenjamin Beddome (Author)English254
Let the sinner prize his treasureBenjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 (Author)2
Let the voluptuous proudly boastBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Let un­be­liev­ers, void of graceBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Let us proclaim abroadBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Lift up your heads, ye saints, and seeBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Lift up your joyful eyes, and seeBenjamin Beddome (Author)4
Like useful plants which oft are foundBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Listen, ye mortals, while I singBenjamin Beddome (Author)4
Lo, a leper all impureBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Lo, He comes, the King of glory, See, He rends the yielding skyBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Lo, Jesus spreads abroad His wrathBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Lo, the eternal WordBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Lo, the righteous Judge descendingBenjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 (Author)English2
Lo! what a rapturous joy possessedBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Long had I trod the downward roadBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Long I have on the willows hungBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Look, dearest Lord, on my distressBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Look up, my soul, in Christ beholdBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Look up to yonder worldBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Lord, all the blessings we possessBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Lord, by thy Spirit and thy wordBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Lord, dost thou love a worm like meBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Lord, every look of thineBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Lord, grant me this earnest requestBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Lord, how little am I movedBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Lord, I a trembling feelBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Lord, I confess, a traitor bornBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Lord, I my wretched state confessBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Lord, I own the sentence justBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Lord, incline my wandering heartBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Lord, let my prayer like incense rise, Before thy throne above the skiesBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Lord, must I die? O let me dieBenjamin Beddome (Author)English10
Lord, my sins like mountains riseBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Lord, one thing I ask of theeBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Lord, regard a vile offenderBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Lord, stamp thine image on my heartBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Lord, to me thy glory showBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Lord, when thy presence I enjoyBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Lord, while before thee fallingBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Lord, with a grieved and aching heartBenjamin Beddome (Author)English27
Love is a pure and heavenly flameBenjamin Beddome (Author)5
Love is the fountain, whenceBenjamin Beddome (Author)English13
Lovely youth, with ardent zealBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Low at thy feet, oh God, I fallBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Low at thy feet, oh God, most justBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Midst afflictions, great and smallBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Myriads of spirits round the throneBenjamin Beddome (Author)15
More joy than earth can e'er affordBenjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 (Author)English3
Mortals, sing the Father's praisesBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
My crimes, oh God, for vengeance callBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
My dependence is on GodBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
My faith is weak, my foes are strongBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
My few revolving yearsBenjamin Beddome (Author)English53
My foes abound, my strength is smallBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
My God my life, my only joyBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
My rising soul, with strong desiresBenjamin Beddome (Author)28
My sins, alas, like mountains riseBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
My soul adores the matchless graceBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
My soul de­sires the wordBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
My soul with ardour thirsts for theeBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
My times of sorrow and of joy Great God! are in Thy handBenjamin Beddome (Author)English94
No more with sin and grief oppressedBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Not all that I can say or doBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Not all the duties I performBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Not all the powers of nature canBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Not faith, nor hope, nor loveBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Not my endeavours, nor my prayersBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Nothing here can satisfyBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Now be my doubts suppressedBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Now let the Lamb that once was slainBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Now let us run the Christian raceBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Now Lord, I bow before theeBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Now my sins like mountains riseBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Unto Thine altar, LordBenjamin Beddome (Author)English35
Now to thy footstool, mighty LordBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
O God, to thee my sinking soulB. Beddome (Author)2
O had I Jesus in my armsBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Dear Lord, if in the book of lifeBenjamin Beddome (Author)English15
O Lord, in mercy spareBenjamin Beddome (Author)English11
O Lord, our nation’s help and friendBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
O Lord, thou art my Lord, My portion and delightBenjamin Beddome (Author)English16
O Lord, Thy perfect word Directs our steps arightBeddome (Author)English24
O Lord, we tremble at thy frownBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
O may the Gospel swiftly spreadBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
O spirit, source of lightBenjamin Beddome (Author)English3
O thou, all holy, wise, and justBenjamin Beddome (Author)3
O thou good and faithful ShepherdBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
O Thou, who art graciousBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
O thou who on the crossBenjamin Beddome (Author)4
O Thou whose mercy knows no boundBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
O what a treasure all divineBenjamin Beddome (Author)English7
O'erwhelmed with guilt and grief and woeBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
O'erwhelmed with wonder and surpriseBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Of the virtues man possessesBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Oft my doubts and fears ariseBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Oh Judas! how couldst thou betrayBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Oh Lord, I would submissive lieBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Oh Thou who art my light, my hopeBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Oh thou who dwellest aboveBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Oh thou who dwellest on high, Consider all my woesBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
O Thou who sits enthroned on highBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Oh what amaz­ing hor­rors seizeBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Oh what hardness and perversenessBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Old age, with all its sickly trainBenjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 (Author)English2
Omnipotent graceBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
On Britain long a favored isleBenjamin Beddome (Author)English4
On spreading clouds, the Judge supremeBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
On this illustrious, joyful mornBenjamin Beddome (Author)5
On us, oppressed beneath thy strokeBeddome (Author)7
On wings of love the Christian fliesB. B. (Author)English4
Oppressed with anxious fearsBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Oppressed with inward griefBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Our life is like a va­por, goneBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Peace of conscience to enjoyBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Prayer is a heavenly balmBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Prayer is the breath of God in manBenjamin Beddome (Author)English72
Prayer is the soul's sincere desireBeddome (Author)English3
Prayer is the spirit of our GodBenjamin Beddome (Author)2
Prostrate before his throne of graceBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Prostrate before my God I fallBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Prostrate before the sacred throneBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Prostrate on the ground, behold himBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Purchased by Christ's atoning bloodBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Quickly my days have passed awayBenjamin Beddome (Author)6
Quite dead am I to Sinai's lawBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Quite overwhelmed, oh Lord, with griefBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Raise not Thy hand in judgment, LordBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Reason immersed in flesh and senseBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Return, dear Lord, make no delayBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Rise, aspire, my groveling soulBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Rise from the dust, my drowsy soulBenjamin Beddome (Author)2
Rise, glorious Sun, supremely brightBenjamin Beddome (Author)9
Rouse, dying mortal, rouse, awakeBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Saints, behold the mighty angelBenjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 (Author)English2
Salvation, rich and greatBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Salvation to a guilty worldBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Satan, by ar­ti­fice and fraudBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Satan confined in massy chainsBenjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 (Author)English2
Satan must from his seat be castBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Satan the world and sinBenjamin Beddome (Author)2
Say, what is this I feelBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
See Jesus on his throneBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
See, the Savior comes to judgmentBenjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 (Author)English2
See the vivid lightnings flashingBenjamin Beddome (Author)English3
See, whilst the saint ex­pir­ing liesBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
See yonder ladder, wondrous sightBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
See your exalted LordBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Seek ye my face, Jehovah saidBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Shall mortals dare contendBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Should hostile powers against me joinBenjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 (Author)English2
Shout for the blessed Jesus reignsBenjamin Beddome (Author)English67
Silence, oh my soul, thy FatherBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Sin has ruined all my frameBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Sin is the poison of the soulBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Sin, Satan, and the worldBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Sing the amazing loveBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Sing, ye saints, the love of GodBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Sinners in vain expectBenjamin Beddome (Author)2
Sinners involved in deep distressBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Sinners redeemed from endless woeBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Small the advantage to my soulBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
So fair a face bedewed with tearsBenjamin Beddome (Author)English22
So many are my doubts and fearsBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Soon shall the trum­pet spreadBenjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 (Author)English2
Sovereign of Heav’n and earth, beholdBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Sovereign of worlds above, And Lord of all belowBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Sprinkled with reconciling bloodBeddome (Author)English26
Strait the gate, the way is narrowBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Stupendous was the loveBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Substantial, lasting peaceBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Supported by an unseen handBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Sure, in this wildernessBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Sweet content, that balm all-healingBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Tempests arise, when God appoints, And mighty oceans roarBenjamin Beddome (Author)3
Temptations, trials, doubts and fearsBenjamin Beddome (Author)9
That was a time of wondrous loveBeddome (Author)5
That we may walk with GodBenjamin Beddome (Author)English8
The blessed Spirit, like the windBeddome (Author)English29
The fertile earth shall be no moreBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
The greatness of the Saviour's powerBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
The highest heavens, the brightest sunBenjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 (Author)English2
The holy eunuch, when baptizedBenjamin Beddome (Author)English15
The humble soul is God's abodeBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
The King of glory deigns to stoopBenjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 (Author)English2
The law no vengeance bearsBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
The law speaks terror and despairBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
The Lord beholds what mortals doBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
The Lord, how dreadful is his wrathBenjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 (Author)English2
The Lord in judgment now appearsBeddome (Author)English9
The Lord must through Samaria goBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
The Lord, the righteous JudgeBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
The Lord will hear our sad complaintsBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
The master of the vineyard seesBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
The mighty God will not despiseBenjamin Beddome (Author)English14
The penitent in tearsBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
The perfect world by Adam trodBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
The potter different vessels formsBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
The powers of earth and of hellBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
The prayers and praises of the saintsBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
The saint devotes himself to GodBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
The Savior, of the virgin bornBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
The sins of youth and ageBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
The trumpet sounds, the Judge descendsBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
The trum­pet’s so­­lemn soundBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
The truth of God shall still endureBenjamin Beddome (Author)English13
The vast designs of providenceBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
The wandering star, the fleeting windBeddome (Author)English46
The waters all pureBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
The whole creation was undoneBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
The wicked live, increase in powerBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
The word of truth’s a spa­cious fieldBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Then I can bear thy chastening, LordBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
There is a throne of wondrous graceBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
There is a world of perfect bliss Above the starry skiesBeddome (Author)English19
They who hate thee, oh my FatherBenjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 (Author)English2
Think, my soul how matters standBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
This world is all enchanted groundBenjamin Beddome (Author)3
This world would be a wildernessBenjamin Beddome (Author)English9
This world's a dreary wildernessBenjamin Beddome (Author)4
This world’s a rough and stor­my seaBenjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 (Author)English2
Those orbs of light which gild the skyBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Thou knowest, Lord, how vile I amBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Thou Lord of all aboveBenjamin Beddome (Author)English44
Thou Parent of all goodBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Thou source of purity and loveBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Thou sovereign Ruler of the spheresBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Thou sovereign Ruler of the worldBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Thou to whom all hearts are knownBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Thou who art all wise and holyBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Thou who of our hearts art sovereignBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Though faint, yet pursuing, we go on our wayBenjamin Beddome (Author)English6
Thousands of rams and bullocks slainBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Thrice happy they whose hopes relyBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Thy greatness Lord, what thought can reachBenjamin Beddome (Author)4
Thy laws, dear Jesus, I have brokeBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Thy saving grace, oh God, impartBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Thy throne, O God, for ever standsBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Thy throne, oh Lord, remainsBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
'Tis faith supports my feeble soulBenjamin Beddome (Author)English21
'Tis faith that lays the sinner lowBeddome (Author)17
'Tis God the spirit leadsBenjamin Beddome (Author)English71
Tis he who spreads the heavens abroadBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
'Tis not by works of righteousness, Though wrought alone by sovereign graceBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Tis sin, that worst of illsBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
To famed Bethesda's pool there cameBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Equal in wisdom, grace, and powerBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
To fix the false and treacherous heartBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
To God I look, on him I waitBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
To God, the contrite sinner fliesBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
To God the Father, and the Son, And God the Spirit tooBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
To Him who on the fatal treeBenjamin Beddome (Author)English9
To show his justice and his graceBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
To the eternal ThreeBeddome (Author)English6
To thee, my God, my heavenly kingBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
To Thee, O God of graceBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
To us the joyful news is broughtBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
To your Creator God And everlasting KingBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Tossed on the wide tem­pes­tu­ous seaBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Trials when in mercy sentBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
True sympathy, kindness and loveBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Trust in the Lord, ye trembling saintsBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Unstable souls, the slaves of senseBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Unveil thy glories to my viewBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Vain are the works that I have doneBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Vain man, and dost thou thinkBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
View the bright ranks in order standBenjamin Beddome (Author)2
View the ex­pir­ing saint!Benjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Vile temptations oft will sayBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Vile tempt­er, quick be goneBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Wait, O my soul, thy Maker's willBenjamin Beddome (Author)English150
War, horrid war, deep stained in bloodBenjamin Beddome (Author)4
We sing the majesty of GodBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
We to this place are come to showBenjamin Beddome (Author)English4
Weep not for me, the Savior criesBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
What mighty hero comes from farBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
What various lovely charactersBenjamin Beddome (Author)8
What wonders present to my viewBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
What wondrous condescending loveBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Whate'er to thee, our Lord belongsBeddome (Author (v. 1, 2, 4))English1
Whatever state I'm inBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
When Adam sinned, through all his raceBenjamin Beddome (Author)English14
When by the tempter's wiles betrayedBenjamin Beddome (Author)English16
When earthly comforts dieBenjamin Beddome (Author)6
When earthly streams are passed awayBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
When God comes forth, with ter­rors cladBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
When God descends, a streaming fireBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
When God withdraws, and hides his faceBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
When I behold my table spreadBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
When I reflect on former sinsBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
When in the deep floodBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
When Israel through the wildernessBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
When Israel through the desert passedBenjamin Beddome (Author)English56
When Jacob at LuzBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
When Jesus bowed his head and diedBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
When Jesus dwelt in feeble clayBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
When Jesus the Lord Came down to our earthBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
When men of malice and deceitBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
When on the cross my Savior died, God's holy law was satisfiedBenjamin Beddome (Author)English6
When oppressed with inward griefBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
When oppressed with sore afflictionBenjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 (Author)English2
When poison spreading through their veinsBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
When Satan saw his rebel hostBenjamin Beddome (Author)2
When sorrows round us rollBenjamin Beddome (Author)English9
When storms hang o'er the Christian's headBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
When stormy winds of trouble blowBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
When the dreadful tempest risesBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
When upon my state I ponderBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
When wicked men with envious rageBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
When youth devote their early daysBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Whenever I attempt to prayBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Where shall a wretched sinner fleeBenjamin Beddome (Author)2
Where sin is found, and guilt and shameBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Where'er the blustering north wind blowsBenjamin Beddome (Author)4
Where'er the Spirit worksBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
While carnal men, with all their mightBenjamin Beddome (Author)English16
While others prayer restrainBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
While others say, Have patience LordBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Whither, O whither art thou goneBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Who shall ascend that holy hillBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Who shall condemn to endless flamesBeddome (Author)English16
Why, O my God, dost Thou forgetBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Why, O my soul, dost Thou transgressBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Why, O my soul, why weepest thouBeddome, altered (Author)English23
Why should I doubt my Father's loveBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Why should I fear what men can doBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Why should I murmur or repine, Beneath the smarting rodBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Wicaṡa qa Oknikde koBenjamin Beddome (Alterer)Dakota2
Will nought affect this stubborn heartBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Wilt thou not hurt me, dearest LordBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Wisdom and wealth and high renownBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
With grief and shame I call to mindBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
With guilt oppressed, and full of fearBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
With joy, ye saints, di­rect your eyesBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Witness, ye men and angels [women], nowBeddome (Author)English160
Wonders on wonders here I seeBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Would those who thirst for bloodBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Ye angels, bless the LordBeddome (Author)8
Ye burdened saints, with flowing tearsBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Ye distant lands, and nations nearBenjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 (Author)English2
Ye followers of the Prince of peaceBenjamin Beddome (Author)English32
Ye humble worshippers of GodBenjamin Beddome (Author)7
Ye mourners, hearken to the LordBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Ye mourning saints, beholdBenjamin Beddome (Author)3
Ye saints, in concert joinBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Ye saints, no more indulgeBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Ye saints who know and serve the LordBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Ye saints, with deep attention seeBenjamin Beddome (Author)English1
Ye scorners, attendBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Ye shepherds, lend a listening earBenjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 (Author)English2
Ye sinners, who provoke the wrathBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Ye souls immersed in earth and senseBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Ye thoughtless ones, whose roving mindsBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
Ye trembling souls, dismiss your fearsBenjamin Beddome (Author)English111
Ye various tribes of menBenjamin Beddome (Author)English2
Ye worlds of light, that roll so nearBeddome (Author)English34
Yes, I a mourner amBenjamin Beddome (Author)1
യേശുവിൻ രക്തം നമ്പി ഞാൻ (Yēśuvin raktaṁ nampi ñān)Benjamin Beddome (Author)Malayalam2
Zion, from thee is sounded forthBenjamin Beddome (Author)3

See also...

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