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Showing 1 - 50 of 135
Tune TitleTopicsLectionary Weeks
LIVORNO»Communion with God, Christ
NEED» Communion with Christ and God
BEECHER»The Way of Salvation Sanctification; Christ Abiding with Believers; Christ Love and Grace of; Longing for Christ and God; Post-Communion; Supplication For Sanctification
ST. PETER» Communion with Christ and God
MORECAMBE» Communion with Christ and God
ABERYSTWYTH» Communion with Christ and God
I AM THINE» Communion with Christ and God
ST. COLUMBA» Communion with Christ and God
HOLINESS» Communion with Christ and God
MARTYN» Communion with Christ and God
ST AGNES» Communion with Christ and God
COMMEMORATION» Communion with Christ and God
CROSS OF JESUS» Communion with Christ and God
STILL NEARER» Communion with Christ and God
ELLACOMBE» Communion with Christ and God
SEYMOUR» Communion with Christ and God
ST. EDITH» Communion with Christ and God
ELIZABETH» Communion with Christ and God
ST. FLAVIAN»Communion with Christ and God
MIRIAM» Communion with Christ and God
REFUGE» Communion with Christ and God
BELMONT» Communion with Christ and God
SAWLEY» Communion with Christ and God
THE GREEN HILL» Communion with Christ and God
O GOD ETERNAL» Communion with Christ and God
LACQUIPARLE» Communion with Christ and God
PUER NOBIS NASCITUR» Communion with Christ and God
PRAYER»Communion with Christ and God
KIRBY BEDON»Communion with Christ and God
EVAN»Afflictions Comfort under; Aspirations For Christ; Aspirations For Heaven; Assurance Declared; Assurance Enjoyed; Christ Communion with; Christ Grace and Love of; Christ Preciousness of; Christ Providences of; Christians Blessedness of; Christians Conscious of Safety; Christians Death of; Christians Heirs of Heaven; Christians Saved by Grace; Comfort in Trials; Contentment; Death Comfort In; Death Of Saints; Etermal Life; Faith Confidence of; Faith Walking by; Glory of God In Providence; God Our Guardian; God Our Guide; God Love and Mercy; Gospel Freeness of ; Grace Restoring; Heaven; Immortality; Lord's Supper; Nature An Emblem of Grace; Prayer For Christ's Sake; Preservation; Resurrection; The Righteous Honor and Safety of; Wandering sheep; Walking with God; Worship Grace Needed for
[The Lord, my Shepherd, feeds me]»Aspirations For Heaven; Assurance Declared; Assurance Enjoyed; Christ Communion with; Christ Grace and Love of; Christ Preciousness of; Christ Providences of; Christians Conscious of Safety; Christians Death of; Christians Happiness of; Christians Heirs of Heaven; Christians Saved by Grace; Comfort in Trials; Death Of Saints; Faith Confidence of; Faith Walking by; Glory of God In Creation; God Guide; God Loving and Merciful; Gospel Freeness of ; Heaven; Life Everlasting ; Nature An Emblem of Grace; Prayer For Christ's Sake; Resurrection; The Righteous Honor and Safety of; Worship Grace Needed for
ITALIAN HYMN»Adoration; Children Piety in; Christ Communion with; Christ Worshiped; Christians Blessedness of; Church Beloved of God; Church Triumph of; God Adored and Exalted; God Glorious; God Kingly Character of; Gospel Gracious Fruit of; Gospel Invitations of ; Joy Exhortations to; Meekness; Mercy of God Celebrated; Praise By Saints; Praise Calls to; Praise For Works of Providence; Praise For Work of Redemption; Salvation God's Gift; Thanksgiving Declared; Worship Call to ; Worship Private
JESU, MEINE FREUDE»The Christian Life Communio with Christ; Christ Friend; Christ Lamb of God; Christ Refuge; Longing for Christ and God; Peace and Joy; The Christian Life Communion with Christ
LOVE DIVINE (LE JEUNE)»Christ Abidng with Believers; Christ Love and Grace of; Christian Life Sanctification; Longing for Christ and God; Post Communion; Supplication For Sanctification
SARDIS»Communion with God, Christ
ST. LEONARD»Abiding in Christ; Assurance; Christ Refuge; Christian Life Communion with Christ; Death Trusting God in; Pain; Peace and Joy; Trials
AURELIA»Jesus Christ Praise and Thanksgiving; Adoration and Praise; Body of Christ; Christian Year Reformation Day; Church Anniversaries; Church Dedication of a Building; Church Permanence; Church Triumphant; Church Universal; Communion of Saints; Consummation; Eternal Life; Funerals and Memorial Services; Jesus Christ Blood; Jesus Christ Images of; Jesus Christ Praise; Jesus Christ Rock; Jesus Christ Second Coming; Last Supper; Processionals (Opening of Worship); Recessionals; Salvation; Second Coming; Trinity; Union With God/Christ; Unity; Vision/Dream; Epiphany 7 Year A; Easter 3 Year A; Easter 5 Year A; Epiphany 8 Year B; Easter 4 Year B; Proper 11 Year B; Proper 12 Year B; Proper 13 Year B; Proper 16 Year B; Epiphany 2 Year C; Lent 4 Year C; Ash Wednesday Year ABC
OLIVET»Access to God; Afflictions Purpose of; Afflictions Submission under; Aspirations For Heaven; Access to God; Afflictions Submission under; Aspirations For Heaven; Christ Communion with; Christ The Saviour; Christians Heirs of Heaven; Contentment; Death Comfort In; Glory of God In Church and Heaven; God Our Guide; God Love and Mercy; Heart Good, Perfect, Pure and Upright; Immortality; Judgments On Nations; Love For God; Pilgrim Spirit; Preservation; The Wicked Condemnation of
EVENTIDE» Communion With God, With Christ
HURSLEY» Communion With God, With Christ
HYFRYDOL»Christ, the Lord Jesus Abiding with believers; Christ, the Lord Jesus Advent of; Christ, the Lord Jesus Love and Grace of; God: His Being, Word and Works God the Son: His Praise; Life The Christ; Longing for Christ and God; Post Communion; Supplications for Sanctification
[My soul with expectation doth]»Assurance Declared; Christ Communion with; Christ Glorying in; Christ The Savior; Christians Conscious of Safety; Covetousness; Death Of the Wicked; Faith Act of; Faith Confidence of; God Attributes of; God Omnipotent; God Refuge; God Source of All Good; Heart Evil, Hard, and Stubborn; Hope in God; Judgments On Wicked; Mercy of God Celebrated; Perseverance; Prayer Sincerity in; Riches; The Righteous Reward of; Salvation God's Gift; Strength in God; Trust in God Exhortation to; Vanity Of Men and Riches; The Wicked Character of
MANOAH»Communion with God, Christ
ST. AGNES»Christ Abiding with Believers; Christian Experience Love and Communion with Christ; Communion With Christ; Communion at the Lord's Table; Love To Christ; Praise to Christ Exalted; Thought of God, The
MAITLAND»Assurance; Communion with Christ; Death of Christ, Burial, and Descent Into Hell; Deliverance from Death; Eternal Life; Funerals; Guidance of God, of Christ; God the Hearer of Prayer; Heaven; Hope; Immortality; Joy; Nearness to God; Resurrection of Christ
[O praise ye the Lord! prepare your glad voice]»Christ Communion with; Christ Worshiped; Christians Conquerors; Christians Happiness of; Church Beloved of God; Church Triumph of; Civil Magistracy; God Adored and Exalted; God Glorious; Gospel Invitations of ; Joy Exhortations to; Judgments On Nations; Praise A Part of Public Worship; Praise By Saints; Praise Calls to; Praise For Work of Redemption; Praise Of the Lord; Retribution Threatened; Salvation God's Gift
NEAR THE CROSS»Communion Service; Communion with Christ; Cross of Christ; Heaven; Lamb of God; Peace and Rest; Profession of Faith; Sufferings of Christ
ST. MARGARET»Access to God; Aspirations For Christ; Aspirations For Peace and Rest; Assurance Enjoyed; Cares; Christ Communion with; Christ Confessing; Christ Light and Guide; Christians Believers; Christians Conscious of Safety; Comfort in Trials; Faith Act of; Faith Confidence of; Fearlessness; God Fatherhood of; God Our Guardian; God Our Refuge; God Source of All Good; Gospel Acceptance of; Gospel Invitations of ; Gospel Privileges of; Grace Quickening; Invitation and Divine Pleading; Love For God; Mercy of God Prayer for; Parents and Children; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; Prayer confidence in; Prayer For Deliverance from Trouble; Prayer Importunity in ; Prayer Pleas in; Procrastination; Protection Only from God; Providence of God Over Saints; Safety Assured; Salvation Accepted Time of; Salvation Prayers for; Seeking God; Strength in God; Waiting upon God ; Worship Delightful to Saints
HE LEADETH ME» Communion With God, With Christ
WAVERTREE»Christ Blood of; Christian Experience Love and Communion with Christ; Communion With Christ; Love Abiding in God's; Love To Christ; Love To God


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