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Hymnal, Number:gc1994

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Eucharistic Prayer Concludes

Appears in 1,000 hymnals First Line: Amen, amen, amen! Used With Tune: [Amen, amen, amen, Amen, amen amen]

All People That on Earth Do Dwell

Author: William Kethe, d. c.1593; Thomas Ken, 1637-1711 Meter: Appears in 726 hymnals Lyrics: 1 All people that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice; Him serve with mirth, his praise forth tell, Come ye before him, and rejoice. 2 Know that the Lord is God indeed; Without our aid he did us make; We are his folk, he does us feed, And for his sheep he does us take. 3 O enter then his gates with praise; Approach with joy his courts unto; Praise, laud, and bless his Name always, For it is seemly so to do. 4 For why? the Lord our God is good: His mercy is for ever sure; His truth at all times firmly stood, And shall from age to age endure. 5 To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom heaven and earth adore, From us and from the angel host Be praise and glory evermore. * Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, you heav'nly host: Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Topics: Shepherd Scripture: Psalm 100 Used With Tune: OLD HUNDREDTH


Appears in 478 hymnals First Line: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia Used With Tune: [Alleluia]

Lord, Who throughout These Forty Days

Author: Claudia F. Hernaman, 1838-1898 Meter: Appears in 86 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Lord, who throughout these forty days, For us did fast and pray, Teach us to overcome our sins, And close by you to stay. 2 As you with Satan did contend, And did the vict'ry win, O give us strength in you to fight, In you to conquer sin. 3 As you did hunger and did thirst, So teach us, gracious Lord, To die to self, and so to live By your most holy word. 4 And through these days of penitence, And through your Passiontide, For evermore, in life and death, O Lord! with us abide. 5 Abide with us, that through this life Of doubts and hope and pain, An Easter of unending joy We may at last attain! Topics: Seasons and Feasts Ash Wednesday; Fasting Scripture: Matthew 4:1-11 Used With Tune: ST. FLAVIAN

Day Is Done

Author: James Quinn, SJ, b. 1919 Meter: Appears in 22 hymnals First Line: Day is done, but love unfailing Used With Tune: AR HYD Y NOS
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Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven

Author: Henry F. Lyte, 1793-1847 Meter: Appears in 540 hymnals Topics: Seasons and Feasts Christ the King Scripture: Psalm 103 Used With Tune: LAUDA ANIMA

Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service

Author: Albert F. Bayly, 1901-1984 Meter: D Appears in 50 hymnals Topics: Brotherhood and Sisterhood Used With Tune: IN BABILONE

How Shall I Sing to God?

Author: Brian Wren, b. 1936 Meter: Irregular Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: How shall I sing to God Lyrics: 1 How shall I sing to God when life is filled with gladness, loving and birth, wonder and worth? I'll sing from the heart, thankfully receiving, joyful in believing. This is my song, I'll sing it with love. 2 How shall I sing to God when life is filled with bleakness, empty and chill, breaking my will? I'll sing through my pain, angrily or aching, crying or complaining This is my song, I'll sing it with love. 3 How shall I sing to God and tell my Savior's story: passover bread, life from the dead? I'll sing with my life, witnessing and giving, risking and forgiving. This is my song, I'll sing it with love. Scripture: Psalm 137 Used With Tune: HOPE
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The God of Abraham Praise

Author: Daniel ben Judah Dayyan, fl. 1400; Thomas Olivers, 1725-1799 Meter: D Appears in 454 hymnals Lyrics: 1 The God of Abraham praise, Who reigns enthroned above; The ancient of eternal days, And God of love; The Lord, the great I AM, By earth and heav'n confessed We bow and bless the sacred name For ever blest. 2 The Lord, our God has sworn: I on that oath depend; I shall, on eagles' wings upborne, To heav'n ascend: I shall behold God's face, I shall God's power adore, And sing the wonders of God's grace For evermore. 3 There dwells the Lord, our King, The Lord, our Righteousness, Triumphant o'er the world and sin, The Prince of Peace; On Zion's sacred height The kingdom God maintains, And, glorious with the saints in light, For ever reigns. 4 The God who reigns on high The great archangels sing, And "Holy, Holy, Holy," cry, "Almighty King! Who was, and is, the same, For all eternity, Immortal God, the, great I AM, All glory be." Scripture: Genesis 12:1 Used With Tune: LEONI

Do Not Fear to Hope

Author: Rory Cooney, b. 1952 Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Look to God when you are sure Topics: Perseverance Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1:27 Used With Tune: [Look to God when you are sure]
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O Little Town of Bethlehem

Author: Philips Brooks, 1835-1893 Meter: Appears in 853 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O little town of Bethlehem, How still we see thee lie! Above thy deep and dreamless sleep The silent stars go by; Yet in thy dark streets shineth The everlasting Light; The hopes and fears of all the years Are met in thee tonight. 2 For Christ is born of Mary, And gathered all above, While mortals sleep, the angels keep Their watch of wond'ring love. O morning stars, together Proclaim the holy birth! And praises sing to God the King, And peace to all on earth! 3 How silently, how silently, The wondrous gift is giv'n! So God imparts to human hearts The blessings of his heav'n. No ear may hear his coming, But in this world of sin, Where meek souls will receive him, still The dear Christ enters in. 4 O holy Child of Bethlehem! Descend to us, we pray; Cast out our sin and enter in, Be born in us today. We hear the Christmas angels The great glad tidings tell; O come to us, abide with us, Our Lord Emmanuel! Topics: Seasons and Feasts Epiphany Scripture: Micah 5:2 Used With Tune: ST. LOUIS

Veni Creátor Spiritus

Author: Rabanus Maurus, 776-856 Meter: Appears in 79 hymnals Scripture: John 14:24-26 Used With Tune: VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS

Lamb of God

Appears in 297 hymnals First Line: Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world Used With Tune: [Lamb of God]


Appears in 102 hymnals First Line: Glory to God in the highest Used With Tune: [Glory to god in the highest]

God, Whose Purpose Is to Kindle

Author: David E. Trueblood, b. 1900 Meter: D Appears in 18 hymnals Topics: Complacency Scripture: Luke 12:49-53 Used With Tune: HYMN TO JOY

Be Still, and Know That I Am God

Author: John L. Bell, b. 1949 Appears in 8 hymnals First Line: Be still and know that I am God Lyrics: Be still and know that I am God. Be still and know that I am God. Topics: Perseverance Scripture: Psalm 100:3 Used With Tune: [Be still and know that I am God]


Author: David Haas, b. 1957 Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Blessed is he, blessed is he Refrain First Line: Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna! Scripture: Psalm 118:26 Used With Tune: [Blessed is he] (Haas)

The Spirit of God

Author: Lucien Deiss, C S Sp, b. 1921 Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Called to proclaim the good news of Christ to the poor Refrain First Line: The Spirit of God rests upon me Scripture: Isaiah 61:1-2 Used With Tune: [Called to proclaim]

Joyfully Singing

Author: Mike Balhoff, b. 1946; Gary Daigle, b. 1957; Darryl Ducote, b. 1945 Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Joyfully singing to the Lord Refrain First Line: Blessed are your days Scripture: Psalm 100 Used With Tune: [Joyfully singing to the Lord]

Blest Are You

Author: Marty Haugen, b. 1950 Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Blest are you who made the universe Topics: Sharing Used With Tune: [Blest are you who made the universe] Text Sources: Berakhot and Didache

'Tis Good, Lord, to Be Here

Author: Joseph A. Robinson, 1858-1933 Meter: Appears in 49 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 17:1-9 Used With Tune: SWABIA

Songs of Thankfulness and Praise

Author: Christopher Wordsworth, 1807-1885 Meter: D Appears in 128 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Songs of thankfulness and praise, Jesus, Lord, to you we raise, Manifested by the star To the sages from afar; Branch of royal David's stem In your birth at Bethlehem; Anthems be to you addrest, God in flesh made manifest. 2 Manifest at Jordan's stream, Prophet, Priest, and King supreme; And at Cana, wedding guest, In your Godhead manifest; Manifest in pow'r divine, Changing water into wine; Anthems be to you addrest, God in flesh made manifest. 3 Manifest in making whole Palsied limbs and fainting soul; Manifest in valiant fight, Quelling all the devil's might; Manifest in gracious will, Ever bringing good from ill; Anthems be to you addrest, God in flesh made manifest. 4 Grant us grace to see you, Lord, Mirrored in your holy word; May we imitate you now, And on us your grace endow; That we like to you may be At your great epiphany; And may praise you ever blest, God in flesh made manifest. Topics: Seasons and Feasts Epiphany; Seasons and Feasts Baptism of the Lord Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12 Used With Tune: SALZBURG

Jesus Shall Reign

Author: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Meter: Appears in 1,805 hymnals First Line: Jesus shall reign where'er the sun Lyrics: 1 Jesus shall reign where’er the sun Does its successive journeys run; His kingdom stretch from shore to shore, Till moons shall wax and wane no more. 2 To him shall endless prayer be made, And praises throng to crown his head; His name, like sweet perfume shall rise With ev'ry morning sacrifice. 3 People and realms of ev'ry tongue Dwell on his love with sweetest song; And infant voices shall proclaim Their early blessings on his Name. 4 Blessings abound where'er he reigns; The pris'ner leap to lose his chains; The weary find eternal rest, And all who suffer want are blest. 5 Let ev'ry creature rise and bring Blessing and honor to our King; Angels descend with songs again, And earth repeat the loud Amen. Topics: Seasons and Feasts Ascension; Seasons and Feasts Christ the King; Holy Name Scripture: Job 3:17-18 Used With Tune: DUKE STREET

I Danced in the Morning

Author: Sydney Carter, b. 1915 Meter: Irregular Appears in 52 hymnals First Line: I danced in the morning when the world was begun Refrain First Line: Dance then wherever you may be Scripture: Matthew 9:21-22 Used With Tune: SHAKER SONG

A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing

Author: Venerable Bede, 673-735 Meter: with alleluias Appears in 46 hymnals Refrain First Line: Alleluia! Topics: Seasons and Feasts Ascension; Seasons and Feasts Christ the King Scripture: Acts 1:1-11 Used With Tune: LASST UNS ERFREUEN Text Sources: Lutheran Book of Worship (tr.)

Sing of Mary, Pure and Lowly

Author: Roland F. Palmer, 1891-1985 Meter: D Appears in 42 hymnals First Line: Sing of Mary pure and lowly Scripture: Luke 2:7 Used With Tune: PLEADING SAVIOR
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O Sons and Daughters

Author: Jean Tisserand, d. 1494; John M. Neale, 1818-1866 Meter: 8.8.8 with refrain Appears in 192 hymnals First Line: O sons and daughters, let us sing Lyrics: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. 1 O sons and daughters, let us sing! The King of heav'n, the glorious King, O'er death today rose triumphing. Alleluia! 2 That Easter morn, at break of day, The faithful women went their way To seek the tomb where Jesus lay. Alleluia! 3 An angel clad in white they see, who sat and spoke unto the three, "Your Lord has gone to Galilee." Alleluia! 4 That night the apostles met in fear; Amidst them came their Lord most dear, and said, "My peace be on all here." Alleluia! 5 When Thomas first the tidings heard How they had seen the risen Lord, He doubted the disciples' word. Alleluia! 6 "My wounded side, O Thomas, see; Behold my hands, my feet," said he, "Not faithless, but believing be." Alleluia! 7 No longer Thomas then denied, He saw the feet, the hands, the side; "You are my Lord and God," he cried. Alleluia! 8 How blest are they who have not seen And yet whose faith has constant been, For they eternal life shall win. Alleluia! 9 On this most holy day of days, To God your hearts and voices raise, In laud, and jubilee and praise. Alleluia! Scripture: Luke 24:1-12 Used With Tune: O FILII ET FILIAE

We Praise You

Author: Mike Balhoff, b. 1946 Appears in 8 hymnals First Line: Your wisdom made the heavens and the earth, O Lord Refrain First Line: We praise you, O Lord, for all your works are wonderful Topics: Rites of the Church Marriage Scripture: Psalm 80:9-16 Used With Tune: [Your wisdom made the heavens]

Again We Keep This Solemn Fast

Author: Gregory the Great, c. 540-604; Peter J. Scagnelli, b. 1949 Meter: Appears in 17 hymnals Topics: Fasting Scripture: Joel 2:12-18 Used With Tune: OLD HUNDREDTH
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We Three Kings of Orient Are

Author: John H. Hopkins, Jr., 1820-1891 Meter: with refrain Appears in 316 hymnals Refrain First Line: O star of wonder, star of night Lyrics: 1 We three kings of Orient are, Bearing gifts we traverse afar Field and fountain, Moor and mountain, Following yonder star. Refrain: O star of wonder, star of night, Star with royal beauty bright; Westward leading, still proceeding, Guide us to thy perfect Light. 2 Born a babe on Bethlehem’s plain, Gold we bring to crown him again; King forever, Ceasing never, Over us all to reign. (Refrain) 3 Frankincense to offer have I; Incense owns a Deity nigh, Prayer and praising, Gladly raising, Worshiping God on high. (Refrain) 4 Myrrh is mine: its bitter perfume Breathes a life of gath'ring gloom; Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dying, Sealed in the stone cold tomb. (Refrain) 5 Glorious now behold him rise, King and God and sacrifice: Heav'n sings, "Hallelujah!" "Hallelujah!" earth replies. (Refrain) Topics: Seasons and Feasts Epiphany Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12 Used With Tune: KINGS OF ORIENT
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Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You

Author: Henry van Dyke, 1852-1933 Meter: D Appears in 269 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Joyful, joyful, we adore you, God of glory, Lord of love; Hearts unfold like flowers before you, Opening to the sun above. Melt the clouds of sin and sadness; Drive the gloom of doubt away; Giver of immortal gladness, Fill us with the light of day! 2 All your works with joy surround you, Earth and heav'n reflect your rays, Stars and angels sing around you, Center of unbroken praise; Field and forest, vale and mountain, Flowery meadow, flashing sea, Chanting bird and flowing fountain, Praising you eternally! 3 Always giving and forgiving, Ever blessing, ever blest, Well-spring of the joy of living, Ocean depth of happy rest! Loving Father, Christ our brother, Let your light upon us shine; Teach us how to love each other, Lift us to the joy divine. 4 Mortals join the happy chorus, Which the morning stars began; God's own love is reigning o’er us, Joining people hand in hand. Ever singing, march we onward, Victors in the midst of strife; Joyful music leads us sunward In the triumph song of life. Scripture: Psalm 104 Used With Tune: HYMN TO JOY

Come, Holy Ghost

Author: Rabanus Maurus, 776-856; Edward Caswall, 1814-1878 Meter: with repeat Appears in 284 hymnals First Line: Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest Lyrics: 1 Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest, And in our hearts take up thy rest; Come with thy grace and heav'nly aid To fill the hearts which thou hast made, To fill the hearts which thou hast made. 2 O Comforter, to thee we cry, Thou heav'nly gift of God most high; Thou fount of life, and fire of love, And sweet anointing from above, And sweet anointing from above. 3 O Holy Ghost, Through thee alone, Know we the Father and the Son; Be this our firm unchanging creed, That thou dost from them both proceed, That thou dost from them both proceed. 4 Praise we the Lord, Father and Son, And Holy Spirit with them one; And may the Son on us bestow All gifts that from the Spirit flow, All gifts that from the Spirit flow. Scripture: John 14:24-26 Used With Tune: LAMBILLOTTE

Take This Moment

Author: John L. Bell, b. 1949 Meter: Appears in 11 hymnals First Line: Take this moment, sign, and space Used With Tune: TAKE THIS MOMENT

A Touching Place

Author: John L. Bell, b. 1949 Meter: Irregular Appears in 10 hymnals First Line: Christ's is the world in which we move Refrain First Line: To the lost Christ slows his face Scripture: Matthew 25:40 Used With Tune: DREAM ANGUS

Gifts That Last

Author: John L. Bell, b. 1949 Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: God, give us peace that lasts Topics: Seasons and Feasts Triumph of the Cross; Horror of War Scripture: Matthew 4:18-19 Used With Tune: ARKLET ROAD
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Christ the Lord Is Risen Today

Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 Meter: with alleluias Appears in 1,185 hymnals First Line: Christ the Lord is ris'n to day Lyrics: 1 Christ the Lord is ris'n today! Alleluia! All on earth with angels say, Alleluia! Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia! Sing, O heav'ns and earth, reply, Alleluia! 2 Lives again our glorious King; Alleluia! Where, O death, is now your sting? Alleluia! Once he died our souls to save, Alleluia! Where your victory, O grave? Alleluia! 3 Love's redeeming work is done, Alleluia! Fought the fight, the battle won, Alleluia! Death in vain forbids him rise; Alleluia! Christ has opened paradise. Alleluia! 4 Soar we now where Christ has led, Alleluia! Foll'wing our exalted head; Alleluia! Made like him, like him we rise, Alleluia! Ours the cross, the grave, the skies. Alleluia! Scripture: Matthew 28:6-9 Used With Tune: LLANFAIR
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In Christ There Is No East or West

Author: John Oxenham, 1852-1941 Meter: Appears in 332 hymnals Lyrics: 1 In Christ there is no east or west, In him no south or north, But one great fam'ly bound by love Throughout the whole wide earth. 2 In Christ shall true hearts ev'rywhere Their high communion find; His service is the golden cord, Close-binding humankind. 3 Join hands, disciples of the faith, Whate'er your race may be! Who serve each other in Christ's love Are surely kin to me. 4 In Christ now meet both east and west, In him meet south and north, All Christly souls are one in him, Throughout the whole wide earth. Topics: Brotherhood and Sisterhood Scripture: Isaiah 49 Used With Tune: MC KEE

Let All Things Now Living

Author: Katherine K. Davis, 1892-1980 Meter: D Appears in 55 hymnals Topics: Commandments; Law Scripture: Psalm 145 Used With Tune: ASH GROVE

The Summons

Author: John L. Bell, b. 1949 Meter: Appears in 42 hymnals First Line: Will you come and follow me Scripture: John 1:41-42 Used With Tune: KELVINGROVE
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Steal Away to Jesus

Appears in 119 hymnals First Line: My Lord, he calls me Refrain First Line: Steal away, steal away Lyrics: [Refrain:] Steal away, steal away, steal away to Jesus! Steal away, steal away home, I ain’t got long to stay here. 1 My Lord, he calls me, He calls me by the thunder; The trumpet sounds within my soul; I ain’t got long to stay here. (Refrain) 2 Green trees are bending, Poor sinners stand a trembling; The trumpet sounds within my soul; I ain’t got long to stay here. (Refrain) 3 My Lord, he calls me, He calls me by the lightning; The trumpet sounds within my soul; I ain’t got long to stay here. (Refrain) Topics: Homeland Scripture: 1 Corinthians 5:6-8 Used With Tune: [My Lord, he calls me] Text Sources: African-American spiritual
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Good Christian Friends, Rejoice

Author: John M. Neal, 1818-1866 Meter: Appears in 220 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Good Christian friends, rejoice With heart and soul and voice; O give heed to what we say: Jesus Christ is born today! Ox and ass before him bow, And he is in the manger now. Christ is born today! Christ is born today! 2 Good Christian friends, rejoice, With heart and soul and voice; Now you hear of endless bliss: Jesus Christ was born for this! He has opened heaven's door, And we are blest forevermore. Christ was born for this! Christ was born for this! 3 Good Christian friends, rejoice, With heart and soul and voice; Now ye need not fear the grave: Jesus Christ was born to save! Calls you one and calls you all, To gain the everlasting hall. Christ was born to save! Christ was born to save! Scripture: Matthew 2:1-11 Used With Tune: IN DULCE JUBILO Text Sources: Latin and German, 14th C.
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Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming

Author: Theodore Baker, 1851-1934 Meter: Appears in 102 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Lo, how a Rose e'er blooming From tender stem hath sprung! Of Jesse's lineage coming As seers of old have sung. It came, a blossom bright, Amid the cold of winter, When half spent was the night. 2 Isaiah 'twas foretold it, The Rose I have in mind, With Mary we behold it, The Virgin Mother kind. To show God's love aright She bore to us a Savior, When half spent was the night. 3 O Flower, whose fragrance tender With sweetness fills the air, Dispel in glorious splendor The darkness ev'rywhere; True man, yet very God, From sin and death now save us, And share our ev'ry load. Topics: Seasons and Feasts Advent Scripture: Isaiah 11:1 Used With Tune: ES IST EIN' ROS' ENSTSPRUNGEN Text Sources: The Hymnal, 1940 (st. 3); Speier Gesangbuch, 1599
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Sing with All the Saints in Glory

Author: William J. Irons, 1812-1883 Meter: D Appears in 106 hymnals Lyrics: 1. Sing with all the saints in glory, Sing the resurrection song! Death and sorrow, earth's dark story, To the former days belong. All around the clouds are breaking, Soon the storms of time shall cease; In God's likeness, we awaken, Knowing everlasting peace. 2. O what glory, far exceeding All that eye has yet perceived! Holiest hearts for ages pleading, Never that full joy conceived. God has promised, Christ prepares it, There on high our welcome waits; Ev'ry humble spirit shares it. Christ has passed the eternal gates. 3. Life eternal! heav'n rejoices; Jesus lives who once was dead; Shout with joy, O deathless voices! Child of God, lift up your head! Patriarchs from the distant ages, Saints all longing for their heav'n, Prophets, psalmists, seers, and sages, All await the glory giv'n. 4. Life eternal! O what wonders Crowd on faith; what joy unknown, When, amidst earth's closing thunders, Saints shall stand before the throne! O to enter that bright portal, See that glowing firmament, Know, with you, O God Immortal, Jesus Christ whom you have sent! Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:20 Used With Tune: HYMN TO JOY
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Alleluia! Sing to Jesus

Author: William C. Dix, 1837-1898 Meter: D Appears in 216 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Alleluia! sing to Jesus! His the scepter, his the throne; Alleluia! his the triumph, His the victory alone; Hark! the songs of peaceful Zion Thunder like a mighty flood; Jesus out of ev'ry nation Has redeemed us by his blood. 2 Alleluia! not as orphans Are we left in sorrow now; Alleluia! he is near us, Faith believes, nor questions how: Though the cloud from sight received him, When the forty days were o'er, Shall our hearts forget his promise, "I am with you evermore"? 3 Alleluia! Bread of Angels, Here on earth our food, our stay! Alleluia! here the sinful Flee to thee from day to day: Intercessor, friend of sinners, Earth's Redeemer, plead for me, Where the songs of all the sinless Sweep across the crystal sea. 4 Alleluia! King eternal, You the Lord of lords we own: Alleluia! born of Mary, Earth your footstool, heav'n your throne: You, within the veil, have entered, Robed in flesh, our great high priest: Here on earth both priest and victim in the eucharistic feast. Topics: Seasons and Feasts Ascension; Sacrifice Scripture: Matthew 28:18 Used With Tune: HYFRYDOL

Psalm 98: All the Ends of the Earth

Author: David Haas; Marty Haugen Appears in 9 hymnals First Line: Sing to the Lord a new song Refrain First Line: I: All the ends of the earth; II: Sing to the Lord a new song; III: The Lord comes to the earth Topics: Christmas Seasonal Psalm; Easter VI; Ordinary Time Twenty-Eighth Sunday; Ordinary Time Thirty-Third Sunday; Immaculate Conception Scripture: Psalm 98 Used With Tune: [Sing to the Lord a new song]

Lord of All Hopefulness

Author: Jan Struther, 1901-1953 Meter: Appears in 78 hymnals Topics: Time Scripture: Matthew 6:25-34 Used With Tune: SLANE
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America the Beautiful

Author: Katherine L. Bates, 1859-1929 Meter: D Appears in 512 hymnals First Line: O beautiful for spacious skies Lyrics: 1 O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain; For purple mountain majesties Above the fruited plain! America! America! God shed his grace on thee, And crown thy good with brotherhood, From sea to shining sea. 2 O beautiful for pilgrim feet, Whose stern, impassioned stress A thoroughfare for freedom beat Across the wilderness! America! America! God mend thine ev'ry flaw, Confirm thy soul in self-control, Thy liberty in law. 3 O beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife, Who more than self their country loved, And mercy more than life! America! America! May God thy gold refine, Till all success be nobleness And ev'ry gain divine. 4 O beautiful for patriot dream That sees beyond the years Thine alabaster cities gleam, Undimmed by human tears! America! America! God shed his grace on thee And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea. Scripture: Psalm 65:5-13 Used With Tune: MATERNA

Angels, from the Realms of Glory

Author: James Montgomery, 1771-1854 Meter: Appears in 768 hymnals Refrain First Line: Come and worship Lyrics: 1 Angels from the realms of glory, Wing your flight o'er all the earth; You who sang creation's story, Now proclaim Messiah's birth: Refrain: Come and worship, come and worship, Worship Christ, the newborn King. 2 Shepherds, in the field abiding, Watching o'er your flocks by night, God on earth is now residing; Yonder shines the infant light: (Refrain) 3 Sages, leave your contemplations, Brighter visions beam afar; Seek the great Desire of nations, You have seen His morning star: (Refrain) 4 Though an infant now we view him, He shall fill his heav'nly throne, Gather all the nations to him; Ev'ry knee shall then bow down: (Refrain) Topics: Seasons and Feasts Epiphany Scripture: Haggai 2:7 Used With Tune: REGENT SQUARE Text Sources: Christmas Box, 1825 (st. 4)
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What Child Is This

Author: William C. Dix, 1827-1898 Meter: with refrain Appears in 206 hymnals First Line: What child is this, who, laid to rest Refrain First Line: This, this is Christ the King Lyrics: 1 What child is this who, laid to rest On Mary's lap is sleeping? Whom angels greet with anthems sweet, While shepherds watch are keeping? Refrain: This, this is Christ the King, Whom shepherds guard and angels sing; Haste, haste, to bring him laud, The babe, the Son of Mary. 2 Why lies he in such mean estate Where ox and ass are feeding? Good Christian, fear; for sinners here The silent Word is pleading. (Refrain) 3 So bring him incense, gold and myrrh, Come peasant king to own him. The King of kings salvation brings, Let loving hearts enthrone him. (Refrain) Topics: Seasons and Feasts Epiphany Scripture: Matthew 2:11 Used With Tune: GREENSLEEVES

Go Make of All Disciples

Author: Leon M. Adkins, b. 1896 Meter: D Appears in 21 hymnals First Line: "Go make of all disciples" Topics: Brotherhood and Sisterhood Scripture: Matthew 28:19-20 Used With Tune: ELLACOMBE


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