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Scripture:Matthew 28

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Christ the Lord Is Risen Today

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: with alleluias Appears in 1,185 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:1-6 Lyrics: 1 Christ the Lord is risen today! Alleluia! All creation, join to say: Alleluia! Raise your joys and triumphs high; Alleluia! Sing, O heavens, and earth, reply: Alleluia! 2 Love's redeeming work is done, Alleluia! Fought the fight, the battle won; Alleluia! Death in vain forbids him rise; Alleluia! Christ has opened paradise. Alleluia! 3 Lives again our glorious King; Alleluia! Where, O death, is now your sting? Alleluia! Once he died, our souls to save; Alleluia! Where your victory, O grave? Alleluia! 4 Soar we now where Christ has led, Alleluia! Following our exalted Head; Alleluia! Made like him, like him we rise; Alleluia! Ours the cross, the grave, the skies. Alleluia! 5 Hail the Lord of earth and heaven! Alleluia! Praise to you by both be given; Alleluia! Risen Christ, triumphant now; Alleluia! Every knee to you shall bow. Alleluia! Topics: Songs for Children Hymns; Easter; Alleluias; Easter; Redemption; Walk with God Used With Tune: EASTER HYMN
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Alleluia! Sing to Jesus

Author: William C. Dix Meter: D Appears in 216 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:19-20 Lyrics: 1 Alleluia! sing to Jesus! his the scepter, his the throne; Alleluia! his the triumph, his the victory alone. Hark! the songs of peaceful Zion thunder like a mighty flood. Jesus, out of every nation, has redeemed us by his blood. 2 Alleluia! not as orphans are we left in sorrow now; Alleluia! he is near us; faith believes, nor questions how. Though the cloud from sight received him when the forty days were o'er, shall our hearts forget his promise, "I am with you evermore"? 3 Alleluia! heavenly High Priest, here on earth our help, our stay; Alleluia! hear the sinful cry to you from day to day. Intercessor, Friend of sinners, earth's Redeemer, hear our plea, where the songs of all the sinless sweep across the crystal sea. Topics: Doxologies; Intercession of Christ; Ascension & Reign of Christ; King, God/Christ as; Alleluias; Ascension & Reign of Christ; Assurance; Doxologies; Intercession of Christ; King, God/Christ as; Victory Used With Tune: LOWELL
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The Day of Resurrection

Author: John of Damascus, 8th cent.; John Mason Neale Meter: Appears in 518 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:9 Lyrics: 1 The day of resurrection! Earth, tell it out abroad, the Passover of gladness, the Passover of God. From death to life eternal, from sin's dominion free, our Christ has brought us over with hymns of victory. 2 Let hearts be purged of evil that we may see aright the Lord in rays eternal of resurrection light, and, listening to his accents, may hear so calm and plain his own "All hail" and, hearing, may raise the victor strain. 3 Now let the heavens be joyful, let earth its song begin, let all the world keep triumph and all that is therein. Let all things, seen and unseen, their notes of gladness blend; for Christ the Lord has risen, our joy that has no end! Topics: Easter; Assurance; Easter Used With Tune: FARMER
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Jesus Christ is Risen Today

Author: Anonymous; Charles Wesley Meter: with alleluias Appears in 493 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:7 Lyrics: 1 Jesus Christ is ris'n today, Alleluia! our triumphant holy day, Alleluia! who did once upon the cross, Alleluia! suffer to redeem our loss. Alleluia! 2 Hymns of praise then let us sing, Alleluia! unto Christ our heav'nly King, Alleluia! who endured the cross and grave, Alleluia! sinners to redeem and save. Alleluia! 3 But the pains which he endured, Alleluia! our salvation have procured; Alleluia! now above the sky he's King, Alleluia! where the angels ever sing. Alleluia! 4 Sing we to our God above, Alleluia! praise eternal as his love; Alleluia! praise him, all ye heav'nly host, Alleluia! Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Alleluia! Topics: Christ Praise of Used With Tune: LLANFAIR Text Sources: Arnold's Compleat Psalmodist, (stanzas 2-3), 1740

Lord, You Give the Great Commission

Author: Jeffery W. Rowthorn Meter: D Appears in 43 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:19-20 Refrain First Line: with the Spirit's gifts empower us Lyrics: 1 Lord, you give the great commission: "Heal the sick and preach the Word." Lest the church neglect its mission and the gospel go unheard, help us witness to your purpose with renewed integrity; Refrain: with the Spirit's gifts empower us for the work of ministry. 2 Lord, you call us to your service: "In my name baptize and teach." That the world may trust your promise– life abundant meant for each– give us all new fervor, draw us closer in community; Refrain 3 Lord, you make the common holy: "This my body, this my blood." Let us all, for earth's true glory, daily lift life heavenward, asking that the world around us share your children's liberty; Refrain 4 Lord, you show us love's true measure: "Father, what they do, forgive." Yet we hoard as private treasure all that you so freely give. May your care and mercy lead us to a just society; Refrain 5 Lord, you bless with words assuring: "I am with you to the end." Faith and hope and love restoring, may we serve as you intend, and, amid the cares that claim us, hold in mind eternity; Refrain Topics: Society/Social Concerns; Church and Mission; Assurance; Church; Forgiveness; Lord's Supper; Ministry & Service; Missions; Pentecost; Society/Social Concerns Used With Tune: ABBOT'S LEIGH
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Low in the Grave Christ Lay

Author: Robery Lowry Meter: with refrain Appears in 431 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:2 First Line: Low, in the grave Christ lay Refrain First Line: Up from the grave he arose Lyrics: 1 Low in the grave Christ lay Jesus, my Savior; waiting the coming day Jesus, my Lord. Refrain: Up from the grave he arose, with a mighty triumph o'er his foes. He arose a victor from the dark domain, and he lives forever with his saints to reign! He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose! 2 Vainly they watch his bed Jesus, my Savior; vainly they seal the dead Jesus, my Lord. Refrain 3 Death cannot keep its prey Jesus, my Savior; he tore the bars away Jesus, my Lord. Refrain Topics: Songs for Children Hymns; Easter; Easter; Freedom Used With Tune: CHRIST AROSE
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O Sons and Daughters

Author: John M. Neale Meter: 8.8.8 with refrain Appears in 192 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:1-7 First Line: O sons and daughters of the King Lyrics: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! 1 O sons and daughters of the King, whom heavenly hosts in glory sing, today the grave has lost its sting. Alleluia! 2 That Easter morn at break of day, the faithful women went their way to seek the tomb where Jesus lay. Alleluia! 3 An angel clad in white they see, who sat and spoke unto the three, "Your Lord has gone to Galilee." Alleluia! 4 When Thomas first the tidings heard that some had seen the risen Lord, he doubted the disciples' word. Lord, have mercy! 5 At night the apostles met in fear; among them came their Master dear and said, "My peace be with you here." Alleluia! 6 "My pierced side, O Thomas, see, and look upon my hands, my feet; not faithless but believing be." Alleluia! 7 No longer Thomas then denied; he saw the feet, the hands, the side. "You are my Lord and God!" he cried. Alleluia! 8 How blest are they who have not seen and yet whose faith has constant been, for they eternal life shall win. Alleluia! Final Ending: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Topics: Biblical Names & Places Thomas; Doubt; Profession of Faith; Easter; Alleluias; Biblical Names & Places Thomas; Doubt; Easter; Eternal Life; Profession of Faith Used With Tune: O FILII ET FILIAE Text Sources: Early 16th cent.
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Thine Is the Glory

Author: Edmond Louis Budry; R. Birch Hoyle Meter: with refrain Appears in 112 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:2-3 Lyrics: 1 Thine is the glory, Risen, conquering Son; Endless is the victory Thou o’er death hast won. Angels in bright raiment Rolled the stone away, Kept the folded grave clothes Where Thy body lay. Refrain: Thine is the glory, Risen, conquering Son; Endless is the victory Thou o’er death hast won. 2 Lo! Jesus meets us, Risen from the tomb; Lovingly He greets us, Scatters fear and gloom. Let the church with gladness Hymns of triumph sing, For the Lord now liveth; Death hath lost its sting. [Refrain] 3 No more we doubt Thee, Glorious Prince of life! Life is naught without Thee; Aid us in our strife. Make us more than conquerors Through Thy deathless love; Bring us safe through Jordan To Thy home above. [Refrain] Topics: Jesus Christ Kingship Used With Tune: JUDAS MACCABEUS

Go to the World!

Author: Sylvia Dunstan, 1955-1993 Meter: 10.10.10 with alleluias Appears in 25 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:20 First Line: Go to the world! Go into all the earth Topics: Blessing and Parting; Blessing and Parting Used With Tune: ENGELBERG

Now the Green Blade Rises

Author: John M. C. Crum, 1872-1958 Meter: Appears in 61 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:5-6 First Line: Now the green blade rises, from the buried grain Used With Tune: NOEL NOUVELET Text Sources: Oxford Book of Carols

Go, Make of All Disciples

Author: Leon M. Adkins Meter: D Appears in 21 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:19-20 Topics: The Nature of the Church Called to God's Mission; Particular Times of Worship Closing of Worship; Church Education; Closing Hymns; Mission and Outreach; Ordination; Testimony and Witness Used With Tune: LANCASHIRE
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Were You There?

Meter: Appears in 225 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:1-10 First Line: Were you there when they crucified my Lord Lyrics: 1 Were you there when they crucified my Lord? Were you there when they crucified my Lord? Oh! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble. Were you there when they crucified my Lord? 2 Were you there when they nailed him to the tree? Were you there when they nailed him to the tree? Oh! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble. Were you there when they nailed him to the tree? 3 Were you there when they laid him in the tomb? Were you there when they laid him in the tomb? Oh! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble. Were you there when they laid him in the tomb? 4 Were you there when he rose up from the dead? Were you there when he rose up from the dead? Oh! Sometimes I feel like shouting glory, glory, glory! Were you there when he rose up from the dead? Topics: Good Friday; Jesus Christ Death; Jesus Christ Resurrection; Lord’s Supper; Spirituals Used With Tune: WERE YOU THERE? Text Sources: Afro-American spiritual

Freely, Freely

Author: Carol Owens Meter: with refrain Appears in 27 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:18-20 First Line: God forgave my sin in Jesus' name Refrain First Line: He said Freely, freely you have received Topics: Justifying Grace Pardon; Sanctifiying and Perfecting Grace Rebirth and the New Creation; Choruses and Refrains; Christian Experience; Christian Experience; Forgiveness; Jesus Christ Name of; Testimony and Witness Used With Tune: FREELY, FREELY

Halleluya! We Sing Your Praises

Appears in 27 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:18-20 First Line: Christ the Lord to us said Topics: Thirst Used With Tune: [Christ the Lord to us said] Text Sources: South African

Listen, God Is Calling

Author: Howard S. Olson, b. 1922 Meter: with refrain Appears in 15 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:20 First Line: Jesus gave his mandate Refrain First Line: Listen, listen, God is calling Topics: Confession and Assurance Used With Tune: NENO LAKE MUNGU Text Sources: Tanzanian traditional
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Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise

Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 Meter: with alleluias Appears in 553 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:16-20 Lyrics: 1 Hail the day that sees him rise Alleluia! To his throne beyond the skies; Alleluia! Christ, while to mortals given, Alleluia! Reascends his native heav'n. Alleluia! 2 There for him high triumph waits; Alleluia! Lift your heads, eternal gates; Alleluia! He has conquered death and sin; Alleluia! Take the King of glory in. Alleluia! 3 Highest heav'n its Lord receives, Alleluia! Yet he loves the earth he leaves; Alleluia! Though returning to his throne, Alleluia! Still he calls the world his own. Alleluia! 4 See he lifts his hands above. Alleluia! See, he shows the prints of love, Alleluia! Hark, his gracious lips bestow, Alleluia! Blessings on his church below. Alleluia! 5 Still for us he intercedes, Alleluia! His prevailing death he pleads, Alleluia! Near himself prepares our place, Alleluia! He the firstfruits of our race. Alleluia! 6 There we shall with him remain, Alleluia! Partners of his endless reign; Alleluia! There his face unclouded see, Alleluia! Live with him eternally. Alleluia! Topics: Seasons and Feasts Ascension Used With Tune: LLANFAIR
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The Strife Is O'er

Author: Francis Pott, 1832-1909 Meter: 8.8.8 with alleluia Appears in 500 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:1-10 First Line: The strife is o'er, the battle done Refrain First Line: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Lyrics: Refrain: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! 1 The strife is o’er, the battle done, now is the victor's triumph won; O let the song of praise be sung. Alleluia! [Refrain] 2 The powers of death have done their worst, and Jesus has his foes dispersed: let shouts of holy joy outburst. Alleluia! [Refrain] 3 The three sad days are quickly sped, Christ rises glorious from the dead: all glory to our risen Head! Alleluia! [Refrain] 4 He broke the agebound chains of hell, the bars from heaven's high portals fell; let hymns of praise his triumph tell. Alleluia! [Refrain] 5 Lord, by the strips which wounded thee, from death’s dread sting thy servants free, that we may live and sing to thee: Alleluia! [Refrain] Used With Tune: VICTORY Text Sources: Latin, 17th C.
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Christ the Lord Is Risen Today; Alleluia

Author: Wipo of Burgundy, d. c. 1050; Jane E. Leeson, 1809-81 Meter: with alleluias Appears in 87 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:5-7 First Line: Christ the Lord is ris'n today Lyrics: 1 Christ the Lord is ris'n today; Alleluia! Christians, hasten on your way; Alleluia! Offer praise with love replete, Alleluia! At the paschal victim's feet. Alleluia! 2 For the sheep the Lamb has bled, Alleluia! Sinless in the sinner's stead. Alleluia! Christ the Lord is ris'n on high; Alleluia! Now He lives no more to die. Alleluia! 3 Hail, the victim undefiled, Alleluia! God and sinners reconciled, Alleluia! When contending death and life, Alleluia! Met in strange and awesome strife. Alleluia! 4 Christians, on this holy day, Alleluia! All your grateful homage pay; Alleluia! Christ the Lord is ris'n on high; Alleluia! Now He lives, no more to die. Alleluia! Used With Tune: LLANFAIR
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Come, You Faithful, Raise the Strain

Author: John of Damascus, 8th cent.; John Mason Neale Meter: Appears in 380 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:8 Lyrics: 1 Come, you faithful, raise the strain of triumphant gladness; God has brought his people forth into joy from sadness. Now rejoice, Jerusalem, and with true affection welcome in unwearied strains Jesus' resurrection. 2 Tis the spring of life today! Christ has burst his prison, and from three days' sleep in death like the sun has risen. All the winter of our sins, long and dark, is flying; welcome now the light of Christ, give him praise undying. 3 "Alleluia!" now we cry to our King immortal, who, triumphant, burst the bars of the tomb's dark portal; "Alleluia!" with the Son, God the Father praising; "Alleluia!" yet again to the Spirit raising. Topics: Doxologies; Biblical Names & Places Jerusalem; Deliverance; Easter; Biblical Names & Places Jerusalem; Deliverance; Doxologies; Easter; Freedom; Opening of Worship; Trinity; Victory Used With Tune: ST. KEVIN

Go Ye into All the World

Author: J. M. Meter: with refrain Appears in 90 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:19 First Line: Far, far away, in *heathen darkness dwelling, [*death and] Refrain First Line: “All pow’r is given unto Me Lyrics: 1 Far, far away, in *heathen darkness dwelling, Millions of souls forever may be lost; Who, who will go, salvation’s story telling, Looking to Jesus, heeding not the cost? Refrain: “All pow’r is given unto Me, All pow’r is given unto Me, Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel, And lo, I am with you always.” 2 See o’er the world wide open doors inviting, Soldiers of Christ, arise and enter in! Christians, awake! your forces all uniting, Send forth the Gospel, break the chains of sin. [Refrain] 3 “Why will you die?” the voice of God is calling; “Why will you die?” re-echo in His Name; Jesus has died to save from death appalling, Life and salvation, therefore, go proclaim. [Refrain] [*death and] Topics: Missionary Used With Tune: [Far, far away, in heathen darkness dwelling] Text Sources: Timeless Truths (http://library.timelesstruths.org/music/Go_Ye_into_All_the_World); The Cyber Hymnal (http://www.hymntime.com/tch/htm/g/o/goyeinto.htm)
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Abide with me: fast falls the eventide

Author: Henry Francis Lyte (1793-1847) Meter: Appears in 1,684 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:20 Lyrics: 1 Abide with me: fast falls the eventide; the darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide: when other helpers fail, and comforts flee, help of the helpless, O abide with me. 2 Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day; earth's joys grow dim, its glories pass away; change and decay in all around I see: O thou who changest not, abide with me. 3 I need thy presence every passing hour; what but thy grace can foil the tempter's power? Who like thyself my guide and stay can be? Through cloud and sunshine, Lord, abide with me. 4 I fear no foe with thee at hand to bless; ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness: where is death's sting? where, grave, thy victory? I triumph still if thou abide with me. 5 Hold thou thy cross before my closing eyes, shine through the gloom, and point me to the skies; heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee: in life, in death, O Lord, abide with me. Topics: Our Response to Christ In Devotion; Our Response to God in the morning and evening; The Church Celebrates Death and Grieving; Change; Death and Bereavement; God Faithfulness of; Jesus cross Used With Tune: EVENTIDE

Hymn 128

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 262 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:18 First Line: O preach my gospel, saith the Lord Lyrics: "O preach my gospel," saith the Lord, "Bid the whole earth my grace receive; He shall be saved that trusts my word, He shall be damned that won't believe. "I'll make your great commission known, And ye shall prove my gospel true, By all the works that I have done, By all the wonders ye shall do. "Go heal the sick, go raise the dead, Go cast out devils in my name; Nor let my prophets be afraid, Though Greeks reproach, and Jews blaspheme. "Teach all the nations my commands, I'm with you till the world shall end; All power is trusted to my hands, I can destroy, and I defend." He spake, and light shone round his head On a bright cloud to heav'n he rode; They to the farthest nations spread The grace of their ascended God.

Alleluia, Alleluia! Hearts to Heaven

Author: Christopher Wordsworth Meter: D Appears in 219 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:6 First Line: Alleluia, alleluia! Hearts to heaven and voices raise Lyrics: 1 Alleluia, alleluia! Hearts to heaven and voices raise: sing to God a hymn of gladness, sing to God a hymn of praise; he who on the cross a victim for the world's salvation bled, Jesus Christ, the King of glory, now is risen from the dead. 2 Alleluia, Christ is risen! Death at last has met defeat: see the ancient powers of evil in confusion and retreat: once he died, and once was buried: now he lives forevermore, Jesus Christ the world's Redeemer, whom we worship and adore. 3 Christ is risen, we are risen! Set your hearts on things above: there in all the Father's glory lives and reigns our King of love; hear the word of peace he brings us, see his wounded hands and side; now let every wrong be ended, every sin be crucified. 4 Alleluia, alleluia! Glory be to God on high! Alleluia to the Savior who has gained the victory! Alleluia to the Spirit, fount of love and sanctity! Alleluia, alleluia! to the Triune Majesty! Topics: Challenge; Easter Season; Jesus Christ Ever-living; Jesus Christ Redeemer Used With Tune: ODE TO JOY Text Sources: Hymns for Today's Church, 1982, rev.
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How Calm and Beautiful the Morn

Author: Thomas Hastings Meter: Appears in 172 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:6 Topics: Christ Resurrection Used With Tune: HASTINGS

Christ Is Alive

Author: Brian Wren Meter: Appears in 55 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:6 First Line: Christ Is alive! Let Christians sing Lyrics: 1. Christ is alive! Let Christians sing. The cross stands empty to the sky. Let streets and homes with praises ring. Love, drowned in death, shall never die. 2. Christ is alive! No longer bound To distant years in Palestine, But saving, healing, here and now And touching ev'ry place and time. 3. Not throned afar, remotely high, Untouched, unmoved by human pains, But daily, in the midst of life, Our Savior in the God-head reigns. 4. In ev'ry insult, rift, and war, Where color, scorn, or wealth divide, Christ suffers still, yet loves the more, And lives, where even hope has died. 5. Christ is alive! and comes to bring Good news to this and ev'ry age, Till earth and sky and ocean ring With joy, with justice, love, and praise. Used With Tune: TRURO

Thuma mina (Send me, Jesus)

Author: Anders Nyberg (b. 1955) Appears in 41 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:19-20 Topics: Short Songs; Our Response to Christ In Discipleship; Mission; Multi-cultrual and World-church Songs Used With Tune: [Send me, Jesus] Text Sources: South African traditional

The Church of Christ in Every Age

Author: Fred Pratt Green Meter: Appears in 30 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:19-20 Lyrics: 1 The church of Christ in every age, beset by change but Spirit-led, must claim and test its heritage and keep on rising from the dead. 2 Across the world, across the street, the victims of injustice cry for shelter and for bread to eat, and never live before they die. 3 Then let the servant church arise, a caring church that longs to be a partner in Christ's sacrifice, and clothed in Christ's humanity. 4 For Christ alone, whose blood was shed, can cure the fever in our blood, and teach us how to share our bread and feed the starving multitude. 5 We have no mission but to serve in full obedience to our Lord: to care for all, without reserve, and spread Christ's liberating word. Topics: Atonement; The Church; Evangelism; Hunger; Mission; Social Concerns; Vocation Used With Tune: WAREHAM

He's Alive!

Author: Tom Fettke, b. 1941 Appears in 7 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28 First Line: The Lord is risen from the dead Topics: Easter and Ascension Used With Tune: [The Lord is risen from the dead]

Go Ye, Go Ye into the World

Author: Natalie Sleeth Appears in 7 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:20 First Line: [Go Ye, Go Ye into the World] Text Sources: The Psalter Hymnal (Christian Reformed Church, 1987)
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Go to dark Gethsemane

Author: Montgomery Meter: Appears in 506 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:6 Lyrics: 1 Go to dark Gethsemane, Ye who feel the tempter's power, Your Redeemer's conflict see, Watch with him one bitter hour; Turn not from his griefs away, Learn of Jesus Christ to pray. 2 Follow to the judgment-hall, View the Lord of life arraigned: Oh, the wormwood and the gall! Oh, the pangs his soul sustained! Shun not suffering, shame, or loss, Learn of him to bear the cross. 3 Calvary's mournful mountain climb; There, adoring at his feet, Mark that miracle of time-- God's own sacrifice complete; It is finished, hear him cry, Learn of Jesus Christ to die. 4 Early hasten to the tomb Where they laid his lifeless clay; All is solitude and gloom-- Who hath taken him away? Christ hath risen--he meets our eyes; Saviour, teach us so to rise. Topics: Christ Life, Office, and Example; Christ an Example in Suffering

Because He Lives

Author: Gloria Gaither; William J. Gaither Meter: with refrain Appears in 61 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:6 First Line: God sent his Son, they called him Jesus Refrain First Line: Because he lives I can face tomorrow Topics: Jesus Christ Ever-living Used With Tune: RESURRECTION

He rose, he rose

Author: William Farley Smith (1941-1997) Meter: with refrain Appears in 37 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:2 First Line: They crucified my Savior Lyrics: 1 They crucified my Savior and nailed him to the tree, they crucified my Savior and nailed him to the tree, they crucified my Savior and nailed him to the tree and the Lord will bear my spirit home. Refrain: He rose, he rose, he rose from the dead! He rose, he rose, he rose from the dead! He rose, he rose, he rose from the dead, and the Lord will bear my spirit home. 2 Then Joseph begged his body and laid it in a tomb, then Joseph begged his body and laid it in a tomb, then Joseph begged his body and laid it in a tomb, and the Lord will bear my spirit home. [Refrain] 3 Sister Mary she came running a-looking for my Lord, Sister Mary she came running a-looking for my Lord, Sister Mary she came running a-looking for my Lord, and the Lord will bear my spirit home. [Refrain] 4 An angel came from heaven and rolled the stone away, An angel came from heaven and rolled the stone away, An angel came from heaven and rolled the stone away, and the Lord will bear my spirit home. [Refrain] Topics: Christian Year Easter Used With Tune: ASCENSIUS Text Sources: African-American spiritual

We Have a Gospel to Proclaim

Author: Edward Joseph Burns (b. 1938) Meter: Appears in 24 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:19 Topics: Life in Christ Christ Incarnate - Public Ministry; Creed; Gospel Call Used With Tune: WALTON (FULDA)

Hay Poder En Jesús

Author: D. A. Mata Appears in 24 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:18-19 First Line: ¿Quieres ser salvo de toda maldad? Refrain First Line: Hay poder, poder, sin igual poder Used With Tune: [¿Quieres ser salvo de toda maldad?]

Christ Has Arisen, Alleluia

Author: Bernard Kyamanywa, b. 1938; Howard S. Olson, b. 1922 Meter: with refrain Appears in 14 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:5-7 Refrain First Line: Let us sing praise to HIm with endless joy Used With Tune: MFURAHINI HALELUYA

Easter Song

Author: Anne Herring Meter: Irregular Appears in 12 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:6 First Line: Hear the bells ringing they're singing Topics: Easter Season; Joy Used With Tune: EASTER SONG

Christ Has Risen

Author: John L. Bell, b. 1949 Meter: D Appears in 10 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:1-10 First Line: Christ has risen while earth slumbers Used With Tune: TRANSFORMATION
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O Day of Rest and Gladness

Author: Christopher Wordsworth Meter: D Appears in 814 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:1 Lyrics: 1 O day of rest and gladness, O day of joy and light, O balm of care and sadness, most beautiful, most bright! On thee the high and lowly before th'eternal throne sing "Holy, holy, holy" to the great Thee-in-One. 2 On thee at the creation, the light first had its birth, on thee for our salvation Christ rose from depths of earth; on thee our Lord victorious, the Spirit sent from heav'n, and thus on thee most glorious, a triple light was giv'n. 3 New graces ever gaining from this our day of rest, we reach the rest remaining to spirits of the blest. To Holy Ghost be praises, to Father and to Son; the church her voice upraises to thee, blest Three-in-One. Used With Tune: CRÜGER

Hymn 44 Part 1

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 644 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:6 First Line: He dies! the friend of sinners dies! Lyrics: He dies! the friend of sinners dies! Lo! Salem's daughters weep around; A solemn darkness veils the skies; A sudden trembling shakes the ground. Come, saints, and drop a tear or two For him who groaned beneath your load: He shed a thousand drops for you, A thousand drops of richer blood. Here's love and grief beyond degree, The Lord of glory dies for men! But lo! what sudden joys we see; Jesus the dead revives again! The rising God forsakes the tomb! The tomb in vain forbids his rise; Cherubic legions guard him home, And shout him welcome to the skies Break off your fears, ye saints, and tell How high our great Deliv'rer reigns; Sing how he spoiled the hosts of hell, And led the monster Death in chains. Say, "Live for ever, wondrous King! Born to redeem, and strong to save; Then ask the monster, "Where's thy sting?" And, "Where's thy vict'ry, boasting Grave?"

Yes! Jesus loves me, loves me, loves me!

Author: Anna Bartlett Warner (1820-1915) Meter: with refrain Appears in 623 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:20 First Line: Jesus loves me! this I know Lyrics: 1 Jesus loves me! this I know, for the Bible tells me so; little ones to him belong; they are weak, but he is strong. [Refrain:] Yes! Jesus loves me, loves me, loves me! Yes! Jesus loves me, for the Bible tells me so. 2 Jesus loves me! this I know: he loved children long ago; he can always make me glad, even when I'm feeling sad. [Refrain] 3 Jesus loves me! he will stay close beside me all the way; he will always be my friend, and his love will never end. [Refrain] Topics: Life in Christ Our Response to Christ - In Devotion; Assurance; Children; Jesus love of all; Scripture Used With Tune: GAELIC LULLABY
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This is the day the Lord hath made

Author: Watts Meter: Appears in 594 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:1-9 Lyrics: 1 This is the day the Lord hath made; He calls the hours his own; Let heaven rejoice, let earth be glad, And praise surround his throne. 2 To-day he rose and left the dead, And Satan's empire fell; To-day the saints his triumphs spread, And all his wonders tell. 3 Hosanna to th' anointed King, To David's holy Son! Help us, O Lord! descend and bring Salvation from thy throne. 4 Blest be the Lord, who comes to men With messages of grace; Who comes, in God his Father's name, To save our sinful race. 5 Hosanna! in the highest strains The church on earth can raise; The highest heavens, in which he reigns, Shall give him nobler praise. Topics: The Christian Church The Sabbath; Blessings of the Sabbath

Away in a Manger

Meter: Appears in 550 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:20 First Line: Away in a manger, no crib for a bed Lyrics: 1 Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, The little Lord Jesus laid down His sweet head. The stars in the sky--looked down where He lay, The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay. 2 The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes, But little Lord Jesus, no crying He makes. I love Thee, Lord Jesus! Look down from the sky, And stay by my cradle till morning is nigh. 3 Be near me, Lord Jesus; I ask Thee to stay Close by me forever and love me, I pray. Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care, And take us to heaven to live with Thee there. Used With Tune: AWAY IN A MANGER Text Sources: Little Children's book, Philadelphia, 1855 (Sts. 1-2); Vineyard Songs Louisville, 1892 (St. 3, alt.)
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Jesus Saves!

Author: Priscilla J. Owens Appears in 530 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:18-20 First Line: We have heard the joyful sound Lyrics: 1 We have heard the joyful sound: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Spread the tidings all around: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Bear the news to every land, Climb the steeps and cross the waves; Onward! 'tis our Lord's command; Jesus saves! Jesus saves! 2 Waft it on the rolling tide; Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Tell to sinners far and wide: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Sing, ye islands of the sea; Echo back, ye ocean caves; Earth shall keep her jubilee: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! 3 Sing above the battle strife, Jesus saves! Jesus saves! By his death and endless life, Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Sing it softly through the gloom, When the heart for mercy craves; Sing in triumph o'er the tomb—- Jesus saves! Jesus saves! 4 Give the winds a mighty voice, Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Let the nations now rejoice—- Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Shout salvation full and free, Highest hills and deepest caves; This our song of victory—- Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Topics: Christ Savior; Christ Savior Used With Tune: [We have heard the joyful sound]
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O Zion, Haste, Thy Mission High Fulfilling

Author: Mary Ann Thomson Meter: with refrain Appears in 462 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:19 Refrain First Line: Publish glad tidings, tidings of peace Lyrics: 1 O Zion, haste, thy mission high fulfilling, To tell to all the world that God is Light, That He who made all nations is not willing One soul should perish, lost in shades of night. Refrain: Publish glad tidings, tidings of peace, Tidings of Jesus, redemption and release. 2 Behold how many thousands still are lying Bound in the darksome prison house of sin, With none to tell them of the Saviour's dying, Or of the life He died for them to win. [Refrain] 3 Proclaim to every people, tongue, and nation That God, in whom they live and move, is Love: Tell how He stooped to save His lost creation, And died on earth that man might live above. [Refrain] 4 Give of thy sons to bear the message glorious; Give of thy wealth to speed them on their way; Pour out thy soul for them in prayer victorious; And all thou spendest Jesus will repay. [Refrain] 5 He comes again: O Zion, ere thou meet Him, Make known to every heart His saving grace; Let none whom He hath ransomed fail to greet Him, Through thy neglect, unfit to see His face. [Refrain] Amen. Topics: Missions; Service; Stewardship; Kingdom of God on Earth, The Missions Used With Tune: TIDINGS

Close to Thee

Author: Fanny J. Crosby Appears in 423 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:20 First Line: Thou, my everlasting portion Refrain First Line: Close to Thee, close to Thee Lyrics: 1 Thou my everlasting portion, More than friend or life to me; All along my pilgrim journey, Savior, let me walk with Thee. Close to Thee, close to Thee, Close to Thee, close to Thee, All along my pilgrim journey, Savior, let me walk with Thee. 2 Not for ease or worldly pleasure, Nor for fame my prayer shall be; Gladly will I toil and suffer, Only let me walk with Thee. Close to Thee, close to Thee, Close to Thee, close to Thee, Gladly will I toil and suffer, Only let me walk with Thee. 3 Lead me through the vale of shadows, Bear me o'er life's fitful sea; Then the gate of life eternal May I enter, Lord, with thee. Close to Thee, close to Thee, Close to Thee, close to Thee, Then the gate of life eternal May I enter, Lord, with thee. Used With Tune: [Thou, my everlasting portion]

Christ the Lord Is Risen Again

Author: Michael Weisse (1488?-1534); Catherine Winkworth (1827-1878) Meter: with alleluia Appears in 258 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28 Lyrics: 1 Christ the Lord is risen again, Christ has broken every chain. Hark, the angel voices cry, singing evermore on high: alleluia! 2 He who gave for us his life, who for us endured the strife, is our paschal lamb today; we too sing for joy, and say: alleluia! 3 He who bore all pain and loss comfortless upon the cross lives in glory now on high, pleads for us, and hears our cry: alleluia! 4 He who slumbered in the grave is exalted now to save; through the universe it rings that the lamb is King of kings: alleluia! 5 Now he bids us tell abroad how the lost may be restored, how the penitent forgiven, how we too may enter heaven: alleluia! 6 Christ, our paschal lamb indeed, all your ransomed people feed! Take our sins and guilt away: let us sing by night and day: alleluia! Topics: Easter (season) Used With Tune: WÜRTEMBURG (STRAF MICH NICHT)

He Lives

Author: Alfred H. Ackley Meter: Irregular Appears in 162 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:7 First Line: I serve a risen Savior Refrain First Line: He lives, He lives Used With Tune: ACKLEY
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Comfort to such who seek a risen JESUS

Appears in 157 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:5-6 First Line: Ye humble Souls that seek the LORD Lyrics: 1 Ye humble Souls that seek the LORD, Chase all your Fears away; And bow with Pleasure down to see The Place where JESUS lay, 2 Thus low the Lord of Life was brought; Such Wonders Love can do; Thus cold in Death, that Bosom lay, Which throbb'd and bled for you. 3 A Moment give a Loose to Grief, Let grateful Sorrows rise; And wash the bloody Stains away, With Torrents from your Eyes 4 Then dry your Tears, and tune your songs, The Saviour lives again; Not all the Gates and Bars of Death The Conq'ror could detain. 5 High o'er th' angelic Bands he rears His once dishonour'd Head; And tho' unnumber'd Years he reigns, Who dwelt among the Dead, 6 With Joy, like his, shall every Saint His empty Tomb survey; Then rise, with his ascending LORD, To Realms of endless Day. Topics: Resurrection of Christ
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"With you always"

Author: Edwin H. Nevin Appears in 149 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:20 First Line: Always with us, always with us-- Lyrics: 1 Always with us, always with us-- Words of cheer and words of love; Thus the risen Saviour whispers, From his dwelling-place above. 2 With us when we toil in sadness, Sowing much and reaping none; Telling us that in the future Golden harvests shall be won. 3 With us when the storm is sweeping O'er our pathway dark and drear; Waking hope within our bosoms, Stilling every anxious fear. 4 With us in the lonely valley, When we cross the chilling stream-- Lighting up the steps to glory With salvation's radiant beam. Topics: Christ Character of; Christians Love for Christ; Communion of Saints With Christ Used With Tune: WILMOT
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The Sacramental Seal

Appears in 116 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 28:20 First Line: Come, Father, Son and Holy Ghost Topics: Institutions of the Gospel Baptism


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