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Tune Identifier:"^vom_himmel_hoch_luther$"

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Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her

Author: Luther Appears in 90 hymnals Used With Tune: [Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her]
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From Heaven Above to Earth I Come

Author: M. Luther, 1483-1546 ; C. Winkworth, 1827-78 Meter: Appears in 146 hymnals First Line: "From heav'n above to earth I come Lyrics: 1 "From heav'n above to earth I come To bear good news to ev'ry home; Glad tidings of great joy I bring, Whereof I now will say and sing: 2 "To you this night is born a child Of Mary, chosen Virgin mild; This little child, of lowly birth, Shall be the joy of all the earth. 3 'Tis Christ, our God who far on high Hath heard your sad and bitter cry; Himself will your salvation be Himself from sin will make you free. 4 "He brings those blessing, long ago Prepared by God for all below, Henceforth His kingdom open stands To you, as to the angel bands. 5 "These are the tokens ye shall mark: The swaddling-clothes and manger dark. There ye shall find the Infant laid By whom the heavens and earth were made." 6 Now let us all with gladsome cheer Follow the shepherds and draw near To see this wondrous gift of God, Who hath His only Son bestowed. 7 Give heed, my heart, lift up thine eyes! What is it in yon manger lies? Who is this child, so young and fair? The blessed Christ-child lieth there. 8 Welcome to earth, Thou noble Guest, Through whom the sinful world is blest! Thou com'st to share my misery; What can we render, Lord, to Thee? 9 Ah, Lord, who hast created all, How weak art Thou, how poor and small, That Thou dost choose Thine infant bed Where ox and as but lately fed! 10 Were earth a thousand times as fair, Beset with gold and jewels rare, It yet were far too poor to be A narrow cradle, Lord, for Thee. 11 For velvets soft and silken stuff Thou hast but hay and straw so rough, Whereon Thou, King, so rich and great, As 'twere Thy heav'n, art throned in state. 12 Thus hath it pleased Thee to make plain The truth to sinners poor and vain, That all the world's honor, wealth and might, Are naught and worthless in Thy sight. 13 Ah, dearest Jesus, holy Child, Make Thee a bed, soft, undefiled, Within my heart, that it may be A quiet chamber kept for Thee. 14 My heart for very joy doth leap; My lips no more can silence keep. I, too, must sing with joyful tongue That sweetest ancient cradle-song: 15 Glory to God in highest heav'n, Who unto us His Son hath giv'n! While angels sing with pious mirth A glad new year to all the earth. Topics: Nativity of our Lord Used With Tune: VON HIMMEL HOCH
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Good News from Heaven the Angels Bring

Author: Martin Luther Meter: Appears in 41 hymnals First Line: Good news from heav'n the angels bring Lyrics: 1 Good news from heav'n the angels bring, Glad tidings to the earth they sing: To us this day a Child is giv'n, To crown us with the joy of heav'n. 2 This is the Christ, our God and Lord, Who in all need shall aid afford; He will Himself our Saviour be, And from our sins will set us free. 3 All hail, Thou noble Guest, this morn, Whose love did not the sinner scorn: In my distress Thou com'st to me, What thanks shall I return to Thee? 4 Were earth a thousand times as fair, Beset with gold and jewels rare, She yet were far too poor to be A narrow cradle, Lord, for Thee. 5 Ah, dearest Jesus, holy Child, Make Thee a bed, soft, undefiled, Within my heart, that it may be A quiet chamber kept for Thee. 6 Praise God upon His heavenly throne, Who gave to us His only Son; For this His hosts, on joyful wing, A blest New Year of mercy sing. Amen. Topics: Church Year Christmas; Christmas Day; Consecration; Mystical union Used With Tune: VOM HIMMEL HOCH DA KOMM ICH HER
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Ye heav'ns, O haste your dews to shed

Author: J. Campanus; J. Franck; Catherine Winkworth Appears in 9 hymnals Used With Tune: [Ye heav'ns, O haste your dews to shed]
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O Jesu Christe, wahres Licht

Author: J. Heermann Appears in 91 hymnals Used With Tune: [O Jesu Christe, wahres Licht]

From Yonder World I Come To Earth

Author: Martin Luther; John Hunt Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 From yonder world I come to earth, To tell you of a Savior’s birth; Let now the glad hosannahs ring— Good news to fallen man I bring! 2 To you this day is born a child, Son of a virgin undefiled; A little babe—a gracious sight— He’ll be your wonder and delight. 3 ’Tis Jesus Christ, the heav’nly King! Who doth for all a ransom bring: He will Himself the Savior be— From all your sins He’ll set you free. 4 He brings salvation from above, Which God for you prepared in love; That you with us beyond the sky May live in bliss, enthroned on high! 5 Then mark you now the signs aright— The crib, the swaddling mean and light; The little Babe you there shall find, Received and hailed by all mankind. 6 Oh! let us all be glad today, And with the shepherds homage pay: Come, see what God to us hath giv’n, His only Son, sent down from Heav’n. 7 Awake, my soul! from sadness rise, Come, see what in the manger lies: Who is this smiling infant Child? ’Tis little Jesus, sweet and mild. 8 Twice welcome, oh! Thou heavenly Guest, To save a world with sin distressed; Com’st Thou in lowly guise for me? What homage shall I give to Thee! 9 Ah! Lord, eternal heav’nly King, Hast Thou become so mean a thing; And hast Thou left Thy blissful seat, To rest where colts and oxen eat? 10 Were this wide world much wider made, With gold and costly gems arrayed; E’en then, by far too mean ’twould be, To make a little crib for Thee. 11 No silken robes surround Thy head— A bunch of hay is all Thy bed! Where Thou, a king, so rich and great, Art bright as in Thy heav’nly state. 12 All this, my Lord, has come to Thee, That Thou might’st show Thy truth to me: Thou, who hast made the earth and sky, Hast deigned, a helpless babe, to lie. 13 Jesus, my Savior, come to me— Make here a little crib for Thee; A bed make in this heart of mine, That I may aye remember Thine. 14 Then, from my soul glad songs shall ring— Of Thee each day I’ll gaily sing: The glad hosannahs will I raise From heart that loves to sing Thy praise! 15 Praise God, ye seraphs round the throne— Praise ye the Father and the Son; God’s angel doth to us appear— Then let us hail the glad New Year. Used With Tune: VOM HIMMEL HOCH Text Sources: Geistliche Lieder (Wittenberg, Germany: 1535); Tr.: The Spiritual Songs of Martin Luther (London: Hamilton, Adams, 1853)

The Wise Men's Offering

Author: Thomas B. Murray Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Now who are these that thus repair Lyrics: 1 Now who are these that thus repair To Salem’s streets, with travel worn, And ask the wondering people, where The King of Zion should be born? 2 Wise men are they, from eastern parts, Who fail not, in their zeal, to bring Rich treasures, and obedient hearts, Oblations to the new-born King. 3 For they, in their far-distant home, A Gentile region, dark and dim, Have seen His star; and they are come To Judah’s land, to worship Him. 4 But not in palaces nor halls, On pillows rich and soft reclined, ’Midst cedar roofs, and marble walls, Shall they the King of Zion find. 5 No ministers of high estate, Nor chiefs, nor learnèd ones of earth, Are gathered in His courts, to wait The tidings of Immanuel’s birth. 6 Nor yet on Zion’s glittering dome The star of glory shed its ray; But stood o’er Bethl’hem’s humble home, And showed them where the young Child lay. 7 ’Twas there the Son of David’s race, Whom God of old was pleased to grant, They saw; and in that lowly place, Th’abode of indigence and want, 8 Devoutly kneeling on their knees, They spread their gifts, their holy things, And hearts more precious far than these, An offering to the King of kings. 9 Lord! be it ours Thy guiding light In every path of life to see; And still let wisdom, wealth, and might, Devote their richest stores to Thee! Used With Tune: VOM HIMMEL HOCH Text Sources: Lays of Christmas (London: Francis & John Rivington, 1847)

God of All Power and Truth and Grace

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: Appears in 71 hymnals First Line: God of all power, and truth, and grace Lyrics: 1. God of all power, and truth, and grace, Which shall from age to age endure, Whose Word, when Heaven and earth shall pass, Remains and stands for ever sure; 2. That I Thy mercy may proclaim, That all mankind Thy truth may see, Hallow Thy great and glorious name, And perfect holiness in me. 3. Thy sanctifying Spirit pour, To quench my thirst, and make me clean; Now, Father, let the gracious shower Descend, and make me pure from sin. 4. Purge me from every sinful blot; My idols all be cast aside; Cleanse me from every sinful thought, From all the filth of self and pride. 5. Give me a new, a perfect heart, From doubt, and fear, and sorrow free; The mind which was in Christ impart, And let my spirit cleave to Thee. 6. O take this heart of stone away! Thy sway it doth not, cannot own; In me no longer let it stay, O take away this heart of stone! 7. O that I now, from sin released, Thy Word may to the utmost prove, Enter into the promised rest, The Canaan of Thy perfect love! Used With Tune: VON HIMMEL HOCH Text Sources: Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1742
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From East to West

Author: Coelius Sedulius, 5th cent.; John Ellerton, 1826-93 Meter: Appears in 40 hymnals First Line: From east to west, from shore to shore Lyrics: 1 From east to west, from shore to shore Let ev'ry heart awake and sing The holy child whom Mary bore, The Christ, the everlasting king. 2 Behold, the world's creator wears The form and fashion of a slave; Our very flesh our maker shares, His fallen creatures all to save. 3 For this how wondrously He wrought! A maiden, in her lowly place, Became, in ways beyond all thought, The chosen vessel of His grace. 4 And while the angels in the sky Sang praise above the silent field, To shepherds poor the Lord Most High, the one great Shepherd, was revealed. 5 All glory for this blessed morn To God the Father ever be; All praise to You, O Virgin-born, And Holy Ghost eternally. Scripture: Luke 1:26-31 Used With Tune: VOM HIMMEL HOCH

The great forerunner of the morn

Author: John Mason Neale (1818-1866); The Venerable Bede (673-735) Meter: Appears in 21 hymnals Lyrics: 1 The great forerunner of the morn, the herald of the Word, is born; and faithful hearts shall never fail with thanks and praise his light to hail. 2 With heavenly message Gabriel came, that John should be that herald's name, and with prophetic utterance told his actions great and manifold. 3 His mighty deeds exalt his fame to greater than a prophet's name. Of woman-born shall never be a greater prophet than was he. 4 To God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit, Three in One, praise, honour, might, and glory be from age to age eternally. Topics: John the Baptist; Other Saints and Festivals The Birth of John the Baptist; Prophets; Saints St John Baptist; The Baptism of Christ Year B Scripture: Matthew 11:7-11 Used With Tune: VOM HIMMEL HOCH

Dies ist der Tag, den Gott gemacht

Author: Christian Fürchtegott Gellert Appears in 46 hymnals Used With Tune: [Dies ist der Tag, den Gott gemacht]
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Stand up, my soul, shake off thy fears

Author: Isaac Watts Appears in 374 hymnals Used With Tune: SPRINGFIELD
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Hosanna to the Living Lord

Author: Reginald Heber Meter: Appears in 198 hymnals First Line: Hosanna to the living Lord! Lyrics: 1 Hosanna to the living Lord! Hosanna to the th’Incarnate Word! To Christ, Creator, Savior, King, Let earth, let heav'n, hosanna sing. 2 O Savior, with protecting care, Abide in this Thy house of prayer, Where we Thy parting promise claim, Assembled in Thy sacred name. 3 But, chiefest, in our cleansed breast, Eternal, bid Thy Spirit rest And make our secret soul to be A temple pure and worthy Thee. 4 So in the last and dreadful Day, When earth and heav'n shall melt away, Thy flock, redeemed from sinful stain, Shall swell the sound of praise again. Amen. Topics: The Church Year Advent Scripture: Matthew 21:9 Used With Tune: VOM HIMMEL HOCH
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Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord most dear

Author: Catherine Winkworth; Heinrich von Laufenberg, d. c. 1458 Meter: Appears in 27 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord most dear, As Thou wast once an infant here, So give this child of Thine, we pray, Thy grace and blessing day by day. 2 As in Thy heavenly Kingdom, Lord, All things obey Thy sacred word, Do Thou Thy mighty succor give, And shield this child by morn and eve. 3 Their watch let angels round him keep Where'er he be, awake, asleep; Thy holy cross now let him bear, That he Thy crown with saints may wear. Amen. Topics: The Church and the Sacraments Baptism; Baptism; Children, Christ's Love for Used With Tune: VOM HIMMEL HOCH
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Jesus, the Father's only Son

Author: J. M. Neale Appears in 7 hymnals Used With Tune: VOM HIMMEL HOCH

From Heaven High I Come to You

Author: Martin Luther; Carl P. Daw, Jr. Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 From heaven high I come to you; I bring you tidings glad and new. Such joyous tidings do I being to all the world and gladly sing: 2 "To you this day is born a child: born of a maiden mother mild, a child so gentle and so rare, who bring you joy without compare. 3 Now Christ, the Lord, our God, is born! As solace to a world forlorn, he comes as Savior, peace to win, and he will cleanse you from all sin." 4 All praise to God in heaven above, who gives his Son to us in love; let us with angel choirs rejoice and greet his birth with happy voice. Topics: Christmas; Christian year--Christmas Scripture: Luke 2:1-7 Used With Tune: VOM HIMMEL HOCH
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Thanksgiving hymn

Author: Edith Lovell Thomas Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: The pilgrim people long ago Topics: The Child with His Neighbors At Thanksgiving Used With Tune: [The pilgrim people long ago]
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Give heed, my heart, lift up thine eyes

Author: Catherine Winkworth; Martin Luther Appears in 25 hymnals Used With Tune: VOM HIMMEL HOCH
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Rejoice, ye sons of men alway

Appears in 4 hymnals Used With Tune: [Rejoice, ye sons of men alway]
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When Christ came down on earth of old

Appears in 9 hymnals Topics: General Hymns Used With Tune: ERFURT

Saviour of all, for ever One

Appears in 1 hymnal Used With Tune: VOM HIMMEL HOCH
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Ah, dearest Jesus, holy Child

Author: Catherine Winkworth; Rev. Martin Luther Meter: Appears in 10 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Ah, dearest Jesus, holy Child, Make Thee a bed, soft, undefiled Within my heart, that it may be A quiet chamber kept for Thee. 2 My heart for very joy doth leap, My lips no more can silence keep; I, too, must sing with joyful tongue That sweetest ancient cradle song. 3 Glory to God in highest heaven, Who unto man His Son hath given, While angels sing with tender mirth, A glad new year to all the earth. Amen. Topics: Jesus Christ the Lord His Birth; Christ Birth and Infancy of; Christ Nativity, The; Christmas; Nativity, the Used With Tune: VOM HIMMEL HOCH

An Image of That Heavenly Light

Author: Jean B. de Santeuil; Richard E. Roberts Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Lyrics: 1. An image of that heavenly light, The goal the Church keeps ay in sight, Christ on the holy mount displays Where He outshines the sun’s bright rays. 2. Let every age proclaimer be How, on this day, the chosen three With Moses and Elias heard The Lord speak many a gracious word. 3. As witnesses to grace are nigh Those twain, the Law and Prophecy; And to the Son, from out the cloud, The Father’s record thunders loud. 4. With garments whiter than the snows, And shining face, Lord Jesus shows What glory for those saints shall be Who joy in God with piety. 5. The vision and the mystery Make faithful hearts beat quick and high, So on this solemn day of days The cry goes up of prayer and praise. 6. O God the Father, God the Son, And Holy Spirit, Three in One, Vouchsafe to bring us, by thy grace, To see thy glory face to face. Used With Tune: VON HIMMEL HOCH Text Sources: Cluniac Breviary, 1686; Translation in The English Hymnal (London: Oxford University Press, 1906), number 233
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With glory clad, with strength arrayed

Appears in 124 hymnals Used With Tune: ERFURT Text Sources: The New Version, 1698

O Jesus, Blessed Lord, to Thee

Author: Thomas Kingo, 1634-1703; A. J. Mason, 1851-1928 Meter: Appears in 24 hymnals Topics: Communion; Lord's Supper Used With Tune: VOM HIMMEL HOCH

This Is the Day the Lord Has Made

Author: Christian Fürchtegott Gellert (1715-1769); Leendert Kooij Appears in 1 hymnal Used With Tune: [This is the day the Lord has made]

From Heaven Above

Author: Martin Luther, 1483-1546 Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals First Line: From heav'n above to earth I come Topics: Christmas Scripture: Luke 2:1-18 Used With Tune: VOM HIMMEL HOCH Text Sources: Tr.: Lutheran Book of Worship, 1978, alt.
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Here, in Thy Name, Eternal God

Author: James Montgomery Meter: Appears in 106 hymnals First Line: Here in Thy Name, eternal God Lyrics: 1 Here in Thy Name, eternal God, We build this earthly house for Thee; O choose it for Thy fixed abode, And guard it from all error free. 2 Here, when Thy people seek Thy face And dying sinners pray to live, Hear Thou in heaven, Thy dwelling-place, And when Thou hearest, Lord, forgive. 3 Here, when Thy messengers proclaim The blessed gospel of Thy Son, Still, by the power of Thy great Name, Be mighty signs and wonders done. 4 When children's voices raise the song, Hosanna to the heavenly King, Let heaven, with earth, the strain prolong; Hosanna let the angels sing. 5 Thy glory never hence depart; Yet choose not, Lord, this house alone; Thy kingdom come to every heart, In every bosom fix Thy throne. Amen. Topics: The Church Dedication; Epiphany, First Sunday; Church, Dedications; Church, Corner-stone laying; Laying of Corner-Stone Used With Tune: VOM HIMMEL HOCH DA KOMM ICH HER
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Vom Himmel kam der Engel Schar

Author: M. Luther Appears in 55 hymnals Used With Tune: [Vom Himmel kam der Engel Schar]

The holy Son of God most high

Author: Henry More, 1614-87 Appears in 4 hymnals Used With Tune: VOM HIMMEL HOCH

Welcome to Earth, O Noble Guest

Author: Martin Luther, 1483-1546 Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: Christmas Part II-Our Response Used With Tune: VOM HIMMEL HOCH Text Sources: tr. Lutheran Book of Worship, 1978
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Wir singen die, Immanuel

Author: Paul Gerhardt Appears in 63 hymnals First Line: Wir singen dir, Immanuel Topics: Regionalteil Lieder für Bayern und Thüringen; Kirchenjahr Weihnachten Used With Tune: [Wir singen dir, Immanuel]
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Lord Jesus Christ, Be With Us Now

Author: Wilhelm II. Duke of Saxe-Weimar Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Lord Jesus Christ, be with us now, Our hearts in true devotion bow; Thy Spirit send with light divine, And let Thy truth within us shine. 2 Unseal our lips to sing Thy praise, Our inmost thoughts in worship raise; Endue our faith with strength and light To know Thy precious name aright. 3 Until we join the hosts that cry: Thrice holy is the Most High, And dwell with Thee in that blest place Where we shall see Thee face to face. 4 To God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit, Three in One, Shall wisdom, honor, glory be, And praise throughout eternity. Topics: Opening Hymns Used With Tune: [Lord Jesus Christ, be with us now]
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O Christ, Redeemer of our race

Author: Anonymous; Henry Williams Baker, 1821-1877 Meter: Appears in 13 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O Christ, Redeemer of our race, thou brightness of the Father’s face, of him, and with him ever one, ere times and seasons had begun; 2 thou art that very Light of light, unfailing hope in sin’s dark night, hear thou the prayers thy people pray, The wide world o’er, this blessèd day. 3 Remember, Lord of life and grace, how once, to save a ruined race, thou didst our very flesh assume in Mary’s undefilèd womb. 4 Today, as year by year its light sheds o’er the world a radiance bright, one precious truth is echoed on, ’tis thou hast saved us, thou alone. 5 Thou from the Father’s throne didst come to call his banished children home; and heav’n, and earth, and sea, and shore his love who sent thee here adore. 6 And gladsome too are we today, whose guilt thy blood has washed away; redeemed the new-made song we sing; it is the birthday of our King. 7 O Lord, the virgin-born, to thee eternal praise and glory be, whom with the Father we adore and Holy Ghost forevermore. Topics: Hymns for the Church Year Christmas Used With Tune: VOM HIMMEL HOCH (ERFURT)
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Christmas Carol

Author: James Russell Lowell Appears in 24 hymnals First Line: "What means this glory round our feet" Used With Tune: ["What means this glory round our feet"]
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O thou who gavest thy servant grace

Author: R. Heber Appears in 14 hymnals Topics: Fellowship with God Used With Tune: VOM HIMMEL HOCH

Ere Yet the Dawn Has Filled the Skies

Author: Johann Heerman Meter: Appears in 20 hymnals Lyrics: 1. Ere yet the dawn has filled the skies, Behold, my Savior Christ arise; He chaseth from us sin and night, And brings us joy and life and light. 2. O stronger Thou than death and hell! Where is the foe Thou canst not quell, What heavy stone Thou canst not roll From off the prisoned, anguished soul? 3. If Jesus lives, can I be sad? I know He loves me, and am glad; Though all the world were dead to me, Enough, O Christ, if I have Thee! 4. He feeds me, comforts and defends, And when I die His angel sends To bear me whither He is gone, For of His own He loseth none. 5. Strong champion! For this comfort, see, The whole world brings her thanks to Thee; And once we, too, shall raise above More sweet and loud the song of love. Used With Tune: VON HIMMEL HOCH

The Lord Will Come! The Earth Shall Quake

Author: Reginald Heber Meter: Appears in 187 hymnals Lyrics: 1. The Lord will come! the earth shall quake, The hills their fixèd seat forsake; And, withering from the vault of night, The stars withdraw their feeble light. 2. The Lord will come! but not the same As once in lowly form He came, A silent Lamb to slaughter led, The bruised, the suffering, and the dead. 3. The Lord will come! a dreadful form, With wreath of flame, and robe of storm, On cherub wings, and wings of wind, Anointed judge of humankind. 4. Can this be He once wont to stray A pilgrim on the world’s highway, By power oppressed, and mocked by pride O God! is this the Crucified? 5. Go, tyrants, to the rocks complain! Go, seek the mountain’s cleft in vain! But faith, victorious o’er the tomb, Shall sing for joy, The Lord is come! Used With Tune: ERFURT Text Sources: Christian Observer, October 1811
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Spirit of God, that moved of old

Author: Cecil Frances Alexander (1823-95) Appears in 29 hymnals Used With Tune: VOM HIMMEL HOCH

Schaut! Schaut! Was Ist Für Wunder Dar?

Author: Paul Gerhardt Meter: Appears in 12 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Schaut! schaut! was ist für Wunder dar? Die schwarze Nacht wird hell und klar, In großes Licht bricht jetzt herein, Ihm weichet aller Sternen Schein. 2 Es ist ein rechtes Wunderlicht Und gar die alte Sonne nicht, Weils wider die Natur die Nacht Zu einem hellen Tage mach. 3 Es ist ein großes Wunderlicht Und gar die alte Sonne nicht, Weil's wider die Natur die Nacht Zu einem hellen Tage macht. 4 Was wird hierdurch uns zeigen an, Der die Natur so ändern kann? Es muß ein großes Werk geschehn, Wie wir aus solchen Zeichen sehn. 5 Sollt auch erscheinen dieser Zeit Die Sonne der Gerechtigkeit Der helle Stern aus Jakobs Stamm, Der Heiden Licht, des Weibes Saam? 6 Es ist also. Des himmels Heer, Das bringt uns jetzt die Freudenmähr Wie sich nunmehr hat eingestellt Zu Bethlehem das Heil der Welt. 7 O Gütigkeit! was lange Jahr Sich hat der frommen Väter Schaar Gewünscht und sehnlich oft begehrt, Des werden wir von Gott gewährt. 8 Drum auf, ihr Menschenkinder, auf! Auf! auf! und nehmet euren Lauf Mit mir hin zu der Stell und Ort, Davon gemeldt der Engel Wort. 9 Schaut hin, dort liegt im finstern Stall, Des Herrschaft gehet überall, Da Speise vormals sucht ein Rind, Da ruht jetzt der Jungfrau Kind. 10 O Menschenkind, betracht es recht, Und strauchle nicht, dieweil so schlecht, So elend scheint das Kindelein, Es ist und soll auch uns groß sein. 11 Es wird im Fleisch hier vorgestellt, Der Alles schuf und noch erhält, Das Wort, so bald im Anfang war Bei Gott, selbst Gott, das lieget dar. 12 Es ist der eingeborne Sohn Des Vaters, unser Gnadenthron, Das A und O, der große Gott, Der Siegsfürst, der Herr Zebaoth. 13 Denn weil die Zeit nunmehr erfüllt, Da Gottes Zorn muß sein gestillt, Wird sein Sohn Mensch, trägt unsre Schuld, Wirbt uns durch sein Blut Gottes Huld. 14 Dies ist die rechte Freudenzeit, Weg Trauren, weg, weg alles Leid! Trotz dem, der ferner uns verhöhnt, Gott selbst ist Mensch, wir sind versöhnt. 15 Der Sündenbüßer ist nun hier, Den Schlangentreter haben wir, Der Höllen Pest, des Todes Gift, Des Lebens Fürst man hier antrifft. 16 Es hat mit uns nun keine Noth, Weil Sünde, Teufel, Höll und Tod Zu Spott und Schanden sind gemacht, In dieser großen Wundernacht. 17 O selig, selig alle Welt, Die sich an dieses Kindlein Hält! Wohl dem, der dieses recht erkennt, Und gläubig seinen Heiland nennt. 18 Es danke Gott, wer danken kann, Der unser sich so hoch nimmt an, Und sendet aus des Himmelsthron Uns, seinen Feinden, seinen Sohn. 19 Drum stimmt an mit der Engel Heer: Gott in der Höhe sei nun Ehr, Auf Erden Friede jederzeit, Den Menschen Wonn und Fröhlichkeit! Used With Tune: VOM HIMMEL HOCH Text Sources: Johann G. Ebeling's Geistliche Andachten Fünffte Dutzet, 1667
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Oh, happy they who know the Lord

Appears in 80 hymnals Used With Tune: ERFURT
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Lob sei dem allerhöchsten Gott

Appears in 16 hymnals First Line: Lob sei dem allerhöchsten Gott der sich erbarmet unsrer Used With Tune: [Lob sei dem allerhöchsten Gott der sich erbarmet unsrer]
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Soon may the last glad song arise

Author: Mrs. Vokes Meter: Appears in 252 hymnals Lyrics: Soon may the last glad song arise Through all the millions of the skies; That song of triumph which records That all the earth is now the Lord's. Let thrones and powers and kingdoms be Obedient, mighty God, to thee; And over land and stream and main Wave thou the scepter of thy reign. O that the anthem now might swell, And host to host the triumph tell, That not one rebel heart remains, But over all the Savior reigns! Amen. Topics: Missions; Sunday Schools Missions; Sunday Schools Epiphanytide Used With Tune: YULE

El alt' ĉiela venas mi

Author: Marteno Lutero (Martin Luther); William John Downes; Albrecht Kronenberger Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1. „El alt' ĉiela venas mi kun bona, nova histori', kun histori' de l' Dia sav', kantota nun por via rav': 2. „El elektita virgulin' naskiĝis beb', ĝojigi vin, fragila beb', potenca por tristecon vian preni for. 3. „Li estas Kristo, la Sinjor', Li volas homojn en dolor', konsoli, levi el mizer', por pekoj esti la ofer'. 4. „Feliĉon ĉian portas Li al vi de l' Patro, via Di', ke vivu vi kun ni en ĉoj' nun kaj post via monda voj'. 5. „Vi trovos en malpompa stal' la Dian Filon sub vual' de povra bebo, tamen Li la Reĝ' de ĉiu galaksi'.” 6. Do kuru ni al Li kun gaj' Samkiel la paŝtistoj, kaj rigardu, kion donis Di' per Sia kara Fil' al ni. 7. Ho nobla gast', al Vi bonven' ĉe ni, plagitaj de ĉagren', de pekemeco kaj fier'. — Ho, kiel danki Vin en ver'? 8. En alta trono glor' al Di', ĉar Sian solan Filon Li donacis; do la anĝelar' ĝoj-kantas pro la nova jar'. Topics: Christmas Scripture: Luke 2:10 Used With Tune: VOM HIMMEL HOCH Text Sources: Ad 252
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Father of all, Whose love profound

Author: E. Cooper Appears in 242 hymnals Topics: Pardon Seeking Used With Tune: VOM HIMMEL HOCH
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Behold, the Joyful Day Is Nigh

Author: Johan Olof Wallin; Emil A. Edlén Meter: Appears in 8 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Behold, the joyful day is nigh, And angels’ voices from on high Proclaim the news in early morn That the Good Shepherd now is born. 2 In quiet splendor forth He comes, The scattered sheep and tender lambs To gather, and their fold prepare With all a shepherd’s tender care. 3 The gentle Shepherd we behold Who, not with silver and with gold, But by His suffering and His death, Will save us from eternal wrath. 4 His Church, though small its seed may be, Shall grow into a mighty tree, With fruitful branches spreading o’er The earth till time shall be no more. 5 Arise and shine, thy Light is come, O humankind, O Christendom; Thy glory and thy peace is here; The Saviour of the world draws near. 6 All praise and glory be to Thee For wisdom, power, and majesty; And for Thy grace and mercy, Lord, Forever be Thy name adored. Amen. Topics: Church Year Christmas; Christmas Day; Epiphany; Names and Office of Christ Shepherd; Growth of the Church Scripture: Isaiah 9:1 Used With Tune: VOM HIMMEL HOCH DA KOMM ICH HER
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He lives, the great Redeemer lives

Author: Anne Steele Appears in 260 hymnals Used With Tune: MAGDEBURG
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Thou God of Love and Mercy, Hear

Appears in 4 hymnals Used With Tune: [Thou God of love and mercy, hear]
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Del alto cielo bajo yo

Author: Federico Fliedner, 1845-1901; Martin Lutero, 1483-1546 Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Del alto cielo bajo yo, La buena nueva os vengo a dar; Oid la paz que en grato son Anuncia el célico cantar. 2 Os ha nacido un niño hoy De humilde virgen en Belén; Y el niño tierno que os nació, Ser debe vuestro gozo y bien. 3 Jesús el Cristo es y Señor, De toda pena os librará; Ser quiere vuestro Salvador Que del pecado os limpiará. 4 Id, pues, os doy esta señal: En un pesebre de Belén Encontraréis en vil pañal A aquel que al mundo da sostén. 5 Vayamos de ellos pues, en pos, Con los pastores a adorar; Miremos este don de Dios, Que a su unigénito nos da. 6 Atiende allí mi corazón: ¿A quién en este establo ves? ¿Quién es el niño? ¡Hermoso don! Jesús, mi Salvador, Él es. 7 Sé bienvenido, que en bondad Has visitado al pecador: ¿Cómo ensalzar tu caridad, Y agradecer tan gran favor? 8 ¡Oh, Tú, del mundo gran Señor! ¿Par qué te humillas tanto así, Que te has dignado con tu amor Venir cual niño pobre a mi? 9 Si el orbe fuera aún mayor, Y de oro puro y de zafir, Estrecho fuera, si a tu honor De cuna hubiera de servir. 10 ¡Oh Salvador! Desciende a mí: Ven, ven, y haz en mi corazón Cunita propia para Ti, Do Tú tendrás mi adoración. Topics: El Año Cristiano Navidad; Christian Year Christmas Used With Tune: VOM HIMMEL HOCH
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Good News From heaven To Earth I Bear

Author: Martin Luther Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Good news from heave'n to earth I bear And now with you will gladly share; My story is a joyful lay, So hear what I shall have to say. 2 This night to you is born a Child, The chosen Virgin's Infant mild, And He, a Child of lowly birth, Shall be the Joy of all the earth. 3 This sign I, too, would have you mark: the swaddling clothes, the manger dark; In these the Infant now is laid By whom both heav'n and earth were made. 4 He is the Christ, our God and Lord, Whose name we praise with one accord; Your Savior He has deigned to be, And from all sin will set you free. 5 Rich gifts He has in store for you, Prepared by God, our Father true; In yonder kingdom bright and fair You shall with us His glory share. 6 Oh, let us then most happy be And with the shepherds go to see What blessings God for us has won By sending us His only Son. 7 To that small crib direct your eyes; Behold a a gift that angels prize! Who is this Child so wondrous fair? The blessed Christ-child lieth there. 8 We welcome Thee, most noble Guest, Through whom this sinful world is blest. Thy coming is a boon for me; What thanks shall I return to Thee? Topics: Christmas Used With Tune: [Good news from heaven to earth I bear] Text Sources: Tr. comp.


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