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Bearing the Cross

Author: Henry F. Lyte Appears in 1,311 hymnals Topics: Abba, Father; Ashamed of Jesus; Church Ordinances of; Church Uniting with; Communion of Saints At Lord's Table; Consecration Of Self; Covenant Christian; Cross of Christ Taking; Cross of Christ Glorying in First Line: Jesus, I my cross have taken Lyrics: 1 Jesus, I my cross have taken, All to leave, and follow thee; Naked, poor, despised, forsaken, Thou, from hence, my all shalt be! Perish, every fond ambition, All I've sought, or hoped, or known, Yet how rich is my condition, God and heaven are still my own! 2 Let the world despise and leave me, They have left my Saviour, too; Human hearts and looks deceive me-- Thou art not, like them, untrue; Oh, while thou dost smile upon me, God of wisdom, love, and might, Foes may hate, and friends disown me, Show thy fact, and all is bright. 3 Man may trouble and distress me, 'Twill but drive me to thy breast; Life with trials hard may press me; Heaven will bring me sweeter rest! Oh, tis not in grief to harm me, While thy love is left to me; Oh, 'twere not in joy to charm me, Were that joy unmixed with thee. 4 Go, then, earthly fame and treasure! Come, disaster, scorn, and pain! In thy service, pain is pleasure, With thy favor, loss is gain. I have called thee--Abba, Father! I have stayed my heart on thee! Storms may howl, and clouds may gather, All must work for good to me. Scripture: Matthew 10:32 Used With Tune: ELLESDIE
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Christ on the Cross

Author: Richard Lee Appears in 30 hymnals Topics: Christ Advocate; Christ Agony of; Christ Crucifixion of; Christ Mediator; Christ Priest; Christ Sun; Church Ordinances of; Church Uniting with; Communion of Saints At Lord's Table; Consecration Of Self; Covenant Christian First Line: When I view my Saviour bleeding Lyrics: 1 When I view my Saviour bleeding, For my sins, upon the tree; Oh, how wondrous!--how exceeding Great his love appears to me! Floods of deep distress and anguish, To impede his labors, came; Yet they all could not extinguish Love's eternal, burning flame. 2 Now redemption is completed, Full salvation is procured; Death and Satan are defeated, By the sufferings he endured. Now the gracious Mediator Risen to the courts of bliss, Claims for me, a sinful creature, Pardon, righteousness, and peace! 3 Sure such infinite affection Lays the highest claims to mine; All my powers, without exception, Should in fervent praises join. Jesus, fit me for thy service; Form me for thyself alone; I am thy most costly purchase,-- Take possession of thine own. Scripture: Numbers 21:8 Used With Tune: AUSTRIA
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"Trust, strength, calmness"

Author: Samuel Johnson Appears in 125 hymnals Topics: Communion of Saints With God First Line: Father! in thy mysterious presence kneeling Lyrics: 1 Father! in thy mysterious presence kneeling, Fain would our souls feel all thy kindling love; For we are weak, and need some deep revealing Of trust, and strength, and calmness from above. 2 Lord! we have wandered forth through doubt and sorrow, And thou hast made each step an onward one; And we will ever trust each unknown morrow; Thou wilt sustain us till its work is done. 3 In the heart's depths, a peace serene and holy Abides; and when pain seems to have her will, Or we despair, oh! may that peace rise slowly, Stronger than agony, and we be still. 4 Now, Father! now in thy dear presence kneeling, Our spirits yearn to feel thy kindling love; Now make us strong; we need thy deep revealing Of trust, and strength, and calmness from above. Scripture: Psalm 25:14 Used With Tune: HENLEY
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The name "Jesus"

Author: William W. How Appears in 166 hymnals Topics: Communion of Saints With Christ First Line: Jesus, name of wondrous love! Lyrics: 1 Jesus! name of wondrous love! Name all other names above! Unto which must every knee Bow in deep humility. 2 Jesus! name decreed of old: To the maiden mother told, Kneeling in her lowly cell, By the angel Gabriel. 3 Jesus! name of priceless worth To the fallen sons of earth, For the promise that it gave-- "Jesus shall his people save."-- 4 Jesus! only name that's given Under all the mighty heaven, Whereby man, to sin enslaved, Bursts his fetters, and is saved. 5 Jesus! name of wondrous love! Human name of God above; Pleading only this we flee, Helpless, O our God, to thee. Scripture: Matthew 1:21 Used With Tune: NOMEN JESU
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"A word of Blessing"

Author: Richard Massie Appears in 14 hymnals Topics: Communion of Saints With God First Line: O Lord, who by thy presence hast made light Lyrics: 1 O Lord, who by thy presence hast made light The heat and burden of the toilsome day, Be with us also in the silent night, Be with us when the daylight fades away. 2 Oh, speak a word of blessing, gracious Lord! Thy blessing is endued with soothing power; On human hearts worn out with toil, thy word Falls soft and gentle as the evening shower. 3 Come then, O Lord, and deign to be our guest, After the day's confusion, toil, and din; Oh, come to bring us peace, and joy, and rest, To give salvation, and to pardon sin! 4 Bind up the wounds, assuage the aching smart Left in each bosom from the day just past, And let us on a Father's loving heart Forget our griefs, and find sweet rest at last. Used With Tune: EVENTIDE
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"His name Jesus"

Author: Philip Doddridge Appears in 547 hymnals Topics: Communion of Saints With Christ First Line: Jesus! I love thy charming name Lyrics: 1 Jesus! I love thy charming name, 'Tis music to mine ear; Fain would I sound it out so loud, That earth and heaven should hear. 2 Yes!--thou art precious to my soul, My transport and my trust; Jewels, to thee, are gaudy toys, And gold is sordid dust. 3 All my capacious powers can wish, In thee doth richly meet; Not mine eyes is light so dear, Nor friendship half so sweet. 4 Thy grace still dwells upon my heart, And sheds its fragrance there;-- The noblest balm of all its wounds, The cordial of its care. Scripture: Matthew 1:21 Used With Tune: HOLY CROSS
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Loving and Beloved

Author: Philip Doddridge Appears in 321 hymnals Topics: Communion of Saints With Christ First Line: Do not I love thee, O my Lord? Lyrics: 1 Do not I love thee, O my Lord? Behold my heart, and see; And turn the dearest idol out That dares to rival thee. 2 Is not thy name melodious still To mine attentive ear? Doth not each pulse with pleasure bound, My Saviour's voice to hear? 3 Hast thou a lamb in all thy flock I would disdain to feed? Hast thou a foe, before whose face I fear thy cause to plead? 4 Would not my heart pour forth its blood In honor of thy name? And challenge the cold hand of death To damp the immortal flame? 5 Thou knowest that I love thee, Lord; But, oh, I long to soar Far from the sphere of mortal joys, And learn to love thee more. Scripture: Ezekiel 14:3 Used With Tune: ARMENIA
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Psalm 71

Author: Isaac Watts Appears in 309 hymnals Topics: Communion of Saints With Christ First Line: My Saviour! my almighty Friend Lyrics: 1 My Saviour! my almighty Friend; When I begin thy praise, Where will the growing numbers end,-- The numbers of thy grace? 2 Thou art my everlasting trust; Thy goodness I adore; And, since I knew thy graces first, I speak thy glories more. 3 My feet shall travel all the length Of the celestial road; And march, with courage in thy strength, To see my Father God. 4 How will my lips rejoice to tell The victories of my King! My soul, redeemed from sin and hell, Shall thy salvation sing. Used With Tune: ST. PETER

Blest be the tie that binds

Author: John Fawcett, 1740-1817 Meter: Appears in 2,286 hymnals Topics: Christian Friendship; Compassion and Service; Conflict With Sin; Farewell Service; Heaven Reunion in ; Sympathy of Christians; The Church The Communion of Saints; Throne of Grace Used With Tune: DENNIS

The Church's One Foundation

Author: Samuel John Stone Meter: D Appears in 869 hymnals Topics: Jesus Christ Praise and Thanksgiving; Adoration and Praise; Body of Christ; Christian Year Reformation Day; Church Anniversaries; Church Dedication of a Building; Church Permanence; Church Triumphant; Church Universal; Communion of Saints; Consummation; Eternal Life; Funerals and Memorial Services; Jesus Christ Blood; Jesus Christ Images of; Jesus Christ Praise; Jesus Christ Rock; Jesus Christ Second Coming; Last Supper; Processionals (Opening of Worship); Recessionals; Salvation; Second Coming; Trinity; Union With God/Christ; Unity; Vision/Dream; Epiphany 7 Year A; Easter 3 Year A; Easter 5 Year A; Epiphany 8 Year B; Easter 4 Year B; Proper 11 Year B; Proper 12 Year B; Proper 13 Year B; Proper 16 Year B; Epiphany 2 Year C; Lent 4 Year C; Ash Wednesday Year ABC Lyrics: 1 The Church's one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord; she is his new creation by water and the word: from heaven he came and sought her to be his holy bride; with his own blood he bought her, and for her life he died. 2 Elect from every nation, yet one o'er all the earth, her charter of salvation, one Lord, one faith, one birth; one holy name she blesses, partakes one holy food, and to one hope she presses, with every grace endued. 3 'Mid toil and tribulation, and tumult of her war she waits the consummation of peace for evermore; till with the vision glorious her longing eyes are blessed, and the great Church victorious shall be the Church at rest. 4 Yet she on earth hath union with God, the Three in one, and mystic sweet communion with those whose rest is won. O happy ones and holy! Lord, give us grace that we like them, the meek and lowly, on high may dwell with thee. Used With Tune: AURELIA
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Through the night of doubt and sorrow

Author: Sabine Baring-Gould; Bernhard S. Ingemann Appears in 319 hymnals Topics: Communion with saints Lyrics: 1 Through the night of doubt and sorrow Onward goes the pilgrim band, Singing songs of expectation, Marching to the promised land. Clear before us, through the darkness, Gleams and burns the guiding light; Brother clasps the hand of bother, Stepping fearless through the night. 2 One the light of God's own presence O'er His ransomed people shed, Chasing far the gloom and terror, Brightening all the path we tread: One the object of our journey, One the faith which never tires, One the earnest looking forward, One the hope our God inspires. 3 One the strain the lips of thousands Lift as from the heart of one; One the conflict, one the peril, One the march in God begun: One the gladness of rejoicing On the far eternal shore, Where the one Almighty Father, Reigns in love for evermore. Amen. Used With Tune: MIDDLETON
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Let saints on earth in concert sing

Author: Charles Wesley Appears in 175 hymnals Topics: Communion with saints Lyrics: 1 Let saints on earth in concert sing With those to glory gone; For all the servants of our King, In earth and heaven are one. One family--we dwell in Him-- One church above, beneath, Though now divided by the stream-- The narrow stream of death. 2 One army of the living God, To His command we bow; Part of the host have crossed the flood, And part are crossing now. E'en now to their eternal home Some happy spirits fly; And we are to the margin come, And soon will have to die. 3 E'en now, by faith, we join our hands With those that went before, And greet the ransomed blessèd bands Upon th'eternal shore. Lord Jesus, be our constant guide; And when the word is given. Bid death's cold flood its waves divide, And land us safe in heaven. Amen. Used With Tune: ELLACOMBE
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Praise to God; or, Communion with Saints

Appears in 87 hymnals Topics: Communion with Saints First Line: To GOD the great, the ever-blest Lyrics: 1 To GOD, the great, the ever-blest, Let Songs of Honour be addrest; His Mercy firm for ever stands; Give him the Thanks his Love demands. 2 Who knows the Wonders of thy Ways? Who shall fulfil thy boundless Praise? Blest are the Souls that fear Thee still, And pay their Duty to thy Will. 3 Remember what thy Mercy did For Jacob's Race, thy chosen Seed; And with the same Salvation bless The meanest Suppliant of thy Grace. 4 O may I see thy Tribes rejoice, And aid their Triumphs with my Voice! This is my Glory, Lord, to be Join'd to thy Saints, and near to Thee. Scripture: Psalm 106:1-5
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Communion of Saints; or, Love and Worship in a Family

Appears in 314 hymnals Topics: Communion with Saints; Communion with Saints First Line: Blest are the sons of peace Lyrics: 1 Blest are the sons of peace, Whose hearts and hopes are one, Whose kind designs to serve and please Through all their actions run. 2 Blest is the pious house Where zeal and friendship meet, Their songs of praise, their mingled vows Make their communion sweet. 3 Thus when on Aaron's head They pour'd the rich perfume, The oil through all his raiment spread, And pleasure fill'd the room. 4 Thus on the heavenly hills The saints are blest above, Where joy like morning dew distils, And all the air is love. Scripture: Psalm 133
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Oh, happy day that fixed my choice

Author: Philip Doddridge Appears in 1,713 hymnals Topics: Communion with saints Lyrics: 1 Oh, happy day that fixed my choice On Thee, my Saviour and my God! Well may this glowing heart rejoice, And tell its raptures all abroad. Chorus: Happy day, happy day, When Jesus washed my sins away! He taught me how to watch and pray, And live rejoicing every day; Happy day, happy day, When Jesus washed my sins away. 2 Oh, happy bond that seals my vows To Him who merits all my love! I'll praise Him in His sacred house, And gladly to His altar move. [Chorus] 3 Now with His saints I choose my part; With them I come a welcome guest; Here rest, my once divided heart; In Him, thy blissful portion, rest. [Chorus] 4 High heaven, that heard the solemn vow, That vow renewed shall daily hear, Till, called at last from all below, I bless in death a bond so dear. [Chorus] Amen. Used With Tune: HAPPY DAY
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Here, O My Lord, I See You Face to Face

Author: Horatius Bonar Meter: Appears in 316 hymnals Topics: The Church at Worship Holy Communion; liturgical Communion Songs; Closing Hymns; Communion with Christ and God; Companionship with God; Feast; Forgiveness from God; Jesus Christ Friend; Jesus Christ Presence; Need for God/Christ; Opening Hymns; Peace (Inner, Calmness, Serenity; Praise; Service Music Following Lord's Supper; Easter 5 Year A; Holy Thursday Year B; All Saints Year B Lyrics: 1 Here, O my Lord, I see you face to face, here would I touch and handle things unseen, here grasp with firmer hand eternal grace, and all my weariness upon you lean. 2 Here I will feed upon the bread of God, here drink with you the royal wine of heaven; here I will lay aside each earthly load, here taste afresh the calm of sin forgiven. 3 This is the hour of banquet and of song; this is the heavenly table for me spread; here let me feast, and feasting, still prolong the fellowship of living wine and bread. 4 Too soon we rise, the symbols disappear. The feast, though not the love, is past and gone: the bread and wine remove, but you are here, nearer than ever, still my shield and sun. 5 Feast after feast thus comes and passes by, yet, passing, points to that glad feast above, giving sweet foretaste of the festal joy, the Lamb’s great bridal feast of bliss and love. Used With Tune: ST AGNES
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Israel punished and pardoned; or, God's unchangeable Love

Appears in 42 hymnals Topics: Communion with Saints; Communion with Saints First Line: God of eternal love Lyrics: 1 God of eternal love, How fickle are our ways! And yet how oft did Israel prove Thy constancy of grace! 2 They saw thy wonders wrought, And then thy praise they sung; But soon thy works of power forgot, And murmur'd with their tongue. 3 Now they believe his word, While rocks with rivers flow; Now with their lusts provoke the Lord, And he reduc'd them low. 4 Yet when they mourn'd their faults, He hearken'd to their groans; Brought his own covenant to his thoughts, And call'd them still his sons. 5 Their names were in his book, He sav'd them from their foes; Oft he chastis'd, but ne'er forsook The people that he chose. 6 Let Israel bless the Lord, Who lov'd their antient race; And Christians join the solemn word, Amen to all the praise. Scripture: Psalm 106:43-48
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Brotherly Love

Appears in 170 hymnals Topics: Communion with Saints; Communion with Saints First Line: Lo, what an entertaining sight Lyrics: 1 Lo, what an entertaining sight Those friendly brethren prove, Whose cheerful hearts in bands unite Of harmony and love. 2 Where streams of bliss from Christ the spring Descends to every soul, And heavenly peace with balmy wing Shades and bedews the whole. 3 'Tis like the oil divinely sweet On Aaron's reverend head, The trickling drops perfum'd his feet, And o'er his garments spread. 4 'Tis pleasant as the morning dews That fall on Sion's hill, Where God his mildest glory shews, And makes his grace distil. Scripture: Psalm 133
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The Blessings of Friendship

Appears in 135 hymnals Topics: Communion with Saints; Communion with Saints First Line: How pleasant 'tis to see Lyrics: 1 How pleasant 'tis to see Kindred and friends agree, Each in their proper station move, And each fulfil his part With sympathizing heart, In all the cares of life and love. 2 'Tis like the ointment shed On Aaron's sacred head, Divinely rich, divinely sweet; The oil thro' all the room Diffus'd a choice perfume, Ran through his robes, and blest his feet. 3 Like fruitful showers of rain, That water all the plain, Descending from the neighboring hills; Such streams of pleasure roll Thro' every friendly soul, Where love like heavenly dew distils. 4 How pleasant 'tis to see Kindred and friends agree, Each in their proper station move, And each fulfil his part With sympathizing heart, In all the cares of life and love. Scripture: Psalm 133
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My God, the spring of all my joys

Author: C. Wesley, 1707-1788 Appears in 559 hymnals Topics: Assurance Of Acceptance; Believer's (See also Christian Saints) Joy of; Christ Morning Star; Communion With God; The Christian Life The Inner Life; Death Fear of removed; Fear of death removed ; Joy In God; Joy Of Believers; Star Morning; Sun Of Righteousness Lyrics: 1 My God, the spring of all my joys, The life of my delights, The glory of my brightest days, And comfort of my nights! 2 In darkest shades, if Thou appear, My dawning is begun; Thou art my soul's bright morning star, And Thou my rising sun. 3 The opening heavens around me shine, With beams of sacred bliss, If Jesus shows His mercy mine, And whispers I am His. 4 My soul would leave this heavy clay At that transporting word; Run up with joy the shining way, To see and praise my Lord. 5 Fearless of hell and ghastly death, I'd break through every foe; The wings of love, and arms of faith, Would bear me conqueror through. Used With Tune: LYNGHAM
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Psalm 23

Author: Francis Rous Appears in 583 hymnals Topics: Communion of Saints With Christ First Line: The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want Lyrics: 1 The Lord's my shepherd, I'll not want; He makes me down to lie In pastures green; he leadeth me The quiet waters by. 2 My soul he doth restore again; And me to walk doth make Within the paths of righteousness, Ev'n for his own name's sake. 3 Yea, though I walk in death's dark vale, Yet will I fear no ill; For thou art with me, and thy rod And staff me comfort still. 4 My table thou hast furnished In presence of my foes; My head thou dost with oil anoint, And my cup overflows. 5 Goodness and mercy, all my life, Shall surely follow me; And in God's house for evermore My dwelling-place shall be. Scripture: Psalm 23:2 Used With Tune: EBEN
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Jesus, these eyes have never seen

Author: Rev. Ray Palmer, 1808-1887 Appears in 240 hymnals Topics: Christ Presence of; Communion with Christ; Saints Union with Christ Used With Tune: SAWLEY
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Sweet Hour of Prayer

Author: William W. Walford Meter: D Appears in 1,309 hymnals Topics: Church Communion of Saints; Conflict With Sin; Prayer Times of Lyrics: 1 Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer, that calls me from a world of care, and bids me at my Father's throne, make all my wants and wishes known! In seasons of distress and grief, my soul has often found relief, and oft escaped the tempter's snare, by thy return, sweet hour of prayer. 2 Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer, the joys I feel, the bliss I share of those whose anxious spirits burn with strong desires for thy return! With such I hasten to the place where God, my Savior, shows his face, and gladly take my station there, and wait for thee, sweet hour of prayer. 3 Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer, thy wings shall my petition bear to him, whose truth and faithfulness engage the waiting the soul to bless: and since he bids me seek his face, believe his Word, and trust his grace, I'll cast on him my ev'ry care, and wait for thee, sweet hour of prayer. Scripture: Acts 3:1 Used With Tune: SWEET HOUR
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Ye holy angels bright

Author: Richard Baxter (1615-1691) Meter: Appears in 115 hymnals Topics: Our Response to God in adoration and gratitude; The Church Celebrates Oneness with the Church in Heaven; Angels; Communion of Saints; Music and Song Lyrics: 1 Ye holy angels bright, who wait at God's right hand, or through the realms of light fly at your Lord's command, assist our song, or else the theme too high doth seem for mortal tongue. 2 Ye blessèd souls at rest, who ran this earthly race, and now, from sin released, behold the Saviour's face, his praises sound, as in his light with sweet delight ye do abound. 3 Ye saints, who toil below, adore your heavenly King, and onward as ye go, some joyful anthem sing; take what he gives and praise him still through good or ill, who ever lives. 4 My soul, take now thy part, triumph in God above, and with a well-tuned heart sing out the songs of love. Let all thy days till life shall end, whate'er he send, be filled with praise. Scripture: Colossians 3:16 Used With Tune: CROFT'S 136th
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Glorious things of thee are spoken

Author: John Newton (1725-1807) Meter: D Appears in 1,300 hymnals Topics: The Holy Spirit The Church Celebrates - Oneness with the Church in Heaven; Church Body of Christ; Communion of Saints; Heaven Lyrics: 1 Glorious things of thee are spoken, Zion, city of our God; he whose word cannot be broken formed thee for his own abode. On the Rock of Ages founded, what can shake thy sure repose? With salvation's walls surrounded, thou mayest smile at all thy foes. 2 See! the streams of living waters, springing from eternal love, well supply thy sons and daughters, and all fear of want remove. Who can faint while such a river ever will their thirst assuage -- grace which, like the Lord the Giver, never fails from age to age? 3 Saviour, since of Zion's city I, through grace, a member am, let the world deride or pity, I will glory in thy Name. Fading is the worldling's pleasure, and all boasted pomp and show; solid joys and lasting treasure none but Zion's children know. Scripture: 1 Peter 1:4 Used With Tune: AUSTRIAN HYMN
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For all the saints, who from their labours rest

Author: William Walsham How (1823-1897) Meter: 10.10.10 wiht alleluias Appears in 571 hymnals Topics: The Holy Spirit The Church Celebrates - Oneness with the Church in Heaven; Communion of Saints; Funerals general; Heaven; Jesus Names and images for Lyrics: 1 For all the saints, who from their labors rest; who thee by faith before the world confessed, thy name, O Jesus, be forever blest. Alleluia! Alleluia! 2 Thou wast their rock, their fortress and their might; thou, Lord, their Captain in the well-fought fight; thou, in the darkness drear their one true Light. Alleluia! Alleluia! 3 Oh, may thy soldiers, faithful, true, and bold, fight as the saints who nobly fought of old, and win, with them, the victor's crown of gold. Alleluia! Alleluia! 4 O blest communion, fellowship divine! We feebly struggle, they in glory shine; yet all are one in thee, for all are thine. Alleluia! Alleluia! 5 And when the strife is fierce, the warfare long, steals on the ear the distant triumph song, and hearts are brave again, and arms are strong. Alleluia! Alleluia! 6 The golden evening brightens in the west; soon, soon to faithful warriors cometh rest; sweet is the calm of paradise the blest. Alleluia! Alleluia! 7 But lo! there breaks a yet more glorious day; the saints triumphant rise in bright array; the King of glory passes on his way. Alleluia! Alleluia! 8 From earth's wide bounds, from ocean's farthest coast, through gates of pearl streams in the countless host, singing to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Alleluia! Alleluia! Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:7-8 Used With Tune: SINE NOMINE
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Jerusalem the golden

Author: Bernard of Cluny (12th century); John Mason Neale (1818-1866) Meter: Appears in 915 hymnals Topics: The Holy Spirit The Church Celebrates - Oneness with the Church in Heaven; Communion of Saints; Funerals general; Heaven Lyrics: 1 Jerusalem the golden, with milk and honey blessed, beneath your contemplation sink heart and voice oppressed: I know not, oh, I know not what joys await us there, what radiancy of glory, what bliss beyond compare. 2 They stand, those halls of Zion all jubilant with song, and radiant with the angels and all the martyr throng; the Prince is ever in them, the daylight is serene, the pastures of the blessèd are decked in glorious sheen. 3 There is the throne of David; and there, from care released, the shout of those who triumph, the song of those who feast; and they who, with their Leader, have conquered in the fight, for ever and for ever are clad in robes of white. 4 O sweet and blessèd country, the home of God's elect! O sweet and blessèd country that eager hearts expect! Jesus in mercy bring us to that dear land above, where you, with God the Father and Spirit, reign in love. Scripture: Ezekiel 44:1-4 Used With Tune: EWING
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Evening of the Day

Author: Henry F. Lyte Appears in 1,684 hymnals Topics: Communion of Saints With God First Line: Abide with me: fast falls the eventide Lyrics: 1 Abide with me: fast falls the eventide; The darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide! When other helpers fail, and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, oh, abide with me! 2 Not a brief glance I beg, a passing word, But as thou dwell'st with thy disciples, Lord, Familiar, condescending, patient, free, Come, not to sojourn, but abide with me. 3 I need thy presence every passing hour: What but thy grace can foil the tempter's power? Who like thyself my guide and stay can be? Thro' cloud and sunshine, oh, abide with me! Scripture: Luke 24:29 Used With Tune: EVENTIDE

Oh what their joy and their glory must be

Author: Peter Abelard, 1079-1142; John Mason Neale, 1818-1866 Meter: Appears in 137 hymnals Topics: City / City of God; Communion of Saints; Exile; Heaven; Hymns with Doxologies; Recessionals; Zion Lyrics: 1 Oh what their joy and their glory must be, those endless Sabbaths the blessed ones see, crowns for the valiant, to weary ones rest: God shall be all and in all ever blest. 2 Truly, "Jerusalem" name we that shore, city of peace that brings joy evermore; wish and fulfillment are not severed there, nor do things prayed for come short of the prayer. 3 There, where no troubles distraction can bring, we the sweet anthems of Zion shall sing, while for thy grace, Lord, their voices of praise thy blessed people eternally raise. 4 Now, in the meantime, with hearts raised on high, we for that country must yearn and must sigh, seeking Jerusalem, dear native land, through our long exile on Babylon's strand. 5 Low before God with our praises we fall, of whom, and in whom, and through whom are all; of whom, the Father, and through whom, the Son, in whom, the Spirit, with these ever One. Scripture: Psalm 92 Used With Tune: O QUANTA QUALIA
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Triumphant Joy in God

Appears in 11 hymnals Topics: Adoration; Children Piety in; Christ Communion with; Christ Worshiped; Christians Blessedness of; Church Beloved of God; Church Triumph of; God Adored and Exalted; God Glorious; God Kingly Character of; Gospel Gracious Fruit of; Gospel Invitations of ; Joy Exhortations to; Meekness; Mercy of God Celebrated; Praise By Saints; Praise Calls to; Praise For Works of Providence; Praise For Work of Redemption; Salvation God's Gift; Thanksgiving Declared; Worship Call to ; Worship Private First Line: Ye who His temple throng Lyrics: 1 Ye who his temple throng, Jehovah's praise prolong, New anthems sing; Ye saints, with joy declare Your Maker's loving care, And let the children there Joy in their King. 2 O let His Name employ Your ev'ry note of joy, His praises speak; He looks with loving face Upon His chosen race, And will with ev'ry grace Adorn the meek. 3 Ye saints, your joy proclaim And glory in the Name Of God above; And when the daylight dies, Ere sleep shall close your eyes, Let praise to God arise For all His love. Scripture: Psalm 149 Used With Tune: ITALIAN HYMN
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Author: Mrs. Phoebe H. Brown Appears in 632 hymnals Topics: Communion of Saints With God First Line: I love to steal awhile away Lyrics: 1 I love to steal awhile away From every cumbering care, And spend the hours of setting day In humble, grateful prayer. 2 I love in solitude to shed The penitential tear, And all his promises to plead, Where none but God can hear. 3 I love to think on mercies past, And future good implore, And all my cares and sorrows cast On him whom I adore. 4 I love by faith to take a view Of brighter scenes in heaven; The prospect doth my strength renew, While here by tempests driven. 5 Thus, when life's toilsome day is o'er, May its departing ray Be calm as this impressive hour, And lead to endless day. Used With Tune: WOODSTOCK
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Redeeming Love

Author: George Burder Appears in 100 hymnals Topics: Communion of Saints With each other First Line: Sweet the time, exceeding sweet! Lyrics: 1 Sweet the time, exceeding sweet! When the saints together meet, When the Saviour is the theme, When they joy to sing of him. 2 Sing we then eternal love, Such as did the Father move: He beheld the world undone, Loved the world, and gave his Son. 3 Sing the Son's amazing love; How he left the realms above, Took our nature and our place, Lived and died to save our race. 4 Sing we, too, the Spirit's love; With our stubborn hearts he strove, Filled our minds with grief and fear, Brought the precious Saviour near. 5 Sweet the place, exceeding sweet, Where the saints in glory meet; Where the Saviour's still the theme, Where they see and sing of him. Scripture: Matthew 18:20 Used With Tune: INNOCENTS
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Author: William Cowper Appears in 269 hymnals Topics: Communion of Saints With God First Line: Far from the world, O Lord, I flee Lyrics: 1 Far from the world, O Lord, I flee, From strife and tumult far; From scenes where Satan wages still His most successful war. 2 The calm retreat, the silent shade, With prayer and praise agree; And seem by thy great bounty made For those who follow thee. 3 There, if thy Spirit touch the soul, And grace her mean abode; Oh! with what peace, and joy, and love, She then communes with God. 4 Author and Guardian of my life! Sweet Source of light divine, And--all harmonious names in one-- My Saviour!--thou art mine! Used With Tune: FARRANT
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"Sun of my soul!"

Author: John Keble Appears in 1,451 hymnals Topics: Communion of Saints With Christ First Line: Sun of my soul! thou Saviour dear Lyrics: 1 Sun of my soul! thou Saviour dear, It is not night if thou be near: Oh, may no earth-born cloud arise To hide thee from thy servant's eyes! 2 When soft the dews of kindly sleep My weary eyelids gently steep, Be my last thought--how sweet to rest For ever on my Saviour's breast! 3 Abide with me from morn till eve, For without thee I cannot live; Abide with me when night is nigh, For without thee I dare not die. 4 Be near to bless me when I wake, Ere through the world my way I take; Abide with me till in thy love I lose myself in heaven above. Scripture: Luke 24:29 Used With Tune: HURSLEY
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"Still with thee"

Author: James D. Burns Appears in 158 hymnals Topics: Communion of Saints With God First Line: Still, still with thee, my God Lyrics: 1 Still, still with thee, my God, I would desire to be: By day, by night, at home, abroad, I would be still with thee. 2 With thee, when dawn comes in, And calls me back to care, Each day returning to begin With thee, my God, in prayer. 3 With thee, when day is done, And evening calms the mind; The setting, as the rising, sun With thee my heart would find. 4 With thee, in thee, by faith Abiding I would be; By day, by night, in life, in death, I would be still with thee. Scripture: Psalm 139:18 Used With Tune: DENNIS
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Unseen, we love

Author: Isaac Watts Appears in 114 hymnals Topics: Communion of Saints With Christ First Line: Not with our mortal eyes Lyrics: 1 Not with our mortal eyes Have we beheld the Lord; Yet we rejoice to hear his name; And love him in his word. 2 On earth we want the sight Of our Redeemer's face; Yet, Lord, our inmost thoughts delight To dwell upon thy grace. 3 And when we taste thy love, Our joys divinely grow Unspeakable, like those above, And heaven begins below. Scripture: John 12:21 Used With Tune: GREENWOOD
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Strength, Fortress, Refuge

Author: Anne Steele Appears in 361 hymnals Topics: Communion of Saints With Christ First Line: Dear Refuge of my weary soul Lyrics: 1 Dear Refuge of my weary soul, On thee, when sorrows rise, On thee, when waves of trouble roll, My fainting hope relies. 2 To thee I tell each rising grief, For thou alone canst heal; Thy word can bring a sweet relief For every pain I feel. 3 But oh, when gloomy doubts prevail, I fear to call thee mine; The springs of comfort seem to fail, And all my hopes decline. 4 Yet, gracious God, where shall I flee? Thou art my only trust; And still my soul would cleave to thee, Though prostrate in the dust. 5 Thy mercy-seat is open still, Here let my soul retreat, With humble hope attend thy will, And wait beneath thy feet. Used With Tune: ST. AGNES
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Psalm 23

Author: Henry W. Baker Appears in 679 hymnals Topics: Communion of Saints With Christ First Line: The King of love my Shepherd is Lyrics: 1 The King of love my Shepherd is, Whose goodness faileth never, I nothing lack if I am his, And he is mine for ever. 2 Where streams of living water flow My ransomed soul he leadeth, And, where the verdant pastures grow, With food celestial feedeth. 3 Perverse and foolish, oft I strayed, But yet in love he sought me, And on his shoulder gently laid, And home, rejoicing, brought me. 4 In death's dark vale I fear no ill With thee, dear Lord, beside me, Thy rod and staff my comfort still, Thy cross before to guide me. 5 Thou spread'st a table in my sight, Thy unction grace bestoweth. And, oh, what transport of delight From thy pure chalice floweth. 6 And so through all the length of days Thy goodness faileth never, Good Shepherd! may I sing thy praise Within thy house for ever. Scripture: Psalm 23:2 Used With Tune: DOMINUS REGIT
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"Look unto Me"

Author: Ray Palmer Appears in 2,218 hymnals Topics: Communion of Saints With Christ First Line: My faith looks up to thee Lyrics: 1 My faith looks up to thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary, Saviour divine! Now hear me while I pray, Take all my guilt away, Oh, let me from this day Be wholly thine! 2 May thy rich grace impart Strength to my fainting heart; My zeal inspire; As thou hast died for me, Oh, may my love to thee Pure, warm, and changeless be, A living fire! 3 While life's dark maze I tread, And griefs around me spread, Be thou my guide; Bid darkness turn to day, Wipe sorrow's tears away, Nor let me ever stray From thee aside. 4 When ends life's transient dream, When death's cold, sullen stream Shall o'er me roll, Blest Saviour! then, in love, Fear and distrust remove; Oh, bear me safe above, A ransomed soul! Scripture: Isaiah 45:22 Used With Tune: OLIVET
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"Jesus, my Lord!"

Author: James G. Deck Appears in 189 hymnals Topics: Communion of Saints With Christ First Line: Jesus, thy name I love Lyrics: 1 Jesus, thy name I love, All other names above, Jesus, my Lord! Oh, thou art all to me! Nothing to please I see, Nothing apart from thee, Jesus, my Lord! 2 Thou, blessed Son of God, Hast bought me with thy blood, Jesus, my Lord! Oh, how great is thy love, All other loves above, Love that I daily prove, Jesus, my Lord! 3 When unto thee I flee, Thou wilt my refuge be, Jesus, my Lord! What need I now to fear? What earthly grief or care, Since thou art ever near, Jesus, my Lord! 4 Soon thou wilt come again! I shall be happy then, Jesus, my Lord! Then thine own face I'll see, Then I shall like thee be, Then evermore with thee, Jesus, my Lord! Scripture: Matthew 1:21 Used With Tune: LYTE
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"Ashamed of me"

Author: Joseph Grigg Appears in 1,279 hymnals Topics: Communion of Saints With Christ First Line: Jesus, and shall it ever be Lyrics: 1 Jesus! and shall it ever be, A mortal man ashamed of thee? Ashamed of thee, whom angels praise, Whose glories shine through endless days? 2 Ashamed of Jesus! sooner far Let evening blush to own a star; He sheds the beams of light divine O'er this benighted soul of mine. 3 Ashamed of Jesus! that dear Friend On whom my hopes of heaven depend! No; when I blush, be this my shame, That I no more revere his name. 4 Ashamed of Jesus! yes, I may, When I've no guilt to wash away; No tear to wipe, no good to crave, No fears to quell, no soul to save. 5 Till then--nor is my boasting vain-- Till then, I boast a Saviour slain! And, oh, may this my glory be That Christ is not ashamed of me! Scripture: Mark 8:38 Used With Tune: FEDERAL STREET
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Jesus all in all

Author: Ray Palmer Appears in 564 hymnals Topics: Communion of Saints With Christ First Line: Jesus, thou Joy of loving hearts Lyrics: 1 Jesus, thou Joy of loving hearts, Thou Fount of life! thou Light of men! From the best bliss that earth imparts, We turn unfilled to thee again. 2 Thy truth unchanged hath ever stood; Thou savest those that on thee call; To them that seek thee thou art good, To them that find thee, All in All. 3 We taste thee, O thou Living Bread, And long to feast upon thee still; We drink of thee, the Fountain Head, And thirst our souls from thee to fill! 4 Our restless spirits yearn for thee, Where'er our changeful lot is cast; Glad, when thy gracious smile we see, Blest, when our faith can hold thee fast. 5 O Jesus, ever with us stay; Make all our moments calm and bright; Chase the dark night of sin away, Shed o'er the world thy holy light! Used With Tune: FEDERAL STREET
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"Not your own"

Author: Samuel F. Smith Appears in 27 hymnals Topics: Communion of Saints With Christ First Line: Oh, not my own these verdant hills Lyrics: 1 Oh, not my own these verdant hills, And fruits and flowers, and stream, and wood; But his who all with glory fills, Who bought me with his precious blood. 2 Oh, not my own this wondrous frame, Its curious work, its living soul; But his who for my ransom came; Slain for my sake, he claims the whole. 3 Oh, not my own the grace that keeps My feet from fierce temptations free; Oh, not my own the thought that leaps, Adoring, blessed Lord, to thee. 4 Oh, not my own; I'll soar and sing, When life, with all its toils, is o'er, And thou thy trembling lamb shalt bring Safe home, to wander nevermore. Scripture: 1 Corinthians 6:20 Used With Tune: CANONBURY
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"One as we are one"

Author: Ray Palmer Appears in 47 hymnals Topics: Communion of Saints With each other First Line: Lord, thou on earth didst love thine own Lyrics: 1 Lord, thou on earth didst love thine own, Didst love them to the end; Oh, still from thy celestial throne, Let gifts of love descend. 2 The love the Father bears to thee, His own eternal Son, Fill all thy saints, till all shall be In pure affection one. 3 As thou for us didst stoop so low, Warmed by love's holy flame, So let our deeds of kindness flow To all that bear thy name. 4 One blessed fellowship of love, Thy living church should stand, Till, faultless, she at last above Shall shine at thy right hand. 5 Oh, glorious day, when she, the Bride, With her dear Lord appears! Then, robed in beauty at his side, She shall forget her tears! Scripture: Matthew 25:6 Used With Tune: BELMONT
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Glorying in the Cross

Author: John Bowring Appears in 1,520 hymnals Topics: Church Ordinances of; Church Uniting with; Communion of Saints At Lord's Table; Covenant Christian; Cross of Christ Glorying in First Line: In the cross of Christ I glory Lyrics: 1 In the cross of Christ I glory, Towering o'er the wrecks of time; All the light of sacred story Gathers round its head sublime. 2 When the woes of life o'ertake me, Hopes deceive, and fears annoy, Never shall the cross forsake me: Lo! it glows with peace and joy. 3 When the sun of bliss is beaming Light and love upon my way, From the cross the radiance, streaming, Adds more lustre to the day. 4 Bane and blessing, pain and pleasure, By the cross are sanctified; Peace is there, that knows no measure, Joys that through all time abide. 5 In the cross of Christ I glory, Towering o'er the wrecks of time; All the light of sacred story Gathers round its head sublime. Scripture: Matthew 16:24 Used With Tune: RATHBUN
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O Lamb of God, still keep me

Author: James George Deck, 1802-1884 Appears in 161 hymnals Topics: Abiding in Christ; Christ Lamb of God; Christians Dependence on Christ; Communion with Christ; Need of Christ; Oneness with Christ; Peace of Christians; Saints Union with Christ Used With Tune: ANGEL'S STORY
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Jesus, I live to thee

Author: Rev. John Henry Harbaugh, 1817-1867 Appears in 164 hymnals Topics: Abiding in Christ; Choosing Christ; Christ Indwelling; Christ Preciousness of; Christians Dependence on Christ; Communion with Christ; Saints Union with Christ Used With Tune: GREENWOOD
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God's kindness to his Church

Appears in 178 hymnals Topics: Christ Communion with; Christ Worshiped; Christians Conquerors; Christians Happiness of; Church Beloved of God; Church Triumph of; Civil Magistracy; God Adored and Exalted; God Glorious; Gospel Invitations of ; Joy Exhortations to; Judgments On Nations; Praise A Part of Public Worship; Praise By Saints; Praise Calls to; Praise For Work of Redemption; Praise Of the Lord; Retribution Threatened; Salvation God's Gift First Line: O praise ye the Lord! prepare your glad voice Scripture: Psalm 149 Used With Tune: [O praise ye the Lord! prepare your glad voice]
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Communion with God and Christ

Author: Rev. Philip Doddridge (1702-1751) Appears in 169 hymnals Topics: Access to God; Communion With God; Saints Union of, with Christ First Line: Our Heavenly Father calls Scripture: 1 John 2:1 Used With Tune: THATCHER

I need thee every hour, most gracious Lord

Author: Annie S. Hawks, 1835-1918 Appears in 986 hymnals Topics: Communion with God, Christ; Inner Peace; Praise; Prayer; Temptation; Living the Saintly Life Prayer and Hope Scripture: Psalm 25:4-5 Used With Tune: LIVORNO


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