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Tune Identifier:"^es_ist_das_heil_german$"

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Sing praise to God who reigns above

Author: Frances Elizabeth Cox; John Jacob Schuetz Appears in 195 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Sing praise to God who reigns above, The God of all creation, The God of power, the God of love, The God of our salvation. With healing balm my soul He fills, And every faithless murmur stills; To God all praise and glory! 2 The angel host, O King of kings, Thy praise forever telling, In earth and sky all living things Beneath Thy shadow dwelling, Adore the wisdom which could span, And power which formed Creation's plan; To God all praise and glory! 3 I cried to God in my distress, His mercy heard me calling; My Saviour saw my helplessness, And kept my feet from falling; For this, Lord, praise and thanks to Thee! To God all praise and glory! 4 Thus all my gladsome way along, I'll sing aloud Thy praises, That men may hear the grateful song My voice unwearied raises: Be joyful in the Lord, my heart! Both soul and body, bear your part! To God all praise and glory! Topics: Worship Praise and Thanksgiving; Fourth Sunday after Trinity Used With Tune: ES IST DAS HEIL UNS KOMMEN HER

Wenn ich, o Schöpfer! deine macht

Author: C. F. Gellert Appears in 93 hymnals Lyrics: 1. Wenn ich, o Schöpfer! deine macht, Die weisheit deiner wege, Die liebe, die für alle wacht, Anbetend überlege: So weiß ich, von bewumd’rung voll, Nicht wie ich dich erheben soll, Mein Gott, mein Herr und Vater! 2. Mein auge sieht, wohin es blickt, Die wunder deiner werke. Der himmel, prächtig ausgeschmückt, Preis’t dich, du Gott der stärke! Wer hat die sonn’ an ihm erhöht? Wer kleidet sie mit majestät? Wer ruft dem heer der sterne? 3. Wer mißt dem winde seinen lauf? Wer heißt die himmel regnen? Wer schließt den schoss der erde auf, Mit vorrath uns zu segnen? O Gott der macht und herrlichkeit! Gott, deine güte reicht so weit, So weit die wolken reichen. 4. Dich predigt sonnenschein und sturm! Dich preis’t der sand am meere. Bringt, ruft auch der geringste wurm, Bringt meinem Schöpfer ehre! Mich, ruft der baum in seiner pracht, Mich, ruft die saat, hat Gott gemacht: Bringt unserm Schöpfer ehre! 5. Der mensch, ein leid, den deine hand So wunderbar bereitet; Der mensch, ein geist, den sein verstand, Dich zu erkennen, leitet: Der mensch, der schöpfung ruhm und preis, Ist sich ein täglicher beweis Von deiner güt’ und größe. 6. Erheb’ ihn ewig, o mein geist, Erhebe seinen namen! Gott, unser Vater, sei gepreis’t, Und alle welt sag’ Amen! Und alle welt fürcht’ ihren Herrn, Und hoff’ auf ihn und dien’ ihm gern! Wer wollte Gott nicht dienen! Used With Tune: Es ist das Heil uns etc.
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Es ist das Heil uns kommen her

Author: Paul Speratus Appears in 80 hymnals Used With Tune: [Es ist das Heil uns kommen her]
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Sei Lob und Ehr' dem höchsten Gut

Author: Joh. Jak. Schütz Appears in 135 hymnals Used With Tune: [Sei Lob und Ehr' dem höchsten Gut]

He That Believes and Is Baptized

Author: Thomas Kingo, 1634-1703; George Taylor Rygh, 1860-1943 Meter: Appears in 34 hymnals Topics: Baptism; New Birth Used With Tune: ES IST DAS HEIL
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While all the night-stars fade and wane

Author: M. Woolsey Stryker Appears in 1 hymnal Used With Tune: ES IST DAS HEIL
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Across the sky the shades of night

Author: J. Hamilton (1814-1867) Meter: Appears in 29 hymnals Topics: Year Close of the Used With Tune: KÖNIGSEE
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O Tod, wo ist dein Stachel nun

Author: Georg Weissel Appears in 88 hymnals First Line: O Tod, wo ist dein Stachel nun? Lyrics: 1 O Tod, wo ist dein Stachel nun? Wo ist dein Sieg, o Hölle? Was kann uns jetzt der Teufel tun, wie grausam er sich stelle? Gott sei gedankt, der uns den Sieg so herrlich hat nach diesem Krieg durch Jesus Christ gegeben! 2 Wie sträubte sich die alte Schlang, da Christus mit ihr kämpfte! Mit List und Macht sie auf ihn drang, und dennoch er sie dämpfte. Ob sie ihn in die Ferse sticht, so sieget sie doch darum nicht, der Kopf ist ihr zertreten. 3 Lebendig Christus kommt herfür, die Feind nimmt er gefangen, zerbricht der Hölle Schloß und Tür, trägt weg den Raub mit Prangen. Nichts ist, das in dem Siegeslauf den starken Held kann halten auf, alls liegt da überwunden. 4 Des Herren Rechte, die behält den Sieg und ist erhöhet; des Herren Rechte mächtig fällt, was ihr entgegenstehet. Tod, Teufel, Höll und alle Feind durch Christi Sieg bezwungen seind, ihr Zorn ist kraftlos worden. 5 Es war getötet Jesus Christ, und sieh, er lebet wieder. Weil nun das Haupt erstanden ist, stehn wir auch auf, die Glieder. So jemand Christi Worten glaubt, im Tod und Grabe der nicht bleibt; er lebt, ob er gleich stirbet. 6 Wer täglich hier durch wahre Reu mit Christus auferstehet, ist dort vom andern Tode frei, derselb ihn nicht angehet. Genommen ist dem Tod die Macht, Unschuld und Leben wiederbracht und unvergänglich Wesen. 7 Das ist die reiche Osterbeut, der wir teilhaftig werden: Fried, Freude, Heil, Gerechtigkeit im Himmel und auf Erden. Hier sind wir still und warten fort, bis unser Leib wird ähnlich dort Christi verklärtem Leibe. 8 O Tod, wo ist dein Stachel nun? Wo ist dein Sieg, o Hölle? Was kann uns jetzt der Teufel tun wie grausam er sich stelle? Gott sei gedankt, der uns den Sieg so herrlich hat in diesem Krieg durch Jesus Christ gegeben! Topics: Das Kirchenjahr Ostern Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:55 Used With Tune: [O Tod, wo ist dein Stachel nun?] Text Sources: Lüneburg 1657
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All glory to the sovereign good

Author: J. J. Schuetz, 1640-1690; Rev. John Christian Jacobi, 1670-1750 Appears in 12 hymnals Topics: Creation and Providence; God Goodness of; God Grace of ; Praise and Adoration; Worship Used With Tune: SPERATUS
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By Nature Man Cannot Achieve

Author: H. Brueckner; David Denicke Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 By nature man cannot achieve True knowledge of salvation, Nor yet the things of God believe, However high his station. Until Thy Word, that light divine, Within our hearts begins to shine, O God, we grope in darkness. 2 But Thou, O God, in days of old Didst send us faithful teachers. Who by Thy Spirit did unfold Thy holy will as preachers; At last Thy Son to earth came down, Who wore for us the thorny crown, Thy will and counsel taught us. 3 For this, O God, we sing Thy praise; True knowledge now possessing, May we continue in Thy ways And thus obtain Thy blessing. May we Thy Word with joy receive And in its saving truth believe, As Thine own revelation. 4 O let Thy Word, that shining light, Illume our pathway ever; Help us to keep it pure and bright, And may it fail us never, But comfort give in ev'ry need; In life, in death may we take heed And trust its faithful guidance. 5 O God, our Father, spread Thy Word To Thine own praise and glory; Enlighten us, O Christ, our Lord, With Thy true Gospel story; O Holy Spirit, gracious Light, Teach us to know the truth aright And work all good within us. Topics: The Means of Grace The Ministry Used With Tune: SALVATION
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Our whole Salvation doth depend

Appears in 7 hymnals Lyrics: I. Our whole Salvation doth depend On God's free Grace and Spirit; all our good Works can ne'er defend A Boast upon our Merit Derived is our Righteousness From Christ and his attoning Grace; He is our Mediator. II. What God commanded in the Law Was far beyond our Doing: There sinful Nature Nothing saw But hopeless Death and Ruin. The fiery Mount spreads black Despair: There's no Reprieve nor Pardon there For us Apostate-Wretches. III. Who can maintain the bold Conceit, That poor Mankind was able T'observe by Means of Nat'ral Light, The first and second Table? The LAW reveals the Root of Sin, Which lay before conceal'd within, With all its hellish Branches. IV. No! t'was beyond all human Art To purge that deep Pollution; All Means to move the poison'd Dart Confirm'd the foul Difusion. The Lord a feigned Work abhors; Mere Flesh increases but the Curse Of our intail'd Corruption. V. The LAW cried, Justice must be done, Or Men doom'd to Damnation: But Mercy sent th'eternal Son, Who purchas'd our Salvation, Fulfill'd the LAW in its Extent, And gave its Wrath a thorough Vent, To pass the Sons of ADAM. VI. Thus having all the LAW fulfill'd Through CHRIST'S blest Cross and Passion, He's now the Rock, whereon we build Our Faith and whole Salvation. We call him Lord, our Righteousness, Whose Death has purchas'd Life and Grace, And ransom'd us for ever. VII. My Faith avoids all Doubt and Fear; Thy Word can ne'er deceive me; Thou say'st no Sinner shall despair, None perish who believes Thee. Who rests on God, and is baptiz'd, Is surely the Redeem'd by CHRIST, And 'scapes eternal Torment. VIII. The Man that bears the Faith that shines In Works of christian Merit, Is justified, and bears the Signs Of a confessing Spirit. A living Faith's what God regards, His Love doth Good without Rewards. Art thou new born in Spirit? IX. The LAW reveals sins Sinfulness. Inhancing th' Accusation, The Gospel tenders saving Grace For Sinners Consolation; Bids all lay hold on JESU"S Cross; The LAW could ne'er retrieve our Loss, With all its best Performance. X. True genuine Gospel-Works denote A Faith of God's inspiring. That Faith is vain, which is remote And from Good Works retiring. Yet Faith alone's what justifies, The Love t'our Neighbour well implies, We are sincere Believers. XI. The living Hope with Patience waits God's promis'd Consolation, Takes all the Turns of Ease and Streights With Christian Resignation. God knows the Time for our Relief, T'asswage our greatest Pain and Grief, In him we have Affiance. XII. Be not cast down, when he delays To crown thine Expectation; He then is nearest, when thy Ways Seem full of Desolation; On his eternal Word rely, E'en tho' thy war'ving Heart deny, And trust in thy Redeemer. XIII. To Father, Son and Holy Ghost Immortal Praise be given; Whose Passion to restore Men lost Is all the Song of heaven. May JEWS and all the Gentile-Race Soon call Thee Lord their Righteousness: Thy Name be ever ahllow'd. XIV. Thy Kingdom come, thy Will be done As 'tis by Saints in Glory; With daily Bread our Tables crown; Forgive our Sins before Thee, As we forgive our Debtors here: Let no Temptation breed Despair: From Ill redeem us, Amen. Topics: Faith and Justification Used With Tune: [Our whole Salvation doth depend]

Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling

Author: Thomas Hornblower Gill, 1819-1906 Meter: Appears in 22 hymnals Topics: The Church Its Privileges and Security; National and Social Service Queen and Nation Used With Tune: DETTINGTON
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O Lord, our Father, thanks to Thee

Author: Cyriacus Schneegass; Rev. August Crull Appears in 11 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O Lord our Father, thanks to Thee In this new year we render, For Thou hast been from misery And evil our defender; Thro' all the year that hath now fled Hast given us our daily bread, And peace within our borders. 2 Lord Jesus Christ, our thanks to Thee In this new year we render, For Thou still rulest zealously Thy fold, with mercies tender; Thou hast redeemed us with Thy blood, Thou art our only Trust and Good: In life and death our Savior. 3 Lord Holy Ghost, our thanks to Thee In this new year we render, For by Thy grace it is that we Perceive Thy Word's pure splendor; Thou hast infused, Lord, from above Into our hearts true faith and love And other Christian virtues. 4 Our faithful God, we cry to Thee: Still bless us with Thy favor, Blot out all our iniquity, And hide our sins forever; Grant us a happy, good New Year, And when the hour of death draw near, A blest departure. Amen. Topics: The Church Year New Year; New Year's Day Used With Tune: SPERATUS
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We see not, know not, all our way

Author: John G. Whittier Appears in 13 hymnals Topics: The Christian Life Trust and Confidence Used With Tune: SPERATUS
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To God, the Father of all love

Author: J. Schütz Appears in 5 hymnals Lyrics: 1 To God, the Father of all love, the God of earth and heaven, The mighty God who reigns above, be praise and glory given! With healing balm my soul He fills, And every pain and sorrow stills; To God all praise and glory! 2 The angel host, O King of kings, Thy praise forever telling, In earth and sky all living things Beneath Thy shadow dwelling, Adore and praise their Maker's might, Whose wisdom orders all things right; To God all praise and glory! 3 What God's almighty power hath made, His gracious mercy keepeth; By morning glow or evening shade His watchful eye ne'er sleepeth; Within the kingdom of His might, Lo, all is just and all is right; To God all praise and glory! 4 I cried to God in my distress, His mercy heard me calling; My Saviour saw my helplessness, And kept my feet from falling; For this, Lord, praise and thanks to Thee! Praise God Most High, praise God with me! To God all praise and glory! 5 The Lord forsaketh not His flock, His chosen generation; He is their refuge and their rock, Their peace and their salvation; And with a mother's watchful love He guides them wheresoe'er they rove; To God all praise and glory! 6 When earth can comfort us no more, Nor human help availeth, The Maker comes Himself, whose store Of blessing never faileth, And bends on them a Father's eyes Whom earth all rest and hope denies; To God all praise and glory! 7 Thus all my pilgrim way along I'll sing aloud Thy praises, That men may hear the grateful song My voice unwearied raises; Be joyful in the Lord, my heart! Both soul and body, bear your part! To God all praise and glory! 8 Ye who confess Christ's holy name, To God give praise and glory! Ye who the Father's power proclaim, To God give praise and glory! All idols under foot be trod, The Lord is God! The Lord is God! To God all praise and glory! 9 Then come before His presence now, And banish fear and sadness; To your Redeemer pay your vow, And sing with joy and gladness: Though great distress my soul befell, The Lord my God did all things well; To God all praise and glory! Topics: Worship Used With Tune: [To God, the Father of all love]
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The Lord is King; upon his throne He sits in garments glorious

Author: James Montgomery, 1771-1854 Appears in 6 hymnals Topics: Christ Exaltation of; God Majesty and Greatness Used With Tune: SPERATUS
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Ye Baptized People, One And All

Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Lyrics: 1. Ye baptized people, one and all, Who know your God in heaven, Ye have received an holy call, To you Christ's name is given. Forget ye not, but ponder well, The precious gifts no tongue can tell, The blessing of baptism. 2. This washing cleanseth us from sin And lends a sacred beauty, It makes us white and pure within, Incites to love and duty, From Satan's prison sets us free, Enables us the sons to be And heirs of God, our Father. 3. Our sinful nature is renewed, The curse of God is lifted; With choicest blessings well endued, And with the Spirit gifted, We unto sin are pledged to die And by the pow'r of God on high The gates of hell can conquer. 4. Here we with Jesus Christ are clad. His righteousness receiving, Which covers what in us is bad, Our innocence achieving; His holy blood, for sinners spilt, Releases us from sin and guilt, And we with God find favor. 5. O Christians, bear this well in mind And thank the Lord sincerely For all the gifts that here you find And that you prize so dearly, When nothing else can soothe the soul, These gifts lend comfort till the goal Of life on earth appeareth. Topics: The Means of Grace The Sarraments-Holy Baptism Used With Tune: SALVATION Text Sources: Tr. from the German

Sei Lob und Her dem höchsten Gut

Appears in 9 hymnals First Line: Honor' kaj laŭd' al nia Di', ĉar patre kun potenco Used With Tune: Sei Lob und Ehr
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We Love The Temple Of The Lord

Author: Oldenburg Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 We love the temple of the Lord, Which on the Rock is founded; Here dwell the souls in sweet accord, By grace and peace surrounded; Here broken is the bread of life. Here men may rest secure from strife, While heaven is wide open. 2 O Father, thanks for festal days Within Thy sanctuary! We hear Thy voice, we learn thy ways, We love with Thee to tarry. Increase our faith and give us light That we may know Thy Word aright And reach our home in heaven. Topics: The Church Used With Tune: [We love the temple of the Lord]
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By Faith We Are Divinely Sure

Author: H. A. Brorson Meter: Appears in 5 hymnals Topics: Faith and Justification Used With Tune: [By faith we are divinely sure] Text Sources: From the German
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All praise and thanks to God Most High

Author: Catherine Winkworth, 1827-1878; Johann Jacob Schütz Appears in 7 hymnals Used With Tune: Speratus
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Lamb of God, Our souls Adore thee

Author: James G. Deck Appears in 10 hymnals Topics: Praise and Worship Christ's Life and Sorrows Used With Tune: AMNOS

Salvation unto Us Has Come

Author: Paul Speratus, 1484-1551 Meter: Appears in 20 hymnals Topics: Atonement; Faith; Grace; Jesus Christ Blood & Atonement; Justification; Redemption; Salvation Scripture: Romans 3-5 Used With Tune: ES IST DAS HEIL Text Sources: Tr. composite

Es ist in keinem andern Heil, kein Nam ist sonst gegeben

Author: Johann Christian Lange; Johann Anastasius Freylinghausen, 1670-1739 Appears in 1 hymnal Used With Tune: [Es ist in keinem andern Heil, kein Nam ist sonst gegeben]
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O Lord, Take Pity Once You've Seen

Author: Martin Luther, 1483-1546; Michael D. Schultz, b. 1963 Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Church Militant Scripture: Psalm 12 Used With Tune: ES IST DAS HEIL

Wie Gott mich führt, so will ich gehn

Author: Lambert Gedicke Appears in 49 hymnals Used With Tune: [Wie Gott mich führt, so will ich gehn]
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They Walked with God

Author: James Montgomery, 1771-1854 Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: They walked with God in peace and love Lyrics: 1 They walked with God in peace and love but failed with one another; while sternly for the faith they strove, they fell out with each other. But he in whom they put their trust, who knew their frames, that they were dust, with pity healed their weakness. 2 He found them in his house of prayer with one accord assembled, and so revealed his presence there; they wept for joy and trembled. One cup they drank, one bread they broke, on baptism shared, one language spoke, forgiving and forgiven. 3 Then forth they went, with tongues of flame in one blessed theme delighting; the love of Jesus, and his name, God's children all uniting. That love our theme and watchword still; the law of love may we fulfill - give love as love we're given. Topics: Festival: Renewal of the Unitas Fratrum; Conversion; Forgiveness; Holy Spirit--Presence of; Love for Others; Lovefeast; Moravian festivals--August 14; Reconciliation; Sin Scripture: Acts 11:1-18 Used With Tune: SPERATUS
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Der ersten Unschuld reines Glück

Author: K. B. Garve Appears in 12 hymnals Used With Tune: [Der ersten Unschuld reines Glück]
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Do Ciebie w każdej sprawie

Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Nabożeństwo Ślub, malżeństwo I rodzina Used With Tune: ES IST DAS HEIL UNS KOMMEN HER Text Sources: Śpiewnik warszawski 1899
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The Lord of might, from Sinai's brow

Author: R. Heber Appears in 24 hymnals Used With Tune: [The Lord of might, from Sinai's brow]

Ufnością w Bogu

Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Ufnością w Bogu wiara jest Topics: Wiara, milość, nadzieja Usprawiedliwienie i pewność zbawienia Used With Tune: ES IST DAS HEIL UNS KOMMEN HER Text Sources: Śpiewnik warszaswski 1899

Quien Cree y Bautizado Es

Author: Thomas Kingo; G. T. Rygh; J. Burghi Appears in 3 hymnals Used With Tune: ES IST DAS HEIL

Guds Søn er kommen til os ned

Author: Paul Speratus; Klaus Mortensøn; Landstad Appears in 4 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Guds Søn er kommen til os ned Af høie Himmerige, Fordi vi ingen Raad os veed Derop til ham at stige. Vor Gjerning ei retfærdiggjør, Men Kristus kommer, lider dør; Han har os Himlen vundet. 2 Hvad Gud i Loven budet har, Vi kunde ei opfylde, Vi derfor under Vreden var, Og monne Straf forskylde. Det hed: Vær god af Hjertens Grund! Men vi er onde allen Stund, Vor Dyd den intet duer. 3 Dog maatte Loven holdes vist, Hvad heller vi fortabes, Thi sendte Gud os Jesum Krist, Lod ham for vor Skyld plages. Han enest har Guds Lov opfyldt; Vor Dom afvendt, Guds Vrede stilt, Af Naade er vi frelste. 4 Derpaa jeg tviler ingenlund;, Guds Ord kan ei bedrage, Det Ord af din velsigned' Mund Du rykker ei tilbage, At hver, som tror og bliver døbt, For hannem har du Himlen kjøbt, Han ikke skal vortabes. 5 Retfærdiggort ved Troen min Jeg Gud, min Frelser, priser, Den ter herfrem saa klart et Skin, I Gjerning god sig viser; Med Haab til Himlen ser min Sjæl, Af Kjærlighed gjør alle vel, Har Fred i Gud og Glæde. 6 Ved Loven vorder Synden kjendt, Den Hjertet sønderstøder, Men Naaden kommer himmelsendt, Og læger Saar, som bløder. O Synder, kom til Jesum Krist! I Lovens Gjerning sandt og vist Ei Frelse for dig findes. 7 Gud Fader, Søn i alle Land Vi Hjerte-Takken sender, Samt Helligaand, vor Trøstermand, Som Troen hs os tender! Og den i os begyndte Sag Fuldende han til Kristi Dag, At vi maa frelses! Amen. Topics: Søndag efter Nyaar Til Aftensang; Sunday after New Years For Evening; Evangelium; The Gospel; Tillid; Trust; Søndag mellem Jul og Hyaarsdag Til Hoimesse; Sunday between Christmas and New Years High Mass; Søndag Septuagesima Til Aftensang; Septuagesima For Evening; 6 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest Til Hoimesse; Sixth Sunday after Trinity Sunday High Mass; 6 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest Til Aftensang; Sixth Sunday after Trinity Sunday For Evening Used With Tune: [Guds Søn er kommen til os ned]
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Dear Lord and Father of mankind

Author: John Greenleaf Whittier Appears in 509 hymnals Used With Tune: ES IST DAS HEIL UNS KOMMEN HER
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Wach' auf, mein Herz, die Nacht ist hin

Author: Laurentius Laurenti, 1660-1722 Appears in 61 hymnals Used With Tune: [Wach' auf, mein Herz, die Nacht ist hin]

O Licht der wunderbaren Nacht

Author: Georg Thurmair Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Regionalteil Lieder für Bayern und Thüringen; Kirchenjahr Ostern Used With Tune: [O Licht der wunderbaren Nacht]
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Die Väter weihten dieses Haus

Author: Hans von Ussig, 1650-1694 Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Regionalteil Lieder für Bayern und Thüringen; Gottesdienst Besondere Anlasse: Kirchweih Used With Tune: [Die Väter weihten dieses Haus] Text Sources: Traditionelles Kirchweihlied in Thüringen
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O unaussprechlicher Verlust

Appears in 19 hymnals Used With Tune: [O unaussprechlicher Verlust]

Ich glaube, daß die Heiligen

Author: Philipp Friedrich Hiller, 1699-1769 Appears in 24 hymnals Used With Tune: [Ich glaube, daß die Heiligen]

Herr Gott, dir danket Herz und Mund

Appears in 3 hymnals Used With Tune: [Herr Gott, dir danket Herz und Mund]

Bóg dal zbawienie

Author: bp Paul Spearatus; ks. Edward Romański Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Wiara, milość, nadzieja Usprawiedliwienie i pewność zbawienia Used With Tune: ES IST DAS HEIL UNS KOMMEN HER

O Boże, znana dobroć

Author: Christian Fürchtegott Gellert, d. 1769 Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: O Boże, znana dobroć Twa Topics: Wiara, milość, nadzieja Lęk i zaufanie Used With Tune: ES IST DAS HEIL UNS KOMMEN HER Text Sources: Przekład: Śpiewnik warszawski 1899
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Salvation comes

Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Salvation comes! O Saviour dear Used With Tune: ES IST DAS HEIL UNS KOMMEN HER
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With praise proclaim the Highest Good

Author: J. J. Schütz Appears in 1 hymnal Used With Tune: [With praise proclaim the Highest Good]

Gud har af sin barmhertighet

Author: J. O. Wallin; P. Speratus, d. 1554; O. Petri; S. Ödmann Appears in 1 hymnal Used With Tune: [Gud har af sin barmhertighet]

O gode Ande, led du mig

Author: Johann Aström, 1767-1844 Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Spirito Sankta, gvidu min al vero kaj al vivo Used With Tune: Sei Lob und Ehr

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