Frederick William Faber

Frederick William Faber
Short Name: Frederick William Faber
Full Name: Faber, Frederick William, 1814-1863
Birth Year: 1814
Death Year: 1863

Raised in the Church of England, Frederick W. Faber (b. Calverly, Yorkshire, England, 1814; d. Kensington, London, England, 1863) came from a Huguenot and strict Calvinistic family background. He was educated at Balliol College, Oxford, and ordained in the Church of England in 1839. Influenced by the teaching of John Henry Newman, Faber followed Newman into the Roman Catholic Church in 1845 and served under Newman's supervision in the Oratory of St. Philip Neri. Because he believed that Roman Catholics should sing hymns like those written by John Newton, Charles Wesley, and William Cowpe, Faber wrote 150 hymns himself. One of his best known, "Faith of Our Fathers," originally had these words in its third stanza: "Faith of Our Fathers! Mary's prayers/Shall win our country back to thee." He published his hymns in various volumes and finally collected all of them in Hymns (1862).

Bert Polman
Faber, Frederick William, D.D., son of Mr. T. H. Faber, was born at Calverley Vicarage, Yorkshire, June 28, 1814, and educated at Balliol College, Oxford, graduating B.A. in 1836. He was for some time a Fellow of University College, in the same University. Taking Holy Orders in 1837, he became Rector of Elton, Huntingdonshire, in 1843, but in 1846 he seceded to the Church of Rome. After residing for some time at St. Wilfrid's, Staffordshire, he went to London in 1849, and established the London "Oratorians," or, "Priests of the Congregation of St. Philip Neri," in King William Street, Strand. In 1854 the Oratory was removed to Brompton. Dr. Faber died Sept. 26, 1863. Before his secession he published several prose works, some of which were in defence of the Church of England; and afterwards several followed as Spiritual Conferences, All for Jesus, &c. Although he published his Cherwell Waterlily and Other Poems, 1840; The Styrian Lake, and Other Poems, 1842; Sir Lancelot, 1844; and The Rosary and Other Poems, 1845; and his Lives of the Saints, in verse, before he joined the Church of Rome, all his hymns were published after he joined that communion. They were included in his:—

(1) A small book of eleven Hymns1849, for the School at St. Wilfrid's, Staffordshire. (2) Jesus and Mary: or, Catholic Hymns for Singing and Reading, London 1849. In 1852 the 2nd edition was published with an addition of 20 new hymns. (3) Oratory Hymns, 1854; and (4) Hymns, 1862, being a collected edition of what he had written and published from time to time.

Dr. Faber's account of the origin of his hymn-writing is given in his Preface to Jesus & Mary. After dwelling on the influence, respectively, of St. Theresa, of St. Ignatius, and of St. Philip Neri, on Catholicism; and of the last that "sanctity in the world, perfection at home, high attainments in common earthly callings…was the principal end of his apostolate," he says:—

“It was natural then that an English son of St. Philip should feel the want of a collection of English Catholic hymns fitted for singing. The few in the Garden of the Soul were all that were at hand, and of course they were not numerous enough to furnish the requisite variety. As to translations they do not express Saxon thought and feelings, and consequently the poor do not seem to take to them. The domestic wants of the Oratory, too, keep alive the feeling that something of the sort was needed: though at the same time the author's ignorance of music appeared in some measure to disqualify him for the work of supplying the defect. Eleven, however, of the hymns were written, most of them, for particular tunes and on particular occasions, and became very popular with a country congregation. They were afterwards printed for the Schools at St. Wilfrid's, and the very numerous applications to the printer for them seemed to show that, in spite of very glaring literary defects, such as careless grammar and slipshod metre, people were anxious to have Catholic hymns of any sort. The manuscript of the present volume was submitted to a musical friend, who replied that certain verses of all or nearly all of the hymns would do for singing; and this encouragement has led to the publication of the volume."

In the same Preface he clearly points to the Olney Hymns and those of the Wesleys as being the models which for simplicity and intense fervour he would endeavour to emulate. From the small book of eleven hymns printed for the schools at St. Wilfrid's, his hymn-writing resulted in a total of 150 pieces, all of which are in his Hymns, 1862, and many of them in various Roman Catholic collections for missions and schools. Few hymns are more popular than his "My God, how wonderful Thou art," "O come and mourn with me awhile," and "Sweet Saviour, bless us ere we go." They excel in directness, simplicity, and pathos. "Hark, hark, my soul, angelic songs are swelling," and "O Paradise, O Paradise," are also widely known. These possess, however, an element of unreality which is against their permanent popularity. Many of Faber's hymns are annotated under their respective first lines; the rest in common use include:—

i. From his Jesus and Mary, 1849 and 1852.
1. Fountain of love, Thyself true God. The Holy Ghost.
2. How shalt thou bear the Cross, that now. The Eternal Years.
3. I come to Thee, once more, O God. Returning to God.
4. Joy, joy, the Mother comes. The Purification.
5. My soul, what hast thou done for God? Self-Examination
6. O how the thought of God attract. Holiness Desired.
7. O soul of Jesus, sick to death. Passiontide. Sometimes this is divided into two parts, Pt. ii. beginning, “My God, my God, and can it be."

ii. From his Oratory Hymns, 1854.
8. Christians, to the war! Gather from afar. The Christian Warfare.
9. O come to the merciful Saviour that calls you. Divine Invitation. In many collections.
10. O God, Thy power is wonderful. Power and Eternity of God.
11. O it is sweet to think, Of those that are departed. Memory of the Dead.
12. O what are the wages of sin? The Wages of Sin.
13. O what is this splendour that beams on me now? Heaven.
14. Saint of the Sacred Heart. St. John the Evangelist.

iii. From his Hymns, 1862.
15. Father, the sweetest, dearest Name. The Eternal Father.
16. Full of glory, full of wonders, Majesty Divine. Holy Trinity.
17. Hark ! the sound of the fight. Processions.
18. How pleasant are thy paths, 0 death. Death Contemplated.
19. O God, Whose thoughts are brightest light. Thinking no Evil.
20. O why art thou sorrowful, servant of God? Trust in God.
21. Souls of men, why will ye scatter? The Divine Call.
22. The land beyond the sea. Heaven Contemplated.
23. The thought of God, the thought of thee. Thoughts of God.
24. We come to Thee, sweet Saviour. Jesus, our Rest.

In addition to these there are also several hymns in common use in Roman Catholic hymn-books which are confined to those collections. In the Hymns for the Year, by Dr. Rawes, Nos. 77, 110, 112, 117, 120, 121, 122, 125, 127, 128, 131, 140, 152, 154,169, 170, 174, 179, 180, 192, 222, 226, 230, 271, 272, are also by Faber, and relate principally to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Several of these are repeated in other Roman Catholic collections.

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907


Faber, Frederick William, p. 361, i. To this article the following additions have to be made:—
1. Blood is the price of heaven. Good Friday. (1862.)
2. Exceeding sorrowful to death. Gethsemane. This in the Scottish Ibrox Hymnal, 1871, is a cento from "O soul of Jesus, sick to death," p. 362, i., 7.
3. From pain to pain, from woe to woe. Good Friday. (1854.)
4. I wish to have no wishes left. Wishes about death. (1862.)
5. Why is thy face so lit with smiles? Ascension. (1849.)
The dates here given are those of Faber's works in which the hymns appeared. In addition to these hymns there are also the following in common use:—
6. Dear God of orphans, hear our prayer. On behalf of Orphans. This appeared in a miscellaneous collection entitled A May Garland, John Philip, n.d. [1863], No. 1, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. In the Roman Catholic Parochial Hymn Book, 1880, it begins, "O God of orphans, hear our prayer."
7. Sleep, sleep my beautiful babe. Christmas Carol. This carol we have failed to trace.
8. By the Archangel's word of love. Pt. i. Life of our Lord. This, and Pt. ii., “By the blood that flowed from Thee"; Pt. iii., "By the first bright Easter day"; also, "By the word to Mary given"; "By the name which Thou didst take"; in The Crown Hymn Book and other Roman Catholic collections, we have seen ascribed to Dr. Faber, but in the Rev. H. Formby's Catholic Hymns, 1853, they are all signed "C. M. C," i.e. Cecilia M. Caddell (p. 200, i.).

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)


Faber, F. W., pp. 361, i.; 1562, ii. We are informed by members of Dr. Faber's family that his father was Mr. Thomas Henry Faber, sometime Lay Secretary of the Bishop of Durham. In addition to his hymns already noted in this Dictionary, the following are found in various Roman Catholic collections, viz.:—
i. From St. Wilfrid's Hymns, 1849:—
1. Dear Father Philip, holy Sire. S. Philip Neri.
2. Hail, holy Joseph, hail. S. Joseph.
3. Mother of Mercy, day by day. Blessed Virgin Mary.
ii. Jesus and Mary, 1849:—
4. Ah ! dearest Lord! I cannot pray. Prayer.
5. Dear Husband of Mary. S. Joseph.
6. Dear Little One, how sweet Thou art. Christmas.
7. Father and God! my endless doom. Predestination.
8. Hail, holy Wilfrid, hail. S. Wilfrid.
9. O Jesus, if in days gone by. Love of the World.
10. O turn to Jesus, Mother, turn. B. V. M.
11. Sing, sing, ye angel bands. Assum. B. V. M.
iii. Jesus and Mary, 1852:—
12. All ye who love the ways of sin. S. Philip Neri.
13. Day set on Rome! its golden morn. S. Philip Neri.
14. Hail, bright Archangel! Prince of heaven. S. Michael.
15. Hail, Gabriel, hail. S. Gabriel.
16. O Flower of Grace, divinest Flower. B. V. M.
17. Saint Philip! 1 have never known. S. Philip Neri.
18. Sweet Saint Philip, thou hast won us. S. Philip Neri. Previously in the Rambler, May, 1850, p. 425.
iv. Oratory Hymns, 1854:—
19. Day breaks on temple roofs and towers. Expect. of B. V. M.
20. How gently flow the silent years. S. Martin and S. Philip.
21. How the light of Heaven is stealing. Grace.
22. Like the dawning of the morning. Expect. of B. V. M.
23. Mother Mary ! at thine altar. For Orphans.
24. My God! Who art nothing but mercy and kindness. Repentance.
25. O blessed Father! sent by God. S. Vincent of Paul.
26. O do you hear that voice from heaven? Forgiveness.
27. The chains that have bound me. Absolution.
28. The day, the happy day, is dawning. B. V. M.
29. The moon is in the heavens above. B. V. M.
30. Why art thou sorrowful, servant of God? Mercy.
v. Hymns, 1862:—
31. At last Thou art come, little Saviour. Christmas.
32. By the spring of God's compassions. S. Raphael.
33. Fair are the portals of the day. B. V. M.
34. Father of many children. S. Benedict.
35. From the highest heights of glory. S. Mary Magdalene.
36. Like the voiceless starlight falling. B. V. M.
37. Mary! dearest mother. B. V. M.
38. Mother of God, we hail thy heart. B. V. M.
39. O Anne! thou hadst lived through those long dreary years. S. Anne. Previously in Holy Family Hymns, 1860.
40. O balmy and bright as moonlit night. B. V. M.
41. O Blessed Trinity! Thy children. Holy Trinity.
42. O dear Saint Martha, busy saint. S. Martha
43. O Mother, will it always be. B. V. M.
44. O vision bright. B. V. M.
45. Summer suns for ever shining. B. V. M.
46. There are many saints above. S. Joseph. Previously in Holy Family Hymns, 1860.
vi. Centos and altered forms:—
47. Confraternity men to the fight. From "Hark the sound of the fight," p. 362, i.
48. Hail, sainted Mungo, hail. From No. 8.
49. I bow to Thee, sweet will of God. From "I worship Thee," p. 559, ii.
50. They whom we loved on earth. From "0 it is sweet to think," p. 362, i.
51. Vincent! like Mother Mary, thou. From No. 25.
When Dr. Faber's hymns which are in common use are enumerated, the total falls little short of one hundred. In this respect he outnumbers most of his contemporaries. [Rev. James Mearns]

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)


See also in:

Wikipedia Biography

Frederick William Faber (28 June 1814 – 26 September 1863) was a noted English hymn writer and theologian, who converted from Anglicanism to Roman Catholicism in 1845. He was ordained to the Catholic priesthood subsequently in 1847. His best-known work is the hymn Faith of Our Fathers.

Texts by Frederick William Faber (250)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A Jesucristo doy loorFrederick William Faber (Author)Spanish2
A trusting heart, a yearning eyeFrederick W. Faber (Author)1
Ah, dearest Lord, I cannot prayFrederick William Faber (Author)English5
All hail, dear Conqueror, all hailFrederick W. Faber (Author)English7
All hail, thou Conqueror, all hailFrederick W. Faber (Author)2
All praise to St. PatrickFrederick W. Faber (Author)English17
All, that God blesses, is our goodFaber (Author)2
Asit' Dios nalawa unayFrederick William Faber (Author)Tagalog2
At last thou art come, little SaviorFrederick W. Faber (Author)4
إيماننا الحي القديمFrederick W. Faber (Author)Arabic1
Blest is the faith, divine and strongFrederick W. Faber (Author)English6
Blood is the price of heavenFrederick W. Faber (Author)English4
Brightest and best of the sons of the morningFaber (Author)English2
Burn, burn, O Love, within my heartFrederick W. Faber (Author)2
By the Angel's word of loveFrederick W. Faber (Author)2
By the blood that flowed from TheeFrederick William Faber (Author)English3
By the first bright Easter dayFrederick W. Faber (Author)English2
Christ, our Lord most holyFrederick W. Faber (Author)2
Christians, to the war, gather from afarFrederick W. Faber (Author)English3
Come, Holy Spirit, from the heightFrederick W. Faber (Author)English4
Come, take thy stand beneath the crossFrederick W. Faber, 1814-63 (Author)English5
Daily, daily sing to MaryRev. Fr. Faber (Author)English1
Dame la fe de mi JesúsFrederick W. Faber (1814-1863) (Author)Spanish3
Dame más fe, Señor JesúsFrederick W. Faber (Author)Spanish2
Darker than night, life's shadows fall around usFrederick W. Faber (Author)2
Day of wrath, that day dismayingF. W. Faber (Translator)English3
Dear angel ever at my side, How loving must thou beFrederick William Faber (Author)English45
Dear guardian [husband] of Mary, dear nurse [fond guide] of her childFrederick W. Faber (Author)English28
Dear little one! how sweet thou art, Thine eyes how bright they shineFrederick W. Faber (Author)24
Dear Lord, in all our loneliest painsF. W. Faber (Author)English2
Dear Lord, thy loving greatness ever liesRev. F. W. Faber (Author)1
Dear Jesus ever at my side, How loving Thou must beFrederick W. Faber (Author)English162
എൻ ദൈവമേ നീ ഉന്നതൻ (En daivamē nī unnatan)Frederick William Faber (Author)Malayalam2
Eine See ist Gottes GnadeF. W. Faber (Author)German3
Endrey ny voninahitraoF. W. Faber (Author)Malagasy3
എ-ന്നാത്മാവേ കേൾക്ക ദൂതർ തൻ നൽ ഗാനം (E-nnātmāvē kēḷkka dūtar tan nal gānaṁ)Frederick William Faber (Author)Malayalam2
Exceeding sorrowful even to deathFrederick W. Faber (Author)1
Faith of our fathers, living stillFrederick W. Faber (Author)English802
Father, gracious Father, God of might and powerFrederick W. Faber (Author)English6
Father of many childrenFrederick W. Faber (Author)1
Father of mercies, day by dayFrederick W. Faber (Author)15
Father, the [sweetest] dearest [holiest] nameFrederick W. Faber (Author)English6
Fe de los santos, ejemplo ta fielFrederick William Faber, 1814-1863 (Author)Spanish4
Fe de mis padres, viviendo yaFrederick William Faber, 1814-1863 (Author)Spanish2
Fe santa que nos dio JesúsFrederick William Faber (Author)Spanish4
Foi de nos pères, vis encorFrederick William Faber (Author)French1
For all within us good and holyFrederick Faber (Author)English2
Fountain of love, Thyself true GodFrederick W. Faber (Author)English3
From pain to pain, from woe to woeFrederick W. Faber (Author)English2
From the highest leights of gloryFrederick W. Faber (Author)1
Full of glory, full of wondersFrederick W. Faber (Author)12
Gbo okan mi, bi angeli ti nkorinFrederick William Faber (Author)Yoruba2
Glaube der Väter, einst und jetztFrederick William Faber (Author)German1
God only is the creature's homeFaber (Author)5
God's glory is a wondrous thingFrederick W. Faber (Author)English52
Gottes Gnad' ist unabsehbarFrederick W. Faber (Author)German4
Grande es el amor divinoFrederick William Faber (Author)Spanish2
古聖信仰,仍然活著 (Gǔ shèng xìnyǎng, réngrán huózhe)Frederick William Faber (Author)Chinese2
Had I, dear Lord, no pleasure foundFrederick W. Faber (Author)4
Hail, bright archangel, prince of heavenFrederick W. Faber (Author)2
Hail, Gabriel, hail, a thousand hailsFrederick W. Faber (Author)2
Hail, glorious Saint Patrick, dear saint of our isleRev. Fr. Faber (Author)1
Hail, holy Joseph, hailFrederick W. Faber (Author)31
Hail, Jesus, hail, who for my sakeFrederick W. Faber (Author)English15
Hail, Jesus, Israel's hope and light (Faber)Frederick W. Faber (Author)1
Hail, spouse of our lady, dear nurseFrederick W. Faber (Author)2
Hark! hark, my soul! Angelic songs are swellingF. W. Faber (Author)English489
Hark, the sound of the fight has gone forthF. W. Faber (Author)English6
Have mercy on us, God most highFrederick W. Faber (Author)English22
Have we no tears to shed for HimFrederick W. Faber (Author)English8
Have you sinned as none elseFrederick W. Faber (Author)English2
Hay anchura en su clemenciaFrederick William Faber (Author)Spanish1
He always wins who sides with GodF. W. Faber (Author)English2
He comes! He comes! that mighty BreathFrederick W. Faber (Author)English2
He comes, He comes, the holy oneFrederick W. Faber (Author)English2
Heilig geloof, waar 't voorgeslachtFrederick William Faber (Author)Dutch1
Holy Ghost, come down upon Thy childrenThe Rev. Frederick William Faber, D. D. (1814-1863) (Author)English21
Hom-animoj! Kial ŝafe kuri disen pro ektim'Frederick William Faber (Author)Esperanto4
Hör', hör' mein Herz, der Engel Lieder dringenFrederick William Faber (Author)German1
Horch, horch, mein Geist! das Lied der Engel rauschenF. W. Faber (Author)German3
Horch', Seele horch'Frederick W. Faber (Author)German2
How dread are Thine eternal yearsF. W. Faber (Author)13
How pleasant are thy paths, O deathFrederick W. Faber (Author)3
How shalt thou bear the cross, that nowFaber (Author)English7
I bow me to thy will, O GodFrederick W. Faber (Author)2
I come to thee, once more, my GodF. W. Faber (Author)4
I love thee, Lord, and know not howFrederick W. Faber (Author)English4
I love to kiss each print where thouFrederick W. Faber (Author)3
I was wandering, sad and wearyThe Rev. Frederick William Faber, D.D. (1814-1863) (Author)English38
I wish to have no wishes leftFrederick W. Faber (Author)1
I worship Thee, most gracious GodFrederick W. Faber (Author)English14
I worship Thee, sweet Son of GodFrederick William Faber (Author)English3
I worship Thee, sweet will of GodRev. F. W. Faber (Author)English123
ഈശൻ കൃപ ആഴിയേക്കാൾFrederick William Faber (Author)Malayalam2
It is no earthly summer's rayRev. Fr. Faber (Author)2
Iyotaŋ ḣciŋ wakaŋtutaFrederick W. Faber (Author)Dakota1
Jesus, gentlest Savior, Thou art in us nowFrederick W. Faber (Author)English1
Jesus all hail, who for my [our] sinF. W. Faber, 1814-63 (Author)English3
Jesus Christ is risen today, Our triumphant holy dayF. W. Faber (Author)English1
Jesus Christ, WaawaŋyakeFrederick W. Faber (Author)Dakota1
Jesus, gentlest Savior, God of might and powerFrederick W. Faber (Author)English77
Jesus, in spices wrapped, and laidFrederick W. Faber (Author)2
Jesus is God, the glorious bands Of holy angels singFrederick W. Faber (Author)English15
Jesus is God, the solid earthFrederick W. Faber (Author)English20
Jesus is God, there never wasFrederick W. Faber (Author)2
Jesus, Lord and Savior, God of might and powerFrederick W. Faber (Author)English1
Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All, How can I love Thee as I ought?Frederick W. Faber (Author)English61
Jesus! what dreadful agonyFrederick William Faber (Author)English2
Jesus! why dost Thou love me so?Frederick William Faber (Author)English2
Joy, joy, the Mother comesFrederick W. Faber (Author)11
Joy of my heart, O, let me payFrederick W. Faber (Author)3
Kehre heim, verlorne SeeleFrederick William Faber (Author)German1
La merced de Dios es ampliaFrederick W. Faber (Author)Spanish2
Laula ko ke Akua aloha, Me ka laula o ke kaiFrederick W. Faber, 1814-1863 (Author)Hawaiian3
Lausche, mein Herz! Die Engelchöre singenF. W. Faber (Author)German5
Like the dawning of the morningFrederick W. Faber (Author)English13
Like the voiceless starlight fallingFrederick W. Faber (Author)3
Liksom hafvets vida böljaF. W. Faber (Author)Swedish2
Lord, who hast made me Thy dear childRev. Frederick William Faber (1814-1863) (Author)English3
Man's weakness waiting upon GodFrederick William Faber (Author)English2
Mary, dearest mother, from thyFrederick W. Faber (Author)11
Mein Gott, der du mich herzlich liebestFrederick W. Faber (Author)German2
Most ancient of all mysteriesF. W. Faber, 1814-63 (Author)English8
Mother Mary, at thine altar We thy loving children kneelFrederick W. Faber (Author)19
Mother of God, we hail thy heartFrederick W. Faber (Author)5
Mother of Mercy, day by day, My love of thee grows more and moreFrederick W. Faber (Author)English12
Mother! with us the Lord doth bideFrederick William Faber (Author)English2
My God, how wonderful Thou artFrederick W. Faber (Author)English280
My God, my God, and can it beFrederick W. Faber (Author)English7
My soul, what hast thou done for God?Frederick W. Faber (Author)English5
Neno la Mungu takataFrederick William Faber (Author)Swahili2
No track is on the sunny skyFrederick W. Faber (Author)English26
Now are the days of humblest prayerFrederick W. Faber (Author)English12
O arglwydd chwilia nghalon w'lFrederick W. Faber (Author)2
O Ate, maḣpiya Ed ouŋyayaFrederick W. Faber (Author)Dakota1
O balmy and bright a moonlit nightFrederick W. Faber (Author)1
O blessed Father, sent by GodFrederick W. Faber (Author)3
O blessed Saint Joseph, how [so] great was thy worthFather Faber (Author)4
O blest is he to whom is givenFrederick W. Faber (Author)English5
O blest is he who can divineFrederick W. Faber (Author)English4
O come and look awhile on HimFrederick William Faber (1814-63) (Author)English3
O arglwydd, cofia'th angeu drudF. W. Faber (Author)Welsh1
O come and mourn with me awhileFrederick W. Faber (Author)English170
O come, Creator Spirit, come, Vouchsafe to make our minds Thy homeFrederick W. Faber (Author)English3
O come to the merciful Savior who calls youF. W. Faber, 1814-63 (Author)English46
O Faith, thou workest miraclesFrederick W. Faber (Author)English9
O flower of grace, divinest flowerFrederick W. Faber (Author)English6
O for the happy days gone byFrederick W. Faber (Author)English9
O fr'lsare, alltj'mt mig n'rFrederick W. Faber (Author)2
O gift of gifts! O grace of faith!Frederick W. Faber (Author)English71
O Glaube, unsrer Väter GutFrederick William Faber (Author)German2
O God, Thy power is wonderfulFrederick W. Faber (Author)English36
O God, whose thoughts are brightest lightF. W. Faber (Author)English13
O happy time of blessed tearsFrederick W. Faber (Author)1
O have we grieved Thee, gracious Spirit?Frederick William Faber (Author)English2
O Holy Ghost! Thyself true God!Frederick Faber (Author)English2
O how I fear thee living GodFrederick W. Faber (Author)English6
O how the thought of God attractsFrederick W. Faber (Author)English35
O I could go through all life's troubles singingFrederick W. Faber (Author)English2
O it is hard to work for GodFrederick W. Faber (Author)English56
O it is sweet to think of those that areFrederick W. Faber (Author)3
O Jesus, God and man, For love of children once a childFrederick W. Faber (Author)English5
O Jesus, if in days gone byRev. Frederick W. Faber, 1814-1863 (Author)English2
O Jesus, Jesus, dearest LordFrederick W. Faber (Author)English47
O Jesus, Lord, my God, my allFrederick W. Faber (Author)1
O light in darkness, joy in griefFrederick W. Faber (Author)English5
O Mary! Mother Mary! our tears are flowing fastRev. Mr. Faber (Author)2
O mighty mother, why that lightFrederick W. Faber (Author)2
O mother, I could weep for mirthFrederick W. Faber (Author)English16
O mother, will it always beFrederick W. Faber (Author)2
O Paradies, o Paradies, Wer sehnt nach dir sich nichtFrederick W. Faber (Author)German2
O Paradies, o Paradies! Wer wünscht nicht deine Ruh'?Frederick W. Faber (Author)German1
O paradise, O paradise, 'tis weary waiting hereF. W. Faber (Author)English2
O Paradise! O Paradise! Who doth not crave for rest?Rev. Frederick W. Faber (Author)English391
O Paradise! O Paradise! Oyaŋke kiŋ waṡteFrederick W. Faber (Author)Dakota1
O purest of creatures, sweet mother, sweet maidFrederick W. Faber (Author)English30
O return, O return To thy Father's faceFrederick W. Faber (Author)2
O Father, bless us ere we goF. W. Faber (Author)English6
Sweet Savior, bless us ere we go: Thy word into our minds instillF. W. Faber (Author)English272
O see how Jesus trusts himselfFrederick W. Faber (Author)English28
O soul of Jesus, sick to deathFrederick W. Faber (Author)English5
O Thou God of our salvation, Behold Thy blood bought congregationF. W. Faber (Author)English1
O Thou, whose thoughts are brightest lightFrederick W. Faber (Author)English2
O turn to Jesus, mother, turnFrederick W. Faber (Author)19
O vision bright, the glorious land of lightFrederick W. Faber (Author)3
O vision bright, the land of lightFrederick W. Faber (Author)6
O what is this splendor that beams on me nowFrederick W. Faber (Author)1
O why art thou sorrowful servant of GodFrederick W. Faber (Author)1
O eyes that are weary, and hearts that are soreFaber (Author)English1
Omnipotente Padre DiosFrederick W. Faber (Author)Spanish7
On, on, my soul! angelic voices call theeRev. Frederick W. Faber (Author)English2
One thing alone, dear Lord, I dreadFaber (Author)3
Our God is never far offFrederick W. Faber (Author)English2
Our God is other than we thinkFrederick W. Faber (Author)2
Out beyond the shiningFrederick William Faber (Author)English2
親愛主,我不能禱告 (Qīn'ài zhǔ, wǒ bùnéng dǎogào)Frederick William Faber (Author)Chinese2
Ring joyously, ye solemn bellsFrederick W. Faber (Author)2
Sweet sacrament, we thee adoreRev. Fr. Faber (Author)2
Rose of the cross, thou mystic flowerF. W. Faber (Author)English2
Saint of the sacred heartFrederick W. Faber (Author)5
Señor Jesús, perdónameW. F. Faber (Author)Spanish2
神阿,你是何等奇妙 (Shén a, nǐ shì héděng qímiào)Frederick W. Faber (Author)Chinese2
世上罪人,為何徬徨、遁走、驚懼如迷羊?(Shìshàng zuìrén, wèihé páng huáng, dùnzǒu, jīng jù rú míyáng?)Frederick W. Faber (Author)Chinese2
Sing, sing, ye angel bandsRev. Fr. Faber (Author)18
Sólo excelso, amor divinoFrederick William Faber (Author)Spanish3
Souls of men, why will ye scatterFrederick W. Faber (Author)English119
Spirit of wisdom, turn our eyesFrederick William Faber 1814-63 (Author)English1
Sweet sacred heartFrederick W. Faber (Author)1
Sweet Savior, bless the dawning yearFrederick W. Faber (Author)2
Sweet the moments, rich in blessingF. W. Faber (Author)English1
The day is done, its hours have runF. W. Faber (Author)English2
The days of old were days of mightFrederick William Faber (Author)English2
The land beyond the sea, How close it sometimes seemsFrederick W. Faber (Author)English7
The light of love is round his feetFrederick W. Faber (Author)3
The moon is in the heavens aboveFrederick W. Faber (Author)2
The shadow of the Rock, Stay, pilgrim, stayFrederick W. Faber (Author)English11
The Spirit came that mighty breathF. W. Faber (Author)2
The thought of God the thought of theeFrederick W. Faber (Author)English4
[The True Shepherd]Frederick W Faber (Author)English2
The world is wiseFrederick Faber (Author)2
There are many saints aboveFrederick W. Faber (Author)2
There is a Sabbath won for usFrederick William Faber (Author)English2
There is no grief nor care of menF. W. Faber (Author)2
There is only one salvationFrederick W. Faber (Author)2
There's a wideness in God's mercyFaber (Author)English841
Think well how Jesus trusts HimselfRev. Frederick William Faber, 1814-1863 (Author)English4
This freezing heart, O LordFrederick W. Faber (Author)1
Thou hadst no youth, great GodF. W. Faber (Author)2
Thou touchest us lightly, O God, in our griefFrederick W. Faber (Author)English2
Thrice blest is he to whom is givenFrederick W. Faber (Author)English4
Through all the world angelicFrederick W. Faber (Author)2
Thy home is with the humble, LordFrederick W. Faber (Author)English69
To be thought ill of, worse than we deserveFrederick William Faber (Author)English2
To endless ages let us praiseFrederick Faber (Author)English2
Tú eres admirable, oh DiosFrederick W. Faber, 1814-1863 (Author)Spanish2
Waŋkaŋd dowaŋpi ce, anaġoptaŋ po!Frederick W. Faber (Author)Dakota1
Was there ever kindest shepherdFrederick W. Faber (Author)English40
We come to Thee, sweet [dear] Savior, Just because we need Thee soFrederick W. Faber (Author)English9
We wandered weeping heretoforeFrederick W. Faber (Author)2
What light is streaming from the skiesFrederick W. Faber (Author)8
Where loyal hearts and trueFrederick W. Faber (Author)English1
Whilst I dwell, O my God, in this valleyFrederick W. Faber (Author)7
Whose tender mercies never failFrederick W. Faber (Author)2
Why art thou sorrowful, servant of GodFrederick W. Faber (Author)2
Why, dearest Lord, can I not prayFrederick W. Faber (Author)English3
Why dost thou beat so quick, my heartFrederick W. Faber (Author)3
Why is thy face so lit with smilesFaber (Author)7
Workman of God, O lose not heartFrederick William Faber, 1814-1863 (Author)English92
耶穌,耶穌,我的性命 (Yēsū, yēsū, wǒ dì xìngmìng)Frederick William Faber (Author)Chinese2
主,我曾否叫聖靈憂愁 (Zhǔ, wǒ céng fǒu jiào shènglíng yōuchóu)Frederick W. Faber (Author)Chinese2

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