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Scripture:John 1:14

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O Come, All Ye Faithful

Author: John Francis Wade; Frederick Oakeley Meter: Irregular Appears in 743 hymnals Scripture: John 1:1-14 Refrain First Line: O come, let us adore him Lyrics: 1 O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant! O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem! Come and behold him, born the King of angels; Refrain: O come, let us adore him, O come, let us adore him, O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord! 2 God of God, Light of Light eternal, lo, he abhors not the virgin's womb; Son of the Father, begotten, not created; Refrain 3 Sing, choirs of angels, sing in exultation, sing, all ye bright hosts of heaven above: "Glory to God, all glory in the highest!" Refrain 4 Yea, Lord, we greet thee, born this happy morning; Jesus, to thee be all glory given; Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing; Refrain Topics: Biblical Names & Places Bethlehem; Christmas; Biblical Names & Places Bethlehem; Christmas Used With Tune: ADESTE FIDELES

Of the Father's Love Begotten

Author: Aurelius Clemens Prudentius; John Mason Neale; Henry Williams Baker Meter: Appears in 214 hymnals Scripture: John 1:1-14 Lyrics: 1 Of the Father's love begotten ere the worlds began to be, he is Alpha and Omega he the source, the ending he, of the things that are, that have been, and that future years shall see evermore and evermore. 2 O that birth forever blessed, when a virgin, blest with grace, by the Holy Ghost conceiving, bore the Savior of our race; and the babe, the world's Redeemer, first revealed his sacred face, evermore and evermore. 3 This is he whom seers in old time chanted of with one accord, whom the voices of the prophets promised in their faithful word; now he shines, the long-expected; let creation praise its Lord evermore and evermore. 4 Let the heights of heaven adore him; angel hosts, his praises sing: powers, dominions, bow before him and extol our God and King; let no tongue on earth be silent, every voice in concert ring evermore and evermore. 5 Christ, to you, with God the Father and the Spirit, there shall be hymn and chant and high thanksgiving and the shout of jubilee: honor, glory, and dominion and eternal victory evermore and evermore! Amen. Topics: King, God/Christ as; Christmas; Christmas; Creation; King, God/Christ as; Majesty of God; Trinity Used With Tune: DIVINUM MYSTERIUM
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Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: D with refrain Appears in 1,336 hymnals Scripture: John 1:1-14 Lyrics: 1 Hark! the herald angels sing, "Glory to the newborn King; peace on earth and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled!" Joyful, all ye nations, rise; join the triumph of the skies; with the angelic hosts proclaim, "Christ is born in Bethlehem!" Refrain: Hark! the herald angels sing, "Glory to the newborn King!" 2 Christ, by highest heaven adored, Christ, the everlasting Lord! Late in time behold him come, offspring of the virgin's womb. Veiled in flesh the Godhead see; hail the incarnate Deity, pleased as man with us to dwell, Jesus, our Immanuel. Refrain 3 Hail the heaven-born Prince of Peace! Hail the Sun of Righteousness! Light and life to all he brings, risen with healing in his wings. Mild, he lays his glory by, born that we no more may die, born to raise the lost on earth, born to give them second birth. Refrain Topics: Biblical Names & Places Bethlehem; King, God/Christ as; Alternative Harmonizations; Christmas; Angels; Biblical Names & Places Bethlehem; Christmas; King, God/Christ as; Redemption Used With Tune: MENDELSSOHN
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O Word of God Incarnate

Author: William Walsham How Meter: Appears in 487 hymnals Scripture: John 1:1-14 Lyrics: 1 O Word of God incarnate, O Wisdom from on high, O Truth unchanged, unchanging, O Light of our dark sky: we praise you for the radiance that from the Scripture's page, a lantern to our footsteps, shines on from age to age. 2 The church from you, dear Master, received this gift divine; and still that light is lifted o'er all the earth to shine. It is the chart and compass that all life's voyage through, mid mists and rocks and quicksands, still guides, O Christ, to you. 3 O make your church, dear Savior, a lamp of burnished gold to bear before the nations your true light as of old. O teach your traveling pilgrims by this their path to trace till, clouds and darkness ended, we see you face to face. Topics: Illumination; Word of God; Christmas; Guidance; Illumination; Light; Missions; Pilgrimage & Conflct; Temptation & Trial; Wisdom; Witness; Word of God Used With Tune: MUNICH
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Jesus, Lover of My Soul

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: D Appears in 3,243 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 Lyrics: 1 Jesus, lover of my soul, let me to thy bosom fly, while the nearer waters roll, while the tempest still is high; hide me, O my Savior, hide till the storm of life is past; safe into the haven guide; O receive my soul at last. 2 Other refuge have I none, hangs my helpless soul on thee; leave, O leave me not alone, still support and comfort me. All my trust on thee is stayed, all my help from thee I bring; cover my defenseless head with the shadow of thy wing. 3 Thou, O Christ, art all I want; more than all in thee I find; raise the fallen, cheer the faint, heal the sick, and lead the blind. Just and holy is thy name, I am all unrighteousness; false and full of sin I am, thou art full of truth and grace. 4 Plenteous grace with thee is found, grace to cover all my sin; let the healing streams abound; make and keep me pure within. Thou of life the fountain art, freely let me take of thee; spring thou up within my heart, rise to all eternity. Topics: Confession; Jesus Christ Refuge; Jesus Christ Savior; Jesus Christ Sinlessness; Purity; Sin; Trust Used With Tune: ABERYSTWYTH

Hymn 2

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 98 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 First Line: Ere the blue heav'ns were stretched abroad Lyrics: Ere the blue heav'ns were stretched abroad, From everlasting was the Word: With God he was; the Word was God, And must divinely be adored. By his own power were all things made; By him supported all things stand; He is the whole creation's head, And angels fly at his command. Ere sin was born, or Satan fell, He led the host of morning stars: Thy generation who can tell, Or count the numbers of thy years? But lo! he leaves those heav'nly forms, The Word descends and dwells in clay, That he may hold converse with worms, Dressed in such feeble flesh as they. Mortals with joy beheld his face, Th' eternal Father's only Son; How full of truth! how full of grace! When through his eyes the Godhead shone. Archangels leave their high abode To learn new mysteries here, and tell The loves of our descending God, The glories of Immanuel.
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Come, Thou Almighty King

Meter: Appears in 1,799 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 Lyrics: 1 Come, Thou almighty King, Help us Thy Name to sing: Help us to praise; Father all-glorious, O’er all victorious, Come and reign over us, Ancient of Days. 2 Come, Thou incarnate Word, Gird on Thy mighty sword; Our prayer attend. Come and Thy people bless, And give Thy Word success, And let Thy righteousness On us descend. 3 Come, holy Comforter, Thy sacred witness bear In this glad hour! Thou, who almighty art, Now rule in ev'ry heart, And ne’er from us depart, Spirit of pow'r. 4 To Thee, great One in Three, Eternal praises be Hence evermore! Thy sov'reign majesty May we in glory see, And to eternity Love and adore. Topics: Beginning of Service; Hymn of Invocation Used With Tune: ITALIAN HYMN Text Sources: English, before 1760, alt.

Now, My Tongue, the Mystery Telling

Author: Thomas Aquinas, c. 1225-74 Meter: Appears in 52 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 First Line: Now, my tongue, the myst'ry telling Topics: The Lord's Supper; Maundy (Holy) Thursday Used With Tune: GRAFTON Text Sources: The Hymnal, 1940 (Tr.)

Saviour Of The Nations, Come

Author: William M. Reynolds; St. Ambrose; Martin Luther Meter: Appears in 44 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 Topics: The Worship of God; The Son Advent Text Sources: Veni redemptor gentium

Thanks to God Whose Word Was Written

Author: Reginald Thomas Brooks Meter: Appears in 38 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 Lyrics: 1 Thanks to God whose word was written In the Bible's sacred page, Record of the revelation Showing God to every age. God has spoken: Praise God for the living Word. 2 Thanks to God whose word is published In the tongues of every race. See its glory undiminished By the change of time or place. God has spoken: Praise God for the living Word. 3 Thanks to God whose Word Incarnate Heights and depths of life did share. Deeds and words and death and rising, Grace in human form declare. God has spoken: Praise God for the living Word. 4 Thanks to God whose Word is answered By the Spirit’s voice within. Here we drink of joy unmeasured, Life redeemed from death and sin. God has spoken: Praise God for the living Word. Used With Tune: WYLDE GREEN

Word of God, Come Down on Earth

Author: James Quinn, SJ, b. 1919 Meter: Appears in 21 hymnals Scripture: John 1:1-14 Topics: Forgiveness, Healing; Word, the Used With Tune: LIEBSTER JESU, WIR SIND HIER
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Joy to the World!

Author: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Meter: D Appears in 1,869 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 First Line: Joy to the world! the Lord is come Lyrics: 1 Joy to the world! the Lord is come; let earth receive her King; let every heart prepare him room, and heaven and nature sing, and heaven and nature sing, and heaven, and heaven and nature sing. 2 Joy to the earth! the Savior reigns; let all their songs employ; while fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains repeat the sounding joy, repeat the sounding joy, repeat, repeat the sounding joy. 3 No more let sin and sorrows grow, nor thorns infest the ground; he comes to make his blessings flow far as the curse is found, far as the curse is found, far as, far as the curse is found. 4 He rules the world with truth and grace, and makes the nations prove the glories of his righteousness, and wonders of his love, and wonders of his love, and wonders, wonders of his love. Used With Tune: ANTIOCH
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Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence

Author: Gerard Moultrie, 1829-1885 Meter: Appears in 175 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 Lyrics: 1 Let all mortal flesh keep silence, and with fear and trembling stand; ponder nothing earthly minded, for with blessing in his hand Christ our Lord to earth descendeth, our full homage to demand. 2 King of kings, yet born of Mary, as of old on earth he stood, Lord of lords, in human vesture, in the body and the blood, he will give to all the faithful his own self for heavenly food. 3 Rank on rank the host of heaven spreads its vanguard on the way, as the Light of light descendeth from the realms of endless day, that the powers of hell may vanish as the darkness clears away. 4 At his feet the six-winged seraph, cherubim, with sleepless eye, veil their faces to the Presence, as with ceaseless voice they cry, "Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, Lord most high!" Used With Tune: PICARDY Text Sources: Liturgy of St. James, 4th c.

God Has Spoken by His Prophets

Author: George W. Briggs Meter: D Appears in 52 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 Lyrics: 1 God hath spoken by the prophets, spoken the unchanging Word, each from age to age proclaiming God the one, the righteous Lord. In the world's despair and turmoil one firm anchor holds us fast: God is king, his throne eternal, God the first, and God the last. 2 God hath spoken by Christ Jesus, Christ, the everlasting Son, brightness of the Father's glory, with the Father ever one; spoken by the Word incarnate, God of God, ere time was born; Light of Light, to earth descending, Christ, as God in human form. 3 God is speaking by his Spirit, speaking to our hearts again; in the agelong Word expounding God's own message, now as then. Through the rise and fall of nations one sure faith yet standing fast: God abides, his Word unchanging, God the first, and God the last. Topics: Jesus Christ God Incarnate; Descants; Holy Spirit Illuminator; Jesus Christ God Incarnate; Jesus Christ Incarnation; Jesus Christ Light; Proclamation; Holy Scriptures; Trinity Used With Tune: ODE TO JOY

We Have a Gospel to Proclaim

Author: Edward J. Burns Meter: Appears in 24 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 Topics: Church Ministry and Ministers; Evangelism; Missions; Proclamation; Saving Work of Christ Used With Tune: MENDON

Christ Triumphant, Ever Reigning

Author: Michael Saward, 1932- Meter: Appears in 22 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 Lyrics: 1 Christ triumhant, ever reigning, Savior, Master, King! Lord of heaven, our lives sustaining, hear us as we sing: Yours the glory and the crown, the high renown, the eternal name. 2 Word incarnate, truth revealing, Son of Man on earth! power and majesty concealing by your humble birth: Yours the glory and the crown, the high renown, the eternal name. 3 Suffering servant, scorned, ill-treated, victim crucified! death is through the cross defeated, sinners justified: Yours the glory and the crown, the high renown, the eternal name. 4 Priestly king, enthroned for ever high in heaven above! sin and death and hell shall never stifle hymns of love: Yours the glory and the crown, the high renown, the eternal name. 5 So, our hearts and voices raising through the ages long, ceaselessly upon you gazing, this shall be our song: Yours the glory and the crown, the high renown, the eternal name. Used With Tune: GUITING POWER

Love came down at Christmas

Author: Christina Georgina Rossetti (1830-1894) Meter: Appears in 68 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 Lyrics: 1 Love came down at Christmas, Love all lovely, Love Divine; Love was born at Christmas, star and angels gave the sign. 2 Worship we the Godhead, Love incarnate, Love Divine; worship we our Jesus: but wherewith for sacred sign? 3 Love shall be our token, love be yours and love be mine, love to God and all men, love for plea and gift and sign. Topics: Life in Christ Christ Incarnate - Christmas and Epiphany; God Love of; Love For God; Love for others Used With Tune: GARTAN

Womb of Life

Author: Ruth Duck Meter: D Appears in 10 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 First Line: Womb of life, and source of being Topics: The Glory of the Triune God God's Nature Used With Tune: RAQUEL
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Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: Appears in 475 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 Lyrics: 1 Christ, whose glory fills the skies, Christ, the true, the only Light, Sun of Righteousness, arise, triumph over shades of night: Dayspring from on high, be near; Daystar, in my heart appear! 2 Dark and cheerless is the dawn till your glories shine on me; joyless is the day’s return till your mercy’s beams I see: as they inward light impart, cheer my eyes, and warm my heart. 3 Visit then this soul of mine, pierce the gloom of sin and grief; fill me, Radiancy divine, scatter all my unbelief: more and more yourself display, shining to the perfect day! Topics: Adoration of Jesus Christ; Jesus Christ Glory; Adoration of Jesus Christ; Aspiration; Jesus Christ Glory; Jesus Christ Light Used With Tune: DIX
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Once in Royal David's City

Author: Cecil F. Alexander Meter: Appears in 410 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 Lyrics: 1 Once in royal David's city stood a lowly cattle shed, where a mother laid her baby in a manger for his bed: Mary was that mother mild, Jesus Christ her little child. 2 He came down to earth from heaven who is God and Lord of all, and his shelter was a stable, and his cradle was a stall: with the poor and meek and lowly lived on earth our Savior holy. 3 For he is our childhood's pattern, day by day like us he grew, he was little, weak, and helpless, tears and smiles like us he knew: and he feels for all our sadness, and he shares in all our gladness. 4 And our eyes at last shall see him, through his own redeeming love; for that child, so dear and gentle, is our Lord in heaven above, and he leads his children on to the place where he has gone. Topics: Biblical Persons; Biblical Persons David; Children’s Hymns; Christmas Season Used With Tune: IRBY
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What Child Is This

Author: William C. Dix, 1837-1898 Meter: with refrain Appears in 206 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 First Line: What child is this, who, laid to rest Lyrics: 1 What child is this, who, laid to rest, on Mary's lap is sleeping? Whom angels greet with anthems sweet, while shepherds watch are keeping? This, this is Christ the King, whom shepherds guard and angels sing; haste, haste to bring him laud, the babe, the son of Mary! 2 Why lies he in such mean estate where ox and ass are feeding? Good Christian, fear: for sinners here the silent Word is pleading. Nails, spear shall pierce him through, the cross be borne for me, for you; hail, hail the Word made flesh, the babe, the son of Mary! 3 So bring him incense, gold, and myrrh, come peasant, king, to own him; the King of kings salvation brings, let loving hearts enthrone him. Raise, raise the song on high, the Virgin sings her lullaby; joy, joy for Christ is born, the babe, the son of Mary! Used With Tune: GREENSLEEVES

Son of God, eternal Saviour

Author: Somerset Corry Lowry (1855-1932) Meter: D Appears in 63 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 Lyrics: 1 Son of God, eternal Saviour, source of life and truth and grace, Son of Man, whose birth incarnate hallows all our human race; great High Priest who, throned in glory, for your own will ever plead, fill us with your love and pity, heal our wrongs, and help our need. 2 Lord, as you have lived for others, so may we for others live; freely have your gifts been granted, freely may your servants give. Yours the gold and yours the silver, yours the wealth of sea and land, we but stewards of your bounty held in trust at your command. 3 Come, Lord Jesus, reign among us, King of Love, and Prince of Peace; hush the storm of strife and passion, bid its cruel discords cease. Yours the prayer, and yours the purpose, that your people should be one: grant from heaven, our hope’s fruition: here on earth your will be done. Topics: Jesus Christ Mediator; Jesus Christ Son of Man; Life in Christ Christ Risen - Reign and Priesthood; Stewardship; Unity of Humanity Used With Tune: BLAENWERN

Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light

Author: Johann Rist; John Troutbeck, 1832-1899; Norman E. Johnson Meter: Appears in 57 hymnals Scripture: John 1:1-14 Lyrics: 1 Break forth, O beauteous heavenly light, and usher in the morning. O shepherds, shudder not with fright, but hear the angel's warning: this child, now weak in infancy, our confidence and joy shall be, the power of Satan breaking, our peace eternal making. Topics: Biblical Names & Places Satan; Epiphany & Ministry of Christ; Christmas; Biblical Names & Places Satan; Christmas; Epiphany & Ministry of Christ Used With Tune: ERMUNTRE DICH

He Came Down

Appears in 29 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 First Line: He came down that we may have love Lyrics: 1 He came down that we may have love; He came down that we may have love; He came down that we may have love, Hallelujah forevermore. 2 He came down that we may have peace; He came down that we may have peace; He came down that we may have peace, Hallelujah forevermore. 3 He came down that we may have joy; He came down that we may have joy; He came down that we may have joy, Hallelujah forevermore. Used With Tune: [He came down that we may have love] Text Sources: Cameroon traditional
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Jesus, thou joy of loving hearts

Author: Ray Palmer (1808-1887) Meter: Appears in 563 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 Lyrics: 1 Jesus, thou joy of loving hearts, thou light of life, thou fount of grace: from the best bliss that earth imparts we turn unfilled to seek thy face. 2 Thy truth unchanged has ever stood; thou savest those that on thee call: to those that seek thee thou art good, to those that find thee, all in all. 3 We taste thee, O thou living bread, and long to feast upon thee still; we drink of thee, the fountain-head, and thirst our souls from thee to fill. 4 Our restless spirits yearn for thee, where'er our changeful lot is cast, glad when thy gracious smile we see, blest when our faith can hold thee fast. 5 O Jesus, ever with us stay; make all our moments calm and bright; chase the dark night of sin away; shed o'er the world thy holy light. Topics: The Church Celebrates Holy Communion; Longing Used With Tune: MARYTON Text Sources: 12th century

At the name of Jesus

Author: Caroline Maria Noel, 1817-1877 Meter: D Appears in 255 hymnals Scripture: John 1:1-14 Topics: Jesus Christ: Prophet, Priest and King Used With Tune: CAMBERWELL
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The Incarnation

Author: Steele Meter: Appears in 132 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 First Line: Awake, awake the sacred song Lyrics: 1 Awake, awake the sacred song To our incarnate Lord; Let every heart, and every tongue Adore the eternal word. 2 That awful word, that sovereign power, By whom the worlds were made; (O happy marn! illustrious hour!) Was once in flesh array'd! 3 Then shone almighty power and love In all their glorious forms; When Jesus left his throne above To dwell with sinful worms. 4 To dwell with misery below, The Saviour left the skies; And sunk to wretchedness and woe, That worthless man might rise. 5 Adoring angels tun'd their songs To hail the joyful day; With rapture then, let mortal tongues Their grateful worship pay. 6 What glory, Lord, to thee is due! With wonder we adore; But could we sing as angels do, Our highest praise were poor. Topics: The Incarnation of Christ

My song is love unknown

Author: Samuel Crossman (c. 1624-1683) Meter: Appears in 128 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 Lyrics: 1 My song is love unknown, my Savior’s love to me, love to the loveless shown, that they might lovely be. Oh, who am I, that for my sake my Lord should take frail flesh, and die? 2 He came from his blest throne, salvation to bestow: but people scorned, and none the longed-for Christ would know. But O my Friend, my Friend indeed, who at my need his life did spend! 3 Sometimes they strew his way, and his strong praises sing; resounding all the day hosannas to their King. Then 'Crucify!' is all their breath, and for his death they thirst and cry. 4 Why, what hath my Lord done? What makes this rage and spite? He made the lame to run, he gave the blind their sight. Sweet injuries! Yet they at these themselves displease, and 'gainst him rise. 5 They rise, and needs will have my dear Lord made away; a murderer they save, the Prince of Life they slay. Yet cheerful he to suffering goes, that he his foes from thence might free. 6 In life, no house, no home my Lord on earth might have; in death, no friendly tomb but what a stranger gave. What may I say? Heaven was his home: but mine the tomb wherein he lay. 7 Here might I stay and sing: no story so divine; never was love, dear King, never was grief like thine! This is my Friend, in whose sweet praise I all my days could gladly spend. Topics: Life in Christ Christ Incarnate - Passion and Death; Christian Year Holy Week Used With Tune: LOVE UNKNOWN
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A Great and Mighty Wonder

Author: Germanus, c. 634-c. 734; John Mason Neale, 1818-66 Meter: Appears in 115 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 Refrain First Line: Procalim the Savior's birth Lyrics: 1 A great and mighty wonder, A full and holy cure: The virgin bears the infant With virgin honor pure! Refrain: Proclaim the Savior's birth: "To God on high be glory And peace to all the earth!" 2 The Word becomes incarnate And yet remains on high, And cherubim sing anthems To shepherds from the sky. [Refrain] 3 While thus they sing your Monarch, Those bright angelic bands, Rejoice, O vales and mountains, And oceans, clap your hands. [Refrain] 4 Since all He comes to ransom, By all be He adored, The infant born in Bethl'em, The Savior and the Lord. [Refrain] 5 All idols then shall perish And Satan's lying cease, And Christ shall raise His scepter, Decreeing endless peace. [Refrain] Used With Tune: ES IST EIN ROS (Isorhythmic)

I Danced in the Morning

Author: Sydney Carter, 1915-2004 Appears in 52 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 First Line: I danced in the morning when the world was begun Lyrics: 1 I danced in the morning when the world was begun, and I danced in the moon and the stars and the sun, and I came down from heaven and I danced on the earth. At Bethlehem I had my birth. Refrain: Dance, then, wherever you may be; I am the Lord of the Dance, said he, and I'll lead you all wherever you may be, and I'll lead you all in the Dance, said he. 2 I danced for the scribe and the Pharisee, but they would not dance and they would not follow me; I danced for the fishermen, for James and John; they came with me and the Dance went on. [Refrain] 3 I danced on the Sabbath and I cured the lame: the holy people said it was a shame; they whipped and they stripped and they hung me on high, and they left me there on a cross to die. [Refrain] 4 I danced on a Friday when the sky turned black; it's hard to dance with the devil on your back. They buried my body and they thought I'd gone, but I am the Dance and I still go on. [Refrain] 5 They cut me down and I leapt up high; I am the Life that'll never, never die; I'll live in you if you'll live in me; I am the Lord of the Dance, said he. [Refrain] Topics: Discipleship; Easter; Good Friday; Jesus Christ; Jesus Christ The Incarnation; Jesus Christ's Life; Jesus Christ's Passion Used With Tune: LORD OF THE DANCE

Behold, the great creator makes

Author: Thomas Pestel (1585-1659) Meter: Appears in 22 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 Lyrics: 1 Behold, the great Creator makes himself a house of clay, in human flesh, our form he takes which he will bear alway. 2 Hark, how the wise eternal Word as a weak infant cries! In form of servant is the Lord, and God in cradle lies. 3 This wonder all the world amazed, it shook the starry frame; the hosts of heaven stood to gaze, and bless the Saviour's name. 4 Glad shepherds ran to view this sight; a choir of angels sings, and eastern sages with delight adore this King of kings. 5 Join then, all hearts that are not stone, to sing with choirs above and celebrate this Holy One, the God of peace and love. Topics: Life in Christ Christ Incarnate - Christmas and Epiphany; Christian Year Season of Epiphany Used With Tune: DUNLAP'S CREEK

Meekness and Majesty

Author: Graham Kendrick, 1950- Appears in 17 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 First Line: Meekness and majesty, human and deity Topics: Jesus Christ Majesty Used With Tune: [Meekness and majesty, human and Deity]

Long Ago, Prophets Knew

Author: Fred Pratt Green, 1903-2000 Meter: with refrain Appears in 17 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 Refrain First Line: Ring bells, ring, ring ring! Lyrics: 1 Long ago, prophets knew Christ would come, born a Jew, come to make all things new, bear his people's burden, freely love and pardon. Refrain: Ring, bells, ring, ring, ring! Sing, choirs, sing, sing, sing! When he comes, when he comes, who will make him welcome? [Refrain] 2 God in time, God in man, this is God's timeless plan: He will come, as a man, born himself of woman, God divinely human. [Refrain] 3 Mary, hail! Though afraid, she believed, she obeyed. In her womb, God is laid till the time expected, nurtured and protected. [Refrain] 4 Journey ends! Where afar Bethlehem shines, like a star, stable door stands ajar: unborn Son of Mary, Savior, do not tarry! Ring, bells, ring, ring, ring! Sing, choirs, sing, sing, sing! Jesus comes, Jesus comes, we will make him welcome! Used With Tune: PERSONENT HODIE

God's Love Made Visible

Author: Iola Brubeck Meter: Appears in 7 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 First Line: God's love made visible! Incomprehensible Topics: Christmas Season; Jesus Christ Incarnation Used With Tune: POSADA

Savior of the Nations, Come

Author: Calvin Seerveld; Ambrose, 4th cent.; Martin Luther Meter: Appears in 5 hymnals Scripture: John 1:1-14 Topics: Intercession of Christ; Ascension & Reign of Christ; Biblical Names & Places Bethlehem; Biblical Names & Places Gethsemane; Biblical Names & Places Mary; Return of Christ; Suffering of Christ; Advent; Advent; Ascension & Reign of Christ; Biblical Names & Places Bethlehem; Biblical Names & Places Gethsemane; Biblical Names & Places Mary; Christmas; Intercession of Christ; Kingdom; New Creation; Return of Christ; Suffering of Christ; Trinity Used With Tune: NUN KOMM DER HEIDEN HEILAND
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Crown him with many crowns

Author: Matthew Bridges, 1800-1894 Appears in 801 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 Lyrics: 1 Crown him with many crowns, the Lamb upon his throne; hark, how the heavenly anthem drowns all music but its own! Awake, my soul, and sing of him who died for thee, and hail him as thy matchless king through all eternity. 2 Crown him the Virgin's Son, the God incarnate born, whose arm those crimson trophies won which now his brow adorn: Fruit of the mystic Rose, as of that Rose the Stem; the Root whence mercy ever flows, the Babe of Bethlehem. 3 Crown him the Lord of love; behold his hands and side, those wounds yet visible above in beauty glorified: no angel in the sky can fully bear that sight, but downward bends his burning eye at mysteries so bright. 4 Crown him the Lord of peace, whose power a sceptre sways from pole to pole, that wars may cease, and all be prayer and praise: his reign shall know no end, and round his piercèd feet fair flowers of paradise extend their fragrance ever sweet. 5 Crown him the Lord of years, the Potentate of time, creator of the rolling spheres, ineffably sublime: all hail, Redeemer, hail! for thou hast died for me; thy praise shall never, never fail throughout eternity. Topics: Ascension Day; Easter VII Year B; Easter VII Year C; Proper 21 Year A; Christ the King Year A; Christ the King Year C Used With Tune: DIADEMATA
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All My Heart This Night Rejoices

Author: Paul Gerhardt; Catherine Winkworth Meter: Appears in 277 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 Lyrics: 1 All my heart this night rejoices as I hear far and near sweetest angel voices. "Christ is born," their choirs are singing till the air ev'rywhere now with joy is ringing. 2 Forth today the Conqu'ror goeth, who the foe, sin and woe, death and hell, o'erthroweth. God is man, man to deliver; his dear Son now is one with our blood forever. 3 Shall we still dread God's displeasure, who, to save, freely gave his most cherished Treasure? To redeem us, he hath given his own Son from the throne of his might in heaven. 4 He becomes the Lamb that taketh sin away and for aye full atonement maketh. For our life his own he tenders; and our race, by his grace, meet for glory renders. 5 Hark! a voice from yonder manger, soft and sweet, doth entreat: "Flee from woe and danger. Brethren, from all ills that grieve you, you are freed; all you need I will surely give you." 6 Come, then, banish all your sadness, one and all, great and small; come with songs of gladness. Love him who with love is glowing; hail the star, near and far light and joy bestowing. 7 Dearest Lord, thee will I cherish. Though my breath fail in death, yet I shall not perish, but with thee abide forever there on high, in that joy which can vanish never. Topics: Christ Conqueror; Christ Lamb of God; Christ Love and Grace of Used With Tune: WARUM SOLLT' ICH MICH DENN GRAMEN
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Father of heaven, whose love profound

Author: Edward Cooper (1770-1833) Meter: Appears in 242 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 Lyrics: 1 Father of heaven, whose love profound a ransom for our souls has found, before your throne we sinners bend: to us your pardoning love extend. 2 Almighty Son, incarnate Word, our Prophet, Priest, Redeemer, Lord, before your throne we sinners bend: to us your saving grace extend. 3 Eternal Spirit, by whose breath our souls are raised from sin and death, before your throne we sinners bend: to us your quickening power extend. 4 Jehovah -- Father, Spirit, Son -- mysterious Godhead, Three in One, before your throne we sinners bend: grace, pardon, life to us extend. Topics: Life in Christ Our Response to Christ - In Penitence; The Being of God Holy and One; God in Trinity Used With Tune: RIVAULX
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Christians, awake! salute the happy morn

Author: John Byrom, 1692-1763 Meter: Appears in 186 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 Lyrics: 1 Christians, awake! salute the happy morn, whereon the Saviour of the world was born; rise to adore the mystery of love, which hosts of angels chanted from above: with them the joyful tidings first begun of God incarnate and the Virgin's Son. 2 Then to the watchful shepherds it was told, who heard the angelic herald's voice: 'Behold, I bring good tidings of a Saviour's birth to you and all the nations upon earth: this day hath God fulfilled his promised word, this day is born a Saviour, Christ the Lord.' 3 He spake; and straightway the celestial choir in hymns of joy, unknown before, conspire; the praises of redeeming love they sang, and heaven's whole orb with alleluias rang: God's highest glory was their anthem still, peace upon earth, and unto men good will. *4 To Bethl'hem straight the enlightened shepherds ran, to see the wonder God had wrought for man; and found, with Joseph and the blessèd Maid, her Son, the Saviour, in a manger laid: then to their flocks, still praising God, return, and their glad hearts with holy rapture burn. 5 O may we keep and ponder in our mind God's wondrous love in saving lost mankind; trace we the babe, who hath retrieved our loss, from his poor manger to his bitter cross; tread in his steps, assisted by his grace, till man's first heavenly state again takes place. 6 Then may we hope, the angelic hosts among, to sing, redeemed, a glad triumphal song: he that was born upon this joyful day around us all his glory shall display; saved by his love, incessant we shall sing eternal praise to heaven's almighty King. Topics: Christmas Used With Tune: YORKSHIRE (STOCKPORT)
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Beautiful Savior

Author: Joseph A. Seiss, 1823-1904 Meter: Appears in 141 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 Lyrics: 1 Beautiful Savior, King of creation, Son of God and Son of Man! Truly I'd love Thee, Truly I'd serve Thee, Light of my soul, my joy, my crown. 2 Fair are the meadows, Fair are the woodlands, Robed in flow'rs of blooming spring; Jesus is fairer, Jesus is purer; He makes our sorr'wing spirit sing. 3 Fair is the sunshine, Fair is the moonlight, Bright the sparkling stars on high; Jesus shines brighter, Jesus shines purer Than all the angels in the sky. 4 Beautiful Savior, Lord of the nations, Son of God and Son of Man! Glory and honor, Praise, adoration, Now and forevermore be Thine! Topics: Redeemer Used With Tune: SCHÖNSTER HERR JESU Text Sources: Münsterisch Gesangbuch, Münster, 1677
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Songs of Thankfulness and Praise

Author: Christopher Wordsworth Meter: D Appears in 128 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 Lyrics: 1 Songs of thankfulness and praise, Jesus, Lord, to you we raise, manifested by the star to the sages from afar; Branch of royal David’s stem, in your birth at Bethlehem; Refrain: “You are Christ,” by us confessed, God in flesh made manifest. 2 Manifest at Jordan’s stream, Prophet, Priest, and King supreme; and at Cana, wedding guest, in your Godhead manifest, you revealed your pow'r divine, changing water into wine; [Refrain] 3 Manifest in making whole palsied limbs and fainting soul; manifest in valiant fight, quelling all the devil’s might; manifest in gracious will, ever bringing good from ill; [Refrain] Topics: Christ As King; Christ Life and Ministry of; Christ As Priest; Christ As Prophet; Christ As Son of David Used With Tune: SALZBURG (Hintze)
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O mean may seem this house of clay

Author: Thos. H. Gill Meter: Appears in 62 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 Topics: God: His Attributes, Works and Word The Son - Life and Example Used With Tune: NORTHREPPS
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The advent of our King

Author: Charles Coffin, 1676-1749; John Chandler, 1808-1876 Meter: Appears in 54 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 Lyrics: 1 The advent of our King our prayers must now employ, and we must hymns of welcome sing in strains of holy joy. 2 The everlasting Son incarnate deigns to be; himself a servant's form puts on, to set his servants free. 3 Daughter of Sion, rise to meet thy lowly King; nor let thy faithless heart despise the peace he comes to bring. 4 As judge, on clouds of light, he soon will come again, and his true members all unite with him in heaven to reign. 5 All glory to the Son who comes to set us free, with Father, Spirit, ever One, through all eternity. Topics: Advent; Advent I Year C Used With Tune: ST. THOMAS

On Christmas Night All Christians Sing

Meter: Appears in 49 hymnals Scripture: John 1:5-14 Lyrics: 1 On Christmas night all Christians sing, to hear the news the angels bring; On Christmas night all Christians sing, to hear the news the angels bring - News of great joy, news of great mirth, news of our merciful Ruler’s birth. 2 Then why should we on earth be sad, since our Redeemer made us glad; Then why should we on earth be sad, since our Redeemer made us glad, When from our sin Christ set us free, all for to gain our liberty. 3 From out of mystery came the Light, which made the angels sing this night; From our of mystery came the Light, which made the angels sing this night: “Glory to God and peace to all, forevermore, Alleluia!” Topics: Christmas; Jesus Christ Birth and Infancy Used With Tune: SUSSEX CAROL Text Sources: Traditional English carol

Father Eternal, Ruler of Creation

Author: Laurence Housman Meter: Appears in 48 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 Used With Tune: LANGHAM

Jesus, Name above All Names

Author: Naida Hearn Meter: Irregular Appears in 26 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 Topics: The Grace of Jesus Christ In Praise of Christ Used With Tune: NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES

Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness

Author: Rusty Edwards, b. 1955 Meter: D Appears in 19 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 Lyrics: 1 Praise the One who breaks the darkness With a liberating light; Praise the One who frees the pris'ners Turning blindness into sight. Praise the One who preached the Gospel, Healing ev'ry dread disease, Calming storms, and feeding thousands With the very Bread of peace. 2 Praise the One who blessed the children With a strong, yet gentle word; Praise the One who drove out demons With the piercing two-edged sword. Praise the one who brings cool water To the desert's burning sand; From this Well comes living water Quenching thirst in ev'ry land. 3 Let us praise the Word incarnate, Christ, who suffered in our place. Jesus died and rose victorious That we may know God by grace. Let us sing for joy and gladness, Seeing what our God has done; Let us praise the true Redeemer, Praise the One who makes us one. Topics: Society; Redeemer Used With Tune: BEACH SPRING
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Dearest Jesu, we are here

Author: G. R. Woodward, 1848-1934; Tobias Clausnitzer, 1619-1684 Meter: Appears in 15 hymnals Scripture: John 1:14 Lyrics: 1 Dearest Jesu, we are here, at thy call, thy presence owning; pleading now in holy fear that great sacrifice atoning: Word incarnate, much in wonder on this mystery deep we ponder. 2 Jesu, strong to save — the same yesterday, today, for ever — make us fear and love thy name, serving thee with best endeavour: in this life, O ne'er forsake us, but to bliss hereafter take us. Topics: Holy Communion Used With Tune: LIEBSTER JESU (DESSAU)

Lord, you were rich beyond all splendour

Author: Frank Houghton (1894-1972) Meter: Appears in 14 hymnals Scripture: John 1:9-14 Topics: Life in Christ Christ Incarnate - Christmas and Epiphany; God Love of Used With Tune: QUELLE EST CETTE ODEUR AGRÉABLE

Before the World Began

Author: John L. Bell, 1949- Meter: Appears in 9 hymnals Scripture: John 1:1-18 Topics: Jesus Christ the Word Used With Tune: INCARNATION


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