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Showing 1 - 50 of 1,153Results Per Page: 102050

O day of rest and gladness

Author: Christopher Wordsworth, 1807-1885 Meter: D Appears in 814 hymnals Topics: The Church The Lord's Day; Hymns for the Young Hymns of the Lord's Day; The Church The Sanctuary Used With Tune: DAY OF REST Text Sources: Alt.: Hymns Ancient and Modern

Love Divine, all loves excelling

Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 Meter: D Appears in 1,871 hymnals Topics: The Christian Life Aspiration and Prayer; God: His Attributes, Works and Word The Lord Jesus Christ - His Sympathy and Intercession; Occasional Hymns Marriage and Home; Hymns for the Young The Lord Jesus - His Love and Sympathy; The Church The Sacraments - The Lord's Supper Used With Tune: HYFRYDOL
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What star is this, with beams so bright

Author: Charles Coffin, 1676-1749; John Chandler, 1806-1876 Meter: Appears in 91 hymnals Topics: Hymns for the Church Year Epiphany Lyrics: 1 What star is this, with beams so bright, more beauteous than the noonday light? It shines to herald forth the King, and Gentiles to his crib to bring. 2 True spake the prophet from afar who told the rise of Jacob's star; and eastern sages with amaze upon the wondrous token gaze. 3 The guiding star above is bright; within them shines a clearer light, and leads them on with power benign to seek the Giver of the sign. 4 O Jesus, while the star of grace impels us on to seek thy face, let not our slothful hearts refuse the guidance of thy light to use. 5 To God the Father, heavenly light, to Christ, revealed in earthly night, to God the Holy Ghost we raise our equal and unceasing praise! Scripture: Matthew 2:2 Used With Tune: PUER NOBIS Text Sources: Breviary, Paris, 1736; Other translators: Editors of Hymns Ancient and Modern, alt.
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We love the place, O God

Author: William Bullock Appears in 103 hymnals Topics: Advent; Consecration of a Church; Hymns for Children; Loyalty; The Church Militant; The Church as God's gift Used With Tune: QUAM DILECTA

God, We Praise You

Author: St. Nicetas, ca. 335-414; Christopher Idle, b. 1938 Meter: D Appears in 31 hymnals Topics: Church; Church; Church; Kingdom/Reign of God; Praise; Saints; Morning Prayer Hymn; Rites of the Church Dedication of a Church; The Liturgical Year The Most Holy Trinity; The Liturgical Year Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe; The Liturgical Year Ss. Peter and Paul, Apostles (June 29); The Liturgical Year All Saints (November 1); The Liturgical Year The Dedication of teh Lateran Basilica (November 9) First Line: God, we praise you! God, we bless you! Lyrics: 1 God, we praise you! God, we bless you! God, we name you sov'reign Lord! Mighty King whom angels worship, Father, by your Church adored: All creation shows your glory, Heav'n and earth draw near your throne, Singing "Holy, holy, holy," Lord of hosts and God alone! 2 True apostles, faithful prophets, Saints who set their world ablaze, Martyrs, once unknown, unheeded, Join one growing song of praise, While your Church on earth confesses One majestic Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, God, our hope eternally. 3 Jesus Christ, the King of glory, Everlasting Son of God, Humble was your virgin mother, Hard the lonely path you trod: By your cross is sin defeated, Hell confronted face to face, Heaven opened to believers, Sinners justified by grace. 4 Christ, at God's right hand victorious, You will judge the world you made; Lord, in mercy help your servants For whose freedom you have paid: Raise us up from dust to glory, Guard us from all sin today; King enthroned above all praises, Save your people, God, we pray. Scripture: Isaiah 6:1-3 Used With Tune: NETTLETON

There's a Quiet Understanding

Author: Tedd Smith Meter: D Appears in 14 hymnals Topics: Church Fellowship and Unity; liturgical Opening Hymns

Onward, Christian Soldiers

Author: S. Baring-Gould Meter: D with refrain Appears in 1,808 hymnals Topics: Church Militant and Triumphant; Unity, Christian ; Youth Hymns; liturgical Songs of Response First Line: Onward, Christian soldiers, Marching as to war Lyrics: 1 Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war, With the cross of Jesus going on before! Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe; Forward into battle, see his banner go! Refrain: Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war, With the cross of Jesus going on before! 2 At the sign of triumph Satan's host doth flee; On, then, Christian soldiers, on to victory! Hell's foundations quiver at the shout of praise; Brothers, lift your voices, loud your anthems raise! [Refrain] 3 Like a mighty army moves the church of God; Brothers, we are treading where the saints have trod; We are not divided; all one body we, One in hope and doctrine, one in charity. [Refrain] 4 Onward, then, ye people, join our happy throng, Blend with ours your voices in the triumph song; Glory, laud, and honor, unto Christ the King; This thro' countless ages men and angels sing. [Refrain] Baptist Hymnal, 1991

God of Grace and God of Glory

Author: Harry Emerson Fosdick Meter: Appears in 155 hymnals Topics: The Church in the World Commitment: Peace and Justice; Church Anniversaries; Church Mission; Church Triumphant; Commitment; Confession; Conflict and Struggle; Courage; Discipleship and Service; Empowerment; Freedom; Funerals and Memorial Services; God Glory; God Goodness; God Power/Might; God Wisdom; Grace; Justice; Opening Hymns; Peace (World); Processionals (Opening of Worship); Recessionals; Service Music Prayer Responses; Sin; Social Concerns; Trials; Warfare (Spiritual); Weddings; Wisdom; Youth; Epiphany 4 Year A; Lent 3 Year A; Easter 5 Year A; Proper 15 Year A; Proper 28 Year A; Reign of Christ Year A; Lent 2 Year B; Lent 3 Year B; Proper 6 Year B; Proper 7 Year B; Reign of Christ Year B; Easter 6 Year C; Easter 6 Year C; Proper 10 Year C; Proper 15 Year C; Proper 22 Year C Lyrics: 1 God of grace and God of glory, on your people pour your power; now fulfil your church’s story; bring its bud to glorious flower. Grant us wisdom, grant us courage, for the facing of this hour. 2 Lo, the hosts of evil round us scorn your Christ, assail your ways; fears and doubts too long have bound us; free our hearts to work and praise. Grant us wisdom, grant us courage, for the living of these days. 3 Cure your children’s warring madness, bend our pride to your control; shame our wanton selfish gladness, rich in goods and poor in soul. Grant us wisdom, grant us courage, lest we miss your kingdom's goal. 4 Set our feet on lofty places; gird our lives that they may be armoured with all Christ-like graces, pledged to set all captives free. Grant us wisdom, grant us courage, that we fail not them nor thee. Used With Tune: RHUDDLAN
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Faith of Our Fathers

Author: Frederick W. Faber, 1814-1863 Meter: Appears in 842 hymnals Topics: Christian Life; Church; Courage; Christian Life; Church; Courage; Christian Life; Church; Courage; Discipleship; Faith; Journey; Ministry/Mission; Pilgrim Church; Saints; Morning Prayer Hymn; Evening Prayer Hymn; The Liturgical Year All Saints (November 1) First Line: Faith of our fathers! living still Refrain First Line: Faith of our fathers, holy faith! Lyrics: 1 Faith of our fathers! living still In spite of dungeon, fire, and sword. O how our hearts beat high with joy Whene'er we hear that glorious word! Refrain: Faith of our fathers, holy faith! We will be true to thee till death. 2 Faith of our fathers! we will strive To win all nations unto thee. And through the truth that comes from God We all shall then be truly free: [Refrain] 3 Faith of our fathers! We will love Both friend and foe in all our strife, And preach thee, too, as love knows how By kindly words and virtuous life: [Refrain] Scripture: Psalm 22:4-5 Used With Tune: ST. CATHERINE

The Church's One Foundation

Author: Samuel John Stone (1839-1900) Meter: D Appears in 869 hymnals Topics: Book One: Hymns, Songs, Chorales; The Church Foundation of Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:11 Used With Tune: AURELIA

O Thou Whose Feet Have Climbed Life's Hill

Author: Louis F. Benson Meter: Appears in 46 hymnals Topics: Church, The Youth, Hymns for Lyrics: 1 O Thou whose feet have climbed life's hill, And trod the path of youth, Our Saviour and our Brother still, Now lead us into truth. 2 The call is Thine: be Thou the Way, And give us men, to guide; Let wisdom broaden with the day, Let human faith abide. 3 Who learn of Thee the truth shall find, Who follow, gain the goal; With reverence crown the earnest mind, And speak within the soul. 4 Awake the purpose high which strives, And, falling, stands again; Confirm the will of eager lives To quit themselves like men: 5 Thy life the bond of fellowship, Thy love the law that rules, Thy name, proclaimed by every lip, The Master of our schools. Amen. Scripture: Luke 2:40 Used With Tune: ST. MAGNUS
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Father, Lead Me Day by Day

Author: John Page Hopps Meter: Appears in 163 hymnals Topics: Church, The Young, Hymns for the Lyrics: 1 Father, lead me day by day, Ever in Thine own sweet way; Teach me to be pure and true; Show me what I ought to do. 2 When in danger, make me brave, Make me know that Thou canst save; Keep me safe by Thy dear side; Let me in Thy love abide. 3 When I'm tempted to do wrong, Make me steadfast, wise, and strong; And when all alone I stand, Shield me with Thy mighty hand. 4 May I do the good I know, Serving gladly here below, Then at last go home to Thee, Evermore Thine own to be. Amen. Scripture: 3 John 4 Used With Tune: POSEN
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Jesus Christ is risen today, alleluia

Meter: with alleluia Appears in 493 hymnals Topics: Hymns for the Church Year Easter Lyrics: 1 Jesus Christ is risen today, alleluia, our triumphant holy day, alleluia, who did once, upon the cross, alleluia, suffer to redeem our loss. Alleluia! 2 Hymns of praise then let us sing, alleluia, unto Christ, our heavenly King, alleluia, who endured the cross and grave, alleluia, sinners to redeem and save. Alleluia! 3 But the pains that he endured, alleluia, our salvation have procured; alleluia, now above the sky he's King, alleluia, where the angels ever sing. Alleluia! Scripture: Luke 24:34 Used With Tune: EASTER HYMN Text Sources: Lyra Davidca, London, 1708, Supplement, 1816

Te Deum

Appears in 374 hymnals Topics: Occasional Hymns Church Building and Dedication First Line: We praise thee, O God Used With Tune: [We praise Thee, O God]
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I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord

Author: Timothy Dwight Appears in 1,334 hymnals Topics: Church; Faith; Opening Hymns Used With Tune: ST. THOMAS

Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain

Author: St. John of Damascus; J. M. Neale Meter: D Appears in 379 hymnals Topics: Church Militant & Trumphant; Ancient Hymns; Christ Resurrection; Historical; Resurrection
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New Every Morning

Author: John Keble Meter: Appears in 362 hymnals Topics: The Church at Worship Opening and Morning Hymns First Line: New every morning is the love Lyrics: 1 New every morning is the love our wakening and uprising prove; through sleep and darkness safely brought, restored to life, and power, and thought. 2 New mercies, each returning day, hover around us while we pray; new perils past, new sins forgiven, new thoughts of God, new hopes of heaven. 3 If on our daily course our mind be set to hallow all we find, new treasures still of countless price God will provide for sacrifice. 4 The trivial round, the common task, will furnish all we ought to ask, room to deny ourselves, a road to bring us daily nearer God. 5 Only, O God, in your dear love, fit us for perfect rest above; and help us, this and every day, to live more nearly as we pray. Used With Tune: MELCOMBE
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For the Beauty of the Earth

Author: Folliot S. Pierpoint, 1835-1917 Meter: Appears in 641 hymnals Topics: Church; Creation; Church; Creation; Church; Creation; Harvest; Joy; Praise; Stewardship; Thanksgiving; Service Music for Mass Entrance Song (Gathering of Processional); Morning Prayer Hymn; Evening Prayer Hymn Lyrics: 1 For the beauty of the earth, For the beauty of the skies, For the love which from our birth Over and around us lies: Lord of all to you we raise This our hymn of grateful praise. 2 For the beauty of each hour Of the day and of the night, Hill and vale, and tree and flow'r, Sun and moon, and stars of light: Lord of all to you we raise This our hymn of grateful praise. 3 For the joy of ear and eye, For the heart and mind’s delight, For the mystic harmony Linking sense to sound and sight: Lord of all to you we raise This our hymn of grateful praise. 4 For the joy of human love, Brother, sister, parent, child, Friends on earth and friends above; For all gentle thoughts and mild: Lord of all to you we raise This our hymn of grateful praise. 5 For the Church, who evermore Lifts her holy hands above, Off'ring up on ev'ry shore Her pure sacrifice of love: Lord of all to you we raise This our hymn of grateful praise. 6 For each perfect gift divine To our world so freely giv'n, Joys bestowed by love's design, Flow'rs of earth and fruits of heav'n: Lord of all to you we raise This our hymn of grateful praise. Scripture: Genesis 1:11-18 Used With Tune: DIX Text Sources: Lyra Eucharistica, 1864

Glorious things of thee are spoken

Author: John Newton, 1725-1807 Meter: D Appears in 1,300 hymnals Topics: The Church The Communion of Saints; The Church The Sacraments - Baptism; The Church Pastors and Teachers; Occasional Hymns Anniversaries and Farewells Used With Tune: HAYDN'S HYMN
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Saviour, again to your dear name we raise

Author: John Ellerton Meter: Appears in 853 hymnals Topics: The Church at Worship Closing and Evening Hymns Lyrics: 1 Saviour, again to your dear name we raise with one accord our parting hymn of praise; we give you thanks before our worship cease, then, in the silence hear your word of peace. 2 Grant us your peace upon our homeward way; with you began, with you shall end the day; guard now the lips from sin, the hearts from shame, that in this house have called upon your name. 3 Grant us your peace throughout the coming night; turn all our darkness to your perfect light; then, through our sleep, our hope and strength renew, for dark and light are both alike to you. 4 Grant us your peace throughout our earthly life, courage in sorrow, courage in our strife; then, when your voice shall bid our conflict cease, call us, at last, to your eternal peace. Used With Tune: ELLERS


Appears in 453 hymnals Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles; The Church The Sanctuary First Line: O come let us sing unto the Lord Scripture: Psalm 95 Used With Tune: [O come, let us sing unto the Lord]

Morning Has Broken

Author: Eleanor Farjeon Meter: D Appears in 95 hymnals Topics: Church, The Young, Hymns for the Scripture: Genesis 1:5 Used With Tune: BUNESSAN

Sun of my soul, thou Saviour dear

Author: John Keble, 1792-1866 Meter: Appears in 1,451 hymnals Topics: Hymns for the Church Year Evening Lyrics: 1 Sun of my soul, thou Saviour dear, it is not night if thou be near; O may no earth-born cloud arise to hide thee from thy servant's eyes. 2 When the soft dews of kindly sleep my weary eyelids gently steep, be my last thought, how sweet to rest for ever on my Saviour's breast. 3 Abide with me from morn till eve, for without thee I cannot live; abide with me when night is nigh, for without thee I dare not die. 4 If some poor wandering child of thine have spurned today the voice divine, now, Lord, the gracious work begin; let him no more lie down in sin. 5 Watch by the sick; enrich the poor with blessings from thy boundless store; be every mourner's sleep tonight like infant's slumbers, pure and light. 6 Come near and bless us when we wake, ere through the world our way we take; till in the ocean of thy love we lose ourselves in heaven above. Used With Tune: HURSLEY

Christ is made the sure foundation

Author: John Mason Neale, 1818-1866 Meter: Appears in 289 hymnals Topics: The Church The Communion of Saints; The Church Pastors and Teachers; Occasional Hymns Anniversaries and Farewells; Doxologies verse 5 only Used With Tune: ORIEL Text Sources: Latin, 7th or 8th century

The day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended

Author: John Ellerton, 1826-1893 Meter: Appears in 288 hymnals Topics: Times and Seasons Evening; Hymns for the Young Morning and Evening; The Church The Sanctuary; The Church The Lord's Day Used With Tune: ST. CLEMENT
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All People That on Earth Do Dwell

Author: William Kethe, d. ca. 1593 Meter: Appears in 727 hymnals Topics: Gathering; Global Family; Love of God for Us; People of God; Praise; Service Music for Mass Entrance Song (Gathering of Processional); Morning Prayer Hymn; Rites of the Church Dedication of a Church; The Liturgical Year The Dedication of teh Lateran Basilica (November 9) Lyrics: 1 All people that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice; Him serve with mirth, his praise forth tell, Come we before him, and rejoice. 2 Know that the Lord is God indeed; Without our aid he did us make; We are his folk, he does us feed, And for his sheep he does us take. 3 O enter then his gates with praise; Approach with joy his courts unto; Praise, laud, and bless his Name always, For it is seemly so to do. 4 For why? The Lord our God is good: His mercy is for ever sure; His truth at all times firmly stood, And shall from age to age endure. 5 To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom heav'n and earth adore, From us and from the angel host Be praise and glory evermore. Scripture: Psalm 2:11 Used With Tune: OLD HUNDREDTH
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While shepherds watched their flocks by night

Author: Nahum Tate, 1652-1715 Meter: Appears in 1,106 hymnals Topics: Hymns for the Church Year Christmas Lyrics: 1 While shepherds watched their flocks by night, all seated on the ground, the angel of the Lord came down, and glory shone around. 2 'Fear not,' said he (for mighty dread had seized their troubled mind); 'Glad tidings of great joy I bring to you and all mankind. 3 'To you in David's town this day is born of David's line a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord; and this shall be the sign: 4 'The heavenly Babe you there shall find to human view displayed, all meanly wrapped in swathing bands, and in a manger laid.' 5 Thus spake the seraph; and forthwith appeared a shining throng of angels praising God, who thus addressed their joyful song: 6 'All glory be to God on high, and to the earth be peace; good will henceforth from heaven to men 'begin and never cease.' Used With Tune: WINCHESTER OLD (Fauxbourdon)
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Blest Be the Tie That Binds

Author: John Fawcett Appears in 2,286 hymnals Topics: Church; Familiar Hymns; Fellowship Used With Tune: DENNIS
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God, Reveal Your Presence

Author: Gerhardt Tersteegen; Frederick William Foster; John Miller; William Mercer Appears in 134 hymnals Topics: The Church at Worship Opening and Morning Hymns Lyrics: 1 God, reveal your presence: as we now adore you and with awe appear before you. Here in this your temple: all within keep silence, gather now with deepest reverence. You alone God we own, you, our God and Saviour: praise your name for ever. 2 God, reveal your presence: hear the harps resounding; see the crowds the throne surrounding. "Holy, holy, holy!" Hear the hymn ascending, angels, saints, their voices blending. Bow your ear to us here; hearken, O Lord Jesus, to our humble praises. 3 O great Fount of blessing, purify my spirit, trusting only in your merit; like the holy angels gathered all before you, may I ceaselessly adore you. Let your will ever still rule your church terrestrial, as the hosts celestial. Used With Tune: ARNSBERG

Jesus, Stand among Us

Author: William Pennefather; Lydia Pedersen Meter: Appears in 71 hymnals Topics: The Church at Worship Opening and Morning Hymns Used With Tune: BEMERTON (CASWALL)

Great Shepherd of Your People

Author: John Newton Meter: Appears in 213 hymnals Topics: The Church at Worship Opening and Morning Hymns First Line: Great Shepherd of your people, hear Lyrics: 1 Great Shepherd of your people, hear! your presence now display; as you have given a place for prayer, so give us hearts to pray. 2 Within these walls let holy peace and love and friendship dwell; here give the troubled conscience ease, the wounded spirit heal. 3 May we in faith receive your word, in faith present our prayers; and in the presence of our God unburden all our cares. 4 The hearing ear, the seeing eye, the contrite heart bestow; and shine upon us from on high, that we in grace may grow. Used With Tune: ABRIDGE

O Splendour of God's Glory Bright

Author: Ambrose of Milan Meter: Appears in 49 hymnals Topics: The Church at Worship Opening and Morning Hymns Lyrics: 1 O Splendour of God's glory bright, from light eternal bringing light, O light of life, light's living spring, true day, all days illumining: 2 come, Holy Sun of heavenly love, pour down your radiance from above, and to our inward hearts convey the Holy Spirit's cloudless ray. 3 O joyful be the passing day with thoughts as clear as morning's ray, with faith like noontide shining bright, our souls unshadowed by the night. 4 O Christ, with each returning morn your image to our hearts is born; O may we ever see anew our Saviour and our God in you! Used With Tune: PUER NOBIS NASCITUR Text Sources: Trans. composite, Rejoice in the Lord, 1985
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Safely through another week

Author: John Newton Appears in 1,017 hymnals Topics: Church Hymns

People of the Living God

Author: James Montgomery (1771-1854) Meter: D Appears in 327 hymnals Topics: Book One: Hymns, Songs, Chorales; The Church Assembly, Communion of Saints Scripture: Ephesians 2:19 Used With Tune: ENNIUS

Not to the Terrors of the Lord

Author: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Appears in 186 hymnals Topics: Book One: Hymns, Songs, Chorales; The Church Heavenly (In Eternal Rest) Scripture: Revelation 14:13 Used With Tune: COLESHILL

Lead On, O Cloud of Presence

Author: Ruth Duck Meter: D Appears in 10 hymnals Topics: God's Church Life of Discipleship: Conflict and Perseverance; Conflict; God: Faithfulness; Perseverance; Recessional Hymns; Guidance Scripture: Numbers 9:15-23 Used With Tune: LANCASHIRE
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LORD, Our Lord, Your Glorious Name

Meter: Appears in 37 hymnals Topics: Church Year Ascension of the Lord; Church Year Easter; Church Year Passion/Palm Sunday; Church Year Trinity Sunday; Daily Prayer Evening Prayer; Earth; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Emmaus Road; Enemies; God as Creator; God as Defender; God's Friendship; God's Glory; God's Love; God's Majesty; God's Name; God's Presence; Humanity Created by God; Hymns of Praise; Jesus Christ Friend of Sinners; Jesus Christ Good Shepherd; Jesus Christ Teacher; Jesus Christ Way, Truth, and Life; Life Stages Children; Life Stages Children; Occasional Services Christian Marriage; Ten Commandments 3rd Commandment (do not take the name of the Lord in vain); The Creation; Year A, B, C, Christmas, New Year's Day; Year A, C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, Trinity Sunday; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October, 2-8; Year, A, B. C, Holy name of Jesus, January 1 Lyrics: 1 LORD, our Lord, your glorious name all your wondrous works proclaim; in the heavens with radiant signs evermore your glory shines. 2 Infant voices chant your praise, telling of your glorious ways; weakest means work out your will, mighty enemies to still. 3 Moon and stars in shining height nightly tell their Maker's might; when I view the heavens afar, then I know how small we are. 4 Who are we that we should share in your love and tender care-- raised to an exalted height, crowned with honor in your sight! 5 With dominion crowned, we stand o'er the creatures of your hand; all to us subjection yield, in the sea and air and field. 6 Lord, our Lord, your glorious name all your wondrous works proclaim, yours the name of matchless worth, excellent in all the earth. Scripture: Psalm 8 Used With Tune: GOTT SEI DANK DURCH ALLE WELT Text Sources: Psalter, 1912, alt.

This Day God Gives Me

Author: St. Patrick; James Quinn, SJ Meter: D Appears in 25 hymnals Topics: The Church at Worship Opening and Morning Hymns Used With Tune: BUNESSAN
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O Lord of life, Thy quickening voice

Author: Dr. George Macdonald, 1824-1905 Appears in 34 hymnals Topics: The Church and the Kingdom of God Morning; Morning Hymns for ; Prayer Morning Lyrics: 1 O Lord of life, Thy quickening voice Awakes my morning song; In gladsome words I would rejoice That I to Thee belong. 2 I see Thy light, I feel Thy wind, The world, it is Thy word; Whatever wakes my heart and mind, Thy presence is, my Lord. 3 Therefore, I choose my highest part, And turn my face to Thee; Therefore, I stir my inmost heart To worship fervently. 4 Within my heart, speak, Lord, speak on, My heart alive to keep Till comes the night, and, labour done, In Thee I fall asleep. Used With Tune: WARWICK

Creator of the stars of night

Author: John Mason Neale, 1818-1866 Appears in 92 hymnals Topics: Church Year Advent; Creation; Freedom / Liberation; Hymns with Doxologies; Jesus Christ Name of; Light Lyrics: 1 Creator of the stars of night, your people’s everlasting light, O Christ, the Saviour of us all, we pray, oh hear us when we call. 2 To you the labour pain was known that made the whole creation groan, until the time that you would free your own in glorious liberty. 3 Old was the world that drew toward night; you came, but not in splendour bright as monarch, but the humble child of Mary, faithful mother mild. 4 At your great name, Christ Jesus, now all knees must bend; all hearts must bow; all things on earth with one accord join those in heaven your name shall bless. 5 Come in your holy might, we pray; redeem us for eternal day, when all your judgements will be known and power of darkness overthrown. 6 To God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit, Three-in-One, laud, honour, might and glory be from age to age eternally. Amen. Scripture: Isaiah 9:1-2 Used With Tune: CONDITOR ALME SIDERUM Text Sources: Latin, anonymous, 9th century
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Glory to Thee, my God, this night

Author: Bp. T. Ken, 1637-1711 Appears in 1,049 hymnals Topics: The Church and the Kingdom of God Evening; Forgiveness Prayer for; Evening Hymns; Sleep, natural Lyrics: 1 Glory to Thee, my God, this night, For all the blessings of the light; Keep me, O keep me, King of kings, Beneath Thine own almighty wings! 2 Forgive me, Lord, for Thy dear Son, The ill that I this day have done; That, with the world, myself, and Thee, I, ere I sleep, at peace may be. 3 Teach me to live, that I may dread The grave as little as my bed; Teach me to die, that so I may Rise glorious at the awful day. 4 O may my soul on Thee repose! And may sweet sleep mine eyelids close; Sleep that shall me more vigorous make, To serve my God when I awake. 5 When in the night I sleepless lie, My soul with heavenly thoughts supply; Let no ill dreams disturb my rest, No powers of darkness me molest. 6 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Used With Tune: TALLIS' CANON

May the Grace of Christ

Author: John Newton Meter: Appears in 617 hymnals Topics: The Church at Worship Closing and Evening Hymns First Line: May the grace of Christ our Saviour Lyrics: 1 May the grace of Christ our Saviour, and our Maker's boundless love, with the Holy Spirit's favour, rest upon us from above. 2 Thus may we abide in union held together by the Word, and possess in rich communion joys which earth cannot afford. Used With Tune: OMNI DIE (DIC MARIA)

When I survey the wondrous cross

Author: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Meter: Appears in 2,012 hymnals Topics: God: His Attributes, Works and Word The Lord Jesus Christ - His Suffering and Death; The Church The Sacraments - Baptism; The Church The Sacraments - The Lord's Supper; The Church The Gospel Call; The Christian Life Love and Gratitude; The Christian Life Discipleship and Consecration; Hymns for the Young The Lord Jesus - His Life and Death Used With Tune: WONDROUS CROSS

This is the day of light

Author: John Ellerton, 1826-1893 Meter: Appears in 281 hymnals Topics: The Church The Lord's Day; Hymns for the Young Hymns of the Lord's Day; The Church The Sanctuary Used With Tune: FRANCONIA

O holy city, seen of John

Author: Walter Russell Bowie, 1882-1969 Meter: Appears in 89 hymnals Topics: General Hymns Church/Fellowship/Mission Lyrics: 1 O holy city, seen of John, where Christ, the Lamb, doth reign, within whose four-square walls shall come no night, nor need, nor pain, and where the tears are wiped from eyes that shall not weep again. 2 O shame to us who rest content while lust and greed for gain in street and shop and tenement wring gold from human pain, and bitter lips in blind despair cry 'Christ hath died in vain!' 3 Give us, O God, the strength to build the city that hath stood too long a dream, whose laws are love, whose ways are brotherhood, and where the sun that shineth is God’s grace for human good. 4 Already in the mind of God that city riseth fair: lo, how its splendour challenges the souls that greatly dare; yea, bids us seize the whole of life and build its glory there. Scripture: Revelation 21 Used With Tune: MORNING SONG Text Sources: Hymns of the Kingdon of God (Harper & Brothers, New York, 1910)
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Thy kingdom come!' on bended knee

Author: Frederick Lucian Hosmer, 1840-1929 Meter: Appears in 102 hymnals Topics: General Hymns Church/Fellowship/Mission Lyrics: 1 'Thy kingdom come!' on bended knee the passing ages pray; and faithful souls have yearned to see on earth that kingdom's day. 2 But the slow watches of the night not less to God belong; and for the everlasting right the silent stars are strong. 3 And lo, already on the hills the flags of dawn appear; gird up your loins, ye prophet souls, proclaim the day is near: 4 the day to whose clear shining light all wrong shall stand revealed, when justice shall be throned in might, and every hurt be healed; 5 when knowledge, hand in hand with peace, shall walk the earth abroad: the day of perfect righteousness, the promised day of God. Used With Tune: IRISH
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Jerusalem, my happy home

Author: F. B. P., fl. 16th century; Joseph Bromehead, 1748-1826 Meter: Appears in 843 hymnals Topics: General Hymns Church Militant/Triumphant Lyrics: 1 Jerusalem, my happy home, name ever dear to me, when shall my labours have an end? Thy joys when shall I see? 2 When shall these eyes thy heaven-built walls and pearly gates behold? Thy bulwarks with salvation strong, and streets of shining gold? 3 Apostles, martyrs, prophets, there around my Saviour stand; and all I love in Christ below will join the glorious band. 4 Jerusalem, my happy home, when shall I come to thee? When shall my labours have an end? Thy joys when shall I see? 5 O Christ, do thou my soul prepare for that bright home of love; that I may see thee and adore, with all thy saints above. Used With Tune: SOUTHWELL (IRONS) Text Sources: Based on Augustine of Hippo; Hymns and Psalms for Public or Private Devotion, Sheffield, 1795, adapted

Hark, the glad sound! the Saviour comes

Author: Philip Doddridge, 1702-1751 Meter: Appears in 823 hymnals Topics: God: His Attributes, Works and Word The Lord Jesus Christ - His Advent and Nativity; God: His Attributes, Works and Word The Lord Jesus Christ - His Coming in Power; The Church The Sacraments - The Lord's Supper; The Church The Gospel Call; Hymns for the Young The Lord Jesus - His Life and Death Used With Tune: ST. SAVIOUR Text Sources: Form chiefly as in Scottish Paraphrase

Christ is our corner stone

Author: John Chandler, 1806-1876 Meter: Appears in 186 hymnals Topics: The Church The Communion of Saints; The Church The Sanctuary; The Church Pastors and Teachers; Occasional Hymns Anniversaries and Farewells Used With Tune: HAREWOOD Text Sources: Latin, 7th or 8th century

For all the saints who from their labours rest

Author: William Walsham How, 1823-1897 Meter: Appears in 571 hymnals Topics: The Church The Communion of Saints; The Church The Sacraments - The Lord's Supper; The Christian Life Courage, Conflict, and Victory; The Christian Life Death, Resurrection, and the Heavenly Glory; Occasional Hymns Anniversaries and Farewells Used With Tune: ST. PHILIP (BARNBY)


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