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While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks

Author: Nahum Tate Meter: Appears in 1,106 hymnals Topics: Biblical Characters Shepherds First Line: While shepherds watched their flocks by night Lyrics: 1 While shepherds watched their flocks by night all seated on the ground, the angel of the Lord came down, and glory shone around. 2 "Fear not," said he, for mighty dread had seized their troubled mind; "glad tidings of great joy I bring to you and humankind. 3 "To you, in David's town this day is born of David's line a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord; and this shall be the sign: 4 "The heavenly babe you there shall find to human view displayed, all meanly wrapped in swathing bands, and in a manger laid." 5 Thus spake the seraph; and forthwith appeared a shining throng of angels praising God, who thus addressed their joyful song: 6 "All glory be to God on high, and on earth be peace; good will to all from highest heaven begin and never cease." Used With Tune: WINCHESTER OLD
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What Child is This

Author: William Chatterton Dix Meter: with refrain Appears in 206 hymnals Topics: Biblical Characters Shepherds First Line: What child is this, who, laid to rest Refrain First Line: This, this is Christ the King Lyrics: 1 What child is this, who laid to rest, on Mary's lap is sleeping? Whom angels greet with anthems sweet while shepherds watch are keeping? [Refrain:] This, this is Christ the King, whom shepherds guard and angels sing; haste, haste to bring him laud, the babe, the son of Mary! 2 Why lies he in such mean estate where ox and ass are feeding? Good Christians, fear; for sinners here the silent Word is pleading. [Refrain] 3 So bring him incense, gold, and myrrh, come, one and all, to own him. The King of kings salvation brings; let loving hearts enthrone him. [Refrain] Used With Tune: GREENSLEEVES
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O Come, All Ye Faithful

Author: Frederick Oakeley; John Francis Wade; Claude Rozier Meter: Irregular Appears in 742 hymnals Topics: Biblical Characters Shepherds First Line: O come, all ye faithful (Adeste fideles) (Peuple fidèle) Refrain First Line: O come, let us adore him (Venite adoramus) (En lui viens reconnaître) Lyrics: 1 O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant, O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem; come and behold him, born the King of angels: [Refrain:] O come, let us adore him, O come, let us adore him, O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord. 2 God of God, light of light, lo, he abhors not the virgin's womb, very God, begotten, not created: [Refrain] 3 Sing, choirs of angels, sing in exultation, sing, all ye citizens of heaven above; Glory to God in the highest: [Refrain] 4 See, how the shepherds summoned to his cradle, leaving their flocks, draw nigh with lowly fear; we too will thither bend our joyful footsteps; [Refrain] 5 Yea, Lord, we greet thee, born this happy morning; Jesus, to thee be all glory given; word of the Father, now in flesh appearing: [Refrain] 1 Adeste, fideles, laeti triumphantes, venite, venite, in Bethlehem. natum vidéte, regem angelorum: [Refrain:] venite adoremus, venite adoremus, venite adoremus Dominum. 2 Deum de Deo, lumen de lumine, parturit virgo mater, Deum verum, genitum non factum. [Refrain] 3 Cantet nunc hymnos chorus angelorum, cantet nunc aula caelestium: gloria in excelsis Deo! [Refrain] 4 En grege relicto, -- humiles ad cunas vocati pastores approperant; et nos ovanti gradu festinemus. [Refrain] 5 Ergo qui natus die hodierna Jesu, tibi sit gloria: Patris aeterni verbum caro factum. [Refrain] 1 Peuple fidèle, le Seigneur t'appelle c'est fête sur terre, le Christ est né. Viens à la crèche, voir le Roi du monde. [Refrain:] En lui viens reconnaître, en lui viens reconnaître, en lui viens reconnaître, ton Dieu, ton Sauveur! 2 Verbe, Lumière et splendeur du Père, il naît d'une mère, petit enfant, Dieu véritable, le Seigneur fait homme: [Refrain] 3 Peuple, acclame, avec tous les anges le Maître des hommes qui vient chez nous. Dieu qui se donne à tous ceux qu'il aime! [Refrain] 4 Peuple fidèle, en ce jour de fête, proclame la gloire de ton Seigneur. Dieu se fait homme, vois donc comme il t'aime: [Refrain] Used With Tune: ADESTE FIDELES

Easter Alleluia

Author: Marty Haugen, b. 1950 Meter: 10.10.10 with alleluias Appears in 8 hymnals Topics: Shepherd First Line: Glory to God who does wondrous things Refrain First Line: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Used With Tune: O FILII ET FILIAE
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Angels, from the realms of glory

Author: J. Montgomery, 1771-1854 Appears in 768 hymnals Topics: Shepherds of Bethlehem Lyrics: 1 Angels, from the realms of glory, Wing your flight o'er all the earth; Ye who sang creation's story, Now proclaim Messiah's birth: Come and worship, Worship Christ, the newborn King. 2 Shepherds, in the field abiding, Watching o'er your flocks by night, God with man is now residing; Yonder shines the infant light: Come and worship, Worship Christ, the newborn King. 3 Sages, leave your contemplations, Brighter visions beam afar; Seek the great Desire of nations; Ye have seen His natal star: Come and worship, Worship Christ, the newborn King. 4 Saints, before the altar bending, Watching long in hope and fear, Suddenly the Lord, descending In His temple shall appear: Come and worship, Worship Christ, the newborn King. Used With Tune: REGENT SQUARE

In Bethlehem a Newborn Boy

Author: Rosamond E. Herklots Meter: Appears in 8 hymnals Topics: Biblical Characters Shepherds Used With Tune: IN BETHLEHEM
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Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us

Author: Dorothy A. Thrupp Appears in 1,148 hymnals Topics: Christ Shepherd; Christ Shepherd Lyrics: 1 Saviour, like a shepherd lead us, Much we need Thy tender care; In Thy pleasant pastures feed us, For our use Thy folds prepare: Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus, Thou hast bought us, Thine we are; Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus, Thou hast bought us, Thine we are. 2 We are Thine, do Thou befriend us, Be the guardian of our way; Keep Thy flock, from sin defend us, Seek us when we go astray: Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus, Hear, O hear us when we pray; Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus, Hear, O hear us when we pray. 3 Thou hast promised to receive us, Poor and sinful though we be; Thou hast mercy to relieve us, Grace to cleanse, and pow'r to free: Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus, Early let us turn to Thee; Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus, Early let us turn to Thee. 4 Early let us seek Thy favour, Early let us do Thy will; Blessed Lord and only Saviour, With Thy love our bosoms fill: Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus, Thou hast loved us, love us still; Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus, Thou hast loved us, love us still. Scripture: Luke 15:4 Used With Tune: [Savior, like a shepherd lead us] Text Sources: Hymns for the Young, 1836

I Am the Light of the World

Author: Jim Strathdee Meter: Irregular Appears in 6 hymnals Topics: Biblical Characters Shepherds First Line: When the song of the angels is stilled Refrain First Line: I am the light of the world! Used With Tune: LIGHT OF THE WORLD
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Holy night! peaceful night!

Author: Joseph Mohr, 1792-1848 Appears in 136 hymnals Topics: Shepherds Used With Tune: [Holy night! peaceful night!]

As a Deer in Want of Water

Meter: Appears in 8 hymnals Topics: Jesus Christ Good Shepherd Refrain First Line: o my soul, why are you grieving Scripture: Psalm 42 Used With Tune: FREU DICH SEHR (GENEVAN 42) Text Sources: Psalter Hymnal, 1987

My Shepherd Will Supply My Need

Author: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Appears in 236 hymnals Topics: Christ the Shepherd Scripture: Psalm 23 Used With Tune: RESIGNATION
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Never-failing Goodness

Author: Rev. Sir Henry Williams Baker (1821-1877) Appears in 679 hymnals Topics: Christ Shepherd First Line: The King of love my Shepherd is Scripture: Psalm 23 Used With Tune: DOMINUS REGIT ME
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On Judah's plains as shepherds sat

Meter: Appears in 26 hymnals Topics: The Angel's message to the shepherds at Christ's nativity Lyrics: 1 On Judah’s plains as shepherds sat, Watching their flocks by night, The angel of the Lord appear'd, Clad in celestial light. 2 Awe-struck the vision they regard, Appall'd with trembling fear; When thus a cherub-voice divine Breath'd sweetly on their ear. 3 “Shepherds of Judah! cease your fears, And calm your troubled mind; Glad tidings of great joy I bring To you and all mankind. 4 This day almighty love fulfils Its great eternal word; This day is born in Bethlehem A Saviour, Christ the Lord. 5 There shall you find the heav'nly babe In humblest weeds array'd; All meanly wrapp'd in swaddling clothes, And in a manger laid." 6 He ceas'd, and sudden all around Appear'd a radiant throng Of angels, praising God, and thus Warbling their choral song: 7 "Glory to God, from whom on high All-gracious mercies flow! Who sends his heav’n-descended peace To dwell with man below."

The Lord's My Shepherd

Meter: Appears in 583 hymnals Topics: Good Shepherd First Line: The Lord's my shepherd; I'll not want Lyrics: 1 The Lord’s my shepherd; I’ll not want. He makes me down to lie in pastures green; he leadeth me the quiet waters by. He leadeth me, he leadeth me the quiet waters by. 2 My soul he doth restore again and me to walk doth make within the paths of righteousness, e’en for his own name’s sake; within the paths of righteousness, e’en for his own name’s sake. 3 Yea, though I walk in death’s dark vale, yet will I fear no ill; for thou art with me, and thy rod and staff me comfort still; for thou art with me, and thy rod and staff me comfort still. 4 My table thou hast furnished in presence of my foes; my head thou dost with oil anoint, and my cup overflows. My head thou dost with oil anoint, and my cup overflows. 5 Goodness and mercy all my life shall surely follow me, and in God’s house forevermore my dwelling place shall be; and in God’s house forevermore my dwelling place shall be. Scripture: Psalm 23 Used With Tune: BROTHER JAMES' AIR Text Sources: The Psalms of David in Meeter, Edinburgh, 1650
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All People That on Earth Do Dwell

Author: William Kethe, d. c. 1593; Thomas Ken, 1637-1722 Meter: Appears in 727 hymnals Topics: Shepherd Lyrics: 1 All people that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice; Him serve with mirth, his praise forth tell, Come we before him, and rejoice. 2 Know that the Lord is God indeed; Without our aid he did us make; We are his folk, he does us feed, And for his sheep he does us take. 3 O enter then his gates with praise; Approach with joy his courts unto; Praise, laud, and bless his Name always, For it is seemly so to do. 4 For why? the Lord our God is good: His mercy is for ever sure; His truth at all times firmly stood, And shall from age to age endure. 5 To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom heaven and earth adore, From us and from the angel host Be praise and glory evermore. * Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, you heav'nly host: Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Scripture: Psalm 100 Used With Tune: OLD HUNDREDTH
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The shepherd's call

Author: Ida Reed Smith Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Christ as Shepherd First Line: Would you learn a secret sweet Refrain First Line: Follow me, 'tis the Shepherd Used With Tune: [Would you learn a secret sweet]

O Thou, in Whose Presence

Author: Joseph Swain Meter: Appears in 497 hymnals Topics: Christ Shepherd First Line: O Thou in whose presence my soul takes delight

Midnight Stars Make Bright the Skies

Author: Ching-chiu Yang; Mildred A. Wiant; Christopher Cheung Meter: D with refrain Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: Biblical Characters Shepherds First Line: Midnight stars make bright the skies (ming xing can lan ye wei yang) Refrain First Line: Glory be to God on high (zhi gao rong yao gui shang zhu!) Used With Tune: HUAN-SHA-CH'I

There were ninety and nine

Author: Elizabeth Cecilia Clephane, 1830-1869 Meter: Irregular Appears in 378 hymnals Topics: Christ, the Lord Jesus Shepherd First Line: There were ninety and nine that safely lay Used With Tune: THE NINETY AND NINE

Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing

Author: Robert Robinson, 1735-1790; George P. Simmonds, 1890-1881; F. Augé-Daullé, 1875-1972 Meter: D Appears in 2,212 hymnals Topics: Jesus Christ Shepherd Scripture: Psalm 135:1-3 Used With Tune: NETTLETON
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I Was a Wandering Sheep

Author: Horatius Bonar Appears in 499 hymnals Topics: Hymns for Children Jesus, the Shepherd First Line: I was a wand'ring sheep Used With Tune: LEBANON

Two Were Bound for Emmaus

Author: Bob Hurd, b. 1950 Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Topics: Good Shepherd; Good Shepherd; Good Shepherd First Line: Two were bound for Emmaus, disheartened and lost Used With Tune: KENMARE
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The Lord is My Shepherd

Author: Anon. Appears in 595 hymnals Topics: Christ Shepherd; Shepherd First Line: The Lord is my Shepherd, no want shall I know Used With Tune: [The Lord is my Shepherd, no want shall I know]

In heavenly love abiding

Author: Anna Laetitia Waring, 1820-1910 Meter: D Appears in 572 hymnals Topics: Shepherd Used With Tune: NYLAND
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Shepherd of Souls, Refresh and Bless

Author: Anonymous; James Montgomery Meter: Appears in 97 hymnals Topics: Christ Shepherd Lyrics: 1 Shepherd of souls, refresh and bless your chosen pilgrim flock with manna in the wilderness, with water from the rock. 2 Hungry and thirsty, faint and weak, as you when here below, our souls the joys celestial seek which from thy sorrows flow. 3 We would not live by bread alone, but by that Word of grace, in strength of which we travel on to our abiding place. 4 Be known to us in breaking bread, but do not then depart; Savior, abide with us, and spread your table in our heart. 5 There sup with us in love divine; your body and your blood, that living bread, that heav'nly wine, be our immortal food. Scripture: Matthew 4:4 Used With Tune: ST. AGNES

How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds

Author: John Newton Meter: D Appears in 1,631 hymnals Topics: Jesus Christ Shepherd Lyrics: 1 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds in a believer's ear! It soothes my sorrows, heals my wounds, and drives away my fear. It makes the wounded spirit whole, and calms the troubled breast; it satisfies the hungry soul, and gives the weary rest. 2 Dear name, the rock on which I build, my shield and hiding-place, my never-failing treasury, filled with boundless stores of grace, Jesus, my Shepherd, Brother, Friend, my Prophet, Priest, and King, my Lord, my life, my way, my end-- accept the praise I bring. 3 Weak is the effort of my heart and cold my warmest thought; but when I see you as you are, I'll praise you as I ought. Till then I would your love proclaim with every fleeting breath; and may the music of your name refresh my soul in death. Scripture: Psalm 32:7 Used With Tune: RACHEL
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Shepherd of tender youth

Author: Clement of Alexandria ( -c. 220) Appears in 280 hymnals Topics: Christ Shepherd Used With Tune: [Shepherd of tender youth]
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Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me

Appears in 472 hymnals Topics: Shepherd, the Good Lyrics: 1 Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me, Bless Thy little lamb tonight; Through the darkness be Thou near me, Keep me safe till morning light. 2 Through this day Thy hand has led me, And I thank Thee for Thy care; Thou hast warmed me, clothed, and fed me, Listen to my evening prayer. 3 Let my sins be all forgiven, Bless the friends I love so well; Take me, when I die, to heaven, Happy there with Thee to dwell. Used With Tune: DIJON

Praise Him! Praise Him!

Author: Fanny J. Crosby Meter: Appears in 411 hymnals Topics: Jesus Christ Shepherd First Line: Praise him! praise him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer Refrain First Line: Praise him! Praise him! tell of his excellent greatness Lyrics: 1 Praise him! praise him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer! Sing, O Earth, his wonderful love proclaim! Hail him! hail him! highest archangels in glory; strength and honor give to his holy name! Like a shepherd Jesus will guard his children, in his arms he carries them all day long: Refrain: Praise him! praise him! tell of his excellent greatness; praise him! praise him ever in joyful song! 2 Praise him! praise him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer! For our sins he suffered, and bled and died; he our Rock, our hope of eternal salvation, hail him! hail him! Jesus the Crucified. Sound his praises! Jesus who bore our sorrows; love unbounded, wonderful, deep and strong: (Refrain) 3 Praise him! praise him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer! Heavenly portals loud with hosannas ring! Jesus, Savior, reigneth forever and ever; crown him! crown him! Prophet and Priest and King! Christ is coming! over the world victorious, power and glory unto the Lord belong: (Refrain) Scripture: Psalm 95:1 Used With Tune: JOYFUL SONG
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O Sacred Head, Surrounded (Oh Rostro Ensangrentado)

Author: St. Bernard of Clairvaux, 1091-1153; Henry W. Baker, 1821-1877; Federico Fliedner, 1845-1901 Meter: D Appears in 90 hymnals Topics: Shepherd Lyrics: ENGLISH - 1 O Sacred Head, surrounded By crown of piercing thorn! O bleeding Head, so wounded, Reviled and put to scorn! The pow'r of death comes o'er you, The glow of life decays, Yet angel hosts adore you And tremble as they gaze. 2 I see your strength and vigor All fading in the strife, And death with cruel rigor, Bereaving you of life; O agony and dying! O love to sinners free! Jesus, all grace supplying, O turn your face on me. 3 In this, your bitter passion, Good Shepherd, think of me With your most sweet compassion, Unworthy though I be: Beneath your cross abiding For ever would I rest, In your dear love confiding, And with your presence blest. SPANISH: ¡Oh rostro ensangrentado Imagen del dolor, Que sufres resignado La burla y el furor! Soportas la tortura, La saña, la maldad; En tan cruel amargura, ¡Que grandes es tu bondad! 2 Cubrió tu noble frente La palidez mortal, Cual velo transparente De tu sufrir, señal. Cerróse aquella boca, La lengua enmudeció, La fría muerte toca Al que la vida dio. 3 Señor, tu has soportado Lo que yo merecí; La culpa que has cargado, Cargarla yo debí. Mas mírame, confío En tu cruz y pasión. Otórgame, Dios mío, La gracia del perdón. Scripture: Mark 15:17-18 Used With Tune: PASSION CHORALE
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Ah! holy Jesu, how hast thou offended

Author: Johann Heermann, 1585-1647 Meter: Appears in 137 hymnals Topics: Jesus Christ Shepherd Lyrics: 1 Ah! holy Jesu, how hast thou offended that cruel judgement hath on thee descended? By foes derided, by thine own rejected, O most afflicted. 2 What was the reason? Who hath thus displayed thee? Ours in the treason, Saviour, that betrayed thee. Our sin, Lord Jesus, sold thee and denied thee: we crucified thee. 3 See, the good Shepherd for the sheep is offered: the slave hath sinned and the Son hath suffered for our atonement; while we nothing heeded, God interceded. 4 For us, kind Jesus, was thine incarnation: thy mortal sorrow and they life's oblation, thy death of anguish and thy bitter passion, for our salvation. 5 Therefore, kind Saviour, since we cannot pay thee, we now adore thee and will ever pray thee, think on thy pity and thy love unswerving, not our deserving. Scripture: John 10:1-18 Used With Tune: HERZLIEBSTER JESU Text Sources: Translation: Yattendon Hymnal, 1899, alt.
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Lead Me, Saviour

Author: F. M. D. Appears in 308 hymnals Topics: Shepherd First Line: Saviour, lead me, lest I stray Refrain First Line: Lead me, lead me, Saviour, lead me Used With Tune: [Saviour, lead me, lest I stray]

You Satisfy the Hungry Heart (Tú sacias todo corazón)

Author: Omer Westendorf, 1916-1997; Georgina Pando-Connolly, b. 1946 Meter: D Appears in 45 hymnals Topics: Jesus Christ Shepherd First Line: As when the shepherd calls his sheep (La oveja sique una voz) Scripture: Matthew 26:26-30 Used With Tune: BICENTENNIAL
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Jesus, The Loving Shepherd

Author: W. A. O. Appears in 49 hymnals Topics: Christ Christ as a Shepherd Refrain First Line: Lovingly, tenderly, calling is He Used With Tune: [Jesus, the loving Shepherd]
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Bring Them In

Author: Alexcenah Thomas Appears in 365 hymnals Topics: Christ A Shepherd First Line: Hark 'tis the Shepherd's voice I hear Refrain First Line: Bring them in, bring them in Scripture: Revelation 7:17 Used With Tune: [Hark 'tis the Shepherd's voice I hear]

The Lord My Shepherd Is

Author: Isaac Watts (1674-1748) Meter: Appears in 585 hymnals Topics: Jesus Christ Shepherd, Guide Lyrics: 1 The Lord my Shepherd is: I shall be well supplied; Since He is mine, and I am His, What can I want beside? What can I want beside? 2 He leads me to the place Where heav'nly pasture grows, Where living waters gently pass, And full salvation flows, And full salvation flows. 3 If e'er I go astray, He doth my soul reclaim, And guides me in His own right way, For His most holy Name, For His most holy Name. Scripture: Ezekiel 37:24 Used With Tune: THE LORD MY SHEPHERD
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I will sing the wondrous story

Author: Francis H. Rawley, b. 1854 Appears in 295 hymnals Topics: Christ Shepherd Refrain First Line: Yes, I’ll sing the wondrous story Lyrics: 1 I will sing the wondrous story Of the Christ who died for me, How he left his home in glory For the cross of Calvary. Refrain: Yes, I'll sing the wondrous story Of the Christ who died for me, Sing it with the saints in glory, Gathered by the crystal sea. 2 I was lost; but Jesus found me, Found the sheep that went astray; Raised me up and gently led me Drew me back into his way. [Refrain] 3 Faint was I, and fears possessed me, Bruised was I from many a fall; Hope was gone, and shame distressed me: But his love has pardoned all. [Refrain] 4 Days of darkness still may meet me, Sorrow's paths I oft may tread; But his presence still is with me, By his guiding hand I'm led. [Refrain] 5 He will keep me till the river Rolls it waters at my feet; Then he'll bear me safely over, Made by grace for glory meet. [Refrain] Scripture: Revelation 15:3 Used With Tune: [I will sing the wondrous story]

God Be with You Till We Meet Again

Author: Jeremiah E. Rankin, 1828-1904 Appears in 1,180 hymnals Topics: Christ the Shepherd Refrain First Line: Till we meet Scripture: 2 Corinthians 13:11 Used With Tune: RANDOLPH

You, Lord, Are Both Lamb and Shepherd

Author: Sylvia G. Dunstan, 1955-1993 Meter: Appears in 25 hymnals Topics: Jesus Christ Shepherd Scripture: Colossians 1:15-20 Used With Tune: PICARDY
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See Israel's gentle Shepherd stand

Author: Philip Doddridge Meter: Appears in 487 hymnals Topics: Christ Shepherd Lyrics: 1 See Israel's gentle Shepherd stand With all-engaging charms; Hark! how he calls the tender lambs, And folds them in his arms. 2 "Permit them to approach," he cries, "Nor scorn their humble name; For 'twas to bless such souls as these The Lord of angels came." 3 We bring them, Lord, in thankful hands, And yield them up to thee; Joyful that we ourselves are thine, Thine let our offspring be. Amen. Scripture: Mark 10:16 Used With Tune: SOHO

What a Friend We Have in Jesus

Author: Joseph Scriven, 1820-1886 Appears in 1,710 hymnals Topics: Christ the Shepherd Scripture: Matthew 21:21-22 Used With Tune: BLAENWERN

He Leadeth Me

Author: Joseph H. Gilmore, 1834-1918 Appears in 1,281 hymnals Topics: Christ the Shepherd First Line: He leadeth me; oh, blessed thought! Scripture: Isaiah 48:17 Used With Tune: HE LEADETH ME

Savior, Who Thy Flock Art Feeding

Author: William A. Mühlenburg Meter: Appears in 371 hymnals Topics: Shepherd, God, Christ As Scripture: Isaiah 40:11 Used With Tune: BROCKLESBURY
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Thou Art My Shepherd

Author: Miss M. E. Thalheimer; Mrs. M. Scott-Haycroft Meter: Appears in 103 hymnals Topics: God or Christ as Shepherd Lyrics: 1 Thou art my Shepherd, Caring in every need, Watching Thy flock to feed; I trust Thee still. In the green pastures low, Where living waters flow, Safe by Thy side I go, Fearing no ill. 2 Or if my way lie Where darkening shadows nigh My soul would terrify With sudden chill, Yet I am not afraid; While softly on my head Thy tender hand is laid, I fear no ill. 3 Goodness and mercy Ever shall follow me, Till by Thy grace I see Thy holy hill. Lord, in that home with Thee, Joyful eternally, Folded Thy flock shall be, Safe from all ill. Scripture: Psalm 23 Used With Tune: MY SHEPHERD
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Jesus, immortal King, arise

Author: A. C. H. Seymour, 1789-1870 Appears in 117 hymnals Topics: Jesus (See also Christ) Shepherd Lyrics: 1 Jesus, immortal King, arise; Assert Thy rightful away, Till earth, subdued, its tribute brings, And distant lands obey. 2 Ride forth, victorious Conqueror, ride, Till all Thy foes submit, And all the powers of hell resign Their trophies at Thy feet. 3 Send forth Thy word, and let it fly The spacious earth around, Till every soul beneath the sky Shall hear the joyful sound. 4 O may the great Redeemer's name Through very clime be known! And heathen gods, forsaken, fall, And Jesus reign alone. 5 From sea to sea, from shore to shore, Be Thou, O Christ, adored! And earth, with all her millions, shout, Hosannas to the Lord. Used With Tune: YORK

My Faith Looks up to Thee

Author: Ray Palmer, 1808-1887 Appears in 2,218 hymnals Topics: Christ the Shepherd Scripture: Hebrews 12:1-2 Used With Tune: OLIVET
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Am I a Soldier of the Cross

Author: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Meter: Appears in 1,949 hymnals Topics: Jesus Christ Shepherd and Lamb Lyrics: 1 Am I a soldier of the cross, A foll'wer of the Lamb? And shall I fear to own His cause Or blush to speak His name? 2 Must I be carried to the skies On flow'ry beds of ease, While others fought to win the prize And sailed through bloody seas? 3 Are there no foes for me to face? Must I not stem the flood? Is this vile world a friend to grace, To help me on to God? 4 Sure I must fight if I would reign: Increase my courage, Lord; I'll bear the toil, endure the pain, Supported by Thy word. Scripture: 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 Used With Tune: ARLINGTON
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Gracious Savior, Gentle Shepherd

Author: Jane E. Leeson; John Keble Meter: Appears in 150 hymnals Topics: Christ As Shepherd Lyrics: 1 Gracious Savior, gentle Shepherd, our little ones are dear to thee; gathered with thine arms and carried in thy bosom may they be sweetly, gently, safely tended, from all want and danger free. 2 Tender Shepherd, never leave them, from thy fold to go astray; by thy look of love directed, may they walk the narrow way; thus direct them and protect them, lest they fall an easy prey. 3 Let thy holy Word instruct them: fill their minds with heav'nly light; let thy love and grace constrain them to approve whate'er is right, take thine easy yoke and wear it, and to prove thy burden light. 4 Cleanse their hearts from sinful folly in the stream thy love supplied, mingled streams of blood and water flowing from thy wounded side; and to heav'nly pastures lead them, where thine own still waters glide. Scripture: Psalm 23:1-2 Used With Tune: DISMISSAL
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The Lord my pasture shall prepare

Author: Addison Appears in 552 hymnals Topics: God our shepherd; God our Shepherd

Come and Bring Light

Author: Kevin Keil, 1956- Appears in 4 hymnals Topics: Jesus Christ Shepherd First Line: To the ones broken-hearted Refrain First Line: Come and bring light to a people in darkness Scripture: Psalm 119:18 Used With Tune: OPEN OUR EYES


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