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St. Ambrose

340 - 397 Person Name: Ambrosius Author of "Großer Gott, wir loben dich" in Evangeliums-Lieder 1 und 2 (Gospel Hymns) Ambrose (b. Treves, Germany, 340; d. Milan, Italy, 397), one of the great Latin church fathers, is remembered best for his preaching, his struggle against the Arian heresy, and his introduction of metrical and antiphonal singing into the Western church. Ambrose was trained in legal studies and distinguished himself in a civic career, becoming a consul in Northern Italy. When the bishop of Milan, an Arian, died in 374, the people demanded that Ambrose, who was not ordained or even baptized, become the bishop. He was promptly baptized and ordained, and he remained bishop of Milan until his death. Ambrose successfully resisted the Arian heresy and the attempts of the Roman emperors to dominate the church. His most famous convert and disciple was Augustine. Of the many hymns sometimes attributed to Ambrose, only a handful are thought to be authentic. Bert Polman ===================== Ambrosius (St. Ambrose), second son and third child of Ambrosius, Prefect of the Gauls, was born at Lyons, Aries, or Treves--probably the last--in 340 A.D. On the death of his father in 353 his mother removed to Rome with her three children. Ambrose went through the usual course of education, attaining considerable proficiency in Greek; and then entered the profession which his elder brother Satyrus had chosen, that of the law. In this he so distinguished himself that, after practising in the court of Probus, the Praetorian Prefect of Italy, he was, in 374, appointed Consular of Liguria and Aemilia. This office necessitated his residence in Milan. Not many months after, Auxentius, bishop of Milan, who had joined the Arian party, died; and much was felt to depend upon the person appointed as his successor. The church in which the election was held was so filled with excited people that the Consular found it necessary to take steps fur preserving the peace, and himself exhorted them to peace and order: when a voice suddenly exclaimed, "Ambrose is Bishop," and the cry was taken up on all sides. He was compelled to accept the post, though still only a catechumen; was forthwith baptized, and in a week more consecrated Bishop, Dec. 7, 374. The death of the Emperor Valentinian I., in 375, brought him into collision with Justina, Valentinian's second wife, an adherent of the Arian party: Ambrose was supported by Gratian, the elder son of Valentinian, and by Theodosius, whom Gratian in 379 associated with himself in the empire. Gratian was assassinated in 383 by a partisau of Maximus, and Ambrose was sent to treat with the usurper, a piece of diplomacy in which he was fairly successful. He found himself, however, left to carry on the contest with the Arians and the Empress almost alone. He and the faithful gallantly defended the churches which the heretics attempted to seize. Justina was foiled: and the advance of Maximus on Milan led to her flight, and eventually to her death in 388. It was in this year, or more probably the year before (387), that Ambrose received into the Church by baptism his great scholar Augustine, once a Manichaean heretic. Theodosius was now virtually head of the Roman empire, his colleague Valentinian II., Justina's son, being a youth of only 17. In the early part of 390 the news of a riot at Thessalonica, brought to him at Milan, caused him to give a hasty order for a general massacre at that city, and his command was but too faithfully obeyed. On his presenting himself a few days after at the door of the principal church in Milan, he was met by Ambrose, who refused him entrance till he should have done penance for his crime. It was not till Christmas, eight months after, that the Emperor declared his penitence, and was received into communion again by the Bishop. Valentinian was murdered by Arbogastes, a Frank general, in 392; and the murderer and his puppet emperor Eugenius were defeated by Theodosius in 394. But the fatigues of the campaign told on the Emperor, and he died the following year. Ambrose preached his funeral sermon, as he had done that of Valentinian. The loss of these two friends and supporters was a severe blow to Ambrose; two unquiet years passed, and then, worn with labours and anxieties, he himself rested from his labours on Easter Eve, 397. It was the 4th of April, and on that day the great Bishop of Milan is remembered by the Western Church, but Rome commemorates his consecration only, Dec. 7th. Great he was indeed, as a scholar, an organiser, a statesman; still greater as a theologian, the earnest and brilliant defender of the Catholic faith against the Arians of the West, just as Athanasius (whose name, one cannot but remark, is the same as his in meaning) was its champion against those of the East. We are now mainly concerned with him as musician and poet, "the father of Church song" as he is called by Grimm. He introduced from the East the practice of antiphonal chanting, and began the task, which St. Gregory completed, of systematizing the music of the Church. As a writer of sacred poetry he is remarkable for depth and severity. He does not warm with his subject, like Adam of St. Victor, or St. Bernard. "We feel," says Abp. Trench, "as though there were a certain coldness in his hymns, an aloofness of the author from his subject. "A large number of hymns has been attributed to his pen; Daniel gives no fewer than 92 called Ambrosian. Of these the great majority (including one on himself) cannot possibly be his; there is more or less doubt about the rest. The authorities on the subject are the Benedictine ed. of his works, the Psalterium, or Hymnary, of Cardinal Thomasius, and the Thesaurus Hymnologicus of Daniel. The Benedictine editors give 12 hymns as assignable to him, as follows:—1. Aeterna Christi munera. 2. Aeterne rerum Conditor. 3. Consors Paterni luminii. 4. Deus Creator omnium. 5. Fit porta Christi pervia, 6. Illuminans Altissimus. 7. Jam surgit hora tertia. 8. 0 Lux Beata Trinitas. 9. Orabo mente Dominum. 10. Somno refectis artubus. 11. Splendor Paternae gloriae. 12. Veni Redemptor gentium. Histories of these hymns, together with details of translations into English, are given in this work, and may be found under their respective first lines. The Bollandists and Daniel are inclined to attribute to St. Ambrose a hymn, Grates tibi Jesu novas, on the finding of the relics of SS. Gervasius and Protasius. These, we know, were discovered by him in 386, and it is by no means unlikely that the bishop should have commemorated in verse an event which he announces by letter to his sister Marcellina with so much satisfaction, not to say exultation.A beautiful tradition makes the Te Deum laudamus to have been composed under inspiration, and recited alternately, by SS. Ambrose and Augustine immediately after the baptism of the latter in 387. But the story rests upon a passage which there is every reason to consider spurious, in the Chronicon of Dacius, Bishop of Milan in 550. There is no hint of such an occurrence in the Confessions of St. Augustine, nor in Paulinue's life of St. Ambrose, nor in any authentic writing of St. Ambrose himself. The hymn is essentially a compilation, and there is much reason to believe, with Merati, that it originated in the 5th century, in the monastery of St. Honoratus at Lerins. [Te Deum.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) Also known as: Ambrotio, Ambrosio de Milán Ambrosius Mediolanensis Ambrosius Saint, Bp. of Milan Ambrosius von Mailand Aurelio Ambrogio, Saint, Bishop of Milan Aurelius Ambrosius, Saint, Bishop of Milan Milan, d. 397

Joseph Haydn

1732 - 1809 Person Name: F. Haydn Composer of "[Großer Gott, wir loben Dich!]" in Die Glaubensharfe (With Melodies) Franz Joseph Haydn (b. Rohrau, Austria, 1732; d. Vienna, Austria, 1809) Haydn's life was relatively uneventful, but his artistic legacy was truly astounding. He began his musical career as a choirboy in St. Stephen's Cathedral, Vienna, spent some years in that city making a precarious living as a music teacher and composer, and then served as music director for the Esterhazy family from 1761 to 1790. Haydn became a most productive and widely respected composer of symphonies, chamber music, and piano sonatas. In his retirement years he took two extended tours to England, which resulted in his "London" symphonies and (because of G. F. Handel's influence) in oratorios. Haydn's church music includes six great Masses and a few original hymn tunes. Hymnal editors have also arranged hymn tunes from various themes in Haydn's music. Bert Polman


Person Name: Unknown Author of "Holy God, We Praise Thy Name" in The Lutheran Hymnal In some hymnals, the editors noted that a hymn's author is unknown to them, and so this artificial "person" entry is used to reflect that fact. Obviously, the hymns attributed to "Author Unknown" "Unknown" or "Anonymous" could have been written by many people over a span of many centuries.

Catherine Winkworth

1827 - 1878 Translator of "Jesus Christ, My Sure Defense" in The Mennonite Hymnary, published by the Board of Publication of the General Conference of the Mennonite Church of North America Catherine Winkworth (b. Holborn, London, England, 1827; d. Monnetier, Savoy, France, 1878) is well known for her English translations of German hymns; her translations were polished and yet remained close to the original. Educated initially by her mother, she lived with relatives in Dresden, Germany, in 1845, where she acquired her knowledge of German and interest in German hymnody. After residing near Manchester until 1862, she moved to Clifton, near Bristol. A pioneer in promoting women's rights, Winkworth put much of her energy into the encouragement of higher education for women. She translated a large number of German hymn texts from hymnals owned by a friend, Baron Bunsen. Though often altered, these translations continue to be used in many modern hymnals. Her work was published in two series of Lyra Germanica (1855, 1858) and in The Chorale Book for England (1863), which included the appropriate German tune with each text as provided by Sterndale Bennett and Otto Goldschmidt. Winkworth also translated biographies of German Christians who promoted ministries to the poor and sick and compiled a handbook of biographies of German hymn authors, Christian Singers of Germany (1869). Bert Polman ======================== Winkworth, Catherine, daughter of Henry Winkworth, of Alderley Edge, Cheshire, was born in London, Sep. 13, 1829. Most of her early life was spent in the neighbourhood of Manchester. Subsequently she removed with the family to Clifton, near Bristol. She died suddenly of heart disease, at Monnetier, in Savoy, in July, 1878. Miss Winkworth published:— Translations from the German of the Life of Pastor Fliedner, the Founder of the Sisterhood of Protestant Deaconesses at Kaiserworth, 1861; and of the Life of Amelia Sieveking, 1863. Her sympathy with practical efforts for the benefit of women, and with a pure devotional life, as seen in these translations, received from her the most practical illustration possible in the deep and active interest which she took in educational work in connection with the Clifton Association for the Higher Education of Women, and kindred societies there and elsewhere. Our interest, however, is mainly centred in her hymnological work as embodied in her:— (1) Lyra Germanica, 1st Ser., 1855. (2) Lyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858. (3) The Chorale Book for England (containing translations from the German, together with music), 1863; and (4) her charming biographical work, the Christian Singers of Germany, 1869. In a sympathetic article on Miss Winkworth in the Inquirer of July 20, 1878, Dr. Martineau says:— "The translations contained in these volumes are invariably faithful, and for the most part both terse and delicate; and an admirable art is applied to the management of complex and difficult versification. They have not quite the fire of John Wesley's versions of Moravian hymns, or the wonderful fusion and reproduction of thought which may be found in Coleridge. But if less flowing they are more conscientious than either, and attain a result as poetical as severe exactitude admits, being only a little short of ‘native music'" Dr. Percival, then Principal of Clifton College, also wrote concerning her (in the Bristol Times and Mirror), in July, 1878:— "She was a person of remarkable intellectual and social gifts, and very unusual attainments; but what specially distinguished her was her combination of rare ability and great knowledge with a certain tender and sympathetic refinement which constitutes the special charm of the true womanly character." Dr. Martineau (as above) says her religious life afforded "a happy example of the piety which the Church of England discipline may implant.....The fast hold she retained of her discipleship of Christ was no example of ‘feminine simplicity,' carrying on the childish mind into maturer years, but the clear allegiance of a firm mind, familiar with the pretensions of non-Christian schools, well able to test them, and undiverted by them from her first love." Miss Winkworth, although not the earliest of modern translators from the German into English, is certainly the foremost in rank and popularity. Her translations are the most widely used of any from that language, and have had more to do with the modern revival of the English use of German hymns than the versions of any other writer. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ============================ See also in: Hymn Writers of the Church

Benjamin Schmolck

1672 - 1737 Person Name: B. Schmolck, 1672-1737 Author of "Hosianna, Davids Sohn" in Fröhliche Weihnacht Schmolck, Benjamin, son of Martin Schmolck, or Schmolcke, Lutheran pastor at Brauchitschdorf (now Chrόstnik) near Liegnitz in Silesia (now Poland) was born at Brauchitschdorf, Dec. 21, 1672. He entered the Gymnasium at Lauban in 1688, and spent five years there. After his return home he preached for his father a sermon which so struck the patron of the living that he made Benjamin an allowance for three years to enable him to study theology. He matriculated, at Michaelmas, 1693, at the University of Leipzig, where he came under the influence of J. Olearius, J. B. Carpzov, and others, and throughout his life retained the character of their teaching, viz. a warm and living practical Christianity, but Churchly in tone and not Pietistic. In the autumn of 1697, after completing his studies at Leipzig (during his last year there he supported himself mainly by the proceeds of occasional poems written for wealthy citizens, for which he was also, crowned as a poet), he returned to Brauchitzchdorf to help his father, and, in 1701, was ordained as his assistant. On Feb. 12, 1702, he married Anna Rosina, daughter of Christoph Rehwald, merchant in Lauban and in the end of the same year was appointed diaconus of the Friedenskirche at Schweidnitz in Silesia. As the result of the Counter-Reformation in Silesia, the churches in the principality of Schweidnitz had been taken from the Lutherans, and for the whole district the Peace of Westphalia (1648) allowed only one church (and that only of timber and clay, without tower or bells), which the Lutherans had to build at Schweidnitz, outside the walls of the town; and the three clergy attached to this church had to minister to a population scattered over some thirty-six villages, and were moreover hampered by many restrictions, e.g. being unable to communicate a sick person without a permit from the local Roman Catholic priest. Here Schmolck remained till the close of his life, becoming in 1708 archidiaconus, in 1712 senior, and in 1714 pastor primarius and inspector. Probably as the result of his exhausting labours he had a stroke of paralysis on Laetare (Mid-Lent) Sunday, 1730, which for a time laid him aside altogether, and after which he never recovered the use of his right hand. For five years more he was still able to officiate, preaching for the last time on a Fastday in 1735. But two more strokes of paralysis followed, and then cataract came on, relieved for a time by a successful operation, but returning again incurably. For the last months of his life he was confined to bed, till the message of release came to him, on the anniversary of his wedding, Feb. 12, 1737. (Koch, v. 463; Bode, p. 144; Goedeke's Grundriss, vol. iii., 1887, p. 306; sketch prefixed to Ledderhose's edition of Schmolck's Geistliche Lieder, Halle, 1857, &c.) Schmolck was well known in his own district as a popular and useful preacher, a diligent pastor, and a man of wonderful tact and discretion. It was however his devotional books, and the original hymns therein contained, that brought him into wider popularity, and carried his name and fame all over Germany. Long lists of his works and of the various editions through which many of them passed are given by Koch, Bode and Goedehe. It is rather difficult to trace the hymns, as they are copied from one book of his into another, &c. Schmolck was the most popular hymnwriter of his time, and was hailed as the "Silesian Rist," as the "second Gerhardt," &c. Nor was he altogether unworthy of such praise. It is true that he did not possess the soaring genius of Gerhardt. Nor had he even Gerhardt's concise, simple style, but instead was too fond of high-sounding expressions, of plays upon words, of far-fetched but often recurring contrasts, and in general of straining after effect, especially in the pieces written in his later years. In fact he wrote a great deal too much, and latterly without proper attention to concentration or to proportion. Besides Cantatas, occasional pieces for weddings, funerals, &c, he is the author of some 900 hymns, properly so called. These were written for all sorts of occasions, and range over the whole field of churchly, family, and individual life. Naturally they are not all alike good; and those in his first three collections are decidedly the best. A deep and genuine personal religion, and a fervent love to the Saviour, inspire his best hymns; and as they are not simply thought out but felt, they come from the heart to the heart. The best of them are also written in a clear, flowing, forcible, natural, popular style, and abound in sententious sayings, easily to be remembered. Even of these many are, however, more suited for family use than for public worship. Nevertheless they very soon came into extensive use, not only in Silesia, but all over Germany. A number of Schmolck's hymns [that] have passed into English are:— i. Der beste Freund ist in dem Himmel. Love of Jesus. First published in his Heilige Flammen (ed. 1709, p. 100), in 6 stanzas of 6 lines, entitled "The best Friend." The translation in common use is:— A faithful friend is waiting yonder. This is a good translation, omitting stanza v., as No. 293, in Kennedy, 1863. ii. Die Woche geht zum Ende. Saturday Evening. In his Andächtige Hertze, 1714, p. 116, in 10 stanzas of 8 lines, entitled "Evening Hymn," and appointed for Evening Prayer on Saturday. In the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 1158. Translated as:— The week draws near its ending. This is a good translation of stanzas i., vi., vii., x., marked as by "A. G.," as No. 81 in the Dalston Hospital Hymn Book 1848. Other trs. are: (1) “Though now the week is ending," by H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 107. (2) “The week at length is over," by Miss Manington, 1863, p. 137. iii. Gott du hist selbst die Liehe. Holy Matrimony. Translated as:— O God, "Who all providest. This is a good translation, omitting stanza iii., by J. M. Sloan, as No. 312 in J. H. Wilson's Service of Praise, 1865. iv. Halleluja! Jesus lebt. Easter. In his Bochim und Elim, 1731, p. 67, in 5 stanzas of 6 lines, entitled "Hallelujah! at the grave of Jesus." In the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 296. Tr. as:— Hallelujah! Lo, He wakes. By E. Cronenwett, omitting st. iv., as No. 79 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal 1880. Another translation is: "Hallelujah! Jesus lives! Life, immortal life, He gives." This is a full and good translation, by Miss Warner, 1858, p. 486, repeated in the Treasury of Sacred Song, Kirkwall, n.d. v. Heute mir und Morgen dir. Funeral Hymn. In his Schmuck und Asche, 1717, p. 252, in 6 stanzas of 6 lines, entitled "Daily Dying". The tr. in common use is:— Today mine, tomorrow thine. This is a good and full translation, by Miss Warner, in her Hymns of the Church Militant, 1858, p. 260. vi. Je grösser Kreuz, je näher Himmel. Cross and Consolation. In his Andächtige Hertz, 1714, p. 273, in 9 stanzas of 6 lines, entitled "Hymn of Cross and Consolation." By its sententiousness and its manifold illustrations of the power of the Cross it has been a favourite with many. Translated as:— 1. Greater the Cross, the nearer heaven. 2. The more the cross, the nearer heaven. Another translation is: "The heavier the cross, the nearer heaven," by J. D. Burns, in the Family Treasury, 1859, p. 160. vii. Jesus soil die Losung sein. New Year. The translation in common use is:— Jesus shall the watchword he. Another translation is: "Jesu's name shall be our watchword," by J. Kelly, in the Family Treasury, 1868, p. 689. viii. Licht vom Licht, erleuchte mich. Sunday Morning. Translated as:— Light of Light, enlighten me. This is a very good tr. omitting stanza vii., by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858, p. 66, and thence in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 17. Other translations are: (1) "Light of Light! illumine me," by H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 6. (2) "O thou blessed Light of Light," by Miss Dunn, 1857, p. 74. ix. Meinen Jesum lass ich nicht, Ach was wollt ich hessres haben. Love to Christ. Translated as:— I'll with Jesus never part. This is a translation of st. i., ii., iv., as stanzas iii.-v. of No. 378 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789. In the ed. of 1886, No. 452 (see p. 614, i.), the part from Schmolck begins, "He is mine and I am His" (the translation of stanza ii.). Another tr. is: "I'll not leave Jesus—-never, never," by Miss Warner, 1858, p. 509. x. Mein Gott, ich weiss wohl dass ich sterbe. For the Dying. Translated as:— My God! I know that I must die, My mortal. Other trs. are: (1) "That I shall die full well 1 know," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 232). (2) "My God! I know full well that I must die," by Miss Warner, 1858, p. 344. (3) "My God, I know that I must die; I know," by G. Moultrie, in his Espousals of S. Dorothea, 1870. xi. Mein Jesus lebt! was soil ich sterben. Easter. Translated as:— My Saviour lives; I shall not perish. xii. 0 wie fröhlich, o wie selig. Eternal Life. Translated as:— Oh how joyous, oh how blessed. Another tr. is: "Oh, how blest beyond our telling." xiii. Schmückt das Fest mit Maien. Whitsuntide. Translated as:— Come, deck our feast today. xiv. Thut mir auf die schöne Pforte. Sunday. Translated as:— 1. Open now thy gates of beauty. This is a good tr., omitting stanza iii., vii., by Miss Winkworth, in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 15. 2. Open wide the gates of beauty. This is a translation of stanzas i., ii., iv., vi.-vii., by H. L. Hastings, dated 1885, as No. 1076, in his Songs of Pilgrimage, 1886. Another tr. is: "Throw the glorious gates wide open," by Miss Manington, 1863, p. 146. xv. Weine nicht, Gott lebet noch. Cross and Consolation. Tr. as:— "Weep not,-—Jesus lives on high. Another tr. is: "Weep not, for God, our God, doth live," by Dr. R. Maguire, 1883, p. 59. xvi. Willkommen, Held im Streite. Easter. The translation in common use is:— Welcome Thou victor in the strife. This is a good translation omitting st. ii.—iv., by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 1st Ser., 1855, p. 91. Hymns not in English common use:-- xvii. Ach wenn ich dich, mein Gott, nur habe. Love to God. Founded on Ps. lxxiii. 25, 26. Translated as "My God, if I possess but Thee," by G. Moultrie, in his Espousals of S. Dorothea, 1870. xviii. An Gott will ich gedenken. Remembering God's Love and Care. In his Heilige Flammen (ed. 1707, p. 59; ed. 1709, p. 131), in 6 stanzas of 8 lines, and Burg's Gesang-Buch, Breslau, 1746, No. 112. Translated as "My God will I remember," by J. Kelly, in the Family Treasury, 1868. xix. Der Sabbath ist vergangen. Sunday Evening. Tr. as "The Sabbath now is over," by Dr. H. Mills, 1856, p. 226. xx. Du angenehmer Tag. Sunday. In his Lustige Sabbath, 1712, p. 1, in 8 stanzas of 6 lines. Tr. as “Thou ever welcome day," by J. Kelly, in the Family Treasury, 1868, p. 688. xxi. Endlich, endlich, muss es doch. Cross and Consolation. Translated as "Yes, at last, our God shall make," in the Christian Examiner, Boston, U.S., Sept., 1860, p. 251. xxii. Gedenke mein, mein Gott, gedenke mein. For the Dying. Translated as "Remember me, my God! remember me," by Miss Borthwick, in Hymns from the Land of Luther 1854, p. 9. xxiii. Geh, müder Leib, zu deiner Euh. Evening. Translated as "Go, wearied body, to thy rest," by J. Kelly, in the Family Treasury, 1868. In his Lustige Sabbath, 1712, p. 35, in 10 stanzas of 6 lines, and Burg’s Gesang-Buch, Breslau, 1746, No. 403. Translated as "King, to Jews and Gentiles given," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845. xxiv. Gott der Juden,Gott der Heiden. Epiphany. Translated as “King, to Jews and Gentiles given,” by Dr. H. Mills, 1845. xxv. Gott lebt, wie kann ich traurig sein. Trust in God. Translated as "God lives! Can I despair," by Miss Warner, 1869, p. 44. xxvi. Gott mit uns, Immanuel. New Year. Translated as "God with us! Immanuel, Open with the year before us," by Dr. R. P. Dunn, in Sacred Lyrics from the German, Philadelphia, U.S., 1859, p. 166. xxvii. Hier ist Immanuel! New Year. Translated as "Here is Immanuel!" by Miss Manington, 1864, p. 24. xxviii. Hilf, Heifer, hilf! ich muss verzagen. Cross and Consolation. Translated as "Help, Saviour, help, I sink, I die,” in the Monthly Packet, vol. xviii., 1859, p. 664. xix. Ich habe Lust zu scheiden. For the Dying. Tr. as "Weary, waiting to depart," by Mrs. Findlater, in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 1855, p 130. xxx. Ich sterbe täglich, und mein Leben. For the Dying. Translated as "Both life and death are kept by Thee" (st. iv.), by J. Kelly, in the Family Treasury, 1868, p. 689. xxxi. Mein Gott, du hast mich eingeladen. Sunday. Translated as "My God, Thou hast the invite given," by Miss Manington, 1863, p. 150. xxxii. Mein Gott! du wohnst in einem Lichte. Holy Scripture. Translated as "In glory bright, O God, Thou dwellest," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845. xxxiii. Mein Gott, ich klopf an deine Pforte. Supplication. Tr.Translated as "given as "Mein Gott, mein Erstes und mein Alles." Translated as "My God! the Source of all my blessing," in the British Herald, August, 1866, p. 312; repeated in Reid's Praise Book, 1872. xxxv. Mein Gott, weil ich in meinem Leben. The ChristiaWho, Lord, has any good whatever," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845, p. 91. xxxiv. Mein Gott, mein Alles Uber Alles. Trust in God. Sometimes n Life. Translated as "Most High! with reverence to fear Thee," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845, p. 114.). xxxvi. Nun hab ich überwunden; Zu guter Nacht, o Welt. For the Dying. Translated as "Now soon I shall have conquer'd," by Miss Manington, 1863, p. 87. xxxvii. Seht welch ein Mensch ist das. Passiontide. The translations are (1) "See, what a man is this! How tearful is His glance," by J. Kelly, in the British Messenger, Feb., 1S68; repeated in the Family Treasury, 1868, p. 691. (2) "See what a man is this, O glances," by Miss Warner, 1869, p. 32. xxxviii. Sei getreu bis in den Tod. Christian Faithfulness. Translated as "Be thou faithful unto death! Let not troubles nor distresses," by R. Massie, in the Day of Rest, 1878, vol. ix. p. 219. xxxix. Theures Wort aus Gottes Munde. Holy Scripture. Translated as "Word by God the Father spoken," by Miss Manington, 1863. xl. Was Gott thut das ist wohlgethan! Er giebt und nimmt auch wieder. On the Death of a Child. The trs. are (1) "What God does is well done, "Who takes what He gave," by W. Graham, in his The Jordan and the Rhine, London, 1854, p. 251. (2) "Whatever God doth is well done, He gives, &c," by J. Kelly, in the Family Treasury, 1868, p. 688. xli. Wer will mich von der Liebe scheiden. Faith. Translated as "Who can my soul from Jesus sever," by Miss Manington, 1863, p. 39. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Thomas Ken

1637 - 1711 Person Name: T. Ken Author of "Awake, my soul, and with the sun" in African Methodist Episcopal hymn and tune book Thomas Ken (b. Berkampstead, Hertfordshire, England, 1637; d. Longleat, Wiltshire, England, 1711) studied at Winchester College, Hart Hall, and New College, Oxford, England. Ordained in the Church of England in 1662, he served variously as pastor, chaplain at Winchester College (1669-1679), chaplain to Princess (later Queen) Mary in The Hague, and bishop of Bath and Wells (1685-1691). He was a man of conscience and independent mind who did not shirk from confrontations with royalty. When King Charles II came to visit Winchester, he took along his mistress, the famous actress Nell Gwynne. Ken was asked to provide lodging for her. The story is told that Ken quickly declared his house under repair and had a builder take off the roof! He later was dismissed from the court at The Hague when he protested a case of immorality. Then, later in 1688, Bishop Ken refused to read King James II's Declaration of Indulgence in the churches, which granted greater religious freedom in England, and he was briefly imprisoned in the Tower of London. A few years later he refused to swear allegiance to King William, and he lost his bishopric. Ken wrote many hymns, which were published posthumously in 1721 and repub­lished in 1868 as Bishop Ken's Christian Year, or Hymns and Poems for the Holy Days and Festivals of the Church. But he is best known for his morning, evening, and midnight hymns, each of which have as their final stanza the famous doxology “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow.” Bert Polman =============== Ken, Thomas, D.D. The bare details of Bishop Ken's life, when summarised, produce these results:—-Born at Berkhampstead, July, 1637; Scholar of Winchester, 1651; Fellow of New College, Oxford, 1657; B.A., 1661; Rector of Little Easton, 1663; Fellow of Winchester, 1666; Rector of Brighstone, 1667; Rector of Woodhay and Prebendary of Winchester, 1669; Chaplain to the Princess Mary at the Hague, 1679; returns to Winchester, 1680; Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1685; imprisoned in the Tower, 1688; deprived, 1691; died at Longleat, March 19, 1711. The parents of Ken both died during his childhood, and he grew up under the guardianship of Izaak Walton, who had married Ken's elder sister, Ann. The dominant Presbyterianism of Winchester and Oxford did not shake the firm attachment to the English Church, which such a home had instilled. His life until the renewal of his connection with Winchester, through his fellowship, his chaplaincy to Morley (Walton's staunch friend, then bishop of Winchester), and his prebend in the Cathedral, calls for no special remark here. But this second association with Winchester, there seems little doubt, originated his three well-known hymns. In 1674 he published A Manual of Prayers for the Use of the Scholars of Winchester College, and reference is made in this book to three hymns, for "Morning," "Midnight," and "Evening," the scholars being recommended to use them. It can scarcely be questioned that the Morning, Evening, and Midnight hymns, published in the 1695 edition of The Manual, are the ones referred to. He used to sing these hymns to the viol or spinet, but the tunes he used are unknown. He left Winchester for a short time to be chaplain to the Princess Mary at the Hague, but was dismissed for his faithful remonstrance against a case of immorality at the Court, and returned to Winchester. A similar act of faithfulness at Winchester singularly enough won him his bishopric. He stoutly refused Nell Gwynne the use of his house, when Charles II. came to Winchester, and the easy king, either from humour or respect for his honesty, gave him not long afterwards the bishopric of Bath and Wells. Among the many acts of piety and munificence that characterised his tenure of the see, his ministration to the prisoners and sufferers after the battle of Sedgmoor and the Bloody Assize are conspicuous. He interceded for them with the king, and retrenched his own state to assist them. He attended Monmouth on the scaffold. James II. pronounced him the most eloquent preacher among the Protestants of his time; the judgment of Charles II. appears from his pithy saying that he would go and hear Ken "tell him of his faults." Among the faithful words of the bishops at Charles's death-bed, none were so noble in their faithfulness as his. He was one of the Seven Bishops who refused to read the Declaration of Indulgence, and were imprisoned in the Tower by James for their refusal, but triumphantly acquitted on their trial. At the accession of William III, he refused, after some doubt on the subject, to take the oaths, and was at length (1691) deprived of his see. His charities had left him at this time only seven hundred pounds, and his library, as a means of subsistence; but he received hospitality for his remaining years with his friend Lord Weymouth, at Longleat. The see of Bath and Wells was again offered him, but in vain, at the death of his successor, Bishop Kidder. He survived all the deprived prelates. His attitude as a nonjuror was remarkable for its conciliatory spirit. The saintliness of Ken's character, its combination of boldness, gentleness, modesty and love, has been universally recognised. The verdict of Macaulay is that it approached "as near as human infirmity permits to the ideal perfection of Christian virtue." The principal work of Ken's that remains is that on the Catechism, entitled The Practice of Divine Love. His poetical works were published after his death, in four volumes. Among the contents are, the Hymns for the Festivals, which are said to have suggested to Keble the idea of The Christian Year; the Anodynes against the acute physical sufferings of his closing years; and the Preparatives for Death. Although many passages in them are full of tender devotion, they cannot rank either in style or strength with the three great hymns written at Winchester. The best biographies of Ken are he Life of Ken by a Layman, and, specially, his Life, by the Very Rev. E. H. Plumptre, Dean of Wells, 1888. [Rev. H. Leigh Bennett, M.A.] Bishop Ken is known to hymnody as the author of the Morning, Evening, and Midnight Hymns, the first and second of which at least have found a place in almost every English collection for the last 150 years. The general history of these hymns, as we now know it, is as follows:— 1. In 1674 Ken published his Manual of Prayers for Winchester Scholars as A Manual of Prayers For the Use of the Scholars of Winchester College [here arms of William of Wykeham within a border]. London, Printed for John Martyn, 1674, 12 mo, pp. 69. From a passage in this work it may fairly be inferred that the author had already composed hymns for the use of the scholars. He says:— “Be sure to sing the Morning and Evening Hymn in your chamber devoutly, remembering that the Psalmist, upon happy experience, assures you that it is a good thing to tell of the loving kindness of the Lord early in the morning and of his truth in the night season." Two hymns only seem to be here referred to, but the expression "night season" may include both the Evening and Midnight hymns, and the latter would be only used occasionally. The hymns are not given in the Manual of 1674, or succeeding editions, until that of 1695, when the three hymns are added as an Appendix. The title of this edition is:— A Manual of Prayers For the Use of the Scholars of Winchester College. And all other Devout Christians. To which is added three Hymns for Morning, Evening, and Midnight; not in former Editions: By the Same Author. Newly Revised. London, Printed for Ctarles Brome at the Ovn, at the West end of St. Paul's Church, 1695. 2. In 1704 Richard Smith, a London publisher, issued a book similar in appearance to the Manual, and entitled Conference between the Soul and Body concerning the Present and Future State. This edition contained a strong recommendation by Dodwell, an intimate friend of Ken, but no hymns. To the 2nd edition, however (1705), were added two (Morning and Evening) hymns, with Ken's name appended, but containing two additional verses to the Evening hymn, and differing in several other respects from the text of the Manual. Thereupon Charles Brome, to whom the copyright of the latter belonged, issued a new edition with an Advertisement stating that Ken "absolutely disowned" the hymns appended to the Conference, "as being very false and uncorrect," and that the genuine text was that given in the Manual only. Brome's Advertisementreads:— "Advertisement—-Whereas at the end of a Book lately Publish'd call'd, 'A Conference between the Soul and Body,' there are some Hymns said to be writ by Bishop Ken, who absolutely disowns them, as being very false and uncorrect; but the Genuine ones are to be had only of Charles Brome, Bookseller, whose just Propriety the Original copy is." 3. In 1709, however, the spurious hymns were again published as Ken's in a book entitled A New Year's Gift: in Two Parts: to which is added A Morning and Evening Hymn. By Thomas, late L. B. of Bath and Wells. The Third Edition with additions. London Printed by W. Olney. 1709. Brome met this, as before, with a new edition of the Manual, in which the Advertisement of 1705 as above was repeated, but the text of the hymns considerably revised. This revised text was followed in all subsequent editions of the Manual, but as, until lately, it was thought to have appeared first in the edition of 1712, published soon after Ken's death, its genuineness was suspected by many. The question as it then stood was fully discussed in an able letter by Sir Roundell Palmer (Lord Selborne), prefixed to the reprint of Ken's Hymns, published by D. Sedgwick in 1864. Since that time the discovery in the Bodleian Library of a copy of the Manual of 1709 shows that the revision was made in that year, and confirms the conclusion at which Lord Selborne had previously arrived, that it was Ken's genuine revised text. The title of this edition is:— A Manual of Prayers For the Use of the Scholars of Winchester College, And all other Devout Christians, To which is added three Hymns for Morning, Evening, and Midnight; By the same Author. Newly Revised. London: Printed for Charles Brome at the Gun, the West end of St. Paul's Church, 1709. The Advertisement before referred to is at p. 130. The alterations of 1709 may therefore be accepted as being made by Ken himself, and it seems not improbable that the revision was suggested by the recent republication of the spurious text in spite of Brome's disclaimer in 1705, and possibly by adverse criticism of the original text. Lord Selborne pointed out in his Letter that Ken altered a passage in his Practice of Divine Love (1st ed., 1685) because "some Roman Catholic writer professed to discover the doctrine of Transubstantiation" therein. This alteration was made in the 2nd ed., 1686, and explained in the Preface to have been made "to prevent all misunderstanding for the future." A passage also in the Manual—-"Help me, then, ye blessed Hosts of Heaven, to celebrate that unknown sorrow, &c." — was claimed in a Roman Catholic pamphlet as a passage which taught the scholars of Winchester to invocate the whole Court of Heaven." This passage Ken altered "to prevent all future misinterpretations," and prefixed an Advertisement to the 1687 edition of the Manual explaining why he had done so. In looking through the texts of the three hymns for 1695, and 1709, and especially at the doxologies, and at st. x. and xi. in the Evening Hymn, "You my Blest Guardian, whilst I sleep," &c. (1695); and "O may my Guardian while I sleep," &c. (1709), do we not see a good and sufficient reason to account for the revision of the hymns? 4. With regard to the text given in the Conference, Lord Selborne observes that it is not improbable that alterations and various readings, originating with Ken himself, might have obtained private circulation among his friends, long before he had made up his own mind to give them to the public; a suggestion which may possibly help to explain the fact, that a writer, patronised by Dodwell, was misled into believing (for such a writer ought not lightly to be accused of a wilful fraud) that the text, published in the Conference in Ken's name was really from his hand. That Ken occasionally altered passages in his writings when for any reason he considered it necessary, is certain ; and there can be little doubt that the text of the three Winchester hymns was more or less unsettled before 1695. At any rate, before their first appearance in that year in the Manual the Evening hymn had found its way into print. It was published in ”Harmonia Sacra; or Divine Hymns and Dialogues .. . Composed by the Best Masters . . . The Words by several Learned and Pious Persons. The Second Book," London, Henry Playford, 1693. The first volume, of this work appeared in 1688, and was dedicated to Ken. It is not improbable therefore that Playford, when collecting materials for his second volume, obtained the words of the Evening Hymn directly from the author. The hymn was set by Clarke as a Cantata for a solo voice, with the Doxology as a chorus in four parts. 5. The various Morning Hymns by Ken which have appeared in the Appendix to Tate and Brady's Version of the Psalms, and in most hymnals published during the past 150 years are compilations from this hymn, with, in many instances, slight alterations of the text either of 1695 or of that of 1709. In some modern hymnals the difficulty of the length of the hymn is overcome by dividing it into two or more parts. A reference to the text given in Harmonia Sacra shows that the change from "Glory" to "All praise" in line 1. is only a restoration of the original reading; and without being aware of this fact, Lord Selborne points out that the expression "All praise" is remarkably consistent with Ken's frequent use of it in other writings. The same alteration was made in 1709 in the Morning Hymn, stanza 9, and in the Midnight Hymn, st. 7; while at the same time "Glory" in the Morning Hymn, st. v. 1. 4, is changed to "High Praise." As in the case of "Awake my soul," this hymn has been divided, subdivided, and rearranged in a great many ways during the last 150 years. In one form or another it will be found in most hymnals published during that period. Like the Morning and Evening Hymns, this hymn has been divided and rearranged in various ways, and is found in one form or another in most hymnals published during the last 150 years. 6. The various centos from these hymns which are in common use in English-speaking countries are:— i. From the Morning Hymn. 1. All praise to Thee Who safe hast kept. 2. Awake, my soul, and with the sun. 3. Glory to Thee Who safe hast kept. 4. I wake, I wake, ye heavenly choirs. 5. I would not wake nor rise again. 6. Wake, and lift up thyself, my heart. ii. From the Evening Hymn. 1. All praise to Thee, my God, this night. 2. Glory to Thee, my God, this night. iii. From the Midnight Hymn. 1. All praise to Thee in light array'd. 2. Glory to Thee in light array'd. 3. Lord, now my sleep doth me forsake. 4. My God, now [when] I from sleep awake. 7. Bishop Ken has not escaped the not unusual charge of plagiarism, in connection with his celebrated hymns. Charges of this kind have been made from time to time, the nature and value of which we will endeavour to summarize. These are: (1) he borrowed from Sir Thomas Browne; (2) he did the same from Thomas Flatman; (3) he did neither, but Paraphrased from the Latin. 8. The title of Bishop Ken's hymns on the Festivals of the Church, published posthumously in 1721, is: Hymns for all the Festivals of the Year. They were republished by Pickering as: Bishop Ken's Christian Year or Hymns and Poems for the Holy Days and Festivals of the Church, Lond., 1868. From this work the following centos have come into common use:— 1. All human succours now are flown. Visitation of the Sick. 2. I had one only thing to do. A New Creature. 3. O purify my soul from stain. 10th Sunday after Trinity, or A Prayer for Purity. 4. 0 Lord, when near the appointed hour. Holy Communion. 5. Unction the Christian name implies. Confirmation. [George Arthur Crawford, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ======================== Ken, T. , p. 422, i. Since this article was electrotyped the following details concerning Bishop Ken's three hymns have come to light:—In a Catalogue of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, published in 1707, there appears an entry of a tract entitled, Three Hymns for Morning, Evening; and Midnight, by the Author of the Manual of Prayers for Winchester Scholars. A copy of this hitherto unknown tract has lately come into the hands of Mr. W. T. Brooke, and by him has been passed on to the British Museum Library. It is bound up in a volume with two other pamphlets, of which the respective titles are: (1) An Exposition on the Church Catechism, or the Practice of Divine Love. Revised. Composed for the Diocese of Bath and Wells. Printed for Charles Brome, at the Gun of the West end of St. Paul's Churchyard, 1703; (2) Directions for Prayer for the Dioceses of Bath and Wells. Price 2d. pp. 16; (3) A Morning, Evening, and Midnight Hymn by the Author of the Manual of Prayers for Winchester Scholars. Nos. 2 and 3 have no title, but on the last page of No. 3 is "London, Printed at the Gun, at the West End of St. Paul's Church." The text of this tract of the "Three Hymns" agrees absolutely with that of 1709, except that in the 10th stanza of the Morning Hymns it reads "not rise again," as in 1705. We may therefore conclude that Ken's revisions, with this exception, were made between 1705 and 1707, the date of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Catalogue. We may add that another cento from Ken's Midnight Hymn is "Blest Jesu! Thou, on heaven intent." in Rice's Hymns, 1870. The Life of Bishop Ken by the late Dean Plumptre was published in 1888, in 2 volumes. It is by far the best and most exhaustive life of the Bishop, and is worthy of the author's great reputation. [George Arthur Crawford, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix I (1907)

Samuel Longfellow

1819 - 1892 Person Name: Samuel W. Longfellow Author of "O Life That Maketh All Things New" in E. A. C. C. Hymnal Longfellow, Samuel, B. A., brother of the Poet, was born at Portland, Maine, June 18, 1819, and educated at Harvard, where he graduated in Arts in 1839, and in Theology in 1846. On receiving ordination as an Unitarian Minister, he became Pastor at Fall River, Massachusetts, 1848; at Brooklyn, 1853; and at Germantown, Pennsylvania, 1860. In 1846 he edited, with the Rev. S. Johnson (q. v.), A Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion. This collection was enlarged and revised in 1848. In 1859 his Vespers was published, and in 1864 the Unitarian Hymns of the Spirit , under the joint editorship of the Rev. S. Johnson and himself. His Life of his brother, the Poet Longfellow, was published in 1886. To the works named he contributed the following hymns:— i. To A Book of Hymns , revised ed., 1848. 1. Beneath the shadow of the Cross. Love. 2. 0 God, thy children gathered here. Ordination. ii. To the Vespers 1859. 3. Again as evening's shadow falls. Evening. 4. Now on land and sea descending. Evening. iii. To the Hymns of the Spirit, 1864. 5. A voice by Jordan's shore. Advent. 6. Father, give Thy benediction. Ordination. 7. Go forth to life, 0 child of earth. Life's Mission. 8. God of ages and of nations. Holy Scriptures. 9. Holy Spirit, Truth divine. The Holy Spirit desired. 10. I look to Thee in every need. Trust in God. 11. In the beginning was the Word. The Word. 12. Love for all, and can it be? Lent. The Prodigal Son. 13. 0 God, in Whom we live and move. God's Law and Love. 14. 0 God, Thou Giver of all good. Prayer for Food. 15. O still in accents sweet and strong. Missions. 16. 0 Thou, Whose liberal sun and rain. Anniversary of Church dedication. 17. One holy Church of God appears. The Church Universal. 18. Out of the dark, the circling sphere. The Outlook. 19. Peace, peace on earth! the heart of man for ever. Peace on Earth. 20. The loving Friend to all who bowed. Jesus of Nazareth. 21. ’Tis winter now, the fallen snow. Winter. Of these, hymn No. 2 was written for the Ordination of E. E. Hale (q. v.), at Worcester, 1846. Several are included in Martineau's Hymns, 1873. Died Oct. 3, 1892. [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907), p. 685 =============== Longfellow, S., p. 685, i. Since Mr. Longfellow's death on Oct. 3, 1892, his hymns have been collected by his niece, Miss Alice Longfellow, as Hymns and Verses(Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1904.) From this work we find many of the hymns signed Anon, in the Index to Longfellow and Johnson's Hymns of the Spirit, 1864, were his; several of these, including E. Osier's "O God unseen, yet ever near," were popular English hymns which he rewrote from his own theological standpoint. These re¬written hymns are very widely used by Unitarians and others. During the last ten years the following additional hymns by S. Long¬fellow have come into common use:— 1. Eternal One, Thou living God. Faith in God. 2. God of the earth, the sky, the sea. God in Nature. 3. God's trumpet wakes the slumbering world. Call to duty. 4. Light of ages and of nations. God in and through all time. 5. Lo, the earth is risen again. Spring. (1876.) 6. Now while we sing our closing psalm. Close of Worship. 7. O Life that maketh all things new. Unity. (1874.) 8. O Thou in Whom we live and move. The Divine Law. 9. The summer days are come again. Summer. From his hymn,"The sweet[bright] June days are come again." 10. Thou Lord of lite, our saving health. In Sickness. (1886.) Of these hymns Nos. 2, 3 appeared in the Hymns of the Spirit, 1864, and all with the dates appended in Hymns and Verses, 1904. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907) ==================

Christian Fürchtegott Gellert

1715 - 1769 Person Name: C. F. Gellert Author of "Meine Lebenszeit verstreicht" in Evangelisches Gesangbuch mit vierstimmigen Melodien Gellert, Christian Fürchtegott, son of Christian Gellert, pastor at Hainichen in the Saxon Harz, near Freiberg, was born at Hainichen, July 4, 1715. In 1734 he entered the University of Leipzig as a student of theology, and after completing his course acted for some time as assistant to his father. But then, as now, sermons preached from manuscript were not tolerated in the Lutheran Church, and as his memory was treacherous, he found himself compelled to try some other profession. In 1739 he became domestic tutor to the sons of Herr von Lüttichau, near Dresden, and in 1741 returned to Leipzig to superintend the studies of a nephew at the University. He also resumed his own studies. He graduated M.A. 1744; became in 1745 private tutor or lecturer in the philosophical faculty; and was in 1751 appointed extraordinary professor of philosophy, lecturing on poetry and rhetoric, and then on moral philosophy. An ordinary professorship offered to him in 1761 he refused, as he did not feel strong enough to fulfil its duties, having been delicate from a child, and after 1752 suffering very greatly from hypochondria. He died at Leipzig, Dec. 13, 1769 (Koch, vi. 263-277; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, viii. 544-549, &c). As a professor, Gellert was most popular, numbering Goethe and Lessing among his pupils, and won from his students extraordinary reverence and affection, due partly to the warm interest he took in their personal conduct and welfare. In his early life he was one of the contributors to the Bremer Beiträge; and was one of the leaders in the revolt against the domination of Gottsched and the writers of the French school. His Fables (1st Ser. 1746; 2nd 1748), by their charm of style, spirit, humour and point, may justly be characterised as epoch-making, won for him universal esteem and influence among his contemporaries of all classes, and still rank among the classics of German literature. As a hymnwriter he also marks an epoch; and while in the revival of churchly feeling the hymns of the Rationalistic period of 1760 to 1820 have been ignored by many recent compilers, yet the greatest admirers of the old standard hymns have been fain to stretch their area of selection from Luther to Gellert. He prepared himself by prayer for their composition, and selected the moments when his mental horizon was most unclouded. He was distinguished by deep and sincere piety, blameless life, and regularity in attendance on the services of the Church. His hymns are the utterances of a sincere Christian morality, not very elevated or enthusiastic, but genuine expressions of his own feelings and experiences; and what in them he preached he also put in practice in his daily life. Many are too didactic in tone, reading like versifications of portions of his lectures on morals, and are only suited for private use. But in regard to his best hymns, it may safely be said that their rational piety and good taste, combined with a certain earnestness and pathos, entitle them to a place among the classics of German hymnody. They exactly met the requirements of the time, won universal admiration, and speedily passed into the hymnbooks in use over all Germany, Roman Catholic as well as Lutheran. Two of Gellert's hymns are noted under their own first lines, viz., "Jesus lebt, mit ihm auch ich," and "Wie gross ist des All-mächtgen Güte." The following have also passed into English, almost all being taken from his Geistliche Oden und Lieder, a collection of 54 hymns first published at Leipzig, 1757, and which has passed through very numerous editions:— I. Hymns in English common use: i. An dir allein, an dir hab ich gesündigt. Lent. 1757, p. 102, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines, entitled "Hymn of Penitence." In Zollikofer's Gesange-Buch, 1766, and the Berlin Geistliche Lieder S., ed. 1863, No. 499. Translated as:— Against Thee only have I sinn'd, I own it. A good and full version, by Miss Wink worth, as No. 42 in her Chorale Book for England, 1863. Another translation is:— "Against Thee, Lord, Thee only my transgression," by N. L. Frothingham, 1870, p. 241. ii. Dies ist der Tag, den Gott gemacht. Christmas. One of his best and most popular hymns. 1757, p. 72, in 11 stanzas of 4 lines, repeated in the Berlin Gesang-Buch, 1765, No. 55, and the Berlin Geistliche Lieder S. ed. 1863, No. 154. Translated as:— This is the day the Lord hath made, O'er all the earth. A translation of stanzas i.-iii., x., by Miss Borthwick, as No. 22 in Dr. Pagenstecher's Collection, 1864, and included in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 1884, p. 256. Other trs. are:—(1) "This is the day which God ordains," by Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 27. (2) "This day shall yet by God's command," in the Family Treasury, 1811, p. 278. iii. Für alle Güte sei gepreist. Evening. 1757, p. 85, in 4 stanzas of 6 lines, included in Zollikofer's Gesang-Buch 1766, No. 78, and the Berlin Geistliche Lieder S., ed. 1863, No. 1160. Translated as:— To Father, Son, and Spirit praise. A good and full translation by A. T. Russell, as No. 7 in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. Another translation is: — "For all Thy kindness laud I Thee," by H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 96. iv. Gott ist mein Lied. Praise. On God's Might and Providence. 1757, p. 78, in 15 st. of 5 1. In the Berlin Geistliche Lieder S.., ed. 1863, No. 24. Translated as:— God is my song, His praises I'll repeat, A free translation of stanzas i.-v., as No. 94 in Sir John Bowring's Hymns, 1825. Repeated, omitting stanza ii., as No. 114 in Dale's English Hymn Book, 1875. Other translations are:— (1) “Of God I sing," by Dr. H. Mills, 1856, p. 11. (2) "God is my song, With sovereign," by N. L. Frothingham, 1870, p. 243. v. Wenn ich, o Schöpfer, deine Macht. Praise. This fine hymn of Praise for Creation and Providence was first published 1757, p. 62, in 6 stanzas of 7 lines. In the Berlin Gesang-Buch, 1765, No. 25, and Berlin Geistliche Lieder S.ed. 1863, No. 72. Translated as:—- Thou Great First Cause! when of Thy skill. In full in Dr. H. Mills's Horae Germanicae, 1845 (1856, p. 5). Stanzas ii., iii., v., vi., altered and beginning, "The earth, where'er I turn mine eye," are in the American Lutheran General Synod's Collection, 1852. Other trs. are:— (1) "When, O my dearest Lord, I prove," by Miss Dunn, 1857, p. 80. (2) "Creator! when I see Thy might," in Madame de Pontes's Poets and Poetry of Germany, 1858, v. i. p. 472. (3) "When I, Creator, view Thy might," by Miss Manington, 1863. vi. Wer Gottes Wort nicht halt, und spricht. Faith in Works. This didactic hymn on Faith proved by Works, was first published 1757, p. 49, in 5 stanzas of 6 lines. In Zollikofer's Gesang-Buch, 1766, and the Berlin Geistliche Lieder S. ed. 1863, No. 72. Translated as:— Who keepeth not God's Word, yet saith. A good and full translation by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858, p. 161. A greatly altered version of stanzas ii.—v., beginning, "True faith in holy life will shine," was included as No. 418 in Kennedy, 1863, and repeated in the Ibrox Hymnal 1871, J. L. Porter's Collection 1876, and others. II. Hymns not in English common use: vii. Auf Gott, und nicht auf meinen Rath. Trust in God's Providence. 1757, p. 134, in 6 stanzas. Translated as: (1) "Rule Thou my portion, Lord, my skill," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 164). (2) "On God and on no earthly trust," by J. D. Burns, in his Remains, 1869. viii. Auf, schicke dich. Christmas. 1757, p. 109, in 1 stanza. Translated as, "Come, tune your heart," by Miss Cox, 1841, p. 17 (1864, p. 39). ix. Dein Heil, o Christ! nicht zu verscherzen. Prayer. 1757, p. 6, in 14 stanzas of 8 lines. In J. A. Schlegel's Geistliche Gesänge, 3rd Ser., 1772, p. 193, recast as "Zu deinem Gotte beten," in 5 stanzas of 12 lines; and this in the Kaiserwerth Lieder-Buch für Kleinkinderschulen, 1842, No. 208, appears "Zu Gott im Himmel beten," in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. The 1842 was translated as, "O how sweet it is to pray," by Mrs. Bevan, 1859, p. 148. x. Der Tag ist wieder hin, und diesen Theil des Lebens. Evening. 1757, p. 13, in 10 stanzas, as "Self-Examination at Eventide." Translated as,"Another day is ended," by Miss Warner, 1869 (1871, p. 9). xi. Du klagst, und fühlest die Beschwerden. Contentment. 1757, p. 91, in 8 stanzas. Translated as "Thy wounded spirit feels its pain," by Dr. B. Maguire, 1883, p. 153. xii. Erinnre dich, mein Geist, erfreut. Easter. 1757, p. 27, in 13 stanzas. Translated as, "Awake, my soul, and hail the day," in Dr. J. D. Lang's Aurora Australis, Sydney, 1826, p. 43. xiii. Er ruft der Sonn, und schafft den Mond. New Year. 1757, p. 154, in 6 stanzas. In the Berlin Gesang-Buch, 1765, No. 233, as "Gott ruft." Translated as, “Lord, Thou that ever wast and art," in the British Magazine, Jan., 1838, p. 36. xiv. Gott, deine Güte reicht so weit. Supplication. 1757, p. 1, in 4 stanzas, founded on 1 Kings iii. 5-14. The translations are: (1) "O God, Thy goodness doth extend, Far as," by Dr. J. D. Lang, 1826, p. 10. (2) "Behold! Thy goodness, oh my God," by Miss Fry, 1845, p. 78. xv. Gott ist mein Hort. Holy Scripture. 1757, p. 70, in 8 stanzas. Translated as, "I trust the Lord, Upon His word," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 23). xvi. Herr, der du mir das Leben. Evening. 1757, p. 121, in 5 stanzas. Translated as, "By Thee, Thou Lord of Heaven," by H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 97. xvii. Herr, starke mich, dein Leiden su bedenken. Passiontide. 1757, p. 123, in 22 stanzas. Translated as, "Clothe me, oh Lord, with strength! that I may dwell” by Miss Fry, 1859, p. 153. xviii. Ich hab in guten Stunden. For the Sick. 1757, p. 128, in 6 stanzas. [See the Story of a Hymn, in the Sunday at Home for Sept., 1865.] Translated as: (1) “I have had my days of blessing," by Mrs. Findlater, in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 1855, p. 60. (2) "Once, happy hours with blessings crowned," by A. B. H., in the Day of Rest, 1877, p. 405. xix. Ich komme, Herr, und suche dich. Holy Communion. 1757, p. 89, in 5 stanzas. The translations are: (1) "I come, 0 Lord, and seek for Thee," by Miss Manington, 1863, p. 14. (2) “Weary and laden with my load, I come," by Dr. B. Maguire, 1872, p. 178. xx. Ich komme vor dein Angesicht. Supplication. 1757, p. 140. in 13 stanzas. The translations are: (1) "Great God, I bow before Thy face," by Dr. J. D. Lang, 1826, p. 23. (2) “Now in Thy presence I appear," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 137). xxi. Mein erst Gefühl sei Preis und Dank. Morning. 1757, p. 55, in 12 stanzas. Translated as, "I bless Thee, Lord, Thou God of might," beginning with st. vi., by H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 56. xxii. Nach einer Prüfung kurzer Tage. Eternal Life. 1757, p. 158, in 12 stanzas, as "The Consolation of Eternal Life." Though hardly a hymn for congregational use and too individualised, it has been a very great favourite in Germany. In the Berlin Gesang-Buch, 1765, 132, and the Berlin Geistliche Liedersegen, ed. 1863, No. 1483. The translations are: (1) "A few short days of trial past," in Miss Knight's Prayers and Hymns from the German, 1812 (1832, p. 107). (2) "A few short hours of transient joy," by Dr. J. D. Lang, 1826, p. 123. (3) “When these brief trial-days are past," by J. Sheppard, 1857, p. 98. (4) “A few short days of trial here,” by Miss Burlingham, in the British Herald, July 1865, p. 98. (5) "Our few short years of trial o'er," by Dr. J. Guthrie, 1869, d. 124. (6) “When these brief trial-days are spent," by Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 318. (7) "A few more days, a few more years," by Dr. R. Maguire, 1883, p. 165. xxiii 0 Herr, mein Gott! durch den ich bin und lebe. Resignation to the will of God. 1757, p. 152. in 7 st. Translated as, "In Thee, my God, I live and move," by Dr. R. Maguire, 1883, p. 113. xxiv. So hoff’ ich denn mit festem Muth . Assurance of the Grace of God. 1757, p. 115, in 4 stanzas. The translations are: (1) "Firm is my hope of future good," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 188). (2) “In Thee, O Lord, my hope hath stood," by Dr. R. Maguire, 1872. zzv. Was ists dast ich mich quäle. Patience. 1757, p. 17, in 7 stanzas. The translations are: (1) "O foolish heart, be still," by Miss Warner, 1858 (1861, p. 452), repeated in Bishop Ryle's Collection, 1860, No. 181 (2) “What billows these that o'er thee roll," by Dr. R. Maguire, 1872. xxvi. Wie sicher lebt der Mensch, der Staub. For the Dying. 1757, p. 149, in 14 stanzas. Translated as, "How heedless, how secure is man!" by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 238). One or two recasts from Gellert's Lehrgedichte und Erzählungen, Leipzig, 1754, came into German common use, and one has passed into English, viz.:— xxvii. Mensch, der du Christus schmähst, was ist in ihrer Lehre. Love to Mankind. 1754, pp. 27-56, being a poem entitled “The Christian." A recast from portions of this made by J. S. Diterich, beginning "Gieb mir, O Gott, ein Herz," in 9 stanzas, appears as No. 219 in the Berlin Gesang-Buch, 1765; and has been translated as "Grant me, O God! a tender heart," by Miss Knight, 1812 (1832, p. 97). [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Thomas T. Lynch

1818 - 1871 Author of "Gracious Spirit, dwell with me" in Christian Science Hymnal (Rev. and enl.) Lynch, Thomas Toke, was born at Dunmow, Essex, July 5, 1818, and educated at a school at Islington, in which he was afterwards an usher. For a few months he was a student at the Highbury Independent College; but withdrew, partly on account of failing health, and partly because his spirit was too free to submit to the routine of College life. From 1847 to 1849 he was Minister of a small charge at Highgate, and from 1849 to 1852 of a congregation in Mortimer Street, which subsequently migrated to Grafton Street, Fitzroy Square. From 1856 to 1859 he was laid aside by illness. In 1860 he resumed his ministry with his old congregation, in a room in Gower Street, where he remained until the opening of his new place of worship, in 1862, (Mornington Church), in Hampstead Road, London. He ministered there till his death, on the 9th of May, 1871. The influence of Lynch's ministry was great, and reached far beyond his own congregation (which was never large), since it included many students from the Theological Colleges of London, and thoughtful men from other churches, who were attracted to him by the freshness and spirituality of his preaching. His prose works were numerous, beginning with Thoughts on a Day, 1844, and concluding with The Mornington Lecture, 1870. Several of his works were published after his death. His Memoir, by W. White, was published in 1874. Lynch's hymns were published in:— The Rivulet: a Contribution to Sacred Song, London., Longman, 1855, 2nd ed., 1856. This was enlarged by an addition of 67 hymns in 1868. From the first edition of The Rivulet, 1855, the following hymns have come into common use:— 1. All faded is the glowing light. Second Advent. 2. Be Thy word with power fraught. Before Sermon. 3. Christ in His word draws near. Holy Scripture. 4. Dismiss me not Thy service, Lord. Work for Christ. 5. Gracious Spirit, dwell with me. Holy Spirit's presence desired. 6. How calmly the evening once more is descending. Evening. Sometimes "How calmly once more the night is descending." 7. I give myself to prayer. Prayer in Trouble. 8. Lord, on Thy returning day. Public Worship. 9. Lord, when in silent hours I muse. Resignation. 10. Love me, O Lord, forgivingly. Resignation. 11. Mountains by the darkness hidden. Resignation. 12. Now have we met that we may ask. Public Worship. 13. O, break my heart; but break it as a field. Penitence desired. 14. O Lord, Thou art not fickle. Sympathy. 15. O where is He that trod the sea. Christ Walking on the Sea. 16. Oft when of God we ask. Trust in Trial. 17. Rise, He calleth thee, arise. Blind Bartimaeus. 18. Say not, my soul, from whence. Resignation. 19. Where is thy God, my soul? Resignation and Hope. There are also from the 1856 and 1868 eds. the following:— 20. A thousand years have come and gone. Christmas. 21. Lift up your heads, rejoice; (1856.) Advent. 22. Praying by the river side. Holy Baptism. 23. The Lord is rich and merciful. Have Faith in God. 24. There is purpose in this waste. Easter. Lynch's hymns are marked by intense individuality, gracefulness and felicity of diction, picturesqueness, spiritual freshness, and the sadness of a powerful soul struggling with a weak and emaciated body. Although The Rivulet was published for use by his own congregation as a supplement to Watts, more than one half of the hymns were designed for private use only, but were not so distinguished in the work. Its publication caused one of the most bitter hymnological controversies known in the annals of modern Congregationalism. Time, however, and a criticism, broader and more just, have declared emphatically in favour of his hymns as valuable contributions to cultured sacred song. [Rev. W. Garrett Horder] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================== Lynch, T. T., p. 705, ii. Other hymns by him in recent books are:— 1. My faith it is an oaken staff. Faith in Christ. In the Rivulet, 1855, p. 78. 2. Together for our country now we pray. National, In the Rivulet, 1868, p. 170. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Bland Tucker

1895 - 1984 Person Name: Francis Bland Tucker, 1895-1984 Author (st. 5-7) of "Holy God, we praise thy name" in CPWI Hymnal Francis Bland Tucker (born Norfolk, Virginia, January 6, 1895). The son of a bishop and brother of a Presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church, he was educated at the University of Virginia, B.A., 1914, and at Virginia Theological Seminary, B.D., 1920; D.D., 1944. He was ordained deacon in 1918, priest in 1920, after having served as a private in Evacuation Hospital No.15 of the American Expeditionary Forces in France during World War I. His first charge was as a rector of Grammer Parish, Brunswick County, in southern Virginia. From 1925 to 1945, he was rector of historic St. John's Church, Georgetown, Washington, D.C. Then until retirement in 1967 he was rector of John Wesley's parish in Georgia, old Christ Church, Savannah. In "Reflections of a Hymn Writer" (The Hymn 30.2, April 1979, pp.115–116), he speaks of never having a thought of writing a hymn until he was named a member of the Joint Commission on the Revision of the Hymnal in 1937 which prepared the Hymnal 1940

Conrad Kocher

1786 - 1872 Person Name: Conrad Kocher, 1786-1872 Arranger of "GROSSER GOTT" in CPWI Hymnal Trained as a teacher, Conrad Kocher (b. Ditzingen, Wurttemberg, Germany, 1786; d. Stuttgart, Germany, 1872) moved to St. Petersburg, Russia, to work as a tutor at the age of seventeen. But his love for the music of Haydn and Mozart impelled him to a career in music. He moved back to Germany in 1811, settled in Stuttgart, and remained there for most of his life. The prestigious Cotta music firm published some of his early compositions and sent him to study music in Italy, where he came under the influence of Palestrina's music. In 1821 Kocher founded the School for Sacred Song in Stuttgart, which popularized four-part singing in the churches of that region. He was organist and choir director at the Stiftskirche in Stuttgart from 1827 to 1865. Kocher wrote a treatise on church music, Die Tonkunst in der Kirche (1823), collected a large number of chorales in Zions Harfe (1855), and composed an oratorio, two operas, and some sonatas. William H. Monk created the current form of DIX by revising and shortening Conrad Kocher's chorale melody for “Treuer Heiland, wir sind hier,” found in Kocher's Stimmen aus dem Reiche Gottes (1838). Bert Polman

Erdmann Neumeister

1671 - 1756 Person Name: E. Neumeister Author of "Jesus nimmt die Sünder an" in Evangelisches Gesangbuch mit vierstimmigen Melodien Neumeister, Erdmann, son of Johann Neumeister, schoolmaster, organist, &c, at Uechteritz, near Weissenfels, was born at Uechteritz, May 12, 1671. He entered the University of Leipzig in 1689, graduated M.A. in 1695, and was then for some time University lecturer. In June 1697 he was appointed assistant pastor at Bibra, and in 1698 pastor there, and assistant superintendent of the Eckartsberg district. He was then, in 1704, called by Duke Johann Georg, to Weissenfels as tutor to his only daughter, and assistant court preacher, and shortly afterwards court preacher. After the death of this princess, Neumeister was invited by the Duke's sister (she had married Count Erdmann II. von Promnitz) to Sorau, where on New Year's Day, 1706, he entered on the offices of senior court-preacher, consistorialrath, and superintendent. Finally, in 1715, he accepted the appointment of Pastor of St. James's Church at Hamburg, entering on his duties there Sept. 29, 1715. He died at Hamburg, Aug. 18 (not 28), 1756 (Bode, p. 120; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie. xxiii. 543, &c). Neumeister was well known in his day as an earnest and eloquent preacher, as a vehement upholder of High Lutheranism, and as a keen controversialist against the Pietists and the Moravians by means of the pulpit as well as the press. His underlying motive was doubtless to preserve the simplicity of the faith from the subjective novelties of the period. He was the author of one of the earliest historico-critical works on German Poetry (1695"); and of many Cantatas for use in church, of which form of Fervice he may be regarded as the originator. He had begun to write hymns during his student days, and in later years their composition was a favourite Sunday employment. He takes high rank among the German hymn-writers of the 18th century, not only for the number of his productions (over 650), but also for their abiding value. A number are founded on well-known hymns of the 16th and 17th century; and many of his later productions are inferior. Of his earlier efforts many soon took and still hold their place as standard German hymns; and deservedly so, for their simple, musical style, scripturalness, poetic fervour, depth of faith and Christian experience, and for their clear-cut sayings which have almost passed into proverbial use. They appeared principally in the following works:— 1. DerZugang zum Gnadenstuhle Jesu Christo. This was a devotional manual of preparation for Holy Communion, with interspersed hymns. The first edition appeared at Weissenfels in 1705, the 2nd 1707, 3rd 1712, 4th 1715. The earliest edition of which precise details are available is the 5th edition 1717, from which Wetzel, ii. 231, quotes the first lines of all the 77 hymns (the page references to the earlier eds. given by Fischer appear to be conjectural); and the earliest ed. available for collation was the 7th edition, 1724 [Göttingen University Library]. In the later editions many hymns are repeated from his other works. 2. Fünffache Kirchen-Andachten, Leipzig 1716 [Wernigerode Library], a collected edition of his Cantatas (Wernigerode Library has the 1704 ed. of his Geistliche Cantaten), and similar productions. A second set (Fortgesetzte) appeared at Hamburg in 1726 [Hamburg Town Library]; and a third set (Dritter Theil) at Hamburg in 1752 [Hamburg Town Library]. 3. Evangelischer Nachklang, Hamburg, 1718 [Hamburg Town Library], with 86 hymns on the Gospels for Sundays and Festivals, originally written to form conclusions to his sermons. A second set of 86 appeared as the Anderer Theil at Hamburg, 1729 [Hamburg Town Library]. Those of Neumeister’s hymns which have passed into English are:— i. Gott verlasst die Seinen nioht, Ei so fahret hin ihr Sorgen. Cross and Consolation. In his Evangelical Nachklang, 1718, No. 71, p. 149, in 5 stanzas of 8 lines, appointed for the 25th Sunday after Trinity, in Burg's Gesang-Buch, Breslau, 1746, it appears in two forms. No. 127 is the original with alterations, and arranged in 11 stanzas of 4 lines, with the refrain "Gott verlässt die Seinen nicht." No. 128 is a form in 3 stanzas of 6 lines, rewritten to the melody, "Jesus meine Zuversicht", and beginning with stanza iii. line 5, of the original, viz. "Gott verlässt die Seinen nicht, Nach dem Seufzen, nach dem Weinen." ii. Jesu, grosser Wunderstern. Epiphany. In his Kirchen-Andachten, 1716, p. 646, in 4 st. of 6 1., with the motto, Auf ihr Christen insgemein! Stellt euch mit den Weisen ein. Jesus muss geschenket sein." It is a hymn on the Gifts of the Magi, and the spiritual sense in which we can offer the same—-the Gold of Faith, the Frankincense of Prayer, the Myrrh of Penitence. In the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 208. Translated as:— 1. Jesus! great and wondrous star. A good and full translation by E. Cronenwett, as No. 52 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. iii. Jesus nimmt die Sünder an! Saget doch dies Trostwort Allen. Lent. The best hymn of its author. First published in his Evangelical Nachklang, 1718, No. 47, p. 96, in 8 stanzas of 6 lines, founded on the Gospel for the 3rd Sunday after Trinity (St. Luke xv. 1-7), and also suggested by St. Matt. xi. 28, and Isaiah i. 18. It has come into very extensive German use, especially at Mission services at home and abroad. In the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 110. The translations are:— 1. This man sinners doth receive. In full by Dr. H. Mills, in his Horae Germanicae, 1845 (1856, p. 73). His translations of stanzas i., ii., iv., v. are included in the American Lutheran General Synod's Collection, 1850-52, No. 844. 2. Jesus sinners doth receive! Spread the word of consolation. A good translation of stanzas i., iii.—v., by A. T. Russell, as No. 47 in the Dalston Hospital Hymn Book, 1848, repeated in his own Psalms & Hymns, 1851. 3. Jesus is the sinner's Friend. A good and full translation by Miss Dunn in her Hymns from the German, 1857, p. 82. Her translations of stanzas i., ii., iv. are No. 46 in Dr. Pagenstecher's Collection, 1864. 4. Sinners Jesus will receive. A full and good translation by Mrs. Bevan in her Songs of Eternal Life, 1858, p. 23. Repeated in full in L. Rehfuess's Church at Sea, 1868, p. 50, and, abridged, in the English Presbyterian Psalms & Hymns, 1867, and Flett's Collection, Paisley, 1871. In Dr. W. F. Stevenson's Hymns for Church & Home, 1873, stanzas i., v., vi., vii. are included, altered, and beginning "Jesus sinners will receive; Say this word of grace to all;" and this form is also in the Baptist Hymnal, 1879. Other translations are :— (l) "My Jesus the sinner receives." By Miss Warner, 1869, p. 51. (2) "Jesus sinners doth receive! Tell to all." By R. Massie in the Day of Rest, 1811. The hymn "Jesus sinners will receive, When they fall," by E. Cronenwett, in 5 stanzas, in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880, is marked as a translation of Neumeister. It follows Neumeister in metre, but seems rather a paraphrase of the hymn "Jesus nimmt die Sünder an, Drum so will ich nicht verzagen." This hymn is by Ludwig Heinrich Schlosser [b. Sept. 1, 1663, at Darmstadt; d. Aug. 18,1723, as pastor at Frankfurt am Main], and appeared in the Appendix to the Frankfurt ed., 1693, of Crüger's Praxis, and in his own Stilles Lob Gottes in dern geistlichen Zion, Frankfurt a. M , 1724 (see Wetzel, iv. 433; Kambach's Anthologie, vi p. xi., &c). In Burg's Gesang-Buch, Breslau, 1746, the Neumeister hymn is given as No. 1593 and marked as by G. G. Hofmann, and the Schlosser hymn as No. 1592 and marked as by Neumeister. Hence perhaps the confusion. Hymns not in English common use:--. iv. Bleib, Jesu, bleib bei mir. For the Dying. In his Evangelical Nachklang, 171S, No. 31, p. 64, in 7 st., entitled "For the Second Day of Easter." In the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 1434. Translated as "Jesus, near me still abide." By Miss Dunn, 1857, p. 117. v, Herr Jesu Christ, mein höchstes Gut. Love to Christ. One of his best and most popular hymns, apparently written for use at the Sunday celebration of Holy Communion in the castle at Weissenfels. It seems to have appeared in his Zugang, 1705 (Wetzel, ii. 232, cites it as in the 5th edition 1717. In the 8th ed. 1724, p. 17, entitled “Hymn of Consolation from Ps. lxxiii. 23-28 ), and is included in the Halle Stadt Gesang-Buch,1711, No. 524 in 6 st. In Freylinghausen, 1714, it begins "Herr Jesu Christ, mein Fleisch und Blut." In Porst's Gesang-Buch,ed. 1855, No. 546. The translations are (1) "All my desires are fix'd on Thee" (st. iii.). By P. H. Molther as pt. ot No. 401 in the Moravian Hymn Book 1801 (1886, No. 448). (2) "Lord Jesus Christ, my spirit's health." By Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 115). vi. Herr Jesu, meines Lebens Heil. Evening. Apparently in his Zugang, 1705 (Wetzel, ii. 232, as in ed. 1717. In ed. 1724, p. 284 in 10 st), and included in the Halle Stadt Gesang-Buch, 1711, No. 426. In Burg's Gesang-Buch, Breslau, 1746, No. 1844. Translated as (1) "Now I'll lie down and sleep in Thee"(st. vi.), as pt. of No. 750 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789 (1849, No. 1137). (2) "Lord Jesu! Thou my life's true health." By H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 92. vii. Ich bin bei allem Kummer stille. Trust in God. Included in the 5th ed. 1717 of his Zugang (Wetzel, ii. 232), and in the ed. 1724, p. 594, in 6 stanzas, founded on Ps. lxxvii. 11. In the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 911. It has been translated into English through the recast by J. S. Diterich "Herr, mache meine Seele stille," which is No. 169, in 7 stanzas, in the Berlin Gesang-Buch,1765 (Berlin Gesang-Buch, 1829, No. 599). Translated as "Lord, make my spirit still." By Miss Warner, 1869, p. 26. viii. Ich weiss dass mein Erlöser lebet. For the Dying. In his Evangelical Nachklang, 1718, No. 32, in 5 st., entitled "On the Third Day of Easter." In Bunsen's Allgemeine Gesang-Buch, 1846, No. 437, in 4 stanzas. Translated as "I know that my Redeemer liveth, And as He lives." A good translation from Bunsen in Reid's Praise Book, 1872. ix. Ob Menschen klug und weise sein. Spiritual Wisdom. In his Evangelical Nachklang, 1718, No. 12, p. 24, in 6 stanzas, for the 1st Sunday after Epiphany. In the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863. Translated as “Here many wise and prudent grow." By Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 109). x. So ist die Woche nun geschlossen. Saturday Evening. Apparently in his Zugang, 1705 (Wetzel, ii. 233, cites it as in ed. 1717. In the ed. 1724, p. 552, in 9 st. entitled "Hymn for the close of the Week"). In the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863. Translated as “Thou, Lord, Thy love art still bestowing." By H. J. Buckoll, 1842. xi. Wie Gott will, also will ich sagen. Trust in God. Wetzel ii. 214, cites this as in his Zugang, 1717 (ed. 1724, p. 570, in 8 stanzas). In the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 919. Translated as “As Thou wilt, my God! I ever say” By Miss Borthwick, in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 1858, p. 44 (1884, p. 166), and thence in Bishop Ryle's Collection 1860, No. 163. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Augustus Toplady

1740 - 1778 Person Name: Augustus M. Toplady Author of "Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me" in The Baptist Standard Hymnal Toplady, Augustus Montague, the author of "Rock of Ages," was born at Farnham, Surrey, November 4, 1740. His father was an officer in the British army. His mother was a woman of remarkable piety. He prepared for the university at Westminster School, and subsequently was graduated at Trinity College, Dublin. While on a visit in Ireland in his sixteenth year he was awakened and converted at a service held in a barn in Codymain. The text was Ephesians ii. 13: "But now, in Christ Jesus, ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ." The preacher was an illiterate but warm-hearted layman named Morris. Concerning this experience Toplady wrote: "Strange that I, who had so long sat under the means of grace in England, should be brought nigh unto God in an obscure part of Ireland, amidst a handful of God's people met together in a barn, and under the ministry of one who could hardly spell his name. Surely this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous." In 1758, through the influence of sermons preached by Dr. Manton on the seventeenth chapter of John, he became an extreme Calvinist in his theology, which brought him later into conflict with Mr. Wesley and the Methodists. He was ordained to the ministry in the Church of England in 1762, and in 1768 he became vicar of Broadhembury, a small living in Devonshire, which he held until his death. The last two or three years of his life he passed in London, where he preached in a chapel on Orange Street. His last sickness was of such a character that he was able to make a repeated and emphatic dying testimony. A short time before his death he asked his physician what he thought. The reply was that his pulse showed that his heart was beating weaker every day. Toplady replied with a smile: "Why, that is a good sign that my death is fast approaching; and, blessed be God, I can add that my heart beats stronger and stronger every day for glory." To another friend he said: "O, my dear sir, I cannot tell you the comforts I feel in my soul; they are past expression. . . . My prayers are all converted into praise." He died of consumption August 11, 1778. His volume of Psalms and Hymns for Public and Private Worship was published in 1776. Of the four hundred and nineteen hymns which it contained, several were his own productions. If on a quiet sea 446 Rock of ages, cleft for me 279 Hymn Writers of the Church, 1915 by Charles S. Nutter =============================================== Toplady, Augustus Montague, M.A. The life of Toplady has been repeatedly and fully written, the last, a somewhat discursive and slackly put together book, yet matterful, by W. Winters (1872). Summarily, these data may be here given: he was born at Farnham, in Surrey, on November 4, 1740. His father, Richard Toplady, was a Major in the British array, and was killed at the siege of Carthagena (1741) soon after the birth of his son. His widowed mother placed him at the renowned Westminster school, London. By-and-by circumstances led her to Ireland, and young Augustus was entered at Trinity College, Dublin, where he completed his academical training, ultimately graduating M.A. He also received his "new birth" in Ireland under remarkable conditions, as he himself tells us with oddly mixed humility and lofty self-estimate, as "a favourite of heaven," common to his school:— "Strange that I who had so long sat under the means of grace in England should be brought right unto God in an obscure part of Ireland, midst a handful of people met together in a barn, and by the ministry of one who could hardly spell his own name. Surely it was the Lord's doing and is marvellous. The excellency of such power must be of God and cannot be of man. The regenerating spirit breathes not only on whom but likewise, when and where and as He listeth." Toplady received orders in the Church of England on June 6, 1762, and after some time was appointed to Broadhembury. His Psalms and Hymns of 1776 bears that he was then “B.A." and Vicar of Broadhembury. Shortly thereafter be is found in London as minister of the Chapel of the French Calvinists in Leicester Fields. He was a strong and partizan Calvinist, and not well-informed theologically outside of Calvinism. We willingly and with sense of relief leave unstirred the small thick dust of oblivion that has gathered on his controversial writings, especially his scurrilous language to John Wesley because of his Arminianism, as we do John Wesley's deplorable misunderstanding and misrepresentation of Calvinism. Throughout Toplady lacked the breadth of the divine Master's watchword "Forbid him not, for he that is not against us is for us" (St. Luke ix. 50). He was impulsive, rash-spoken, reckless in misjudgment; but a flame of genuine devoutness burned in the fragile lamp of his overtasked and wasted body. He died on August 11, 1778. The last edition of his works is in 6 vols., 8 vo., 1825. An accurate reproduction of most of his genuine hymns was one of the reprints of Daniel Sedgwick, 1860. His name occurs and recurs in contemporary memoirs and ecclesiastical histories, e.g., in Tyerman's Life of John Wesley. The reader will find in their places annotations on the several hymns of Toplady, and specially on his "Rock of Ages,” a song of grace that has given him a deeper and more inward place in millions of human hearts from generation to generation than almost any other hymnologist of our country, not excepting Charles Wesley. Besides the "Rock of Ages" must be named, for power, intensity, and higher afflatus and nicer workmanship, "Object of my first desire,” and "Deathless principle arise." It is to be regretted that the latter has not been more widely accepted. It is strong, firm, stirring, and masterful. Regarded critically, it must be stated that the affectionateness with which Toplady is named, and the glow and passion of his faith and life, and yearning after holiness, have led to an over-exaltation of him as a hymnwriter. Many of his hymns have been widely used, and especially in America, and in the Evangelical hymnbooks of the Church of England. Year by year, however, the number in use is becoming less. The reason is soon found. He is no poet or inspired singer. He climbs no heights. He sounds no depths. He has mere vanishing gleams of imaginative light. His greatness is the greatness of goodness. He is a fervent preacher, not a bard. [Rev. A. B. Grosart, D.D., LL.D.] Toplady's hymns and poetical pieces were published in his:— (1) Poems on Sacred Subjects wherein The Fundamental Doctrines of Christianity, with many other interesting Points, are occasionally introduced. . . Dublin: Printed by S. Powell, in Crane-lane, MDCCLIX.; (2) his Psalms & Hymns for Public and Private Worship, 1776; (3) in The Gospel Magazine, 1771-1776; and (4) in Hymns and Sacred Poems on a variety of Divine Subjects, &c. D. Sedgwick's reprint, 1860. His Works, with a Memoir by W. Row, were published in 6 volumes, in 1794. Walter How was also the editor of the 2nd and some later editions of the Psalms & Hymns. He was a most careless editor, and attributed several hymns by C. Wesley and others to Toplady. The following additional hymns in common use together with centos indicated in the sub-lines, are from:— i. His Poems on Sacred Subjects, 1759. 1. Can my heaven-born soul submit? All for Christ. 2. Come from on high, my King and God. Holiness desired. (1.) 0 might this worthless heart of mine. 3. Earnest of future bliss. The Witness of the Spirit. 4. From Thy supreme tribunal, Lord. Christ's Righteousness a Refuge. (1.) The spotless Saviour lived for me. 5. Great God, Whom heaven, and earth, and sea. For Peace. 6. I saw, and lo! a countless throng. Saints' Days. Revised form in the Gospel Magazine, 1774, p. 449. 7. Immovable our hope remains. Divine Faithfulness. 8. Jesus, God of love, attend. Divine Worship. Pt. ii. is "Prayer can mercy's door unlock." 9. Jesus, Thy power I fain would feel. Lent. 10. Lord, I feel a carnal mind. Mind of Christ desired. 11. My yielding heart dissolves as wax. On behalf of Arians, &c. (1.) 0 Jesus, manifest Thy grace. 12. Not to myself I owe. Praise for Conversion, (1.) Not to ourselves we owe. (2.) The Father's grace and love. 13. 0 that my heart was right with Thee. Dedication to God desired. 14. 0 Thou that hearest the prayer of faith. Christ the Propitiation. 15. 0 Thou Who didst Thy glory leave. Thanksgiving for Redemption. 16. 0 when wilt Thou my Saviour be. Trust in Jesus. (1.) Jesus, the sinner's Rest Thou art. 17. Redeemer, whither should I flee? Safety in the Cross. 18. Remember, Lord, that Jesus bled. Pardon. 19. Surely Christ thy griefs hath borne. Redemption. Revised text in Gospel Magazine, 1774, p. 548. (1.) Weary sinner, keep thine eyes. (2.) Weeping soul, no longer mourn. ii. From the Gospel Magazine. 20. Compared with Christ, in all besides. Christ All in All. Feb. 1772. 21. Eternal Hallelujahs Be to the Father given. Holy Trinity, Dec. 1774. 22. From whence this fear and unbelief. Reviving Faith, Feb. 1772. 23. How vast the benefits divine. Redemption. Dec. 1774. From this "Not for the works which we have done" is taken. 24. Whom have I in heaven but Thee? Christ All and in All, Feb. 1772. From this "If my Lord Himself reveal" is taken. 25. Jesus, immutably the same. Jesus, the True Vine. June, 1771. All these hymns, together with "O precious blood, 0 glorious death" (Death of Christ), are in D. Sedgwick's reprint of Toplady's Hymns, &c, 1860. We have met with several other hymns to which Toplady's name is appended, but for this we can find no authority whatever. -- Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Emily R. Brink

b. 1940 Composer (descant) of "GROSSER GOTT" in Santo, Santo, Santo Emily R. Brink is a Senior Research Fellow of the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and Adjunct Professor of Church Music and Worship at Calvin Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Her main areas of responsibility are conference planning and global resources. She is program manager of the annual Calvin Symposium on Worship, which draws more than 70 presenters and 1600 participants from around the world. She also travels widely to lecture and to learn about worship in different parts of the world, especially in Asia, where she has lectured in Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, and Taiwan. Her areas of interest include congregational song from all times and places; psalmody; hymnal editing. She was editor of four hymnals and consults with a wide range of churches on worship renewal issues. Dr. Brink is active in the American Guild of Organists, serving in both local and national offices, as well as in the Hymn Society in the United States and Canada (president from 1990 1992) and named a Fellow of the Hymn Society in 2004 in recognition of distinguished services to hymnody and hymnology.

Philipp Friedrich Hiller

1699 - 1769 Person Name: P. F. Hiller Author of "Seelen, laß uns Gutes tun" in Gesangbuch der Evangelischen Gemeinschaft Hiller, Philipp Friedrich, son of Johann Jakob Hiller, pastor at Mühlhausen on the the Enz, Württemberg, was born at Mühlhausen, Jan. 6, 1699. He was educated at the clergy training schools at Denkendorf (under J. A. Bengel) and Maulbronn, and the University of Tübingen (M.A. 1720). His first clerical appointment was as assistant at Brettach, near Neckarsulm, 1724-27. He afterwards held similar posts at Hessigheim and elsewhere, and was also, from 1729-31, a private tutor at Nürnberg. He was then, on St. Bartholomew's Day, 1732, instituted as pastor of Neckargröningen, on the Neckar, near Marbach. In 1736 he became pastor of his native place, and in 1748 pastor at Steinheim, near Heidenheim. In his third year of residence at Steinheim he lost his voice, and had to employ an assistant to preach. He died at Steinheim, April 24, 1769. (Koch, v. 107-126; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, xii. 425-426, &c.) Of Hiller’s hymns the best appeared in:— (1) Arndt's Paradiss-Gartlein… teutsche Lieder, Nürnberg, N.D. [the copy in Berlin has a frontispiece dated 1730]. This was written during the time he was tutor at Nürnberg. P. Gerhardt had founded the fine hymn "O Jesu Christ, mein schönstes Licht," (q.v.) on one of the prayers in the volume of devotions which Johann Arndt had published, 1612, under the title of Paradies-Gärtlein; and Gerhardt's example led Hiller to think of turning the whole of these prayers into hymns. The book is in four parts, and contains 301 hymns, 297 being founded on Arndt and four original. (2) Geistliches Liederkästlein, Stuttgart, 1762, and a second series, Stuttgart, 1767. Each series contains 366 short hymns, one for each day of the year. A complete reprint of these and the other hymns of Hiller (1075 in all) wased. by C. C. E. Ehmann in 1844 (2nd ed. 1858). Hiller is the most productive and most important of the earlier hymnwriters of Württemberg; and is the poetical exponent of the practical theology of his friend J. A. Bengel. The hymns of his Paradiss-Gärtlein, while clear and Scriptural, are decidedly spun out (see No. xii. below). His Liederkästlein, contains the hymns of his riper years, and reveals a depth of spiritual wisdom, an almost proverbial conciseness, an adaptation to console and direct in the most diverse events of life, and the most varied experiences of the soul, a suitability as a manual for daily devotion, and a simple popularity of style that speedily endeared it to the pious in Southern Germany. It has passed through many editions in Germany, while colonists (especially from Württemberg) have carried it from thence wherever they went. It is said, e.g., that when a German colony in the Caucasus was attacked by a hostile Circassian tribe some fifty years ago the parents cut up their copies of the Liederkästlein and divided the leaves among their children as they were being torn from them into slavery. The use of Hiller's hymns in Germany has principally been in the hymnbooks of Württemberg, and, through J. J. Bambach's Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, in Hannover. The following have passed into English:— I. Hymns in English common use: i. Herr über Leben und der Tod. Cross and Consolation. 1730, pt. iii. p. 332, founded on Arndt's Prayer, 26 (28) of Class iii. The part translated is stanzas viii.-xiv., "Herr, meine Burg, Herr Zebaoth," which is founded on the fourth part of the third section of Arndt's Prayer. The text is in Ehmann's Hiller, Nos. 885, 886. Translated as:— 0 God of Hosts! 0 mighty Lord, a translation of stanzas viii., xiii., xiv., signed "F. C. C.," as No. 162 in Dr. Pagenstecher's Collection, 1864. ii. Mein Gott in deine Hände. For the Dying. Liederkästlein, pt. ii., 1767, for August 3, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines, founded on Ps. xxxi. 6. In Ehmann, No. 986, and in Knapp's Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz, 1837 and 1865. Translated as:— My God, to Thee I now commend, a good translation of stanzas i., iii., iv., vi., viii., ix., by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 1st Ser., 1855, p. 245. In her 2nd ed., 1856, she substituted a translation of st. vii. for that of stanza vi. The text of 1856 is in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 194, and in the Ohio Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal, 1880; and the text of 1855 in the Pennsylvania Lutheran Church Book, 1868. Another translation is: "My God, within Thy hand," by Miss Warner, 1858, p. 480. iii. Mein Hers, du mustt im Himmel sein. Eternal Life. Liederkästlein, p. ii., 1767, for Jan. 26, in 4 stanzas of 7 lines, founded on St. Matt. vi. 21. In Ehmann, No. 639, and Knapp's Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz, 1837. Translated as :— Aspire, my heart, on high to live, in full, by Dr. H. Mills, in his Horae Germanicae, 1845 (1856, p. 86), repeated, omitting stanzas iv., as No. 220 in the American Lutheran General Synod's Collection, 1850-52. iv. Wir warten dein, o Gottes Sehn. Second Advent. Liederkästlein, pt. ii., 1767, for Jan. 24, in 4 stanzas of 8 lines, founded on 1 Thess. i. 9, 10. In Ehmann, No. 1041, and the Württemberg Gesang-Buch, 1842, No. 640. Translated as:-— We wait for Thee, all glorious One, a good and full translation by J. D. Burns, in the Family Treasury, 1859, pt. ii. p. 111, and his Remains, 1869, p. 264. Included in the Christian Hymn Book, Cincinnati, 1865, and in H. L. Hastings's Songs of Pilgrimage, 1886. Another translation is: "We wait for Thee, O Son of God," in the British Herald, April, 1866, p. 252, and Reid's Praise Book, 1872. This follows the altered form in C. B. Garve's Christliche Gesänge, 1825. II. Hymns not in English common use: v. Abgrund wesentlicher Liebe. Love of God. 1730, pt. ii. p. 25, founded on Prayer 4 in Class II. of Arndt, which is "Thanksgiving for the Love of God, and prayer for it." Translated as, "Thou fathomless Abyss of Love," by Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 281. vi. Angenehmes Krankenbette. For the Sick. Liederkästlein, 1762, p. 338, for Dec. 3, in 3 stanzas, founded on St. Luke v. 18. Translated as, "Bed of Sickness! thou art sweet," by Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 283. vii. Betet an, verlorne Sünder. Lent. Liederkästlein, 1762, p. 43, for Feb. 18, in 3 stanzas, founded on St. Matt, xviii. 14. Translated as, "Sinners, pray! for mercy pleading," by Dr. H. Mills, 1856, p. 50. viii. Das Lamm, am Kreuzesstamme. For the Dying. Liederkästlein, pt. ii., 1767, for Feb. 12, in 8 stanzas, founded on Acts vii. 59. In the Württemberg Gesang-Buch, 1842, No. 609, altered to “Der Hirt, am Kreuz gestorben." This form is translated as, "The Shepherd by His passion," by J. D. Burns, in the Family Treasury, 1859, pt. ii. p. 61, and his Remains, 1869, p. 266. ix. Die Liebe darf wohl weinen. Burial of the Dead. Liederkästlein, 1762, p. 286, for Oct. 12, in 7 stanzas, founded on l Thess. iv. 13. Translated as, "Love over the departed," by J. D. Burns in his Remains, 1869, p. 253. x. Die Welt kommt einst zusammen. Second Advent. Liederkästlein, pt. ii., 1767, for Jan. 2, in 5 stanzas, founded on 2 Cor. v. 10. Translated as, "The world shall yet be cited," by J. D. Burns in the Family Treasury, 1859, pt. ii. P. 111, and his Remains, 1869, p. 263. xi. Herr, meine Leibeshütte. For the Dying. Liederkästlein, pt. ii., 1767, for Feb. 18, in 8 stanzas, founded on 2 Peter, i. 14. The translations are: (l) "Lord, my house of clay," by Miss Warner, 1858, p. 605. (2) "My fleshly house is sinking now," by Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 102. xii. Mein Jesus sitzt zur rechten Hand. Ascensiontide. 1730, pt iii. p. 408, as stanzas 118-125 of the hymn on Arndt's prayer 27 (29) in Class III. This prayer is a long paraphrase of the Apostles' Creed. Translated as, "Our Jesus now at God's right hand," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 330). xiii. Singet Gott, denn Gott ist liebe. The Love of God. Liederkästlein, 1762, p. 51, for Feb. 20, in 3 stanzas, founded on 1 John iv. 16. The translations are: (1) "God is love—-then sing His praises," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 16). (2) "God is love, sing loud before Him," by J. D. Burns in his Remains, 1869, p. 231. xiv. Singt doch unserm König. Ascensiontide. Liederkästlein, 1762, p. 328, for Nov. 23, in 3 stanzas, founded on Ps. xcvi. 10. Translated as, “Laud your King and Saviour," by J. Sheppard in bis Foreign Sacred Lyre. 1857, p. 94. xv. Untheilbare Dreifaltigkeit. Trinity Sunday. 1730, pt. ii. p. 226, founded on Arndt’s prayer 25 in Class II., entitled “Thanksgiving for the revelation of the Holy Trinity." The translation is from the recast of st. vi.-xii. made by J. S. Diterich for the Berlin Gesang-Buch, 1765, No. 51, and beginning "Lob, Ehre, Preis und Dank sel dir." Translated as, "Love, honour, thanks, to Thee we raise," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 110). xvi. Was freut mich noch wenn du's nicht bist. Joy in God. Liederkästlein, 1762, for June 20, in 2 stanzas, founded on Ps. xliii. 4. Translated as, "What earthly joy can fill my heart," by R. Massie in the British Herald, Nov. 1865, p. 175. xvii. Wer ausharrt bis ans Ende. Cross and Consolation. Liederkästlein, pt. ii., 1767, for May 19, in 4 stanzas, founded on St. Matt. xxiv. 13. Translated as,"He who to death maintaineth," by J. D. Burns in his Remains, 1869, p. 261. xviii. Wer kann dein Thun begreifen. God's Power. Liederkästlein, 1762, p. 18, for Jan. 18, in 3 stanzas, founded on Is. xlv. 7. Translated as, "Who, Lord, Thy deeds can measure," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 15). [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) =============================== Hiller, Philipp F., p. 524, ii. His hymn "Gottes Sohn, in Fleisch gekleidet" (Christmas), from his Liederkastlein, 1762, is translation by Dr. Loy, in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880, as "God in human flesh appearing." --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

J. M. Neale

1818 - 1866 Person Name: Dr. J. M. Neale Author of "The Pure in Heart" in Christian Life Songs John M. Neale's life is a study in contrasts: born into an evangelical home, he had sympathies toward Rome; in perpetual ill health, he was incredibly productive; of scholarly tem­perament, he devoted much time to improving social conditions in his area; often ignored or despised by his contemporaries, he is lauded today for his contributions to the church and hymnody. Neale's gifts came to expression early–he won the Seatonian prize for religious poetry eleven times while a student at Trinity College, Cambridge, England. He was ordained in the Church of England in 1842, but ill health and his strong support of the Oxford Movement kept him from ordinary parish ministry. So Neale spent the years between 1846 and 1866 as a warden of Sackville College in East Grinstead, a retirement home for poor men. There he served the men faithfully and expanded Sackville's ministry to indigent women and orphans. He also founded the Sisterhood of St. Margaret, which became one of the finest English training orders for nurses. Laboring in relative obscurity, Neale turned out a prodigious number of books and artic1es on liturgy and church history, including A History of the So-Called Jansenist Church of Holland (1858); an account of the Roman Catholic Church of Utrecht and its break from Rome in the 1700s; and his scholarly Essays on Liturgiology and Church History (1863). Neale contributed to church music by writing original hymns, including two volumes of Hymns for Children (1842, 1846), but especially by translating Greek and Latin hymns into English. These translations appeared in Medieval Hymns and Sequences (1851, 1863, 1867), The Hymnal Noted (1852, 1854), Hymns of the Eastern Church (1862), and Hymns Chiefly Medieval (1865). Because a number of Neale's translations were judged unsingable, editors usually amended his work, as evident already in the 1861 edition of Hymns Ancient and Modern; Neale claimed no rights to his texts and was pleased that his translations could contribute to hymnody as the "common property of Christendom." Bert Polman ======================== Neale, John Mason, D.D., was born in Conduit Street, London, on Jan. 24, 1818. He inherited intellectual power on both sides: his father, the Rev. Cornelius Neale, having been Senior Wrangler, Second Chancellor's Medallist, and Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, and his mother being the daughter of John Mason Good, a man of considerable learning. Both father and mother are said to have been "very pronounced Evangelicals." The father died in 1823, and the boy's early training was entirely under the direction of his mother, his deep attachment for whom is shown by the fact that, not long before his death, he wrote of her as "a mother to whom I owe more than I can express." He was educated at Sherborne Grammar School, and was afterwards a private pupil, first of the Rev. William Russell, Rector of Shepperton, and then of Professor Challis. In 1836 he went up to Cambridge, where he gained a scholarship at Trinity College, and was considered the best man of his year. But he did not inherit his father's mathematical tastes, and had, in fact, the greatest antipathy to the study; and as the strange rule then prevailed that no one might aspire to Classical Honours unless his name had appeared in the Mathematical Tripos, he was forced to be content with an ordinary degree. This he took in 1840; had he been one year later, he might have taken a brilliant degree, for in 1841 the rule mentioned above was rescinded. He gained, however, what distinctions he could, winning the Members' Prize, and being elected Fellow and Tutor of Downing College; while, as a graduate, he won the Seatonian Prize no fewer than eleven times. At Cambridge he identified himself with the Church movement, which was spreading there in a quieter, but no less real, way than in the sister University. He became one of the founders of the Ecclesiological, or, as it was commonly called, the Cambridge Camden Society, in conjunction with Mr. E. J. Boyce, his future brother-in-law, and Mr. Benjamin Webb, afterwards the well-known Vicar of St. Andrew's, Wells Street, and editor of The Church Quarterly Review. In 1842 he married Miss Sarah Norman Webster, the daughter of an evangelical clergyman, and in 1843 he was presented to the small incumbency of Crawley in Sussex. Ill health, however, prevented him from being instituted to the living. His lungs were found to be badly affected; and, as the only chance of saving his life, he was obliged to go to Madeira, where he stayed until the summer of 1844. In 1846 he was presented by Lord Delaware to the Wardenship of Sackville College, East Grinstead. This can hardly be considered as an ecclesiastical preferment, for both his predecessor and his successor were laymen. In fact the only ecclesiastical preferment that ever was offered to him was the Provostship of St. Ninian's, Perth. This was an honourable office, for the Provostship is equivalent to a Deanery in England, but it was not a lucrative one, being worth only £100 a year. He was obliged to decline it, as the climate was thought too cold for his delicate health. In the quiet retreat of East Grinstead, therefore, Dr. Neale spent the remainder of his comparatively short life, dividing his time between literary work, which all tended, directly or indirectly, to the advancement of that great Church revival of which he was so able and courageous a champion, and the unremitting care of that sisterhood of which he was the founder. He commenced a sisterhood at Rotherfield on a very small scale, in conjunction with Miss S. A. Gream, daughter of the rector of the parish; but in 1856 he transferred it to East Grinstead, where, under the name of St. Margaret's, it has attained its present proportions. Various other institutions gradually arose in connection with this Sisterhood of St. Margaret's, viz., an Orphanage, a Middle Class School for girls, and a House at Aldershot for the reformation of fallen women. The blessing which the East Grinstead Sisters have been to thousands of the sick and suffering cannot here be told. But it must be mentioned that Dr. Neale met with many difficulties, and great opposition from the outside, which, on one occasion, if not more, culminated in actual violence. In 1857 he was attending the funeral of one of the Sisters at Lewes, when a report was spread that the deceased had been decoyed into St. Margaret's Home, persuaded to leave all her money to the sisterhood, and then purposely sent to a post in which she might catch the scarlet fever of which she died. To those who knew anything of the scrupulously delicate and honourable character of Dr. Neale, such a charge would seem absurd on the face of it; but mobs are not apt to reflect, and it was very easy to excite a mob against the unpopular practices and sentiments rife at East Grinstead; and Dr. Neale and some Sisters who were attending the funeral were attacked and roughly handled. He also found opponents in higher quarters; he was inhibited by the Bishop of the Diocese for fourteen years, and the Aldershot House was obliged to be abandoned, after having done useful work for some years, in consequence of the prejudice of officials against the religious system pursued. Dr. Neale's character, however, was a happy mixture of gentleness and firmness; he had in the highest degree the courage of his convictions, which were remarkably definite and strong; while at the same time he maintained the greatest charity towards, and forbearance with, others who did not agree with him. It is not surprising, therefore, that he lived all opposition down; and that, while from first to last his relations with the community at East Grinstead were of the happiest description, he was also, after a time, spared any molestation from without. The institution grew upon his hands, and he became anxious to provide it with a permanent and fitting home. His last public act was to lay the foundation of a new convent for the Sisters on St. Margaret's Day (July 20), 1865. He lived long enough to see the building progress, but not to see it completed. In the following spring his health, which had always been delicate, completely broke down, and after five months of acute suffering he passed away on the Feast of the Transfiguration (Aug. 6), 1866, to the bitter regret of the little community at East Grinstead and of numberless friends outside that circle. One trait of his singularly lovable character must not pass unnoticed. His charity, both in the popular and in the truer Christian sense of the word, was unbounded; he was liberal and almost lavish with his money, and his liberality extended to men of all creeds and opinions; while it is pleasing to record that his relations with his ecclesiastical superiors so much improved that he dedicated his volume of Seatonian Poems to the bishop of the diocese. If however success in life depended upon worldly advantages, Dr. Neale's life would have to be pronounced a failure; for, as his old friend, Dr. Littledale, justly complains, "he spent nearly half his life where he died, in the position of warden of an obscure Almshouse on a salary of £27 a year." But, measured by a different standard, his short life assumes very different proportions. Not only did he win the love and gratitude of those with whom he was immediately connected, but he acquired a world-wide reputation as a writer, and he lived to see that Church revival, to promote which was the great object of his whole career, already advancing to the position which it now occupies in the land of his birth. Dr. Neale was an industrious and voluminous writer both in prose and verse; it is of course with the latter class of his writings that this sketch is chiefly concerned; but a few words must first be said about the former. I.— Prose Writings.— His first compositions were in the form of contributions to The Ecclesiologist, and were written during his graduate career at Cambridge. Whilst he was in Madeira he began to write his Commentary on the Psalms, part of which was published in 1860. It was afterwards given to the world, partly written by him and partly by his friend, Dr. Littledale, in 4 vols., in 1874, under the title of A Commentary on the Psalms, from Primitive and Mediaeval Writers. This work has been criticised as pushing the mystical interpretation to an extravagant extent. But Dr. Neale has anticipated and disarmed such criticism by distinctly stating at the commencement that "not one single mystical interpretation throughout the present Commentary is original;" and surely such a collection has a special value as a wholesome correction of the materialistic and rationalistic tendencies of the age. His next great work, written at Sackville College, was The History of the Holy Eastern Church. The General Introduction was published in 1847; then followed part of the History itself, The Patriarchate of Alexandria, in 2 vols.; and after his death another fragment was published, The History of the Patriarchate of Antioch, to which was added, Constantius's Memoirs of the Patriarchs of Antioch, translated from the Greek, edited by the Rev. G. Williams, 1 vol. The whole fragment was published in 5 vols. (1847-1873). The work is spoken very highly of, and constantly referred to, by Dean Stanley in his Lectures on the History of the Eastern Church. Dr. Neale was naturally in strong sympathy with the struggling Episcopal Church of Scotland, and to show that sympathy he published, in 1856, The Life and Times of Patrick Torry, D.D., Bishop of St. Andrews, &c, with an Appendix on the Scottish Liturgy. In the same direction was his History of the so-called Jansenist Church in Holland, 1858. Next followed Essays on Liturgiology and Church History, with an Appendix on Liturgical Quotations from the Isapostolical Fathers by the Rev. G. Moultrie, 1863, a 2nd edition of which, with an interesting Preface by Dr. Littledale, was published in 1867. It would be foreign to the purpose of this article to dwell on his other prose works, such as his published sermons, preached in Sackville College Chapel, his admirable little devotional work, Readings for the Aged, which was a selection from these sermons; the various works he edited, such as the Tetralogia Liturgica, the Sequentiae ex Missalibus Germanicis, Anglicis, Gallicis, aliisque Medii Aevi Collectae; his edition of The Primitive Liturgies of S. Mark, S. Clement, S. James, S. Chrysostom and S. Basil, with a Preface by Dr. Littledale; his Translation of the same; his many stories from Church History, his Voices from the East, translated from the Russ, and his various articles contributed to the Ecclesiologist, The Christian Remembrance, The Morning Chronicle, and The Churchman's Companion. It is time to pass on to that with which we are directly concerned. II. —Poetical Writings.— As a sacred poet, Dr. Neale may be regarded under two aspects, as an original writer and as a translator. i. Original Writer.—Of his original poetry, the first specimen is Hymns for Children, published in 1842, which reached its 10th edition the year after his death. It consists of 33 short hymns, the first 19 for the different days of the week and different parts of the day, the last 14 for the different Church Seasons. This little volume was followed in 1844 by Hymns for the Young, which was intended to be a sequel to the former, its alternative title being A Second Series of Hymns for Children; but it is designed for an older class than the former, for young people rather than for children. The first 7 hymns are "for special occasions," as "on goiug to work," “leaving home” &c.; the next 8 on "Church Duties and Privileges," "Confirmation," "First Holy Communion," &c, the last 13 on "Church Festivals,” which, oddly enough, include the Four Ember Seasons, Rogation Days, and the Sundays in Advent. In both these works the severe and rigid style, copied, no doubt, from the old Latin hymns, is very observable. Perhaps this has prevented them from being such popular favourites as they otherwise might have been; but they are quite free from faults into which a writer of hymns for children is apt to fall. They never degenerate into mere prose in rhyme; and in every case the purity as well as the simplicity of their diction is very remarkable. In the same year (1844) he also published Songs and Ballads for Manufacturers, which were written during his sojourn in Madeira, and the aim of which (he tells us) was "to set forth good and sound principles in metaphors which might, from their familiarity, come home to the hearts of those to whom they were addressed." They are wonderfully spirited both in matter and manner, and their freedom of style is as remarkable as the rigidity of the former works. They were followed eleven years later (1855) by a similar little work entitled Songs and Ballads for the People. This is of a more aggressive and controversial character than the previous ones, dealing boldly with such burning questions as "The Teetotallers," "Why don't you go to Meeting?" &c. Passing over the Seatonian Poems, most of which were of course written before those noticed above, we next come to the Hymns for the Side, which is a fitting companion to the Readings for the Aged, and then to Sequences, Hymns, and other Ecclesiastical Verses, which was published just after the author's death (1866), and may be regarded as a sort of dying legacy to the world. In fact, the writer almost intimates as much in the preface, where he speaks of himself as "one who might soon be called to have done with earthly composition for ever." Many of the verses, indeed, were written earlier, "forty years ago," he says, which is evidently intended for twenty. The preface is dated "In the Octave of S. James, 1866," and within a fortnight, on the Feast of the Transfiguration, “the veil” (to use the touching words of his old friend, Dr. Littledale) "was withdrawn from before his eyes, and the song hushed on earth is now swelling the chorus of Paradise." Was it an accident that these verses dwell so much on death and the life beyond the grave? or did the coming event cast its shadow before? Not that there is any sadness of tone about them; quite the reverse. He contemplates death, but it is with the eye of a Christian from whom the sting of death has been removed. Most of the verses are on subjects connected with the Church Seasons, especially with what are called the "Minor Festivals:" but the first and last poems are on different subjects. The first, the "Prologue," is "in dear memory of John Keble, who departed on Maundy Thursday, 1866, "and is a most touching tribute from one sacred poet to another whom he was about to follow within a few months to the "land that is very far off." The last is a poetical version of the legend of "the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus," and is, the writer thinks, "the first attempt to apply to primitive Christianity that which is, to his mind, the noblest of our measures." That measure is the hexameter, and undoubtedly Dr. Neale employed it, as he did all his measures, with great skill and effect; but it may be doubted whether the English language, in which the quantities of syllables are not so clearly defined as in Latin and Greek, is quite adapted for that measure. Throughout this volume, Dr. Neale rises to a far higher strain than he had ever reached before. ii. Translations.— It is in this species of composition that Dr. Neale's success was pre-eminent, one might almost say unique. He had all the qualifications of a good translator. He was not only an excellent classical scholar in the ordinary sense of the term, but he was also positively steeped in mediaeval Latin. An anecdote given in an appreciative notice by "G. M." [Moultrie] happily illustrates this:— Dr. Neale "was invited by Mr. Keble and the Bishop of Salisbury to assist them with their new hymnal, and for this purpose he paid a visit to Hursley Parsonage." On one occasion Mr. Keble "having to go to another room to find some papers was detained a short time. On his return Dr. Neale said, ‘Why, Keble, I thought you told me that the "Christian Year" was entirely original.' ‘Yes,' he answered, 'it certainly is.' ‘Then how comes this?' and Dr. Neale placed before him the Latin of one of Keble's hymns. Keble professed himself utterly confounded. He protested that he had never seen this 'original,' no, not in all his life. After a few minutes Neale relieved him by owning that he had just turned it into Latin in his absence." Again, Dr. Neale's exquisite ear for melody prevented him from spoiling the rhythm by too servile an imitation of the original; while the spiritedness which is a marked feature of all his poetry preserved that spring and dash which is so often wanting in a translation. (i.) Latin.— Dr. Neale's translations from the Latin include (1.) Mediaeval Hymns and Sequences (1851). He was the, first to introduce to the English reader Sequences, that is, as he himself describes them, " hymns sung between the Epistle and Gospel in the Mass," or, as he explains more definitely, "hymns whose origin is to be looked for in the Alleluia of the Gradual sung between the Epistle and the Gospel." He was quite an enthusiast about this subject:— "It is a magnificent thing,” he says, "to pass along the far-stretching vista of hymns, from the sublime self-containedness of S. Ambrose to the more fervid inspiration of S. Gregory, the exquisite typology of Venantius Fortunatus, the lovely painting of St. Peter Damiani, the crystal-like simplicity of S. Notker, the scriptural calm of Godescalcus, the subjective loveliness of St. Bernard, till all culminate in the full blaze of glory which surrounds Adam of S. Victor, the greatest of them all." Feeling thus what a noble task he had before him, it is no wonder that he spared no pains over it, or that he felt it his duty to adopt "the exact measure and rhyme of the original, at whatever inconvenience and cramping." That he succeeded in his difficult work, the verdict of the public has sufficiently proved. Of all the translations in the English language no one has ever been so popular as that of the Hora Novissima, in this volume, afterwards (1858) published separately, under the title of the Rhythm of Bernard de Morlaix, Monk of Cluny. Some original hymns may be as well known as "Jerusalem the Golden," "For thee, O dear, dear country," or "Brief life is here our portion,” but it would be hard to find any translations which come near them for extensive use. A second edition of the Mediaeval Hymns, much improved, came out in 1863, and a third, "with very numerous additions and corrections," in 1867. (2.) We next come to the Hymnal Noted, in which 94 out of the 105 hymns are the work of Dr. Neale. These are all translations from the Latin. The first part appeared in 1852, the second in 1854. Dr. Neale has himself given us an interesting account of his connection with this work:— "Some," he writes, "of the happiest and most instructive hours of my life were spent in the Sub-Committee of the Ecclesiological Society, appointed for the purpose of bringing out the Second Part of the Hymnal Noted It was my business to lay before them the translations I had prepared, and theirs to correct. The study which this required drew out the beauties of the original in a way which nothing else could have done, and the friendly collisions of various minds elicited ideas which a single translator would in all probability have missed." Preface, Mediaeval Hymns & Sequences (3.) The last volume of translations from the Latin published by Dr. Neale appeared in 1865, under the title of Hymns, chiefly Mediaeval, on the Joys and Glories of Paradise. It was intended to be a companion volume to the Rhythm of Bernard of Cluny. In this work the writer gives the general reader an opportunity of comparing the translation with the original by printing the two together in parallel pages. Before quitting the subject of Dr. Neale's translations from the Latin, it is only fair to notice that while they have been almost universally accepted by the English Church, and some of them adopted by dissenting congregations, they called down upon the translator a storm of indignation from an opposite quarter. The Roman Catholics accused him of deliberate deception because he took no pains to point out that he had either softened down or entirely ignored the Roman doctrines in those hymns. So far, they said, as the originals were concerned, these translations were deliberate misrepresentations. As however the translations were intended for the use of the Anglican Church, it was only to be expected that Neale should omit such hymns or portions of hymns as would be at variance with her doctrines and discipline. (ii.) Greek.— Dr. Neale conferred even a greater boon upon the lovers of hymnology than by his translations from the Latin, when he published, in 1862, his Hymns of the Eastern Church. In his translations from the Latin he did what others had done before; but in his translations from the Greek he was opening entirely new ground. "It is," he says in his preface to the first edition, "a most remarkable fact, and one which shows how very little interest has been hitherto felt in the Eastern Church, that these are literally, I believe, the only English versions of any part of the treasures of Oriental Hymnology." As early as 1853 he had printed a few of his versions in The Ecclesiastic, but it was not till the appearance of the complete volume that the interest of the general public was awakened in them. Then they became wonderfully popular. His translations "Christian, dost thou see them?" "The day is past and over," "'Tis the day of Resurrection," and his Greek-inspired "Art thou weary," and "O happy band of pilgrims," are almost as great favourites as "Jerusalem the golden," and the first in his Hymns of the Eastern Church, "Fierce was the wild billow," deserves to be. Dr. Neale had a far more difficult task before him when he undertook these Greek hymns than he had with the Latin, and he appeals to the reader "not to forget the immense difficulty of an attempt so perfectly new as the present, when I have had no predecessors and therefore could have no master." That difficulty in comparison with the Latin cannot be better stated than in his own words:— "Though the superior terseness and brevity of the Latin hymns renders a translation which shall represent those qualities a work of great labour, yet still the versifier has the help of the same metre; his version may be line for line; and there is a great analogy between the collects and the hymns, most helpful to the translator. Above all, we have examples enough of former translation by which we may take pattern. But in attempting a Greek canon, from the fact of its being in prose (metrical hymns are unknown) one is all at sea. What measure shall we employ? Why this more than that? Might we attempt the rhythmical prose of the original, and design it to be chanted? Again, the great length of the canons renders them un suitable for our churches as wholes. Is it better simply to form centos of the more beautiful passages? or can separate odes, each necessarily imperfect, be employed as separate hymns? . . . My own belief is that the best way to employ Greek hymnology for the uses of the English Church would be by centos." That, in spite of these difficulties, Dr. Neale succeeded, is obvious. His Greek hymns are, indeed, adaptations rather than translations; but, besides their intrinsic beauty, they at any rate give some idea of what the Greek hymn-writers were. In this case, as in his translations from the Latin, he omitted what he held was not good from his Anglican point of view, e.g., the Doxologies to the Blessed Virgin Mary. One point strikes us as very remarkable in these hymns, and indeed in all Dr. Neale's poetry, viz., its thorough manliness of tone. Considering what his surroundings were, one might have expected a feminine tone in his writings. Dr. Littledale, in his most vivid and interesting sketch of Dr. Neale's life, to which the present writer is largely indebted, has remarked the same with regard to his teaching: "Instead of committing the grave error of feminising his sermons and counsels [at St. Margaret's] because he had only women to deal with, he aimed at showing them the masculine side of Christianity also, to teach them its strength as well as its beauty." In conclusion, it may be observed that no one had a higher opinion of the value of Dr. Neale's labours in the field of ancient and mediaeval hymnology than the one man whose competency to speak with authority on such a point Dr. Neale himself would assuredly have rated above that of all others. Over and over again Dr. Neale pays a tribute to the services rendered by Archbishop Trench in this domain; and the present sketch cannot more fitly close than with the testimony which Archbishop Trench has given of his sense of the services rendered by Dr. Neale. The last words of his preface to his Sacred Latin Poetry (ed. 1864) are:—" I will only, therefore, mention that by patient researches in almost all European lands, he [Dr. Neale] has brought to light a multitude of hymns unknown before: in a treatise on sequences, properly so-called, has for the first time explained their essential character; while to him the English reader owes versions of some of the best hymns, such as often successfully overcome the almost insuperable difficulties which many among them present to the translator." [Rev. J. H. Overton, D.D.] Dr. Neale's original hymns and translations appeared in the following works, most of which are referred to in the preceding article, and all of which are grouped together here to facilitate reference:— (1) Hymns for Children. Intended chiefly for Village Schools. London, Masters, 1842. (2) Hymns for the Sick. London, Masters, 1843, improved ed. 1849. (3) Hymns for the Young. A Second Series of Hymns for Children. London, Masters, 1844. (4) Songs and Ballads for Manufacturers. London, Masters, 1844. (5) Hymns for Children. A Third Series. London, Masters, 1846. (6) Mediaeval Hymns and Sequences. London, Masters. 1851; 2nd ed. 1861; 3rd. ed. 1863. (7) Hymnal Noted. London, Masters & Novello, 1852: enlarged 1854. Several of the translations were by other hands. Musical editions edited by the Rev. T. Helmore. It is from this work that a large number of Dr. Neale's translations from the Latin are taken. (8) Carols for Christmas and Eastertide. 1853. (9) Songs and Ballads for the People. 1855. (10) The Rhythm of Bernard de Morlaix, Monk of Cluny, on the Celestial Country. London, Hayes, 1st ed. 1858: 3rd ed., with revision of text, 1861. It contains both the Latin and the English translation. (11) Hymns of The Eastern Church, Translated with Notes and an Introduction. London, Hayes, 1862: 2nd ed. 1862: 3rd ed. 1866 : 4th ed., with Music and additional notes, edited by The Very Rev. S. G. Hatherly, Mus. B., Archpriest of the Patriarchal (Ecumenical Throne. London, Hayes, 1882. Several of these translations and notes appeared in The Ecclesiastic and Theologian, in 1853. (12) Hymns, Chiefly Mediaeval, on the Joys and Glories of Paradise. London, Hayes, 1865. This work contains notes on the hymns, and the Latin texts of the older amongst them. (13) Original Sequences, Hymns, and other Ecclesiastical Verses. London, Hayes, 1866. This collection of Original verse was published posthumously by Dr. Littledale. In addition to these works Dr. Neale published collections of Latin verse as:— 1.) Hymni Ecclesiae e Breviariis quibusdam et Missalibus Gallicanis, Germanis, Hispanis, Lusitanis, desumpti. Oxford & Lond. J. H. Parker, 1851: and (2) Sequentiae e Missalibus Germanicis, Anglicis, Gallicis, aliisque Medii Aevi collectae. Oxford & Lond. J. H. Parker, 1852. A few of his translations appeared from time to time in The Ecclesiastic; and a few of his original hymns in The Christian Remembrancer. In the collection compiled for use at St. Margaret's, East Grinstead, St. Margaret's Hymnal, Printed Privately for the use of the Community only, 1875, there are several of his hymns not traceable elsewhere. [Many of his translations and original compositions are not listed here]. Some of the original hymns in common use which remain to be noted are:— i. From Hymns for Children, 1842. 1. No more sadness now, nor fasting. Christmas. 2. 0 Thou, Who through this holy week. Passiontide. 3. The day, 0 Lord, is spent. Evening. 4. The grass so green, the trees so tall. Morning of the Third Day. 5. Thou art gone up, 0 Lord, on high. Evening. 6. Thou, Who earnest from above. Whitsuntide. 7. With Thee, 0 Lord, begins the year. Circumcision, or, the New Year. ii. From Hymns for the Sick, 1843. 8. By no new path untried before. Support in Sickness. 9. Count not, the Lord's Apostle saith. Communion of the Sick. 10. Lord, if he sleepeth, he shall sure do well. Watching. 11. 0 Thou, Who rising long before the day. In a sleepless Night. 12. The Lord hath given, the Lord hath taken away. Death and Burial. 13. There is a stream, whose waters rise. In dangerous Sickness or Fever. 14. They slumber not nor sleep. Guardian Angels. 15. Thy servants militant below. In Affliction. iii. From Hymns for the Young, 2nd series, 1844. 16. Lord Jesus, Who shalt come with power. Ember Week in Advent. 17. 0 God, in danger and distress. In time of Trouble. 18. 0 God, we raise our hearts to Thee. Ember-Week in Advent. From this, "0 Lord, we come before Thee now” is taken. 19. 0 God, Who lovest to abide. Dedication of a Church. 20. 0 our Father, hear us now. Rogation. The first of three hymns on The Lord's Prayer. 21. 0 Saviour, Who hast call'd away. Death of a Minister. 22. 0 Thou, Who lov'st to send relief. In Sickness. 23. 0 Thou, Who once didst bless the ground. Ember-Week in September. 24. 0 Thou, Who, when Thou hadst begun. On going to Work. 25. Still, 0 Lord of hosts, we share. Rogation. The Second of his hymns on The Lord's Prayer. 26. Strangers and pilgrims here below. On entering a new Dwelling to reside there. 27. They whose course on earth is o'er. Communion of Saints. From this, "Those whom many a land divides," is taken. 2S. Till its holy hours are past. Rogation. The third of his hymns on The Lord's Prayer. iv. Songs and Ballads for Manufacturers, 1844. 29. Work is over; God must speed it. Evening. v. Hymns for Children, 3rd series, 1846. 30. Before Thy Face, 0 God of old. St. John the Baptist. 31. By pain, and weariness, and doubt. St. Stephen. 32. First of the twelvefold band that trod. St. James. 33. Four streams through happy Eden flow'd. St. Mark. 34. Is there one who sets his face. St. Bartholomew. From this "He, for man who suffered woe," is taken. 35. Not a single sight we view. St. Matthias. 36. 0 Great Physician of the soul. St. Luke. 37. 0 Heavenly Wisdom, hear our cry. Christmas. “0 Sapientia." 38. 0 Key of David, hailed by those. Christmas. "0 Clavis David." 39. 0 Root of Jesse, Thou on Whom. Christmas. “O Radix Jesse." 40. 0 Thou, on Whom the nations [Gentiles] wait. Christmas. "0 Rex Gentium." 41. 0 Thou, Who earnest down of old [to call] . Christmas. "0 Adonai." 42. 0 Thou, Whose Name is God with us. Christmas. "0 Emmanuel." 43. 0 Very God of Very God. Christmas. "0 Oriens." 44. Saints of God, whom faith united. SS. Simon and Jude. 45. Since the time that first we came. St. Andrew. From this, "Every bird that upward springs," is taken. 46. That love is mighty love indeed. St. Barnabas. 47. We cannot plead, as others may. St. Matthew. 48. We have not seen, we cannot see. St. Thomas. 49. Would we go when life is o'er? St. Peter. v. Carols for Christmas and Eastertide. 1853. 50. Gabriel's message does away. Christmas. 51. Joy and gladness be to king and peasant. Christmas. 52. Joy to thee, joy to thee, Day of our victory. Easter. 53. Sing Alleluia, all ye lands. Easter. 54. The world itself keeps Easter Day. Easter. From this "There stood three Marys by the tomb," is taken. 55. With Christ we share a mystic grave. Easter or Holy Baptism. vi. From Sequences, Hymns, &c, 1866. 56. Can it, Master, can it be? Maundy Thursday. 57. Need it is we raise our eyes. All Saints. 58. Prostrate fell the Lord of all things. Maundy Thursday. 59. Rear the column, high and stately. All Saints. 60. The Paschal moonlight almost past. Easter. 61. Though the Octave-rainbow sometimes. Low Sunday. 62. When the earth was full of darkness. St. Margaret. 63. Young and old must raise the lay. Christmas Carol. vi. From the St. Margaret's Hymnal, 1875. 64. O gracious God, Who bid'st me now. On Leaving Some. 65. Thou Who came to save Thy people. For a School. 66. Thy praise the holy Infants shewed. Holy Innocents. These 66 hymns now in common use by no means represent Dr. Neale's position in modern hymnody. Many others must be added thereto. Even then, although the total is very large, it but feebly represents and emphasises the enormous influence which Di. Neale has exercised over modern hymnody. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Ignaz Franz

1719 - 1790 Author of "Grosser Gott, Wir Loben Dich!" in The Cyber Hymnal Ignaz Franz Poland 1719-1790. Born at Protzau, Silesia, he studied in Glaz andf Breslau. In 1742 he became a Roman Catholic priest. He served as chaplain at Gross-Glogau and vicar of Glogau in Silesia. In 1753 he was appointed archpriest at Schlawa, and assessor to the apostolic vicar's office in Breslau in 1766. He also functioned as the Assessor for Theological Affairs at the Apostolic Vicariate. He wrote hymn lyrics and compiled religious music. His works include “Katholisches Gesangbuch” (1744). He died at Breslau. John Perry

Isaac Watts

1674 - 1748 Person Name: Watts Author of "A broken heart, my God, my King" in African Methodist Episcopal hymn and tune book Isaac Watts was the son of a schoolmaster, and was born in Southampton, July 17, 1674. He is said to have shown remarkable precocity in childhood, beginning the study of Latin, in his fourth year, and writing respectable verses at the age of seven. At the age of sixteen, he went to London to study in the Academy of the Rev. Thomas Rowe, an Independent minister. In 1698, he became assistant minister of the Independent Church, Berry St., London. In 1702, he became pastor. In 1712, he accepted an invitation to visit Sir Thomas Abney, at his residence of Abney Park, and at Sir Thomas' pressing request, made it his home for the remainder of his life. It was a residence most favourable for his health, and for the prosecution of his literary labours. He did not retire from ministerial duties, but preached as often as his delicate health would permit. The number of Watts' publications is very large. His collected works, first published in 1720, embrace sermons, treatises, poems and hymns. His "Horae Lyricae" was published in December, 1705. His "Hymns" appeared in July, 1707. The first hymn he is said to have composed for religious worship, is "Behold the glories of the Lamb," written at the age of twenty. It is as a writer of psalms and hymns that he is everywhere known. Some of his hymns were written to be sung after his sermons, giving expression to the meaning of the text upon which he had preached. Montgomery calls Watts "the greatest name among hymn-writers," and the honour can hardly be disputed. His published hymns number more than eight hundred. Watts died November 25, 1748, and was buried at Bunhill Fields. A monumental statue was erected in Southampton, his native place, and there is also a monument to his memory in the South Choir of Westminster Abbey. "Happy," says the great contemporary champion of Anglican orthodoxy, "will be that reader whose mind is disposed, by his verses or his prose, to imitate him in all but his non-conformity, to copy his benevolence to men, and his reverence to God." ("Memorials of Westminster Abbey," p. 325.) --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A., 1872. ================================= Watts, Isaac, D.D. The father of Dr. Watts was a respected Nonconformist, and at the birth of the child, and during its infancy, twice suffered imprisonment for his religious convictions. In his later years he kept a flourishing boarding school at Southampton. Isaac, the eldest of his nine children, was born in that town July 17, 1674. His taste for verse showed itself in early childhood. He was taught Greek, Latin, and Hebrew by Mr. Pinhorn, rector of All Saints, and headmaster of the Grammar School, in Southampton. The splendid promise of the boy induced a physician of the town and other friends to offer him an education at one of the Universities for eventual ordination in the Church of England: but this he refused; and entered a Nonconformist Academy at Stoke Newington in 1690, under the care of Mr. Thomas Rowe, the pastor of the Independent congregation at Girdlers' Hall. Of this congregation he became a member in 1693. Leaving the Academy at the age of twenty, he spent two years at home; and it was then that the bulk of the Hymns and Spiritual Songs (published 1707-9) were written, and sung from manuscripts in the Southampton Chapel. The hymn "Behold the glories of the Lamb" is said to have been the first he composed, and written as an attempt to raise the standard of praise. In answer to requests, others succeeded. The hymn "There is a land of pure delight" is said to have been suggested by the view across Southampton Water. The next six years of Watts's life were again spent at Stoke Newington, in the post of tutor to the son of an eminent Puritan, Sir John Hartopp; and to the intense study of these years must be traced the accumulation of the theological and philosophical materials which he published subsequently, and also the life-long enfeeblement of his constitution. Watts preached his first sermon when he was twenty-four years old. In the next three years he preached frequently; and in 1702 was ordained pastor of the eminent Independent congregation in Mark Lane, over which Caryl and Dr. John Owen had presided, and which numbered Mrs. Bendish, Cromwell's granddaughter, Charles Fleetwood, Charles Desborough, Sir John Hartopp, Lady Haversham, and other distinguished Independents among its members. In this year he removed to the house of Mr. Hollis in the Minories. His health began to fail in the following year, and Mr. Samuel Price was appointed as his assistant in the ministry. In 1712 a fever shattered his constitution, and Mr. Price was then appointed co-pastor of the congregation which had in the meantime removed to a new chapel in Bury Street. It was at this period that he became the guest of Sir Thomas Abney, under whose roof, and after his death (1722) that of his widow, he remained for the rest of his suffering life; residing for the longer portion of these thirty-six years principally at the beautiful country seat of Theobalds in Herts, and for the last thirteen years at Stoke Newington. His degree of D.D. was bestowed on him in 1728, unsolicited, by the University of Edinburgh. His infirmities increased on him up to the peaceful close of his sufferings, Nov. 25, 1748. He was buried in the Puritan restingplace at Bunhill Fields, but a monument was erected to him in Westminster Abbey. His learning and piety, gentleness and largeness of heart have earned him the title of the Melanchthon of his day. Among his friends, churchmen like Bishop Gibson are ranked with Nonconformists such as Doddridge. His theological as well as philosophical fame was considerable. His Speculations on the Human Nature of the Logos, as a contribution to the great controversy on the Holy Trinity, brought on him a charge of Arian opinions. His work on The Improvement of the Mind, published in 1741, is eulogised by Johnson. His Logic was still a valued textbook at Oxford within living memory. The World to Come, published in 1745, was once a favourite devotional work, parts of it being translated into several languages. His Catechisms, Scripture History (1732), as well as The Divine and Moral Songs (1715), were the most popular text-books for religious education fifty years ago. The Hymns and Spiritual Songs were published in 1707-9, though written earlier. The Horae Lyricae, which contains hymns interspersed among the poems, appeared in 1706-9. Some hymns were also appended at the close of the several Sermons preached in London, published in 1721-24. The Psalms were published in 1719. The earliest life of Watts is that by his friend Dr. Gibbons. Johnson has included him in his Lives of the Poets; and Southey has echoed Johnson's warm eulogy. The most interesting modern life is Isaac Watts: his Life and Writings, by E. Paxton Hood. [Rev. H. Leigh Bennett, M.A.] A large mass of Dr. Watts's hymns and paraphrases of the Psalms have no personal history beyond the date of their publication. These we have grouped together here and shall preface the list with the books from which they are taken. (l) Horae Lyricae. Poems chiefly of the Lyric kind. In Three Books Sacred: i.To Devotion and Piety; ii. To Virtue, Honour, and Friendship; iii. To the Memory of the Dead. By I. Watts, 1706. Second edition, 1709. (2) Hymns and Spiritual Songs. In Three Books: i. Collected from the Scriptures; ii. Composed on Divine Subjects; iii. Prepared for the Lord's Supper. By I. Watts, 1707. This contained in Bk i. 78 hymns; Bk. ii. 110; Bk. iii. 22, and 12 doxologies. In the 2nd edition published in 1709, Bk. i. was increased to 150; Bk. ii. to 170; Bk. iii. to 25 and 15 doxologies. (3) Divine and Moral Songs for the Use of Children. By I. Watts, London, 1715. (4) The Psalms of David Imitated in the Language of the New Testament, And apply'd to the Christian State and Worship. By I. Watts. London: Printed by J. Clark, at the Bible and Crown in the Poultry, &c, 1719. (5) Sermons with hymns appended thereto, vol. i., 1721; ii., 1723; iii. 1727. In the 5th ed. of the Sermons the three volumes, in duodecimo, were reduced to two, in octavo. (6) Reliquiae Juveniles: Miscellaneous Thoughts in Prose and Verse, on Natural, Moral, and Divine Subjects; Written chiefly in Younger Years. By I. Watts, D.D., London, 1734. (7) Remnants of Time. London, 1736. 454 Hymns and Versions of the Psalms, in addition to the centos are all in common use at the present time. --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================================== Watts, I. , p. 1241, ii. Nearly 100 hymns, additional to those already annotated, are given in some minor hymn-books. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) ================= Watts, I. , p. 1236, i. At the time of the publication of this Dictionary in 1892, every copy of the 1707 edition of Watts's Hymns and Spiritual Songs was supposed to have perished, and all notes thereon were based upon references which were found in magazines and old collections of hymns and versions of the Psalms. Recently three copies have been recovered, and by a careful examination of one of these we have been able to give some of the results in the revision of pp. 1-1597, and the rest we now subjoin. i. Hymns in the 1709 ed. of Hymns and Spiritual Songs which previously appeared in the 1707 edition of the same book, but are not so noted in the 1st ed. of this Dictionary:— On pp. 1237, L-1239, ii., Nos. 18, 33, 42, 43, 47, 48, 60, 56, 58, 59, 63, 75, 82, 83, 84, 85, 93, 96, 99, 102, 104, 105, 113, 115, 116, 123, 124, 134, 137, 139, 146, 147, 148, 149, 162, 166, 174, 180, 181, 182, 188, 190, 192, 193, 194, 195, 197, 200, 202. ii. Versions of the Psalms in his Psalms of David, 1719, which previously appeared in his Hymns and Spiritual Songs, 1707:— On pp. 1239, U.-1241, i., Nos. 241, 288, 304, 313, 314, 317, 410, 441. iii. Additional not noted in the revision:— 1. My soul, how lovely is the place; p. 1240, ii. 332. This version of Ps. lxiv. first appeared in the 1707 edition of Hymns & Spiritual Songs, as "Ye saints, how lovely is the place." 2. Shine, mighty God, on Britain shine; p. 1055, ii. In the 1707 edition of Hymns & Spiritual Songs, Bk. i., No. 35, and again in his Psalms of David, 1719. 3. Sing to the Lord with [cheerful] joyful voice, p. 1059, ii. This version of Ps. c. is No. 43 in the Hymns & Spiritual Songs, 1707, Bk. i., from which it passed into the Ps. of David, 1719. A careful collation of the earliest editions of Watts's Horae Lyricae shows that Nos. 1, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, p. 1237, i., are in the 1706 ed., and that the rest were added in 1709. Of the remaining hymns, Nos. 91 appeared in his Sermons, vol. ii., 1723, and No. 196 in Sermons, vol. i., 1721. No. 199 was added after Watts's death. It must be noted also that the original title of what is usually known as Divine and Moral Songs was Divine Songs only. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907) =========== See also in: Hymn Writers of the Church

R. Birch Hoyle

1875 - 1939 Translator (st. 5) of "Holy God, We Praise Your Name" in Rejoice in the Lord Born: March 8, 1875, Clough­fold, Lan­ca­shire, Eng­land. Died: De­cem­ber 14, 1939, Wim­ble­don, Sur­rey, Eng­land. Hoyle at­tend­ed Re­gent’s Park Coll­ege in Lon­don, then pas­tored in Sud­bu­ry, Ab­er­deen, and Lon­don (1900-17), and in Bel­ve­dere, Kent (1923-26). He ed­it­ed the YMCA’s Red Tri­an­gle mag­az­ine, and was pro­fess­or of the­ol­o­gy at West­ern The­o­lo­gic­al Sem­in­a­ry, Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­van­ia (1934-36). He lat­er re­turned to Eng­land, pas­tor­ing at the Bap­tist church in Kings­ton-on-Thames. Some of his work ap­pears in the World Stu­dent Chris­tian Fed­er­a­tion hym­nal Can­ta­te Do­mi­no (1925). Translations: Holy God, Thy Name We Bless My Sav­ior and My Lord Thine Is the Glo­ry What Joy, to Think of That Vast Host

E. Margaret Clarkson

1915 - 2008 Person Name: Margaret Clarkson, 1915- Author of "Jesus, life of all the world" in The Book of Praise

Don Hustad

1918 - 2013 Person Name: Donald P. Hustad Composer (descant) of "GROSSER GOTT, WIR LOBEN DICH" in The Worshiping Church

Anthony G. Petti

1932 - 1985 Person Name: Anthony G. Petti 1932- Adapter of "Te deum laudamus" in The Australian Hymn Book with Catholic Supplement Petti, Anthony Gaetano. (London, England, February 12, 1932-- ). Roman Catholic. University College, London, B.A., 1955; M.A., 1957; D.Lit., 1970. While teaching English at the University of London (1955-1968) and the University of Calgary, Alberta (1969-?), and directing in both cities vocal and instrumental groups whose members shared his tastes, he did a great deal of research into Renaissance literature and music, particularly that produced by English Catholics, and published critical editions of many obscure and fascinating works. He reached out to a non-specialist audience with The New Catholic Hymns, for which he served as literary editor and made several translations, was published by Faber Music, London, in 1971; editions in several other countries soon followed, and his verses found their way into many other hymnbooks and breviaries. --Hugh D. McKellar, DNAH Archives

Christian Heinrich Zeller

1779 - 1860 Person Name: Christ. Heinr. Zeller Author of "Sieh' ein weites Todtenfeld" in Die Glaubensharfe (With Melodies) Zeller, Christian Heinrich, son of Christian David Zeller, Hofrath at Hohenentringen, near Tubingen, was born at Hohenentringen, March 29, 1779. He matriculated at the University of Tübingen in 1797, as a student of law. After completing his studies he chose, however, the profession of teaching. He became director of the Latin School at Zoffingen, Switzerland, in 1809, and finally removed in April, 1820; to Beuggen on the Rhine (Baden), near Basel, as director of the newly founded Institution there, meant for the education of poor children and for the training of teachers for poor children. He died at Beuggen, May 18, 1860 (Koch, vii. 188, &c). Zeller was best known as an educationist, and in con¬nection with the working of the Institution at Beuggen. His hymns, which are simple, Scriptural and earnest, were written primarily for use at Beuggen, and mostly appeared in the Monatsblatt (begun in 1828), and other publications of the Institution. They came into notice through their reception into Knapp's Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz, 1837. They were collected by Zeller's son, and published in 1871, as Lieder der Armenschullehrer-Anstalt Beuggen, 58 being original. Two of these hymns have passed into English, viz.:— i. Gott bei mir an jedem Orte. Omnipresence. On the joy of God's Presence with us. This appeared in the Monatsblatt in 1828, and was included in the 1871 as above, p. 88. In Knapp's Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz , 1837, No. 32 (1865, No. 32), in 6 stanzas of 6 lines; in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 1554, &c. The translation in common use is:— My God with me in every place. This is a good translation, omitting st. v., by Mrs. Findlater in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 1st Ser., 1854, p. 30 (1884, p. 33); repeated, omitting st. iv., in Holy Song, 1869, No. 588. In Miss Warner's Hymns of the Church Militant, 1858, it begins, "My God is with me every place." Another translation is: "God in every place is near me." By R. Massie, in the British Herald, May, 1865, p. 70, and in Reid's Praise Book, 1872, No. 438. ii. Treuer Heiland, wir sind hier. Public Worship. This is in the 1871 as above, p. 64. Included in Knapp's Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz 1837, No. 857 (1865, No. 1256), in 5 stanzas of 7 lines; and repeated in the Württemberg Gesang-Buch, 1842, No. 235. For this hymn Conrad Kocher wrote the well-known melody which in Hymns Ancient & Modern is called Dix, and which first appeared, set to Zeller's hymn, in Kocher's Stimmen aus dem Meiche Gottes, Stuttgart, 1838, No. 201. Translates as:— Saviour, here to Thee we come. This is a free translation of stanzas i., ii., v., marked as by "F. C. C.” as No. 155 in Dr. Pagenstecher's Collection, 1864. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Ken Barker

b. 1955 Composer (descant) of "GROSSER GOTT" in The Hymnal for Worship and Celebration

Jacob Gabriel Wolf

1682 - 1754 Person Name: J. G. Wolf Author of "Seele, was emüd'st du dich" in Gesangbuch der Evangelischen Gemeinschaft Wolff, Jakob Gabriel, LL.D., son of Jakob Wolff, sometime conrector at Greifswald, was born at Greifswald in 1684. He matriculated, in 1702, at the University of Greifswald, as a student of law. In 1705 went to Halle, where he graduated LL.D. In 1716 he was appointed extraordinary, and in 1724, ordinary professor of law at Halle, and afterwards received the title of Hofrath. He resigned his professorship in 1744, and died at Halle, Aug. 6, 1754 (Koch, iv. 375; Bode, p. 174; the Grischow-Kirchner Kurzgefasste Nachrichte, Halle, 1771, p. 54, &c). Wolff's hymns were mostly written early in life, principally during his student years at Halle. He was in thorough sympathy with the characteristic teachings of the Halle Pietists, and his hymns share in their excellences and defects. Some of them ate of considerable merit, elegant in style, earnest and glowing in devotion, and have attained considerable popularity in Germany. Nineteen were contributed to Freylinghausen's Neues geistreiches Gesang-Buch, 1714; and these, with nine others, were included in his autograph manuscript (see No. iv. below). Those of Wolff’s hymns which have passed into English are:— i. Es ist gewiss ein köstlich Ding. Patience. First published 1714 as above, No. 481, in 6 stanzas of 7 lines. In the Hannover Gesang-Buch, 1740, No. 653, with a new stanza as stanza vii. Translated as "It is, indeed, a precious thing," by Miss Manington, 1863, p. 59. ii. 0 wie selig ist die Seel. Love to Christ. First published 1714 as above, No. 418, in 12 stanzas of 4 lines. In the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 1257. The translations are: (1) "O how happy is the soul." As No. 688 in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. (2) "O those souls are highly blest." As No. 294 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789. In the 1801 and later eds. (1886, No. 390) it begins "Blest are they, supremely blest". iii. Seele, was ermüdst du dich. Heavenly Mindedness. First published 1714 as above, No. 401, in 12 stanzas of 6 lines, 1l. 5, 6 of each stanza being the popular refrain, "Suche Jesum und sein Licht; Alles andre hilft dir nicht." In the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No 338. Translated as "0 soul, why dost thou weary," by Miss Warner, 1869, p. 14. iv. Wohl dem der sich mit Fleiss bemühet. Christian Warfare. On True and False Christianity. This hymn is ascribed to Wolff, by Count Christian Ernst of Stolberg Wernigerode (d. 1771), and by Koch, iv., 570. In the Nachrich as above, p. 54, it is given under Wolff’s name; but Kirchner adds that it was not to be found in the autograph manuscript of Wolff’s hymns which he had bought at Wolff’s sale in 1755. It appears in the Berlin Gesang-Buch, 1711, No. 825, in 11 stanzas of 6 lines, and was repeated (reading " mit Ernst") as No. 235 in Freylinghausen, 1714 as above. In the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 646. The translation in common use is: "0 well for him who all things braves." This is a good and full translation by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 1st Ser. 1855, p. 167. Her stanza ii.-iv., x., xi., beginning, “Who follows Christ, whate'er betide," are included in the Rugby School Hymn Book, 1876, No. 309. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Christian Keimann

1607 - 1662 Person Name: Chr. Keymann Author of "Meinen Jesum laß ich nicht" in Evangelisches Gesangbuch mit vierstimmigen Melodien Keimann, Christian, son of Zacharias Keimann, Lutheran pastor at Pankratz, in Bohemia, and after 1616 at Ober-Ullersdorf, was born at Pankratz, Feb. 27, 1607. In the autumn of 1627 he entered the University of Wittenberg, where he graduated M.A., March 19, 1634; and in the next month was appointed by the Town Council of Zittau as Conrector of their Gymnasium, of which he became Rector in 1638. He died at Zittau, Jan. 13, 1662 (Koch, iii. 369; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie xv. 535, &c). Keimann was a distinguished teacher. He was the author of a number of scholastic publications, of a few Scriptural plays, and of some 13 hymns. Almost all of his hymns came into church use. They take high rank among those of the 17th century, being of genuine poetic ring, fresh, strong, full of faith under manifold and heavy trials, and deeply spiritual. Two have passed into English:— i. Freuet euch, ihr Christen alle. Christmas. This beautiful hymn is included in 4 stanzas of 10 1. as No. 24 in pt. iv. of A. Hammerschmidt's Musikalische Andachten, published at Freiberg in Saxony, 1646; and is set to a tune by Hammerschmidt introduced by Hallelujah repeated twelve times. In the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 34. According to Koch, viii. 25, it was composed as part of a piece written by Keimann for his scholars to perform at Christmastide, 1645, and published as Der neugeborne Jesus, at Görlitz, 1646. Stanza iv. may refer to the truce of 1645 between Saxony and Sweden. Translated as:— 0 rejoice, ye Christians, loudly. A good and full translation by Miss Winkworth, as No. 33 in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, where it is set to the original melody. ii. Meinen Jesum lass ich nicht; Weil er sich fur mien gegeben. Love to Christ. First appeared in A. Hammerschmidt's Fest- Bus- und Dancklieder, Zittau and Leipzig, 1658 (engraved title, 1659), pt. iii., No. 4, in 6 stanzas of 6 lines. It is an acrostic on the dying words uttered on Oct. 8, 1656, by the Elector Johann Georg I. of Saxony: Meinen (i.), Jesum (ii.), lass (iii.) ich (iv.) nicht (v.); st. vi. giving in the initial letters of lines 1-5 (J. G. C. Z. S.) the name, viz. Johann Georg Churfürst zu Sachsen, and then in line 6 the motto in full. Founded on the words of Jacob in Gen. xxxii. 26, it has comforted and strengthened many in life and at the hour of death; and has served as the model of many later hymns. Included as No. 131 in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863. Translated as:— I will leave my Jesus never! A good translation, omitting st. iii., included as No. 448 in the Pennsylvania Lutheran Church Book, 1868, marked as Unknown translator, 1864. Other translations are:—(1) "Never will I part with Christ," by J. C. Jacobi, 1722, p. 80 (1732, p. 132), and thence in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754 (1886 as pt. of No. 452 altered, and beginning, "Jesus will I never leave"). (2) "I will not let Jesus go," by J. S. Stallybrass in the Tonic Solfa Reporter, Dec. 1860. (3) "Jesus will I ne'er forsake," by E. Massie, 1867, p. 117. (4) "My Redeemer quit I not," by N. L. Frothingham, 1870, P, 185. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Johann Gottfried Schicht

1753 - 1823 Alterer of "GROSSER GOTT, WIR LOBEN DICH" in The Presbyterian Hymnal Johann Gottfried Schicht Born: September 29, 1753 - Reichenau, Zittau, Germany Died: February 16, 1823 - Leipzig, Germany

Shirley W. McRae

1933 - 2018 Composer (descant) of "GROSER GOTT" in The United Methodist Hymnal Music Supplement

Heinrich Bone

1813 - 1893 Composer of "[Großer Gott, wir loben dich]" in Glaubenslieder

Paul C. Hume

Harmonizer of "[Holy God, we praise Thy Name!]" in Hymnal of Christian Unity

August Hermann Niemeyer

1754 - 1828 Person Name: A. H. Niemeyer Author of "Jesu, großer Wunderstern" in Die Glaubensharfe (With Melodies)

Henri-Louis Empeytaz

1790 - 1853 Translator (into French) of "Song of Praise to the Holy Trinity (Grand Dieu, Nous Te Bénissons) (Holy God, We Praise Your Name)" in Voices United

Rae E. Whitney

1927 - 2023 Author of "We Are Stewards of God's Grace" in Sing Justice! Do Justice! Rae E. Whitney, 96, of Scottsbluff died Thursday, November 16, 2023, at the Residency in Scottsbluff. Her memorial service will be held 10:00 A.M. Monday, November 27, 2023, at St. Francis Episcopal Church with Reverend Erin Rath officiating. Interment of her ashes will follow at West Lawn Cemetery in Gering. Memorials may be made to the Lied Scottsbluff Public Library or to the church. Rae was born at Chippenham, Wiltshire, England May 21, 1927, the only daughter of Alice Martha “Pat” Davis and Arthur James Phillips. Educated at Chippenham Grammar School and the University of Bristol, she received her B.A. (Englis Honors) degree in 1948 and Certificate of Education in 1949. She was lady President of Bristol University Branch of the Student Christian Movement 1947-48. Rae taught in secondary schools in Bicester, Oxfordshire in Wotton-under-edge, Gloucestershire and in London. During this time, she also served as a lay preacher in various village chapels. She had a life-long concern for the greater understanding between churches, and from 1958-60 she lived at St. Basil’s House in London as a resident Secretary of the Fellowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius, working both with Eastern Orthodox Churches and those of the west. In June of 1960, on a coach tour of Italy, heading for the Passion Play in Oberammergau, Austria Rae met the Rev Clyde E. Whitney, Rector of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Scottsbluff, NE. They were married in Chippenham on December 31, 1960. Scottsbluff then became her home. The Whitneys started the local observance of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in 1962 and during the mid-sixties worked to establish The Retreat House of the Transfiguration at Bayard. After Father Whitney’s retirement in 1969, they served the English-speaking congregation in Guatemala City, Central America for 12 months. From 1979-85 they were volunteer local coordinators for the American Bible Society. During his 23 years of retirement, when Clyde was called to serve various churches in Nebraska and Wyoming, Rae was licensed to help her husband as a lay reader and eucharistic minister. She was on the Board of Friends of the Scottsbluff Library for a long time and served on the Editorial Board of Bosom Buddies Network, Regional West Medical Center. She led several weekly Bible classes for many years. She was elected President of Church Women United, Scotts Bluff County 1967-68 and CWU State Vice President 1981-82. She became Diocesan State President of the Episcopal Church Women 1976-77 and served on the national Episcopal Church’s Women’s Triennial Committees 1973-79. She was appointed Worship Chairman for the 1979 Triennial Denver. Soon after her arrival here, Rae became interested in local history and in the 1980’s wrote “A Portrait of Dr. Georgia Arbuckle Fix”, which has been presented over fifty times in the region. Rae was also a free-lance writer of reviews, articles, and poems, but was most widely known for her hymn writing. Of her several hundred hymn texts, some have found their way into several denominational hymnals and supplements in the United States, Canada, Scotland, England, Hong Kong, and Australia. Four collections of her hymns have been published by Selah Publishing Co. Rae was a member of St. Francis Episcopal Church (formerly St. Andrew’s), YMCA, Friends of the Library, American Association of University Women, the Cooperative Ministries Council, Church Women United, Fraternity of Prayer for Christian Unity, Fellowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius and the Hymn Societies of the US, Canada, Great Britain, and Ireland. After the Whitneys moved to Northfield Villa, Gering in 1988, Rae soon became editor of the Villa’s newsletter. Clyde died April 22, 1992, and in 1993 Rae moved to the Residency in Scottsbluff and continued to edit the monthly newsletter for both retirement communities. Rae was preceded in death by her husband; parents; her young brother Kenneth and her special friend, Edward Doemland of Milwaukee, WI. She is survived by cousins in England and many valued friends, especially Eva Carne, of Ellensburg, WA and Jane Wisniewski, of Scottsbluff, NE. --Obituary

Ronald F. Krisman

Person Name: Ronald F. Krisman, b. 1946 Translator (Spanish) of "Holy God, We Praise Thy Name (Santo, Santo Dios de Amor)" in Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song

Serap Ermis

Author (Turkish) of "Großer Gott, wir loben dich" in Trimum

Saad Thamir

b. 1972 Author (Arabic) of "Großer Gott, wir loben dich" in Trimum

Ruth M. Glaeske

Person Name: Ruth M. Glaeske, b. 1941 Author (st. 3) of "Holy God, We Praise Your Name" in Christian Worship (1993)

Ed Nowak

Composer (descant) of "GROSER GOTT" in The United Methodist Hymnal Music Supplement

Johann Andreas Cramer

1723 - 1788 Person Name: J. A. Cramer Author of "Sanft, o Christ, ist Jesu Joch" in Gesangbuch der Evangelischen Gemeinschaft Cramer, Johann Andreas, born Jan. 27, 1723, at Jönstadt or Johann-Georgen-Stadt, in the Saxon Harz, where his father was pastor. After studying at the University of Leipzig, where he graduated M.A. in 1745, he was in 1748 appointed preacher at Crellwitz, near Lützen, and in 1750 Court Preacher and member of the Consistory at Quedlinburg. Four years later he became German Court Preacher to King Frederick V. of Denmark, at Copenhagen. There he obtained great fame as a preacher and teacher; and was appointed in 1765 Professor of Theology in the University. But after the accession of Charles VII., in 1766, the free-thinking party in the State gradually gained the ascendancy, and procured his removal; whereupon he was appointed, in 1771, Superintendent in Lubeck. When the orthodox party regained power in 1774, he was recalled to Denmark, as Vice-Chancellor, and First Professor of Theology in the University of Kiel, and in 1784 Chancellor. He died at Kiel on the night of June 11-12, 1788 (Koch, vi. 334-344; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, iv. 550-551; Bode, pp. 54-55—the last dating his birth, Jan. 29). Cramer was rather a writer of religious lyrics than of hymns, though at least 80 of his compositions passed Into the hymn-books of his times. Those that have been translated into English are all included either in the Allgemeines Gesang- Buch, Altona, 1780, which he edited for use in Schleswig-Holstein, or in his Sämmtliche Gedichtet Leipzig, 1782-3. They are:— i. Die ihr des Lebens edle Zeit. The duty of the Scholar. 1780, as above, No. 820, in 12 stanzas, repeated 1782, vol. ii. p. 319. Translated as, "O ye, who from your earliest youth," by Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 321. ii. Erheb, erheb, 0 meine Seele. Ps. civ. In his Poetische Uebersetzung der Psalmen, Leipzig, 1763, pt. iii., p. 65, in 16 stanzas. Included, 1780, as above, No. 124. The form translated is that in the Württemberg Gesang-Buch 1791, No. 36 (1842, No. 59), beginning with stanza ii. “Herr, dir ist niemand zu vergleichen." Tr. as, "Lord, none to Thee may be compared," by Miss Burlingham, in the British Herald, Jan. 1866, p. 200, repeated in Reid's Praise Book, 1872, No. 373. iii. Erwachet, Harf’ und Psalter. Morning. Founded on Ps. cviii. First published in Zollikofer's Gesang-Buch, Leipzig, 1766, No. 71, in 6 stanzas. Repeated, 1780, as above, No. 2, and as No. 41 of the hymns appended to his Evangelische Nachahmungen der Psalmen Davids, Kopenhagen, 1769, p. 272. Translated by H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 59, as:—"Wake, harp and psaltery sounding." iv. Schuf mich Gott für Augenblicke. Immortality of the Soul. 1780, as above, No. 136, in 12 St., repeated, 1782, vol. i. p. 181. Tr. (beginning with st. vi., "Geist! das ist mein hoher Name"), by Dr. H. Mills, 1845, as:—"Man were better nam'd a spirit." v. Sterbend für das Heilder Sunder. Ascension. In the Bayreuth Gesang-Buch, 1779, No. 173, in 4 stanzas. Included, 1780, as above, No. 319, and 1782, vol. ii. p. 33. Translated by Dr. H. Mills, 1845, as:—"Dying a guilty world to save." vi. Unerforschlich sei mir immer. God's Wisdom. First published in his Andachten in Betrachtungen, Gebeten und Liedern, &c, vol. ii., pt. ii., Schleswig and Leipzig, 1768, and thence in Rambach, v. 54. Included in 1769 (see No. iii.), p. 250, and 1780 as above, No. 78. Translated (1) in Sacred Poems by S. R. Maxwell, 1857, p. 126, as:— “Though inscrutable may ever"; (2) by Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 94, as:—" Inscrutable to me although." [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Christoph Carl Ludwig von Pfeil

1712 - 1784 Person Name: Christian Karl Ludwig von Pfeil Author of "Abba, Vater! der Du Dich" in Die Glaubensharfe (With Melodies) Pfeil, Christoph Carl Ludwig, Baron von, was born January 20, 1712, at Grünstadt, near Worms, where his father, Quirin Heinrich v. Pfeil, was then in the service of the Count of Leiningen. He matriculated at the University of Halle in 1728, as a student of law. After completing his course at the University of Tübingen, he was appointed, in 1732, Württemberg secretary of legation at Regensburg; then, in 1737, Justiz-und-Regierungsrath at Stuttgart; in 1745 Tutelar-raths-Präsident; in 1755 Kreisdirectorialgesandter to the Swabian Diet; in 1758 Geheim Legationsrath; and in 1759 Geheimrath. He found himself however at last no longer able to cooperate in carrying out the absolutism of the Württemberg prime minister Count Montmartin. When his resignation was accepted, April 13, 1763, he retired to the estate of Deufstetten, near Crailsheim, which he had purchased in 1761. In Sept., 1763, he was appointed by Frederick the Great as Geheimrath, and accredited Prussian minister or ambassador to the Diets of Swabia and Franconia. He was thereafter created Baron by the Emperor Joseph II., and in 1765 received the cross of the Red Eagle Order from Frederick the Great. An intermittent fever which developed itself in August, 1783, confined him to bed, where he remained till his death, at Deufstetten, Feb. 14, 1784 (Koch v. 176; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie xxv. 646). v. Pfeil was a man of deep and genuine piety. His hymnwriting began immediately after the spiritual change which he experienced on the 10th Sunday after Trinity, 1730; and it continued to be a favourite occupation, especially in his later years at Deufstetten. He was one of the most productive of German hymnwriters, his printed hymns being about 950, besides many in manuscript. The other hymns printed in his lifetime appeared in his (1) Lieder von der offenbarten Herrlichkeit und ZuJcunft des Herrn, Esslingen, 1741, 2nd ed. Memmingen, 1749, as Apocalyptische Lieder von der, &c. (2) Evangelisches Gesangbuch, Memmingen, 1782, with 264 hymns dating from 1730 to 1781, edited by J. G. Schellhorn. (3) Evangelische Glaubens-und Herzens-gesänge, Dinkelsbühl, 1783, with 340 hymns dating from 1763 to 1783. In recent times a number of his hymns have come into German use (they originally appeared, it must be remembered, during the Rationalistic Period), and Knapp includes 26 of them in his Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz, 1850. Two have passed into English, viz.:— i. Am Grab der Christen singet man. Burial. Written in 1780. First published in No. 3, 1783, as above, p. 201, in 10 st., entitled, "We sing joyfully of Victory at the grave of the righteous: the right hand of the Lord hath gotten Him the victory." In the Berlin Geistliche Lieder,ed. 1863, No. 1433. Translated as, "The Christian's grave with joy we see," by Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 111. ii. Wohl einem Haus, da Jesus Christ. Family Prayer. First published in No. 2, 1782, as above, No. 61, in 8 st. of 4 1., entitled, "Delightful picture of a house that serves the Lord. On the Parents of Jesus." It was apparently written for the 1st Sunday after Epiphany, 1746. In the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 682. Translated as:— Oh blest the house, whatever befall. A good translation omitting st. ii., vi., by Miss Winkworth, in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 175. Including, omitting the trs. of st. iii., v.t and adding a translation of st. vi., as No. 344 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Electress Luise Henriette

1627 - 1667 Person Name: Louise Henriette von Brandenburg Author of "Jesus Christ, My Sure Defense" in The Mennonite Hymnary, published by the Board of Publication of the General Conference of the Mennonite Church of North America Luise Henriette, Electress of Brandenburg, daughter of Friedrich Heinrich, Prince of Nassau-Orange and Stadtholder of the United Netherlands, was born at 'S Gravenhage (The Hague), Nov. 27, 1627. She received a careful Christian training, not only in literature, but also in domestic economy and feminine handicrafts. On Dec. 7, 1646, she was married, at the Hague, to the Elector Friedrich Wilhelm of Brandenburg, who was then residing at Cleve, but remained at the Hague to nurse her father, who died March 14, 1647. She then, in June, 1647, joined her husband at Cleve, where her first child, Wilhelm Heinrich, was born in May 1648. In the autumn of 1619 she set out with her husband and child on the way to Berlin, but in the inclement weather the child sickened and died at Wesel, Oct. 24,1649, and it was not till April 10, 1650, that she entered Berlin. On the birth of her second son, Carl Emil (who died 1674), at Oranienburg, near Berlin, on Feb. 16, 1655, she founded an orphanage there as a thank-offering (now the Oranienburg Orphanage at Berlin). On July 11, 1657, her third son, afterwards King Friedrich I. of Prussia, was born at Königsberg. After the birth of her youngest son, Ludwig, at Cleve, in 1666, she never entirely recovered. In the spring of 1667 she was conveyed to Berlin in a litter, and died there June 18, 1667. (Koch, iv. 158; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, xix. 623; Goedeke's Grundrias, vol. iii., 1887, p. 319, &c.) Luise Henriette was a woman of noble character; a devoted wife who accompanied her husband in many of his expeditions, and was his right-hand counsellor in matters of state; and a true mother of her people, introducing the culture of the potato, founding model farms, establishing elementary schools, and in many ways interesting herself in restoring their welfare after the ravages of the Thirty Years' War. She was, like the Elector, a member of the Reformed Church, but earnestly desired to promote peace between the Lutheran and Reformed communions, and exerted herself especially on behalf of P. Gerhardt. Another of her efforts in this direction was by means of the Union Hymn Book, which Christoph Runge edited at her direction, and published in 1653. To this book she herself contributed four hymns. In his dedication to the Electress, Runge says she had "augmented and adorned it with your own hymns, viz.: ‘Ein ander stelle sein Vertrauen'; ‘Gott der Reichthumb deiner Güter'; 'Jesus meine Zuversicht'; 'Ich wil von meiner Missethat.' Your Electoral Highness has not only in those your now mentioned hymns (itzt gemeldten geistreichen Ihren eigenen Liedern) made known to all the world your Christian spirit; how your confidence is directed to God alone; how you ascribe to him with thankful heart all the benefits you enjoy; and how you rest the hope of your future everlasting life in Heaven on Christ alone as on a steadfast rock, but have also," &c. &c. The question however remains. Did Runge here mean more than that she had sent for insertion certain hymns which were favourites of her own, perhaps written for her, but not necessarily written by her? Such cases were common enough at an earlier period. It is certainly strange that her name should not be given in any of the many hymn-books in which the third of these ("Jesus meine Zuversicht") was included during the next century. It was not till 1769 that Runge's dedication suggested to D. G. Schöber, and, after him, to other compilers, the idea of the Electress's authorship; but once suggested it was soon generally accepted. Fischer, i. 390-396, gives various additional reasons that make this theory unlikely; such as that while in Runge's dedication they are mentioned as above, yet her name is not affixed to the individual hymns in the body of the book; that in the funeral oration by her private chaplain, no mention is made of her poetical gifts; that Crüger gave them in his Praxis pietatis melica without her name (in the 1664 and later editions the first was omitted), and that in particular the third is too classic and correct in style to have been written by so poor a German scholar as the Electress. This last objection would of course be met if we could suppose with Koch (iv. p. 169) that the hymn was originally written in Dutch, or with Dutch idioms, and was revised and corrected by her minister, Otto von Schwerin, or by Runge. In view of the present evidence we can only say that if the Electress were not the author of these hymns there is at least no proof of any kind to show that they were composed by any of those whose names have sometimes been attached to them; such as Otto von Schwerin (b. 1616, d. 1679), Caspar Ziegler (b. 1621, d. 1690), Hans von Assig (b. 1650, d. 1694), and others. In this state of uncertainty the case must be left till definite proof be forthcoming. Two of these hymns have passed into English, viz.:— i. Ich will von meiner Missethat. Lent. This beautiful hymn first appeared in the Crüger-Runge Gesang-Buch, 1653, No. 45, in 16 st. of 7 1., entitled, "Hymn of Penitence," and without signature. Koch, iv. 160, conjectures that it may have been written at Cleve in 1648. In the Unverfälschter Liedersegen 1851, No. 380. The translations are :— (1) "With sorrow now for past misdeeds," by Miss Cox, 1864, p, 204. (2) "I will return unto the Lord," by Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 221. ii. Jesus meine Zuversicht. Easter. This beautiful hymn, founded on Job xix. 25-27 and 1 Cor. xv. 35 ff., appeared in the Crüger-Runge Gesang-Buch, 1653, No. 140, in 10 st. of 6 l., and without signature. Its origin is thus given by Lauxmann, in Koch, viii. 69:— "It dates from the early years of her married life. In the autumn of 1649 she lost her first child, the Crown Prince Wilhelm Heinrich, at Wesel, while on her journey [to Berlin], by which death for a long time the hope of succession in the Electoral House and in the Hohenzollern family line seemed to be lost. At Tangermünde, in the Altmark [on the Elbe], she had to spend some quiet winter months, and here probably the princess of twenty-two years poured out her heart before the Lord in this hymn." This, however, is conjecture rather than history; for, as stated above, it is not yet clearly proved that the Electress wrote any hymns. The hymn itself is of the first rank; and A. J. Rambach calls it "an acknowledged masterpiece of Christian poetry;" while C. von Winterfeld says, "it will ever remain a treasure among the hallowed songs of the Evangelical Church." It bears a certain resemblance to the concluding section of the Apotheosis of A. C. Prudentius (lines 1063-1085, with the subtitle "De resurrectione carnis humanae," and beginning, "Nosco meum in Christo corpus consurgere. Quid me"); but can hardly be called a translation of it. It was included in Crüger's Praxis, 1656, No. 182, passed into almost all later hymn-books, and is No. 866 in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851. The beautiful chorale (as in the Chorale Book for England) appeared in its first form in 1653, along with the hymn. C. von Winterfeld conjectured that it may have been by the Electress. The form now in use is modified from that given by Crüger in his Praxis, 1656. Translated as:— 1. Christ, my Rock, my sure Defence. Omitting st. ix., as No. 51 in the Moravian Hymn Book 1769. In the edition of 1789. No. 833, st. viii. was omitted, and a translation from Christian Gregor’s "Nein, ach nein, er lasst mich nicht," was added as st. iii. (ed. 1886, No. 1241). Abridged forms are in J. A. Latrobe's Collection, 1841, and Dr. Hook's Church School Hymn Book, 1850. 2. Jesus, on Whose name I rest. A good translation of st. i.-iv., vi., by A. T. Russell, as No. 264, in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. 3. Jesus, my Redeemer, lives. A good translation, omitting st. iv., v., by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica 1st Ser., 1855, p. 93. Repeated, in full, in the Ohio Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal

St. Nicetas of Remesiana

315 - 415 Person Name: St. Nicetas, ca. 335-414 Author (attributed to) of "Holy God, We Praise Thy Name" in Journeysongs (3rd ed.)

Hugh T. Henry, 1862-1946

1862 - 1946 Translator (v. 7) of "Holy God, We Praise Thy Name" in The Cyber Hymnal Born: November 27, 1862, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Died: March 12, 1946, Jessup, Pennsylvania. Henry attended LaSalle College, the University of Pennsylvania, and St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, Pennsylvania. After ordination in 1889, he taught English and Latin at the seminary until 1894, music and literature until 1917, and directed the seminary choir. He went on to serve as Rector of the Philadelphia Catholic High School for Boys (1902-19), and professor of homiletics at the Catholic University of America, Washington, DC (1919-37). He is also remembered as a lecturer at the Catholic Summer School, Cliff Haven, New York; president of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia; editor of Church Music (1905-14); and author of Catholic Customs and Symbols.

Johann Gottfried Olearius

1635 - 1711 Person Name: Joh. G. Olearius, 1635-1711 Author of "Komm, du wertes Lösegeld" in Liederkranz für Sonntags-Schulen und Jugend-Vereine Olearius, Johann Gottfried, son of Dr. Gottfried Olearius, pastor of St. Ulrich's Church at Halle, was born at Halle, Sept. 25, 1635. He entered the University of Leipzig in 1653, and graduated M.A. 1656, residing also for short periods at other German Universities. In 1658 he was ordained as assistant to his father at St. Mary's Church in Halle, where he became diaconus in 1662, and in 1685 pastor and also superintendent of the second portion of the dis¬trict of the Saale. He was finally appointed, in 1688, as chief pastor, superintendent, and consistorialrath at Arnstadt, and also professor of Theology in the Gymnasium there. He died at Arnstadt, May 21, 1711, after having been for some years totally blind. (Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie xxiv. p. 280; Bode, p. 124, &c.) Olearius was the author of several devotional works, and composed a number of melodies to his own hymns. His hymns appeared in his (1) Jesus! Poetische Erstlinge an geistlichen Deutschen Liedern und Madrigalen, Halle, 1664 [Berlin], and the second edition enlarged and altered as (2) Geistliche Singe-Lust, Arnstadt, 1697 [Wernigerode] . A number passed into the Arnstadt Gesang-Buch 1705, and a few are still in German common use. Two have passed into English, one ("Es war die ganze Welt") being noted under J. A. Schlegel (q.v.), and the other being:— Komm du werthes Losegeld. Advent. Founded on St. Matt. xxi. 9. First published 1664 as above, p. 1 in 4 stanzas of 6 lines, and entitled, "On Advent." In the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, edition 1863, No. 137. Translated as:— Come, 0 Lord, our sacrifice. By A. T. Russell, omitting st. iii., as No. 10 in the Dalston Hospital Hymn Book, 1848, repeated in Dr. Pagenstecher's Collection, 1864, No. 2. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Assaf Levitin

b. 1972 Author (Hebrew of "Großer Gott, wir loben dich" in Trimum

J. H. Cornell

1828 - 1894 Person Name: John Henry Cornell (1828- ) Arranger of "LAUDAMUS" in Carmina Sanctorum, a selection of hymns and songs of praise with tunes An or­gan­ist for St. Paul’s Cha­pel, Trin­i­ty Church, Cor­nell com­piled the Con­gre­ga­tion­al Tune Book in 1872.

Gustav Friedrich Ludwig Knak

1806 - 1878 Person Name: G. Knak Author of "Zieh mit uns, Immanuel" in Gesangbuch der Evangelischen Gemeinschaft Knak, Gustav Friedrich Ludwig, son of Christian F. L. Knak, Justiz Commissarius at Berlin, was born at Berlin, July 12, 1806. He matriculated as a student of theology at the University of Berlin, Easter, 1826. In the autumn of 1829 he became tutor in a private school at Königs-Wusterhausen, near Berlin, where he worked manfully for the sick and dying during the cholera year 1831. He returned to Berlin in August, 1832, and acted as one of the editors of the well-known Geistlicher Lieder Schatz (referred to in this Dictionary as the Berlin Geistlicher Lieder Schatz), to which he contributed a number of hymns, and for which he wrote the preface dated Dec. 11, 1832. In the autumn of 1834 he was ordained pastor of Wusterwitz, near Dramburg, in Pomerania; and in the end of 1849 was appointed Gossner's successor as Pastor of the Lutheran-Bohemian congregation (Bethlehemskirche) in Berlin. During a holiday visit to a married daughter at Dünnow, near Stolpemünde, he was taken suddenly ill, and died there July 27, 1878; his body being removed to Berlin and laid to rest in the graveyard belonging to his church (O. Kraus, 1879, p. 266; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, xvi. 261, &c). Knak was a man of prayer, a faithful and successful preacher and pastor, and greatly interested in Missions at home and abroad, especially in the Lutheran missions to China and the Chinese Orphanage at Hong Kong. As a hymn-writer he is distinguished by elegance of style, harmony of rhythm, and deep love to the personal Christ. His hymns appeared in his Simon Johanna, hast du mich lieb? Berlin, 1829 (enlarged editions pub. at Berlin 1840, and again in 1843 as his Zionsharfe); in the Berlin Geistlicher Lieder Schatz, ed. 1832; and in his Liebe urn, Liebe . . . Nachtrag zu dessen Zionsharfe. Werder, 2nd ed. 1849 (3rd ed. Berlin, 1850). Those of Knak's hymns which have passed into English are:— i. Lasst mich geh'n, lasst mich geh'n. Longing for Heaven. Of the origin of this favourite hymn, 0. Kraus, 1879, p. 269, gives the following account:— "Knak's earnest zeal in the cause of missions to the heathen had the natural result, that for many years he was summoned as festival preacher to the most distant Mission services. On the way to fulfil these engage¬ments many of Knak's hymns had their origin. About 1845, one day the pastor of Wusterwitz [his cure] came to pastor Sondermann at Coprieben, and asked him to play the well-known popular melody 'Morgenroth, orgenroth,' as he had just composed a hymn to that tune. As the desired melody rang out, the poet struck up for the first time that hymn since sung by hundreds of thousands, *Lasst mich geh'n! Lasst mich geh'n.” Later, Knak's blind organist, Voigtlander, in Berlin, composed the pleasing melody, to which at the present time the hymn is generally sung." This hymn appears to have been written on July 23, 1846, and is included in his Liebe um Liebe, 1849 (3rd ed., 1850, No. 48), in 5 stanzas of 5 lines, entitled "Longing after Jerusalem." It soon attained wide popularity, and is given as No. 1597 in the Berlin Geistlicher Lieder Schatz, ed. 1863. Translated as:— 1. To the sky, to the sky. A good and full translation by J. M. Sloan, contributed to J. H. Wilson's Service of Praise, 1865, No. 165, and Songs of Zion, 1878, No. 94; in both cases set to Voigtländer's melody. 2. Let me go, let me go, Jesus, face to face, to know. In full, by Mrs. Edmund Ashley, in the British Herald, Sept., 1867, p. 139; repeated in Reid's Praise Book, 1872. In the Christian Hymns, Adelaide, 1872, No. 347 begins with st. ii. "Glorious light, glorious light." Other translations are, (1) "Let me close, let me close," as No. 12 in Heart Melodies , Lond., Morgan, N.D., signed “A. P. E. J." (2) "Let me flee, let me flee," by E. Massie, 1866. (3) "Let me go, let me go, Lord to me," by Mrs. H. R. Spaeth, in the Southern Lutheran Service & Hymns for Sunday Schools , Philadelphia, 1883. (4) "Let me go! ah, let me go," by J. Kelly, 1885. Other hymns by Knak which have been translated into English are:— ii. Herr, du hast uns reich gesegnet. Close of Divine Service. Zionsharfe, 1843, No. 92, in 2 st. Tr. as "Lord, we've tasted Thy rich blessing," in L. Rehfuess's Church at Sea, 1868. iii. Ich bin ein Pilger Gottes hier auf Erden. Pilgrimage of Life. Liebe um Liebe, 3rd ed. 1850, No. 45, in 4 stanzas. Translated as "God's pilgrim am I here, on earth below," by J. Kelly, 1885. iv. Jesus sei mit dir auf alien Wegen. Birthday wish. Liebe um Liebe, 3rd ed. 1850, No. 36, in 22 lines. Tr. as (1) "Jesus be with thee in thy ways, Jesus favour," in L. Rehfuess's Church at Sea, 1868. (2) “Jesu be with thee in all thy ways, Jesu crown," by J. Kelly, 1885. v. Mit der Sehnsucht heissen Blicken. Love to Christ. Zionsharfe, 1840, p. 4, in 6 stanzas. Translated as "With the glow of ardent longing," by Miss Burlingham, in the British Herald, Sept. 1865, p. 141. vi. Sei getrost, o Seele. Cross and Consolation. Zionsharfe, 1840, p. 2, in 3 stanzas. Translated as "O my soul, be comforted, Give not," by J. Kelly, 1885. vii. Wenn Seelen sich zusammenflnden. Communion of Saints. Berlin Geistlicher Lieder Schatz, ed. 1832, No. 1857, in 5 stanzas. Tr. as "When they may chance to meet together," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 186). viii. Zieht im Frieden eure Pfade. Farewell. Zionsharfe, 1843, No. 86, in 11 lines. Tr. as "Now in peace go on your ways," in L. Rehfuess's Church at Sea, 1868. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Ernst Gottlieb Woltersdorf

1725 - 1761 Person Name: E. G. Woltersdorf Author of "Mein Jesus nimmt die Sünder an" in Gesangbuch der Evangelischen Gemeinschaft Woltersdorf: Ernst Gottlieb W., as a hymn writer, preacher, prolific writer and educators in the field of Erbauungslitteratur one of the most outstanding representatives of pietistic healthy heart and mind towards the middle of the 18th Century. He was born on 31 May 1725 as the sixth son of the preacher to Gabriel Luke Friedrichsfelde in Berlin, who was appointed 10 years after its birth as a preacher at the St. George Church in Berlin. The blessing of a serious Christian education accompanied him to the Berlin High School to the gray convent, from which he received in 1742, only 17 years old, the University of Halle, to be under the direction of the pietistic school teachers belonging to J. Lange, Michael, Baumgarten and Knapp to pay the theological studies. He lived in the Francke'schen orphanage, took part in the lessons in the same upside down, with young men of serious Christian spirit. After the deep impressions he had received from the institutions prevailing in the Francke'schen spirit, he was a pious poet and preacher, the deacon from Köthen teaching, by means of a collegium in the same hall to biblicum held lecture "from the Dear Jesus, "so moved that he by his own testimony to that time in the experience of the truth of salvation in Christ alone is more deeply founded and was able to sit with deliberate, fervent belief in salvation now enthusiastic songs of this testimony. He was no course of internal disputes and disturbances as a result of failed ideas and feelings about certain characteristics of higher or lower level in a state of grace and the work of sanctification. But the road with like-minded friends, the discipline that the regular work exerted in his Schulthätigkeit about him and above all the deepening of his inner life in the biblical truth of the human with no benefits and earnings-related healing properties in the sonship with God did not make him only in Halle, but after traveling in the Ukermark, Mecklenburg, Pomerania, and Saxony, where he geistgesalbten preachers, including the Abbot Steinmetz appeared in Magdeburg, and with faith, mostly Christian-minded lay people of higher and lower levels in the intimate connection of all those inner battles to win and achieve victory even Glaubensfreudigkeit. This led him then to everywhere, to practice diligently in preaching. The resulting received and experienced [175] blessings he testified once in his travel diary with the prayer: Will you give so much on earth, well, what will be in heaven! After he had dressed in a parsonage in the Ukermark where preachers Cordier in Zerrenthin, from 1744 to a private tutor, in which he made because of the relatively large size of the community and all Sundays in preaching and catechise with much pleasure and joy help, followed He instigated and recommendation of his father's friend, the court preacher Zacharia in Dargun in Mecklenburg, where the residence was on his travels he had been particularly blessed in the spring of 1746 the call to an educator position in the home of the widowed Countess of Promnitz on Drehna in Lower Lusatia , where he stopped next to the education and the teaching of the young count, at the request of the parent of the same on Sundays except the church service or special edification of the castle, the preservation of the community from sectarian divisions and the collection of after promotion longing in her life of faith many servants and other members of the community served. As he result of this blessed effect after three months by his father's friend stonemason from Magdeburg received the call to a chaplain job with a local regiment, he same thought with regard to his youth, he was only 21 years old, and his only such a short effective decline in the new position of having to. He learned from the neighboring preachers in Petermann Verschau in short, the Wendish so far that he could preach about the many Drehna to contact the living Gospel. The joy that he has had his insurance after learning and using this language in itself, was surpassed by the joy of how the contact showed their love for him and their gratitude for the administration of the bread of life. He was kicked repeatedly by members of the Brethren in combination, but without the same formally to join what he is mainly due to the otherwise respectfully gathered by him in all things and followed his father's counsel was held in Berlin. Through those relationships, he was the former pastor of the Moravian Church, John Andrew Rothe, of the Count Zinzendorf was in the year 1722 called to Berthelsdorf, where he had worked in support of that community, but then retreated from the same parish and now in the village Tammen at Bunzlau held, and especially as the author of the song: "I have now found the reason," is well known, become acquainted in the way that he of the same community Bunzlau after completion of the second spiritual authority at the local, according to the seizure of Silesia by Frederick the Great of their built Bethany Church was recommended as the right man for this office. He had soon come to the Rothe's request and the citizenship Bunzlaus to be a guest sermon there, the magistrate also get a similar invitation. But he had similar concerns, to obey the call, as before, according to Steinmetz's invitation to accept a field preacher, as he is for the ministry still considered too young. As the magistrate issued a second call to him by a of members of the same on behalf of the citizens of both mounted letter. Because he believed the voice of God to Jer. 1, to question 7: Do not say I'm too young, but you shall go where I send thee, preaching that I bid thee. He traveled to Boleslawiec. Due to its there on the 18th February 1748 held a guest sermon that made a poignant impression on the community, he was elected by a large majority for the second preacher. As was raised by an opponent's [176] party objected to this choice. The matter of his formal appointment was particularly the so-called Orthodox, who presented his orthodoxy questioned, delayed in the way that he could rely on the patient waiting. During which he received in the neighborhood several opportunities to preach. Particularly the community in Friedersdorf on Queis won him while he was staying there for eight weeks, so dear that they expressed the wish that he would remain as their pastor with her. But the citizens of Bunzlau did not let him. Addressed to the King please, to confirm him as their preacher, had the expected favorable result. Convened by the Oberconsistorium in Wroclaw for a colloquium with the Oberconsistorialrath castle, he was here his orthodoxy in the full sense of the word shown. He received ordination. A Royal Order in Council confirmed its choice for the second preacher in Boleslawiec. The gracious guidance of God certain, he wrote to his father: The Lord be with me now and let Bunzlau be a blessed and well-watered garden planting his empire. He sends me. He's doing well. On 23 October, after he moved from the first community in Friedersdorf farewell was taken, introduced in his office. The following Sunday he gave his inaugural sermon with great movement of his heart and his community, among many implication from near and far who has come awakened and devout members of other communities, particularly those which he had preached during the waiting period with impressive power repentance and conversion, without even the slightest hint of the to make him part of the orthodoxy befell hostilities. His father, he replied to the admonition to win his opponent through love and not to mention their enmity: "I have not come to mind to mention the enemies of the slightest adversity. I know, thank God, of no enemies and I long ardently desire their salvation. "In this sense and spirit of gentler and reconciling love he reigned then his office under the king's confirmation deed expressed admonition," is everywhere, both in teaching and life, against both his colleagues and the community, as against foreign religious relatives, as a servant of Christ is due to pay, in addition to all the vilification, backbiting and Verketzerns the latter to contain carefully, but one of his finest Augenmerke on the Conservation of peace and civil can be agreed to between the different religious family oriented, so that the teaching of the Gospel with those who are out there will not be dishonored. " Soon he had with his tireless loyalty and tireless work as settled in the community and save them as to him by the Lord commanded flock through his self-denial full pastoral charity in the wake of the pastoral charity of Jesus to obtain the hearts of his former opponents so intimately connected with him, that he to the repeated rejection of his requests issued, answered the call to other places with much higher income than he could have it here, and with external higher honor than they were connected with the modest Bunzlauer Office, to be followed. And this could only serve to make the tape with his community to the closer, because it was well known, as he and his numerous, up to six children had grown up family and for his generous charity toward the poor and the distressed themselves often need and deprivation to had suffered. With a firm reliance on his God, he could Durchhülfe his song: "Depart, ye gloomy cares! "sing and make with the confession:" For today and tomorrow on another man makes the blood of Christ strengthens my spirits and makes me into trouble [177] and never lose heart troubles. " That he was the second minister in addition to the parish priest Jäschki, with whom he stood as his dear people in a cordial agreement, troubled him not at his much richer talent as a preacher and his far more successful activity in the large parish, in addition to the city for seven Rural communities included. Rather, he was by these successes as a gift from his God, and by the burden of office work, which he hosted standing with joy and fervor as in the service of God's grace, always in the right humility preserve preserved and so that he reproaches of vanity and ambition, to be sure, more and more falling silent at first raised against him on the part of antipietistischen, Orthodox zealots who refuse to completely clear conscience and could not refute, by word and deed. In such humility he represents as it were a program on his official life, in which he writes: "My office sometimes oppress the shoulders of a pretty. Blessed be my God, that He is faithful and assured me of it, that he sent me. Where else I wanted with all my inability and my incompetence, and with so many important events in the office and hernehmen troubled joy? Praise God, He blesses my poor service by grace and by helping in everything. " Despite its effectiveness was in words and deeds according to the teaching and example of the great Pietistenväter Spener and Francke, the goal of his work on the fire of love of the Crucified Christ, inflamed desire to awaken and convert him to a living faith in him, to rebirth and renewal of the whole inner man through the Holy Spirit means the enthusiastic preaching of the Word from the Cross to help all those. whose heart he was trying to tap into the power of the word of the only saving grace in Christ's blood and righteousness. As he was met even by the love of Christ in his heart, his heart burned with a fiery zeal, with all that he spoke, wrote and did, achieve nothing more than the hearts of his care parishioners with the fire of the love of Christ to ignite and feed him as his own. As a preacher quite a witness and confessor of the pure doctrine and the Church's confession testified evangelical truth, he put his in the service of truth, devouring life committed that it is not merely a knowledge and outward confession of the same, but on a true life of faith, which in had the blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God cleanses us from all sins flow, arriving for salvation in the true sonship with God for time and eternity: true inner repentance and conversion from the source, particularly from the truth. In ever larger crowds to the audience gathered from near and far. His sermons in the church lit a fire, which threw its light round about in the neighboring communities that make up the feed to the Bunzlauer revival preacher was ever more numerous. The church offered are often not enough space. Then, in the open air church service, held in the name Bunzlauer urban forest, from him. The fruit of the municipal public services were, as they are for the satisfaction of the awakened from his hunger and thirst after the grace blessings of the gospel is not sufficient construction meetings at various locations within the township, which he headed, which urged especially the revivalists themselves to further Christian leaders and to receive food, but everyone wanted to come to the entrance, who, was open. He said that it had come into the city up to nine such meetings, "without necessarily being something special was wanted by a good deal more honest souls [178] does not come to be compelled." From the city to spread the movement from the rural communities. "Because of the eager souls awakened by the country," he once said, "I must create a new meeting on Sunday that would want to multiply a hundred souls." With such excitement and movement of minds then there was not even on the blaze of a false fire. But he understood it masterfully to dampen sectarian tendencies and swarm-spirited generic impulses by which this underlying spiritual necessity of community care and calm, clear instruction and correction from the Word of Scripture and the confessions of the church satisfaction granted and especially avoid public combat such errors from the pulpit could by her loving pastoral influence in private or in those narrow circles of community, the way each community were open limb, due to the right path of truth, fair evangelical and spiritual sobriety. He was also for one with a clear conscience. write: "The question of whether our sheep remain on track, I can answer with a joyful yes. What you resist a title of glory and the Community "for our profit, that wants to Satan with great cunning and defiance. But it can do it not because you, Lord Jesus Christ reign in all things, and you are our support. ' This verse, describing the state of our towns completely. " From the beginning, he took with a special love for the children, remembering the promise Jesaj. 40, 11: "He will gather the lambs in his arms," ​​and bid Jesaj. 45, 11. "Shew my children and the work of my hands to myself" It often happened that young children in homes up and down got together and sang together, and the prayers, poems and songs verses, which they from their parents and had learned in school, prayed. Since he came to these little meetings, prayed with them, with them was a child and studied by paternal interview with them the love of the Saviour to plant in their hearts and they fed the children's friends. Through clear sober teacher training as a heart-andri AGB testimony of the love of Jesus and fiery message of his guilty grateful love in it, he managed many young souls in the up gravest taken preparatory classes for the blessing and the Lord's Supper to win the Lord and his own to . give The Eingesegneten evening of Sunday, he gathered around the rectory, to lead them in their faith life and continue to protect them from the temptations of the world. Pressed as a result of repeated consecrations ever larger crowds to these meetings, so a larger hall for this had to be procured, and when even this last was no longer sufficient, in different places and in the week that spiritual care of the youth confirmirten be exercised by him had. He learned a matter of abundant blessings, as he witnessed it repeatedly. He once said: "The Lord has placed on my children right from the start burning right over his heart. I let him not, he will give great blessings "In view of the salutary effect that will emanate from such work to the world of children in the community, he once wrote:". The Lord would crown it with a lasting blessing. I hope the children we are still chasing the devil out of Bunzlau. " This untiring pastoral charity and pastoral fidelity, in which he gladly condescended to the lambs of the flock, the small and eingesegneten children in the community, in order to serve them as guides to Jesus, and of which he himself once said, "brings the love me more and more meaning that I'm on a [179] righteously all kinds, the simple-minded I am stupid, the children with a child - "he struck with it until his death with all the hard work for the uplift of education in the community , and more specifically in the area of ​​a peculiar institutional life, which is derived from small beginnings in Bunzlau modeled and in the spirit of the institutions in Hall Francke'schen first under his eyes and his Beirath and then under his direct guidance and direction as one of the many actual facts of the testimony, sometimes creative, sometimes reformist spirit that went out to the Lutheran school system of the foundations Francke'schen developed. With its pastoral care for the children he could attach himself to a blessed school work, which had exercised before him faithful teachers in the pietistic spirit and good sense. He was held in the town a considerable number of kindred spirits, where he saw the fruit of the seed which was sown the teacher that slept in their Donnsdorf Mäderjan and blessed work. It also became more and more recognized by overcoming all sorts of prejudices, as he was working with that child and youth care in the hands of the school. He himself says: "The school people have to confess that they already see a significant change in many, indeed, they themselves moved away. The devil and the angry he is not ashamed to lie to the lambs as he's making with the sheep. " A particular unexpected call but went up to him, in the field of school immediately to work for the planting of Christian faith and life all its force with as citizens master mason Gottlieb Dental him the plan of him after the pattern of Francke'schen orphanage in Hall substantiated orphanage presented and requested his assistance in the execution of this plan. This plan was in gear due to the fact that he, himself once been an orphan, by reading, edited by AH Francke, "News of the orphanage home in Glaucha front hall," and through him from his own childhood, remaining memory of the Waisennoth to squat, felt a similar institution for the start of this remedy to him poignant misery. Quietly had this God-fearing man will lay already in his in the upper suburbs of Bunzlau located home the reason to do so, as he took his children own a teacher's house and others, especially poor children, take part in this teaching part was where he thought to also include orphans. As he made for this purpose an extension of his house, holding a private school that he was banned. However, he argued, be just a result of this misguided attempt to justify a private school where his plan to build his house verwerthen extended to support an orphanage. The more clearly he was but to recognize this intention, the greater concern were the same as of other friendly side, opposite side of including Woltersdorf's. His concerns were in the fire with all the enthusiasm for the activity of his faith and love in works of Christian charity his own quiet conscientious deliberation and consideration of the motives of that company, which the Lord offered a means for its execution and alone in his honor and salvation of the children in the eye to adopt goals of the efforts of the pious Gottlieb dental reasons, the was always certain, however, by these concerns expressed his spiritual friend not to be misled. His joyful determination and confidence in the work, the more and more in W. from all concerns are emerging conviction that this is [180] raised a necessary one for Bunzlau work of mercy, and the certainty that by the pious master mason being done in the spirit and meaning of Francke institutions, had the effect that now with all those doubts vanished W. and entered in its place a more joyful the more readiness. He has "his own later nachgehends wondered how it was able to be that he did not rather inaccessible because it still works like God is not before had been so unknown." He supported henceforth tooth in its efforts to magisterial approval for creation of a small institution, for which tooth one informer and talk to two orphan boys at their own expense are agreed to and in which even the little children of the upper suburbs because of the great distance from the New suburbs are likely to be taught. The royal approval was granted with the instruction that the Protestant clergy will oversee the foundation of her and would have a good testimony of the informant. Tooth was able to open the school again and that the inclusion of two orphans, which soon found themselves even more reasons for the orphanage. It was the first grain-mustard-like happy development of the institution's earnings Woltersdorf. On the tooth for the same are acquired land he was on 5 April 1755 to a new institution for the purposes set up home with great sympathy of the authorities and residents Bunzlaus with a speech on Jesaj. 40, 26-31, in which he "of the triumph of faith over the language of disbelief," said, laying the foundation. According to his plan the scope of the purposes of this orphanage was not limited merely to actual orphans, but should "also other poor youth spiritual and corporeal way helped up" and will focus on improving the school system at all taken care, including the Auferziehung and training "of useful Präparanden to school should include people. " Regarding the goal of intellectual education, other good schools, and the Halle Züllichausche orphanage and school in Berlin Hecker'sche serve as a model to the divine providence of the development is expected to be prey, such as the establishment in every way so far possible and pleasing to God, the service of their neighbor wants to be paid. " The spirit of the institution should be supported and permeated with avoidance of all interested by bias against other institutions, all vanity, hypocrisy and all the sectarian system and in maintaining a joyful in the Lord's Spirit of the Word of God and a living knowledge of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit avoidance of all dishonesty before God and man. Yes W. felt constrained in this respect, "in the name of Jesus an eternal curse and ban on all human intentions and unfair to put that would arise from this work. God forbid, hands also interested by the matter prior to all future times. Amen!" By morning prayer and evening meeting was the school life of the day from him, as the shepherd of the more numerous under his leadership, creative crowd of orphan boys, alumni and retirees in God's word and framed under the discipline of the spirit of God made. At the evening worship, which he considered most like themselves came, so many adults from the city and the countryside, the new hall in the orphanage home so often not enough room and offered the prayers had to be kept at the weather outside. In the design of the school life of the institution, he proved to be an excellent efficient Schulmann, by following the example of the Halle Orphanage and the Berlin school, the three educational goals with their corresponding three directions in the eye seized and united: the humanistic to the education the university studies which provided a realistic preparation for the higher middle class and the elementary school for the common people, all the three directions of school life, but framed and consecrated by the blessing of the Gospel and under the leadership of the heavenly teacher. In a short time the institution became such a growth, that in the year 1760 consisted of 104 persons with 5 studirten teachers. When he joined the Institute counted Directorat that only 15 orphan boys and 24 boarders and students free. In three years, until his deposition in 1761, increased the flock to 24 orphans and 82 retirees. As educators and as administrator of the whole, in such a way, growing prison system filled and penetrated it, the whole school life with the spirit of healthy piety, such as just the physical freshness cheerful prosperity, as the spiritual welfare of the young subject of the kindest, in the service of Christ's love paternal care was exercised. In the fullest sense of the word W. was the soul of the orphanage in mind and following the example of him at the heart grown Francke Institute in Halle, by every single student with orphan and pastoral fidelity and love with pedagogical accepted. In addition to all this his full strength in claim taking and for the run of the day often exceeds job of having to adjust in the service of his God and Savior, he is every moment of his life, was conscious, he devoted himself from the same desire of his heart, often Taking to the aid of night, an admirably comprehensive and versatile literary activity in writing devotional writings, and especially in poetry and spiritual songs "Psalms". First, we see that a sizable portion of this literary work, far beyond his sphere of influence beyond even beyond Germany his name known in the circles of the originally healthy pietism newly awakened life of faith made and varied, yet continued blessing donated, the was he so dearly loved youth. For example, was initially intended to be for his pupil, the young Earl of Promnitz, certain "flying letter to the youth about happiness before conversion," soon the most widespread, and the one who writes this can testify from his own youth, what a [182] deep, has had on his life extending effect of this little book for him. Among his songs is the large number of those who can be described as spiritual children and youth songs, a truly heartwarming forming testimony of how even in this work his watchword: the love of Christ Penetrating me, then, to bear was, and how he in such a Language of love for the young hearts found the right tone, as it is rarely managed a spiritual hymn writers. Examples of this are the songs: "Flowering Youth" and "Stay, sheep remains." Form and content of a cast. The flowing language of the mouth and the language of the heart are the outpouring of such a fact that is not to find any trace of an arduous passage through the paths reflectirender thought and form of education. This is true even of all his spiritual poems. His many songs he wrote as well as 35 devotional writings, he was at first singly, then in two collections published under the title "Evangelical Psalms," 1750 and 1751. After his death, only the most complete collection of them appeared under the title "EC Woltersdorf's all the new songs, or Evangelical psalms," Berlin 1767th In ease of diction and fertility of the production is reminiscent of Benjamin Schmolck . Only that he was from the latter by the unusual length of his poems is different, which was a consequence of the total executed Exempt and meets one of his inner life of the subject and his heart and mind completely overflowing and while writing his overwhelming thoughts inflow, which according to its own the statement of intent, the fullness of his thoughts and feelings to pour in more concise form, often thwarted. The fundamental reason this exuberant but diffusivity was deeply stirred the innermost and fulfillment of the power of the love of Jesus Christ. In a similar way as in the Moravian religious poetry, sermons and penetrating mode of teaching was the case, all his writings, the fiery testimony of the sole resting finding the soul in the blood and the wounds of Christ, the Lamb of God, often in extremely striking phrases, but also not rare in tändelndem sweet tone in unusually strong terms, and in some sense the refined taste of the corresponding images, as for example, a long poem titled: "The believers as bees on the wounds of Jesus," wrote. In the defense of strong sensual unusual phrases from blood and wounds of the Saviour with the sentence that should be moved by the sense, the heart, he demanded, however, with reference to the known abuses in the Moravian poetry quite emphatically, "that while the matter in their dimensions remain and not an exaggerated, pompous, lewd, disgusting, incomprehensible, or even ridiculous creatures come out. " By and large, the previous herding, he can at the broad rapid stream of his momentary heart outpourings, the witness is always a major poetic system, and undermined by the lack of a formal and linguistic overwork still images and expressions with which those claims in accordance of him with a quiet deliberation, and would have been avoided Selbstbeurtheilung want, but not merely in the way of the Moravian, but also occur in the later Pietist homiletical and poetic way of speaking often enough. It is missing its often too lengthy poems and songs, most of which are low in spite of their living feeling are not suitable for singing in church in worship, but only for the private edification, in addition to a lively poetic feeling of the various keys sung and celebrated redemption and reconciliation with God through Christ's merit, the modest rounding off bloody and creative poetic work. Nevertheless, Woltersdorf's countless songs [183] ​​Many faith and strengthening Herzenserquickung offered. Quite a few are either in their original condensed form, or have been recorded in an abbreviated and rounded shape in the Protestant hymn books and the sacred use. Examples are: "This is a blessed ones hour, Jesus thinks of you as you," "sinners, rejoice in heart", "My hope and anchor in every need," "Who is the bride of the king's right?", "God, you thronest in Heaven," "Take down my heart, O God, take it back", "preacher of the sweet teachings," "Come, my heart! in Jesus' suffering, "the latter being a sacrament hymn, in which the words:" I have a Saviour, "in various phrases and terms are varied and give a touchingly powerful sensation of what is sinful man of his Saviour, expression . That he with all his poetic activity, only the highest and most essential for all spiritual poetry always had in mind, he testified again with the phrase, it was his unalterable truth, that while all reasonable rules of poetry are very good, but that nevertheless the Divine in poetry learned otherwise than on the knees and given free will, for if the spirit of all spirits, the heart of the poet does not inflame, so even the most sublime poetry was to be no divine call. It is as beautiful a testimony of his truly Christian view of what should be sacred poetry when he encountered even in his time poets who anschlugen in the field of religious poetry already the moralizing tone and the first article of the Christian faith withdraw second left, says the truth in these words: "If you want to make it good, so seals her moral fables. or you look at the wonderful Creator and sings of his great majesty. See how it comes, however, that her secret wisdom of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ, who came to save sinners do so rarely or never hit your poems, let? You have to the most beautiful among the sons of men have not yet seen. "His loftiest of these key songs sung have given him the honorary title of the Silesian Asaph. All his energies on his already frail body composition consuming work in the two offices was the cause of his untimely death. Deeply shaken by the death of his brotherly love him in affiliated Jäschki colleague, whom he on 12 December 1761 the hour had passed and the Lord's Supper deposition he had to preach the following Sunday the congregation, he thought, though broken in its physical force, on this 3rd Advent Sunday with great earnestness and power of the spirit haunting his last sermon on the words of the first epistle Corinth. 4, 5: "Which will also bring to light what is hidden in darkness and reveal the counsels of the hearts." In a premonition of death, he exclaimed, thinking of his brother's office just departed to the community: "Eight days ago he was still at this point, who knows who is eight days here!" After full completion of all work in his office that day, he threw a violent fever in the hospital bed, from which he should not get up again. A stroke of apoplexy ended his life he took only 36 years on 17 December 1761 end. His last words, echoes of his songs were a praise to God, his Saviour: "Hallelujah! shout it, sing it, it springeth the heart, the sad pain zurücke it depart. - If you eat of you, everything is sweetened. " - On the second word Corinth. 1, 8-10, with whom he had awarded during the illness and his family repeatedly comfort and hope, he gave his friend, pastor of Greater Walditz Seidel, the funeral sermon. Above his grave has his grateful congregation on his tombstone shouted at [184] him, "as they have lost in him a truly evangelical leaders, and the orphanage a worthy director and loving father, as he is a faithful shepherd of the flock entrusted to him, a carrier the spreader glory of God and the kingdom of Christ, an indefatigable, but had often been about power Weighted workers in the vineyard of the Lord." --Excerpts from,_Ernst_Gottlieb

S. W. Straub

1842 - 1899 Arranger of "[Blessed are the pure in heart]" in Christian Life Songs Solomon.W Straub Solomon was the brother of Maria Straub. His father Joseph was a farmer. His parents, who were of German descent. From Hymnary user, via email

Siegfried A. Mahlmann

1771 - 1826 Person Name: Mahlmann Author of "Hoffe, Herz, nur mit Geduld!" in Gesangbuch der Evangelischen Gemeinschaft Siegfried August Mahlmann Germany 1771-1826. Born at Leipzig, Germany, he studied law at the University of Leipzig. He tutored a young nobleman and traveled with him around Europe. In 1799 he became a bookseller, writer, and editor. He bought the Junius bookshop in Leipzig in 1802. From 1806-16 he edited the journal Zeitung fur die elegante Welt (a fashionable publication), and from 1810-18 wrote for the Lipziger Zeitung newspaper. He was briefly imprisoned in 1813 by the French during the Napoleonic Wars in the fortress at Erfurt. He wrote a novel, short stories, poetry (published in 1825 and popular in his day), and a number of songs, still popular with German children. In his spare time he was a playright. His collected poems have been published several times. He later studied natural sciences and economics. He was appointed director of the Leipzig Economic Society. He also served as private counsellor to the King of Saxony and Knight of the Order of Saint Vladimir. He died at Leipzig. He wrote chamber and art music, scores, and academic theses. He was an author, librettist, lyricist, contributor, composer, correspondent, collector, and creator. John Perry


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