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Jakob Hintze

1622 - 1702 Person Name: J. Hintze (1622-1700) Composer of "SALZBURG" in A Missionary Hymn Book Partly as a result of the Thirty Years' War and partly to further his musical education, Jakob Hintze (b. Bernau, Germany, 1622; d. Berlin, Germany, 1702) traveled widely as a youth, including trips to Sweden and Lithuania. In 1659 he settled in Berlin, where he served as court musician to the Elector of Brandenburg from 1666 to 1695. Hintze is known mainly for his editing of the later editions of Johann Crüger's Praxis Pietatis Melica, to which he contributed some sixty-five of his original tunes. Bert Polman

Frederick C. Atkinson

1841 - 1896 Composer of "MORECAMBE" in The Hymnbook Born: Au­gust 21, 1841, Nor­wich, Nor­folk, Eng­land. Died: No­vem­ber 30, 1896, East Dere­ham, Nor­folk, Eng­land. As a boy Atkinson was a chorister and assistant organist at Norwich Cathedral. In 1867 he graduated with a Bachelor of Music degree from Cambridge and then served as organist and choirmaster in St. Luke's Church, Manningham, Bradford. He also held that position at Norwich Cathedral and at St. Mary's Parish Church in Lewisham. Atkinson wrote hymn tunes, anthems, and complete Anglican services, as well as songs and piano pieces. Psalter Hymnal Handbook, 1988

James C. Wade

Person Name: James Clifft Wade Composer of "HOLY CROSS" in The Cyber Hymnal

Robert Simpson

1790 - 1832 Arranger of "[Spirit divine, attend our prayer]" in Hymns We Love Robert Simpson, of Scotland; b. 1790; d. 1832 Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal, 1908

Jacques Berthier

1923 - 1994 Author of "O Lord, Hear My Prayer" in Sing the Faith Jacques Berthier (b. Auxerre, Burgundy, June 27, 1923; d. June 27, 1994) A son of musical parents, Berthier studied music at the Ecole Cesar Franck in Paris. From 1961 until his death he served as organist at St. Ignace Church, Paris. Although his published works include numerous compositions for organ, voice, and instruments, Berthier is best known as the composer of service music for the Taizé community near Cluny, Burgundy. Influenced by the French liturgist and church musician Joseph Gelineau, Berthier began writing songs for equal voices in 1955 for the services of the then nascent community of twenty brothers at Taizé. As the Taizé community grew, Berthier continued to compose most of the mini-hymns, canons, and various associated instrumental arrangements, which are now universally known as the Taizé repertoire. In the past two decades this repertoire has become widely used in North American church music in both Roman Catholic and Protestant traditions. Bert Polman

Irving Maurer

1879 - 1942 Author of "O God hear thou the Nation's Prayer" in Hymns for Today Born: September 2, 1879, Garnavillo, Iowa. Died: February 27, 1942, Rochester, Minnesota. Maurer was educated at Beloit College, Beloit, Wisconsin (1904); Yale University (BD, MA, 1908); Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota (DD); Wooster College, Ohio (LLD 1924); Oberlin College (DD 1925); & Colorado College (LLD 1933). Ordained a Congregational minister, he served at the Jonathan Edwards Church in Northampton, Massachusetts, & Washington Gladden’s First Congregational Church in Columbus, Ohio. He went on to serve as president of Beloit College from 1924 until his death. ========================== Irving Maurer 1924-1942 Excerpted from "Seven Presidents of Beloit College" by Dr. Robert Irrmann: In 1924 Beloit College turned to its earlier tradition of calling a son of the College to the presidency; on this occasion it was Irving Maurer of the Class of 1904. Irving Maurer had gone from Beloit to Yale, receiving both a Bachelor of Divinity degree and a Master of Arts in 1908. As a Congregational minister, Maurer held two significant pastorates prior to returning to Beloit: that of the Jonathan Edwards Church in Northampton, Massachusetts, and Washington Gladden's First Congregational Church in Columbus, Ohio. Irving Maurer brought a deep feeling for the older Beloit, a broad ranging humanistic outlook, and a devotion to the College Chapel as a forum for all interests of the College. Educated under Eaton's regimen, President Maurer continued to beautify the Vesper Service, stressing the role of music in its heightening effect. The earlier values of the Founders were those professed by President Maurer as animating forces in the life of the College: a non-sectarian, democratic spirit, characterized by simplicity and mental activity and by moral idealism in public life. He saw Beloit College as an institution, "cultural rather than professional, animated by a deep sense of truth, profoundly religious but knowing no antagonism between science and religion." To his students he stressed the charm and attraction of the world of books. His love of the arts was mirrored in the erection of the Theodore Lyman Wright Art Hall. His belief in student collegiality at the outset of a college career is seen in the construction of the men's dormitories in 1927-28. Faithful to the ideals of an earlier Beloit, and to the soundness of a broad humanism, Dr. Maurer carried the College through the depression years of the 1930s, and he presided over America's entry into World War II. Granted an extension of his presidency beyond age 65, so he might preside at the College's Centennial in 1946-1947, an untimely and unexpected death in February 1942 ended his presidency.

Arthur Henry Brown

1830 - 1926 Composer of "PURLEIGH" in The Cyber Hymnal Born: Ju­ly 24, 1830, Brent­wood, Es­sex, Eng­land. Died: Feb­ru­a­ry 15, 1926, Brent­wood, Es­sex, Eng­land. Almost com­plete­ly self taught, Brown be­gan play­ing the or­gan at the age 10. He was or­gan­ist of the Brent­wood Par­ish Church, Es­sex (1842-53); St. Ed­ward’s, Rom­ford (1853-58); Brent­wood Par­ish Church (1858-88); St. Pe­ter’s Church, South Weald (from 1889); and Sir An­tho­ny Browne’s School (to 1926). A mem­ber of the Lon­don Gre­gor­i­an As­so­ci­a­tion, he helped as­sem­ble the Ser­vice Book for the an­nu­al fes­tiv­al in St. Paul’s Ca­thed­ral. He sup­port­ed the Ox­ford Move­ment, and pi­o­neered the res­tor­a­tion of plain­chant and Gre­gor­i­an mu­sic in Ang­li­can wor­ship. Brown ed­it­ed var­i­ous pub­li­ca­tions, in­clud­ing the Al­tar Hym­nal. His other works in­clude set­tings of the Can­ti­cles and the Ho­ly Com­mun­ion Ser­vice, a Child­ren’s Fes­tiv­al Serv­ice, an­thems, songs, part songs, and over 800 hymn tunes and car­ols. Music: Alleluia! Sing the Tri­umph Arthur Dale Ab­bey Fields of Gold Are Glow­ing Gerran Holy Church Holy Rood If An­gels Sang Our Sav­ior’s Birth Lammas O, Sing We a Car­ol Purleigh Redemptor Mun­di Ring On, Ye Joy­ous Christ­mas Bells Saffron Wal­den St. An­a­tol­i­us St. Aus­tell St. John Dam­as­cene St. Ma­byn St. So­phro­ni­us Story of the Cross Sweet Child Di­vine

D. T. Niles

1908 - 1970 Author of "Spirit God" in E. A. C. C. Hymnal

Charles H. Webb

b. 1933 Person Name: Charles H. Webb Composer (descant) of "CAMPMEETING" in The United Methodist Hymnal Music Supplement II

Anna Letitia Waring

1823 - 1910 Person Name: A. L. Waring Author of "My prayer to the promise shall cling" in Hymns and Meditations See also in: Hymn Writers of the Church ================ Waring, Anna Laetitia, daughter of Elijah Waring, and niece of Samuel Miller Waring, was born at Neath, Glamorganshire, in 1820. In 1850 she published her Hymns and Meditations, by A. L. W., a small book of 19 hymns. The 4th edition was published in 1854. The 10th edition, 1863, is enlarged to 38 hymns. She also published Additional Hymns, 1858, and contributed some pieces to the Sunday Magazine, 1871. Her most widely known hymns are: "Father, I know that all my life," "Go not far from me, O my Strength," and "My heart is resting, O my God." The rest in common use include:— 1. Dear Saviour of a dying world. Resurrection. (1854.) 2. In heavenly love abiding. Safety in God. (1850.) 3. Jesus, Lord of heaven above. Love to Jesus desired. (1854.) 4. Lord, a happy child of Thine. Evening. (1850.) 5. My Saviour, on the [Thy] words of truth. Hope in the Word of God. (1850.) Sometimes stanza iv., "It is not as Thou wilt with me," is given separately. 6. O this is blessing, this is rest. Rest in the Love of Jesus. (1854.) 7. O Thou Lord of heaven above. The Resurrection. 8. Source of my life's refreshing springs. Rest in God. (1850.) 9. Sunlight of the heavenly day. New Year (1854.) 10. Sweet is the solace of Thy love. Safety and Comfort in God. (1850.) 11. Tender mercies on my way. Praise of Divine Mercies. (1850.) 12. Thanksgiving and the voice of melody. New Year (1854). 13. Though some good things of lower worth. Love of God in Christ, (1860.) These hymns are marked by great simplicity, concentration of thought, and elegance of diction. They are popular, and deserve to be so. [George Arthur Crawford, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) =============== Waring, Anna L., p. 1233, ii. Of her hymns we have found the following in Lovell Squire's Selection of Scriptural Poetry, 3rd ed., 1848: 1. Father, I know that all my life, p. 367, ii. 2. Sweet is the solace of Thy love, p. 1233, ii. 10. 3. Though some good things of, &c., p. 1233, ii. 13. The statement in J. Telford's The Methodist Hymn Book Illustrated, 1906, p. 271, that Miss Waring contributed to her uncle's (S. M. Waring's) Sacred Melodies, 182G, cannot be correct, as she was then only six years old. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Erik Routley

1917 - 1982 Composer of "PRAYER CANTICLE" in The United Methodist Hymnal

L. O. Emerson

1820 - 1915 Person Name: Lu­ther Orlando Em­er­son Harmonizer of "AR HYD Y NOS" in The Cyber Hymnal Luther Orlando Emerson was born at Parsonsfield, Maine, August 3, 1820. He descended from distinguished English ancestry. His parents were quite musical, and while the family circle were together, they had a choir and orchestra of their own. The father played the violoncello, the mother was an excellent singer, the flute and violin added their sweet tones, till the quiet homestead rang with melody. Mr. Emerson's education was obtained at the district school, Parsonsfield Seminary and Effingham Academy. He was full of energy, quick and versatile, an apt scholar, and with a view to entering the profession of medicine he entered Dracut Academy, Mass. But his great love for music swerved him from that course, and now, having far better opportunities for cultivating and enjoying this taste and ability, he soon determined upon music as the profession of his choice. He accordingly commenced a course of musical instruction under the late I. B. Woodbury, then a popular teacher of music. After several years of study on the voice, piano, organ and in harmony, Mr. Emerson went to Salem, Mass., began teaching, and took charge of his first choir at a salary of one hundred dollars per year. Here he commenced the composition of music for his own choir, whiich was so popular with its members and the congregation, that Mr. Emerson was encouraged to seek a larger hearing by publishing a collection of church music. Among the tunes was that of Sessions, named after his pastor, which was destined to have a perennial popularity, and is often used in worship in the place of Old Hundred, for the Doxology. At the great Peace Jubilee it was received with applause when sung by a chorus of ten thousand voices, accompanied by an orchestra of two hundred instruments and a great pipe organ. The effect was sublime beyond expression. In 1847 occurred the marriage of Mr. Emerson to Miss Mary Gore, daughter of a prominent Boston merchant. She was a lady of much musical taste and ability. In 1853 he decided to make an effort to put his music before the public, and accordingly went to Boston in search of a publisher. Like most young and unknown authors, he met with but little encouragement, but finally found a publisher in the person of Mr. B. B. Muzzy. Thus was the Romberg Collection published. The book was not pushed — hence it found no market. After a residence of eight years in Salem, Mr. Emerson removed to Boston, accepting the position of organist and musical director at the Bulfinch Street Church, then under the pastoral care of Rev. Wm. R. Alger, which he filled for four years. He eagerly improved the rare means of culture which were once more enjoyed, meanwhile teaching and composing music. In 1857 he formed the connection with Oliver Ditson Company, of Boston, of author and publisher, which has continued to the present time with but one interruption (a single volume brought out by another firm), the Golden Wreath, which at once became popular, and sold forty thousand during the first year, this being the initial volume in the long series since brought out by these publishers. In 1858 came the Golden Harp, which was also a success. These successes gave him not only encouragement, but reputation. Mr. Emerson now entered upon a career of usefulness and popularity for which he had been preparing during the years of self-denying struggle and discipline. He was called to take charge of the music in the Second Congregational Church, Greenfield, Mass., and also of the musical department of Power's Institute, at Bernardston. Amid nature's most beautiful surroundings, he had a quiet retreat for the pursuit of his true vocation, the composition of church music. The first fruit of his genius here was the Sabbath Harmony, in 1860. This book was also a success. In 1863 followed the Harp of Judah, which had the remarkable sale of nearly fifty thousand copies in the first three months. This book probably gave Mr. Emerson his preeminence as a composer of church music, containing as it did his anthem, Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah, and many of his finest compositions. Having declined the solicitations of Dr. Lowell Mason to become his associate in music, Mr. Emerson started forth on his own plans, and attained the highest rank among those who loved the pure and beautiful in song. Mr. W. S. B. Mathews, a musical critic, pronounces him the best melodist of all the psalmodic writers. In 1866 the equally successful Jubilate appeared, followed by the Choral Tribute, the Standard and the Leader. In the last two Dr. I. R. Pahner was associated with him. Later on came the Salutation, Voice of Worship, Herald of Praise, etc. The diligence with which Mr. Emerson plied his pen can be estimated when one recalls the fact that he has made seventy-two collections of music, embracing music for churches, singing schools, public schools, choral societies and conventions, instruction books for voice, organ, etc. He has also composed and published scores of songs, quartets and instrumental pieces. The great amount of work this represents can only be appreciated by those who have undertaken similar labors. Some years ago the degree of Doctor of Music was conferred upon Professor Emerson by the Faculty of Findlay College, Findlay, Ohio. For many years past. Dr. Emerson has devoted his energies to the grand purpose of elevating the general character of music in our churches, and thus largely advancing the interests of true worship. He places great stress upon the mission of church music. He regards sacred music as the best expression of devotional feeling that exists. He looks upon sacred song as prayer, and believes that it inspires and intensifies prayer. With this view he has taken an active and prominent part in musical festivals and conventions, of which he has conducted over three hundred throughout the United States and Canada. As a conductor, he stands in the front rank. As a teacher. Dr. Emerson has an exceedingly happy faculty of imparting in a concise manner to his classes. His very pleasing address enables him to command the undivided attention of his pupils. As a singer, he has always held high rank, and has sung much in public. His voice is a baritone of great compass, and quite powerful. As a lecturer upon music, Dr. Emerson has attracted much attention. His most popular lecture is entitled The World of Music, in which he traces its origin and progress, and gives some excellent traits of the lives of the great composers. In this lecture he also shows the design of music, and how it has been prized in every age of the world, among all nations — its power in the Church and State, and the need of its influence in the family — in joy and sorrow — for this life and the life to come. -Biography of Gospel Song and Hymn Writers

Jessie Brown Pounds

1861 - 1921 Author of "The Temple of Prayer" Jessie Brown Pounds was born in Hiram, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland on 31 August 1861. She was not in good health when she was a child so she was taught at home. She began to write verses for the Cleveland newspapers and religious weeklies when she was fifteen. After an editor of a collection of her verses noted that some of them would be well suited for church or Sunday School hymns, J. H. Fillmore wrote to her asking her to write some hymns for a book he was publishing. She then regularly wrote hymns for Fillmore Brothers. She worked as an editor with Standard Publishing Company in Cincinnati from 1885 to 1896, when she married Rev. John E. Pounds, who at that time was a pastor of the Central Christian Church in Indianapolis. A memorable phrase would come to her, she would write it down in her notebook. Maybe a couple months later she would write out the entire hymn. She is the author of nine books, about fifty librettos for cantatas and operettas and of nearly four hundred hymns. Her hymn "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere" was sung at President McKinley's funeral. Dianne Shapiro, from "The Singers and Their Songs: sketches of living gospel hymn writers" by Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (Chicago: The Rodeheaver Company, 1916)

B. D. Ackley

1872 - 1958 Person Name: Bentley D. Ackley Composer of "[I grieved my Lord from day to day]" in Timeless Truths Bentley DeForrest Ackley was born 27 September 1872 in Spring Hill, Pennsylvania. He was the oldest son of Stanley Frank Ackley and the brother of A. H. Ackley. In his early years, he traveled with his father and his father's band. He learned to play several musical instruments. By the age of 16, after the family had moved to New York, he began to play the organ for churches. He married Bessie Hill Morley on 20 December 1893. In 1907 he joined the Billy Sunday and Homer Rodeheaver evangelist team as secretary/pianist. He worked for and traveled with the Billy Sunday organization for 8 years. He also worked as an editor for the Homer Rodeheaver publishing company. He composed more than 3000 tunes. He died 3 September 1958 in Winona Hills, Indiana at the age of 85 and is buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Warsaw, Indiana, near his friend Homer Rodeheaver. Dianne Shapiro (from by Ed Ackley and Allen C. Ackley)

Alexander Robert Reinagle

1799 - 1877 Person Name: Alexander Robert Reinagle, 1799 - 1877 Composer of "ST. PETER" in The Hymnary of the United Church of Canada Alexander Robert Reinagle United Kingdom 1799-1877. Born at Brighton, Sussex, England, gf Austrian descent, he came from a family of musicians, studying music with his father (a cellist), then with Raynor Taylor in Edinburgh, Scotland. Reinagle became a well-known organ teacher. He became organist at St Peter’s Church, Oxford (1823-1853). He was also a theatre musician. He wrote Teaching manuals for stringed instruments as well. He also compiled books of hymn tunes, one in 1830: “Psalm tunes for the voice and the pianoforte”, the other in 1840: “A collection of Psalm and hymn tunes”. He also composed waltzes. In 1846 he married Caroline Orger, a pianist, composer, and writer in her own right. No information found regarding children. In the 1860s he was active in Oxford music-making and worked with organist, John Stainer, then organist at Magdalen College. Reinagle also composed a piano sonata and some church music. At retirement he moved to Kidlington, Oxfordshire, England. He died at Kidlington. John Perry

Lucy Larcom

1824 - 1893 Author of "O God, Thy World Is Sweet with Prayer" in The Cyber Hymnal Larcom, Lucy, was born at Beverley Farm, Massachusetts, in 1826. Her Poems were published in 1864. Her hymn, "When for me the silent oar" [Death Anticipated), was published in 1868. She died in 1893. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) =============== Larcom, Lucy, p. 1576, ii. The extended use of this writer's hymns justifies a more detailed account of her life and work than is given on p. 1576. She was born in 1824, and worked from 1837-45 in the mills of Lawrence, Mass., then engaged in elementary teaching 1846-49, became a student at Monticello Female Seminary, Alton, Ill., 1849-52, and then entered upon advanced teaching in higher-class schools, and literary work. She edited with J. G. Whittier, Child Life in Poetry, 1871; Child Life in Prose, 1873; Songs of Three Centuries, 1875, &c. Her own works are Poems, 1869; Childhood Songs, 1875; Wild Roses of Cape Ann, 1881; Poetical Works, 1885; At the Beautiful Gate; And Other Songs of Faith, 1892. Her autobiography was published as A New England Girlhood. She died in 1893. In addition to "When for me the silent oar," of her hymns the following are in common use:— i. From her Poems, 1869. 1. Hand in hand with angels. Angelic companion¬ship. 2. If the world seems cold to you. 3. When for me the silent oar. Death ii. From her Wild Roses of Cape Ann, 1881. 4. In Christ I feel the heart of God. 5. O Spirit, "Whose name is the Saviour.” in. From her Poetical Works, 1885. 6. Breaks the joyful Easter dawn, master. 7. Heavenly Helper, Friend Divine. Christ the Friend. iv. From her At the Beautiful Gate, &c, 1892. 8. Draw Thou, my soul, O Christ. Looking to Jesus. 9. O God, Thy world is sweet with prayer. Prayer. 10. Open your hearts as a flower to the light. 11. King, happy bells of Easter time. Easter. The above notes are from the British Museum copies of Miss Larcom's works. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Hal H. Hopson

b. 1933 Composer of "HYMN CHANT" in Psalms for All Seasons Hal H. Hopson (b. Texas, 1933) is a prolific composer, arranger, clinician, teacher and promoter of congregational song, with more than 1300 published works, especially of hymn and psalm arrangements, choir anthems, and creative ideas for choral and organ music in worship. Born in Texas, with degrees from Baylor University (BA, 1954), and Southern Baptist Seminary (MSM, 1956), he served churches in Nashville, TN, and most recently at Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church in Dallas, Texas. He has served on national boards of the Presbyterian Association of Musicians and the Choristers Guild, and taught numerous workshops at various national conferences. In 2009, a collection of sixty four of his hymn tunes were published in Hymns for Our Time: The Collected Tunes of Hal H. Hopson. Emily Brink

George W. Bacon

Person Name: Geo. W. Bacon Composer of "[O hear my prayer, receive me, Lord, today]" in Golden Songs of Glory Early 20th Century

John Newton

1725 - 1807 Author of "A prayer in need" in Laudes Domini John Newton (b. London, England, 1725; d. London, 1807) was born into a Christian home, but his godly mother died when he was seven, and he joined his father at sea when he was eleven. His licentious and tumul­tuous sailing life included a flogging for attempted desertion from the Royal Navy and captivity by a slave trader in West Africa. After his escape he himself became the captain of a slave ship. Several factors contributed to Newton's conversion: a near-drowning in 1748, the piety of his friend Mary Catlett, (whom he married in 1750), and his reading of Thomas à Kempis' Imitation of Christ. In 1754 he gave up the slave trade and, in association with William Wilberforce, eventually became an ardent abolitionist. After becoming a tide-surveyor in Liverpool, England, Newton came under the influence of George Whitefield and John and Charles Wesley and began to study for the ministry. He was ordained in the Church of England and served in Olney (1764-1780) and St. Mary Woolnoth, London (1780-1807). His legacy to the Christian church includes his hymns as well as his collaboration with William Cowper (PHH 434) in publishing Olney Hymns (1779), to which Newton contributed 280 hymns, including “Amazing Grace.” Bert Polman ================== Newton, John, who was born in London, July 24, 1725, and died there Dec. 21, 1807, occupied an unique position among the founders of the Evangelical School, due as much to the romance of his young life and the striking history of his conversion, as to his force of character. His mother, a pious Dissenter, stored his childish mind with Scripture, but died when he was seven years old. At the age of eleven, after two years' schooling, during which he learned the rudiments of Latin, he went to sea with his father. His life at sea teems with wonderful escapes, vivid dreams, and sailor recklessness. He grew into an abandoned and godless sailor. The religious fits of his boyhood changed into settled infidelity, through the study of Shaftesbury and the instruction of one of his comrades. Disappointing repeatedly the plans of his father, he was flogged as a deserter from the navy, and for fifteen months lived, half-starved and ill-treated, in abject degradation under a slave-dealer in Africa. The one restraining influence of his life was his faithful love for his future wife, Mary Catlett, formed when he was seventeen, and she only in her fourteenth year. A chance reading of Thomas à Kempis sowed the seed of his conversion; which quickened under the awful contemplations of a night spent in steering a water-logged vessel in the face of apparent death (1748). He was then twenty-three. The six following years, during which he commanded a slave ship, matured his Christian belief. Nine years more, spent chiefly at Liverpool, in intercourse with Whitefield, Wesley, and Nonconformists, in the study of Hebrew and Greek, in exercises of devotion and occasional preaching among the Dissenters, elapsed before his ordination to the curacy of Olney, Bucks (1764). The Olney period was the most fruitful of his life. His zeal in pastoral visiting, preaching and prayer-meetings was unwearied. He formed his lifelong friendship with Cowper, and became the spiritual father of Scott the commentator. At Olney his best works—-Omicron's Letters (1774); Olney Hymns (1779); Cardiphonia, written from Olney, though published 1781—were composed. As rector of St. Mary Woolnoth, London, in the centre of the Evangelical movement (1780-1807) his zeal was as ardent as before. In 1805, when no longer able to read his text, his reply when pressed to discontinue preaching, was, "What, shall the old African blasphemer stop while he can speak!" The story of his sins and his conversion, published by himself, and the subject of lifelong allusion, was the base of his influence; but it would have been little but for the vigour of his mind (shown even in Africa by his reading Euclid drawing its figures on the sand), his warm heart, candour, tolerance, and piety. These qualities gained him the friendship of Hannah More, Cecil, Wilberforce, and others; and his renown as a guide in experimental religion made him the centre of a host of inquirers, with whom he maintained patient, loving, and generally judicious correspondence, of which a monument remains in the often beautiful letters of Cardiphonia. As a hymnwriter, Montgomery says that he was distanced by Cowper. But Lord Selborne's contrast of the "manliness" of Newton and the "tenderness" of Cowper is far juster. A comparison of the hymns of both in The Book of Praise will show no great inequality between them. Amid much that is bald, tame, and matter-of-fact, his rich acquaintance with Scripture, knowledge of the heart, directness and force, and a certain sailor imagination, tell strongly. The one splendid hymn of praise, "Glorious things of thee are spoken," in the Olney collection, is his. "One there is above all others" has a depth of realizing love, sustained excellence of expression, and ease of development. "How sweet the name of Jesus sounds" is in Scriptural richness superior, and in structure, cadence, and almost tenderness, equal to Cowper's "Oh! for a closer walk with God." The most characteristic hymns are those which depict in the language of intense humiliation his mourning for the abiding sins of his regenerate life, and the sense of the withdrawal of God's face, coincident with the never-failing conviction of acceptance in The Beloved. The feeling may be seen in the speeches, writings, and diaries of his whole life. [Rev. H. Leigh Bennett, M.A.] A large number of Newton's hymns have some personal history connected with them, or were associated with circumstances of importance. These are annotated under their respective first lines. Of the rest, the known history of which is confined to the fact that they appeared in the Olney Hymns, 1779, the following are in common use:— 1. Be still, my heart, these anxious cares. Conflict. 2. Begone, unbelief, my Saviour is near. Trust. 3. By the poor widow's oil and meal. Providence. 4. Chief Shepherd of Thy chosen sheep. On behalf of Ministers. 5. Darkness overspreads us here. Hope. 6. Does the Gospel-word proclaim. Rest in Christ. 7. Fix my heart and eyes on Thine. True Happiness. 8. From Egypt lately freed. The Pilgrim's Song. 9. He Who on earth as man was Known. Christ the Rock. 10. How blest are they to whom the Lord. Gospel Privileges. 11. How blest the righteous are. Death of the Righteous. 12. How lost was my [our] condition. Christ the Physician. 13. How tedious and tasteless the hours. Fellowship with Christ. 14. How welcome to the saints [soul] when pressed. Sunday. 15. Hungry, and faint, and poor. Before Sermon. 16. In mercy, not in wrath, rebuke. Pleading for Mercy. 17. In themselves, as weak as worms. Power of Prayer. 18. Incarnate God, the soul that knows. The Believer's Safety. 19. Jesus, Who bought us with His blood. The God of Israel. "Teach us, 0 Lord, aright to plead," is from this hymn. 20. Joy is a [the] fruit that will not grow. Joy. 21. Let hearts and tongues unite. Close of the Year. From this "Now, through another year," is taken. 22. Let us adore the grace that seeks. New Year. 23. Mary to her [the] Saviour's tomb. Easter. 24. Mercy, 0 Thou Son of David. Blind Bartimeus. 25. My harp untun'd and laid aside. Hoping for a Revival. From this "While I to grief my soul gave way" is taken. 26. Nay, I cannot let thee go. Prayer. Sometimes, "Lord, I cannot let Thee go." 27. Now may He Who from the dead. After Sermon. 28. 0 happy they who know the Lord, With whom He deigns to dwell. Gospel Privilege. 29. O Lord, how vile am I. Lent. 30. On man in His own Image made. Adam. 31. 0 speak that gracious word again. Peace through Pardon. 32. Our Lord, Who knows full well. The Importunate Widow. Sometimes altered to "Jesus, Who knows full well," and again, "The Lord, Who truly knows." 33. Physician of my sin-sick soul. Lent. 34. Pleasing spring again is here. Spring. 35. Poor, weak, and worthless, though I am. Jesus the Friend. 36. Prepare a thankful song. Praise to Jesus. 37. Refreshed by the bread and wine. Holy Communion. Sometimes given as "Refreshed by sacred bread and wine." 38. Rejoice, believer, in the Lord. Sometimes “Let us rejoice in Christ the Lord." Perseverance. 39. Salvation, what a glorious plan. Salvation. 40. Saviour, shine and cheer my soul. Trust in Jesus. The cento "Once I thought my mountain strong," is from this hymn. 41. Saviour, visit Thy plantation. Prayer for the Church. 42. See another year [week] is gone. Uncertainty of Life. 43. See the corn again in ear. Harvest. 44. Sinner, art thou still secure? Preparation for the Future. 45. Sinners, hear the [thy] Saviour's call. Invitation. 46. Sovereign grace has power alone. The two Malefactors. 47. Stop, poor sinner, stop and think. Caution and Alarm. 48. Sweeter sounds than music knows. Christmas. 49. Sweet was the time when first I felt. Joy in Believing. 50. Ten thousand talents once I owed. Forgiveness and Peace. 51. The grass and flowers, which clothe the field. Hay-time. 52. The peace which God alone reveals. Close of Service. 53. Thy promise, Lord, and Thy command. Before Sermon. 54. Time, by moments, steals away. The New Year. 55. To Thee our wants are known. Close of Divine Service. 56. We seek a rest beyond the skies. Heaven anticipated. 57. When any turn from Zion's way. Jesus only. 58. When Israel, by divine command. God, the Guide and Sustainer of Life. 59. With Israel's God who can compare? After Sermon. 60. Yes, since God Himself has said it. Confidence. 61. Zion, the city of our God. Journeying Zionward. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================= Newton, J., p. 803, i. Another hymn in common use from the Olney Hymns, 1779, is "Let me dwell on Golgotha" (Holy Communion). --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) ----- John Newton was born in London, July 24, 1725. His mother died when he was seven years old. In his eleventh year he accompanied his father, a sea captain, on a voyage. For several years his life was one of dissipation and crime. He was disgraced while in the navy. Afterwards he engaged in the slave trade. Returning to England in 1748, the vessel was nearly wrecked in a storm. This peril forced solemn reflection upon him, and from that time he was a changed man. It was six years, however, before he relinquished the slave trade, which was not then regarded as an unlawful occupation. But in 1754, he gave up sea-faring life, and holding some favourable civil position, began also religious work. In 1764, in his thirty-ninth year, he entered upon a regular ministry as the Curate of Olney. In this position he had intimate intercourse with Cowper, and with him produced the "Olney Hymns." In 1779, Newton became Rector of S. Mary Woolnoth, in London, in which position he became more widely known. It was here he died, Dec. 21, 1807, His published works are quite numerous, consisting of sermons, letters, devotional aids, and hymns. He calls his hymns "The fruit and expression of his own experience." --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A. 1872 See also in: Hymn Writers of the Church =======================

Conrad Kocher

1786 - 1872 Composer of "DIX" in Psalms of Grace Trained as a teacher, Conrad Kocher (b. Ditzingen, Wurttemberg, Germany, 1786; d. Stuttgart, Germany, 1872) moved to St. Petersburg, Russia, to work as a tutor at the age of seventeen. But his love for the music of Haydn and Mozart impelled him to a career in music. He moved back to Germany in 1811, settled in Stuttgart, and remained there for most of his life. The prestigious Cotta music firm published some of his early compositions and sent him to study music in Italy, where he came under the influence of Palestrina's music. In 1821 Kocher founded the School for Sacred Song in Stuttgart, which popularized four-part singing in the churches of that region. He was organist and choir director at the Stiftskirche in Stuttgart from 1827 to 1865. Kocher wrote a treatise on church music, Die Tonkunst in der Kirche (1823), collected a large number of chorales in Zions Harfe (1855), and composed an oratorio, two operas, and some sonatas. William H. Monk created the current form of DIX by revising and shortening Conrad Kocher's chorale melody for “Treuer Heiland, wir sind hier,” found in Kocher's Stimmen aus dem Reiche Gottes (1838). Bert Polman

Isabella R. Hess

Author of "Yom Kippur Prayer" in Union Hymnal, Songs and Prayers for Jewish Worship. 3rd ed. Revised and enlarged.

Frederick William Faber

1814 - 1863 Person Name: Frederick W. Faber Author of "Now Are The Days Of Humblest Prayer" in The Cyber Hymnal Raised in the Church of England, Frederick W. Faber (b. Calverly, Yorkshire, England, 1814; d. Kensington, London, England, 1863) came from a Huguenot and strict Calvinistic family background. He was educated at Balliol College, Oxford, and ordained in the Church of England in 1839. Influenced by the teaching of John Henry Newman, Faber followed Newman into the Roman Catholic Church in 1845 and served under Newman's supervision in the Oratory of St. Philip Neri. Because he believed that Roman Catholics should sing hymns like those written by John Newton, Charles Wesley, and William Cowpe, Faber wrote 150 hymns himself. One of his best known, "Faith of Our Fathers," originally had these words in its third stanza: "Faith of Our Fathers! Mary's prayers/Shall win our country back to thee." He published his hymns in various volumes and finally collected all of them in Hymns (1862). Bert Polman ================= Faber, Frederick William, D.D., son of Mr. T. H. Faber, was born at Calverley Vicarage, Yorkshire, June 28, 1814, and educated at Balliol College, Oxford, graduating B.A. in 1836. He was for some time a Fellow of University College, in the same University. Taking Holy Orders in 1837, he became Rector of Elton, Huntingdonshire, in 1843, but in 1846 he seceded to the Church of Rome. After residing for some time at St. Wilfrid's, Staffordshire, he went to London in 1849, and established the London "Oratorians," or, "Priests of the Congregation of St. Philip Neri," in King William Street, Strand. In 1854 the Oratory was removed to Brompton. Dr. Faber died Sept. 26, 1863. Before his secession he published several prose works, some of which were in defence of the Church of England; and afterwards several followed as Spiritual Conferences, All for Jesus, &c. Although he published his Cherwell Waterlily and Other Poems, 1840; The Styrian Lake, and Other Poems, 1842; Sir Lancelot, 1844; and The Rosary and Other Poems, 1845; and his Lives of the Saints, in verse, before he joined the Church of Rome, all his hymns were published after he joined that communion. They were included in his:— (1) A small book of eleven Hymns1849, for the School at St. Wilfrid's, Staffordshire. (2) Jesus and Mary: or, Catholic Hymns for Singing and Reading, London 1849. In 1852 the 2nd edition was published with an addition of 20 new hymns. (3) Oratory Hymns, 1854; and (4) Hymns, 1862, being a collected edition of what he had written and published from time to time. Dr. Faber's account of the origin of his hymn-writing is given in his Preface to Jesus & Mary. After dwelling on the influence, respectively, of St. Theresa, of St. Ignatius, and of St. Philip Neri, on Catholicism; and of the last that "sanctity in the world, perfection at home, high attainments in common earthly callings…was the principal end of his apostolate," he says:— “It was natural then that an English son of St. Philip should feel the want of a collection of English Catholic hymns fitted for singing. The few in the Garden of the Soul were all that were at hand, and of course they were not numerous enough to furnish the requisite variety. As to translations they do not express Saxon thought and feelings, and consequently the poor do not seem to take to them. The domestic wants of the Oratory, too, keep alive the feeling that something of the sort was needed: though at the same time the author's ignorance of music appeared in some measure to disqualify him for the work of supplying the defect. Eleven, however, of the hymns were written, most of them, for particular tunes and on particular occasions, and became very popular with a country congregation. They were afterwards printed for the Schools at St. Wilfrid's, and the very numerous applications to the printer for them seemed to show that, in spite of very glaring literary defects, such as careless grammar and slipshod metre, people were anxious to have Catholic hymns of any sort. The manuscript of the present volume was submitted to a musical friend, who replied that certain verses of all or nearly all of the hymns would do for singing; and this encouragement has led to the publication of the volume." In the same Preface he clearly points to the Olney Hymns and those of the Wesleys as being the models which for simplicity and intense fervour he would endeavour to emulate. From the small book of eleven hymns printed for the schools at St. Wilfrid's, his hymn-writing resulted in a total of 150 pieces, all of which are in his Hymns, 1862, and many of them in various Roman Catholic collections for missions and schools. Few hymns are more popular than his "My God, how wonderful Thou art," "O come and mourn with me awhile," and "Sweet Saviour, bless us ere we go." They excel in directness, simplicity, and pathos. "Hark, hark, my soul, angelic songs are swelling," and "O Paradise, O Paradise," are also widely known. These possess, however, an element of unreality which is against their permanent popularity. Many of Faber's hymns are annotated under their respective first lines; the rest in common use include:— i. From his Jesus and Mary, 1849 and 1852. 1. Fountain of love, Thyself true God. The Holy Ghost. 2. How shalt thou bear the Cross, that now. The Eternal Years. 3. I come to Thee, once more, O God. Returning to God. 4. Joy, joy, the Mother comes. The Purification. 5. My soul, what hast thou done for God? Self-Examination 6. O how the thought of God attract. Holiness Desired. 7. O soul of Jesus, sick to death. Passiontide. Sometimes this is divided into two parts, Pt. ii. beginning, “My God, my God, and can it be." ii. From his Oratory Hymns, 1854. 8. Christians, to the war! Gather from afar. The Christian Warfare. 9. O come to the merciful Saviour that calls you. Divine Invitation. In many collections. 10. O God, Thy power is wonderful. Power and Eternity of God. 11. O it is sweet to think, Of those that are departed. Memory of the Dead. 12. O what are the wages of sin? The Wages of Sin. 13. O what is this splendour that beams on me now? Heaven. 14. Saint of the Sacred Heart. St. John the Evangelist. iii. From his Hymns, 1862. 15. Father, the sweetest, dearest Name. The Eternal Father. 16. Full of glory, full of wonders, Majesty Divine. Holy Trinity. 17. Hark ! the sound of the fight. Processions. 18. How pleasant are thy paths, 0 death. Death Contemplated. 19. O God, Whose thoughts are brightest light. Thinking no Evil. 20. O why art thou sorrowful, servant of God? Trust in God. 21. Souls of men, why will ye scatter? The Divine Call. 22. The land beyond the sea. Heaven Contemplated. 23. The thought of God, the thought of thee. Thoughts of God. 24. We come to Thee, sweet Saviour. Jesus, our Rest. In addition to these there are also several hymns in common use in Roman Catholic hymn-books which are confined to those collections. In the Hymns for the Year, by Dr. Rawes, Nos. 77, 110, 112, 117, 120, 121, 122, 125, 127, 128, 131, 140, 152, 154,169, 170, 174, 179, 180, 192, 222, 226, 230, 271, 272, are also by Faber, and relate principally to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Several of these are repeated in other Roman Catholic collections. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907 ================== Faber, Frederick William, p. 361, i. To this article the following additions have to be made:— 1. Blood is the price of heaven. Good Friday. (1862.) 2. Exceeding sorrowful to death. Gethsemane. This in the Scottish Ibrox Hymnal, 1871, is a cento from "O soul of Jesus, sick to death," p. 362, i., 7. 3. From pain to pain, from woe to woe. Good Friday. (1854.) 4. I wish to have no wishes left. Wishes about death. (1862.) 5. Why is thy face so lit with smiles? Ascension. (1849.) The dates here given are those of Faber's works in which the hymns appeared. In addition to these hymns there are also the following in common use:— 6. Dear God of orphans, hear our prayer. On behalf of Orphans. This appeared in a miscellaneous collection entitled A May Garland, John Philip, n.d. [1863], No. 1, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. In the Roman Catholic Parochial Hymn Book, 1880, it begins, "O God of orphans, hear our prayer." 7. Sleep, sleep my beautiful babe. Christmas Carol. This carol we have failed to trace. 8. By the Archangel's word of love. Pt. i. Life of our Lord. This, and Pt. ii., “By the blood that flowed from Thee"; Pt. iii., "By the first bright Easter day"; also, "By the word to Mary given"; "By the name which Thou didst take"; in The Crown Hymn Book and other Roman Catholic collections, we have seen ascribed to Dr. Faber, but in the Rev. H. Formby's Catholic Hymns, 1853, they are all signed "C. M. C," i.e. Cecilia M. Caddell (p. 200, i.). --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) ====================== Faber, F. W., pp. 361, i.; 1562, ii. We are informed by members of Dr. Faber's family that his father was Mr. Thomas Henry Faber, sometime Lay Secretary of the Bishop of Durham. In addition to his hymns already noted in this Dictionary, the following are found in various Roman Catholic collections, viz.:— i. From St. Wilfrid's Hymns, 1849:— 1. Dear Father Philip, holy Sire. S. Philip Neri. 2. Hail, holy Joseph, hail. S. Joseph. 3. Mother of Mercy, day by day. Blessed Virgin Mary. ii. Jesus and Mary, 1849:— 4. Ah ! dearest Lord! I cannot pray. Prayer. 5. Dear Husband of Mary. S. Joseph. 6. Dear Little One, how sweet Thou art. Christmas. 7. Father and God! my endless doom. Predestination. 8. Hail, holy Wilfrid, hail. S. Wilfrid. 9. O Jesus, if in days gone by. Love of the World. 10. O turn to Jesus, Mother, turn. B. V. M. 11. Sing, sing, ye angel bands. Assum. B. V. M. iii. Jesus and Mary, 1852:— 12. All ye who love the ways of sin. S. Philip Neri. 13. Day set on Rome! its golden morn. S. Philip Neri. 14. Hail, bright Archangel! Prince of heaven. S. Michael. 15. Hail, Gabriel, hail. S. Gabriel. 16. O Flower of Grace, divinest Flower. B. V. M. 17. Saint Philip! 1 have never known. S. Philip Neri. 18. Sweet Saint Philip, thou hast won us. S. Philip Neri. Previously in the Rambler, May, 1850, p. 425. iv. Oratory Hymns, 1854:— 19. Day breaks on temple roofs and towers. Expect. of B. V. M. 20. How gently flow the silent years. S. Martin and S. Philip. 21. How the light of Heaven is stealing. Grace. 22. Like the dawning of the morning. Expect. of B. V. M. 23. Mother Mary ! at thine altar. For Orphans. 24. My God! Who art nothing but mercy and kindness. Repentance. 25. O blessed Father! sent by God. S. Vincent of Paul. 26. O do you hear that voice from heaven? Forgiveness. 27. The chains that have bound me. Absolution. 28. The day, the happy day, is dawning. B. V. M. 29. The moon is in the heavens above. B. V. M. 30. Why art thou sorrowful, servant of God? Mercy. v. Hymns, 1862:— 31. At last Thou art come, little Saviour. Christmas. 32. By the spring of God's compassions. S. Raphael. 33. Fair are the portals of the day. B. V. M. 34. Father of many children. S. Benedict. 35. From the highest heights of glory. S. Mary Magdalene. 36. Like the voiceless starlight falling. B. V. M. 37. Mary! dearest mother. B. V. M. 38. Mother of God, we hail thy heart. B. V. M. 39. O Anne! thou hadst lived through those long dreary years. S. Anne. Previously in Holy Family Hymns, 1860. 40. O balmy and bright as moonlit night. B. V. M. 41. O Blessed Trinity! Thy children. Holy Trinity. 42. O dear Saint Martha, busy saint. S. Martha 43. O Mother, will it always be. B. V. M. 44. O vision bright. B. V. M. 45. Summer suns for ever shining. B. V. M. 46. There are many saints above. S. Joseph. Previously in Holy Family Hymns, 1860. vi. Centos and altered forms:— 47. Confraternity men to the fight. From "Hark the sound of the fight," p. 362, i. 48. Hail, sainted Mungo, hail. From No. 8. 49. I bow to Thee, sweet will of God. From "I worship Thee," p. 559, ii. 50. They whom we loved on earth. From "0 it is sweet to think," p. 362, i. 51. Vincent! like Mother Mary, thou. From No. 25. When Dr. Faber's hymns which are in common use are enumerated, the total falls little short of one hundred. In this respect he outnumbers most of his contemporaries. [Rev. James Mearns] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907) -------------- See also in: Hymn Writers of the Church

Joseph Gelineau

1920 - 2008 Person Name: Joseph Gelineau, SJ Composer (Gelineau Tone) of "[My prayers rise like incense]" in Worship (4th ed.) Joseph Gelineau (1920-2008) Gelineau's translation and musical settings of the psalms have achieved nearly universal usage in the Christian church of the Western world. These psalms faithfully recapture the Hebrew poetic structure and images. To accommodate this structure his psalm tones were designed to express the asymmetrical three-line/four-line design of the psalm texts. He collaborated with R. Tournay and R. Schwab and reworked the Jerusalem Bible Psalter. Their joint effort produced the Psautier de la Bible de Jerusalem and recording Psaumes, which won the Gran Prix de L' Academie Charles Cros in 1953. The musical settings followed four years later. Shortly after, the Gregorian Institute of America published Twenty-four Psalms and Canticles, which was the premier issue of his psalms in the United States. Certainly, his text and his settings have provided a feasible and beautiful solution to the singing of the psalms that the 1963 reforms envisioned. Parishes, their cantors, and choirs were well-equipped to sing the psalms when they embarked on the Gelineau psalmody. Gelineau was active in liturgical development from the very time of his ordination in 1951. He taught at the Institut Catholique de Paris and was active in several movements leading toward Vatican II. His influence in the United States as well in Europe (he was one of the founding organizers of Universa Laus, the international church music association) is as far reaching as it is broad. Proof of that is the number of times "My shepherd is the Lord" has been reprinted and reprinted in numerous funeral worship leaflets, collections, and hymnals. His prolific career includes hundreds of compositions ranging from litanies to responsories. His setting of Psalm 106/107, "The Love of the Lord," for assembly, organ, and orchestra premiéred at the 1989 National Association of Pastoral Musicians convention in Long Beach, California.

S. Baring-Gould

1834 - 1924 Person Name: Sabine Baring-Gould Author of "An Evening Prayer" in A First Book in Hymns and Worship Baring-Gould, Sabine, M.A., eldest son of Mr. Edward Baring-Gould, of Lew Trenchard, Devon, b. at Exeter, Jan. 28, 1834, and educated at Clare College, Cambridge, B.A. 1857, M.A. 1860. Taking Holy Orders in 1864, he held the curacy of Horbury, near Wakefield, until 1867, when he was preferred to the incumbency of Dalton, Yorks. In 1871 he became rector of East Mersea, Essex, and in 1881 rector of Lew Trenchard, Devon. His works are numerous, the most important of which are, Lives of the Saints, 15 vols., 1872-77; Curious Myths of the Middle Ages, 2 series, 1866-68; The Origin and Development of Religious Belief, 2 vols., 1869-1870; and various volumes of sermons. His hymns, original and translated, appeared in the Church Times; Hymns Ancient & Modern, 1868 and 1875; The People's Hymnal, 1867, and other collections, the most popular being "Onward, Christian soldiers," "Daily, daily sing the praises," the translation "Through the night of doubt and sorrow," and the exquisite Easter hymn, "On the Resurrection Morning." His latest effort in hymnology is the publication of original Church Songs, 1884, of which two series have been already issued. In the Sacristy for Nov. 1871, he also contributed nine carols to an article on "The Noels and Carols of French Flanders.” These have been partially transferred to Chope's and Staniforth's Carol Books, and also to his Church Songs. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================== Baring-Gould, S., p. 114, i. Other hymns in common use are:— 1. Forward! said the Prophet. Processional. Appeared in the New Mitre Hymnal, 1874. 2. My Lord, in glory reigning. Christ in Glory. In Mrs. Brock's Children's Hymn Book, 1881. 3. Now severed is Jordan. Processional. Appeared in the S. Mary, Aberdeen, Hymnal, 1866, the People's Hymnal, 1867, &c. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Garret Colley Wellesley, Earl of Mornington

1735 - 1781 Person Name: Mornington Composer of "MORNINGTON" in The Voice of Thanksgiving No. 4 Garret Colley Wellesley, Earl of Mornington, father of the Duke of Wellington; b. Dongan, Ireland, 1735; d. there, 1781 Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal, 1908

John H. Sammis

1846 - 1919 Person Name: J. H. Sammis Author of "Hear our prayer and send" in The Young People's Choir John H. Sammis was born in Brooklyn. He moved to Logansport, Indiana when ye was 22, where he was converted to Christianity. He was active in the Y.M.C.A., serving as secretary for the Terre Haute Association and later becoming State Secretary. After this, he studied at Lane and McCormack seminaries and was ordained in the Presbyterian church at Glidden, Iowa. He also pastored churches in Indianapolis, Grand Haven, MI, Red Wing and St. Paul, Minn. In 1909 he became associated with the Los Angeles Bible Institute. He wrote more that 100 hymns. Dianne Shapiro, from "The Singers and Their Songs: sketches of living gospel hymn writers" by Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (Chicago: The Rodeheaver Company, 1916)

John Burton

1803 - 1877 Person Name: J. Burton Author of "O Thou that hearest Prayer!" in Sacred Songs and Solos Burton, John, jun, a popular hymn-writer for children, was b. July 23, 1803, at Stratford in Essex, in which place he carried on business as a cooper for about 50 years. He died in 1877. Mr. Burton was a member of the Congregational body, and a Deacon of the Chapel where he attended, His contributions to hymnody began in 1822, when he sent his first production to the Evangelical Magazine. He continued to contribute to that and other periodicals for many years, his signature in the former being "Essex, J. B.," and in the Child's Companion, J. B. Essex." His publications are:— (1) One Hundred Original Hymns for the Young, 1850; (2) Hymns for Little Children, 1851; (3) The Child-Life of David; (4) The Book of Psalms in English Verse, 1871; (5) Scripture Characters in Verse, &c. His Hymns for Little Children, containing 54 pieces, has been republished in Philadelphia, U.S.A., as My Own Hymn Book. He also contributed to the Union Hymn Book for Scholars, 1840. Some of his hymns have attained a measure of popularity, including “Thou that nearest prayer," "Come, let us sing our Maker's praise," and many others. In addition, the following are also in common use:— 1. Children who are gone to glory. Saints' days. 2. Children, you have gone astray. Invitation. Published in the Child's Companion, April, 1834, and his One Hundred Hymns, 1850, &c. 3. Come, let us sing our Maker's praise. For Orphans. In his One Hundred Hymns, 1850, No. 86, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines. 4. Father of mercies, hear; On us, &c. Influence implored. In his One Hundred Hymns,1850, No. 97, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines; and partly rewritten in 2 stanzas of 8 lines. In Kennedy, 1863, No. 1209, beginning: "Father Of mercies, hear The song Thy children raise. 5. God is love, delightful truth. Love of God. Published in the Child's Companion, Aug., 1835, and again in his One Hundred Hymns, 1850, No. 20, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines. It is given in the Silver Street Sunday School Hymn Book 1880. 6. Happy would it be for me. Early Piety. 7. Hark! a still small voice is heard. Christ's love for Children. This appeared in the Child's Companion, July, 1836, and the revised edition of the Union Hymn Book,&c, 1850, No. 14, in 4 stanzas of 6 lines. It is in various collections, including the Methodist Sunday School Hymn Book, 1879, and others. 8. Heavenly Father, we draw near Thee. Sunday Schools. Published in his One Hundred Hymns,1850, &c. 9. I often say my prayers. Prayer. Also from the Union H. Book, I84o; into Major's Bk. of Praise, &c. 10. None is like God, who reigns above. Omnipresence. Dated 1849, and given in his One Hundred Hymns, No. 4, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines. It is reprinted in several school collections, as Stevenson's School Hymnal, 1880, No. 139. 11. Pilgrims we are and strangers. Life a Pilgrimage. From the Evangelical Magazine, 1829, 5 stanzas of 8 lines, commencing “Now let our praise be given," and headed "The Pilgrim's Song," into the Baptist Psalms & Hymns, 1858, No. 553, in 4 stanzas of 8 lines, st. i. being omitted. 12. Remember thy Creator now. Early Piety. From the Child's Companion, Sept. 1833, into his One Hundred Hymns, 1850, and the Methodist Sunday School Hymn Book, No. 243. 13. Saviour, while my heart is tender. Early Piety. Also from the One Hundred Hymns. It is in the Baptist Hymnal, 1879; Horder's Congregational Hymns, 1884; and others. 14. That kind eye which cannot sleep. Omniscience. But little known. 15. The Lord attends when children pray. Prayer. 1st printed in the Child's Companion, July, 1835, and again in Dec. 1837, and in the revised edition of the Union Hymn Book, 1840; and his One Hundred Hymns, 1850, No. 31, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines. It is in several collections, including Dr. Allon's Children's Worship, 1878, &c. 16. Though we are young our sins are great. Lent. In the revised edition of the Union Hymn Book, 1840; and his One Hundred Hymns, 1850 (in the latter as "Though I am," &c), No. 9, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines. It is included in Major's Book of Praise, &c. 17. We do not love Thee as we ought. Lent. In the Methodist Sunday School Hymn Book, 1879, No. 286. 18. Why did Jesus come from heaven? Passiontide. From his One Hundred Hymns, 1850, No. 61, in 4 stanzas of 6 lines, into Major's Book of Praise. 19. Why should we spend our youthful days? Youthful Piety. Printed in the Child's Companion, May, 1835, in his One Hundred Hymns, 1850, and as No. 252 in the Methodist. Sunday School Hymn Book, 1879. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Johannes Brahms

1833 - 1897 Person Name: Johannes Brahms, 1833-1897 Composer of "LULLABY" in Elmhurst Hymnal Johannes Brahms (German: [joˈhanəs ˈbʁaːms]; 7 May 1833 – 3 April 1897) was a German composer and pianist. Born in Hamburg into a Lutheran family, Brahms spent much of his professional life in Vienna, Austria. In his lifetime, Brahms's popularity and influence were considerable. He is considered one of the greatest composers in history. See also in: Wikipedia

Timothy Dudley-Smith

1926 - 2024 Author of "Here Within This House of Prayer" in Celebrating Grace Hymnal Timothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) Educated at Pembroke College and Ridley Hall, Cambridge, Dudley-Smith has served the Church of England since his ordination in 1950. He has occupied a number of church posi­tions, including parish priest in the diocese of Southwark (1953-1962), archdeacon of Norwich (1973-1981), and bishop of Thetford, Norfolk, from 1981 until his retirement in 1992. He also edited a Christian magazine, Crusade, which was founded after Billy Graham's 1955 London crusade. Dudley-Smith began writing comic verse while a student at Cambridge; he did not begin to write hymns until the 1960s. Many of his several hundred hymn texts have been collected in Lift Every Heart: Collected Hymns 1961-1983 (1984), Songs of Deliverance: Thirty-six New Hymns (1988), and A Voice of Singing (1993). The writer of Christian Literature and the Church (1963), Someone Who Beckons (1978), and Praying with the English Hymn Writers (1989), Dudley-Smith has also served on various editorial committees, including the committee that published Psalm Praise (1973). Bert Polman

Theodore Baker

1851 - 1934 Person Name: Dr. Theodore Baker Author of "Prayer of Thanksgiving" in Children's Hymnal Theodore Baker (b. New York, NY, 1851; d. Dresden, Germany, 1934). Baker is well known as the compiler of Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians (first ed. 1900), the first major music reference work that included American composers. Baker studied music in Leipzig, Germany, and wrote a dissertation on the music of the Seneca people of New York State–one of the first studies of the music of American Indians. From 1892 until his retirement in 1926, Baker was a literary editor and translator for G. Schirmer, Inc., in New York City. In 1926, he returned to Germany. Psalter Hymnal Handbook, 1987

John A. Dalles

b. 1954 Author of "O Seek the Lord in Prayer" in The Cyber Hymnal Born: Sep­tem­ber 13, 1954, Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­van­ia. A lifelong Pres­by­ter­i­an, John Dalles has lived in Pitts­burgh, Coates­ville, Lan­cas­ter, and State Coll­ege, Penn­syl­van­ia; and South Bend, In­di­a­na. He re­ceived the Ba­che­lor of Sci­ence in Ar­chi­tect­ure from Penn­syl­van­ia State in 1976. While en­gaged in a se­mes­ter abroad in Pet­worth, Eng­land, he sensed a call to the min­is­try. An ar­chi­tect­ur­al de­sign­er be­fore di­vin­i­ty stu­dies, he re­ceived the Mas­ter of Di­vin­ity from Lan­cas­ter The­o­lo­gic­al Sem­in­a­ry in 1982. Dur­ing sem­in­a­ry, he served as a re­source con­sult­ant for the orig­in­al Par­ish Re­source Cen­ter in Lan­cas­ter. Ordained in High­land Pres­by­ter­i­an Church, Lan­cas­ter, on Au­gust 1, 1982, John’s first call was to serve the First Pres­by­ter­i­an Church of South Bend, In­di­a­na, as as­so­ci­ate pas­tor. Re­spons­i­bil­i­ties there in­clud­ed wor­ship lead­er­ship and preach­ing, ad­min­is­tra­tion of mis­sion and me­mor­i­al en­dow­ment dis­burse­ment for mis­sion (over $130,000 an­nu­al­ly), min­is­ter for ed­u­ca­tion and pas­tor­al care (Di­a­con­ate), co­ord­in­at­or of new mem­ber out­reach and staff li­ai­son to the church owned res­i­dent camp. He served the area coun­cil of re­li­gious or­gan­iz­a­tions, was a mem­ber of the Wor­ship Task Force and Di­sci­ple­ship/Church Life Com­mit­tee of Wa­bash Val­ley Pres­by­te­ry, mem­ber and awards chair­man of the St. Jo­seph Coun­ty Schol­ar­ship Foun­da­tion, and found­ing mem­ber of Notre Dame Ci­vi­tan and the South Bend, In­di­a­na, Hab­i­tat for Hu­man­i­ty. In De­cem­ber 1986, Dalles was called to Fox Cha­pel Pres­by­ter­i­an Church, Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­van­ia, where his du­ties in­clud­ed wor­ship lead­er­ship and preach­ing, pro­gram­ming for spir­it­u­al growth, con­gre­ga­tion­al life, ad­min­is­tra­tion of pas­tor­al care, adult ed­u­ca­tion, Ste­phen Min­is­try, and new mem­ber out­reach (with an­nu­al mem­ber­ship in­creas­es of 100 or more). In May 1994, Dalles received the Doc­tor of Min­is­try de­gree from Pitt­sburgh The­o­lo­gic­al Sem­in­a­ry for his work in the ar­ea of pas­tor­al lead­er­ship in the mul­ti­-staff church. While at Fox Cha­pel, he in­sti­tut­ed an an­nu­al com­mun­i­ty pray­er break­fast, served on the Pres­by­te­ry’s Prepa­ra­tion for Min­is­try Com­mit­tee, and as li­ai­son to an ar­ea re­hab­ilita­tion cen­ter. He wrote and edited In Life and Death We Be­long to God, the Pres­by­ter­i­an Church (U.S.A.) stu­dy re­source on end-of-life is­sues. Since May 1997, Dalles has served as pas­tor and head of staff of We­ki­va Pres­by­ter­i­an Church, Or­lan­do, Flor­i­da, an ac­tive and grow­ing con­gre­ga­tion in its 26th year. Ac­comp­lish­ments dur­ing his pas­tor­ate have in­clud­ed a ma­jor cap­it­al and fa­cil­i­ties ex­pansion, growth in new mem­bers, and the im­ple­ment­a­tion of new staff­ing and pro­grams at ev­ery le­vel of the con­gre­ga­tion’s life. He has chaired the The­ol­o­gy and Wor­ship Com­mit­tee of Cen­tral Flor­i­da Pres­by­te­ry for the past three years. Dalles has writ­ten num­er­ous ar­ti­cles and ma­ny pub­lished hymn texts. His hymns "Come, O Spir­it" and "God Bless Your Church with Strength!" are in the 1990 Pres­by­ter­i­an Hym­nal. His lyr­ics are al­so in: The New Cen­tu­ry Hym­nal, The Mo­rav­i­an Book of Wor­ship, Wor­ship To­ge­ther (Men­non­ite Breth­ren), The Co­ve­nant Hym­nal (Evan­gel­ica­l Co­ven­ant Church), The Book of Praise (Pres­by­ter­i­an Church in Ca­na­da) and The Aus­tral­ian Book of Praise II. He has written anniversary hymn texts, in­clud­ing: Pres­by­ter­i­an Heritage Sun­day, Augsburg, Goshen, Maryville, Tusculum, Wilson and Knox Coll­eges, Amer­i­can Un­i­ver­si­ty, Pittsburgh and Lancaster Seminaries, Peachtree Pres­by­ter­i­an Church, the Lu­ther­an World Federa­tion and the Pres­by­ter­i­an Associa­tion of Mu­sicians. A mem­ber of the Hymn Society, he has been listed in na­tional and world editions of Who’s Who since 1997. Two of his an­thems are on a CD by com­pos­er Bob Moore en­ti­tled "Like a Whis­per in the Heart." His other works in­clude: Swift Cur­rents and Still Wa­ters (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: GIA Pub­li­ca­tions, 2000) Lyrics-- As Christ the Lit­tle Child­ren Blessed Bless the Ones Who Nur­ture Child­ren Change Your Church, O God, to Be Come, O Spir­it God Bless the Work Your Peo­ple Do God, Bless Your Church with Strength! God Is the One Who Calls God, Re­new Us by Your Spir­it! May God’s Love Be Fixed Above You O God of Love, Grant Us Your Peace O Seek the Lord in Pray­er © The Cyber Hymnal™ (

E. J. Hopkins

1818 - 1901 Composer of "WRAYSBURY" in Laudes Domini Dr Edward John Hopkins MusDoc United Kingdom 1818-1901. Born at Westminster, England, the son of a clarinetist with the Royal Opera House orchestra, he became an organist (as did two of his brothers) and a composer. In 1826 he became a chorister of the Chapel Royal and sang at the coronation of King William IV in Westminster Abbey. He also sang in the choir of St. Paul’s Cathedral, a double schedule requiring skill and dexterity. On Sunday evenings he would play the outgoing voluntary at St. Martin’s in-the-field. He left Chapel Royal in 1834 and started studying organ construction at two organ factories. He took an appointment at Mitcham Church as organist at age 16, winning an audition against other organists. Four years later he became organist at the Church of St. Peter, Islington. In 1841 he became organist at St. Luke’s, Berwick St., Soho. Two Years later he was organist at Temple Church, which had a historic organ (built in 1683). He held this position for 55 years. In 1845 he married Sarah Lovett, and they had four sons and five daughters. He was closely associated with the Bach Society and was organist for the first English performances of Bach’s St. Matthew Passion. In 1855 he collaborated with Edward Rimbault publishing “The organ, its history and construction” (3 editions 1855-70-77). In 1864 he was one of the founders of the “College of organists”. In 1882 he received an honorary Doctorate of Music from the Archbishop of Canterbury. He composed 30+ hymn tunes and some psalm chants, used by the Church of England. He died in London, England. John Perry

Wilhelm A. F. Schulthes

1816 - 1879 Person Name: William A. Schulthes Composer of "SINCERE DESIRE" in Hymns for the Family of God Wilhelm August Ferdinand Schulthes Germany 1816-1879. Born at Hesse Castle, Germany, son of a German army officer, he was raised Lutheran, but turned to Roman Catholicism around 1852. He directed the Brompton Oratory choir (1852-1872). He taught music at the Convent of the Sacred Heart, Roehampton (1868-1879). He also wrote poetry. No information found regarding family or other life events. He died at Bois-de-Colombes, France. John Perry

Charles Venn Pilcher

1879 - 1961 Translator of "A FATHER'S PRAYER" in Passion-Hymns of Iceland, The Pilcher, Charles Venn. (Oxford, June 4, 1879--July 4, 1961, Sydney, Australia). Anglican. Grandnephew of Charlotte Elliott. Hertford College, Oxford, B.A., 1902; M.A., 1905; B.D., 1909; D.D., 1921. Curacies at Birmingham, 1903-1905; St. James, Toronto, 1910-1916; taught theology at Auckland Castle, England, 1905-1906, and at Wycliffe College, Toronto, 1916-1936. Elected coadjutor bishop of Sydney, Australia, at the instance of a former Wycliffe colleague, Archbishop Mowll. He composed hymn tunes and other music, and long played bass clarinet in the Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Also, he translated and published much devotional material from Iceland, notably Iceland Christian Classics (1950). These side interests, like his hymn writing, merely served to heighten and deepen his effectiveness and influence as a teacher. --Hugh D. McKellar, DNAH Archives

Gerardo C. C. Oberman

b. 1965 Person Name: Gerardo Oberman, b. 1965 Translator of "Spirit Divine, Inspire Our Prayer (Inspira, oh Dios, nuestra oración)" in Santo, Santo, Santo

Samuel Weekes

Composer of "BRENT" in The Cyber Hymnal

Craig S. Kingsbury

b. 1952 Person Name: Craig S. Kingsbury, b. 1952 Arranger (choral) of "[For all the church: may it be Christ's compassion]" in Journeysongs (3rd ed.)

C. V. Strickland

Person Name: C. V. S. Composer of "[Hear our prayer, Father in Heav'n]" in White Wings

Eugene L. Clark

1925 - 1982 Author of "Take It to Jesus In Prayer" Longtime music and radio consultant for the Back to the Bible Broadcast. Clark studied music at Wheaton College and at Moody Bible Institute before joining Back to the Bible in 1950 as an organist. He later served as the program's music director, manager and producer. He was active in broadcasting until 1963, when arthritis and blindness confined him to bed. --Daniel Mahraun (from Lincoln Journal Star, 1 Jul 1982, p.30, on

John Ellerton

1826 - 1893 Author of "Work Shall be Prayer" in The Pilgrim Hymnal John Ellerton (b. London, England, 1826; d. Torquay, Devonshire, England, 1893) Educated at King William's College on the Isle of Man and at Trinity College, Cambridge, England, he was ordained in the Church of England in 1851. He served six parishes, spending the longest time in Crewe Green (1860-1872), a church of steelworkers and farmers. Ellerton wrote and translated about eighty hymns, many of which are still sung today. He helped to compile Church Hymns and wrote its handbook, Notes and Illustrations to Church Hymns (1882). Some of his other hymn texts were published in The London Mission Hymn Book (1884). Bert Polman ========================= Ellerton, John, M.A., son of George Ellerton, was born in London, Dec. 16, 1826, and educated at Trinity College, Cambridge (B.A. 1849; M.A. 1854). Taking Holy Orders he was successively Curate of Easebourne, Sussex, 1850; Brighton, and Lecturer of St. Peter's, Brighton, 1852; Vicar of Crewe Green, and Chaplain to Lord Crewe, 1860; Rector of Hinstock, 1872; of Barnes, 1876; and of White Roding, 1886. Mr. Ellerton's prose writings include The Holiest Manhood, 1882; Our Infirmities, 1883, &c. It is, however, as a hymnologist, editor, hymnwriter, and translator, that he is most widely known. As editor he published: Hymns for Schools and Bible Classes, Brighton, 1859. He was also co-editor with Bishop How and others of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Church Hymns, 1871. His Notes and Illustrations of Church Hymns, their authors and translators, were published in the folio edition of 1881. The notes on the hymns which are special to the collection, and many of which were contributed thereto, are full, accurate, and of special value. Those on the older hymns are too general for accuracy. They are written in a popular form, which necessarily precludes extended research, fulness, and exactness of detail. The result is acceptable to the general public, but disappointing to the hymnological expert. Mr. Ellerton's original hymns number about fifty, and his translations from the Latin ten or more. Nearly every one of these are in common use and include:— 1. Before the day draws near its ending. Afternoon. Written April 22, 1880, for a Festival of Choirs at Nantwich, and first published in the Nantwich Festival Book, 1880. In 1883 it passed into the Westminster Abbey Hymn Book. 2. Behold us, Lord, a little space. General for Weekdays. Written in 1870 for a mid-day service in a City Church, and published in Church Hymns in 1871. It has passed into several collections. 3. Come forth, 0 Christian brothers. Processional for Choral Festival. Written for a Festival of Parochial Choirs held at Chester, May, 1870, and 1st printed in the Service-book of the same. In 1871 it passed into Church Hymns. 4. Father, Name of love and fear. Confirmation. Written in 1871 for a Confirmation in the North of England, and published in Church Hymns, 1871, and other collections. 5. God, Creator and Preserver. In Time of Scarcity. Written for and first published in The Hymnary, 1870; and again in the revised edition, 1872, and other hymnbooks. 6. Hail to the Lord Who comes. Presentation of Christ in the Temple. Written Oct. 6, 1880, for Mrs. Brock's Children's Hymn Book, and published therein, 1881. 7. In the Name which earth and heaven. Foundation of a Church. Written for and first published in Church Hymns, 1871, and repeated in several collections. The hymn sung at the re-opening of the Nave of Chester Cathedral, January 25, 1872, was compiled by Mr. Ellerton from this hymn, and his "Lift the strain of high thanksgiving.” 8 King Messiah, long expected. The Circumcision. Written Jan. 14, 1871, and first published in Church Hymns, 1871. It has passed into other collections. 9. King of Saints, to Whom the number. St. Bartholomew. Written for and first published in Church Hymns., 1871. It is very popular, and has been repeated in many hymnals. 10. Mary at the Master's feet. Catechizing. Written for and first published in Church Hymns, 1871. 11. O Father, all-creating. Holy Matrimony. Written Jan. 29, 1876, at the request of the Duke of Westminster, for the marriage of his daughter to the Marquess of Ormonde. It was published in Thring's Collection, 1880 and 1882. 12 O! how fair the morning broke. Septuagesima. Written March 13, 1880, for Mrs. Brock's Children's Hymn Book, and included therein, 1881. 13. O Lord of life and death, welcome. In Time of Pestilence. Written for and first published in Church Hymns, 1871. 14. O shining city of our God. Concerning the Hereafter. First published in the Rev. R. Brown-Borthwick's Sixteen Hymns with Tunes, &c, 1870; and again in Church Hymns, 1871. 15. O Son of God, our Captain of Salvation. St. Barnabas. Written April 5, 1871, and first published in Church Hymns, 1871; and again in Hymns Ancient & Modern, 1875, Thring's Collection, 1882, and others. 16. O Thou in Whom Thy saints repose. Consecration of a Burial Ground. Written for the consecration of an addition to the Parish Churchyard of Tarporley, Cheshire, 1870, and published in Church Hymns, 1871. 17. O Thou Whose bounty fills the earth. Flower Services. Written for a Flower Service at St. Luke's Church, Chelsea, June 6, 1880, and published in Mrs. Brock's Children's Hymn Book, 1881. 18. Praise to our God, Whose bounteous hand. National Thanksgiving. Written in 1870 for Church Hymns, but first published in the Rev. R. Brown-Borthwick's Select Hymns, &c., 1871, and then in Church Hymns later the same year. 19. The day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended. The darkness, &c. Evening. Written in 1870 for A Liturgy for Missionary Meetings (Frome, Hodges), and revised for Church Hymns, 1871. The revised form has passed into other collections. 20. The Lord be with us when we bend. Close of Afternoon Service. Written [in 1870] at the request of a friend for use at the close of Service on Sunday afternoons when (as in summer) strictly Evening hymns would be unsuitable. It was published in Church Hymns, 1871, Thring's Collection, 1882, and others. 21. This day the Lord's disciples met. Whitsuntide. "Originally written in 1855 for a class of children, as a hymn of 8 verses of 5 lines each, beginning, 'The Fiftieth day was come at last.’ It was abridged, revised, and compressed into C.M. for Mrs. Brock's Children's Hymn Book, 1880," and published therein, 1881. 22. Thou in Whose Name the two or three. Wednesday. Appeared in the Parish Magazine, May, 1871, as a hymn for Wednesday. After revision it was included in Church Hymns, 1871, and repeated in other collections. 23. Thou Who sentest Thine Apostles. SS. Simon and Jude. Written in June, 1874, for the revised edition of Hymns Ancient & Modern, and published in the same in 1875. 24. We sing the glorious conquest. Conversion of St. Paul. Written Feb. 28, 1871, for and published later the same year in Church Hymns. It was repeated in Hymns Ancient & Modern, 1875. 25. When the day of toil is done. Eternal Best. Written in Jan., 1870, and first published in the Rev. R. Brown-Borthwick's Sixteen Hymns with Tunes, &c. 1870, Church Hymns, 1871, and subsequently in several Scottish hymn-books. The tune "Preston," in Church Hymns was written for this hymn. To these hymns must be added those which are annotated under their respective first lines, and the translations from the Latin. The grandest of his original compositions is, "Throned upon the awful tree," and the most beautiful and tender, "Saviour, again to Thy dear Name we raise"; and of his translations, "Sing Alleluia forth in duteous praise," and "Welcome, happy morning, age to age shall say," are the most successful and popular. The subjects of Mr. Ellerton's hymns, and the circumstances under which they were written, had much to do with the concentration of thought and terseness of expression by which they are characterized. The words which he uses are usually short and simple; the thought is clear and well stated; the rhythm is good and stately. Ordinary facts in sacred history and in daily life are lifted above the commonplace rhymes with which they are usually associated, thereby rendering the hymns bearable to the cultured, and instructive to the devout. His antitheses are frequent and terse, almost too much so for devotional verse, and are in danger of interrupting the tranquil flow of devotion. His sympathy with nature, especially in her sadder moods, is great; he loves the fading light and the peace of eve, and lingers in the shadows. Unlike many writers who set forth their illustrations in detail, and then tie to them the moral which they are to teach, he weaves his moral into his metaphor, and pleases the imagination and refreshes the spirit together. Now and again he falls into the weakness of ringing changes on words; but taken as a whole his verse is elevated in tone, devotional in spirit, and elegant in diction. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ===================== Ellerton, John, p. 326, i. Other hymns are:— 1. O Father, bless the children. Holy Baptism. Written in 1886, and published in his Hymns, &c, 1888, in 4 stanzas of 8 lines. Also in the 1889 Suppl. Hymns to Hymns Ancient & Modern. 2. O Thou Who givest food to all. Temperance. Written Aug. 30, 1882, and printed in the Church of England Temperance Chronicle, Sept. 1882. Also in his Hymns, &c, 1888. 3. Praise our God for all the wonders. St. Nicholas's Day. Dated in his Hymns, 1888, "December 1882." It was written for the Dedication Festival of St. Nicholas's Church, Brighton, and first printed as a leaflet in 1882. 4. Praise our God, Whose open hand. Bad Harvest. Written as a hymn for the bad harvest of 1881, and printed in the Guardian in August of that year. Also in his Hymns, &c, 1888. 5. Praise to the Heavenly Wisdom. St. Matthias's Day. Dated in his Hymns, &c, 1888, "January, 1888." Also in the 1889 Suppl. Hymns to Hymns Ancient & Modern. 6. Shine Thou upon us, Lord. For a Teachers' Meeting. Contributed to the 1889 Suppl. Hymns to Hymns Ancient & Modern. 7. Thou Who wearied by the well. Temperance. Written for the Opening of a Workmen's Coffee Tavern, and dated in his Hymns, &c, 1888, "September 23, 1882." It was printed in the Church of England Temperance Chronicle the same year. 8. Throned upon the awful Tree. Good Friday. Written in 1875, and published in the 1875 ed. of Hymns Ancient & Modern. It has passed into many collections, and is one of the finest of Mr. Ellerton's productions. Mr. Ellerton's original and translated hymns to the number of 76 were collected, and published by Skeffington & Son in 1888, as Hymns, Original and Translated. By John Ellerton, Rector of White Roding. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) =================== Ellerton, J., pp. 326, ii.; 1561, ii. He was appointed Hon. Canon of St. Albans in 1892. and died June 15, 1893. His Life and Works, by H. Housman, was published in 1896. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Alain Rocourt

Person Name: A. R. Translator of "Spirit divine, attend our prayers (Espri Bon Dié, vini kotén)" in An Nou Chanté! Rev. Alain Rocourt, as cited in An Nou Chanté.

Irene Durfee

Author of "I Should Like to Be There" in Voices of Victory Pseudonym. See also : P. P. Bilhorn

John Stainer

1840 - 1901 Person Name: Sir J. Stainer, 1840-1901 Composer of "EVENING PRAYER (II)" in Methodist Hymn and Tune Book

John Ryland

1753 - 1825 Person Name: Ryland, junior Alterer of "Prayer for a Revival" in A Selection of Hymns Ryland, John, D.D., son of Rev. John Collett Ryland, was born at Warwick, Jan. 29, 1753. At that time his father was Baptist minister at Warwick, but in 1759 removed to Northampton. "J. Ryland, junior," as for many years he was accustomed to subscribe himself, was in 1781 ordained co-pastor with his father at Northampton. In 1794 he accepted the presidency of the Baptist College and the pastorate of the church in Broadmead, Bristol, and these offices he retained until his death on June 25, 1825. Dr. Ryland was a man of considerable literary culture, and received the degree of D.D. from Brown University, Rhode Island. He was one of the founders of the Baptist Missionary Society, and for the three years following the death of Rev. A. Fuller, in 1815, acted as its secretary. His prose works were Memoirs of Rev. B. Hall, Arnsby (2nd ed., 1852); A candid statement of the reasons which induce Baptists to differ from their Christian brethren; and many Sermons and Charges. After his death appeared 2 vols. of Discourses, selected from his manuscripts, and entitled Pastoral Memorial. To these discourses are appended many of his hymns, with their dates. Dr. Ryland's hymns were composed at different times, from his sixteenth year to the year of his death. The earliest were published when he was 16, in his Serious Essays, 1771. These 36 hymns were never republished. Several appeared in the Gospel Magazine from 1771 to 1782, and the Protestant Magazine, 1782-83; others in Rippon's Baptist Selection, 1787; 2 in the Collection for the Monthly Prayer Meeting at Bristol, 1797 ; 2 in Andrew Fuller's Memoirs, 1831; and 25 in the Pastoral Memorials, 1825. His Hymns and Verses on Sacred Subjects, to the number of 99, were reprinted from his mss. by D. Sedgwick, and were published, with a Memoir, in 1862. The hymns are dated therein from the mss. [Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A.] Those of Dr. Ryland's hymns now in common use include:— 1. For Zion's sake I'll not restrain. Missions. Dated 1798, and printed by D. Sedgwick from Ryland's manuscripts, 1862. 2. Had not the Lord, my soul may say [cry] . Ps. cxxiv. From his Serious Essays, 1771. It is No. 124 in Spurgeon's Our Own Hymn Book, 1866. Not in Sedgwick's reprint. 3. Holy, holy, holy Lord, self-existent Deity. Holy Trinity. Dated 1796. It was given in the tenth edition of Rippon's Baptist Selection, 1800, Pt. 2, No. 22; in the Pastoral Memorials, 1825; and Sedgwick's reprint, 1862, in 5 stanzas of 8 lines. It is in common use in Great Britain and America. 4. Look down, my soul, on hell's domain. Gratitude for escape. This is No. 881 in Spurgeon's Our Own Hymn Book. 1866, and dated 1777. We cannot trace it in any of Ryland's works or amongst his hymns. 5. Lord, teach a little child to pray. A Child's Prayer. Dated 1786. The note to this hymn by Dr. Ryland's son, in Sedgwick's reprint, 1862, p. 15, is:— "This and the following hymn ["God is very good to me “was composed at the request of Mrs. Fuller, wife of the Rev. Andrew Fuller, of Kettering, for the use of Miss Sarah Fuller, who died May 30th, 1789, aged six years and six months." It was published in Andrew Fuller's Memoirs, 1831, p. 442, andsin Sedgwick's reprint, 1862. 6. Now let the slumbering church awake. Activity in the Church desired. Dated "Feb. 20, 1798." Published in the Pastoral Memorials, 1825, and in Sedgwick's reprint, 1862. In Spurgeon's Our Own Hymn Book, 1866. 7. O Lord, I would delight in Thee. Delight in Christ. Dated "Dec. 3, 1777." Dr. Ryland added this note to the ms.:—-" I recollect deeper feelings of mind in composing this hymn, than perhaps I ever felt in making any other." It was published in Rippon's Selection 1798, No. 248; in the Pastoral Memorials, 1825; and in Sedgwick's reprint, 1862, in 7 st. of 41. It is in extensive use in its original, or an abbreviated form; or as "O Lord we would delight in Thee." In the American Methodist Episcopal Hymns, 1849; and their Hymn, 1878, st. i., ii., vi., vii. are rewritten in S. M. as "Lord, I delight in Thee." 8. Out of the depths of doubt and fear. Ps. cxxx. From the Serious Essays, 1771 (misdated in Spurgeon's Our Own Hymn Book 1775). It is not in the Pastoral Memorials, 1825, nor in Sedgwick's reprint, 1862. 9. Rejoice, the Saviour reigns. Missions. Dated "Jan. 19, 1792." In the 10th ed. of Rippon's Selection, 1800, 422 (2nd pt.) it is given in 6 st. of 6 1., as in the Ryland ms., and then after the word "Pause" two stanzas are added on, which are not in the ms. The 6 stanzas were repeated in the Pastoral Memorials, 1825; in Sedgwick's reprint, 1862; and in Spurgeon's Our Own Hymn Book, 1866 (abbreviated), and other modern hymnals. 10. Sovereign Ruler of the skies. Guidance, Peace, and Security in God. Dated "Aug. 1,1777." Included in Rippon's Selection, 1787, No. 545 ; the Pastoral Memorials, 1825 ; and Sedgwick's reprint, 1862, in 9 st. of 4 1. 11. Thou Son of God, and Son of Man. Praise to God, the Son. This is undated. It was given in the Pastoral Memorials, 1825; and Sedgwick's reprint, 1862. 12. When Abraham's servant to procure. Onward, Heavenward. Dr. Ryland's son, under the date of Nov. 4, 1861, informed D. Sedgwick that this hymn "was written with a slate pencil on a rusty iron blower by moonlight, past twelve o'clock, Dec. 30, 1773," and he gives these words as a quotation from his father's manuscript. It is almost needless to add that this account does not agree with the generally received history of the hymn, as set forth in Miller's Singers and Songs, 1869, p. 313. In the May number of the Gospel Magazine, 1775, p. 235, the hymn was given in 9 st. of 4 1., with the heading" Hinder me not-—Gen. xxiv. 56," and signed "Elachistoteros." It was repeated in Rippon's Selection, 1787, No. 447; and Sedgwick's reprint, 1862. In Rippon a note is added, "This hymn may begin with 6th verse." This direction has been followed in some modern collections, the result being the hymn commonly known as "In all my Lord's appointed ways." 13. When the Saviour dwelt below. Compassion of Christ. Dated 1806. Included in the Pastoral Memorials, 1825, and Sedgwick's reprint, 1862. Dr. Ryland's hymns are plain and simple, but they lack poetry and passion, and are not likely to be largely drawn upon, for future hymnals. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

John Wesley

1703 - 1791 Author of "Covenant Prayer" in Worship and Song John Wesley, the son of Samuel, and brother of Charles Wesley, was born at Epworth, June 17, 1703. He was educated at the Charterhouse, London, and at Christ Church, Oxford. He became a Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford, and graduated M.A. in 1726. At Oxford, he was one of the small band consisting of George Whitefield, Hames Hervey, Charles Wesley, and a few others, who were even then known for their piety; they were deridingly called "Methodists." After his ordination he went, in 1735, on a mission to Georgia. The mission was not successful, and he returned to England in 1738. From that time, his life was one of great labour, preaching the Gospel, and publishing his commentaries and other theological works. He died in London, in 1791, in his eighty-eighth year. His prose works are very numerous, but he did not write many useful hymns. It is to him, however, and not to his brother Charles, that we are indebted for the translations from the German. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A., 1872 ====================== John Wesley, M.A., was born at Epworth Rectory in 1703, and, like the rest of the family, received his early education from his mother. He narrowly escaped perishing in the fire which destroyed the rectory house in 1709, and his deliverance made a life-long impression upon him. In 1714 he was nominated on the foundation of Charterhouse by his father's patron, the Duke of Buckingham, and remained at that school until 1720, when he went up, with a scholarship, from Charterhouse to Christ Church, Oxford. Having taken his degree, he received Holy Orders from the Bishop of Oxford (Dr. Potter) in 1725. In 1726 he was elected Fellow of Lincoln College, and remained at Oxford until 1727, when he returned into Lincolnshire to assist his father as curate at Epworth and Wroot. In 1729 he was summoned back to Oxford by his firm friend, Dr. Morley, Rector of Lincoln, to assist in the College tuition. There he found already established the little band of "Oxford Methodists" who immediately placed themselves under his direction. In 1735 he went, as a Missionary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, to Georgia, where a new colony had been founded under the governorship of General Oglethorpe. On his voyage out he was deeply impressed with the piety and Christian courage of some German fellow travellers, Moravians. During his short ministry in Georgia he met with many discouragements, and returned home saddened and dissatisfied both with himself and his work; but in London he again fell in with the Moravians, especially with Peter Bohler; and one memorable night (May 24, 1738) he went to a meeting in Aldersgate Street, where some one was reading Luther's preface to the Epistle to the Romans. There, "About a quarter before nine, while he was describing the change which God works in the heart through faith in Christ, I felt my heart strangely warmed. I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone, for salvation; and an assurance was given me, that He had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death." From that moment his future course was sealed; and for more than half a century he laboured, through evil report and good report, to spread what he believed to be the everlasting Gospel, travelling more miles, preaching more sermons, publishing more books of a practical sort, and making more converts than any man of his day, or perhaps of any day, and dying at last, March 2, 1791, in harness, at the patriarchal age of 88. The popular conception of the division of labour between the two brothers in the Revival, is that John was the preacher, and Charles the hymnwriter. But this is not strictly accurate. On the one hand Charles was also a great preacher, second only to his brother and George Whitefield in the effects which he produced. On the other hand, John by no means relegated to Charles the exclusive task of supplying the people with their hymns. John Wesley was not the sort of man to depute any part of his work entirely to another: and this part was, in his opinion, one of vital importance. With that wonderful instinct for gauging the popular mind, which was one element in his success, he saw at once that hymns might be utilized, not only for raising the devotion, but also for instructing, and establishing the faith of his disciples. He intended the hymns to be not merely a constituent part of public worship, but also a kind of creed in verse. They were to be "a body of experimental and practical divinity." "In what other publication," he asks in his Preface to the Wesleyan Hymn Book, 1780 (Preface, Oct. 20,1779), "have you so distinct and full an account of Scriptural Christianity; such a declaration of the heights and depths of religion, speculative and practical; so strong cautions against the most plausible errors, particularly those now most prevalent; and so clear directions for making your calling and election sure; for perfecting holiness in the fear of God?" The part which he actually took in writing the hymns, it is not easy to ascertain; but it is certain that more than thirty translations from the German, French and Spanish (chiefly from the German) were exclusively his; and there are some original hymns, admittedly his composition, which are not unworthy to stand by the side of his brother's. His translations from the German especially have had a wide circulation. Although somewhat free as translations they embody the fire and energy of the originals. It has been the common practice, however for a hundred years or more to ascribe all translations from the German to John Wesley, as he only of the two brothers knew that language; and to assign to Charles Wesley all the original hymns except such as are traceable to John Wesley through his Journals and other works. The list of 482 original hymns by John and Charles Wesley listed in this Dictionary of Hymnology have formed an important part of Methodist hymnody and show the enormous influence of the Wesleys on the English hymnody of the nineteenth century. -- Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) =================== See also in: Hymn Writers of the Church

Edward W. Kellogg

Person Name: E. W. K. Author of "Saviour, Listen to Our Prayer" in Calvary Songs

Heinrich Albert

1604 - 1651 Person Name: Heinrich Albert, 1604 - 1651 Composer (melody) of "GOTT DES HIMMELS" in The Hymn Book of the Anglican Church of Canada and the United Church of Canada Alberti, or Albert, Heinrich, son of Johann Albert, tax collector at Lobenstein, in Voigtland (Reuss), born at Lobenstein, June 28, 1604. After some time spent in the study of law at Leipzig, lie went to Dresden and studied music under his uncle Heinrich Schutz, the Court Capellmeister. He went to Konigsberg in 1626, and was, in 1631, appointed organist of the Cathedral. In 1636 he was enrolled a member of the Poetical Union of Konigsberg, along with Dach, Roberthin, and nine others. He died at Konigsberg, Oct. 6, 1651. His hymns, which exhibit him as of a pious, loving, true, and artistic nature, appeared, with those of the other members of the Union, in his Arien etliche theils geistliche, theils iceltliche zur Andacht, guten Sitten, Keuscher Liebe und Ehrenlust dienende Lieder, pub. separately in 8 pts., 1638-1650, and in a collected form, Konigsberg, 1652, including in all, 118 secular, and 74 sacred pieces. Of the 78 sacred melodies which he composed and published in these 8 pts., 7 came into German common use (Koch, iii. 191-197; Allg. Deutsche Biog., i. 210-212, the latter dating his death, 1655 or 1656). Two of his hymns have been translated into English, viz.: i. Der rauhe Herbst kommt wieder. [Autumn.] 1st pub. as above in pt. viii., 1650, No. 9, in 9 stanzas of 6 lines, entitled "On the happy departure, Sep. 2, 1048, of Anna Katherine, beloved little daughter of Herr Andreas Hollander," of Kneiphof. Included, as No. 731, in the Unverfalschter Leidersegen, 1851, omitting st. iii., viii., ix. The translations are:— (1) "The Autumn is returning," by Miss Manington, 1863, p. 175. (2) "Sad Autumn's moan returneth," in E. Massie's Sacred Odes, vol. ii. 1867, p. 1. ii. Gott des Himmels und der Erden. [Morning.] First pub. as above in pt. v. 1643, No. 4, in 7 stanzas of 6 lines, included as No. 459 in the Unv. L. S., 1851. Of this hymn Dr. Cosack, of Konigsberg (quoted in Koch,viii. 186), says:— "For two hundred years it is hardly likely that a single day has greeted the earth that has not, here and there, in German lands, been met with Alberti's hymn. Hardly another morning hymn can be compared with it, as far as popularity and intrinsic value are concerned, if simplicity and devotion, purity of doctrine and adaptation to all the circumstances of life are to decide." Sts. ii., iii., v. have been special favorites in Germany, st. v. being adopted by children, by brides, by old and young, as a morning prayer. The fine melody (in the Irish Church Hymnal called "Godesberg") is also by Alberti. Translations in common use:— 1. God, the Lord of what's created, in full in J. C. Jacobi's Div. Hymns 1720. p. 35. In his 2nd ed. 1732, p. 169, altered to—" God, the Lord of the Creation " ; and thence slightly altered as No. 478 in part i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754, with a doxology as in the Magdeburg G. B., 1696. In 1789, No. 743, altered to—"God, omnipotent Creator"; with st. ii., iv., vii., omitted; st. iii., viii. being also omitted in the 1801 and later ed. In 1868, st. iii.—v. were included as No. 511 in the Pennsylvania Lutheran Ch. Bk., with st. ii., vi., vii. from A. T. Russell. 2. God, Thou Lord of Earth and Heaven, in full, by H. J. Buckoll in his H. from the German, 1842, p. 22. His translations of st. iv.-vi. beginning—" Now the morn new light is pouring," were included as No. 3 in the Rugby School Hymn Book, 1843 (ed. 1876, No. 4), and of st. v., vi., altered to "Jesus! Lord! our steps be guiding," as No. 130 in Dr. Pagenstecher's Collection, 1864. 3. God, who heaven and earth upholdest. A good tr. omitting st. iv. and based on Jacobi, by A. T. Russell, as No. 64 in the Dalston Hospital Collection, 1848. In his own Psalms & Hymns, 1851, No. 3, the translations of st. vi., vii. were omitted, and this was repeated as No. 218, in the New Zealand Hymnal, 1872. The Pennsylvania Lutheran Church Book takes st. i. partly from Miss Winkworth. 4. God who madest earth and heaven, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. A good and full tr. by Miss Winkworth in her Lyra Germanica, 1st ser., 1855, p. 213 (later ed., p. 215, slightly altered). In full in R. M. Taylor's Par. Church Hymnal 1872, No. 27. A cento from st. i., 11.1-4; v., 11. 1-4; vi., 11. 1-4; with v., 11. 5, 6; and vii., 11. 5, 6, was included as No. 23 in the Irish Church Hymnal 1873. In 1868, included in L. Rehfuess' Church at Sea, p. 79, altered to—"Creator of earth and heaven." In 1863 it was altered in metre and given as No. 160 in the Chorale Book for England. From this Porter's Church Hymnal 1876, No. 54, omits st. iii. Also in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880, No. 293. 5. God who madest earth and heaven. A good translation omitting st. vii., and with st. i., 11. 1-4, from Miss Winkworth, contributed by R. Massie, as No. 501, to the 1857 ed. of Mercer's Church Psalms & Hymns (Ox. ed. 1864, No. 7, omitting st. v.). 6. God of mercy and of might. A good translation (omitting st. v., vi,) by Dr. Kennedy, as No. 811, in his Hymnologia Christiana, 1863, repeated in Dr. Thomas's Aug. Hymn Book 1866, No. 510; and, omitting the translations of st. vii., as No. 31, in Holy Song, 1809. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Edith Harris Heflin

b. 1927 Author of "Sweet Moment of Prayer (Moment Of Prayer)" in Praise for the Lord (Expanded Edition)

Thomas Ken

1637 - 1711 Author of "Morning Prayer" in Hymns to the Living God Thomas Ken (b. Berkampstead, Hertfordshire, England, 1637; d. Longleat, Wiltshire, England, 1711) studied at Winchester College, Hart Hall, and New College, Oxford, England. Ordained in the Church of England in 1662, he served variously as pastor, chaplain at Winchester College (1669-1679), chaplain to Princess (later Queen) Mary in The Hague, and bishop of Bath and Wells (1685-1691). He was a man of conscience and independent mind who did not shirk from confrontations with royalty. When King Charles II came to visit Winchester, he took along his mistress, the famous actress Nell Gwynne. Ken was asked to provide lodging for her. The story is told that Ken quickly declared his house under repair and had a builder take off the roof! He later was dismissed from the court at The Hague when he protested a case of immorality. Then, later in 1688, Bishop Ken refused to read King James II's Declaration of Indulgence in the churches, which granted greater religious freedom in England, and he was briefly imprisoned in the Tower of London. A few years later he refused to swear allegiance to King William, and he lost his bishopric. Ken wrote many hymns, which were published posthumously in 1721 and repub­lished in 1868 as Bishop Ken's Christian Year, or Hymns and Poems for the Holy Days and Festivals of the Church. But he is best known for his morning, evening, and midnight hymns, each of which have as their final stanza the famous doxology “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow.” Bert Polman =============== Ken, Thomas, D.D. The bare details of Bishop Ken's life, when summarised, produce these results:—-Born at Berkhampstead, July, 1637; Scholar of Winchester, 1651; Fellow of New College, Oxford, 1657; B.A., 1661; Rector of Little Easton, 1663; Fellow of Winchester, 1666; Rector of Brighstone, 1667; Rector of Woodhay and Prebendary of Winchester, 1669; Chaplain to the Princess Mary at the Hague, 1679; returns to Winchester, 1680; Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1685; imprisoned in the Tower, 1688; deprived, 1691; died at Longleat, March 19, 1711. The parents of Ken both died during his childhood, and he grew up under the guardianship of Izaak Walton, who had married Ken's elder sister, Ann. The dominant Presbyterianism of Winchester and Oxford did not shake the firm attachment to the English Church, which such a home had instilled. His life until the renewal of his connection with Winchester, through his fellowship, his chaplaincy to Morley (Walton's staunch friend, then bishop of Winchester), and his prebend in the Cathedral, calls for no special remark here. But this second association with Winchester, there seems little doubt, originated his three well-known hymns. In 1674 he published A Manual of Prayers for the Use of the Scholars of Winchester College, and reference is made in this book to three hymns, for "Morning," "Midnight," and "Evening," the scholars being recommended to use them. It can scarcely be questioned that the Morning, Evening, and Midnight hymns, published in the 1695 edition of The Manual, are the ones referred to. He used to sing these hymns to the viol or spinet, but the tunes he used are unknown. He left Winchester for a short time to be chaplain to the Princess Mary at the Hague, but was dismissed for his faithful remonstrance against a case of immorality at the Court, and returned to Winchester. A similar act of faithfulness at Winchester singularly enough won him his bishopric. He stoutly refused Nell Gwynne the use of his house, when Charles II. came to Winchester, and the easy king, either from humour or respect for his honesty, gave him not long afterwards the bishopric of Bath and Wells. Among the many acts of piety and munificence that characterised his tenure of the see, his ministration to the prisoners and sufferers after the battle of Sedgmoor and the Bloody Assize are conspicuous. He interceded for them with the king, and retrenched his own state to assist them. He attended Monmouth on the scaffold. James II. pronounced him the most eloquent preacher among the Protestants of his time; the judgment of Charles II. appears from his pithy saying that he would go and hear Ken "tell him of his faults." Among the faithful words of the bishops at Charles's death-bed, none were so noble in their faithfulness as his. He was one of the Seven Bishops who refused to read the Declaration of Indulgence, and were imprisoned in the Tower by James for their refusal, but triumphantly acquitted on their trial. At the accession of William III, he refused, after some doubt on the subject, to take the oaths, and was at length (1691) deprived of his see. His charities had left him at this time only seven hundred pounds, and his library, as a means of subsistence; but he received hospitality for his remaining years with his friend Lord Weymouth, at Longleat. The see of Bath and Wells was again offered him, but in vain, at the death of his successor, Bishop Kidder. He survived all the deprived prelates. His attitude as a nonjuror was remarkable for its conciliatory spirit. The saintliness of Ken's character, its combination of boldness, gentleness, modesty and love, has been universally recognised. The verdict of Macaulay is that it approached "as near as human infirmity permits to the ideal perfection of Christian virtue." The principal work of Ken's that remains is that on the Catechism, entitled The Practice of Divine Love. His poetical works were published after his death, in four volumes. Among the contents are, the Hymns for the Festivals, which are said to have suggested to Keble the idea of The Christian Year; the Anodynes against the acute physical sufferings of his closing years; and the Preparatives for Death. Although many passages in them are full of tender devotion, they cannot rank either in style or strength with the three great hymns written at Winchester. The best biographies of Ken are he Life of Ken by a Layman, and, specially, his Life, by the Very Rev. E. H. Plumptre, Dean of Wells, 1888. [Rev. H. Leigh Bennett, M.A.] Bishop Ken is known to hymnody as the author of the Morning, Evening, and Midnight Hymns, the first and second of which at least have found a place in almost every English collection for the last 150 years. The general history of these hymns, as we now know it, is as follows:— 1. In 1674 Ken published his Manual of Prayers for Winchester Scholars as A Manual of Prayers For the Use of the Scholars of Winchester College [here arms of William of Wykeham within a border]. London, Printed for John Martyn, 1674, 12 mo, pp. 69. From a passage in this work it may fairly be inferred that the author had already composed hymns for the use of the scholars. He says:— “Be sure to sing the Morning and Evening Hymn in your chamber devoutly, remembering that the Psalmist, upon happy experience, assures you that it is a good thing to tell of the loving kindness of the Lord early in the morning and of his truth in the night season." Two hymns only seem to be here referred to, but the expression "night season" may include both the Evening and Midnight hymns, and the latter would be only used occasionally. The hymns are not given in the Manual of 1674, or succeeding editions, until that of 1695, when the three hymns are added as an Appendix. The title of this edition is:— A Manual of Prayers For the Use of the Scholars of Winchester College. And all other Devout Christians. To which is added three Hymns for Morning, Evening, and Midnight; not in former Editions: By the Same Author. Newly Revised. London, Printed for Ctarles Brome at the Ovn, at the West end of St. Paul's Church, 1695. 2. In 1704 Richard Smith, a London publisher, issued a book similar in appearance to the Manual, and entitled Conference between the Soul and Body concerning the Present and Future State. This edition contained a strong recommendation by Dodwell, an intimate friend of Ken, but no hymns. To the 2nd edition, however (1705), were added two (Morning and Evening) hymns, with Ken's name appended, but containing two additional verses to the Evening hymn, and differing in several other respects from the text of the Manual. Thereupon Charles Brome, to whom the copyright of the latter belonged, issued a new edition with an Advertisement stating that Ken "absolutely disowned" the hymns appended to the Conference, "as being very false and uncorrect," and that the genuine text was that given in the Manual only. Brome's Advertisementreads:— "Advertisement—-Whereas at the end of a Book lately Publish'd call'd, 'A Conference between the Soul and Body,' there are some Hymns said to be writ by Bishop Ken, who absolutely disowns them, as being very false and uncorrect; but the Genuine ones are to be had only of Charles Brome, Bookseller, whose just Propriety the Original copy is." 3. In 1709, however, the spurious hymns were again published as Ken's in a book entitled A New Year's Gift: in Two Parts: to which is added A Morning and Evening Hymn. By Thomas, late L. B. of Bath and Wells. The Third Edition with additions. London Printed by W. Olney. 1709. Brome met this, as before, with a new edition of the Manual, in which the Advertisement of 1705 as above was repeated, but the text of the hymns considerably revised. This revised text was followed in all subsequent editions of the Manual, but as, until lately, it was thought to have appeared first in the edition of 1712, published soon after Ken's death, its genuineness was suspected by many. The question as it then stood was fully discussed in an able letter by Sir Roundell Palmer (Lord Selborne), prefixed to the reprint of Ken's Hymns, published by D. Sedgwick in 1864. Since that time the discovery in the Bodleian Library of a copy of the Manual of 1709 shows that the revision was made in that year, and confirms the conclusion at which Lord Selborne had previously arrived, that it was Ken's genuine revised text. The title of this edition is:— A Manual of Prayers For the Use of the Scholars of Winchester College, And all other Devout Christians, To which is added three Hymns for Morning, Evening, and Midnight; By the same Author. Newly Revised. London: Printed for Charles Brome at the Gun, the West end of St. Paul's Church, 1709. The Advertisement before referred to is at p. 130. The alterations of 1709 may therefore be accepted as being made by Ken himself, and it seems not improbable that the revision was suggested by the recent republication of the spurious text in spite of Brome's disclaimer in 1705, and possibly by adverse criticism of the original text. Lord Selborne pointed out in his Letter that Ken altered a passage in his Practice of Divine Love (1st ed., 1685) because "some Roman Catholic writer professed to discover the doctrine of Transubstantiation" therein. This alteration was made in the 2nd ed., 1686, and explained in the Preface to have been made "to prevent all misunderstanding for the future." A passage also in the Manual—-"Help me, then, ye blessed Hosts of Heaven, to celebrate that unknown sorrow, &c." — was claimed in a Roman Catholic pamphlet as a passage which taught the scholars of Winchester to invocate the whole Court of Heaven." This passage Ken altered "to prevent all future misinterpretations," and prefixed an Advertisement to the 1687 edition of the Manual explaining why he had done so. In looking through the texts of the three hymns for 1695, and 1709, and especially at the doxologies, and at st. x. and xi. in the Evening Hymn, "You my Blest Guardian, whilst I sleep," &c. (1695); and "O may my Guardian while I sleep," &c. (1709), do we not see a good and sufficient reason to account for the revision of the hymns? 4. With regard to the text given in the Conference, Lord Selborne observes that it is not improbable that alterations and various readings, originating with Ken himself, might have obtained private circulation among his friends, long before he had made up his own mind to give them to the public; a suggestion which may possibly help to explain the fact, that a writer, patronised by Dodwell, was misled into believing (for such a writer ought not lightly to be accused of a wilful fraud) that the text, published in the Conference in Ken's name was really from his hand. That Ken occasionally altered passages in his writings when for any reason he considered it necessary, is certain ; and there can be little doubt that the text of the three Winchester hymns was more or less unsettled before 1695. At any rate, before their first appearance in that year in the Manual the Evening hymn had found its way into print. It was published in ”Harmonia Sacra; or Divine Hymns and Dialogues .. . Composed by the Best Masters . . . The Words by several Learned and Pious Persons. The Second Book," London, Henry Playford, 1693. The first volume, of this work appeared in 1688, and was dedicated to Ken. It is not improbable therefore that Playford, when collecting materials for his second volume, obtained the words of the Evening Hymn directly from the author. The hymn was set by Clarke as a Cantata for a solo voice, with the Doxology as a chorus in four parts. 5. The various Morning Hymns by Ken which have appeared in the Appendix to Tate and Brady's Version of the Psalms, and in most hymnals published during the past 150 years are compilations from this hymn, with, in many instances, slight alterations of the text either of 1695 or of that of 1709. In some modern hymnals the difficulty of the length of the hymn is overcome by dividing it into two or more parts. A reference to the text given in Harmonia Sacra shows that the change from "Glory" to "All praise" in line 1. is only a restoration of the original reading; and without being aware of this fact, Lord Selborne points out that the expression "All praise" is remarkably consistent with Ken's frequent use of it in other writings. The same alteration was made in 1709 in the Morning Hymn, stanza 9, and in the Midnight Hymn, st. 7; while at the same time "Glory" in the Morning Hymn, st. v. 1. 4, is changed to "High Praise." As in the case of "Awake my soul," this hymn has been divided, subdivided, and rearranged in a great many ways during the last 150 years. In one form or another it will be found in most hymnals published during that period. Like the Morning and Evening Hymns, this hymn has been divided and rearranged in various ways, and is found in one form or another in most hymnals published during the last 150 years. 6. The various centos from these hymns which are in common use in English-speaking countries are:— i. From the Morning Hymn. 1. All praise to Thee Who safe hast kept. 2. Awake, my soul, and with the sun. 3. Glory to Thee Who safe hast kept. 4. I wake, I wake, ye heavenly choirs. 5. I would not wake nor rise again. 6. Wake, and lift up thyself, my heart. ii. From the Evening Hymn. 1. All praise to Thee, my God, this night. 2. Glory to Thee, my God, this night. iii. From the Midnight Hymn. 1. All praise to Thee in light array'd. 2. Glory to Thee in light array'd. 3. Lord, now my sleep doth me forsake. 4. My God, now [when] I from sleep awake. 7. Bishop Ken has not escaped the not unusual charge of plagiarism, in connection with his celebrated hymns. Charges of this kind have been made from time to time, the nature and value of which we will endeavour to summarize. These are: (1) he borrowed from Sir Thomas Browne; (2) he did the same from Thomas Flatman; (3) he did neither, but Paraphrased from the Latin. 8. The title of Bishop Ken's hymns on the Festivals of the Church, published posthumously in 1721, is: Hymns for all the Festivals of the Year. They were republished by Pickering as: Bishop Ken's Christian Year or Hymns and Poems for the Holy Days and Festivals of the Church, Lond., 1868. From this work the following centos have come into common use:— 1. All human succours now are flown. Visitation of the Sick. 2. I had one only thing to do. A New Creature. 3. O purify my soul from stain. 10th Sunday after Trinity, or A Prayer for Purity. 4. 0 Lord, when near the appointed hour. Holy Communion. 5. Unction the Christian name implies. Confirmation. [George Arthur Crawford, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ======================== Ken, T. , p. 422, i. Since this article was electrotyped the following details concerning Bishop Ken's three hymns have come to light:—In a Catalogue of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, published in 1707, there appears an entry of a tract entitled, Three Hymns for Morning, Evening; and Midnight, by the Author of the Manual of Prayers for Winchester Scholars. A copy of this hitherto unknown tract has lately come into the hands of Mr. W. T. Brooke, and by him has been passed on to the British Museum Library. It is bound up in a volume with two other pamphlets, of which the respective titles are: (1) An Exposition on the Church Catechism, or the Practice of Divine Love. Revised. Composed for the Diocese of Bath and Wells. Printed for Charles Brome, at the Gun of the West end of St. Paul's Churchyard, 1703; (2) Directions for Prayer for the Dioceses of Bath and Wells. Price 2d. pp. 16; (3) A Morning, Evening, and Midnight Hymn by the Author of the Manual of Prayers for Winchester Scholars. Nos. 2 and 3 have no title, but on the last page of No. 3 is "London, Printed at the Gun, at the West End of St. Paul's Church." The text of this tract of the "Three Hymns" agrees absolutely with that of 1709, except that in the 10th stanza of the Morning Hymns it reads "not rise again," as in 1705. We may therefore conclude that Ken's revisions, with this exception, were made between 1705 and 1707, the date of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Catalogue. We may add that another cento from Ken's Midnight Hymn is "Blest Jesu! Thou, on heaven intent." in Rice's Hymns, 1870. The Life of Bishop Ken by the late Dean Plumptre was published in 1888, in 2 volumes. It is by far the best and most exhaustive life of the Bishop, and is worthy of the author's great reputation. [George Arthur Crawford, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix I (1907)

Don Besig

b. 1936 Author of "들 으 소 서 우 리 기 도 드 릴 깨 (Hear us, O Lord)" in 찬송과 예배 = Chansong gwa yebae = Come, Let Us Worship


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