John J. Overholt › Texts

Short Name: John J. Overholt
Full Name: Overholt, John J., 1918-2000
Birth Year: 1918
Death Year: 2000

John J. Overholt was born to an Amish family of limited means in the state of Ohio in 1918. As a child he was soon introduced to his father's personal collection of gospel songs and hymns, which was to have a marked influence on his later life. With his twin brother Joe, he early was exposed to the Amish-Mennonite tradition hymn-singing and praising worship.

An early career in Christian service led to a two-year period of relief work in the country of Poland following World War II. During that interim he began to gather many European songs and hymns as a personal hobby, not realizing that these selections would become invaluable to The Christian Hymnary which was begun in 1960 and completed twelve years later in 1972, with a compilation of 1000 songs, hymns and chorales. (The largest Menn. hymnal).

A second hymnal was begun simultaneously in the German language entitled Erweckungs Lieder Nr.1 which was brought to completion in 1986. This hymnal has a total of 200 selections with a small addendum of English hymns.

Mr. Overholt married in 1965 to an accomplished soprano Vera Marie Sommers, who was not to be outdone by her husband's creativity and compiled a hymnal of 156 selections entitled Be Glad and Sing, directed to children and youth and first printed in 1986.

During this later career of hymn publishing, Mr. Overholt also found time for Gospel team work throughout Europe. At this writing he is preparing for a 5th consecutive tour which he arranges and guides. The countries visited will be Belgium, Switzerland, France, Germany, Poland, USSR and Romania.

Mr. Overholt was called to the Christian ministry in 1957 and resides at Sarasota, Florida where he is co-minister of a Beachy Amish-Mennonite Church.

Five children were born to this family and all enjoy worship in song.

--Letter from Hannah Joanna Overholt to Mary Louise VanDyke, 10 October 1990, DNAH Archives. Photo enclosed.

Texts by John J. Overholt (198)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A is for anyone who's not afraid to dieCompiler (Alterer)English1
Alas, and did my Savior bleedJohn J. Overholt (Author (response))English1
All hail the power of Jesus' name, Let angels prostrate fallJohn J. Overholt (Author (chorus))English2
Amidst us our Beloved standsJohn J. Overholt (Recaster)English1
And must I be to judgment broughtCompiler (Alterer)English1
Angels we have heard on highJohn J. Overholt (Alterer)English2
Another week with all its cares hath flownCompiler (Alterer)1
Awake, thou Spirit of the martyrsJohn J. Overholt (Translator)English2
Baptized into our Savior's deathJohn J. Overholt (Recaster)English1
Behold, the great creator makesCompiler (Alterer)English1
Behold, the Master passeth by!Compiler (Alterer)English1
Behold the Savior of mankindJohn J. Overholt (Recaster)English1
Blessing to God, the Father ever blestJohn J. Overholt (Recaster)English2
Blest feast of love divineJohn J. Overholt (Author (refrain))English1
Blow ye the trumpet, blowCompiler (Alterer)English1
Church of God, thou spotless virginCompiler (Alterer)English1
Climb up your golden heightJohn J. Overholt (Recaster)English2
Come, great God, thy people hearJohn J. Overholt (Recaster and Author (stanza 1))English2
Come, let our souls adore the LordJohn J. Overholt (Alterer)English1
Come, newborn souls, love's grace displayJohn J. Overholt (Author)English2
Come, and let us sweetly joinJohn J. Overholt (Recaster)English1
Come, Savior, Jesus, from aboveCompiler (Alterer)English1
Come, Thou Almighty King, Help us Thy name to singCompiler (Alterer (stanza 3))English1
Come, Thy presence manifestingJohn J. Overholt (Author)2
Come unto me, saith God's own SonJohn J. Overholt (Translator)English2
Come, ye that love the Savior's nameJohn J. Overholt (Arranger)English1
Come, your hearts and voices raising (Overholt)John J. Overholt (Recaster)English2
Come, Zion's daughters, come, rejoiceJohn J. Overholt (Alterer)English1
Creator of the universe, We lift our mindsCompiler (Alterer)English1
Dear Lord, amid the throng that pressedCompiler (Alterer)English1
Did Christ o'er sinners weep?John J. Overholt (Alterer)English1
Dona nobis pacem, pacem (Canon)John J. Overholt (English text)Latin1
Draw nigh, O Lord, and on us shineCompiler (Alterer)1
Everybody ought to know, Everybody ought to knowJohn J. Overholt (Arranger)English1
Everything's alright in my Father's houseCompiler (Arranger)English1
Father, bless our school todayCompiler (Alterer)English1
Father eternal, great God of creationJohn J. Overholt (Author)English2
Father, in high heaven dwellingCompiler (Alterer)English1
Father, in whom we liveCompiler (Alterer)English1
Father of spirits, whose divine controlCompiler (Alterer)English1
Father, we thank Thee, Father, we thank Thee (Overholt)John J. Overholt (Author)English2
For a blest todayJohn J. Overholt (Translator)English2
For the bread and for the wineCompiler (Alterer)English1
Forward, flock of JesusJohn J. Overholt (Alterer)English2
Foundation true, art Thou, O LordJohn J. Overholt (Alterer)English1
Fountain of knowledge, living breathJohn J. Overholt (Alterer)English2
From east to west, from shore to shoreCompiler (Alterer)English1
Glorious kingdom of our GodJohn J. Overholt (Alterer)English1
God, of truth and light CreatorJohn J. Overholt (Author)English2
God, our Father, send revivalCompiler (Alterer)English1
God the All-terrible! King, who ordainestCompiler (Alterer)English1
God will His righteous judgment meteJohn J. Overholt (Translator)English2
Gracious Lord, we wait on theeJohn J. Overholt (Alterer)English1
Great God of nations, now to Thee Our hymn of gratitude we raiseCompiler (Alterer)English1
Great Ruler of the earth and skiesCompiler (Alterer)English1
Great Shepherd of the church on earthJohn J. Overholt (Alterer)2
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah … He is coming soonJohn J. Overholt (Arranger)English, German2
Hallelujah! Lo, He wakesCompiler (Alterer)English1
Hark! the voice of love and mercyCompiler (Alterer)English1
Have you counted the costJohn J. Overholt (Alterer)1
Have you found the great Physician, Jesus Christ of GalileeJohn J. Overholt (Recaster)English1
Have you heard about the stoneCompiler (Arranger)English2
He that believes and is baptizedJohn J. Overholt (Compositer)English2
Help us, O Lord, Thy yoke to wearCompiler (Alterer)English1
Here in the Name of Christ our LordCompiler (Alterer)English1
Holy and reverend is the nameJohn J. Overholt (Adapter)English1
Holy as Thou, O Lord, is none!Compiler (Alterer)English1
I am unworthy to suffer with theeJohn J. Overholt (Author)English2
I had so many sins and He took them all awayCompiler (Arranger)English1
I opened my heart to the Word divineCompiler (Alterer)English1
I will abide in thy dwelling place foreverJohn J. Overholt (Author)English2
I will delight in singingJohn J. Overholt (Translator)English2
I will press on to perfectionJohn J. Overholt (Translator)English2
In all thy glorious ways, O GodJohn J. Overholt (Recaster)English2
In Christ is brotherhood aloneJohn J. Overholt (Alterer)English1
In Christ my Saviour's wounds secureJohn J. Overholt (Recaster)English2
In memory of the Savior's loveJohn J. Overholt (Alterer)English2
In Thee is gladness in every sadnessJohn J. Overholt (Translator)English2
Into thy gracious hands I fallCompiler (Alterer)English1
It is finished, all the painJohn J. Overholt (Author (stanza 4))English1
Jesus can never fail, never fail, never failCompiler (Arranger)English1
Jesus, for thy mercy's sakeCompiler (Alterer)English1
Jesus, Jesus, Life, the fountainJohn J. Overholt (Translator)English2
Jesus, joy of livingJohn J. Overholt (Translator)English2
Jesus, Lord from heavenJohn J. Overholt (Author)2
To the name that brings salvationJohn J. Overholt (Alterer)English1
Jesus, the Christ, the Son of GodJohn J. Overholt (Translator)English2
Jesus, Thou soul of all our joysCompiler (Alterer)English1
Leader of faithful souls, and GuideCompiler (Alterer)English1
Let the saints new anthems raiseCompiler (Alterer (stanza 1))English1
Let the people praise thee, O God, O let them praise thee!John J. Overholt (Author)2
Light of life, seraphic fireCompiler (Alterer)English1
Live in me Lord JesusJohn J. Overholt (Author (stanza 3))1
Lo! God is here: let us adoreCompiler (Alterer)English1
Lo! golden light rekindles dayCompiler (Alterer)English1
Lo, wisdom crieth in the streetsCompiler (Alterer)English1
Look to the God of heaven above for guidelines every dayCompiler (Alterer)English1
God give us Christian homesCompiler (Alterer)English1
Lord God! to Thee be blessingJohn J. Overholt (Translator)English2
Lord, in the fullness of my might, I would for Thee be strongCompiler (Alterer)English1
Lord Jesus, I love Thee , My Lord, I Thee confessJohn J. Overholt (Author)English2
Lord of our life, and God of our salvationJohn J. Overholt (Alterer)English1
Lord of the harvest, meet this hourJohn J. Overholt (Alterer)English1
Lord of the living harvestCompiler (Alterer)English1
By Thy blessed word obeying, LordCompiler (Alterer)English1
Lord, we would not dishonor TheeJohn J. Overholt (Author)English2
Lord, while for all mankind we prayCompiler (Alterer)English1
My faith has found a resting place, from guilt my soul is freedCompiler (Alterer)English1
My God, how wonderful Thou artCompiler (Alterer)English1
My God, where shall I wend my flight?Compiler (Alterer (stanzas 8 & 11))English1
My Savior and my Lord, let our lips now acclaim TheeCompiler (Alterer)English2
My soul complete in Jesus standsCompiler (Alterer)English1
Now be praise unto our GodJohn J. Overholt (Author)2
Now the busy week is doneCompiler (Alterer)English1
O come, all ye children, O come, one and all (Overholt)Compiler (Alterer)English1
O come, let us worship before our great LordJohn J. Overholt (Author)2
O come, O come, Emmanuel, And ransom captive IsraelCompiler (Alterer)English1
I thirst, Thou wounded Lamb of GodCompiler (Alterer)English1
O come to Mount Zion, the mount of the LordJohn J. Overholt (Alterer)English2
O come today to the fountain, Drawn from Immanuel's veinsJohn J. Overholt (Author)English2
O come ye children of men mortalJohn J. Overholt (Translator)English2
O God and Father, thee we blessJohn J. Overholt (Translator)English8
O God, do thou sustain meJohn J. Overholt (Translator)English2
O God of wondrous grace and gloryJohn J. Overholt (Compositer, Arranger)English2
O God, to thee I lift my joyful voiceJohn J. Overholt (Author)English2
O God, what offering shall I giveCompiler (Alterer)English1
O holy, holy, holy Lord! Thou God of hosts, by all adored!John J. Overholt (Compositer, Arranger)English1
O lift thy hands on high!Compiler (Alterer)English2
O Lord of life, wherever they beJohn J. Overholt (Alterer (stanzas 1-3))English1
O Lord of hosts, all heaven possessingCompiler (Alterer)English1
O Love that casts out fear, O Love that casts out sinJohn J. Overholt (Composite, Arranger)English2
O [Come] brother man, fold to thy heart thy brotherJohn J. Overholt (Alterer)English1
O nation, O our nationCompiler (Alterer)1
O our God, to Thee we render Thanks for bounties Thou hast givenJohn J. Overholt (Author)English2
O praise our great and glorious LordJohn J. Overholt (Alterer)English1
O sinners, what will you doCompiler (Alterer)English1
O Son of God, all loves excellingJohn J. Overholt (Recaster)English2
O Son of God, we wait for Thee, We long for Thine appearing (Seiss)John J. Overholt (Recaster)English1
O soul, do not delayJohn J. Overholt (Translator)English2
O that a thousand tongues I'd treasureJohn J. Overholt (Translator)English2
O Thou Almighty Lord and GodJohn J. Overholt (Translator)English2
O Thou, from Whom all goodness flowsCompiler (Alterer)English1
Of the Father's heart begottenJohn J. Overholt (Alterer)English1
¡Oh Dios, a ti te elevo mi canción!John J. Overholt (Author)Spanish2
On our way rejoicing, as we homeward moveCompiler (Alterer)English1
Once in a lonely manger, hundreds of years agoCompiler (Arranger)English2
Pardon me, O my GodJohn J. Overholt (Recaster)English2
Pilgrim, awake! to newborn lifeJohn J. Overholt (Alterer)English1
Pilgrim, seek not yet reposeJohn J. Overholt (Recaster)2
Praise the Lord, ye heavens adore HimJohn J. Overholt (Compositer, Arranger)English1
Rejoice! be glad exceedingly (Verheucht nu en weest verblijt)John J. Overholt (Versifier)Dutch, English2
Rise, my soul, to watch and pray, From thy sleep awake thee (Winkworth)Compiler (Alterer)English1
Savior, again to Thy dear name we raise (Ellerton)John J. Overholt (Recaster)English1
Savior to Thee I come, burdened with sinCompiler (Alterer)English1
Say now, ye lovely social bandJohn J. Overholt (Author (stanza 3))English1
Shepherd of souls, refresh and blessJohn J. Overholt (Author (stanza 5))English1
Stand up, and bless the Lord, your GodJohn J. Overholt (Alterer)2
Stand up, my soul, shake off thy fearsJohn J. Overholt (Author (stanza 5))English2
Standing forth on life's rough wayCompiler (Alterer)English1
Stay, Thou insulted Spirit, stayCompiler (Alterer)English1
Sun of Righteousness, arise! Dispel darkness from our eyesJohn J. Overholt (Compositer)English4
Teach me to do the thing that pleaseth TheeCompiler (Alterer)English1
The church of God a kingdom isJohn J. Overholt (Alterer)English1
The duteous day now closethCompiler (Alterer)English1
The Father we will ever praiseJohn J. Overholt (Translator)English2
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (Overholt)John J. Overholt (Translator)English2
The heavens are lowering overcastJohn J. Overholt (Translator)English2
"The Lord is risen indeed;" And are the tidings true?John J. Overholt (Author (stanza 5))English1
The Lord, our God, alone is strongJohn J. Overholt (Alterer)English1
The Lord's my shepherd, I'll not want; He makes me down to lie (Rous)Compiler (Alterer)English1
The Savior, what a noble flameCompiler (Alterer)English1
The church of God believes it rightCompiler (Alterer)English1
Thee will I love, my Lord, my GodJohn J. Overholt (Author)English2
There are two ways in this, our dayJohn J. Overholt (Translator)English2
They come from the east and west, they come from the lands afarJohn J. Overholt (Alterer)English1
Thou to Whom the sick and dyingCompiler (Alterer)English1
Throned upon the awful treeCompiler (Alterer (stanzas 1, 2 & 4))English1
Through night and day Thy gloryJohn J. Overholt (Translator)English2
Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, aloneCompiler (Alterer)English1
To our Father, true and kindCompiler (Alterer)English1
'Twas on that night, when doomed to knowCompiler (Alterer)English1
Unto Thy church, Thy body, LordCompiler (Alterer)English2
Wake, awake, for night is flying, The watchmen on the heights are crying (Winkworth)compiler (Alterer)English1
We are pilgrims on the earth reconciled by Jesus' bloodJohn J. Overholt (Author)English2
We now show forth the dying of our LordJohn J. Overholt (Recaster)English2
We'll walk in the light, beautiful light, Dwelling in heaven in pure rainment whiteJohn J. Overholt (Author)English2
When Christ beheld, in sinful [sin's dark] nightJohn J. Overholt (Author (stanza 3))English1
When Christ with His true teaching cameJohn J. Overholt (Translator)English2
When I behold the risen LordCompiler (Alterer)1
When saints of God in danger stoodCompiler (Alterer (chorus))English1
Who Christ will follow now, newbornJohn J. Overholt (Translator)English2
Who shall the Lord's elect condemn?Compiler (Alterer)English1
Wonderful redemption full and freeJohn J. Overholt (Translator)English2
Would you win men's souls to GodJohn J. Overholt (Recaster)English2
Rise again, ye lion heartedJohn J. Overholt (Recaster)English1
Ye must be born again, salvation to obtainJohn J. Overholt (Author)2
You Christian brothers, together (Ghy Christen broeders te samen)John J. Overholt (Versifier)Dutch, English2
You weary pilgrims roaming hereCompiler (Alterer)1
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