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St. Bernard of Clairvaux

1090 - 1153 Person Name: Bernard Author of "Jesus, the Very Thought" in The Gospel Trumpeter Bernard of Clairvaux, saint, abbot, and doctor, fills one of the most conspicuous positions in the history of the middle ages. His father, Tecelin, or Tesselin, a knight of great bravery, was the friend and vassal of the Duke of Burgundy. Bernard was born at his father's castle on the eminence of Les Fontaines, near Dijon, in Burgundy, in 1091. He was educated at Chatillon, where he was distinguished for his studious and meditative habits. The world, it would be thought, would have had overpowering attractions for a youth who, like Bernard, had all the advantages that high birth, great personal beauty, graceful manners, and irresistible influence could give, but, strengthened in the resolve by night visions of his mother (who had died in 1105), he chose a life of asceticism, and became a monk. In company with an uncle and two of his brothers, who had been won over by his entreaties, he entered the monastery of Citeaux, the first Cistercian foundation, in 1113. Two years later he was sent forth, at the head of twelve monks, from the rapidly increasing and overcrowded abbey, to found a daughter institution, which in spite of difficulties and privations which would have daunted less determined men, they succeeded in doing, in the Valley of Wormwood, about four miles from the Abbey of La Ferté—itself an earlier swarm from the same parent hive—on the Aube. On the death of Pope Honorius II., in 1130, the Sacred College was rent by factions, one of which elected Gregory of St. Angelo, who took the title of Innocent II., while another elected Peter Leonis, under that of Anacletua II. Innocent fled to France, and the question as to whom the allegiance of the King, Louie VI., and the French bishops was due was left by them for Bernard to decide. At a council held at Etampes, Bernard gave judgment in favour of Innocent. Throwing himself into the question with all the ardour of a vehement partisan, he won over both Henry I., the English king, and Lothair, the German emperor, to support the same cause, and then, in 1133, accompanied Innocent II., who was supported by Lothair and his army, to Italy and to Rome. When Lothair withdrew, Innocent retired to Pisa, and Bernard for awhile to his abbey of Clairvaux. It was not until after the death of Anacletus, the antipope, in January, 1138, and the resignation of his successor, the cardinal-priest Gregory, Victor II., that Innocent II., who had returned to Rome with Bernard, was universally acknowledged Pope, a result to which no one had so greatly contributed as the Abbot of Clairvaux. The influence of the latter now became paramount in the Church, as was proved at the Lateran Council of 1139, the largest council ever collected together, where the decrees in every line displayed the work of his master-hand. After having devoted four years to the service of the Pope, Bernard, early in 1135, returned to Clairvaux. In 1137 he was again at Rome, impetuous and determined as ever, denouncing the election of a Cluniac instead of a Clairvaux monk to the see of Langres in France, and in high controversy in consequence with Peter, the gentle Abbot of Cluny, and the Archbishop of Lyons. The question was settled by the deposition by the Pope of the Cluniac and the elevation of a Clairvaux monk (Godfrey, a kinsman of St. Bernard) into his place. In 1143, Bernard raised an almost similar question as to the election of St. William to the see of York, which was settled much after the same fashion, the deposition, after a time, if only for a time, of William, and the intrusion of another Clairvaux monk, Henry Murdac, or Murduch, into the archiepiccopal see. Meantime between these two dates—in 1140—the condemnation of Peter Abilaid and his tenets, in which matter Bernard appeared personally as prosecutor, took place at a council held at Sens. Abelard, condemned at Sens, appealed to Rome, and, resting awhile on his way thither, at Cluny, where Peter still presided as Abbot, died there in 1142. St. Bernard was next called upon to exercise his unrivalled powers of persuasion in a very different cause. Controversy over, he preached a crusade. The summer of 1146 was spent by him in traversing France to rouse the people to engage in the second crusade; the autumn with a like object in Germany. In both countries the effect of his appearance and eloquence was marvellous, almost miraculous. The population seemed to rise en masse, and take up the cross. In 1147 the expedition started, a vast horde, of which probably not a tenth ever reached Palestine. It proved a complete failure, and a miserable remnant shared the flight of their leaders, the Emperor Conrad, and Louis, King of France, and returned home, defeated and disgraced. The blame was thrown upon Bernard, and his apology for his part in the matter is extant. He was not, however, for long to bear up against reproach; he died in the 63rd year of his age, in 1153, weary of the world and glad to be at rest. With the works of St. Bernard, the best ed. of which was pub. by Mabillon at Paris in the early part of the 18th cent. (1719), we are not concerned here, except as regards his contributions, few and far between as they are, to the stores of Latin hymnology. There has been so much doubt thrown upon the authorship of the hymns which usually go by his name,—notably by his editor, Mabillon himself,—that it is impossible to claim any of them as having been certainly written by him; but Archbishop Trench, than whom we have no greater modern authority on such a point, is satisfied that the attribution of them all, except the "Cur mundus militat," to St. Bernard is correct. "If he did not write," the Archbishop says, "it is not easy to guess who could have written them; and indeed they bear profoundly the stamp of his mind, being only inferior in beauty to his prose." The hymns by which St. Bernard is best known as a writer of sacred poetry are: (1.) "Jesu duicis memoria," a long poem on the " Name of Jesus"—known as the "Jubilus of St. Bernard," and among mediaeval writers as the " Rosy Hymn." It is, perhaps, the best specimen of what Neale describes as the "subjective loveliness " of its author's compositions. (2.) "Salve mundi Salutore," an address to the various limbs of Christ on the cross. It consists of 350 lines, 50 lines being addressed to each. (3.) "Laetabundus, exultet fidelis chorus: Alleluia." This sequence was in use all over Europe. (4.) "Cum sit omnis homo foenum." (5.) " Ut jucundas cervus undas." A poem of 68 lines, and well known, is claimed for St. Bernard by Hommey in his Supplementum Patrum, Paris, 1686, p. 165, but on what Archbishop Trench, who quotes it at length, (Sac. Lat. Poetry, p. 242,) deems " grounds entirely insufficient." (6.) " Eheu, Eheu, mundi vita," or " Heu, Heu, mala mundi vita." A poem of nearly 400 lines, is sometimes claimed for St. Bernard, but according to Trench, “on no authority whatever." (7.) “O miranda vanitas." This is included in Mabillon's ed. of St. Bernard's Works. It is also attributed to him by Rambach, vol. i. p. 279. Many other hymns and sequences are attributed to St. Bernard. Trench speaks of a " general ascription to him of any poems of merit belonging to that period whereof the authorship was uncertain." Hymns, translated from, or founded on, St. Bernard's, will be found in almost every hymnal of the day, details of which, together with many others not in common use, will be found under the foregoing Latin first lines. -John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) See also in: Hymn Writers of the Church

W. Chatterton Dix

1837 - 1898 Person Name: William Chatterton Dix Author of "Come unto Me" in Christian Science Hymnal Most British hymn writers in the nineteenth century were clergymen, but William C. Dix (b. Bristol, England, 1837; d. Cheddar, Somerset, England, 1898) was a notable exception. Trained in the business world, he became the manager of a marine insurance company in Glasgow, Scotland. Dix published various volumes of his hymns, such as Hymns of Love and Joy (1861) and Altar Songs: Verses on the Holy Eucharist (1867). A number of his texts were first published in Hymns Ancient and Modern (1861). Bert Polman ======================== Dix, William Chatterton, son of John Dix, surgeon, of Bristol, author of the Life of Chatterton; Local Legends, &c, born at Bristol, June 14, 1837, and educated at the Grammar School of that city. Mr. Chatterton Dix's contributions to modern hymnody are numerous and of value. His fine Epiphany hymn, "As with gladness men of old,” and his plaintive ”Come unto Me, ye weary," are examples of his compositions, many of which rank high amongst modern hymns. In his Hymns of Love and Joy, 1861, Altar Songs, Verses on the Holy Eucharist, 1867; Vision of All Saints, &c, 1871; and Seekers of a City, 1878, some of his compositions were first published. The greater part, however, were contributed to Hymns Ancient & Modern; St. Raphaels Hymnbook, 1861; Lyra Eucharidica, 1863; Lyra Messianica, 1864; Lyra Mystica, 1865; The People's Hymns, 1867; The Hymnary, 1872; Church Hymns, 1871, and others. Many of his contributions are renderings in metrical form of Dr. Littledale's translation from the Greek in his Offices . . . of the Holy Eastern Church, 1863; and of the Rev. J. M. Rodwell's translation of hymns of the Abyssinian Church. These renderings of the "songs of other Churches" have not received the attention they deserve, and the sources from whence they come are practically unknown to most hymnal compilers. Mr. Dix has also written many Christmas and Easter carols, the most widely known of which is "The Manger Throne."   In addition to detached pieces in prose and verse for various magazines, he has published two devotional works, Light; and The Risen Life, 1883; and a book of instructions for children entitled The Pattern Life, 1885. The last-named contains original hymns by Mr. Dix not given elsewhere. In addition to the more important of Mr. Dix's hymns which are annotated under their respective first lines, the following are also in common use:- 1. God cometh, let the heart prepare.  Advent. In his Vision of All Saints, &c, 1871.      2. Holy, holy, holy, to Thee our vows we pay.  Holy Communion.   Published in his Altar Songs, 1867, in 6 stanzas of 6 lines, and headed "Eucharistic Processional for Dedication Feast."    In the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Church Hymns, 1871, and others in an abridged form.      3. How long, O Lord, how long, we ask.   Second Advent.   Appeared in the Appendix to the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Psalms & Hymns, 1869, and repeated in several collections.        4. In our work and in our play.    Children's Hymn. Published in his Hymns and Carols for Children, 1869, and is largely adopted  in  children's  hymnbooks, as  Mrs. Brock's Children's Hymnbook, 1881, and others.   Also in the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Church Hymns, 1871.      5.  In the hollow of Thine hand.   For Fair Weather. Appeared in the People's Hymns, 1867, and repeated in several others.      6.  Joy fills our inmost heart today.    Christmas. Printed in the Church Times, and  then on a Flysheet by Gr. J. Palmer, as the third of Four Joyful Hymns for Christmas, circa 1865. It is in the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Church Hymns, 1871, and other hymnals. It is also one of Mr. Dix's Christmas Customs & Christmas Carols, not dated.      7. Lift up your songs, ye thankful.   St. Ambrose. Contributed to the People's Hymns, 1867.  8. Now in numbers softly flowing.    St. Cecilia. Contributed to the People's Hymns, 1867.    9.  Now, our Father, we adore Thee.   Praise to the Father.   Appeared in the Appendix to the S. P. C. K. Psalms & Hymns, 1869.   10.  O Christ, Thou Son of Mary.   St. Crispin.   First printed in the Union Review, Sept., 1866, and thence into the People's Hymns, 1887.   11. O Cross which only canst allay.   Glorying and Trusting in the Cross.   Published in the People's Hymns, 1867.   12. O Thou the Eternal Son of God.   Good Friday. Appeared in Lyra Messianica, 1864; the author's Hymns and Carols for Children, 1869; the S. P. C. K. Church Hymns, 1871, &c.   13. On the waters dark and drear.   For use at Sea. Published in Hymns for Public Worship, &c. (St. Raphael's, Bristol), 1861; the S. P. C. K. Church Hymns, 1871, &c.   14. Only one prayer to-day.   Ash Wednesday.   Contributed to the People's Hymns, 1867.   15. Sitting at receipt of custom.  St. Matthew.  Appeared in the People's Hymns, 1867.   16. The Cross is on thy brow.   Confirmation.   In the 1869 Appendix to the S. P. C. K. Psalms & Hymns.   17.  The stars above our head.   Work and Humility. In the 1869 Appendix to the S. P. C. K. Psalms & Hymns.  18. When the shades of night are falling.   Evening Hymn to the Good Shepherd.   In the author's Seekers of a City, &c. [1878]. Most of Mr. Dix's best-known hymns, and also some of those named above, are in common use in America and other English-speaking countries. In Great Britain and America from 30 to 40 are in common use.  He died Sept. 9, 1898. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ====================== Dix, William Chatterton, p. 302, ii. Additional hymns by Mr. Dix now in common use are:— 1. Lift up your songs, ye angel choirs. Ascension. 2. Now, my soul rehearse the story. Christ Feeding the Multitude. 3. Within the temple's hallowed courts. Blessed Virgin Mary. These hymns are from his Altar Songs, 1867. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Joseph Medlicott Scriven

1819 - 1886 Person Name: Joseph M. Scriven, 1819-1866 Author of "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" in African American Heritage Hymnal Joseph M. Scriven (b. Seapatrick, County Down, Ireland, 1819; d. Bewdley, Rice Lake, ON, Canada, 1886), an Irish immigrant to Canada, wrote this text near Port Hope, Ontario, in 1855. Because his life was filled with grief and trials, Scriven often needed the solace of the Lord as described in his famous hymn. Educated at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, he enrolled in a military college to prepare for an army career. However, poor health forced him to give up that ambition. Soon after came a second blow—his fiancée died in a drowning accident on the eve of their wedding in 1844. Later that year he moved to Ontario, where he taught school in Woodstock and Brantford. His plans for marriage were dashed again when his new bride-to-be died after a short illness in 1855. Following this calamity Scriven seldom had a regular income, and he was forced to live in the homes of others. He also experienced mistrust from neighbors who did not appreciate his eccentricities or his work with the underprivileged. A member of the Plymouth Brethren, he tried to live according to the Sermon on the Mount as literally as possible, giving and sharing all he had and often doing menial tasks for the poor and physically disabled. Because Scriven suffered from depression, no one knew if his death by drowning in Rice Lake was suicide or an accident. Bert Polman ================ Scriven, Joseph. Mr. Sankey, in his My Life and Sacred Songs, 1906, p. 279, says that Scriven was b. in Dublin in 1820, was a graduate of Trinity College, Dublin, and went to Canada when he was 25, and died there at Port Hope, on Lake Ontario, in 1886. His hymn:— What a Friend we have in Jesus. [Jesus our Friend] was, according to Mr. Sankey, discovered to be his in the following manner: "A neighbour, sitting up with him in his illness, happened upon a manuscript of 'What a Friend we have in Jesus.' Reading it with great delight, and questioning Mr. Scriven about it, he said he had composed it for his mother, to comfort her in a time of special sorrow, not intending any one else should see it." We find the hymn in H. 1... Hastings's Social Hymns, Original and Selected, 1865, No. 242; and his Song of Pilgrimage, 1886, No. 1291, where it is attributed to "Joseph Scriven, cir. 1855." It is found in many modern collections. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

P. P. Bilhorn

1865 - 1936 Person Name: P. P. B. Arranger of "[I am on a shining pathway]" in Hymns of His Grace Pseudonyms: W. Ferris Britcher, Irene Durfee; C. Ferris Holden, P. H. Rob­lin (a an­a­gram of his name) ================ Peter Philip Bilhorn was born, in Mendota, IL. His father died in the Civil War 3 months before he was born. His early life was not easy. At age 8, he had to leave school to help support the family. At age 15, living in Chicago, he had a great singing voice and sang in German beer gardens there. At this time, he and his brother also formed the Eureka Wagon & Carriage Works in Chicago, IL. At 18 Peter became involved in gospel music, studying under George F. Root and George C. Stebbins. He traveled to the Dakotas and spent some time sharing the gospel with cowboys there. He traveled extensively with D. L. Moody, and was Billy Sunday's song leader on evangelistic endeavors. His evangelistic work took him into all the states of the Union, Great Britain, and other foreign countries. In London he conducted a 4000 voice choir in the Crystal Palace, and Queen Victoria invited him to sing in Buckinghm Palace. He wrote some 2000 gospel songs in his lifetime. He also invented a folding portable telescoping pump organ, weighing 16 lbs. It could be set up in about a minute. He used it at revivals in the late 19th century. He founded the Bilhorn Folding Organ Company in Chicago. IL, and his organ was so popular it was sold all over the world. He edited 10 hymnals and published 11 gospel songbooks. He died in Los Angeles, CA, in 1936. John Perry


Person Name: Anon. Author of "The Man of Galilee" in Hymns of His Grace In some hymnals, the editors noted that a hymn's author is unknown to them, and so this artificial "person" entry is used to reflect that fact. Obviously, the hymns attributed to "Author Unknown" "Unknown" or "Anonymous" could have been written by many people over a span of many centuries.

D. S. Warner

1842 - 1895 Arranger of "Christ is All the World to Me" in Light and Life Songs No. 2 Warner, Daniel Sidney. (near Marshallville, Wayne County, Ohio, 1842--1895). Church of God. Reared on an Ohio farm. During the Civil War, he substituted for a brother. Later he taught school. He attended Oberlin College briefly in 1865. By 1867 he was licensed to preach by the Western Ohio Eldership of the Church of God (Winebrennerian). His experience in preaching was gained on circuits in Nebraska and Ohio. In 1874 he was in trouble with the Eldership for preaching entire sanctification. Soon he joined the Indiana Eldership. In 1881 he was in trouble with this Eldership over sectism. Warner was an associate editor of the Herals of Gospel Freedom in 1878. this paper was merged with the Pilgrim about 1881, and the new paper was called the Gospel Trumpet, with Warner as its editor. Warner was forced to move the paper about, seeing for firm financial foundations. The publishing work was at last established in Grand Junction, Michigan, enabling Warner to travel more extensively with a group of evangelists. Warner's time was spent in editing the Trumpet, writing books, tracts, and songs, and making evangelistic tours of the United States. --John W.V. Smith, DNAH Archives =================================== Daniel Sidney Warner, 1842-1895 Born: June 25, 1842, Bris­tol (now Mar­shall­ville), Ohio. Died: De­cem­ber 12, 1895, Grand Junc­tion, Mi­chi­gan, of pneu­mon­ia. Buried: Near Grand Junc­tion, Mi­chi­gan, at the edge of the Church of God camp­ground that was once there. As of 1880, Warner was liv­ing in Rome Ci­ty, In­di­a­na. His works in­clude: Echoes From Glo­ry, with Bar­ney War­ren (Grand Junc­tion, Mi­chi­gan: The Gos­pel Trump­et Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny, 1893) Lyrics-- Ah Poor Ali­en Far from the Fold of Love Ah Poor Sin­ner, Think of Cal­va­ry All This World, Its Wealth and Hon­or All Ye People, Come Down to the Judg­ment Be­gun Along a Dark and Gloomy Path Are You of the Holy Rem­nant Are You Rea­dy, Wait­ing for the Lord? Are You Sow­ing Seeds of Kind­ness? Asleep in Je­sus, Oh, How Sweet A Gentle Hand Un­seen by Us A Long Time I Wan­dered Away Beautiful, Peace­ful Zi­on Behold a Form upon the Lone­ly Mount Behold, What Love, What Bound­less Love Bond of Per­fect­ness, The Borne Away in Mind and Spir­it Brighter Days Are Sweet­ly Dawn­ing By Thy Blessed Word Obey­ing Can the Spir­it of a Mor­tal Church of God, Thou Spot­less Vir­gin Church of the Liv­ing God Come, Be­hold the Love of Je­sus Come unto Me, All Ye That La­bor Come, With­in That Upper Cham­ber Dear Friends, We Have Pre­cious Tidings of Old Don’t Re­sist the Ho­ly Spirit Down into the Flow­ing Ri­ver Do You Tr­iumph, O My Bro­ther? Ere Christ Will Reign Within Thy Heart Fair C­ity of the Gos­pel Day Far Down o’er the Ag­es a Prom­ise Di­vine Fill Me with Thy Spir­it From My Soul and All With­in From the Mount of Heav­en­ly Vi­sion God Is Sit­ting in the Aw­ful Val­ley God Is Sweep­ing through the Na­tions God of Mer­cy, God of Love Great Peace Have They That Love Thy Law Hallelujah to Je­sus! Hark, in the Bi­ble a Warn­ing Hear the Tid­ings of a King­dom Hear the Voice of Our Com­mand­er Hear Ye the Moan of a Soul That Is Lost Here We Meet and Part in Je­sus His Yoke Is Ea­sy How Often I’ve Pondered My Struggles Within How Sweet Is My Walk with Je­sus! How Sweet This Bond of Per­fect­ness I Am Rest­ing in Je­sus, Hal­le­lu­jah! I Know My Name Is There I Heard the Dear Re­deem­er Say I Lost My Life for Je­sus on the Cross I Ought to Love My Sav­ior I Seem to Hear an An­gel Choir I Will Be with Thee, O, Child of Love I Will Part with Thee, Old Mas­ter I Will Trust Thee, O My Fa­ther If Thou Wilt Know the Foun­tain Deep I’ll Sing of a Ri­ver Di­vine In the Cham­bers of Thy Bo­som In the Light of God In the Morn­ing of the Lord Is the Spirit Glow­ing in Thy Heart? It Is Writ­ten in the Bi­ble I’ve Found a Friend in Je­sus I’ve Found My Lord and He Is Mine I’ve Reached the Land of Pure De­light Jesus Drank the Cup of Sor­row Jesus Has Taken My Load of Sin Jesus, Thou a Fount­ain Art Last Great Day, The Let Us Sing an In­vi­ta­tion Let Us Sing a Sweet Song of the Home of the Soul Let Us Sing the Name of Je­sus Life Is Not a Mys­tic Dream Light in Our Dark­ness, Bro­ther Lord Our Shep­herd, The Listen, Sin­ner, to the Voice Lord, the Shades of Night Lo, Heav­en Now Opens to Rap­tur­ous View Lo the King­dom of Hea­ven We See Lo, wisdom Crieth in the Streets Mansion Is Wai­ting in Glo­ry, A Men Speak of a Church Tri­umph­ant Mighty Mes­sen­gers Are Run­ning My Je­sus Died for Me up­on the Cross My Name Is in the Book of Life My Soul in Trou­ble Roamed My Soul Is Sa­tis­fied My Soul Is Saved from Sin Not in the Tem­ples Made with Hands Now My Pil­grim toils Are Over Now the Great King of Ba­bel O Blessed Je­sus, for Thee W Are Wait­ing O Blessed Je­sus, Thy Love Is Su­preme O Careless Sin­ner, Wake to Mer­cy’s Call O God, In­spire Our Morn­ing Hymn O How Can Any­one Re­fuse O How Sublime Is the Life of the Christ­ian O Let Us Sing the Mighty Love O Love Di­vine, Un­fa­thomed! O Praise the Lord, My Soul Is Saved O Precious Bi­ble! Burn­ing Words from Hea­ven O Sin­ner, Come Home to the Sav­ior O W Love the Child­ren’s Mee­ting O What Deep and Pure Com­pas­sion O Wor­ship God, the Fa­ther O Ye Pil­grims, Sing an Ex­hor­ta­tion O’er the Door of Hea­ven’s King­dom Oft My Heart Has Bled with Sor­row Oh, Wor­ship God the Fa­ther, Just and True Oh, Come and Praise the Lord To­day Oh, When We Re­mem­ber the Good­ness O Who Can Stand the Judg­ment Day Oh, Why Should I Be Lost Onward Moves the Great Eter­nal Our God Is Love, the An­gels Know Perishing Souls at Stake Tod­ay! Pilgrim of Je­sus, o’er Life’s Trou­bled Sea Praise the Lord with Songs of Glo­ry Rejoice, Little Ones, in the Pro­mise Di­vine River of Peace Salvation Is the Sweet­est Thing See the Great King of Ba­bel Shall I Tell You Why I Ceased from Fol­ly? Shall My Soul As­cend with Rap­ture Shield of Faith, The Since I Have Found My Sa­vior Sing of Salvation, O, it Was Love Sinner, will You Lose Your Soul Sunbeams Spark­ling and Glanc­ing Sweet Fellowship, Thy Crys­tal Tide Sweetly Whis­pered the Lord in My Mind Take the Shield of Faith, My Bro­ther Tell Me, Pil­grim, Traveling Home­ward Tell Me, Watch­man, Oh, What of the Morn­ing There Are Some Rays of Hope Di­vine There Are Tidings of a Land Far Away There Is a Blest Pa­vil­ion There Is a Grace Few Mor­tals Find There Is a Story I Oft­en Must Pon­der There Is Joy in the Ser­vice of the Mas­ter There Was a Bright and Love­ly Boy There’s an An­gel of Mer­cy from Hea­ven There’s a Fact No Mortal Ever Can Deny There’s a Fount­ain of Blood That Atones for the Soul There’s a Land of Ev­er­last­ing Song There’s a Peace­ful Valley of De­ci­sion Found There’s a Song We Love to Sing There’s an Awful Day That’s Com­ing There’s Mercy, Poor Sin­ner, for Thee There’s Mu­sic in My Soul This Is Why I Love My Sav­ior Tho’ All Along My Hap­py Pil­grim Race Time Enough, the Slug­gard Cries Time On­ward Flows Like a R­iver Vast Trusting in Je­sus, My Sa­vior and Friend ’Twas Sung by the Po­ets Two Little Hands Are Sweet­ly Fold­ed Unheeding Win­ter’s Cru­el Blast Un­i­verse Is God’s Do­main, The We Are Com­ing, Hal­le­lu­jah! We Are Going Home to Hea­ven’s Gold­en City We Are the Hap­py Child­ren We Have Met To­day on the Old Camp­ground We Have Reached an Aw­ful Era We Have Read in Sac­red Sto­ry We Stand upon the Sea of Glass We Tread up­on the Aw­ful Verge We Will Work for Je­sus We’ll Fol­low the Lord All the Way We’re a Hap­py Christ­ian Band What Awful Dark­ness Shrouds All the Earth! When Lost in the Dark­ness of Guilt and Despair When We Pass the Gold­en Sum­mer Where Art Thou, Wan­d’ring Sin­ner? Where Shall We Look for Help in Af­flict­ion? While Sleep­ing Care­less on the Brink Whiter Than Snow Who but the Christ­ian Is Hap­py and Free? Who Can Sing the Won­drous Love of the Son Di­vine?? Who Is My Life but Christ Alone? Who Will Suf­fer with the Sav­ior? Why Should a Doubt or Fear Arise? Why Should a Mor­tal Man Com­plain? Wonderful Fount­ain of Glo­ry

Thoro Harris

1874 - 1955 Arranger of "[My soul is now united]" in Light and Life Songs No. 2 Born: March 31, 1874, Washington, DC. Died: March 27, 1955, Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Buried: International Order of Odd Fellows Cemetery, Eureka Springs, Arkansas. After attending college in Battle Creek, Michigan, Harris produced his first hymnal in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1902. He then moved to Chicago, Illinois at the invitation of Peter Bilhorn, and in 1932, to Eureka Springs, Arkansas. He composed and compiled a number of works, and was well known locally as he walked around with a canvas bag full of handbooks for sale. His works include: Light and Life Songs, with William Olmstead & William Kirkpatrick (Chicago, Illinois: S. K. J. Chesbro, 1904) Little Branches, with George J. Meyer & Howard E. Smith (Chicago, Illinois: Meyer & Brother, 1906) Best Temperance Songs (Chicago, Illinois: The Glad Tidings Publishing Company, 1913) (music editor) Hymns of Hope (Chicago, Illinois: Thoro Harris, undated, circa 1922)

P. P. Bliss

1838 - 1876 Person Name: P. P. B. Arranger of "[I am on a shining pathway]" in Crowning Glory Philip P. Bliss (b. Clearfield County, PA, 1838; d. Ashtabula, OH, 1876) left home as a young boy to make a living by working on farms and in lumber camps, all while trying to continue his schooling. He was converted at a revival meeting at age twelve. Bliss became an itinerant music teacher, making house calls on horseback during the winter, and during the summer attending the Normal Academy of Music in Genesco, New York. His first song was published in 1864, and in 1868 Dwight L. Moody advised him to become a singing evangelist. For the last two years of his life Bliss traveled with Major D. W. Whittle and led the music at revival meetings in the Midwest and Southern United States. Bliss and Ira D. Sankey published a popular series of hymn collections entitled Gospel Hymns. The first book of the series, Gospel Songs, was published in 1874. Bliss's tragic death at the age of thirty-eight happened near the end of 1876. Philip P. Bliss and his wife were traveling to Chicago to sing for the evangelistic services led by Daniel W. Whittle at Dwight L. Moody's Tabernacle. But a train wreck and fire en route claimed their lives. Bert Polman ================= Bliss, Philip, b. at Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, July 9, 1838. In 1864 he went to Chicago in the employ of Dr. George F. Root, the musician, where he was engaged in conducting musical Institutes, and in composing Sunday School melodies. Originally a Methodist, he became, about 1871, a choirman of the First Congregational Church, Chicago, and the Superintendent of its Sunday Schools. In 1874 he joined D. W. Whittle in evangelical work. To this cause he gave (although a poor man) the royalty of his Gospel Songs, which was worth some thirty thousand dollars. His death was sudden. It occurred in the railway disaster at Ashtabula, Ohio, Dec. 30, 1876. ... Some of his verses have obtained wide popularity in most English-speaking countries. The more widely known, and specially those which are found in collections in use in G. Britain, are in the following American works:— i. The Prize, 1870. 1. I should like to die. Death anticipated. This is one of his earliest compositions, and is unworthy of the position it holds. 2. Through the valley of the shadow I must go. Death anticipated. 3. Whosoever heareth, shout, shout the sound. Jesus the Way. Written during the winter of 1869-70 after hearing Mr. H. Moorhouse (from England) preach on St. John iii. 16. ii. The Charm, 1871. 4. Almost persuaded now to believe. Procrastination. This was suggested by the following passage in a sermon by the Rev. Mr. Brundnge, Bliss being present at its delivery:—" He who is almost persuaded is almost saved, but to be almost saved is to be entirely lost." 5. Ho! my comrades! see the signal. Faithfulness. 6. O! Jerusalem, the golden city, bright, &c. Heaven. 7. On what Foundation do [did] you build? Christ the Foundation. iii. The Song Tree, 1872. 8. Light in the darkness, sailor, day is at hand. Safety. This hymn, “The Life-Boat," has attained to great popularity. The incident upon which it is based, that of the rescue of a ship's crew by a life-boat, is given in detail by Mr. Sankey in his Sacred Songs, &c, No. 99 (large ed.). It is sometimes known by its refrain, "Pull for the shore," &c. iv. The Joy, 1873. 9. In me ye may have peace. Peace. 10. To die is gain. Death anticipated. v. Sunshine, 1873. 11. Down life's dark vale we wander. Death anticipated. 12. More holiness give me. For Holiness. 13. Only an armour-bearer. Soldiers of the Cross. 14. Standing by a purpose true. Faithfulness. 15. This loving Saviour stands patiently. Invitation. vi. Gospel Songs, 1874. 16. A long time I wandered. Peace and Joy. 17. Brightly beams our Father's mercy. Mercy. 18. Come, brethren, as we march along. Praise. 19. Free from the law, O happy condition. Redemption. 20. Have you on the Lord believed? Fullness of Grace. This hymn arose out of the following circumstances :—" A vast fortune was left in the hands of a minister for one of his poor parishioners. Fearing that it might be sqmandered if suddenly bestowed upon him, the wise minister sent him a little at a time, with a note saying, “This is thine; use it wisely; there is more to follow.” Hence also the refrain ‘More to follow,’ by which the hymn is known." 21. How much owest thou? Divine Claims. 22. I know not the hour when my Lord will come. Death anticipated. Suggested by reading the book, The Gates Ajar. 23. See the gentle Shepherd standing. The Good Shepherd. 24. Though the way be sometimes dreary. Divine Leading. 25. Will you meet me at the fountain? Fountain of Living Water. The incident out of which this hymn arose is thus stated in The Christian, No. 365, "At the Industrial Exposition at Chicago it was an everyday appointment to meet at the Central Fountain. Mr. P. P. Bliss, whose mind seemed always set on things above, caught up the words, and wrote this hymn, 'Meet me at the Fountain.'" vii. Gospel Hymns, No. 1, 1875. 26. One offer of salvation. The Name of Jesus. 27. Wandering afar from the dwellings of men. The Lepers. viii. The International Lesson Monthly, 1875. 28. Weary gleaner, whence comest thou? Duty. 29. The whole world was lost in the darkness of Sin. Light of the world. 30. Man of sorrows! what a name. Redemption. 31. The Spirit, O sinner, in mercy doth move. Holy Spirit. ix. Gospel Hymns, No. 2, 1876. 32. At the feet of Jesus. The good choice. 33. Come, sing the Gospel's joyful sound. Salvation. 34. Cut it down, cut it down. Justice and Mercy. 35. Do you see the Hebrew captive? Prayer. 36. Hallelujah, He is risen. Easier. Written in the spring of 1876 and first sung by Bliss on Easter afternoon, 1876, in the Court House Square, Augusta, Georgia, to 5900 people. 37. In Zion's rock abiding. Safety. 38. Repeat the story o'er and o'er. Grace and Peace. 39. Tenderly the Shepherd. The Good Shepherd. x. Gospel Hymns, No. 3, 1878. 40. Hear ye the glad good news from heaven. Faith and Salvation. 41. I will sing of my Redeemer. Praise. xi. Gospel Hymns, No. 4, 1881. 42. 'Tis known on earth and heaven too. More about Jesus. xii. Various. 43. Sing over again to me. Words of Life. This appeared in a paper entitled Words of Life, 1874, The following are undated:— 44. March to the battle-field. Duty and Victory. 45. There is sin in the camp. Hinderances. 46. 'Tis the promise of God. Praise. 47. While the silvery moon-beams, fall, New Birth. 48. God is always near me. Omnipresence. Two hymns," I am so glad that our Father in heaven," and " Sowing the seed by the daylight [dawnlight] fair," (sometimes given as " Sowing our seed in the morning fair ") are usually attributed to Mr. Bliss. In his Gospel Songs, Cincinnati, 1874, however, he lays claim to the music only. Mr. Sankey attributes this last to "E. A. Oakey." With the exception of No. 48, these hymns are given in Mr. Sankey's Sacred Songs & Solos, Pts. i. and ii. Their popularity is far beyond their literary merits, and is mainly due to the simple melodies to which they are wedded. As a writer of hymns of this class Mr. Bliss is second only to Mrs. Van Alstyne. Many anecdotes concerning hymns of this class are given in American Evangelists; an Account of their work in England and America, by the Rev. Elias Nason, Boston, U.S., Lathrop & Co., 1877. Mr. Bliss is usually known as "P. P. Bliss." This is found on the title-pages of his collections. On his own authority, however, we are enabled to say that his name originally stood thus : “Philipp Bliss.” Early in life he separated the final p from his Christian name, constituted it a capital P, and thus produced "P. P. Bliss." (For this article we are mainly indebted to Professor F. M. Bird, and Mr. H. P. Main.) -John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ======================== Bliss, Philip , p. 151, i. "Sowing the seed by the daylight fair" is in the Family Treasury , Edinburgh, 1861, pt. i., p. 84. It is said to be by Miss Emily Sullivan Oakey; born at Albany, N. York, Oct. 8, 1829, died May 11, 1883. Note also that Bliss's hymn, No. 43. on p. 150, ii., should read, "Sing them over again to me." --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) ===================== Bliss, P., p. 150, i. Two works have been brought to our notice, since the issue of our first edition of this Dictionary, which concern this author, viz.:— 1. Memoirs of Philip P. Bliss. Edited by D. W. Whittle. Contributions by Rev. E. P. Goodwin, Ira D. Sankey, and Geo. F. Root. Introduction by D. L. Moody. New York, &c.: A. S. Barnes & Co., 1877. 2. My Life and Sacred Songs. By Ira D. Sankey. With an Introduction by Theodore L. Cuyler, D.D). London: Hodder & Stoughton, and Morgan & Scott, 1906. These works have a special interest for those who use I. D. Sankey's Sacred Songs & Solos, and all of P. Bliss's publications. To Mr. Sankey's My Life, &c, we direct special attention for P. Bliss's hymns:— “Do you see the Hebrew captive kneeling?" p. 294. "Down life's dark vale we wander." p. 285. "Ho! my comrades, see the signal." p. 105. "'Tis the promise of God full salvation to give." p. 99. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Chas. H. Gabriel

1856 - 1932 Person Name: C. H. Gabriel Arranger of "[My soul is now united]" in Gospel Hymn Selections for Male Voices Pseudonyms: C. D. Emerson, Charlotte G. Homer, S. B. Jackson, A. W. Lawrence, Jennie Ree ============= For the first seventeen years of his life Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (b. Wilton, IA, 1856; d. Los Angeles, CA, 1932) lived on an Iowa farm, where friends and neighbors often gathered to sing. Gabriel accompanied them on the family reed organ he had taught himself to play. At the age of sixteen he began teaching singing in schools (following in his father's footsteps) and soon was acclaimed as a fine teacher and composer. He moved to California in 1887 and served as Sunday school music director at the Grace Methodist Church in San Francisco. After moving to Chicago in 1892, Gabriel edited numerous collections of anthems, cantatas, and a large number of songbooks for the Homer Rodeheaver, Hope, and E. O. Excell publishing companies. He composed hundreds of tunes and texts, at times using pseudonyms such as Charlotte G. Homer. The total number of his compositions is estimated at about seven thousand. Gabriel's gospel songs became widely circulated through the Billy Sunday­-Homer Rodeheaver urban crusades. Bert Polman

E. A. Hoffman

1839 - 1929 Author of "No Surrender" in Songs of the New Crusade Elisha Hoffman (1839-1929) after graduating from Union Seminary in Pennsylvania was ordained in 1868. As a minister he was appointed to the circuit in Napoleon, Ohio in 1872. He worked with the Evangelical Association's publishing arm in Cleveland for eleven years. He served in many chapels and churches in Cleveland and in Grafton in the 1880s, among them Bethel Home for Sailors and Seamen, Chestnut Ridge Union Chapel, Grace Congregational Church and Rockport Congregational Church. In his lifetime he wrote more than 2,000 gospel songs including"Leaning on the everlasting arms" (1894). The fifty song books he edited include Pentecostal Hymns No. 1 and The Evergreen, 1873. Mary Louise VanDyke ============ Hoffman, Elisha Albright, author of "Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power?" (Holiness desired), in I. D. Sankey's Sacred Songs and Solos, 1881, was born in Pennsylvania, May 7, 1839. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) ==============

Judson W. Van DeVenter

1855 - 1939 Person Name: J. W. Van de Venter Author of "Christ of Galilee" in Songs of Grace and Truth Judson W. Van DeVenter was born 15 December 1855 on a farm near the village of Dundee, Michigan. He was educated in the country and village schools, and at Hillsdale College. He later moved to St. Petersburg, Florida. He wrote about 100 hymns. Dianne Shapiro, from "The Singers and Their Songs: sketches of living gospel hymn writers" by Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (Chicago: The Rodeheaver Company, 1916)

Johnson Oatman, Jr.

1856 - 1922 Person Name: Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. Author of "Beneath the Fountain" in Melodies of Salvation Johnson Oatman, Jr., son of Johnson and Rachel Ann Oatman, was born near Medford, N. J., April 21, 1856. His father was an excellent singer, and it always delighted the son to sit by his side and hear him sing the songs of the church. Outside of the usual time spent in the public schools, Mr. Oatman received his education at Herbert's Academy, Princetown, N. J., and the New Jersey Collegiate Institute, Bordentown, N. J. At the age of nineteen he joined the M.E. Church, and a few years later he was granted a license to preach the Gospel, and still later he was regularly ordained by Bishop Merrill. However, Mr. Oatman only serves as a local preacher. For many years he was engaged with his father in the mercantile business at Lumberton, N. J., under the firm name of Johnson Oatman & Son. Since the death of his father, he has for the past fifteen years been in the life insurance business, having charge of the business of one of the great companies in Mt. Holly, N. J., where he resides. He has written over three thousand hymns, and no gospel song book is considered as being complete unless it contains some of his hymns. In 1878 he married Wilhelmina Reid, of Lumberton, N.J. and had three children, Rachel, Miriam, and Percy. Excerpted from Biography of Gospel Song and Hymn Writers by Jacob Henry Hall; Fleming H. Revell, Co. 1914

William J. Kirkpatrick

1838 - 1921 Person Name: William James Kirkpatrick Composer of "[There is constant joy abiding]" in The Cyber Hymnal William J. Kirkpatrick (b. Duncannon, PA, 1838; d. Philadelphia, PA, 1921) received his musical training from his father and several other private teachers. A carpenter by trade, he engaged in the furniture business from 1862 to 1878. He left that profession to dedicate his life to music, serving as music director at Grace Methodist Church in Philadelphia. Kirkpatrick compiled some one hundred gospel song collections; his first, Devotional Melodies (1859), was published when he was only twenty-one years old. Many of these collections were first published by the John Hood Company and later by Kirkpatrick's own Praise Publishing Company, both in Philadelphia. Bert Polman

Alfred Barratt

1879 - 1968 Person Name: Rev. Alfred Barratt Author of "Keep Your Eyes On the Goal" in Gleams of Glory Barratt, Alfred. (New Springs, Wigan, Lancashire, England, October 25, 1879--December, 1968). Coming to the United States as a young man, he studied at Gordon College, Massachusetts, and Newton Theological Seminary, Mass. He was ordained in December, 1913, by the Baptists in Connecticut, then by the Wheeling WV Presbytery, Presbyterian Church in the USA, in 1924. He was pastor of Dallas, West Virginia, then of a series of churches in the Presbytery of Clarion, Pennsylvania. In 1937 he was awarded the Doctor of Literature degree by Bob Jones College. On November 26, 1962, he wrote the undersigned: "For 39 long years I have labored hard and steady writing sermons, children's story sermons, and hymns. Up to the present day I have written 4,477 hymns. 80 percent of my sermons are published in books and magazines." --William J. Reynolds, DNAH Archives

Fanny Crosby

1820 - 1915 Person Name: Fanny J. Crosby Author of "He is All in All to Me" in Glorious Praise Pseudonymns: A.V., Mrs. A. E. Andrews, Mrs. E. A. Andrews, Mrs. E. L. Andrews, James L. Black, Henrietta E. Blair, Charles Bruce, Robert Bruce, Leah Carlton, Eleanor Craddock, Lyman G. Cuyler, D.H.W., Ella Dare, Ellen Dare, Mrs. Ellen Douglass, Lizzie Edwards. Miss Grace Elliot, Grace J. Frances, Victoria Frances, Jennie Garnett, Frank Gould, H. D. K., Frances Hope, Annie L. James, Martha J. Lankton [Langton], Grace Lindsey, Maud Marion, Sallie Martin, Wilson Meade, Alice Monteith, Martha C. Oliver, Mrs. N. D. Plume, Kate Smiley, Sallie Smith, J. L. Sterling, John Sterling, Julia Sterling, Anna C. Storey, Victoria Stuart, Ida Scott Taylor, Mary R. Tilden, Mrs. J. B. Thresher, Hope Tryaway, Grace Tureman, Carrie M. Wilson, W.H.D. Frances Jane Crosby, the daughter of John and Mercy Crosby, was born in Southeast, Putnam County, N. Y., March 24, 1820. She became blind at the age of six weeks from maltreatment of her eyes during a spell of sickness. When she was eight years old she moved with her parents to Ridgefield, Conn., the family remaining there four years. At the age of fifteen she entered the New York Institution for the Blind, where she received a good education. She became a teacher in the institution in 1847, and continued her work until March 1, 1858. She taught English grammar, rhetoric and American history. This was the great developing period in her life. During the vacations of 1852 and 1853, spent at North Reading, Mass., she wrote the words to many songs for Dr. Geo. F. Root, then the teacher of music at the blind institution. Among them were, "Hazel Dell,", "The Honeysuckle Glen," "Rosalie, the Prairie Flower," "Music in the Air," "Proud World, Good-bye, I'm Going Home," "All Together", "Never Forget the Dear Ones," and others. Subsequently she wrote the words for the cantatas of The Flower Queen and The Pilgrim Fathers, all of which were very popular in their day, though it was not generally known at the time that she was the author. While teaching at the institution she met Presidents Van Buren and Tyler, Hon. Henry Clay, Governor Wm. H. Seward, General Winfield Scott, and other distinguished characters of American history. Concerning Mr. Clay, she gives the following: "When Mr. Clay came to the institution during his last visit to New York, I was selected to welcome him with a poem. Six months before he had lost a son at the battle of Monterey, and I had sent him some verses. In my address I carefully avoided any allusion to them, in order not to wound him. When I had finished he drew my arm in his, and, addressing the audience, said through his tears: 'This is not the first poem for which I am indebted to this lady. Six months ago she sent me some lines on the death of my dear son.' Both of us were overcome for a few moments. Soon, by a splendid effort, Mr. Clay recovered himself, but I could not control my tears." In connection with her meeting these notable men, we might add that Miss Fanny Crosby had the honor of being the first woman whose voice was heard publicly in the Senate Chamber at Washington. She read a poem there on one occasion. In addition to the thousands of hymns that she has written (about eight thousand poems in all), many of which have not been set to music, she has published four volumes of verses. The first was issued in 1844 and was entitled The Blind Girl, and Other Poems, a second volume, Monterey, and Other Poems, followed in 1849, and the third, A Wreath of Columbia's Flowers, in 1858. The fourth, Bells at Evening and Other Verses, with a biographical sketch by Rev. Robert Lowry, and a fine half-tone portrait, in 1897, the sales of which have reached a fourth edition. The book is published by The Biglow & Main Co., New York. Though these show the poetical bent of her mind, they have little to do with her world-wide fame. It is as a writer of Sunday-school songs and gospel hymns that she is known wherever the English language is spoken, and, in fact, wherever any other language is heard. Fanny was married March 5, 1858, to Alex. Van Alstyne, who was also a scholar in the same institution in which she was educated. She began to write Sunday-school hymns for Wm. B. Bradbury in 1864. Her first hymn, "We are going, we are going To a home beyond the skies", was written at the Ponton Hotel on Franklin Street, New York City, on February 5th of that year. This hymn was sung at Mr. Bradbury's funeral in January, 1868. Since 1864 she supported herself by writing hymns. She resided in New York City nearly all her life, where, she says, she is "a member of the Old John Street M. E. Church in good standing." She spent regular hours on certain days at the office of The Biglow & Main Co., the firm for which she did most of her writing, and for whom she has composed over four thousand hymns. Her hymns have been in great demand and have been used by many of our most popular composers, among whom may be mentioned Wm. B. Bradbury, Geo. F. Root, W. H. Doane, Rev. Robert Lowry, Ira D. Sankey, J. R. Sweney, W. J. Kirkpatrick, H. P. Main, H. P. Danks, Philip Phillips, B. G. Unseld, and others. She could compose at any time and did not need to wait for any special inspiration, and her best hymns have come on the spur of the moment. She always composed with an open book in her hand, generally a copy of Golden Hymns, held closely over her eyes, bottom side up. She learned to play on the guitar and piano while at the institution, and has a clear soprano voice. She also received a technical training in music, and for this reason she could, and did, compose airs for some of her hymns. One of these is, "Jesus, dear, I come to Thee, Thou hast said I may," both words and music of which are wonderfully sweet. "Safe in the arms of Jesus", probably one of her best known hymns, was her own favorite. Fanny loved her work, and was happy in it. She was always ready either to sympathize or join in a mirthful conversation, as the case may be. The secret of this contentment dates from her first composition at the age of eight years. "It has been the motto of my life," she says. It is: "O what a happy soul am I! Although I cannot see, I am resolved that in this world Contented I will be;" This has continued to be her philosophy. She says that had it not been for her affliction she might not have so good an education, nor so great an influence, and certainly not so fine a memory. She knows a great many portions of the Bible by heart, and had committed to memory the first four books of the Old Testament, and also the four Gospels before she was ten years of age. Her scope of subjects is wide, embracing everything from a contemplation of heaven, as in "The Bright Forever" and "The Blessed Homeland", to an appeal to the work of this world, as in "To the Work" and "Rescue the Perishing." The most of Fanny's published hymns have appeared under the name of Fanny J. Crosby or Mrs. Yan Alstyne, but quite a large number have appeared under the nom de plumes of Grace J. Frances, Mrs. C. M. Wilson, Lizzie Edwards, Ella Dale, Henrietta E. Blair, Rose Atherton, Maud Marion, Leah Carlton, nearly two hundred different names. -Biographies of Gospel Song and Hymn Writers (excerpts) ======================= Van Alstyne, Frances Jane, née Crosby, a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, was born at South East, Putnam County, New York, March 24, 1823. When six weeks old she lost her sight. About 1835 she entered the New York City Institution for the Blind. On completing her training she became a teacher therein from 1847 to 1858. In 1858 she was married to Alexander Van Alstyne, a musician, who was also blind. Her first poem was published in 1831; and her first volumes of verse as A Blind Girl, and Other Poems, 1844; Monteresy, and Other Poems, 1849; and A Wreath of Columbia's Flowers, 1858. Her first hymn was "We are going, we are going" (Death and Burial), which was written for Mr. Bradbury and published in the Golden Censer, 1864. From 1853 to 1858 she wrote 20 songs, which were set to music by G. F. Root. Her songs and hymns number some 2,000 or more, and have been published mainly in several of the popular American Sunday school collections, and often under a nom de plume. About 60 have come into common use in Great Britain. The majority of these are taken from the following American collections:— i. From The Shining Star, 1864. 1. Softly on the breath of evening. Evening. ii. From Fresh Laurels, 1867. 2. Beautiful Mansions, home of the blest. Heaven. 3. Jesus the Water of Life has given. The Water of Life. 4. Light and Comfort of my soul. In Affliction. 5. There's a cry from Macedonia. Missions. 6. We are marching on with shield and banner bright. Sunday School Anniversary. iii. From Musical Leaves, 1868. 7. 0 what are you going to do, brother? Youth for God. iv. From Sabbath Carols, 1868. 8. Dark is the night, and cold the wind is blowing. Affliction anticipated. 9. Lord, at Thy mercy seat, Humbly I fall. Lent. v. From Silver Spray, 1868. 10. If I come to Jesus, He will make me glad. Peace in Jesus. 11. 'Twill not be long—our journey here. Heaven anticipated. vi. From Notes of Joy, 1869. 12. Little beams of rosy light. The Divine Father. 13. Press on! press on! a glorious throng. Pressing towards the Prize. vii. From Bright Jewels, 1869. 14. Christ the Lord is risen today, He is risen indeed. Easter. 15. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord! Sing 0 ye people, &c. Holiness of God. 16. Jesus, keep me near the Cross. Near the Cross of Christ. 17. Saviour, bless a little child. A Child's Prayer. Written Feb. 6, 1869. viii. From Songs of Devotion, 1870. 18. Pass me not, 0 gentle Saviour. Lent. Written in 1868. 19. Rescue the perishing, care for the dying. Home Missions. ix. From Pure Gold, 1871. 20. Great is Jehovah. King of kings. Greatness of God. 21. I would be Thy little lamb. The Good Shepherd. 22. Lead me to Jesus, lead me to Jesus. Desiring Jesus. 23. To the work, to the work, we are servants of God. Home Missions. 24. Why labour for treasures that rust and decay? The Fadeless Crown. x. From the Royal Diadem, 1873. 25. I am Jesus' little friend. For Infant Schools. 26. Jesus I love Thee. Loving Jesus. 27. Mourner, wheresoe'er thou art. To the Sorrowing and Penitent. Written Oct. 3, 1871. 28. Never be faint or weary. Joy in Jesus. 29. Only a step to Jesus. Invitation. xi. From Winnowed Hymns, 1873-4. 30. Loving Saviour, hear my cry. Lent. xii. From Echoes of Zion, 1874. 31. Say, where is thy refuge, my brother? Home Missions. xiii. From Songs of Grace and Glory, 1874. 32. Thou my everlasting Portion. Christ the Portion of His People. xiv. From Brightest and Best, 1875. 33. All the way my Saviour leads me. Jesus the Guide. 34. I am Thine, O Lord: I have heard Thy voice. Holiness desired. 35. O come to the Saviour, believe in His name. Invitation. Written, Sep. 7, 1874. 36. O how sweet when we mingle. Communion of Saints. Written in 1866. 37. O my Saviour, hear me. Prayer to Jesus for blessing and love. 38. Only Jesus feels and knows. Jesus the Divine Friend. 39. Revive Thy work, O Lord. Home Missions. 40. Saviour, more than life to me. Jesus All and in All. 41. To God be the glory, great things He hath done. Praise for Redemption. xv. From Calvary Songs, 1875. 42. Come, O come with thy broken heart. Invitation. xvi. From Gospel Music, 1876. 43. Here from the world we turn. Divine Worship. 44. When Jesus comes to reward His servants. Watching, xvii. From Welcome Tidings, 1877. 45. O hear my cry, be gracious now to me. For Pardon and Peace. xviii. From The Fountain of Song, 1877. 46. Lord, my trust I repose on Thee. Trusting in Jesus. xix. From Good as Gold, 1880. 47. In Thy cleft, O Rock of Ages. Safety in Jesus. 48. Sound the alarm ! let the watchman cry. Home Missions. 49. Tenderly He leads us. Christ the Leader. 50. 'Tis the blessed hour of prayer. The Hour of Prayer. In addition to these hymns, all of which are in common use in Great Britain (mainly through I. D. Sankey's Sacred Songs and Solos, the Methodist Sunday School Hymn Book, the Silver Street Sunday Scholars Companion, and other collections for Sunday schools), there are also "A blessing for you, will you take it?" (Pardon through Jesus); "My song shall be of Jesus" (Praise of Jesus); “Now, just a word for Jesus"(Home Missions); "Onward, upward, Christian soldier" (Pressing Heavenward); 44 Sinner, how thy heart is troubled" (Invitation); "'Tis a goodly, pleasant land" (Heaven anticipated); and "When the dewy light was fading" (Death anticipated). All of these are in I. D. Sankey's Sacred Songs & Solos. Mrs. Van Alstyne's most popular composition is "Safe in the arms of Jesus" (Safety in Jesus). This was written in 1868, at the request of Mr. W. H. Doane, to his well-known melody with which it is inseparably associated, and published in Bright Jewels, 1869. Mrs. Van Alstyne's hymns have sometimes been published anonymously; but the greater part are signed by a bewildering number of initials. The combined sales of the volumes of songs and hymns named above have amounted in English-speaking countries to millions of copies. Notwithstanding the immense circulation thus given to Mrs. Van Alstyne's hymns, they are, with few exceptions, very weak and poor, their simplicity and earnestness being their redeeming features. Their popularity is largely due to the melodies to which they are wedded. Since the above was in type we have found that the following are also in common use in Great Britain:— 51. Suppose the little cowslip. Value of Little Things. 52. Sweet hour of prayer. The Hour of Prayer. These are in Bradbury's Golden Chain, 1861. 53. Never lose the golden rule. Love to our Neighbours. In Bradbury's Golden Censer, 1864. 54. I will not be afraid at night. Trust in God. In Bradbury's Fresh Laurels, 1867. 55. Praise Him, praise Him, Jesus our, &c. Praise of Jesus. In Biglow & Main's Bright Jewels, 1869. 56. More like Jesus would I be. More like Jesus. In Perkins & Taylor's Songs of Salvation, 1870. 57. Behold me standing at the door. Christ at the Door. In Biglow & Main's Christian Songs, 1872. 58. If I come to Jesus. Jesus the Children's Guide. 59. Jesus, Lord, I come to Thee. Trust in Jesus. 60. Let me learn of Jesus. Jesus the Children's Friend. 61. Singing for Jesus, O singing for Jesus. Singing for Jesus. 62. There is a Name divinely sweet Holy Name of Jesus. Of these hymns Nos. 58-62 we have not been able to trace. --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907 ================ Van Alstyne, Frances J., p. 1203, ii. From the American collections of recent date we find that Mrs. Van Alstyne is still actively engaged in hymn-writing. In the Funk and Wagnalls Company Gloria Deo, 1903, there are about 30 of her hymns, most of which are new. They are all signed, and some are dated, but we have not space to quote the first lines and subjects, as this hymnal is not an official collection of any denomination. Another name, "Mrs. S. K. Bourne" is credited in the same hymnal with about 40 new hymns. If this signature is not another pen-name of Mrs. Van Alstyne's (and these pen-names and initials of hers are very numerous), we can only say that she has a very successful understudy in "Mrs. S. K. Bourne." --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

J. M. Henson

1887 - 1972 Person Name: J. M. H. Arranger of "[There's a land of joy and gladness]" in Gleams of Glory

R. M. McIntosh

1836 - 1889 Arranger of "[O when shall I see Jesus]" in Best Hymns Used Pseudonym: Robert M. McIntosh ========== Rigdon (Robert) McCoy McIntosh USA 1836-1899 Born at Maury County, TN, into a farming family, he attended Jackson College in Columbia, TN, graduating in 1854. He studied music under Asa Everett in Richmond, VA, and became a traveling singing school teacher. He also served briefly in the Civil War. He wrote several hymns during this period of his life. In 1860 he married Sarah McGlasson, and they had a daughter, Loulie Everett. In 1875 he was appointed head of the Vanderbilt University Music Department in Nashville, TN. In 1877 he joined the faculty of Emory College, Oxford, GA. In 1895 he left Emory College to devote his time to the R M McIntosh Publishing Company. He also served as music editor of the Methodist Episcopal Church South Publishing House for over 30 years. His song book publications include: “Good news” (1876), “Light & life” (1881), “Prayer & praise” (1883), “New life” (1879), “New life #2” (1886), and “Songs of service” (1896). He died in Atlanta, GA. John Perry

W. T. Dale

1845 - 1924 Arranger of "ANNIE LAURIE" in The Harp of Glory

Valeria A. Foster

Arranger of "ANNIE LOWERY" in African American Heritage Hymnal

John C. Morgan

1831 - 1899 Person Name: Dr. J. C. Morgan Author of "All My Doubts I Give to Jesus" in Songs of Victory John Coleman Morgan MD USA 1831-1899. Born in Philadelphia, PA, he attended school and became a drug clerk, then a surgeon’s steward in the U.S. Navy. In 1850 he matriculated to PA Medical University, graduating in 1852, studying medicine and homeopathics. He was appointed professor of Materia Medica at PMU. In 1856 he married Sallie Levick of Philadelphia and relocated to Hamilton, IL, finding insufficient infrastructure to practice his medical discipline. He then moved to St. Louis, MO, where in 1857 he co-founded the Homeopathic Medical College of MO. In 1858 he settled in Alton, IL, and, under mentorship of William T Babb, had a surgeon’s commission with the 29th MO Infantry Volunteers during the Civil War. In 1865 he returned to Philadelphia, PA, and took the Chair of Anatomy at the Hahnemannian Institute for Homeopathic Medicine there. From 1867-1875 he was the first faculty surgeon there. In 1875 he left and took a position with the University of Michigan as a professor of Homeopathic Theory and Practice (retaining his Hahnemannian emeritus status while gone). In 1877 he returned to Hahnemannian Institute in Philadelphia and resumed his position there, becoming lecturer of history and instructions In 1886-87. He was a professor of medical instruction 1887-1890, after which he retired to Vineland, NJ. He lived in Millville, and Ocean Grove, NJ, (1898). He edited American Journal of Homeopathic Materia Medica. He died in California. John Perry

I. H. Meredith

1872 - 1962 Arranger of "[It's not 'mid scenes of revel]" in The Kingdom of Praise Pseudonyms Charles C. Ack­ley (tak­en from his wife’s name, Cla­ris­sa Ack­ley Cow­an) Broughton Ed­wards Floyd En­gle (from his ad­dress on Floyd Street in En­gle­wood Cliffs, New Jer­sey) Arthur Grant­ley Bruce Ken­ne­dy See also Ackley, Chas. C. 1872-1962 See also Edwards, Broughton

May Agnew Stephens

1865 - 1935 Arranger of "[Oh, who'll stand up for Jesus]" in Hymns of the Christian Life. No. 3 Born: 1865, Kings­ton, On­tar­io, Ca­na­da. Died: March 19, 1935, Ny­ack, New York. Stephens joined the Sal­va­tion Ar­my in New York’s 3 Corps in 1890. She helped ed­it The War Cry, and worked on the train­ing home staff and in the Can­di­dates De­part­ment. Around 1897, she be­gan serv­ing as song lead­er and pi­an­ist at the Gos­pel Ta­ber­na­cle with Al­bert Simp­son. Two years lat­er, she helped found the Eighth Av­e­nue Mis­sion, and in 1902 mar­ried Har­old Ste­phens (lat­er pas­tor of the Park­dale Al­li­ance Ta­ber­na­cle in To­ro­nto, Ca­na­da). For the next two and half de­cades she and her hus­band were tra­vel­ing evan­gel­ists in Amer­i­ca, Ca­na­da and Bri­tain. Her works in­clude: Missionary Mess­ag­es in Song, cir­ca 1910

M. L. McPhail

Person Name: Matthew Lindsay McPhail, 1854-1931 Arranger of "MCPHAIL" in The Cyber Hymnal

John Clements

Person Name: J. C. Author (chorus) of "Jesus, the Very Thought" in The Gospel Trumpeter

Christian Science Publishing Society

Person Name: CSPS Harmonizer of "ANNIE LAURIE" in Christian Science Hymnal

H. C. Boyd

Arranger of "[Jesu, the very tho't of thee]" in The Gospel Trumpeter

Stephen Collins Foster

1826 - 1864 Person Name: Foster Composer of "[There's a love that passeth knowledge]" in Gospel Hosannas

W. M. Leftwich

Arranger of "O When Shall I See Jesus?" in Best Hymns

Edna Randolph Worrell

Person Name: Edna R. Worrell Author of "Love, Joy and Peace" in Gospel Hosannas

Owen F. Pugh

1867 - 1920 Person Name: O. F. Pugh Arranger of "[I am on a shining pathway]" in Great Tabernacle Hymns

James McW. Bonnar

Person Name: J. McW. Bonnar Arranger of "[All my doubts I give to Jesus!]" in Songs of Victory

T. Martin Towne

1835 - 1912 Arranger of "ANNIE LAURIE" in Kingdom of Song for the Sunday School Towne, T. Martin. (Coleraine, Franklin County, Massachusetts, May 31 [sic], 1835-- ). Methodist. Attended Williston's Seminary, East Hampton, Mass. 1855 to Hudson, New York, then Albany. Taught in Ypsilanti, Michigan, then Detroit. Settled in Janesville, Wisconsin. Served in the Civil War. Settled in Chicago; married Belle Kellogg. Keith C. Clark, DNAH Archives

John H. Lozier

Person Name: John H. Lozier, 1832-1907 Author of "The Man of Galilee" in The Cyber Hymnal John Hogarth Lozier, 37th Indiana Infantry. He served from Oct. 1, 1861, to Oct. 27, 1864. He was active in the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) after the war and rose to the rank of first chaplain. During the war he was known as “the Fighting Chaplain” and received special mention for conspicuous bravery at the battle of Stones River in Tennessee Dec. 31, 1862, to Jan. 2, 1863. He obtained national celebrity during the war, using his own compositions that were full of patriotism and inspiration. He later composed the hymn “The Man of Gallilee.” Lozier died at his home in Mount Vernon, Iowa, on Aug. 5, 1907, at age 78. He was graduate of DePauw University in Indiana, a Methodist college. He was a Methodist Episcopal minister for 25 years in Indiana and Iowa. Rich Gotshall, historian, Grace United Methodist Church, Franklin, Ind. (used by permission)

Ernst Gottlieb Woltersdorf

1725 - 1761 Person Name: E. G. Woltersdorf Author of "Nun hab ich Heil gefunden" in Pilgerklänge Woltersdorf: Ernst Gottlieb W., as a hymn writer, preacher, prolific writer and educators in the field of Erbauungslitteratur one of the most outstanding representatives of pietistic healthy heart and mind towards the middle of the 18th Century. He was born on 31 May 1725 as the sixth son of the preacher to Gabriel Luke Friedrichsfelde in Berlin, who was appointed 10 years after its birth as a preacher at the St. George Church in Berlin. The blessing of a serious Christian education accompanied him to the Berlin High School to the gray convent, from which he received in 1742, only 17 years old, the University of Halle, to be under the direction of the pietistic school teachers belonging to J. Lange, Michael, Baumgarten and Knapp to pay the theological studies. He lived in the Francke'schen orphanage, took part in the lessons in the same upside down, with young men of serious Christian spirit. After the deep impressions he had received from the institutions prevailing in the Francke'schen spirit, he was a pious poet and preacher, the deacon from Köthen teaching, by means of a collegium in the same hall to biblicum held lecture "from the Dear Jesus, "so moved that he by his own testimony to that time in the experience of the truth of salvation in Christ alone is more deeply founded and was able to sit with deliberate, fervent belief in salvation now enthusiastic songs of this testimony. He was no course of internal disputes and disturbances as a result of failed ideas and feelings about certain characteristics of higher or lower level in a state of grace and the work of sanctification. But the road with like-minded friends, the discipline that the regular work exerted in his Schulthätigkeit about him and above all the deepening of his inner life in the biblical truth of the human with no benefits and earnings-related healing properties in the sonship with God did not make him only in Halle, but after traveling in the Ukermark, Mecklenburg, Pomerania, and Saxony, where he geistgesalbten preachers, including the Abbot Steinmetz appeared in Magdeburg, and with faith, mostly Christian-minded lay people of higher and lower levels in the intimate connection of all those inner battles to win and achieve victory even Glaubensfreudigkeit. This led him then to everywhere, to practice diligently in preaching. The resulting received and experienced [175] blessings he testified once in his travel diary with the prayer: Will you give so much on earth, well, what will be in heaven! After he had dressed in a parsonage in the Ukermark where preachers Cordier in Zerrenthin, from 1744 to a private tutor, in which he made because of the relatively large size of the community and all Sundays in preaching and catechise with much pleasure and joy help, followed He instigated and recommendation of his father's friend, the court preacher Zacharia in Dargun in Mecklenburg, where the residence was on his travels he had been particularly blessed in the spring of 1746 the call to an educator position in the home of the widowed Countess of Promnitz on Drehna in Lower Lusatia , where he stopped next to the education and the teaching of the young count, at the request of the parent of the same on Sundays except the church service or special edification of the castle, the preservation of the community from sectarian divisions and the collection of after promotion longing in her life of faith many servants and other members of the community served. As he result of this blessed effect after three months by his father's friend stonemason from Magdeburg received the call to a chaplain job with a local regiment, he same thought with regard to his youth, he was only 21 years old, and his only such a short effective decline in the new position of having to. He learned from the neighboring preachers in Petermann Verschau in short, the Wendish so far that he could preach about the many Drehna to contact the living Gospel. The joy that he has had his insurance after learning and using this language in itself, was surpassed by the joy of how the contact showed their love for him and their gratitude for the administration of the bread of life. He was kicked repeatedly by members of the Brethren in combination, but without the same formally to join what he is mainly due to the otherwise respectfully gathered by him in all things and followed his father's counsel was held in Berlin. Through those relationships, he was the former pastor of the Moravian Church, John Andrew Rothe, of the Count Zinzendorf was in the year 1722 called to Berthelsdorf, where he had worked in support of that community, but then retreated from the same parish and now in the village Tammen at Bunzlau held, and especially as the author of the song: "I have now found the reason," is well known, become acquainted in the way that he of the same community Bunzlau after completion of the second spiritual authority at the local, according to the seizure of Silesia by Frederick the Great of their built Bethany Church was recommended as the right man for this office. He had soon come to the Rothe's request and the citizenship Bunzlaus to be a guest sermon there, the magistrate also get a similar invitation. But he had similar concerns, to obey the call, as before, according to Steinmetz's invitation to accept a field preacher, as he is for the ministry still considered too young. As the magistrate issued a second call to him by a of members of the same on behalf of the citizens of both mounted letter. Because he believed the voice of God to Jer. 1, to question 7: Do not say I'm too young, but you shall go where I send thee, preaching that I bid thee. He traveled to Boleslawiec. Due to its there on the 18th February 1748 held a guest sermon that made a poignant impression on the community, he was elected by a large majority for the second preacher. As was raised by an opponent's [176] party objected to this choice. The matter of his formal appointment was particularly the so-called Orthodox, who presented his orthodoxy questioned, delayed in the way that he could rely on the patient waiting. During which he received in the neighborhood several opportunities to preach. Particularly the community in Friedersdorf on Queis won him while he was staying there for eight weeks, so dear that they expressed the wish that he would remain as their pastor with her. But the citizens of Bunzlau did not let him. Addressed to the King please, to confirm him as their preacher, had the expected favorable result. Convened by the Oberconsistorium in Wroclaw for a colloquium with the Oberconsistorialrath castle, he was here his orthodoxy in the full sense of the word shown. He received ordination. A Royal Order in Council confirmed its choice for the second preacher in Boleslawiec. The gracious guidance of God certain, he wrote to his father: The Lord be with me now and let Bunzlau be a blessed and well-watered garden planting his empire. He sends me. He's doing well. On 23 October, after he moved from the first community in Friedersdorf farewell was taken, introduced in his office. The following Sunday he gave his inaugural sermon with great movement of his heart and his community, among many implication from near and far who has come awakened and devout members of other communities, particularly those which he had preached during the waiting period with impressive power repentance and conversion, without even the slightest hint of the to make him part of the orthodoxy befell hostilities. His father, he replied to the admonition to win his opponent through love and not to mention their enmity: "I have not come to mind to mention the enemies of the slightest adversity. I know, thank God, of no enemies and I long ardently desire their salvation. "In this sense and spirit of gentler and reconciling love he reigned then his office under the king's confirmation deed expressed admonition," is everywhere, both in teaching and life, against both his colleagues and the community, as against foreign religious relatives, as a servant of Christ is due to pay, in addition to all the vilification, backbiting and Verketzerns the latter to contain carefully, but one of his finest Augenmerke on the Conservation of peace and civil can be agreed to between the different religious family oriented, so that the teaching of the Gospel with those who are out there will not be dishonored. " Soon he had with his tireless loyalty and tireless work as settled in the community and save them as to him by the Lord commanded flock through his self-denial full pastoral charity in the wake of the pastoral charity of Jesus to obtain the hearts of his former opponents so intimately connected with him, that he to the repeated rejection of his requests issued, answered the call to other places with much higher income than he could have it here, and with external higher honor than they were connected with the modest Bunzlauer Office, to be followed. And this could only serve to make the tape with his community to the closer, because it was well known, as he and his numerous, up to six children had grown up family and for his generous charity toward the poor and the distressed themselves often need and deprivation to had suffered. With a firm reliance on his God, he could Durchhülfe his song: "Depart, ye gloomy cares! "sing and make with the confession:" For today and tomorrow on another man makes the blood of Christ strengthens my spirits and makes me into trouble [177] and never lose heart troubles. " That he was the second minister in addition to the parish priest Jäschki, with whom he stood as his dear people in a cordial agreement, troubled him not at his much richer talent as a preacher and his far more successful activity in the large parish, in addition to the city for seven Rural communities included. Rather, he was by these successes as a gift from his God, and by the burden of office work, which he hosted standing with joy and fervor as in the service of God's grace, always in the right humility preserve preserved and so that he reproaches of vanity and ambition, to be sure, more and more falling silent at first raised against him on the part of antipietistischen, Orthodox zealots who refuse to completely clear conscience and could not refute, by word and deed. In such humility he represents as it were a program on his official life, in which he writes: "My office sometimes oppress the shoulders of a pretty. Blessed be my God, that He is faithful and assured me of it, that he sent me. Where else I wanted with all my inability and my incompetence, and with so many important events in the office and hernehmen troubled joy? Praise God, He blesses my poor service by grace and by helping in everything. " Despite its effectiveness was in words and deeds according to the teaching and example of the great Pietistenväter Spener and Francke, the goal of his work on the fire of love of the Crucified Christ, inflamed desire to awaken and convert him to a living faith in him, to rebirth and renewal of the whole inner man through the Holy Spirit means the enthusiastic preaching of the Word from the Cross to help all those. whose heart he was trying to tap into the power of the word of the only saving grace in Christ's blood and righteousness. As he was met even by the love of Christ in his heart, his heart burned with a fiery zeal, with all that he spoke, wrote and did, achieve nothing more than the hearts of his care parishioners with the fire of the love of Christ to ignite and feed him as his own. As a preacher quite a witness and confessor of the pure doctrine and the Church's confession testified evangelical truth, he put his in the service of truth, devouring life committed that it is not merely a knowledge and outward confession of the same, but on a true life of faith, which in had the blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God cleanses us from all sins flow, arriving for salvation in the true sonship with God for time and eternity: true inner repentance and conversion from the source, particularly from the truth. In ever larger crowds to the audience gathered from near and far. His sermons in the church lit a fire, which threw its light round about in the neighboring communities that make up the feed to the Bunzlauer revival preacher was ever more numerous. The church offered are often not enough space. Then, in the open air church service, held in the name Bunzlauer urban forest, from him. The fruit of the municipal public services were, as they are for the satisfaction of the awakened from his hunger and thirst after the grace blessings of the gospel is not sufficient construction meetings at various locations within the township, which he headed, which urged especially the revivalists themselves to further Christian leaders and to receive food, but everyone wanted to come to the entrance, who, was open. He said that it had come into the city up to nine such meetings, "without necessarily being something special was wanted by a good deal more honest souls [178] does not come to be compelled." From the city to spread the movement from the rural communities. "Because of the eager souls awakened by the country," he once said, "I must create a new meeting on Sunday that would want to multiply a hundred souls." With such excitement and movement of minds then there was not even on the blaze of a false fire. But he understood it masterfully to dampen sectarian tendencies and swarm-spirited generic impulses by which this underlying spiritual necessity of community care and calm, clear instruction and correction from the Word of Scripture and the confessions of the church satisfaction granted and especially avoid public combat such errors from the pulpit could by her loving pastoral influence in private or in those narrow circles of community, the way each community were open limb, due to the right path of truth, fair evangelical and spiritual sobriety. He was also for one with a clear conscience. write: "The question of whether our sheep remain on track, I can answer with a joyful yes. What you resist a title of glory and the Community "for our profit, that wants to Satan with great cunning and defiance. But it can do it not because you, Lord Jesus Christ reign in all things, and you are our support. ' This verse, describing the state of our towns completely. " From the beginning, he took with a special love for the children, remembering the promise Jesaj. 40, 11: "He will gather the lambs in his arms," ​​and bid Jesaj. 45, 11. "Shew my children and the work of my hands to myself" It often happened that young children in homes up and down got together and sang together, and the prayers, poems and songs verses, which they from their parents and had learned in school, prayed. Since he came to these little meetings, prayed with them, with them was a child and studied by paternal interview with them the love of the Saviour to plant in their hearts and they fed the children's friends. Through clear sober teacher training as a heart-andri AGB testimony of the love of Jesus and fiery message of his guilty grateful love in it, he managed many young souls in the up gravest taken preparatory classes for the blessing and the Lord's Supper to win the Lord and his own to . give The Eingesegneten evening of Sunday, he gathered around the rectory, to lead them in their faith life and continue to protect them from the temptations of the world. Pressed as a result of repeated consecrations ever larger crowds to these meetings, so a larger hall for this had to be procured, and when even this last was no longer sufficient, in different places and in the week that spiritual care of the youth confirmirten be exercised by him had. He learned a matter of abundant blessings, as he witnessed it repeatedly. He once said: "The Lord has placed on my children right from the start burning right over his heart. I let him not, he will give great blessings "In view of the salutary effect that will emanate from such work to the world of children in the community, he once wrote:". The Lord would crown it with a lasting blessing. I hope the children we are still chasing the devil out of Bunzlau. " This untiring pastoral charity and pastoral fidelity, in which he gladly condescended to the lambs of the flock, the small and eingesegneten children in the community, in order to serve them as guides to Jesus, and of which he himself once said, "brings the love me more and more meaning that I'm on a [179] righteously all kinds, the simple-minded I am stupid, the children with a child - "he struck with it until his death with all the hard work for the uplift of education in the community , and more specifically in the area of ​​a peculiar institutional life, which is derived from small beginnings in Bunzlau modeled and in the spirit of the institutions in Hall Francke'schen first under his eyes and his Beirath and then under his direct guidance and direction as one of the many actual facts of the testimony, sometimes creative, sometimes reformist spirit that went out to the Lutheran school system of the foundations Francke'schen developed. With its pastoral care for the children he could attach himself to a blessed school work, which had exercised before him faithful teachers in the pietistic spirit and good sense. He was held in the town a considerable number of kindred spirits, where he saw the fruit of the seed which was sown the teacher that slept in their Donnsdorf Mäderjan and blessed work. It also became more and more recognized by overcoming all sorts of prejudices, as he was working with that child and youth care in the hands of the school. He himself says: "The school people have to confess that they already see a significant change in many, indeed, they themselves moved away. The devil and the angry he is not ashamed to lie to the lambs as he's making with the sheep. " A particular unexpected call but went up to him, in the field of school immediately to work for the planting of Christian faith and life all its force with as citizens master mason Gottlieb Dental him the plan of him after the pattern of Francke'schen orphanage in Hall substantiated orphanage presented and requested his assistance in the execution of this plan. This plan was in gear due to the fact that he, himself once been an orphan, by reading, edited by AH Francke, "News of the orphanage home in Glaucha front hall," and through him from his own childhood, remaining memory of the Waisennoth to squat, felt a similar institution for the start of this remedy to him poignant misery. Quietly had this God-fearing man will lay already in his in the upper suburbs of Bunzlau located home the reason to do so, as he took his children own a teacher's house and others, especially poor children, take part in this teaching part was where he thought to also include orphans. As he made for this purpose an extension of his house, holding a private school that he was banned. However, he argued, be just a result of this misguided attempt to justify a private school where his plan to build his house verwerthen extended to support an orphanage. The more clearly he was but to recognize this intention, the greater concern were the same as of other friendly side, opposite side of including Woltersdorf's. His concerns were in the fire with all the enthusiasm for the activity of his faith and love in works of Christian charity his own quiet conscientious deliberation and consideration of the motives of that company, which the Lord offered a means for its execution and alone in his honor and salvation of the children in the eye to adopt goals of the efforts of the pious Gottlieb dental reasons, the was always certain, however, by these concerns expressed his spiritual friend not to be misled. His joyful determination and confidence in the work, the more and more in W. from all concerns are emerging conviction that this is [180] raised a necessary one for Bunzlau work of mercy, and the certainty that by the pious master mason being done in the spirit and meaning of Francke institutions, had the effect that now with all those doubts vanished W. and entered in its place a more joyful the more readiness. He has "his own later nachgehends wondered how it was able to be that he did not rather inaccessible because it still works like God is not before had been so unknown." He supported henceforth tooth in its efforts to magisterial approval for creation of a small institution, for which tooth one informer and talk to two orphan boys at their own expense are agreed to and in which even the little children of the upper suburbs because of the great distance from the New suburbs are likely to be taught. The royal approval was granted with the instruction that the Protestant clergy will oversee the foundation of her and would have a good testimony of the informant. Tooth was able to open the school again and that the inclusion of two orphans, which soon found themselves even more reasons for the orphanage. It was the first grain-mustard-like happy development of the institution's earnings Woltersdorf. On the tooth for the same are acquired land he was on 5 April 1755 to a new institution for the purposes set up home with great sympathy of the authorities and residents Bunzlaus with a speech on Jesaj. 40, 26-31, in which he "of the triumph of faith over the language of disbelief," said, laying the foundation. According to his plan the scope of the purposes of this orphanage was not limited merely to actual orphans, but should "also other poor youth spiritual and corporeal way helped up" and will focus on improving the school system at all taken care, including the Auferziehung and training "of useful Präparanden to school should include people. " Regarding the goal of intellectual education, other good schools, and the Halle Züllichausche orphanage and school in Berlin Hecker'sche serve as a model to the divine providence of the development is expected to be prey, such as the establishment in every way so far possible and pleasing to God, the service of their neighbor wants to be paid. " The spirit of the institution should be supported and permeated with avoidance of all interested by bias against other institutions, all vanity, hypocrisy and all the sectarian system and in maintaining a joyful in the Lord's Spirit of the Word of God and a living knowledge of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit avoidance of all dishonesty before God and man. Yes W. felt constrained in this respect, "in the name of Jesus an eternal curse and ban on all human intentions and unfair to put that would arise from this work. God forbid, hands also interested by the matter prior to all future times. Amen!" By morning prayer and evening meeting was the school life of the day from him, as the shepherd of the more numerous under his leadership, creative crowd of orphan boys, alumni and retirees in God's word and framed under the discipline of the spirit of God made. At the evening worship, which he considered most like themselves came, so many adults from the city and the countryside, the new hall in the orphanage home so often not enough room and offered the prayers had to be kept at the weather outside. In the design of the school life of the institution, he proved to be an excellent efficient Schulmann, by following the example of the Halle Orphanage and the Berlin school, the three educational goals with their corresponding three directions in the eye seized and united: the humanistic to the education the university studies which provided a realistic preparation for the higher middle class and the elementary school for the common people, all the three directions of school life, but framed and consecrated by the blessing of the Gospel and under the leadership of the heavenly teacher. In a short time the institution became such a growth, that in the year 1760 consisted of 104 persons with 5 studirten teachers. When he joined the Institute counted Directorat that only 15 orphan boys and 24 boarders and students free. In three years, until his deposition in 1761, increased the flock to 24 orphans and 82 retirees. As educators and as administrator of the whole, in such a way, growing prison system filled and penetrated it, the whole school life with the spirit of healthy piety, such as just the physical freshness cheerful prosperity, as the spiritual welfare of the young subject of the kindest, in the service of Christ's love paternal care was exercised. In the fullest sense of the word W. was the soul of the orphanage in mind and following the example of him at the heart grown Francke Institute in Halle, by every single student with orphan and pastoral fidelity and love with pedagogical accepted. In addition to all this his full strength in claim taking and for the run of the day often exceeds job of having to adjust in the service of his God and Savior, he is every moment of his life, was conscious, he devoted himself from the same desire of his heart, often Taking to the aid of night, an admirably comprehensive and versatile literary activity in writing devotional writings, and especially in poetry and spiritual songs "Psalms". First, we see that a sizable portion of this literary work, far beyond his sphere of influence beyond even beyond Germany his name known in the circles of the originally healthy pietism newly awakened life of faith made and varied, yet continued blessing donated, the was he so dearly loved youth. For example, was initially intended to be for his pupil, the young Earl of Promnitz, certain "flying letter to the youth about happiness before conversion," soon the most widespread, and the one who writes this can testify from his own youth, what a [182] deep, has had on his life extending effect of this little book for him. Among his songs is the large number of those who can be described as spiritual children and youth songs, a truly heartwarming forming testimony of how even in this work his watchword: the love of Christ Penetrating me, then, to bear was, and how he in such a Language of love for the young hearts found the right tone, as it is rarely managed a spiritual hymn writers. Examples of this are the songs: "Flowering Youth" and "Stay, sheep remains." Form and content of a cast. The flowing language of the mouth and the language of the heart are the outpouring of such a fact that is not to find any trace of an arduous passage through the paths reflectirender thought and form of education. This is true even of all his spiritual poems. His many songs he wrote as well as 35 devotional writings, he was at first singly, then in two collections published under the title "Evangelical Psalms," 1750 and 1751. After his death, only the most complete collection of them appeared under the title "EC Woltersdorf's all the new songs, or Evangelical psalms," Berlin 1767th In ease of diction and fertility of the production is reminiscent of Benjamin Schmolck . Only that he was from the latter by the unusual length of his poems is different, which was a consequence of the total executed Exempt and meets one of his inner life of the subject and his heart and mind completely overflowing and while writing his overwhelming thoughts inflow, which according to its own the statement of intent, the fullness of his thoughts and feelings to pour in more concise form, often thwarted. The fundamental reason this exuberant but diffusivity was deeply stirred the innermost and fulfillment of the power of the love of Jesus Christ. In a similar way as in the Moravian religious poetry, sermons and penetrating mode of teaching was the case, all his writings, the fiery testimony of the sole resting finding the soul in the blood and the wounds of Christ, the Lamb of God, often in extremely striking phrases, but also not rare in tändelndem sweet tone in unusually strong terms, and in some sense the refined taste of the corresponding images, as for example, a long poem titled: "The believers as bees on the wounds of Jesus," wrote. In the defense of strong sensual unusual phrases from blood and wounds of the Saviour with the sentence that should be moved by the sense, the heart, he demanded, however, with reference to the known abuses in the Moravian poetry quite emphatically, "that while the matter in their dimensions remain and not an exaggerated, pompous, lewd, disgusting, incomprehensible, or even ridiculous creatures come out. " By and large, the previous herding, he can at the broad rapid stream of his momentary heart outpourings, the witness is always a major poetic system, and undermined by the lack of a formal and linguistic overwork still images and expressions with which those claims in accordance of him with a quiet deliberation, and would have been avoided Selbstbeurtheilung want, but not merely in the way of the Moravian, but also occur in the later Pietist homiletical and poetic way of speaking often enough. It is missing its often too lengthy poems and songs, most of which are low in spite of their living feeling are not suitable for singing in church in worship, but only for the private edification, in addition to a lively poetic feeling of the various keys sung and celebrated redemption and reconciliation with God through Christ's merit, the modest rounding off bloody and creative poetic work. Nevertheless, Woltersdorf's countless songs [183] ​​Many faith and strengthening Herzenserquickung offered. Quite a few are either in their original condensed form, or have been recorded in an abbreviated and rounded shape in the Protestant hymn books and the sacred use. Examples are: "This is a blessed ones hour, Jesus thinks of you as you," "sinners, rejoice in heart", "My hope and anchor in every need," "Who is the bride of the king's right?", "God, you thronest in Heaven," "Take down my heart, O God, take it back", "preacher of the sweet teachings," "Come, my heart! in Jesus' suffering, "the latter being a sacrament hymn, in which the words:" I have a Saviour, "in various phrases and terms are varied and give a touchingly powerful sensation of what is sinful man of his Saviour, expression . That he with all his poetic activity, only the highest and most essential for all spiritual poetry always had in mind, he testified again with the phrase, it was his unalterable truth, that while all reasonable rules of poetry are very good, but that nevertheless the Divine in poetry learned otherwise than on the knees and given free will, for if the spirit of all spirits, the heart of the poet does not inflame, so even the most sublime poetry was to be no divine call. It is as beautiful a testimony of his truly Christian view of what should be sacred poetry when he encountered even in his time poets who anschlugen in the field of religious poetry already the moralizing tone and the first article of the Christian faith withdraw second left, says the truth in these words: "If you want to make it good, so seals her moral fables. or you look at the wonderful Creator and sings of his great majesty. See how it comes, however, that her secret wisdom of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ, who came to save sinners do so rarely or never hit your poems, let? You have to the most beautiful among the sons of men have not yet seen. "His loftiest of these key songs sung have given him the honorary title of the Silesian Asaph. All his energies on his already frail body composition consuming work in the two offices was the cause of his untimely death. Deeply shaken by the death of his brotherly love him in affiliated Jäschki colleague, whom he on 12 December 1761 the hour had passed and the Lord's Supper deposition he had to preach the following Sunday the congregation, he thought, though broken in its physical force, on this 3rd Advent Sunday with great earnestness and power of the spirit haunting his last sermon on the words of the first epistle Corinth. 4, 5: "Which will also bring to light what is hidden in darkness and reveal the counsels of the hearts." In a premonition of death, he exclaimed, thinking of his brother's office just departed to the community: "Eight days ago he was still at this point, who knows who is eight days here!" After full completion of all work in his office that day, he threw a violent fever in the hospital bed, from which he should not get up again. A stroke of apoplexy ended his life he took only 36 years on 17 December 1761 end. His last words, echoes of his songs were a praise to God, his Saviour: "Hallelujah! shout it, sing it, it springeth the heart, the sad pain zurücke it depart. - If you eat of you, everything is sweetened. " - On the second word Corinth. 1, 8-10, with whom he had awarded during the illness and his family repeatedly comfort and hope, he gave his friend, pastor of Greater Walditz Seidel, the funeral sermon. Above his grave has his grateful congregation on his tombstone shouted at [184] him, "as they have lost in him a truly evangelical leaders, and the orphanage a worthy director and loving father, as he is a faithful shepherd of the flock entrusted to him, a carrier the spreader glory of God and the kingdom of Christ, an indefatigable, but had often been about power Weighted workers in the vineyard of the Lord." --Excerpts from,_Ernst_Gottlieb

John Charles Fremont Kyger

1860 - 1960 Person Name: John C. F. Kyger Arranger of "[My soul is now united]" in Sacred Chimes

W. E. M. Hackleman

1868 - 1927 Arranger of "[Long years ago a Saviour]" in The Gospel Call William Edward Michael Hackleman USA 1868-1927. Born at Orange, IN, he grew up on a farm. At age 17 he was teaching singing classes and leading singing in meetings. He later taught public school for four years and studied music in Toronto, Canada, at the Conservatory of Music, under Italian composer, Francesco d'Auria, and also with other private teachers in New York City. He married Pearl C MNU, and they had four children: Edwin, Florence, Grace, and Gladys. He edited songbooks, composed music and lead music at state and national conventions of the Christian Church. He was an evangelist and served as president of the National Association of Church Musicians, and for five years was secretary to the Indiana Missionary Society. He led singing at the Centennial Convention in 1909 at Forbes Field in Pittsburgh, PA, for an estimated crowd of 30,000. He also ran the Hackleman Music Company in Indianapolis, IN. He published 15 religious songbooks, some lyrics and many tunes. He died in an auto accident in St. Elmo, IL, enroute to a church convention. John Perry

John J. Hood

b. 1847 Person Name: J. J. H. Arranger of "[There is in the house of David]" in Melodies of Salvation Born: 1847, Scotland. Died: After 1929 (he was in the 1930 census). Hood ran a Gospel music publishing business in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from as early as 1875 to at least 1913.

Alicia Ann Spottiswoode

Person Name: Alice A. Spottiswoode Composer of "[Maxwelton's braes are bonnie]" in The Male Chorus No. 1 See Scott, John, Lady, 1810-1900

Nathan Aldersley

1826 - 1899 Person Name: Nathan A. Aldersley Author of "Of All in Earth or Heaven" in The Cyber Hymnal

William Douglas

1682 - 1748 Person Name: Mr. Douglas Author of "Annie Laurie" in The Male Chorus No. 1

Lady John Scott

1810 - 1900 Author of "Annie Laurie" in Adult Bible Class Hymnal No. 1 Alicia Ann Spottiswoode was the maiden name of Alicia Scott, the wife of Lord John Douglas Scott. She was an amateur composer, best known for the tune, commonly called ANNIE LAURIE, to which the poem by William Douglas beginning "Maxwelton's braes are bonnie" is sung.

Lavinia E. Brauff

1851 - 1920 Author of "Blessed Be the Name of Jesus" in Heart Hymns Lavinia E. Brauff was born in Pittsburgh 12 October, 1851. She was blind from infnacy. She was educated at the School for the Blind in Philadelphia. Her first hymn was published in 1894 to the music of H. P. Danks. Dianne Shapiro, from "The Singers and Their Songs: sketches of living gospel hymn writers" by Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (Chicago: The Rodeheaver Company, 1916)

Mrs. P. R. Gibson

Author of "Our Saviour" in The Gospel Call

William G. Moyer

Person Name: Mrs. W. G. Moyer Author of "The cross of Calvary" in The Kingdom of Praise

Alicia Ann Spottiswoode

1810 - 1900 Person Name: Alicia Ann Spottiswoode, 1810-1900 Composer (attributed to) of "ANNIE LAURIE" in The Cyber Hymnal

Thomas H. Nelson

b. 1863 Author of "Glories of Christ" in The Cyber Hymnal

Geraldine D. Robinson

Author of "The Realm of Gladness" in Song-Hymnal of Praise and Joy

J. M. B. Johnson

Author of "The Lamb of Calvary" in Songs for Service

A. H. Rule

Author of "O blessed, precious Saviour" in Messages of Love Hymn Book

R. W. Ives

Author of "The Sheep That Strayed" in Spiritual Melodies


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