Thomas Kelly

Thomas Kelly
Short Name: Thomas Kelly
Full Name: Kelly, Thomas, 1769-1855
Birth Year: 1769
Death Year: 1855

Kelly, Thomas, B.A., son of Thomas Kelly, a Judge of the Irish Court of Common Pleas, was born in Dublin, July 13, 1769, and educated at Trinity College, Dublin. He was designed for the Bar, and entered the Temple, London, with that intention; but having undergone a very marked spiritual change he took Holy Orders in 1792. His earnest evangelical preaching in Dublin led Archbishop Fowler to inhibit him and his companion preacher, Rowland Hill, from preaching in the city. For some time he preached in two unconsecrated buildings in Dublin, Plunket Street, and the Bethesda, and then, having seceded from the Established Church, he erected places of worship at Athy, Portarlington, Wexford, &c, in which he conducted divine worship and preached. He died May 14, 1854. Miller, in his Singers & Songs of the Church, 1869, p. 338 (from which some of the foregoing details are taken), says:—

"Mr. Kelly was a man of great and varied learning, skilled in the Oriental tongues, and an excellent Bible critic. He was possessed also of musical talent, and composed and published a work that was received witli favour, consisting of music adapted to every form of metre in his hymn-book. Naturally of an amiable disposition and thorough in his Christian piety, Mr. Kelly became the friend of good men, and the advocate of every worthy, benevolent, and religious cause. He was admired alike for his zeal and his humility; and his liberality found ample scope in Ireland, especially during the year of famine."

Kelly's hymns, 765 in all, were composed and published over a period of 51 years, as follows:—

(1) A Collection of Psalms and Hymns extracted from Various Authors, by Thomas Kelly, A.B., Dublin, 1802. This work contains 247 hymns by various authors, and an Appendix of 33 original hymns by Kelly.
(2) Hymns on Various Passages of Scripture, Dublin, 1804. Of this work several editions were published: 1st, 1804; 2nd, 1806; 3rd, 1809; 4th, 1812. This last edition was published in two divisions, one as Hymns on Various Passages of Scripture, and the second as Hymns adapted for Social Worship. In 1815 Kelly issued Hymns by Thomas Kelly, not before Published. The 5th edition, 1820, included the two divisions of 1812, and the new hymns of 1815, as one work. To the later editions of 1820, 1826, 1836, 1840, 1846, and 1853, new hymns were added, until the last published by M. Moses, of Dublin, 1853, contained the total of 765.

As a hymn-writer Kelly was most successful. As a rule his strength appears in hymns of Praise and in metres not generally adopted by the older hymn writers. His "Come, see the place where Jesus lay" (from "He's gone, see where His body lay"),"From Egypt lately come"; “Look, ye saints, the sight is glorious"; "On the mountain's top appearing"; "The Head that once was crowned with thorns"; "Through the day Thy love has spared us"; and “We sing the praise of Him Who died," rank with the first hymns in the English language. Several of his hymns of great merit still remain unknown through so many modern editors being apparently adverse to original investigation. In addition to the hymns named and others, which are annotated under their respective first lines, the following are also in common use:—
i. From the Psalms and Hymns, 1802:—
1. Grant us, Lord, Thy gracious presence. Commencement of Divine Worship.
2. Jesus, Immortal King, go on [display]. Missions.
3. Saviour, through the desert lead us. Divine Guidance Desired.
4. The day of rest once more [again] comes round. Sunday.
5. We've no abiding city here. Seeking Heaven.
ii. From the Hymns on Varous Passages of Scripture, first edition, 1804 :—
6. Boundless glory, Lord, be thine. Praise for the Gospel.
7. By whom shall Jacob now arise? Epiphany.
8. Glory, glory to our King. Praise to Christ as King.
9. How pleasant is the sound of praise. Praise for Redemption.
10. How sweet to leave the world awhile. In Retirement, or For a Retreat.
11. Inform I long had bowed the knee. Jesus, the Saviour, or Praise for Salvation.
12. It is finished! sinners, hear it. Good Friday.
13. Jesus, the Shepherd of the sheep. The Good Shepherd.
14. Let reason vainly boast her power. Death.
15. Poor and afflicted, Lord, are Thine. Affliction.
16. Praise we Him to Whose kind favour. Close of Service.
11. Spared a little longer. Safety in God.
18. Stricken, smitten, and afflicted. Passiontide.

ii. From the Hymns, &c, second edition, 1806:—
19. Far from us be grief and sadness. Joy of Believers.
20. Give us room that we may dwell. Missions.
21. Glory, glory everlasting. Praise of Jesus.
22. God has.turned my grief to gladness. Joy after Sorrow.
23. Happy they who trust in Jesus. Peace in Jesus.
24. Hark, the notes of angels singing. Angels praising Jesus.
25. Hark! 'tis a martial sound. Christian Life a Warfare.
26. I hear a sound [voice] that comes from far. The Gospel Message.
27. Jesus is gone up on high. Divine Worship.
28. Now [O] may the Gospel's conquering power. Home Missions. In the 1853 edition of the Hymns it begins “O may the Gospel's conqu'ring force."
29. O Zion, when I think on thee. Desiring Heaven.
30. Praise the Saviour, ye who know Him. Praise of Jesus.
31. See from Zion's sacred mountain. The Fountain of Life.
32. The atoning work is done. Jesus the High Priest.
33. Zion is Jehovah's dwelling. The Church of God.
34. Zion stands by hills surrounded. The Safety of the Church.
35. Zion's King shall reign victorious. Missions.
iv. From the Hymns, &c, 3rd edition, 1809:—
36. Behold the Temple of the Lord. The Church a Spiritual Temple.
37. Blessed Fountain, full of grace. Fountain for Sin.
38. Brethren, come, our Saviour bids us. Holy Communion.
39. Fly, ye seasons, fly still faster. Second Advent Desired.
40. God of Israel, we adore Thee. Evening.
41. Gracious Lord, my heart is fixed. Trust and Peace.
42. Hark, a voice! it comes from heaven. Death.
43. Hark, that shout of rapt'rous joy. Second Advent.
44. If our warfare be laborious. Labour and Rest .
45. Lo, He comes, let all adore Him. Missions.
46. Nothing know we of the season. Time of Second Advent uncertain.
47. O had I the wings of a dove. Holiness and Heaven desired.
48. O where is now that glowing love. Despondency.
49. Our Father sits on yonder throne. God the Father.
50. Ours is a rich and royal Feast. Holy Communion.
51. Shepherd of the chosen number. Safety in the
Good Shepherd
52. We're bound for yonder land. Life, a Voyage.
53. Welcome sight! the Lord descending. The Advent.
54. What is life? 'tis but a vapour. Death anticipated.
55. Who is this that comes from Edom? Ascension.
56. Why those fears ? Behold 'tis Jesus. Stilling the Sea.
57. Without blood is no remission. Passiontide.
58. Yes, we trust the day is breaking. Missions.
v. FromHymns: Not before Published, 1815:—
59. Behold the Lamb with glory crowned. Exaltation of Christ.
60. God is love, His word has said it. God is Love.
61. God of our salvation, hear us. Opening or Close of Divine Worship.
62. In Thy Name, O Lord, assembling. Commencement of Divine Worship.
63. Keep us, Lord, O [and] keep us ever. Divine Worship.
64. Let sinners saved give thanks, and sing. Praise for Salvation.
65. Praise the Lord Who died to save us. Passiontide.
66. Salvation is of God alone. God the Author of Salvation.
67. Saviour, come, Thy [saints] friends await Thee [are waiting] . Second Advent desired.
68. Sweet were the sounds that reached our ears. Divine Mercy.
69. We'll sing of the Shepherd that died. The Lost Sheep.
70. When we cannot see our way. Trust and Peace.
71. Who is this that calms the ocean? Stilling the Sea.
vi. From the Hymns on F. Passages of Scripture, &c, eds. 1820 and 1826 :-—
72. Grace is the sweetest sound. Divine Grace.
73. Now let a great effectual door. Missions.
74. Now may the mighty arm awake. Missions.
75. Now may the Spirit from above. Home Missions.
76. Sing, sing His lofty praise. Praise of Jesus.
77. Sound, 6ound the truth abroad. Missions.
78. Speed Thy servants, Saviour, speed them. Departure of Missionaries.
vii. From the Hymns on Various Passages, &c, 1836:—
79. Come, O Lord, the heavens rending. Prayer for Blessings.
80. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. The Second Advent.
viii. From the Hymns on Various Passages, &c, circa 1845:—
81. Joyful be the hours today. Sunday.
82. Lord, behold us few and weak. Opening of Divine Service.
83. Meet Thy people, Saviour, meet us. Meetings for Prayer.
84. Saviour, send a blessing to us. Prayer for Blessings.
85. Sing of Jesus, sing for ever. Praise of Jesus.
ix. From the Hymns on Various Passages, &c, 1853:—
86. Precious volume, what thou doest. Holy Scripture.
87. Unfold to us, O Lord, unfold. Divine aid to reading Holy Scripture.
All these hymns, together with those annotated under their respective first lines are in the 1853 edition of Kelly's Hymns published in Dublin by M. Moses, and in London by Simpkin, Marshall & Co. Kelly's musical editions are issued by the same publishers.

-- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


Kelly, Thomas, p. 615, i. Other hymns in common use are:
1. Behold the Man! How glorious He. (1809.) Good Friday.
2. Jesus the [Thou] Shepherd of the Sheep. (1804.) Good Shepherd.
3. Saved ourselves by Jesu's blood. (1802.) For a Revival.
4. Saviour, 'tis to [unto] Thee. (1853*.) Lent.
5. See the vineyard lately planted. (1806.) Missions. Sometimes given as "See, O Lord, the vineyard planted."
6. Sing aloud to God our strength. (1809.) Praise to the Father.
7. Sing, sing His lofty praise. (1820.) Praise to Jesus. Sometimes as "Hail our eternal King" (p. 615, No. 76).
8. Sing of Him Who bore our guilt. (1853*.) Praise to Jesus.
9. Sing we praise to God above, God our Saviour, &c. (1815.) Praise for Divine Mercy.
10. Sing we praise to God above, Sing we praise, &c. (1853*.) Praise.
11. Sons of Zion, raise your songs. (1820-26) The Exalted Saviour.
12. The Lord Himself will keep. (1809.) From “We're bound for yonder land" (sec p. 615, No. 52.)
13. The God [Lord] of glory dwells on high. (1809.) Humility and Love of Christ.
14. The people of the Lord Are on their way, &c. (1820.) Life a Pilgrimage.
15. Thus saith God of His Anointed. (1809.) Missions.
16. 'Tis to us no cause of sorrow. (1815.) Resignation.
17. To the Ark away, or perish. (1815.) Safety in Jesus only.
18. To our Lord a throne is given. (1838.) Christ the King.
19. Trust ye in the Lord for ever. (1853*.) Trust in God.
20. We'll sing in spite of scorn. (1806.) Christmas. From this "The long-expected morn" is taken.
21. What tongue can tell, what fancy paint. (1806.) Saints in Glory
22. What were Sinai's awful wonders. (1809.) Advent.
23. Whence those sounds symphonious? (1815.) Christmas.
24. While in the [this] world we still [yet] remain. (1806.) Communion of Saints.
25. Yes, 'tis a rough and thorny road. (1809.) Resignation. Sometimes given as "Though rough and thorny be the way."
The dates given above are those of the various editions of Kelly's Hymns. The date 1853* indicates that the hymn is in the 1853 ed. of the Hymns, but had also appeared in a previous edition which we have not seen.

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Texts by Thomas Kelly (311)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
Afligido y azotado, Ved que muere en una cruzThomas Kelly (Author)1
Afligido y castigadoThomas Kelly, 1769-1854 (Author)Spanish2
إحمدوا الرب جهارا من قلوبنا أناراThomas Kelly (Author)Arabic1
Al Señor Jesús loemosThomas Kelly (Author)Spanish3
Aliluya! Aliluya! Wokicize kiŋ yuṡtaŋThomas Kelly (Author)Dakota1
الرب حقا قام فكمل العملThomas Kelly (Author)Arabic1
And art Thou, gracious Master, goneThomas Kelly (Author)English25
And now another week beginsThomas Kelly (Author)English32
Angelic messenger, repeatThomas Kelly (Author)English2
Arise, arise, with joy surveyThomas Kelly (Author)English50
Arise, my saints, arise, the Lord our leader isThomas Kelly (Author)English3
Arise, ye mourning saints, ariseThomas Kelly (Author)3
Arise, ye saints, arise! The Lord our leader isThomas Kelly (Author)English78
Around the Savior's lofty throneThomas Kelly (Author)English27
As the dew from heaven distilling Gently on the grass descendsThomas Kelly (Author)English10
Away, thou dying saint, awayThomas Kelly (Author)3
ஆயிரம் எக்காளத்தோடும் (Āyiram ekkāḷattōṭum)Thomas Kelly (Author)Tamil2
Azotado y abatidoThomas Kelly (Author)Spanish2
Behold the Lamb, with glory crownedThomas Kelly (Author)English4
Behold the Man! how glorious He!Thomas Kelly (Author)English25
Behold the temple of the LordThomas Kelly (Author)10
Behold the way to Zion's hillThomas Kelly (Author)3
Blessed fountain, full of graceThomas Kelly (Author)English39
Blest intercourse, when Christians meetThomas Kelly (Author)4
Boundless glory, Lord, be thineThomas Kelly (Author)5
Brethren come our Savior bids usThomas Kelly (Author)2
By whom shall Jacob now ariseThomas Kelly (Author)English15
Caŋku kiŋ Jesus, he NiyeThomas Kelly (Author)Dakota1
Christ is born, go tell the storyThomas Kelly (Author)English2
Come and see the placeThomas Kelly (Author)3
Come and see what God is doingThomas Kelly (Author)1
Come, behold a great expedientThomas Kelly (Author)2
Come in, thou blessed of the Lord, Stranger nor foe art thouKelly (Author)English6
Come in, thou blessed of the Lord! O come in Jesus' precious name (Kelly)Thomas Kelly (Author)English83
Come, praise the Lord, exalt His nameThomas Kelly, 1769-1855 (Author)English1
Come see the place where Jesus lay, And hear the angelic watchers sayThomas Kelly (Author)English40
Come, ye saints, look here and wonderThos. Kelly (Author)English46
從前那戴荊棘的頭,今戴榮耀冠冕 (Cóngqián nà dài jīngjí de tóu, jīn dài róngyào guānmiǎn)Thomas Kelly (Author)Chinese2
Crown the Savior angels crown HimThomas Kelly (Author)English5
Crowns of glory ever brightThomas Kelly (Author)English27
Cual rocío que destilaThomas Kelly, 1769-1854 (Author)Spanish2
Das Haupt, das einstmals dorngekröntThomas Kelly (Author)German1
De gloria coronado estáThomas Kelly, 1769-1854 (Author)Spanish3
De mil arpas y mil voces Thomas Kelly, 1769-1854 (Author)Spanish3
Dicsérd Jézust, ha övé vagyThomas Kelly (Author)Hungarian2
Eis, que Chefe tão gloriosoThomas Kelly (Author)Portuguese2
En las cumbres de los montesThomas Kelly, 1769-1854 (Author)Spanish2
Endless praises to our Lord! Ever be His name adored!Thomas Kelly (Author)English1
Endless praises to our Lord GodThomas Kelly (Author)English17
Every human tie may perishRev. Thomas Kelly (Author)English16
Far from us be grief and sadnessThomas Kelly (Author)6
Father, bless Thy word to allThomas Kelly (Author)English22
Filled with holy emulationThomas Kelly (Author)1
Fly abroad, and tell the storyThomas Kelly (Author)English2
Fly, ye seasons, fly still fasterThomas Kelly (Author)3
Forward let the people goThomas Kelly (Author)English2
From Egypt lately comeRev. Thos. Kelly, 1769-1855 (Author)English26
From Egypt's bondage comeThomas Kelly (Author)English20
From far I see the glorious dayThomas Kelly (Author)2
Gather all the children from the fields of sinT. C. Kelly (Author)English2
Give us room that we may dwellThomas Kelly (Author)English40
Glory, glory everlasting be to Him who bore the crossThomas Kelly (Author)English27
Glory, glory to our KingThomas Kelly (Author)English52
Glory to God on high, Peace upon earth and joyT. Kelly (Author)English10
God has turned my grief to gladnessThomas Kelly (Author)2
"God is love!" His word has said itThomas Kelly (Author)English2
God of Israel, we adore TheeThomas Kelly (Author)English3
God of our salvation, hear usThomas Kelly (Author)English60
Grace is the sweetest soundThomas Kelly (Author)4
Gracious Lord, my heart is fixedThomas Kelly (Author)2
Grant us, Lord, thy gracious presenceThomas Kelly (Author)3
Guide me, O Thou great JehovahT. Kelly (Author)English1
Hamau! kani mai na liraThomas Kelley, 1769-1854 (Author)Hawaiian3
Happy we who trust in JesusThomas Kelly (Author)English5
Hark! a cry among the nationsKelly (Author)5
Hark! a voice! it cries from heavenThomas Kelly (Author)English4
Hark, how the angels sweetly sing!Thomas Kelley (Author)English6
Hark! ten thousand harps and voicesThomas Kelly (Author)English555
Hark, ten thousand voices soundingThomas Kelly (Author)English22
Hark, that shout of rapturous joyThomas Kelly (Author)English45
Hark, the choirs of angels cryingThomas Kelly (Author)English3
Hark, the loud triumphant strainsThomas Kelly (Author)3
Hark, the notes of angels singingThomas Kelly (Author)English51
Hark, the solemn trumpet soundingThomas Kelly (Author)9
Hark, 'tis a martial soundThomas Kelly (Author)4
Hark, 'tis a martial sound To arms, ye saints, to armsThomas Kelly (Author)2
Hark, what sounds salute our earsThomas Kelly (Author)2
He's gone, see where his body layThomas Kelly (Author)2
Himself he cannot saveThomas Kelly (Author)5
Holy, holy, holy, Lord heaven and earth thy name recordThomas Kelly (Author)2
How many of their wisdom boastThomas Kelly (Author)3
How many things combine to showThomas Kelly (Author)3
How pleasant is the sound of praiseThomas Kelly (Author)2
How sweet to leave the world awhileThomas Kelly (Author)English115
I hear a sound that comes from farThomas Kelly (Author)4
I hear a voice that comes from farThomas Kelly (Author)English34
I [We] love the sacred book of GodKelly (Author)English79
If Jesus rose not from the graveThomas Kelly (Author)English2
If our warfare be [is] laboriousThomas Kelly (Author)5
If wordly thoughts so much employThomas Kelly (Author)2
In expectation sweetKelly (Author)English1
In form I long had [have] bowed the kneeThomas Kelly (Author)7
In the furnace God may prove theeThomas Kelly (Author)1
In Thy name, O Lord, assemblingThomas Kelly (Author)English196
Inscribed upon the cross we seeThomas Kelly (Author)English18
Ipigsayo ti timecyoThomas Kelly (Author)Tagalog2
Isr'l sung with joy and wonderThomas Kelly (Author)2
Isr'l's conflicts now are endedThomas Kelly (Author)2
Itaŋcaŋ cekiyapi kiŋThomas Kelly (Author)Dakota1
Jacob’s star is ris’n at lastThomas Kelly (Author)English2
Jauchzt, ihr Heil'gen, jauchzt, ihr Frommen!Thomas Kelly (Author)German2
Jesus comes, by crowds attendedThomas Kelly (Author)3
Jesus comes, His conflict overThomas Kelly (Author)English39
Jesus comes, let all adore HimThomas Kelly (1769-1855) (Author)English3
Jesus comes, the judge of allThomas Kelly (Author)English2
Jesus, hail, whose glory brightensThomas Kelly (Author)English6
Jesus, immortal king, go onThomas Kelly (Author)6
Jesus is gone up on highThomas Kelly (Author)English6
Jesus, the Shepherd of the sheepThomas Kelly (Author)English15
Jesus, Thou Shepherd of the sheep (Kelly)Thomas Kelly (Author)English3
Jesus, we hail thee Israel's KingThomas Kelly (Author)5
Joyful are we, Lord, to ownThomas Kelly (Author)2
Joyful be the hours todayThomas Kelly (Author)English41
Joyful let us be todayThomas Kelly (Author)2
Jünger Jesu, schaut, wie prächtigThos. Kelly (Author)German4
看哪!冠冕已給羔羊!榮耀、尊貴己歸祂 (Kàn nǎ! Guānmiǎn yǐ gěi gāoyáng! Róngyào, zūnguì jǐ guī tā)Thomas Kelly (Author)Chinese3
看哪!聖徒,榮耀光景;憂患之子得勝回Thomas Kelly (Author)Chinese2
Keep us, Lord, O, keep us everThomas Kelly (Author)English28
King of kings and Lord of lords, These are great and awful wordsThomas Kelly (Author)4
King of Zion, give the orderThomas Kelly (Author)5
Lá nos cumes das montanhasThomas Kelly (Author)Portuguese2
Lead on, almighty Lord, lead on to victoryThomas Kelly (Author)English5
Let joy and thankfulness be feltThomas Kelly (Author)2
Let reason vainly boast her powerThomas Kelly (Author)2
Let reason's sons in one accordThomas Kelly (Author)3
Let sinners saved give thanks, and singThomas Kelly (Author)English6
Lo, He comes! let all adore Him!Thomas Kelly (Author)English12
Lo! He comes with clouds descending, Once for guilty sinners slainRev. Thomas Kelly (Author)English7
Lo the infant Savior liesThomas Kelly (Author)2
Look O look the sight is gloriousThomas Kelly, 1769-1854 (Author)4
Look, ye saints; the sight is gloriousThomas Kelly (Author)English465
Lord, accept our joyful songThomas Kelly (Author)English2
Lord, behold thy people hereThomas Kelly (Author)3
Lord, behold us few and weakThomas Kelly (Author)1
Lord, dismiss us hence with gladnessThomas Kelly (Author)2
Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing, Fill our hearts with joy and peaceKelly (Author)English8
Lord, I hear of showers of blessingThomas Kelly (Author)English1
Lord, if thy people suffer griefThomas Kelly (Author)2
Lord, we come to seek thee earlyThomas Kelly (Author)2
Lord, we esteem the favor greatThomas Kelly (Author)5
Lord, we plead with thee for pardonThomas Kelly (Author)English1
Meeting in the Savior's nameThomas Kelly (Author)English7
Men of God, go take your stationsThomas Kelly (Author)English106
Methinks I stand upon the rockThomas Kelly (Author)English2
முள் கிரீடம் பூண்ட சிரசே (Muḷ kirīṭam pūṇṭa ciracē)Thomas Kelly (Author)Tamil2
My soul, with sacred joy surveyThomas Kelly (Author)10
Never leave us, nor forsake usThomas Kelly (Author)4
Nothing but the purest graceThomas Kelly (Author)2
Nothing know we of the season when the world shall pass awayThomas Kelly (Author)5
Now let a great effectual doorThomas Kelly (Author)2
Now let our faith with joy surveyThomas Kelly (Author)6
Now let the trumpet's cheerful soundThomas Kelly (Author)4
Now may the gospel's conquering powerKelly (Author)7
Now may the mighty arm awakeThomas Kelly (Author)2
O had I the wings of a dove, I'd make my escape and be goneThomas Kelly (Author)English4
O Israel, to thy tents repairKelly (Author)English31
O Isr'l, for the strife prepareThomas Kelly (Author)3
O joyful sound, O glorious hourThomas Kelly (Author (Verses))English5
O may the gospel's conquering forceThomas Kelly (Author)2
O Thou God of our salvation, Jesus now enthroned in lightThomas Kelly (Author)English2
O 'tis a sound should fill the worldThomas Kelly (Author)4
O what a sound was there!Thomas Kelly (Author)English2
O where is now that glowing loveKelly (Author)English56
O Zion! when I think on theeThomas Kelly (Author)English19
Obedient to our dying LordThomas Kelly (Author)2
Of Jesus we'll sing, the Savior and KingThos. Kelly (Author)English2
Of Thy love some gracious tokenThomas Kelly (Author)English12
Oh, momento glorioso, quando o Servo SofredorThomas Kelly (Author)Portuguese2
On His father's throne is seatedThomas Kelly (Author)English2
On our way rejoicing, as we homeward moveRev. Thos. Kelly (Author)English2
On the mountain's top appearingThomas Kelly (Author)English447
Onward, let my children goThomas Kelly (Author)2
Our Father sits on yonder throneThomas Kelly (Author)4
Our toils and conflicts cease Kelly (Author)6
Ours is a rich and royal feastThomas Kelly (Author)2
Poor and afflicted, Lord, are ThineKelly (Author)English25
Por mil arpas y mil vocesRev. Thomas Kelly (Author)Spanish4
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow (Ken)Thos. Kelly (Author)English1
Praise the Lord, who died to save usThomas Kelly (Author)English3
Praise the Savior, ye who know, Him Who can tell how much we owe HimThomas Kelly (Author)English66
Praise we Him, by whose kind favorThomas Kelly (Author)English7
Praise the Lord, ye heavens adore HimThomas Kelley, 1769-1855 (Author)English1
Precious volume what thou doestThomas Kelly (Author)English3
Preist Ihn, die ihr Jesum kennetThomas Kelly (Author)German1
Ready to perish, Lord we layThomas Kelly (Author)2
Rescued from the lake infernalThomas Kelly (Author)2
رن صوت في الأعاليThomas Kelly (Author)Arabic1
Saved ourselves by Jesus' bloodThomas Kelly (Author)9
Savior, come, Thy friends are waitingThomas Kelly (Author)English2
Savior come, Thy saints are waitingThomas Kelly (Author)English3
Savior, send a blessing to usKelly (Author)English9
Savior, through the desert lead usThomas Kelly (Author)English4
Savior, when we call, O hear usThomas Kelly (Author)English4
Savior, bless Thy [the] word to allKelly (Author)English36
See, from Zion's sacred mountainThos. Kelley (Author)English89
See our Savior adds anotherThomas Kelly (Author)2
See that glory, how resplendentThomas Kelly (Author)2
See the vineyard Thou hast plantedThomas Kelly (Author)English6
Shall I to gain the world's applauseThomas Kelly (Author)8
Sing of Jesus' love foreverThomas Kelly (Author)English7
Sing of Jesus, sing foreverThomas Kelly (Author)English66
Sing, sing His lofty praiseThomas Kelly (Author)English15
Skaden, helgon, se, ur stridenThomas Kelly (Author)2
Sku, o Sj'l, et Syn saa herligtThomas Kelly (Author)2
頌讚聲音何等難得!(Sòng zàn shēngyīn héděng nándé!)Thomas Kelly (Author)Chinese2
Sons of Zion, raise your songsThomas Kelly (Author)English23
Sound, sound the truth abroadThomas Kelly (Author)English84
Speed Thy servants, Savior, speed themThomas Kelly (Author)English68
Stricken, smitten and afflicted, See Him dying on the tree!Thomas Kelly (Author)English66
Sweet and solemn be the seasonKelly (Author)2
Sweet is the task to lead the youngThomas Kelly (Author)2
Sweet were the sounds that reached our earsThomas Kelly (Author)1
The atoning work is doneThomas Kelly (Author)English46
The Christian voyager strikes the rockThomas Kelly (Author)9
The day of rest once more comes roundThomas Kelly (Author)English18
The gospel comes with welcome newsThomas Kelly (Author)English10
The Head that once was crowned with thornsThomas Kelly (Author)English432
The highest place that heaven affordsThomas Kelly (Author)English1
The long expected morn has dawnedThomas Kelly (Author)5
The Lord himself will keepThomas Kelly (Author)3
"The Lord is risen indeed;" And are the tidings true?Thomas Kelly (Author)English78
The Lord is risen indeed! Attending angels, hearKelly (Author)English2
The Lord is risen indeed, And from the tombThomas Kelly (Author)2
The Lord is risen indeed; He lives to die no moreThomas Kelly (Author)English35
The Lord is risen indeed, Now is His work performedThomas Kelly (Author)English28
The Lord is risen indeed, The grave hath lost its preyThomas Kelly (Author)English59
The Lord is risen indeed; Then justice asks no moreThomas Kelly (Author)English10
The Lord of glory dwells on highThomas Kelly (Author)1
The Lord, who late was deadThomas Kelly (Author)English2
The night is far spent, and the day is at hand, Already the dawn may be seen in the sky (Kelly)Thomas Kelly (Author)English3
The night is now far spentThomas Kelly (Author)1
The people of the Lord are on their way to heavenThomas Kelly (Author)English28
The royal banner is unfurledThomas Kelly (Author)English1
The Savior bears a lovely nameThomas Kelly (Author)3
There's not a hope, with comfort fraughtThos. Kelly (Author)English1
There's not a name beneath the skiesThomas Kelly (Author)2
They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength (Kelly)Thomas Kelly (Author)English2
They who confess the Savior hereThomas Kelly (Author)English2
Though all these things substantial seemThomas Kelly (Author)3
Through the day Thy love has spared usT. Kelly (Author)English184
Through all the dangers of the nightThomas Kelly (Author)English29
Thus saith God, of his anointedThomas Kelley (Author)English6
Thy promise, Lord, just suits my caseThomas Kelly (Author)2
To Canaan's sacred bound we haste with songs of joyThomas Kelly (Author)English7
To God my Savior praise is dueThomas Kelly (Author)2
To the ark away, or perishKelly (Author)5
To the far off regionsThomas Kelly (Author)2
To wait for that important dayThomas Kelly (Author)3
Trust ye in the Lord forever, His is everlasting strengthT. Kelly (Author)English3
Unfold, O Lord, to us unfoldT. Kelly (Author)English2
Ved al Cristo, Rey de gloriaThomas Kelley (Author)Spanish20
Ved, oh ángeles del cieloRev. Thomas Kelly (Author)Spanish2
Voller Wunden, schmerzzerissenThomas Kelly (Author)German2
We are, Lord, a vineyard plantedThomas Kelly (Author)1
We follow Thee, our GuideThomas Kelly (Author)English2
We have heard the joyful newsThomas Kelly (Author)English2
We lift our souls to GodThomas Kelly (Author)3
We praise, we worship Thee, O God, Thy sovereign power we sound abroadThomas Kelly, 1769-1854 (Author)English1
We sing the praise of Him who diedThomas Kelly, 1769-1854 (Author)English146
We sing thy power, victorious LordThomas Kelly (Author)2
We were lost, but God has found usThomas Kelly (Author)2
Welcome hither, friends belovedThomas Kelly (Author)2
Welcome news the gospel brings Thomas Kelly (Author)5
Welcome sight, the Lord descendingThomas Kelly (Author)6
We'll sing, in spite of scornThomas Kelly (Author)English5
We'll sing of the Shepherd that diedThomas Kelly (Author)English6
Wer kommt dort von Edoms FlurenThomas Kelly (Author)German2
We're bound for [to] yonder landThomas Kelly (Author)8
We've no abiding city hereThomas Kelly (Author)English125
What is life! 'Tis but a vaporThomas Kelly (Author)English61
What love is this the Father showsThomas Kelly (Author)2
What love, what pleasure, what surpriseThomas Kelly (Author)3
What tongue can tell, what fancy paintThomas Kelly (Author)2
What were Sinai's awful wondersThomas Kelly (Author)2
When all were enjoined by decreeThomas Kelly (Author)English2
When Jesus to the temple cameThomas Kelly (Author)English15
When we cannot see our wayThomas Kelly (Author)English22
When we lay in sin pollutedThomas Kelly (Author)3
When we pass through yonder riverThomas Kelly (Author)English33
Whence those sounds symphoniousThomas Kelly (Author)English5
Whence those unusual [triumphant] bursts of joyThomas Kelly (Author)English1
While contests rend the Christian churchThomas Kelly (Author)4
While in the world we still remainThomas Kelly (Author)English7
While my Redeemer's nearKelly (Author)English1
While our days on earth are lengthenedThomas Kelly (Author)English2
Who are these that come from farThomas Kelly (Author)English15
Who can tell how good and pleasantThomas Kelly (Author)3
Who is this that comes from Edom, All His raiment stained with bloodThomas Kelly (1769-1855) (Author)English66
Why should believers when they meetThomas Kelly (Author)3
Why those fears, behold, 'tis JesusT. Kelly (Author)English1
Without blood is no remissionKelly (Author)English4
Ye saints, whose tears now often flowThomas Kelly (Author)3
Ye who love the cause of ZionThomas Kelly (Author)2
Yes, 'tis a rough and thorny roadThomas Kelly (Author)6
Yes, we trust the day is breakingKelly (Author)English169
主接納我們的詩歌 (Zhǔ jiēnà wǒmen de shīgē)Thomas Kelly (Author)Chinese2
Zion is Jehovah's dwellingThomas Kelly (Author)English3
Zion raget berg umschlossenThomas Kelly (Author)German2
Zion stands by hills surroundedThomas Kelly (Author)English302
Zion's King shall reign victoriousThomas Kelly (Author)English24
Zions König kommt mit PrangenThomas Kelly (Author)German2

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