Tune Results

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Showing 1 - 50 of 207
Tune TitleTopicsLectionary Weeks
LYONS»Church Year Christ the King; Creation; God As Ancient of Days; God's Faithfulness; God as King; God's Mercy; God's Providence; Peacemakers; Trust in God; Hymns About Worship
FESTAL SONG»The Glory of the Triune God Providence; Sanctifiying and Perfecting Grace Strength in Triublation; The Sacraments and Rites of the Church Funeral and Memorial Service; Adoration and Praise; Courage; Faith; Providence; Trust
DUNDEE»Trust in God; God's Work Providence; God Sovereignty of ; Mystery of God's Ways
WER NUR DEN LIEBEN GOTT»Deliverance; Election; Trust in God; Creation and Providence; Deliverance; Election; Faithfulness of God; Hope; Obedience; Pilgrimage & Conflct; Providence; Trust in God
LEAVE IT THERE»Sanctifiying and Perfecting Grace Strength in Triublation; Affliction and Tribulation; Providence; Service Music Invitation to Prayer; Trust
OLD HUNDREDTH»Creation; Gathering; Gathering; God's Presence; God's providence; Praise; Sacraments/Rites Psalms of Praise for God's Mercy; Trust in God
CRIMOND»Comfort; Eternal Life; Faithfulness of God; Fear; Fulfilment; Funerals; Providence; Trust in God
CWM RHONDDA»Commissioning Service; Eucharist; Fear; Funerals; Heaven; Pilgrimage; Providence; Trust in God
DIADEMATA»Waiting upon God ; The Christian Life Trust in God; Cast Out Fear; God Sovereignty of ; Works of Providence
GOD CARES»Trust in God; God's Work Providence; Consolation; God Faithfulness of; God Love and Grace of
OLD 113TH»Creation; Healing; Living and Dying in Christ; Praise; Providence; Social Concerns; Trusting in the Promises of God
PROTUGUESE HYMN» Trust In Providence
BYEFIELD» Trust In Providence
EVAN» Trust In Providence
FINLANDIA»The Church in the World Commitment: Trust; Calmness and Serenity; Change; Christian Year New Year; Comfort/Consolation; Commitment; Eternal Life; Faith; Funerals and Memorial Services; God Faithfulness; God Guidance; God Providence; Grief; Heaven(s)/Paradise; Hope; Jesus Christ Friend; Jesus Christ Lord of Life; Joy; Life; Peace (Inner, Calmness, Serenity; Suffering; Trust; Epiphany 8 Year A; Easter 5 Year A; Proper 7 Year B
FOREST» Trust In Providence
HERMON» Trust In Providence
OLMUTZ» Trust In Providence
O GOD, YOU SEARCH ME»Creation; Hope; Providence; Sovereignty of God; Trusting in the Promises of God
UXBRIDGE»Trust in God; God His Faithfulness; God Omnipresence of; Preservation of Christians; Works of Providence
HANOVER»Adoration and Praise; Anxiety; Creation; Light; Majesty of God; Mercy of God; Mystery of God's Love; Protection; Providence; Trust in God; Worship Earthly and Heavenly; Worship Processional Entrance
EVARTS» Trust In Providence; Trust In Providence
ASWARBY» Trust In Providence
LOUVAN» Trust In Providence
OLNEY» Trust In Providence
WEBB» Trust In Providence
GENEVA» Trust In Providence
DENNIS»Burdens; Christian Life Trust in God; God Compassion of ; Works of Providence
IRISH»God In Creation and Providence; The Christian Life Trustfulness and Peace
BLOTT EN DAG»Assurance; Difficult Times; Fear; God As Father; God's Providence; Holy Spirit; Jesus Christ Presence; New Heaven and Earth; Trials; Trust in God; Unity and Fellowship
WYE VALLEY»God's Faithfulness; God's Peace; God's Protection; God's Providence; God Trust in; Rest; Trust in God; Elements of Worship Forgiviness and Grace
EIN' FESTE BURG»God Nature of God; Assurance; Change; Christian Year Reformation Day; Confidence; Conflict and Struggle; Courage; Empowerment; Evil; Faith; Funerals and Memorial Services; God Creator; God Guardian/Help; God Images; God Kingdom, Majesty, Realm; God Nature; God Power/Might; God Presence; God Protection; God Reign; God Sovereignty; God Strength and Refuge; God Truth; Heritage; Holy Spirit Gifts; Jesus Christ name; Jesus Christ Strength and Refuge; Joy; Kingdom of God; Pilgrimage and Conflict; Praise; Processionals (Opening of Worship); Providence; Psalter/Psalm Paraphrases; Risk; Satan/Demonic Forces/Devil; Security; Sin; Struggle and Conflict; Trust; Truth; Victory; Word of God; Worship; Proper 6 Year A; Proper 16 Year A; Lent 1 Year B; Lent 5 Year B; Proper 16 Year B; Proper 17 Year B; Proper 26 Year B; Epiphany 3 Year C; Epiphany 4 Year C; Lent 1 Year C; Proper 16 Year C; Proper 20 Year C; Proper 24 Year C; Reign of Christ Year C; Tuesday in Holy Week Year ABC
ST. COLUMBA»Body and Blood of Christ; Sacred Heart of Jesus; All Souls November 2nd; Eucharist Sacraments; Pastoral Care of the Sick Sacraments; Funeral Sacraments; Comfort; Communion; Courage; Cross; Eternal Life; Food; Guidance; Homecoming; Hope; Journey, Pilgrimage; Joy; Love of God for Us; Mercy, Forgiveness; Petition, Prayer; Praise; Providence; Reconciliation, Atonement, Forgiveness; Shepherd; Sickness; Trust in Jesus Christ; Worship and Adoration
PENLAN»Adversity; Anxiety; Comfort; Funerals; God's Love to Us; Guidance; Jesus Christ Friend and Companion; Pilgrimage; Providence; Saints Days and Holy Days St John the Evangelist; Trust in God
MANNHEIM»Absolution; Conflict; Forgiveness; Gifts of the Holy Spirit; Inner Peace; Jesus Christ Earthly life; Lent; Pilgrimage; Providence; Trust in God
WELTON» Trust In Providence
THORNBURY»Confirmation Service; Courage; Fear; Light; Providence; Saints Days and Holy Days Any Saint; Salvation; Trust in God
WARE» Trust In Providence
BREMEN» Trust In Providence
GROSSER GOTT»Adoration and Praise; General Petition; Jesus Christ Incarnation; Majesty of God; People of God; Providence; Salvation; Sin; Trinity Sunday; Trust in God; Worship Earthly and Heavenly
BRATTLE STREET»Afflictions Rejoicing in; Communion With God; God Providence of; Guidance; Peace Christian; Resignation; Trust In God
LAKE ENON» Trust In Providence
FOUNDATION»Funeral Sacraments; Anniversaries; Comfort; Communion of Saints; Courage; Eternal Life; Guidance; Hope; Jesus Christ; Journey, Pilgrimage; Love of God for Us; Mercy, Forgiveness; Providence; Reconciliation, Atonement, Forgiveness; Sickness; Strength; Struggle; Suffering; Trust, Confidence; Trust in Jesus Christ
MONMOUTH»Adoration and Praise; Compassion; Covenant; Death; Everlasting Life; Forgiveness; Healing; Liberation; Providence; Refugee/Outcast; Social Justice; Trust in God
SPARROW»All Souls November 2nd; Funeral Sacraments; Comfort; Encouragement; Eternal Life; Freedom; Joy; Love for God; Love for Jesus Christ; Providence; Sickness; Strength; Temptation; Trust, Confidence; Trust in Jesus Christ
LUTHER»Adversity; Ancestors; Anniversary of a Church; Communion of Saints; Consolation; Faith; Faithfulness of God; God's Love to Us; Guidance; Penitence; People of God; Pilgrimage; Protection; Providence; Trust in God
PROMISES»Confianza; Trust; Covenant; Pacto; Jesucristo Vida en; Jesus Christ Life In; Providence; Providencia
RIPLEY»Biblical Names & Places Jacob; Epiphany & Ministry of Christ; Funerals; King, God/Christ as; Marriage; Praise & Adoration; Trust in God; Songs for Children Psalms; Advent; Alleluias; Biblical Names & Places Jacob; Creation; Epiphany & Ministry of Christ; Funerals; Grace; Joy; King, God/Christ as; Marriage; Mercy; Opening of Worship; Poverty; Praise & Adoration; Prayer; Providence; Redemption; Refuge; Trust in God
EVERYONE WHO LONGS»Assurance; Love of God for Us; Obedience; Providence; Trusting in the Promises of God
WAREHAM»Ascension; Assurance; Confession of Faith; Consolation; Faithfulness of God; Funerals; God's Love to Us; Heaven; Jesus Christ Humanity; Jesus Christ Priesthood and Intercession; Jesus Christ Resurrection; Joy; Obedience; Providence; Resurrection; Temptation; Trust in God


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