Santo, Santo, Santo: cantos para el pueblo de Dios = Holy, Holy, Holy: songs for the people of God

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1Each little flow'r that opens (Las flores dan perfume)ROYAL OAKPage Scan
2O worship the King, all glorious above (Al Rey adorad, grandioso Señor)LYONSPage Scan
3My God is so great, so strong and so mighty! (Mi Dios es tan grande, tan fuerte y poderoso)[My God is so great, so strong and so mighty]TextPage Scan
4Con su divina palabra (Sprung from a word of God's speaking)NELSON
5Many and great, O God, are your works (Muchas y grandes tus obras, Dios)LACQUIPARLEPage Scan
6Many and great, O God, are your works (Muchas y grandes tus obras, Dios)LACQUIPARLE
7Beautiful Savior, King of creation (Glorioso Cristo, Rey de lo creado)SCHÖNSTER HERR JESU (ST. ELIZABETH)
8Soplo de Dios viviente que en el principio cubriste el agua (O living Breath of God, wind at the beginning upon the waters)VÅRVINDAR FRISKAPage Scan
9Lord of all creation (Todo lo creaste)[Lord of all creation]
10Los bosques talados (The forests are clear cut)[Los bosques talados]Page Scan
11Los cielos cuentan la gloria de Dios (The heavens tell of your creative glory)[Los cielos cuentan la gloria de Dios]Page Scan
12Su gloria cubrió cielos (God's glory filled highest heavens)[Su gloria cubrió cielos]Page Scan
13El cielo canta alegría, ¡aleluya! (Heaven is singing for joy, alleluia)ALEGRÍAPage Scan
14O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder (Señor, mi Dios, al contemplar los cielos)HOW GREAT THOU ARTTextPage Scan
15I sing the mighty pow'r of God (Hoy canto el gran poder de Dios)ELLACOMBEPage Scan
16All creatures of our God and King (Oh, criaturas del Señor)LASST UNS ERFREUENPage Scan
17This is my Father's world (El mundo entero es)TERRA BEATA
18Al despuntar en el loma el día (When o'er the hills morning light is breaking)[Al despuntar en el loma el día]
19Cuando miro las estrellas (When I gaze into the heavens)EL CREADORPage Scan
20Al caer la lluvia resurge con verdor (When at last the rain falls, our world turns living green)ALABANZAPage Scan
21For the beauty of the earth (Por la excelsa majestad)DIX
22Praise the LORD, sing hallelujah (Al Señor dé su alabanza)PRAISE JEHOVAHPage Scan
23Let all things now living (Que todo viviente)ASH GROVEPage Scan
24Come, O thou Traveler unknown (Oh tú, viajero extraño)YE BANKS AND BRAESTextPage Scan
25Prone to wander, Lord I feel it (Reconozco que me aparto)BEACH SPRING
26Fools say in their hearts
27Si el Espíritu de Dios se mueve en mí (When the Spirit of the Lord moves in my soul)[Si el Espíritu de Dios se mueve en mí]TextPage Scan
28When Israel was in Egypt's land (El pueblo de Israel clamó)GO DOWN MOSESPage Scan
29O freedom, O freedom (Oh libertad, Oh libertad)[Freedom is coming]Page Scan
30When Israel came out of Egypt
31Abrahán ¿por qué te vas lejos (Why, Abraham, must you journey)[Abrahán por qué te vas lejos]
32When God first brought us back from exile (Cuando el Señor desde el destierro)WAYFARING STRANGERTextPage Scan
33Quién, quién, quién como Jehová (Who, who, who is like our God)[Quién, quién, quién como Jehová]Page Scan
34Quién, quién, quién como Jehová (Who, who, who is like our God)[Quién, quién, quién como Jehová]Page Scan
35Allá en el monte Horeb la zarza ardía (There was a burning bush upon Mount Horeb)[Allá en el monte Horeb la zarza ardía]Page Scan
36Lift ev'ry voice and sing (Cantemos a una voz)LIFT EVERY VOICEPage Scan
37For your goodness, for your justice (Por tu gracia y tu justicia)[For your goodness, for your justice]Page Scan
38Alzo a los montes mis ojos (Lift your eyes up to the mountains)[Alzo a los montes mis ojos]
39Que acompaña a nuestro pueblo (Walking here among the people)[Que acompaña a nuestro pueblo]Page Scan
40Tu fidelidad es grande (I depend upon your faithfulness)[Tu fidelidad es grande]
41O God, our help in ages past (Nuestra esperanza y protección)ST. ANNE
42Children of the heav'nly Father (Nuestro Dios y Padre eterno)TRYGGARE KAN INGEN VARAPage Scan
43I will come to you in the silence (Te hablaré en la paz del silencio)[I will come to you in the silence]
44My Shepherd will supply my need (Mi buen pastor me sacriará)RESIGNATIONPage Scan
45Standing on the promises of Christ, my King (Todas las promesas del Señor Jesús)PROMISESTextPage Scan
46You are my hiding place (Eres mi protector)HIDING PLACE
47God moves in a mysterious way (Con maravillas obra Dios)DUNDEETextPage Scan
48Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father (Oh, Dios eterno, tu misericordia)FAITHFULNESSTextPage Scan
49El que habita al abrigo de Dios (Those who dwell in the shelter of God)AGRIGO DE DIOS
50The God of Abraham praise (¡Al Dios de Abraham, loor!)LEONITextPage Scan
51Guide me, O my great Redeemer (¡Oh Pastor divino! Escucha)CWM RHONDDATextPage Scan
52This is my prayer in the desert (Mi oración en el desierto)[This is my prayer in the desert]
53Like a river glorious (Cual glorioso río)WYE VALLEYPage Scan
54Guide my feet while I run this race (Guía mis pies mientras corro en fe)GUIDE MY FEET Page Scan
55Be still and know that I am God (Ten salma y ve que yo soy Dios)BE STILL AND KNOWPage Scan
56Señor, tú ves mi corazón (Lord, see my heart and probe my mind)MARTYRDOMTextPage Scan
57God will make a way (Sendas Dios hará)HE WILL MAKE A WAY
58Don't be discouraged with trouble in your life (No desesperes si pruebas has de enfrentar)[Don't be discouraged with trouble in your life]Page Scan
59Los que esperan en Jehová (Those who wait, hoping in the Lord)EL PALMAR
60En la intimidad, al abrigo de tu gloria (Here within your love, in the shelter of your glory)[En la intimidad, al abrigo de tu gloria]Page Scan
61Escogido fui de Dios en el Amado (From before the dawn of time you named and knew me)ESCOGIDO
62Cristo es la peña de Horeb, que está brotando (Christ is the Mountain of Horeb overflowing)CRISTO ES LA PEÑA
63Toda la tierra espera al Salvador (All earth is hopeful, the Savior comes at last!)TAULÉ
64Come, thou long-expected Jesus (Ven, Jesús, muy esperado)STUTTGARTPage Scan
65El Dios de paz, el Verbo eterno (Peace-giving God and Word eternal)EL DIOS DE PAZPage Scan
66Awake! Awake, and greet the new morn (¡Despiértate! Ya sale el sol)REJOICE, REJOICEPage Scan
67Savior of the nations, come (Ven, de pueblos Redentor)NUN KOMM DER HEIDEN HEILAND
68My soul cries out with a joyful shout (Con gozo hoy clamo con fervor)STAR OF THE COUNTY DOWNPage Scan
69Come to be our hope, O Jesus[Vem, Jesus, nossa esperança]
70Muéstranos Señor (Lord, let us see your kindness)[Muéstranos Señor]Page Scan
71I will listen to what God the LORD says
72Oh Pastor, excelso Rey (Shepherd, guardian of your flock)[Oh Pastor, excelso Rey]Page Scan
73O come, O come, Emmanuel (Oh ven, oh ven, Rey Emanuel)VENI EMMANUEL
74Creator of the stars of night (De las estrellas, Creador)CONDITOR ALME SIDERUMPage Scan
75O Lord of Light, our only hope of glory (Oh Sol naciente, tu gloria esperamos)[O Lord of Light, our only hope of glory]Page Scan
76Juan proclama en el desierto (In the desert John announces)PREPAREN EL CAMINOPage Scan
77On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry (Junto al Jordán se oye el clamor)WINCHESTER NEWPage Scan
78Ahora, oh Dios, despide a tu siervo en paz (And now, Sov'reign Lord, dismiss your servant in peace)[Ahora, oh Dios, despide a tu siervo en paz]
79Away in a manger, no crib for a bed (Allá en el pesebre, do nace Jesús)MUELLERTextPage Scan
80O little town of Bethlehem (¡Oh, aldehuela de Belén!)ST. LOUISTextPage Scan
81Of the Father's love begotten (Fruto del amor divino)DIVINUM MYSTERIUM
82En Belén nació Jesús (Christ is born in Bethlehem)MICHAELPage Scan
83¡Noche de paz, noche de amor! (Silent night, holy night!)STILLE NACHTTextPage Scan
84Derrama una estrella (Radiant light throughout the heav'ns)[Derrama una estrella]Page Scan
85Noche anunciada, noche de amor (Night long-awaited, God comes to earth)[Noche anunciada, noche de amor]
86Thou didst leave thy throne and thy kingly crown (Tú dejaste tu trono y corona por mi)MARGARETTextPage Scan
87El niño nacido bajo la enramada (Underneath a lean-to Mary birthed the Christ-child)[El niño nacido bajo la enramada]
88He came down that we may have love (Él vino su amor a darnos)[He came down that we may have love]Page Scan
89It came upon the midnight clear (A medianoche se escuchó)CAROLPage Scan
90While shepherds kept their watching (Pastores, sus rebaños)GO TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAINPage Scan
91Venid, pastores (Come, all you shepherds)[Venid, pastores]
92En la noche los pastores (On the hills by night the shepherds)PASTORES VÉLANPage Scan
93Angels we have heard on high (Ángeles cantando están)GLORIATextPage Scan
94Hark! the herald angels sing (Oíd un son en alta esfera)MENDELSSOHNTextPage Scan
95Joy to the world! the Lord is come (Gozo al mundo proclamad)ANTIOCHTextPage Scan
96O come, all ye faithful (Venid, fieles todos)ADESTE FIDELESTextPage Scan
97Oh santísimo (O thou joyful)SICILIAN MARINERSTextPage Scan
98Gloria a Dios (Gloria)[Gloria a Dios]Page Scan
99Angels from the realms of glory (Ángeles de alta gloria)REGENT SQUAREPage Scan
100¡Gloria, gloria, gloria en las alturas a Dios! (Glory, glory, glory, glory be to God on high!)[Gloria, gloria, gloria en las alturas a Dios]TextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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