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Showing 51 - 100 of 133
TitleTopicsLectionary Weeks
Kjærlighed er Lysets Kilde Fourth Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day For Evening
I prægtige Himle og Jorden tillige First Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day High Mass
Nu er os Gud miskundelig Holy Three Kings Day High Mass
Godt Haab, I gode Kristne Fourth Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day High Mass
Gud Fader udi Himmerig Fourth Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day For Evening
Her falder megen Trætte Third Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day For Evening
Her løber jeg i Blinde First Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day High Mass
Her, uden Sky og Skygge Sixth Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day For Evening
Herre Gud, du er og bliver Fifth Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day For Evening
Hvor gaar du hen First Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day High Mass
Staa som en Klippe Sixth Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day For Evening
Tag nu o Herre, nøie vare Fifth Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day High Mass
Verdens Ørken mørk og taaget Sixth Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day High Mass
Dybe, stille, Sterke, milde Sixth Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day High Mass
Paa Berget, har nu Jesus endt Third Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day High Mass
Herre Jesu Krist! First Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day For Evening; Third Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day High Mass; Third Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day For Evening; Fourth Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day For Evening
O tænk, naar engang samles skal Third Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day High Mass; Fifth Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day High Mass
I Jesu Navn Fifth Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day For Evening
Det runde Himlens Stjerne-Telt Holy Three King's Day High Mass
Saa vidt, som Solens Straaler stige Holy Three Kings Day Evening
Sørger du endnu, min Sjæl!Second Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day
Sorrig og Glæde de vandrer tilhobe Second Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day
O Frelser, som er Lys og Livet Fifth Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day Evening
Kom, Hjerte, tag dit Regnebret First Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day For Evening
Hvor Gud mig fører, gaar jeg glad Fourth Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day For Evening
O Fader vor, barmhjertig, god Second Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day For Evening
Saa langt som Himlens Helving naar Holy Three Kings Day For Evening
Kor illt det ser i Verdi ut Fifth Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day High Mass
Kom du Folke-Frelser sand Holy Three Kings Day For Evening
Vor Tro er den Forvisning paa Third Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day For Evening
Jesus! naar jeg Synet ned First Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day For Evening
Lover den Herre, hvis reddende Kjærlighed sender Holy Three Kings Day High Mass
O hvilken Ære First Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day For Evening
Vidunderligst af alt paa Jord Fifth Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day High Mass
Sørgendes Husvaler Second Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day High Mass
Hvor sei det ud i Verdens Ørk Second Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day For Evening
Store Profet! med den himmelske Lære First Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day High Mass
Om Himmeriges Rige saa ville vi tale Sixth Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day
Du høie Fryd for rene Sjæle First Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day Evening
Jeg raaber til dig, o Herre Christ! Second Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day Evening
Forsøm ei Herrens Menighed Fifth Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day Evening
Her ligger jeg nu kold og stiv Fifth Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day For Evening
Kom, Brødre! lad us haste Fifth Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day For Evening
Kom Ord fra Gud med Aand og Liv Fifth Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day High Mass
Satan skal Støvet trædes Third Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day High Mass
Kommer hid kun med de Smaa First Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day High Mass
Vel den, der veed i Jesu Navn Fourth Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day High Mass
Hvor deilig skal Guds Kirke staa Fifth Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day For Evening
Nu bør ei Synden mere Second Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day High Mass
Min Hjertens Jesu, søde Lyst Second Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day For Evening


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