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Showing 451 - 500 of 2,052
TitleTopicsLectionary Weeks
For those we love within the veilThe Church of God The Communion of Saints
Break, day of God, O breakThe Church of God Missions
In all my Lord's appointed waysThe Church of God Baptismal Ordinance
Come, Holy Spirit, Dove divineThe Church of God Baptismal Ordinance
The Lord bless thee and keep theeThe Church of God Baptism
Buried with Christ by baptism unto deathThe Church of God Baptismal Ordinance
"Jordan's Strand"The Church of God
Buried in baptism with our LordThe Church of God Baptismal Ordinance
Dear Lord, amid the throng that pressedThe Church of God The Lord's Supper
Blest be thy love, dear LordThe Church of God The Lord's Supper
Ascend thy throne, almighty KingThe Church of God Missions and Growth
Blest be the dear, uniting loveThe Church of God Christian Fellowship
Zion Stands by Hills SurroundedThe Church The Church of Christ; Church Covenant People; Church Security of; God Faithfulness of; God Immutability of; God Love and Grace of
Great God, your love has called us hereOur Response to Christ In Penitence; Our Response to God in the worship of God's house; Christ Incarnate Passion and Death; Lent; Christian Year Maundy Thursday; Church Worship; God Love of; Renewal
Glory to Thee, my God, this nightThe Church and the Kingdom of God Evening
God calling yet! shall I not hear? The Church and the Kingdom of God Evangelism
God save our gracious KingThe Church and the Kingdom of God National Life
God, the All-terrible! Thou who ordainest The Church and the Kingdom of God National Life
Great God, attend, while Zion sings The Church and the Kingdom of God The Lord's Day
Lo, God is here! let us adore The Church The House of God
Now God be with us, for the night is closingThe Church and the Kingdom of God Evening
Now thank we all our GodThe Church The House of God
O praise our God to-day The Church and the Kingdom of God Social Service; The Church and the Kingdom of God Social Service
God, who madest earth and heavenThe Church and the Kingdom of God Evening
O God, our help in ages pastThe Church The People of God; The Church The House of God
Sinner, turn, why will ye die? The Church and the Kingdom of God Evangelism
Workman of God, O lose not heart The Church and the Kingdom of God Social Service
Ye servants of God The Church of Christ Kingdom of God
Rejoice today with one accordGod's Church Praise and Adoration; The Election of God's People Abraham; The Ascension of Christ
Great is Thy faithfulnessThe Godhead God the Father; The Church of Jesus Christ Harvest; Living the Christian Life Praise and Thanksgiving; Living the Christian Life Comfort, Strength and Security
O Lord my God! (How great Thou art)The Godhead God the Creator; The Church of Jesus Christ Harvest; Seasons of the Christian Year The Return of Christ; Living the Christian Life Praise and Thanksgiving; Travelling, Parting and Distant Friends
Let us bring the gifts that differThe Glory of God In Creation and Providence; Life and Unity in the Church
Come, let us use the grace divine The Church and the Kingdom of God Ordinances
Come, sinners, to the gospel feast The Church and the Kingdom of God Evangelism
Ho! every one that thirsts, draw nigh The Church and the Kingdom of God Evangelism
Jerusalem, my happy home The Church The House of God
Lord of the Sabbath, hear our vows The Church and the Kingdom of God The Lord's Day
New every morning is the loveThe Church and the Kingdom of God Morning
Happy the souls to Jesus joined The Church and the Kingdom of God The Church
O worship the King, all glorious above! The Church and the Kingdom of God Evening
Open now thy gates of beautyThe Church The House of God
Praise the Lord! Ye heavens, adore him The Church The House of God
The Son of God goes forth to war The Church and the Kingdom of God Social Service
Weary souls, that wander wide The Church and the Kingdom of God Evangelism
Through the night of doubt and sorrow The Church The People of God
Praise, my soul, the King of heavenThe Activity of God God in human experience; The Church Celebrates Death and Grieving; Death and Bereavement; Praise; Providence
Your way, not mine, O LordGod's Church Commitment and Character; Epiphany 5, Revelation The Wisdom of God; Lent 3, The King and the Kingdom Suffering; Palm Sunday The Way of the Cross; Pentecost 18 The Offering of Life; Pentecost 22 The Two Ways
My hope is built on nothing lessThe Godhead Jesus - God the Son; The Church of Jesus Christ Bereavement and Funerals; Living the Christian Life Faith and Trust in God; Living the Christian Life Personal Testimony; Living the Christian Life Trials and Temptations
Even me, even me The Church and the Kingdom of God Evangelism
Shout, for the blessed Jesus reigns The Church The Kingdom of God


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