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Showing 1 - 50 of 232
Person NameTopicsLectionary Weeks
Charles Wesley Confirmation Service
John Ernest BodeConfirmation; Service
Mary E. Byrne Confirmation Service
Isaac Watts Confirmation Service
John Warrington Hatton Confirmation Service
Eleanor Hull Confirmation Service
Ernest Warburton ShurtleffThe Church The People of God; The Church Worship - The Close of Service; Confirmation; The Ministry; The Life in Christ Aspiration; The Life In Christ Consecration; The Life In Christ Conflict and Victory
Matthew BridgesThe Church Confirmation; The Church Confirmation; Children's Services; Consecration
Daniel IversonPentecost Sunday; Domingo de Pentecostés; Rites of the Church Confirmation; Ritos de la Iglesia Confirmación; Amor Para Otros; Love for Others; Conversion; Conversion; Discipleship; Discipulado; Espíritu Santo; Holy Spirit; Guía; Guidance; Humildad; Humility; Petition/Prayer; Súplica/Oración; Renewal; Renovación; Service; Servicio; Unidad; Unity
Caroline M. NoelService for the Lord's Day Opening of Worship; Service for the Lord's Day After Creed; Sacraments Lord's Supper; Acts of the Church Confirmation; Acts of the Church Ordination; Acts of the Church Installation; Christian Year Lent; Christian Year Ascension; Other Observances Ecumenism; Other Observances Mission; Other Observances Stewardship; Other Observances World Communion; Other Observances World Peace
Horatius BonarService for the Lord's Day Opening of Worship; Service for the Lord's Day After Confession and Pardon; Service for the Lord's Day Conclusion of Worship; Acts of the Church Confirmation; Acts of the Church Ordination; Acts of the Church Installation; Christian Year Pentecost; Civil Year Thanksgiving Day; Other Observances Christian Education
William WilliamsService for the Lord's Day After Old Testament Lesson; Service for the Lord's Day Conclusion of Worship; Acts of the Church Confirmation; Acts of the Church Ordination; Christian Year Advent; Other Observances Mission; Other Observances World Peace
Benjamin SchmolckService for the Lord's Day Opening of Worship; Sacraments Lord's Supper; Acts of the Church Confirmation; Civil Year New Year; Civil Year Memorial Day
Richard ProulxThe Christian Year Holy Week; Adoration and Praise; Angels; Choruses and Refrains; Christian Year Passion/Palm Sunday; Commitment; Confirmation; Discipleship and Service; Jesus Christ Cross; Jesus Christ Guide and Leader; Jesus Christ High Priest; Jesus Christ Kingship, Conqueror; Jesus Christ Lamb of God; Jesus Christ name; Jesus Christ Reign; Jesus Christ Saviour; Kingdom of God; Music and Singing; New Creation; Opening Hymns; Peace (World); Processionals (Opening of Worship); Proclamation; Recessionals; Testimony; Unity; Victory; Vocation; Warfare (Spiritual); Worship; Zeal; Lent 2 Year A; Palm/Passion Sunday Year A; Lent 4 Year B; Trinity Sunday Year B; Proper 19 Year B; Easter 4 Year C
Johann Sebastian BachService for the Lord's Day Opening of Worship; Acts of the Church Confirmation; Acts of the Church The Marriage Service; Other Observances Christian Education
John BunyanThe Church Year Septuagesima to Lent; Confirmation; Travellers; The Life In Christ Consecration; The Life In Christ Service; The Life In Christ Conflict and Victory
W. H. HavergalThe Church Confirmation; The Church Confirmation; Children's Services; Consecration
Communauté de Taizé Confirmation Service
Frances Elizabeth Cox Confirmation Service
Cyril TaylorThe Church at Worship Profession of Faith, Ordination, Commissioning, Installation; Christian Experience; Christian Year Pentecost; Church Mission; Commissioning; Confirmation; Discipleship and Service; Justice; Ministry; Mission and Outreach; Ordination; Responses Antiphonal; Service Music Sending Forth/Commissioning; Social Concerns; Stewardship; Witness; Epiphany 4 Year A; Trinity Sunday Year A; Easter 6 Year C; Proper 9 Year C; Proper 24 Year C
Samuel Sebastian Wesley Confirmation Service
Philip Doddridge Confirmation Service
Theodore BakerService for the Lord's Day Opening of Worship; Acts of the Church Confirmation; Civil Year Thanksgiving Day
Joachim Neander Confirmation Service
John Henry Newman Confirmation Service
Jean CalvinService for the Lord's Day Opening of Worship; Service for the Lord's Day After Creed; Sacraments Lord's Supper; Acts of the Church Confirmation; Acts of the Church The Marriage Service; Acts of the Church Installation; Other Observances Ecumenism; Other Observances Reformation Day; Other Observances World Communion
David Evans Confirmation Service
Daniel L. SchutteThe Church at Worship Profession of Faith, Ordination, Commissioning, Installation; Choruses and Refrains; Commissioning; Commitment; Commitment; Confirmation; Discipleship and Service; Invitation; Light; Mission and Outreach; Obedience; Ordination; Social Concerns; Witness; Word of God; Proper 7 Year A; Proper 14 Year A; Proper 24 Year A; Epiphany 2 Year B; Trinity Sunday Year B; Proper 17 Year B; Epiphany 4 Year C; Epiphany 5 Year C; Proper 9 Year C; Proper 24 Year C
Bob HurdRites of the Church Confirmation; Service Music for Mass Communion Song; Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest Communion Song; The Liturgical Year Easter (Sundays and Weekdays); The Liturgical Year Pentecost Sunday
William Crotch Confirmation Service
Robert LowryLa Vida Cristiana Servicio Cristiano; Santo Bautismo; Confirmación; Confirmation; The Christian Life Christian Service; Holy Baptism
Fred Pratt GreenThe Church at Worship Profession of Faith, Ordination, Commissioning, Installation; Calling and Response; Commissioning; Commitment; Confirmation; Discipleship and Service; Ordination; Renewal; Saints; Vocation; Proper 16 Year C
Louis BourgeoisService for the Lord's Day Opening of Worship; Service for the Lord's Day After Creed; Sacraments Lord's Supper; Acts of the Church Confirmation; Acts of the Church The Marriage Service; Acts of the Church Installation; Other Observances Ecumenism; Other Observances Reformation Day; Other Observances World Communion
Martin LutherClose of Service; Confirmation; Forgiveness; Trinity
William B. BradburyAcceptance of Christ; Calling and Response; Choruses and Refrains; Christian Experience; Commissioning; Commitment; Confession; Confirmation; Conflict and Struggle; Consecration; Conversion; Decision; Forgiveness from God; Grace; Jesus Christ Atonement; Jesus Christ Blood; Jesus Christ Lamb of God; Need for God/Christ; Ordination; Pardon; Penitence; Reconciliation; Repentance; Sacrifice; Salvation; Service Music Prayer Responses; Surrender; Epiphany 2 Year A; Lent 4 Year A; Easter 3 Year A; Proper 6 Year A; Proper 16 Year A; Proper 12 Year B; Proper 13 Year B; Proper 17 Year B; Proper 23 Year C; Proper 26 Year C; Ash Wednesday Year ABC; Ash Wednesday Year ABC
Alexander Robert ReinagleService for the Lord's Day After Creed; Acts of the Church Confirmation; Christian Year Advent; Other Observances Christian Education; Other Observances Ecumenism; Other Observances Mission
A. H. MannChrist Our Friend; Christ Lord and Master; Confirmation; Consecration of youth; Discipleship; Following Christ; Installation Services; Loyalty to Christ; Prayer For Communion and Fellowship; Prayer For Guidance; Prayer For Purity; Prayer For Strength; Self Denial; Love and Consecration
Johann HeermannService for the Lord's Day Opening of Worship; Service for the Lord's Day Conclusion of Worship; Acts of the Church Confirmation; Acts of the Church Ordination; Acts of the Church Installation
John L. BellConfession, Lament, and Healing; Confirmation; Discernment; Service Music Sending Forth
Juan Bautista Cabrera IvarsLa Iglesia Confirmación; La Vida Cristiana en General; Servicio Cristiano; The Church Confirmation; The Christian Life in General; Christian Service
Michael BaughenPentecost Sunday; Domingo de Pentecostés; Rites of the Church Confirmation; Ritos de la Iglesia Confirmación; Amor Para Otros; Love for Others; Conversion; Conversion; Discipleship; Discipulado; Espíritu Santo; Holy Spirit; Guía; Guidance; Humildad; Humility; Petition/Prayer; Súplica/Oración; Renewal; Renovación; Service; Servicio; Unidad; Unity
Catherine WinkworthService for the Lord's Day Opening of Worship; Acts of the Church Confirmation; Acts of the Church The Marriage Service; Other Observances Christian Education
Henry Thomas SmartThe Church The People of God; The Church Worship - The Close of Service; Confirmation; The Ministry; The Life in Christ Aspiration; The Life In Christ Consecration; The Life In Christ Conflict and Victory
Ira David SankeyLa Iglesia Confirmación; La Vida Cristiana en General; Servicio Cristiano; The Church Confirmation; The Christian Life in General; Christian Service
Edward W. Naylor Confirmation Service
Doris AkersOrder of Service Response to the Word; Baptism, Confirmation and Dedication; Burdens; Children's Songs; Devotional; Fellowship with God; God's Care and Guidance; God's Glory and Power; Guidance; Jesus Christ His Glory and Power; Pilgrimage; Providence; Satan; Sin; Trust
William Cameron Confirmation Service
Tobias ClausnitzerService for the Lord's Day Opening of Worship; Acts of the Church Confirmation; Acts of the Church The Marriage Service; Other Observances Christian Education
Lowell MasonService for the Lord's Day After Creed; Service for the Lord's Day Conclusion of Worship; Acts of the Church Confirmation; Other Observances Mission; Other Observances World Communion
Sydney H. Nicholson Confirmation Service


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