John Newton › Texts

John Newton
Portrait by William Samuel Wright
Short Name: John Newton
Full Name: Newton, John, 1725-1807
Birth Year: 1725
Death Year: 1807

John Newton (b. London, England, 1725; d. London, 1807) was born into a Christian home, but his godly mother died when he was seven, and he joined his father at sea when he was eleven. His licentious and tumul­tuous sailing life included a flogging for attempted desertion from the Royal Navy and captivity by a slave trader in West Africa. After his escape he himself became the captain of a slave ship. Several factors contributed to Newton's conversion: a near-drowning in 1748, the piety of his friend Mary Catlett, (whom he married in 1750), and his reading of Thomas à Kempis' Imitation of Christ. In 1754 he gave up the slave trade and, in association with William Wilberforce, eventually became an ardent abolitionist. After becoming a tide-surveyor in Liverpool, England, Newton came under the influence of George Whitefield and John and Charles Wesley and began to study for the ministry. He was ordained in the Church of England and served in Olney (1764-1780) and St. Mary Woolnoth, London (1780-1807). His legacy to the Christian church includes his hymns as well as his collaboration with William Cowper (PHH 434) in publishing Olney Hymns (1779), to which Newton contributed 280 hymns, including “Amazing Grace.”

Bert Polman
Newton, John, who was born in London, July 24, 1725, and died there Dec. 21, 1807, occupied an unique position among the founders of the Evangelical School, due as much to the romance of his young life and the striking history of his conversion, as to his force of character. His mother, a pious Dissenter, stored his childish mind with Scripture, but died when he was seven years old. At the age of eleven, after two years' schooling, during which he learned the rudiments of Latin, he went to sea with his father. His life at sea teems with wonderful escapes, vivid dreams, and sailor recklessness. He grew into an abandoned and godless sailor. The religious fits of his boyhood changed into settled infidelity, through the study of Shaftesbury and the instruction of one of his comrades. Disappointing repeatedly the plans of his father, he was flogged as a deserter from the navy, and for fifteen months lived, half-starved and ill-treated, in abject degradation under a slave-dealer in Africa. The one restraining influence of his life was his faithful love for his future wife, Mary Catlett, formed when he was seventeen, and she only in her fourteenth year. A chance reading of Thomas à Kempis sowed the seed of his conversion; which quickened under the awful contemplations of a night spent in steering a water-logged vessel in the face of apparent death (1748). He was then twenty-three. The six following years, during which he commanded a slave ship, matured his Christian belief. Nine years more, spent chiefly at Liverpool, in intercourse with Whitefield, Wesley, and Nonconformists, in the study of Hebrew and Greek, in exercises of devotion and occasional preaching among the Dissenters, elapsed before his ordination to the curacy of Olney, Bucks (1764).

The Olney period was the most fruitful of his life. His zeal in pastoral visiting, preaching and prayer-meetings was unwearied. He formed his lifelong friendship with Cowper, and became the spiritual father of Scott the commentator. At Olney his best works—-Omicron's Letters (1774); Olney Hymns (1779); Cardiphonia, written from Olney, though published 1781—were composed. As rector of St. Mary Woolnoth, London, in the centre of the Evangelical movement (1780-1807) his zeal was as ardent as before. In 1805, when no longer able to read his text, his reply when pressed to discontinue preaching, was, "What, shall the old African blasphemer stop while he can speak!" The story of his sins and his conversion, published by himself, and the subject of lifelong allusion, was the base of his influence; but it would have been little but for the vigour of his mind (shown even in Africa by his reading Euclid drawing its figures on the sand), his warm heart, candour, tolerance, and piety. These qualities gained him the friendship of Hannah More, Cecil, Wilberforce, and others; and his renown as a guide in experimental religion made him the centre of a host of inquirers, with whom he maintained patient, loving, and generally judicious correspondence, of which a monument remains in the often beautiful letters of Cardiphonia. As a hymnwriter, Montgomery says that he was distanced by Cowper. But Lord Selborne's contrast of the "manliness" of Newton and the "tenderness" of Cowper is far juster. A comparison of the hymns of both in The Book of Praise will show no great inequality between them. Amid much that is bald, tame, and matter-of-fact, his rich acquaintance with Scripture, knowledge of the heart, directness and force, and a certain sailor imagination, tell strongly. The one splendid hymn of praise, "Glorious things of thee are spoken," in the Olney collection, is his. "One there is above all others" has a depth of realizing love, sustained excellence of expression, and ease of development. "How sweet the name of Jesus sounds" is in Scriptural richness superior, and in structure, cadence, and almost tenderness, equal to Cowper's "Oh! for a closer walk with God." The most characteristic hymns are those which depict in the language of intense humiliation his mourning for the abiding sins of his regenerate life, and the sense of the withdrawal of God's face, coincident with the never-failing conviction of acceptance in The Beloved. The feeling may be seen in the speeches, writings, and diaries of his whole life. [Rev. H. Leigh Bennett, M.A.]

A large number of Newton's hymns have some personal history connected with them, or were associated with circumstances of importance. These are annotated under their respective first lines. Of the rest, the known history of which is confined to the fact that they appeared in the Olney Hymns, 1779, the following are in common use:—
1. Be still, my heart, these anxious cares. Conflict.
2. Begone, unbelief, my Saviour is near. Trust.
3. By the poor widow's oil and meal. Providence.
4. Chief Shepherd of Thy chosen sheep. On behalf of Ministers.
5. Darkness overspreads us here. Hope.
6. Does the Gospel-word proclaim. Rest in Christ.
7. Fix my heart and eyes on Thine. True Happiness.
8. From Egypt lately freed. The Pilgrim's Song.
9. He Who on earth as man was Known. Christ the Rock.
10. How blest are they to whom the Lord. Gospel Privileges.
11. How blest the righteous are. Death of the Righteous.
12. How lost was my [our] condition. Christ the Physician.
13. How tedious and tasteless the hours. Fellowship with Christ.
14. How welcome to the saints [soul] when pressed. Sunday.
15. Hungry, and faint, and poor. Before Sermon.
16. In mercy, not in wrath, rebuke. Pleading for Mercy.
17. In themselves, as weak as worms. Power of Prayer.
18. Incarnate God, the soul that knows. The Believer's Safety.
19. Jesus, Who bought us with His blood. The God of Israel. "Teach us, 0 Lord, aright to plead," is from this hymn.
20. Joy is a [the] fruit that will not grow. Joy.
21. Let hearts and tongues unite. Close of the Year. From this "Now, through another year," is taken.
22. Let us adore the grace that seeks. New Year.
23. Mary to her [the] Saviour's tomb. Easter.
24. Mercy, 0 Thou Son of David. Blind Bartimeus.
25. My harp untun'd and laid aside. Hoping for a Revival. From this "While I to grief my soul gave way" is taken.
26. Nay, I cannot let thee go. Prayer. Sometimes, "Lord, I cannot let Thee go."
27. Now may He Who from the dead. After Sermon.
28. 0 happy they who know the Lord, With whom He deigns to dwell. Gospel Privilege.
29. O Lord, how vile am I. Lent.
30. On man in His own Image made. Adam.
31. 0 speak that gracious word again. Peace through Pardon.
32. Our Lord, Who knows full well. The Importunate Widow. Sometimes altered to "Jesus, Who knows full well," and again, "The Lord, Who truly knows."
33. Physician of my sin-sick soul. Lent.
34. Pleasing spring again is here. Spring.
35. Poor, weak, and worthless, though I am. Jesus the Friend.
36. Prepare a thankful song. Praise to Jesus.
37. Refreshed by the bread and wine. Holy Communion. Sometimes given as "Refreshed by sacred bread and wine."
38. Rejoice, believer, in the Lord. Sometimes “Let us rejoice in Christ the Lord." Perseverance.
39. Salvation, what a glorious plan. Salvation.
40. Saviour, shine and cheer my soul. Trust in Jesus. The cento "Once I thought my mountain strong," is from this hymn.
41. Saviour, visit Thy plantation. Prayer for the Church.
42. See another year [week] is gone. Uncertainty of Life.
43. See the corn again in ear. Harvest.
44. Sinner, art thou still secure? Preparation for the Future.
45. Sinners, hear the [thy] Saviour's call. Invitation.
46. Sovereign grace has power alone. The two Malefactors.
47. Stop, poor sinner, stop and think. Caution and Alarm.
48. Sweeter sounds than music knows. Christmas.
49. Sweet was the time when first I felt. Joy in Believing.
50. Ten thousand talents once I owed. Forgiveness and Peace.
51. The grass and flowers, which clothe the field. Hay-time.
52. The peace which God alone reveals. Close of Service.
53. Thy promise, Lord, and Thy command. Before Sermon.
54. Time, by moments, steals away. The New Year.
55. To Thee our wants are known. Close of Divine Service.
56. We seek a rest beyond the skies. Heaven anticipated.
57. When any turn from Zion's way. Jesus only.
58. When Israel, by divine command. God, the Guide and Sustainer of Life.
59. With Israel's God who can compare? After Sermon.
60. Yes, since God Himself has said it. Confidence.
61. Zion, the city of our God. Journeying Zionward.

-- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


Newton, J., p. 803, i. Another hymn in common use from the Olney Hymns, 1779, is "Let me dwell on Golgotha" (Holy Communion).

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

John Newton was born in London, July 24, 1725. His mother died when he was seven years old. In his eleventh year he accompanied his father, a sea captain, on a voyage. For several years his life was one of dissipation and crime. He was disgraced while in the navy. Afterwards he engaged in the slave trade. Returning to England in 1748, the vessel was nearly wrecked in a storm. This peril forced solemn reflection upon him, and from that time he was a changed man. It was six years, however, before he relinquished the slave trade, which was not then regarded as an unlawful occupation. But in 1754, he gave up sea-faring life, and holding some favourable civil position, began also religious work. In 1764, in his thirty-ninth year, he entered upon a regular ministry as the Curate of Olney. In this position he had intimate intercourse with Cowper, and with him produced the "Olney Hymns." In 1779, Newton became Rector of S. Mary Woolnoth, in London, in which position he became more widely known. It was here he died, Dec. 21, 1807, His published works are quite numerous, consisting of sermons, letters, devotional aids, and hymns. He calls his hymns "The fruit and expression of his own experience."
--Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A. 1872

See also in:


Wikipedia Biography

John Newton (/ˈnjuːtən/; 4 August [O.S. 24 July] 1725 – 21 December 1807) was an English evangelical Anglican cleric and slavery abolitionist. He had previously been a captain of slave ships and an investor in the slave trade. He served as a sailor in the Royal Navy (after forced recruitment) and was himself enslaved for a time in West Africa. He is noted for being author of the hymns Amazing Grace and Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken. Newton lived to see the British Empire's abolition of the African slave trade in 1807, just months before his death.

Texts by John Newton (547)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A believer, free from careJohn Newton (Author)English4
A glance from heaven with sweet effectJohn Newton (Author)9
A lion, though by nature wildJohn Newton (Author)2
Å nåde underfull og storJohn Newton (Author)Norwegian2
Á náði rík og dýrabarJohn Newton (Author)Faroese2
A semana já passouJohn Newton (Author)Portuguese2
A word from Jesus calms the seaJohn Newton (Author)2
Adam in Paradise was placedJohn Newton (Author)English2
إذ لا أرى وجه الحبيبJohn Newton (Author)Arabic1
Afflictions do not come aloneJohn Newton (Author)3
Afflictions, though they seem severeJohn Newton (Author)English124
Again our earthly cares we leaveJohn Newton (Author)English77
Aggódó szív, fontold meg jólJohn Newton (Author)Hungarian2
Ah, what can I do, or where be secure?John Newton (Author)English2
Ah, what can I doJohn Newton (Author)English7
Ah who can speak the vast dismayJohn Newton (Author)6
Aigbagbo bila! temi l’OluwaJohn Newton (Author)Yoruba2
Al trono de la gracia, He aquí nos llama DiosJohn Newton (Author)Spanish2
Al trono de la gracia, venJohn Newton (Author)Spanish2
Alas! by nature how depravedNewton (Author)English15
Alas Elisha's servant criedJohn Newton (Author)1
Alegra o triste coração do pobre pecadorJohn Newton (Author)Portuguese2
All outward means, till God appearsJohn Newton (Author)English1
Alma mía, pide a DiosJohn Newton (Author)Spanish3
النعمة مدهشة!John Newton (Author)Arabic2
Altamente os céus proclamamJohn Newton (1725-1807) (Author)Portuguese1
Although on massy pillars builtJohn Newton (Author)1
Amazing grace! how sweet the soundJohn Newton (Author)English5
Amazing grace! (how sweet the sound)John Newton (Author)English1235
And dost Thou say, "Ask what thou wilt?"John Newton (Author)English38
And let this feeble body failNewton (Author)English1
And shall not Jesus hearNewton (Author)9
And wilt thou stoop, great God so lowRev. J. Newton Brown (Author)2
아놀라우신 주님의 은혜! 나같이 비천한 몸도 구원해 주신 그 음성 (Anollausin junim-ui eunhye! nagat-i bicheonhan momdo guwonhae jusin geu eumseong)John Newton (Author)Korean2
Anxious, I strove to find the wayJohn Newton (Author)English16
Approach, my soul, the mercy seatRev. John Newton (1725-1807) (Author)English462
As a little child reliesRev. J. Newton (Author)English8
As by the light of opening dayJohn Newton (Author)English13
As needles point towards the poleJohn Newton (Author)9
As once for Jonah, so the LordJohn Newton (Author)English2
As parched in the barren sandsJ. Newton (Author)10
As some tall rock amidst the wavesJohn Newton (Author)6
As the serpent raised by MosesJohn Newton (Author)English14
As the sun's enlivening eyeJohn Newton (Author)English52
As the winged arrow fliesJohn Newton (Author)2
As when the weary traveler gainsNewton (Author)English135
ആശ്ചര്യ കൃപ ഇമ്പമേ എന്നെയും രക്ഷിച്ചു (Āścarya kr̥pa impamē enneyuṁ rakṣiccu)John Newton (Author)Malayalam2
إسم يسوع قد حلا لمسمع المؤمنJohn Newton (Author)Arabic1
At length the opening spring has comeJohn Newton (Author)4
At length the wished for spring has comeJohn Newton (Author)15
At length the wished for spring is comeJohn Newton (Author)English2
Awake, my tongue, thy tribute bringNewton (Author)English1
Away to the forest gladeJohn Newton (Author)3
Be still, my heart, these anxious caresJohn Newton (Author)English100
Before Elisha's gateJohn Newton (Author)English11
Begone, unbelief! My Savior is nearJ. Newton (Author)English196
Behold a sinner, dearest LordJohn Newton (Author)English1
Behold a stranger at the door!Newton (Author)English2
Behold, long wished for spring is hereJohn Newton (Author)8
Behold the throne of grace!John Newton (Author)English241
Behold, what joy, through Isr'l's hostJohn Newton (Author)2
Believers now are tossed aboutJ. Newton (Author)3
Beside the gospel poolJohn Newton (Author)English119
Betapa heran manis bunyi AnugerahJohn Newton (Author)Indonesian2
Bietet Gottes Wort den Armen Ruhe und Erquickung an?John Newton (Author)German1
Bitter indeed, the waters areJohn Newton (Author)5
Bleak winter is subdued at lengthJohn Newton (Author)English6
Bless, O Lord! the opening yearJohn Newton (Author)English23
Blest inhabitants of ZionJohn Newton (Author)6
Blessed Martha love and joy expressedJohn Newton (Author)English2
Blest Savior, by thy powerful wordJohn Newton (Author)English8
Break thro' the clouds, dear Lord, and shineJohn Newton (Author)English10
Breathe from the gentle south, O LordNewton (Author)5
Brethren beloved for Jesu's sakeJohn Newton (Author)English23
By faith in Christ I walk with GodJohn Newton (Author)English52
By the poor widow's oil and mealJohn Newton (Author)English28
By various maxims, forms and rulesJohn Newton (Author)English26
Cheer up my soul, there is a mercy seatJohn Newton (Author)English10
Chief shepherd of Thy chosen sheepJohn Newton (Author)English13
Children of God lack nothingNewton (Author)English2
Children of the Savior's careJohn Newton (Author)2
Christ bears the name of all his saintsJohn Newton (Author)English4
Come, great God, thy people hearJohn Newton, 1725-1807 (Author (stanzas 2 & 3))English2
Come, my soul, thy suit prepareJohn Newton (Author)English550
Come, my soul, with ev'ry careJohn Newton, 1725-1807 (Author)English4
Come sinners, view the lamb of GodNewton (Author)English6
Come, Thou Fount of every blessingNewton (Author)English2
Come, ye sinners, come to JesusJohn Newton (Author)English18
Come, ye sinners, poor and needyRev. John Newton (Author)English2
Confirm the hope thy word allowsNewton (Author)7
Constrained by their Lord to embarkJohn Newton (Author)English11
Could I joy with saints to meetJohn Newton (Author)2
Could my heart so hard remainJohn Newton (Author)6
Could the creatures help or ease usJohn Newton (Author)English11
Courage, my soul, behold the prizeJohn Newton (Author)16
Crystal streamlet, gently flowingJ. N. (Author)1
¡Cuán admirable amor, nos ofreces, Señor!John Newton, 1725-1807 (Author)Spanish1
Cuán dulce el nombre de Jesús, Es para el hombre fielJohn Newton (Author)Spanish12
Чудова ласка, що знайшла (Chudova laska, shcho znayshla)John Newton (Author)Ukranian2
Cudowna Boża łaska taJohn Newton (Author)Polish2
當我不見基督容華,時間何等無味、可厭 (Dāng wǒ bùjiàn jīdū róng huá, shíjiān héděng wúwèi, kě yàn)John Newton (Author)Chinese2
Darkness overspreads us hereJohn Newton (Author)5
Daw k’ee da ha dawtsahy he tsow’hawJohn Newton (Author)Kiowa2
Day of judgment! day of wonders!John Newton (Author)English261
Dearest Savior, we adore theeJohn Newton (Author)English4
Destruction's dangerous roadNewton (Author)English18
Die Frucht der Freude sprosset nichtJ. Newton (Author)German3
Divina gracia, Qué amorJohn Newton, 1725-1807 (Author)Spanish2
Does it not grief and wonder moveJohn Newton (Author)English1
Does the Gospel word proclaimJohn Newton (Author)English15
Elijah's example declaresJohn Newton (Author)English17
Elisha, struck with grief and aweJohn Newton (Author)English2
En una cruz a Cristo viJohn Newton (Author)Spanish4
Encouraged by thy wordJohn Newton (Author)English76
Este é o dia do SenhorJohn Newton (Author)Portuguese2
Father, forgive, the Savior saidJohn Newton (Author)English2
Jesus [Father], hear our humble prayerJohn Newton (Author)English17
Fervent persevering prayersJohn Newton (Author)English7
Fierce passions discompose the mindJohn Newton (Author)English15
Fix my heart and eyes on thineJohn Newton (Author)5
For a season called to partJohn Newton (Author)English196
For mercies, countless as the sandsJohn Newton (Author)English29
Forest beasts, that live by preyJohn Newton (Author)2
Forgotten be each worldly theme Newton (Author)2
Fran var skolafoer en tidJohn Newton (Author)Swedish2
Friend of the friendless and the faintNewton (Author)1
From east to west let others roamJohn Newton (Author)English6
From Egypt lately freedNewton (Author)21
From pole to pole let others roamJohn Newton (Author)8
’Genade onbeskryflik grootJohn Newton (Author)Afrikaans2
Give God the Father praiseJohn Newton (Author)2
Glorias mil de ti se cuentanJohn Newton (Author)Spanish6
Glorious in thy saints appearJohn Newton (Author)1
Glorious things of thee are spokenJohn Newton (Author)English1063
Glücklich führte uns bisherJohn Newton (Author)German1
Go, when the morning shinethNewton (Author)English1
God is Love: His mercy brightensRev. John Newton (Author)English4
God moves in a mysterious wayNewton (Author)English4
God, the Father of your peopleJohn Newton, 1725-1807 (Author (vs. 2))English6
God, who blesses new beginningsJohn Newton, 1725-1807 (Author (st. 3))English2
God with one piercing glance looks throughJohn Newton (Author)3
Gott zeigt den Menschen jeden TagJohann Newton, 1725-1807 (Author)German2
Great God, from thee there's naught concealedJohn Newton (Author)4
Great Jehovah, we adore TheeJohn Newton (Author)English1
Great Shepherd of Thy Chosen FlockJohn Newton (Author)English4
Dear Shepherd of Thy people, hearNewton (Author)English158
Great Shepherd of thy ransomed flockJohn Newton (Author)2
Happy are they who know the LordJohn Newton (Author)2
Happy the birth where grace presidesJohn Newton (Author)5
Happy the saints whose lot is castNewton (Author)2
Hark, how time's wide sounding bellJohn Newton (Author)English4
Hark, my soul! it is the Lord!Newton (Author)English6
He comes! He comes! to judge the worldNewton (Author)English1
He who on earth as man was knownJohn Newton (Author)English56
Hear us now, our God and FatherJohn Newton, 1725-1807 (Author (vs. 3))English12
Hear what the Lord the great AmenJohn Newton (Author)9
Heavenly Father, grant Thy blessing On the teaching of this dayJohn Newton, 1725-1807 (Author (in part))English2
Here at Bethesda's pool, the poorJohn Newton (Author)3
His hour had come, and darkness rolledJohn Newton (Author)2
His name yields the richest perfumeJohn Newton (Author)English1
Ho! kiel dolĉe al oreloJohn Newton (Author)Esperanto1
Holo maha ole noJohn Newton, 1725-1807 (Author)Hawaiian3
Honey though the bee preparesJohn Newton (Author)English7
How blest the righteous areJohn Newton (Author)English23
How David, when by sin deceivedJohn Newton (Author)1
How happy and blessed the hoursJohn Newton (Author)English3
How hurtful was the choice of LotJohn Newton (Author)1
How kind the good SamaritanJohn Newton (Author)English2
How long has God bestowed his careJohn Newton (Author)English9
How lost was my conditionNewton (Author)English216
How prone the mind to search for illJohn Newton (Author)2
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds In a believer's earJohn Newton (Author)English1260
How tedious and tasteless the hoursJohn Newton (Author)English480
How welcome to the saints when pressedJohn Newton (Author)English15
Hoy cantemos de El la gloriaJohn Newton (Author)Spanish2
Humble thyself in the sight of the LordJohn Newton (Author, stanzas 2 and 3)English1
Hungry, and faint and poorJohn Newton (Author)English62
Hvor Jesusnavnet for hans FaarJohn Newton (Author)Danish2
I am, saith Christ, your glorious HeadJohn Newton (Author)English8
I ask'd the Lord that I mightJohn Newton (Author)1
I asked the Lord that I might growJohn Newton (Author)English100
I know the Lord is nighJohn Newton (Author)English2
I prayed the Lord, that I might growJohn Newton (Author)4
I saw one hanging on a tree, In agony and bloodJohn Newton (Author)English176
I saw One hanging on a tree, In visions of my soulJohn Newton (Author)English1
I would, but cannot singJohn Newton (Author)English47
I would disclose my whole complaintJohn Newton (Author)2
Iesu! inoa pa maikaiRev. John Newton (Author)Hawaiian3
If for a time the air be calmJohn Newton (Author)3
If God had bid his thunders rollNewton (Author)English10
If Paul in Caesar's court must standJohn Newton (Author)English13
If Solomon for wisdom prayedJohn Newton (Author)English8
If the Lord our Leader beJohn Newton (Author)2
If to Jesus for relief John Newton (Author)11
In every object here, I seeJohn Newton (Author)3
In evil long I took delightJohn Newton (Author)English255
In God the Father I believe, Who Heaven and Earth did frameJohn Newton (Author)5
In mercy, not in wrath, Rebuke me, gracious God!John Newton (Author)English22
In mercy, not in wrath, rebuke Thy feeble worm, O GodJohn Newton (Author)1
In sin by blinded passions ledNewton (Author)English12
In the hour of dark temptationJohn Newton (Author)2
In the increasing work of the gospelJohn Newton (Author)2
In themselves, as weak as wormsNewton (Author)English17
In vain our fancy strives to paintNewton (Author)English78
Incarnate God, the soul that knowsJohn Newton (Author)4
Is Jesus mine, I'm now preparedJohn Newton (Author)English7
It's amazing what the Lord can doJohn Newton (Author)2
I've found the pearl of greatest price! My heart doth sing for joyRev. John Newton (Author)English1
Jehovah is our Shepherd's nameJohn Newton (Author)3
Jesuo! Tiu dolĉa nom'John Newton (Author)1
Jesus Christ, the Lord's anointedJohn Newton (Author)English11
Jesus is mine, I'm now preparedJohn Newton (Author)2
Jesus, my Shepherd, Guardian, FriendJohn Newton (Author)2
Jesus, my Shepherd, Savior, FriendJohn Newton (Author)1
Jesus, nombre conmovedorJohn Newton (Author)Spanish2
Jesus, who bought us with his bloodJohn Newton (Author)3
Jesus, who knows full wellJohn Newton (Author)English148
Jesus, who on His glorious throneJohn Newton (Author)English17
Jina lake Yesu tamuJohn Newton (Author)Swahili2
驚人恩典!何等甘甜,來救無賴如我!(Jīngrén ēndiǎn! Héděng gāntián, lái jiù wúlài rú wǒ!)John Newton (Author)Chinese2
John, in a vision, saw the dayJohn Newton (Author)English7
Joy is a fruit that will not growJohn Newton (Author)English63
جرت الشمس إلى منتهى عام مضىJohn Newton (Author)Arabic1
Katika neema ya YesuJohn Newton (Author)Swahili1
Kindred in Christ, for His dear sakeJohn Newton (Author)English170
கிறிஸ்துவின் மேல் விஸ்வாசத்தால் (Kiṟistuviṉ mēl visvācattāl)John Newton (Author)Tamil2
Kom, min Sj'l, din Boen fremb'rJohn Newton (Author)Danish2
Kom, min Sj'l, til boen beredJohn Newton (Author)Norwegian2
Komm, Seele, betend zu dem HerrnJohn Newton (Author)German6
くすしきみ恵み (Kusushi Kimie mi)John Newton (Author)Japanese2
La gracia sublime del SeñorJohn Newton, 1725-1807 (Author (v. 1-4))Spanish4
La semana ya pasóJohn Newton (Author)Spanish4
Legion was my name, by natureJohn Newton (Author)English10
Let carnal minds the world pursueJohn Newton (Author)English17
Let hearts and tongues uniteJohn Newton (Author)8
Let hearts and voices joinJohn Newton (Author)2
Let me dwell on GolgothaJohn Newton (Author)English35
Let plenteous grace descend upon thoseJohn Newton (Author)English32
Let us adore the grace that seeksJohn Newton (Author)English31
Let us love and sing and wonderJohn Newton (Author)English39
Let us rejoice in Christ the LordJohn Newton (Author)English7
Let us sing, for we have reasonJohn Newton (Author)English6
Let worldly minds the world pursueJohn Newton (Author)English158
للورى خل وحيدJohn Newton (Author)Arabic1
Lo! another year has goneJohn Newton (Author)English5
Look up my soul behold the prizeJohn Newton (Author)4
Lord, afford a spring to meJohn Newton (Author)English2
Lord, can a soul as vile as mineJohn Newton (Author)1
Lord, can a soul like mineJohn Newton (Author)6
Lord, dost Thou say, ask what thou wilt Newton (Author)English7
Lord, I am come! Thy promise is my pleaJohn Newton (Author)English11
Lord, I cannot let Thee goJohn Newton (Author)English129
Lord, my God, I long to knowJohn Newton (Author)6
Lord, thou hast won, at length I yieldJohn Newton (Author)English67
Lord, to thy mercy now I yieldJohn Newton (Author)4
Lord, we come before Thee nowNewton (Author)English2
Lord, what is man? Extremes how wideJohn Newton (Author)English19
ما أحلى تلك النعمةJohn Newton (Author)Arabic1
ما أعجب النعمة ليJohn Newton (Author)Arabic1
மா மகிமை செய்தி கேட்டோம் (Mā makimai ceyti kēṭṭōm)John Newton (Author)Tamil2
മഹത്വമായി വർണ്ണിക്കുന്നു (Mahatvamāyi varṇṇikkunnu)John Newton (Author)Malayalam2
Maḣpiya kiŋ eciyataŋJohn Newton (Author)Dakota1
Majestuoso SoberanoJohn Newton (Author)Spanish2
மகா அற்புதம் (Makā aṟputam)John Newton (Author)Tamil2
Make Thou my life so full of love (Newton)Rev. John Newton, 1725 - 1807 (Author)2
Manna to Isr'l well suppliedJohn Newton (Author)10
Martha her love and joy expressedJohn Newton (Author)7
Mary to the Savior's tombJohn Newton (Author)English177
May He, by whose kind care we meetJohn Newton (Author)English10
May the grace of Christ our Savior, And the Father's boundless loveJohn Newton (Author)English441
May this be a much favored hourJohn Newton (Author)English3
Megváltó IstenünkJohn Newton (Author)Hungarian2
美麗錫安,我神聖城 (Měilì xī ān, wǒ shénshèng chéng)John Newton (Author)Chinese2
Mercy, O Thou Son of DavidJohn Newton (Author)English167
Mirinda Grac'! ho dolĉa son'! (tr. Konisi gaku)John Newton (Author (sts. 1-5))Esperanto2
Mirinda Graco! dolĉa son' John Newton (Author (sts. 1-5))2
مخلصي بالنعمةJohn Newton (Author)Arabic1
More of thy presence, Lord, impartJohn Newton (Author)2
My barns are full, my stores increaseJohn Newton (Author)English27
My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? (Goebel-Kamala)John Newton, 1725-1807 (Author (refrain))English4
My harp untuned, and laid asideNewton (Author)14
My soul is beset With grief and dismayJohn Newton (Author)English4
My soul once had its plenteous yearsNewton (Author)English5
My soul, this curious house of clayNewton (Author)English10
Nagsam-iten nagan JesusJohn Newton (Author)Tagalog2
Nalasattayo manenJohn Newton (Author)Tagalog2
Nani na mea i ha'i ia maiJohn Newton (Author)Hawaiian3
Nay, I cannot let thee goJohn Newton (Author)English33
Nizhonigo jo-ba’ diits’aJohn Newton (Author)Navajo1
No words can declareJohn Newton (Author)English6
Not to Sinai's dreadful blazeJohn Newton (Author)English6
Now, gracious Lord, Thine arm revealJohn Newton (Author)English108
Now, gracious Lord, we liftJohn Newton (Author)2
Now I see, whate'er betideNewton (Author)English3
Now let our souls, on wings sublimeJohn Newton (Author (v. 3 & 4))English1
Now let us join with hearts and tonguesJohn Newton (Author)English12
Now, Lord, inspire the preacher's heartJohn Newton (Author)English16
Now may fervent prayer ariseNewton (Author)19
Now may He Who from the deadJohn Newton (Author)English129
Now may the Lord reveal His faceJohn Newton (Author)English19
Now the long wished for spring is come Newton (Author)4
Now, through another year supportedJohn Newton (Author)2
Now while the gospel net is castNewton (Author)English21
О, Благодать (O, Blagodat')John Newton (Author)Russian2
O David's Son, and David's LordJohn Newton (Author)3
Ó érthetetlen kegyelemJohn Newton (Author)Hungarian2
O fill my cup, let it overflowJohn Newton (Author)English2
O Gnade, die vom Tode hilftJohn Newton (Author)German3
O Gnade Gottes, wunderbarJohn Newton (Author)German2
O [How] happy they who know the LordJ. Newton (Author)English51
"Ó, jaj! Mi lesz?" A szolga szóltJohn Newton (Author)Hungarian2
O Jesu Nam, du klingst so süßJohn Newton (Author)German6
O Jesu Name, lieblich klingstJohn Newton (Author)German6
O Lord, how vile am INewton (Author)English27
O Lord, our languid souls inspireJohn Newton (Author)English66
O may the power which melts the rockJohn Newton (Author)English12
O miorbhail graisIain Newton (Author)Scottish Gaelic6
O speak that gracious word againJohn Newton (Author)English18
O speak that word againNewton (Author)English10
O store Naade, soede LydJohn Newton (Author)Danish2
O that I could forever dwellJohn Newton (Author)English1
O that I knew the secret placeNewton (Author)English4
O Thou, at whose almighty word, The glorious night from darkness sprungJohn Newton (Author)English20
O thou the high and lofty OneRev. J. Newton Brown (Author)English1
Oändlig nåd mig Herren gavJohn Newton (Author)Swedish2
Ob Trübsal uns kränkt und Kummer uns drücktJohn Newton (Author)German8
Of all the gifts Thine hand [love] bestowsNewton (Author)English1
Oft as the bell, with solemn tollJohn Newton (Author)English46
Oh Grâce immense qui m’a sauvéJohn Newton (Author)Creole2
Oh gracia admirable, ¡dulce es!John Newton (Author)Spanish4
Oh! Sublime graça do SenhorJohn Newton (Author)Portuguese2
On man, in his own image madeJohn Newton (Author)English10
On what has now been sownJohn Newton (Author)English70
On what, in weakness, has been sownJ. Newton (Author)2
Once a woman silent stoodJohn Newton (Author)English5
Once I thought my mountain strongNewton (Author)English84
Once, O Lord, thy garden flourishedJohn Newton (Author)English25
Once perishing in blood I layJohn Newton (Author)English5
One awful word which Jesus spokeNewton (Author)English8
One glance of thine, eternal LordJohn Newton (Author)11
One there is, above all others, Well deserves the name of FriendJohn Newton (Author)English532
Onuniyan tehanl waunJohn Newton (Author (St. 1-4))Lakota2
Oonehlahnuhhee oowehjeeJohn Newton (Author)Cherokee1
Oppressed with unbelief and sinJohn Newton (Author)English4
Our Lord, who knows full wellRev. John Newton (1725-1807) (Author)English17
Our souls by love together knitNewton (Author)English2
பசியால் சோர்ந்தோராய் (Paciyāl cōrntōrāy)John Newton (Author)Tamil2
Pau ka hebedoma eJohn Newton, 1725-1807 (Author)Hawaiian3
Peace be to this congregationJohn Newton, 1725-1807 (Author (stanza 3))English1
Pensive, doubting, fearful heartJohn Newton (Author)8
Pererin wyf mewn anial dirJohn Newton (Author)Welsh1
พระคุณพระเจ้านั้นแสนชื่นใจ ช่วยได้คนชั่วอย่างฉัน (Phrakhuṇ phracêā nận s̄æn chụ̄̀n cı ch̀wy dị̂ khn chạ̀w xỳāng c̄hạn)John Newton (Author)Thai2
Physician of my sin-sick soulJohn Newton (Author)English17
Pleasing [kindly] [joyful] spring again is here, trees and fields in bloom appearJohn Newton (Author)English28
Po ya fek cha he thlat ah tetJohn Newton (Author)Creek2
Poor Esau repented too lateJohn Newton (Author)English1
Poor sinners, little do they think Newton (Author)English19
Poor, weak, and worthless though I amJohn Newton (Author)English49
Pour down thy Spirit, gracious LordJohn Newton (Author)English5
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow (Ken)Newton (Author)English1
Prayer an answer will obtainJohn Newton (Author)6
Preciosa gracia, gran poderJohn Newton (Author)Spanish2
Precioso a graça de JesusJohn Newton (Author)Portuguese2
Precious Bible, what a treasureJohn Newton (Author)English101
Prepare a thankful songNewton (Author)English27
Prepare me gracious GodNewton (Author)English1
Proclaim, saith Christ, my wondrous graceJohn Newton (Author)English70
奇异恩典, 何等甘甜, 我罪已得赦免! (Qíyì ēndiǎn, héděng gāntián, wǒ zuì yǐ dé shèmiǎn)John Newton (Author)English3
Quão doce o nome de JesúsJohn Newton (Author)Portuguese1
Que de Cristo eterna graciaJohn Newton (Author)Spanish2
Que Jesús nos dé su graciaJohn Newton (Author)Spanish2
Quiet, Lord, my froward heartJohn Newton (Author)English189
Rejoice, believer, in the LordJohn Newton (Author)English77
Remember us, we pray thee, LordJohn Newton (Author)English8
Return to bless my waiting eyeJohn Newton (Author)3
Round each habitation hoveringJohn Newton (Author)2
Sa hir madh’shtor, që një fajtorJohn Newton (Author)Albanian2
Safely through another weekJohn Newton (Author)English840
Salvation, O the joyful sound!John Newton (Author)English4
Salvation what a glorious planJohn Newton (Author)English21
Saved by blood I live to tellJohn Newton (Author)English18
Saved by grace I live to tellJohn Newton (Author)English28
Savior, shine and cheer my soulJohn Newton (Author)English6
Savior, who lovedst meJohn Newton (Author)4
Savior, visit Thy plantationJohn Newton (Author)English324
See Aaron, God's anointed priestJohn Newton (Author)English7
See, another week is goneJohn Newton (Author)12
See, another year is goneNewton (Author)27
See how rude winter's icy handNewton (Author)English25
See how the winter's icy handJohn Newton (Author)3
See how the worthless bramble standsJohn Newton (Author)English9
See the corn again in earJohn Newton (Author)English14
See the gloomy, gathering cloudJohn Newton (Author)English12
See, the world for youth preparesJohn Newton (Author)2
Sei still, mein Herz, was dich bewegtJohn Newton (Author)German1
Shepherd of thy blood bought sheepJohn Newton (Author)2
Shilombish holitopa ma!John Newton (Author)Choctaw2
Sieh' hier den GnadenthronJohn Newton, 1725-1807 (Author)German3
Sight, hearing, felling, taste and smellJohn Newton (Author)English3
Sin, when viewed by scripture lightJohn Newton (Author)6
Sinner, art thou still secure?John Newton (Author)English124
Sinner, hear the Savior's callJohn Newton, 1725-1807 (Author)English43
So segne, lieber HerrJohn Newton (Author)German2
Soll nicht laut dein Ruhm erklingenJohn Newton (Author)German2
Sometimes a light surprisesNewton (Author)English7
Sovereign grace has power aloneNewton (Author)58
صرخ الأعمى ابن طيماJohn Newton (Author)Arabic1
Stop, poor sinner! stop and thinkJohn Newton (Author)English183
Store ting om dig er talteJohn Newton (Author)Norwegian2
Strange and mysterious is my lifeNewton (Author)English10
Sublime gracia del Señor, Que a un pecador salvóJohn Newton (Author)Spanish9
Sublime gracia del SeñorJohn Newton (Author)Spanish7
Sublime gracia del Señor (Ya no hay cadenas)John Newton (Author)Spanish2
Sublime gracia del Señor, De muerte me libróJohn Newton (Author)Spanish2
Substantial comfort will not growJohn Newton (Author)9
Sungguh besar anug’rahMu, memb’ri aku s’lamatJohn Newton (Author)Indonesian2
Supported by the WordJohn Newton (Author)7
Sweet was the time when first I feltJohn Newton (Author)English243
Sweeter sounds than music knowsJohn Newton (Author)English57
Teach us, O Lord, aright to pleadJohn Newton (Author)12
Ten thousand talents once I owedJohn Newton (Author)English10
Thanks for mercies past, receiveJohn Newton (Author)English27
That man no guard or weapon needsJohn Newton (Author)English12
That was a wonder-working wordJohn Newton (Author)English6
That was an hour of deepest gloomJohn Newton (Author)2
The book of nature open liesJohn Newton (Author)English11
The castle of the human heartJohn Newton (Author)English14
The church a garden isJohn Newton (Author)English10
The evils that beset our pathJohn Newton (Author)34
The gathering clouds with aspect darkJohn Newton (Author)6
The God who once to Israel spokeNewton (Author)English21
The grass and flowers, which clothe the fieldJohn Newton (Author)English5
The ice and snow we lately sawJohn Newton (Author)2
The kine unguided went by the directest roadJohn Newton (Author)2
The lion that on Samson roaredJohn Newton (Author)English9
The Lord has promised good to me (Newton)J. Newton (Author)3
The Lord, who knows full wellNewton (Author)English1
The Lord, who truly knowsJohn Newton (Author)English27
The message first to Smyrna sentJohn Newton (Author)8
The moon has but a borrowed lightJohn Newton (Author)7
The moon in silvery glory shoneJohn Newton (Author)2
The peace which God alone revealsJohn Newton (Author)English57
The saints Emmanuel's portion areJohn Newton (Author)4
The signs which God to Gideon gaveJohn Newton (Author)English1
The verdant robes that clothe the fieldJohn Newton (Author)2
The water stood like walls of brassJohn Newton, 1725-1807 (Author)3
The wishes that the sluggard framesJohn Newton (Author)2
There is a fountain filled with blood Drawn from Emmanuel's veinsJ. Newton (Author)English1
One there is above all others, O how He lovesRev. John Newton, 1725-1807 (Author)English3
They are blest and blest foreverJohn Newton (Author)English6
This is the feast of heavenly wineNewton (Author)English1
This is the field; the world below, In which the sower, came to sowNewton (Author)English1
This new built Bethel now is doneJohn Newton, 1725-1807 (Author (stanza 4))2
Thou great Physician of the soulJohn Newton (Author)English16
Though cloudy skies and northern blastsJohn Newton (Author)5
Though in the outward Church belowJohn Newton (Author)English2
Though in the earthly church belowJohn Newton (Author)English53
Though Jericho pleasantly stoodJohn Newton (Author)English1
Though the morn may be sereneJohn Newton (Author)3
Though troubles assail, and dangers affrightJohn Newton (Author)English301
Thus saith the holy One, and trueJohn Newton (Author)English11
Thus saith the Lord to EphesusJohn Newton (Author)13
Thy mansion is the Christian's heartJohn Newton (Author)English1
Thy message, by the preacher, sealJohn Newton (Author)English5
Thy promise, Lord, and thy commandJohn Newton (Author)10
Time by moments steals awayJohn Newton (Author)English22
Time with an unwearied handJohn Newton (Author)5
Tipi waŋ wicanapeJohn Newton (Author)Dakota1
'Tis a point I long to knowJohn Newton (Author)English215
'Tis Jesus, from the mercy seatJohn Newton (Author)2
'Tis past, the dreadful stormy nightJohn Newton (Author)14
To Thee our wants are knownJohn Newton (Author)English21
To those who know the Lord, I speakJohn Newton (Author)English11
Troget under veckans loppJohn Newton (Author)Swedish3
Tsitsi dzinondishamisaJohn Newton (Author)Shona2
Uncertain how the way to findJohn Newton (Author)24
Unless the Lord had been my stayJohn Newton (Author)4
Ved a Cristo, que se acercaJohn Newton (1725-1807) (Author)Spanish2
Wakaŋtaŋka nitawapiJohn Newton (Author)Dakota1
Was ich zu wissen ängstlich binJohn Newton (Author)German3
We seek a rest beyond the skiesNewton (Author)English32
Welcome thou belov'd of GodJohn Newton (Author)2
Wer malt den sel'gen AugenblickJ. Newton (Author)German6
What a mournful life is mineJohn Newton (Author)English8
What contradictions meetNewton (Author)English32
What think ye of Christ, is the testJohn Newton (Author)English86
What wondrous love is this, O my soul, O my soulJohn Newton, 1725-1807 (Author)English1
When a black overspreading cloudJohn Newton (Author)English9
When Adam fell, he quickly lostJohn Newton (Author)English2
When any turn from Zion's wayJohn Newton (Author)English83
When descending from the skyJohn Newton (Author)English16
When drawn by the Father, I cameNewton (Author)3
When first my soul enlistedJohn Newton (Author)English15
When first to claim me for his ownJohn Newton (Author)2
When Hannah pressed with griefJohn Newton (Author)English33
When I by faith my Savior seeJohn Newton (Author)5
When I my blest Redeemer seeJohn Newton (Author)2
When in the cloud, with colors fairNewton (Author)1
When Israel by divine commandJ. Newton (Author)English9
When Israel heard the fiery lawJohn Newton (Author)2
When Israel was from Egypt freedJohn Newton (Author)2
When Israel's tribes were parched with thirstJohn Newton (Author)10
When Jesus claims the sinner's heartJohn Newton (Author)5
When Jesus hung upon the treeNewton (Author)English13
When Joseph his brethren beheldJohn Newton (Author)English50
When Joshua, by God’s commandJohn Newton (Author)English2
When my Savior, my Shepherd is nearJohn Newton (Author)English22
When on the cross the Lord I seeJohn Newton (Author)English58
When Paul was parted from his friendsJohn Newton (Author)English35
When Peter boasted, soon he fellJohn Newton (Author)English5
When Peter through the tedious nightJohn Newton (Author)9
When sinners utter boasting wordsJohn Newton (Author)6
When the disciples crossed the lakeJohn Newton (Author)English2
When the poor leper's case I readNewton (Author)English22
When the poor prisoner through a grate John Newton (Author)English5
When the sun with cheerful beamsJohn Newton (Author)6
When the wounded spirit hearsJohn Newton (Author)English7
Where two or three, with sweet accordJohn Newton (Author)English1
While by calm reflection ledJohn Newton (Author)5
While filled with sadness and dismayJohn Newton (Author)4
While I lived without the LordJohn Newton (Author)5
While I to grief my soul gave wayJohn Newton (Author)English35
While I to hopeless grief gave wayJohn Newton (Author)2
While sinners utter boasting wordsJohn Newton (Author)4
While to its grief my soul gave wayNewton (Author)7
While we to grief our souls gave wayJohn Newton (Author)1
While, with ceaseless course, the sunJohn Newton (Author)English435
Why, O my soul, these anxious caresJohn Newton (Author)English18
Why should I fear the darkest hourJ. Newton (Author)English31
Wie lange und schwer wird die ZeitJohn Newton (Author)German17
Wie süß der Name Jesu klingtJohn Newton (Author)German2
Wiederum hat Gottes MachtJohn Newton (Author)German2
Wiederum hat uns gnädiglichJohn Newton (Author)German2
With humble heart and tongueNewton (Author)English1
With Israel's God who can compareJohn Newton (Author)14
وصل الرب بناJohn Newton (Author)Arabic2
耶穌此名何等芬芳,在蒙恩人耳中!(Yēsū cǐ míng héděng fēnfāng, zài méng ēnrén ěr zhōng!)John Newton (Author)Chinese2
Yes, since God himself hath said itJohn Newton, 1725-1870 (Author)6
യേശു നാമം എത്ര ഇമ്പം (Yēśu nāmaṁ etra impaṁ)John Newton (Author)Malayalam2
願我基督救主恩惠, (Yuàn wǒ jīdū jiù zhǔ ēnhuì)John Newton (Author)Chinese2
Yüce lütuf sesi tatlı!John Newton (Author)Turkish2
Zaccheus climbed the treeJohn Newton (Author)English17
Zaccheus was a little manJohn Newton (Author)2
Zeal is that pure and heavenly flameJohn Newton (Author)English75
主,你得勝,我今服矣 (Zhǔ, nǐ déshèng, wǒ jīn fú yǐ)John Newton (Author)Chinese2
Zion, the city of our GodJohn Newton (Author)8
Zioŋ, wowitaŋ kiŋ otaJohn Newton (Author)Dakota1

See also...

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