James Montgomery

James Montgomery
Short Name: James Montgomery
Full Name: Montgomery, James, 1771-1854
Birth Year: 1771
Death Year: 1854

James Montgomery (b. Irvine, Ayrshire, Scotland, 1771; d. Sheffield, Yorkshire, England, 1854), the son of Moravian parents who died on a West Indies mission field while he was in boarding school, Montgomery inherited a strong religious bent, a passion for missions, and an independent mind. He was editor of the Sheffield Iris (1796-1827), a newspaper that sometimes espoused radical causes. Montgomery was imprisoned briefly when he printed a song that celebrated the fall of the Bastille and again when he described a riot in Sheffield that reflected unfavorably on a military commander. He also protested against slavery, the lot of boy chimney sweeps, and lotteries. Associated with Christians of various persuasions, Montgomery supported missions and the British Bible Society. He published eleven volumes of poetry, mainly his own, and at least four hundred hymns. Some critics judge his hymn texts to be equal in quality to those of Isaac Watts and Charles Wesley . Many were published in Thomas Cotterill's Selection of Psalms and Hymns (1819 edition) and in Montgomery's own Songs of Zion (1822), Christian Psalmist (1825), and Original Hymns (1853).

Bert Polman
Montgomery, James, son of John Montgomery, a Moravian minister, was born at Irvine, Ayrshire, Nov. 4, 1771. In 1776 he removed with his parents to the Moravian Settlement at Gracehill, near Ballymena, county of Antrim. Two years after he was sent to the Fulneck Seminary, Yorkshire. He left Fulneck in 1787, and entered a retail shop at Mirfield, near Wakefield. Soon tiring of that he entered upon a similar situation at Wath, near Rotherham, only to find it quite as unsuitable to his taste as the former. A journey to London, with the hope of finding a publisher for his youthful poems ended in failure; and in 1792 he was glad to leave Wath for Shefield to join Mr. Gales, an auctioneer, bookseller, and printer of the Sheffield Register newspaper, as his assistant. In 1794 Mr. Gales left England to avoid a political prosecution. Montgomery took the Sheffield Register in hand, changed its name to The Sheffield Iris, and continued to edit it for thirty-one years. During the next two years he was imprisoned twice, first for reprinting therein a song in commemoration of "The Fall of the Bastille," and the second for giving an account of a riot in Sheffield. The editing of his paper, the composition and publication of his poems and hynms, the delivery of lectures on poetry in Sheffield and at the Royal Institution, London, and the earnest advocacy of Foreign Missions and the Bible Society in many parts of the country, gave great variety but very little of stirring incident to his life. In 1833 he received a Royal pension of £200 a year. He died in his sleep, at the Mount, Sheffield, April 30, 1854, and was honoured with a public funeral. A statue was erected to his memory in the Sheffield General Cemetery, and a stained glass window in the Parish Church. A Wesleyan chapel and a public hall are also named in his honour. Montgomery's principal poetical works, including those which he edited, were:—

(1) Prison Amusements, 1797; (2) The Wanderer of Switzerland, 1806; (3) The West Indies, 1807; (4) The World before the Flood, 1813; (5) Greenland and Other Poems, 1819; (6) Songs of Zion, 1822; (7) The Christian Psalmist, 1825; (8) The Christian Poet, 1825; (9) The Pelican Island, 1828; (10) The Poet’s Portfolio, 1835; (11) Original Hymns for Public, Private, and Social Devotion, 1853. He also published minor pieces at various times, and four editions of his Poetical Works, the first in 1828, the second in 1836, the third in 1841, and the fourth in 1854. Most of these works contained original hymns. He also contributed largely to Collyer's Collection, 1812, and other hymnbooks published during the next 40 years, amongst which the most noticeable was Cotterill's Selections of 1819, in which more than 50 of his compositions appeared. In his Christian Psalmist, 1825, there are 100 of his hymns, and in his Original Hymns, 1853, 355 and 5 doxologies. His Songs of Zion, 1822, number 56. Deducting those which are repeated in the Original Hymns, there remain about 400 original compositions.

Of Montgomery's 400 hymns (including his versions of the Psalms) more than 100 are still in common use. With the aid of Montgomery's MSS. we have given a detailed account of a large number. The rest are as follows:—

i. Appeared in Collyer's Collection, 1812.
1. Jesus, our best beloved Friend. Personal Dedication to Christ.
2. When on Sinai's top I see. Sinai, Tabor, and Calvary.

ii. Appeared in Cotterill's Selection, 1819.
3. Come to Calvary's holy mountain. The Open Fountain.
4. God in the high and holy place. God in Nature. The cento in Com. Praise, 1879, and others, "If God hath made this world so fair," is from this hymn.
5. Hear me, O Lord, in my distress. Ps. cxliii.
6. Heaven is a place of rest from sin. Preparation for Heaven.
7. I cried unto the Lord most just. Ps. cxlii.
8. Lord, let my prayer like incense rise. Ps. cxxxix.
9. O bless the Lord, my soul! His grace to thee proclaim. Ps. ciii.
10. Out of the depths of woe. Ps. cxxx. Sometimes "When from the depths of woe."
11. The world in condemnation lay. Redemption.
12. Where are the dead? In heaven or hell? The Living and the Dead.

iii. Appeared in his Songs of Zion, 1822.
13. Give glory to God in the highest. Ps. xxix.
14. Glad was my heart to hear. Ps. cxxii.
15. God be merciful to me. Ps. lxix.
16. God is my strong salvation. Ps. xxvii.
17. Hasten, Lord, to my release. Ps. lxx.
18. Have mercy on me, O my God. Ps. li.
19. Hearken, Lord, to my complaints. Ps. xlii.
20. Heralds of creation cry. Ps. cxlviii.
21. How beautiful the sight. Ps. cxxxiii.
22. How precious are Thy thoughts of peace. Ps. cxxxix.
23. I love the Lord, He lent an ear. Ps. cxvi.
24. In time of tribulation. Ps. lxxvii.
25. Jehovah is great, and great be His praise. Ps. xlviii. Sometimes, "0 great is Jehovah, and great is His Name."
26. Judge me, O Lord, in righteousness. Ps. xliii.
27. Lift up your heads, ye gates, and wide. Ps.xxiv.
28. Lord, let me know mine [my] end. Ps. xxxi.
29. Of old, 0 God, Thine own right hand. Ps. lxxx.
30. O God, Thou art [my] the God alone. Ps. lxiii.
31. 0 Lord, our King, how excellent. Ps. viii. Sometimes, "0 Lord, how excellent is Thy name."
32. O my soul, with all thy powers. Ps. ciii.
33. One thing with all my soul's desire. Ps. xxvii. From this, "Grant me within Thy courts a place."
34. Searcher of hearts, to Thee are known. Ps. cxxxix.
35. Thank and praise Jehovah's name. Ps. cvii.
36. Thee will I praise, O Lord in light. Ps. cxxxviii.
37. The Lord is King; upon His throne. Ps. xciii.
38. The Lord is my Shepherd, no want shall I know. Ps. xxiii.
39. The tempter to my soul hath said. Ps. iii.
40. Thrice happy he who shuns the way. Ps. i.
41. Thy glory, Lord, the heavens declare. Ps. xix.
42. Thy law is perfect, Lord of light. Ps. xix.
43. Who make the Lord of hosts their tower. Ps. cxxv.
44. Yea, I will extol Thee. Ps. xxx.

iv. Appeared in his Christian Psalmist. 1825.
45. Fall down, ye nations, and adore. Universal adoration of God desired.
46. Food, raiment, dwelling, health, and friends. The Family Altar.
47. Go where a foot hath never trod. Moses in the desert. Previously in the Leeds Congregational Collection, 1822.
48. Green pastures and clear streams. The Good Shepherd and His Flock.
49. Less than the least of all. Mercies acknowledged.
50. Not to the mount that burned with fire [flame]. Communion of Saints.
51. On the first Christian Sabbath eve. Easter Sunday Evening.
52. One prayer I have: all prayers in one. Resignation.
53. Our heavenly Father hear. The Lord's Prayer.
54. Return, my soul, unto thy rest. Rest in God.
55. Spirit of power and might, behold. The Spirit's renewing desired.
56. The Christian warrior, see him stand. The Christian Soldier. Sometimes, "Behold the Christian warrior stand."
57. The days and years of time are fled. Day of Judgment.
58. The glorious universe around. Unity.
59. The pure and peaceful mind. A Children's Prayer.
60. This is the day the Lord hath made (q. v.). Sunday.
61. Thy word, Almighty Lord. Close of Service.
62. What secret hand at morning light ? Morning.
63. While through this changing world we roam. Heaven.
64. Within these walls be peace. For Sunday Schools.

v. Appeared in his Original Hymns, 1853.
65. Behold yon bright array. Opening a Place of Worship.
66. Behold the book whose leaves display. Holy Scriptures.
67. Come ye that fear the Lord. Confirmation.
68. Home, kindred, friends, and country, these. Farewell to a Missionary.
69. Let me go, the day is breaking. Jacob wrestling.
70. Not in Jerusalem alone. Consecration of a Church.
71. Praise the high and holy One. God the Creator.

In common with most poets and hymnwriters, Montgomery strongly objected to any correction or rearrangement of his compositions. At the same time he did not hesitate to alter, rearrange, and amend the productions of others. The altered texts which appeared in Cotterill's Selections, 1819, and which in numerous instances are still retained in some of the best hymnbooks, as the "Rock of Ages," in its well-known form of three stanzas, and others of equal importance, were made principally by him for Cotterill's use. We have this confession under his own hand.
As a poet, Montgomery stands well to the front; and as a writer of hymns he ranks in popularity with Wesley, Watts, Doddridge, Newton, and Cowper. His best hymns were written in his earlier years. In his old age he wrote much that was unworthy of his reputation. His finest lyrics are "Angels from the realms of glory," "Go to dark Gethsemane," "Hail to the Lord's Anointed," and "Songs of praise the angels sang." His "Prayer is the soul's sincere desire," is an expanded definition of prayer of great beauty; and his "Forever with the Lord" is full of lyric fire and deep feeling. The secrets of his power as a writer of hymns were manifold. His poetic genius was of a high order, higher than most who stand with him in the front rank of Christian poets. His ear for rhythm was exceedingly accurate and refined. His knowledge of Holy Scripture was most extensive. His religious views were broad and charitable. His devotional spirit was of the holiest type. With the faith of a strong man he united the beauty and simplicity of a child. Richly poetic without exuberance, dogmatic without uncharitableness, tender without sentimentality, elaborate without diffusiveness, richly musical without apparent effort, he has bequeathed to the Church of Christ wealth which could onlv have come from a true genius and a sanctified! heart.

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Texts by James Montgomery (715)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A blessing on our pastor's headJames Montgomery (Author)English2
A child, a youth, a manJames Montgomery (Author)English2
A child is born, the birth proclaimJames Montgomery (Author)English3
A child of man, a child of GodJames Montgomery (Author)English2
A children's temple here we buildJames Montgomery (Author)English7
A grain of corn an infant's handJames Montgomery (Author)English2
A hundred years ago, not oneJames Montgomery (Author)English2
A penny is a little thingMontgomery (Author)3
A poor wayfaring man of griefJames Montgomery (Author)English89
A race on earth, a race we runJames Montgomery (Author)English2
A sure and tried foundation stoneJames Montgomery (Author)English2
A world of sinners once was drownedJames Montgomery (Author)English2
A year, another year is fledMontgomery (Author)English6
According to Thy gracious wordJames Mongtomery (Author)English459
Again, on this rejoicing dayJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Again our ears have heard the voiceMontgomery (Author)English24
Ages, ages have departedJames Montgomery (Author)3
Ah, give me, Lord, the single eyeMontgomery (Author)3
Ah now my spirit faintsJames Montgomery (Author)2
Al ser yo tentadoJames Montgomery (Author)Spanish2
All creation, join in praisingJames Montgomery (Author)English2
All glory to the Father be, All glory to the SonJames Montgomery (Author)2
All glory to the Father be, Coequal glory to the SonJames Montgomery (Author)2
All hail, thy church's Savior dearJames Montgomery (Author)English8
All hearts are open to Thy viewJames Montgomery (Author)English2
All hearts to Thee are open hereJames Montgomery (Author)English2
All Thy works, with one accordJames Montgomery (Author)English2
All ye nations, praise the LordMontgomery (Author)English77
All-wise, almighty, and all-goodJames Montgomery (Author)English5
Almight Spirit, now beholdJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Almighty Father, bless the WordJ. Montgomery (Author)English4
Almighty God, in humble prayerJames Mongtomery (Author)English94
Almighty God, Thy word is castMontgomery (Author)English1
Spirit of power and might, beholdJames Montgomery (Author)English53
An earthly temple here we raiseJames Montgomery (Author)English4
And did the Son of God appearJames Montgomery (Author)English2
And duly shall appear in verdureJames Mongtomery (Author)2
And why, dear Savior, tell me whyJames Mongtomery (Author)English2
Anĝelar' el regnoj glorajJames Montgomery (Author)Esperanto4
Ángeles, alzad el cantoJames Montgomery, 1771-1854 (Author)Spanish3
Angeles de alta gloriaJames Montgomery (Author)Spanish6
Angeles del alta gloriaJames Montgomery (Author)Spanish3
Angels from the realms of glory, Wing your flight over all the earthJames Montgomery (Author)English624
Angels! roll the rock awayJ. Montgomery (Author)English1
Angels, the firstborn sons of lightJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Anjos das mansões de glóriaJames Montgomery (Author)Portuguese2
Another day, a day of graceJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Approach, thou blessed of the LordMontgomery (Author)1
Arabia's desert rangerJames Mongtomery (Author)5
Arise, and bless the Lord, Ye people of His choiceMontgomery (Author)English25
Arise and shine, your light is comeJames Montgomery (Author)English4
Around the throne of grace we meetJames Montgomery (Author)English2
As fail the waters from the deepJames Montgomery (Author)1
As from the winter skyJames Montgomery (Author)English2
As God the spirit leadsJames Mongtomery (Author)English2
As round about JerusalemJames Montgomery (Author)2
As the hart, with eager looksJames Mongtomery (Author)English66
Ask, and ye shall receive, On this my hope I buildJames Mongtomery (Author)English6
Assembled in Thy house of prayerJames Montgomery (Author)English2
At evening time, let there be lightJames Mongtomery (Author)English19
At evening time, when day is doneJames Mongtomery (Author)English3
At evening, when his toils were o'erJames Montgomery (Author)1
At every motion [moment] of our breathJames Montgomery (Author)English16
At once upon ten thousand flowersMontgomery (Author)3
At thy rebuke the bloomJames Montgomery (Author)1
Auf ewig bei dem HerrnJames Montgomery (Author)German1
Awake, awake, put on thy strength, Thy beautiful arrayJames Montgomery (Author)English1
Be joyful in God, all ye lands of the earthJames Montgomery (Author)English98
Be known to us in breaking breadJames Mongtomery (Author)English51
Behold the Book, whose leaves displayJames Montgomery (Author)English3
Behold the Christian warrior standJames Mongtomery (Author)English42
Behold! the mountain of the LordMontgomery (Author)English1
Behold yon bright arrayMontgomery (Author)English4
Beneath the star-lit archMontgomery (Author)4
Beyond the flight of timeMontgomery (Author)4
Beyond this vale of tears There is a life aboveJames Mongtomery (Author)English2
بحسب كلمة العليJames Montgomery (Author)Arabic1
Bless ye the Lord with solemn riteMontgomery (Author)2
Blessed be thy name, Jesus Christ, the sameJames Montgomery, 1771-1854 (Author)English4
Blow ye the trumpet abroad over the seaJames Mongtomery (Author)English4
Body and soul to Thee I giveJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Bow every knee at Jesus' nameJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Bright and joyful is the mornJames Mongtomery (Author)English54
Brother and friend, with heart and voiceJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Brought forth to judgment, Jesus standsJames Montgomery (Author)3
But who shall reach thine holy placeMontgomery (Author)2
By Thy birth, and by Thy tearsJames Montgomery (Alterer)English1
Call Jehovah thy salvationMontgomery (Author)English181
Canito ti suutJames Montgomery (Author)Tagalog2
Children of Zion, know your King, Your own Messiah hailJames Montgomery (Author)English3
Claim thy peace, thy consolationJames Mongtomery (Author)2
Climb we the mountain afarMontgomery (Author)4
Com prazer nos congregamos para a ceia do SenhorJames Montgomery (Author)1
Come and behold the works of GodJames Montgomery (Author)English3
Come at the morning hour, Comet, let us kneel and prayJames Montgomery (Author)English32
Come, from your dwellings, girls and boysJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Come in, beloved of the LordJames Montgomery (Author)English4
Come in, thou blessed of the Lord! O come in Jesus' precious name (Kelly)James Montgomery (Author)English5
Come in, thou blessed of the Lord, Stranger nor foe art thouJames Mongtomery (Author)English52
Come, let us go to heavenJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Come, let us join our souls to God In everlasting bandsMontgomery (Author)English6
Come let us sing the song of songsJames Montgomery (Author)English104
Come on, companions of our wayJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Come see the place where Jesus lay, For He hath left his gloomy bedMontgomery (Author)English10
Come to Calvary's holy mountainJ. Montgomery (Author)English143
Come to the land of peaceJames Mongtomery (Author)English5
Come to the morning prayerJames Montgomery (Author)English18
Come to the throne of Grace, it standsJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Come, ye that fear the Lord, And love Him while ye fearJames Montgomery (Author)English5
Command Thy blessing from aboveJames Mongtomery (Author)English45
Communion of my Savior's bloodJames Montgomery (Author)English3
Could I command with voice or penJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Creator, Redeemer, and Spirit of TruthJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Cristo, al ser tentadoJames Montgomery (Author)Spanish5
Cuando sea tentado, Cristo, ven a míJames Montgomery, 1771-1854 (Author)Spanish3
Daa, mala’iku ke shaidarJames Montgomery (Author)Hausa2
Dacay angeles ti gloriaJames Montgomery (Author)Tagalog2
Dad gloria al UngidoJames Montgomery, 1771-1854 (Author)Spanish6
Daughter of Zion, from the dustMontgomery (Author)English138
ദാവീദിലും വൻ പു-ത്രൻ ദൈവാഭിഷിക്തനെ (Dāvīdiluṁ van pu-tran daivābhiṣiktane)James Montgomery (Author)Malayalam2
Dawning upon the sleeping earthJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Del alma es la oraciónJames Montgomery (Author)Spanish2
Der Herr ist mein Hirte, o selige HutJames Montgomery (Author)German1
Down to the sacred waveMontgomery (Author)English2
Du kommer, Herrens smordeJames Montgomery (Author)1
Du, som gaar udJames Montgomery (Author)Norwegian3
Dust and ashes, sin and guiltJames Montgomery (1771-1854) (Author)English6
Eilet nach GethsemaneJames Mongtomery (Author)German2
Encompassed with ten thousand illsMontgomery (Author)3
Engjëjt prej lavdisë së qiejveJames Montgomery (Author)Albanian2
Ere another Sabbath's closeJames Montgomery, 1771-1854 (Author)English1
"Eterne ĉe l' Sinjor'!James Montgomery (Author)Esperanto5
Eternity! Eternity! That boundless, soundless, tideless, seaJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Extol the Lord, the Lord most highJames Mongtomery (Author)4
Eyaŋpaha wakaŋpi kinJames Montgomery (Author)Other...1
Fair shines the morning starJames Mongtomery (Author)English29
Faith, hope, and charity, these threeMontgomery (Author)English31
Faith is the polar starMontgomery (Author)English1
Faithful, O Lord, Thy mercies areMontgomery (Author)English6
Fall down ye nations, and adoreJames Montgomery (Author)English4
Father of all our mercies, ThouMontgomery (Author)English8
Father of eternal graceJames Montgomery (Author)English29
Father of glory, God of graceJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Father of Jesus Christ our Lord, Our Father too through Him art ThouJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Father of light, and life, and loveJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Father of lights from whom aloneJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Father! reveal Thy Son in meJames Montgomery (Author)English4
Father! Thy will, not mine, be doneJames Montgomery, 1771-1854 (Author)English8
Father, to us thy Son revealJames Montgomery (Author)1
Few, few and evil are thy daysMontgomery (Author)English6
Fiel, eterno e santo amorJames Montgomery (Author)1
Fight the good fight, lay holdJames Montgomery (Author)English10
Flee from the wrath to come, I heard Jehovah sayJames Montgomery (Author)English1
Flowers grow in sweet societiesJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Følger med til UrtegaardenJames Montgomery (Author)Norwegian3
Food, raiment, dwelling, health and friendsJames Montgomery (Author)English3
For the mercies of the dayJ. Montgomery (Author)English7
Forever with the Lord! Amen, so let it beJ. Montgomery (Author)English480
Forever with the Lord, Father, if 'tis Thy willJames Mongtomery (Author)English6
Free, though in chains, the mountains standJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Friend after friend departsJames Mongtomery (Author)English162
Friends of the poor, the young, the weakMontgomery (Author)English8
From Calvary a cry was heardMontgomery (Author)English3
From Calvary's cross a fountain flowsJames Montgomery (Adapter)1
From day to day, before our eyesMontgomery (Author)English13
From heav'n the King of Glory cameJames Montgomery (Author)English2
From little ones to Jesus broughtJames Mongtomery (Author)2
From year to year in love we meetMontg. (Author)32
Full speed along the world's highwayJames Mongtomery (Author)English8
Gebet ist unser tiefstes SehnenJames Montgomery (Author)German8
Gethesemane can I forgetJames Mongtomery (Author)2
Give glory to God in the highest; give praiseMontgomery (Author)9
Give glory to the Lord, Extol his holy nameJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Give tongues of fire, and hearts of loveMontgomery (Author)3
Glad was my heart to hearMontgomery (Author)English28
Glory, O Father! beJames Montgomery (Author)2
Glory to the Father be, Glory to the SonJames Montgomery (Author)2
Glory to the Father be, Equal glory to the SonJames Montgomery (Author)2
Glory to the Father give, God, in whom we move and liveJ. Montgomery (Author)English130
Go to dark GethsemaneJames Montgomery, 1771-1854 (Author)English403
Go to the grave in all thy glorious primeJames Mongtomery (Author)English102
Go, when the morning shinethMontgomery (Author)English1
Go where a foot hath never trodJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Go, ye messengers of GodMontgomery (Author)English1
God! be merciful to me, For my spirit trusts in TheeMontgomery (Author)English3
God comes, with succor speedyJames Montgomery (Author)English20
God in his temple let us meetMontgomery (Author)English12
God, in the high and holy placeMontgomery (Author)English53
God is in his holy temple, All the earth, keep silence here!Montgomery (Author)English49
God is my strong salvationJames Mongtomery (Author)English229
God is our refuge and defense; In trouble our unfailing aidJames Mongtomery (Author)English32
God is our strength and songJames Montgomery (Author)1
God made all His creatures freeMontgomery (Author)English25
God moves in a mysterious wayJ. Montgomery (Author)English1
God o'er all supremely blestMontgomery (Author)English5
God of all grace, we bring to TheeJames Montgomery (Author)English1
God of all grace, we come to TheeJames Montgomery (Author)English9
God over all, the sun by dayJames Montgomery (Author)English2
God said, Let there be lightJames Montgomery (Author)English2
God scorns not humble thingsJames Montgomery (Author)2
God shall charge His angel legionsJames Montgomery (Author)English26
God the Creator blessedMontgomery (Author)English4
God's truth is my foundationJames Mongtomery (Author)2
Grace, like a fountain, ever flowsMontgomery (Author)English3
Grant me within Thy courts a placeMontgomery (Author)English20
Green pastures and clear streamsMontgomery (Author)English22
Gyd ud din Aand, o Herre GudJames Mongtomery (Author)2
Hail, all hail, the King of kingsJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Hail to the Lord's anointedJames Mongtomery (Author)English661
Hallelujah! heart and voiceJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Hallowed be this humble spotMontgomery (Author)English5
Happy the child, who early makesJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Hark, the Savior's voice from heavenJames Mongtomery (Author)English14
Hark! the song of jubileeJames Mongtomery (Author)English328
Hark, the vesper hymn is stealingMontgomery (Author)English1
Hasten, Lord, to my releaseMontgomery (Author)English20
Hath God cast off for everJames Montgomery (Author)4
Have mercy on me, O my GodJames Mongtomery (Author)English5
He climbed the mountain; and beholdJames Montgomery (Author)English2
He mijaly ny MpamonjyJ. Montgomery (Author)Malagasy2
He saved others, scorners criedJames Montgomery (Author)English2
He shall come down like showersJames Mongtomery (Author)English7
He that from dross would win the precious oreJames Montgomery (Author)3
He that overcomes through meJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Head of Thy Church, her glorious HeadJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Hear me, O Lord! in my distress, Hear me in truth and righteousnessMontgomery (Author)English7
Hearken, Lord, to my complaintsJames Mongtomery (Author)20
Heart broken, friendless, poor, cast downJames Montgomery, 1771-1854 (Author)2
Heaven as a tent Thine hand displayedJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Heaven is a place of rest from sinMontgomery (Author)English32
Heralds of creation! cryJames Mongtomery (Author)English29
Here in the body pentJames Mongtomery (Author)5
Here, in Thy name, eternal GodJames Mongtomery (Author)English71
Here, when the people seek thy faceJames Montgomery (Author)2
Here young and old, here great and smallJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Hid in the rock-cleft, let me standJames Montgomery (Author)English2
High Priest for sinners, Jesus, LordJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Higher, higher we will [will we] climbJames Mongtomery (Author)English9
Him wilt Thou keep in perfect peaceJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Holy, holy, holy, Lord, God of hosts, when heaven and earthMontgomery (Author)English79
Holy, holy, holy, Lord, In the highest heavens adoredJames Mongtomery (Author)English8
Home, kindred, friends, and country, theseJames Montgomery, 1771-1854, alt. (Author)English3
Hosanna be our cheerful songJames Mongtomery (Author)English7
Hosanna be the children's songJames Montgomery (Author)English108
Hosianna, Hosianna, Hosianna! Hosianna bringen wir heute darJames Montgomery (Author)German1
How amiable, how fairJames Montgomery (Author)English3
How beautiful the sight Of brethren who agreeMontgomery (Author)English45
How can we sinners knowJames Montgomery (Author (C))English1
How long, ye sons of men wil yeMontgomery (Author)English4
How lovely and how fairJames Montgomery (Author)5
How many generations deadJames Montgomery (Author)English2
How precious are Thy thoughts of peaceMontgomery (Author)English8
How shall a contrite spirit prayJames Montgomery (Author)English4
How shall we come before the Lord?James Montgomery (Author)English2
How solemn are the words, And yet to faith how plainMontgomery (Author)English2
Humbly before thy throne, good Lord!James Montgomery (Author)English2
Humbly, my God, with Thee I walkJames Montgomery (Author)English2
I and my house will serve the LordMontgomery (Author)English2
I build my house upon a rockJames Montgomery (Author)English2
I cannot call affliction sweetMontgomery (Author)English28
I feed by faith on Christ, my breadMontgomery (Author)English17
I hear at morn and evenJames Mongtomery (Author)3
I left the God of truth and lightMontgomery (Author)English26
I love the Lord; He lent an earMontgomery (Author)English10
I take the journey of a dayJames Montgomery (Author)English3
I travel all the irksome nightJames Montgomery (Author)8
I will love the Lord; for HeJames Montgomery (Author)English2
I wooed ambition, climbed the poleMontgomery (Author)2
If sang the morning stars for joyJames Montgomery (Author)2
I'm trusting God for grace and powerJames Mongtomery (Author)2
In a garden, man was placedJames Montgomery (Author)English2
In a land of strange delightJames Montgomery (Author)English7
In all my ways, O GodMontgomery (Author)English3
In darkness as in lightJames Montgomery (Author)3
In God's own workmanship displayedMontgomery (Author)2
In one fraternal bond of loveMontgomery (Author)English15
In spirit when I took my flightJames Montgomery (Author)English2
In the beginning, God said BeJames Montgomery (Author)English2
In the hour of trialJames Montgomery (Author)English455
In the morning hear my voiceJames Montgomery (Author)English9
In thy house when now we singJames Montgomery (Author)3
In thy house while now we singJames Montgomery (Author)3
In Thy presence we appearJames Mongtomery (Author)English18
In time of tribulationJames Mongtomery (Author)English29
In vain the preacher cried, RepentJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Infinite excellence is ThineJames Montgomery (Author)English1
Is summer ended, harvest pastJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Is this the day that gave me birth?James Montgomery (Author)English2
Isaac was ransom'd when he layJames Montgomery (Author)English2
It is the Lord! Behold His handJames Montgomery (Author)English4
Itancan, kta sdayapi (Hail to the Lord's Anointed)James Montgomery (Author)Dakota2
Itaŋcaŋ miciṭa, NiyeJames Montgomery (Author)Dakota1
Jehová mi pastor es, no me faltaráJames Montgomery (Author)Spanish8
Jerusalem, my glorious homeMontgomery (Author)English4
Jerusalem, my happy home, Name ever dear to meJames Montgomery (1771-1854) (Author)English44
Jesus, by those he called his ownJames Montgomery (Author)2
Jesús, dejando su poderJames Montgomery (Author)Spanish2
Jesus, I my cross have taken, All to leave and follow TheeMontgomery (Author)English10
Jesus, Lord, our Captain gloriousJames Montgomery, 1771-1854 (Translator)English1
Jesus, minaġi kiŋJames Montgomery (Author)Dakota1
Jesus o lar do céu deixouJames Montgomery (Author)Portuguese2
Jesus, our best beloved FriendMontgomery (Author)English51
Joyful in Thy House of PrayerJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Joyful words, we meet againMontgomery (Author)English1
Judge me, Lord, in righteousnessJames Mongtomery (Author)6
Kama ulivyoagizaJames Montgomery (Author)Swahili2
Kings shall fall down before himJames Montgomery (Author)1
Know, my soul, thy full salvationMontgomery (Author)English8
La oración del alma es el medio de solazJames Montgomery (Author)Spanish2
La oración del alma es sincera expresiónJames Montgomery (Author (v. 1))Spanish2
"Lai lodo Oluwa!"James Montgomery (Author)Yoruba2
Less than the least of allMontgomery (Author)English3
Let mammon hold while mammon canJames Montgomery (Author)4
Let me go, the day is breaking, Dear companions, let me goJames Montgomery (Author)English23
Let not the strong, the, rich, the wiseJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Let songs of praise arise; Teachers, your tribute bringJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Let the elders praise the LordJames Montgomery (Author)2
Let the land mourn through all its coastsJames Montgomery (Author)English4
Let there be light: thus spake the WordMontgomery (Author)English7
Lift Up thine eyes, afflicted soulJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Lift up your eyes, look roundJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Lift up your heads, ye gates! and wideJames Mongtomery (Author)7
Lift up your heads, ye gates of brassJames Mongtomery (Author)English82
Like Mary at her Savior's feetJames Montgomery (Author)5
Like Mary, when the angel cameJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Listen to the gentle promptingsJames Mongtomery (Author)English15
Lone traveler in the vale of heartsJames Mongtomery (Author)2
Look thou O Lord on him who liesJames Montgomery (Author)3
Lord! are there eyes that see the sunJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Lord, for thy servant David's sakeMontgomery (Author)4
Lord, forever at Thy side Let my place and portion beJames Mongtomery (Author)English61
Lord! give us ears to hearJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Lord God, the Holy GhostJames Montgomery (Author)English198
Lord, I have foes without, withinJames Mongtomery (Author)2
Lord, I have put my trust in TheeJames Montgomery (Author)English4
Lord, in Thy garden agonyJames Mongtomery (Author)English5
Lord Jesus Christ, the children's Friend, On us lift up Thy gracious handsJames Mongtomery (Author)4
Lord, let me know mine end, My days how brief their dateJames Montgomery, 1771-1854 (Author)English19
Lord, let my prayer like incense rise, And when I lift my hands to theeJames Mongtomery (Author)English10
Lord of all power and might, All want and weakness weJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Lord of hosts, to Thee we raiseMontgomery (Author)English147
Lord, teach me how to pray, With reverence and with fearJames Mongtomery (Author)2
Lord, teach thy servants how to prayJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Lord, teach us how to pray arightJames Montgomery (Author)English163
Lord, Thou hast been Thy people's restJames Montgomery (Author)English12
Lord, though thy wisdom takes awayJames Montgomery (Author)2
Lord, when this holy morning brokeJames Montgomery (Author)English3
Lord, when thy people seek thy faceMontgomery (Author)7
Lord, when we search the human heartJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Lord, who shall reach thy holy placeJames Montgomery (Author)3
Love is the theme of saints aboveJames Montgomery (Author)English12
Lovest thou me, I hear my Savior sayJames Montgomery (Author)English5
L'r os, o Gud, at bede retJames Mongtomery (Author)2
مع ربنا الفادي نكون كل حينJames Montgomery (Author)Arabic1
Thank and praise Jehovah's nameJ. Montgomery (Author)English75
Maḣpiyata watiJames Montgomery (Author)Dakota1
Maker, Upholder, Ruler, theeJames Montgomery (Author)English2
மகிமையின் எல்லை முதல் (Makimaiyiṉ ellai mutal)James Montgomery (Author)Tamil2
Maniry izahay (We wish to come to You)J. Montgomery (Author)Malagasy2
May I remember, Lord, to theeMontgomery (Author)2
Men of God, go take your stationsMontgomery (Author)English3
Mercy alone can meet my caseMontgomery (Author)English31
Mercy and goodness, O my GodJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Min savas mia Dio, do kiun timu mi?James Montgomery (Author)Esperanto4
Moments and minutes, hours and daysJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Mor agos ambell waith I dreiddgar olwg ffyddJames Montgomery (Author)1
Morning of the Sabbath dayJames Mongtomery (Author)English3
My Father's house on high, home of my soul, how nearMontgomery (Author)English37
My God, beneath Thy watching eyeJames Mongtomery (Author)English4
My gracious Lord, I own Thy rightMontgomery (Author)English2
My gracious Lord, whose changeless loveJames Montgomery (Author)10
My House shall be an House of PrayerJames Montgomery (Author)English2
My Son, give me thine heart, and letJames Montgomery (Author)English2
My thirsty spirit faintsJames Mongtomery (Author)2
My times are in Thy hand, O gracious LordJ. Montgomery Wilson (Author)English2
Night is the time to museJames Mongtomery (Author)2
Night is the time to weepJames Montgomery (Author)1
Night turns to day when sullen darkness lowersJames Montgomery (Author)English3
Not by the brazen trumpet's voiceJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Not here, as to the prophet's eyeJames Montgomery (Author)English7
Not in Jerusalem aloneJames Montgomery (Author)English4
Not to the Mount that burn'd with fireJames Montgomey (Author)English6
Nothing into this world we broughtJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Now in holy convocationJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Now living waters flowJames Mongtomery (Author)English9
Now Lord of lords and King of kingsJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Now may the Lord our shepherd leadJames Mongtomery (Author)8
Now weigh the anchor, hoist the sailJames Montgomery (Author)English3
Nun al Kristo sonu kantoJ. Montgomery (Translator into English)1
O be joyful, every nationJames Montgomery (Author)English2
O bless the Lord, my soul, His grace to thee proclaimMontgomery (Author)English82
O bless the Lord, my soul, His mercies bear in mindMontgomery (Author)English3
O come all ye weary and ye heavy ladenJames Montgomery (Author)English2
O come, let us raise our tribute of songJames Mongtomery (Author)English13
O come, let us sing to the Lord, In God our salvation rejoiceJames Mongtomery (Author)English14
O for the death of thoseJames Montgomery (Author)English11
O for the wisdom from aboveJames Montgomery (Author)English2
O God, our Father, thine aloneJames Montgomery (Author)English3
O God, Thou art my God alone, Early to Thee my soul shall cryJames Montgomery (Author)English97
O God, unseen, but not unknownMontgomery (Author)English9
O God, we praise Thee, and we ownJames Montgomery (Author)English2
O great is Jehovah, and great be His praiseMontgomery (Author)English12
O have you not heard of a beautiful streamJ. Montgomery (Author)English2
O holy war those servants wageJames Montgomery (Author)1
O Lord my King, how excellentJames Montgomery (Author)2
O Lord our God, Thy light and truthJames Mongtomery (Author)English8
O Lord, our King, how excellent James Montgomery (Author)English8
O love, beyond conception greatMontgomery (Author)English2
O my soul! with all thy powersMontgomery (Author)English4
O Spirit of the living God, In all Thy plenitude of graceJames Montgomery (Author)English271
O Spirit of the Lord, prepareJames Mongtomery (Author)3
O take away this evil heartJames Montgomery (Author)English2
O that I knew where I might find My righteous Judge's seatJames Montgomery (Author)English2
O that it were as it hath beenJames Montgomery (Author)2
O thou above all praiseMontgomery (Author)8
O Thou, by whom we come to GodJames Montgomery (Author)English6
O Thou, in whom we live and move And have our being! meet us hereJames Montgomery (Author)English2
O Thou, my light, my life, my joyJ. Montgomery (Author)English18
O Thou whose mercy guides my wayMontgomery (Author)English1
O! What a privilege to kneelJames Montgomery (Author)English2
O where shall rest be foundJames Mongtomery (Author)English456
O who in such a world as thisJames Montgomery (Author)English14
Obediente a tu mandatoJames Montgomery (Author)Spanish4
Ocean and land the globe divideJames Montgomery (Author)2
Of him the sacred record saithJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Of old, O God, thine own right handJames Montgomery (Author)3
Oft his silent spirit wentJames Mongtomery (Author)2
¡Oh, dónde se hallará del alma el descansar!J. Montgomery (Author)Spanish2
Oh! Valiant-for-the-TruthJames Montgomery (Author)English2
On earth we meet again belowJames Montgomery (Author)English2
On His pilgrimage of woeJames Montgomery (Author)English2
On our span-long pilgrimageJames Montgomery (Author)English2
On the first Christian Sabbath eveMontgomery (Author)English16
Once more to Bethany,James Montgomery (Author)English2
Once more, to pay our annual vowsJames Montgomery (Author)English2
One human pair, and only oneJames Montgomery (Author)English2
One prayer I have, all prayers in oneJ. Montgomery (Author)English96
One song of praise, one song of prayerJames Montgomery (Author)English3
One thing, with all my soul's desireMontgomery (Author)English4
Oppressed with guilt, convinced of sinJames Montgomery (Author)1
Optaye Jesus Tawa kiŋJames Montgomery (Author)Dakota1
Our Captain leads us onMontgomery (Author)English3
Our heavenly Father, hear The prayer we offer nowJames Mongtomery (Author)English140
Our heavenly Father, hear our prayerJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Our Master, Jesus, reigned aboveJames Montgomery (Author)English3
Our parents, brothers, sisters, friendsJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Our Savior's words are, Watch and prayJames Mongtomery (Author)English4
Our schools are nurseries belowJames Montgomery (Author)English5
Our soul shall magnify the Lord, In him our spirit shall rejoiceJames Montgomery (Author)English9
Our willing feet shall standMontgomery (Author)10
Out of the depths of woeMontgomery (Author)English48
Palms of glory, raiment brightJames Montgomery, 1771-1854 (Author)English99
Patient prayer has power with GodJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Peace that passeth understanding, Peace to calm the bosom's strifeJames Montgomery, 1771-1854 (Author)English6
People of the living God, I have sought the world aroundMontgomery (Author)English230
Pour out Thy Spirit from on highJ. Montgomery (Author)English153
Power from on high, O God, impartMontgomery (Author)English5
Praise Him, all ye hosts aboveJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Praise the High, the Holy OneMontgomery (Author)English5
Praise the Lord, O praise the Lord (Montgomery)James Montgomery (Author)2
Praise the Lord through every nationJames Montgomery, 1771-1854 (Paraphraser)English14
Praise we to the Father giveJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Praise ye the Lord, from pole to poleJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Pray for Jerusalem, the city of our GodJames Mongtomery (Author)2
Prayer is appointed to conveyJames Montgomery (Author)English1
Prayer is the contrite sinner's voiceJames Mongtomery (Author)22
Prayer is the simplest form of speechJames Montgomery (Author)2
Prayer is the soul's sincere desireMontgomery (Author)English684
Prayer is the spirit of our GodJames Montgomery (Author)1
Prince of Peace, control my willJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Proclaim the year of Jubilee, New songs of glory singJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Pueblo del eterno DiosJames Montgomery (Author)Spanish3
രക്ഷിതാവെ കാൺക നീ, ഗെത്-സമനെ തോട്ടത്തിൽ (Rakṣitāve kāṇka nī, get-samane tēāṭṭattil)James Montgomery (Author)Malayalam2
Religion bids all sin departJames Mongtomery (Author)4
Religion's yoke is soft and lightJames Montgomery (Author)1
Rest from thy labor, restJames Mongtomery (Author)English22
Return, my soul, enjoy thy restMontgomery (Author)English1
Return, my soul, unto thy rest, From God no longer roamJames Montgomery (Author)English3
Return, my soul, unto thy rest, From vain pursuits and maddening caresMontgomery (Author)English39
Save me Lord in this distressMontgomery (Author)6
Searcher of hearts, to Thee are knownJames Montgomery (Author)English16
See the leaves around us fallingMontgomery (Author)English1
Según tu dicho al expirarJames Montgomery (Author)Spanish2
Según tu dicho y voluntadJames Montgomery (Author)Spanish3
Segun tu palabra al morirJ. Montgomery (Author)Spanish2
Send out Thy light and truth, O GodJames Montgomery, 1771-1854 (Author)English6
Servant of God, well done, Rest from thy loved employMontgomery (Author)English166
Servants of God, in joyful laysJames Montgomery (Author)English43
Sing a new song unto the Lord; His mercies, every morning newJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Sing Hallelujah, sing glory to God aloneJames Montgomery (Author)English3
Sing we the song of those who standJames Montgomery (Author)English81
Sinners, for transgression, seeJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Sinners of Adam's fallen raceJames Montgomery (Author)2
Sleep, weary world, and take thy restJames Montgomery (Author)English3
Son of the living God, displayJames Montgomery (Author)English2
頌讚受膏的基督,君尊大衛後裔!(Sòng zàn shòu gāo de jīdū, jūn zūndà wèi hòuyì!)James Montgomery (Author)Chinese2
Songs of praise awoke the mornJ. Montgomery (Author)English23
Songs of praise the angels sangJames Montgomery (Author)English406
Soon as the light of morning brokeJames Montgomery (Author)2
Sow in the morn thy seedJ. Montgomery (Author)English313
Spirit, leave thy house of clayJames Mongtomery (Author)English43
Spirit of life, and light, and love, Thy glorious gifts impartJames Montgomery (Author)English1
Spread, O spread, thou mighty word, Spread the kingdom of the Lord (Winkworth)James Montgomery, 1771-1854 (Author)English1
Spring up, O well, sweet fountain, springJames Montgomery (Author)English2
സൃഷ്ടി ഗാനം പാടും ദൂതര്‍ (Sr̥ṣṭi gānaṁ pāṭuṁ dūtar)James Montgomery (Author)Malayalam2
Stand up, and bless the Lord Ye people of His choiceJames Montgomery 1771-1854 (Author)English303
Stand up, and bless the Lord, your GodJames Montgomery (Author)2
Strangers and pilgrims here below, Like all our fathers in their dayJames Mongtomery (Author)English3
Strangers, whence came ye to the WestJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Sun, moon and stars, by day and nightJames Montgomery (Author)English3
Sünder, die ihr tief gefallenJames Montgomery (Author)German2
Sweet is Thy mercy, O my GodJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Sweet the hour of tribulationMontgomery (Author)2
صوت يوبيل اسمعواJames Montgomery (Author)Arabic1
The bird that soars on highest wingMontgomery (Author)English15
The blessing of a night's reposeJames Montgomery (Author)English2
The brightest morning of the yearJames Montgomery (Author)English2
The broken ties of happier daysMontgomery (Author)11
The children's angels always viewJames Montgomery (Author)English2
The Christian warrior, see him standJames Mongtomery (Author)English38
The cross, the cross, O that's my gainMontgomery (Author)English1
The days and years of time are fledJames Montgomery (Author)English3
The days of Paradise were fewJames Montgomery (Author)English2
The dew lies thick upon the groundJames Montgomery (Author)1
The earth is thine, its varied realmsJames Montgomery (Author)3
The earth is thine, Jehovah, thineMontgomery (Author)10
The earth, O Lord, is ever thineJames Montgomery (Author)2
The earth, the ocean, and the skyJames Montgomery (Author)2
The end of all things is at handJames Montgomery (Author)English2
The glorious universe aroundMontgomery (Author)English53
The God of harvest praiseMontgomery (Author)English145
The God of nature and of graceMontgomery (Author)English30
The God of your forefathers praiseJames Montgomery (Author)English2
The grace of Jesus Christ our Lord, The Father's love with sweet accordMontgomery (Author)English5
The ground on which this day we standJames Montgomery (Author)English2
The heathen perish, day by dayJames Mongtomery (Author)English28
The joy of the earthJames Montgomery (Author)2
The King of Glory we proclaimJames Montgomery (Author)English2
The lighthouse founded on a rockJames Montgomery (Author)English2
The Lord forgives thy sinsJames Montgomery (Author)English1
The Lord Himself shall comeMontgomery (Author)English6
The Lord is gracious to forgiveMontgomery (Author)3
The Lord is in his holy place, And from his throne on highMontgomery (Author)English17
The Lord is King: upon His throneJames Montgomery (Author)English7
The Lord is my Shepherd, He makes me reposeJas. Montgomery (Author)English1
The Lord is my Shepherd, How happy am IJames Montgomery (Author)English1
The Lord is my Shepherd, no want shall I know (Montgomery)James Mongtomery (Author)English399
The Lord is on our side, His people now may sayMontgomery (Author)3
The Lord will grace and glory giveJames Montgomery (Author)English4
The moment comes, the only oneMontgomery (Author)English4
The moment comes, when strength shall failJames Mongtomery (Author)3
The morning dawns upon the placeJames Montgomery (Author)English43
The morning flowers display their sweetsMontgomery (Author)English1
The morning stars in concert sangMontgomery (Author)English5
The mountains shall departJames Montgomery (Author)English2
The Name, the Name o'er every nameJames Montgomery (Author)English2
The one thing needful be our choiceJames Montgomery (Author)English2
The pains of death are pastJames Montgomery (Author)2
The peace of God surpassing thoughtJames Montgomery (Author)English2
The peace which God alone revealsMontgomery (Author)English1
The poorest of the poor are weJames Montgomery (Author)English2
The pure and peaceful mindJames Mongtomery (Author)English3
The Sabbath of the Lord, the Sabbath is our dayJames Mongtomery (Author)English15
The Savior stood on OlivetJames Montgomery (Author)1
The scene around me disappearsMontgomery (Author)English8
The sting of death is sinJames Montgomery (Author)English2
The sun clear-shining after showersJames Montgomery (Author)English2
The sunbeams, infinitely smallJames Montgomery (Author)English2
The tempter to my heart hath saidJames Montgomery (Author)1
The tempter to my soul hath saidMontgomery (Author)English26
The tender mercies of our LordJames Montgomery (Author)English2
The tongue, the tongue, with all its powersJames Montgomery (Author)English2
The truth is my keeper no want shall I knowJames Montgomery (Author)2
The voice at midnight cameJames Montgomery (Author)2
The warrior saint behold him standJames Mongtomery (Author)2
The wind that brake the rocks, and rentJames Montgomery (Author)English2
The Word of God, the Word of truthJames Montgomery (Author)English2
The world can never give the blissMontgomery (Author)4
The world in condemnation layJames Montgomery (Author)English4
Thee, in the watches of the night, My spirit would adoreJames Montgomery (Author)English3
Thee we adore, eternal [O gracioius] Lord!James Montgomery (Assisted by)English1
Thee will I praise, O Lord, in lightMontgomery (Author)2
Thee, with the tribes asembledMontgomery (Author)4
There is a calm for those who weepJ. Montgomery (Author)English94
There is a death whose pant Outlasts the fleeting breathMontgomery (Author)2
There is a God, all Nature criesJames Montgomery (Author)English2
There is a holy sacrificeJames Montgomery (Author)English5
There is a river pure and brightJames Mongtomery (Author)English7
They that mourn in dungeon gloomJames Montgomery (Author)2
They that toil upon the deep Montgomery (Author)English20
They walked with God in peace and loveJames Montgomery, 1771-1854 (Author)English2
Thine arm, O Lord, of oldJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Thine eye, Lord God, alone can seeJames Montgomery (Author)English2
This is the day the Lord hath made, Let young and old rejoiceJames Montgomery (Author)English5
This mortal life will soon be pastJames Montgomery (Author)1
This place is holy groundJames Mongtomery (Author)English37
This stone to Thee in faith we layJames Mongtomery (Author)English62
This world can never giveJames Montgomery (Author)2
Thou art our Shepherd, glorious GodJames Mongtomery (Author)English13
Thou art the Way, to Thee aloneMongtomery (Author)English2
Thou Father of the fatherlessJames Mongtomery (Author)English4
Thou, God, art a consuming fireJames Montgomery (Author)English3
Thou God of covenanted graceJames Mongtomery (Author)2
Though holy, holy, holy, LordJames Mongtomery (Author)2
Though I walk the downward shadeJames Mongtomery (Author)English4
Though the fig-tree's blossom failJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Thousands, O Lord of Hosts! this dayJames Montgomery, 1803-1853 (Author)English21
Thrice happy he who shuns the wayJames Montgomery (Author)English6
Through shades and solitudes profoundMontgomery (Author)English9
Thus far on life's perplexing pathMontgomery (Author)English21
Thus saith the high and lofty One, Inhabiting eternityJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Thus saith the Lord, My Church, to theeJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Thy glory, Lord, the heavens declareJames Mongtomery (Author)English26
Thy law is perfect, Lord of lightJames Mongtomery (Author)English44
Thy throne, O God, in righteousnessJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Thy word, Almighty LordJames Mongtomery (Author)English23
Ti Dios ti pastorcoJames Montgomery (Author)Tagalog2
Time grows not old with length of yearsJames Mongtomery (Author)English5
Time is earnest, passing byJames Montgomery (Author)English3
'Tis God the spirit leadsMontgomery, alt. (Author)English20
'Tis God's own Spirit leadsJames Mongtomery (Author)English4
To Adam thus Jehovah spakeJames Montgomery (Author)English3
To God most awful and most highJames Montgomery (Author)English4
To me, though neither voice nor soundJames Montgomery (Author)English2
To me to live, let it be ChristJames Montgomery (Author)English2
To Thee, whose temple is all spaceJames Montgomery, 1771-1854 (Author)English1
To Thy temple I repairJ. Montgomery (Author)English215
To us a child of hope is bornMontgomery (Author)English4
To us a child, of royal birthMontgomery (Author)English1
To us the promised Child is bornJames Mongtomery (Author)3
To us the voice of Wisdom criesJames Montgomery (Author)English5
To us, to every human heartJames Montgomery (Author)1
To-day is added to our timeJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Today the Lord Our Shepherd leadsJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Tracts have the gift of tonguesMontgomery (Author)4
தூதர் ஆனந்தமாக (Tūtar āṉantamāka)James Montgomery (Author)Tamil2
Um pobre e aflito viajorJames Montgomery, 1771-1854 (Author)Portuguese2
Un pobre forasteroJames Montgomery (Author)Spanish2
Union of faith, and hope, and loveJames Montgomery (Author)English2
உபத்ரவத்தின் காலம், எம் ஓலம் கேளுமே (Upatravattiṉ kālam, em ōlam kēḷumē)James Montgomery (Author)Tamil2
Upon Thine altar, Lord, I layJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Vessels frail and earthenJames Montgomery (Author)2
Vielleicht es ist der letzte TagJames Montgomery (Author)German2
Wake the song, wake the song, wake the song, wake the song of jubileeJames Montgomery (Author)English1
Walking on the winged windJames Montgomery (Author)English3
We bid thee welcome in the NameMontgomery (Author)English117
We know the condescending graceJames Montgomery (Author)English2
We lift our eyes, our hands, to TheeJames Montgomery (Author)English2
We meet for evening prayerJames Mongtomery (Author)4
We meet with one accordJames Mongtomery (Author)5
We plan foundations for the deadJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Weep, little children, weepMontgomery (Author)English9
Weep no more, Zion, dry thy streaming tearsJames Montgomery (Author)English2
What are these in bright array, This innumerable throngJames Montgomery, 1803-1853 (Author)English261
What are those soul-reviving strainsJames Montgomery, 1771-1854 (Author)English8
What is our life?--a breath, a spanJames Montgomery (Author)English2
What is the thing of greatest priceMontgomery (Author)English64
What is the world, a wildering mazeJames Montgomery (Author)English11
What secret hand, at morning lightMontgomery (Author)English32
What shall I render unto thee, My SaviorJames Montgomery (Author)1
What shall we ask of God in prayer?Montgomery (Author)English22
When God from sin's captivityMontgomery (Author)5
When here, O Lord, we seek Thy faceMontgomery (Author)English8
When I behold the heavens on highJames Montgomery (Author)1
When in dark and dreadful gloomJames Mongtomery (Author)English4
When in these courts we seek thy faceMontgomery (Author)3
When Israel, press'd by Pharaoh, stoodJames Montgomery (Author)English2
When Jesus into Salem rodeJames Montgomery, 1771-1854 (Author)English8
When Jesus left His Father's throneRev. J. Montgomery (Author)English67
When, like a stranger on our sphereJames Montgomery (Author)English70
When men once more were multipliedJames Montgomery (Author)English2
When on Sinai's top I seeJames Montgomery (Author)English88
When the overwhelming watersJames Montgomery (Author)English2
When those who feared the Lord of oldJames Montgomery (Author)English3
When war on earth suspendedJames Montgomery (Author)English3
Where are the dead, in heaven or hellJames Mongtomery (Author)English30
Where are the living, on the groundJames Mongtomery (Author)2
Where are ye with whom in life I startedJames Mongtomery (Author)2
Where Babel's broad rivers rollMontgomery (Author)2
Where'er the Patriarch pitched his tentJames Montgomery (Author)English2
While all the angel throngJames Mongtomery (Author)6
While many cry in nature's nightJames Montgomery (Author)English3
While saints and angels, glorious KingJames Montgomery (Author)English3
While the prayers of saints ascendJames Montgomery (1771-1854) (Author)English3
While these commands endureJames Montgomery (Author)English2
While through this changing world we roamJames Montgomery (Author)English49
Who are these arrayed in whiteMontgomery (Author)English1
Who are these in bright array, Shining like the noonday sunMontgomery (Author)English2
Who loves the little slave, or caresMontgomery (Author)1
Who make the Lord of hosts their towerMontgomery (Author)English11
Who that hath ever beenJames Montgomery (Author)1
Why thus, my soul, cast down?James Montgomery (Author)English2
Will e'er that sabbath-morning riseJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Will mein Herz verzagenJames Montgomery (Author)German2
With heart and soul, with mind and mightJames Montgomery (Author)English2
With joy we own Thy servant [servants], LordJ. Montgomery (Author)English11
With lawless lips, unbridled tongueJames Montgomery (Author)English2
With men impossibleJames Montgomery (Author)English2
With reverence and with godly fearJames Montgomery (Author)English2
With wandering Jacob, let us sayJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Within these walls be peaceJames Mongtomery (Author)English50
Within these walls let heavenly peaceJames Montgomery (Author)2
Millions within Thy courts have metMontgomery (Author)English58
我們照你恩惠話語 (Wǒmen zhào nǐ ēnhuì huàyǔ)James Montgomery (Author)Chinese2
Words of eternal life to meJames Montgomery (Author)English2
Work while it is todayJ. Montgomery (Author)English23
Worthy the Lamb for sinners slainJames Montgomery (Author)3
Yea, I will extol thee, Lord of life and lightMontgomery (Author)English11
영광 나라 천사들아 땅끝까지 날면서 (Yeong-gwang nala cheonsadeul-a ttangkkeutkkaji nalmyeonseo)James Montgomery (Author)Korean2
Yes, I would bless thee, O my GodJames Mongtomery (Author)2
Shepherd of souls, refresh and blessJ. Montgomery ((Efel.))English67
Young though in years we beMontgomery (Author)3
Youth, health, and strength are ours to-dayJames Montgomery (Author)English5
Yus amayaŋ ye, JehovahJames Montgomery (Author)Dakota1
Зь неба Ангелы зьляціце, пабывайце тут і тамJames Montgomery (Author)Belarusian2

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