Charles Wesley

Charles Wesley
Short Name: Charles Wesley
Full Name: Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788
Birth Year: 1707
Death Year: 1788

Charles Wesley, M.A. was the great hymn-writer of the Wesley family, perhaps, taking quantity and quality into consideration, the great hymn-writer of all ages. Charles Wesley was the youngest son and 18th child of Samuel and Susanna Wesley, and was born at Epworth Rectory, Dec. 18, 1707. In 1716 he went to Westminster School, being provided with a home and board by his elder brother Samuel, then usher at the school, until 1721, when he was elected King's Scholar, and as such received his board and education free. In 1726 Charles Wesley was elected to a Westminster studentship at Christ Church, Oxford, where he took his degree in 1729, and became a college tutor. In the early part of the same year his religious impressions were much deepened, and he became one of the first band of "Oxford Methodists."

In 1735 he went with his brother John to Georgia, as secretary to General Oglethorpe, having before he set out received Deacon's and Priest's Orders on two successive Sundays. His stay in Georgia was very short; he returned to England in 1736, and in 1737 came under the influence of Count Zinzendorf and the Moravians, especially of that remarkable man who had so large a share in moulding John Wesley's career, Peter Bonier, and also of a Mr. Bray, a brazier in Little Britain. On Whitsunday, 1737, [sic. 1738] he "found rest to his soul," and in 1738 he became curate to his friend, Mr. Stonehouse, Vicar of Islington, but the opposition of the churchwardens was so great that the Vicar consented that he "should preach in his church no more." Henceforth his work was identified with that of his brother John, and he became an indefatigable itinerant and field preacher. On April 8, 1749, he married Miss Sarah Gwynne. His marriage, unlike that of his brother John, was a most happy one; his wife was accustomed to accompany him on his evangelistic journeys, which were as frequent as ever until the year 1756," when he ceased to itinerate, and mainly devoted himself to the care of the Societies in London and Bristol. Bristol was his headquarters until 1771, when he removed with his family to London, and, besides attending to the Societies, devoted himself much, as he had done in his youth, to the spiritual care of prisoners in Newgate. He had long been troubled about the relations of Methodism to the Church of England, and strongly disapproved of his brother John's "ordinations." Wesley-like, he expressed his disapproval in the most outspoken fashion, but, as in the case of Samuel at an earlier period, the differences between the brothers never led to a breach of friendship. He died in London, March 29, 1788, and was buried in Marylebone churchyard. His brother John was deeply grieved because he would not consent to be interred in the burial-ground of the City Road Chapel, where he had prepared a grave for himself, but Charles said, "I have lived, and I die, in the Communion of the Church of England, and I will be buried in the yard of my parish church." Eight clergymen of the Church of England bore his pall. He had a large family, four of whom survived him; three sons, who all became distinguished in the musical world, and one daughter, who inherited some of her father's poetical genius. The widow and orphans were treated with the greatest kindness and generosity by John Wesley.

As a hymn-writer Charles Wesley was unique. He is said to have written no less than 6500 hymns, and though, of course, in so vast a number some are of unequal merit, it is perfectly marvellous how many there are which rise to the highest degree of excellence. His feelings on every occasion of importance, whether private or public, found their best expression in a hymn. His own conversion, his own marriage, the earthquake panic, the rumours of an invasion from France, the defeat of Prince Charles Edward at Culloden, the Gordon riots, every Festival of the Christian Church, every doctrine of the Christian Faith, striking scenes in Scripture history, striking scenes which came within his own view, the deaths of friends as they passed away, one by one, before him, all furnished occasions for the exercise of his divine gift. Nor must we forget his hymns for little children, a branch of sacred poetry in which the mantle of Dr. Watts seems to have fallen upon him. It would be simply impossible within our space to enumerate even those of the hymns which have become really classical. The saying that a really good hymn is as rare an appearance as that of a comet is falsified by the work of Charles Wesley; for hymns, which are really good in every respect, flowed from his pen in quick succession, and death alone stopped the course of the perennial stream.

It has been the common practice, however for a hundred years or more to ascribe all translations from the German to John Wesley, as he only of the two brothers knew that language; and to assign to Charles Wesley all the original hymns except such as are traceable to John Wesley through his Journals and other works.

The list of 482 original hymns by John and Charles Wesley listed in this Dictionary of Hymnology have formed an important part of Methodist hymnody and show the enormous influence of the Wesleys on the English hymnody of the nineteenth century.

-- Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Charles Wesley, the son of Samuel Wesley, was born at Epworth, Dec. 18, 1707. He was educated at Westminster School and afterwards at Christ Church, Oxford, where he graduated M.A. In 1735, he took Orders and immediately proceeded with his brother John to Georgia, both being employed as missionaries of the S.P.G. He returned to England in 1736. For many years he engaged with his brother in preaching the Gospel. He died March 29, 1788. To Charles Wesley has been justly assigned the appellation of the "Bard of Methodism." His prominence in hymn writing may be judged from the fact that in the "Wesleyan Hymn Book," 623 of the 770 hymns were written by him; and he published more than thirty poetical works, written either by himself alone, or in conjunction with his brother. The number of his separate hymns is at least five thousand.

--Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A., 1872.

Wikipedia Biography

Charles Wesley (18 December 1707 – 29 March 1788) was an English leader of the Methodist movement. Wesley was a prolific hymnwriter who wrote over 6,500 hymns during his lifetime. His works include "And Can It Be", "Christ the Lord Is Risen Today", the carol "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing", and "Lo! He Comes With Clouds Descending". Despite their closeness, Charles and John did not always agree on questions relating to their beliefs. In particular, Charles was strongly opposed to the idea of a breach with the Church of England into which they had been ordained.

Texts by Charles Wesley (2412)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
අසව් දුත ගී නද (Asav duta gī nada)Charles Wesley (Author)Sinhala2
වෙන්ට හැකිද මේ දෙය (Venṭa haekida mē deya)Charles Wesley (Author)Sinhala2
A charge to keep I haveCharles Wesley (Author)English1074
A child this day is bornC. Wesley (Author)English1
A Cristo Rey Jesús con gozo adoradCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish2
A crown of righteousnessCharles Wesley (Author)2
A fountain of life and of graceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English28
A goodly formal saintCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English17
A los montes elevo la vistaCarlos Wesley (Author)Spanish4
A nation God delights to blessCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English13
A stranger in the world belowCharles Wesley (Author)English19
A thousand oracles divineCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English38
A! Waŋkaŋd dowaŋpi ce!Charles Wesley (Author)Dakota1
Abba, Father, hear thy childCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English25
Abraham, when severely triedCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English24
Absent, alas, from God, We in the body mournCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English7
Ach, wohin soll ich geh'n, beladen, krank und mattCharles Wesley (Author)German2
Acharei mercê em Deus?Charles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese3
Adam descended from aboveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English10
Adored by the acclaiming crowdCharles Wesley (Author)English2
After all that I have doneCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English6
Again the kind revolving yearCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English11
Again we lift our voiceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)8
Ah, give me, Lord, myself to feelCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Ah Lord with late regret I ownCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English3
Ah Lord, with trembling I confessCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English28
Ah! lovely appearance of death, No sight upon earth is so fairCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English53
Ah my dear Lord whose changeless loveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
Ah! my dear, loving LordCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Ah what avails my strifeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English17
Ah when shall I awakeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English17
Ah where am I nowCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English16
Ah, whither should I goCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English126
Ah! Whither would ye flyCharles Wesley (Author)English3
Ai marw raid i miCharles Wesley (Author)Welsh2
Ainda posso demorarCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese2
Alas, and did my Savior bleedRev. Charles Wesley (Author)English3
Alegres, adorai ao Redentor JesusCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese3
All conquering Lord, whom sinners adoreCharles Wesley (Author)English2
All glory and praise be to Jesus our LordCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English14
All glory and praise to the Ancient of DaysCharles Wesley (Author)English1
All glory to God, and peace upon earthCharles Wesley (Author)English2
All glory to God in the skyW. (Author)English40
All glory to our gracious LordCharles Wesley (Author)1
All hail, happy day, When enrobed in our clayCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English28
All hail the Savior's hallowed crossCharles Wesley (Author)English1
All hail, thou lengthener of my daysCharles Wesley (Author)3
All honor and praise to the Father of graceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English3
All power to save, O Lord, is thineWesley (Author)3
All praise to God on highCharles Wesley (Author)English2
All praise to Him who dwells in blissCharles Wesley, 1707-88 (Author)English47
All praise to his name who gives us to meetCharles Wesley (Author)2
All praise to our redeeming LordCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English119
All praise to the Lamb, accepted I amCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English28
All praise to the Lord, Who rules with a wordCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English11
All thanks and praise to God belongCharles Wesley (Author)English1
All thanks be to God, Who scatters abroadC. Wesley (Author)English12
All thanks be to the Lamb who gives us to meetCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English19
All thanks to the Lamb, who gives us to meetCharles Wesley, 1707-88 (Author)English2
All things are possible to HimC. Wesley (Author)English35
All wise, all good, almighty LordCharles Wesley (Author)English2
All ye that pass by, to Jesus draw nighCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English65
All ye that seek the Lord who diedCharles Wesley (Author)English4
Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise the Lord rejoice and sing!Charles Wesley (Author)English2
Aller Liebe schönste BlumeCharles Wesley (Author)German2
Almighty God of love, Set up the attracting signCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English19
Almighty God of truth and loveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)6
Almighty God, to thee I cryCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)6
المسيح اليوم قام هللوياCharles Wesley (Author)Arabic1
الرب قال لربيCharles Wesley (Author)Arabic1
Although the vine its fruit deny, Although the olive yield no oilCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)12
Am I a soldier of the crossCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Amazing grace! (how sweet the sound)Charles Wesley (Author)English1
Ambitious, covetous, vainCharles Wesley (Author)1
Amen to all that God hath saidCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Amo Dia, senkomparaCharles Wesley (Author)Esperanto12
Amo Dia, tutsupera, ĝoj' ĉiela inter niCharles Wesley (Author)Esperanto7
An dein Herz, das treu mich liebtCharles Wesley (Author)German4
An deiner blut'gen Seite nahCharles Wesley (Author)German6
An inward baptism of fire LordCharles Wesley (Author)English1
An unregenerate child of manCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
And am I born to die?Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English129
And am I only born to die?Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English74
And are our joys so quickly fledCharles Wesley (Author)3
And are Thy plagues and mercies, LordCharles Wesley (Author)English2
And are we yet aliveC. Wesley (Author)English152
And can I yet delayCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English244
And can it be that I should gainCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English143
And did my Lord on earth endureCharles Wesley (Author)English4
And have I measured half my daysCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)15
And let our bodies partCharles Wesley (Author)English87
And let this feeble body failCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English238
And live I yet by power divineCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English7
And must I be to judgment broughtCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English199
And must this body die?C. Wesley (Author)English1
And must thou perish in thy bloodCharles Wesley (Author)English2
And shall we now turn backCharles Wesley (Author (attributed to))English2
And though our bodies partCharles Wesley (Author)English11
And wilt Thou yet be foundCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English42
Angel of covenanted graceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English10
Angel of God, whate'er betideWesley (Author)5
Angels now are hovering round usCharles Wesley (Author)1
Angels our march opposeC. Wesley (Author)English7
Angels rejoice in Jesus' graceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English6
Angels speak, let man give earCharles Wesley (Author)1
Angels wherever we go attendWesley (Author)English17
Angels your march opposeCharles Wesley (Author)English18
Appointed by Thee we meet in Thy nameC. Wesley (Author)English43
Aqui em paz descansareiCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese2
Are there not in the laborer's dayCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English20
Arise, my soul, arise, Shake off thy guilty fearsCharles Wesley (Author)English653
Arise, my soul, arise, Thy Savior's sacrificeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English8
Arise, O man, ariseCharles Wesley (Author)3
Arise, ye men of warCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Arising from Thy holy placeCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Arm of the Lord, awake, awake! Put on thy strength! the nations shake!C. Wesley, 1707-88 (Author)English4
Arm of the Lord, awake, awake! Thine own immortal strength put on!Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English55
Art thou weary, art thou languidCharles Wesley (Author)English2
As shipwrecked mariners desireCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
Assembled here with one accordCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
At evening to myself I sayCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English5
Aŭdu! kantas anĝelĥor': "Nun naskiĝis la Sinjor'Charles Wesley (Author)Esperanto2
Auf Dich, Jesu, schauen wirCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)German9
Auf, Seele, fasse Mut, Wirf hin die SorgenpeinCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)German2
Aujourd'hui, jour de mémoire, Alléluia!Charles Wesley (Author)French2
Aún vivimos hoyCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish3
Author and end of my desiresWesley (Author)3
Author of every work divineCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Author of faith, appearCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English3
Author of faith, eternal WordCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English68
Author of faith, to Thee I cryCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English35
Author of faith, we seek Thy faceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English33
Author of life divineCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English39
Author of our salvation, theeCharles Wesley (Author)English25
Awake, Jerusalem, awake, No longer on thy sins lie downCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English80
Awake, Jerusalem, awake, Thou that hast drunk the trembling cupCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Awake, my soul, and with the sunCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English1
Awake my soul, to meet the dayWesley (Author)English1
Awake, thou guilty world, awakeCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Awake, ye guilty souls, awakeCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Awakened by Thy threatenings, LordCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Away, my needless fearsC. Wesley (Author)English39
Away my unbelieving fearCharles Wesley (Author)English84
Away vain thoughts, that stir withinCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Away with our fears, Our troubles and tearsC. Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)English10
Away with our fears, The glad morning appearsCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English24
Away with our fears, The Godhead appearsCharles Wesley (Author)3
Away with our sorrow and fearCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English83
Awhile in flesh disjoinedCharles Wesley (Author)3
ആ-യിരം നാവാൽ പാടിടും (Ā-yiraṁ nāvāl pāṭiṭuṁ)Charles Wesley (Author)Malayalam2
Baptized into thy name, Mysterious one in threeC. Wesley (Author)English23
Be it according to thy wordCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English7
Be it my only wisdom hereCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English90
Be pleased to keep me, Lord, this dayCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Be present at our table, LordCharles Wesley (Author (st. 2))English1
Be thou, O Rock of Ages, nighCharles Wesley (Author)3
Because for me the Savior praysCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English3
Because thou hast said "Do this for my sake,"Charles Wesley (Author)English5
Before Jehovah's awful throneC. Wesley (Author)English8
Before the Father's awful throne Our High-Priest lifts hisCharles Wesley, 1708-88 (Author)5
Before the throne my Savior standsCharles Wesley (Author)English4
Behold He comes! and Every EyeCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Behold how good a thing It is to dwell in peaceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English28
Behold, I come with joy to doCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English10
Behold me, Savior, from aboveW (Author)4
Behold the Lamb of God, who bears The sins of all the world awayCharles Wesley, 1707-88 (Author)English3
Behold the Lamb of God, who bears the world's dread loadCharles Wesley (Author)4
Behold the miracle renewedCharles Wesley (Author)1
Behold the Savior of mankindW. (Author)English2
Behold the servant of the LordCharles Wesley (Author)English32
Behold us, Lord, with humble fearCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)10
Behold, ye souls that mourn for GodCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Being of beings, God of loveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English69
Being of beings! may our praiseW. (Author)1
Beyond the bounds of time and spaceWesley (Author)English6
Bid me of men bewareCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English26
Bishop of souls, regard our cryCharles Wesley (Author (attributed to))English2
Blast die Trompete, blast, den frohen FriedenstonCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)German12
Blast die Trompete, blast, jetzt geht das Halljahr anCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)German6
Blest be the dear united loveC. Wesley (Author)English205
Blessed are the pure in heart, prepared their God to seeCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Blessing and honor, praise and loveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English10
Blessing, honor, thanks and praiseCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English23
Blessings to God, for ever blestC. Wesley (Author)English2
Blessing to God, the Father ever blestCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Blest be our everlasting LordCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English43
Blest be the God, whose tender careCharles Wesley (Author)2
Blest be the grace which did proclaimCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Blest is the man, supremely blestCharles Wesley (Author)English3
Bliv, du bedroevet Aand her endCharles Wesley (Author)2
Blow ye the trump, in Zion blowCharles Wesley (Author (attributed to))English2
Blow ye the trumpet, blowCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English642
Branch of Jesse's stem, ariseCharles Wesley (Author)2
Break forth into praise, our surety and headCharles Wesley (Author)1
Break off the yoke of inbred sinCharles Wesley (Author)2
Break stubborn Heart, and sigh no moreCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Brethren in Christ and well belovedCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English28
Brethren, the end is nearCharles Wesley (Author (attributed to))English2
But above all lay holdCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English8
But can it be that I should proveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English28
But if Thou wilt not save us hereCharles Wesley (Author)English2
But who sufficient is to leadCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)4
By faith I to the fountain flyCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English16
By faith the upper choir we meetC. Wesley (Author)2
By faith we already beholdCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
By faith we are come to our permanent homeCharles Wesley (Author)1
By faith we find the place aboveCharles Wesley (Author)English22
By me, O my Savior, standCharles Wesley (Author)English1
By secret influence from aboveCharles Wesley (Author)English3
By Thine agonizing painCharles Wesley (Author)English3
By thy Spirit, Lord, reproveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
By willful sin the man who wrongsCharles Wesley (Author)English2
சாகப்பிறந்தேனா? (Cākappiṟantēṉā?)Charles Wesley (Author)Tamil2
Called from above, I riseCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English25
Calmer of the troubled heartCharles Wesley (Author)3
Can we in unbelievers findCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English3
Canst thou reject our dying prayerCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
Canta un Angel en el cieloCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish2
Cantad a Jehová Alegremente en SiónCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish2
Cantam anjos com fervorCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese2
Cantam anjos harmoniasCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese2
Captain of my salvation, hear!Charles Wesley (Author)English2
Captain of our salvation, takeC. Wesley (Author)English26
Captain, we look to TheeCharles Wesley (Author (attributed to))English2
Carinhoso Salvador, quero a ti me aconchegarCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese2
Cariñoso SalvadorCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish27
Cast on the fidelityCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English25
Cast out thy foes, and let them stillCharles Wesley (Author)2
Caught by the almighty handCharles Wesley (Author)4
Celebrate Immanuel's nameC. Wesley (Author)English4
Celebremos del Señor, ¡Aleluya!Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)Spanish8
Center of our hopes Thou artCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English26
Charged with the complicated loadCharles Wesley (Author (stanza 3) (alt.))1
Chastised by an indulgent GodCharles Wesley (Author)English3
Che uh no kee too non (A charge to keep I have)Charles Wesley (Author)Chippewa2
천사 찬송하기를 거룩하신 구주께 (Cheonsa chansonghagileul geolughasin gujukke)Charles Wesley (Author)Korean2
Cherish us with kindest careCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
Chrétien, réjouis-toi!Charles Wesley (Author)French2
Christ bids us knock and enter inC. Wesley (Author)2
Christ, from whom all blessings flow, By whose grace your people growCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
Christ, from whom all blessings flow, Perfecting the saints belowCharles Wesley (Author)English55
Christ, Whose glory fills the skiesCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English382
Christ is coming! Let creation Bid her groans and travail ceaseCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Christ is risen, our Lord and KingC. Wesley (Author)English9
Christ, maḣpiya towitaŋCharles Wesley (Author)Dakota1
Christ, my hidden life, appearCharles Wesley (Author)English3
Christ, our head, and common LordCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Christ, our Head, gone up on high, Be Thou in Thy Spirit nighCharles Wesley (Author)English6
Christ, our passover, is slainCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English11
Christ, the Lord is risen today, Sons of men and angels sayCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English960
Christian, seek not yet reposeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English29
Clap your hands, ye people allCharles Wesley (Author)English4
จงฟังเพลงแห่งทูตสวรรค์ สาธุการพระเจ้าเบื้องบน (Cng fạng phelng h̄æ̀ng thūt s̄wrrkh̒ s̄āṭhukār phracêā beụ̄̂xngbn)Charles Wesley (Author)Thai2
Come all who love the slaughtered LambCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Come all who truly bear the name of Christ your LordCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English10
Come all whoever have set Your face ZionwardC. Wesley (Author)English2
Come, all ye souls by sin oppressedCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)11
Come, and let us sweetly joinRev. Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English89
Come away to the skies, my beloved ariseCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English103
Come, blessed Spirit, gracious LordCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)4
Come, Desire of nations, comeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English24
Come, divine and peaceful guestCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)23
Come, divine Immanuel, comeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English11
Come, divine InterpreterCharles Wesley (Author)English8
Come, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Honor the means ordained by theeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English78
Come, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, One God in person threeCharles Wesley (Author)English8
Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, To whom we for our children cryCharles Wesley (Author)English7
Come, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Whom one all-perfect God we ownCharles Wesley (Author)English14
Come, holy, celestial DoveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English30
Come, Holy Ghost, all-quickening fire, Come, and my hallowed heart inspireCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English32
Come, Holy Ghost, all-quickening fire, Come, and in me delight to restC. Wesley (Author)English14
Come, Holy Ghost, descend from [from on] highRev. Charles Wesley (Authro (v. 1))English1
Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire, Let us Thine influence proveRev. Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English188
Come, Holy Ghost, set to thy sealCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English10
Come, Holy Ghost, thy influence shedCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English11
Come, Holy Spirit, from on high; Baptizer of our spirits ThouCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English8
Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all Thy quickening powersC. Wesley (Author (vs. 2, 3))English2
Come, Holy Spirit, raise our songsCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English27
Come, Holy Spirit, search my heartCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English2
Come, Jesus, Lord, with holy fireCharles Wesley (Author)English4
Come, King of saints, so long concealedCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Come, let us all unite to sing, God is loveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English1
Come, let us anew Our journey pursue, Roll round with the yearCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English366
Come, let us anew our journey pursue, With vigor ariseCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English33
Come, let us arise, and press to the skiesC. Wesley (Author)English4
Come, let us arise, and aim at the prizeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English2
Come, let us ascend, My companion and friendCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English53
Come, let us embrace, In our earliest daysC. Wesley (Author)3
Come, let us join our friends aboveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English253
Come, let us join the hosts above, Now in our youthful daysCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)30
Come, let us join with one accord In hymns around the throne!Charles Wesley (Author)English79
Come, let us our good God proclaimCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Come, let us rise with Christ our HeadCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)5
Come, let us use the grace divineCharles Wesley (Author)English99
Come, let us who in Christ believeC. Wesley (Author)English69
Come, let us with our Lord ariseC. Wesley, 1707-88 (Author)English23
Come, Lord, and claim me for thine ownCharles Wesley (Author)English19
Come, Lord, and help me to rejoiceCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Come, Lord, come quickly from aboveCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Come, Lord, from above, the mountains removeCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Come, Lord, thy glorious Spirit criesCharles Wesley (Author)1
Come, my companions dearWesley (Author)3
Come, now, ye wanderers, to your GodC. Wesley (Author)5
Come, O my chosen people comeCharles Wesley (Author (attributed to))English2
Come, O my God, the promise sealCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English47
Come, O my God, thyself revealCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Come, O my guilty brethren, comeCharles Wesley (Author)English3
Come, O my Savior, come awayCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Alterer)2
Come, O my soul, the call obeyCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)4
Come, O Thou all victorious LordCharles Wesley (Author)English72
Come, O thou greater than our heartCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English30
Come, O Thou Traveler unknownCharles Wesley (Author)English202
Come, O Thou universal goodCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English19
Come, O ye sinners, to your LordCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English31
Come on, my partners in distressCharles Wesley (Author)English146
Come quickly, gracious Lord, and takeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English11
Come, Savior, let thy tokens proveWesley (Author)1
Come, sinners, to the gospel feast, Let every soul be Jesus' guestCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English284
Come, take His offers nowCharles Wesley (Author)English3
Come, O Thou Prophet of the LordCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English5
Come, Thou all inspiring SpiritCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English12
Come, Thou Almighty King, Ancient of daysC. Wesley (Author)English2
Come, Thou Almighty King, Help us Thy name to singC. Wesley (Author)English510
Come, thou Conqueror of the nationsCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English6
Come, Thou everlasting LordCharles Welsey (Author)English2
Come, Thou everlasting SpiritCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English58
Come, Thou Fount of every blessingC. Wesley (Author)English1
Come, Thou High and Holy LordWesley (Author)2
Come, thou high and lofty LordC. Wesley (Author)English27
Come, thou holy God and true!Charles Wesley (Author)1
Come, Thou omniscient Son of ManCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English23
Come, thou universal blessingCharles Wesley (Author)6
Come to judgment, come awayCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Come to the house of mourning comeCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Come to the living waters, comeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English1
Come to the Supper, comeCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Come unto me when shadows darkly gatherC. Wesley (Author)English4
Come, weary sinners, comeCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Come, wisdom, power, and grace divineCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English24
Come, ye followers of the Lord, In Jesus' service joinCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English18
Come, ye sinners, poor and needyCharles Wesley (Author)English4
Come ye that seek the LordCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Come, ye weary sinners, come, All who groan beneath your loadC. Wesley (Author)English72
Comfort, ye ministers of grace, Comfort my people, saith your God!C. Wesley (Author)English1
Comfort, ye ministers of grace, Comfort, the people of your LordCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English66
Comigo fica, InstruidorCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese2
Coming through our great High PriestCharles Wesley (Author)4
Commit thou all thy griefsWesley (Author)English2
Como contar de Deus o amor,Charles Wesley (Author)Portuguese2
Cómo en su sangre pudo haberCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish4
Con cánticos, Señor, Mi corazón y vozCharles Wesley, 1835-1896 (Author)Spanish3
Con júbilo tocadCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)Spanish3
Con las nubes viene Cristo, El que en la cruz murióCharles Wesley (Author (es. 1, 2, 4))Spanish2
Con las nubes viene Cristo Que una vez por nos murióCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish4
¡Consolador, eterno Dios!Carlos Wesley (Author)Spanish2
Control my every thoughtCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)7
Coragem! Alma vilCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese2
Cristo ha resucitado, ¡aleluya!Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)Spanish3
Cristo já ressuscitouCharles Wesley (Author (st. 3))Portuguese3
Cristo, presente CelestialCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese2
Cristo ya ha resucitadoCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish2
Cristo ya resucito de la tumbaCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish1
Cristo ya resuscitó, ¡Aleluya!Charles Wesley (Author)Spanish2
Csüggedt, fáradt, terhelt lényCharles Wesley (Author)Hungarian2
Cut me not off, almighty LordCharles Wesley (Author)English3
ദൈവസ്‌തുതിക്കു നെഞ്ചം താ (Daivas‌tutikku neñcaṁ tā)Charles Wesley (Author)Malayalam2
Damos la fe que sea capazCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)Spanish2
Dashuri mbi dashuri qëCharles Wesley (Author)Albanian2
De Cristo los soldados Levantense gloriososCarlos Wesley (Author)Spanish3
De fonte oculta emana a calmaCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese2
Dear dying Lamb, for whom aloneCharles Wesley (Author)Latin2
Dear Lord Jesus, hear my prayer, keep me in Thy loving careCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English3
Deepen the wound thy hands have madeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English23
Deiner wartet meine SeeleCharles Wesley (Author)German2
Dem Leibe nach getrennt Geh'n wir in alle WeltCharles Wesley (Author)German3
Depart ye ransom'd souls, departCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Depth of mercy! can there be, Mercy still reserved for me (Wesley)Charles Wesley (Author)English613
Desconhecido, és meu DeusCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese2
Dich, Jesu, allein will ich loben, du QuelleCharles Wesley (Author)German2
Dios Ama, naasiCharles Wesley (Author)Tagalog2
Dios ñga ayat catan-ocanCharles Wesley (Author)Tagalog2
Dios obra por senderos misteriososCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish2
Divino amor, pasión sin parCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)Spanish4
Divino autor da vidaCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese3
ദിവ്യമാം അതുല്ല്യ സ്നേഹം (Divyamāṁ atullya snēhaṁ)Charles Wesley (Author)Malayalam2
Does the Gospel word proclaimC. Wesley (Author)English1
Draw near, O Son of God, draw nearC. Wesley (Author)English49
Draw near, ye strangers to our GodCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Dreadful, pride chastising wordCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Dreadful, sin chastising GodCharles Wesley (Author (attributed to))1
Drooping soul, shake off thy fearsCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English21
Du gnadenreicher Herr, Du Born [Brunn], der immer quilltCharles Wesley (Author)German2
Du Gottessohn, des FlammenblickC. Wesley (Author)German3
Dyb af Naadejer det saaCharles Wesley (Author)2
Dying Friend of sinners hear usCharles Wesley (Author)1
Dyma Babell y cyfarfodCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)Welsh1
E ka Uhane mana lani, Iho mai I kela aoCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)Hawaiian3
E ke 'Lii mana mauCharles Wesley (Author)Hawaiian1
E ku na koa eCharles Wesley (Author)Hawaiian3
Earth and heaven repeat the cryCharles Wesley (Author)3
Earth, rejoice our Lord is KingC. Wesley (Author)English17
Ecoutez le chant des angesCharles Wesley (Author)French2
Egy Név áll messze magasanCharles Wesley (Author)Hungarian2
Ein Amt ist mir vertrautCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)German7
Ein heilig Amt ist mir vertrautCharles Wesley (Author)German2
Ein' Pflicht zu tun ich hab'Charles Wesley (Author)German5
Ein Werk ist mir vertrautCharles Wesley (Author)German1
Eis dos anjos a harmoniaCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese3
El Señor resucitóCharles Wesley (Author (estr. 4))Spanish16
Em mim vem habitarCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese2
Em teu nome, ó Senhor, ireiCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese2
Ember, halljad IstenedCharles Wesley (Author)Hungarian2
Énértem halt Isten Fia?Charles Wesley (Author)Hungarian2
Engjëjt na kumtojn’ taniCharles Wesley (Author)Albanian2
Enlisted into the cause of sinCharles Wesley (Author)2
Enslaved to sense, to pleasure proneCharles Wesley (Author)English16
Entered the holy place aboveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English14
Entering into my closetCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English6
Entre nuvens multicoresCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese2
How can we sinners knowCharles Wesley (Author)English5
Equip me for the warC. Wesley (Author)English78
Érték és kincs, mit Isten adCharles Wesley (Author)Hungarian2
Escuchad el son triunfalCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish2
Eternal Beam of light divineCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)English68
Eternal depth of love divineC. Wesley (Author)English1
Eternal Father, God of love, To Thee our hearts we raiseCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)23
Eternal God, enthroned on highWesley (Author)English1
Eternal Lord of earth and skiesCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English8
Eternal Son, eternal loveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English4
Eternal Spirit, come into Thy meanest homeCharles Wesley (Author)English9
Eternal, spotless Lamb of GodCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English10
Eternal Sun of righteousnessCharles Wesley, 1707-88 (Author)English48
Eu posso demorar pra tudo a ti cederCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese2
Eu sei que vive o RedemptorCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese2
Eu sei que vive o Redentor E vida quer nos darCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese2
Eu sempre aqui descansareiCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese2
Ever fainting with desireCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English26
Evil I then must beCharles Wesley (Author)English2
எவ்வாரே நான் பெற்றுக்கொண்டேன் (Evvārē nāṉ peṟṟukkoṇṭēṉ)Charles Wesley (Author)Tamil2
Except the Lord conduct the planCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English50
Expand thy wings, celestial DoveCharles Wesley (Author)English12
Extol his kingly powerCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard What Christ hath for his Saints preparedCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Eye hath not seen, nor ear hath heardCharles Wesley (Author)2
Fain would I learn of thee, my GodCharles Wesley (Author)1
Fain would I leave the world belowCharles Wesley (Author)4
Fain would I, Lord, the word receiveCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Faint the earth, and parched with droughtCharles Wesley (Author)3
Fainting soul, be bold, be strongCharles Wesley (Author)2
Fair shines the morning starWesley (Author)English3
Faith, mighty faith, the promise seesCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English2
Faithful, O Lord, Thy mercies areC. Wesley (Author)English24
Far off we need not roveCharles Wesley, 1707-88 (Author)English2
Farewell, thou once a sinner [mortal]Charles Wesley (Author)6
Father, and God of Abraham, hearCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Father and God of all mankindC. Wesley (Author)3
Father, at thy footstool seeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English33
Father, behold, with gracious eyes The souls before thy throneCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English23
Father, by saints on earth adoredCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)7
Father, if thou my Father artCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English7
Father, glorify Thy SonCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English24
Father, God, thy love we praiseCharles Wesley (Author)5
Father, God, we glorify Thy love to Adam's seedCharles Wesley (Author)6
Father, God, who seest in meCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English11
Father, hear our humble claimCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)10
Father, hear the blood of JesusCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English19
Father, hear thy humble childCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
Father, I dare believeCharles Wesley (Author)English61
Father, I stretch my hands to TheeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English419
Father, if I may call Thee soCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English11
Father, if thou must reproveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English11
Father, if thou willing beCharles Wesley (Author)6
Father, in the Mighty NameCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Father, in the name I prayC. Wesley (Author)English3
Father, in these reveal Thy SonRev. Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English6
Father, in whom we liveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English74
Father, into Thy hands aloneCharles Wesley (Author)English19
Father of all, by whom we areCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Father of all, in whom aloneCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English58
Father of all, whose powerful voiceCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Father of all, whose sovereign willCharles Wesley (Author)6
Father of boundless graceC. Wesley (Author)English3
Father of everlasting grace, Be mindful of thy changeless wordC. Wesley (Author)English3
Father of everlasting grace, Thy awful providence we ownCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English2
Father of everlasting grace, Thy goodness and thy truth we praiseCharles Wesley 1707-88 (Author)English11
Father of faithful Abraham, hearC. Wesley (Author)English5
Father of Jesus Christ, my Lord, I humbly seek Thy faceC. Wesley (Author)English3
Father of Jesus Christ my Lord, My Savior, and my HeadC. Wesley (Author)English32
Father of Jesus Christ our Lord, With Jesus Christ forever oneCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Father of Jesus Christ, the JustCharles Wesley (Author)English6
Father of lights, from whom proceedsC. Wesley (Author)English6
Father of lights, thy needful aidCharles Wesley (Author)English4
Father of me and all mankindCharles Wesley (Author)English42
Father of mercies, show what weWesley (Author)3
Father of mercies, hear our prayers For those who do us goodCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English9
Father of might, my bonds I feelCharles Wesley (Author)1
Father of my dying Lord To whom I sue for peaceCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Father of omnipotent graceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)11
Father of omnipresent graceC. Wesley (Author)English3
Father of our dying Lord Remember us for goodCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English27
Father of uncreated lightCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Father, on me the grace bestowC. Wesley (Author)2
Father, our hearts we liftC. Wesley (Author)English40
Father, refuge of my soulC. Wesley (Author)7
Father, see this living clodCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)7
Father, since thou permittestCharles Wesley (Author)2
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, In solemn power come down!Charles Wesley, 1708-88 (Author)English8
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, One in three, and three in oneC. Wesley (Author)English82
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Thy Godhead we adoreRev. Chas. Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)English10
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, One God Whom we adoreCharles Wesley (Author)English9
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Thou, the God whom we adoreCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Father, Son, and Spirit, hearRev. Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English10
Father, supply my every needC. Wesley (Author)English21
Father, this slumber shakeCharles Wesley (Author)1
Father, though I have sinned with TheeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English4
Father, Thy will be done, not mineCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Father, to thee I lift mine eyesCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English10
Father, to thee my soul I liftC. Wesley (Author)English64
Father, we look up to TheeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English8
Father, whose everlasting loveC. Wesley (Author)English22
Favor and peace on earth, and praise in Heav'nCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English2
Faze-me, ó Deus, guardarCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese2
Felséges, áldó Istenünk!Charles Wesley (Author)Hungarian2
Feuer brachte einst auf ErdenCharles Wesley (Author)German2
First and last in me performCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English6
Five bleeding wounds he bearsCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Fly, to the mountains flyCharles Wesley (Author (attributed to))English2
Föl, lelkem, itt a napCharles Wesley (Author)Hungarian2
Fondly my foolish heart essaysCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English11
For Zion's sake I will not ceaseCharles Wesley (Author)3
For ever here my rest shall beCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English345
Forewarned by my Redeemer's loveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English3
Forgive me, O long-suffering GodCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Forgive my foes, it cannot beCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
Forgive us for Thy mercy's sakeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English9
Forth in Thy Name, O Lord, I goCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English285
Fountain of all the good we seeCharles Wesley (Author)3
Fountain of life and all my joyCharles Wesley (Author)English11
Fountain of life, to all belowCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English54
Fountain of power and dignityCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Friend of all who seek Thy favorChas. Wesley (Author)English7
From all that dwell below the skiesC. Wesley (Author)English3
From my own works at last I ceaseCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English9
From the throne of God there springsCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)4
From Thee all skill and science flowCharles Wesley (Author)English1
From trials unexemptedCharles Wesley, 1707-88 (Author)English2
From whence these dire portents around? That strike us with unwonted fearCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Full of providential loveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English2
Full of trembling expectationCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English39
Geh' mein Jesus nicht vorbei, Wend' gnädig dich zu mirCharles Wesley (Author)German4
Geist, der den Glauben SchafftCharles Wesley (Author)German2
Geist des Lebens, Geist der Ruh'Charles Wesley (Author)German1
Gelobt nun auf's Neu' dem Herrn Lieb' und Treu'Carl Wesley, 1708-1788 (Author)German4
Gentle Jesus, meek and mild, Look upon a little childCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English180
Get thee behind us, fiendCharles Wesley (Author (attributed to))English2
Give glory to Jesus our HeadCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)11
Give me a new, a perfect heartCharles Wesley (Author)English14
Give me a sober mindW. (Author)1
Give me the enlarged desireCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English10
Give me, the faith which can removeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Paraphraser)English34
Give me to trust in theeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Give to the winds thy fearsCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author (st. 1, 3. 4))English3
Give us ourselves and thee to knowCharles Wesley (Author)1
Giver and Guardian of my sleepCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English42
Giver of concord, Prince of peaceCharles Wesley (Author)English33
Giver of each perfect giftC. Wesley (Author)English7
Giver of peace and unityCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English14
Gladly I take Thy love’s adviceCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Gloire, amour, louange et honneurCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)French2
Gloire au Christ ressuscitéCharles Wesley (Author)French2
Glorious God, accept a heartCharles Wesley (Author)English9
Glorious Savior of my soulCharles Wesley (Author)2
Glory be to God above, God from hwom all blessings flowCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English34
Glory be to God on high, And peace on earth descendCharles Wesley, 1707-88 (Author)5
Glory be to God on high, God whose glory fills the skies (Taylor)Charles Wesley (Author)English3
Glory to God on high, Our peace is made with heavenCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English2
Glory be to God on high, God whose glory fills the sky (Wesley)Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English90
Glory be to God the Father! Glory be to God the Son!C. Wesley (Author)English3
Glory, love, and praise, and honorCharles Wesley 1707-1788 (Author)English8
Glory to God, and praise and loveCharles Wesley (Author)English3
Glory to God on high! Let heaven and earth replyC. Wesley (Author)English3
Glory to God, whose gracious careCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Glory to God, whose gracious powerCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Glory to God, whose sovereign graceCharles Wesley (Author)English8
Glory to that victorious graceCharles Wesley (Author)2
Glory to thee, thou righteous GodCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English5
Glory to Thee, whose powerful wordCharles Wesley (Author)English29
Gnadenabgrund, darf ich dochChas. Wesley (Author)German13
Go on ye pilgrims, while belowCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Go then again, my Lord enjoinedCharles Wesley (Author)3
God eternal, Lord of allC. Wesley (Author)English1
God is always near me, Hearing what I sayCharles Wesley (Author)English1
God is gone up on highCharles Wesley (Author)English51
God is goodness, wisdom, powerCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)12
God is in this and every placeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English42
God of all consolation, take The glory of Thy graceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English43
God of all consolation, The Holy Ghost Thou artCharles Wesley (Author)English8
God of all grace and majestyCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English31
God of all power and graceCharles Wesley (Author)3
God of all power, and truth, and grace, Which shall from age to age endureCharles Wesley (Author)English54
God of all power, and truth, and grace, Thou hast increased the holy seedCharles Wesley (Author)English2
God of all power, and truth and loveCharles Wesley (Author)1
God of all redeeming grace, By Thy pardoning grace compelledCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English23
God of almighty loveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English46
God of awful majestyCharles Wesley (Author)English2
God of Daniel, hear my prayerCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)5
God of eternal majestyCharles Wesley (Author)English2
God of eternal truth and graceCharles Wesley (Author)English29
God of eternal truth and loveCharles Wesley (Author)English13
God of glorious majestyCharles Wesley (Author)English2
God of Heav’n, appear belowCharles Wesley (Author)English2
God of infinite compassionCharles Wesley (Author (attributed to))English2
God of Jesus, hear me nowC. Wesley (Author)English2
God of Love, who hearest prayerCharles Wesley (Author)English59
God of my life and all its powersCharles Wesley (Author)5
God of my life, how good, how wiseCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English6
God of my life, to Thee My cheerful soul I raiseCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English40
God of my life, what just returnCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English22
God of my life, whose gracious powerCharles wesley (Author)English98
God of my salvation, hearCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English78
God of our life, at Thy commandCharles Wesley (Author)English1
God of thine Israel's faithful threeC. Wesley (Author)English18
God of truth, and power, and graceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English3
God of truth, and power, and loveCharles Wesley (Author)English2
God of unbounded powerCharles Wesley (Author)English6
God of unexampled graceCharles Wesley (Author)English19
God of unexhausted graceCharles Wesley (Author)English1
God of unfathomable loveCharles Wesley (Author)2
God of unspotted purityCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English11
God only knows the love of GodCharles Wesley (Author)2
God, only wise, almighty, goodCharles Wesley (Author)English20
God only wise, and great, and strongCharles Wesley (Author)English2
God ruleth on highCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
God shall bless thy going outCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)5
God, the everlasting GodCharles Wesley (Author)2
God, the offended God most highCharles Wesley (Author)English17
God, the omnipresent GodCharles Wesley (Author)English2
God, who didst so dearly buyCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr'C. Wesley (Author)German2
Gottes Liebe, unvergleichlich, Himmels Lust, der Erd' enthülltCharles Wesley (Author)German2
Gottesliebe, unergründlichC. Wesley (Author)German2
Gozaos, Cristo es ReyCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish2
Grace every morning newCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)7
Grace, the fountain of all goodCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Grace! 'tis a charming soundC. Wesley (Author)English1
Gracious Father, hear thy childCharles Wesley (Author)4
Gracious God, my sins forgiveC. Wesley (Author)English3
Gracious Redeemer, hearCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)5
Gracious Redeemer, shakeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English55
Gracious Savior, gentle ShepherdC. Wesley (Author)English1
Gracious soul, to whom are givenCharles Wesley (Author)English3
Grant us, Lord, thy heavenly lightC. Wesley (Author)1
Granted is the Savior's prayerCharles Wesley (Author)English23
Great Author of my beingCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
Great God, accept a heartCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English4
Great God, indulge my humble claimC. Wesley (Author)English1
Great God, my [our] Father and my [our] FriendCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English20
Great God, to me the sight affordCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English25
Great God, who, ready to forgiveCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Great is our redeeming LordCharles Wesley (Author)English18
Great Source of life and lightCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Guilty I stand before thy faceW. (Author)3
Ha ádáz had kívül-belülCharles Wesley (Author)Hungarian2
Hail, co-essential ThreeCharles Wesley (Author)English10
Hail, Father, Son, and Holy GhostCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English40
Hail, Father, Son, and Spirit greatCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)6
Hail, Father, whose creating callC. Wesley (Author)English1
Hail, holy, holy, holy Lord, Whom One in three we knowCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English57
Hail, Jesus, hail, our great High PriestCharles Wesley (Author)3
Hail the day that sees Him riseCharles Wesley (Author)English415
Come, Thou long expected Jesus! Born to set Thy people freeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English551
Hail to the brightness of Zion's glad morning!Wesley (Author)English3
Halld az égi szózatot: Ó, míly, ó míly boldogokCharles Wesley (Author)Hungarian2
Hamau e na kanakaCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)Hawaiian3
Happy beyond description, he who in the paths of pietyCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)7
Happy day of union sweetCharles Wesley (Author)3
Happy forever happy ICharles Wesley (Author)English2
Happy Magdalene, to whomCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Happy man whom God doth aidC. Wesley (Author)English19
Happy Samuel to [his] GodCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)6
Happy soul, that free from harmsCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English17
Happy soul, thy days are endingCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English126
Happy soul, who sees the dayCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English11
Happy souls that Christ obeyCharles Wesley (Author (attributed to))English2
Happy the man who finds the graceCharles Wesley (Author)English41
Happy the man, who poor and lowCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Happy the men who Jesus knowsCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Happy the multitude (But far above our sphere)Charles Wesley (Author)1
Happy the one to whom 'tis givenCharles Wesley (Author)Latin2
Happy the souls who first believedC. Wesley (Author)English7
Happy the souls to Jesus joinedRev. Charles Wesley (Author)English58
Happy the well instructed youthWesley (Author)1
Happy they whose joys aboundW. (Author)1
Happy who in Jesus liveC. Wesley (Author)English2
Hark, a voice divides the skyThe Rev. C. Wesley (Author)English29
Hark, how all the welkin ringsC. Wesley, 1707-88 (Author)English6
Hark, how the watchmen cryC. Wesley (Author)English48
Hark! the herald angels sing Glory to the new-born KingChas. Wesley (Author)English1076
Hark the herald angels sing, Jesus the light of the worldCharles Wesley (Author (Stanzas))English16
Hark! the sound of holy voices, Chanting over the crystal seaWesley (Author)English1
Hark, the wastes have found a voice Lonely deserts now rejoiceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English4
Hat der Sohn gemacht mich freiC. Wesley (Author)German3
Have mercy, Lord, Thy wrath removeCharles Wesley (Author)English2
He bids me come! His voice I knowCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English5
He comes! He comes! the Judge severe!Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English85
He comes! he comes! the Savior dearCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English4
He dies! the friend of sinners dies!Wesley (Author)English2
He kihapai no ka'uCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)Hawaiian3
何能如此—如我也能得著救主寶血權利!(Hé néng rúcǐ—rú wǒ yě néng dézháo jiù zhǔ bǎo xuè quánlì!)Charles Wesley (Author)Chinese5
He sleeps, and from his open sideCharles Wesley (Author)English2
He wills that I should holy beCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English66
Head of Thy suffering Church belowCharles Wesley (Author (attributed to))English2
Head of Thy Church triumphantCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English133
Head of the church, whose spirit fillsCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English24
Hear all that will, the Spirit hearCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Hear, heaven and earth, your God’s appealCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English2
Hear him, ye deaf, his praise, ye dumbCharles Wesley (Author)1
Hear, Holy Spirit, hearCharles Wesley (Author)2
Hear Jesu, hear, the first and lastCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Hearken to me with earnest careCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Hearken to the solemn voiceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English18
Hearts of stone, relent, relentCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English127
Heavenly Father, God of Love! Send Thy blessing from aboveCharles Wesley (Author)English7
Heavenly Father life divineCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Heavenly Father, sovereign Lord, ever faithful to Thy wordCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English2
Help, Lord! the busy foeCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Help, Lord, to whom for help I flyCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English47
Help us to help each other, LordCharles Wesley (Author)English51
Here will I ever lie, And tell theeC. Wesley (Author)5
Here will I ever lie, And tell Thee all my careC. Wesley (Author)English2
Herr, den meine Seele liebt, Lass an deine BrustCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)German2
He's gone, the spotless soul is goneCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English11
High above every nameCharles Wesley (Author)3
Him dead and buried we confessCharles Wesley (Author)English2
His blood can make the vilest clean (Chorus)Charles Wesley (Author)English2
His inward enemies are goneW. (Author)1
His name yields the richest perfumeCharles Wesley (Author)English1
His Spirit answers to the blood (Chorus)Charles Wesley (Author)English1
Hit élő Lelke, jöjj!Charles Wesley (Author)Hungarian2
Hither, ye laboring sinners, comeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Ho, everyone that thirsts, draw nighCharles Wesley (Author)English129
Hört wie die Wächter schrein, es ist nun MitternachtCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)German14
Holiest whose present mightCharles Wesley (Author)1
Holnapod gondjait holnapra hagyd!Charles Wesley (Author)Hungarian2
Holy and true and righteous, LordCharles Wesley (Author)English46
Holy, and true, who hast the KeyCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Holy as Thou, O Lord, is none!Charles Wesley (Author)English48
Holy Child of heavenly birth, God made man to dwell on earthWesley (Author)1
Holy Child of heavenly birth, God made manifest on earthCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)6
Holy, holy, holy, Lord! Live by heaven and earth adoredC. Wesley (Author)English3
Holy, holy, holy, Lord, God the Father, God the WordCharles Wesley (Author)English25
Holy, holy, holy Lord, God the Father and the wordCharles Wesley (Author)English5
Holy Lamb, who Thee confessCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English23
Holy Lamb, who Thee receiveW. (Author)English1
Holy Spirit, dwell with me, make me holy, like to TheeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English11
Holy Spirit, Truth divine, Dawn upon this soul of mineChas. Wesley (Author)English1
Honor and praise, O Christ, receiveCharles Wesley (Author (attributed to))English2
Hosanna in the highest To our exalted SaviorCharles Wesley (Author)English3
Hosanna to God In his highest abodeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English10
Hosanna to him who ruleth on highC. Wesley (Author)3
Hosanna to Jesus on high, Another has entered his restCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English39
Hosannas to the Prince of LightC. Wesley (Author)English1
How beautiful His feet appearCharles Wesley (Author)English2
How blest is our brother, bereftCharles Wesley (Author)English8
How blest the sacred tie that bindsC. Wesley (Author)English1
How can a sinner knowCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English105
How can the brethren testifyCharles Wesley (Author)English2
How dark the night which sin hath spreadCharles Wesley (Author)2
How do Thy mercies close me round?C. Wesley (Author)English75
How dreadful is the place Where God appoints to meetCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English2
How dreadful is the sinner's fateCharles Wesley (Author)1
How glorious is the life aboveCharles Wesley (Author)2
How good and pleasant 'tis to seeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)5
How happy are the little flockCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English35
O how happy are they Who the Savior obeyCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English468
How happy are thy servants, LordC. Wesley (Author)6
O how happy are we who in Jesus agreeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English16
How happy, gracious Lord, are weCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English45
How happy every child of grace, Who knows his sins forgiven!Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English249
How happy is the man Who sees his miseryCharles Wesley (Author)English1
How happy is the pilgrim's lotW. (Author)English1
How happy, Lord, are weC. Wesley (Author)English4
How happy, Lord, Thy children areWesley (Author)English1
How happy the people that dwellCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English6
How happy the sorrowful manCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English8
How highly favored, Lord, are weCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
How long, thou faithful God, shall ICharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English22
How lost our state by nature isWesley (Author)3
How lovely are thy tents, O LordCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English12
How many pass the guilty nightCharles Wesley (Author)English21
How oft have I the Spirit grievedCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English9
How shall a lost sinner in painCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English39
How shall a sinner findCharles Wesley, 1707-88 (Author)2
How shall I leave my tombCharles Wesley (Author)2
How shall I walk my God to pleaseCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)12
How tedious and tasteless the hoursRev. Charles Wesley (Author)English1
How vain, great God, and worse than vainCharles Wesley (Author)English2
How vainly do the heathen striveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English2
How weak the thoughts and vainCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)7
Howe’er the Nicolaitans claimCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Hű és szent, jó IstenemCharles Wesley (Author)Hungarian2
歡呼今日主升天,阿利路亞 (Huānhū jīnrì zhǔ shēngtiān, ālì lù yà)Charles Wesley (Author)Chinese2
Human soul, to whom are givenCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English3
Humble, and teachable, and mildCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English7
Hvorfor vil du doeáVend omCharles Wesley (Author)2
I am the first, and I the lastCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
I and my house will serve the LordCharles Wesley (Author)English41
I ask the gift of righteousnessCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English53
I bow me to my God's decreeCharles Wesley (Author)2
I call the world's Redeemer mineCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English8
I come, Thou wounded Lamb of GodCharles Wesley (Author)English4
I do believe, I now believe, That Jesus died for meCharles Wesley (Author)English1
I know in thee all fulness dwellsCharles Wesley (Author)2
I know that my Redeemer lives, He lives who once was deadCharles Wesley (Author)English23
I know that my Redeemer lives, And ever prays for meCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English312
I know that my Redeemer lives And on the earth shall standCharles Wesley (Author)English1
I know that my Redeemer lives, He lives, and on the earth shall standCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English13
I know that my Redeemer lives, What comfort this sweet sentence givesCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English6
I know Thee, Savior! God Thou artCharles Wesley (Author)English4
I lift mine eyes to theeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
I listen for the voiceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English5
I long to behold Him arrayedCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English74
I love the sons of graceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English28
I love the volume of Thy WordCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English1
I rest upon thy wordCharles Wesley (Author)1
I seek the kingdom firstCharles Wesley (Author)English2
I shall suffer and fulfillCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)4
I soon shall hear the quickening voiceW. (Author)4
I the good fight have foughtCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English40
I thirst, Thou wounded Lamb of GodWesley (Author)English3
I too, forewarned by Jesus' loveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English7
I too will magnify the LordCharles Wesley (Author)English2
I want a heart to prayCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English64
I want a principle within of watchful, godly fearCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English172
I want a sober mindCharles Wesley (Author)English1
I want a true regardCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English6
I want the gift of power withinCharles Wesley (1707-88) (Author)English3
I want the spirit of power withinCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English57
I want the weeping prophet's heartCharles Wesley (Author)3
I want thy life, thy purityCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
I will hearken what the Lord Shall say concerning meCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English11
I would be thine, thou knowest I wouldCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English12
I would the precious time redeemCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Ich weiß, dass mein Erlöser lebt, Ich weiß er ist erhöhtCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)German4
Ich weiß, dass mein Erlöser lebt, unc bittend für mich sprichtCharles Wesley (Author)German2
Ich weiß, dass mein Erlöser lebt, und droben für mich stehtCharles Wesley (Author)German2
Idle boys and men are foundWesley (Author)7
Iesu, i aloha mai!Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)Hawaiian3
If death my friend and me divideC. Wesley (Author)English40
If, Lord, I have acceptance foundCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English27
If now Thou dost Thy work reviveCharles Wesley (Author)English2
If so poor a worm [soul] as ICharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English5
If thou impart thyself to meCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English29
Iglesia de Cristo, reanima tu amorCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)Spanish2
Iglesia de Cristo, tu santa misiónCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish2
Ihr Diener des HerrnCharles Wesley (Author)German1
Ihr Kämpfer unterm KreuzCharles Wesley (Author)German7
Ihr Zionspilger allzumal, die euch beschwert im TränentalCarl Wesley, 1708-1788 (Author)German2
We're [I'm] in a world of hopes and fearsC. Wesley (Author)English1
In age and feebleness extremeCharles Wesley (Author)English29
In all my ways thy hand I ownCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
In answer to ten thousand prayersCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English6
In body now we partCharles Wesley (Author)2
In every time and placeC. Wesley (Author)English15
In fellowship aloneCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English9
In God we put our trustCharles Wesley (Author)2
In hope against all human hopeCharles Wesley (Author)English26
In hope of that immortal crownCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
In Jesus Christ together weW. (Author)English1
In Jesus we live in Jesus we restCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)5
In that sad memorable nightCharles Wesley (Author)English28
In the midst do thou appearCharles Wesley (Author)English7
In true and patient hopeC. Wesley (Author)English17
In weariness and painCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English11
Infinite God, thy greatness spannedCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)7
Infinite God, to Thee we raiseCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English33
Infinite, unexhausted loveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English27
Inspirer of the ancient seersCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English26
Intay amin agrambacCharles Wesley (Author)Tagalog2
Into a world of ruffians sentCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)4
Into thy gracious hands I fallC. Wesley (Author)English2
Inured to poverty and painCharles Wesley (Author)3
இப்பெலவீன தேகமே (Ippelavīṉa tēkamē)Charles Wesley (Author)Tamil2
Is God's peculiar people mineCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
Is there a thing too hard for theeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English4
Is there ambition in my heart?Charles Wesley (Author)English1
Ist's möglich, dass für mich er starbCharles Wesley (Author)German2
It is the Lord, who doth not grieveCharles Wesley (Author)English2
ஈடில்லாத தூய அன்பே (Īṭillāta tūya aṉpē)Charles Wesley (Author)Tamil2
Jag sträcker ut min hand till digCharles Wesley (Author)2
Jehovah, God the Father, blessCharles Wesley (Author)English6
Jehovah's charioteers surroundCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English6
Jerusalem, my happy home, Name ever dear to meC. Wesley (Author)English5
Jerusalem waŋkaŋ Iwadowaŋ kiŋ heCharles Wesley (Author)Dakota1
Jerusalén, despiertaCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish5
Jesu, accept the grateful songCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Jesu, dear redeeming Lord, Magnify thy dying wordCharles Wesley (Author)1
Jesu, fulfill the Gospel-WordCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Jesu, gentle, loving LambCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Jesu, hear a sinner's prayerCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Jesus, meiner Seele Freund, bleibe stets mit mir vereintCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)German6
Jesu, meiner Seele Freund, lass an deine Brust mich flieh'nCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)German4
Jesu, meiner Seele LustCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)German3
Jesu, meiner Seelen TrostCharles Wesley (Author)German1
Jesu, my God and King, Thy regal state I singCharles Wesley (Author)English3
Jesu, my trust is in Thy wordCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Jesu, Prince of peace, be near usWesley (Author)2
Jesu, show us Thy salvationCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Jesu, Sin-atoning LambCharles Wesley (Author (attributed to))English2
Jesu, the growing work is thineCharles Wesley (Author)3
Jesu, the Truth, the WayCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Jesu, Thou knowst my simplenessCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Jesu, Thy weak disciples seeCharles Wesley (Author (attributed to))English2
Jesu, what hast Thou bestowedCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Jesu, wherewith shall I draw nearCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Jesucristo asciende hoyCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish2
Jesus a word, a look from TheeCharles Wesley (Author)English18
Jesus accept the praiseCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English33
Jesus all atoning LambCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English31
Jesus, all power is given to theeCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Jesus all redeeming LordC. Wesley (Author)English28
Jesus all the day longCharles Wesley (Author)1
Jesus! and shall it ever be? A mortal man ashamed of theeC. Wesley (Author)English3
Jesus, answer from aboveCharles Wesley (Author)English3
Jesus, at whose supreme commandCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English74
Jesus, bestow the powerCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Jesus, cast a look on meRev. Charles Wesley, 1708-1788 (Author)English1
Jesus Christ is risen today, Our triumphant holy dayCharles Wesley (Author (st. 4))English82
Jesus Christ wana kiniCharles Wesley (Tanslator (st. 4))Dakota1
Jesus Christ, wana nitoŋpiCharles Wesley (Author)Dakota1
Jesus Christ, who stands betweenCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English6
Jesus Christus ist erstanden, HallelujahCharles Wesley (Author)German1
Jesus comes with all His graceCharles Wesley (Author)English37
Jesus, der mich herzlich liebtCharles Wesley (Author)German1
Jesus, der so treu mich liebtCharles Wesley (Author)German2
Jesus, descended from aboveCharles Wesley (Author)3
Jesus drinks the bitter cupCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English38
Jesus, du min sj'l har kj'rCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Jesus, du som har mig kärC. Wesley (Author)4
Jesus, du som 'lskar migCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
Jesus, dulce refugio de mi almaCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish3
Jesus, eu conheço o dom sem medidaCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese2
Jesus, faithful to His wordCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English25
Jesus, fix Thy kingdom here!Charles Wesley (Author)English2
Jesus, friend of sinners hearCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English30
Jesus, from thy heavenly placeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English7
Jesus, from Thy servants taken!Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English2
Jesus, from whom all blessings flowCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English67
Jesus, fulfil our one desireCharles Wesley (Author)English6
Jesus, full of truth and grace, In Thee is all I wantCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Jesus, full of truth and loveRev. Charles Wesley (Author)English15
Jesus great Healer of mankindCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English16
Jesus, great Redeemer, hearCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Jesus, great redeeming LordCharles Wesley (Author)1
Jesus, great Shepherd of the sheepCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English102
Jesus, harmonious nameCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)4
Jesus hath died that I might liveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English78
Jesus, Heiland meiner SeeleCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)German25
Jesus, high in glory, lend a listening earWesley (Author)English1
Jesus, I believe thee nearCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English12
Jesus, I fain would findCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English32
Jesus, I fain would walk in TheeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English7
Jesus, I wait the Spirit's powerCharles Wesley (Author)2
Jesus, if still Thou art todayCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English38
Jesus, if thy free graceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English3
Jesus, if we aright confessCharles Wesley, 1707-88 (Author)2
Jesus, in Thee all fullness dwellsCharles Wesley (Author)English5
Jesus, in Thy great name I goCharles Wesley (Author)Latin2
Jesus, in whom the Godhead's raysCharles Wesley (Author)English26
Jesus, in whom the weary findCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English15
Jesus invites His saintsCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Jesus is glorified And gives the Comforter His Spirit, to resideCharles Wesley (1707-88) (Author)English3
Jesus is our common LordCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English26
Jesus, kind, inviting LordCharles Wesley (Author)English4
Jesus, let all Thy lovers shineCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English12
Jesus let me cleave to theeCharles Wesley (Author)2
Jesus, let me ever beCharles Wesley (Author)1
Jesus, let Thy pitying eyeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English208
Jesus, let thy sufferings ease usCharles Wesley (Author)3
Jesus, Lord of all creationCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
Jesus, Lord, we look to TheeC. W. (Author)English142
Jesus, lover of my soul, Let me to Thy bosom flyC. Wesley (Author)English2581
Jesus, Master of the feastCharles Wesley (Author)English6
Jesus, my Advocate aboveCharles Wesley (Author)English42
Jesus, my King, to Thee I bowCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English5
Jesus, my Life, appear withinCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Jesus, my life, Thyself applyCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English50
Jesus, my Lord attendCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English43
Jesus, my Lord, I cry to theeCharles Wesley (Author)English12
Jesus, my Lord, mighty to saveC. Wesley (Author)English4
Jesus, my Lord, my God, my all, Unto thy throne I come todayCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
Jesus, my Lord, my God, The God supreme thou artCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)6
Jesus, my Master, and my LordCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Jesus, my Savior, Brother, FriendCharles Wesley (Author)English22
Jesus, my Savior, bind me fastRev. C. Wesley (1708-1788) (Author)English2
Jesus, my strength and righteousnessCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English19
Jesus, my strength, my hopeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English263
Jesus, my truth, my wayCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English106
Jesus, now claim me for thine ownCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Jesus, o mein SeelenfreundCharles Wesley (Author)German1
Jésus, ô nom qui surpasseCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)French2
Jesus, ó nome supernalCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese2
Jesus of Nazareth, look downCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Jesus oŋṡimada kiŋ, Ed anacitaŋ kta ceCharles Wesley (Author)Dakota1
Jesus, our help in time of needCharles Wesley (Author (attributed to))English2
Jesus, out of our hearts removeCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Jesus, plant and root in meCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English13
My God protects, my fears begoneCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
Jesus, Redeemer of mankindCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English43
Jesus, Redeemer, Savior, Lord, The weary sinner's FriendCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English21
Jesus, Redeemer, Savior, Lord, Through whom weCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Jesus, seek Thy wandering sheepCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English6
Jesus shall I never beCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English21
Jesus, Savior of the sheep, Pity my unsettled soulC. Wesley (Author)English1
Jesus sj'lens Elsker, Kj'rCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Jesus, soft harmonious nameCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)5
Jesus, som min själ har kärCharles Wesley (Author)Swedish3
Jesus, take all the gloryCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English15
Jesus, take all the praiseCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Jesus, take my sins awayCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English5
Jesus, teu nome não tem parCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese2
Jesus, teu soberano amorCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese2
Jesus, the all sustaining WordCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English41
Jesus, the cause belongs to TheeCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Jesus, the Conqueror, reignsCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English82
Jesus the crowning grace impartCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Jesus, the first and lastCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)6
Jesus, the gift divine I knowCharles Wesley, 1707-88 (Author)English20
Jesus, the glory take!Charles Wesley (Author)English2
Jesus the good Shepherd isCharles Wesley, 1707-88 (Author)3
Jesus the Lamb of God hath bledCharles Wesley (Author)English14
Jesus the life, the truth, the wayCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English41
Jesus, the Lord most highCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)5
Jesus! the name high over all, In hell or earth or skyCharles Wesley (Author)English215
Jesus, the name that charms our fearsCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English8
Jesus, the name to sinners dearCharles Wesley (Author)1
Jesus, the rising Lord of allCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Jesus, the Savior, reignsCharles Wesley (Author)English4
Jesus, the sinner's Friend, to TheeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English132
Jesus, the truth and power divineC. Wesley (Author)English15
Jesus! the very thought of TheeCharles Wesley (Author (C))English1
Jesus, the weary wanderer's restCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English15
Jesus, the word bestowCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English26
Jesus, the word of mercy giveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English37
Jesus, thee thy works proclaimCharles Wesley (Author)1
Jesus, Thine all victorious loveCharles Wesley (Author)English123
Jesus, Thou all redeeming LordCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English71
Jesus, Thou art all compassionCharles Wesley (Author)English3
Jesus, Thou art my King, To me thy succour bringCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English32
Jesus, Thou art my RighteousnessCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English19
Jesus, Thou art that morning star!Charles Wesley (Author)English2
Jesus, thou dost not sue in vainCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English3
Jesus, Thou hast bid us prayCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English11
Jesus, Thou knowest my sinfulnessCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English7
Jesus, Thou soul of all our joysCharles Wesley (Author)English19
Jesus, Thou source of calm reposeCharles Wesley (Author)English4
Jesus, thou sovereign Lord of allCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English22
Jesus, Thy blood and righteousnessC. W. (Author)English7
Jesus, Thy boundless love to meC. Wesley (Author)English14
Jesus, Thy far extended fameCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English20
Jesus, thy saving name I blessCharles Wesley (Author)1
Jesus, thy servants blessC. Wesley (Author)English8
Jesus, Thy wandering sheep beholdCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English42
Jesus, to me the joy impartCharles Wesley (Author)3
Jesus, to thee I now can flyCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English42
Jesus, to thee I would look upCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Jesus, to thee our hearts we liftCharles Wesley (Author)English22
Jesus, to thee we flyCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English10
Jesus, to thy dear wounds we fleeC. Wesley (Author)English7
Jesus, to Thy wounds I flyC. Wesley (Author)English10
Jesus, transporting sound!Charles Wesley (Author)English12
Jesus' tremendous nameC. Wesley (Author)4
Jesus, tsemehoxetoCharles Wesley (Author)Cheyenne2
Jesús, unidos por tu graciaCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Spanish2
Jesus, united by Thy graceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English114
Jesus, verdade e luzCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese2
Jesus, voller Huld und Lieb'C. Wesley (Author)German6
Jesus walks and talks with meCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Jesus, was ever love like thineCharles Wesley (Author)English7
Jesus, we cast ourselves on theeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)5
Jesus, we claim thee for our ownC. Wesley (Author)English10
Jesus, we look to TheeCharles Wesley (Author)English135
Jesus, we on the words dependCharles Wesley (Author)English29
Jesus, we thus obeyC. Wesley (Author)English80
Jesus, we thy members areCharles Wesley (Author)2
Jesus, we Thy promise claimCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English17
Jesus, what grace dost Thou bestowCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Jesus, whose glory's streaming raysC. Wesley (Author)English1
Jesus, with kindest pity seeCharles Wesley (Author)11
Jezu Spasitel'u mojCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Jezu, Zbawco mojej duszyCharles Wesley (Author)Polish2
Jézus, lelkem szerelmeCharles Wesley (Author)Hungarian2
救主基督己復活,阿利路亞 (Jiù zhǔ jīdū yǐ fùhuó, hā lì lù yà)Charles Wesley (Author)Chinese2
Jó mennyei Atyám, a Tiéd vagyok!Charles Wesley (Author)Hungarian2
Join all ye joyful nationsCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Join all ye ransomed sons of graceCharles Wesley (Author)English28
Join, earth and heaven, to blessCharles Wesley (Author)3
Join us, in one spirit joinCharles Wesley (Author)1
Join we then with one accordCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
Joined in one Spirit to one HeadRev. Charles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)English3
Joyful, all ye nations, riseCharles Wesley (Author)2
Just as thou art, without one traceC. Wesley (Author)English1
看哪!救主駕雲降臨,祂曾為罪人捨命 (Kàn nǎ! Jiù zǔ jià yún jiànglín, tā céng wèi zuìrén shěmìng)Charles Wesley (Author)Chinese2
Kantas anĝelara ĥor'Charles Wesley (Author)Esperanto2
കർത്താവു വാഴുന്നു രാജനെ വന്ദിപ്പിൻ (Karttāvu vāḻunnu rājane vandippin)Charles Wesley (Author)Malayalam2
കേൾക്ക ദൂത സൽസ്വരം- ക്രിസ്ത ജാതഘോഷണം (Kēḷkka dūta salsvaraṁ- krista jātaghēāṣaṇaṁ)Charles Wesley (Author)Malayalam2
Kính Thánh-Vương, kíp ngư-laiThe Rev. Charles Wesley (1708-1788) (Author)Vietnamese2
Knowledge, Savior of my soulCharles Wesley (Author)2
Kom, almagts konge, duC. Wesley (Author)1
Kom du v'ntade MessiasCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Komm, du Allmächtiger!Charels Wesley (Author)German3
Komm, heiliger Geist, du höchstes GutCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)German2
Komm, o mein Gott, versiegle michC. Wesley (Author)German3
Kommt, Sünder, zu dem GnadenfestC. Wesley (Author)German7
Kommt Sünder zu des Heilands MahlCharles Wesley (Author)German2
Konung, allsm'ktig GudCharles Wesley (Author)2
Krisztus, lényed oly dicső!Charles Wesley (Author)Hungarian2
La maravilla de su grande amor (Jordan and Savage)Charles Wesley (Author)2
La maravilla de su grande amor, Se muestra en la gracia de mi SeñorCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish2
Lamb of God, for sinners slain, To Thee I feebly prayCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English33
Lamb of God, I fain would beCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Lamb of God, I humbly look to TheeCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Lamb of God, I look to TheeCharles Wesley (Author)English66
Lamb of God, Thy right we ownCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Lamb of God, we follow TheeCharles Wesley (Author (attributed to))English2
Lamb of God, who bearest awayCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English6
Lamb of God! whose bleeding loveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English136
Längstverheiß'ner, lass dich findenCharles Wesley (Author)German4
Las manos, Padre, extiendo a tiCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Spanish2
Lay to thy hand, O God of graceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English9
Leader of faithful souls, and GuideCharles Wesley (Author)English58
Captain of Israel's host, and GuideCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English45
Lenne bár szívem bűntől mentCharles Wesley (Author)Hungarian2
Let all adore the immortal KingCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Let all men rejoice, by Jesus restoredCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English12
Let all that breathe, Jehovah praiseCharles Wesley (Author)English7
Let all the God of Daniel praiseCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Let all the saints terrestrialCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Let all the sons of lightCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Let all who truly bearCharles Wesley (Author)English47
Let angels and archangels singCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Let children proclaim their Savior and KingCharles Wesley (Author)English17
Let earth and heaven agree, Angels and men be joinedCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English125
Let earth and heaven combine, Angels and men agreeCharles Wesley (Author)English9
Let earth and hell their powers employCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Let earth no more my heart divideCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English4
Let every tongue my Savior praiseCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English2
Let fierce, horrific kings appearCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Let God arise, and let his foesCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)1
Let God, the mighty GodCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English4
Let God, who comforts the distressedCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English15
Let heaven and earth rejoice, And sacred anthems raiseCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English2
Let heaven and earth agree, The Father's praise to singCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Let Him to whom we now belongCharles Wesley (Author)English89
Let Jacob's favored raceC. Wesley (Author)English6
Let me alone another yearCharles Wesley (Author)English11
Let not the wise their wisdom boastCharles Wesley (Author)English35
Let saints below in concert singC. Wesley (Author)English149
Let the beasts their breath resignCharles Wesley (Author)English13
Let the God of truth and loveCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Let the prisoners' mournful criesCharles Wesley (Author)2
Let the redeemed give thanks and praiseCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English26
Let the world lament and grieveCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Let the world lament their deadCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Let the world their virtue boastRev. Charles Wesley (Author)English53
Let us for each other careCharles Wesley (Author)1
Let us join, 'tis as God commandsCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English16
Let Zion's watchmen all awakeC. Wesley (Author)English3
Liebe Gott, heil'ge LiebeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)German2
Liebe hat ihr Werk vollbrachtCharles Wesley (Author)German1
Life of all that lives below!Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English6
Lift up your hearts to things aboveWesley (Author)English65
Lift your eyes of faith and seeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English35
Lift your heads, ye friends of JesusC. Wesley (Author)English62
Light of life, seraphic fireCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English101
Light of the gentile world, appearCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English4
Light of the world, thy beams I blessC. Wesley (Author)English8
Light of those whose dreary dwellingCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English242
Lion of Judah’s tribe, draw nearCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Listed into the cause of sinC. Wesley (Author)English2
Live without sin! It cannot be!Charles Wesley (Author)English2
للواحد الرحمان الخالق الأكوانCharles Wesley (Author (attributed to))Arabic2
علمت أن الرب حيCharles Wesley (Author)Arabic1
Lo! God is here: let us adoreCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English3
Lo, He comes, from heaven descendingCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English8
Lo! He comes, with clouds descending! Hark! the trump of God is blownRev. Charles Wesley (Author)English2
Lo! He comes with clouds descending, Once for guilty sinners slainCharles Wesley (Author)English319
Lo! I come with joy to doCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English17
Lo in thy hand I layCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)15
Lo! on a narrow neck of landC. Wesley (Author)English187
Lo the great God will come from highCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Lo! the prisoner is releas'dC. Wesley (Author)English30
Lo! the sin-avenging LordCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Lo! to the hills I lift mine eyes, Thy promised aid to claimCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English2
Long as I live beneathCharles Wesley (Author)2
Long have I labour'd in the fireCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Long have I seemed to serve thee LordCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English46
Long have I waited LordCharles Wesley (Author)1
Longe sopirata KristoCharles Wesley (Author)Esperanto3
Look unto Christ ye nations; ownCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English18
Lord, and am I yet aliveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English14
Lord and God of heavenly powersCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English10
Lord, and is Thine anger gone?C. Wesley (Author)English40
Lord, didst thou ordain Thy supper in vainCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English6
Lord, fill me with an humble fearCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English14
Lord, from th' oppressive power of sinW. (Author)1
Lord, give me that pacific mindC. Wesley (Author)English6
Lord God, your love has called us hereCharles Wesley (Author (B))English1
Lord, help my youthful heart to raiseCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
Lord, I adore thy gracious willCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Lord, I am Thine, entirely ThineWesley (Author)English1
Lord, I believe a rest remainsCharles Wesley (Author)English156
Lord, I believe Thy every wordWesley (Author)English44
Lord, I believe Thy work of graceCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Lord, I confess my sins to TheeCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Lord, I despair myself to healCharles Wesley (Author)English48
Lord, I glorify Thy graceCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Lord, I would now repentCharles Wesley (Author)4
Lord, if at Thy commandCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English47
Lord, if thou hast bestowedCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English5
Lord, if Thou Thy grace impartCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English47
Lord, if thou wilt, I do believeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
Lord, in the strength of graceCharles Wesley (Author)English99
Lord, in thy hand I lieCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Jesus, if still the same Thou artCharles Wesley, 1707-88 (Author)English34
Lord, let me calmly waitCharles Wesley (Author)1
Lord, my God, I long to knowWesley (Author)1
Lord of all, with pure intentC. Wesley (Author)English7
Lord of earth, and air, and seaCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English14
Lord of hosts, we bow before TheeCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Lord of our supreme desireCharles Wesley (Author)3
Lord of the Church, we humbly prayCharles Wesley, 1707-88 (Author, Stanza 3)English8
Lord of the gospel harvest, sendCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English4
Lord of the harvest, hear Thy needy servants' cryCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English134
Lord of the wide extended mainCharles Wesley (Author)English36
Lord, on me, even me, conferCharles Wesley (Author)Latin2
Lord, our fellowship increaseCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Lord over all, if thou hast madeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English15
Lord, regard my earnest cryCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English8
Lord, send thy servants forth, To call the Hebrews homeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)27
Lord, since at thy commandCharles Wesley (Author)2
Lord, subdue our selfish willCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)11
Lord, that I may learn of theeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English18
Lord, thou hast bid thy people prayCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English3
Lord, thy best blessings shedC. Wesley (Author)English1
Lord, we all look up to theeCharles Wesley (Author)2
Lord, we are young, thy help we needCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)1
Lord, we believe, and wait the hourCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
Lord, we believe to us and oursCharles Wesley (Author)English30
Lord, we come before Thee nowCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Lord, we despair ourselves to healCharles Wesley (Author)1
Lord, we have all forsookCharles Wesley (Author (attributed to))English2
Lord, what avails our strifeCharles Wesley (Author)2
Lord, when at Thy commandCharles Wesley (Author)English6
Lord, who can in thy presence standW. (Author)1
Lord, whom winds and seas obeyCharles Wesley (Author)English34
Lord, with our household deign to stayCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)4
Los heraldos celestialesCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish8
Los santos de la tierra y los del cieloW. (Author)Spanish5
Love divine, all loves excelling, Joy of heaven, to earth come downCharles Wesley (Author)English1540
Love is the strongest tieCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Lover of little children! theeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)5
Lover of souls, to rescue mineCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English3
Lovers of pleasure more than GodCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English53
Love's redeeming work is done; Fought the fight, the battle wonCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English16
Loving Jesus, gentle LambCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English52
Loving Jesus, meek and mildCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English7
Mae brodyr imi aeth yn mlaenCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)Welsh1
مع ملاك الله جندCharles Wesley (Author)Arabic1
Made apt by thy sufficient graceCharles Wesley (Author)3
Make joyful noise, lift up your voiceCharles Wesley (Adapter)3
Make me simple and sincereWesley (Author)English3
Make us of one heart and mindCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Maker, in whom we liveCharles Wesley (Author (A))2
Maker, Savior, of mankindCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)14
Maravilloso es el gran amorCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish3
Mary to the Savior's tombC. Wesley (Author)English2
Master, I own Thy lawful claimCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English34
Master, Lord, to Thee we cryCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English6
Master supreme, I look to theeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English14
Master, we call to mind Thy WordCharles Wesley (Author (attributed to))English2
May I, throughout this day of thineCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English43
May not a creating God, Who built this house of clayCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
Maysa a rebbengcot'Charles Wesley (Author)Tagalog2
Me ensina a guerrearCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese2
Meek, patient Son of God and manCharles Wesley (Author)2
Meet and right it is to praise God, the Giver of all graceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English2
Meet and right it is to sing, In every time and placeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English48
Meet and right it is to sing, Glory to our God and KingCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Megváltóm, égi SzeretetCharles Wesley (Author)Hungarian2
Megváltóm él, én jól tudomCharles Wesley (Author)Hungarian2
Megváltóm lénye oly dicsőCharles Wesley (Author)Hungarian2
Mein Heiland ladet einCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)German4
Mein Herz soll sein ein GotteshausCarl Wesley (Author)German6
Mélységes irgalomCharles Wesley (Author)Hungarian2
Merciful God, to Thee we cryCharles Wesley (Author (attributed to))English2
Merciful God, vouchsafe to meCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Mercy and grace, and peaceCharles Wesley (Author)2
Mercy I ask to seal my peaceCharles Wesley (Author)2
Messiah, full of graceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English13
Messiah, joy of every heartCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English12
Messiah, Prince of PeaceCharles Wesley (Author)English5
Meu divino AmadorCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese2
Meu divino Protetor, quero em ti me refugiarCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese4
Mil línguas eu quisera ter, mil vozes pra louvarCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese3
Mil línguas eu quisera ter (Moreton)Charles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese3
Mil voces para celebrarCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish10
Mil vozes eu quisera terCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Inspiration)Portuguese2
Min sj'l, staa op, fat ModCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
من يسوع المعتمد لاجئا أرجو النجاةCharles Wesley (Author)Arabic1
Most gracious God, reveal C. Wesley (Author)9
Mungu ni wa utukufuCharles Wesley (Author)Swahili2
Must we be to the judgment brought to answerCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Must we not then with patience waitCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Mwakozi alifufuka, Aleluya, amin, aleluyaCharles Wesley (Author)Swahili1
My brethren beloved, your calling ye seeCharles Wesley (Author)5
My brethren, friends, and kinsmen theseCharles Wesley (Author)2
My days are extinguished and goneCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English7
My dying Savior, and my GodCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
My Father bids me comeWesley, Alt. (Author)English19
My Father, God of Peace!Wesley (Author)1
My Father, my God, I long for thy loveCharles Wesley (Author)6
My Father, O my Father hearCharles Wesley (Author)English1
My God, I am Thine, What a comfort divineCharles Wesley, 1708-88 (Author)English88
My God, I humbly call Thee mineCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
My God, I know, I feel Thee mineCharles Wesley (Author)English83
My God, I love Thee, not becauseCharles Wesley (Author (A))English1
My God, if I may call Thee mineCharles Wesley (Author)English8
My God is reconciledCharles Wesley (Author)1
My God, my God, on thee I callCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
My God, my God, to Thee I cryCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English59
My God, the spring of all my joysC. Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English5
My God will add the restCharles Wesley (Author)English2
My gracious, loving Lord, To Thee what shall I say?Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English24
My gracious Master and my LordCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
My heart is fixed, O God, my heartCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English6
My heart is full of Christ, and longsC. Wesley (Author)English22
My heart to Thee I bringCharles Wesley (Author)2
My Lord, if thou one moment leaveC. Wesley (Author)5
My nature I obeyedCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
My passions I obeyedCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
My prayer hath power with GodCharles Wesley (Author)3
My Savior bids me comeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)5
My Savior, from the wrath to comeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English2
My Savior, how shall I proclaimC. Wesley (Author)English1
My Savior, Thou Thy love to meC. Wesley (Author)English3
My Savior's pierced sideC. Wesley (Author)English2
My soul and all its powersC. Wesley (Author)English7
My soul, inspired with sacred love, God's holy name for ever blessC. Wesley (Author)English1
My soul, inspired with sacred love, The Lord thy God delight to praiseCharles Wesley (Author)English4
My soul, through my Redeemer's careCharles Wesley, 1707-88 (Author)English21
My soul, till God His spirit poursCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
My sufferings all to Thee are knownCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English40
My talents, gifts, and graces, LordChas. Wesley. (Author)English1
Myself I cannot saveCharles Wesley (Author)1
Mysterioso e grande DeusCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese2
Na kauwa maikai, e hai aku noCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)Hawaiian3
Nadungñgo a JesuscoCharles Wesley (Author)Tagalog2
Não chorem o irmão que morreuCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese2
Não deixarei de ter amorCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese2
Não vás, Espirito de DeusCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese2
Наш Господь Христос воскрес! Аллилуйя! (Nash Gospod' Khristos voskres! Alliluyya!)Charles Wesley (Author)Russian2
Near me, O my Savior, standCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English7
Newyddion braf a ddaeth i'n broC. W. (Author (stanzas 4, 5))Welsh1
Ni Cristo naguñgarenCharles Wesley (Author)Tagalog2
നിന്‍ ജനത്തെ രക്ഷിപ്പാനായ് ദൈവജാതനേ വരൂ (Nin janatte rakṣippānāy daivajātanē varū)Charles Wesley (Author)Malayalam2
നീതി സൂര്യൻ ക്രിസ്തുവാം (Nīti sūryan kristuvāṁ)Charles Wesley (Author)Malayalam2
No common vision this I seeCharles Wesley (Adapter)English2
No foot of land do I possessW. (Author)1
No, Lord--it cannot shorten'd beW. (Author)1
No need of the sun in that dayCharles Wesley (Author)English8
No room for mirth or trifling hereCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)18
None is like Jeshurun's GodCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English24
Nor doth His Love eclipse His MightCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Not all the powers of hell can frightCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Not for a favored form or nameCharles Wesley (Author)2
Not in the name of prideCharles Wesley (Author)3
Now, even now, I yield, I yieldCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English28
Now, Father, let the gracious showerCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Now I have found the ground whereinW. (Author)English3
Now in the power of God I riseW. (Author)1
Now is the saint’s salvation comeCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Now, Lord, to whom for help I callCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
Now, Lord, we part awhileCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)6
Now, O God, Thine own I amC. Wesley (Author)English14
Now, sinner, now what is thy hope?Charles Wesley (Author)English2
Now the Christian's course is runC. Wesley (Author)5
Ó, aggódó lélek, ím, békesség NékedCharles Wesley (Author)Hungarian2
O all creating GodCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English17
O all that pass by, to Jesus draw nearCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English28
O all-aton­ing LambCharles Wesley (Author)English2
O almighty God of loveCharles Wesley (Author)English17
Ó amigo divinal, quero para ti voarCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese2
Ó amor, que aos mais excedesCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese2
O, arm me with the mind, SaviorCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)5
O att med tusen tungors ljudCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)Swedish6
Ó, bár megtérhetnék!Charles Wesley (Author)Hungarian2
O Christ, the gift divine I knowCharles Wesley (Author)1
O come and dwell in meCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English99
O come, thou radiant morning starCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)8
O compassionate High-PriestCharles Wesley (Author)English1
O conquer this rebellious willCharles Wesley (Author)English2
O could I lose myself in TheeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English7
O dashnor i shpirtit timCharles Wesley (Author)Albanian2
Ó Deus criador, em quem todos vivemosCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese2
Ó Deus, dos três hebreus fiéisCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese4
Ó Deus, me faz guardarCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese2
O disclose Thy lovely faceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English17
Ó esperança divinalCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese2
O eyes that are weary, and hearts that are soreC. Wesley (Author)English1
O Father, full of graceWesley (Author)1
O Father of all, the great and the smallCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)5
O Father of all, who fillest with goodCharles Wesley (Author)1
O Father of mercies, on meCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
O Father of mercy, be ever adoredC. Wesley (Author)English9
O filial Deity, accept my new born cryCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)5
O for a heart to praise my GodCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English862
O! for a closer walk with GodCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English15
O for a faith that will not shrinkWesley (Author)English1
O for a heart more like my GodCharles Wesley (Author)English3
O for a lowly, contrite heartCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English3
O for a thankful heartCharles Wesley (Author)3
O for a thousand seraph tonguesC. Wesley (Author)English14
O for a thousand tongues to sing My dear Redeemer's praiseCharles Wesley, 1707-88 (Author)English1331
O for a thousand tongues to sing, He wondrously saves todayCharles Wesley (Author)English1
O for a trumpet voiceChas. Wesley (Author)English2
O for that tenderness of heartCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English121
O for the faith in Jesu’s nameCharles Wesley (Author)English2
O glorious hope of perfect loveC. Wesley (Author)English154
O God, at thy command we riseCharles Wesley (Author)1
O God, if Thou art love indeedCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English7
O God, mine inmost soul convertCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English70
O God most merciful and trueCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English45
O God, my God, my all Thou artC. Wesley, 1708-1788 (Author)English2
O God, my hope, my heavenly restCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English11
O God of all graceCharles Wesley, 1707-88 (Author)English2
O God of all-redeeming grace, Hasten those latest, happiest daysCharles Wesley (Author)English2
O God of good, the unfathomed seaCharles Wesley (Author)English2
O God of my salvation, hear and help a sinner to draw nearCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English7
O God of our forefathers, hearCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English17
O God of peace and pardoning loveCharles Wesley (Author)3
O God of sovereign graceC. Wesley (Author)English1
O God the great, the fearful GodCharles Wesley (Author (attributed to))English2
O God, Thou bottomless abyss!C. Wesley (Author)English1
O God thou didst uniteCharles Wesley (Author)1
O God, thou sovereign Lord of allCharles Wesley (Author)1
O God, Thy faithfulness I pleadCharles Wesley (Author)English16
O God, thy righteousness we own; Judgment is at thy house begunCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English19
O God, Thy righteousness we own, Laid by Thy threatening judgments lowCharles Wesley (Author)English2
O God, thy saving grace impartCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
O God, to those who here professCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author (st. 2))English4
O God, to whom in flesh revealedCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English22
O God, what offering shall I giveC. Wesley (Author)English2
O God, who know'st the things we needCharles Wesley (Author)1
O great mountain, who art thou That dares my God defyCharles Wesley (Author)English1
O great mountain, who art thou, Immense, immovableCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English6
O happy, happy day, That calls thy exiles homeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
O happy, happy placeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English13
O happy state of infancyCharles Wesley (Author)English1
O heavenly king look down from aboveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English18
O Herr mein Gott, auch ich hab' TeilCharles Wesley (Author)German3
O how shall a sinner performCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English12
O hätt' ich tausend Zungen dochCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)German10
O hvor saligt er det, Vi i Jesus er EtCharles Wesley (Author)2
O, ich möcht' wie Jesus sein!Charles Wesley (Author)German1
O Jesu, still, still shall I groanCharles Wesley (Author)English1
O Jesus, at Thy feet we waitCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English47
O Jesus, full of grace To thee I make my moanRev. Charles Wesley (Author)English46
O Jesus, full of truth and grace, More full of grace than I of sinCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English22
O Jesus, full of truth and grace! O all atoning Lamb of GodC. Wesley (Author)English17
O Jesus, in pity draw nearCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English7
O Jesus let me bless Thy nameCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English7
O Jesus, let me kiss thy name!Charles Wesley (Author)2
O Jesus, let Thy dying cryW. (Author)English12
O Jesus my hope, For me offered upCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English12
O Jesus, my rest, How unspeakably blestCharles Wesley (Author)English1
O Jesus our head, who hast died in our steadCharles Wesley (Author)English2
O Jesus, our King, Thy glory we singCharles Wesley (Author)English2
O Jesus, Son of God, in TheeCharles Wesley (Author)English2
O joyful sound of gospel graceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English83
O King of saints with pitying eyeCharles Wesley (Author (attributed to))English2
O laat med kraftigt ljudCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
O Lamb of God, for sinners slain, I plead with thee my suit to gainCharles Wesley (Author)English16
O Lamb of God, still keep meC. Wesley (Author)English2
O lat med kraftigt ljudCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)5
O let me now repent, O let me now believeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)4
O let me now repent, With all my idols partCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
O let our heart and mindCharles Wesley (Author)English1
O let the prisoner's mournful sighsCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English26
O let thy love our hearts constrainCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)4
O let us our own works forsakeC. Wesley (Author)English4
O let us still proceedCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
O Lord, and Master of us allWesley (Author)English1
O Lord, impart Thyself to meRev. Charles Wesley (Author)English8
O Lord, incline thy gracious earCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
O Lord, my God, to me revealC. Wesley (Author)English1
O Lord, my God, with shame I ownCharles Wesley (Author)English1
O Lord of heaven and earth and seaC. W. (Author)English1
O Lord, our God, ariseC. Wesley (Author)English1
O Lord, our strength and righteousnessCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)7
O Lord, thy sovereign aid impartCharles Wesley (Author)English1
O Love divine, how sweet Thou art! When shall I find my willing heartCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English270
O Love divine, what hast Thou doneCharles Wesley (Author)English105
O love, I languish at Thy stayCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English11
O love, thy sovereign aid impartC. Wesley (Author)English9
O Master, let me walk with TheeDr. Washington Gladden, 1836- (Author)English1
O may the return of this once blessed mornCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
O may Thy powerful wordC. Wesley (Author)English34
O men of Christ ariseCharles Wesley (Author)2
O mercy divine, O couldst Thou inclineCharles Wesley (Author)English2
O might I this moment ceaseCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)5
O might my lot be cast with theseCharles Wesley (Author)English14
Ó moços crentes em JesusCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese2
O most compassionate High PriestCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
O my false, deceitful HeartCharles Wesley (Author)1
O my Father, and my GodCharles Wesley (Author)English1
O my God, what must I doCharles Wesley (Author)6
O my Heart, what must I do!Charles Wesley (Author)English1
O my most condescending LordCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English3
O my offended GodCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English21
Ó peccadores, vinde já!Charles Wesley (Author)Portuguese2
Sing praise to the Lord! Praise Him in the heightsCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English2
O que fizeste, Amor de DeusCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese2
O que fizeste, Eterno AmorCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese2
O reveal thy lovely faceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)5
O Savior, cast a gracious smileCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)7
O Savior, Thou Thy love to meCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English4
O Senhor em nuvens desceCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese2
Ó Senhor, que a tudo excedesCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese2
O sing a song of Bethlehem Of shepherds watching thereCharles Wesley (Author (C))English1
O Son of God, all loves excellingCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)English2
O Son of God and man, receiveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English8
O Son of God, whose flaming EyesCharles Wesley (Author)English1
O stimmt mit tausend Zungen anCharles Wesley (Author)German1
O Sun of righteousness, arise With healing in Thy wingC. Wesley (Author)English3
O that each in the day of his coming may sayCharles Wesley (Author)English1
O that we could forever sitCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)7
O that I could, in every placeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English4
O that I could look to TheeC. Wesley (Author)English10
O that I could my Lord receiveCharles Wesley (Author)English47
O that I could repent, With all my idols partCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English57
O that I could repent, O that I could believeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English67
O that I could revereCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English25
O that I first of love possessedCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)4
O that I had the Silver WingsCharles Wesley (Author)English1
O that I, like TimothyCharles Wesley (Author)10
O that I were as heretofore! When warm in my first loveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English38
O that I were as heretofore, When first sent forth in Jesus' nameCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
O that in me the sacred fireCharles Wesley (Author)English18
O that my load of sin were goneCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English276
O that now the church were blestCharles Wesley (Author)English3
O that the Comforter would comeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)11
O that the Life-infusing GraceCharles Wesley (Author)English1
O that the world might knowCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
O that thou wouldst the heavens rendCharles Wesley (Author)English28
O that we might at once go upCharles Wesley (Author)3
O the blood, the precious blood That streams from yonder treeCharles Wesley (Author)English2
O the cruel power of sinCharles Wesley (Author)English1
O the depth of love divine, the unfathomable graceCharles Wesley (Author)English6
O the infinite caresC. Wesley (Author)English3
O Thou, before the world began Ordained a sacrifice for manC. Wesley (Author)English8
O thou dear suffering Son of GodCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English15
O thou descended from aboveCharles Wesley (Author)2
O thou eternal Victim slainCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English29
O thou faithful God of loveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English11
O Thou God of my salvationCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English17
O Thou good SamaritanCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English3
O thou holy God, come downCharles Wesley (Author)1
O thou, in whom the weary findWesley (Author)1
O thou meek and injured DoveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
O Thou, our Savior, Brother, FriendC. Wesley (Author)English38
O Thou that dost the churches bearCharles Wesley (Author)English1
O thou that hangedst on the treeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)12
O thou, that hast the two-edg'd swordCharles Wesley (Author)English1
O Thou, the contrite sinners' FriendWesley (Author)English1
O Thou, to whose all-searching sightW. (Author)English7
O Thou who at Thy creature's barCharles Wesley (Author)English2
O Thou who camest from aboveCharles Wesley, 1770-1788 (Author)English130
O thou who hast our sorrows borneCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English25
O Thou who hast promised in love to receiveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English6
O thou who hast redeemed of GodC. Wesley (Author)6
O Thou, who know’st what is in manCharles Wesley (Author)English2
O Thou, who plead’st the widow’s causeCharles Wesley (Author)2
O Thou who this mysterious breadCharles Wesley (Author)English6
O thou who when we did complainS. Wesley (Author)English8
O Thou that wouldst not haveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English34
O Thou, whom all Thy saints adoreC. Wesley (Author)English57
O Thou whom fain my soul would loveCharles Wesley (Author)English12
O thou whom none hath seen or knownCharles Wesley (Author)3
O Thou whom once they flocked to hearCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English28
O Thou whom we adore!C. Wesley (Author)English34
O Thou, whose eyes run to and froCharles Wesley (Author)English1
O Thou, whose offering on the treeCharles Wesley (Author)English19
O thou whose providential graceWesley (Author)3
O thou, whose wise, paternal loveC. Wesley (Author)English7
O 'tis enough, my God, my GodCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English14
O toque do clarimCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese2
Ó tu, Senhor, dos céus baixadoCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese2
O tusind Tungers JubellydCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
O unexampled loveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
O unexhausted grace, O love unsearchableCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English6
Ó vós que passais pela cruz do CalvárioCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese2
O, welch ein heilig WerkCharles Wesley (Author)German2
O what a blessed hope is oursCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English25
O what a mighty change Shall Jesus' sufferers knowCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English26
O what a taste is this Which now in Christ we knowCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English10
O what delight is thisCharles Wesley (Author)English11
O, what hath Jesus bought for me, Before my ravished eyesCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English26
O what of all my suff'rings hereCharles Wesley (Author)English2
O what shall I do my Savior to praiseC. W. (Author)English54
O when shall I awakeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
O when shall we sweetly removeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English28
O where shall rest be foundC. Wesley (Author)English1
O why did I my Savior leaveC. Wesley (Author)English30
O wie selig sind die Deinen, Herr, schon hier in Deinem Blut!Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)German3
O wie selig sind die, die mit Arbeit und Müh'Charles Wesley (Author)German2
O wie selig sind die schon in Jesu allhieCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)German14
O wondrous power of faithful prayerCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English30
哦,願我有千萬舌頭,前來讚美救主 (Ó, yuàn wǒ yǒu qiān wàn shétou, qián lái zànměi jiù zhǔ)Charles Wesley (Author)Chinese2
Object of all our knowledge hereCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Of Him who did salvation bringCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English151
Oft as I lay me down to restCharles Wesley (Author)2
Oft hast thou, Lord, in tender loveCharles Wesley (Author)3
Oft have I cursed my natal dayCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Oft have we passed the guilty nightCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Oft I in my heart have saidCharles Wesley (Author)English18
Oft when the waves of passion riseRev. Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)13
Oh! amante da minhalmaCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese2
¡Oh amor que excede a todosCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish5
Oh! but must I, Lord, returnCharles Wesley (Author)English1
O happy day, that fixed my choiceWesley (Author)English2
¡Oh, Jesús, mi gran amor!Charles Wesley (Author)Spanish2
¡Oh Jesús, mi Salvador!Charles Wesley (Author)Spanish2
¡Oh, que el corazon tuvieraCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish2
¡Oh! que tuviera lenguas milCharles Wesley (Author)2
¡Oh, que tuviera lenguas mil Para poder cantarCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish2
¡Oh quién tuviera lenguas mil! Gloria demos al SalvadorCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish3
Oh! the dire effects of sin!Charles Wesley (Author)English1
Oh tú, viajero extraño, venCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish2
Oh uh pa-gish ke che ingo' ingo' dwok (O for a thousand tongues to sing)Charles Wesley (Author)English, Ojibwe2
Oluwa mi, mo njade loCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Omnipotent King, who reignest on highCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Omnipotent, Lord, my Savior and kingCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English7
Omnipotent RedeemerCharles Wesley (Author)4
Omnipresent God, whose aidCharles Wesley, 1707-88 (Author)English25
Omniscient God, whose eyelids tryCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Omniscient, omnipresent KingCharles Wesley (Author)English1
On all the earth Thy Spirit showerW. (Author)English2
On God supreme our hope dependsWesley (Author)2
On Thee, great God, we still attendCharles Wesley (Author)English2
On thee, O God of purityCharles Wesley (Author)English4
On this my patient soul I stayCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Once more, my soul, the rising dayC. Wesley (Author)English2
Once thou didst on earth appearCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English6
One army of the living GodCharles Wesley (Author)1
One family we dwell in himCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)4
One undivided TrinityCharles Wesley (Author)2
Open, Lord, mine [my] inward earC. Wesley (Author)English40
Or if thou grant a longer dateCharles Wesley (Author)3
Other ground can no man layC. Wesley (Author)English5
Other knowledge I disdainCharles Wesley (Author)3
Other refuge have I noneCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Our brother the haven has gainedCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Our Captain leads us onCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English28
Our earth we now lament to seeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English11
Our Father, God who lovest allCharles Wesley (Author)1
Our friendship sanctify and guideCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English15
Our great Creator, GodCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English2
Our heavenly Father and our FriendCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English3
Our heavenly Father, Source of loveCharles Wesley, 1708-88 (Author)English8
Our joy is a created goodC. Wesley (Author)13
Our life is a dream: our time as a streamWesley (Author)English2
Our life is hid with Christ in GodCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)5
Our Lord is risen from the dead, Our Jesus is gone up on highCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English309
Our mourning is all at an endCharles Wesley (Author)2
Our old companions in distressCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English8
Our souls are in His mighty handCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English11
Our sufferings, Lord, to Thee are knownCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Out of the deep I cry, Just at the point to dieC. Wesley (Author)English4
Out of the depth of self-despairCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
Out of the depths to Thee I cry, Whose fainting footsteps trodC. Wesley (Author)English1
Owas inajiŋ poCharles Wesley (Author)Dakota1
Oíd un son en alta esferaCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish21
Padre Dios, pues en ti viveCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish2
പാപികളെ വന്നീടുവിൻ (Pāpikaḷe vannīṭuvin)Charles Wesley (Author)Malayalam2
Para mí, tan pecadorCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish3
Para mim tem Deus mercêCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese2
Parent of good, Thy bounteous handCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English6
Partners of a glorious hope, Lift your hearts and voices upCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English22
Pass a few swiftly fleeting yearsC. Wesley (Author)English33
Patient the appointed hour to runCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
Peace be on this house bestowedCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English24
Peace be to this congregationCharles Wesley (Author)English37
Peace be to this habitationC. Wesley (Author)English29
Peace be to this sacred dwellingCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)5
Peace doubting heart, my God's I amCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English31
Peace to every habitationCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Pierce, fill me with an humble fearCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)20
Pity the day of feeble thingsW. (Author)3
Pjesëmarrje unë a mund t’fitojCharles Wesley (Author)Albanian2
Let us plead for faith aloneC. Wesley (Author)English6
Pode existir misericórdia para mim?Charles Wesley (Author)Portuguese2
Podrá el pecadorCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)Spanish5
Pour out your souls to GodCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)5
Praise the Lord, my thankful soulCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Praise the Lord, who reigns above, And keeps his courts belowCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English82
Praise the Lord, ye saints, and singCharles Wesley (Author)1
Praise to God, immortal praise, For the love that crowns our daysCharles Wesley (Doxology Added)English3
Praise to God who reigns above! Hallelujah!Charles Wesley (Author)2
Praise to the glorious Cause of allC. Wesley (Author)English3
Praise to Thee, Thou great creatorChas. Wesley (Arr. from)English2
പ്ര-ശം-സിപ്പാനെനിക്കില്ലേ എൻ ര-ക്ഷകൻ രക്തം അല്ലാതെ (Pra-śaṁ-sippānenikkillē en ra-kṣakan raktaṁ allāte)Charles Wesley (Author)Malayalam2
Pray, without ceasing, prayC. Wesley (Author)English30
Prayer is to God the soul's sure wayWesley (Author)3
Precepto es del SeñorCharles Wesley, 1708-1788 (Author)Spanish5
Preis dir, du Ewiger, Siegreicher, MächtigerC. Wesley (Author)German5
Prince of Peace, control my willC. Wesley (Author)English1
Prince of universal peaceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)4
Pris dig var konung godCharles Wesley (Author)3
Prisoner of hope to thee I turnC. Wesley (Author)English11
Prisoners of hope, lift up your headsCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English29
Prisoners of hope ariseCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English8
Prisoners of hope be strong, be boldCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English7
Prophet, sent from God aboveCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Prostrate with eyes of faith I seeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English3
Przyjdź, Królu wieczny naszCharles Wesley (Author)Polish2
പുകഴട്ടെ നിന്നുയിർപ്പിൻ നാൾ ഹ…ഹാലേലൂയ്യാ! (Pukaḻaṭṭe ninnuyirppin nāḷ ha…hālēlūyyā!)Charles Wesley (Author)Malayalam2
Pursue the mysteryCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English6
齊來與主一同奮起 (Qí lái yǔ zhǔ yītóng fènqǐ!)Charles Wesley (Author)Chinese2
全能君王降臨 (Quánnéng jūnwáng jiànglín)Charles Wesley (Author)Chinese2
Quão insondável é o amorCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese2
Que felizes que sãoCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese2
Quem quer perdão e salvaçãoCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese2
Quereis o que não pode serCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese2
Quickened with our immortal headCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English17
Quisiera yo con lenguas milCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)Spanish3
Quisiera yo poder cantarCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)Spanish2
讓我們重起首,奔前路,齊趕快 (Ràng wǒmen chóng qǐ shǒu, bèn qián lù, qí gǎnkuài)Charles Wesley (Author)Chinese2
Ready for my earthen bedCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English9
Redeemer of mankind! Who on thy Name relyCharles Wesley (Author)English11
Refining fire, go through my heart, Refining fire, go through my heartCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English13
Regardless now of things belowC. Wesley (Author)English1
Rejoice and sing, the Lord is KingCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English11
Rejoice evermore With angels aboveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English26
Rejoice for a brother deceasedCharles Wesley, 1707-88 (Author)English53
Rejoice in Jesus' birthCharles Wesley (Author)English22
Rejoice, rejoice, ye fallen raceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Rejoice, the Lord is King: Your Lord and King adoreCharles Wesley (Author)English559
Rejoice, the Savior reigns, The God of truth and loveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Remember, Lord, the pious zealCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
Rendei mil graças ao SenhorCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese2
Reserves of unexhausted graceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English6
Rest for my soul I long to findCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English7
Return and come to GodC. Wesley (Author)English1
Rhyfedd, rhyfedd gan angylionCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)Welsh1
Rich, and increased with goods I wasCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Riches unsearchable in Jesu's love we knowCharles Wesley, 1707-88 (Author)1
Righteous God, whose vengeful vialsCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English18
Righteous Lord, Thy people spare!Charles Wesley (Author)English2
Righteous, O Lord, are all Thy ways!Charles Wesley (Author)English2
Righteous, sin-avenging GodCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Rise, all who seek the CrucifiedCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Rise every soul in Jesus’ nameCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Rock of Israel, cleft for meCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Salud hay para miCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish3
Salve dia da AscensãoCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese2
Sanktuloj sur la tero kantuCharles Wesley (Author)Esperanto1
ശാന്തനാകും യേശുവേ! പൈതലാമെന്നെ നോക്കി (Śāntanākuṁ yēśuvē! paitalāmenne nēākki)Charles Wesley (Author)Malayalam2
സന്തോഷത്തോടോന്നിക്കാം (Santēāṣattēāṭēānnikkāṁ)Charles Wesley (Author)Malayalam2
Santo amor, graça infinitaCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese2
Santo e verdadeiro DeusCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese2
Save by grace through faith aloneCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Savior and Prince of PeaceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English2
Savior, cast a pitying eye, Bid my sins and sorrows endCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English6
Savior from sin, I wait to proveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English20
Savior, I now with shame confess My thirst for creature happinessCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English25
Savior, now in me performCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English2
Savior of all, to Thee we bowCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English39
Savior of all, what hast Thou done?Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English24
Savior of men, Thy searching eyeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English28
Savior of sinful menCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English19
Savior of the sin sick soulCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English36
Savior, Prince, enthroned aboveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English11
Savior, Prince of Israel's raceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English32
Savior, see me from aboveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English10
Savior, the world's and mineCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English16
Savior, to Thee we humbly cryCharles Wesley (Author)2
Savior, we know Thou artCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English16
Savior, who ready art to hearCharles Wesley (Author)1
Savior, and can it be that Thou shouldst dwell with meCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)English6
Savior, bless a little child, Teach my heart the way to TheeWesley (Author)English1
Saviour, how few there areCharles Wesley (Author)1
Savior, I know Thy gracious willCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English4
Savior, on me the grace bestowCharles Wesley (Author)English25
Savior, on me the want bestowC. Wesley (Author)English2
Savior, we now rejoice in hope that Thou at last will take us upC. Wesley (Author)English9
Savior, whom our hearts adoreC. Wesley (Author)English15
Saw ye not the cloud ariseCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English27
Say not, sinner in thy heartCharles Wesley (Author)4
Say, sinner, hath a voice withinCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Say then, ye worms of earth, to whomCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Say, which of you would see the LordCharles Wesley (Author)English16
Schaff' in mir, Gott, zu deinem Dienst ein Herz von Sünden freiC. Wesley (Author)German18
See, gracious Lord, with pitying eyesCharles Wesley (Author)English1
See how great a flame aspiresCharles Wesley (Author)English86
See, Jesus, Thy disciples seeC. Wesley (Author)English69
See, Lord, the purchase of Thy deathCharles Wesley (Author (attributed to))English2
See, on the mountain topCharles Wesley (Author)1
See, sinners, in the Gospel glassCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English19
See the Dayspring from afarWesley (Author)English2
See the gospel church secureCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English8
See the Lord, thy Keeper, standRev. Charles Wesley (Author)English22
See the stars from heaven fallingCharles Wesley (Author)3
See the truth, thy keeper, standCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
See where before the throne he standsCharles Wesley (Author)1
See where our great High PriestCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English10
See, ye heirs of sure salvationCharles Wesley (Author)1
Seht hier von eurem GottCharles Wesley (Author)German5
Será possível eu ganharCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese3
Servant, at once, and Lord of allC. Wesley (Author)2
Servant of all, to toil for manCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English11
Servant of God, and Son of ManCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Servant of God, well done! Thy glorious warfare's pastCharles Wesley (Author)English62
Servantoj de Dio, proklamu kun fort'Charles Wesley, 1707-88 (Author)2
Set forth before our eyesCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Shall foolish, weak, short sighted manCharles Wesley (Author)English14
Shall I, amidst a ghastly bandCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English8
Shall we the Spirit's course restrainCharles Wesley (Author)1
神聖的愛,何其美甜!(Shénshèng de ài, héqí měi tián!)Charles Wesley (Author)Chinese2
神聖之愛,遠超眾愛,天上之樂臨地上;(Shénshèng zhī ài, yuǎn chāo zhòng ài, tiānshàng zhī lè lín dì shàng;)Charles Wesley (Author)Chinese2
Shepherd divine, our wants relieveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English97
Shepherd of souls, refresh and blessCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Shepherd of souls, the great, the goodCharles Wesley (Author)3
Shepherd of souls, Thy sheep beholdCharles Wesley (Author (attributed to))English2
Shepherd of souls, with pitying eyeC. Wesley (Author)English34
世にあるかぎりの ことばをもてCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)Japanese2
Shout to the great Jehovah's praise! Ye sons of glory and of graceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English2
Show pity, Lord, O Lord, forgive, Let a repenting rebel liveCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Shrinking from the cold hand of deathCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English43
Ṡicapi kiŋ nipi kta eCharles Wesley (Author)Dakota1
Siempre aquí reposaréCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish2
Since I've known a Savior's nameCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English9
Since the Son hath made me freeCharles Wesley (Author)English20
Since thou hast bid me come to theeW. (Author)1
Sing, all in heaven, at Jesus' birthCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English11
Sing to the great Jehovah's praise! All praise to him belongsCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English87
Sing we to our God aboveRev. Charles Wesley (Author)English39
Sing we with the hosts of heavenCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Sing with joyful acclamation, Zion's ransomed daughter, singCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Sing, ye ransomed nations, singCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Sinner, behold, behold the ManCharles Wesley (Author)2
Sinner, in thine own esteemCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Sinner secure, the writing see!Charles Wesley (Author)English2
Sinners, approach your dying LordCharles Wesley (Author)12
Sinners, attend the dreadful wordCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Sinners, believe the gospel wordCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English17
Sinners, dismiss your fearCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Sinners, lift up your heartsCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English11
Sinners, obey the gospel wordCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English104
Sinners, obey the gracious callCharles Wesley (Author (attributed to))English2
Sinners, obey the heavenly callCharles Wesley (Author)English5
Sinners, rejoice, your peace is madeCharles Wesley (Author)2
Sinners, the call obeyCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English25
Sinners, turn, while God is nearCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English10
Sinners! turn, why will ye die? God, your Maker, asks you why?C. Wesley (Author)English373
Sinners, your hearts lift upCharles Wesley (Author)English6
So dürfen wir den nunCarl Wesley, 1708-1788 (Author)German2
So dürfen wir im BruderkreisCharles Wesley (Author)German2
Soar we now where Christ has ledCharles Wesley (Author)1
Softly now the light of dayC. Wesley (Author)English3
Soldiers of Christ, arise, And put your armor on; Strong in the strength which God suppliesRev. Chas. Wesley (Author)English732
Soldiers of Christ, lay holdCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English12
Soldiers of the cross, arise! Gird you with your armor brightCharles Wesley (Author)English3
Sólo excelso, amor divino, Gozo vén del cielo á nosCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish4
Son of God, if thy free graceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English21
Son of God, Thy blessing grantCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English57
Son of the carpenter, receiveWesley (Author)English10
Son of the living God! thy handsCharles Wesley (Author (st. 2-5))English2
Son of thy Sire's eternal loveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English12
Sons of God, exulting riseCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English9
Sons of God, triumphant riseCharles Wesley (Author)English19
Sons of God, your Savior praiseCharles Wesley (Author)2
Sons of men, behold from farWesley (Author)English68
Soon must I be to judgment broughtCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Soon we shall meet againCharles Wesley (Author)1
Souls of men, behold from farCharles Wesley (Author)2
Source of being, Source of lightWesley (Author)English5
Sovereign Father, heavenly KingCharles Wesley (Author)2
Sovereign of all, whose will ordainsCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English3
Space to repent without the powerCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Speak with us, Lord, thyself revealCharles Wesley (Author)English130
Spirit of faith, come downCharles Wesley (Author)English111
Spirit of peace and love and power!Charles Wesley (Author)English10
Spirit of heavenly counsel, comeCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Spirit of holiness, Let all thy saints adoreCharles Wesley (Author)English4
Spirit of revelation, Jehovah, Thee we ownCharles Wesley (Author)2
Spirit of truth, essential GodCharles Wesley 1707-88 (Author)English23
Spirit sent from God aboveCharles Wesley (Author)1
Stand the omnipotent decreeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English45
Stand we in the good old wayCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Stark und majestätisch prächtigCharles Wesley (Author)German2
Stay, Thou insulted Spirit, stayCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English259
Stay, thou too happy sinner, stayCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)1
സ്തോ-ത്രം പാടും ര-ക്ഷകനു (Stēā-traṁ pāṭuṁ ra-kṣakanu)Charles Wesley (Author)Malayalam2
Steel me to shame, reproach, disgraceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)9
Steh auf, mein Herz, steh auf!Charles Wesley (Author)German1
Steh auf, steh auf, mein GeistCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)German9
Still for Thy loving kindness, LordCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English40
Still let us keep the end in mindCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)4
Still, Lord, I languish for Thy graceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English19
Still nigh me, O my Savior, standCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English10
Still, O Lord, our faith increaseCharles Wesley (Author)2
Still out of the deepest abyssCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English30
Still stir me up to striveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English9
Stronger his love than death or hellCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
Stupendous height of heavenly loveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English7
Stupendous mysteryCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English2
Suffering Son of man, be near me, In my sufferings to sustainCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English19
Summoned my labor to renewCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English10
Sun of my soul, Thou Savior dear, It is not night if thou be nearCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Sun of unclouded righteousnessCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English11
Surely in the Lord we haveCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Surrounded by a host of foesCharles Wesley (Author)English26
Sweet Jesus, when I think on theeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English1
سيدى اسمع طلبتىCharles Wesley (Author)Arabic2
祂是“平靜”祕密之源 (Tā shì “píngjìng” mìmì zhī yuán)Charles Wesley (Author)Chinese2
Tafatsangana tokoaCharles Wesley (Author)Malagasy2
Take my heart, O Father, take itCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English83
Take my soul and body's powersCharles Wesley (Author)1
Talk with us, Lord, Thyself revealW. (Author)English19
Taught by our Lord, we will not prayCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English5
Teach me, my God and King, In all things Thee to seeC. Wesley (Author)English1
Teach me the prophets smooth to shunCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Teacher, guide of young beginnersCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)13
Teacher of babes, to thee I for instruction fleeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
Térjetek meg, emberekCharles Wesley (Author)Hungarian2
Terrible thought, shall I aloneCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English42
Th' immortal God, for me hath dy'dWesley (Author)2
Thanks be to God whose faithful loveCharles Wesley (Author)English1
That blessed law of thineC. Wesley (Author)English9
That doleful night before His deathWesley (Author)English1
That great mysterious DeityCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
The Almighty Lord of earth and skyCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
The angels gazed to see their GodCharles Wesley (Author)English2
The bleeding Sacrifice in my behalf appearsCharles Wesley (Author)1
The book—let all bow down and readCharles Wesley (Author)English2
The caution is not vainCharles Wesley (Author)English2
The children to the birth are comeCharles Wesley (Author)English1
The Christians of old, united in oneCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English9
The church in her militant stateCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English22
The Church triumphant in thy loveC. Wesley, 1707-68 (Author)English6
The day of Christ, the day of GodCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English23
The day, the dreadful day draws nighCharles Wesley (Author (attributed to))English2
The day, the gospel day draws nearCharles Wesley (Author)2
The depth of all-redeeming loveW. (Author)1
The dreadful day is comeCharles Wesley (Author (attributed to))English2
The eagle, fond, her charge awakesCharles Wesley (Author)3
The earth, with all her fullness, ownsCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English17
The earth is the Lord's, and all it contains; The truth of his words for ever remainsCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English8
The God of Abraham praise, Who reigns enthroned aboveWesley (Author)English1
The God of harvest praiseCharles Wesley (Author)English1
The God of love, to earth He cameCharles Wesley, 1707-88 (Author)English2
The golden rule she has pursuedCharles Wesley (Author)English3
The great archangel's trump shall soundC. Wesley (Author)English39
The great redeeming Angel, TheeCharles Wesley (Author)English2
The harvest of my joys is pastCharles Wesley (Author)1
The heavenly treasure now we haveCharles Wesley (Author)English14
The Judge of all shall soon come downCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)6
The law and prophets all foretoldCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English11
The living principle of graceCharles Wesley (Author)1
The Lord he knows the thoughts of menCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
The Lord, in the day of his angerC. W. (Author)English3
The Lord is King, and earth submitsCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English13
The Lord is king, ye saints rejoiceCharles Wesley (Author (attributed to))English2
The Lord of earth and skyCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English69
The Lord of hosts, the almighty LordCharles Wesley (Author)English2
The Lord of Sabbath let us praiseWesley (Author)English1
The Lord unto my Lord hath said, Sit thou in glory, sitCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English4
The man of sorrow now Thou dost indeed appearC. Wesley (Author)English8
The men who slight thy faithful wordCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English11
The merit of Jehovah's SonC. Wesley (Author)English6
The mighty conqueror leaves the deadC. Wesley (Author)English8
The morning flowers display their sweetsCharles Wesley (Author)English1
The old congenial man of sinCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English3
The past no longer in my powerCharles Wesley (Author)English2
The people of God, Jehovah we praiseCharles Wesley (Author)English3
The people still go forthCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
The people that in darkness lay, In sin and error's deadly shadeCharles Wesley (Author)English2
The people that in darkness lay, The confines of eternal nightCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English9
The poor as Jesus' bosom friendsCharles Wesley (Author)2
The power to bless my houseCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English27
The praying spirit breatheC. Wesley (Author)English90
The promise we for Isr'l pleadCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
The promised land from Pisgah's topCharles Wesley (Author)1
The race that long in darkness pinedC. Wesley (Author)English9
The sacred body of perfectnessCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English8
The saints of earth and those aboveC. Wesley (Author)English57
The saints who die of Christ possessedC. Wesley (Author)English24
The sinners how blest who pardon receive!Charles Wesley (Author)English2
The smoke alas, must still ascendCharles Wesley (Author)English2
The soul by faith reclinedC. Wesley (Author)4
The Spirit of the Lord my [our] GodCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)4
The Spirit of the Lord our GodC. Wesley (Author)English1
The sun of righteousness on meCharles Wesley (Author)English15
The thing my God doth hateCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English54
The thirsty are called to their LordCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
The thoughtless brute his master knowsCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English2
The vineyard of the Lord Before his laborers liesCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English2
The voice of my beloved sounds While over the mountain top He boundsCharles Wesley (Author)English1
The voice that speaks Jehovah nearCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English12
The wisdom owned by all thy sonsCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English7
The Word, the uncreated SonCharles Wesley (Author)English2
The word thy sacred lips has pastCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
The world He made He still sustainsCharles Wesley (Author)English2
The world, who know not GodCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Thee, in the watches of the night, Do I not, Lord, remember stillCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English4
Thee, Jesus, full of truth and graceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English20
Thee, Jesus, the Son of David, I ownCharles Wesley (Author)3
Thee, Jesus, thee, the sinner's FriendCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English19
Thee, King of saints, we praiseCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English13
Thee, O my God and King, My Father, thee I singCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)4
Thee to laud in songs divineCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English9
Thee we address in humble prayerCharles Wesley (Author)English7
Thee we adore, eternal [O gracioius] Lord!C. Wesley (Author)English4
Thee will I love, my Strength, my Tower, Thee will I love my joy, my crown (Wesley)W. (Author)English2
Thee will I praise with all my heart, And tell mankind how good Thou artCharles Wesley (Author)English3
Thee will I praise with all my heart, I will sing praise to theeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English1
Then let us urge our wayCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Then, then the Gospel day shall riseCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Then, then th’intestine war is o’erCharles Wesley (Author)English2
There is a solid comfort hereC. W. (Author)2
There is joy in heaven, There is joy in heavenCharles Wesley (Author)English2
There is no night in heaven, In that blest world aboveCharles Wesley (Author)English2
There then to Thee Thine own I leaveCharles Wesley (Author)English1
There we shall meet againCharles Wesley (Author)2
They must be as the troubled seaCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)4
They who Jesus' followers areCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author (stanza 2,3))7
This is he that cameCharles Wesley (Author)2
This is the day which God has blestCharles Wesley (Author)2
This is Thy will, I knowCharles Wesley (Author)English7
This slumber from my spirit shakesCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English4
This, this is he that cameCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English12
Thou art that Bread of lifeCharles Wesley (Author)English7
Thou awful God, whose righteous ireCharles Wesley (Author (attributed to))English2
Thou canst, Thou wilt, I dare believeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English3
Thou Fount of blessing, God of loveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)8
Thou God of all sufficient graceCharles Wesley (Author)English6
Thou God of glorious majestyCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English67
Thou God of harmony and loveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)4
Thou God of truth and loveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English38
Thou God that answerest by fireCharles Wesley (Author)English21
Thou God unsearchable, unknownCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English7
Thou great mysterious God unknownCharles Wesley (Author)English47
Thou hast, O God, the work begunCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Thou hidden God, for whom I groanCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English33
Thou hidden love of God, Whose heightCharles Wesley (Author)English6
Thou hidden source of calm reposeCharles Wesley (Author)English137
Thou, Jesus, Thou my breast inspireCharles Wesley (Author)English10
Thou Judge of quick and deadCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English126
Thou Lamb of God, thou Prince of PeaceW. (Author)English1
Thou, Lord, art God alone, Those countless worlds of thineCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English2
Good Thou art, and good Thou dostW. (Author)English12
Thou, Lord, hast blest my going outCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English26
Thou, Lord, must for thy sake forgiveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)5
Thou, Lord, on whom I still dependCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English14
Thou, Lord, our dwelling place in every ageCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Thou, Lord, who didst our faith bestowCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Thou man of griefs, remember meCharles Wesley (Author)English45
Thou, my God, art good and wiseCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)7
Thou, O Christ, art all I wantCharles Wesley (Author)English15
Thou, O Lord, in tender loveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English13
Thou only, Lord, the work hast doneCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Thou Rock of my salvation, hasteC. Wesley (Author)English11
Thou seest my feeblenessCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English52
Thou Shepherd of Israel, and mineW. (Author)English118
Thou Son of God, whose flaming eyesCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English57
Thou that didst hang upon the treeCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Thou, the eternal LordC. Wesley (Author)English5
Thou, the great, eternal GodCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English10
Thou, the unbeginning WordCharles Wesley (Author)1
Thou very paschal LambC. Wesley (Author)English24
Thou very present AidRev. Charles Wesley (Author)English73
Thou who art peace and unityCharles Wesley (Author)2
Thou wilt not break a bruised reedCharles Wesley (Author)2
Though eighteen hundred years are pastCharles Wesley (Author)English6
Though fierce the howling winds may blowCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English5
Though nature's strength decayCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English1
Thrice comfortable hopeCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Through Him, who all our sickness feltC. Wesley (Author)English15
Through much distress and painCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Through thee we now together cameCharles Wesley (Author)5
Throughout my fallen soul I feelCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Thus saith the Lord of earth and heavenCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Thus saith the Lord, who seek the LambCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)4
Thus saith the Lord, 'tis God commandsCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English4
Thy ceaseless, unexhausted loveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English77
Thy Church, O God, shall find fulfilledCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Thy every suffering servant, LordCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Thy faithfulness, Lord each moment we findCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English32
Thy kingdom come, with power and graceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English3
Thy law is perfect, Lord of lightC. Wesley (Author)English6
Thy love I soon expect to findCharles Wesley (Author)1
Thy loving Spirit, Lord, aloneCharles Wesley (Author)English9
Thy mind throughout my life be shownW. (Author)1
Thy name to me, Thy nature grantRev. Charles Wesley (Author)English6
Thy power and saving truth to showCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
Thy powerful Spirit shall subdueCharles Wesley (Author)2
Thy presence, Lord, the place shall fillCharles Wesley (Author)English34
Thy tender heart is still the sameCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Thy will be done, Thy name be blest!Charles Wesley (Author)English1
Ti asi di matucodCharles Wesley, 1708-1788 (Author)Tagalog2
天(あめ)には栄え 御神(みかみ)にあれや (Ten (ame) ni wa hae goshin (Mika mi) ni areya)Charles Wesley (Author)Japanese2
Tierno Cristo, manso y lealCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Times without number have I prayedC. Wesley (Author)English23
聽阿,天使高聲唱:「榮耀歸與新生王,(Tīng ā, tiānshǐ gāo shēng chàng:`Róngyào guī yǔ xīnshēng wáng,)Charles Wesley (Author)Chinese2
'Tis done, my God hath diedCharles Wesley (Author)2
'Tis finished! the Messiah diesCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)English52
'Tis finished, 'tis done! The spirit is fledCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English31
'Tis mystery all! The immortal dies!Charles Wesley (Author (stanzas 1, 2))2
'Tis of Thy merices, LordCharles Wesley (Author)English1
To damp our earthly joysCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Glory above be givenCharles Wesley (Author)English1
To Father Son, and Spirit, Ascribe we equal gloryCharles Wesley (Author)English2
To God, the Creator of allCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
To God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit, Three in One (Watts)C. Wesley (Author)English1
To God we lift our heartsCharles Wesley (Author)English2
To God your every want in instant prayerC. Wesley (Author)English18
To Jesus' name give thanks and singCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English3
To sin, the world, and Satan soldCharles Wesley (Author)English2
To The Cross, Thine altar, bindCharles Wesley (Author)English2
To the great One in ThreeRev. Charles Wesley (Author)English7
To the haven of thy breastWesley (Author)English41
To the hills I lift mine eyes, The everlasting hillsC. Wesley (Author)English44
To thee, great God of love, I bowC. Wesley (Author)English16
To thee inseparably joinedCharles Wesley (Author)1
To their Lord believers goCharles Wesley (Author)4
To us a child, of royal birthCharles Wesley (Author)English27
To whom in peril and distressCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Tocad trompeta yaCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)Spanish11
Tocae o grão clarimCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese2
Toma meu ser, corpo e forçasCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese2
Tompo tia o, midinaC. Wesley (Author)Malagasy2
Too strong I was to conquer sinCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Tremble our hearts to find thee nighCharles Wesley (Author)2
Tremble, ye families profaneCharles Wesley (Author)1
Tremendous God, with humble fearCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English9
Tremendous Lord of earth, and skiesCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Tremendous Lord, Thy voice we hearCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Tremendous oracle divine!Charles Wesley (Author)2
Tried is every faithful manCharles Wesley (Author)English2
True and faithful Witness, theeCharles Wesley (Author)English4
True witness of the Father’s loveCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Truly baptized into the name of JesusCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Try us, O God, and search the groundCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English117
Tu santo nombre alabaré, Bendito RedentorCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish5
Tua glória envolve os céusCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese3
Turn again, ye faithless raceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Turn, he cries, ye sinners, turnCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
Two are better far than oneCharles Wesley (Author)English5
U'ala hou mai Kristo eCharles Wesley (Author)Hawaiian3
Unchangeable all-perfect LordCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English2
Unchangeable, almighty LordCharles Wesley (Author)English18
Uncounted years may not suffice to understand the graceCharles Wesley (Author)2
Unto our never-ceasing criesCharles Wesley (Author)2
Uphold me, Savior, or I fallCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English11
Upright both in heart and willCharles Wesley (Author)English9
Úr Jézus, adj hitet, adjCharles Wesley (Author)Hungarian2
Urge on your rapid courseCharles Wesley (Author)English29
Us, who climb Thy holy hillCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English5
Vain, delusive world, adieuCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English186
Ved del cielo descendiendoCarlos Wesley (Author)Spanish5
Ved qué inmenso resplandorCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)Spanish2
Vem, Espírito eterno, mostra-nos a excelsa luzCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese1
Vem, Espirito Santo, inspirarCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese2
Vem Jesus nossa esperančaCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Inspiration)Portuguese1
Vem, Jesus tão desejadoCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese4
Vem, Jesus, tão esperadoCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese3
Vem, santo e verdadeiro DeusCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese2
Vem, Senhor, ajudar o teu povo a se ajudarCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese2
Vem soberano amor, JesusCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese2
Vén, Espíritu eternoCarlos Wesley (Author)Spanish2
Ven, Jesús muy esperadoCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish11
Ven, Omnipotente Rey, tributo rinde tu greyCharles Wesley (En Ingles)Spanish2
Ven, Santo Espíritu de Dios Y mora en nostra serCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish2
Ven, soberano amor, JesúsCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Spanish2
Ven tú, potente DiosCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish2
Vendra el Señor, y temblara la tierraCarlos Wesley (Author)Spanish3
Venham todos, venham todosCharles Wesley (Author)Portuguese2
Вести ангельской внемли (Vesti angel'skoy vnemli)Charles Wesley (Чарьлз Веслий) (Author)Russian3
Victim Divine, Thy grace we claimCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English28
Visit, Lord, thy habitationCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)9
Vois descendre sur les nuesCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)French2
Vós, servos de DeusCharles Wesley (1707-1788) (Author)Portuguese2
Voy, en tu nombre, mi SeñorCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)Spanish3
Voz de amor y de clemenciaC. Wesley (Author)Spanish1
Waked by the trumpet's soundCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English7
Warned of that vindictive dayCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Was ever grief like ThineCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English5
Was ist es, das zurückCharles Wesley (Author)German2
Watched by the world's malignant eyeCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English30
We all are yet aliveCharles Wesley (Author)3
We bow before thy gracious throneCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
We by his Spirit proveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English20
We have a house aboveCharles Wesley (Author (Verses))English5
We have no outward righteousnessCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English25
We in the lower parts, Of Thy great kingdom feastC. Wesley (Author)English2
We know, by faith we knowCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English57
We magnify the gift of GodCharles Wesley (Author)English1
We, only we believe indeedCharles Wesley (Author)English2
We pray until the hourCharles Wesley (Author)English2
We suffer with our Master hereC. Wesley (Author)4
We utter our cry: that peace may prevailCharles Wesley (Author (B))English2
We want the spirit of power withinCharles Wesley (Author)2
We who in Christ believeCharles Wesley (Author)2
We will not close our wakeful eyesCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English2
We will stand the storm, and it wont be long (Chorus)Charles Wesley (Author)English1
Weary of all this wordy strifeC. Wesley, 1708-1788 (Author)English4
Weary of struggling with my painCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English28
Weary of wandering from my GodCharles Wesley (Author)English99
Weary souls, that wander wide, From the central point of blissCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English82
Weep not for a brother deceasedCharles Wesley (Author)English17
Weeps the Savior o’er His foeCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Weit, weit über'm tiefen MeerCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)German5
Welcome friend, in that great nameCharles Wesley (Author)2
Welcome the bright millennial dayCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Well doth a summer leaf explainCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English7
Wenn meines Lebens Hülle baldCharles Wesley (Author)German3
Wen-rou Ye-su zhen ren-ai (Gentle Jesus, meek and mild)Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English, Mandarin2
Wer ist wohl die große ScharCharles Wesle (Author)German1
We've no abiding city hereCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English1
What a mystery am ICharles Wesley (Author)English1
What a rapturous songCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
What am I, O Thou glorious GodCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English22
What angel can the grace explainCharles Wesley (Author)English2
What are these wounds, so deep, so wideCharles Wesley (Author)English2
What but Thy right hand of powerCharles Wesley (Author)English2
What could your Redeemer doCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English55
What doth the ladder meanC. Wesley (Author)English8
What good remains in me?Charles Wesley (Author)English2
What hath this wretched world to giveCharles Wesley (Author)English2
What have I then wherein to trustCharles Wesley (Author)1
What is our [your] calling's glorious hopeCharles Wesley (Author)English54
What is the chaff, the word of manCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English22
What is there here to court my stayCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English13
What! never speak one evil word?Rev. Charles Wesley (Author)English30
What now is my object and aim?Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English36
What shall I do, my God, my GodCharles Wesley (Author)English1
What shall I do my God to loveCharles Wesley 1707-88 (Author)English43
What shall I do to 'scape the hellCharles Wesley (Author)English1
What shall I render to my God For all His kindness shown?Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English1
What shall I render to my God For all His mercy's store?Charles Wesley (Author)English15
What then are they, who dare derideCharles Wesley (Author)English2
What, though I cannot break my chainCharles Wesley (Author)English1
What though my shrinking flesh complainW. (Author)4
Whate'er the hypocrites pretendCharles Wesley (Author)2
When Abraham, though severely triedCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
When Christ doth in my heart appearCharles Wesley (Author)English13
When, dear Lord, ah, tell us whenWesley (Author)1
When, dearest Lord, when shall it beCharles Wesley (Author)English2
When God is mine, and I am hisCharles Wesley (Author)1
When gracious Lord, when shall it beCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English69
When Israel out of Egypt cameCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English14
When Jesus makes my heart his homeCharles Wesley (Author)3
When, my Father, shall I beWesley (Author)1
When my love to God [Christ] grows weakC. Wesley (Author)English1
When, my Savior, shall I beWesley (Author)English71
When, O my Savior, shall it beCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English2
When on the margin of the graveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
When passing through the watery deepCharles Wesley (Author)3
When quiet in my house I sitCharles Wesley (Author)English64
When shall I gain the glorious dressCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
When shall I hear the inward voiceRev. Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English9
When shall I see the welcome hourCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English19
When shall Thy love constrainCharles Wesley (Author)English67
When thou hadst rendered up thy breathCharles Wesley (Author)1
When Thou my righteous Judge shalt comeC. Wesley (Author)English1
When thou the work of faith hast wroughtCharles Wesley (Author)2
Where is my God, my joy, my hopeCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Where is my strength, my faith, my GodCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Where is the God of Shadrach? WhereCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English2
Where is the Hebrews' GodCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English4
Where is the holy Heav'n-born childCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Where shall my wondering soul beginCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English34
Where shall true believers goCharles Wesley (Author)English14
Where the ancient dragon layCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Where two or three with faithful heartCharles Wesley (Author)English5
Wherefore do the nations wageCharles Wesley (Author)English3
Wherefore He now in mercy criesCharles Wesley (Author (attributed to))English2
Wherefore should I make my moanCharles Wesley (Author)English27
Wherewith O Lord, shall I draw nearCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English62
Whether the Word be preached or readCharles Wesley (Author)English3
Which of the Christians nowCharles Wesley (Author)1
Which of the monarchs of the earthC. Wesley (Author)English10
Which of the petty kings of earthC. Wesley (Author)English12
While dead in trespasses I lieCharles Wesley (Author)English22
While Jesus is our FriendCharles Wesley (Author)2
While midnight shades the earth o'erspreadCharles Wesley (Author)English2
While nature yielding to despairCharles Wesley (Author)English2
While preaching gospel to the poorCharles Wesley (Author)2
While thou art intimately nighCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English8
While we walk with God in lightCharles Wesley (Author)English20
While we wave the palm of gloryCharles Wesley (Author)1
Whither, O whither should [shall] I flyCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English28
Whither shall a creature runCharles Wesley (Author)3
Who are these arrayed in whiteCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English101
Who believes the tidings? WhoCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Who can tell the wondrous tokenCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Who can worthily commendCharles Wesley (Author)3
Who hath a right like us to singCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
Who hath believed the tidings? Who?Charles Wesley (Author)English2
Who hath despised or contemn'dW. (Author)1
Who hath slighted or contemned [condemned}Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English4
Who in the Lord confideCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English25
Who is this gigantic foeCharles Wesley (Author)7
Who Jesus our Example knowCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English5
Who of the great, or wiseCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Who on earth can conceive how happy we liveCharles Wesley (Author)2
Who pardon preach through faith aloneCharles Wesley (Author)2
Who suffer with our master hereCharles Wesley (Author)2
Who would himself to thee approveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Whom Jesus' blood doth sanctifyCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English10
Whom man forsakes Thou wilt not leaveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English28
Whom thou dost guard, O King of kingsCharles Wesley (Author)2
"Whosoever heareth" shout, shout the sound!Charles Wesley (Author)English1
Why not now, my God, my God?C. Wesley (Author)English23
Why seek ye that which is not breadCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English6
Why should I ask the future loadCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Why should I doubt his love at lastCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Why should I till tomorrow stayC. Wesley (Author)English4
Why should our parents call us goodCharles Wesley (Author)5
Why should we lament the lotCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English4
Wicotakuye kiŋ wakaŋCharles Wesley (Author)Dakota1
Wie hat's die kleine Herde gutCharles Wesley (Author)German3
Wilt thou not yet to me revealC. Wesley (Author)English4
Wisdom and power to Christ belongCharles Wesley (Author)4
Wisdom ascribe, and might and praiseCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English10
Wisdom divine, who tells the priceCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English3
With a believing master blessed [blest]Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)5
With all our soul, O Lord, we giveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)7
With faith thy saying we receiveCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
With glorious clouds encompassed roundCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English47
With grateful heart I love to singCharles Wesley (Author)2
With humble faith on thee I callCharles Wesley (Author)1
With joy the Lord of Hosts proclaimCharles Wesley (Alterer)3
With solemn faith we offer upCharles Wesley (Author)English3
With us no melancholy voidCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)2
Withering as grass is humankindCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Witness divine, the just and trueCharles Wesley (Author)English1
我們要從那裏說起,主,你所賜一切福氣?(Wǒmen yào cóng nǎlǐ shuō qǐ, zhǔ, nǐ suǒ cì yīqiè fúqi?)Charles Wesley (Author)Chinese2
Woe is me! that wretched manCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Woe is me, what tongue can tellCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)3
Woe to the man, eternal woeCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Woe to the men on earth who dwellCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English31
Worship and thanks and blessingCharles Wesley (Author)English18
Worthy, O Lord, art ThouCharles Wesley, 1708-88 (Author)7
Would Jesus have the sinner dieCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English62
Wouldst thou require what cannot be?Charles Wesley (Author)1
Wretch that I am, from God I've strayedCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English6
Wretched, helpless, and distressedC. Wesley (Author)English34
يا أيها الآب الكريمCharles Wesley (Author)Arabic1
يا ليت لي ألف لسانCharles Wesley (Author)Arabic1
يا سماء الخلد ها - هللوياCharles Wesley (Author)Arabic1
Ye angels, put the sickle inCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)5
Ye different sects, who all declareCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English18
Ye faithful souls, who Jesus knowCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English53
Ye full, of confidence unfoundCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English2
Ye happy sinners, hearCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)7
Ye heavenly choir, assist me to singCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Ye heavens rejoice in Jesus's graceCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Ye longing souls, lift up your headsCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Ye men of Israel, hearCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Ye neighbors and friends of Jesus, draw nearCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English17
Ye passers by, behold the LordCharles Wesley (Author)4
Ye pilgrims-partners in distressCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)4
Ye ransomed sinners, hearCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English50
Ye ransomed souls draw nearCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Ye servants of God, acknowledge him nearCharles Wesley (Author)2
Ye servants of the Lord, In Jesus' praises joinCharles Wesley (Author)English3
Ye simple men of heart sincereCharles Wesley (Author)1
Ye simple souls, that strayCharles Wesley (Author)English2
耶穌,靈魂的愛人 (Yēsū, línghún de àirén)Charles Wesley (Author)Chinese2
耶穌,你的全勝的愛 (Yēsū, nǐ de quánshèng de ài)Charles Wesley (Author)Chinese2
Ye that do your Master’s willCharles Wesley, 1707-88 (Author)English3
Ye that have here receiv'dW. (Author)1
Ye that pass by, behold the ManCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English69
Ye thirsty for God, to Jesus give earCharles Wesley (Author)English20
Ye virgin souls, ariseCharles Wesley (Author)English84
Ye worms of earth, ariseCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Ye worms of earth our God admireCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Ye servants of God! Your Master proclaimCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English527
Yes, from this instant, now, I willC. Wesley (Author)English15
യേശു എന്‍ ആത്മ സഖേ നിന്‍ മാര്‍വില്‍ ഞാന്‍ ചേരട്ടെ (Yēśu en ātma sakhē nin mārvil ñān cēraṭṭe)Charles Wesley (Author)Malayalam2
യേശു ഇന്നു ഉയിർത്തു ഹാ…ഹാലേലൂയ്യാ (Yēśu innu uyirttu hā…hālēlūyyā)Charles Wesley (Author)Malayalam2
Yesu ndiwe mponya wetuCharles Wesley (Author)English2
Yesu unipendayeCharles Wesley (Author)Swahili1
യേശുവേ നിൻ ദിവ്യ സ്നേഹം (Yēśuvē nin divya snēhaṁ)Charles Wesley (Author)Malayalam2
Yet soon my wretched HeartCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Yet still the Lord, the Savior reignsCharles Wesley (Author)3
Yet still we glory in Thy NameCharles Wesley (Author)English1
Yield to me now, for I am weakCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English45
Yo por Cristo defendidoCharles Wesley (Author)Spanish2
Yo tengo que guardarCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)Spanish7
Yo tengo una misiónCharles Wesley, 1707-1788 (Author)English2
You pastors hired who undertakeCharles Wesley (Author)1
Young men and maidens, raise Your tuneful voices highCharles Wesley (Author)English36
Your duty let the Apostle showCharles Wesley (Author)English3
yo wo moru tsuki niCharles Wesley (Author)1
Збаўца наш Ісус ускрос. А–лі–лу–я! (Zbaŭca naš Isus uskros. A-li-lu-ja!)Charles Wesley (Author)Belarusian2
Zion, awake, thy slumber breakC. Wesley (Author)English3
Zion, shout thy Lord and KingCharles Wesley (Author)2
Zion's God is all our ownCharles Wesley (Author)2
Zu Jesu Preis und RuhmCharles Wesley (Author)German3

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