
Short Name: Anonymous
Full Name: Anonymous

In some hymnals, the editors noted that a hymn's author is unknown to them, and so this artificial "person" entry is used to reflect that fact. Obviously, the hymns attributed to "Author Unknown" "Unknown" or "Anonymous" could have been written by many people over a span of many centuries.

Texts by Anonymous (6428)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
පින්වත් එදා සවාමි වත (Pinvat edā savāmi vata)Anonymous (Translator)Sinhala2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 God has made the way to heavenUnknown (Author)English1
A Babe is born all of a maidAnonymous (Author)English1
A Babe is born in Bethlehem, In Bethlehem (Krauth)Anon. (Author)English5
A beautiful land by faith I seeAnon. (Author)English3
A captive here, and far from homeAnon. (Author)1
A certain man of whom we readAnon. (Author)English1
A child for us is born this dayUnknown (Translator)English2
A child this day is bornAnonymous (Author)English3
A Cristo coronadDesconcido (Translator)Spanish1
A Cristo doy mi cantoAnónimo (Translator)Spanish8
A Cristo proclamad, Triunfante SalvadorUnknown (Author (stanza 2))Spanish2
A crown of glory brightUnknown (Author)English2
A cualquiera parte sin temor iréAnonymous (Translator)Spanish5
A day of awful grandeur dawnsAnon. (Author)1
A debtor to mercy aloneAnon. (Author)English1
A Dios el Padre celestialDesconocido (Author)Spanish9
A Dios obedecen el rayo y el vientoAnónimo (Author)Spanish3
A Dios piadoso debí el nacerAnonimo (Author)Spanish2
A dread and solemn hourAnonymous (Author)English1
A few day's work in his gardenAnon. (Author)English2
A friendless prisoner at Pilate's barUnknown (Author)English3
A glorious day is dawning, And over the waking earthUnknown (Author)English1
A glory in the Word we findAnon. (Author)English2
A goodly theme is mineAnonymous (Author)English1
A happy, happy welcomeUnknown (Author)English1
A holy air is breathing roundAnonymous (Author)English5
A homeless stranger amongst us cameAnon. (Author)English3
A is for anyone who's not afraid to dieAnonymous (Author)English2
A Jesús alabaremos, El es nuestro SalvadorAnonymous (Translator)Spanish1
A Jesús pertenecemos, Nos debemos alegraranónimo (Author)Spanish3
A kurekure kumusha?Anonymous (Translator)Shona2
A la divina Trinidadanónimo (Author)Spanish3
A la gnou Zanmi sé JézuUnknown (Author)Haitian Creole2
A la obra santa del ministerioUnknown (Author)Spanish2
A la tierra prometidaAnon. (Author)Spanish1
A little elbow leans upon your kneeAnon. (Author)English2
A little talk with Jesus, How it smooths the rugged roadUnknown (Author)English3
A little talk with Jesus makes it right, all right (Chorus)Anonymous (Author)English3
A little that the righteous holdAnonymous (Author)English1
A little while, O hands, Of labor wearyAnon. (Author)English1
A little while, our Lord shall comeAnon. (Author)English1
A los pies de Jesucristo Es el sitio aquí mejorDesconocido (Author)Spanish1
A lovely infant sleeps in deathAnon. (Author)1
A message from our FatherAnonymous (Author)English2
A meteor bright its wondrous lightAnonymous (Author)English2
A mighty fortress is our God, A helper ever near usAnonymous (Translator (v. 1, 2))English1
A mighty throng with battle song is marching byAnon. (Author)English1
A mind at perfect peace with GodAnon. (Author)English2
A mother may forgetful beAnon. (Author)English1
A mourning class, a vacant seatAnon. (Author)English1
A new commandment I give unto youUnknown (Author)English5
A nuestro Creador, Alzamos hoy la vozAnonymous (Author)Spanish4
A nuestro Padre Dios Alcemos nuestra vozanónimo (Tr. al castellano)Spanish4
A nuestro Padre Dios, Démos in alta vozAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
A o pa de leti odoAnonymous (Translator)Yoruba2
A pilgrim and a stranger here, I seek a home to pilgrims dearAnon. (Author)English1
A poor wayfaring man of griefAnonymous (Author)English2
A servir a Cristo sin temor iréAnonymous (Translator)Spanish1
A shepherd band their flocks are keepingUnknown (Author)English1
A silvery tide, called Sunny SideAnonymous (Author)English1
A star is moving through the skyAnon. (Translator)English1
A stranger in the world belowAnon. (Author)English1
A tan alto Sacramento (Tantum ergo Sacramentum)anón. (Tr. al esp.)Latin, Spanish2
A thrilling cry, we hear the soundAnon. (Author)English1
A ti acudimos sedientos: Ven, SeñorAnónimo (Author)Spanish3
A ti la gloria ¡oh nuestro Señor!Anónimo (Author)Spanish4
A ti mi voz elevo, De penas rodeadoUnknown (Author)Spanish2
Ad te Rex summe, omnium Redemptoranón. (Tr. at esp.)Latin1
A tí venimos Dios bueno y santoAnónimo (Author)Spanish3
A virgin most pure, as the prophets do tellAnon. (Author)English1
A virgin unspotted the prophets foretoldAnon. (Author)English1
A voice upon the midnight airAnon. (Author)English7
A welsoch chwi EfAn. (Author (stanzas 1-3))Welsh1
Aagamem mumnee ariviththe vannnnam (As it is written, we belong to Jesus)Anonymous (Author)English, Thamilz2
Abdiin koo kan ijaarame dhiiga Yesuusiif tola isaanUnknown (Translator)Oromo2
Abide with us, our Savior, Nor let Thy mercy ceaseUnknown (Translator)English5
Abio vi, abio vi, kun foliar' fidelaAnonima (Author)Esperanto1
Abismado en el pecado A Ti clamare, SeñorAnonimo (Author)Spanish1
Abre mis ojos, Quiero ver a CristoAnonymous (Translator)Spanish1
Abrigadas y salvas en el redilAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Abundant fields of grain shall waveAnonymous (Author)English1
Acepta, buen Pastor y ReyAnónimo (Author)Spanish1
Ach Herr, wie bist Du so getreuAnonymous (Author)German1
Ach, mein Herr Jesus, wenn ich Dich nicht hätteAnon. (Author)German4
Ach Vater, der die arge WeltUnbekannt (Author)German1
Ach, wer kann Dich würdig lobenUnbekannt (Author)German1
Acquaint thee, O mortal [spirit], acquaint thee with GodAnonymous (Author)English2
Acquaint thyself quickly, O sinner, with GodAnon. (Author)English1
അദ്ധ്വാനിച്ചും ഭാരപ്പെട്ടും നടക്കുന്നോരെ- (Ad'dhvāniccuṁ bhārappeṭṭuṁ naṭakkunnēāre-)Anonymous (Alterer)Malayalam2
Adeste fideles laeti, triumphantesAnon. (Author)Latin3
ആദിത്യൻ ഉദിച്ചീടുന്ന ദേശങ്ങളിലെല്ലാമേശു (Ādityan udiccīṭunna dēśaṅṅaḷilellāmēśu)Anonymous (Translator (st. 1))Malayalam2
ആദ്യ വിവാഹ നാളില്‍ ഏദനില്‍ ധ്വനിച്ച (Ādya vivāha nāḷil ēdanil dhvanicca)Unknown (Translator)Malayalam2
Ae kau tau a e 'otua (Christians join the cause of Jesus!)Anonymous (Author)English, Tongan2
Aed sain yr utgorn arian mawrAnonymous (Author (stanzas 1, 2))Welsh2
Af Jesu Ord og Adferd kanUkjendt (Author)Norwegian1
Afflicted saint, to Christ draw nearAnon. (Author)English1
Affliction is a stormy deepAnon. (Author)English1
Affliction's faded form draws nighAnonymous (Author)1
After the Christian's tearsAnonymous (Author)English3
After the joys of earthAnon. (Author)English6
After the shower, the tranquil sunAnon. (Author)English1
After the stormy times, the calmness comesAnonymous (Translator)English2
After the toil and troubleAnonymous (Author)English1
Afvend fra os, o Herre mildAnonymous (Translator (Norwegian))Norwegian3
Again, from calm and sweet reposeAnon. (Author)English1
Again, indulgent Lord, returnAnonymous (Author)1
Again our earthly cares we leaveAnonymous (Author)English2
Again the blessed gospel I have heardAnon. (Author)English1
Again the day returns of sacred restAnonymous (Author)2
Again the Lord of life and lightAnon. (Author)English1
We've passed a pleasant Sabbath dayAnonymous (Author)2
Agonizante en el huertoAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Agradeço a ti, Senhor, pois to és bondoso.Unknown (Author)Portuguese2
Ah, guilty sinner, ruined by transgressionAnon. (Author)English2
Ah, holy Jesus, how hast Thou offendedAnon. (Author (stanza 3))English1
Ah, how shall fallen manAnon. (Author)English1
Ah Jesus, the meritAnon. (Author)English1
Ah, my god, Thee I trustAnonymous (Author)English2
Ah tell me not of gold or treasureUnknown (Author)English4
Ah! the heart that hath forsakenAnon. (Author)English3
Ah why should doubts and fears ariseAnon. (Author)1
ऐ मेरे रब्ब जब हैरत में देखता हूँAnonymous (Translator)Hindi2
Aigbagbo bila! temi l’OluwaAnonymous (Translator)Yoruba2
Al andar con Jesús en su fúlgida luzAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Al Betleĥemo do kun ĝojo hastu niaAnonymous (Author)Esperanto2
Al cielo iré: peregrino soyAnonymous (Author)2
Al contemplar la excelsa cruz Do el Rey de gloria sucumbóAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Al contemplar la excelsa cruz En que el divino rey murióAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
¡Al mundo paz, nació Jesús! Nació ya nuestro ReyDesconocido (Author)Spanish8
Al ni aperis nun io novaAnonymous (Translator)Esperanto1
Al nombre de Jesús loadAnónimo (Translator)Spanish5
Al Padre, al Hijo el RedentorUnknown (Author)Spanish2
Al Padre, Hijo Redentoranónimo (Author)Spanish1
Al pobre pesebre del niño JesúsDesconocido (Author)Spanish5
Al que está sentado en el tronoAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Al que hizo tierra, cielos y maresAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
¡Al Rey Jesús glorificadanónima (Translator)Spanish1
Al Salvador Jesús Canciones por doquierDesconcido (Translator)Spanish6
Alabad a Dios en su santuario. Alabadle en la magnificencia de su firmamentoAnónimo (Author)Spanish3
Alabemos al Señor, Al que nos bendijoDesconocido (Author)Spanish3
Alabemos al Señor, Demos gloria al SeñorAnónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish2
Alas, and did my Savior bleedAnonymous (Author (refrain))English2
Alas how poor and little worthAnon. (Author)4
Alegres cantemos canciones de loorAnonymous (Translator (into Spanish))Spanish3
Aleluia, aleluia, eu alegre cantarei.Unknown (Author)Portuguese2
¡Aleluya! Al gran SeñorAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
¡ Aleluya al Trino DiosAnonymous (Author)2
Aleluya, aleluyaAnónimo (Translator)Spanish2
Aleluya, aleluyaanónimo (Author)Spanish2
Alene Gud i HimmerigAnoymous (Translator)Norwegian1
Alestu, fidelaj, ĝoje triumfantajAnonymous (Author)1
ആഴി പോൽ വിസ്താരമാം വാനം പോൽ ഉന്നതമാം (Āḻi pēāl vistāramāṁ vānaṁ pēāl unnatamāṁ)Unknown (Translator)Malayalam2
All around us [thee], fair with flowersAnonymous (Author)English10
All glory be to God alone, Forevermore the highest oneUnknown (Author)English1
All glory be to thee, Most High, To thee all adorationAnon. (Translator (English))English3
All glory be to God on high, Who hath our race befriendedUnknown (Translator)English2
All glory to God in the skyAnon. (Author)English1
All glory to God, the Father and SonUnknown (Author)English1
All hail, adored TrinityUnknown (Author)English1
All hail, bright morning star!Anonymous (Author)English2
All hail, happy day, When enrobed in our clayAnonymous (Author)English1
All hail the gladsome Easter mornAnonymous (Author)English2
All hail the power of Jesus' name, Let angels prostrate fallAnonymous (Author)English4
All hail, ye fair celestial shoresAnon. (Author)1
All is safely gathered inUnknown (Author)English1
All men living are but mortalAnonymous (Translator (st 5))English5
All men on earth that liveAnonymous (Author)English1
All my being and all that I possessUnknown (Author)English2
All my doubts I give to Jesus (Morgan)Anon. (Author)English1
All my sins have been forgiven; God is merciful to meAnonymous (Author)English1
All nations, clap your handsAnonymous (Author)English1
All nature dies, and lives againAnonymous (Author)English3
All people that dwell on the earthAnonymous (Author)English2
All praise to the Father, the SonUnknown (Author)English2
All praise to Thee, eternal LordAnon. (Translator)English10
All shall call thee blessedUnknown (Author)English1
All souls are Mine beneath the skyAnonymous (Author)English2
All that I am I owe to TheeAnonymous (Author)English1
All that in this wide world we seeAnon. (Author)English1
All that's good, and great, and trueAnon. (Author)English1
All the fulness is in JesusAnon. (Author)English1
All the world give praises dueAnon. (Translator)English1
All things are now ready, we're bidden to comeAnon. (Author)English2
All things are ready, Come, Come to the supper spreadAnon. (Author)English1
All things are Thine; no gift have weAnon. (Author)English2
All things beautiful and fairUnknown (Author)English6
Each little flower that opensAnon. (Author)English1
All depends on our possessingAnon. (Author)English6
All those that pass by, to Jesus draw nearAnonymous (Author)English2
All throughout the world we stand, 'neath His Cross todayUnknown (Translator)English2
All Thy works, O heavenly FatherAnonymous (Author)English3
All unseen the Master walkethAnon. (Author)English1
All who with heart confidingAnonymous (Author)English1
All ye that fear Jehovah's NameAnonymous (Author)English1
All ye that love Immanuel's nameAnonymous (Author)English1
All ye, who feel distressed for sinAnon. (Author)1
All ye who seek a comfort sureAnon. (Author)English1
All ye who seek for sure reliefAnonymous (Author)English2
All you that are weary and sad, comeAnon. (Author)English1
All you that have confessedUnknown (Author)English2
Allá en el monte Horeb la zarza ardía (There was a burning bush upon Mount Horeb)Anónima (Author)English, Spanish2
Allá en el pesebre, do nace JesúsAnonimo (Author)Spanish12
Allá en la gloria, delante del gran tronoAnónimo (Translator)Spanish1
Alle Menschen müssen sterbenUnbekannt (Author)German1
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluiaAnonymous (Author)English2
Alleluia! alleluia! Hearts and voices heavenward raiseAnon. (Author)English1
Alleluia! Alleluia! Let the holy anthem riseAnon. (Author)English1
AlleluiaUnknown (Author (vs. 1-4))English, German1
Alleluia! Let praises ringAnonymous (Author)English2
Alleluia! Lord most holyAnonymous (Author)English2
Alleluia, song of gladness, Voice of joy that cannot dieAnonymous (Author)English5
Alleluia, thanks and gloryAnon. (Author)English1
Alleluia to the King of kingsanonymous (Author)2
Alles ist an Gottes SegenUnbekannt (Author)German1
All-powerful, self-existent GodAnon. (Author)English4
Alma, cese tu dolor, Todo consumó JesúsUnknown (Author)Spanish2
Alma mía, no deliresAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Almighty Father, bless the WordAnon. (Author)English16
Almighty Father, gracious LordAnon. (Author)English1
Almighty Father, hear our prayerUnknown (Author)English2
Almighty Father, heavenly KingAnonymous (Author)English1
Almighty father of mankindAnon. (Author)English1
Almighty Father, take this breadAnon. (Author)2
Almighty Father, thou hast many a blessingAnonymous (Author)5
Almighty God, by thy great powerAnon. (Author)1
Almighty God, Thy lofty throneAnonymous (Author)English1
Almighty God, who from the floodUnknown (Author)English1
See, gracious God, before Thy throneAnonymous (Author)English1
Almighty Maker, Lord of allAnonymous (Author)11
Almighty Ruler of the skiesAnon. (Author)English1
Almighty Sovereign of the skiesUnknown (Author)English1
Spirit of power and might, beholdAnonymous (Author)English5
النعمة مدهشة!Anonymous (Translator)Arabic2
Alone with Jesus, leave me hereAnon. (Author)English1
Alone with Jesus, O how sweet, In health to worship at His feetAnon. (Author)English2
Alone with none but thee, my GodUnknown (Translator)1
Alone, yet not aloneUnknown (Author)English1
Aloud we sing the wondrous graceAnonymous (Author)English2
Alpha and Omega, be Thou my first and lastAnon. (Author)English3
Alzo a los montes miso jos Anónimo (Author)Spanish4
Am I a soldier of the crossAnon. (Author)English1
Am I coming, truly comingAnon. (Author)English1
Am schönsten Tag hieniedenUnbekannt (Author)German2
Am Sonntag, am Sonntag, wie jubeln wir daUnbekannt (Author)German1
Am wirionedd boed ein llafurAnonymous (Author (stanza 1))Welsh2
Amarte sólo a ti, SeñorAnónima (Author (sts. 1, 3))Spanish8
Amarte sólo a ti, Señor (To love you, Lord, with all our heart)Anónima (Author)English, Spanish2
Amazing grace! (how sweet the sound)Anon. (Author (st. 6))English25
Amazing sight, the Savior standsAnon. (Author)English9
AmenAnon. (Author)English1
Amen, Amen (Jen la Bebo)Tradicia Usona (Author)Esperanto2
Amid the splendors of Thy stateAnonymous (Author)English1
Amid the Thronging WorshippersAnonymous (Author)English1
Amidst the cheerful bloom of youthAnon. (Author)1
Amidst unsatisfied desiresAnonymous (Author)English1
Amigo de los niñosDesconocido (Translator)Spanish2
Amigo, não saia sem CristoUnknown (Translator)Portuguese2
Amigos con placer nos vemosDesconocido (Author)Spanish6
Amiko sur la vivo-vojoAnonima (Author)Esperanto2
Ammas ammas na faarfadhu dubbii jireenyichaaUnknown (Translator)Oromo2
Among His people God is knownAnonymous (Author)English1
Among the mountain treesAnon. (Author)1
Amor, amor, amor, amorAnonymous (Author)Spanish4
Amoroso Salvador, Sin igual es tu bondadanónimo (Tr. al castellano anónimo)Spanish7
An alien from God, and a stranger to graceAnon. (Author)English2
An Deinem Worte lass mich beliebenUnbekannt (Author)German2
An dem Kreuz in deinem BluteUnbekannt (Author)German2
An early summons Jesus sendsAnon. (Author)English1
安穩在耶穌手臂 (Ānwěn zài yēsū shǒubì)Unknown (Translator)Chinese1
Anbetung Dir! Sei hochgepriesenUnbekannt (Author)German2
And art Thou, gracious Master, goneAnon. (Author)English1
And dost Thou say, "Ask what thou wilt?"Anon. (Author)English1
And everyone beneath the vine and fig treeUnknown (Author)English1
And is it so, a little whileAnon. (Author)English2
And is the gospel peace and love?Anon. (Author)English1
And let this feeble body failAnon. (Author)English1
And now my soul, another yearAnon. (Author)English12
And shall we still be slavesAnon. (Author)English1
Angel choirs in accents sweetAnonymous (Author)English2
Angel voices, ever singingAnon. (Author)English9
Ángeles, alzad el cantoAnónimo (Translator)Spanish1
Ángeles cantando están Tan dulcísima canciónAnónimo (Author)Spanish10
Ángeles cantando están Bella y celestial canciónAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Anĝeloj, venu el ĉiel'Anonima germana karolo (Author)Esperanto1
Angels, ever bright and fair, Take O take me to your careAnonymous (Author)English3
Angels from the realms of glory, Wing your flight over all the earthUnknown (Author (st. 5))English1
Angels proclaim the happy mornAnonymous (Author)English1
Angels! roll the rock awayAnonymous (Author)English1
Angels we have heard on highUnknown (Author)English11
Angry words, O let them neverAnon. (Author)English4
Ani kella banama beeka kan warqeen ijaarameeAnonymous (Translator)Oromo2
Anioł pasterzom mówiłAnonymous (Translator)Polish4
Aniołowie z niebiosAnonymous (Author)Polish2
아놀라우신 주님의 은혜! 나같이 비천한 몸도 구원해 주신 그 음성 (Anollausin junim-ui eunhye! nagat-i bicheonhan momdo guwonhae jusin geu eumseong)Unknown (Translator)Korean2
Another day is past, The hours forever fledUnknown (Author)English3
Another six days work is done, another Sabbath is begunAnonymous (Author (v. 2))English1
ஆண்டவா எம் பள்ளியில் (Āṇṭavā em paḷḷiyil)Anonymous (Author)Tamil2
Ante tí estoy, Rey del cieloAnonimo (Author)Spanish2
Ante ti me postro (Adoro te devote)anón. (Tr. al esp.)Latin, Spanish2
Antes que te formaras Dentro del regazo maternalAnónimo (Author)Spanish3
Anywhere with Jesus says the Christian heartAnon. (Author)English1
Aparte del mundo, Señor, me retiroAnónimo (Author)Spanish1
Apo Jesu anouya kotora varumeAnonymous (Translator)Shona2
Aquí tus siervos en tu altar (Here at your altar kneel, O Lord)Anonymous (es. 3)Spanish2
Are we almost there? are we almost there?Anon. (Author)English1
Arglwydd, gad i ni, rai euogAnon. (Author)Welsh2
Arise, and bless the Lord, Ye people of His choiceAnon. (Author)English1
Arise and shine, O Zion fairAnon. (Author)English1
Arise and sing, dispel your fearsAnonymous (Author)English1
Arise, O Christian people!Unknown (Translator (st. 4))English1
Arise, O Lord, our God, ariseAnonymous (Author)English1
Arise, sons of the kingdomAnon. (Translator)English1
Arise, ye saints, arise! The Lord our leader isAnon. (Author)English2
അറിയാത്ത സമാധാനം- കുറയാത്ത മോദംAnonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
Arm of the Lord, awake, awake! Put on thy strength! the nations shake!Anon. (Author)English3
Arme Witwe weine nichtUnbekannt (Author)German1
Around Bethesda's healing bowerUnknown (Author)1
Around the great white throne some dayAnon. (Author)English2
Around the throne of God in heaven Thousands of children standAnon. (Author)English1
Around Thy table, holy Lord, In fellowship we meetAnon. (Author)English1
Art thou coming, my BelovedAnonymous (Author)English3
Art thou weary, art thou languidAnon. (Author)English2
As a bird at dawning singethAnonymous (Author)English2
As an army we're marching toward heavenUnknown (Author)English1
As darker, darker, fall aroundAnon. (Author)English7
As, down in the sunless retreats of the oceanUnknown (Author)English1
As flows the river, calm and deepAnon. (Author)English2
As I sought with weary flittingAnon. (Author)English1
As I travel this world overAnonymous (Author)English1
As in solemn congregationAnonymous (Author)1
As Jacob did in days of oldAnon. (Author)English1
As Jacob with travel was weary one dayAnonymous (Author)English4
As Joseph was awalking, he heard an angel singAnon. (Author)English1
As lately we watched over our flocks through the nightAnonymous (Author)English2
Thou who camest from aboveUnknown (Author)English1
As oft, with worn and weary feetAnon. (Author)English4
As on the cross the Savior hung, And wept, and bled and diedAnon. (Author)English1
As pants the hart for streams of living waterAnonymous (Author)English1
As pants the hart for water brooks, So pants my soul, O God, for TheeAnonymous (Author)English1
As pants the wearied hart for cooling springsAnon. (Author)English3
As saffron trees now capture fireAnonymous (Author)English2
As showers on meadows newly mownAnonymous (Author)English3
As strangers here belowAnon. (Author)English1
As a bird in meadows fairUnknown (Author)English2
As the sun doth daily riseAnon. (Author)English17
As the sweet flower that scents the mornAnonymous (Author)English8
As thirsts the hart for cooling floodAnonymous (Author)English1
As thirsts the hart for water brooksAnonymous (Author)English1
As Thou, O Lord, hast made me strongAnonymous (Author)English1
As through the changing scenes of life, The shadowed vale of smiles and tearsAnon. (Author)English1
As we daily go aboutAnonymous (Author)English2
As years go by and words seem lessUnknown (Author)1
As you, go, tell the worldAnonymous (Author)English4
As your children, Lord, we are here (Dyeti muiy tvahyee, O Gospod)Anon. (Author)English, Russian2
As your family, Lord, meet us hereAnonymous (Author)English7
Ascultaţi acest cuvântAnonymous (Translator)Romanian2
Ashamed of Christ, my soul disdainsUnknown (Author)English5
Ask, and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall findAnonymous (Author)English1
Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleepAnon. (Author)English3
Asleep with Jesus, O! how sweetAnonymous (Alterer (stanza 4))English1
Aso, aso, aso ngane (O Come, O Come, all you people)Anon. (Author)English, New Guinean1
Asombro dio a los magosAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Assembled in our school once moreAnon. (Author)English1
Astro del ciel, Pargol divinAnonymous (Translator)Italian2
At anchor laid, remote from homeAnon. (Author)English1
At Easter morn the lark, ascendingAnonymous (Translator)English2
At evening he retired to prayAnon. (Author)English1
At evening time, let there be lightAnon. (Author)English9
At Jacob's well a stranger soughtAnon. (Author)English1
At the close of every dayAnon. (Author)English3
At the cross her station keeping Mary stood in sorrow weepingAnonymous (Author)English1
At the cross her station keeping Stood a mournful mother weepingOthers (Translators)English2
At the Lamb's high feast we singAnonymous (Author)English3
At this unwonted hour, beholdAnon. (Author)1
At thy table, Lord of lifeAnonymous (Author)1
Athi shudha, athi shudha (O most holy, O most holy)Anonymous (Author)English, Sinhala2
ആത്മദേഹി ദേഹത്തെ കാഴ്ചയായ് വെയ്ക്കുന്നിതാ (Ātmadēhi dēhatte kāḻcayāy veykkunnitā)Unknown (Author)Malayalam2
Att bedja Gud, han sjelf oss bödAnonymous (Author)Swedish2
Attend, ye children of your GodAnonymous (Author)English5
ആട്ടിടയർ രാത്രികാലെ കൂട്ടമായ്‌ പാർക്കവേAnonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
Attend, ye saints, and hear me tellAnonymous (Author)English1
Auch dieser Tag ist wieder hinAnon. (Author)German1
Aŭdu : Sonas pastoraloAnonymous (Author)Esperanto2
Auf, Brüder, stimmt mit Freuden an ein neues hohes Lied!Anon. (Author)German3
Auf dich seh ich, mit dir geh ichAnon. (Author)German2
Aunque débil soy, SeñorAnonymous (Author)Spanish3
Aviva tu obra, O Dios, Ejerce tu poderAnónimo (Translator)Spanish2
Awaked by Sinai's awful soundAnon. (Author)English3
Awake, all Buddhist peopleUnknown (Author)English2
Awake, all conquering arm, awakeAnon. (Author)2
Awake, awake, arise, and hail the glorious mornAnon. (Author)English1
Awake, awake, O christians! (Castro)Anonymous (Translator (v. 1-3))English2
Awake, my heart, awake Thy gracious God to praiseAnon. (Author)2
Awake my heart, my soul ariseAnon. (Author)English1
Awake our drowsy soulsAnonymous (Author)English1
Awake ye saints, attune your harpsAnon. (Author)1
Awake, awake, my sluggish soulAnon. (Author)1
Away, far over JordanUnknown (Author)English1
Away in a manger, no crib for a bedAnonymous (Author)English107
Away with our sorrow and fearAnonymous (Author)English2
Baba, Mwana, Roho, Mungu mwenye enziAnonymous (Translator)Swahili1
Baja el sol tras las montañasAnónimo (Author)Spanish1
Bajo sus alas ¡seguro descanso!Anonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Bald wird es erfüllt werdenAnon. (Author)German2
Baptized into our Savior's deathAnon. (Author)English8
Bathed in unfallen sunlightAnonymous (Arranger (stanza 4))English1
Be firm and be faithful, desert not the rightAnon. (Author)English14
Be firm, be bold, be strong, be trueAnonymous (Author)English1
Be joyful in God, all ye lands of the earthUnknown (Author)English1
Be joyful, Mary, heavenly queenAnon. (Translator)English3
Be merciful to me, O God; Thy mercy unto meAnon. (Author)English2
Be near me, Lord JesusAnonymous (Author)English1
Be near us, Holy TrinityAnonymous (Author)1
Be not dismayed, thou little flockAnonymous (Author (stanza 4))English1
Be not swift to take offenseAnon. (Author)English2
Be ours the bliss in wisdom's way To guide untutored youthAnon. (Author)1
Be perfect, holiness pursue; In love be sure to dwellAnon. (Author)1
Be present at our table, LordUnknown (Author)English1
Be present, blessed Father To give away this brideAnon. (Author)1
Be present, Holy TrinityAnonymous (Author)English1
Be still and know that I am God, Be still and know that I am GodAnonymous (Paraphraser)English26
Be still and trust, for whatever God ordains is rightArranged (Author)2
Be still, be still, for all aroundAnonymous (Author)English6
Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy sideUnbekanntes (Author)English1
Be the matter what it mayAnon. (Author)English1
Be thou exalted, O our GodUnknown (Author)English1
Be Thou my helper in the strifeAnonymous (Author)English1
Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heartAnonymous (Author)English2
Be thou, O God, by night, by dayAnonymous (Author)2
Be Thou, O God, exalted highUnknown (Author)English1
Be thou ready, fellow mortalAnonymous (Author)1
Be true and list the voice withinAnon. (Author)English4
Be with me, Lord, wherever I goAnonymous (Author)English1
Be ye joyful, earth and skyAnonymous (Author)English2
Be ye lamps unto yourselvesAnonymous (Translator)English2
Bear on, my soul, the bitter crossAnonymous (Author)2
Bear the message onward, spread it far and wideAnon. (Author)English1
Beautiful faces are those that wearAnon. (Author)English1
Beautiful morning, day of hopeAnon. (Author)English3
Beautiful Savior, King of CreationUnknown (Author)English7
Beautiful Zion, built above, Beautiful city that I love (Gill)Anon. (Author)English10
Bebo Dia, tamen niaTradicia Pola Karolo (Author)Esperanto1
Because in a day of my days to comeAnon (Author)English2
Because thy trust is God aloneAnonymous (Author)English1
Before the rosy dawn of dayAnonymous (Author)English1
Before the throne of God above, I have a strong, a perfect pleaAnonymous (Translator)English1
Before Thee, Lord, a people waitsAnonymous (Author)English1
Before Thine awful presence, LordUnknown (Author)English1
Before this time another yearAnonymous (Author)English3
Before thy cross lamenting, My Savior, I would lieAnon. (Author)1
Before Thy holy presence, Lord, Thy sinful servants bowAnon. (Author)English1
Before Thy people I confessAnonymous (Author)English1
Begin the high, celestial strainAnon. (Author)English2
Begone, vain world, thou hast no charms for meAnon. (Author)English1
Behold, a Branch is growingUnknown (Author (German))English1
Behold, a spotless victim diesUnknown (Author)English1
Behold a stranger at the door!Anon. (Author)English6
Behold! behold! the Lamb of God, On the cross, on the crossAnon. (Author)English1
Behold Christ rising from the graveAnonymous (Author)1
Behold, how pleasant and how good That we, one Lord confessingAnonymous (Author)English1
Behold I come! the Savior cries, On wings of love I flyAnon. (Author)English1
Behold, I stand, I stand at the door and knockAnon (Author)2
Behold my Servant, see Him riseAnonymous (Author)English2
Behold, O God, Thy chosen raceAnon. (Author)English1
Behold that great and awful dayAnon. (Author)English2
Behold the blind their sight receiveAnon. (Author)English1
Behold, the Bridegroom cometh In the middle of the nightAnon. (Author)English1
Behold, the Bridegroom draweth nighAnonymous (Author)English1
Behold the eternal King and Priestunknown (Author)3
Behold, the joyful day is nighUnknown (Translator)English1
Behold the Lamb of God, in his divine arrayAnonymous (Author)1
Behold the Lamb of God, who bore thy guiltAnon. (Author)2
Behold the light is glemingAnon. (Author)1
Behold the Lord of earth and skyAnon. (Author)1
Behold the Man! how glorious He!Anon. (Author)English1
Behold the open door, behold O heart of sinAnon. (Author)English1
Behold the Savior kneeling thereAnon. (Author)3
Behold the Savior on the cross, for us he diesAnonymous (Author)1
Behold us, Lord, with humble fearUnknown (Author)1
Behold what witnesses unseenAnon. (Author)English1
Behold what wondrous graceAnonymous (Author)English2
Behold with awful pompAnon. (Author)English2
Bei aller Verwirrung und Klage allhierAnon. (Author)German2
Bela Jesuo, estro de la estrojAnonimulo en Münster (Author)Esperanto2
Believe not those who sayAnonymous (Author)English1
Bellas las manitas sonAnónimo (Translator)Spanish3
Bellas tus moradas sonDesconocido (Translator)Spanish4
Beloved, it is well, God's ways are always rightAnon. (Author)English4
Bem de manhã, embora o céu serenoUnknown (Author)Portuguese2
Bendeciré al Señor en todo tiempoAnónima (Author)Spanish1
Bendice, Señor, el panAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Bendito CristoAnónimo (Author)Spanish4
Bendito el Señor por su poderAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Beneath our best we may not liveAnon. (Author)English2
Beneath the shadow of the crossAnon. (Author)English1
Beneath the thick but struggling cloudsAnon. (Author)English12
Benighted on the troublous mainAnonymous (Author)1
Beside the well at noontime, I hear a sad one sayAnon. (Author)English6
Beside yon pearly portalsAnonymous (Author)1
Bethlehem in land of JudahAnonymous (Author)English1
Betleĥemon kuris la paŝtista ar'Anonima (Translator)Esperanto3
Beware! for death the cup contains!Anon. (Author)English2
Beyond the chilling tide*** (Author)English1
Beyond these [those] chilling winds and gloomy skiesAnon. (Author)English2
Beyond this life of hopes and fearsAnon. (Author)English4
Beyond where Cedron's waters flowAnon. (Author)English7
Бүх дэлхий Есүсийнх (Bükh delkhii Yesüsiinkh)Anonymous (Translator)Mongolian2
Бүх дэлхийн харж чадахгүй байгаа сүмийг бид (Bükh delkhiin kharj chadakhgüi baigaa sümiig bid)Anonymous (Translator)Mongolian2
ഭാഗ്യ രാജ്യമൊന്നുണ്ടതു വാന ശോഭ നിത്യം (Bhāgya rājyameānnuṇṭatu vāna śēābha nityaṁ)Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
ഭൂലോകമാം വനാന്തരത്തിലൂടെ (Bhūlēākamāṁ vanāntarattilūṭe)Unknown (Author)Malayalam2
Bí, a Íosa, im chroíse i gcuimhne gach uairAnon. (Author)Esperanto, Gaelic, Irish (Gaelic)2
Би загалмайн цэрэг мөн үү (Bi zagalmain tsereg mön üü)Unknown (Translator)Mongolian2
Bird and blossom, leaf and treeAnonymous (Author)English2
Bird calls announce the morning with joyful songUnknown (Author)English2
Birdies in the woodAnon. (Author)English1
Birds have their quiet nest, foxes their holesAnonymous (Author)English2
Благодатная скалаAnonymous (Translator)Russian2
Благословений потоки (Blahoslovenyy potoky)Anonymous (Translator)Russian2
Bleeding hearts defiled by sinAnon. (Author)3
Bless, O my soul, the living GodAnon. (Author)English1
Bless the Lord, O my soul, And all that is within me, bless God's holy nameUnknown (Author)English2
Bless the Lord, O saints and servantsAnonymous (Author)2
Bless us, God our Father, Little children weUnknown (Author)English2
Blest are our eyes that see the lightAnon. (Author)2
Blessed angels, high in heavenAnon. (Author)English4
Blessed are the pure in heart, they who long have borne their partAnon. (Author)English1
Blessed art thou, O Lord of allUnknown (Author)1
Blessed be God, for ever blestUnknown (Author)English1
Blessed Bible, how I love itAnon. (Author)English8
Blessed city, heavenly Salem, Vision dear of peace and loveAnonymous (Author)English6
Blessed feasts of blessed martyrsAnonymous (Author)English2
Blessed Jesus, at Thy wordAnonymous (Author (v. 4))English11
Blessed Jesus, heavenly LambAnon. (Author)English1
Blessed Jesus, high in gloryAnonymous (Author)English1
Blessed Jesus, meek and mild, Stoop to hear a little childAnon. (Author)English2
Blessed Jesus, Thou art mine, All I have is wholly thineAnonymous (Author)English2
Blessed Lord, our hearts are pantingAnon. (Author)English1
Blessed Salem, long expectedAnon. (Author)2
Blessed Savior, Thou didst sufferAnon. (Author)English1
Blessed words that with me dwellUnknown (Author)English1
"Blest are the meek," He saidAnonymous (Author)English13
Blest are the pure in heart, For they shall see our GodUnknown (Author)English4
Blest are the undefiled in heartAnon. (Author)English1
Blest be God, praised forever and worshiped (Rab ki hove sanaa hameshaa)Anon. (Author)English2
Blest be the Eternal InfiniteAnon. (Author)English1
Blest be the Lord! for us He caresAnonymous (Author)English1
Blest be the Lord, my rock, my mightAnonymous (Author)English1
Blest be the Lord, our fathers' GodAnonymous (Author)English1
Blest be the tie that bindsAnonymous (Author (Spanish))English1
Blest be Thou, O God of IsraelAnonymous (Author)English2
Blest Comforter divine!Anon. (Author)English1
Blest Creator of the lightAnonymous (Author)English2
Blest day of God! most calm, most brightAnon. (Author)English2
Blest day, when our ascended LordAnon. (Author)1
Blest feast of love divineAnon. (Author)English3
Blest is he who loves God's preceptsAnonymous (Author)English1
Blest Jesus, come Thou gently downUnknown (Author)English3
Blest Savior, as we treadAnon. (Author)English1
Blest soul, how sweetly dost thou restAnon. (Author (st. 2))1
Blest work, the youthful mind to winAnon. (Author)1
Ближе, Господь, к Тебе, ближе к Тебе (Blizhe, Gospod', k Tebe, blizhe k Tebe)Anonymous (Translator)Russian2
Blovu trombonon kun laŭta sonor'nekonato (Translator (into German))Esperanto1
Blow ye the trumpet, blowAnonymous (Author)English1
บนภูเขาซึ่งอยู่ไกลได้แลเห็นไม้กางเขน (Bn p̣hūk̄heā sụ̀ng xyū̀ kịl dị̂ læ h̄ĕn mị̂kāngk̄hen)Anonymous (Translator)Thai2
Bóg jest wielki w dziełach swoichNieznany (Author)Polish2
Bóg kocha ciebie i mnieNieznany (Author)Polish1
Бог с тобой, доколе свидимся! (Bog s toboy, dokole svidimsya)Unknown (Translator)Russian2
Bonvenon al vi, haleluja!Anonymous (Author)Esperanto2
Book of grace, and book of gloryAnon. (Author)English3
Borrará mi rebelionAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Bounteous Spirit, ever sheddingAnonymous (Author)1
Bow down thine ear, O Lord, and hear, For I am poor and great my needAnonymous (Author)English1
(Bozhe nas spaseetyel) (God of every nation)Unknown (Author)English, Russian2
Braint, braint Yw cael cymdeithas gyda'r saintAn. (Author (stanzas 2, 3))Welsh1
Брат, напомни мне опять (Brat, napomni mne opyat')Unknown (Translator)Russain2
Bread of life from heaven (Pan de vida eterna)Anonymous (Author (Spanish, st. 2))English, Spanish1
Bread of our souls, whereon we feedUnknown (Author)1
Break, break eternal day, Bid darkness flee awayAnon. (Author)English3
Break every yoke, the gospel criesAnonymous (Author)2
Break forth into joy O my soulAnonymous (Author)English2
Break forth, O beauteous heavenly lightUnknown (Translator)English1
Breast the wave, Christian, when it is strongestAnon. (Author)English1
Breathe thoughts of pity over a brothers fallAnon. (Author)1
Breezes of spring all earth to life awakingUnbekanntes (Author)English1
Brethren let us walk togetherAnon. (Author)1
Brethren, we have met to worshipAnon. (Author)English6
Brethren, while we journey hereAnon. (Author)English2
Bright angel hosts are heard on highAnonymous (Translator (from French to Cornish))English1
Bright as the sun's meridian blazeAnon. (Author)English2
Bright glories rush upon my sightAnon. (Author)1
Bright home of our [my] Savior, what glories awaitUnknown (Author)English1
Bright in the glory, where my Lord has gone beforeUnknown (Author)English1
Bright mansion by the crystal sea*** (Author)English1
Bright morning stars are risingAnonymous (Author)English2
Bright rays of autumn quiverAnon. (Author)English1
Bright was the guiding star that ledAnonymous (Author)English2
Bring a torch, Jeannette, IsabellaAnonymous (Author)English1
Bring in the children, O, bring them in, Lure them to turn from the highways of sinAnon. (Author)English1
Brødre og Søstre, vi skilles nu adUkjendt (Author)Norwegian1
Broken hearted, weep no moreAnon. (Author)English2
Brother and Lord, among Thy people sittingUnknown (Author)English1
Brothers, don't stay awayAnon (Author)English2
Brother [sinner] hast thou wandered farAnonymous (Author)English6
Brother, rest from sin and sorrowAnon. (Author)English1
Brother, the angels sayAnonymous (Author)2
Brother, thou art from us takenUnknown (Author)English1
Brother, thou art gone to restUnknown (Author)English2
Brother, thou hast left us lonelyAnon. (Author)English1
Sinners! will you scorn the messageAnonymous (Author)English2
Brother, you may work for JesusAnon. (Author)English1
Brothers, when the wayAnonymous (Author)1
Brüder, auf zu dem Werk in dem Dienste des HerrnUnbekannt (Author)German1
Brüder, die ihr Jesum liebetUnbekannt (Author)German1
Brüder, seht die BundesfahneUnknown (Translator)German1
Brüder, stehet auf der HutUnbekannt (Author)German1
Brüder, tretet nun zusammenUnbekannt (Author)German1
Bryd, Jesu, bryd det Aag, som mine SynderAnonymous (Author)Norwegian1
ബുദ്ധിമാൻ പാറമേല് വീട് പണിതു (Bud'dhimān pāṟamēl vīṭ paṇitu)Anonymous (Author)Malayalam2
Буду петь, как Искупитель (Budu pet', kak Iskupitel')Unknown (Translator)Russian2
Bugbe Re ti l’ewa to!Anonymous (Translator)Yoruba2
Build on the Rock, the Rock that ever standsAnon (Author)English1
Builder of mighty worlds on worldsAnon. (Author)English6
Built on Christ, the firm foundationAnon. (Translator)English1
Buried beneath the yielding waveAnon. (Author)English1
Buried with Christ, yes, thus we lieAnon. (Author)English1
Burst ye emerald gates and bringAnon. (Author)English4
Burung murai tela bernyanyi riangAnonymous (Author)Bahasa Indonesia2
Buscad primero el reino de Diosanón. (Tr. al esp.)Spanish15
Busuku obungeweleAnonymous (Translator)Xhosa2
Bwana awabariki (May God grant you his blessing)Unknown (Translator (English))Swahili1
Bwana Mungu, nashangaa kabisaAnonymous (Translator)Swahili1
By all whom Thou hast madeAnonymous (Author)English1
By and by, beyond the riverAnon. (Author)English1
By and by we'll see the King (Chorus)Anon (Author)English2
By Babel's riverside we sat in tearsAnonymous (Author)English1
By Babel's streams we sat and wept, For memory still to Zion clungAnonymous (Paraphraser)English1
By faith I view my Savior dyingAnon. (Author)English1
By faith in a glorified Christ on the throneAnon. (Author)1
By faith in Christ I walk with GodUnknown (Author)English1
By faith in Christ we're justifiedAnon. (Author)1
By precepts taught of ages pastAnonymous (Author)English1
By shady mount and peaceful lakeAnon. (Author)1
By the thorny way of sorrowAnonymous (Author)English2
By this shall all know that you are my disciplesAnonymous (Author (v. 1))English2
By us the seed is sownAnonymous (Author)1
Bydd mrydd o ryfeddodauAnad. (Author)Welsh4
Cabalga majestuosodesconocido (Author)Spanish2
Cabeza ensangrentada, Herida por mi bienAnónimo (Author (latín))Spanish2
Caed trefn i faddau pechodAnon. (Welsh Verses (stanzas 2 and 3))Welsh3
Call them in! the poor, the wretched*** (Author)English1
Called by the Sabbath bells awayAnonymous (Author)5
Calm on the bosom of thy GodAnonymous (Author)English1
Calm on the listening ear of nightAnonymous (Author)English3
Calma mi alma, contigo está SeñorAnonymous (Translator (Spanish))Spanish2
Caminemos a la luz de DiosAnonymous (Author)Spanish3
Can a poor sinner come to JesusAnon. (Author)English1
Can sinners hope for heavenAnon. (Author)English4
Can you count the stars that nightly Twinkle in the midnight sky?Anon. (Translator, v. 2)English2
Canciones nuevas alegrementeUnknown (Author)Spanish2
Pange, lingua, gloriosi, corporis mysteriumdesconocido (tr. en español)Latin4
Canta lengua jubilosadesconocido (tr. al español)Spanish1
Cantad a Dios con todo el corazonAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Cantad al Trino y Uno DiosAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Cantad alegres al Señor Mortales todos por doquierDesconocido (Author)Spanish1
Cantad, cantad, mortalesDesconocido (Author)Spanish1
Cantad, naciones, al Señoranón. (Adapt. al esp.)Spanish1
Cantai ao Senhor um cântico novoAnonymous (Author)English3
Cantamos tu prez, Creador poderosoDesconocido (Author)Spanish4
Cantar de él deseo yoDesconocido (Author)Spanish1
Cantaré la maravilla, que Jesús murío por míDesconocido (Translator)Spanish3
Cantaré, oh madre míaAnónimo (Author)Spanish2
Cantaremos Los niñitos todosanónimo (Author)Spanish2
Cântaţi mărire lui Isus!Anonymous (Author)Romanian2
Cantemos al amor de los amoresAnónimo (Author)Spanish2
Cantemos isí! Canta al poder de la fe interiorAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Canto de alegría porque tengo amorAnónimo (Author)Spanish4
Canto de alegría porque tengo amor (Joyfully we sing here of the Savior's grace)Anonymous (Author (Verses 1, 4))English, Spanish3
Canto el gran amorAnónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish2
Caridad que á los mortalesAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Ĉarma la tero, dolĉa la ĉieloDiversaj (Translators (in part))Esperanto1
Carol sweetly carol, A Savior born todayAnon. (Author)English1
Carol we the blessingAnonymous (Author)English2
Cast thy bread upon the waters, pleading, hungry at your feetUnknown (Author)English1
Cast thy bread upon the waters Thinking not 'tis thrown awayAnon. (Author)English6
Cast thy bread upon the waters, Ye who have but scant supplyAnon. (Author)English6
Cast thy burden on the Lord, Lean thou only on His wordUnknown (Author)English4
Cast thy burden on the Lord, Only lean upon His wordAnon. (Author)English26
Catch the sunshine, though it flickersAnon. (Author)English1
Cause me to come to thy river, O LordAnon. (Author)English1
Celebremos el amor de DiosAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Celestial worlds, your Maker's nameAnonymous (Author)1
Centinelas del MaestroAnónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish1
Central's ever ready, Always on the lineAnon. (Author)English1
Cerca, más cerca, Cristo, de tiAnónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish2
Cha kutumaini sinaAnonymous (Translator)English, Swahili1
참 반가운 신도여 다 이리와서Anonymous (Translator)Korean2
Charged with the complicated loadAnonymous (Author (stanza 4))1
ชาวโลกทั้งหลายชื่นใจยินดีมีพระราชาประสูติ (Chāw lok thậngh̄lāy chụ̄̀n cı yindī mī phra rāchā pras̄ūti)Anonymous (Translator)Thai2
Cheer up, desponding soulUnknown (Author)English1
Cheer up prohibition men, we'll surely win the fightAnon. (Author)English1
천사 찬송하기를 거룩하신 구주께 (Cheonsa chansonghagileul geolughasin gujukke)Unknown (Translator)Korean2
천사들의 노래가 하늘에서 들리니 (Cheonsadeul-ui nolaega haneul-eseo deullini)Anonymous (Translator)Korean2
Child Jesus comes from heavenly heightAnonymous (Translator)English1
Child of sin and sorrow, where wilt thou fleeAnon. (Author)English1
Children, can you tell us why Jesus came from heaven to die?Anon. (Author)English3
Children, do you love each otherAnon. (Author)English1
Children [Sinners], hear the melting storyAnon. (Author)English1
Children, in years and knowledge youngAnon. (Author)English1
Children of a freeborn raceAnon. (Author)1
Children of friendship and loveAnon. (Translator (stanza 1))English1
Children, sing for gladnessAnon. (Author)English2
Children, 'tis a little thingAnon. (Author)English1
Children, to your Creator, GodAnon. (Author)English1
Children, we should love each otherAnon. (Author)English1
Choose I must, and soon must chooseAnonymous (Author)English1
Christ, above all glory seatedAnon. (Author)English16
Christ alone is our salvationUnknown (Author)English3
Christ, by heavenly hosts adored, Gracious, mighty, sovereign LordAnon. (Author)English2
Christ did for us his life resignAnon. (Author)1
Christ, enthroned in highest heavenAnonymous (Author)English1
Christ for the world we sing!Anonymous (Author)English3
Christ has no hands but our handsAnon. (Author)1
Christ in the night He was betrayed For us a plain example laidAnonymous (Author)English1
Christ is arisen From the grave's dark prison (Polack)Unknown (Author)English1
Christ is made the sure foundationAnon. (Author)English22
Christ is merciful and mildAnon. (Author)English1
Christ is my sure DefenderAnon. (Author)2
Christ is our corner-stoneAnonymous (Author)English17
Christ is our rock and our defenseAnon. (Author)1
Christ is risen, all triumphantAnonymous (Author)English2
Christ is risen from the dead, glory, hallelujah!Anonymous (Author)2
Christ is risen, tell the storyAnonymous (Author)English2
Christ now sits on Zion's hillAnon. (Author)English2
Christ our God and Lord is risenAnonymous (Author)English1
Christ, our King, to heaven ascendethAnon. (Author)English1
Christ the Lord ascended to the Father, Alleluia!Anonymous (Author)2
Christ our Lord is risen today, Our triumphant holy wayUnknown (Author)English2
Christ, the Lord is risen today, Listen while the angels sayAnonymous (Author)English2
Christ, the Lord is risen indeedUnknown (Author)English1
Christ, the Lord is risen on highUnknown (Author)English1
Christ, the Lord is risen today, Sons of men and angels sayAnon. (Author)English5
Christ the Lord is risen today, Christians, haste your vows to payUnknown (Author)English2
Christ the Lord to us saidAnonymous (Translator (Spanish))English, Shona1
Christ the Lord will come again (Swain)Anon. (Author)English1
Christ the Savior has appearedAnonymous (Author)English2
Christ, the Teacher, comethAnon. (Author)English1
Christ was born in Bethlehem. AlleluiaAnonymous (Author)English5
Christ was born on Christmas day, Wreathe the holly, twine the hayAnon. (Author)English1
Christ will gather in His own, To the place where He is goneAnon. (Author)English1
Christe, Du Lamm Gottes, der Du trägst die Sünd der WeltUnbekannt (Author)German1
Christe, qui lux es et diesUnknown (Author)Latin1
Christian children must be holyAnon. (Author)English1
Christian! dost thou see themAnon. (Author)English1
Christian [Brother], is life's morning cloudedAnon. (Author)English3
Christian, see the orient morningAnon. (Author)English4
Christian, seek not yet reposeAnon. (Author)English1
Christian, the morn breaks sweetly over theeAnon. (Author)English1
Christian, the warfare will now soon be o'erAnon. (Author)1
Christian, walk carefully, danger is nearAnon. (Author)English5
Christian, when thy way seems darkestUnknown (Author)English1
Christian, wherefore yield to sadnessAnon. (Author)1
Christians, I am on my journeyUnknown (Author)English2
Christmas bells are ringing, ringing, O'er the land triumphantlyAnonymous (Author)English2
Christmas time is come againAnonymous (Author)1
Christus, der ist mein LebenUnbekannt (Author)German1
Christus ist vom Tod erstandenUnbekannt (Author)German2
Christus vincit, Christus regnatUnknown (Author)Latin1
Chwała Bogu, chwała w górzeAnonymous (Author)Polish2
Cicha noc, święta nocUnknown (Translator)Polish2
Cielo nuevo, tierra nueva ¿dónde vamos a vivir? (Heav'n and earth will be renewed and we will live forevermore!)Anonymous (Author)English, Spanish2
Claman los collados: "¡Ven, oh Salvador!"Anonymous (Author)Spanish4
Clay to clay, and dust to dustAnonymous (Author)17
Clear upon the night air soundingAnon. (Author)English1
Clearly in the east it shoneAnonymous (Author)English1
Climb, climb up sunshine mountainUnknown (Author)English2
Cling to the Mighty One, cling in thy griefAnon. (Author)English2
Close by the Jaffa gate*** (Author)English1
Closer, still closer, my Savior, to TheeAnon. (Author)English1
Closing Sabbath, Ah, how soonAnon. (Author)English1
Clouds of glory lingeringAnon. (Author)1
Clywf lais ynb galw arnaf fi o'r nefAnonymous (Author)Welsh2
Ç’mik na është Jezus KrishtiAnonymous (Translator)Albanian2
จงฟังเพลงแห่งทูตสวรรค์ สาธุการพระเจ้าเบื้องบน (Cng fạng phelng h̄æ̀ng thūt s̄wrrkh̒ s̄āṭhukār phracêā beụ̄̂xngbn)Anonymous (Translator)Thai2
Cofia, f'enaid, gariad IesuAnon. (Translator (stanza 1))Welsh2
Cold was the night in winter wildAnonymous (Author)English2
Com braço forte, Deus de nossos paisAnonymous (Translator)Portuguese2
Come all who trust in Christ, the LordAnon. (Author)English1
Come, all ye people, bless our GodAnonymous (Author)English1
Come, all ye saints of GodAnon. (Author)English1
Come all ye saints to Pisgah's mountainAnon. (Author)English1
Come, all ye servants of the LordAnonymous (Author)English1
Come all ye who ever have mercy obtainedAnon. (Author)2
Come and join us in our laborsAnon. (Author)English1
Come and praise the Lord our Kingunknown (Author)1
Come and reign, come and reignAnon. (Author)English1
Come, angels, seize your harps of goldAnon. (Author)English3
Come at the morning hour, Comet, let us kneel and prayAnon. (Author)English9
Come at the morning hour, Come, in Thy love and powerUnbekanntes (Author)English1
Come away to the skies, my beloved ariseAnonymous (Author)English2
Come, be my heart's beloved guestAnonymous (Translator)English2
Come brethren [Christians] [pilgrims] [schoolmates], don't grow wearyUnknown (Author)English1
Come brothers and sisters who love one anotherAnon. (Author)English2
Come, burdened souls, with all your guiltAnon. (Author)English1
Come, children, and join in our festival songAnonymous (Author)English3
Come, children, and learn of the infinite graceAnon. (Author)English1
Come, children, let us goAnon. (Author)English1
Come, children, lift your voicesUnknown (Author)English1
Come, children, now I prayAnon. (Author)English1
Come children one and allAnonymous (Author)English1
Come children, with singingAnonymous (Author)English1
Come Christian brethren ere we partAnon. (Author)English2
Come Christian children, come and raiseAnon. (Author)English3
Come Christian youths and maidensAnon. (Author)English1
Come, comrades dear, who love the LordAnon (Author)English2
Come dearest Lord, and bless this dayAnon. (Author)English1
Come dearest Lord, who reignest aboveAnon. (Author)English2
Come, Desire of nations, comeAnon. (Author)English2
Come, divine and peaceful guestAnon. (Author)1
Come forth, come forth, brave reapersAnon. (Author)English1
Come, gentle peace, while shadows fallAnonymous (Author)English2
Come, guilty sinners, come and seeAnon. (Author)3
Come, heavy laden one, sighing for restUnknown (Author)English1
Come hither, ye children, O come one and allAnonymous (Translator)English5
Come hither, ye faithful, Triumphantly sing!Anon. (Author)English6
Come Holy Ghost, and with thy sacred fireAuthor unknown (Author)1
Come, Holy Ghost, Creator, come, And visit all the souls of ThineAnon. (Author)English2
Come Holy Ghost, Creator, come from thyAnonymous (Translator (from Latin))3
Come, Holy Ghost, in love, Shed on us from aboveAnon. (Author)English6
Come Holy Ghost, my soul inspire, This one great gift impartAnon. (Author)English1
Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspireAnon. (Author)English12
Come, Holy Spirit, calm my mindUnknown (Author)English9
Come, Holy Spirit, from on high; Baptizer of our spirits ThouAnon. (Author)English1
Come, Holy Spirit, God and LordAnonymous (Author)English1
Come Holy Spirit, hush my heartAnonymous (Author)English1
Come into his presence singing "Alleluia"Unknown (Author)English12
Come, Jesus, Lord, with holy fireAnon. (Author)English1
Come join, ye saints, with heart and voiceAnon. (Author)English8
Come let me love; or is my mindAnon. (Author)English1
Come, let us adore Him! come bow at His feet!Anon (Author)English2
Come, let us all unite to sing, God is loveAnon. (Author)English31
Come, let us all with one accord Adore and magnify the LordAnonymous (Author)English1
Come, let us join our songs of praise To our ascended PriestAnon. (Author)English3
Come let us join our cheerful songsAnon. (Author)English1
Come, let us join our notes of praiseAnon. (Author)1
Come, let us pray; 'tis sweet to feelAnonymous (Author)English10
Come, let us sing before the LordAnonymous (Author)English1
Come, let us sing of a wonderful loveAnon. (Author)English4
Come, let us sing unto the Lord New songs of praise with sweet accordAnonymous (Author)English1
Come, let us worship and fall down before ChristAnonymous (Translator)English2
Come, Lord, in mercy come againAnon. (Author)English2
Come, Lord Jesus, our guest to beAnonymous (Author)English1
Come, my Redeemer, come, and deign to dwell with me*** (Author)English1
Come now, and lift up your hearts and singAnonymous (Author)English4
Come, now is the time to worshipAnonymous (Translator)English1
Come, O come with me where love is beamingAnon. (Author)English2
Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest, And in our hearts take up thy restAnon. (Author)English17
Come, O Creator Spirit, come, And make within our hearts thy homeanonymous (Author)English1
Come, O my soul, in sacred laysAnon. (Author)English4
Come, O my soul, to CalvaryAnon. (Author)English2
Come, O Thou universal goodAnonymous (Author)English2
Come on, my partners in distressAnon. (Author)English2
Come out, come out, this winter's dayAnon. (Author)1
Come, poor sinner, seek salvation, Jesus waits to put you rightAnon. (Author)English1
Come, pure hearts, in sweetest measuresAnonymous (Author)English1
Come, see on bloody CalvaryAnonymous (Author)English1
Come, shepherds, come! shake off your sleepAnonymous (Author)English4
O [Come] sing to me of heaven When I am called to dieUnknown (Author)English5
Come, sinner, to the gospel feast, O come without delayAnon. (Author)English2
Come, sinners, to the gospel feast, Let every soul be Jesus' guestAnonymous (Author)English3
Come sinners, you whose hardened heartsAnon. (Author)1
Come, Spirit blest, Creator, comeAnon. (Translator)1
Come, blessed Spirit, source of lightAnon. (Author)English5
Come tell abroad a Savior's loveAnon. (Author)English1
"Come!" the Savior's voice is callingAnonymous (Author)3
Come, thou soul transforming SpiritAnon. (Author)English6
Come, Thou Almighty King, Help us Thy name to singAnonymous (Author)English255
Come, thou beloved Redeemer, comeAnon. (Author)1
Come, Thou Fount of every blessingAnonymous (Author (refrain))English1
Come, Thou Holy ParacleteAnonymous (Author)English1
Come, Thou Holy Spirit, come!Anonymous (Author)English1
Come, 'tis Jesus gently calling, Ye with care and toil oppressedAnon. (Author)English4
Come to Jesus, come away, Forsake thy sins, O why delay?Anon. (Author)English6
Come to Jesus, Come to Jesus, Come to Jesus just nowUnknown (Author)English49
Come to Jesus, little one! Come to Jesus now!Anon. (Author)English3
Come to Jesus, O my brothersAnonymous (Author)2
Come to me, all ye that laborUnknown (Author)English1
Come unto me, all ye that labor, all ye that labor and are heavy ladenAnon. (Author)English1
Come to the ark, come to the arkAnon. (Author)English2
Come to the blood stained treeAnon. (Author)English2
Come to the land of peaceUnknown (Author)English7
Come to the living waters, comeAnon. (Author)English3
Come to the morning prayerAnon. (Author)English5
Come to the Savior, come to the Savior, Thou sin stricken offspring of manAnon (Author)English2
Come unto me, all ye who mournAnon. (Author)English1
Come unto me and I will give you restAnon. (Author)English2
Come unto me when shadows darkly gatherUnknown (Author)English25
Come unto me, ye weary, And I will give thee rest (Dix)Unknown (Author)English1
Come weary, anxious, laden soulAnon. (Author)English1
Come, weary souls, by sin oppressed** (Author)English1
Come who will, the voice from heavenAnonymous (Author)3
Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languishAnon. (Author)English1
Come, ye, lift your joyous voicesAnonymous (Author)English2
Come, ye lofty, come, ye lowlyAnon. (Author)English1
Come, ye sinners, poor and needyAnonymous (Author (refrain))English15
Come, ye souls by sin afflictedAnon. (Author)English1
Come, ye that fear JehovahAnonymous (Author)English1
Come, ye that fear the Lord, and hear what He has done for meAnonymous (Author)English1
Come, ye that love the Lord indeed, Who are from sin and bondage freedUnknown (Author)English2
Come, ye weary sinners, oppressedAnon. (Author)English1
Coming Savior, now in faithAnon. (Author)English2
Como el vasto firmamentoAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Como Jesús no hay otro amigoAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Como ovejas celebramos, ¡Oh Jesús! tu gran favorUnknown (Author)Spanish3
Compañeros en CristoAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Complete in Thee, no work of mineAnon. (Author)English1
Con acentos de alegría, La bondad de dios cantadAnon. (Author)Spanish1
Con devoto anhelo vengo a ti, Señor (Adóro te devóte, latens Déitas)desconocido (tr. al español)Latin, Spanish3
Con gozo cumplido diríjome a tiAnonimo (Author)Spanish1
Con gran gozo y placerAnónimo (Author)Spanish4
Con gratitud, al celebrarAnonymous (Author)Spanish3
Con qué pagaremos Anón. (Author)Spanish10
Confío sólo en tianónima (Translator)Spanish1
Confío yo en CristoAnon. (Author)Spanish4
Conquering kings their titles takeAnonymous (Author)English3
Contigo haz que yo quedeAnonymous (Author (stanzas 2-3))Spanish2
Contigo quiero andar, oh DiosAnónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish1
Convencido de mi culpadesconocido (Author)Spanish1
Corazones siempre alegresanónimo (Author)Spanish6
Cordero, que bajaste del cieloAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Could we but draw back the curtainAnonymous (Author)English2
Courage, my soul, while God is nearAnon. (Author)English1
Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a right spirit within meAnonymous (Author)English1
Create in me a clean heart, O God (Anonymous)Anonymous (Author)English5
Create in me, Lord, O God, a clean heartAnonymous (Translator)English2
Creator of the stars of nightAnonymous (Author)English8
Creator of the world, to TheeAnonymous (Author)English1
Creator Spirit, by Whose aidAnonymous (Author)English5
ReadingsDescon., s.4 (Author)English7
Cristianos todos, a prepararseAnonymous (Author)Spanish4
Cristo é tudo para mim, é vida, paz e luzUnknown (Translator)Portuguese2
Cristo, eres justo ReyDesconcido (Author)Spanish1
Cristo es el mejor amigoAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Cristo es la peña de Horeb que está brotandoDesconocido (Author)Spanish9
Cristo es la peña de Horeb, que está brotando (Christ is the Mountain of Horeb which is flowing)Anonymous (Author)Spanish, English2
Cristo está conmigo: ¡qué consolación!Anonymous (Author)Spanish3
Cristo, fiel te quiero seranónimo (Author)Spanish2
Cristo guarda siempre, puedo en él confiarAnonymous (Author (refrain))Spanish3
Cristo ha resucitado, ¡aleluya!Anonymous (Translator)Spanish2
¡Cristo Jesús resucitó! Cantar queremos en su honoranón. (Tr. al esp.)Spanish5
¡Cristo Jesús resucitó, Sobre la muerteAnónima (Author)Spanish3
Cristo me ama, bien lo séAnónimo (Translator)Spanish9
Cristo me ama, me ama a míAnonymous (Translator)Spanish1
Cristo, nombre sublimeAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Cristo, nuestro Jefe, nos lleva la lidAnónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish3
Cristo, tu gran amor me inspiraAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
¡Cristo vive! ya no másAnonimo (Author)Spanish1
El Señor resucitóDesconocido (Translator)Spanish1
Cristo, yo te seguiréAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Crown Him with many crownsAnonymous (Translator (sts. 1, 3-5))English1
Crown His head with endless blessingAnon. (Author)English1
Crux ave benedictaUnknown (Author)Latin1
Cruzando el mundo, triste y sedientoDesconocido (Author)Spanish2
Csendes az éjAnonymous (Translator)Hungarian2
Csendes éj! Tiszta, szent éj!Anonymous (Translator)Hungarian2
Что вину мне может смыть? (Chto vinu mne mozhet smyt'?)Anonymous (Translator)Russian2
Что за Друга мы имеем? (Chto za Druga my imeyem?)Unknown (Translator)Russian2
Ĉu vi vidis la krucon de l' Sinjor'?anonima (Author)Esperanto1
Cual pendón hermosoDesconocido (Author)Spanish4
¡Cuán admirable amor, nos ofreces, Señor!Anonymous (Author)Spanish1
Cuán bueno es DiosAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Cuán firme cimiento ha puesto a la feAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
¡Cuán gloriosa será la mañanaanónimo (Author)Spanish4
Cuán grato es con amigos vernosAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Cuán profundo es tu amorDescon. (Author)Spanish3
Cuando anuncie el arcángel que más tiempo no habráAnonymous (Translator)Spanish1
Cuando combatido por la adversidadDesconcido (Translator)Spanish4
Cuando Cristo vino a mi corazónAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Cuando de afanes ya libre esté yoAnonimo (Translator)Spanish1
Cuando el pecadoAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Cuando en la lucha me falte poderAnónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish2
Cuando estés cansado y abatidoDesconocido (Author)Spanish10
Cuando llegue el momento de tu decisiónAnónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish2
Cuando mi lucha termine al finalAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Cuando sientas que tu hermanoAnonymous (Author)Spanish3
Cuando suene la trompeta en el día del SeñorAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Cuando te abrumen penas y dolorAnónimo (Translator)Spanish2
Cuando venga JesucristoAnónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish2
Cuandro estés cansado y abatidoAnonymous (Translator)Spanish1
¡Cuánta luz en noche oscura! Desconocido (Author)Spanish2
Cuánto me alegra que nuestro Señor Diera su vida por el pecadorAnónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish3
Cubbu ko maltu dhiqa dhiiga Kristos duwwa dhaAnonymous (Translator)Oromo2
Чудова ласка, що знайшла (Chudova laska, shcho znayshla)Anonymous (Translator)Ukranian2
Cúmplase, oh Cristo, to voluntadAnónimo (Translator)Spanish2
Czyli nie masz dla JezusaNieznany (Author)Polish2
Czyś słyszał Kościół jest żywyAnonymous (Author)Polish2
Да будет Отцу Всеблагому хвала! (Da budet Ottsu Vseblagomu khvala!)Anonymous (Translator)Russian2
Da Igreja o fundamento É Cristo, o SalvadorDesconhecido (Translator)Portuguese1
大家同敬拜天上榮耀王 (Dàjiā tóng jìng bài tiānshàng róngyào wáng)Unknown (Translator)Chinese3
Da lo mejor al SalvadorAnonymous (Author)2
다 나 의 서 노 래 하 자 (Come one and all, come join in song)Anonymous (Author)English, Korean2
Dacă Isus ca împăratAnonymous (Translator)Romanian2
Dacă Isus ne conduceAnonymous (Translator)Romanian2
Dad loor a Dios, himnos elevadAnonymous (Author)Spanish3
Daeth trwy Yr Iesu glân a'i ddwyfol glwy (More, more Of myriad blessings shall outpour)An. (Author)English, Welsh2
Daily, daily sing the praisesAnon. (Author)English3
ദൈവഹിതം അനുസരിക്കുന്നതു സർവ്വബലികളേക്കാളഹോ! [Daivahitaṁ anusarikkunnatu sarvvabalikaḷēkkāḷahēā!]Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
ദൈവമേ ഈ ആണ്ടിനെ (Daivamē ī āṇṭine)Unknown (Translator)Malayalam2
ദൈവത്തെ സ്തുതിക്ക ഏവരും ആഘോഷ-മായ് (Daivatte stutikka ēvaruṁ āghēāṣa-māy)Anonymous (Translator (Malayalam))Malayalam2
ദൈവത്തിലെപ്പോഴും വിശ്വാസമുണ്ടായ്‌ (Daivattileppēāḻuṁ viśvāsamuṇṭāy‌)Unknown (Author)Malayalam2
Dame, mi buen Señor, de vida el panAnonymous (Translator (es. 2,4))Spanish1
Dame, te ruegoAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Daniel was a man of prayerUnknown (Author)English3
Dank dir, Herr, für alle GabenUnbekannt (Author)German1
Dans cette étable que Jesus est charmantInconnu (Author)French1
Dare forsake what you deem wrongUnknown (Author)English1
Dare to do right, dare to be trueAnon. (Author)English1
Dark and thorny is the desert Through which pilgrims make their wayAnonymous (Author)English5
Dark brood the heavens over theeAnon. (Author)English1
Dark was the night, and cold the groundUnknown (Author)English7
Darkening night the land doth coverAnon. (Author)English2
Darkly rose the guilty morningUnknown (Author)English4
Darul sufletesc cel mai sfântAnonymous (Author)Romanian2
Das Land, wo Milch und Honig fließtAnon. (Author)German1
Daughter of Zion, awake from thy sadnessAnon. (Author)English25
Daughter of Zion, from the dustUnknown (Author)English1
Daw plant y gaethglud adre (The captives' brighter morrow)Anonymous (Author (stanzas 1, 2))English, Welsh2
Dawning fair, morning wonderfulAnonymous (Author)English2
Day by day, Dear Lord, of Thee three things I prayAnonymous (Translator)English3
Day by day the manna fellUnknown (Author)English1
Day by day we magnify TheeAnon. (Author)English4
Day is done, Gone the sunAnonymous (Author)English3
Day of redemption! when shall we behold Earth overwhelmed with thy splendorAnon. (Author)1
Day of wonder, day of gladnessAnon. (Author)English4
Dduw mawr, pa beth a welaf draw?Anonymous (Author (st. 2, 5))Welsh2
De escalvitud, de noche y pesarAnónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish2
De mañana al despertarAnónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish3
De mi amante Salvador cantaré el inmenso amorAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
De mi tierno SalvadorDesconocido (Author)Spanish9
De mi tristeza y esclavitudAnónimo (Translator)Spanish2
De mil arpas y mil voces Desconocido (Translator)Spanish3
De quelle offense portes-tu la peineAnonymous (Translator)French2
De quien obró mi redenciónAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
De quien pagó mi redención, Podría siempre yo cantarAnónimo (Author)Spanish5
De rodillas partamos hoy el pan (Pagura)desconocido (Author)Spanish1
De todos bajo el gran solAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Dear Father in heaven, Look down from aboveAnon. (Author)English1
Dear Father, keep me through this day obedientAnonymous (Author)English1
Brethren farewell, I do you tellUnknown (Author)English2
Dear friends, the time is drawing near, When life shall pass awayUnknown (Author)English2
Dear is the spot where Christians sleepUnknown (Author)English8
Dear Jesus ever at my side, How loving Thou must beAnon. (Author)English1
Dear Jesus, let Thy pitying eye, Look kindly down on meAnon. (Author)English3
Dear Jesus, on your pilgrim wayAnonymous (Author)English2
Dear little one! how sweet thou art, Thine eyes how bright they shineAnonymous (Author)1
Dear Lord, amid the throng that pressedAnon. (Author)English2
Dear Lord, how precious is Thy bloodAnonymous (Author)1
Dear Lord, how wondrous is Thy loveAnonymous (Author)English1
Great God [Dear Lord] in heaven, who by my bedAnon. (Author)English3
Dear Lord, remember meAnonymous (Author)English1
Dear Lord, we would thy praises sing On this thy holy dayAnon. (Author)1
Dear Lord, wilt Thou not help usAnonymous (Author)English2
Dear Master, in whose life I seeAnon. (Author)English3
Dear people we have met todayAnonymous (Author)1
Dear Savior, bless the childrenAnon. (Author)English1
Dear Savior, here we fainting lie, And long to see thy faceAnon. (Author)1
Dear Savior, if these lambs should strayAnon. (Author)English1
Dear Savior, we would know Thy love Which yet no measure knowsAnon. (Author)English2
Dearest brother, thou hast left usUnknown (Author)English1
Death has been here, and borne awayAnon. (Author)English1
Death is no more among our foesAnon. (Author)English2
Death shall not destroy my comfortAnon. (Author)English1
Débil soy tu fuerza es talAnonymous (Author)Spanish4
Debo decir a Cristo mis pruebasAnonymous (Translator (v.1-3))Spanish3
Deceit and falsehood I abhorAnonymous (Author)English1
Deep and wide, deep and wideAnon. (Author)English6
Deep in the dust before thy throneAnon. (Author)English1
Deep river, my home is over JordanAnonymous (Author)English1
Defend me, Lord, from shame, For still I trust in Thee (Psalter, 1912)Anonymous (Author)English2
Deffro, f'enaid, deffro'n ufuddAn. (Author (v. 2, 3))Welsh2
Dein Wort o Herr bringt uns zusammenUnbekannt (Author)German3
Del alba al despuntarAnónimo (Translator)Spanish7
Del amor divino, ¿quién me apartará?anónimo (Author)Spanish4
Del bello país he leídoAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Del culto el tiempo llega, Comienza la oraciónAnónimo (Author)Spanish5
Del Oriente somos los tresdesconocido (tr. al español)Spanish1
Del trono celestialDesconocido (Translator)Spanish1
Del trono santo en derredorAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Delay not, delay not: O sinner draw near; The waters of life are now flowing for thee!Anon. (Author)English1
Дэлхийн бүх үндэстэн нэг цуст Бурханы бүтээл (Delkhiin bükh ündesten neg tsust Burkhany büteel)Unknown (Translator)Mongolian2
Delightful thought, that sinners may commune with GodAnon. (Author)1
Deliver me from evil, Preserve me, Lord, from wrongAnonymous (Author)English1
Den ljusa dag framgången ärAnonymous (Translator)Swedish2
Den signede Dag er os nu tedUkj. (Translator)Norwegian2
Den signede Dag, som vi nu ser Ned til os fra Himlen kommeUkjendt (Author)Norwegian3
Den signede Dag, som vi nu ser, Med Blide til os opkommeAnonymous (Author)Norwegian1
Den, som mig føder, det er Gud min HerreUkj. (Translator)Norwegian4
Dennoch will ich an dir bleibenUnbekannt (Author)German1
Depth of mercy! can there be, Mercy still reserved for me (Wesley)Anon. (Author)English1
Depuis plus de quatre mille ansAnonymous (Author)French1
Der am Kreuz ist meine Liebe. Und sonst nichts in dieser Welt!Unbekannt (Author)German1
Der erste Adam warUnbekannt (Author)German1
Der Friede Gottes, welcher höher ist denn alle VernunftAnon. (Author)German3
Der Heiland kommt! Lobsinget IhmUnbekannt (Author)German1
Der Heimat zu! O welch ein FreudenwortAnon. (Author)German1
Der Herr bricht ein um MitternachtUnbekannt (Author)German1
There's a star in the East on Christmas mornAnonymous (Author)English1
Des Morgens, wenn ich früh aufsteh'Unbekannt (Author)German1
Desde el cielo Cristo llamaDesconocido (Translator)Spanish1
Despertad, la noche pasadesconocida (Tr. cast.)Spanish2
Despídenos con tu bendiciónAnónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish2
Despierta, triste pecadorAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Despues de esta frágil vidaAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Det är en ros utsprungenAnonymous (Translator)Swedish2
Det Forsæt, Gud, hos mig fornyAnonymous (Author)Norwegian1
Det koster mer, end man fra først betænkerAnonymous (Author)Norwegian2
Det snart forvist paa Tiden erAnonymous (Translator (Danish))Norwegian4
Di' naskiĝis, forto falasAnonymous (Translator and Reviser)Esperanto3
Días hay, lo sé, en que triste te sientes Anónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish2
Dicha grande es la del hombreanónimo (Author)Spanish1
Dicsérd az Urat, én lelkemUnknown (Translator)Hungarian4
Did ever you see the like before?Anon. (Author)English1
Didst Thou, dear Jesus, suffer shameAnonymous (Author)English1
Die Himmel und der Himmel HeerUnbekannt (Author)German1
Dies est laetitiaeAnonymous (Author)Latin2
Dieu des moissons tu chantesAnonymous (Translator)French2
Dievo Tėvo meilė (May God's love now bless us)Anonymous (Translator (Lithuanian))English, Lithuanian2
Dig bede Børnen' dineUkj. (Author)Norwegian2
Digno eres, oh SeñorAnónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish1
Digno es el Cordero que inmolado fueAnonymous (Translator)Spanish1
Digno es JesúsAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Worthy is Christ (Digno es Jesús)Anonymous (Author)English, Spanish1
Dio, pli apud Vin, pli apud Vin!diversaj (mozaiko) (Translator)3
Dios al pródigo llama que venga sin tardarAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Dios cuida de tiDesconocido (Author)Spanish1
Dios del cielo, clemente, benignoUnknown (Author)Spanish2
Dios está aquí Tan cierto como el aire que respiroAnónima (Author)Spanish3
Dios eterno, clemente, benignoAnónimo (Author)Spanish1
Dios, hazme instrumento que alabe tu nombreDesconocido (Translator)Spanish3
Dios nos ha dado promesaAnónimo (Translator)Spanish10
Dios os bendiga y dé su pazAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Dios os guarde en su divino amorAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Dios os guarde siempre en santo amorDesconocido (Translator)Spanish4
Dios te bendiga, protección te déAnónimo (Author)Spanish2
Dios te guarde hasta volverte a verAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Diris el la nokta hel'Anonymous (Translator)Esperanto2
Dismiss us with Thy blessing, Lord, Help us to feed upon Thy wordAnonymous (Author)English1
Disowned of heaven, by man oppressedAnon. (Author)English6
Dispela de, dispela de, Got i bin wokim, Got i bin wokimAnonymous (Author)Tok Pisin2
Divino SalvadorAnonymous (Translator (sts 3-4))Spanish2
Dlaczego w twym oku tak często jest łzaAnonymous (Author)Polish2
Do Ciebie modly ślemyAnonymous (Author)Polish2
Do not I love Thee, O my Lord?Anon. (Author)English1
Do not say, O Christian reaperAnon. (Author)English2
Do Thou direct Thy chariot, LordUnknown (Translator)English1
Do what is right; the day-dawn is breakingAnonymous (Author)English1
Do ye, O men, speak righteousnessAnonymous (Author)English1
Do you hear them coming, brother?Anon. (Author)English1
Do you know a heart that hungersAnon. (Author)English1
Do you know how many starsUnknown (Translator (from German))English1
Do you think that the Lord forgets youAnon. (Author)English3
Do your best, and be not troubledAnon. (Author)English2
Dokąd oko w polu sięgaAnonymous (Author)Polish2
Dommedag skal Tiden endeAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian1
Dona nobis pacem, pacem (Canon)Unknown (Author)Latin5
Donde la luz del cieloAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
동방박사 세 사람 귀한 예물 가지고 (Dongbangbagsa se salam gwihan yemul gajigo)Anonymous (Translator)Korean2
Don't! Don't you get wearyUnknown (Author)English2
Don't forget there's a house to letAnon. (Author)English1
Donu la manon, ĉar samas nia cel'Anonymous (Author)Esperanto2
Doquier alumbre al astro solAnonymous (Translator (v. 1, 3, 5))Spanish2
Dost Thou, the High and Heavenly OneAnon. (Author)English2
Dowch, dowch, o fawr i fânAn. (Author (stanzas 2, 3))Welsh1
Down from the splendor of His everlasting homeAnon. (Author)English1
Down in the dumps I'll never goAnonymous (Author)English2
Down in the valley midst lilies sweet scentedAnonymous (Author)English1
Down in the valley with my Savior I would goAnonymous (Author)English2
Down the stream of life they glideAnon. (Author)English1
Down to the sacred waveAnon. (Author)English1
Draw mi welaf ryfeddodau (Far I see the respendent wonders)An. (Author (stanza 1))English, Welsh2
Draw near to us todayAnon. (Author)1
Draw nigh and take the Body of the LordAnonymous (Author)English5
Drawing nearer every day, Nearer to the soul's sweet homeAnon. (Author)English1
Dread Jehovah, God of nationsUnknown (Author)English13
Drooping souls, no longer mourn [grieve]Anon. (Author)English3
Dropping down the troubled riverUnknown (Author)English1
Өдрөөс өдөрт өнгөрөх мөч бүрт би (Ödröös ödört öngörökh möch bürt bi)Anonymous (Translator)Mongolian2
Du gnadenreicher Gott und HerrUnbekannt (Author)German1
Du großer ZionskönigUnbekannt (Author)German1
Du hellige Guds Kirke herUkj. (Author)Norwegian1
Du hjertekjære Jesus Krist!Anonymous (Translator)Norwegian1
Du livsens Brød, Immanuel!Ukj. (Translator)Norwegian1
Du snöda verld farvälAnonymous (Translator)Swedish2
Du, som förhärdad gäckasAnonymous (Author)Swedish2
Dulce y bello es el mensajeanónimo (Coro, traductor)Spanish3
Dum nokt' silenta kantas la ĉiel'Anonymous (Author)Esperanto2
Du-mă la izvorul, deundeAnonymous (Author)Romanian2
Durch die Wolken möcht' ich dringenUnbekannt (Author)German1
Duro, duro fun JesuAnonymous (Translator)Yoruba2
Dust to dust, the mortal diesAnonymous (Author)English1
Dwell in me richly, blessed WordAnon. (Author)English1
Dwelling together, How happy we shall beUnknown (Author)English3
Dyara mangwananiUnknown (Translator)Shona2
Dying, and she knew not JesusAnon. (Author)English2
Dyre Jesus du har fr'lst migOkaend (Author)2
Dziękujé Tobie, Zbawco milyAnonymous (Author)Polish2
എൻ ദൈവമേ ഓർത്തീടേണേ എന്നേയും നീ (En daivamē ōrttīṭēṇē ennēyuṁ nī)Anonymous (Author)Malayalam2
É divina, sábia e pura a Palavra do SenhorUnknown (Author (sts. 1-2))Portuguese2
E je k’a f’inu didunAnonymous (Translator)Yoruba2
E ke 'Lii mana mauAnonymous, c. 1757 (Author)Hawaiian1
E maa te siwaju, Kriatian ologunAnonymous (Translator)Yoruba2
എൻ നാ-ഥനെ ഏറ്റു ചൊൽവാൻ ലജ്ജിക്കയില്ല ഞാൻ (En nā-thane ēṟṟu ceālvān lajjikkayilla ñān)Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
എൻ നിമിത്തം പോകുക (En nimittaṁ pēākuka)Unknown (Author)Malayalam2
E yo ninu Oluwa, E yoAnonymous (Translator)Yoruba2
Earth is waking, day is breakingAnon. (Author)English10
Earth to earth and dust to dust, Lord, we own the sentence justAnon. (Author)English1
Earth, with her ten thousand flowersAnonymous (Author)English2
Earth's busy sounds and ceaseless dinAnon. (Author)English3
Earth's mighty Maker, whose commandAnon. (Translator)English5
Easter day, glad Easter DayUnknown (Author)1
Easter day hath dawned againAnonymous (Author)English1
Easter flowers are blooming brightAnon. (Author)English4
Easter morn with gladness shineAnonymous (Author)English2
Eat, drink, in memory of your FriendAnon. (Author)English2
Ebenezer, God is with usAnon. (Author)1
"Eben-ezer." Hasta aquí nos ayudó JehováAnonymous (Author)Spanish3
Ego sum pauperAnonymous (Author)English2
Eile, rette deine SeeleAnon. (Author)German2
Ein hoffter a'n rhyfeddod yw (Our pleasure and our wonder are)An. (Author)English, Welsh2
Ein Streiter bei der Kreuzesfahn'Unbekannt (Author)German1
El amor es comprensivo; El amor es servicialAnónima (Author)Spanish3
El camino es escabrosoAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
El coro angelical celebra el nacerAnónimo (Author)Spanish2
El Dios de paz, el Verbo eternoAnónimo (Author)Spanish9
El grande amor de mi JesúsAnónimo (Translator)Spanish1
El hombre de Galilea va pasando ya (Oh, Jesus from Galilee, see, he is passing by)Anónima (Author)English, Spanish2
El m’a condus, ce glorieAnonymous (Translator)Romanian2
El nombre de Jesús loadAnonimo (Translator)Spanish4
El Señor nos ama hoy (Christ our Lord has loved us more)Anonymous (Author)English, Spanish2
El Señor nos ama hoy como nadie nos amóAnónimo (Author)Spanish6
El Señor resucitó, cantemos con alegríaAnónima (Author)Spanish3
Election, 'tis a joyful soundAnon. (Author)2
എല്ലാരും യേശു നാമത്തെ (Ellāruṁ yēśu nāmatte)Anonymous (Translator (st. 1))Malayalam2
எழும்பிப்பிரகாசி பயம் நீக்கி (Eḻumpippirakāci payam nīkki)Anonymous (Author)Tamil2
Immanuel, we sing Thy praise, Thou prince of life, thou fount of grace (Winkworth)Unknown (Translator)English1
En Belén nació Jesús, AleluyaAnonymous (Author)Spanish5
En betleĥema gastejo por Vi ekmankis la lokoAnonymous (Author)Esperanto2
En bova fojntrogo anstataŭ litet'Anonima (Author (vv. 1-2))3
En Cristo hallo amigoAnonymous (Translator)English, Spanish2
En el curso de este díaDesconocido (Author)Spanish1
En el huerto, agonizanteUnknown (Author)Spanish2
En el huerto, arrodilladoUnknown (Author)Spanish2
PrayersDesconocido (Translator)English14
En esta reunión Cristo estáDesconocido (Author)Spanish1
En la célica moradaAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
En la cruz mirad clavadoDesconocido (Author)Spanish2
En la Iglesia la gloria es para élAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
En la noche los pastores a sus ovejitas velanDesconocido (Author)Spanish6
En la vergonzosa cruzanónimo (Translator)Spanish6
En las regiones inmaculadasAnonimo (Author)Spanish1
En los campos se ha escuchadoAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
En mi vivir voy a decir que CristoAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
En momentos así levanto mi vozAnonymous (Translator)Spanish3
En momentos así yo canto canciónAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
En pecado yo vivíaDesconocido (Translator)Spanish3
En silencio reverenteAnónimo (Translator)Spanish3
En todo tiempo, mi buen SalvadorDesconocido (Translator)Spanish2
En torno de la mesaAnonymous (Author)Spanish3
En tu templo, Padre DiosDesconocido (Author)Spanish1
En tus afanes y en tu dolorAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Enhver, som æder dette BrødAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian3
എന്നാത്മാവിന്‍ ആദിത്യനേ (Ennātmāvin ādityanē)Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
എന്നെ ര-ക്ഷിപ്പാൻ ഉന്നതം വിട്ടു (Enne ra-kṣippān unnataṁ viṭṭu)Anonymous (Author)Malayalam2
എന്നെ വീണ്ട രക്ഷകന്റെ സ്നേഹം ആര്‍ക്കുരയ്ക്കാം? (Enne vīṇṭa rakṣakanṟe snēhaṁ ārkkuraykkāṁ?)Unknown (Author)Malayalam2
എന്നേശു തൻ വില തീരാ സ്നേഹ-മാർക്കു വർണ്ണിക്കാം! (Ennēśu tan vila tīrā snēha-mārkku varṇṇikkāṁ!)Anonymous (Author)Malayalam2
എന്‍റെ തോഴരേ കൊടി കാണ്‍ വീശുന്നാകാശേ (Enṟe tēāḻarē keāṭi kāṇ vīśunnākāśē)Unknown (Translator)Malayalam2
Enthroned on high, almighty LordAnon. (Author)English2
Entonad un himno que alegre el corazónAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Entonemos al SeñorAnónimo (Author)Spanish4
Entre el vaivén de la ciudadAnónimo (Translator)Spanish8
Where cross the crowded ways of lifeAnónimo (Translator)English2
Entreat me not to leave thee now; Or to return from following theeAnonymous (Adapter)English1
Enviado soy de Dios, mi mano lista está Anónimo (Author)Spanish7
어두운 후에 빛이 오며 (Eoduun hue bich-i omyeo)Unknown (Translator)Korean2
Er mor chwerw dyfroedd MaraAnonymous (Author (stanza 2))Welsh2
Fierce raged the tempest over the deepAn. (Author)English1
Ere another Sabbath's closeAnon. (Author)English6
Ere mountains reared their forms sublimeAnonymous (Author)English1
Ere to [in] the world again we goAnon (Author)English10
Erected high in heaven standsAnon. (Author)1
Erhöre gnädig unser Flehen für deinen KnechtUnbekannt (Author)German1
Es Cristo mi amigoAnonymous (Translator (v.1-3))Spanish3
Es Cristo quien por mí murió, Mis culpas él borróDesconcido (Translator)Spanish1
Es geht das Jahr zu EndeAnonymous (Author)German2
Es geht ein Ruf, dem Donner gleichUnbekannt (Author)German1
Es ist ein' Ros' entsprungenUnbekannt (Author)German2
Es ist in keinem andern Heil, Als Jesus, nur in DirUnbekannt (Author)German1
Es ist noch Raum, mein Haus ist noch nicht vollUnbekannt (Author)German1
Es kommt ein Schiff geladenUnbekannt (Author)German1
Es la vida de mi almaanónimo (Author)Spanish4
Escucha mi doliente vozAnónimo (Author)Spanish1
Escucha, O Cristo, la oraciónAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Escucha, ¡oh Dios! la oraciónDesconocido (Author)Spanish1
Escucha, ¡oh Dios! La oraciónAnonymous (Translator)Spanish6
Escucha, ¡oh Dios!, nuestra oraciónAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Escuchad, Jesús nos diceAnónimo (Translator)Spanish1
Esho hae Probhu Tumi dhora yeesho (Come, O Jesus Christ, make your dwelling with us)Unknown (Translator (English))Bengali, English1
Если в бурях жизни дух твой удручён (Yesli v buryakh zhizni dukh tvoy udruchon)Anonymous (Translator)Russian2
Espíritu de Dios, llena mi vida; Espíritu de Dios, mi ser tambiénAnonymous (Author)Spanish1
Espíritu de Dios, llena mi vida, Llena mi alma, llena mi ser (Come, Holy Spirit, come)Anonymous (Author)Spanish2
Espíritu de luz y amoranónimo (Author)Spanish8
Established in the highest heavensAnonymous (Author)English1
Estamos de fiesta con Jesús (All come to the fiesta of the Lord)Anon. (Author)English, Spanish2
Estas manos Dios me dio para que puedan servierAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Este niño bautizamos En tu nombreUnknown (Author)Spanish3
Estoy listo si él me llama, Estoy listo si él me llama (If God calls me, I am ready)Anonymous (Author)English, Spanish2
Estu bonvena, Krist' Sinjor'Anonymous (Author)Esperanto2
Et barn er født i BetlehemUkjendt (Translator)Norwegian3
Et lidet barn saa lysteligUkj. (Translator)Norwegian1
Et trin jeg atter har idagAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian2
Eterna gloria al PadreAnonimo (Author)Spanish2
Eternal Father, strong to save, Whose arm hath bound the restless waveAnon. (Author)English1
Eternal Father, thou hast madeAnon. (Author)1
Eternal Father, throned above, Thou fountain of redeeming loveAnon. (Author)English1
Eternal God, our humbled soulsAnonymous (Author)English1
Eternal Beam of light divineAnonymous (Author)English1
Eternal Light, DivinityAnonymous (Author)English1
Eternal Lord, from land to land*** (Author)English5
Eternal Monarch, King most highAnonymous (Author)English1
Eternal praises to the LordAnonymous (Author)English1
Eternal Savior, God of loveAnon. (Author)2
Eternal Son of God, O ThouAnon. (Translator (into English))English4
Eternal Spirit, God of TruthUnknown (Author)English1
Eternal Spirit, heavenly DoveAnon. (Author)English1
Eternal Spirit, source of lightAnonymous (Author)English1
Eternity! Eternity! How long art thou, eternity! And yet to thee time hastes awayAnonymous (Author)English1
Eternity, time soon will endAnon. (Author)English2
Eternity, where, it floats in the airAnonymous (Author)English3
Eterno y poderoso DiosAnonymous (Translator)Spanish3
Eu te amo, eu te amo, ó meu SalvadorUnknown (Author)Portuguese2
Eu Te amo meu Mestre, meu bom SalvadorAnonymous (Author)Portuguese2
Eu vin singur în grădinaNecunoscut (Translator)Romanian2
Even he, who lit the stars of oldAnonymous (Author)1
Evening breeze, spirit songUnknown (Author)English2
Evening shades are falling, Daylight fades awayAnonymous (Author)English1
Ever near, ever near is our FatherAnon. (Author)English1
Ever patient, gentle [loving], meekAnonymous (Author)English2
Everlasting arms of loveAnon. (Author)English9
Everlasting glory unto Jesus beAnon. (Author)English1
Every flower blossoms fresh from mouldy earthAnonymous (Author)English2
Everybody ought to know the wondrous love of JesusAnonymous (Author (Chorus))English2
Everything's alright in my Father's houseAnon. (Author)English1
Ev'ry day He grows a little dearerAnonymous (Author)English2
Every little step I take Forward in my heavenly wayAnon. (Author)English1
Every one is sowing both by word and deed*** (Author)English1
Everybody ought to know, Everybody ought to knowAnon. (Author)English3
Exalt the Lord, His praise proclaimAnonymous (Author)English1
Exalted Jesus, heavenly KingAnon. (Author)1
Eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard, Nor sense nor reason known Anon. (Author)English2
Fader vor udi himmerigAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian1
Fading, still fading, the last beam is shiningUnknown (Author)English24
Fain would I, Lord of graceAnonymous (Author)1
Faint not, Christian, though the roadAnon. (Author)English4
Faint the earth, and parched with droughtAnonymous (Author)2
Fair are the feet that bring the newsAnon. (Author)English3
Fairest Lord Jesus, Lord of all creationAnonymous (Author)English5
Fairest Lord Jesus, Ruler of all natureAnonymous (Translator)English98
Faith adds new charms to earthly blissAnonymous (Author)English1
Faith, hope, and love now dwell on earthAnonymous (Author)1
Faith is a living power from heavenAnon. (Author)English3
Faith is the Christian's propAnon. (Author)English4
Faith is the polar starAnon. (Author)English2
Faith is the Spirit's sweet controlAnon. (Author)English1
Faith of our fathers, living stillAnonymous (Author)English2
Faithful people now rejoiceAnonymous (Author)English1
Fambanyiwo, majoni, a Mwari wedu imwiAnonymous (Translator)Shona2
Fang' dein Werk mit Jesu an, Jesus hat's in HändenUnbekannt (Author)German2
Far be sorrow, tears, and sighingAnonymous (Author)English1
Far beyond the dark blue seaAnonymous (Author)English3
Far, far away from my loving FatherAnon. (Author)English6
Far, far away, in heathen darkness dwellingUnknown (Author)English2
Far from mortal cares retreatingAnon. (Author)English1
Far from these narrow scenes of nightAnon. (Author)English1
Far from Thy heavenly careAnonymous (Author)English1
Farewell, all earthly honors, I bid you all adieuAnon. (Author)English1
Farewell, dear friends, a long farewellAnonymous (Author)English6
Farewell, my dear brethren, the time is at handAnon. (Author)English3
Farewell, dear friends, I must be goneAnon. (Author)English3
Farewell, vain world, I'm going home, My Savior smiles and bids me comeAnonymous (Author)English1
Farewell, we meet no moreAnon. (Author)English2
Fast breaks the morn, all glorious appearingAnonymous (Author)1
Fast überredet, Christo zu nah'nAnonymous (Translator)German1
Father, adored in worlds aboveAnonymous (Author)English3
Father Almighty, bless us with Thy blessingAnonymous (Author)English3
Father, bless our school todayAnon. (Author)English5
Father, bless the gifts we bring TheeUnknown (Author)English8
Father, can a child like meUnknown (Author)1
Father, dear father, come home with me nowAnon. (Author)English2
Father dear, I fain would [like to] thank theeAnon. (Author)English4
Father, give Thy benedictionAnon. (Author)English6
Father, hear our humble claimUnknown (Author)1
Father, hear our supplicationsAnon. (Author)English2
Father, hear the prayer we offer! Not for ease that prayer shall beAnon. (Author)English35
Father, hear us when we prayAnonymous (Author)2
Father, high in glory, lend a listening earAnon. (Author)English3
Father, holy Father, Now the sun has comeUnknown (Author)English6
Father, holy Guardian, in Thy tender loveAnon. (Author)English1
Father, I know that all my lifeAnonymous (Author)English2
Father, I know Thy ways are justUnknown (Author)English2
Father, I stretch my hands to TheeUnknown (Author (refrain))English3
Father in heaven, bless Thy little childrenAnon. (Author)English2
Father in heaven, thy sacred nameAnonymous (Author)1
Father, in Thy mysterious presence kneeling (Johnson)Anon. (Author)English1
Father, in thy presence nowAnonymous (Author)3
Father, lead me day by dayAnon. (Author)English1
Father, let thy light divineAnon. (Author)1
Father, long before creationAnonymous (Author)English4
Father, may we heed the messageAnon. (Author)1
Father most holy, merciful, and lovingAnonymous (Author)English1
Father most holy, merciful, and tenderAnonymous (Author)English3
Father of all, from whom we traceUnknown (Author)English2
Father of all, Thy ears we blessUnknown (Author)1
Father of all, whose powerful voiceAnonymous (Author)English1
Father of heaven, whose love profoundAnon. (Author)English1
Father of love and powerUnknown (Author)English1
Father of men, who can complainAnonymous (Author)1
Father of mercies, God of peaceAnon. (Author)English5
Father of mercies, let our songs [ways]Anon. (Author)English1
Father of mercies, when the day is dawningAnonymous (Author)English4
Father of Mercy, We bow before TheeAnonymous (Author, st. 1)English3
Father of might, my bonds I feelAnonymous (Author)3
Father of spirits, nature's GodAnonymous (Author)English1
Father, once more let grateful praiseAnonymous (Author)English3
Father, our prayer we offerAnonymous (Author)English1
Father Supreme, thou high and holy OneAnonymous (Author)2
Father Supreme, whose wondrous loveAnon. (Author)1
Father, the watches of the night are overAnonymous (Author)English1
Father, thou art gone to restAnonymous (Author)English1
Father, Thou art great and holyAnon. (Author)English1
I know thy thoughts are peace toward meAnon. (Author)English1
Father, to Thee I come, Owning how weak I amAnon. (Author)English8
Father, to thee my soul I liftUnknown (Author)English2
Father, whate'er of earthly blissAnonymous (Author)English1
Father, when we bend the kneeAnon. (Author)English2
Fe de las madres en el SeñorAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
¡Feliz el dia en que escogi servirte, mi Señor y Dios!anónimo (Coro)Spanish2
Few in number, little flockAnon. (Author)1
Fiercely came the tempest sweepingAnon. (Author)English2
Hallelujah, hallelujah, finished is the battle nowUnknown (Author)English3
Finita jam sunt proeliaAnon. (Author)Latin3
Fire up! Fire up! Christian, fire upAnon. (Author)English2
Firm in Thy strong controlAnon. (Author)English2
Firme nas promessas do meu SalvadorUnknown (Translator)Portuguese3
Flag of the free, fairest to seeAnon. (Author)English4
Fling wide the gates! I hear the angels singingUnknown (Author)English1
Fly away, pretty moth to your homeAnon. (Author)English1
Follow me, the Master saidAnon. (Author)English32
Follow the path of JesusUnknown (Author)English1
Soldiers of Christ, arise, And put your armor on; Strong in the strength which God suppliesAnonymous (Author)English4
Following Jesus, ever day by dayUnknown (Author)English2
Fools in their heart have saidAnonymous (Author)English1
For air and sunshine pure and sweetAnon. (Author)English1
For all the little childrenAnon. (Author)English1
For alting Brødre, falder nedAnonymous (Author)Norwegian2
For autumn's golden days, In loud thanksgiving raiseUnknown (Author)English2
For autumn's golden days, Joyous thanksgiving raiseUnknown (Author)English1
For balmy sunshine, for nourishing rainAnon. (Author)English1
For Canaan I've startedAnon. (Author)1
For flowers that bloom about our feetAnon. (Author)English4
For Folkene i Doedens NatAnonymous (Author)Norwegian2
For health and strength and daily foodAuthor unknown (Author)English3
For life and health and strengthAnonymous (Author)English1
For me to live is Christ; To die is endless gainAnon. (Author)English6
For me to live is Jesus, To die is gain for meAnonymous (Translator (st. 8))English5
For mercies past, we praise Thee, LordAnon. (Author)English4
For mother love and father careUnknown (Author)1
For my home and friends I thank TheeAnonymous (Author)English2
For the beauty of the earthAnon. (Author)English1
For the hay and the corn and the wheat that is reapedAnon. (Author)English1
For the longest dayAnonymous (Author)English2
For the mercies of the dayUnknown (Author)English2
For this new morning with its lightUnknown (Author)English1
For Thou over all Thy name, O LordAnonymous (Author)English1
For thy gracious blessingAnonymous (Author)English1
For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is givenUnknown (Author)English1
For what shall I praise Thee, my God and my King?Anonymous (Author)English3
Forever settled in the heavensAnonymous (Author)English1
Forever trusting in the LordAnonymous (Author)English1
Forgive me, God, for things I doAnonymous (Author (st. 3))1
Forgive us for Thy mercy's sakeAnonymous (Author)English1
Forsake me not, my God, Thou God of my salvationUnknown (Translator)English3
Fount of everlasting loveAnon. (Author)English1
Fountain of good, to own Thy loveand others (Author)English3
Fountain of grace, rich, full, and freeAnon. (Author)English2
Fountain of life, to all belowAnon. (Author)English1
Fountain of love, of peace, of joyAnon. (Author)English2
Fountain of mercy, God of loveAnon. (Author)English8
Fra Døde opstod den Herre KristAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian1
Frequent the day of God returnsAnonymous (Author)English1
Fret not thyself, nor envious be When wicked workers thou shalt seeAnonymous (Author)English2
Freude ist im Himmel! denn ein Sünder kehrtUnbekannt (Author)German1
Freuden fließen gleich dem StromeAnon. (Author)German1
Freudenvoll, freudenvoll walle ich fortUnbekannt (Author)German1
Freut euch des Herren allzumalUnbekannt (Author)German1
Friends of temperance, welcome hereAnon. (Author)English1
Fröhlich vereinet in herzlicher LiebeUnbekannt (Author)German1
From all that dwell below the skiesAnonymous (Author (st. 3))English17
From all that's mortal, all that's vainAnon. (Author)English1
From church to church the bells' glad tidings run:Anonymous (Author)English2
From days of early youth, O GodAnonymous (Author)English1
From earliest dawn of lifeAnon. (Author)4
From east the sun in splendor dressedAnon. (Translator)1
From every earthly pleasureAnon. (Author)English1
From every fear and doubt, O LordAnonymous (Author)3
From glory unto glory! Be this our joyous songAnonymous (Author)English3
From God the Father, virgin-bornAnonymous (Author)English1
From Jerusalem to Jericho, along that lonely roadAnonymous (Author)English2
From out the depths I cry to TheeAnonymous (Author)English1
From Salem's gates advancing slowAnon. (Author)English1
From the Bethlehem manger homeAnon. (Author)English1
From the depths do I invoke TheeAnonymous (Author)English1
From the depths my prayer ascendethAnonymous (Author)English1
From the earliest dawn of lifeUnknown (Author)1
From the first dawn of infant lifeAnon. (Author)English3
From the recesses of a lowly spiritAnon. (Author)English1
From the rising of the sun To the going down of the sameAnon. (Author)English4
From the table now retiringAnonymous (Author)English10
From thy broad Atlantic harborsAnon. (Author)English2
From Thy dear, pierced sideAnon. (Author)English1
From whence doth this union ariseAnon. (Author)English1
From whence this fear and unbeliefAnon. (Author)English1
From you I receive, to you I giveAnonymous (Author)English1
From Zion's sacred mountain seeAnon. (Author)English1
Fryd dig, du Kristi brudUkjendt (Author)Norwegian1
Fuego divino, clamamos a tíDesconocido (Author)Spanish6
Fuente de la salvacionAnonimo (Author)Spanish3
Fuente de la vida eternaAnonimo (Author)Spanish1
Gabriel's message does awayAnonymous (Author)English1
Gammachuun kan na fo’aa tee fayyisa koof waaqa kootiiAnonymous (Translator)Oromo2
Garai neni usiku hwasvikaAnonymous (Translator)Shona2
Gather around the Christmas tree! Gather around the Christmas tree!Unknown (Author)English1
Gather the cherished onesAnon. (Author)English1
Gather them in, gather them in, Gather the children [wanderers] inAnon. (Author)English1
Gau ixilla, gau doneaAnonymous (Translator)Basque2
Газар дэлхийгээр аялан дуулж явахад минь (Gazar delkhiigeer ayalan duulj yavakhad mini)Anonymous (Translator)Mongolian2
Gba t’a b’Oluwarin ninu ‘mole oro reAnonymous (Translator)Yoruba2
Gbemi, gbemi, Jesu (Lift me, lift me Jesus)Unknown (Author)English, Yoruba2
Gbo okan mi, bi angeli ti nkorinAnonymous (Translator)Yoruba2
歌頌無比大愛 (Gēsòng wúbǐ dà ài)Unknown (Translator)Chinese3
Gebt dem Heiland eure HerzenUnbekannt (Author)German1
Гэгээн Тэнгэрийн алдраас буун (Gegeen Tengeriin aldraas buun)Anonymous (Translator)Mongolian2
Gentle peace, from heaven descendedUnknown (Author)English3
Gentle stranger, fearless comeUnknown (Author)English1
Gentle Virgin MotherAnonymous (Author)2
Gently evening bendeth, over vale and hillAnon. (Author)English1
Gently, gently kneel and prayAnonymous (Author)English1
Gently, Lord, O gently lead us, Through this lonely vale of tearsAnon. (Author)English5
Gently, my Savior, let me downUnknown (Author)English1
Geöffnet steht für mich ein TorAnonymous (Translator)German1
그 어린 주 예수 눌 자리 없어Anonymous (Author (sts. 1, 2))Korean4
Gib mir die Hand, damit ich Dich nicht lasseAnonymous (Author)German2
기쁘다 구주 오셨네 만 백성 맞으라 (Gippeuda guju osyeossne man baegseong maj-eula)Anonymous (Translator)Korean2
Giữa giông tố, sóng biển kia bổ dồnAnonymous (Translator)Vietnamese2
Give as God hath given theeAnonymous (Author)English2
Give ear, O earth, give earUnknown (Author)1
Give forth thine earnest cryAnon. (Author)English1
Give me a heart like Thine, Give me a heart like ThineAnon. (Author)English4
Give me a heart of calm reposeAnon. (Author)English8
Give me a sober mindAnon. (Author)1
Give me joy in my heart, keep me praisingAuthor Unknown (Author)English3
Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burningAnon. (Author)English3
Give me oil in my lamp, oil in my lampUnknown (Author)English18
Give Me thy hand if thou would'st know the wayAnon. (Author)English1
Give peace to every heart.Anonymous (Author)English, Latin3
Give, said the little streamAnon. (Author)English5
Give thanks all Christian peopleAnonymous (Author)English2
Give thanks and praise to God aboveAnonymous (Author)English1
Give thanks for the corn and the wheat that are reapedAnonymous (Author)English2
Give thanks to God, for good is he: His love abides foreverAnonymous (Author)English1
Give thanks unto the Lord, JehovahAnonymous (Author)English4
Give to the Lord thine heartUnknown (Author)English2
Give to the winds thy fearsAnonymous (Author)English1
Give us room that we may dwellAnonymous (Author)English1
Glad Christmas bells, your music tellsAnonymous (Author)English2
Sweet hymns and songs will I reciteUnknown (Author)English2
Glad tidings, glad tidings, the Kingdom is nearAnon. (Author)English2
Glad we welcome every brotherAnon. (Author)1
Glaube einfach jeden Tag, glaube, ob's auch stürmen magAnon. (Author)German3
Gloire soit au Père (Glory be to the Father)Anonymous (Author)French2
Gloria a Dios nuestro CreadorAnónimo (Author)Spanish3
¡Gloria á Tí, Jesús Divino!Desconocido (Author)Spanish4
Gloria al Padre y al Hijo y el Santo Espíritu en unidadanónimo (Author)Spanish1
Gloria coma ken AmaAnonymous (Author)Tagalog3
Gloria demos al Padreanónimo, Siglo IV (Author)Spanish7
Gloria sea a CristoDesconocido (Author)Spanish2
Gloria sea al Padre, y al HijoAnónimo (Author)Spanish5
Gloria sea al Padre, Gloria al HijoAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Gloria y honor al Señor tributadAnonymous (Author (v. 2))Spanish2
Gloria y honor dad al nombre de DiosAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Gloriosos ángeles, alzadAnónimo (Translator)Spanish3
Glorious city, home unclouded*** (Author)English1
Glory be to God on high, God whose glory fills the skies (Anonymous)Anonymous (Author)English2
Glory be to God the Father! Glory be to God the Son!Anon. (Author)English1
Glory be to Jesus, Who in bitter painsAnon. (Author)English4
Glory be to the Father and to the SonAnon. (Author)English41
Glory, glory be to Jesus, Glory to His precious nameAnon. (Author)English6
Glory, glory everlasting be to Him who bore the crossAnonymous (Author)English1
Glory, hallelujah, I shall not be movedAnonymous (Author)English3
¡Gloria a Dios, gloria a Dios, gloria en los cielos! (Glory to God, glory to God, glory in the highest)Anon. (Author)Spanish2
Glory to God in the highest, and upon earth peaceAnonymous (Author)English2
Glory to God on high, And peace to all on earthAnonymous (Author)1
Glory to God on high! Forever bless his nameAnonymous (Author)1
Glory to God on high! Let heaven and earth replyAnonymous (Author)English4
Glory to God, who deigns to blessUnknown (Author)English3
Glory to the blessed Jesus!Anonymous (Author)English10
Go and reap! the world's great harvestAnonymous (Author)English2
Go and tell Jesus, weary, sin-sick soulAnon. (Author)English2
Go, bring me [them], said the dying fairAnon. (Author)English1
Go bury thy sorrowAnon. (Author)English6
Go forth to the mount, bring the olive branch homeAnonymous (Author)3
Go forth, ye heralds, in My NameAnon. (Author)English2
Go in peace!--serene dismissionAnonymous (Author)4
Go on ye pilgrims, while belowUnknown (Author)English2
Go preach the gospel, Jesus cries [cried]Anonymous (Author)1
Go, spirit of the sainted deadUnknown (Author)English2
Go teach the nations, and baptizeAnon. (Author)English1
Go thou, in life's fair morningAnon. (Author)English3
Go, thou messenger of heavenAnon. (Author)English3
Go to sleep, my dollyAnonymous (Author)English2
Go to the pillow of diseaseAnon. (Author)2
Go to thy rest in peace, And soft be thy reposeAnon. (Author)English2
Go watch and pray, thou canst not tellAnon. (Author)English1
Go, when the morning shinethAnon. (Author)English3
Go with Thy servant, LordAnonymous (Author)English3
Go, work in my vineyard, there's plenty to doAnon. (Author)English3
Go, ye messengers of God*** (Author)English2
God be in my head, and in my understandingAnon. (Author)English4
God, be merciful to me, On Thy grace I rest my pleaAnon. (Author)English3
God be with thee, Gently o'er theeAnon. (Author)English1
God be with you till we meet againAnon. (Author)English1
God bless our native land! Firm may she ever standAnonymous (Author)English5
God bless our native land, May heaven's protecting handUnknown (Author)English2
God bless to us our breadAnonymous (Author)English, French, Spanish1
God can see me every dayAnon. (Author)English2
God cares for every little childAnon. (Author)English1
God eternal, Lord of allAnonymous (Author)English3
God eternal, mighty KingAnonymous (Author)English5
God forbid that I should glory Save in Christ the crucifiedAnon. (Author)English1
God grant a blessing on this landAnon. (Author)1
Elolo nye Mawu elolo nguto (God loves me, for my God is love, divine love)Anon. (Author (Verse 1))English, Ewe1
God guards the good with watchful eyesAnonymous (Author)English1
God has blotted them out, I'm happy and glad and freeAnon. (Author)English9
God has His best things for the fewAnon. (Author)English1
God has said: "For ever blessed"Unknown (Author)English13
He is the source of all my joyUnknown (Author)English1
God hath sent His angels to the earth againAnon. (Author)English2
God is always near me, Hearing what I sayUnknown (Author)English1
God is born, great powers trembleAnonymous (Translator)English2
God is building a houseAnonymous (Author)English2
God is great, and God is good, And we thank Him for our foodAnonymous (Author)English3
God is in his holy temple, All the earth, keep silence here!Anon. (Author)English6
God is in His holy temple, Earthly thoughts be silent nowAnon. (Author)English15
God is in His holy temple, Thoughts of earth, be silent nowAnon. (Author)English3
God is king forever, let the nations trembleAnonymous (Author)English1
God is known among His peopleAnonymous (Author)English1
God is my perfect lifeAnonymous (Author)English2
God is near thee, Therefore cheer theeAnon. (Author)English2
God is our refuge and our strength, In straits a present aidAnon. (Author)English2
God is our refuge and our strength, Our ever present aid (Presbyterian Church USA)Anonymous (Author)English1
God is our refuge, steadfast and unshakenAnon. (Author)English2
God is pure and holyUnknown (Author)English2
God is so good, God is so goodAnonymous (Author)English7
God is the fountain whence Ten thousand blessings flowUnknown (Author)English7
God loved the world so that He gaveUnknown (Author)English5
God loveth the righteous, His goodness is sureAnonymous (Author)English1
God made the birds and flowersAnonymous (Author)English3
God moves in a mysterious wayAnonymous (Translator)English1
God needs so many helpersAnonymous (Author)English1
God never would send you the darknessUnknown (Author)English1
God of all grace, Thy mercy sendAnonymous (Author)English1
God of almighty loveAnonymous (Author)English1
God of almighty power, How glorious are thy waysAnon. (Author)English3
God of eternal love, Our Father and our friendAnonymous (Author)English1
God of every land and nationAnon. (Author)English1
God of love, before Thee nowAnon. (Author)English1
God of mercy and compassion, Look with pity upon meUnknown (Author)English3
God of mercy, hear our prayerAnonymous (Author)English1
God of my heart, Its earliest loveAnon. (Author)English1
God of my life, Thy boundless graceUnknown (Author)English3
God of my life, to Thee belongAnon. (Author)English2
God of my life, to Thee I callUnknown (Author (st. 6))English1
God of my life, whose gracious powerAnonymous (Author)English1
God of my salvation, hearAnon. (Author)English2
God of our boyhood, whom we yieldAnonymous (Author)English8
God of our fathers, by Whose handAnonymous (Author)English2
God of our fathers 'tis thy handAnonymous (Author)3
God of our lives, Thy various praiseAnon. (Author)English1
God of our salvation, Unto Thee we prayUnknown (Author)English3
God of our youth, to whom we yieldAnonymous (Author)English1
God of the earth, the sky, the seaAnon. (Author)English1
God of the prophets' powerAnon. (Author)English3
God of the universe to TheeAnon. (Author)English4
God of the year, with songs of praiseAnonymous (Author)English1
God, our Father, made the nightUnknown (Author)English1
God, our loving Father, I'm glad as I can beUnknown (Author)English1
God rest ye merry, gentlemen, let nothing you dismayAnon. (Author)English2
God save our gracious king [queen]Anonymous (Author)English37
God saved His people from distressAnonymous (Author)English1
God sent His Son to dieUnknown (Author)English1
God the Father, be our StayUnknown (Author)English2
God, the Father, bless usUnknown (Author)English1
God the Father, God the Son, God the Spirit, Three in One (Pollock)Anonymous (Author)English1
God the Father, God the WordAnonymous (Author)English3
God the Father, seen of noneAnon (Author)English2
God the Father, whose creationAnon. (Author)English1
God, who omniscient artAnonymous (Author)English1
God will our strength and refuge prove, In all distress a present aidAnonymous (Author)English1
God with us, O glorious name, Let it shine in endless fameAnon. (Author)English1
God, you will show us the path of lifeAnonymous (Author)2
Gode Gud, se til enhverAnonymous (Author)Norwegian3
God's free mercy streamethAnon. (Author)English1
God's holy law transgressedAnon. (Author)English1
God's law demands one living faithAnon. (Author)English1
God's love is as high as the heavensAnonymous (Author)English3
God's not dead; (No!) he is aliveUnknown (Author)English3
God's perfect law converts the soul, Reclaims from false desiresAnon. (Author)English1
God's smile is on the watersAnon. (Author)English1
God's trumpet wakes the slumbering worldAnon. (Author)English2
Going down to the grave in the darkness of nightAnon. (Author)English3
Going down to the grave, with no hope in thy heartUnknown (Author)English1
Gonkumaa abdii hinkutatin gooftaan si gargaaraaAnonymous (Translator)Oromo2
Good Christian friends, rejoiceAnonymous (Author)English1
Good deeds are golden treasuresAnon. (Author)English1
Good morning, brother pilgrim, What, bound for Canaan's coast?Anon. (Author)English2
Good news from heaven, good news for theeAnonymous (Author)English1
Good tidings, good tidings, ring out, O Christmas bellsAnon. (Author)English1
Goofta jalatti ni baqannaa da’oo keenyaa rakkinattiUnknown (Translator)Oromo2
Господь, мой Спаситель, Тебя я молю (Gospod', moy Spasitel', Tebya ya molyu)Anonymous (Translator)Russian2
Gott, welch ein [welcher] Kampf in meiner SeeleUnbekannt (Author)German1
Gottlob, die Krankheit ist bezwungenUnbekannt (Author)German1
고요한 밤 거룩한 밤 어둠에 묻힌 밤 (Goyohan bam geolughan bam eodum-e mudhin bam)Unknown (Translator)Korean2
¡Gozo al mundo! el SeñorAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Gozo del mundo es el SeñorAnónimo (Translator)Spanish4
Gozo la santa Palabra al leerDesconcido (Translator)Spanish1
Gozo me da la Palabra leerAnonymous (Translator)Spanish1
Grace and truth shall mark the wayAnonymous (Author)English1
Grace, when the sun is shining, LordAnonymous (Author)English3
Gracia admirable del Dios de amorDesconocido (Translator)Spanish1
Gracias damos, Señor, por el panAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Gracias por el amor del cieloAnonymous (Author)Spanish6
Gracias quiero darte por amarme (Thank you, God most holy)Anonymous (Translator (Spanish))English, Spanish2
Gracias sean dadas al buen SalvadorDesconocido (Author)Spanish5
Gracious Father, guard Thy childrenAnon. (Author)English5
Gracious Father, hear our prayer, While the shades are stealingUnknown (Author)English2
Gracious Father, hear our prayer, Leave us not, lest we despairAnon. (Author)English1
Gracious Father, lend thine earAnon. (Author)1
Gracious God, my heart renewAnonymous (Author)English1
Gracious God, our heavenly Father, meet and bless our school, we prayAnon. (Author)English4
Gracious God, send down Thy SpiritAnonymous (English Words)English4
Gracious Lord, remember DavidAnonymous (Author)English1
Gracious Savior, can it beAnon. (Author)English2
Gracious Savior, Thou hast drawn meAnon. (Author)English1
Gracious Savior, we adore theeAnon. (Author)English1
Gracious Shepherd, loving SaviorUnknown (Author)English1
Gracious Source of every blessingAnonymous (Author)1
Gran gozo hay en mi alma hoyAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Grande gozo hay en mi alma hoy, Pues Jesús conmigo estáAnónimo (Translator)Spanish7
Grander than [the] ocean's storyAnon. (Author)English1
Grandes y maravillosas son tus obrasAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Grant us, God, the grace of givingAnonymous (Author)2
Grant us, Lord, the grace of givinganonymous (Author)English1
O grant us light, that we may knowAnon. (Author)English1
Grant us Thy peace, that like a deepening riverAnon. (Author)English1
Grata certeza, ¡soy de Jesús!Anonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Grateful hearts and cheerful voicesAnon. (Author)1
Grateful notes and numbers bringAnonymous (Author)1
Great and glorious Father, humbly we adore theeAnon. (Author)1
Great and so wonderful are all your workingsDesconcido (Author)English2
Great Author of the immortal mindAnonymous (Author)English1
Great Author of the world, I bowAnon. (Author)2
Great Giver of all good, teach us to give like TheeAnonymous (Author)English2
Great Giver of all good, to Thee our thanks we yieldAnon. (Author)English3
Great Giver of all good, to Thee againAnon. (Author)English1
Great God, and wilt Thou condescendAnonymous (Author)English3
Great God, as seasons disappearAnonymous (Author)English2
Great God, at Thy commandAnonymous (Author)English3
Great God, at whose all-powerful callAnon. (Author)9
Great God, before thy throne we bowAnonymous (Author)1
Great God, how infinite art Thou! What worthless worms are weAnon. (Author)English1
Great God of nations, now to Thee Our hymn of gratitude we raiseUnknown (Author)English15
Great God, my [our] Father and my [our] FriendUnknown (Author)English1
Great God, our voice to thee we raiseAnonymous (Author)1
Great God, thou art a vast abyssAnon. (Author)1
Great God, to whom alone belongAnon. (Author)English1
Great God, we sing that mighty handAnon. (Author)English1
Great God, we would to thee make knownAnon. (Author)1
Great God, wert thou extreme to markAnonymous (Author)1
Great God, what do I see and hear!Anon. (Author (st. 1))English17
Great God, when I approach Thy throneAnon. (Author)English6
Great God, who hast delivered usUnknown (Author)English1
Great God, whose hand outpours the rillsAnon. (Author)English3
Great God, whose universal swayAnon. (Author)English1
Great God, with wonder and with praiseAnonymous (Author)English6
Great is he who's the King of kingsAnonymous (Author)English2
Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised (Chant)Unknown (Author)English1
Great Jehovah! God of nations!Anonymous (Author)English1
Great Jehovah, we adore TheeUnknown (Author)English2
Great King of saints, enthroned on highUnknown (Author)English1
Great One in Three, great Three in OneAnon. (Author)English2
Great Redeemer, Friend of sinnersAnon. (Author)English2
Great Ruler of the earth and skiesAnon. (Author)English1
Great Savior, who didst condescendAnon. (Author)English2
Great Shepherd of the sheep, Who all Thy flock doth keepAnon. (Author)English4
Great Shepherd of Thy sheepUnknown (Author)English2
Great Shepherd who leadest Thy people in loveAnonymous (Author)English1
Great Source of life and lightUnknown (Author)English3
Great Sovereign of the earth and skyAnonymous (Author)1
Greatest of beings, source of lifeAnonymous (Author)1
Грех победить, о, желаешь ли ты? (Grekh pobedit', o, zhelayesh' li ty)Anonymous (Translator)Russain2
Grows dark thy path before theeAnonymous (Author)2
Grundstein, der von Gott erwähletUnbekannt (Author)German1
古代人們心喜樂 (Gǔdài rénmen xīn xǐlè)Anonymous (Translator)Chinese2
Guard, my child, thy tongueAnon. (Author)English4
Gud är vår starkhet och vårt stödAnonymous (Translator)Swedish1
Gud, dit Folk du vækkeAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian3
Gud Faders Søn enbaarneUkjende (Translator)Norwegian4
Gud, som mig i kärlek kändeAnonymous (Author)Swedish1
Guddomsstraale, HimmellueUkj. (Author)Norwegian2
Guía a ti, SeñorAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Guíame, DiosAnónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish4
Guide me, O Thou great JehovahAnonymous (Translator (Spanish))English1
Guide us, Lord, a pilgrim bandAnon. (Author)English3
Guide us, Lord, while hand in handAnon. (Author)English1
Gushing so bright in the morning lightAnon. (Author)English5
哈利路亞,哈利路亞 (Hā lì lù yà, hā lì lù yà)Anonymous (Author)Chinese1
Ha pasado el díaDesconocido (Translator)Spanish3
Habla a tu Dios de mañanaAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Hablando con Jesús todo está bienAnonymous (Author)Spanish1
Hablando con Jesús, todo está muy bien; Hablando con Jesús, todo está muy bienAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Hacia Belén se encaminanAnonymous (Author)Spanish3
Had I ten thousand gifts besideAnon. (Author)English1
Had not the Lord been Israel's helpAnonymous (Author)English1
Hahoo Ma'heo'ȯ, Hahoo Ma'heo'ȯ, Hahoo Hahoo Ma'heo'ȯ, EsenehaneAnonymous (Author)Cheyenne2
Hail, all hail the joyful mornAnonymous (Author)English2
Hail, gladdening Light, of His pure glory pouredAnonymous (Author)English3
Hail, great Creator, wise and goodAnon. (Author)English9
Hail happy morn, thrice happy weAnonymous (Author)English2
Hail, holy Queen enthroned aboveAnon. (Translator)English2
Hail! Jesus Christ, blessed for ayeAnon. (Author)English3
Hail, O star that pointestAnonymous (Author)English2
Hail, our Brotherhood foundationAnon. (Author)English4
Hail, peaceful hour, supremely blestAnonymous (Author)2
Hail, peaceful morn, thy dawn I hailAnon. (Author)1
Hail, sacred truth, whose piercing raysAnon. (Author)English1
Hail the cross of JesusAnon. (Author)English1
Hail the day so rich in cheerUnknown, 15th century (Author)English2
Hail the day that sees Him riseAnon. (Author)English3
Hail the God of our salvationAnonymous (Author)English2
Hail the gospel jubileeAnon. (Author)English2
Hail the night, all hail the mornAnon. (Author)English2
Hail, thou glorious Easter morningAnon. (Author)English5
Hail, thou happy morn, so gloriousAnon. (Author)2
Hail, Thou once-despised Jesus!and others (Author)English2
Hail to Thee, our risen KingAnon. (Author)English3
Hail, true Body, born of MaryAnonymous (Author)English1
Hail, ye days of solemn meetingAnon. (Author)1
Hail! ye sighing sons of sorrowAnonymous (Author)English2
Haleliwia! mawl i Dduw (Alleluia to our God)Anonymous (Author)English, Welsh2
Halelu', halelu'Anonymous (Author)Hawaiian2
Hallé un buen amigoAnónimo (Translator)Spanish1
Hallelu! Hallelu! Hallelu! Hallelujah! Praise ye the Lord!Unknown (Author)English7
Alleluia, song of gladness, Song of everlasting joyAnon. (Author)English11
Alleluia, best and sweetestUnknown (Author)English1
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! In His temple God be praisedAnonymous (Author)English2
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah … He is coming soonAnonymous (Author)English, German2
Hallelujah, hallelujah, let the hymn of glory ringAnonymous (Author)English4
Hallelujah, I'm walking with the KingAnonymous (Author)English2
Hallelujah, let praises ringUnknown (Author)English3
Hallelujah, Lord, our voicesAnon. (Author)2
Hallelujah, praise Jehovah, From the heavens praise His nameU. (Arranger)English1
Hallelujah, praise Jehovah, O my soul, Jehovah praise; I will sing the glorious praises (UP/PCUSA)Anonymous (Author)English1
Hallelujah! raise the song, "Jesus Christ is risen"Anonymous (Author)English3
Hallowed Gethsemane, Once the Savior knelt in theeAnon. (Author)1
Han leder mig! Hvad himmelsk tröstUnknown (Translator)Swedish2
Lovely star in the skyUnknown (Translator (into Korean))English, Korean1
Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to youAnonymous (Author)English3
Happy little birdie, singing in the tree*** (Author)English1
Happy now, happy nowAnonymous (Author)English2
Happy the home when God is there, And love fills every breastUnknown (Author)English16
Happy the man who finds the graceAnonymous (Author)English1
Happy the man, whose generous heartAnon. (Author)1
Happy the spirit released from its clayAnon. (Author)English1
Hardened sinner boast no moreUnknown (Author)English2
Hark! a thrilling voice is soundingAnon. (Author)English5
Hark! a voice from heaven From the Holy One*** (Author)English2
Hark! a voice from heaven proclaiming, Comfort to the mourning slaveAnon. (Author)English1
Hark! for 'tis God's own Son that callsAnon. (Author)English1
Hark! hark! hear the blest [glad] tidingsAnon. (Author)English3
Hark! hark the voice of praiseAnon. (Author)English3
Hark! hark, what sounds are these so pleasingAnon. (Author)3
Hark! hear the sound on earth is foundAnonymous (Author)English1
Hark! how the choral songs of heavenAnon. (Author)English2
Hark, how the gospel trumpet charms!Anonymous (Author)1
Hark! how the gospel trumpet sounds, Christ and free grace therein aboundsAnon. (Author)English1
Oft I hear hope sweetly singing, Softly in an undertoneAnonymous (Alterer)English3
Hark! it is the Savior calling Little children, follow meAnon. (Author)English1
Hark, listen to the trumpeters They call for volunteersAnon. (Author)English2
Hark, sinner, while God from on high doth entreat theeAnon. (Author)English2
Hark, the archangel's trump is soundingAnon. (Author)1
Hark, the distant isles proclaimAnon. (Author)English1
Hark, the herald angels say, Christ the Lord is risen todayAnon. (Author)2
Hark! the herald angels sing Glory to the new-born KingAnonymous (Author)English4
Hark the herald angels sing, Jesus the light of the worldAnon. (Translator)English1
Hark, the lark is singingAnon. (Author)English2
Hark, the merry, merry bellsAnonymous (Author)English1
Hark, the Sabbath bells are ringing Let us haste without delayAnon. (Author)1
Hark, the Savior's voice from heavenAnon. (Author)English2
Hark! the song of jubileeAnon. (Author)English1
Hark, the sound of angel voicesAnon. (Author)English6
Hark! the sound of holy voices, Chanting over the crystal seaAnon. (Author)English2
Hark, the sounds melodiousAnonymous (Author)1
Hark, the swelling breezes, rising from afarUnknown (Author)English1
Hark! the trumpet, earth’s four regionsAnonymous (Author)English2
Hark! the voice of Jesus crying, "Who will go and work today?"Unknown (Autnor (st. 3))English5
Hark! the voice of love and mercyAnonymous (Author)English3
Hark! the voices loudly callingAnon. (Author)English2
Hark, the wail, the voice of anguishAnon. (Author)1
Hark, through the waking earthAnonymous (Author)English2
Hark! 'tis our heavenly Leader's voice, From the bright realms aboveAnonymous (Author)English1
Hark 'tis the trumpet's sound!Anonymous (Author)English2
Hark, 'tis the watchman's cryAnon. (Author)English24
Hark, what celestial notesAnon. (Author)English2
Hark, what music fills the skyAnon. (Author)English2
Hark, what sounds are sweetly stealingAnonymous (Author)English1
Harre, meine Seele, harre des HerrnUnbekannt (Author)German1
Harvest fields with golden glow [gold aglow]Anon. (Author)English2
Has corrido tras un arco irisAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
¿Has hallado en Cristo tu buen Salvador?Desconocido (Author)Spanish1
¿Has tratado de llevar tu carga?Anónimo (Author)Spanish1
Hast du mich lieb? Simon Johanna, höreAnon. (Author)German3
Hast du, o Seele, dir Jesus als Heiland erkorenUnbekannt (Author)German2
Hast thou heard Him, seen Him, known Him?Anon. (Author)English1
Hast thou just begun to prayAnon. (Author)English1
Hast thou within a care so deepUnknown (Author)English3
Haste, my dull soul, ariseAnon. (Author)English1
Now is the time approachingAnonymous (Author)English1
Hath not thy heart within thee burnedAnonymous (Author)English1
Have mercy on me, O my GodUnknown (Author)English2
Have ye looked for my sheep in the desert, For those who have missed their wayUnknown (Author)English2
Have you any room for Jesus, He who bore your load of sin?Unknown (Author)English2
Have you heard about the stoneAnonymous (Author)English2
Have you heard, have you heard of that sunbright clime?Anon. (Author)English1
Hay momentos Que las palabras no me alcanzanDesconocido (Author)Spanish5
Hay un feliz Edén lejos de aquíAnónimo (Author)Spanish4
Hay un lirio que habita en los vallesAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Hay un lugar do quiero estarAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Hay un precioso manantialAnónimo (Translator)Spanish1
Hay una fuente de amor divinoUnknown (Author)Spanish3
Hay una fuente sin igual Anónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish3
Hay una senda que el mundo no conoceDesconocido (Author)Spanish1
Haz tú lo justoAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Hazme un instrumento de tu pazAnonymous (Translator (Spanish))Spanish4
Hazme un instrumento de tu paz, Donde haya odio lleve tu amorAnonymous (Translator)Spanish1
He came in weakness, comes in powerAnonymous (Author)English2
He decidido, seguir a CristoAnónimo (Tr., estrofa 1)Spanish12
He decidido seguir a Cristo (M. C. B.)Anonymous (Author)Spanish2
何等奇妙救主是耶穌我主 (Héděng qímiào jiù zhǔ shì yēsū wǒ zhǔ)Anonymous (Translator)Chinese2
He gives me salvation, how good is the LordAnonymous (Author)English2
He has done marvelous, He has done marvelous thingsUnknown (Author)English3
He is coming, coming for usUnknown (Author)English3
He is Lord, he is LordAnonymous (Author)English19
He is not a disappointment! Jesus is far more to meAnon. (Author)English5
He is the King of Kings, He is the Lord of LordsUnknown (Author)English1
He knows the bitter, weary wayAnon. (Author)English21
He leadeth me, He leadeth me, And so I need not seek my own wild wayUnknown (Author)English1
He leadeth me: O blessed thought!Anon. (Author)English3
He lies mid the beasts of the stallAnonymous (Author)English3
He may be great who proudly rearsAnon. (Author)English1
He must reign, who won the rightAnon. (Author)English1
He paid a debt He did not oweAnonymous (Author)English3
He sendeth sun, He sendeth showerAnon. (Author)English1
He smiled as He stretched out His arms in glad welcomeAnon. (Author)English1
He stood in the midst of His chosenAnonymous (Author)English1
He that breaketh bread in the kingdomAnonymous (Author)English2
He took my feet from the miry clayAnonymous (Author)English1
He visto el fúlgido rayo, Y oído el trueno rugirDescon. (Author)Spanish2
He walks with God who speaks to God in prayerAnon. (Author)English1
He was dying for meAnonymous (Author)English2
He waters the hills with rains from the skiesAnonymous (Author)English1
He who himself and God would knowAnon. (Author)English1
He who thanks but with his lipsAnonymous (Author)English2
He, whose confession God of old acceptedAnonymous (Author)English1
He will come, perhaps, at morningUnknown (Author)English2
Hear, Father, hear our prayerAnonymous (Author)English2
Hear, Lord, the voice of my complaintAnonymous (Author)English1
Hear me, blessed Jesus, Bid all fear [fears] departAnonymous (Author)English1
Hear, O Father, Hear, dear SaviorAnonymous (Author)English2
Hear, O Jesus! Israel's Shepherd, hear usAnon. (Author)English2
Hear our prayer, O Lord, Hear our prayer, O Lord, Incline Thine ear to usAnonymous (Author)English6
Hear the glorious proclamationAnon. (Author)1
Hear the pennies droppingUnknown (Author)English1
Hear the royal proclamationAnon. (Author)English1
Hear the royal summonsAnon. (Author)English1
Hear the temperance call, Freemen one and allAnon. (Author)English3
Hear this all ye people, hearAnonymous (Author)English1
Hear those soothing sounds ascendingUnknown (Author)English2
Hear us, heavenly Father, Thou whose gentle careAnon. (Author)English28
Hear us, our Father! we know Thou wilt hear usAnon. (Author)English12
Hear what glorious song of angelsAnonymous (Author)English2
Hear you not the railroad whistle, lo, the gospel train is nearAnon. (Author)English1
Hear your country's call, freemen, one and allUnknown (Author)English6
Hearken all, what holy singingAnonymous (Author)English4
Hearts are wanted, hearts for JesusAnon. (Author)English1
Hearts, like doors, unlockUnknown (Author)1
Hearts like doors will open with easeAnonymous (Author)2
Heaven is the land where troubles ceaseAnon. (Author)English2
Heaven opened to Isaiah, showing him God's gloriousAnon. (Author)English1
Heavenly Father, grant Thy blessing On the teaching of this dayAnon. (Author)English3
Heavenly Father, hear my prayer. Day and night I'm in Thy careAnonymous (Author)English2
Heavenly Father let Thy light break upon our blinded sightAnon. (Author)English4
Heavenly Father! Sovereign Lord! Be Thy glorious name adored!Anon. (Author)English6
Heavenly Father, sovereign Lord, ever faithful to Thy wordAnonymous (Author)English1
Heavenly Father, we appreciate YouAnonymous (Author)2
Heavenly Shepherd, true and holyAnon. (Author)English1
Heavenly Spirit, may each heart through these sacredAnon. (Author)1
Heavenly Father, bless me nowAnon (Author)English1
Heavenly Father teach the wayAnon. (Author)English1
Heavenly Father we implore TheeAnon. (Author)English2
Heavy clouds are gathering fastAnon. (Author)English1
Heavy laden, sick with sinAnonymous (Alterer)1
Heed not the tempter's siren voiceAnonymous (Author)2
Heil mir, mein Heiland lebetUnbekannt (Author)German1
Heiland, wir bringen Dir** (Author)German2
Heil'ge Weihnacht, Fest der KinderUnbekannt (Author)German2
Heir of the Kingdom, O, why dost thou slumberAnon. (Author)English7
Heirs of salvation, chosen of GodAnon. (Author)English1
Heirs of unending lifeAnon. (Author)English9
Help us to feel for drunken manAnon. (Author)1
Hemos de triunfarAnonymous (Translator)Spanish3
Hen afon yr IorddonenAnonymous (Author)Welsh3
Herbei, o ihr Gläubigen, fröhlich triumphieretUnbekannt (Author)German1
Here am I, Lord, Thou callest meUnbekanntes (Author)English1
Here at the water's brink we StandAnonymous (Author)English1
Here in Christ we gather, love of Christ our callingAnonymous (Author)English1
Here, in this place of prayerAnonymous (Author)2
Here, in Thy name, eternal GodAnon. (Author)English1
Here in thy presence, gracious GodAnonymous (Author)1
Here let us see thy face, O LordAnon. (Author)2
Here, Lord of life and light, to TheeUnknown (Author)English1
Here, O my God, I cast me at Thy feetAnonymous (Author)English4
Here, O my God, low at Thy feet I bend meAnonymous (Author)English2
Here over the earth as a stranger I roamAnon. (Author)English1
Here on earth, where foes surround usUnknown (Author)English4
Here, Savior, we would comeAnonymous (Author)English2
Here we come a-wassailing [a-caroling]Anonymous (Author)English1
Here we meet with joy togetherAnonymous (Author)English1
Here's a hand to the fellow with courageAnon. (Author)1
Here's my heart, my loving JesusAnonymous (Author)English2
Hermoso Salvador, Creador de todo (Simmonds)No conosido (Author)Spanish1
Herr, deine Kirche danket dirAnonymous (Author)German1
Herr, danke EvangelistenUnbekannt (Author)German1
Herr, dir sei Preis, du bist herabgekommenUnbekannt (Author)German2
Herr, Du weißt, dass ich Dich liebeUnbekannt (Author)German1
Herr Gott, Allmächtiger, König der Heil'genUnbekannt (Author)German1
Herr, hilf mir, stets gewissenhaftUnbekannt (Author)German1
Herr Jesu, deine KreuzgemeindeUnbekannt (Author)German1
Herr Jesu, du regierst zu deines Vaters RechtenUnbekannt (Author)German1
Herr, lenke unsre HerzenUnbekannt (Author)German1
Herr, unser Gott, dich loben wir, Mit lautem Preis und DankUnbekannt (Author)German1
Herr, wir gehen zu dem EssenUnbekannt (Author)German1
Herre, jeg hjertelig ønsker at fremme din ÆreAnonymous (Author)Norwegian1
Herre, mägtig att befallaAnonymous (Author)Swedish1
He's a Friend of mine, He's a Friend of mineUnknown (Author)English1
He's come! let every knee be bentUnknown (Author)English1
He's coming back againAnonymous (Author)English2
He's got the whole world in His handsAnon (Author)English4
He's here! Jesus Christ is here!Anonymous (Author)3
He's the one I love in the morningUnknown (Author)English2
Heute, so ihr Gottes Stimme hört, so merket doch daraufUnbekannt (Author)German2
Hier hat der Herr das Haus gebautUnbekannt (Author)German1
Hier steh' ich an den GrenzenUnbekannt (Author)German1
High in yonder realms of lightAnon. (Author)English1
High Word of God, who once didst comeAnonymous (Author)English1
Higher, higher, higher,higherAnonymous (Author)English5
Hijo del reino, ¿por qué estás durmiendoAnónimo (Author)Spanish4
Hilf, Herr, und lass gelingenUnbekannt (Author)German1
Him eye to eye we there shall seeUnknown (Author)English1
Hiru sandawa tharu mal bara liya thuru (Sun and moon and stars above, the flowers and the fruits that grow)Anonymous (Author)English, Sinhala2
His are the thousand sparkling rillsUnknown (Author)English2
His flock our Shepherd feedsUnknown (Author)1
His grace is like a riverAnonymous (Author)English2
His name above all other namesAnon. (Author)English1
His name is higher Than any otherAnon. (Author)English4
His Name is Jesus, JesusAnonymous (Author)2
His saints shall live, and to the KingAnonymous (Author)English1
His wide dominion shall extendAnonymous (Author)English1
Hither, ye faithful, haste with songs of triumphAnon. (Author)English4
Hjælp Gud, at jeg nu kundeAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian3
Hjelp, Gud! de trogna äro fåAnonymous (Translator)Swedish1
Hlengiwe—Limnandi lelizwiUnknown (Paraphraser)Ndebele1
Ho anĝeloj, la Sinjoron adoradu en ĉiel'Anonima (Author)Esperanto9
Ho, ho, ho, hosannaAnonymous (Author)2
Ho, idlers in the vineyardAnon. (Author)1
Ho Jesuo, Ĉu mi diru, kion mi sentas?Anonymous (Author)Esperanto2
Ho paŝtistoj ĉi, kion vidis vi?Anonymous (Translator)Esperanto2
Ho reapers of Life's harvest, Why stand with rusted bladeAnon. (Author)English2
Ho Sankta Kap', kronitaDiversaj (Translator)1
Ho sankta nokto!Diversaj (Other translators into English)1
Ho venu vi, Imanuel'!Anonymous (Author)Esperanto3
Ho ye that thirst approach the spring Where living waters flowAnon. (Author)English1
Hodiaŭ, jen naskiĝis infano de renom'Anonima (Author)Esperanto2
Hogar de mis recuerdos a ti volver anheloAnónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish3
Hold up thy light o child of grace be not afraid to let it shineAnon. (Author)1
Holy and reverend is the nameAnonymous (Author)English3
Holy as Thou, O Lord, is none!Anonymous (Author)English1
Holy Bible, book divine, Precious treasure, thou art mineAnon. (Author)English7
Holy Bible, well I love theeUnknown (Author)English1
Holy Father, heavenly KingAnon. (Author)English1
Holy Father, Holy Son, Holy Spirit, Three in OneAnon. (Author)English3
Holy Father, send thy blessingUnknown (Author)English8
Blessed Savior [Holy Father], who hast taught meAnon. (Author)English22
Holy Father, we adore Thee, and all honor to Thee giveAnon. (Author)English2
Holy Ghost, Comforter, Spirit of love divineAnon. (Author)English7
Holy Ghost, dispel our sadnessAnon. (Author)English2
Holy Ghost! my Comforter!Anonymous (Translator)English3
Holy Ghost, Thou source of lightAnon. (Author)English1
Holy God, my Maker, I belong to TheeAnon. (Author)English1
Holy God, we praise Thy NameAnon. (Author)English3
Holy, holy, holy, Holy is the Lord; Heaven and earth are praising TheeUnknown (Author)English2
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord; Holy is the Lord God almighty!Anonymous (Author)English, Korean5
Holy, holy, holy Lord! Be thy glorious name adoredAnon. (Author)English4
Holy, holy, holy, Lord, In the highest heavens adoredAnon. (Author)English1
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to comeAnonymous (Author)English1
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of hosts, Heaven and earth are full of Thy gloryAnon. (Author)English1
Holy is the seed time, when the buried grainAnon. (Author)English1
Holy Jesus, by Thy passionAnon. (Author)English1
Holy Lord, Holy Lord, Holy and Almighty LordAnon. (Author)English3
Holy night, peaceful nightUnknown (Author)English2
Holy patron, thee salutingAnonymous (Author)English2
Holy [Holiest] Source of consolationAnon. (Author)English6
Holy Spirit, come and shineAnonymous (Author)English1
Holy Spirit, faithful Guide, Ever near the Christian's sideAnon. (Author)English8
Holy Spirit, fill our heartsAnonymous (Author)3
Holy Spirit, font of lightAnonymous (Author)1
Holy Spirit, gift bestowerUnknown (Author)English2
Holy Spirit, hear us, On this Sabbath dayUnknown (Author)English1
Holy Ghost, with light divineAnon. (Author)English1
Holy Spirit, Lord of light, From Thy clear celestial height (Caswall)Anon. (Author)English2
Holy Spirit, once againAnon. (Author)English1
Holy Spirit, Source of gladness! Come with all thy radiance brightAnon. (Author)English6
Holy Spirit, Source of gladness, shine amid the clouds of nightAnonymous (Author)4
Holy Spirit, Truth divine, Dawn upon this soul of mineAnon. (Author)English1
Home, home, beameth before usAnon. (Author)English1
Хоньчины дуугаа сонсогтун (Khonichiny duugaa sonsogtun)Anonymous (Translator)Mongolian2
Honor and glory, power and salvationAnonymous (Author)English1
Honor and glory, thanksgiving and praiseAnonymous (Author)English1
Ho'ola naniAnonymous (Author)Hawaiian2
Hör ditt Sions bittra klaganAnonymous (Author)Swedish1
Hört es, liebe ZionskinderUnbekannt (Author)German1
Hört, es tönt ein Lied des FriedensAnon. (Author)German1
Hosanna be our cheerful songAnon. (Author)English1
Hosanna be the children's songAnon. (Author)English3
¡Hosanna, hosanna al Hijo de David! (Hosanna, hosanna to royal David's Son)Anonymous (Author)English, Spanish2
¡Hosanna! ¡Hosanna! ¡Hosanna! En cielo y tierra es del Señor la gloria y potestadAnónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish5
Hosanna to Jesus, I'm filled with His praiseAnon. (Author)English2
Hosanna to Jesus on high, Another has entered his restUnknown (Author)English2
How blest are they who always keepAnon. (Author)English1
How blest are they who striveAnon. (Author)English3
How blest is he whose tranquil mindAnonymous (Author)8
How blest is he whose trespass Has freely been forgivenAnonymous (Author)English1
How blest is life if lived for TheeAnonymous (Author)English3
How blest are those who fear the LORD And greatly love God's holy willAnonymous (Author)English1
How blest the man who thoughtfullyAnonymous (Author)English1
How blest the perfect in the wayAnonymous (Author)English1
How blest was that life once lived upon earthAnonymous (Author)English2
How bright a day was that, which sawAnon. (Author)1
How bright that blessed hopeUnknown (Author)English5
How bright these glorious spirits shine!Anonymous (Author)English1
How can a child be savedAnon. (Author)English1
How can I say thanks for the things you have done for meAnonymous (Translator)English1
How can I vent my grief?Anon. (Author)English1
How can we see the children, LordAnon. (Author)1
How cheering is the Christian's hopeAnon. (Author)English7
How cheering the thought, that the spirits in blissAnon. (Author)English1
How dear is the thought that the angels of GodAnonymous (Author)English4
How dear to me, O Lord of hostsAnonymous (Author)English1
How dear to us, O God, Thou art!An. (Author)2
How far beyond our mortal sightAnon. (Author)English1
How firm a foundation, ye saints of the LordAnon. (Author)English8
How frail are these bodies of clayAnonymous (Author)English2
This God is the God we adoreAnon. (Author)English2
How good it is to thank the Lord, And praise to thee, Most High, accordAnonymous (Author)English1
How great is our GodAnonymous (Author)English2
How great the goodness kept in storeAnonymous (Author)English1
How great thy mercies, Lord, appearUnknown (Author)English1
How happy is the Christian's stateUnknown (Author)English2
How I love Thy law, O LordAnonymous (Author)English1
How I wish I could tell it, what Jesus did for meAnonymous (Author)English2
How long, O Lord, our GodAnon. (Author)English1
How long, O Lord our SaviorAnon. (Author)English3
How long shall Afric's sonsAnon. (Author)1
How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord, Thou God of graceAnonymous (Author)English1
How long wilt Thou forget me, Lord, Shall it forever beAnonymous (Author)English1
How lost was my conditionAnon. (Author)English10
How lovely is Thy dwelling place, O Lord of hosts, to me (Scottish Psalter, 1650)Anonymous (Author)English1
How lovely, Lord of hosts, to me The tabernacles of thy grace (PCUSA)Anonymous (Author)English1
How lovely on the mountains are the feet of himUnknown (Author (vs. 2-4))English1
How loving is Jesus, Who came from the skyAnon. (Author)English4
How many times, discouragedAnon. (Author)English3
How painfully pleasing the fond recollection Of youthful emotions and innocent joyAnon. (Author)English4
How pleasant and how good it isAnonymous (Author)English1
How pleasant thus to dwell belowAnon. (Author)English2
How pleasing, Lord, to seeAnonymous (Author)2
How precious is the book divineAnonymous (Author)English1
How precious is the name, brethren singAnon. (Author)English2
How prone are professors to rest on their leesAnon. (Author)English1
How rest the saints in Christ, who sleepAnon. (Author)1
How sad's my state, I know not howAnon. (Author)2
How sang the heavenly armyAnonymous (Author)1
How shall the young direct their wayAnonymous (Author)English1
How solemn are the words, And yet to faith how plainAnon. (Author)English8
How solemn the signal I hearAnon. (Author)English1
How splendid shines the morning starAnon. (Translator (v. 1))English1
How still and peaceful is the grave!Anon. (Author)English4
How strong and sure my Father's careAnonymous (Author)English2
How strong and sweet my Father's careAnon. (Author (v. 1))English22
How sweet and aweful is the placeAnon. (Author)English1
How sweet are the tidings that greet the pilgrim's earAnon. (Author)English10
How sweet, how calm this Sabbath mornAnonymous (Author)6
How sweet and heavenly is the sightUnknown (Author)English1
How sweet [holy] is the Bible! how pure is the lightUnknown (Author)English6
How sweet is the Sabbath, the season of restAnon. (Author)English1
How sweet the cheering wordsAnon. (Author)English1
How sweet the gospel trumpet sounds, Its notes are grace and loveAnon. (Author)English1
How sweet the melting layAnon. (Author)English3
How sweet to be allowed to prayUnknown (Author)English4
How sweet to bless the LordAnonymous (Author)1
How sweet to reflect on the joys that await meAnon. (Author)English3
How sweet to trust in Jesus, to know no trust besideUnknown (Author)English1
How sweetly fall those simple wordsAnon. (Author)English1
How vain is all beneath the skiesAnon. (Author)English1
How vast, how full, how freeAnon. (Author)English1
How wondrous is this frameAnon. (Author)1
How wondrous that manner of loveAnon. (Author)1
How wondrous was the burning zealUnknown (Author)1
Hoy agradecidos a Dios suplicamosAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Hoy en gloria celestialAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Hoy es día de reposoAnónimo (Author)Spanish2
Hoy gozoso medito en la tierra mejorAnónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish2
Hoy perdóname, hoy por siempreAnonymous (Author)Spanish3
Hoy sembramos la semillaAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Hoy venimos, cual hermanosAnónimo (Author)Spanish1
Humble praises, holy JesusAnonymous (Author)English5
Hungry, and faint and poorUnknown (Author)English7
Hush, hush, hush, Behold the wondrous lightAnon. (Author)1
Hush, little Jesus boy, hallalujah (Yesu, ulale, Haleluya)Anon. (Author)English1
Hvad kan os komme til for NødUkj. (Translator)Norwegian3
Hvad min gud vill, det alltid skerAnonymous (Translator)Swedish1
Hver mand skal tage vel i AgtAnonymous (Author)Norwegian1
Hvi kvider Kjød og Blod sig saaUkj. (Author)2
Hvilken kärlek oss bevisad!Anonymous (Author)Swedish1
I always go to JesusAnon. (Author)English4
I am a little gleaner among the harvest sheavesAnon. (Author)English1
I am a poor pilgrim of sorrow, I'm tossed in this wide world aloneAnon. (Author)English1
I am coming to the cross; I am poor, and weak, and blindAnon. (Author)English1
I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I liveAnonymous (Author)English2
I am drinking at the fountain where I ever would abideAnon (Author)English2
I am dwelling on the mountain, Where the golden sunlight gleamsAnon. (Author)English57
I am Jesus' little lamb; Ever glad at heart I am (Composite)Anonymous (Translator)English1
I am just a lonesome trav'lerUnknown (Author)2
I am looking beyond this abode of strifeAnon. (Author)English1
I am mine no more, I am mine no moreUnknown (Author)English2
I am now a child of God, I've been washed in Jesus' bloodAnonymous (Author)English1
I am now on the altarAnonymous (Author)English2
I am on a shining pathwayAnon. (Author)English3
I am satisfied with Jesus, every day and every hourAnonymous (Author)English2
I am saved, I am saved, Jesus bids me go freeAnon. (Author)English1
I am sure I was convertedAnon. (Author)English2
I am the bread of life, They who come to me shall not hungerAnon. (Translator)English5
I am the Way, the Truth, the Life, Our blessed Master saidAnon. (Author)English5
I am Thine own, O ChristAnonymous (Author)English1
I am walking in the light, and my path is shining bright (Anonymous)Anon. (Author)English1
I am weak but Thou art strongAnonymous (Author)English54
I am weary, I am weary of the cares and toils of lifeAnon. (Author)English1
I am weary of my sinAnon. (Author)English1
I asked the little joyous birdAnon. (Author)English1
I asked the New Year for some motto sweetAnon. (Author)English5
I believe in God, the Father Maker, Helper, Friend of allAnon. (Author)English2
I believe in God the Father, Maker of the heaven and earthAnon. (Versifier)English4
I believe in God the Father almightyAnonymous (Versifier)English1
I belong to Jesus, So I'll try to spendUnknown (Author)English1
I bless Thee, Lord, for sorrows sentAnon. (Author)English4
I can hear my Savior calling, I can hear my Savior callingAnon. (Author)English2
I can see beyond the riverAnon. (Author)English1
I cannot always see the way that leads to heights aboveUnknown (Author)English1
I cannot always trace the way, Where Thou, Almighty One, dost moveAnon. (Author)English13
I cannot do great things for HimAnon. (Author)English1
I cannot plainly see the wayAnon. (Author)English1
I cannot tell, I do not know, What in the futureAnon. (Author)English1
I constant care will takeAnonymous (Author)English1
I cried to God in my distressAnonymous (Author)English1
I Dag er Naadens Tid, I Dag er Gud at findaUkj. (Author)Norwegian2
I dare not idle stand, while here on every handAnon. (Author)English1
I do believe, I now believe, That Jesus died for meUnknown (Author)English1
I do not ask, O Lord, that life may beAnon. (Author)English1
I do not stand on shifting sandUnknown (Author)English2
I dreamed that the great judgment morningAnon. (Author)English2
I entered once a home of careAnon. (Author)English4
I feel the winds of God todayAnon. (Author)English8
I find myself placed in a state of probationAnonymous (Author)English1
I give my heart to Thee, O Jesus most desiredAnonymous (Author)English2
I've got a robe, you've got a robeUnknown (Author)English1
I graciously will teach theeAnonymous (Author)English1
I greet Thee, who my sure Redeemer artanonymous (French) (Author)English1
I had so many sins and He took them all awayAnon. (Author)English1
I had walked life's path with an easy treadUnknown (Author)English2
I have a Father in the promised landAnon. (Author)English1
I have a Friend, an everlasting FriendAnon. (Author)English1
I have a Friend so precious, so very dear to me (Shorey)Anon (Author)English6
I have a Savior, He's pleading in gloryUnknown (Author)English1
I have a treasure which I prizeUnknown (Author)English1
I have a wonderful treasureAnon. (Author)English4
I have been revivedAnonymous (Author)2
I have decided to follow JesusAnonymous (Translator)English14
I have enough, for Christ is mineAnonymous (Author)English2
I have found a full salvation, Trusting in my Savior's bloodUnknown (Author (Chorus))English1
I have found a perfect SaviorAnon. (Author)English2
I have given up all for Jesus this vain world is naught to meAnonymous (Author)English1
I have heard of a Savior's love, And a wonderful love it must beAnon. (Author)English4
I have known a life of sorrowAnon. (Author)English5
I have letters from my Father, In my hand, in my handAnon. (Author)English1
I have sought round the verdant earthAnon. (Author)English1
I have treasures laid up in the city of GodAnon. (Author)English1
I hear it singing, singing sweetlyAnon. (Author)English1
I hear my blessed Savior say, follow meUnknown (Author)1
I hear my dying Savior sayUnknown (Author)English3
I heard the voice of Jesus say, "Come unto Me and rest"Anonymous (Translator)English3
I Herrans namn far jag åstadAnonymous (Translator (st. 4))Swedish1
I hoppet sig min frälsta själAnonymous (Translator)Swedish1
I Jesus søger jeg min fredUkj. (Author)Norwegian1
I journey forth rejoicingUnbekanntes (Author)English2
I just begin to seeAnon. (Author)2
I kneel beside Thy sacred crossAnon. (Author)English1
I know a soul that is steeped in sinUnknown (Author)English1
I know I love Thee, blessed LordUnknown (Author)English1
I know not if He comes at eveAnon. (Author)English1
I know not, the way is so misty and darkX. X. X. (Author)English1
I know not where, beneath, aboveAnon. (Author)English4
I know that my Redeemer lives, He lives, and on the earth shall standAnon. (Author)English3
I know that my Redeemer lives, He lives who once was deadUnknown (Author)English1
I know that my Redeemer lives, O how He loves!Anonymous (Author)English1
I know that my Redeemer lives, What comfort this sweet sentence givesAnonymous (Author (refrain))English3
Languish for a sightAnon. (Author)2
I lay me down to sleep with neither thought nor careAnon. (Author)English2
I leave the world, its boasted storeUnknown (Author)1
I lift my heart to Thee, Savior divineAnonymous (Author)English1
I like the cheerful summertimeAnonymous (Author)English1
I long to see the season come When sinners shall come flocking homeAnon. (Author)English1
I look not back, God knows the fruitless effortsAnon. (Author)English2
I look to Jesus, and the faceAnon. (Author)English1
I looked over Jordan, and what did I seeAnon. (Author)English1
I looked upon the righteous manAnon. (Author)7
I love the Lord, for my requestUnknown (Author)English1
I love the Lord, His strength is mineAnonymous (Author)English1
I love the Lord who heard my cry And granted my requestAnonymous (Author)English1
I love the name of Jesus, that [the] name the angels singAnon. (Author)English2
I [We] love the sacred book of GodAnon. (Author)English1
I love Thee, I love Thee, I love Thee, my LordAnonymous (Author)English19
I love thee, O my Lord, my mightAnonymous (Author)1
I love Thine earthly Sabbaths, LordAnon. (Author)English1
I love to sing of Jesus, the story all so trueAnon. (Author)English1
I love to sing of that great Power that made the earth and seaAnon. (Author)English3
I love to think of my home aboveUnknown (Author)English1
I love you Lord JesusUnknown (Author)English2
I may never march in the infantryUnknown (Author)English2
I may not understand the way You answer ev'ry pray'rUnknown (Author (sts. 1, 3))English2
I must be watchful of my eyesUnknown (Author)English2
I need Thee, precious Jesus, For I am very poorAnon. (Author)English1
I need Thee, precious Jesus, For I am full of sinAnon. (Author)English1
I often think of heathen landsAnon. (Author)English2
I once was a stranger to grace and to God (M'Cheyne)Anon. (Author)English3
I ought to love my Savior, No earthly friend can beAnon. (Author)English8
ഈ പകലില്‍ എന്നെ കാത്തതിന്നു ഞാന്‍ (Ī pakalil enne kāttatinnu ñān)Unknown (Translator)Malayalam2
I prægtige Himle og Jorden tilligeUkj. (Author)Norwegian1
I saw a blood washed pilgrim, a sinner saved by graceAnon. (Author)English2
I saw a happy pilgrim in shining garments cladAnon. (Author)English3
I saw a mighty angel flyAnon. (Author)English1
I saw a wayworn travelerAnon. (Author)English6
I saw beyond the tombAnon. (Author)English1
I saw him kneel in calm despairAnon. (Author)1
I saw the cross of JesusUnknown (Author)English6
I saw three ships come sailing inAnon. (Author)English3
I seek the mercy seatAnon. (Author)1
I shall lead you with mine eyesAnonymous (Author)English2
I sing as I arise todayAnon. (Author (st. 1, 2))English4
I sing of a land, a land far away*** (Author)English1
I sometimes feel the thread of life is slenderUnknown (Author)1
I sought the Lord, and afterward I knewAnon. (Author)English54
I stand amazed in the presenceanonymous (Author (St. 4))English1
I stand, but not as [where] once I did [stood]Unknown (Author)English1
I stood beside a dying bedAnon. (Author)English1
I think not of the starry crownAnon. (Author)1
I think when I read that sweet story of old (Luke)*** (Author)English3
I thought upon the days of oldAnonymous (Author)English1
I to the hills will lift mine eyes, From whence doth come my aidAnon. (Author)English1
I to the hills will lift my eyes; From whence shall come my aid?Anonymous (Author)English1
I travel all the irksome nightAnon. (Author)1
I used to think that CanaanAnon. (Author)English1
I waited for the Lord Most HghAnonymous (Author)English1
I waited for the Lord my God, And patiently did bearUnknown (Author)English1
I waited for the Lord my God, Yea, patiently drew nearAnonymous (Author)English1
I wake in the morning early And always the very fist thingAnonymous (Author)English2
I walked through the woodland meadowsAnon. (Author)English5
I want a sober mindAnonymous (Author)English3
I want, dear Lord, a heart that's true and cleanAnon. (Author (st. 1-3))English1
I want more of JesusUnknown (Author)English2
I want no other argumentUnknown (Author)English2
I want to be like Jesus, so lowly and so meek (Whittemore)Anon. (Author)English3
I want to be ready when Jesus comes, I want to be ready when Jesus comesAnonymous (Author)English1
I want to join the ransomedUnknown (Author)English1
I want to live, that through the yearsUnknown (Author)English1
I want to send a whisper songUnknown (Author)English2
I once was lone and idle, I was a sinner tooUnknown (Author)English4
I was wandering, sad and wearyAnon. (Author)English1
I will be a little helper** (Author)English1
I will call upon the Lord Who is worthy to be praisedUnknown (Author (stanzas 2-3))English1
I will extol Thee, O my God, And praise Thee, O my KingAnonymous (Author)English1
I will follow Thee, my Savior, Wheresoever my lot may beAnon. (Author)English3
I will leave my Jesus neverAnonymous (Translator)English2
I will make you fishers of menAnon. (Author)English1
I will never, never leave theeAnon. (Author)English5
I will not fear, for God is nearAnon. (Author)English1
I will rejoice in You and be gladAnonymous (Author)English3
I will sing for Jesus, With His blood He bought meAnon. (Author)English2
I will sing of my Redeemer And His wondrous love for meAnon. (Author)English1
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord foreverUnknown (Author)English2
I will sing unto the Lord, For He has triumphed gloriouslyAnon. (Author)English1
I will sing you a song of that beautiful landUnknown (Author)English2
I wish God's love to be with you (Yuan Zhu di ai ni tong zai)Anonymous (Author)Chinese, English2
I wonder why I toil awayUnknown (Author)English1
I would a youthful pilgrim beAnon. (Author)English1
I would be Thine, O take my heartAnon. (Author)English2
I would be true, for there are those who trust meUnknown (Author (Stanza 3))English2
I would commune with Thee, my GodUnknown (Author)English3
I would not have my life go onAnon. (Author)English2
I would not live alway: I ask not to stay (Muhlenberg)Anonymous (Author)English1
I would not wish to dwell on earthUnknown (Author)English1
Ich sehne mich nach DirUnbekannt (Author)German1
Ich verlassnes WaisenkindUnbekannt (Author)German1
Ich weiß eine liebe KapelleAnon. (Author)German2
Ich weiß nicht, was der Tag mir bringtAnon. (Author)German1
Idzie nocNieznany (Author)Polish2
Ierusalime sfinte, tu din aur ziditAnonymous (Translator)Romanian2
Iesu Grist o'r nef a ddaeth - Haleliwia! I GalfariaAnad. (Author (stanza 3))Welsh1
If a task is once begunUnknown (Author)1
If angels sung a Savior's birthAnonymous (Author)English3
If any little word of mine, May make a life the brighterAnon. (Author)English1
If any little word of ours, Can make one life the brighterUnknown (Author)English1
If ever I'm afraid, Quick to myself I'll sayAnon. (Author)English2
If everyone were wise and sweetAnon. (Author)English1
If God Himself be for me, I may a host defyUnknown (Translator (st. 4-5))English1
If high or low our station beAnonymous (Author)1
If I could only surely knowAnon. (Author)English1
If I in thy likeness, O Lord, may awakeAnon. (Author)English1
If I were a voice, a persuasive voiceAnon. (Author)English1
If Jesus should call you today, dear friendUnknown (Author)English1
If on our daily course our mindAnon. (Author)English1
If Providence, to try my heartAnonymous (Author)1
If strong hearts grown faint and wearyAnon. (Author)English2
Si el Espíritu de Dios se mueva en miAnonymous (Author)Spanish1
If there's a time completely blestAnon. (Author)English1
If on a quiet sea Toward heaven we calmly sailAnon. (Author)English4
If Thy beloved Son, O GodUnknown (Author (v. 5))English2
If [O] 'tis sweet to mingle whereUnknown (Author)English6
If we could see beyond today, As God can seeAnonymous (Author)English4
If we could see, if we could knowAnon. (Author)English1
If we have forgotten the name of our GodAnonymous (Author)English1
If when you give the best of your serviceSource Unknown (Author)English2
If you have hard work to doAnonymous (Author)English2
If you hear a kind word spokenUnknown (Author)English1
If you miss me singing down hereAnonymous (Author)English2
If you're in the battle for the Lord and rightUnknown (Author)English4
Iglesia de Cristo, tu santa misiónAnonymous (Author)Spanish8
Ihr jungen Helden, aufgewacht, bekämpft der Seelenfeind mit MachtUnbekannt (Author)German1
Ihr Waisen! weinet nichtUnbekannt (Author)German2
Il est ne, le divin enfantInconnu (Author)1
Il s'est levé, le fils de DieuAnonymous (Author)French2
I'll be so glad when day is doneUnknown (Author)English1
I'll be true, Lord, to Thee (Chorus)Unknown (Author)English1
I'll be true precious Jesus, I'll be trueAnonymous (Author)English5
I'll blow the gospel trumpetUnknown (Author)English2
I'll think upon the woesAnonymous (Translator)English1
Ilumina, Luz divinaanónimo (Author)Spanish2
I'm a Hallelujah ChristianAnon. (Author)English1
I'm a pilgrim and I'm a stranger, I can tarry, I can tarry but a nightAnon. (Author)English3
I'm a pilgrim bound for gloryAnon. (Author)English1
I am a poor wayfaring strangerAnon (Author)English3
I'm a soldier bound for glory, I'm a soldier marching onAnon. (Author)English1
I'm alone, all alone, my friends have all fledAnon. (Author)English2
I'm asked to help when I want to playAnonymous (Author)English2
I'm behind the times, well perhaps it is trueAnon. (Author)English3
I'm but a little child, mammaAnonymous (Author)2
I'm but a stranger hereAnon. (Author)English1
I'm glad salvation's freeAnon. (Author)English4
I am glad that I was born to die, From grief and woe my soul shall flyAnon. (Author)English1
I'm going higher, yes higher somedayAnonymous (Author)English2
I'm going home, the tidings comeAnon. (Author)1
I'm going up! up! up! up!Unknown (Author)English1
I'm H A P P Y, I'm H A P P YUnknown (Author)English1
Im Herrn entschlummert, sel'ge Ruh', Der Müden Augen schließest duUnbekannt (Author)German1
I'm inright, outright, upright, downright happy all the timeUnknown (Author)English4
I'm on the faith line, the good old faith lineUnknown (Author)English3
I'm so glad Jesus lifted meUnknown (Author)English1
I'm sometimes up and sometimes down, He took my feel out of the mire and clayAnonymous (Author)English2
I'm thine, O Lord, and thine aloneAnon. (Author)3
I'm waiting for Thee, Lord, Thy beauty to see, LordAnon. (Author)English1
I'm weary, I'm fainting, my day's work is doneUnknown (Author)English3
I am weary of straying, O fain would I rest (York)Anon. (Author)English1
Immaculate Mary, thy praises we singAnon. (Adapter)English4
Immanuel, sunk with dreadful woeAnonymous (Author)1
Imploramos tu presenciaanónimo (Author)Spanish1
Imposture shrinks from lightAnon. (Author)English2
In a lonely churchyard [graveyard], many miles awayUnknown (Author)English2
In a manger laid so lowlyAnonymous (Author)English1
In a moment, O how wondrousAnonymous (Author)English1
In a weary land I wander, and with faltering steps I walkAnon. (Author)English5
In all my vast concerns with TheeAnon. (Author)English1
In all my ways, O GodUnknown (Author)English3
In another land and timeAnon. (Author)English2
In Bethlehem, the lowly, A Child for us is bornAnon. (Author)English1
In Christ I've all my soul's desireAnon. (Author)English2
In Christ my Saviour's wounds secureAnonymous (Translator)English2
In country or village, in alley or streetAnon. (Author)English1
In der Welt ist kein VergnügenUnbekannt (Author)German1
In dulci jubilo, (gajege kantu do)Anonima, 14th century (Author)1
In dulĉi jubilo', nun kantu ni kun ĝojoAnonima, ca. 14th century (Author)Esperanto, Latin2
In every [all my] trouble, sharp and strongUnknown (Author)English3
In every trying hourUnknown (Author)English7
In every town and city, some people can be foundAnon. (Author (v. 1-3))English1
In expectation sweetAnon. (Author)English1
She only touched the hem of His garmentAnonymous (Alterer)English1
In full assurance of Thy graceAnonymous (Author)English1
In God, my Savior, I put my trust aloneAnon. (Author)English1
In God we trust, with all our heart and soulAnonymous (Author)English3
In God will I trust, though my counselors sayAnonymous (Author)English1
In God's name let us on our way!Anon. (Author)English3
In God's own house, by silent nightAnon. (Author)1
In greening lands begins the songAnonymous (Author)English2
In heaven and in our hearts He livethAnonymous (Author)English1
In His love abiding, wait on the LordAnonymous (Author)English1
In His name, my brotherUnknown (Author)English1
In Jesus I find rest and peaceAnon. (Author)English3
In lands full of darkness across the blue wave*** (Author)English1
In life's unclouded morningUnknown (Author)English1
In lowering gloom and cloudinessAnonymous (Author)English2
In memory of the Savior's loveUnknown (Author)English8
In mercy, not in wrath, Rebuke me, gracious God!Anon. (Author)English1
In my heart, in my heart, Send a great revivalUnknown (Author)English8
I want Jesus to walk with meUnknown (Author)English2
In natali DominiAnonymous (Author)Latin2
In one fraternal bond of loveAnon. (Author)English4
In seasons of grief to my God I'll repairAnon. (Author)English1
In secret paths, God leads us onAnon. (Author)English2
In Sharon's lovely RoseAnon. (Author)English2
In stature grows the Heavenly ChildAnon. (Author)English1
In sweet communion, Lord, with TheeAnonymous (Author)English1
In that glorious day when the saints of GodAnon. (Author)English1
In that world of ancient storyAnon. (Author)English1
In the broad fields of heavenAnonymous (Author)9
In the Christian's home in gloryAnon. (Author)English1
In the early morning, With the sun's first raysAnon. (Author)English1
In the early morning, Ere the darkness clearsAnonymous (Author)English1
In the early springtime, When your leaves are fairAnon. (Author)English1
In the furrows of thy life, Scatter seed, scatter seedX. X. X. (Author)English3
In the harbor safe at homeAnon. (Author)1
In the heavens the Lord Almighty Fixed His everlasting throneAnonymous (Author)English1
In the hour of deepest sorrowAnon. (Author)English1
In the name of God advancing [go forward]Anon. (Author)English2
In the name of Jesus, in the name of JesusAnon (Author)English1
In the pleasant sunny meadowsAnon. (Author)English1
In the resurrectionUnknown (Author)English2
In the resurrection morning we shall see our blessed KingAnon. (Author)English1
In the Savior's hour of deathAnonymous (Author)1
In the secret of His presence how my soul delights to hideAnon. (Author)English1
In the shadow of the rock, Let me rest, let me restAnon. (Author)English1
In the silence of that night so brightUnknown (Translator (from Polish))English2
In the still air the music lies unheardAnon. (Author)English2
In the sweet bye and byeUnknown (Author)English2
In the sweet season of thy youthAnon. (Author)2
In the town of Bethlehem, Far away across the seaAnon. (Author)English1
In the vineyard of our FatherAnon. (Author)English3
In the wintry heavenUnknown (Author)English3
In Thee, Lord, have I put my trustAnonymous (Author)English1
In Thee, O Lord, I put my trust, I call upon Thy nameAnonymous (Author)English1
In Thee, O Lord, I put my trust; Shamed let me never be (Presbyterian Church, USA)Anonymous (Author)English1
In this peaceful house of prayerAnon. (Author)English1
In Thy great truth my soul is freeAnonymous (Author)English1
In Thy heritage the heathenAnonymous (Author)English1
In thy rebuke, all gracious GodAnon. (Author)1
In thy wrath and hot displeasureAnonymous (Author)English1
In trouble and in grief, O GodAnon. (Author)English6
In us the hope of gloryAnon. (Author)English2
In vain men talk of living faithAnon. (Author)English1
In vain opposing nations rageAnon. (Author)2
În valea călătorieiNecunoscut (Author)Romanian2
In vision to His saints God spakeAnonymous (Author)English1
Incierta es del mortal la suerteDesconocido (Translator)Spanish1
Increase our faith, beloved LordAnon. (Author)English2
Indulgent Father, by whose careAnon. (Author)English1
Indulgent God, whose bounteous careAnonymous (Author)English10
Indulgent Lord, thy goodness reignsAnonymous (Author)1
Inmensa y sin igual piedadDesconcido (Translator)Spanish3
Inquiring souls, who long to findAnon. (Author)English6
Inscribed upon the cross we seeAnon. (Author)English4
Inspirer of the ancient seersAnonymous (Author)English2
Intemperance, like a raging floodAnon. (Author)English3
Into my heart, into my heartAnon. (Author (st. 2))English3
Into those far off landsAnonymous (Author)English2
Iranse Oluwa!Anonymous (Translator)Yoruba2
Irdisch Brot und himmlisch LebenUnbekannt (Author)German1
Is it a thing so smallUnknown (Author)English1
Is it Thy will that I should be, Buried, in symbol, Lord, with TheeAnon. (Author)English2
Is there a God? Yon rising sunAnon. (Author)English2
Is there a heart that is waiting*** (Author)English1
Is this thy time of troubleAnon. (Author)English1
Is thy soul the Savior seekingAnon. (Author)English1
Isles of the south, awakeAnon. (Author)3
Isn't He wonderful, Isn't He wonderfulUnknown (Author)English1
Isuse, condumăaci, dumăaciAnonim (Author)Romanian2
"It is finished!" Shall we raiseAnon. (Author)English3
It is good to sing Thy praisesAnonymous (Author)English2
It is just a step to Jesus, won't you take it, friend, tonight?Anon. (Author)English1
It is not for thy golden streetsUnknown (Author)2
It is only a step into CanaanAnon. (Author)English4
It is the hour of prayerAnonymous (Author)English7
It is the Sabbath morning nowAnonymous (Author)English2
It is time to be brave, It is time to be trueUnknown (Author)English1
It may be far, it may be nearAnon. (Author)English5
It was at the break of dayAnon. (Author)English2
It was good for our mothersAnonymous (Author)English53
It was not on the field of battleUnknown (Author)English2
It was not sleep that bound my sightAnon. (Author)English1
Itan iyanu t’ife! So fun mi lekan siAnonymous (Translator)Yoruba2
It's a grand thing to be a Christian, It's a grand thing to be a ChristianUnknown (Author)English4
It's true there's a beautiful cityAnon. (Author)English1
Jesus, lover of my soul, Let me to Thy bosom flyUnknown (Translator)English2
I've a long time heard that there will be a judgmentAnonymous (Author)1
I've been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb (Anonymous)Unknown (Author)English3
I've been sitting by the hillsideAnon. (Author)1
I have found a friend in Jesus, He's everything to meAnon (Author)English4
I've found a Friend; O such a Friend!Anon. (Author)English19
I've got a shoes, and you've got a shoesAnonymous (Author)English2
I've got peace like a riverAnonymous (Author (vs. 4-6))English2
I've heard of a Savior's loveAnon. (Author)English2
I've seen the lightning flashingAnon. (Author)English30
I've tried in vain a thousand waysAnon. (Author)English4
ഇവിടെ നാം ദുഖിച്ചു (Iviṭe nāṁ duḥkhiccu)Anonymous (Author)Malayalam2
இயேசுவின் நண்பன் என்பதால் (Iyēcuviṉ naṇpaṉ eṉpatāl)Anonymous (Translator)Tamil2
Издали нам сияет страна (Izdali nam siyayet strana)Unknown (Translator)Russian2
Jaj, az élet oly rövidAnonymous (Author)Hungarian2
Iam lucis orto sidereUnknown (Author)Latin1
Jamás, jamás mis pecados contaráAnonymous (Translator)Spanish1
Jedną księgę starą mamAnonymous (Author)Polish2
Jeg beder dig, Fader i HimmerigAnonymous (Author)Norwegian1
Jeg kommer her, o søde GudUkj. (Author)Norwegian1
Jeg raaber, Herre Jesus KristAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian3
Jeg slipper Jesus eiUkj. (Translator)Norwegian4
Jeg ved et evigt HimmerigUkj. (Author)Norwegian1
Jeg vil din Pris udsjungeAnonymous (Author)Norwegian2
Jehová es mi pastor; nada me faltará (Sure as the Lord's my Shepherd)Unknown (Author)English, Spanish2
Jehová está en su santo templo, Jehová está en su santo temploAnonymous (Author)Spanish4
Jehová, oye mi oración y llegue mi clamor a TiAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Jehovah from His throne on highAnonymous (Author)English1
Jehovah, God of loveAnonymous (Author)English3
Jehovah hear thee in the day When trouble he doth sendAnonymous (Author)English1
Jehovah hear thee in thy griefAnonymous (Author)English1
Jehovah is a God of mightAnon. (Author)English2
Jehovah is my light, And my salvation nearAnonymous (Author)English1
Jehovah is our strengthAnon. (Author)English1
Jehovah lives and be his nameAnon. (Author)2
Jehovah, my God, on Thy help I dependAnonymous (Author)English1
The Lord God reigns in majestyAnonymous (Author)English1
Jehovah reigns let all the earth In his just government rejoiceAnon. (Author)English2
Jehovah reigns let earth be gladAnonymous (Author)English1
Jehovah sits enthroned In majesty most brightAnonymous (Author)English1
Jehovah sits upon the cloudsAnon. (Author)1
Jehovah speaks! let Isr'el hearAnon. (Author)English1
Jehovah, to my prayer give earAnonymous (Author)English1
Jehovah's perfect law Restores the soul againAnonymous (Author)English1
Jen al ni naskiĝis Fil'Anonima (Author, 15th cent.)1
저 들 밖에 한밤중에 양 틈에 자던 목자들 (Jeo deul bakk-e hanbamjung-e yang teum-e jadeon mogjadeul)Unknown (Translator)Korean2
Jeová, sê nosso guiaAnonymous (Translator)Portuguese2
Jerusalem, forever brightAnonymous (Author)English1
Jerusalem, my glorious homeUnknown (Author)English4
Jerusalem, my happy home, How do I sigh for theeUnknown (Author)English1
Jerusalem, my happy home, Name ever dear to meUnknown (Author)English51
Jerusalem, my happy home, O how I long for theeAnon. (Author)English56
Jerusalem la excelsa, Gloriamonos en tiDesconocido (Translator)Spanish2
Jesu, Arzt der kranken SeelenUnbekannt (Author)German1
Jesu, bittend kommen wirUnbekannt (Author)German1
Jesus, din søde forening at smageUkj. (Author)Norwegian1
Jesu hail! O God most holyAnonymous (Author)English2
Jesu, ich komm'! Des Lebens LichtAnon. (Author)German3
Jesus, meiner Seele Freund, bleibe stets mit mir vereintUnbekannt (Author)German1
Jesus, our hope, our heart's desireAnonymous (Author)English2
Jesus, our Lenten fast of theeAnonymous (Author)1
Jesu, schenk' mir BruderliebeUnbekannt (Author)German2
Jesu, styr du mine TankerUkj. (Author)1
Jesus, the Father's only SonAnonymous (Author)English1
Jesus! the very thought of TheeAnonymous (Author)English2
Jesus, the world's redeeming LordAnonymous (Author)English1
Jesus, thy mercies are untoldAnonymous (Author)English1
Jesu, who this our Lenten-tideAnonymous (Author)English2
Jesu ye, titi aiyeAnonymous (Translator)Yoruba2
Jesucristo descendió De los cielos a BelénAnonimo (Author)Spanish1
Jesucristo desde el cieloAnónimo (Author)Spanish1
Jesucristo reina reina, yaAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Jesus all redeeming LordAnon. (Author)English1
Jesus and didst Thou condescendAnonymous (Author)English1
Jesus annammer SyndereAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian1
Jesus' arm sustains thee, Peaceful beAnon. (Author)English1
Jesus, at Thy commandAnon. (Author)English1
Jesus, at whose supreme commandAnon (Author)English1
Jesus, ayatencaAnonymous (Author)Tagalog2
Jesus bids us shine with a clear, pure lightAnon. (Author)English3
Jesus calls to little childrenAnon. (Author)English1
Jesus calls us, o'er the tumultAnon. (Author)English10
Jesus, can a child like meAnon. (Author)English1
Jesus can never fail, never fail, never failAnon. (Author)English2
Jesus Christ is alive todayAnonymous (Author)English2
Jesus Christ is made to meAnonymous (Author)English1
Jesus Christ is now among us*** (Author)English2
Jesus Christ is passing byAnon. (Author)English1
Jesus Christ is risen today, Our triumphant holy dayAnonymous (Translator)English52
Jesus Christ my King, He is all to meAnonymous (Author)English2
Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, Once became a child like me*** (Author)English1
Jesus Christ, my sure defenseUnknown (Author)English2
Jesus Christ, our blessed SaviorUnknown (Translator)English4
Jesus Christ will returnAnonymous (Author)English2
Jesus Christus segne dichUnbekannt (Author)German1
Jesus comes, His conflict overAnon. (English stanzas 1 & 2)English1
Jesus desceu, a Bíblia o dizUnknown (Author)Portuguese2
Jesus did the good and kindAnonymous (Author)English2
Jesus died on Calvary's mountain, Long time agoAnon. (Author)English1
Jesus, draw me ever nearerAnonymous (Translator)English1
Jesus drinks the bitter cupAnon. (Author)English2
Jesús, el buen Pastor, mostrando su tierno amorDesconocido (Author)Spanish3
Jesús en pesebreAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Jesús es mi pastor, Conmigo estáUnknown (Author)Spanish2
Jesús está buscando voluntarios hoyAnónimo (Author)Spanish1
Jesús está pasando por aquí (Jesus is passing by, O come and see!)Anónima (Author)English, Spanish2
Jesus, exalted far on highAnonymous (Author)English2
Jesus gave her water that was not in the wellAnonymous (Author)English2
Jesus gave his mandateAnonymous (Author)English2
Jesus giv seier, Livs-Fyrste og KildeUkjendt (Translator)Norwegian3
Jesus, goer mig stilla, stillaOkaend (Author)3
Jesus, grant me this, I prayUnknown (Author)English7
Jesus hath died and hath risen againAnonymous (Author)English1
Jesus, help us to rememberAnon. (Author)English1
Jesus, high in glory, lend a listening earAnon. (Author)English8
Jesus, holy Child divineUnknown (Author)English2
Jesus, Holy, undefiled, Listen to a little childAnon. (Author)English1
Jesus, I come to Thee, no one besideAnon. (Author)English2
Jesus I come to Thee for lightAnon. (Author)English3
Jesus, I long for thy blessed communionAnonymous (Translator (English))English2
Jesus, I love thee evermoreUnknown (Author)English2
Jesus, I love Thee, Thou dost knowAnon. (Author)English1
Jesus, I Thy face am seekingUnknown (Author)English4
Jesus, I will trust thee, When across my soulUnknown (Author)English4
Jesus, in Thy glorious dwellingAnon. (Author)English1
Jesus is calling, is calling, is callingAnonymous (Author)English1
Jesus is here, O, blest be his nameUnknown (Author)English1
Jesus is His name, Yes, Jesus is His nameAnon. (Author)2
Jesus is my best of friendsAnonymous (Author)English2
Jesus is our Shepherd, Wiping every tearAnon. (Author)English1
Jesus is standing at your heart's doorAnonymous (Author (Chorus))English4
Jesus is standing in Pilate's hall, Friendless, forsaken, betrayed by allAnon. (Author)English25
Jesus is the name we treasureUnknown (Author)English4
Jesus is the Shepherd, Guess who I amUnknown (Author)English1
Jesus is waiting, patiently stillAnon. (Author)English1
Jesus, JesusAnonymous (Author)English1
Jesus, Jesus, heals the broken heartedAnon. (Author)English2
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Sing aloud the nameAnonymous (Author)English2
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, JesusAnonymous (Author)English2
Jesu, joy of man's desiringAnon. (Translator)English3
Jesus, keep me near the crossAnon. (Author)English1
Jesus, kom dog selv til migAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian3
Jesus labet unsre Seelen, Seine Liebe macht vergnügtUnbekannt (Author)German1
Jesus, lead me up the mountainAnon. (Author)English7
Jesus liebt mich ganz gewissUnbekannt (Author)German1
Jesus, like a shepherd tenderAnonymous (Author)English2
Jesus lives, and so shall IAnon. (Translator)English3
Jesus, Lord and Master, At Thy sacred feetAnon. (Author)English2
Jesus, Lord and precious SaviorAnonymous (Author)English1
Jesus loves a little child, Smiling in its infant gleeAnon. (Author)English2
Jesus loves me, this I know, For the Bible tells me soAnonymous (Translator)English3
Jesus loves the children For He said one dayAnonymous (Author)English2
Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the worldAnonymous (Author)English13
Jesus loves the little children, For He said one dayAnon. (Author)English7
Jesus, loving Savior, by the rippling seaUnknown (Author)English2
Jesus made known the path of lightAnon. (Author)1
Jesus, Master, hear me nowAnon. (Author)English11
Jesus, meine Zuversicht Und mein Heiland, ist mein LebenUnbekannt (Author)German1
Jesus, my all, to heaven is gone, He whom I fix my hopes uponUnknown (Author)English1
Jesus, my dreadful leprosyAnon. (Author)1
Jesus, my Lord, my God, Thy promise I embraceUnknown (Author)English1
Jesus my Lord, my life, my all, In Thee I trust, in Thee I hideAnonymous (Alterer)English1
Jesus, my Lord, to Thee I cryAnon. (Author)English19
Jesus my love, my chief delightAnon. (Author)English1
Jesus, my Savior, let me hear Thy gentle voiceAnon. (Author)English1
Jesus, my Savior, to Bethlehem came, Born in a manger to sorrow and shameAnon. (Author)English10
Jesus, my truth, my wayAnonymous (Author)English1
Jesus! Name of wondrous love!Anon. (Author)English2
Jesús, nombre de amorAnónimo (Translator)Spanish1
Jesus now is my salvationAnon. (Author)English1
Jesus, O name divinely sweet, To every sin sick soulAnon. (Author)English1
Jesus! of Thee we never would tireAnon. (Author)English1
Jesus, our best beloved FriendAnon. (Author)English3
Jesus our brother, kind and goodAnon. (Translator)English1
Jesus our brother, strong and goodAnonymous (Author)English7
Jesus, our faith increaseAnon. (Author)English1
Jesus, our hope, our life, our heavenAnon. (Author)English7
Jesus, our Lord and King, To thee our praises riseAnonymous (Author)6
Jesus, our Lord, descendAnonymous (Author)1
Jesus, our Lord, make no delayAnon. (Author)1
Jesus, our Lord, we know Thy nameAnon. (Author)English1
Jesus, our Lord, we rest in TheeAnon. (Author)English1
Jesus our Savior says, I will appearAnon. (Author)English2
Jesus, Refuge of the weary, Blest Redeemer, whom we loveAnonymous (Translator)English2
Jesus, rule my thoughts and guide meAnonymous (Author)English1
Jesus said: I am the Bread Kneeded long to give you lifeAnon. (Translator)English13
Jesus saves me every dayAnon. (Author)English1
Jesus, Savior, pilot meAnon. (Author)English3
Jesus, Savior, Son of God, bearer of the sinner's loadAnon. (Author)English1
Jesus, Savior, Son of God, who for me life's pathway trodAnon. (Author)English5
Jesus says: I am the Bread Sent to your from God most highAnonymous (Translator (English; vs. 4))English5
Jesus shall reign where'er the sunAnonymous (Translator)English1
Jesus, Shepherd of the sheep, powerful is Thine armAnonymous (Author)English1
Jesus sinners doth receive! Let the lost and sorrowing hear itAnonymous (Translator)English1
Jésus sort de la tombeInconnu (Author)French2
Jesus, styr du mine tankerAnonymous (Author)Norwegian2
Jesús te necesita hoyAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Jesus, teach me how to pray, Suffer not my thoughts to strayAnon. (Author)English2
Jesus, tender Jesus, hast thou died for meAnon. (Author)1
Jesus, tender Savior, Hast Thou died for meAnon. (Author)English15
Jesus, tender Shepherd, Thou art very nearAnon. (Author)English1
Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me, Bless Your little lamb tonightAnon. (Author)English2
Jesus, the friend of manAnonymous (Author)1
Jesus the Lord said, "I am the bread"anonymous Urdu (Author (sts. 1-5))English7
Jesus, the mighty God, hath spokenUnknown (Author)English1
Jesus, the spring of joys divineAnon. (Author)English1
Jesus the water of life will giveAnon. (Author)English1
Jesus, Thou art the sinner's friend, As such I look to TheeAnon. (Author)English4
Jesus, thou everlasting wordAnonymous (Author)English1
Jesus, Thou joy of loving hearts!Anonymous (Author)English5
Jesus, thou odoriferous nameAnon. (Author)2
Jesus, thy dreadful leprosyAnon. (Author)1
Jesus, thy good spirit alone Can lead me forthAnon. (Author)1
The Head that once was crowned with thornsAnon. (Author)English1
Jesus, Thy name I loveAnon. (Author)English5
Jesus, view our feast of loveAnon. (Author)1
Jésus vit! tu ne sauraisAnonymous (Translator)French2
Jesus walked this lonesome valleyUnknown (Author)English2
Jesus, we look to TheeAnonymous (Author)English1
Jesus, we Thy promise claimAnon. (Author)English1
Who is this in silence bendingAnon. (Author)English2
Jesus, when a little childAnon. (Author)English1
Jesus, when He left the skyAnon. (Author)English5
Jesus, wherever Thy people meetUnknown (Author)English1
Jesus, who for us didst bearAnon. (Author)English2
Jesus, who on Calvary's mountainAnon. (Author)English6
救主牺牲的爱已赐给我 (Jiù zhǔ xīshēng de ài yǐ cì gěi wǒ)Unknown (Translator)Chinese2
ജീവനു-ണ്ടാം ഏക നോട്ടത്താല്‍-ക്രൂശിങ്കല്‍ (Jīvanu-ṇṭāṁ ēka nēāṭṭattāl-krūśiṅkal)Unknown (Translator (sts. 1-5))Malayalam2
Jo større Kors, des mer til HimlenAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian2
John said the city was just four-squareAnonymous (Author)English1
John saw the angels and the saints in glory (Juan vio el número de los redímidos)Anonymous (Versifier (Spanish))English, Spanish1
John saw the number of all those redeemed (Juan vió el número, de los redimidos)Anonymous (Author)English2
Join, every tongue, to praise the LordAnon. (Author)English1
Join your voices, youth rejoicesAnonymous (Author)English1
Jolly old Saint Nicholas, Lean your ear this way!Anonymous (Author)English1
Joseph was an old manAnonymous (Author)English1
Joy because the circling yearAnon. (Author)English2
Joy fills our inmost hearts today!Anon. (Author)English1
Joy is now in every placeUnknown (Author)English3
Joy, joy, a year is bornAnonymous (Author)3
Joy, joy, joy, with joy my heart is singingUnknown (Author)English1
Joy to the world! the Lord is come!Unknown (Author)English1
Joy to those that serve the LordAnonymous (Author)1
Joyful be the hours todayAnon. (Author)English1
Joyfully, joyfully, onward I move, Bound to the land of bright spirits aboveUnknown (Author)English2
Joys are flowing like a riverAnon. (Author)English5
주 예 수 에 은 혜 를 내 려 주 사 (Heart longings, Lord Jesus, I lift to the throne)Anonymous (Author)English, Korean2
주 여 우 리 우 리 를 (God, be merciful to us)Anonymous (Author)English, Korean2
Juan vio el número de los redimidosUnknown (Translator)Spanish2
Jubilate Deo, Jubilate DeoAnonymous (Author)English, Latin1
Judge me, God of my salvationAnonymous (Author)English1
Judge me, O God, and plead my cause Against a godless raceAnonymous (Author)English1
Judge my integrity, the righteous Judge thou artAnonymous (Author)English1
Junto a la cruz do Jesús murió, Do por su graia clamaga youAnónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish2
Just as I am, Thine own to beAnon. (Author)English1
Just as I am, without one pleaAnon. (Author)English8
Just as thou art, without one traceAnon. (Author)English1
Just as Thou wilt, no more I prayAnon. (Author)English1
Just before His trial, Jesus entered dark GethsemaneUnknown (Author)English2
Just being happy is a fine thing to doAnon. (Author)English2
Justa, explícita y sin veloAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Kailo ko tinan nu walai Tuhan (Know you not that your body is the Lord's?)Anonymous (Author)English, Kadazan2
കണ്ണീരിൻ താഴ് വര-യാം ഇദ്ധര (Kaṇṇīrin tāḻ vara-yāṁ id'dhara)Anonymous (Author)Malayalam2
Kannu niira van thudachidumee (He has ransomed us from captivity)Anonymous (Author)English, Maleyaallem2
Kasip oko sid kinoringan (We all believe in one God of love)Anonymous (Author)Kadazon2
കർത്തൻ എന്നെ നടത്തുന്നു എത്ര ഭാഗ്യം സ്വർഗ്ഗാശ്വാസം (Karttan enne naṭattunnu etra bhāgyaṁ svarggāśvāsaṁ)Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
കർത്താ കൊടുംങ്കാറ്റടിച്ച് (Karttā keāṭuṅṅkāṟṟaṭicc)Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
കർത്തൻ തന്ന നൽ വാഗ്ദാനം, ആർത്തനാം സഞ്ചാരിക്കായ് (Karttan tanna nal vāgdānaṁ, ārttanāṁ sañcārikkāy)Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
കർത്തനിൽ ആർത്തു സ-ന്തോഷിക്ക (Karttanil ārttu sa-ntēāṣikka)Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
Keep a watch on your wordsAnon. (Author)English1
Keep me true, Lord Jesus, keep me trueAnonymous (Author)English2
Keep us, Lord, O, keep us everAnon. (Author)English3
കേൾക്ക എ-ന്റെ ആത്മാവേ യേശു മനസ്സലിഞ്ഞു (Kēḷkka e-nṟe ātmāvē yēśu manas'saliññu)Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
Kaa jao banleng phleng mahachai (I sing a song of victory)Anonymous (Author)English, Thai2
खामोश है रात, बखत है रात (Khaamosh hai raat, bakhat hai raat)Anonymous (Translator)Hindi2
ഖേദിക്കുന്ന മാനവർക്കു-ഭൂതലേ യാഥാർത്ഥമാം (Khēdikkunna mānavarkku-bhūtalē yāthārt'thamāṁ)Anonymous (Author)Malayalam2
ขอเชิญท่านผู้วางใจชื่นใจยินดีมีชัย (K̄hx cheiỵ th̀ān p̄hū̂ wāngcı chụ̄̀n cı yindī mī chạy)Anonymous (Translator (Thai))Thai2
Ki lo le w’ese mi nuAnonymous (Translator)Yoruba2
Kìa, Người chăn bầy cất tiếng đau thươngAnonymous (Translator)Vietnamese2
Kind are the words that Jesus speaksAnon. (Author)English1
Kind friends have decked the Christmas-treeAnonymous (Author)1
Kind hearts are the gardensUnknown (Author)English1
Kind, loving words, O, scatter themAnon. ()English3
Kind words can never die; cherished and blestAnon. (Author)English6
Pleasing [kindly] [joyful] spring again is here, trees and fields in bloom appearUnknown (Author (v. 4))English1
Kindred, and friends, and native landAnon. (Author)3
King of kings, and wilt Thou deignAnon. (Author)English1
Bless the Lord, O my soul; Bless the Lord, O my soulUnknown (Author)English3
Kjæmp alvorlig nu, Guds naadeAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian3
Kleiner Robin Rothbrust saß auf einem Zweig** (Author)German1
Know that God is here (Dieu est toujours présent)Anonymous (Refrain)English, French2
Know then [this], that every soul is freeAnon. (Author)English1
Kom, Gud og Skaber, HelligaandAnonymous (Translator (Norwegian))Norwegian1
Kom, Helge Ande, Herre Gud!Anonymous (Translator)Swedish1
Kom, Helge Ande, till mig inAnonymous (Translator)Swedish1
Kom hen til mig, du træte Sjæl!Ukjendt (Author)Norwegian3
Kom, Menneske, at skue migUkj. (Translator)Norwegian3
Kom, o Jesu! huru längeAnonymous (Translator)Swedish2
Kom, o kom, du aand, som giverAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian2
Kom, stærke Frelser, snart, mit Hjerte at opbrydeAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian1
Komm, Geist vom Thron herabUnbekannt (Author)German1
Komm, heiliger Geist, auf uns herab, Du bist die schönste Himmelsgab'Unbekannt (Author)German1
Komm, o Geist von Gott gegebenUnbekannt (Author)German1
Komm, o komm, du Geist des LebensUnknown (Author)German1
Komm ohne Verzug zum HerrnUnbekannt (Author)German1
Komm' zu Jesus, komm' zu JesusAnon. (Author)German4
Kommt, bringet Ehre Dank und RuhmUnbekannt (Author)German1
König, Jesu, streite, siegeAnonymous (Author)German1
ക്രൈസ്തവരേ വന്ദനയ്ക്കുണരിന്‍ (Kraistavarē vandanaykkuṇarin)Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
Krist den Helligaand sendeAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian1
Krist stod op af DødeAnonymous (Translator (Danish))Norwegian1
Krist stod op af Døde, Og frelste os af Møde!Ukj. (Author)Norwegian2
Krist til Himmels mon fareAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian1
ക്രിസ്തനാമം ഏറ്റുകൊൾ നീ കഷ്ടാരിഷ്ട പൈതലേ (Kristanāmaṁ ēṟṟukeāḷ nī kaṣṭāriṣṭa paitalē)Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
Kriste Jesu, du velsigne Landet og dets OevrighedUkj. (Author)Danish1
Kristian, ma ti ’wa ’simiAnonymous (Translator)Yoruba2
ക്രിസ്തു വീണ്ടും ജീവിച്ചു ഹാ-അല്ലേ-ലു -യ്യാUnknown (Author)Malayalam2
Kristus Jesus, du velsigneAnonymous (Author)Norwegian1
Kristus, sjælens sande lysAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian2
ക്രിസ്തു-വിന്‍ സ്നേ-ഹത്തില്‍ ചിത്ത-ങ്ങളിന്‍ ബന്ധം (Kristu-vin snē-hattil citta-ṅṅaḷin bandhaṁ)Unknown (Translator)Malayalam2
क्रूस ही के पास जहां ख़ून बहा (Kroos hee ke paas jahaan khoon baha)Anonymous (Translator)Hindi2
Kum ba yah, my LordAnonymous (Author)English2
Kusisqa kani, salvoña kaspaAnonymous (Translator)Quechua2
くすしきみ恵み (Kusushi Kimie mi)Unknown (Translator)Japanese2
Kuu Iesu aloha, o oe no ka'uAnonymous (Author)Hawaiian2
Kwa usiku wa zamani, yote kimya, takatifu.Anonymous (Translator)Swahili2
Kyrie eleison, Gud Fader, forbarme digAnonymous (Translator (Norwegian))Norwegian1
Kyrie, God Father in heaven aboveUnknown (Author (German))English1
La cruz no será más pesadaDesconocido (Author)Spanish6
Lá nos cumes das montanhasAnonymous (Translator)Portuguese2
La palabra hoy sembradaAnónimo (Author)Spanish4
La primera Navidad, El angel cantoAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
La primera Navidad en Belén sucedióAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
La profética anunciaciónUnknown (Translator (English))Spanish2
La ruda lucha terminó (Barocio)Anonymous (Translator)Spanish2
La ruta es larga y cruenta, es difícil ver el vinAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
La salvación llevandoAnonymous (Translator)Spanish3
La sangre de Cristo tiene poder (There's pow'r in the blood of Jesus for me)Anonymous (Author)English, Spanish2
La senda ancha dejaréAnónimo (Author)Spanish2
La tierna voz del Salvador, Nos habla conmovidaDesconocido (Translator)Spanish1
"Lai lodo Oluwa!"Anonymous (Translator)Yoruba2
Laid by Jehovah's mighty handsAnon. (Author)English2
Lamb of God, my SaviorAnon. (Author)English1
Lamp of our feet, whose hallowed beamAnon. (Author)2
Land ahead, its fruits are wavingUnknown (Author)English2
Las mujeres cristianas trabajanAnónimo (Author)Spanish4
Las ovejas celebramos Del Pastor el grande amorAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Lass die Lebenswinde stürmen auf der grausen WogenbahnUnbekannt (Author)German1
Lass nur die Woge toben, die an dein Schifflein schlägtUnbekannt (Author)German1
Lasset eure Lichter brennen, weithin leuchten ihren ScheinUnbekannt (Author)German1
Last night as the moon pulled anchorUnknown (Author)English1
Last night, my lads, we toiled awayUnknown (Author)English2
Laud and honor to the Father!Anon. (Author)English1
Laudă pre Domnul sufleteAnonymous (Author)Romanian2
Laŭdu la Sinjoron kant'Anonymous (Author)Esperanto2
Le Seigneur est dans son saint temple (The Lord is in his holy temple)auteur inconnu (Translator)English, French2
Lead me from death to life, from falsehood to truthAnonymous (Author)English2
Lead them, my God, to TheeAnon. (Author)English4
ലോക ശോക സാഗരെ നീ മുങ്ങുമ്പോൾ (Lēāka śēāka sāgare nī muṅṅumpēāḷ)Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
Leave all to Him, who knoweth allAnon. (Author)English1
Leave, shepherds, leave your peaceful flocks agrazingAnonymous (Author)English2
Lehre, Herr, mich betenUnbekannt (Author)German1
Lejos de mi Padre DiosAnónimo (Author)Spanish8
Lejos fui del santo DiosAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Les anges dans nos campagnesInconnu (Author)French1
Let all on earth their voices raise, Re-echoing Heaven's triumphant praiseAnonymous (Author)English2
Let all the earth Jehovah fearAnonymous (Author)English1
Let all the people join, to swell the solemn chordUnknown (Author)English2
Let all the world in every corner singUnknown (Author (st. 3))English1
May you who enter hereAnon. (Author)English2
Let all with humble hearts adoreAnonymous (Author)1
Let children never fear to leave this worldAnonymous (Author)1
Let Christian faith and hope dispelAnon (Author)English6
Let earth and heaven agree, Angels and men be joinedAnonymous (Author)English1
Let worldly minds the world pursueAnon. (Author)English4
Let every heart exulting beatUnknown (Author)English1
Let glory be to God on highAnonymous (Author)English1
Let God arise, and by his might, Let all His foes be put to flightAnonymous (Author)English1
Let God the Father, and the SonAnon. (Author)English2
Let heaven and earth rejoice, And sacred anthems raiseAnonymous (Author)English1
Let heaven and earth rejoice and singAnonymous (Author)English1
Let me be Thine foreverUnknown (Author (v. 2-3))English3
Let me go, the day is breaking, Dear companions, let me goAnonymous (Author)English1
Let me go where saints are goingAnon. (Author)English2
Let me not wander comfortlessAnonymous (Author)2
Let my life be hid in TheeAnon. (Author)English2
Let no hopeless tears be shedAnonymous (Author)English3
Let no tears today be shedAnon. (Author)English5
Let not my faith be weakUnknown (Author)English1
Let others seek a home belowAnon. (Author)English2
Let our Choir new anthems raiseAnon. (Author)English1
Let our gladness have no endUnknown (Translator)English3
Let our songs of praise ascendingAnon. (Author)1
Let plenteous grace descend upon thoseAnon. (Author)English1
Let sects and names and parties fallAnon. (Author)2
Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me, All His wonderful passion and purity (Orsborn)Anon. (Author)English1
Let the earth now praise the LordUnknown (Author (st. 7))English3
Let the holy name of JesusAnon. (Author)English2
Let the merry church bells ring, hence with tears and sighingAnon. (Author)English7
Let the nations awake to the signs of the timesAnon. (Author)English1
Let the palms wave on this most happy day!Anonymous (Author)English2
Let the round world with songs rejoiceAnonymous (Author)English1
Let the Savior's gentle callUnknown (Author)English2
Let the whole creation singAnon. (Author)English1
Let the wild leopards of the woodAnon. (Author)English1
Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart*** (Author)English1
Let the world despise and leave meAnonymous (Author)2
Let them that love Him Rise with joy to serve HimAnon. (Author)1
Let there be light, when from on highAnonymous (Author)1
Let Thy grace, Lord, make me lowlyAnon. (Author)English3
Let Thy Kingdom, blessed SaviorAnon. (Author)English2
Let Thy Spirit, blessed Savior, Come and bid our doubtings ceaseAnon. (Author)English6
Let us all with gladsome voiceUnknown (Author)English2
Let us awake our joysUnknown (Author)English1
Let us be one in mind and heartAnonymous (Author)English2
Let us break bread together on our kneesUnknown (Author)English5
Let us now depart in Thy peace, blessed JesusAnonymous (Author)English2
Let us sing the praise of LoveAnon. (Author)English1
Let vain pursuits and vain desiresAnon. (Author)7
Let warriors tremble, when they dareAnon. (Author)1
Licensed, to make the strong man weak*** (Author)English1
Lie low, O heart at Jesus feetAnonymous (Author)English2
Liebt, ihr irdischen GemüterUnbekannt (Author)German1
Life at best is very briefAnonymous (Author)English5
Life everlasting he offers to theeAnonymous (Author)English1
Life from the dead, Almighty GodAnon. (Author)English6
Life is onward, use it With a forward aimAnon. (Author)English1
Life itself is very brief, Like the falling of a leafAnon. (Author)English5
Life of all that lives below!Anon. (Author)English5
Life out of death—dear Master, is it spokenAuthor Unknown (Author)English2
Lift high the royal standardAnon. (Author)English1
Lift Jesus higher, lift Jesus higherAnonymous (Author)English2
Lift the gospel banner, Wave it far and wideUnknown (Author)English2
Lift the voice and sound the trumpetAnon. (Author)English1
Lift up, lift up your voices nowUnknown (Author)English17
Lift up your hearts, believers! This is the holy dayUnknown (Author)English2
Lift up your hearts, Immanuel's friendsAnon. (Author)English3
Lift up your joyful eyes, and seeAnonymous (Author)1
"Lift your heads" with faith; the morrowAnon. (Author)English3
Lift your voice rejoicing, MaryAnonymous (Author)1
Light after darkness, gain after lossAnonymous (Author (refrain))English2
Light of the lonely pilgrim's heartAnon. (Author)English1
Light of the soul, O Savior blestAnon. (Author)English3
Light of the world, shine on our soulsAnon. (Author)English1
Light of those whose dreary dwellingAnonymous (Author)English3
Light's abode, celestial SalemAnon. (Author)English5
Light's glittering morn bedecks the skyAnonymous (Author)English5
Like a cradle rocking, rocking, Silent, peaceful, to and froUnknown (Author (v.1,2))English1
Like a river gloriousAnon. (Author)English4
Like Jacob, till the break of day*** (Author)English1
Like Noah's weary doveAnon. (Author)English1
Like strains of music, soft and lowAnon. (Author)English1
Like Zion's steadfast mount are theyAnonymous (Author)English1
Límpiame, Señor, de toda mi maldadDescon. (Author)Spanish2
List, afar, what angel voicesAnon. (Author)English1
Listen, my soul, while Jesus praysAnon. (Author)1
Listen, O listen, our father all holyAnon. (Author)English1
Listen to the word which God has spokenAnon. (Author)1
Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheepAnon. (Author)English2
Little builders all are we, builders for eternityAnon. (Author)English1
Little children, can you tell, Do you know the story wellAnonymous (Author)English2
Little children, can you tell Who has kept us safe and wellAnonymous (Author)English2
Little children, come to Jesus, Hark, He calls you, come awayAnon. (Author)English1
Little children, come to Jesus, Hear Him saying, "Come to me"Anon. (Author)English2
Little children, praise the Savior, He regards you from aboveAnon. (Author)English6
Little children, wake and listenUnknown (Author)English4
Little givers, come and bring Tribute to your heavenly KingAnon. (Author)English2
Little knees should lowly bend*** (Author)English1
Little lambs so white and fairAnon. (Author)English3
Little ones are often sorryAnonymous (Author)English1
Little schoolmates can you tellAnon. (Author)English1
Little stars that wander in the great, deep blueUnknown (Author)English2
Live for something be not idleAnon. (Author)English6
Live in me Lord JesusAnonymous (Author)1
Living water freely flowingUnknown (Author)English1
Ljus af ljus o morgonstjernaAnonymous (Translator)Swedish1
Llama Jesüs, el Buen PastorAnónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish2
Llanto y gritos se oiránAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Lo an angel loud proclaimingAnon. (Author)English1
Lo! God is here: let us adoreAnonymous (Author)English3
Lo, how a rose e'er bloomingAnonymous (Author (vs. 1 & 2))English7
Lo! now is our accepted dayAnonymous (Author)English1
Lo! now the time accepted pealsAnonymous (Author)1
Lo que respira alabe a JehováAnonymous (Author)Spanish4
Lo, round the throne a glorious bandAnon. (Author)English4
Lo! round the throne at God's right handAnon. (Author)English1
Lo, the clouds of night are rendingUnknown (Author)English1
Lo! the heavens are breakingAnon. (Author)English2
Lo! the lilies of the field, How their leaves instruction yieldAnon. (Author)English1
Lo the lord the mighty SaviorAnonymous (Author)1
Lo! the seal of death is breakingAnon. (Author)English1
Lo! the time hastens on, soon the morning will dawnAnon. (Author)English1
Lo! what a cloud of witnessesAnonymous (Author)English5
Lo! what an entertaining sightAnon. (Author)English1
Lone amidst the dead and dyingAnon. (Author)1
Lonely and weary by sorrows oppressedAnon. (Author)English2
Long ago the lips of JesusAnonymous (Alterer)English2
Long ago when little childrenAnon. (Author)English1
Long for my Savior I've been waitingAnon. (Author)English3
Long hath the night of sorrow reignedAnon. (Author)English1
Long is our winter, dark is our nightAnonymous (Author)2
Long is the way of the earthly lifeU. N. Signed (Author)English1
Long long ago in a manger lowAnonymous (Author)English1
Long scattered thy children, O Zion, have beenAnon. (Author)English1
Look! Look! our seeds we're plantingAnonymous (Author)English2
Look not on the wine cup brightUnknown (Author)English1
Look to the Savior on Calvary's treeAnon. (Author)English1
Look up, my soul, with glad surpriseAnon. (Author)English7
Look up ye saints with sweet surpriseAnonymous (Author)English1
Looking upward every dayAnon. (Author)English3
Lord, a little band, and lowlyUnknown (Author (Refrain))English4
Lord! am I precious in thy sight?Unknown (Author)English1
Lord, as the evening shades ariseUnknown (Author)1
Lord, as to Thy dear cross we fleeAnon. (Author)English3
Lord, at thy table I beholdAnon. (Author)English2
Lord, at Thy temple we appearAnon. (Author)English1
Lord, bid Thy light ariseAnon. (Author)English3
Lord, bless and pity us, Shine on us with your faceAnonymous (Author)English1
Lord bless Thy saints assembled hereAnonymous (Author)English1
Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing, Bid us now depart in peaceUnknown (Author)English1
Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing, Fill our hearts with joy and peaceAnon. (Author)English24
Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing, Hope and comfort from aboveAnonymous (Author)English10
Lord, fill my heart with joyful songAnonymous (Author)English2
Lord, fix our [my] wandering thoughtsAnon. (Author)English1
Lord, for tomorrow and its needsAnon. (Author)English7
Lord, from the depths to Thee I cried, My voice, Lord, do Thou hearAnon. (Author)English2
Lord, from the depths to Thee I cry, To Thee I lift my tearful eyeAnon. (Author)English3
Lord, from the ill and froward manAnonymous (Author)1
Lord God of hosts, by all adored, Thy name we praise with one accordAnon. (Author)English1
Lord God of hosts, in mercy My supplication hearAnonymous (Author)English1
Lord, grant Thy blessing here todayAnon. (Author)English1
Lord, hast thou made me know thy waysAnon. (Author)English1
Lord, hear an infant prayAnon. (Author)English1
Lord, hear me in distressAnonymous (Author)English1
Lord, hear me when I pray, And answer me in graceAnonymous (Author)English1
Lord, hear my prayer, and let my cry Have ready access unto TheeAnonymous (Author)English1
Lord, hear my prayer, and let my cry Have speedy access unto theeUnknown (Author)English1
Lord, hear the right, regard my cry, My prayer from lips sincereAnonymous (Author)English1
Lord, hear the voice of my complaint, To Thee I now commend meAnon. (Author)English1
Lord, help me to resign My doubting heart to TheeAnon. (Author)English4
Lord, her watch Thy Church is keepingAnon. (Author)English1
Lord, how delightful 'tis to seeAnon. (Author)English1
Lord, how mysterious are Thy ways!Anon. (Author)English1
Lord, I am thine, and in thine aidAnon. (Author)English5
Lord, I believe; Thy power I ownAnon (Author)English2
Lord, I cannot let Thee goAnon. (Author)English2
Lord, I have started to walk in the lightUnknown (Author)English1
Lord, I hear of showers of blessingUnknown (Author (st. 3))English3
Lord, I know Thou art near meAnonymous (Author)English1
Lord, I lay my life at Your feetUnknown (Author)2
Lord, I make a full surrender, All I have I yield to TheeUnknown (Author)English1
Lord, I perish; save, I criedAnon. (Author)English1
Lord, I want to be a ChristianAnonymous (Author)English3
Lord, I will praise Thy nameAnonymous (Author)English1
Lord, I would come to theeAnon (Author)English1
Lord, I would own Thy tender careAnon. (Author)English1
Lord, if on earth the thought of TheeAnon. (Author)English3
Lord, if Thou Thy grace impartAnon. (Author)English2
Lord, I'm oppressed; O, undertake For meAnon. (Author)1
Lord, in the morning I will sendAnon. (Author)English4
Lord, in the temples of thy graceAnon. (Author)1
Lord, in thee am I confidingAnonymous (Author)English1
Lord, in these dark and dismal daysAnon. (Author)English2
Lord, in this Thy mercy's dayand others (Author)English2
Lord, in Thy courts we now appearAnon. (Author)English1
Lord, in Thy garden agonyAnonymous (Author)English3
Lord, in thy presence dread and sweetAnon. (Author)English5
Lord, in Thy presence here we meetAnon. (Author)English1
Lord, in thy sight, O let my prayerAnonymous (Author)1
Lord, it is Thy holy dayAnon. (Author)English2
Lord Jesus, be our holy GuestAnon. (Author)English1
Lord Jesus, by Thy PassionUnknown (Author)English1
Lord Jesus Christ, be present now!Unknown (Author)English4
Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior, My heart belongs to TheeAnon. (Author)English1
Lord Jesu Christ, with us abideUnknown (Author (st. 3-9))English1
Lord Jesus, come, nor let us longer roamAnon. (Author)English1
Lord Jesus, my Savior, how vast Thy love to meAnon. (Author)English1
Lord Jesus, my sweet Rose of SharonAnonymous (Author)English2
Lord Jesus, though but two or threeAnon. (Author)English1
Lord Jesus, Thou who only artUnknown (Author)English1
Lord Jesu, when, when shall it beAnon. (Author)English1
Lord, keep us safe this nightAnon. (Author)English4
Lord, lay some soul upon my heartAnonymous (Author (st. 1))English10
Lord, let mercy now attend usAnon. (Author)English2
Lord, let Thy goodness lead our landAnon. (Author)English2
Lord, let thy kingdom comeAnonymous (Author)1
Lord, let us now depart in peace Who in thy name are gathered hereanonymous (Author)English2
Lord, may our sympathizing breastsAnon. (Author)English1
Lord, must I die? O let me dieAnonymous (Author)English3
Lord, my petition heedAnonymous (Author)English1
Lord, my times are in Thy hand. All my fondest hopes have plannedAnon. (Author)English3
Lord, my weak thought in vain would climbAnon. (Author)English1
Lord of all being; throned afarAnon. (Author)English1
Lord of Creation, bow Thine ear, O Christ, to hearAnonymous (Author)English1
Lord of heaven, and earth, and oceanAnonymous (Author)English1
Lord of hosts, to Thee we raiseUnknown (Author)English1
Lord of hosts, whom all adoreUnknown (Author)English2
Lord, of life the guard and giverUnknown (Author)English1
Lord of mercy and of might, God and Father of us allAnon. (Author)English2
Lord of my life, whose tender careAnonymous (Author)English8
Lord of my life, whose word of powerAnon. (Author)1
Lord of the families belowAnonymous (Author)2
Lord of the harvest, God of graceAnon. (Author)1
Lord of the Sabbath and its lightAnonymous (Author)English6
Lord of the Sea!-- thy potent swayAnonymous (Author)11
Lord of the worlds belowAnonymous (Author)English3
Lord, our Lord, your glorious nameAnonymous (Author)English1
Lord, rebuke me not in anger; Chastened sore I waste awayAnonymous (Author)English1
Lord, send a revival, Lord, send a revivalAnon. (Author)English1
Lord, teach a little child to pray, And, O accept my prayerAnonymous (Author)English7
Lord, Thee I'll praise with all my heart, And all Thy wondrous works procalimAnon. (Author)English6
Lord, Thou art the Truth and wayUnknown (Translator)English1
Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling place Through all the ages of our race (UP/PCUSA)Anonymous (Author)English1
Lord, thou hast favor shown thy landAnonymous (Author)English1
Lord, Thou hast greatly blessed our landAnonymous (Author)English1
Lord, Thou shalt early hear my voiceAnonymous (Author)English1
Lord, through all the generationsAnonymous (Author)English1
Lord, Thy children guide and keepAnon. (Author)English2
Lord, Thy mercy now entreatingAnon. (Author)English4
Lord, Thy Word to me rememberAnonymous (Author)English1
Lord, to me Thy ways make knownAnonymous (Author)English1
Lord, to our humble prayers attendUnknown (Author)English1
Lord, we adore thy vast designsAnonymous (Author)English1
Lord, we adore thy wondrous graceAnonymous (Author)2
Lord, we come to ask thy blessing, On this happy pair to restAnon. (Author)English1
Lord, we expect a day, Still brighter far than thisAnonymous (Author)English1
Lord, we plead for faith aloneAnon. (Author)1
Lord, we thank you, thank you, thank youUnknown (Author)English1
Lord, what our ears have heardAnon. (Author)English2
Lord, when before Thy throne we meetAnon. (Author)English1
Lord, when thine ancient people criedAnon. (Author)1
Lord, when to Thee a little ladUnknown (Author)English1
Lord, when to thee my sinking soulAnonymous (Author)English1
Lord, when together here we meetAnon. (Author)English4
Lord, when we bend before Thy throneAnonymous (Author)English2
Lord, where thou art, our holy dead must beAnonymous (Author)1
Lord, where thou wilt, it matters not to meAnon. (Author)English1
Lord, who at Cana's wedding feastAnon. (Author)English1
Lord, who can pay the mighty debtAnon. (Author)English1
Lord, whom winds and seas obeyAnon. (Author)English1
Lord, with glowing heart I'd praise TheeAnonymous (Author)English2
Los heraldos celestialesanónimo (Author)Spanish1
Los hijos, Dios, te damos hoyAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Louvai a Deus, Criador e Senhor do universoAnonymous (Translator)Portuguese2
Love and a cross, together blestAnonymous (Author)English2
Love came down and died for sinUnknown (Author)English1
Love divine, all loves excelling, Joy of heaven, to earth come downAnon. (Author)English2
Love gift, little love giftUnknown (Author)English1
Love Him, love Him, all ye little childrenAnon. (Author)English5
Love is the theme of saints aboveAnon. (Author)English2
Love is to human heartsUnknown (Author)1
Love of the Father, love of God the SonAnonymous (Author)English3
Love one another, for love is of GodAnonymous (Author)English1
Love thyself last, look near, behold thy dutyAnonymous (Author)English29
Loved ones will weep over my silent faceAnonymous (Author)English2
Loved with everlasting loveAnon. (Author)English4
Lovely babe how brief thy stayAnon. (Author)1
Lovely this child, asleep in deathAnon. (Author)English1
Lover den herre, den mægtige konge, med æreAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian3
Loving words are rays of sunshineAnon. (Author)English1
Lovingly the Shepherd, seeking the lost sheepUnknown (Author)English1
Low at Thy feet, Lord JesusUnknown (Author)English1
Löwen lasst euch wieder findenUnbekannt (Author)German1
Lowly bending at Thy footstoolAnonymous (Author)English2
L'owuro ojo ajindeAnonymous (Translator)Yoruba2
Luk Øine op, o Verdens barnAnonymous (Author)Norwegian1
Լուռ գիշեր սուրբ գիշերAnonymous (Translator)Armenian2
Mä silmät luon ylös taivaaseen (I lift my eyes to you, God on high)Anon. (Translator (Finnish))English, Finnish2
Mach doch aus mir, Herr Jesu ChristUnbekannt (Author)German1
Mae carcharorion angau (The pow'r of death is broken)Anonymous (Chorus)Welsh2
Mae carcharorion angeuAn. (Author)Welsh3
Mægtigste Kriste, Menighedens HerreUkj. (Translator)Norwegian3
Thank and praise Jehovah's nameAnon. (Author)English1
മഹാ വൈദ്യൻ സമീപത്തു (Mahā vaidyan samīpattu)Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
മഹത്വ പ്രഭു മരിച്ച (Mahatva prabhu maricca)Anonymous (Translator (sts. 1-3, 5))Malayalam2
Mai mult pe Isus vreau a ştiAnonymous (Translator)Romanian2
Mais do que tesouros é Cristo, meu bom MestreAnonymous (Translator)Portuguese2
Maître entends-Tu la tempêteAnonymous (Translator)French2
Make haste, O God, to save; To help me, Lord, make hasteAnonymous (Author)1
Make haste, O man, to liveAnon. (Author)English2
Make haste, O my God, to deliver, I prayAnonymous (Author)English1
Make me a channel of your peaceAnon. (Author)English1
Make me a servant; Lord, make me like YouAnonymous (Author (st. 1))English2
Make my life what it ought to beAnonymous (Author)English2
Make us, by thy transforming graceAnon. (Author)1
Maker of all things, Author of lightAnon. (Author)English2
Maker of all things, Lord our GodAnon. (Author)1
Maker of man, who from Thy throneAnonymous (Author)English1
Makes me love everybodyAnonymous (Author)English8
Малое места Бэтлеем існуе з даўных порAnonymous (Translator)Belarusian2
മാനവരെ രക്ഷിച്ചിടുവാനായ് (Mānavare rakṣicciṭuvānāy)Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
만백성 기뻐하여라 하늘의 평화가 (Manbaegseong gippeohayeola haneul-ui pyeonghwaga)Anonymous (Translator)Korean2
Manda tu Espíritu, SeñorAnónimo (Author)Spanish3
Mansions are prepared aboveAnon. (Author)English5
Many names are dear, but His is dearerAnon. (Author (vs. 1, 2))English1
March onward, march onward, our banner of lightAnon. (Author)English12
Marchai, ó irmãos, pela senda da verdade!Anonymous (Author)Portuguese2
Mark that pilgrim, lowly bendingAnon. (Author)English1
Mark the virtuous man and seeAnonymous (Author)1
Martyr of God, whose strength was steeledAnonymous (Author)English1
Mary to the Savior's tombAnonymous (Author)English1
Más cerca, oh Dios, de ti Quiero morarAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Más de Jesús deseo saberAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Más santidad dame, Más odio al malDesconocido (Translator)Spanish5
மாடடை குடில் ஒன்றில் (Māṭaṭai kuṭil oṉṟil)Anonymous (Author (st. 1-2))Tamil2
Matendo yangu yoyoteAnonymous (Author)Swahili2
May choirs of angels lead you To Paradise on highAnonymous (Author)English1
May every child of man, Creator kind!Anonymous (Author)English2
May God accept our vowAnonymous (Author)English1
May God be with you Till we meet againAnonymous (Author)2
May I love Thee and adore TheeAnon. (Author)English1
May our homes be filled with dancingAnonymous (Translator)English1
May the grace of Christ our Savior, And the Father's boundless loveAnon. (Author)English1
May the Lord, Mighty GodUnknown (Author)English4
May those who have thy name confessedAnon. (Author)1
mayka wash kopa djizEs pilpilAnonymous (Translator (Chinook))Chinook Jargon2
Mbinguni nani?Anonymous (Author)Swahili2
Me agrada cantar sin cesar, y honraranónimo (Author)Spanish6
Me voy al cielo, ¡qué favor!Anonimo (Author)Spanish2
മോദം ഭൂമൗ, രാജൻ വന്നുAnonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
മോദവാർത്ത കേട്ടു നാം (Mēādavārtta kēṭṭu nāṁ)Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
Med Bøn jeg Støv og MuldAnonymous (Author (v. 1, 3, 5, 6))Norwegian3
Med dig, min Frelser, vil jeg lideAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian5
Med konning David KlageUkj. (Author)2
Meditar en Jesús ha de ser mi afánAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Meek and lowly, pure and holy, Chief among the blessed threeUnknown (Author)English2
Meet and right it is to sing, In every time and placeAnonymous (Author)English2
妹背をちぎる、家のうち (Imose o chigiru,-ka no uchi)Unknown (Translator)Japanese2
Mein Hirt ist der Herr, Dess bin ich so frohUnbekannt (Author)German1
Mein Jesus, ich lieb' dich, ich weiß du bist mein (Papenhausen)Anon. (Author)German1
Mejor es mi Cristo que el oro mortalAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Men, behold, the day is breakingAnon. (Author)English1
Men who walk in folly's wayAnonymous (Author)English1
Menschen, eilt, euch zu bekehren, Jesus stehet vor der TürUnbekannt (Author)German1
Mera tan man aor dhan tere lie Unknown (Author)Urdu1
मेरे बदले में मरने को एक था तैयार (Mere badale mein marane ko ek tha taiyaar)Anonymous (Translator)Hindi2
Merket das Heute, das wichtige HeuteUnbekannt (Author)German1
Merrily to Bethlehem the shepherds cameAnonymous (Author)English2
Messzi hegytetőn fent, áll egy régi keresztAnonymous (Translator)Hungarian2
เมื่อคืนวันนั้นเป็นคืนสำคัญทั่วโลกา (Meụ̄̀x khụ̄n wạn nận pĕn khụ̄n s̄ảkhạỵ thạ̀w lokā)Anonymous (Translator)Thai2
Mewn gofid trwm a galar tristAnonymous (Author)Welsh2
มีบ้านหมู่น้อยชื่อเบธเลเฮ็ม ความมืดปกคลุมหุ้มไว้ (Mī b̂ān h̄mū̀ n̂xy chụ̄̀x beṭhle ḥĕm khwām mụ̄d pkkhlum h̄ûm wị̂)Anonymous (Translator)Thai2
Mi corazon deseaAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Mi corazón está sangrandoAnónimo (Author)Spanish1
Mi corazón está sangrando (This heart of mine is in deep anguishAnonymous (Author)Spanish, English2
祢的信实广大,我神我天父 (Mí de xìnshí guǎngdà, wǒ shén wǒ tiān fù)Anonymous (Translator)Chinese2
Mi espíritu, alma y cuerpoDesconocido (Translator)Spanish3
Mi fe contempla a tiAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Mi fe descansa en tiDesconocido (Translator)Spanish2
Mi fe espera en tiDesconocido (Translator (estrs. 1-2))Spanish4
Mi Jesús, mi Salvadoranónimo (Author)Spanish1
Mi pensamiento eres tú, SeñorAnónima (Author)Spanish4
Mi vida al servicio de DiosAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Mi vida di por tiAnónimo (Author)Spanish1
Mid scenes of affliction with sorrow oppressedAnon. (Author)1
'Mid scenes of confusion and creature complaintsAnon. (Author)English4
Midnight’s sable hour is passingAnonymous (Author)English2
Midst sorrow and careAnon. (Author)English1
Midst the darkness, storm, and sorrowUnknown (Translator)English1
Mig hjertelig nu længesUkj. (Author)Norwegian1
Mighty God, we worshipAnon. (Author)1
Mighty God, while angels bless TheeAnon. (Author)English1
Min Gud och Fader käreAnonymous (Translator)Swedish1
Min högsta skatt, o Jesu, kärAnonymous (Translator)Swedish1
Min jemmer nu en ända harAnonymous (Translator)Swedish1
Min Jesus ene er mit nøieUkjendt (Translator)Norwegian3
Min synd, o GudAnonymous (Translator)Swedish3
Mindful of our human frailtyAnonymous (Author)English1
Mine eyes look toward the mountainsAnonymous (Author)English1
Mine, mine, mine, mine, Jesus is MineUnknown (Author)English1
Mirad la pobre humanidadAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Mirad qué amor nos ha dado el Padre al hacernos jijos de DiosAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Mirad y ved a nuestro Diosdesconocido (Author)Spanish1
Mirinda Grac'! ho dolĉa son'! (tr. Konisi gaku)Anonymous (Author (st. 6))Esperanto2
Mirinda Graco! dolĉa son' Anonymous (Author (st. 6))2
Mis dos ojitos que miran a DiosDesconocido (Author)Spanish2
Mit diesen Kindlein kommen wirUnbekannt (Author)German1
Mit Haab og Trøst og al TillidUkj. (Author)Norwegian1
من فوق عن موتى الصلاحAnonymous (Author)Arabic1
Mo ti seleri JesuAnonymous (Translator)Yoruba2
Мой в небе край родной мой в небе дом! (Moy v nebe kray rodnoy moy v nebe dom!).Anonymous (Translator)Russian2
Forever with the Lord! Amen, so let it beAn. (Translator)English1
Mor rhyfedd yw Dy gariad, IorAn. (Author)Welsh4
More Dios en míAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
More like Jesus I would be, Let my Savior dwell with meUnknown (Author)English2
More on God the Lord dependethUnknown (Author)English1
Morir sólo es resucitarUnknown (Author)Spanish3
Morn amid the mountainsAnonymous (Author)English1
Morn in its splendor, fills again the eastern skyAnon. (Author)English1
Morn of beauty! Morn of gladnessAnonymous (Author)English2
Mortal, weary with thy toilingUnknown (Author)English2
Most holy Lord and God of heavenAnonymous (Author)English1
Most perfect is the law of GodAnonymous (Author)English1
Most splendid and resplendent LightAnon. (Author)English2
Mother, watch the little feetAnon. (Author)English1
Mourn for the thousands slainUnknown (Author)English21
മൃത്യുവിൻ ദൂതൻ- നിന്നെ വിളിക്കിൽ (Mr̥tyuvin dūtan- ninne viḷikkil)Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
Msalabani pa Mwokozi, Naliomba unirehemuAnonymous (Translator)Swahili2
Mungu Mtukufu aliye BwanaAnonymous (Translator)Swahili1
Mungu ndiye Mwamba wetuAnonymous (Translator)Swahili1
Mungu ni mwema (Know that God is good)Anonymous (Author)English3
Murmur, gentle lyre, through the lonely nightAnonymous (Author)English1
മുറ്റും വെടിപ്പാക്കാൻ എന്നെ ക്ഷണിക്കും നിൻ (Muṟṟuṁ veṭippākkān enne kṣaṇikkuṁ nin)Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
Must Jesus bear the cross aloneAnon. (Author)English12
Muy cercano está el díaAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Mwamba wenye imaraAnonymous (Translator)Swahili2
Mwenzetu, kazi yakoAnonymous (Author)Swahili2
My Bible, my Bible, 'tis a book divineAnon. (Author)English2
My blessed Jesus, Thou hast taughtUnknown (Author)English1
My [O] brethren, I have found A land which doth aboundAnon. (Author)English1
My buried friends, can I forget?Anon. (Author)English1
My Captain sounds the alarm of warAnon. (Author)English1
My Christian friends in bonds of love, Whose hearts the sweetest union proveAnon. (Author)English10
My Church, my Church, my dear old ChurchUnknown (Author)English12
My country is the world, My flag with stars impearledAnonymous (Author)English3
My days and weeks, and months and yearsAnon. (Author)English2
My dear Jesus I'll not leaveAnon. (Translator)English1
My dog Dash is full of funAnon. (Author)English1
My end, Lord, make me knowAnonymous (Author)English1
My eyes are dry, my faith is oldAnonymous (Author (st. 3))English2
My faith shall triumph over the graveAnon. (Author)English5
My faith should be a happy thingAnonymous (Author)English1
My faithful shepherd is the Lord, Supplying all my needsAnonymous (Author)English1
My father and my mother dearUnknown (Author)English1
My God, my Father, blissful nameAnon. (Author)English1
My Father, the guide of my youthAnon. (Author)English3
My Father, when I come to TheeUnknown (Author)English3
My Father's house is built on highAnon. (Author)1
My feet are so weary with the marchAnonymous (Author)English3
My feet are weary with the marchAnon. (Author)English1
My friends, I am going a long and tedious journeyAnonymous (Author)English1
My God, and is Thy table spread?Anon. (Author)English1
My God, I love Thee, not becauseAnon. (Author)English3
My God, in morning's radiant hourAnon. (Author)English4
My God, in Thee all fulness liesAnon. (Author)English4
My God is so great, so strong, so mightyAnonymous (Author)English3
My God, it was Thy graceAnonymous (Author)English1
My God, my Father, may I dareAnonymous (Author)1
My God, my Father, while I strayAnon. (Author)English8
My God, My God, I cry to TheeAnonymous (Author)English1
My God, my God, to Thee I cryAnon. (Author)English1
O God, my heart with love inflameUnknown (Author)English2
My God, my prayer attend, O bow Thine ear to meAnon. (Author)English1
My God! the covenant of Thy loveAnon. (Author)English1
My griefs of heart aboundAnonymous (Author)English1
My grieving soul revive, O LordAnonymous (Author)English1
My heart doth overflowAnonymous (Author)English1
My heart is fixed, O God, A grateful song I raiseAnonymous (Author)English2
My heart its incense burningAnon. (Author)English2
My heart, my mind, my body, my soulAnonymous (Author (st. 1))English4
My heart overflows with songAnon. (Author)English1
My heart of dust was madeAnon. (Author)English1
My heart with joy now raisesUnknown (Author)English1
My home is in heaven, my rest is not hereUnknown (Author)English1
My hope, my all, my Savior ThouAnon. (Author)English14
My hope my portion and my GodAnon. (Author)English3
My inmost heart now raises, In this fair morning hourAnon. (Author)English2
My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mineAnonymous (Author)English131
My life flows on in endless song, Above earth's lamentationAnon. (Author)English23
My life is hid in JesusAnonymous (Author)English4
My Lord calls me, He calls me by the thunderAnonymous (Author)English1
My Lord is real, yes, real to meU. N. K. (Author)English2
My Lord, my God, my Love, to thee, to thee I callAnon. (Author)2
My only Savior, when I feelUnknown (Author)English2
My opening eyes with rapture seeAnonymous (Author)English3
My people, give ear, attend to my wordAnonymous (Author)English1
My pilgrim days are almost overAnon. (Author)English2
My precious Lord, for Thy dear nameUnknown (Author)English1
My precious Lord has won my heartAnonymous (Author)English2
My Prophet Thou, my heavenly GuideUnknown (Author)English2
My Redeemer knoweth meAnon. (Author)1
My Redeemer, O, what beautiesAnon. (Author)English2
My righteous God, who oft of oldAnonymous (Author)English1
My Savior keeps me companyAnon. (Author)English2
My Savior once for allAnon. (Author)1
My Savior, Thou hast offered restAnon. (Author)English7
My Shepherd is the Lord Most High, And all my wants shall be suppliedAnon. (Author)English22
My Shepherd is the Lord, my God, What can I want beside?Anonymous (Author)English1
My Shepherd is the Lord Who knows my needsAnonymous (Author)English1
My Shepherd will supply my needAnon. (Translator)English1
My sins and faults of youthAnonymous (Author)English1
My sisters, bless the LordAnonymous (Author)English2
My son, be this thy simple planAnon. (Author)1
My song forever shall recordAnonymous (Author)English1
My soul, bless the Lord! the Lord is most greatAnonymous (Author)English1
My soul complete in Jesus standsAnon. (Author)English3
My spirit longs for TheeAnon. (Author)English1
My soul doth magnify the Lord, My spirit shall in God rejoiceUnknown (Author)English3
My soul for Thy salvation faints, But still I hope in TheeAnonymous (Author)English1
My soul in silence waits for GodAnonymous (Author)English1
My soul is filled with joy As I sing to God my SaviorAnonymous (Author)English1
My soul is grieved because my foesAnonymous (Author)English1
My soul is happy when I hearAnon. (Author)English1
My soul is now united to Christ, the living vineAnon. (Author)English1
My soul, it is thy God who calls thee by His graceUnknown (Author)English1
My soul! weigh not thy lifeAnon. (Author)English12
My soul, why sink when griefs oppressAnon. (Author)2
My soul with expectation dothAnonymous (Author)English1
My soul's full of gloryAnon. (Author)English1
My spirit on Thy careAnonymous (Author)English1
My steadfast heart, O GodAnonymous (Author)English1
My times are in Thy hand, My God I wish them thereAnon. (Author)English6
My trust is in the Lord; How say ye then to meAnonymous (Author)1
На далеком холме старый крест виден мне (Na dalekom kholme staryy krest viden mne)Anonymous (Translator)Russian2
Na lwfwrha, mae bysedd (Despair not! God's own finger)An. (Author)English, Welsh2
Naar vi i største Nøden staaUkj. (Translator)Norwegian3
Nach der Heimat süßer StilleAnon. (Author)German2
Nada es comparableAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Nada puede ya faltarme porque Dios mis pasos guíaAnonimo (Author)Spanish4
നദീ തുല്യം ശാ-ന്തി വര-ട്ടെൻ വഴി (Nadī tulyaṁ śā-nti vara-ṭṭen vaḻi)Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
내 가 깊 은 곳 에 서 (From the depths, O Lord, I cry)Anonymous (Author)English, Korean2
Nae pyŏngsaeng so wŏn ikotppun (This is my one, my lifelong wish)Anonymous (Author)English, Korean3
Nailed upon Golgotha's tree, Faint and bleedingUnknown (Author)English1
Nằm yên trong máng chiền kia, nào duoc nôi, nêm, giuôngNekonata (Author)Vietnamese6
Name of Jesus, softly stealingAnonymous (Author)English2
Name of our triumphant SaviorUnknown (Author)English1
ഞാനെന്നും എൻ യേശുരക്ഷതാവിലും (Ňānennuṁ en yēśurakṣatāviluṁ)Unknown (Author)Malayalam2
Наш Господь Христос воскрес! Аллилуйя! (Nash Gospod' Khristos voskres! Alliluyya!)Anonymous (Translator)Russian2
നാശ പാപികളെ രക്ഷിപ്പാൻ കൈയെ (Kēṇapēkṣiccīṭin vīṇēāre tāṅṅin)Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
Natanaw na sa SilanganAnonymous (Translator)Tagalog2
Natha thithee nathi soka biya (This is the story of the sheep who went astray)Anonymous (Author)English, Sinhala2
Native land, in summer smilingAnon. (Author)1
Nature hath seasons of reposeAnonymous (Author)3
Nature, with all her powers, shall singAnon. (Author)English1
Nature with solemn accent criesAnon. (Author)1
Naught have I gotten but what I receivedAnon. (Author)English1
Ndoa yetu nzimaAnonymous (Author)Swahili2
Не ужасайся, не страшись, Бог сохранит тебя (Ne uzhasaysya, ne strashis', Bog sokhranit tebya)Anonymous (Translator)Russian2
Не знаю, почему открыт (Ne znayu, pochemu otkryt)Anonymous (Translator)Russian2
Neak ksoy kam Laing roeu ey ban chea (Tell me why are you so afraid?PAnonymous (Author)English, Khmer2
Neeg nplajteb tau txais tshaav ntujAnonymous (Author)Laotian2
Nehene'enovohė Ehanė he'amo'omee'ė?Anonymous (Author)Cheyenne2
Never be afraid to speak for Jesus, Think how much a word can doAnon. (Author)English3
Never forget the dear onesAnon. (Author)English3
New every morning is the loveAnonymous (Author)English1
New words to speak, new thoughts to hearAnon. (Author)English1
Ngiqond’ indlel’ enyukayoAnonymous (Translator)Ndbele2
Ni en la tierra ni en el cieloDesconocido (Author)Spanish4
Ni Jesus madayawAnonymous (Author)Tagalog2
ในคืนวันหนึ่งยามเงียบสงัด มีทูตสวรรค์ลงมา (Nı khụ̄n wạn h̄nụ̀ng yām ngeīyb s̄ngạd mī thūt s̄wrrkh̒ lng mā)Anonymous (Translator)Thai2
നീ ക്ഷീണിച്ചോ, നീ വലഞ്ഞോ, വ്യാകുലപ്പെട്ടോ? (Nī kṣīṇiccēā, nī valaññēā, vyākulappeṭṭēā)Anonymous (Translator (Malayalam))Malayalam2
നീ മതിയായ ദൈവമല്ലോ നിന്‍ കൃപ സത്യം സാദ്ധ്യമല്ലോ (Nī matiyāya daivamallēā nin kr̥pa satyaṁ sād'dhyamallēā)Anonymous (Author)Malayalam2
നിൻ വേദം എൻ കാലിന്നു ദീപമേ (Nin vēdaṁ en kālinnu dīpamē)Unknown (Translator)Malayalam2
Nie opuść mnieNieznany (Author)Polish2
Nie wiem, co dzień przyniesie miAnonymous (Author)Polish2
Niemals sorge für MorgenAnon. (Author)German2
Night rested on Judea's plainsUnknown (Author)English3
Night wraps the land where Jesus spokeAnon. (Author)1
Nikifa nitapataAnonymous (Author)Swahili2
Niongoze, Bwana Mungu, ni msafiri chiniAnonymous (Translator (Swahili))Swahili1
Nipa ife OlugbalaAnonymous (Translator)Yoruba2
നിശ്ചയമേശു എന്റെ സ്വന്തം (Niścayamēśu enṟe svantaṁ)Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
നീതിമാൻ ജീവിക്കും വിശ്വാസത്താൽ (Nītimān jīvikkuṁ viśvāsattāl)Anonymous (Author)Malayalam2
നിത്യതയിൽ നീ എങ്ങു പോം? ചോദ്യം ഇതെല്ലാരോടും താൻAnonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
Nizhonigo jo-ba’ diits’aUnknown (Translator)Navajo1
Njëherë në një stallë pushonte në grazhdAnonymous (Author)Albanian2
No condemnation, O my soulAnpn. (Author)English1
No estés eternamente enojadoAnonymous (Author)Spanish3
No importa a la iglesia que vayas (No matter which church you're attending)Anon. (Author)English, Spanish1
No me pases, no me olvidesanónimo (Tr. at castellano)Spanish3
No more my own, Lord JesusAnon. (Author)English3
No more shall the sound of the war-whoop be heardAnonymous (Author)English2
No, never shall my heart despondAnon. (Author)1
No night shall be in heaven, No gathering gloomAnon. (Author)English1
No, not despairinglyAnon. (Author)English1
No one like Jesus can make my heart cleanAnon. (Author)English3
No os detengais, venid a CristoAnónimo (Author)Spanish1
No room within the dwellingAnon. (Author)English2
No te dé temor hablar por CristoDesconocido (Author)Spanish7
No time to pray, O who so fraught with earthly careAnon. (Author)English9
No yo, sino él, reciba amor y honraAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Noble sostén de la esperanza míaAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Nobody knows of the work it makesAnon. (Author)English13
Noche de paz, noche de amoranónimo (tr. en Portugués)Spanish12
Noi lăudăm astăzi pe ChristosAnonim (Author)Romanian2
None loves me, Father, with Thy loveUnknown (Author)English1
None teacheth, Lord, like TheeAnon. (Author)English2
Nos hemos reunido en tu nombre de CristoDesconocido (Translator (Spanish))Spanish1
Nos reunimos en tu santuarioAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Nos veremos en el rioAnonymous (Translator)Spanish1
¿Nos veremos junto al ríoAnónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish1
Not for tongues of heaven's angelsAnonymous (Translator (sts. 2, 3))English1
Not heaven's wide range of hallowed spaceUnknown (Author)English4
Not I, but Christ, be honored, loved, exalted*** (Author)English2
Not in the churchyard shall he sleepAnon. (Author)3
Not more of light, I ask, O GodAnonymous (Author)English2
Not my brother, nor my sister, but it's me, O LordAnonymous (Author)English3
Not so in haste, my heartAnon. (Author)English4
Not to ourselves againAnon. (Author)English1
Not unto us O Lord of heavenAnonymous (Author)English1
Nothing but leaves! the Spirit grievesAnon (Author)English2
Nothing but the name of Jesus Can avail in danger's hourAnon. (Author)English1
Nothing either great or small, Nothing sinner, noAnon. (Author)English1
Now all the bells are ringing To welcome Easter DayAnonymous (Author)English3
Now are the days fulfilledUnknown (Author)English4
Now at the Lamb's great paschal feastAnon. (Author)1
Now be my heart inspired to singUnknown (Author)English1
Now be the gospel bannerAnon. (Author)English4
Now begin the heavenly theme, Sing aloud in Jesus' nameAnonymous (Author)English2
Now blessed be Jehovah, God, The God of IsraelAnonymous (Author)English1
Now blessed be the mighty OneAnon. (Author)English7
Now for a hymn of praise to GodAnon. (Author)3
Now, from labor and from careUnknown (Author)English4
Now from the altar of my heartAnonymous (Author)English2
Now glad of heart be every oneAnon. (Author)English1
Now go forward, press toward the goalunknown (Author)4
Now God be with us, for the night is closingAnon. (Author (stanza 5))English2
Now hail the day so rich in cheerAnonymous (Author)English2
Now hush your cries, and shed no tearUnknown (Author (st. 5))English1
Now I feel the sacred fireAnon (Author)English4
Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keepAnon. (Author)English8
Now I wake and see the lightAnonymous (Author)English1
Now in a song of grateful praiseAnonymous (Author)English1
Now in the heat of youthful bloodAnon. (Author)English1
Now is the healing time decreedAnonymous (Author)English1
Now is the seed time, God aloneAnon. (Author)English1
Now is the time, the accepted hourAnon. (Author)English1
Now Israel's hope in triumph endsUnknown (Translator)English2
Now joyful strains we lift on highAnonymous (Author)English1
Now let every tongue adore TheeAnon. (Author)English3
Now let our hearts conspire to raiseAnon. (Author)English1
Now let our mourning [drooping] hearts reviveAnon. (Author)English1
Now let our prayers ascend to TheeAnon. (Author)English3
Now let us sing, Sing 'til the power of the Lord comes downAnonymous (Author)English2
Now let us sing the angels' songAnonymous (Author)English1
Now living waters flowAnon. (Author)English1
Now Lord, thy heavenly seed is sownAnonymous (Author)English2
Now may the light that shone in Jesus Christ our LordAnon. (Author)English2
Now may the Lord our shepherd leadAnon. (Author)1
Now on land and sea descendingAnon. (Author)English2
Now once day more of life is goneAnon. (Author)1
Now sing we, now rejoiceAnon. (Author)English2
Now sound ye forth with trumpet toneAnon. (Author)English4
Now thank we all our God With heart and hands and voicesAnon. (Author)English1
Since now the day hath reached its closeUnknown (Author (st. 9))English1
Now that the daylight fills the skyUnknown (Author)English4
Now that the sun is beaming brightAnon. (Author)English1
Now the day is overAnonymous (Author)English1
Now the dreary night is doneAnon. (Author)English1
Now the King in Thy strength shall be joyful, O LordAnonymous (Author)English1
Now the light of day is fadingAnon. (Author)English1
Now the long expected SaviorAnonymous (Author)English2
Now the Savior standeth pleadingUnknown (Author)English4
Now the shades of night are goneUnknown (Author)English11
Now the shadows slowly lengthenUnknown (Author)English1
Now the thirty years accomplishedAnon. (Author)English1
Now to God, our Strength and SaviorAnonymous (Author)English1
Now to heaven our prayer ascendingAnon. (Author)English5
Now unto Jehovah, ye sons of the mightyAnonymous (Author)English1
Now unto thee, the high andArranged (Author)2
Now, when the dusky shades of night retreatingAnon. (Author)English23
Now with joyful exultationAnonymous (Author)English1
Nu ai tu loc în înimăAnonymous (Translator)Romanian2
Nu er frelsens dag oprundetUkj. (Author)Norwegian1
Nu er jeg glad og gaar med sangUkjendt (Author)Norwegian1
Nu fryde sig hver en kristen mandAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian1
Nu lad hans legem graves nedAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian1
Nu skal du, min Sjæl, dig smykkeAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian1
Nu takker alle GudAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian3
Nu tystne de Klagande ljudenAnonymous (Translator)Swedish2
Nuestros hijos, recibidos de tu manoUnknown (Author)Spanish2
Nuevas alegres para decirlesDesconocido (Author)Spanish3
Num berço de palhas, humilde nasceuUnknown (Author (sts. 1-2))Portuguese2
Nun schreib ins Buch des LebensUnbekannt (Author)German1
Nun singet und seid frohUnbekannt (Author)German1
Nun wachen Gottes StrafgerichteUnbekannt (Author)German1
Nunca desmayes, que en el afánAnónimo (Translator)Spanish3
Nunca, Dios mío, cesará mi labioAnónimo (Author)Spanish1
Nunca esperes el momento de una grande acciónAnónimo (Author)Spanish1
Nunca estéis desanimadosAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Nur wo Lieb' ist, da ist WahrheitUnbekannt (Author)German1
O all ye nations, praise the Lord, His glorious acts proclaimUnknown (Author)English1
O all ye peoples, bless our GodAnonymous (Author)English1
O! Arglwydd Dduw rhagluniaethAnon. (Author (stanza 1))Welsh1
O army of the living God, Why sink your souls desponding down?Anon. (Author)English1
O aros gyda ni, Ein Iôr a'n Ceidwad cu!An. (Author)Welsh2
오 베들레헴 작은 골 너 잠들었느냐 (O bedeullehem jag-eun gol neo jamdeul-eossneunya)Anonymous (Translator)Korean2
O bells in the steepleAnonymous (Author)2
O, Beulah Land! Fair Beulah Land!Anon. (Author)English1
О, Благодать (O, Blagodat')Anonymous (Translator)Russian2
O bless His holy name, His grace to all proclaimAnon. (Author)English3
O blessed feet of Jesus, weary of seeking meAnon. (Author)English2
O blessed God, to Thee I raiseAnon. (Author)English4
O boundless Wisdom, God most highAnonymous (Author)English1
O bow thine ear, Eternal OneAnon. (Author)English7
O Bread of Life from heavenAnon. (Author)English9
O bread to pilgrims givenUnknown (Author)English15
O Bride of Christ, rejoiceUnknown (Author)English2
O Brightness of th'immortal Father's faceUnknown (Author)English1
O Christ, in Thee my soul hath foundUnknown (Author)English7
O Christ, our ever blessed LordAnon. (Author)English3
O Christ, our hope, our heart's desireAnon. (Author)English4
O Christ our Joy, gone up on highAnonymous (Author)1
O Christ, our joy, to whom is givenAnonymous (Author)English1
O Christ, Redeemer of our raceAnonymous (Author)English2
O Christ, the heavens' eternal KingAnonymous (Author)English2
O Christ, the Life, the Truth, the WayAnon. (Author)English1
O Christ, Thou bright and Morning StarAnon. (Author)English5
O Christ! Thy precious blood was shedAnon. (Author)English1
O Christ, what burdens bowed Thy headAnon. (Author)English1
O Christ, what gracious wordsAnon. (Author)English3
O Christ, who art the light and day, Thou drivest night and gloom awayUnknown (Author)English2
O Christ who art the light and day, Thy beams chase night's dark shades awayAnononymous (Author)English3
O Christ, with each returning mornAnon. (Author)English4
O Christe, qui noster poliUnknown (Author)Latin1
O Christian, see that dread arrayAnon. (Author)1
O city fair and gloriousAnon. (Author)English1
O city of the jasper wallUnknown (Author)English1
O come, little children, O come, one and all (Brueckner)Unknown (Translator)English2
O come, all ye children, O come, one and all (Overholt)Anon. (Translator)English2
O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphantAnonymous (Author)English47
O come and to Jehovah singAnonymous (Author)English3
O come before the Lord, our KingAnonymous (Author)English1
O come, come away, for time's career is closingAnon. (Author)English1
O come, come away, from labor now reposingAnon. (Author)English1
O come in life's gay morningAnonymous (Author)English1
O come, let us adore HimAnon (Author)English5
O come, let us sing to the Lord, In God our salvation rejoiceAnonymous (Author)English1
O come, little children, O come, one and allAnonymous (Translator)English1
O come, little children, O come, one and all (Anonymous)Anonymous (Translator)English1
O come, my people, to my law Attentively give earAnonymous (Author)English1
O come, my soul, bless thou the Lord thy MakerAnonymous (Author)English1
O come, O come, Emmanuel, And ransom captive IsraelAnonymous (Author)English18
O come, thou great and gracious PowerAnon. (Author)2
O comfort to the drearyAnon. (Author)English2
Ó criaturas do SenhorAnonymous (Translator)Portuguese2
O Cristo, lleno de bondadAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
O dark was the night and cold blew the windAnonymous (Author)English2
O darkest woe! Ye tears forth flowAnon. (Author (st. 1))English3
O dass mir allhier im DunkelnUnbekannt (Author)German3
O day, full of grace, which we beholdAnon. (Author)English1
O dearest Lord, accept today the gifts we bring TheeAnonymous (Author)English1
O, deffro, deffro, gwisg dy nerth (Awake, awake, arm of the Lord)Anonymous (Author (stanza 5))English, Welsh2
O, deuwch ffyddloniad Oll dan orfoledduAn. (Author)Welsh1
O, Dios, mi Soberano, ReyAnonymous (Author)Spanish7
О дивный день, о дивный час (O divnyy den', o divnyy chas)Anonymous (Translator)Russian2
O do not let the Word departUnknown (Author)English6
O, du Helge Ande! komm till oss inAnonymous (Translator)Swedish1
O, du trefoldig EnighedAnonymous (Translator (Norwegian))Norwegian1
Ó érthetetlen kegyelemAnonymous (Translator)Hungarian2
O ever blessed Master, Thou bearer of my sinAnonymous (Author)English1
O, ever on our earthly pathAnon. (Author)English2
O Ewigkeit, o Ewigkeit, Wie lang bist du, o EwigkeitUnbekannt (Author)German1
O exiled ParadiseAnon. (Author)1
O eyes that are weary, and hearts that are soreAnon. (Author)English12
O fader vor, barmhjertig, godUkj. (Translator)Norwegian3
O Fader vor i HimmerigUkj. (Translator)Norwegian1
O Farnwr cyfiawn! gwrando'n criAnonymous (Author)Welsh2
O Father, all creating, Whose wisdom, love, and powerUnknown (Author)English1
O Father Almighty, to Thee be addressedUnknown (Author)English7
O Father, draw us after theeAnonymous (Author)1
O Father, I have learned to trustAnonymous (Author)English1
O Father, lift our souls aboveAnonymous (Author)English5
O Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, One God in persons threeAnon. (Author)English3
O Father, Thou who hast created allAnon. (Author)English1
O Father, thy kingdom is come upon earthUnknown (Translator)English1
O Father, when the softened heartAnon. (Author)English4
O Father, who didst all things makeAnon. (Author)English1
O fathers, will you meet meAnon. (Author)English4
O Father Spirit, who with gentlest breathAnon. (Author)English1
O Food of men wayfaringUnknown (Author)English1
O Food that weary pilgrims loveAnonymous (Author)English2
O for a faith that will not shrinkAnon. (Author)English2
O for a heart of calm reposeAnon. (Author)English8
O for a heart to feelUnknown (Author)1
O for the Peace which floweth like a riverUnknown (Author)English1
O Frelser, som er lys og LivetAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian2
О, галава Хрыстова, аблітая крывёй!Anonymous (Translator)Belarusian2
O give thanks, give thanksAnonymous (Author)1
O give the Lord wholehearted praiseAnonymous (Author)English1
O gladsome light, O grace Of God the Father's faceUnknown (Author)English7
O glorious King of martyr hostsAnonymous (Author)English1
O God, accept the sacred hourAnonymous (Author)English1
O God, according to Thy grace Be merciful to meAnonymous (Author)English1
O God, almighty Father, Creator of all thingsAnon. (Author)English12
O God be merciful and blessAnonymous (Author)English1
O God, be merciful to me, For men no mercy showAnonymous (Author)English2
O God, be merciful to me, My soul for refuge comes to TheeAnonymous (Author)English1
O God, be Thy Anointed SonAnonymous (Author)English1
O God, eternal FatherAnon. (Author)1
O God, give ear unto my cry, And to my voice attendAnonymous (Author)English1
O God, give Thou ear to my pleaAnonymous (Author)English1
O God, how good Thou artAnonymous (Author)English1
O God, I love Thee; not that my poor loveAnonymous (Author)English1
O God, most holy are Thy waysAnonymous (Author)English1
O God most merciful and trueAnon. (Author)English1
O God, my God, my all Thou artUnknown (Author)English2
O God, no longer hold Thy peaceAnonymous (Author)English1
O God of Bethel, by Whose handUnknown (Scottish) (Author (vs. 5))English1
O God of God! O Light of Light!Anon. (Author (v. 4))English1
O God of love, O King of peaceAnon. (Author)English1
O God of love, with cheering rayAnonymous (Author)2
O God of mercy! hearken nowAnon. (Author)English1
O God of sovereign graceUnknown (Author)English1
O God of Zion, from thy throneAnonymous (Author)English1
O God, our Lord, Your holy WordUnknown (Author)English2
O God, our strength, to thee the songAnon. (Author)English2
O God, preserve me, for in TheeAnonymous (Author)English1
O God, regard my humble pleaAnonymous (Author)English1
O God send down revival fireAnon. (Author)English1
O God the Father, Christ the Son, and Holy spirit, three in OneAnon. (Author)English4
O God, the God that saveth meAnonymous (Author)English1
O God, the light of all that liveAnon. (Author)English3
O God, Thou art my God alone, Early to Thee my soul shall cryAnon. (Author)English1
O God, Thou art our King of oldAnonymous (Author)English1
O God, Thou hast rejected us, And hast afflicted soreAnonymous (Author)English1
O God! Thou knowest all our wantsAnonymous (Author)English2
O God, Thou righteous, faithful LordAnon. (Author)English1
O Lord, Thy boundless love to meAnon. (Author)English1
O God, thy grace and blessing giveAnon. (Author)English3
O God, thy soldiers' crown and guardAnonymous (Author)English1
O God, thy soldiers' great rewardAnonymous (Author)1
O God, to thee my sinking soulAnon. (Author)7
O God, to thee the sinking soulAnonymous (Author)1
O God, to Thine anointed kingAnonymous (Author)English2
O God, to us show mercy And bless us in thy graceAnon. (Author)English4
O God, unseen yet ever near, Thy presence may we feelUnknown (Author)English6
O God, we have heard, and our fathers have taughtAnonymous (Author)English1
O God, we praise Thee, and confessAnon. (Author)English11
O God, we thank Thee for the loveAnon. (Author)English2
O God, while generations fleeAnon. (Author)English2
O God, who made the earth and seaAnonymous (Author)English2
O God, whom I delight to praiseAnonymous (Author)English1
O God, with thanks unfeignedAnon. (Author)1
О Господи, Склонись ко мне (O Gospodi Sklonis' ko mne)Unknown (Author)Russian4
O Gott, mein Vater, mich regierAnonymous (Author)German1
O Gott, mit deiner ChristenscharUnbekannt (Author)German1
O gracious God, forsake me notAnonymous (Author)English1
O gracious Light, Lord Jesus ChristAnonymous (Author)English1
O gracious maker of the starsAnonymous (Author)2
O gracious Master, to Thy loveAnon. (Author)English3
From Greenland's icy mountainsAn. ((Cyf.))English2
O Gud, af Himlen se hertil, Dig over os forbarmeAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian1
O Gud, ditt folk dig bederAnonymous (Author)Swedish1
O Gud, hvarthän ett hjerta drifsAnonymous (Author)Swedish1
O Gud, jeg vil dig priseAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian1
O Gud, o Gud! så fromAnonymous (Translator)Swedish1
O, Gud ske Lov for Fødsel nyAnonymous (Author)Norwegian2
O Gud! vi lofve digAnonymous (Translator (into Swedish))Swedish1
O Guds lam uskyldig, Paa Korset ihjelslagetUkj. (Translator)Norwegian1
O had I the voice of an angel to singAnonymous (Author)English2
O hail, happy day, that speaks our trials endedAnon. (Author)English2
O happy day, that fixed my choiceAnonymous (Author (refrain))English5
O happy is the man who hearsAnon. (Author)English4
O [How] happy they who know the LordUnknown (Author)English2
O happy time of reaping, Fields flow with ruddy grainAnonymous (Author)English2
O, have you seen Him?Anonymous (Author (stanzas 1-3))2
O healing river, send down your watersanonymous (Author)English, Spanish1
O hear the wailing cryAnon. (Author)1
O Heavenly JerusalemAnonymous (Author)English2
O Herr, belebe du dein ZionUnbekannt (Author)German1
O Herr, gib meiner Seele LebenUnbekannt (Author)German1
O herre Krist gak ikke bortAnonymous (Author)Norwegian2
O hjertekjære GudUkj. (Author)Norwegian1
O hjertekjære Jesus KristUkj. (Author)Norwegian1
O høie Herre Gud Ukj. (Author)Norwegian1
O Holy Church, but yester-nightAnonymous (Author)English1
O Holy Father 'mid the calmAnonymous (Author)English1
O Holy Ghost, the ComforterAnon. (Author)English6
O holy, holy, holy Lord! Thou God of hosts, by all adored!Anon. (Translator)English2
O holy, holy Lord, Creation's sovereign KingAnonymous (Author)English1
O Holy Lord our GodAnon. (Author)English2
O holy night the stars are brightly shiningAnon (Author)English1
O Holy Savior, Friend unseen, Since on Thine arm Thou bidd'st me leanAnon. (Author)English1
O Holy Spirit, by whose breathAnon. (Author)English1
O home tonight, yes, home tonightUnknown (Author)English1
O hope is free is ever freeAnon. (Author)English1
O how can praise my tongue employAnon. (Author)1
O how happy are they Who the Savior obeyAnon. (Author)English3
O how I long to see that dayAnon. (Author)English2
O how I long with Christ to beAnon. (Author)1
O how I love Jesus, O how I love JesusAnonymous (Author)English1
O how lovely, O how sweetAnonymous (Author)English1
O how shall I receive TheeComposite (Translator)English1
O how soft that bed must beAnon. (Author)English1
O, if thy brow, serene and calmAnonymous (Author)5
O ihr Friedenskinder, lasst euch bittenUnbekannt (Author)German1
O, in the morn of life, when youthAnon. (Author)English2
O it is joy for those to meetAnon. (Author)2
O it is joy in one to meetAnon. (Author)1
O Jerusalem the blissful, home of gladness yet untoldAnonymous (Author)English1
O Jesus, du er minUkj. (Translator)Norwegian4
O Jesu Krist, Till dig förvisstAnonymous (Translator)Other...1
O Jesu Krist, du nådens brunnAnonymous (Author)Swedish1
O Jesu, Lov og Ære Anonymous (Author)Norwegian1
O Jesus, de haŋhepi kiŋAnonymous (Author)Dakota1
O Jesus, delight of my soul, My Savior, my Shepherd divineAnonymous (Author)English1
Ó Jesus, és meu GuardiãoAnonymous (Author)Portuguese2
O Jesus, for din PineAnonymous (Author)Norwegian1
O Jesus, friend unfailingAnon. (Author)English2
O Jesus, high and holyArranged (Author)English1
O Jesus, King most wonderfulUnknown, 15th century (Author)English4
O Jesus, lead us onwardAnon. (Author)English3
O Jesus, let Thy kingdom comeAnon. (Author)English2
O Jesus, Lord of heavenly graceAnonymous (Translator)English1
O Jesus, my Savior, I know Thou art mineAnon. (Author)English1
O Jesus, my Savior, with Thee I am blestAnonymous (Author)English4
O Jesus, my Savior, to Thee I submitAnon. (Author)English2
O Jesus, O Jesus! how vast Thy love to meAnon. (Author)English2
O Jesus, once a Nazareth boyAnonymous (Author)English5
O Jesus, Prince of life and truthAnonymous (Author)English15
O Jesus, the giver of all we enjoyAnon. (Author)English2
O Jesus, Thou art standingAnon. (Author)English1
O Jesus, Thou Shepherd divine! (Chorus)Anon (Author)English1
O Jesus, with Thy church abideArranged (Author)English1
O joy of the justified, joy of the freeAnon. (Author)English1
O joyous Easter morningUnknown (Author)English6
O kind and gentle SaviorAnon. (Author)English1
O King enthroned on highAnonymous (Author)English2
O King most high of earth and skyAnonymous (Author)English1
O kjære Jesu, hvad har du bedrevetAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian1
O kom dog hver, som synd har gjortAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian3
O köstliches VerheißungswortAnon. (Author)German3
O Lamb of God, most lowly, All free from spot and stainAnon. (Author)English5
O lay not up upon this earthAnon. (Author)English3
O let the power fall on me, my LordUnknown (Author (v. 2))English2
O let us all rejoicing to God the Lord todayAnon. (Author)English1
O let us praise the Christmas treeAnon. (Author)English1
O Light of Light, Love given birthAnonymous (Author)English1
O Light, whose beams illumine allAnon. (Author)English1
O listen to our wondrous storyAnon. (Author)English11
O little town of BethlehemUnknown (Author)English2
O Lord, all glorious, Life of lifeAnon. (Author)English1
O Lord, behold us at Thy feetAnonymous (Author)English3
O Lord, by Thee invitedUnknown (Author)English1
O Lord, by thy supporting handAnonymous (Author)English1
O Lord, Have mercy upon usUnknown (Translator)English2
O Lord, how happy should we beAnonymous (Author)English2
O Lord, how many they Who deeply trouble meUnknown (Author)English1
O Lord, I am not worthyAnon. (Author)English8
O, Lord, I thought the day would never comeAnonymous (Author)English2
Grant Lord, I may delight in TheeAnon. (Author (attributed to))English1
O Lord, let our songs find acceptance before theeAnon. (Author)English1
O Lord my God, to Thee I cryAnon. (Author)English2
O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonderUnknown (Translator (into Cree))English3
O Lord of heaven and earth and seaArranged (Author)English1
How lovely is your dwelling, O Lord of hosts to meAnonymous (Author)English1
O Lord of seasons, unto TheeAnon. (Author)English2
O Lord, our God, ariseAnon. (Author)English7
O Lord, our willful minds controlUnknown (Author)English1
Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuaryAnonymous (Author (st. 3))English1
O Lord, Thy love's unbounded!Unknown (Author)English1
O Lord, we praise Thee, bless Thee, and adore Thee (Lutheran Hymnal, 1941)Unknown (Author (st. 1))English1
O Lord, we praise Thee, bless Thee, and adore TheeUnknown (Author (v. 1))1
O Lord, when faith with fixed eyesUnknown (Author)English1
O Lord, when we the path retraceAnon (Author)English1
O Lord, whose bounteous hand againUnknown (Author)English1
O Lord, with thankful hearts we meetAnon. (Author)English1
O Lord, within thy sacred gatesUnknown Spanish author (Author)1
O love, beyond conception greatUnknown (Author)English3
O Love Divine, that stooped to shareUnknown (Author)English1
O love, how deep, how broad, how highAnon. (Author)English6
O love, Thou deep eternal tideAnon. (Author)English1
O Love, Thou fathomless abyssAnonymous (Author)English3
O Love, who gavest thy life for meUnknown (Author)English3
O lovely star that shone so brightAnonymous (Author)English1
О малый город Вифлеем (O malyy gorod Vifleyem)Unknown (Translator)Russian2
O Menneske, vil du betænkeAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian1
O miorbhail graisSkotgaeliginto nekonata (Translator)Scottish Gaelic6
O, mor ddymunol yw cael cwrddAnonymous (Author (stanza 5))Welsh2
O mother, most afflicted, Standing beneath that treeAnonymous (Author)1
O my brother, are you ready for the coming of the LordUnknown (Author)English2
O my comrades in this conflict of the fight against the wrongAnon. (Author)English1
O my distrustful heartAnonymous (Author)English1
O my Jesus, my Jesus! how charming is Thy nameAnon. (Author)English1
O my Savior, Guardian trueAnon. (Author)1
O my soul, bless God, the Father, All within me bless His nameAnonymous (Author)English2
O my soul, bless thou Jehovah, All within me bless His name (Anon)Anon. (Author)English4
O my soul, bless thou the LordAnonymous (Author)English2
O my soul, bless your CreatorAnonymous (Author)English2
O my soul, on wings ascendingComposite (Translator)English1
O not in far off realms of spaceAnon. (Author)English1
O Pater sancte mitis atque pieUnknown (Author)Latin1
O peace of God, sweet peace of GodUnknown (Author)English2
Ô peuple fidèle, Jésus vous appelleAnonymous (Translator)French3
O phi nong oei pra Yesu hak (Dear friends, we’re one in Jesus’ love)Anonymous (Author)Laotian1
O pielgrzymie, dokąd ṡpieszyszAnonymous (Author)Polish2
O praise the Lord, all ye nations, Praise Him all ye people (Chant)Anonymous (Author)English1
O praise the Lord! He loves to hear you singingAnon. (Author)English4
O, praise the Lord, His name extol, The God of skill and mightAnon. (Translator)English1
O praise the Lord of heaven, Whose mercy never failsAnonymous (Author)English1
O praise ye the Lord, Prepare your glad voiceAnon. (Author)English1
O praise ye the Name of JehovahAnonymous (Author)English1
O przenajświętszyNieznany (Author)Polish2
O que darei a Cristo, que se entregou por mim?Anonymous (Author)Portuguese2
O sacred head, now wounded, With grief and shame weighed downAnonymous, 12th century (Author of Latin hymn)English7
O Savior, hear me, I implore TheeUnknown (Author)English1
O Savior, may we never rest, Till Thou art formed withinUnknown (Author)English2
O Savior, now to Thee we raiseAnon (Author)English2
O Savior, welcome to my heartAnon. (Author)English3
O Savior, who didst comeAnon. (Author)English4
O Savior, whose mercy, so faithful in kindnessAnon. (Author)English1
O schimbare s’a făcut în viaţameaAnonymous (Translator)Romanian2
O sehet doch, wie heute der ganze Himmel lachtAnonym (Author)German1
O selig, wer durch Gottes GnadeUnbekannt (Author)German1
O send me not away, for I would drinkAnonymous (Author)2
O shout for joy, let songs ariseUnknown (Author)English3
O sich'rer Mensch, erwache doch Von deinem langen SchlafUnbekannt (Author)German1
O sing ye Hallelujah! 'Tis good our God to praiseUnknown (Author)English1
O sinner, bring not tears aloneAnon. (Author)English1
O sinner, for a little spaceAnon. (Author)English1
O sinner, mark thy fate, soon will the JudgeAnon. (Author)1
O sinner, perhaps this news to youUnknown (Author)English1
O sinners, what will you doAnonymous (Author)English1
O Sonntagsschule, teurer mir, Als aller Schlösser GoldUnbekannt (Author)German1
O speed thee, Christian, on thy wayAnon. (Author)English26
O Spirit of the light and loveAnonymous (Author)English2
O spirit, source of lightAnon. (Author)English7
O still trust on, if in the heartAnonymous (Author)2
O Stjerners Skaber i himmelske HusAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian1
O study it carefully, Think of it prayerfullyUnknown (Author)English1
O suffering Friend of human kindAnon. (Author)English1
O Sun of righteousness, arise, With gentle beamsAnon. (Author)1
O Sun of righteousness, arise With healing in Thy wingAnon. (Author)English1
O tell me about the MasterAnon. (Author)English1
O tell me no more Of this world's vain storeAnon. (Author)English2
Ó, terjeszd ki, JézusomAnonymous (Translator)Hungarian2
O thank the Lord, the Lord of loveAnonymous (Author)English1
O that each day may bring*** (Author)English3
O that I had some humble placeAnonymous (Author)English1
O that the Comforter would comeAnon. (Author)2
O the Sabbath morning, beautiful and brightAnon. (Author)English1
O there's joy in every heartAnon (Author)English2
O think of the home over there By the side of the river of lightAnon. (Author)English1
O Thou, before whose gracious throneAnon. (Author)English2
O Thou best gift of heaven Thou who Thyself hast givenAnon. (Author)English1
O thou dear suffering Son of GodAnon. (Author)English1
O thou, enthroned in worlds aboveAnonymous (Author)2
O Thou God of my salvationAnon. (Author)English1
O Thou great Shepherd of Thy chosen raceUnknown (Author)English1
O Thou in whose presence my soul takes delightUnknown (Author)English9
O thou joyful, O thou wonderfulAnonymous (Author (vs. 2 & 3))English3
O thou Sun of glorious splendorAnon. (Author)English1
O thou that hearest prayer, And teachest how to prayAnonymous (Author)2
O Thou to whom archangels raiseUnknown (Author)English1
O Thou who all things canst controlAnon. (Author)English3
O thou who all things dost commandAnon. (Author)1
O thou who all things dost controlAnonymous (Author)6
O Thou who dost accord usAnon. (Author)English1
O Thou, who dwellest up on highAnon. (Author)English1
O Thou who hearest every heartfelt prayerUnknown (Author)English3
O Thou who hearest prayer, Give ear unto our cryUnknown (Author)English3
O Thou who hearest prayer Through his submissionAnon. (Author)English3
O Thou who once at Cana's FeastAnon. (Author)English2
O thou who once on Isr'l's groundAnon. (Author)3
O Thou who sendest sun and rainAnon. (Author)English4
O thou who the Shepherd of Israel artUnknown (Author)English1
O Thou, who to our woe didst comeUnknown (Author)English1
O thou whose arm of power surroundsAnonymous (Author)1
O Thou whose own vast temple standsUnknown (Author)English1
O touch not the cup, brother, touch it never againAnon. (Author)English1
O true One, give me truthAnon. (Author)English1
O trust thyself to Jesus When conscious of thy sinAnonymous (Author)English2
O vilde du betænkeUkj. (Translator)Norwegian5
Ó, vinde, crentes, entoar louvores a JesusAnonymous (Author)Portuguese2
O wanderer come, this hour decide thy path thy heart will choose*** (Author)English1
O Wanikiya mitawaAnonymous (Author)Dakota1
O weep not for the joys that fadeAnon. (Author)English2
O wesentliche Liebe, Du Quell der HeiligkeitUnbekannt (Author)German1
O what amazing words of graceUnknown (Author (v. 2))English1
O what can little hands doAnon. (Author)English5
O what has Jesus done for me, He came from the land of CanaanAnon. (Author)English1
O what shall I render? For love so unboundedDesconocido (Author)English2
O what ship is this that will take us all home?Anon. (Author)English3
O when shall I see Jesus, And dwell with Him aboveAnon. (Author)English13
O where is my erring girl tonight?Unknown (Author)English2
O where shall be the birds that singAnon. (Author)English2
O! where you going, preacher?Unknown (Author)English1
O why did I my Savior leaveAnon. (Author)English1
O why do you carry your burden aloneAnonymous (Author)English1
O why should friendship grieve for theeAnonymous (Author)1
O why so far removed, O LordUnknown (Author)English1
O wie sehr lieblich, sind alle deine WohnungAnon. (Author)German2
O wondrous grace! for guilty menAnonymous (Author)English2
O wondrous type! O vision fairAnonymous (Author)English2
Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness, Bow down before Him, His glory proclaimAnon. (Author)English4
O wounded feet of JesusUnknown (Author)1
O Zion, afflicted with wave upon waveAnon. (Author)English1
Oda mi loju, mo ni Jesu!Anonymous (Translator)Yoruba2
O'er all the way green palms and blossoms gayAnon. (Author)English1
Over mountain tops, the mount of GodAnonymous (Author)English1
Over our blooming plains and prairiesAnon. (Author)English1
Over the distant mountains breakingAnon. (Author)English1
Over the gloomy hills of darknessAnonymous (Author)English1
Over the hill and over the valeAnonymous (Author)English1
Over the hills the sun is settingUnknown (Author)English9
Overwhelmed in depths of woeAnonymous (Author)English1
Of all the tints that light looks onAnon. (Author)English2
Of Him who did salvation bringAnon. (Author)English2
Of Thy love some gracious tokenAnon. (Author)English1
Öffne meine Ohren, Heiliger GeistAnonymous (Author)German2
Ofrenda al Señor porque él es buenoAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Oft in danger, oft in woeAnon. (Author)English5
Ogo ni f’Oluwa, to se ohun nlaAnonymous (Translator)Yoruba2
Ogoneddus Graig yr OesoeddAnon. (Author)Welsh1
Oh, pueblecito de Belén, Afortunada túDesconcido (Translator)Spanish1
O be careful little eyes what you seeAnon. (Author)English2
O be steadfast, whatever betide theeAnon. (Author)English1
O, blest the house, whatever befallUnknown (Translator (st. 3))English1
Oh, bondad tan infinitaDesconocido (Author)Spanish8
Oh, buen Espíritu de amorAnónimo (Translator)Spanish3
¡Oh buen Jesús! Yo creo firmamenteAnónimo (Author)Spanish8
¡Oh, cantádmelas otra vez!Desconocido (Translator)Spanish1
O cease, my wandering soulAnon. (Author)English1
O come and let us all with one accordAnon. (Author)English3
¡Oh Cordero celestial, Por mí herido en Gólgota!Desconocido (Author)Spanish2
O could I [we] find from day to dayUnknown (Author)English3
O cradle me on your knee, mammaUnknown (Author)English1
Oh, criaturas del Señoranón. (Tr. al esp.)Spanish1
Oh Cristo amado, bendito SalvadorAnónimo (Author)Spanish1
!Oh Cristo lleno de bondad!Unknown (Author)Spanish2
¡Oh cruz fiel y venerable!desconocido (Translator)Spanish5
¡Oh, cuán grande amor!Anónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish2
¡Oh! cuán gratas las nuevas al peregrino aquíAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
¡Oh! cuánto necesita obreros el SeñorAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Oh, deja que el Señor te envuelvaDesconocido (Translator)Spanish4
¡Oh despleguemos ya el pendónAnónimo (Translator)Spanish1
¡Oh Dios! a quien adoraAnónimo (Author)Spanish1
Oh Dios, al contemplar tus obras bellasAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Oh Dios de amor y de bondadAnónimo (Author)Spanish3
Oh, Dios de mi alma sé tú mi visiónAnonymous (Author)Spanish4
O Dios de paz y de bondadAnonimo (Author)Spanish1
Oh Dios de quien viene la pazAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
¡Oh Dios mío y todo mío!Unknown (Author)Spanish2
¡Oh, Dios, que oyes cada oraciónAnónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish2
O for the death of thoseAnon. (Author)English3
Oh Grâce immense qui m’a sauvéAnonymous (Translator)Creole2
Oh gracia admirable, ¡dulce es!anónimo (Author (v. 4))Spanish3
O gran Dios, tres veces santoAnonimo (Author)Spanish2
O have you not heard of that wonderful loveAnon. (Author)English1
O have you not heard of a beautiful streamAnon. (Author)English2
Oh Hijo amado, eterna PalabraAnonymous (Author)Spanish3
O, how can ye slumber! the Master has comeAnon. (Author)English1
O how my spirit longs for TheeUnknown (Author)English1
O I am a merry sailor ladAnon. (Author)English2
Oh, I couldn't hear nobody prayAnonymous (Author (vs. 2-6))English2
O I know it, yes I know itUnknown (Author)English1
O I know the Lord I know the LordAnon. (Author)English1
O I love to talk with Jesus, for it smoothes the rugged roadUnknown (Author)English1
O, if my soul were formed for woeAnon. (Author)English1
O Jehova omnipotente DiosAnónima (Translator)Spanish8
Oh Jerusalén, qué bonita eres (O Jerusalem, how you shine in beauty)Anonymous (Author)English, Spanish2
Oh Jesús, del alma humanaAnónimo (Author)Spanish2
O Jesús, Pastor divinoAnonimo (Author)Spanish3
O, join ye the anthems of triumph that riseAnon. (Author)English1
¡Oh jóvenes, venid! Su brillante pabellónanónimo (Author)Spanish2
Oh, la sangre de CristoAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
O let the Son of God enfold youAnonymous (Translator)English1
O mi Dios, O Rey eterno! Tu poder se extenderáDesconocido (Author)Spanish4
Oh mi santo Dios, Mi alma espera en tiDescon. (Author)Spanish2
O mighty King of gloryAnon. (Author)English2
Oh, niños de todas naciones venidAnonymous (Adapter)Spanish3
O not to fill the mouth of fameAnon. (Author)English1
¡Oh nuestro Padre! Ahora Venímoste a pedirDesconocido (Translator)Spanish1
¡Oh Padre nuestro, eterno Dios, Fuente de amor sin par!Anónimo (Author)Spanish1
¡Oh nuestro Padre, eterno Dios! Que guías al mortalUnknown (Author)Spanish3
O nuestro Padre, nuestro Diosdesconocido (Author)Spanish6
¡Oh! Nunca olvides, mi alma, a quienDesconocido (Author)Spanish2
O, oft you have heard of the River of Life*** (Author)English1
¡Oh Padre eterno! ¡Oh Padre amado!Desconocido (Author)Spanish3
O Padre, eterno DiosAnónimo (Author)Spanish2
Oh, Padre nuestro, bendice a los que esperamosAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
O pan del cielo, dulce bienanónimo (Author)Spanish3
Oh Pastor divino escucha Los que en este buen lugarAnónimo (Author)Spanish6
¡Oh, qué bueno es Jesús, Que por mí murió en la cruz!Anonymous (Author)Spanish3
¡Oh qué Salvador es Jesús, el Señor!Anónimo (Translator)Spanish3
¡Oh! quién pudiera andar con Dios, Su dulce paz gozarAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
¡Oh rostro ensangrentado, Imagen del dolorAnónimo (Translator (español))Spanish4
¡Oh! Ruégote, Señor JesúsDesconocido (Translator)Spanish2
O sacred day of peace and joyAnon. (Author)1
¡Oh Salvador, mi buen JesúsAnónimo (Author)Spanish1
¡Oh! salvo en la Roca más alta que yoAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
¡Oh Santísima, oh purísimaanón. (Tr. al esp.)Spanish1
Oh, santísimo, Felicísimoanónimas (estrofas 2,3)Spanish2
¡Oh santo eterno Dios!Anonymous (Author)Spanish5
O sing the blessed hope, ye saintsAnonymous (Author)English1
¡Oh soldados! en los cielosDesconcido (Translator)Spanish1
O spread thy pure wing o'er themAnon. (Author)1
O still in accents sweet and strongAnon. (Author)English1
O Sun of righteousness divineAnon. (Author)English3
O teach me more of Thy blest waysAnon. (Author)English1
O the blood of Jesus, O the blood of Jesus (Chorus)Anonymous (Author)English4
O the judgment day is coming, What an awful day 'twill beUnknown (Author)English5
O there will be mourning Before the judgment seatUnknown (Author)English2
O there will be mourning, mourning, mourning, mourningAnon. (Author)English1
Oh tierra, el agua, el fuego y el aireanónimo (Author)Spanish2
O to be ready when death shall comeUnknown (Author)English1
O to be there, where the songs of gloryUnknown (Author)English1
¡Oh triste alma mia!Anonymous (Author)Spanish2
Oh Tuhan pimpin lah langkahku (O LORD God, set my feet on the way)Anonymous (Author)English, Indonesian2
O turn from the wine glass awayAnon. (Author)2
O turn ye, O turn ye, for why will ye die (Hopkins)Anon. (Author)English8
¡Oh ven! ¡Oh ven, Emmanuel! Libra al cautiva Israelanón. (Translator)Spanish1
¡Oh Victima de salvación! (O salutaris Hostia)anón. (Tr. al esp.)Latin, Spanish2
O we are going to wear a crownAnonymous (Author)English2
O well for him who all things bravesAnon. (Author)English3
O what a glorious thought is thisAnon. (Author)English2
O what praises shall we renderAnon. (Author)English1
O when I first heard of the people who claimAnon. (Author)1
O who'll stand up for JesusAnon. (Author)English1
O wondrous vast surpassing loveAnon. (Author)English1
Oh,Señor, muy débil soyAnónimo (Author)Spanish2
Oí la voz del SalvadorAnónimo (Translator)Spanish8
¡Oíd! El clarín ha llamadoAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
¡Oíd! El toque del clarínAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
¡Oíd! ¡Oíd! lo que nos manda el SeñorAnónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish2
Oíd su voz ya cerca estáDesconocido (Author)Spanish1
Oíd un son en alta esferaAnonimo (Author)Spanish2
Ojo ibukun y’o si ro!Anonymous (Translator)Yoruba2
Ojo nla l’ojo ti mo yanAnonymous (Translator)Yoruba2
Oluwa mi, mo njade loAnonymous (Translator)English2
Omnipotente Padre Diosanónima (Translator)Spanish3
Omniscient God, 'tis thine to knowAnonymous (Author)2
On a Christmas morning brightAnonymous (Author)English1
On Christmas night all Christians singAuthor unknown (Author)English1
On earth was darkness spreadAnonymous (Author)3
On every sunny mountainAnon. (Author)English1
On God alone my soul reliesAnonymous (Author)English1
On heav'nly heights an Angel standsAnonymous (Author)English2
On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cryAnon. (Author)English5
On man, in his own image madeAnon. (Author)English1
On Mary, Virgin undefiledAnon. (Author)English1
On mountains height, by peaceful shoresAnonymous (Author)English1
On our festal day, in its bright arrayAnon. (Author)English1
On Sunday I am happy, on Monday full of joyAnon. (Author)English3
On the banks of Rosedale's watersAnonymous (Author)English2
On the birthday of the LordAnonymous (Author)English1
On the Cross of Calvary, Jesus died for you and meAnon. (Author)English1
On the dewy breath of evenAnonymous (Author)English2
On the first Thanksgiving dayAnonymous (Author)English2
On the happy, golden shoreAnon (Author)English1
On the high cliffs of Jordan with pleasure I standAnon. (Author)English1
On the mountain [top] of vision, what a glory we beholdAnon. (Author)English1
On Thee, each morning, O my GodAnonymous (Author)English2
On Thee my heart is restingAnonymous (Translator)English2
On this day, the first of daysAnonymous (Author)English1
On, through Judea's palmy plainAnon. (Author)6
On thy Church, O Power DivineAnon. (Author)English2
On your journey to the kingdomAnonymous (Author)English2
On Zion, his own holy mountAnonymous (Author)English3
On Zion's holy wallsAnonymous (Author)1
Once again the bells are ringingAnonymous (Author)English2
Once in a lonely manger, hundreds of years agoAnonymous (Author)English2
Once in royal David's city Stood a lowly cattle-shedAnon. (Author)English1
Once in the sin of the world I was boundUnknown (Author)English1
Once more before we part, O bless the Savior's nameAnon. (Author)English2
Once more we meet to prayAnon. (Author)English5
Once was heard the songs of childrenAnon. (Author)English5
One general song of praise ariseAnonymous (Author)1
One little hour for watching with the MasterAnon. (Author)English1
One more day's work for JesusAnon. (Author)English1
One sole baptismal signAnon. (Author)English1
One sweetly solemn thought (Cary)Anon. (Author)English1
One tenth of ripened grainAnonymous (Author)English2
Ongphra Yeesuu jao (He rules over all)Anonymous (Author)English, Thai2
Onipotente ReiUnknown (Author)Portuguese3
Only a drop in the bucketAnon. (Author)English1
Only a glass in the barroom*** (Author)English1
Only a tramp was Lazarus' fateAnon (Author)1
Only a word for the MasterAnon. (Author)English3
Only begotten, Word of God eternalAnonymous (Author)English2
Only Christ can save your soulAnon. (Author)English2
Only one life for Jesus, 'twill soon be pastAnonymous (Author)English3
Only waiting till the shadows are a little longer grownAnon. (Author)English2
ഒന്നുമില്ലായ്മയില്‍ നിന്നെന്നെ (Onnumillāymayil ninnenne)Anonymous (Author)Malayalam2
Onward, brothers, onwardAnon. (Author)English2
Onward, Christian soldiers, Marching as to warAnon. (Author)English1
Onward, Christian! though the regionAnon. (Author)English1
Onward speed thy conquering flightAnonymous (Author)English3
Oonehlahnuhhee oowehjeeAnon. (Author (refrain))Cherokee2
Op alle, som paa Jorden borUkjendt (Translator)Norwegian3
Op, Zions væg'tre, sover eiAnonymous (Alterer)Norwegian1
Open now my ears, Spirit of GodAnonymous (Author)English2
Open, shut them, open, shut themAnonymous (Author)English2
Open the door for the childrenUnknown (Author)English4
Open the eyes of my heart, LordAnonymous (Translator)English1
Ophold os Gud og Fader StorUkjendt (Translator)Norwegian2
Laden with guilt, and full of fearsAnon. (Author)English1
Ora a tu Dios de mañanaAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Orad por mí los que me amaísDesconocido (Author)Spanish3
Orando, orando, orando a mi SeñorAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Orando sin cesar venceremosDesconocido (Author)Spanish2
Ore wo l’ani bi Jesu, ti o ru banuje wa!Anonymous (Translator)Yoruba2
ഓടി കൂടിൻ യേശുവോടു (Ōṭi kūṭin yēśuvēāṭu)Unknown (Translator)Malayalam2
Ouço o clamor do bom PastorDesconhecido (Translator)Portuguese2
Our Bible club's begunUnknown (Author)English1
Our blessed Redeemer we'll followAn. (Author (stanzas 1, 2))2
Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathedAnon. (Author)English1
Our bondage it will end, By and by, by and byAnon. (Author)English4
Our Captain leads us onAnon. (Author)English2
Our children Thou dost claimAnon. (Author)English3
Our country's voice is pleadingAnon. (Author)English1
Our dear church was buildedAnonymous (Author)English2
Our dear church was built With love and work and prayerUnknown (Author)English2
Our earth we now lament to seeAnon. (Author)English1
Our Father, through the coming yearAnon. (Author)English10
Our Father, we thank Thee for sleepAnonymous (Author)English3
Our Father which in Heaven art, Lord, hallowed be thy NameAnon. (Author)1
Our Father, who art in heaven, we pray thee to sendAnonymous (Author)2
Our Father, who dost lead The children of Thy graceUnknown (Author)English1
Our Father, who in heaven art, All hallowed be Thy NameAnon. (Author)English1
Our Father-Mother, Your will be done (Mayenziwe 'ntando yakho)Anonymous (Author (Verse 1))English, Xhosa2
Our fathers crossed over the riverAnonymous (Author)English2
Our fathers, our fathers will [they'll] be thereAnonymous (Author)English3
Our God is love, and all His saintsAnonymous (Author)English6
Our God loves us, His love will never endAnonymous (Author (st. 1))English2
Our heaven is everywhereAnon. (Author)English1
Our Helper, God, we bless His [Thy] nameAnon. (Author)English1
Our highest joys succeed our griefsUnknown (Author)English3
Our holy Father and our GodAnon. (Author)1
Our little bark, on boisterous seasAnon. (Author)1
Our Lord is risen from the dead, Our Jesus is gone up on highAnonymous (Author)English1
Our loving Redeemer! we trust in Thy wordAnon. (Author)English1
Our Savior bowed beneath the waveUnknown (Author)English2
Our Savior comes to raise the justAnon. (Author)1
Our Savior, meek and lowly, cameAnon. (Author)1
Our souls are in the Savior's handUnknown (Author)English3
Our souls by love together knitAnon. (Author)English3
Our Sunday school is over, And we are going homeAnonymous (Author)English1
Out from the rising of the sunUnknown (Author)English1
Out in the gloomy night, sadly I roamAnon. (Author)1
Out of my bondage, sorrow and nightAnonymous (Translator)English1
Out on an ocean all boundless we rideUnknown (Author)English11
Ouve, SenhorUnknown (Author)English, French, German, Portuguese1
Ovejita afortunada, Ten confianzaUnknown (Author)Spanish2
Over alle Jordens LandeUkjendt (Alterer)Norwegian2
Over the hilltops, down from the skiesUnknown (Author (Chorus))English2
Over the ocean, dark and gloomyAnonymous (Author)English2
Over the ocean wave, far, far awayAnon. (Author)English10
Over the river the crystal stream flowsUnknown (Author)English3
Over the valleys, hilltops and mountainsAnon. (Author)English1
Over where the shining angelsAnonymous (Author)English1
Over yonder is a mansion, Christ prepared for meAnon. (Author)English5
Oye la voz, Señor, Que el pueblo con fervorUnknown (Author)Spanish4
Oye, oh SenõrAnónimo (Author)Spanish4
Oyenos, oh DiosAnónimo (Author)Spanish2
Oyenos, Señor, Oye la oraciónanónimo (Author)Spanish1
På dig jag hoppas, Herre kärAnonymous (Translator)Swedish1
Paa Gud alene Ukj. (Author)Norwegian2
Padre, a tus pies me postroAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Padre amado, te agradezco por tus planesAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Padre eterno, me postro ante tiAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Padre nuestro celestialDescon. (Author)Spanish2
Padre, te adoroAnónimo (Translator)Spanish2
Pain's furnace heat within me quiversAnon. (Author)English1
பக்தரே வாரும் (Paktarē vārum)Anonymous (Translator (Tamil))Tamil2
Palmas y flores que se ven brotarAnónimo (Author)Spanish1
പാപം ചെയ്തതിനാ-ലുളവാം (Pāpaṁ ceytatinā-luḷavāṁ)Unknown (Author)Malayalam2
പാപത്തിന്‍ മാ വിഷ-ത്തെയൊഴിപ്പാന്‍ (Pāpattin mā viṣa-tteyeāḻippān)Anonymous (Author)Malayalam2
Pártenos, Tú, SeñorAnonymous (Author)2
Parting soul, the floods await theeAnon. (Alterer)2
Pass me not, O gentle Savior, Hear my humble cryAnon. (Author)English2
Passing onward, quickly passingUnknown (Author)English1
പാടിൻ ഇമ്പഗീതം ഇന്നേശു ജാതനായ് (Pāṭin impagītaṁ innēśu jātanāy)Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
Patience, O what a grace divineAnonymous (Author)English1
Paying a visit to sorrow's abodeAnon. (Author)English1
Paz, dulce paz, que brota de la cruzAnónimo (Translator)Spanish1
Peace be to this congregationAnon. (Author)English2
Peace is flowing like a riverUnknown (Author)English7
Peace of God, which knows no measureAnon. (Author)English5
Peace, the welcome sound proclaimAnon. (Author)English3
Peace to the brave who nobly fellAnon. (Author)English1
Peace, troubled soul! Thou need'st not fear, Thy great provider still is nearAnon. (Author)English5
Peace, troubled soul, whose plaintive moanAnonymous (Author)English7
Peace was the song that [the] angels sangAnon. (Author)1
Peacefully lay her [him] down to restUnknown (Author)English2
Peace-giving God and Word eternalAnonymous (Author)English1
പോ-കല്ലേ കടന്നെന്നെ- നീ- പ്രി-യ യേ-ശു-വെ (Pēā-kallē kaṭannenne- nī- pri-ya yē-śu-ve)Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
Peal forth your joyous musicAnonymous (Author)English2
Pecador, Jesus te llamaAnónimo (Translator)Spanish3
Pecadores venid, á Jesus recibidAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Pengyou, ting zhe hao xin xi (Listen, my friends and hear the good news)Anonymous (Alterer)Chinese, English2
Percibe mi alma un sonAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Perdido, fui a mi JesúsAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
¡Perdón, oh Dios mío! ¡Perdón e indulgencia!Unknown (Author)Spanish2
Perfect in love, Lord can it beAnonymous (Author)English2
Perfecto Amor, que toda mente excedesAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Песьня ў небе гудзе, зь неба сьвеціць зараAnonymous (Translator)Belarusian2
Peter and John went to prayAnon (Alterer)English5
Peter, James and John in a fishing boatAnonymous (Author)English2
പേടി വേണ്ട ലേശം, കൂടെ ഞാനെന്നും (Pēṭi vēṇṭa lēśaṁ, kūṭe ñānennuṁ)Unknown (Translator)Malayalam2
Petite ville, Bethléem, tu dors tranquillementInconnu (Translator)French2
พระคุณพระเจ้านั้นแสนชื่นใจ ช่วยได้คนชั่วอย่างฉัน (Phrakhuṇ phracêā nận s̄æn chụ̄̀n cı ch̀wy dị̂ khn chạ̀w xỳāng c̄hạn)Anonymous (Translator)Thai2
Piedad, O santo Dios, piedadDesconocido (Translator)Spanish1
Pilgrim, burdened with thy sin, Come the way to Zion's gateAnon. (Author)English1
Pilgrim to the heavenly cityAnonymous (Author)1
Pilgrims here, and strangersAnon. (Author)English2
Pilgrims, on, the day is dawningAnon. (Author)English3
平安夜, 圣善夜Anonymous (Translator)Chinese2
Pity the children across the seaAnon. (Author)English1
Plaudite coeli!Unknown (Author)Latin1
Pleasant is the Sabbath bell [school]Anon. (Author)English1
Po ya fek cha he thlat ah tetAnonymous (Translator)Creek2
Pobłogosław dary sweNieznany (Author)Polish2
Pod krzyż Twój pójdęNieznany (Author)Polish2
Pod Twą obronę, Ojcze na niebieNieznany (Author)Polish2
Politeness is to do and sayUnknown (Author)1
Pon aceite en mi lámpara, SeñorAnonymous (Author)English, Spanish3
Poor and needy though I beAnon. (Author)English2
Poor, wildered, weeping heartAnon. (Author)1
Por el valle iremos en pazanónimo (Author)Spanish3
Por esos hierros que te clavaronAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Por estos alimentos, DiosDescon. (Author)Spanish2
Por estos bienes, oh SeñorAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Por fe en Cristo el RedentorAnónimo (Author)Spanish1
Por fe en Jesús, el SalvadorDesconocido (Author)Spanish8
Por la justicia de mi Dios, por sangre que Jesús vertióAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Por la vía terrenalAnonimo (Author)Spanish2
Por mí en el tormentoAnonimo (Author)Spanish2
Por mil arpas y mil vocesAnónimo (Translator)Spanish2
Praise and thanks and cheerful loveAnonymous (Author)2
Praise and thanksgiving let everyone bringUnknown (Author)English1
Praise God for beauty everywhereUnknown (Author)1
Praise God, for He is kindUnknown (Author)English1
Praise God for love we all may shareUnknown (Author)English2
Praise God for the BibleAnonymous (Alterer)English1
Praise God for what He's done for meAnon. (Author)English3
Praise God for wheat all white and sweetAnonymous (Author)2
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow (Ken)Anonymous (Author)English2
Praise God, the Father and the SonAnon. (Author)English3
Praise him in his hallowed dwellingAnon. (Author)1
Praise Him, praise Him, all ye little childrenAnonymous (Author)English45
Praise him, praise him, Everybody praise him!Anonymous (Author)English3
Praise him, praise him, praise himUnknown (Author)2
Praise Him, praise Him, Praise Him in the morningAnonymous (Author)English3
Praise our glorious King and LordAnon. (Author)English1
Praise our Maker, peoples of one familyAnon. (Author, vv. 1, 2)1
Praise the Father, earth and heavenAnon. (Author)English12
Praise the God of all creation, Praise the Father's boundless loveUnknown (Author)English6
Praise the Lord! from heaven praise Him!Anon. (Author)English2
Praise the Lord in heavenly placesUnknown (Author)English1
Praise the Lord, O ye, his servantsUnknown (Author)English2
Praise the Lord together singing alleluiaAnonymous (Author)English2
Praise the Lord, when blushing morningUnknown (Translator)English6
Praise the Lord, who died to save usAnonymous (Author)English2
Praise the Lord, who reigns above, And keeps his courts belowAnonymous (Author)English2
Praise the Lord, ye heavens adore HimUnknown (Author)English67
Praise the name of God most highUnknown (Author)English16
Praise thy Savior, O my soulUnknown (Author)English1
Praise to God the Father (Da n'ase! Da n'ase!)Anon. (Author)2
Praise to God, the great Creator, Bounteous source of every joyAnon. (Author)English1
Praise to Him by whose kind favorAnonymous (Author)English4
Praise to Thee, O Lord, we renderAnon. (Author)English3
Praise to Thee, Thou great creatorAnon. (Author)English1
Praise unto thee we singArranged (Author)1
Praise waits in Zion, Lord, for Thee; Thy saints adore Thy holy nameAnon. (Author)English1
Praise we the Lord this dayAnonymous (Author)English12
Praise we, with the heavenly hostAnon. (Author)English2
Praise ye Jehovah's name; Praise through His courts proclaimAnonymous (Author)English2
Praise ye the Father, let every heart give thanks to HimUnknown (Author)English1
Praise ye the Father, for His loving kindnessUnknown (Author)English16
Praise ye the Lord, again, againAnonymous (Author)English1
Praise ye the Lord, for it is good To sing unto our GodUnknown (Author)English1
Prayer is not heard through noisy soundAnon. (Author)English2
Prayer is the key on the bending kneeUnknown (Author)English5
Prayer is the key For the bending kneeAnonymous (Author)English1
Preah Yesu Krist laaw awhjaa (Oh! Jesus Christ is true God)Anonymous (Author)Khmer2
Пребудь со мной! уж свет сменился мглой (Prebud' so mnoy! uzh svet smenilsya mgloy)Unknown (Translator)Russian2
Abide with me: fast falls the eventideUnknown (Translator)English1
Preis sei dem Namen Jesu ChristAnon. (Author)German3
Preis sei Dir, Herr Jesus, Preis Dir und EhrUnbekannt (Author)German2
Preist Gott, der allen Segen gibtUnbekannt (Author)German1
Prem ki theri rith nirali (You bestow your love uniquely)Anonymous (Author)English, Hindhi2
Prepare us Lord to view Thy crossAnon. (Author)English3
Present with the two or threeAnon. (Author)English1
Press on, press on, though doubts ariseAnon. (Author)English1
Prince of Peace, control my willAnon. (Author)English6
Prisoners of hope be strong, be boldAnonymous (Author)English2
Proclaim, saith Christ, my wondrous graceAnon. (Author)English1
Proclaim the lofty praiseAnon. (Author)English1
Proclamen las naciones Divulguen cielo y tierraAnonymous (Author)Spanish3
Propitious Light of holy gloryAnonymous (Author)English2
Prove Him! an almighty SaviorAnon. (Author)English1
Прыходзь, прыходзь, Эмануіл!Anonymous (Translator)Belarusian2
Прыйдзіце да Збаўцы, верныя са сьпевам!Anonymous (Translator)Belarusian2
Przyjacielu, z nami pójdź w górny krajNieznany (Author)Polish2
普世歡騰!救主下降,大地接她君王;(Pǔ shì huānténg! Jiù zhǔ xiàjiàng, dàdì jiē tā jūnwáng;)Unknown (Translator)Chinese1
Pueblo de Dios, pueblo elegidoAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Puedo confiar en el Señor, no me va a fallar (I place my trust in the Lord)Anónima (Author)English, Spanish2
Puer nobis nasciturUnknown (Author)Latin2
Pues si vivimos, para El vivimosAnonymous (Author (st. 1))Spanish13
Purer yet and purer, I would be in mindAnon. (Author)English54
Put on the armor of our GodAnon. (Author)English3
പു-തുവത്സരത്തിൻ പി-റവിയിൽ (Pu-tuvatsarattin pi-ṟaviyil)Anonymous (Author)Malayalam2
Pwy sydd ar du'r ArglwyddAnonymous (Author (stanza 1))Welsh2
奇异恩典, 何等甘甜, 我罪已得赦免! (Qíyì ēndiǎn, héděng gāntián, wǒ zuì yǐ dé shèmiǎn)Anonymous (Translator)English1
清し この夜 (Kiyoshi kono yoru)Anonymous (Translator)Japanese2
求主使我近十架!(Qiú zhǔ shǐ wǒ jìn shí jià)Unknown (Translator)Chinese1
Qué dicha inmensa, pues JesúsAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Que Dios te dé su bendiciónAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Que Dios te guardeAnónimo (Author)Spanish2
Que firme alicerce, ó santos do SenhorAnonymous (Translator)Portuguese2
¿Qué júbilo inmenso resuenaAnonimo (Author)Spanish2
Que los dichos de mi boca y la meditación de mi corazón (Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart)Anonymous (Author)English, Spanish2
¿Qué me importan del mundo las penasAnonimo (Author)Spanish4
Que toda honra e glória receba o RedentorDesconhecido (Translator)Portuguese2
¿Quién está por Cristo?Anónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish1
Quién, quién, quién como Jehová (Who, who, who is like our God)Anonymous (Author)English, Spanish3
Quiero cantar una linda canciónAnónima (Author)Spanish3
Quiero Jesús mi reyAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Quiero seguir las pisadas de CristoAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Quiero seguir las pisadas del MaestroDesconocido (Author)Spanish7
Quiet from God how beautiful to keepAnonymous (Author)English2
Quiet, Lord, my froward heartAnon. (Author)English1
Quince años Dios te concedeDescon. (Author)Spanish3
Rab ki hove medha serai (Blest be God, LORD of all times and peoles)Anonymous (Author)English, Punjabi3
Радуйся мир, Господь грядёт! (Raduysya mir! Gospod' gryadot)Anonymous (Translator)Russian3
Radujte se narodi, kad čujete glasUnknown (Author)Serbo-Croatian2
Rain, rain, springtime rain!Anonymous (Author)English2
രാജൻ ദാ-വീദൂരിൽ പണ്ടു (Rājan dā-vīdūril paṇṭu)Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
രക്ഷകാ എന്നിൽ—നീ വസിപ്പാനായ് (Rakṣakā ennil—nī vasippānāy)Unknown (Author)2
രാത്രിയിതാ വ-രു-ന്നു (Rātriyitā va-ru-nnu)Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
เราทั้งสามคือพวกโหรา (Reā thậng s̄ām khụ̄x phwk h̄orā)Anonymous (Translator)Thai2
Ready to suffer grief or painAnonymous (Author)English1
Refreshed by gentle slumbers, With happy hearts and freeAnon. (Author)English2
Regocijaos siempre en Jesús, nuestro SeñorAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Reich des Herrn, Reich des Herrn, Brich hervor in vollem TagUnbekannt (Author)German1
Reicht euch die Hände! die Stunden zerrinnenUnbekannt (Author)German1
Reisend in's gelobte Land, durch der Wüste Glut und SandAnon. (Author)German3
Reizend auf Erden ein Blümlein so frisch** (Author)German2
Rejected and despised of men, Behold! a man of woeUnknown (Author)English1
Rejoice, believer, in the LordAnon. (Author)English3
Rejoice in God alwayAnonymous (Author)English5
Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say, rejoiceUnknown (Author)English2
Rejoice, my soul, still in the LordAnon. (Author)1
Rejoice, O earth, the Lord is KingUnknown (Author)English1
Rejoice, rejoice, the promised time is comingAnon. (Author)English3
Rejoice, rejoice, ye ChristiansAnon. (Author)English6
Rejoice, though storms assail theeAnon. (Author)English1
Rejoice today with one accordAnon. (Author)English1
Rejoice, ye saints, the time draws near, When Christ will in the clouds appear (Anonymous)Anon (Author)English1
Religion is a fortuneAnon. (Author)English1
Religion's dictates can assuageAnon. (Author)1
Remember me, my God, remember meUnbekanntes (Author)English1
Remember me, my Savior GodAnon. (Author)2
Remember thy Creator, While youth's fair spring is brightAnon. (Author)English1
Remember thy Creator now, In these thy youthful daysUnknown (Author)English7
Remido, eu vou proclamarUnknown (Translator)Portuguese2
Rest, for the little sleeperAnon. (Author)English1
Rest to the weary soul And aching breast is givenAnon. (Author)English4
Restore, O Father, to our times restoreAnonymous (Author)2
Resucitado, Cristo es aclamadoDesconocido (Author)Spanish1
Resucitó ya Cristo el SeñorAnonymous (Translator (es. 2-4))Spanish1
Retire, vain world, awhile retireAnon. (Author)1
Retiring from our school once moreAnon. (Author)1
Return, my soul, unto thy rest, From vain pursuits and maddening caresUnknown (Author)English1
Revive, O God, desponding saintsAnon. (Author)English1
Revive thy churches, Lord, with graceAnon. (Author)English1
Revive thy work, O Lord, And send salvation downAnon. (Author)1
Revive us, Lord Jesus, give times of refreshingAnon. (Author)English1
Rey soberano y Dios, Te ensalza nuestra vozAnónimo (Author)Spanish1
Ring, bells, ring ding, dong dingAnon. (Translator)English1
Ring out, O bells, your peals todayAnonymous (Author)English2
Ring out the bells for ChristmasAnonymous (Author)English6
Ring out the merry bells, the Savior [for Christmas] has comeAnon. (Author)English2
Ring out, ye throbbing stars of night!Anonymous (Author)English2
Ring, ring the bells, the joyful bellsAnonymous (Author)English2
Ring the joybells, Christ is risenAnon. (Author)English4
Rise again, ye lion heartedAnonymous (Author)English4
Rise, daughter of Zion, thy mourning is overUnknown (Author)English1
Rise, every heart and every tongueAnonymous (Author)2
Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wingsAnonymous (Author)English5
Rise, my soul, thy God directs theeAnon. (Author)English1
Rise up, O flameAnonymous (Author)English2
Rise up, O men of God!Anon. (Author)English1
Roca de la eternidad, Fuiste abierta para miAnónimo (Translator)Spanish3
Rock of Ages, shelter me, Let me stay myself on TheeAnon. (Author)English1
Rogamos al buen ConsoladorAnonymous (Author (stanza 1))Spanish3
Roi couvert de blessuresInconnu (Translator)French1
Roll on, thou mighty ocean! And as thy billows flowAnon. (Author)English1
Rostro divino, ensangrentadoAnonimo (Author)Spanish1
Rosy dawn, with locks of goldUnknown (Author)English1
Round our sparkling Christmas treeAnonymous (Author)English1
Round the temperance standard rallyAnon. (Author)English2
Round the throne of glory, Circling cherubimAnon. (Author)English3
Rows of cheerful facesAdaline Holf Beery (Author)English2
Ruft getrost, ihr WächterstimmenUnbekannt (Author)German1
Rukariro uro rwangu, Rusimbire kuna KristuAnonymous (Translator)Shona2
Så får jag nu med frid och fröjdAnonymous (Translator)Swedish1
Så högt har Gud oss till stor fröjdAnonymous (Translator)English1
Să îţi cântăm OsanaNecunoscut (Translator)Romanian2
Saa sandt jeg lever siger GudAnonymous (Translator (Norwegian))Norwegian3
Sábado santo de JehováAnónimo (Author)Spanish2
Sabbath day again we welcomeAnon. (Author)English2
Sabbath morn has come once moreAnon. (Author)English1
¿Sabes cuántos claros astros dan al cielo su fulgor?Anonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Sacred day forever blestAnon. (Author)1
Sadly bend the flowers, In the heavy rainAnon. (Author)English1
Safe enrolled, the promise everAnon. (Author)English1
Safely through another weekUnknown (Author)English1
Sagrado es el amor Anónimo (Translator)Spanish11
Saint of God elect and preciousUnknown (Author)English1
Saints of God lift up your voicesAnon (Author)English2
Saints of God! the dawn is brighteningAnon. (Author)English2
Sakin gece! Kutsal gece!Anonymous (Translator)Turkish2
Sal a sembrar, sembrador de pazDesconocido (Author)Spanish4
Sal para dar saborAnónimo (Author)Spanish3
Salamun Salamun Salamun Kullaheen! (May peace be with you; may God's peace be now with you!)Anonymous (Author)Arabic, English3
Salem's bright [great] King, Jesus by nameAnon. (Author)English1
सलीब पर जब मैं करता ध्यान, कि मुआ उस पर रब-उल-नूर (Saleeb par jab main karata dhyaan, ki mua us par rab-ul-noor)Anonymous (Translator)Hindi2
Salud hay para miAnonymous (Translator)Spanish3
¡Salvacion! palabra hermosaAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Salvador a ti me rindoDesconcido (Translator)Spanish1
Salvation, O the joyful sound!Unknown (Author (st. 3))English1
Salvator mundi, DomineUnknown (Author)Latin1
Salve, Regina, Señora y Madre de piedad (Salve, Regina, mater misericórdiae)desconocido (español)Latin, Spanish3
Salve, Reina de los cielos (Hail, O Queen of Heav'n enthroned) (Ave, Regína caelórum)desconocido (tr. al español)English, Latin, Spanish3
Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus, I lift my voice in worshipUnknown (Author)3
संसार का सबसे बड़ा वैध्य, वह है हमारा येशु (Sansaar ka sabase bada vaidhy, vah hai hamaara yeshu)Anonymous (Translator)Hindi2
Santa Biblia para miAnonimo (Author)Spanish1
Santa Cordero, En cruz clavadoDesconocido (Author)Spanish3
¡Santo Cordero! por tu llamamientoAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Santo Dios ¡oh Dios de amor!Unknown (Author)Spanish3
Santo Espiritu de Dios, llena tú mi serAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Santo, Espíritu de Dios, ven sobre míAnónimo (Translator)Spanish3
Santo Espíritu llena mi vidaAnónimo (Author)Spanish2
Santo, santo, santo ¡Mi corazón te adora!Anónima (Author)Spanish4
Santos ángeles cantoresAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Satúrame, Señor, con tu EspírituAnonymous (Author (st. 1))Spanish6
Satúranos, Señor, con tu Espíritu (Lord, fill us with the love of the Spirit)Anónima (Author (st. 1))English, Spanish1
Save, Jesus save, Thy blessing now we crave*** (Author)English5
Save me from my foesAnonymous (Author)5
Saved by grace I live to tellAnon. (Author)English1
Savior, bless a little child, Teach my heart the way to TheeAnon. (Author)English1
Savior, canst Thou love a traitor?Anon. (Author)1
Savior, hear us, through Thy meritAnon. (Author)English9
Savior, my feet have never trod with ThineSelected (Author)English1
Savior, my heart is Thine, keep it for meUnknown (Author)English3
Savior, teach me, day by dayAnon. (Author)English26
Savior, while my heart is tender, I would yield that heart to TheeAnon. (Author)English2
Savior at Thy feet we bowAnon. (Author)English1
Savior, at Thy footstool bendingAnon. (Author)English2
Savior, dear Savior, more than all the world beside*** (Author)English2
Savior, happy should I be, If I could but trust in TheeAnon. (Author)English2
Savior, I come to Thee, in all my weakness and in all my sinAnonymous (Author)English1
Savior, I long to be nearer to TheeAnon. (Author)English2
Jesus, I my cross have taken, All to leave and follow TheeAnonymous (Author)English3
Savior, I see my guilty courseUnknown (Author)1
Savior King, in hallowed unionAnon. (Author)English10
Savior, like a shepherd lead usAnonymous (Author)English78
Savior, listen to our prayer, Poor and sinful though we areAnon. (Author)English4
Savior, by spirit longs to see the glorious dayAnon. (Author)1
Savior of the nations come, offspring of a virgin's wombAnon. (Translator)English2
Savior, Thy law we loveUnknown (Author)English2
Savior, Thy precept is not hidUnknown (Author)1
Savior, to Thee my all I now surrenderServus Dei (Author)English2
Savior, Who Thy flock art feedingAnon. (Author)English10
Saw ye my Savior, saw ye my SaviorAnonymous (Author)English3
Saw you never, in the twilightAnon. (Author)English2
Say, brothers, will you meet usUnknown (Author)English8
Say, dear sinner, take salvationAnon. (Author)English1
Say, is your lamp burning, my brotherAnon. (Author)English1
Say now, ye lovely social bandAnon. (Author)English2
Say to the nations, Jesus reignsAnon. (Author)1
Say, watchman, what of the nightAnon. (Author)English1
Say, why should friendship grieve for thoseAnon. (Author)English2
Schau' auf das Kreuz, o du zagend HerzUnbekannt (Author)German1
Schauet den Segen, den hat uns die Liebe gegebenUnbekannt (Author)German1
Schlummre sanft! In deines Heilands ArmenAnonymous (Author)German2
Schon fallen weiße Flocken vom Himmel sachtAnonymous (Author)German2
Schönster Herr JesuUnbekannt (Author)German4
Scorn not the slightest word or deedAnon. (Author)English33
Sé, ¡oh Dios! que á iniquidadAnonimo (Author)Spanish2
Sea exaltado el Señor, exaltado en cielo y tierraAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
ശോഭിത പട്ടണം പാപദോഷങ്ങൾക്കു (Śēābhita paṭṭaṇaṁ pāpadēāṣaṅṅaḷkku)Unknown (Translator)Malayalam2
ശോ-ധനയിൽ വീഴ-ല്ലേ; വീഴ്-ച പാപം (Śēā-dhanayil vīḻa-llē; vīḻ-ca pāpaṁ)Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
Secure is that soul in the midst of afflictionAnon. (Author)English2
Sed puros y santosAnónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish4
See amid the winter's snowAnon. (Author)English2
See, brethren, see how the day rolls onAnon. (Author)1
See, daylight is fading over earth and over oceanAnon. (Author)English3
See from on high a light divineUnknown (Author)English2
See, from Zion's sacred mountainAnon. (Author)English2
See how He loved, exclaimed the JewsAnonymous (Author)English1
See in the vineyard of the LordAnon. (Author)English1
See the destined day arise!Anon. (Author)English1
See the eternal Judge descendingAnon. (Author)English5
See the kind shepherd, Jesus, stands, And calls his sheep by nameAnon. (Author)English1
See the rain is fallingAnon. (Author)English2
See the seal is rudely brokenAnonymous (Author)English1
See the shining dewdropsAnon. (Author)English5
See the stars from heaven fallingAnon. (Author)1
Seek ye first the kingdom of God And His righteousnessAnon. (Author (st. 2))English, Spanish8
Seele, du hast angefangenUnbekannt (Author)German1
Según tu dicho al expirarAnónimo (Author)Spanish2
Sei getreu bis in den Tod, Seele, lass dich keine PlagenUnbekannt (Author)German1
Sei uns mit Jubelschalle, Herr Jesu, heut gegrüßtUnbekannt (Author)German1
Seigneur en ta victoireauteur inconnu (Translator)French2
Sel'ge Gewissheit, Jesus ist mein! Nun kann erst rect ich des Lebens mich freu'nAnonymous (Translator)German2
Selig sind die geistlich Armen, Ihrer ist das HimmelreichAnonymous (Author)German2
Sembraré la simiente preciosaDesconocido (Author)Spanish4
Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloomAnonymous (Author)English2
Send, O Lord, Thy Holy SpiritUnknown (Author)English2
Señor, apiádate de nosotros (O Lord, have mercy upon your people)Anónimo (Author)English, Spanish2
Señor del cielo, JehováAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Señor Jehová, omnipotente DiosAnonymous (Translator)Spanish3
Señor Jesús, Tú eres mi PastorAnonymous (Author)Spanish3
Señor, piedad, misericordia imploroAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Señor, ¿quién entrará en tu santuario para adorar?Anónima (Author)Spanish6
Señor, toma mi vida nuevaAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Señor, yo quiero entrar (O God, I want to enter)Anonymous (Author)English, Spanish2
Sent by the Lord am I; My hands are ready now Anon. (Author)English, Spanish2
Será de manhã, no começo do dia?Anonymous (Translator)Portuguese2
Servir en vida á nuestro Dios podemosAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Set my spirit free that I might worship youAnonymous (Author)English2
Settled forever, sin's tremendous claimAnon. (Author)English1
Sfânt e, sfânt e, sfânt este Domnul!Anonymous (Translator)Romanian2
Sfânt eşti, sfânt eşti! DoamneAnonymous (Translator)Romanian2
Shall heaven excuse thy blinded mindAnon. (Author)1
Shall I, for fear of feeble man, The Spirit's course in me restrain?Anon. (Author)English1
Shall I tell you what brought me to JesusUnknown (Author)English3
Shall we all meet at home in the morningAnon. (Author)English3
Shall we gather at the riverAnon. (Author)English2
Shall we meet beyond the river, In the clime where angels dwell?Anon. (Author)English3
Shalom chaverim, shalom chaverimAnonymous (Translator)Hebrew4
上帝是人千古保障 (Shàngdì shì rén qiāngǔ bǎozhàng)Unknown (Translator)Chinese3
He [She] sleeps in Jesus, peaceful restAnon. (Author)English1
Shed not a tear, over your friend's early bierAnon. (Author)English3
神說話,我就相信祂 (Shén shuōhuà, wǒ jiù xiāngxìn tā)Anonymous (Author)Chinese1
神の御子(みこ)は今宵(こよい)しも (Kami no miko (miko) wa koyoi (ko yoi) shimo)Unknown (Translator)Japanese2
Shepherd of souls, refresh and blessAnon. (Author (v. 1, 2, 3))English17
Shepherd of souls, with pitying eyeAnon. (Author)English1
Shepherd of the ransomed flockUnknown (Author)English1
Shepherd of Thy little flockUnknown (Author)English3
Shepherd, with thy tenderest loveAnonymous (Author)English14
Shepherds, hail the wondrous StrangerAnon. (Author)English3
Shepherds keeping watch by nightAnonymous (Author)1
Shepherds leave the hillsideAnonymous (Author)English3
Shepherds, rejoice, lift up your eyesAnon. (Author)English1
Shepherds, shake off your drowsy sleepAnonymous (Author)English1
Shepherds, watching over your flocksAnon. (Author)English1
Shine, O Sun, in splendor brightAnonymous (Alterer)English2
Shine on our souls, eternal GodAnon. (Author)English2
Shing gyim masha ning nam nga pra ten kaw na (When time began God fashioned all of this world)Anonymous (Author)English, Kachin2
Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind?Anon. (Author)English4
Should sorrow o'er thy browAnonymous (Author)1
Should sorrow's gate be open wideAnonymous (Author)1
Shout the glad tidings, exultingly singAnon. (Author)English1
Shout the tidings of salvation, Bear the message far and wideUnknown (Author)English4
Shout the tidings of salvation To the aged and the youngUnknown (Author)English8
Show me myself, O holy LordAnon. (Author)English2
Show me Thy face, one transient gleamUnknown (Author)English9
Show me Thy way, O Lord, And make it plainAnon. (Author)English8
Shut in! O no, my sisters! but only led awayAnon. (Author)English1
Si al cruel enemigo temes combatir, si la duda agobia siempre tu existirDesconocido (Author)Spanish7
Si al fiero enemigo temes combatirAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Si alguno está ya en CristoAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Si anochece en el caminoAnónimo (Author)Spanish3
Si aquí sufrimos tanto, nos brinda el SalvadorAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Si el Espíritu está aqui, hay paz (If the Spirit here abides, there is peace)Anonymous (Author)English, Spanish2
Si el grano de trigo no muereAnónimo (Author (estrofas))Spanish4
Si hay en tu vida algunas penasanónimo (Author)Spanish2
Sí, lo veremos cuando venga en gloriaAnónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish2
Si un dia el dolor te oprime ¡oh mortal!Anonymous (Author)Spanish2
Sica, Apo, cas PastormiUnknown (Author)Tagalog2
Siervos de Dios, la trompeta tocadAnónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish3
Siervos de Jesús, hombres de verdadAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Silent night, hallowed night, land and deep silent sleepUnknown (Author)English6
Silent night, holy night, All is calm, all is brightAnon. (Translator (stanza 4))English21
Silent night, peaceful night! All things sleep, shepherds keepAnon. (Translator)English6
Silent night! Peaceful night! Darkness flies, all is lightAnonymous (Translator)English1
Silent night, shadowy night, purple dome, starry light!Anon. (Author)English3
Silently, silently, they pass awayAnonymous (Author)English2
Silently the shades of evening, Gather round my lowly doorAnon. (Author)English2
Silver and gold have I noneUnknown (Author)English1
Simply trusting every dayAnon. (Author)English1
Sin contestar aún tu prez sinceraAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Sin límite océano de amor y salvaciónAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Since Jesus is my Friend, and I to Him belong (Gerhardt)Anon. (Author)English1
Since Jesus freely did appearAnon. (Author)English5
Since now we're all "striking" and struggling for breadAnon. (Author)English2
Since over thy footstool here belowAnonymous (Author)English7
Since she went home, how still the empty room her presence blessedAnonymous (Author)English1
Since the love of Christ has joined us in one bodyAnonymous (Author)English, Latin1
Since thy Father's arm sustains thee, peaceful beAnon. (Author)English4
Sing Alleluia forth in duteous praiseAnon. (Author)English5
Sing alleluia to the Lordanonymous (Author (verses 2-4))English2
Sing loudly till the stars have heardAnonymous (Author)English2
Sing, my soul, His wondrous loveUnknown (Author)English26
Sing, my soul, O sing with raptureUnknown (Author)English2
Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle, Sing the last the dread affray (Neale)Anon. (Author)English1
Sing now with joy unto the LordAnon. (Author)1
Sing, O children, sing with gladnessAnonymous (Author)English2
Sing of Jesus, sing foreverAnon. (Author)English1
Sing of Mary pure and lowlyAnonymous (Author)English4
Sing praise, the tomb is voidAnonymous (Author)English1
Cantad al Señor un cántico nuevo (Anonymous)Anonymous (Translator (Spanish)r)Spanish7
Sing the song, the triumph songAnonymous (Author)English1
Sing to the little childrenAnon. (Author)English2
Sing to the Lord in joyful strainsAnon. (Author)English1
Sing we all merrilyAnonymous (Author)English1
Sing we now of Christmas, Noel sing we hereAnonymous (Translator)English2
Sing we to our God aboveAnon. (Author)English2
Sing ye the songs of praise: Jesus is come!Anon (Author)English2
Singet mit Freuden, verkündet's mit mächtigen WortenUnbekannt (Author)German2
Sinner, art thou still secure?Anon. (Author)English1
Sinner, go, will you go, To the high lands of heaven?Unknown (Author)English8
Sinner, hear your Friend and SaviorAnonymous (Author)1
Sinner, is thy heart at restAnonymous (Author)English2
Sinners, seek the narrow gateAnon. (Author)English3
Sinner, the Lord invites thee nowAnon. (Author)1
Sinners, we are sent to bid youAnon. (Author)English1
Sinner, what has earth to showAnon. (Author)English2
Sinners, haste to mercy's gateAnon. (Author)1
Sinners, hear, for God hath spokenAnon. (Author)1
Sinners, Jesus died for youAnon. (Author)English1
Sinner, O, why so thoughtless grown?Anon. (Author)English1
Sinners, take the friendly warningAnon. (Author)English1
Sinners, the call obeyAnon. (Author)English1
Sinners, whither will you wander?Anonymous (Author)English3
Sins of years are washed awayAnon. (Author)English1
Siōng-tè lút-hoat tē sì kàu (Christ fulfils the Law of old)Anonymous (Author)English, Taiwanese2
Sister, thou wast mild and lovelyAnon. (Author)English2
Sit down by the side of your mother, my boyAnon. (Author)English2
Sittande vid Jesu fötterOkänd (Author)Swedish3
Sitting at the feet of Jesus, O what words I hear Him sayAnonymous (Author)English4
Six days of toil and careAnon. (Author)1
We are on the Lord’s roadUnknown (Author)1
Скажи мне весть благую (Skazhi mne vest' blaguyu)Anonymous (Translator)Russian2
Slavery and death the cup containsAnon. (Author)English1
Sleep, baby, sleep, thy Father guards the sheepAnonymous (Translator)English1
Sleep, baby, sleep, Sleep, darling, sleepAnonymous (Author)English2
Sleep, my Savior, sleepAnon. (Author)English1
Sleep not, soldier of the crossAnon. (Author)English3
Sleep on, beloved, sleep, and take thy restUnknown (Author)English1
Sleep thy last sleep, free from care and sorrowAnon. (Author)English1
Smile, smile, smile, smile, smile and the world smiles with youAnon. (Author)English2
Smiling, a bright eyed seraph bentUnbekanntes (Author)English1
Snow, snow, everywhereUnknown (Author)English1
Сүнс минь уйтгарт цөлллөгт амьдралын далайд (Süns mini uitgart tsölllögt amidralyn dalaid)Anonymous (Translator)Mongolian2
So let our lips and lives expressAnon. (Author)English1
So nimm denn meine HändeAnon. (Author)German4
Søde Jesus, vi er her Ukj. (Translator)Norwegian2
Soft fell the mother's lullabyUnknown (Author)English2
Softly now the light of dayAnonymous (Author)English1
Softly sighs the breath of eveningUnknown (Author)1
Softly, softly, Christ is callingAnon. (Author)English3
Softly, softly, through the midnightAnon. (Author)English1
Softly the night is sleeping on Bethlehem's peaceful hillAnon. (Author)English2
Softly the night is falling On Bethlehem's fair hillAnonymous (Author)2
Solamente El es la fuenteAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Solamente en CristoAnonymous (Author)Spanish5
Solamente en Cristo, solamente en él (Only in Christ Jesus, only by his grace)Anonymous (Author)English, Spanish2
Soldier of Christ, why thus cast down?Unknown (Author)English1
Soldiers, awake, this is the festal hourAnonymous (Author)English1
Soldiers fighting round the crossAnon. (Author)English2
Soldiers of Christ, arise, And put your armor on; Engage your enemiesAnonymous (Author)1
Soldiers of our God, arise!Unknown (Author)English1
Soldiers of the Captain! Stand for Him, and fightAnon. (Author)English1
Soldiers on life's battlefieldX. X. X. (Author)English1
Soldiers, who are Christ's belowAnonymous (Author)English1
Soldiers who to Christ belongAnon. (Author)English3
Sole Sovereign of the earth and skiesAnon. (Author)English1
Solemnes resuenen los férvidos cantosAnónimo (Author)Spanish1
Sólo a Ti, Dios y SeñorDesconocido (Author)Spanish1
Solo el poder de Dios puede cambiar tu ser (What power changes lives? Only the love of God)Anónima (Author)English, Spanish2
Sólo excelso, amor divino, Gozo vén del cielo á nosAnónimo (Translator)Spanish1
Some have fathers gone to gloryAnon. (Author)English1
Some of these days all the skies will be brighterAnon. (Author)English1
Some people laugh and wonder*** (Author)English1
Some tell me the path to heavenAnon. (Author)English1
Somebody near you is struggling alone, Over life's desert landAnon. (Author)English2
Someday someday someday somedayAnonymous (Author)English2
Something in my heart like a stream running freeAnon. (Author)1
Somos los soldados que combaten errorAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Son of God, Thy people's shieldAnon. (Author)English1
Son of the Father, Jesus, Lord and slaveAnon. (Author)1
Son of the living God! thy handsAnonymous (Author (st. 1))English2
Songs anew of honor framingAnon. (Author)English3
Songs of gladness, songs of praiseAnonymous (Author)English1
Songs of praise now we raiseAnon. (Author)English1
Sons of men, behold from farAnon. (Author)English10
Soon may the last glad song ariseAnon. (Author)English5
Soon shall the trump of GodAnon. (Author)English1
Soon, soon and forever our union shall surelyAnon. (Author)English2
Soon will our fleeting hours be pastAnonymous (Author)1
Soon will the heavenly Bridegroom comeAnon. (Author)English4
Soon with resistless arm shall deathAnonymous (Author)English2
Soul of Jesus, make me wholeAnon. (Author)English2
Soul of my Savior, sanctify my breastAnon (Author)English7
Sound aloud the wondrous storyAnon. (Author)English1
Sound the Gospel of grace abroadAnonymous (Author)English2
Sov nu, mit Barn, saa soedeligUkjendt (Translator)1
Sovereign Lord of light and gloryAnonymous (Author)1
Sovereign of worlds, display Thy powerAnon. (Author)English4
Sovereign of life, I own Thy handAnon. (Author)English1
Sow in the morn thy seedAnon. (Author)English1
Sow thou thy seed in the morningAnon. (Author)English4
Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindnessAnon. (Author)English2
Sowing the seed by the daylight fairAnon. (Author)English2
Sowing the tares, when it might have been wheatA Convict (Author)English3
Soy peregrino aquí; no hallo do morarAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Soy un pobre pastorcitoAnónimo (Author (attributed to))Spanish2
¿Soy yo soldado de Jesús Y siervo del Señor?Descon. (Author (coro))Spanish1
Soy yo, soy yo, soy yo, SeñorAnónimo (Author)Spanish4
Speak gently, it is better farAnonymous (Author)English4
Speak often to each otherAnon. (Author)English1
Spirit divine, attend our prayersAnonymous (Author)English1
Spirit of God, my guardian dearAnonymous (Author)2
Spirit of love, come fill my heartAnonymous (Author)English1
Spirit of mercy, truth, and loveAnonymous (Author)English20
Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me (Iverson)Anon. (Author)English2
Spirit of truth, O let me know the love of Christ to meAnon. (Author)English2
Spirit of wisdom, turn our eyesAnonymous (Author)English3
Spirit, poured on PentecostUnknown (Author)1
Spring has now unwrapped the flowersAnonymous (Author)English1
Stabat mater dolorosa, juxta crucem lacrymosaUnknown (Author)Latin1
Stand up, my soul, shake off thy fearsAnon. (Alterer)English2
Stand up, stand up, for Jesus, Ye soldiers of the cross (Duffield)Anon. ((Cyf.))English2
Standing at the portal, of the opening yearAnon. (Author)English1
Stanę przed Stwórcą i przed moim BogiemAnonymous (Author)Polish2
Star of our hope! He'll soon appearAnon. (Author)English4
Star of peace to wanderers wearyAnon. (Author)English1
Star of the east! whose beacon lightAnonymous (Author)English2
സ്തോത്രം പാടിൻ പൈതങ്ങളെ നിങ്ങൾ (Stēātraṁ pāṭin paitaṅṅaḷe niṅṅaḷ)Anonymous (Author)Malayalam2
Still evening comes, with gentle shadeAnon. (Author)English3
Still on the Lord thy burden rollAnon. (Author)English1
Still with Thee, O my GodAnonymous (Author)English4
Stir me, O Lord, as Thou wast stirredAnon (Author)English2
Stop! And let me tell you what the Lord has done for meAnonymous (Author (st. 1))English2
Strains of music often greet me [us]Unknown (Author)English1
Stretched on the cross the Savior diesAnon. (Author)English1
Streue Sonnschein, streue Sonnschein** (Author)German1
Strike off my galling fettersAnon. (Author)1
(Stroina shestvuyem muiy smyela) (With the cross our shield)Anonymous (Author)English, Russian2
Strong drink is like a flowing riverAnonymous (Author)English2
Su gloria cubrió cielos (God's glory filled highest heavens)Anónima (Author)English, Spanish2
Su nombre es "El Señor" y pasa hambreanónima (Estrofa 4)Spanish1
Sublime gracia del Señor, Que a un pecador salvóDesconcido (Translator)Spanish2
Submissive to Thy will, my GodAnonymous (Author)English2
Such beautiful, beautiful handsAnon. (Author)English2
ശുദ്ധാ! ശുദ്ധാ! ശുദ്ധാ! സർവ്വ ശക്താ ദേവാ! (Śud'dhā! śud'dhā! śud'dhā! sarvva śaktā dēvā)Unknown (Translator)Malayalam2
ശുദ്ധാത്മാവേയെന്നെ പാപബോധം നീ വരുത്തി വീണ്ടും (Śud'dhātmāvēyenne pāpabēādhaṁ nī varutti vīṇṭuṁ)Anonymous (Author)Malayalam2
Suenen las palabras del buen SalvadorAnónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish2
Suffering Savior, with thorn crownAnon. (Author)English7
Sun, shine forth in all thy splendorUnknown (Author)English1
Sunet se aude în depărtareAnonymous (Author)Romanian2
Suppliant, lo, Thy children bendAnon. (Author)English1
സ്വർഗ്ഗ മണവാളനെ (Svargga maṇavāḷane)Anonymous (Author)Malayalam2
സ്വർഗ്ഗ രാജ്യ നിരൂപണമെൻ ഹൃദയ വാഞ്ചയാം (Svargga rājya nirūpaṇamen hr̥daya vāñcayāṁ)Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
സ്വർഗ്ഗ സിംഹാസന മുൻ നിൽക്കും (Svargga sinhāsana mun nilkkuṁ)Anonymous (Translator (Malayalam))Malayalam2
സ്വർഗ്ഗസൗധങ്ങൾക്കെൻ ദായംAnonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
സ്വർഗ്ഗത്തിൽ സന്തോഷം ഉണ്ടിന്നേരത്തിൽ (Svarggattil santēāṣaṁ uṇṭinnērattil)Anonymous (Author)Malayalam2
Сьвяты, сьвяты, сьвяты Божа ўсемагутны!Anonymous (Translator)Belarusian2
Sveikas, Jėzau gimusis (Jesus Child, we greet you now)Anonymous (Author)English, Lithuanian2
സ്വീകരിക്കെൻ ജീവനെ നിനക്കായെന്നേശുവേ (Svīkarikken jīvane ninakkāyennēśuvē)Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
Sweep over my soul, sweep over my soul; Sweet Spirit, sweep over my soulUnknown (Author)English1
Sweet Agnes, holy childAnonymous (Author)1
Sweet alleluias, the birds and the blossomsAnon. (Author)English2
Sweet and clear the birds are singingAnonynous (Author)English4
Sweet are the seasons, when we waitUnknown (Author)English1
Sweet by and by, Sweet by and by (Chorus)Unknown (Author)English1
Sweet glories rush upon my sightAnon. (Author)English2
Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayerAnon. (Author)English4
Sweet is the light of Sabbath eveAnon. (Author)English1
Sweet is the prayer, whose holy streamUnknown (Author)English19
How blessed the righteous when he diesAnon. (Author)English1
Sweet is the time of springAnon. (Author)English3
Sweet is the work, my God, my KingUnknown (Author (last verse))English1
O land of rest, for thee I sighAnon. (Author)English9
Sweet name come down from heaven aboveUnknown (Author)English1
Sweet peace of conscience, heavenly guestAnon. (Author)English1
Sweet rest at last, At last the hands are foldedAnon. (Author)1
Sweet rivers of redeeming loveAnon. (Author)English4
Sweet Sabbath bells, I love your voiceAnon. (Author)1
Sweet Sabbath eve, Bright is thy smileAnon. (Author)English1
Sweet Savior, once again this yearAnonymous (Author)English2
Sweet spices they brought on their star lighted wayAnonymous (Author)English2
Sweet the moments, rich in blessingAnon. (Author)English2
Sweet 'tis to sing of TheeAnon. (Author)English1
Sweet to rejoice in lively hopeAnon. (Author)English2
Sweet were the tears that once I shedAnon. (Author)1
Sweetly sing the love of JesusUnknown (Author)English3
Swell the anthem, raise the songAnon. (Author)English5
Swift as the winged arrow fliesAnonymous (Author)1
Swój wierny obraz, PanieAnonymous (Author)Polish2
سيدى اسمع طلبتىAnonymous (Translator)Arabic2
Synge vi af hjertens grundUkj. (Author)Norwegian1
Tag, den uns der Herr gemacht, Fröhlich jauchz' ich dir heut zuUnbekannt (Author)German1
Take comfort, Christians, when your friendsAnon. (Author)English3
Take me as I am, O SaviorUnknown (Translator)1
Take me to the living fountainAnon. (Author)English1
Take my hands, Lord, to share in your laborsAnonymous (Author (v. 2))English2
Take my heart, O Father, take itUnknown (Author)English59
Take my heart, O Father, mould itUnknown (Author)English3
Take thou no thought, O child of dustAnon. (Author)1
Take up thy cross, the Savior said, If thou wouldst my disciple beAnon. (Author)English3
Tal como soy sin más decirAnónimo (Translator)Spanish1
താഴ്‌വീതിപത്മം കണ്ടെൻ, അവനിൽ മാത്രമേ (Tāḻ‌vītipatmaṁ kaṇṭen, avanil mātramē)Unknown (Translator)Malayalam2
Tan bueno es DiosAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Tangles, tangles, tangles I was inUnknown (Author)English2
Tangu siku hiyo aliponijiaAnonymous (Translator)Swahili2
Tarry with me, O my Savior! For the day is passing byAnon. (Author)English1
Tawel nos dros y byd,Anonymous (Translator)Welsh2
Tayni ci Yes tay ni i la's no (You have come, Lord Christ, preaching love and grace)Anonymous (Author)Amis, English2
¿Te acordaste al levantarteAnón. (Translator)Spanish1
Te alabamos, O gran Diosanónima (Translator)Spanish2
Te alabaré, Señor, con todo mi corazónAnónima (Author)Spanish2
Te amo, te amo, te amo, Señoranónimo (Author)Spanish3
Te damos gracias, oh Señor, Por estas pruebas de tu amorAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Te invitamos, oh Cristo (Come, be among us, O Jesus)Anonymous (Author)English, Spanish2
Te invito a cantar al Señor (I invite you to sing praises to God)Anonymous (Author)English, Spanish2
Te iubesc Isuse, ştiu că eşti al meuAnonymous (Translator)Romanian2
Te loamos, te glorificamosAnónimo (Author)Spanish1
Te preciso, mi SeñorAnonymous (Author)Spanish3
Te quiero, mi SeñorAnonymous (Translator)Spanish10
Te quiero, te quiero, te quiero SeñorAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Te ruego, oh Dios: ¡Escúchame a mí!Anonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Teach me, O Lord, Thy holy wayAnon. (Author)English4
Teach me to live Thy purpose to fulfilAnon. (Author)English1
Teach us, O Lord, we earnest prayAnon. (Author)1
Teach us to pray, O Father, we look up to TheeAnon. (Author)English4
Течет ли жизнь мирно, подобно реке (Techet li zhizn' mirno, podobno reke)Anonymous (Translator)Russian2
Tel que je suis, sans rien à moiAnonymous (Translator)French2
Tell me not of earthly loveUnbekanntes (Author)English2
Tell me the old, old story, Of unseen things aboveAnon. (Author)English2
Tell me whose side you are living on?Anonymous (Author)English2
Tell the news of Jesus' loveAnon. (Author)English1
Tell us, wanderer, wildly rovingAnonymous (Author)1
¿Temes que en la lucha no podrás vencer?Desconocido (Author)Spanish3
Tempted and tried, we're oft made to wonderUnknown (Author)English1
Tempus adest floridum, surgent namque floresAnonymous (Author)Latin2
Ten thousand different flowersAnonymous (Author)1
Ten thousand sowers through the landAnon. (Author)English1
Ten thousand, thousand souls there areAnon. (Author)English1
Tender [Gentle] Shepherd, Thou hast stilledAnon. (Author)English1
Tengo de Dios el amorAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Tengo en Dios un grande amoranónimo (Author)Spanish2
Tens na tua vida mil problemas a enfrentarAnonymous (Translator)Portuguese2
Teraz życiem dła mej duszyAnonymous (Author)Polish2
Tere saha mukh ham hain ate (We come before thee, O Great and Holy)Anon. (Author)English, Hindi2
തെറ്റി ഞാൻ കാണാതെ പോയൊരാടുപോലയ്യോ! (Teṟṟi ñān kāṇāte pēāyeārāṭupēālayyēā!)Anonymous (Author)Malayalam2
Terrible God, that reign'st on highAnon. (Author)English1
The Eternal speaks, all heaven attendsAnon. (Author)English1
Thandhey nii ne thayiyu niine (You are the Father, you are the Mother)Anonymous (Author)English, Kannada2
Thank God for the Bible, 'tis there [here] that we findAnon. (Author)English3
Thank you for the world so fairUnknown (Author)English1
Thank you for the world so sweetAnon. (Author)English5
Thank You, God, for sending JesusAnonymous (Author)English2
Thanks for mercies, Lord, receiveAnonymous (Author)1
Thanks for mercies past, receiveAnonymous (Author)English5
That Easter day with joy was brightAnonymous (Author)English8
That glorious day is comingAnonymous (Author)English4
That glorious day is drawing nighUnknown (Author)English1
That might of faith, O Lord, bestowAnonymous (Author)2
That solemn hour will come for meUnknown (Author)English2
The air is filled with the echoesAnonymous (Author)English3
The angel comes, he comes to reapAnon. (Author)English1
The angels are hovering roundAnon. (Author)1
The anthem the angels were singingAnonymous (Author)English1
The Babe in Bethlehem's manger laidAnon. (Author)English2
The beautiful bright sunshineAnonymous (Author)English13
The bells are ringing joyfullyAnon. (Author)English1
The bells of time Ring out the chimeAnonymous (Author)English1
The B-I-B-L-E, Yes, that's the book for meAnon. (Author)English4
The Bible, the Bible, More precious than goldAnon. (Author)English6
The blast of the trumpet, so loud and so shrillAnon. (Author)English1
The bosom where I oft have lainAnonymous (Author)English2
The bread that giveth [bringeth] strength I want to giveAnonymous (Author)English6
The broken bread, the blessed cupUnknown (Author)English3
The burdens of life may be manyAnon. (Author)English7
The busy scenes of day are fledAnon. (Author)English2
The Chariot! the chariot! its wheels roll in fireAnon. (Author)English2
The cheerful day comes back from GodAnon. (Author)English3
The Child of humble virgin bornAnon. (Translator)English1
The Church's one foundation Is Jesus Christ her LordAnonymous (Stanzas 1, 2, and part of 3)English2
The comforter has comeAnon. (Author)English3
The coming events of the kingdom of GodAnon. (Author)1
The advent of our God With eager prayers we greetAnonymous (Author)English1
The corn is ripe for reapingAnon. (Author)English2
The cross is my anchor, though wave follow waveAnon. (Author)English2
The cross of Christ, what untold loveAnon. (Author)English1
The day is fast approaching, By prophets long foretoldAnonymous (Author)English1
The day is gently sinking to a closeAnon. (Author)English1
The day is past and gone, The evening shades appearAnonymous (Author)English6
The day is past and overAnon. (Author)English6
The day of glory bearingAnon. (Author)English1
The day of ResurrectionAnon. (Author)English3
The day Thou gavest, Lord, is endedAnon. (Author)English2
The deep defilement of the heartAnon. (Author)1
The die is cast, my choice is madeAuthor Unknown (Author)English2
The drop was ready, and the crowdAnon. (Author)English1
The earth and the fulness with which it is storedUnknown (Author)English2
The earth awakes from winter sleepUnknown (Author)1
The earth belongs unto the LordAnonymous (Author)English1
The earth is hushed in silenceAnonymous (Author)English11
The earth, the water, the fire, the airAnonymous (Author)English2
The earth with all that dwell thereinAnonymous (Author)English1
The Easter sunshine breaks againAnonymous (Author)English1
The echo still is ringingAnon. (Author)English2
The ends of all the earth shall hearAnonymous (Author)English1
The fast, as taught by holy loreAnonymous (Author)English1
The Father and the Son And Spirit we adoreAnon. (Author)English1
The Father knows thee! Learn of HimAnonymous (Author)English2
The Father's sole begotten SonAnonymous (Author)English3
The fields are all white And the reapers are fewAnon. (Author)English13
The first Eternal Mind was law to allUnknown (Author)English2
The first good joy that Mary hadAnonymous (Adapter)English1
The first Nowell, the angel did sayAnon. (Author)English17
The glories of that heavenly landAnon. (Author)English2
The glorious gates of righteousnessAnonymous (Author)English2
The glory of the Lord, The heavens declare abroadAnonymous (Author)English1
The God of grace and glory callsAnon. (Author)1
The God of grace will never leaveAnon. (Author)2
The God of love will sure indulgeAnonymous (Author)English3
The God who made both heaven and earthUnknown (Author)English3
The God who sits enthroned on highAnonymous (Author)English2
The gold and silver are the Lord'sAnon. (Author)3
The golden gates are lifted upAnon. (Author)English2
The good man's steps are led arightAnonymous (Author)English1
The gospel ship has long been sailingAnon. (Author)1
The gospel trumpet's soundingAnon. (Author)English2
The great decisive day is at handAnon. (Author)English3
The great Physician now is hereAnon. (Author)English5
The heart of home is beamingAnon. (Author)1
The heavens Thy praises are tellingAnon. (Author)English4
The heavens resound with his praises eternalUnknown (Translator)1
The holly and the ivyAnonymous (Author)English1
The Holy Ghost is comeAnon. (Author)English2
The Homeland! O the Homeland! The land of the free bornAnon. (Author)English2
The hour will quickly comeAnonymous (Author)English2
The hours of rest are overAnon. (Author)English2
The Jesus in me loves the Jesus in youAnonymous (Author)English, Spanish3
The joy of the Lord is my strength; The joy of the Lord is my strengthAnonymous (Translator)English1
The judgment day is coming, coming, comingAnonymous (Author)English1
The King of love my Shepherd isUnknown (Author)English1
The King rejoiceth in Thy strengthAnonymous (Author)English1
The King shall come when morning dawnsAnonymous (Author)English3
The Lamb's high banquet called to shareAnonymous (Author)English3
The Lamb's high banquet we awaitAnonymous (Author)English1
The land before them, where to chooseAnonymous (Author)English2
The land beyond the sea, How close it sometimes seemsAnon. (Author)English2
The land we love is callingAnonymous (Author)English4
'Tis the last call of mercy that lingers for thee (Anonymous)Anon. (Author)English5
The last lovely morning, All blooming and fairAnon. (Author)English7
The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soulAnonymous (Author)English1
The law that the Lord has ordained, Is perfect, the soul to restoreAnonymous (Author)English1
The leaves around me fallingAnon. (Author)English1
The life which God's incarnate wordAnonymous (Author)English3
The light of Sabbath eve Is fading fast awayAnon. (Author)English1
The light of the word shineth brighter and brighter*** (Author)English2
The light of truth is breaking, on the mountain tops it gleamsAnon. (Author)English1
The light pours down from heavenAnon (Author)English13
The lillies of the field, that quickly fade awayAnonymous (Author)1
The Lion of Judah, the Lamb that was slainUnknown (Author (refrain))English2
The little cares that fettered meAnon. (Author)English2
The little cloud increases fastAnonymous (Author)1
The little flowers came through [from] the groundUnknown (Author)English1
The living know that they must dieAnon. (Author)1
The long lost [prodigal] son, with streaming eyesAnon. (Author)English3
The Lord again to earth appearsAnonymous (Author)English2
The Lord almighty is my lightAnonymous (Author)English1
The Lord ascendeth up on highUnknown (Author)English1
The Lord be with us nowUnknown (Author)English1
The Lord Christ wanted a tongue one dayUnknown (Author)English2
The Lord descended from above, And bowed the heavens most highAnon. (Author)English1
The Lord has given a land of good thingsAnon (Author)English2
The Lord has heard and answered prayerAnonymous (Author)English1
The Lord I will at all times bless, My mouth His praises shall expressAnonymous (Author)English1
The Lord into his garden comesUnknown (Author)English10
The Lord is coming, let this beAnon. (Author)English4
The Lord is coming, seas retireAnon. (Author)1
The Lord is ever nearAnon. (Author)English4
The Lord is gone, his people watch and prayAnonymous (Author)1
The Lord is great; with worthy praiseAnonymous (Author)English1
The Lord is in his holy place, Let all the earth be stillUnknown (Translator (from Danish))English1
The Lord is in His holy temple, Let all the earth keep silence before HimAnon. (Author)English1
The Lord is in His holy temple, the Lord is in His holy templeAnon. (Author)English1
The Lord is my Light, then why should I fear?Unknown (Author)English1
The Lord is my Shepherd, He makes me reposeAnon. (Author)English2
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want; In Him I now abideAnon. (Author)English1
The Lord is my Shepherd, no want shall I know (Montgomery)Anon. (Author)English2
The Lord is my Shepherd (Unknown)Unknown (Author)1
The Lord is our Shepherd, our Guardian and GuideAnon. (Author)English2
The Lord is the fountain of goodness and loveAnon. (Author)English1
The Lord Jehovah bless TheeAnon. (Author)English1
The Lord, my Portion shall prepareArranged (Author)1
The Lord, my Shepherd holds meAnonymous (Author)English1
The Lord of earth and skyAnon. (Author)English1
The Lord of glory, moved by loveAnon. (Author)English1
The Lord said to Noah, "There's gonna be a floody, floodyUnknown (Author)English2
The Lord unto his Christ has said, Sit Thou at my right handAnonymous (Author)English1
The Lord upholds the faltering feetAnonymous (Author)English1
The Lord who has remembered usAnonymous (Author)English1
The Lord's my shepherd, I'll not want; He makes me down to lie (Rous)Anonymous (Author)English1
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want (Hudson)Anon. (Author)English2
The Lord's our rock, in Him we hideAnonymous (Author)English1
The lowly Jesus gladly reignsAnon. (Author)English1
The man that fears the Lord, God's way shall understandAnonymous (Author)English1
The man who once has found abodeAnonymous (Author)English2
The mellow eve is glidingAnon. (Author)English1
The merits of the saintsAnonymous (Author)English1
The mighty God, Jehovah, speaksAnonymous (Author)English1
The mighty God, the Lord, Hath spoken unto allAnonymous (Author)English1
The mistakes of my life have been manyAnon. (Author)English1
The moon shines bright and the stars give a lightAnon. (Author)English1
The morn of life, how fair and gayAnonymous (Author)1
The morning breaks, my voice I raiseAnon. (Author)2
The morning bright with rosy lightAnonymous (Author)English6
The morning kindles all the sky, the heavens resound with anthems highAnon. (Author)English1
The morning light is breaking, The darkness disappearsAnonymous (Author)English3
The morning light is surely growing brighterAnonymous (Author)English1
The morning, noiseless, flings its goldAnon. (Author)English2
The morning purples all the skyAnonymous (Author)English1
The morning sun is brightly beamingUnknown (Author)English1
The morning sun is shining brightAnon. (Author)English1
The newborn king who comes todayUnknown (Author)English2
The night in solemn stillness hungAnonymous (Author)English2
The night is dark, but God, my GodAnon. (Author)English2
The night is spent, the morning rayAnon. (Author)English1
The offering on the altar burnedAnonymous (Author)English1
The past is dark with sin and shameAnonymous (Author)English1
The pearl which worldlings covetAnon. (Author)English1
The pearly gates are open wide, I see the bright array*** (Author)English1
The people of the Lord are on their way to heavenAnon. (Author)English1
The Prince of glory, God's own sonAnonymous (Author)English2
The prophetic days of burningAuthor Unknown (Author)English2
The race that long in darkness pinedAnonymous (Author)English1
The radiant sun decliningAnon. (Author)English2
The rich memorials of thy griefUnknown (Author)1
The rivers are his, the mountains are hisUnknown (Author)English1
The road to heaven by Christ was madeAnon. (Author)English1
The Royal Banners forward goAnonymous (Translator)English7
The rush may rise where waters flowUnknown (Author)1
The sacraments are holy signsAnon. (Author)1
The saints all crowned with glory, In heaven's eternal dayAnon. (Author)English1
The saints may rest within the tombAnon. (Author)English1
The sands have been washed in the footprints*** (Author)English10
The Savior calleth sinful oneAnonymous (Author)English2
The Savior calls us to His workAnon. (Author)English1
The Savior kindly calls Our children to His breastAnonymous (Author)English1
The Savior of men is a wonderful SaviorAnon. (Author (v. 2 and chorus))English1
The Savior comes, His advent's nighAnon. (Author)English1
The Savior risen today we praiseUnknown (Author)English2
The sea of God's eternal loveAnon. (Author)English1
The seasons are fixed by wisdom divineUnknown (Author)English1
The seraphs bright are hoveringAnonymous (Author)English2
The shadows of the evening hoursAnon. (Author)English1
The short lived day declines in hasteAnon. (Author)English1
The snow lay on the ground, The stars shone brightAnon. (Author)English2
The soul wherein God dwellsUnknown (Translator)1
The Spirit in our heartsAnonymous (Author)English6
The spirits of the loved and the departedAnonymous (Author)2
The sprinkled blood is speakingAnon. (Author)English2
The star of morn has risenAnonymous (Author)English1
The star was bright over Bethlehem's plainAnon. (Author)English1
The stars above have fadedUnknown (Author)English1
The strife is o'er, the battle doneAnon. (Author)English25
The summer is ended O GodAnon. (Author)English1
The sun has long departedAnon. (Translator)English1
The sun has sunk beneath the waveAnon. (Author)English2
The sun is sinking fastAnonymous (Author)English11
The sun rolls down the distant westAnon. (Author)English2
The Sunday school army is marching along (Anonymous)Anonymous (Author)English1
The tempest beat against my barkAnon. (Author)1
The tempter comes with guileful artAnon. (Author)English1
The time draws nigh I must go homeAnon. (Author)2
The time is short sinners bewareAnon. (Author)English1
The tree of life my soul hath seenAnon (Author)English3
The triumphs of the martyred saintsUnknown (Author)1
The twilight falls the night is nearUnknown (Author)English13
The virgin Mary had a baby boyAnon. (Author)English, Spanish2
The voice of free grace cries, Escape to the mountainAnonymous (Author)English1
The voice that breathed over EdenUnknown (Author)English1
The warfare here will soon be doneAnonymous (Author)English2
The way is long come near to meAnonymous (Author)1
The week is over and todayAnon. (Author)English1
The whole world was lost in the darkness of sinAnon. (Author)English1
The wild flower drinks the morning dew and greets the breezes freeAnon. (Author)English1
The windows of heaven are open, the fire is falling tonightUnknown (Author)English2
The wise man built his house upon the rockAnonymous (Author)English3
The wise may bring their learningAnon. (Author)English45
The Word of God is solid groundAnonymous (Author)3
The world has many peopleAnon. (Author)English1
The world may change from old to newAnon. (Author)English1
The world puts on its robe of springAnonymous (Author)English1
The year is gone beyond recallAnon. (Author)English3
Thee, Lord, before the close of dayAnon. (Translator)1
Thee we acknowledge God and LordUnknown (Author)1
Know, my soul, thy full salvationUnknown (Author)English1
Thee we adore, eternal [O gracioius] Lord!Unknown (Author)English5
Thee, we adore, eternal nameAnon. (Author)English1
Theereesaam nee ham heiñ aathe (We bow before you, O great and holy)Anonymous (Author)English, Hindhi2
Then let the seventh trumpet soundUnknown (Author)1
There are angels hovering roundAnon. (Author)English22
There are hills beyond the valley where the river glideth byAnon. (Author)English2
There are lands far away over the sea, Where in darkness are souls seeking lightAnon. (Author)English1
There are lonely hearts to cherishUnknown (Author)English2
There are loyal hearts, there are spirits braveAnon. (Author)English2
There are those, who, bending supple kneesAnon. (Author)English1
There came a little Child to earthAnon. (Author)English1
There came three kings, ere break of dayAnon. (Author)English10
There comes a day, a fearful dayAnon. (Author)1
There comes a wail of anguishAnon. (Author)English1
There is a blessed hope, More precious and more brightAnon. (Author)English4
There is a calm and pure delightAnon. (Author)1
There is a city, fair and bright, That eye hath never seen*** (Author)English2
There is a dear and hallowed spotAnon. (Author)English2
Joy is the flag flown high from the castle of my heartUnknown (Author)3
There is a fold whence none can strayAnon. (Author)English3
There is a fountain filled with blood Drawn from Emmanuel's veinsAnon. (Author)English1
There is a green hill far awayAnon. (Author)English1
There is a guiding heart above, That prompts to every work of loveAnon. (Author)English1
There is a happy land, Far, far awayAnon. (Author)English12
There is a Heaven above the skiesAnon. (Author)2
There is a heavenly mercy seatAnon. (Author)English2
There is a holy city, A happy world aboveAnon. (Author)English7
There is a home, a peaceful home, A home of joy and loveAnon. (Author)English2
There is a house not made with hands, Eternal and on highAnon. (Author)English1
There is a King of glory Ere long on earth to riseAnon. (Author)English1
There is a land, a better land than thisAnon. (Author)English2
There is a land above, All beautiful and brightAnon. (Author)English3
There is a land mine eye hath seenAnon. (Author)English15
There is a land of living joyUnknown (Author)1
There is a land of pleasureAnonymous (Author)English3
There is a little, lonely foldAnon. (Author)English1
There is a name I love to hear, I love to sing its worthUnknown (Author)English6
There is a peaceful river Descending from on highAnon. (Author)1
There is a place of sacred rest, Far, far beyond the skiesAnon. (Author)English2
There is a place where my hopes are stayedAnon. (Author)English2
There is a Savior waiting, Earnest in His callAnon. (Author)English1
There is a sea which day by dayAnonymous (Author (v. 1-2))English6
There is a song the glad earth singsUnknown (Author)English1
There is a spot to me more dear Than native vale or mountainAnon. (Author)English1
There is a time, we know not when, A point we know not whereAnon. (Author)English2
There is a time when moments flowAnon. (Author)English2
There is a voice of sovereign graceAnon. (Author)English1
There is a world above us, and, O, how blestAnonymous (Author)1
There is a world to comeAnon. (Author)English1
There is a world we have not seenAnon. (Author)English7
There is an ancient, blessed bookAnon. (Author)English2
There is an eye that never sleepsAnon. (Author)English3
There is an hour of peaceful restAnon. (Author)English2
There is an unseen Power aroundAnon. (Author)1
There is beauty all aroundAnon. (Author)English1
There is great rejoicing in my soulAnon. (Author)English1
There is no love like the love of Jesus, Never to fail or fallAnon. (Author)English1
There is no name so sweet on earthAnon. (Author)English14
There is no night in heaven, In that blest world aboveAnon. (Author)English2
There is no song like an old songAnon. (Author)English1
There is no sweeter story told, In all the blessed bookAnon. (Author)English1
There is none other name than ThineUnknown (Author)English6
There is nothing like the old, old storyAnon. (Author)English1
There is room among the angelsAnon. (Author)English1
There is something on earth for the children to do** (Author)English1
There is sound of rejoicingAnonymous (Author)1
There is within this heart of mineAnon. (Translator)English1
There is work for one and allUnknown (Author)English1
There still is room, His house is not yet filledUnknown (Author)English1
There was a little family lived up in BethanyAnonymous (Author (vs. 2-5))English1
There lived a man in Israel's landUnknown (Author)English1
There was John the Apostle, so loving and so kindAnonymous (Author)English3
There were shepherds once abidingAnon. (Author)English1
There were twelve disciples Jesus called to help him:Anon. (Author)English3
There were whisperings in the heavensAnonymous (Author)English1
There where the judges gatherUnknown (Author)English1
There'll be no sorrow there, In my Father's houseUnknown (Author)English1
There'll be something in heaven for children to doAnonymous (Author)English1
There's a beautiful home far up in the skyUnknown (Author)English2
There's a beautiful land far beyond the skyAnon. (Author)English2
There's a bright, happy home high in heaven aboveAnon. (Author)1
There's a brighter day acoming, don't you know?Anon. (Author)English1
There's a city of gold, 'tis the joy of the soulAnon. (Author)English1
There's a city that looks over the valley of death, And its glories can never be told (Crosby)Anon. (Author)English3
There's a crown laid up in gloryUnknown (Author)English1
There's a cry from Macedonia Come and help usAnon. (Author)English2
There's a glorious era comingAnonymous (Author)1
There's a message of love Come down from aboveAnonymous (Author)English2
There's a promise, O how precious*** (Author)English1
There's a question that comes to us allAnon. (Author)English2
There's a secret God has whisperedAnon. (Author)English7
There's a smile in each morningAnon. (Author)English1
There's a spirit in the airAnonymous (Translator)English1
There's a voice that is calling to theeAnon. (Author)English1
There's a welcome here, a welcome hereUnknown (Author)English2
There's joy in heaven, and joy on earthAnonymous (Author)English1
There's music in the upper heavenAnon. (Author)English2
There's naught on earth to rest upon*** (Author)English1
There's not a bird with lonely nestAnon. (Author)English1
There's not a hope, with comfort fraughtAnonymous (Author)English1
There's not a place in earth's vast roundAnonymous (Author)English2
There's nothing bright above, belowAnon. (Author)English1
There's only One on whose dear armAnon. (Author)English3
These are the crowns that we shall wearAnon. (Author)English1
These gracious words, not all for naughtAnon. (Author)English1
These hands are very littleAnon. (Author)English1
They borrowed a bed to lay his headUnknown (Author)1
They brought their flowers to the altarAnon. (Author)English1
They crucified my Lord, And he never said a mumbalin' wordAnonymous (Author)English1
They have gone to the land where the patriarchs restUnknown (Author)English1
They have reached the sunny shore, And will never hunger moreAnon. (Author)English2
They say there is a world to comeUnknown (Author)English2
They who on the Lord relyAnon. (Author)English1
They who seek the throne of graceUnknown (Author)English15
Thine is the glory, Risen, conquering SonAnonymous (Author)English1
Thine, Jesus, Thine, No more this heart of mineAnon. (Author)English1
Think on our brethren, LordAnon. (Author)1
Thirsting for a living springAnonymous (Author)English1
This body in the grave we layUnknown (Author (st. 8))English2
This book is all that's left me nowAnon. (Author)English1
This book of books I'd rather ownAnon. (Author)1
This child we dedicate to TheeUnknown (Author)English2
This do in memory of your FriendAnonymous (Author)1
This endris night I saw a sightAnon. (Author)English1
The groaning earth is too dark and drearAnon. (Author)English1
This is a fence around the yardUnknown (Author)English1
This is my commandment that you love one anotherAnonymous (Author)English2
This is not my place of restingUnknown (Author)English1
This is the Church of God in ChristAnonymous (Author)English2
This is the day (This is the day)Unknown (Author)English5
This is the day of joy and peaceAnonymous (Author)English2
This is the day the first ripe sheafUnknown (Author)English4
This is the way the snow comes downUnknown (Author)English1
This joyful Eastertide Away with sin and sadness!Anonymous (Author (st. 1 and refrain))English1
This life is but a school timeAnon. (Author)English2
This little light of mine I'm gonna let it shineUnknown (Author)English2
This rite our blest Redeemer gaveAnon. (Author)English2
This world is not a fleeting showAnonymous (Author)English2
This world is not my home, I'm just passing byAnonymous (Author)English2
This world is poor from shore to shoreAnon. (Author)2
Though dark the night and clouds look blackAnon. (Author)English24
Though faint, yet pursuing, we go on our wayAnon. (Author)English12
Though often here we're weary, There is sweet rest aboveAnon. (Author)English1
Though some leaves have a tear, and the cover shows wearUnknown (Author)English1
Though the clouds are lowering round meUnknown (Author)English1
Though the cover is worn, and the pages are tornUnknown (Author)English2
Though tossed with winds and faint with fearsAnon. (Author)English1
Thou alone, Lord Jesus, canst true peace impartAnon. (Author)English5
Thou art blessed, O Lord, who nourishest me from my youthUnknown (Author)English2
Thou art gone to the grave, but we will not deplore theeAnon. (Author)English1
Thou art my portion, Lord, Thy words I ever heedAnonymous (Author)English1
Thou art, O God, a Spirit pureAnonymous (Author)English1
Thou art our Shepherd, glorious GodUnknown (Author)English3
Thou art the everlasting SonAnon. (Author)English1
Thou art the Way, and he who sighsAnonymous (Author)English12
Thou art the Way, to Thee aloneAnonymous (Author)English4
Thou blest Redeemer, dying LambAnon. (Author)1
Thou book of lifeAnonymous (Author)1
Thou didst leave Thy throne and Thy kingly crownAnonymous (Translator)English2
Thou, from whom we never partAnon (Author)English9
Thou givest thy Sabbath, Lord, the din is stilledAnonymous (Author)2
Thou God of hope, to Thee we bowAnon. (Author)English4
Thou God of love! beneath Thy sheltering wingsAnon. (Author)English2
Thou God of sovereign graceAnon. (Author)1
Thou grace divine, encircling allAnon. (Author)English2
Thou hast been our Guide each yearUnknown (Author)1
Thou, holy Jesus, meek and mildAnon. (Translator)English1
Thou, Holy Spirit, art Of truth the promised sealAnon. (Author)2
Thou knowest, O my Savior dear, what need I have of Thee!Anon. (Author)English5
Thou knowest me, Lord, 'tis thine to viewAnon. (Author)1
Thou, Lord of life, whose tender careAnon. (Author)English4
Thou, Lord, whose never changing mightAnon. (Author)1
Thou man of griefs, remember meAnon. (Author)English1
Thou must go forth alone, my soulAnon. (Author)3
Thou Power supreme, whose mighty schemeAnon. (Author)2
Thou Son of God and Son of manAnon. (Author)English1
Dread [Blest] Sovereign! let my evening songAnonymous (Author)English1
Thou sweet gliding Kedron, by thy silver streamAnon. (Author)English1
Thou, true God alone, Who dost reign above usAnonymous (Author)English1
Thou who art present with thy churchAnon. (Author)1
Thou who didst Israel leadAnon. (Author)English1
Thou who didst on Calvary bleedAnon. (Author)English1
Thou, who didst with love and blessingAnon. (Author)English1
Thou who dost my life prolongUnknown (Author)English1
Thou who rollest the year aroundAnon. (Author)English1
Thou Who the night in prayer didst spendAnon. (Author)English2
Thou, whose almighty wordAnonymous (Author)English1
Thou whose breathing fills our bodiesAnon. (Author)English1
Thou whose feet once trod the wayAnon. (Author)English2
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, Thou wilt keep him in perfect peaceAnonymous (Author)English3
Though Christ a thousand times In Bethlehem be bornAnon. (Author)English1
Though dark our present prospects beAnon. (Author)1
Though faint and sick, and worn awayAnonymous (Author)5
Though I should seek to wash me cleanAnon. (Author)English3
Though I walk the downward shadeUnknown (Author)English1
Though lonely be thy path, fear not, for HeAnonymous (Author)2
Though lost to our sight we may not deplore theeAnonymous (Author)2
Though sorrows rise, and dangers rollAnon. (Author)English4
Though the strife be long, and the foe be strongAnon. (Author)English2
Though troubles assail, and dangers affrightAnon. (Author)English1
Though wandering in a stranger landAnonymous (Author)1
Though we are children, small and weakAnon. (Author)English1
Though we could speak with angel tonguesAnon. (Author)1
Three crosses stood grimly side by sideAnon. (Author)English1
Three little words, but full of sweetest meaningUnknown (Author)English2
Thrice happy man who fears the LordAnon (Author)English1
Through sorrow's night, and danger's path, Amid the deepening gloomAnon. (Author)English1
Through Thy precious body brokenAnon. (Author)English2
Throned on a cloud the Judge will comeAnon. (Author)1
Through all the dangers of the nightAnon. (Author)English1
Through all the various shifting scenesAnonymous (Author)English8
Through all the world belowAnon. (Author)English2
Through long ages of the past Anonymous (Translator)English6
Through night to light, And though to mortal eyesAnonymous (Author)2
Through north and south and east and westAnonymous (Author)English1
Through the love of God our SaviorAnon. (Author)English10
Through the night air stealingAnonymous (Author)1
Through the night of doubt and sorrowAnon. (Author)English3
Through the starry sky at midnightUnknown (Author)English2
Through thee as we together cameAnonymous (Author)4
Through thy protecting careAnon. (Author)English2
Throw a little sunshine wheresoever you go*** (Author)English1
Throw up your heads, ye little birdsAnon. (Author)English1
Thunder and a-lightning and it's coming up mornAnonymous (Author (vs. 2-3))English2
Thus Agur breathed his warm desireAnonymous (Author)English1
Thus far we're spared again to meetAnon. (Author)1
Thus saith the Lord, who built the heavensAnonymous (Author)2
Thus spake the Savior, when he sentAnon. (Author)English2
Thy blessing, O Lord, and peace us affordAnonymous (Author)English1
Thy broken body, gracious LordAnon. (Author)English4
Thy footsteps, Lord, with joy we traceUnknown (Author)English2
Thy Gospel, Jesus, we believeAnonymous (Author)English2
Thy gracious aid, great God impartAnonymous (Author)1
Thy holy Sabbath, Lord, Thy people hail with joyAnon. (Author)English2
Thy home is with the humble, LordAnon. (Author)English3
Thy honored, true, and only SonAnonymous (Author)English2
Thy kingdom come, from year to yearAnon. (Author)English1
Thy kingdom come, thus, day by dayAnon. (Author)English1
Thy law is perfect, Lord of lightAnon. (Author)English1
Thy little ones, dear Lord, are weAnon. (Translator)English1
Thy mercy, thy mercy, O God, is my songAnonymous (Author)2
Thy mercy gates are open wideAnon. (Author)English1
Thy mighty working, mighty GodAnon. (Author)English1
Thy name, Almighty Lord, Shall sound through distant landsAnonymous (Author)English1
Thy neighbor, it is he whom thouAnon. (Author)English1
Thy presence everlasting GodAnon. (Author)English1
Thy presence, gracious God, affordAnonymouse (Author)English2
Thy providence, great God, we praiseAnon. (Author)English1
Thy sins I bore on Calvary's treeAnon. (Author)English2
Thy sons and daughters, Lord beholdAnon. (Author)1
Thy Spirit pour, O gracious LordUnknown (Author)1
Thy table I approachAnon. (Translator)English1
Thy way is in the deep, O LordAnonymous (Author)English5
Thy way, not mine, O LordAnon. (Author)English1
Thy ways, O Lord, with wise designAnonymous (Author)English2
Thy word is to my feet a lamp, The way of truth to show*** (Author)English1
Thy Word, O Lord, like gentle dewsAnon. (Author)English5
Thy Word sheds light upon my pathAnonymous (Author)English1
Thy worthiness is all our songUnknown (Author)English4
天(あめ)には栄え 御神(みかみ)にあれや (Ten (ame) ni wa hae goshin (Mika mi) ni areya)Anonymous (Translator)Japanese2
Tiene Cristo una mansión de gloriaAnonymous (Author)2
Tierra bendita y divina es la de PalestinaDesconocido (Author)Spanish5
Тиха нощ! Свята нощ!Anonymous (Translator)Bulgarian2
Тихая ночь, дивная ночь! (Tikhaya noch', divnaya noch')Unknown (Translator)Russian3
Till dig allena, Jesus KristAnonymous (Translator)Swedish1
Till dig jag ropar, Herre KristAnonymous (Translator (into Danish))Swedish4
Till He come, O let the wordsAnon. (Author)English1
Time by moments steals awayAnonymous (Author)English3
Time hastens on, ye longing saintsAnon. (Author)English1
Time is earnest, passing byAnon. (Author)English5
Time is now closingAnon. (Author)1
Time speeds away, away, awayAnon. (Author)English3
തീര്‍ന്നു പകല്‍ കാലം രാവണയുന്നു (Tīrnnu pakal kālaṁ rāvaṇayunnu)Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
'Tis better to shout than doubtAnon. (Author)English1
'Tis down into the waterAnon. (Author)1
'Tis faith that purifies the heartAnon. (Author)English1
'Tis finished, the conflict is pastAnon. (Author)3
'Tis for conquering kings to gainAnonymous (Author)English3
'Tis God the spirit leadsAnon. (Author)English1
'Tis Jesus' blood that washes whiteAnon. (Author)1
Tis Jesus protects me, my fears now removeUnknown (Author)1
Low down in this beautiful valleyAnon. (Author)1
'Tis merry, merry Christmas time, It comes again with sweetest chimeAnonymous (Author)English2
'Tis midnight; and on Olive's browAnon. (Author)English1
'Tis my desire with God to walkAnonymous (Author)English1
'Tis mystery all! The immortal dies!An. (Translator (stanza 3))2
'Tis not for thee to fearAnonymous (Author)1
'Tis only a sonnet, but yet it tellethAnon. (Author)English2
'Tis religion that can give Sweetest pleasures while we liveAnon. (Author)English9
'Tis sweet to work for Jesus, In this life's little dayAnon. (Author)English1
’Tis the fair dawn of heav’nly dayUnknown (Author)English2
'Tis the hour when silent thoughtAnon. (Author)1
To be like Jesus, To be like Jesus, All I ask to be like HimAnonymous (Author)English2
To Christ, the Prince of PeaceAnon. (Author)English2
"To die is gain"Anon. (Author)English1
To Father and to Son, And Holy Ghost, to TheeAnon. (Author)English3
To go from my home, and with kindred to partAnon. (Author)1
"To God be glory! Peace on earth!" Let us repeat againAnonymous (Author)English2
To God be glory, peace on earth, To all mankind good willAnonymous (Author)English2
To God let every tongue be praiseAnonymous (Author)1
To God the Father, Son, And Spirit, Three in OneAnon. (Author)English1
To God, the great, the ever-blestAnon. (Author)English1
To God, the universal King, Be sacred every grateful choirAnonymous (Author)English1
To God, whose glory fills the skiesAnon. (Author)1
To heaven's eternal KingAnonymous (Author)1
To Him from whom our blessings flowAnon. (Author)English9
To him that loved the souls of menUnknown (Author)English7
To Him who children blessedAnonymous (Author)English1
To Him who did salvation bringUnknown (Author)English2
To Him who reigns in worlds of lightAnonymous (Author)1
To Jesus Christ our sovereign KingUnknown (Author)English1
To Jesus, the crown of my hopeAnon. (Author)English1
To leave my dear friends, and with neighbors to partAnon. (Author)English1
To leave my dear home, and from kindred to partAnon. (Author)1
To our Creator, we lift our praisesAnónimo (Author)English2
To praise the bounteous Lord of allAnonymous (Author)1
To praise the Savior's name let little children tryAnon. (Author)1
To the eternal ThreeAnon. (Author)English1
To the Father's love we trustAnon. (Author)3
To the great One in ThreeAnon. (Author)English1
To the name that brings salvationAnonymous (Author)English9
To the promised home in gloryUnknown (Author)English1
To the sleepless shepherds watchingAnon. (Author)English1
To the work, to the work! We are servants of GodAnon. (Author)English1
To Thee all praise ascendethAnon. (Translator)English1
To Thee be praise foreverAnonymous (Author)English5
To thee before the close of day (Neale)Anonymous (Author)English1
To thee, God and SaviorAnon. (Author)1
To thee, in youth's bright morningAnonymous (Author)English1
To Thee, my heart, eternal KingAnon. (Author)English1
To Thee my heart I offer, O Christ Child sweet and dearUnknown (Author)English2
To Thee, O blessed Savior, Our grateful songs we raiseAnonymous (Author)English5
To Thee, O God in heavenAnonymous (Author)English1
To Thee, O Lamb of God, to TheeAnon. (Author)English1
To thee, our loving Father, GodUnknown (Author)English4
To thee, the Lord of all, I'll humbly singAnon. (Author)1
To Thine eternal arms, O GodAnonymous (Author)English1
To those who love Thee, gracious LordAnon. (Author)English1
To Thy pastures fair and largeAnon. (Author)English1
To Thy pastures green and fairAnon. (Author)English1
To try each day His will to knowAnonymous (Author)English2
To us a child is born from heavenAnon. (Author)1
To us a child of hope is bornAnon. (Author)English2
To us is born a blessed childAnon. (Author)English1
To us the promise is but oneAnon. (Author)English3
To whom, my Savior, shall I goAnon. (Author)English5
To work for Jesus and His name [cause]Anon. (Author)English2
To your Creator, God, Your great Preserver, raiseAnonymous (Author)English1
Tobie, Panie, cześć i chwałęAnonymous (Author)Polish2
Toda la tierra espera al Salvador, Y al surco abierto, la obra del SeñorAnónimo (Translator)Spanish2
Toda vestida de solAnonymous (Estribillo)Spanish3
Today God is telling a wonderful storyUnknown (Author)English3
Today, if ye will hear his voice, Now is the time to make your choiceAnon. (Author)English3
Today the Savior calls! ye wanderers comeAnon. (Author)English2
Today the Savior roseAnon. (Author)English1
Todo a Cristo yo me rindoDesconocido (Translator)Spanish4
Todos los que tengan sedDesconocido (Author)Spanish4
Together let us sweetly live [sing]Anon. (Author)English1
Together with these symbols, LordAnon. (Author)English3
Toma, por favor, mi mano, Señor (Please take now my hand, O Lord, take my hand)Anónimo (Author)English, Spanish1
Toma, sempre, meu Senhor, minha mente e meu amorAnonymous (Translator)Portuguese2
Too tired to pray! O Father, tired of toilingAnonymous (Author)English2
Tora zita rake JesuAnonymous (Translator)Shona2
Tossed upon life's raging billowAnon. (Author)English2
Tosturi dwyfol fawrAnonymous (Author (stanzas 3, 4, 5))Welsh2
Trachtet nicht nach hohen DingenUnbekannt (Author)German1
Træder nu til Herrens BordAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian2
Traigamos con gozo a Dios nuestra ofrenda (With joy and thanksgiving we bring God our off'rings)Anónima (Author)English, Spanish2
Tranquil and peaceful is the path to heavenAnon. (Author)English2
Traveling to the better landAnon. (Author)English21
Tread softly in the darkened roomAnonymous (Author)English1
Tremble not, though darkly gatherUnbekanntes (Author)English1
Trials dark on every hand, and we cannot understandUnknown (Author)English1
Trinity of endless gloryAnon. (Author)English2
Triumphant news, fight onAnon. (Author)English1
Triumphant Zion, lift thy headAnonymous (Author)English4
Triunfante, acompanhadoAnonymous (Author)Portuguese2
Trust in the Lord with all thy heart, If thou His love would knowAnon. (Author)English1
Trust on, trust on, believerAnon. (Author)English9
Trusting, trusting, ever trustingAnon. (Author)English1
Try, try, I will tell you whyAnon. (Author)English1
Tsehene'tȧhestoveto, Hetseohe vesevemeno!Anonymous (Author)Cheyenne2
Tsitsi dzinondishamisaAnonymous (Translator)Shona2
Tú, de los pueblos Padre y DiosAnonymous (Author)Spanish3
Tú dejaste tu trono y corona por míAnónimo (Translator)Spanish12
Tú eres el Alfarero (You are the beloved Potter)Anon. (Author)English, Spanish2
तू है मेरा मैं जानता यह बात (Mere yeshu, main karata hoon tumase pyaar)Anonymous (Translator)Hindi2
Tu miejsca dośćNieznany (Author (st. 2-3))Polish2
Tu pescator d’altri mari ansiaAnonymous (Author)Italian2
Tu presencia, Padre amanteAnónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish2
Tú que oyes la sincera peticiónAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
¡Tú reinarás! éste es el gritoanón. (trad. al español, c. 1927)Spanish1
Tu sangre, ¡oh Cristo!, y tu justiciaAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Tu voluntad, JesúsDesconocido (Translator)Spanish2
Tú ya vienes, ¡oh Dios mío!Anonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Tua bênção Jesus, derrama em nósAnonymous (Author)Portuguese2
துன்புறும் மீட்பர் இதோ (Tuṉpuṟum mīṭpar itō)Anonymous (Author (v. 1))Tamil2
Tus palabras postrerasAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
துவளாதே, என் மனமே, நீ (Tuvaḷātē, eṉ maṉamē, nī)Anonymous (Translator)Tamil2
Tuya es la gloria, la honra tambiénDesconocido (Author)Spanish5
Tuyo soy, Jesús, pues oí tu vozAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Tuyo soy, Jesús, ya escuché la vozDesconocido (Translator)Spanish6
Tuyo soy, Jesús, ya tu voz oíDesconcido (Translator)Spanish1
Tuyo Soy, ¡oh Dios de amor!Desconocido (Author)Spanish2
Твёрдо я верю: мой Иисус (Tvordo ya veryu: moy Iisus)Anonymous (Translator)Russian2
Twamsifu Mungu kwa Mwana wa pendoAnonymous (Translator)Swahili1
Twapenda ukaapoAnonymous (Author)Swahili2
'Twas Jesus' last and great commandAnon. (Author)English3
'Twas not for our great love to TheeAnon. (Author)English1
'Twas on that night, when doomed to knowUnknown (Author)English2
'Twas on the night when doomed to knowUnknown (Author)English1
'Twas the commission of our LordAnon. (Author)English1
Twine the Easter garlandAnonymous (Author)English2
Two babes were born in the self same townAnonymous (Author)English1
Two little birds, one autumn dayUnknown (Author)English2
Two little eyes to look to GodAnonymous (Author)English7
Ты познал ли силу крови, о, скажи (Ty poznal li silu krovi, o, skazhi)Unknown (Translator)Russian2
Ты—помощь мне, Господь (Ty—pomoshch' mne, Gospod')Anonymous (Translator)Russian2
У креста хочу стоять (U kresta khochu stoyat')Unknown (Translator)Russian2
Ubi caritas et amorAnonymous (Author)Latin1
Udi min angst og NødUkj. (Author)Norwegian1
Um pobre e aflito viajorDesconhecido (Translator)Portuguese2
உம்மில் என் உள்ளம் ஓய்ந்தே காத்து நிற்கிறதே (Um'mil eṉ uḷḷam ōyntē kāttu niṟkiṟatē)Anonymous (Translator (English))Tamil2
Un amigo hay más que hermanoDesconocido (Translator)Spanish3
Un ancla tenemos--Que el túmido marAnónimo (Author)Spanish2
Un buen amigo tengo yoAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Un mandamiento nuevo os doyanónimo (Author)Spanish2
Un niño nace en BelénAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Un nombre existe que escuchar me agradaDesconocido (Author)Spanish1
Una esperanza arde en nuestro serAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Unanswered yet? The prayer your lips have pleadedUnknown (Author (verse 3))English4
Unconscious now in peaceful sleepAnon. (Author)1
Under an eastern sky Amid a rabble's cryAnon. (Author)English7
Unheard the dews around me fallAnon. (Author)English4
Unite us, God, unite us in your everlasting loveAnoymous (Author)English2
Unos ojitos que miran a DiosAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Uns ruft Dein heil'ges Werk zusammenUnbekannt (Author)German1
Unspotted is the fear of God and ever doth endureAnon. (Author)English20
Unter meinem Schmerz und WeinenUnbekannt (Author)German1
Unterm Kreuz ist FriedeUnbekannt (Author)German1
Until He come! like music tonesAnon. (Author)English1
Unto our heavenly Father We will not fear to prayAnon. (Author)English4
Now to the Lamb that once was slainAnonymous (Author)English1
Unto Thee O God our FatherG. R. (Author)English1
Unto Thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul (Monroe)Unknown (Author)English1
Unto us a boy is bornAnon. (Author)English2
"Unto us a child is born, Unto us a son is given!" Rejoice, ye sinners, sad forlornAnonymous (Author)English2
Up, my soul with clear sedatenessAnonymous (Author)1
Up to me sweet childhood lookethAnonymous (Author)English2
Up, why sleep ye, men of heavenAnon. (Author)1
Up with thy hands to JesusAnon. (Author)English1
Upon the hills the wind is sharp and coldUnknown (Author)English1
Upon the Word I restAnon. (Author)English1
Upon this happy morn, The Lord of life aroseAnon. (Author)English1
Ut jucundas cervus undasAnonymous (Author)Latin2
В час, когда труба Господня над землею прозвучит (V chas, kogda truba Gospodnya nad zemleyu prozvuchit)Anonymous (Translator)Russian2
Vaa Vaa Arul Arasee (Draw near, God of grace, we pray)Anonymous (Author)English, Sinhala2
Vær trøstig, mit Hjerte, bedrøv dig ei meerUkj. (Author)Norwegian2
Vagaba por el mundo sin feAnonymous (Author)Spanish3
¿Vagas triste y angustiado?Anonymous (Translator)Spanish2
വൈ-കാതെ അടുത്തു വാ, മാ പാപിയെ (Vai-kāte aṭuttu vā, mā pāpiye)Anonymous (Author)Malayalam2
Vain is all terrestrial pleasureAnon. (Author)English1
Vain is the thought of manAnon. (Author)English1
வல்ல பிதாவே, இதும் வார்த்தை (Valla pitāvē, itum vārttai)Anonymous (Author)Tamil2
වණව් සව් සෙත් දෙන සුරන් (Vaṇav sav set dena suran)Anonymous (Translator)Sinhala2
Vänd af din vrede, Gud! som straffet sänderAnonymous (Translator)Swedish1
വന്നരുൾ രാജനേ (Vannaruḷ rājanē)Unknown (Author)Malayalam2
Var Gud ei med os denne Tid, Maa Israel nu sigeAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian1
வாரும் வான் இராஜனே (Vārum vāṉ irājaṉē)Anonymous (Author)Tamil2
¡Ve, ve oh Sion!, tu gran destino cumpleDesconocido (Author)Spanish6
Ved al Cristo, Rey de gloriaAnónimo (Translator)Spanish10
Ved al Pastor de IsraelAnónimo (Author)Spanish1
Ved del cielo descendiendoAnónimo (Translator)Spanish2
Ven a cantarle a JesúsAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Ven a nuestras almasAnónimo (Translator)Spanish2
Ven, alma que lloras, Ven al Salvador (Anonymous)Anonymous (Translator)Spanish3
Ven, Espíritu de Amor, ven sobre míAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Ven, Espíritu de Dios, cae de nuevo en míAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Ven, O Dueño de mi vidaUnknown (Author)Spanish2
Ven, O Santo Espíritu, Raudal de agua vivaUnknown (Author)Spanish3
Ven, Santo Espíritu de amorDesconocido (Translator)Spanish2
Ven, te invito a cantar al SeñorAnónimo (Author)Spanish2
വേണം നിന്നെ സദാ-കൃപാ നാഥാ (Vēṇaṁ ninne sadā-kr̥pā nāthā)Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
Vengo a tus pies Jesús con llanto y dolorDesconocido (Author)Spanish5
Veni creator spiritusUnknown (Author)Latin5
Veni, sancte Spiritus Et emitte coelitusAnonymous (Author)Latin1
Venid á la escuela, niños, sin tardarAnonimo (Author)Spanish2
Venid a mí los tristesDesconocido (Translator)Spanish1
Venid, fieles todos, A Belén vayamosAnon. (Author)Spanish2
Venid, pastorcitos, sigamos La senda que va hacia Belénanónimo (Author)Spanish4
Venid, pecadores, que Dios por su amorUnknown (Author)Spanish3
Venid, pequeñuelos, venid sin tardardesconocido (Author)Spanish1
Venid, siervos de Dios, Lo mundanal dejadAnonymous (Tr. al castellano)Spanish2
Venid, tomad el cuerpo del SeñorAnónimo (Author)Spanish1
Venid, venid, Emanuel, libra el cautivo IsraelAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Venid, venid, zagalesAnonymous (Author)Spanish4
Venid y cantemosAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Teach me Thy way, O Lord, teach me Thy wayUnknown (Translator)English1
വെറും കയ്യായ് ഞാൻ ചെല്ലു-മോ രക്ഷകൻ സന്നി-ധിയിൽ (Veṟuṁ kayyāy ñān cellu-mēā rakṣakan sanni-dhiyil)Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
Verzage, Volk der Christen, nichtUnbekannt (Author)German1
Вести ангельской внемли (Vesti angel'skoy vnemli)Unknown (Translator)Russian3
Vi komme, Herre Jesus KristUkj. (Author)Norwegian1
Vi ønsker vor brudgom nu og brudUkj. (Author)Norwegian1
¡Victoria! ¡Victoria! Cantemos la gloriaAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
വിദൂരെയാ പുല്‍കൂട്ടില്‍ പുല്‍മെത്തയില്‍ (Vidūreyā pulkūṭṭil pulmettayil)Anonymous (Author)Malayalam2
Viene otra vez nuestro SalvadorDesconocido (Author)Spanish9
Vinde, aflitos pecadores, cheios de tristeza e dorAnonymous (Translator)Portuguese2
Vinde, ó filhos do Senhor,Anonymous (Translator)Portuguese2
Vinde, ó santos, sem medo ou temorAnonymous (Translator)Portuguese2
Visit, Lord, this land in mercyAnon. (Author)1
വിശുദ്ധ ദൈവ കല്പന അശേഷം ലംഘിച്ചേൻ ഞാൻAnonymous (Author)Malayalam2
വിശ്വാസികളെ! വാ തുഷ്ടമാനസരായ് (Viśvāsikaḷe! vā tuṣṭamānasarāy)Anonymous (Translator (Malayalam))Malayalam2
¿Vives triste y angustiado?Anónimo (Translator (v. 1-6))Spanish3
¿Vivirás pro Cristo, fiel a él al fin serás?Desconocido (Author)Spanish4
Voces de gozo y de loorAnonymous (Author)Spanish3
Voll Glauben will ich zu dir betenUnbekannt (Author)German1
Von was sind die Sterne so klar?** (Author)German1
Vor Brudgom ei længe nu borte vil bliveUkj. (Author)Norwegian2
Vor Jesus over os nu staarAnonymous (Author)Norwegian2
Vor Prest, som os skal læreAnonymous (Author)Norwegian2
Voy a la ciudad celesteAnonymous (Author)Spanish5
Voy caminado siempre contentoAnonymous (Translator)Spanish2
Voz de amor y de clemenciaanónimo (Author)Spanish1
Vreau s’am pe Isus cu mineAnonymous (Translator)Romanian2
Vreden din afvend, herre Gud, i naadeAnonymous (Translator)Norwegian3
Все Иисусу отдаю я (Vse Iisusu otdayu ya)Anonymous (Translator)Russian2
Всевышнему слава! Он нас оправдал (Vsevyshnemu slava! On nas opravdal)Anonymous (Translator)Russian2
Встретимся ли мы с тобою (Vstretimsya li my s toboyu)Anonymous (Translator)Russian2
W imieniu Twoim wkroczę BożeAnonymous (Author)Polish2
Wa eyin olooto, Layo at’ isegunAnonymous (Translator)Yoruba2
Wa wa wa Emimimo Anonymous (Author)Yoruba2
Wait, my soul, upon the LordAnon. (Author)English2
Wake, O my soul, and hail the mornAnon. (Author)English3
Wake the song of jubilee, Let it echo over the seaAnon. (Author)English2
Wake! the welcome day appearethAnon. (Author)English1
Walk in the light: so shalt thou knowAnon. (Author)English6
Walking with Jesus, Walking every day (Chorus)Unknown (Author)English1
War, horrid war, deep stained in bloodAnonymous (Author)1
Was soll ich, liebstes KindUnbekannt (Author)German1
Wasze serca, wasze dłonieAnonymous (Author)Polish2
Watch, for the time is shortAnon. (Author)English4
Watchful Shepherd, safe infolding [enfolding]Anon. (Author)English1
Watching in the meadows over their flocks by nightAnonymous (Author)English1
Watchman on the walls of Zion, What, O tell us, of the night?Anonymous (Author)English8
Watchman, tell me, does the morningUnknown (Author)English4
Wave the royal banner, raise the standard high*** (Author)English1
We all might do good, where we often do illUnknown (Author)English2
We all, O Lord, have gone astrayUnknown (Author)English1
We are a little gleaning bandAnon. (Author)English2
We are but minutes, little thingsAnonymous (Author)2
We are but young, yet we may singAnonymous (Author)English5
We are children, happy childrenAnon. (Author)English1
We are climbing Jacob's ladder, We are climbing Jacob's ladderAnonymous (Author)English5
We are gathering together unto HimAnonymous (Author)English2
We are glad for applesUnknown (Author)English2
We are going down the valley one by oneUnknown (Author (vs. 4))English1
We are in the army [service], fighting for the KingAnon. (Author)English1
We are joyously voyaging over the mainAnon. (Author)English1
We are little children, Very young indeedAnon. (Author)English1
We are little travelers, marching, marchingUnknown (Author)English1
We are living, we are dwelling In a grand and awful timeAnon. (Author)English4
We are marching homeward to that landUnknown (Author)English1
We are marching on (Anonymous)Anonymous (Author)1
We are marching on to Zion (Anonymous)Anonymous (Author)1
We are marching on with banner and with song*** (Author)English1
We are marching through the desertAnon. (Author)English4
Somos uno en Cristo, somos unoAnon. (Author)Spanish17
We are only little gleanersAnon. (Author)English1
We are only little workersAnon. (Author)English1
We are out on the ocean sailing, Homeward bound we sweetly glideUnknown (Author)English1
We are sailing into harborAnonymous (Author)English2
We are soldiers in the army We have to fight although we have to cryAnonymous (Author)1
We are sowing, daily sowing countless deeds of good or illAnon. (Author)English2
We are sweeping through the landAnonymous (Author)English1
We are the sons of WesleyUnknown (Author)English1
We are told there is a homeAnonymous (Author)English2
We are waiting, blessed Lord, In thy courts with one accordUnknown (Author)English1
We are watching, we are waiting For the bright prophetic dayAnonymous (Author)English3
We ask not, Father, for reposeAnon. (Author)English1
We ask not that the stones be breadAnonymous (Author)2
We bless the Saviour's nameAnonymous (Author)English2
We bless Thee for Thy peace, O GodAnon. (Author)English69
We bow in prayer before Thy throne, O GodAnon. (Author)English1
We bring our gifts to TheeUnknown (Author)English1
We cannot understand, Why this is bestAnon. (Author)English2
We Christians may rejoice to-dayAnon. (Author)English1
We come, Lord, to Thy feetAnon. (Author)English8
We come, O God, with gladnessAnonymous (Author)English1
We come, O Lord, before Thy throneAnon. (Author)English2
We come, our gracious FatherUnknown (Author)English1
We come our Sabbath hymn to raiseAnon. (Author)1
We come to ask our Father nowAnon. (Author)English1
We come with joyful song To hail this happy mornAnon. (Author)English3
We come with songs of gladness to praise our God and KingAnonymous (Author)English8
We feel that heaven is now begunAnon. (Author)2
We follow, Lord, where Thou dost leadAnonymous (Author)English6
We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing (Baker)Anon. (Author)English29
We gather, we gather, dear Jesus, to bringAnon. (Author)English2
We have heard the wail of women, we have seen the fathers fallAnon. (Author)English2
We have heard thy gentle voice, O blessed SaviorAnon. (Author)English1
We have met in peace togetherAnon. (Author)English3
We have no home but heavenUnknown (Author)English3
We join to pray, with wishes kindAnon. (Author)English3
We journey through a vale of tearsUnknown (Author)English1
We know there's a place where the weary shall restAnon. (Author)English1
We lay thee in the silent tombAnon. (Author)English3
We lay us calmly down to sleepAnonymous (Author)English3
We lift our happy voicesAnon. (Author)English1
We lift our little voicesAnon. (Author)English1
We long to move and breathe in TheeAnon. (Author)English5
We long to see that happy timeAnonymous (Author)English1
We love this outward worldAnonymous (Author)1
We march, we march to victory! With the cross of the Lord before usAnon. (Author)English1
We may have courage, all of usAnon. (Author)English1
We may spread our couch with rosesUnknown (Author)English2
We meet again in gladness, And thankful voices raiseUnknown (Author)English6
We meet now in Thy nameAnon. (Author)English2
We need not soar above the skiesAnon. (Author)English1
We now implore God the Holy GhostUnknown (Author (st. 1))English3
We now to Christ, the Savior KingAnon. (Author)1
We, O Lord, are little pilgrimsAnon. (Author)English1
We plough the fields, and scatterAnon. (Author)English1
We plough the fertile meadowsAnon. (Author)English1
We praise and bless Thee, gracious LordUnknown (Author)English1
We praise Thee, Lord, if but one soulUnknown (Author)English2
We praise Thee, Lord, with earliest morning rayAnon. (Author)English1
We praise Thee, O God, our Redeemer, Creator Author unknown (Author)English4
We praise Thee, O God, we acknowledge Thee to be the Lord (Chant)Anonymous (Author)English4
We praise Thee, we bless Thee, our Father and FriendAnon. (Author)English1
We praise Thy Name, O Lord most highAnonymous (Author)English4
We pray no more, made lowly wiseAnon. (Author)English1
We read of scribes and phariseesAnon. (Author)English3
We saw Thee not when Thou didst comeAnon. (Author)English6
We see the LordAnonymous (Author)English2
We shall meet no more to severAnon. (Author)English2
We shall meet them again, the departedAnon. (Author)English1
We shall see a light appearAnon. (Author)1
We shall see him, in our natureUnknown (Author)English3
There will be no sorrow thereAnonymous (Author)English1
We shall walk through the valley of the shadow of deathAnonymous (Author)4
We shape ourselves the joy or fearAnon. (Author (1 & 2))English1
I sing my Savior's wondrous deathUnknown (Author)English2
We speak of our loved in the heavenly landAnon. (Author)English1
We speak of the realms of the blestAnon. (Author)English4
We thank our loving Father, GodAnonymous (Author)English1
We thank Thee, heavenly Father, For Thy correcting rodAnon. (Author)English1
We thank Thee, Jesus, dearest FriendAnonymous (Author)English4
We thank Thee, Lord, for this our food (Cennick)Unknown (Author)English8
We thank Thee, loving Father, For all Thy tender careAnonymous (Author)English1
We thank Thee, loving Father, For all Thy love todayAnon. (Author)English2
We thank Thee, O our Father, For all Thy loving careAnon. (Author)English16
We thank you for your blessingsUnknown (Author)2
We three kings of Orient areAnon. (Author)English1
We travel together, My Bible and IAnon. (Author)English1
We wait in faith, in prayer we waitAnonymous (Author)English5
We welcome glad Easter when Jesus aroseUnknown (Author)English7
We welcome you, we welcome youUnknown (Author)English1
We will carol joyfullyAnonymous (Author)English3
We worship and adore TheeAnon (Author)1
We worship and adore youUnknown (Author)English5
We would see Jesus; for the shadows lengthenAnon. (Author)English23
We, your people, God, confessingAnonymous (Author)1
Weaned from this earth I fain would beAnon. (Author)1
Weary, Lord, of struggling hereAnon. (Author)English1
Weary pilgrim, why this sadnessAnon. (Author)English1
Weary sinner, keep thine eyesAnon. (Author)English4
Weary wanderer over the mainAnon. (Author)English1
Weary winds are hushed to sleepAnon. (Author)English1
Weep thou, O mourner, but in lamentationAnonymous (Author)3
Weeping saint, no longer mournAnon. (Author)English2
Weihnacht ist heut, wir sind erfreutUnbekannt (Author)German1
Weiß nur von Ihm zu sagenAnonymous (Author)German2
Welcome, brothers, voices raisingAnon. (Author)1
Welcome, day of blessingAnonymous (Author)English1
Welcome days of solemn meetingAnon. (Author)English1
Welcome, O Savior, to my heartAnon. (Author)English2
Welcome, sacred day of rest! Sweet repose from worldly careAnon. (Author)English2
Welcome, welcome, day of rest, To the world in kindness given Anon. (Author)English7
Welcome, welcome, quiet morningAnonymous (Author)English6
Welcome, ye hopeful heirs of heavenUnknown (Author)English2
We'll be heroes, we'll be heroesAnon. (Author)English3
Well for him who all things losingAnon. (Author)English2
Well may Thy servants mourn, my GodAnonymous (Author)English1
We'll not give up the BibleAnonymous (Author)English2
We'll sing the power of Him who diedUnknown (Author)English2
Wenn das Herz, voll Angst und LeidUnbekannt (Author)German1
Wer sich dünken lässt, er stehe [zu stehen]Unbekannt (Author)German1
Wer überzieht mit Eis und SchneeUnbekannt (Author)German1
Wer will mit uns [mir] nach Zion geh'nAnon. (Author)German2
Wer wird in deiner Hütte dortUnbekannt (Author)German1
We're a band of mission workersAnon. (Author)English1
We're bound for the land of the pure and the holyAnonymous (Author)English3
We're floating down the stream of timeAnon. (Author)English12
We're [I'm] in a world of hopes and fearsAnonymous (Author)English1
We're traveling home to heaven above, Will you go?Unknown (Author)English12
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?Anonymous (Author)English3
We've entered now on holy timeAnon. (Author)1
What a friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bearAnon. (Author)English24
What a mighty God we serve (African folk song)Anon (Author)English1
What a mighty God we serve, What a mighty God we serve (Traditional)Anonymous (Author)English5
What a strange and wondrous storyAnon. (Author)English2
What a wonderful Savior is Jesus, what a wonderful friend is HeAnonymous (Author)English1
What a wonderful, wonderful loveAnonymous (Author (Chorus))English1
What and if the day be breakingAnonymous (Author)English1
What are those soul-reviving strainsAnonymous (Author)English1
What book ought I to love the bestAnon. (Author)English1
What can I give to JesusAnonymous (Author)English2
What care the saints of God, if theyAnon. (Author)English1
What glorious [wondrous] scenes mine eyes beholdAnon. (Author)English1
What grace, O Lord, and beauty shoneUnknown (Author)English3
What heavenly music steals over the seaAnon. (Author)1
What if our bark, over life's rough waveAnon. (Author)English4
What is life! 'Tis but a vaporAnon. (Author)English1
What is new upon the earthAnon. (Author)1
What is the song of the heavenly host*** (Author)English2
What is the world, a wildering mazeAnon. (Author)English1
What language now salutes the earAnon. (Author)1
What makes a city great and strongAnonymous (Author (stanzas 1-3))1
What means this eager, anxious throngUnknown (Author)English2
"What must I do?" has oft been askedAnon. (Author)English2
What poor despised company of travelers are theseAnonymous (Author)English5
What shall I render to my God For all His kindness shown?Anon. (Author)English2
What shall we do, for the desert is lonelyAnonymous (Author)1
What shall we render, Our heavenly friend, to TheeAnon. (Author)English1
What ship is this you are sailing in?Anonymous (Author)English1
What, sinner, canst thou doAnon. (Author)English1
What sound is this salutes my ear?Anon. (Author)1
What though clouds are hovering over meAnon. (Author)English1
What though the way be rough, Jesus is nighAnon. (Author)English1
What though before me it is [be] darkAnon. (Author)English1
What though no flowers the fig tree clotheAnonymous (Author)English1
What though the angry waves roll highAnon. (Author)English2
What vessel are you sailing in?Anonymous (Author)English3
What wondrous love is this, O my soul, O my soulAnon. (Author)English18
What you begin, my little friendAnon. (Author)English1
Whate'er to thee, our Lord belongsAnon. (Author (vs. 5))English2
What's this that in my soul is rising?Anonymous (Author)English1
What's this that steals, that steals upon my frame?Anon. (Author)English3
When a foolish thought withinAnon. (Author)1
When all the peoples on this earthAnonymous (Author)English2
When along life's thorny roadAnon. (Author)English3
When any turn from Zion's wayAnon. (Author)English1
When around us life is shiningAnon. (Author)1
When, blest Redeemer, thou art nearAnonymous (Author)4
When blooming youth is snatched awayAnon. (Author)English1
When brighter suns and milder skiesAnonymous (Author)English3
When called, O Lord, to mourn the doomAnonymous (Author)1
When Christ came down on earth of oldAnon. (Author)English1
When Christ was born of Mary freeAnonymous (Author)English2
When, dearest Savior, when shall IAnon. (Author)1
When downward to the darksome tombAnon. (Author)English1
When Easter comes, from hearts and homesAnonymous (Author)English1
When floating on life's troubled seaAnon. (Author)English5
When for eternal worlds we steerAnon. (Author)English2
When forced to part from those we loveAnon. (Author)English1
When gathering clouds around I viewAnonymous (Author)English1
When gloomy thoughts and fearsAnon. (Author)English1
When grief and anguish press me downAnon. (Author)English5
When here, O Lord, we seek Thy faceUnknown (Author)English1
When, His salvation bringingAnon. (Author)English3
When hosannas loud resoundingAnonymous (Author)English2
When human hopes all witherAnon. (Author)English2
When I look up to yonder skyAnon. (Author)English1
When I remember what the Lord has doneAnonymous (Author)English2
When I was in trouble, my way was dark as nightAnonymous (Author)English2
When I'm called to cross the river, flowing down the age of timeUnknown (Author)English1
When in the hour of utmost needAnon. (Author)English1
When in the vale of lengthened yearsAnonymous (Author)10
When in thine hour of conflict, LordAnonymous (Author)2
When injured Arfic's captive [captives] claimAnon. (Author)1
What is it for a saint to dieUnknown (Author)English1
When Israel was going forthAnon. (Author)2
When Israel was in Egypt's LandUnknown (Author)English1
When Isr'l's priest the lamb did chooseAnon. (Author)1
When Israel through the desert passedAnonymous (Author)English1
When Jesus left His Father's throneAnon. (Author)English1
When Jesus was a little child, His life was pure and trueAnon. (Author)English1
When Jesus went to JordanAnonymous (Author)English2
When judgment day is drawing nighAnon. (Author)English10
When little Samuel wokeAnon. (Author)English1
When morning beams with glory brightAnonymous (Author)2
When morning gilds the skies, My heart awakening cries (Bridges)Anon. (Author)English4
When morning gilds the skies, My heart awakening cries (Caswall)Anon. (Author)English32
When morning pours its [her] golden raysAnon. (Author)1
When morning's first and hallowed rayAnon. (Author)English6
When mothers of Salem their children brought to JesusAnon. (Author)English1
When my final farewell to the world I have saidAnon. (Author)English2
When my last hour is close at hand, Lord Jesus Christ attend meUnknown (Author (st. 5))English2
When my love to God [Christ] grows weakAnon. (Author)English7
When my soul is filled with sorrowsAnon. (Author)English1
When no [kind] earthly friend is nearAnon. (Author)English2
When none was found to ransom meUnknown (Author)English2
When over earth is breakingAnonymous (Author)English1
When o'er the mighty deep we rodeAnon. (Author)1
When on the third auspicious dayAnon. (Author)1
When Pharaoh dared to vex the saintsAnon. (Author)1
When purple twilight gathersAnonymous (Author)English2
When saints gather round thee, dear Savior, aboveAnonymous (Author)English1
When shall I see the day that ends my woesUnknown (Author)English4
When shall the voice of singingAnon. (Author)English8
When shall we all [three] meet again?Anon. (Author)English5
When shall we meet again? Meet never to sever?Unknown (Author)English4
When shining stars their vigils keepAnon. (Author)English1
When sinful and burdened and wearyAnon. (Author)English2
When sinners quit their wicked waysAnonymous (Author)1
When some kind shepherd from his foldAnonymous (Author)English1
When sorrows encompass me roundAnonymous (Author)English1
When storms around are sweepingAnon. (Author)English49
When storms hang o'er the Christian's headAnonymous (Author)4
When sunbeams gild my wayAnon. (Author)English2
When the crimson sun has setAnon. (Author)English2
When the everlasting LordAnon. (Author)1
When the harvest is past and the summer is overAnon. (Author)English2
When the King of kings comesAnon. (Author)English3
When the last agony draws nighAnon. (Author)English3
When the last trumpet's awful voice (Cameron)Anon. (Author)English2
When the little children sleepAnon. (Author)English1
When the love of Jesus dwelleth in the heartAnon. (Author)English1
When the morn is bright and fairAnon. (Author)English1
When the morning bells are ringing, To the chapel we repairAnon. (Author)English1
When the roll is called in heaven and the host shall muster thereAnon. (Author)English1
When the Savior long agoUnknown (Author)English1
When the spark of life is waningAnon. (Author)English2
When the Spirit of the Lord moves in my soulUnknown (Author)English3
When the sun all golden laughs at dawn of dayAnon. (Author)English1
When the sun refuses to shineAnon. (Author)English2
When the truth shall lead us homeAnon (Author)English3
When the twilight gathers fastAnon. (Author)English1
When the way seems dark and dreary, Think of Him, think of HimAnonymous (Author)English3
When the wheat is plantedAnonymous (Author)English2
When the world and sin oppose (Chorus)Anon (Author)English3
When the world around us throwsAnon. (Author)English1
When the world looks dark and drearS. L. and Home (Author)1
When thickly beat the storms of lifeAnon. (Author)English2
When thou hast sown the precious seedAnonymous (Author)English1
When Thou my righteous Judge shalt comeAnon. (Author)English3
When thou wakest in the morningAnon. (Author)English1
When thy harvest yields thee pleasureAnon. (Author)English3
When thy [this] mortal life is fledAnon. (Author)English1
When to that blessed world I riseAnonymous (Author)English2
When torn is the bosom by sorrow or careAnon. (Author)English1
When unto thee I fleeAnon. (Author)1
When warmer suns and bluer skiesAnon (Author)English2
When waves of trouble round me swellAnon. (Author)English2
When we all meet at home in the morning, On the banks of the bright Jasper seaAnon. (Author)English1
When we are living, it is in Christ JesusAnonymous (Author (st. 1))English5
When we hear the music ringing In the bright celestial domeAnonymous (Author)English9
When we the sacred grave surveyUnknown (Author)English2
When your fears grow mountain highUnknown (Author)English2
Whence came the armies of the skyAnon. (Author)English2
Whence comes this rush of wings afarUnknown (Translator (from French))English1
Whenever we meet, you always sayAnon. (Author)English5
Where are the Hebrew children?Anonymous (Author)1
Where charity and love prevailanonymous (Author)English1
Where, for a thousand milesAnonymous (Author)3
Where high the heavenly temple standsAnon. (Author)English2
Where is the Savior nowAnon. (Author)English1
Where love and loving-kindness dwellAnonymous (Author)English2
Where shall the child of sorrow findAnon. (Author)English4
Where should I be, if God should sayAnonymous (Author)1
Where the Light for ever shinethAnon. (Author)English3
Where the lost and wretched areAnon. (Author)1
Where the woodman's axe is ringingAnon. (Author)English4
Where wilt Thou go, since night draws nearUnknown (Author)English2
Wherever have trod thy sacred feetAnon. (Author)English9
Wherever I am, I'll praise HimAnonymous (Author)English2
Wherever you may be, whatever you may seeAnonymous (Author)English9
While by my sheep I watched at nightAnonymous (Translator)English1
While fighting for my Savior hereAnon. (Author)English8
While foes are strong, and danger nearAnon. (Author)English5
While I hear life's surging billowsUnknown (Author)English2
While in sweet communion feedingUnknown (Author)English1
While in the tender years of youthAnon. (Author)1
While in the world we still remainAnon. (Author)English1
While in this vale of sorrowAnon. (Author)English2
While now upon this Sabbath eveAnonymous (Author)English6
While on the sea hear the terrible roaringAnonymous (Author)English2
While others pray for grace to dieAnon. (Author)English1
While shepherds in Jewry were guarding their sheepAnonymous (Author)1
While shepherds kept their watchingAnonymous (Author)English2
While shepherds watched their fleecy careAnon. (Author)1
While sounds of war are heard aroundAnonymous (Author)3
While through this changing world we roamAnon. (Author)English3
While, with ceaseless course, the sunAnon. (Author)English1
While yet the youthful spirit bearsAnonymous (Author)2
Whisky, friskyUnknown (Author)English2
Whisper a prayer in the morning, Whisper a prayer at noonUnknown (Author)English11
Whisper a prayer in the morning, Just at the break of dayUnknown (Author)English3
White as snow, O what a promiseAnon. (Author)English2
Whither goest thou, pilgrim strangerAnon. (Author)English1
Whither, pilgrims, are you going?Anon. (Author)English9
Who are these arrayed in whiteAnon. (Author)English1
What are these in bright array, This innumerable throngAnon. (Author)English1
Who are these like stars appearingAnon. (Author)English1
Who are these who are believers now?Anonymous (Author)2
Who but Thou, almighty SpiritUnknown (Author)English7
Who came down from Heaven above?Anonymous (Author)English2
Who did, who did, who did swallow Jonah, Jonah?Anonymous (Author (vs. 3-5))English1
Who has this book, and reads it notUnknown (Author)English1
Who hath sorrow, who hath woe?Anon. (Author)English1
Who is a brave man, who?Anon (Author)English4
Who is He in yonder stallAnon. (Author)English5
Who is it that comes from farAnon. (Author)1
Who is this, so weak and helplessAnon. (Author)English2
Who made the sky so bright and blueUnknown (Author)English1
Who made the stars look out at nightAnonymous (Author)English4
Who now accuseth themUnknown (Author)1
Who paid for my redemptionAnonymous (Author)English2
Who puts his trust in God most justUnknown (Author (v. 2, 3))English4
Who shall sing if not the childrenAnon. (Author)English1
Who showed the little [tiny] ant the wayAnon. (Author)English1
Who trusts in God, a strong abodeAnonymous (Author (sts. 2, 3))English10
Who was in the manger laid?Anon. (Author)English2
Who would not leave this world belowAnonymous (Author)English2
Whom have we, Lord, in heaven but TheeAnon. (Author)English1
Who's been born without two parents?Anonymous (Author)English2
Whosoever will, says Jesus** (Author)English2
Whosoever will to the Lord may comeAnon. (Author)English2
Why come not spirits from the realms of gloryAnon. (Author)English1
Why have we lips, if not to singAnonymous (Author)English2
Why neath the load of your sins do you toil?Anon. (Author)English1
Why, on the bending willows hungAnon. (Author)English2
Why should I give? What can God need from meAnonymous (Author)English1
Why should I murmur or repine, O Lamb of God, who bled for meUnknown (Author)English4
Why should I say, 'Tis yet too soonAnon. (Author)English1
Why should I yield to slavish fearsAnon. (Author)2
Why should our mourning thoughts delightAnon. (Author)English1
Why should our tears in sorrow flowAnon. (Author)English2
Why standest thou all the day idleAnon. (Author)English1
Why that look of sadnessAnon. (Author)English1
Wide is the gate and broad the way, Which leads to endless woeAnonymous (Author)English1
Wie steht es um die Triebe der brüderlichen LiebeUnbekannt (Author)German1
Will jemand Christi Jünger seinUnbekannt (Author)German1
Will that not joyful beAnon. (Author)English1
Will you be ready when Jesus comes? Are you truly born again?Unknown (Author)English2
Will you come to the spring that is sparkling and lightAnon. (Author)English1
Will you go, sinner, goAnon. (Author)English1
Wilt heden nu treden voor God, den HeereAnonymous (Author)Dutch1
Wilt Thou not visit meAnon (Author)English1
Winds through the olive treesUnknown (Author)English1
Wine is a mocker, and strong drink is raging*** (Author)English1
Wir fassen uns im Geiste anUnbekannt (Author)German1
Wir möchten Jesum seh'nAnon. (Author)German2
Wir schauen, Herr der HerrlichkeitUnbekannt (Author)German1
Wir singen, Herr, von deinen SegenUnbekannt (Author)German1
Wir stehen, Herr im HeiligtumUnbekannt (Author)German2
Wirf Sorgen und Schmerz ins liebende HerzAnon. (Author)German2
With a sorrow for sin let [must] repentance beginAnon. (Author)English1
With all our hearts, with all our powersAnonymous (Author)1
With broken heart and contrite sighUnknown (Author)English2
With cheerful voices rise and singAnonymous (Author)English1
With concious guilt and bleeding heartAnon. (Author)1
With deepest reverence at Thy throneAnon. (Author)English3
With gladness, dear brethren, we meet [met] at [in] this placeAnon. (Author)English2
With grateful hearts and tuneful laysAnon. (Author)English1
With guilt oppressed, bowed down with sinAnon. (Author)3
With heavenly power, O Lord, defendAnonymous (Author)English1
With humble prayer, O may I readAnon. (Author)English1
With Jesus in our midstAnon. (Author)English1
With joy of heart I now can singAnon. (Author)English2
With love the Savior's heart overflowedUnknown (Author)English1
With mines of wealth are sinners poorAnonymous (Author)1
With my substance I will honorUnknown (Author)English1
With songs of rejoicing, hosannas, and praise*** (Author)English1
With stately towers and bulwarks strongAnonymous (Author)English1
With tearful eyes I look aroundAnon. (Author)English1
With the Lord begin thy taskUnknown (Author (German))English1
With Thy benediction falling on our earAnonymous (Author)English1
With warm delight and grateful joyAnonymous (Author)1
With willing hearts we treadAnon. (Author)English3
Within the tented grove the followers of the LambAnon. (Author)1
Within Thy house, O Lord, our GodUnknown (Author)English14
Without haste, [and] without restAnon. (Author)English1
我當敬聽主聲音 (Wǒ dāng jìng tīng zhǔ shēngyīn)Unknown (Translator)Chinese1
Wo ist dein Bethel, wo die HimmelspforteAnon. (Author)German3
Wo ist Jesus mein VerlangenAnon. (Author)German3
我靈, 讚美天上君王 (Wǒ líng, zànměi tiānshàng jūnwáng)Unknown (Translator)Chinese1
Buried in baptism with our Lordanonymous (Author)English1
Wo soll ich hin, wo aus und anUnbekannt (Author)German1
Wo willst du hin, weil's Abend istUnbekannt (Author)German1
I know the Lord will make a way for me, I know the Lord will make a way for meAnonymous (Author)English6
Wonderful redemption full and freeAnonymous (Author)English2
Wonderful Savior! Wonderful FriendAnon. (Author)English3
Work for the day is comingAnonymous (Author)English9
Work, for the night is coming; Work through the morning hoursAnon. (Author)English1
Work for time is flyingAnon. (Author)English1
Working O Christ with TheeAnon. (Author)English1
Worship, honor, glory, blessing be to Him who reigns aboveUnknown (Author)English4
Worthy is the Lamb, Worthy is the LambAnon (Author)English2
Worthy the Lamb of boundless swayAnonymous (Author)English2
Worthy, worthy is the Lamb, Worthy, worthy is the LambAnon. (Author)English4
Would Jesus have the sinner dieAnon. (Author)English1
Would you be poured out like wine upon the altar for me?Anon. (Author)1
Would you know why I love JesusAnon (Author)English1
Would you see Jesus? Come with prayerUnknown (Author)1
Wouldst thou in thy lonely hourAnonymous (Author)3
Wpuść, o słońce wielkanocneNieznany (Author)Polish2
وصل الرب بناUnknown (Translator)Arabic1
信徒如同精兵, 爭戰向前行 (Xìntú rútóng jīngbīng, zhēngzhàn xiàng qián xíng)Unknown (Translator)Chinese1
องค์พระเยซูเกิดอยู่บ้านเบธเลเฮม (Xngkh̒ phra yesū keid xyū̀ b̂ān beṭhle ḥem)Anonymous (Translator)Thai2
Ya consumada su mortal carreraUnknown (Author)Spanish2
Ya, el morir es resucitarAnónimo (Author)Spanish3
Ya la batalla terminóanon. (trad. Esp. es. 3)Spanish2
Ya viene a mi alma un sonDesconocido (Author)Spanish5
Yahvé, justicia míaAnónimo (Author)Spanish3
ยามราตรี ศรีหรรษา มีราชามาประสูติ (Yām rātrī ṣ̄rī h̄rrs̄ʹā mī rāchā mā pras̄ūti)Anonymous (Translator)Thai2
யாம் உம்மை வாழ்த்தி போற்றிடுவோம் (Yām um'mai vāḻtti pōṟṟiṭuvōm)Anonymous (Author)Tamil2
Yarabba ssalamiUnknown (Author)Arabic1
عيد الليل زهر الليلAnonymous (Translator)Arabic2
Ye Christian heralds, go, proclaimAnon. (Author)English10
Ye faithful souls, who Jesus knowAnonymous (Author)English1
Ye flaming hosts enthroned in lightAnonymous (Author)English2
Ye fleeting charms of earth, farewellAnon. (Author)English2
Ye followers of the Prince of peaceAnon. (Author)English7
Ye happy bells of Easter day! Ring, ring your joyAnonymous (Author)English4
Ye happy children who follow JesusAnon. (Author)2
Ye hosts of heaven, ye mighty onesUnknown (Author)2
Ye messengers of God, arise and blowAnon. (Author)1
Ye mourning saints, whose streaming tearsAnon. (Author)English2
Ye people away nor talk of delayAnon. (Author)English1
Ye saints, exult in Jesu's nameAnon. (Author)2
Ye saints, proclaim abroadAnon. (Author)English1
Ye shepherds, arise, and shout to the skiesAnon. (Translator)English1
O sons and daughters, let us singUnknown (Author)English3
Ye sons of Adam, vain and youngAnon. (Author)English1
Ye sons of men in God rejoiceAnon. (Author)English1
Ye temperance warriors braveAnon. (Author)English1
Ye thirsty souls, approach the springAnonymous (Author)1
Ye valiant soldiers of the crossAnon (Author)English2
Ye weary heavy laden soulsUnknown (Author)English2
Ye who feel your sin and woeAnon. (Author)English1
Ye who know your sins forgiven, And are happy in the LordAnon. (Author)English1
Ye who rose to meet the LordAnon. (Author)English2
Ye who the name of Jesus bearAnon. (Author)English1
Ye workers in God's vineyard, Who work with might and mainAnon. (Author)English2
Years are coming, years are goingAnonymous (Author)English1
영광 나라 천사들아 땅끝까지 날면서 (Yeong-gwang nala cheonsadeul-a ttangkkeutkkaji nalmyeonseo)Anonymous (Translator)Korean2
Yes, for me, for me He carethUnknown (Author)English3
Yes, YesAnonymous (Author)English2
O how sweet the glorious messageUnknown (Author)English1
Yesterday, today, forever, Jesus is the same (Chorus)Unknown (Author)English1
Yesu, Bin MariamuAnonymous (Translator)Swahili2
യേശു എൻ രക്ഷകൻ മാനുഷനായ് (Yēśu en rakṣakan mānuṣanāy)Anonymous (Translator)English2
യേശു ഇന്നു ജനിച്ചു (Yēśu innu janiccu)Unknown (Author)Malayalam2
येसु के सिपाही आगे कदम मार (Yesu ke sipaahee aage kadam maar_Unknown (Translator)Hindi2
Yesu kwetu ni RafikiAnonymous (Translator)Swahili2
യേശു മാത്രം ശരണം (Yēśu mātraṁ śaraṇaṁ)Anonymous (Author)2
Yesu, mfalme, utiisheHajulikani (Author)Swahili2
Yesu Mwokozi Mwenye nguvu zoteAnonymous (Author)Swahili2
യേശു നാമം എത്ര ഇമ്പം (Yēśu nāmaṁ etra impaṁ)Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
യേശു സ്നേഹിക്കുന്നെന്നെ ചൊല്ലുന്നിദം വേദത്തിൽ (Yēśu snēhikkunnenne ceāllunnidaṁ vēdattil)Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
Yesu unipendayeAnonymous (Translator)Swahili1
예수로 나의구주 삼고 성령과 피로 써서 듭나니 이 세상에서 내영혼이 하늘의 영광 누리로다 (Yesulo nauiguju samgo seonglyeong-gwa pilo sseoseo deubnani i sesang-eseo naeyeonghon-i haneul-ui yeong-gwang nuliloda)Unknown (Translator)Korean2
യേശുവെ ഞാൻ സ്തുതിക്കും, തൻ (Yēśuve ñān stutikkuṁ, tan)Unknown (Translator)Malayalam2
യേശുവിൻ കൈകളിൽ നീ ചാരിക്കൊൾക (Yēśuvin kaikaḷil nī cārikkeāḷka)Anonymous (Translator (sts. 1, 2))Malayalam2
യേശുവിൻ പിൻപേ പോകാനുറച്ചു (Yēśuvin pinpē pēākānuṟaccu)Anonymous (Author)English2
യേശു-വിന്റെ ആടു ഞാൻ (Yēśu-vinṟe āṭu ñān)Unknown (Translator)Malayalam2
Yield now, sin, yield, death and curseUnknown (Author)1
യിസ്രായേൽ രാജൻ നീയേ (Yisrāyēl rājan nīyē)Unknown (Translator (Malayalam sts. 1-5))Malayalam2
Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee! Even though it be a crossAn. (Translator)English2
Yo confío en mi ReyAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Yo me alegré con los que me decían (My heart was glad when I heard sisters saying)Anonymous (Author)English, Spanish2
Yo quiero estar cerca de Ti, SeñorAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Yo quiero obedecerteAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Yo quiero ser, Señor amadoDescon. (Author)Spanish6
Yo quiero ser, Señor amante Anonymous (Author)Spanish2
Yo sé que estás aquí, mi Señor (I know that you are here, my God)Anonymous (Author)English, Spanish2
Yo sé que vive mi SeñorDesconocido (Translator)Spanish2
Yo sólo espero ese día cuando Cristo volveráDesconocido (Author)Spanish8
Yo soy el Pan de Vida (Toolan)Anonymous (Translator)Spanish3
Yo te busqué, Señor mas descubríanónimo (Author)Spanish1
Yo te seguiré, ¡oh Cristo!Anónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish1
Yo tengo gozo, gozo, en mi corazónAnónimo (Vers. esp.)Spanish4
Yo traigo mi pecadoAnónimo (Translator)Spanish2
Yo vine a Cristo y me salvóAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Yo voy viajando, sí, Al cielo voyAnonymous (Author)Spanish2
Sólo tú eres santo, sólo tú eres dignoAnon. (Author (st.1))English, Spanish7
You ask me why so oft, papa [father]Anon. (Author)English1
You can be happy, and I can be happyAnonymous (Author)English3
You may help a load to lightenAnon. (Author)English2
You may keep on working till your life's last hourAnon. (Author)English1
You may sing of the beauties of the mountains and daleUnknown (Author)English3
We come in the might of the Lord of lightAnonymous (Author)English1
Young people all, attention give While I address you in God's nameAnonymous (Author)English1
Your garments must be white as snowAnon. (Author)English2
Your steadfast love extends to the heavensAnonymous (Author)2
Your word will be a lamp to guide our feetAnonymous (Author)English3
Youth of the world, ariseAnon. (Author)3
Yuan quan-neng Zhu Shang-di (May the LORD, gracious God)Anonymous (Author )English, Mandarin2
Yüce lütuf sesi tatlı!Anonymous (Translator)Turkish2
യുദ്ധേ രാജ മുടി നേടാൻ, യാത്ര ദൈവസുതൻ (Yud'dhē rāja muṭi nēṭān, yātra daivasutan)Anonymous (Translator)Malayalam2
Zacchaeus was a wee little manUnknown (Author)English5
在隱密處與神同關鎖 (Zài yǐn mì chù yǔ shén tóng guān suǒ)Anonymous (Author)Chinese1
Zanena, SikukuuAnonymous (Translator)Swahili2
何能如此—如我也能得著救主寶血權利!(Hé néng rúcǐ—rú wǒ yě néng dézháo jiù zhǔ bǎo xuè quánlì!)Unknown (Translator)Chinese1
Zengjétek Jézus nagy voltát!Anonymous (Translator)Hungarian2
主賜此日, 轉瞬已經過 (Zhǔ cì cǐ rì, zhuǎnshùn yǐ jīngguò)Unknown (Translator)Chinese3
主復活!, 從今以後 (Zhǔ fùhuó!, Cóng jīn yǐhòu)Anonymous (Translator)Chinese3
諸人(もろびと)こぞりて 迎えまつれ (Sho hito (moro bito) kozorite mukae matsure)Anonymous (Translator)Japanese2
Isn't He wonderful, wonderful, wonderful? (Chorus)Anonymous (Author)English1
Zion klager med stor smerteAnonymous (Translator)English2
Zion, the city of our GodAnon. (Author)1
Zu deinem Kreuze flieh' ich ArmerAnonymous (Author)German2
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